作者 主题: 【龙枪】少年Gi的奇幻漂流  (阅读 65074 次)

副标题: The Odyssey of Gilthanas

离线 茶白猫小修

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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #10 于: 2013-07-16, 周二 21:27:06 »

一周后,吉尔赛那斯恢复了重踏奎灵纳斯提返乡之旅的体力。法莱乌斯·塔尼克给他带来一袋干粮,和一张标出到普斯塔(Purstal)最短路径的地图。 到那里之后,他计划沿着行商人的路径穿越灰烬平原(Plains of Dust)。



我抬头望向北方——准确地说,望着啸海岛(the Isle of Schallsea)。我听说吉尔赛那斯的老队友金月在那里建立了一座光明城堡(Citadel of Light),她教导人们如何与精魂交谈。玛拉,如今我已经认识到你并非精魂,但那是我所知最棒的起点。谁知道那新魔法能做些什么?



劇透 -   :
A week later, Gilthanas was well enough to resume his trip back to Qualinesti. Falaius Taneek brought him 
a pack of supplies, and a map of the easiest route to Purstal. From there, he planned to follow the merchant 
trails across the Plains of Dust.
I sit on a mound of rocks amid the ancient ruins of Shoole. Unlike those in the Missing City, no ghostly 
buildings rise from this site. The sea wind constantly blows through this place, sounding mournful.
He was right, I have to live for the future.
This part of the city seems roughly equivalent to the Garden District in Gal Tra'kalas. I imagine that the 
stones I sit on form the wall of the home where Mala lives now.
I'm heading up to the north—to the Isle of Schallsea, in fact. I hear that Gilthanas's old companion, 
Goldmoon, has founded a "Citadel of Light" there, and that she teaches people to speak with spirits. Now, I 
realize you're not a spirit, Mala, but this is the best place I know to start. Who knows what this new magic is 
capable of?
I hop down and gather my supplies. The road, and my future, lay in front of me. But before I head off, I turn 
and take one last look at the ruins. There's nothing there to see, but I smile and wave a fond good-bye.
Wherever she is, Mala waves back.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-14, 周三 22:47:13 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



离线 茶白猫小修

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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #11 于: 2013-07-17, 周三 20:12:13 »
普斯塔古城(The Ancient City of Purstal), 11sc




他对自己通过的这片土地一无所知。但凭着再度恢复的精力与强健,凭着一支做一周苦力的工钱换来的廉价铁剑的保护,他觉得自己能克服一切横亘在征途上的宿命阻碍。他在那座城里打听到,他可以先走到托拉斯河(Torath River)畔,然后顺流而下抵达伊莱尔(Elial)。从那儿启程沿着丹特里克溪(Duntollik Run)行走,再继续西行抵达奎灵纳斯提。同时还得到警告:沿途分布着龙和离奇的混沌生物,倘若掉以轻心可能会因此丧命。

























“是……是你啊。阿嚏人(The Sneezer)来啦!”艾格哈宣告。他高喊着,挥舞着双手,步履蹒跚地在目瞪口呆的吉尔赛那斯周围跳起舞来,“阿嚏人驾到,阿嚏人驾到!”








