
譯文資料區 => Pathfinder RPG => Pathfinder => 战役设定(Campaign Setting) => 主题作者是: Πληΐαδες 于 2017-08-04, 周五 23:06:31

主题: 【BotD1】奇物
作者: Πληΐαδες2017-08-04, 周五 23:06:31
Presented here are three sample devil talismans: a common variety of sanguine talisman and the best-known melancholic and bilious talismans.
血色护符Sanguine Talisman
Sanguine TaliSman
aura strong conjuration; Cl 8th
Slot neck; Price 67,500 gp; Weight —
This blood-red devil talisman binds a barbazu. Wearing the talisman grants you a +3 profane bonus to your Armor Class and grants you a telepathic bond with the devil bound within.
Once per day, you can make an opposed Charisma check against the barbazu’s +0 modifier to summon him forth for 8 rounds, as per the spell summon monster. The barbazu bound within this sanguine talisman is known as Kalvaddas the Strangler. He is a blunt sadist with a love of handto-hand brawls and strangling elves. He knows much of liars and might use his Sense Motive skill to aid a master he favors.
requirements Craft Wondrous Item; planar binding, ability to conjure and bind a barbazu;
Cost 33,750 gp
忧郁护符Melancholic Talisman
      这块蜡黄色的魔鬼护符可以召唤出一个连接着迪斯(Dis)以及玛尔博吉(Malebolge)的地狱之口。每天一次,你可以打开一个10呎的传送门到达上述的任一地狱层。这个传送门将会保持开放状态10分钟(或者直到你解消它),其功能就如同法术异界之门。被这个护符召唤出的地狱之口是一个被称为阿卡索马斯克的双头蛇(amphisbaenic),它的两个传送门脑袋看起来像是一个拥有三个巨大苍蝇眼睛的巨型蛇头。它的胃连接着一条位于迪斯城的暗巷,这条小巷被称为Walk of Wayward Skins(求好译名),除此之外,它的胃还通向玛尔博吉偏远的一条深沟,在那里面,怪异的蠕虫在齐腰深的灰海中蠕动。
melanCholiC TaliSman
aura strong conjuration; Cl 18th
Slot neck; Price 50,000 gp; Weight —
This sickly yellow devil talisman summons a hellmouth that connects to the Hellish layers of Dis and Malebolge. Once per day you can open a 10-foot portal to either of these layers. This portal remains open for 10 minutes (or until you dismiss it) and functions as the spell gate. The hellmouth summoned by this talisman is an amphisbaenic being known as Alksomasic, each of its two portal-heads appearing as a massive snake with three gigantic fly-like eyes. His maws connect to a shadowy alley in the city of Dis known as the Walk of Wayward Skins and to an outlying bolgia of Malebolge where monstrous worms slither through a waist-deep sea of ash.
requirements Craft Wondrous Item; gate, greater planar binding, ability to conjure and bind a greater devil;
Cost 25,000 gp
暴怒护符(神器)Bilious Talisman (artifact)
BiliouS TaliSman (arTifaCT)
aura overwhelming conjuration; Cl 21st
Slot neck; Price artifact; Weight —
This putrid green devil talisman grants you a telepathic link with an insidious lawful evil intelligence bound within. While wearing this talisman you gain a +4 Charisma bonus and are constantly under the effects of the spell foresight. Once per day as a free action, you may use commune, find the path, legend lore, and true strike.
The devil bound within this talisman is a 45 HD pit fiend known as Aasdravox, a fiend both cunning and mighty. He speaks with a voice like grinding stones and tells the wearers of his talisman that they are destined to become great heroes and champions beloved by whole nations. Optimally, he seeks to release his power at the culmination of some festive triumph or ceremony held in his talisman wearer’s honor.
DeSTruCTion This bilious tailisman can be destroyed by being immersed in holy water for a week in an area under the effects of the spell hallow and then smashed with a +3 holy warhammer (or a bludgeoning weapon of similar or greater power). While this destroys the talisman, it also frees the potent infernal noble bound within.
主题: Re: 【Book of the Damnd1 Princes of Darkness】奇物
作者: 沙包2017-08-05, 周六 00:32:38

The devil bound within this talisman is a 45 HD pit fiend known as Aasdravox

主题: Re: 【Book of the Damnd1 Princes of Darkness】奇物
作者: Πληΐαδες2017-08-05, 周六 08:32:12

The devil bound within this talisman is a 45 HD pit fiend known as Aasdravox