劇透 -   :
The Ancient City of Purstal, 11sc
For days Gilthanas walked across the dry wastes. Each morning he awakened to the same vista: flat, 
brown land stretching to the far horizons. And each day he wondered if he might not have been smarter to stay 
in the city and wait—the gods only knew how long—for some ship that might carry him all the way to 
But he had also learned things, disturbing things, about developments in his homeland. Most significantly, 
the Knights of Takhisis, dark warriors who served the five-headed queen of Evil dragonkind, had conquered 
the elven realm during the Summer of Chaos. The elven Speaker, the prince's nephew Gilthas, was serving as 
a puppet on the throne, manipulated by his Dark Knight masters. Waiting for a ship had become too 
aggravating when the memories and fears about his homeland had so filled his thoughts, and so he had set 
out on foot.
At least he had begun to banish the memories of Silvara and convince himself that his life must run its 
course without her. Somehow he believed that when he reached his homeland, everything would make sense 
and his life would have fulfillment and purpose. At night, sometimes, this hope seemed translucent and 
intangible, but with the coming of dawn he once again seized it like the bottom rung of a solid ladder.
He knew little of the lands he passed through, but with his vigor and strength regained and the protection 
offered by a cheap iron sword he had purchased for the wages of a week's hard labor, he felt capable of 
overcoming any obstacle fate might lay in his path. In the city he had learned that he could walk to the Torath 
River and follow that watercourse until it eventually reached Elial. There, he would strike out along the 
Duntollik Run and continue west until he made it to Qualinesti. He had been warned about dragons and bizarre 
creatures of chaos that might lie along the way, which would destroy him if he was so much as noticed.
The elf had reached the riverbank some ten daysago, now, and had failed to see any sign of a 
rivercraft—or any kind of habitation or village. He found the river clean enough to refresh his water supply 
every day, and sometimes he caught fish. Though there were dumps of brush along these waterways— the 
only vegetation other than grass he encountered here—he endured the chill of the near arctic clime rather than 
risk a fire. His supply of elven hardbread was sufficient for more than a month of travel, so he didn't particularly 
worry when, most days, that was the only food he could provide for himself.
As to hideous creatures waiting to prey upon him, he saw no sign. True, he occasionally heard rumbles of 
supernatural storms beyond the horizon to the south or west, but he maintained his vigilance and never 
observed any immediate threat. If a dragon appeared, the elf had a simple plan: He would lie down on the dry 
ground and cover himself with as much dusty dirt as he could quickly gather. Then he would simply wait, eyes 
on the sky, confident that the serpent would never notice him—even should it fly directly overhead.
It was on the eleventh day after he had reached the river that he first noticed an irregularity in the horizon. 
The river had grown to a wide, sluggish expanse to his left. The sun was beginning to set, reflecting off the 
broad flowage when before him he observed a series of shapes scattered across the flat ground. They stood 
perhaps a mile away from the water, and as he walked closer he got the unmistakable impression that these 
were ruins. That was a wall, here before him, and beyond he saw the tattered remnants of great stone houses 
surrounded by tangles of bramble.
Below his feet the dust had scattered away from some patches of ground to reveal smooth, interlocking 
paving stones—a wide avenue leading from a crumbled gate, between the buildings. A stone basin, cracked 
and dry, indicated where a splendid fountain or wading pool must once have gathered cool waters. A gust of 
wind carried dry powder through the air, stinging his eyes and irritating his nostrils.
Before him rose the greatest edifice in this ancient city of the dead. Surely it must once have been a 
palace—the gaunt outline of an ancient doorway gaped like a hungry mouth in the broken facade of a wall. His 
eyes widened with wonder as he slowly climbed the marble stairs leading to the doorway. The roof had long 
since collapsed, but within, outlined by fading sunlight, Gilthanas saw the remnants of corridors and columns, 
and of a sweeping expanse that might have been a throne room or a chamber suitable for hosting a great ball.
He passed beneath the still-intact arch of the doorway and kicked through the rubble on the floor. These 
were mostly loose tiles of slate, obviously scattered here when the roof had caved in. He crossed the hallway 
and passed into the entryway of the great room.
Something scuttled through the shadows at the base of the wall beside him, a little shape scurrying through 
the hall. Reflexively he placed his hand on his sword, even as he heard more noises to the rear. Gilthanas 
spun, but he saw nothing save thickening shadows as the sun continued its relentless descent.
He passed into the great room and saw that columns had once stood around the entire periphery of the 
place. Now many of these had fallen, but enough remained—some splintered at knee or head height, others 
rising more than a dozen feet toward a vanished ceiling—to provide a glimpse into the splendor of the past. He 
advanced across a floor of mosaic tiles and was vaguely surprised to see the colored stone at his feet. With a 
sense of eeriness he realized that something, or somebody, had cleaned off this surface, tending it with more 
care than anyplace else in these ruins.
Once again saw movement in the corner of his vision and he turned, the heavy iron blade drawn from its 
sheath and waving in the cool air.
"Who's there?" he asked.
"Just us."
The reply came from behind and he spun about again, then burst out laughing at the sight o the short, 
pudgy, and unkempt figure regarding him from a dozen paces away.
That fellow immediately twisted to look anxiously over his own shoulder, then turned back to glare at 
Gilthanas. "What so funny?" he demanded.
"Just... nothing," replied the elf, mastering his amusement to render a deep and acceptably formal bow. "It 
is a pleasure to meet you ... one of the Aghar, I am assuming."
The gully dwarf's chest puffed out nearly as far as his bulging belly. "And yes so it is to I myself... I am ass ... 
ass ... ass-you-ming," he parroted, insofar as he could remember what Gilthanas had said.
"I am Gilthanas of Qualinesti," said the wanderer, still maintaining the air of dignity.
"Me too!" cried the gully dwarf. "That is, me got name too ..." If the little creature remembered his cognomen, 
he apparently had no desire to share it.
"Is this your city?" inquired the elf.
"Me . . . my clan . . . we build this place!" boasted the other.
"I see." Gilthanas forced himself to keep a straight face. The Aghar, after all, were known across Krynn as 
the ultimate scavengers, moving into any dwelling or ruin that had become viewed as uninhabitable by its 
original owners. "And what is the name of your great metropolis?"
"This Purstal... Great Capital of the Aghar. This is, and Elial is too! That our other great capital, many days 
that way from here." He pointed in a vaguely northwestern direction.
Gilthanas was suddenly struck by a sense of melancholy. He wondered about the folk, humans most likely, 
who had built these once-splendid edifices. What had happened to them, that they left their cities to fall into 
ruin and be claimed by the lowest of the low. Would this happen to Qualinesti one day? The pang of 
homesickness grew, quickened by a more urgent question: Was it happening already?
"I... I have to go," he said, suddenly wanting to be out of this place, to be on the way to his homeland.
At that moment another gust of wind snaked between the ruined walls and more dust wafted past 
Gilthanas's face. He felt that irritation in his nose and then, before he knew what was happening, he exploded 
with a convulsive sneeze.
"I'm sorry," he apologized, shaking his head to clear the water from his eyes. He noticed with some surprise 
that the gully dwarf was staring up at him with an expression bordering on awe.
"It... it is you. The Sneezer has come!" proclaimed the Aghar. He shouted, waving his hands, dancing a 
shambling jig around the stunned Gilthanas. "The Sneezer comes! The Sneezer comes!"
"I don't understand," the elf tried to interject, beginning to worry. "And I really have to move—"
"But wait... you sleep here, sleep good. My tribe cook you one really fine feast tonight! We wait alla time for 
the Sneezer ... now you come, now you get big party! And then you sleep ... and we give you stuff, gifts we 
make for you. Only then you be on your way!"
"I don't think...." Gilthanas's voice trailed off. He was mystified, but admittedly intrigued.
"Where you go in such hurry, anyplace? I mean, 'anyway?'" demanded the rotund dwarf, glowering 
suspiciously. "You not like our stuff?"
"No, it's just that...." For a moment Gilthanas felt his thoughts run away with him. He remembered a dragon 
of silver, supple, curves and a graceful neck. She was an elf maid, and his beloved, and at that instant his 
longing for her was an emotion more powerful than he thought he could survive. But he shook his head—she 
was gone, and he had his life before him. "I'm going home," he said quietly, almost sadly.
"Well, go home—but not before you have our feast, take our stuff. You da Sneezer, right? We been waitin' 
for you. Now you come, see our stuff!"
Gilthanas didn't have the strength to resist.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-21, 周日 17:49:45 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #12 于: 2013-07-18, 周四 14:20:01 »



“那冰封旧日之拱(Frozen Past Arch)!”那艾格哈尖叫着,勉强算是在歌唱,“在那里真挚的心灵可以找到他们的渴望!”在几次提问之后,吉尔赛那斯了解到,那座拱门据说是一个极其古老的国度的遗物,它的确蕴含着力量,但难于解开。

终于,艾格哈们为他们可敬的阿嚏人带来了礼品。吉尔赛那斯慨然应允,做好心理准备去接受某种发霉的老鼠皮斗篷或没有背带的背包。他目瞪口呆地发现,那群卑贱的东道主竟然献上了真正的宝藏——包括一套在任何气候下都能保暖的斗篷和靴子、一只总能倒出新鲜饮料的细颈瓶,一张标出灰烬平原与邻接的冰墙冰川(Icewall Glacier)位置的地图,以及一把宝剑——一把两千多年前打造的精灵钢(elven steel)的利刃。


劇透 -   :
Aghar hospitality proved to be as insanely frenetic as the gully dwarves themselves, but Gilthanas was 
surprised to find himself enjoying the attention and the friendship of the filthy runts. He learned that the legend 
of "The Sneezer" had been handed down from generation to generation... that the ghar here in Purstal, and 
in the nearby sister city—or sister ruin—of Elial, both had been living their days waiting for the arrival of the one 
who would sneeze.
Of course, the gully dwarves had no real understanding of what the Sneeze meant to them, which was just 
as well, from Gilthanas's point of view. He drank their wine, which was not bad, and ate their food, which was 
bad. He listened to their tales, enjoying one old would-be mystic who loudly sang of an arch on the glacier to 
the south.
"The Frozen Past Arch!" screeched the Aghar, in a quasi-sing-song. "It is the place where true hearts can 
seek their desire!" With a few questions, Gilthanas learned that the arch was reputedly a relic from a very 
ancient civilization, and that its powers were real, but difficult to unlock.
Finally, the Aghar brought forth gifts for their honored Sneezer. Gilthanas was agreeable and prepared 
himself to accept some moldy rat-skin cloak or perhaps a backpack with no straps. He was stunned when his 
humble hosts instead gave him real treasures, including a cloak and boots that would keep him warm in all 
weather, a decanter that would always pour fresh beverage, a scroll that mapped out for him the Plains of Dust 
and the adjacent Icewall Glacier, and finally a fine sword, a blade of elven steel that had been forged more 
than two thousand years ago.
Touched and more than a little drunk, he embraced many of the gully dwarves, danced with them, and fell 
asleep on a heap of rags in the same room with a hundred Aghar. When he awakened, his hosts were still 
sleeping. Despite his thick tongue and pounding headache, Gilthanas gathered his new treasures, gave his 
hosts a whispered farewell, and once again started on the road toward his home.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-23, 周二 11:12:11 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #13 于: 2013-07-19, 周五 01:03:21 »
一朵石玫瑰的感悟:石玫瑰镇(Stone Rose),12sc



不用不用。我的工作就是确保您能享受到游览的乐趣嘛。但愿诸位度过一段愉快的时光,回头跟亲朋好友宣传一下,让他们也来这儿玩一趟。来,相互递一下酒囊,大家喝个够。今天你们就是我,花园管理员塔恩·格兰杰(Tarn Granger)的客人。花园(the garden)这名字没啥创意——不过您想啊,咱这整一个镇的名字就叫做石玫瑰镇,所以它的主要景点也没必要另取新鲜的名头啦。

这些天,路过这儿的几乎就只有商人和佣兵,他们都没空停下脚步闻一闻这些玫瑰——我就光是这么一说。朝圣者和冒险者简直再也不到咱石玫瑰镇来了。我也没法指责他们待在家里,毕竟塔克西丝骑士的铁腕牢牢控制了奎灵纳斯提,那条叫黑貂(Sable)的黑龙把整个新海岸(New Coast)变成了血海!不过但凡是来了的人,个个都会大开眼界——我一点不夸张地告诉您,这在克莱恩世界是独一份儿。



要我说呀,这是个教人伤心,教人伤心的年月。“凡人之年代(Age of Mortals)”,我看不见得!如果这真是属于我们的时代,为啥有一半的土地都落在一座小城堡大小的龙手里?决不能啊!但是美应该长存心间——而我也不知道有别的什么地方比石玫瑰镇的花园更美的啦。






本来也就是手上留下几个洞的事儿,但是这么一来,他的胳膊就被一路上的几乎每一根刺钩住了。他往外一抽胳膊,又是一声惨嚎,再抽一点儿,嚎得更大声,最后他终于把自己给拔出来了。跟您说,那场面一点也不赏心悦目。幸亏镇长的女儿桑德拉·轻触(Sondra Softtouch)听到动静跑了过来。桑德拉在金月和她的秘术师们那里学过一年,回来的时候已经是个不错的小治疗师了。她给坎德人结结实实地包扎了一通。虽然坎德人还是对花非常好奇,但从那之后一直到离开,他始终把手插在深深的小包包里。







劇透 -   :
Reflections on a Rose of Stone: Stone Rose, 12sc
Welcome to the garden!
Oh, my friends, I didn't mean to frighten you. It's just that so few people come here anymore that I am 
terribly glad for the company. Here, I've a skin full of mulled wine—allow me to make amends for spoiling your 
solitude by sharing it with you.
No, no, no ... I insist. What kind of caretaker would I be if I scared away my only guests? A poor one, let me 
assure you!
No. It is my job to make sure you enjoy your visit. Hopefully, you'll have such a good time that you'll tell all 
your friends and relations to also make the journey. So pass around the skin and drink your fill. Today, you are 
the guests of Tarn Granger, the keeper of the garden—an uninspired name, but when your entire town is 
named Stone Rose, there's really no reason to think of a fancy title for the main attraction.
Just about the only people who come through here these days are merchants and mercenaries, and neither 
of them have time to stop and smell the roses—so to speak. Pilgrims and explorers rarely make the trip to 
Stone Rose anymore. I can't say I blame them for staying home, what with the Knights of Takhisis holding 
Qualinesti in their iron grip, and Sable the Black Dragon turning all the New Coast into a bloody swamp! But 
those who make the trip see something so amazing—I'm not fibbing one bit when I tell you it's unique on all of 
Walk with me a ways, and I'll show you what I mean.
Pardon my saying so, but by the look of your tattered clothing and that haunted tint to your eyes, I'd hazard 
to guess that you're refugees from Qualinesti. I thought so! The way you flinched when I mentioned the Dark 
Knights was a dead giveaway.
It's a sad, sad time, I tell you. "Age of Mortals" indeed! If it was our age, would half the land be ruled by 
dragons the size of small castles? No, sir! But you take your beauty where you can—and I don't know of 
anywhere more beautiful than the garden in Stone Rose.
Look out there. It takes your breath away, doesn't it? Over an acre of rosebushes in all shapes and sizes. 
Those over there are trimmed in the shapes of dragons, a griffin, and a pegasus. Off to the north, you can see 
lattices covered with vines and flowers the size of your fist. But te centerpiece, literally, is the maze. Now, it's 
not much of a maze—you can see the hedges are only about waist high—but that circle at the center sits under 
the shade of a rosebush grown and pruned into the shape of a miniature vallenwood. It's the best place in the 
whole town to sit and quietly sip your mulled wine. (Why do you think we're heading there, eh?)
Yes, all this would be marvel enough, considering the fact that we're on the edge of a desert! But it's even 
more fantastic than you think. You see, all the roses, every bush, vine, and tree, are made of stone. And not 
some crumbled granite either. The stone is smooth and polished, and shines like the marble statues you'll find 
in Solamnian noble homes.
Look at them!
The detail is so fine that you can hardly tell the difference between these and the real thing—well, except for 
the color .. . and the smell. If these were live flowers, the air would be thick with perfume. Our roses don't smell 
so nice as the normal kind, but you never have to sweep up the petals in the fall! As the groundskeeper, let me 
tell you, that makes me very happy. We also don't have to deal with bees and other nuisance bugs, so all in all, 
I'd say we get the best of both worlds.
Careful, though. Those thorns are just as sharp as they look, and they're sturdy enough to do some real 
damage. I remember one little kender who got curious about whether the bushes were made of stone on the 
inside as well as the out. He stuck his whole arm in through a gap in the branches. Not the brightest thing I've 
ever seen done, but you know how kender are when they get a notion in their heads.
Well, he got his arm wedged in there as far as it would go and grabbed onto the first branch he found. Sure 
enough, it was made of stone—and covered in thorns. He yelped like a dog that had stuck its nose up a 
beehive. The kender then tried to pull his arm out as quick as can be. That was his second mistake.
Instead of just having a few holes in his hand, he snagged his arm on just about every thorn on the way out. 
He yanked the arm a ways, yelped again, yanked some more, yelped even louder, until finally, he got himself 
free. It wasn't a pretty sight, let me tell you. Luckily, Sondra Softtouch, the mayor's daughter, heard the 
commotion and came running. Sondra spent a year studying up there with Goldmoon and her mystics on 
Schallsea and came back quite the little healer. She patched the kender up quick enough. And though he was 
still very curious about the flowers, that kender kept his hands in his deep little pockets the rest of his stay.
Yes, I've got a whole lot of stories about the garden. I suppose that's what comes from spending my whole 
life tending the place.
What? You don't think stone roses need tending?
Weeds grow here just as well as they do anywhere else. They may not be a threat to these bushes, but they 
still look a mess. And who wants to visit a messy garden? Then there's the mess that people make. You 
wouldn't believe the kind of things folks will just up and leave behind if they don't actually live in a place. I've 
found everything from torn clothing to rotten eggs just sitting in the garden. And you'd faint dead away if I told 
you how often I find daggers and short swords with their blades chipped (and sometimes broken clean off) by 
someone who got it into his fool head to try to take a genuine stone rose home with him. Do you know I've even 
seen a minotaur battle-ax with a goodly chunk missing thanks to one of these stems? Even I'm amazed.
Are the roses magic?
Well, that's hard to say. Magic would explain why they stand up so well to normal blades. But then again, I'd 
think the same thing if you started taking swings at a boulder—no sword was meant to strike a rock over and 
over again.
Some folks say the garden is a cursed site.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-05, 周一 12:04:46 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #14 于: 2013-07-20, 周六 01:11:45 »

















劇透 -   :
The story goes that a long time ago, back before the gods rained fire down on ancient Istar, back when this 
part of the land was green and fertile, a great castle stood where our little own is now. In that castle, they say, 
lived a very wise king and his only son, Prince Dottaard.
As the fingers of age tightened on the king, he began to worry about the fate of his kingdom, for his son was 
yet unmarried. In order to remedy this situation, the king sent his four swiftest riders, one in each direction, to 
make this proclamation known throughout the land: Whatever woman Prince Dottaard married would not only 
become princess (and eventually queen) of the realm, but also would receive all the lands south of the castle 
and half of the kingdom's treasury to do with as she pleased. The prince, he thought, would never choose to 
marry a woman who would abuse such a gift.
The next day, hundreds of young ladies visited the palace, each more beautiful and elegant than the next. 
The only one the prince had eyes for, though, was Rosella. Rosella wore a cape of deepest black, and though 
she kept the hood pulled low (hiding her eyes in constant shadow), the flowing red locks that spilled over her 
shoulders and her ruby lips said this was a woman of exquisite beauty.
By midday, Prince Dottaard dismissed all the ladies except Rosella, and by sundown, he was sure no other 
woman matched him so perfectly. The wedding, it was decided, would take place one month hence.
The king was beside himself with joy. His son would have a wife, his kingdom would have a princess, and 
he could die a happy man.
That evening, however, as the king passed Rosella's chamber, he heard a strange, ancient voice coming 
from within. Peeking through the cracked door, he saw Rosella remove her hood to reveal that she was not a 
youthful maiden at all, but rather an ancient sorceress. The cloak she wore was really her wizards 
robes—black robes—and she cast a spell so that when it was pulled tight about her, she would have the 
visage of a princess.
"I have cast a spell," Rosella cackled to herself, "to make that fool prince fall in love with me. In one month, 
we will marry and half the kingdom will be mine!"
The king ran off to tell his son the terrible news, but Rosella's spell was so powerful that the prince did not 
believe a word of it. He was going to marry Rosella, and his father could do nothing about it. As the wedding 
day grew closer, the king plotted and planned, but he could find no way to save his son and his kingdom from 
this terrible woman.
Then, one week before the wedding, a palace maid overheard Rosella talking to the captain of the guard. "I 
am terribly allergic to roses," she said, "so you must not allow any guests to bring them to my wedding. Not 
even the tiniest rosebud may be woven into a lady's headdress, is that clear?"
It certainly was clear to the maid, and she hurried to tell the king what she had heard. It gave him a clever 
On the day of the wedding, the king came to his son and apologized for his rude behavior toward the 
bride-to-be. "In order to make amends," the king said, "I have arranged the most glorious event ever. The 
wedding will take place in our own courtyard, and everyone in the kingdom will be there." This pleased the 
spellbound prince, and he went to tell Rosella the wonderful news.
As the bride and groom walked out arm-in-arm, Rosella gasped, then drew back in horror. The entire 
courtyard had been transformed into a rose garden with trees, bushes, and shrubs of all varieties, each at the 
height of bloom.
While the entire kingdom watched, Rosella sneezed so hard that her hood flew off, revealing her true form. 
As panic swept through the crowd, Rosella sneezed again and again. Finally, her concentration was so 
shattered that she could no longer maintain the spell that bewitched Prince Dottaard.
Freed from Rosella's control, the prince immediately announced that the wedding was off and called for the 
palace guard. Though they were no match for the sorceress, the guards drove Rosella off. Before she left, she 
turned to the king and said, "Your roses have beaten me, but they will never do so again!"
With that, she waved her hands in theair and every bush, tree, and shrub turned to stone. Then she 
repeated the motion and disappeared in a puff of smoke.
When the king explained what had happened, Prince Dottaard went to thank the palace maid. In the end, 
though, the two fell in love, and one month later, they married.
The wedding was held in the garden of stone roses, which bride, groom, and king all agreed was the 
loveliest place in all the kingdom.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-20, 周六 13:18:44 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #15 于: 2013-07-20, 周六 13:29:23 »



劇透 -   :
Quite a story, eh? It was my daughter's favorite when she was a wee girl. Most folk don't take it as truth, but 
it's the one we usually tell visitors.
The story we like to believe is about a sculptor and a princess. (Funny how they all seem to be about royalty, 
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-20, 周六 18:20:44 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #16 于: 2013-07-20, 周六 13:34:23 »
故事发生在力量之年代(Age of Might),伊斯塔的教皇颁布他那道《证明美德》的敕命(Proclamation of Manifest Virtue)后不久。有一位科延公主(Princess Kojen),她是卡若理家族(House of Kharolis)一名美丽而又强大的战士。她抨击教皇的教义,因为他宣称,任何参与战争或从事“男性化职业”的女人都是邪恶的追随者,应当就地处死。

科延公主是整个卡若理王国(kingdom of Kharolis)少女们的偶像,也是一名强有力的领导者——依照敕命,这是她被严格禁止担任的职位——她还热爱射箭,击剑和骑马。事实上,她所做的事当中只有一件符合教皇的许可,那就是与她的爱人——一位名叫瑟兰(Serran)的雕塑师——共度时光。











雕塑师不时听到他的公主的传闻。要是那些传闻都可信的话,科延公主从安塞隆大陆的一头旅行到了另一头,然后周而复始。她甚至可能去过传说中的巨龙列岛(Dragon Isles)。可是在她的放浪之旅中,她从未回到瑟兰的身边。


劇透 -   :
In the Age of Might, shortly after the Kingpriest of Istar made his Proclamation of Manifest Virtue, there lived 
Princess Kojen, a beautiful and mighty warrior of the House of Kharolis. She railed against the doctrines of the 
Kingpriest, who declared that any woman who engaged in battle or other "manly duties" was a follower of Evil 
and should be put immediately to death.
Princess Kojen, as was the fashion for ladies in the kingdom of Kharolis, was a strong leader—a position 
the Proclamation strictly forbade her to hold—and often enjoyed the pleasures of archery, fencing, and 
horseback riding. In fact, just about the only thing she did which would have met remotely with the Kingpriest's 
approval was the time she spent with her lover, a sculptor by the name of Serran.
Though Serran would beg Kojen not to flaunt the Proclamation so boldly, she just laughed at him. "It is who 
I am," she told him. "You would not want me to ask you to give up your chisel and mallet, would you? No. Then 
how can you ask me to give up all of the things my blood aches to do? And how can anyone who forces me to 
do so possibly be the living embodiment of all that is Good?"
Serran blanched at the question. "That is heresy, Kojen! Do not ever say that again!"
The princess merely laughed at her lover. Her will was too strong to allow her to do anything other than 
speak her mind at all times, no matter what the consequences. And when word of Kojen's unrepentant ways 
reached the Kingpriest, he sent a force of one hundred soldiers to arrest the princess.
When the soldiers approached Serran's workshop, Princess Kojen met them with cold steel. The battle 
raged for three days and three nights, and when the sun rose on the fourth day, Princess Kojen was the only 
one left standing.
"This is not the end of this, Serran," she said as he tended her wounds. "More soldiers will come—perhaps 
a thousand or more. And I will not be their only target. In order to get to me, they will strike at you, and I cannot 
have that. Tomorrow morning, I must leave so that you will be safe."
Though it broke his heart, the sculptor knew it must be so.
"I have a present for you," Serran whispered as he held Kojen in his arms for the last time before she left. 
He held out his hand, and in it was a sculpture of a rose, delicate and perfect in every detail. "As this flower will 
never fade and wilt, neither will my love for you, dear Kojen. For every day that we are apart, I will carve 
another rose so that when we are reunited, we will have a monument worthy of our love."
The princess left the next morning at dawn.
A week later, a thousand soldiers arrived at Serran's home looking for Kojen. And though a hundred 
different officers questioned him as to the princess's whereabouts, the only answer he ever gave was, "She 
has gone." And all the while, he never looked up from the perfect blooming rose he carved from a block of solid 
marble. When the soldiers left, Serran carried the rose out to his garden and placed it in a wooden lattice 
alongside six other perfect stone roses.
From time to time, the sculptor would hear rumors of his princess. If they were all to be believed, Kojen 
traveled from one end of Ansalon to the other and back. She may have even visited the fabled Dragon Isles. 
But the one place her wanderings nver took her was back to Serran's side.
Before he died, Serran sculpted more than twenty thousand individual roses as well as every leaf, limb, and 
lattice that you find in the garden today.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-20, 周六 23:10:26 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #17 于: 2013-07-20, 周六 19:10:18 »









劇透 -   :
Who wouldn't face an entire army to defend a love as true as Kojen and Serran's?
If that story is even partly true, then it's no wonder the garden is such an inspirational site. In the forty years 
that I've tended it, I've seen all manner of man, woman, and beast come into the garden and leave changed to 
the core.
There was a man who traveled here all the way from the Estwilde, where he ran a grist mill. Seems that all 
his life he had heard of the garden at Stone Rose and felt an unexplainable urge to see it. He sold his mill, 
packed the few things that mattered most to him in this world, and hiked across mountain, desert, and dragon 
realm to get here. Let me tell you, I could see every mile he'd crossed caked onto his face or frayed off his shirt, 
but a happier man I'd never met. That is, until he sat on the bench under the shade tree.
You see, sitting on that bench was a woman who had taken every last copper from her dowry to pay for a 
similar trek, all the way from a farm in Tanith.
They took one look at each other, and it was as if they'd known one another all their lives. They sat under 
that tree and talked deep into the night. When I came back the next day, I found them curled in one another's 
arms, asleep beneath a stone hedge.
Well, the mayor performed their marriage ceremony that evening. They live on a farm just down the road. 
See, even those of us who visit the garden every day still get swept up in the emotions it brings out.
One morning, I arrived at work to hear a piteous yowling coming from somewhere in the hedge maze. After 
searching around for a while, I came across a black kitten—it couldn't have been more than four weeks 
old—whose matted fur had become caught on a stone thorn. I haven't a clue what happened to the mother or 
the rest of the litter, but it was plain to see this little fellow was all alone in the world and in need of some looking 
after. So I brought him home in spite of the fact that my nose clogs up and my eyes tear every time I so much 
as touch an animal. And don't you know it, that cat loves to be petted.
Yes, the beauty of the place will make a body do some awful strange things, like this elf that passed through 
here the other day. He was a strange one, a Qualinesti just like you folks. But instead of running away from the 
Dark Knights and their minions, he was headed straight back into the forest. Still, in the end, I think the garden 
helped him find the right path to walk.

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #18 于: 2013-07-20, 周六 20:08:12 »





































劇透 -   :
When I came into the garden that morning, the elf was already there, standing in front of that bush over 
there, staring hard at that rose—the one that is partly open and faces almost due west.
His clothing marked him as a vagabond, but his bearing made me look twice. Now, to us humans, all elves 
look more or less proud. The way you carry yourselves, tall and thin and straight, makes you seem as though 
you expect to be congratulated for just walking into the room. I don't mean this as an insult, just as a 
comparison to us humans. Because the elf I saw that morning had an air that made him seem ... well... 
haughty is the only word I can think of to capture it.
Being as how I leave people alone unless they look like they need help or a friendly ear, I went about my 
business and let the elf go about his. When I finished my weeding, though, I noticed the elf was still staring at 
the same rose.
Coincidence, I told myself. I just happened to catch him at the same place I saw him earlier. A lot of visitors 
wander the garden for hours, stopping and gazing at the same three or four sculptures that appeal to them 
When I came back from my noon meal, though, the elf was still there. So I decided to make sure that he 
was all right. I walked up next to him, yet he didn't even know I was there!
I cleared my throat. "Good afternoon." I saidand waited for a response. When he didn't give one, I 
continued, "There are plenty of pretty roses here in the garden. Mind if I ask what makes that one so interesting 
to you?"
He finally turned to look at me, and I could see a single tear welled up in his eye.
"Nothing. It is just the first one that caught my eye." His voice was dry and distant. "It is ... they are all so ... 
"Yes, they sure are. Beautiful, too."
"And terribly, terribly sad" he added.
"The roses. They are very sad. Can you not see that?"
I really had no idea what he was talking about, but I thought it best to listen a while longer. I couldn't figure 
out if he was the wisest elf to ever visit the garden or just the plumb craziest.
"No," I told him. "Why are the roses sad?"
"Because they cannot be what they were meant to be."
I told him that I still didn't understand and offered him a sip of water. I was sure that he was heat-mad.
"The rose," he began, speaking very patiently—the way you do when you're explaining something very 
important, "wants to bloom. That is what all roses want: to grow from tiny buds full of promise to exquisite 
flowers that please the eye and the nose, and finally to move on, for beauty in this world is merely transitory."
"But these roses are always beautiful," I said.
He looked at me as if I was speaking in the goblin tongue.
"The roses don't want to be beautiful—that's just what they are, they can't help it. No matter what they do, 
they always will be beautiful. What they want is to grow. And that is the one thing these roses may never do. 
They have a duty."
"A duty?" He was heat-mad for sure. If I was lucky, he'd just pass out and I could get Sondra to heal him.
"Yes, a duty—like me. My duty is to return to Qualinost, to help my people, to lead them out from 
oppression. That is a beautiful thing—a proud and noble destiny."
"But it's not what you want?"
"No! With all my heart I want to follow another path. My heart, my past, and my love all call out for me to go 
to the frozen lands to the south, but my duty calls me westward."
His madness was beginning to make more sense.
"And don't you ever follow your heart?" I asked. "Is duty always your master?"
"Always," the elf replied. "It is all I've ever known. I am truly like the flowers in this garden. Their stone skin 
prevents them from blooming, from ever reaching their potential. They are trapped in a state halfway between 
their beginning and their end. I too am trapped. For if I go to perform my duty now, then as surely as I stand 
before you, duty will keep me trapped the rest of my days. There will never be a day when I am free to follow 
my heart's desire."
I didn't know what to say.
"Well, you're here now, and you have a choice. Why don't you follow your heart?"
The elf stood completely still for a very long time. So long that I thought the heat finally had cooked his 
"I don't know if I have the strength to. I've followed duty my whole life. Can I ignore it now?" He looked at me, 
his eyes aflame with confusion. "Can the rose ever break through its stone skin and truly bloom?"
I hadn't a clue how to answer him. Truth be told, I wasn't even really sure what the question meant. So we 
just stared at one another for a very long few moments. And when we looked back at the stone roses, we saw 
something remarkable.
A slight wind blew through the garden, and from amid the very stone rose bush we stared at, a red shape 
bobbed back and forth. It was a rose—a real living rose. Now, I'll often find small rosebushes sprouting around 
the garden. I take care to dig them up and bring them to my own garden at home. They somehow seem to 
detract from the beauty of the statues. But I hadn't seen any plant budding in this particular stone hedge all 
year—yet there one was.
The elf smiled.
"I have my answer," he said, then turned to me and bowed deeply. "Thank you for your time and thoughts. 
They have been most enlightening."
With that, he turned and left the garden.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-25, 周四 13:01:20 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #19 于: 2013-07-20, 周六 22:37:00 »




劇透 -   :
I'm not sure whatanswer the elf received, and I surely don't know whether he headed home to Qualinesti or 
south to the frozen plains (though what he expected to find there, I haven't a clue). But I do know that I let that 
little rose stay in the garden—there it is, poking out from the top of the stone hedge. It seems important 
Oh, but storytelling is a thirsty job—even more thirsty than gardening.
Pass me the wine, and when I'm done, I'll tell you the tale of how we cured the mayor of sleepwalking 
through the garden on the nights of the full moon!

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]

