作者 主题: 【SW】精魂荟萃  (阅读 5234 次)

副标题: 含今日精魂世界p54-55,以及p55-57的新精魂类型

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« 于: 2022-03-16, 周三 17:01:57 »
The Spirit World Today
POSTED BY: Asiking n’O G’lori

精魂的世界已经和仅仅数年前大不相同了。魔域(manasphere)的变化——其原因依然未知——已经改变了我们对第六纪精魂一些最基本的认知。就像‘50s,’60s UMT(大一统魔法理论)上的改变预测了赫尔墨斯和萨满流派精魂的重要转变那样,奥秘学的领域同样发生着微妙、动态的变化。精魂正在变得独立,用我们的意愿和我们的世界约束他们变得越来越有挑战性。
劇透 -   :
The world of spirits is not the same as it was just a few years ago. Shifts in the manasphere, the causes of which are still unknown, have altered some of our most basic understandings about the spirits that inhabit the Sixth World. Much like the shifts back in the ’50s and ’60s with UMT, which saw the core shift in hermetic and shamanic spirits, another subtle alteration in the dynamic is sliding into the realm of arcana. Spirits are growing in independence, and binding them to our world and our wills is becoming more challenging.
劇透 -   :
Their level of unity and knowledge about our world grows with each summoning, and we are learning that they remember the things they discover. They know how they and others of their kind are treated. It doesn’t matter if it’s a spirit of fire or water or even the oh-so-familiar kindred spirit; they know and sense how we regard them and act toward them when we invite them into our realm. Our treatment across traditions is not universal, which means this seems to be a spirit world evolution that reflects the UMT revolution. Where once the world of spirits was easily split between the spirits of nature and the elemental spirits, now they blend and blur, as if shaped by our understanding and treatment. This change in our thinking is reflected in the multiverse, and now we face a world of spirits who, while they do not remember details, auras, and actions, do remember the intent. This intent is imprinted on their conjurers and can be recognized by all spirits, for good or ill.
劇透 -   :
As a final note, we have seen so many arcane events of late, and so often in recent times have the various metaplanes interacted with each other in ways that change all involved worlds. These collisions and the shift in mana, spirit relations, and mundane/arcane interactions have to mean something. While we at the street level see the twisting and devastation, the powers that guide our worldsee none of it. We are the front line—the bottom line—and the only line that will fight off trouble. Those above us seek to only to exploit and monetize, not fix.
劇透 -   :
I’m not a believer, but pride and greed as deadly sins seems an easy manipulation point for the modern corp mentality.


Spirit Catalog
劇透 -   :
The core rulebook covers the basic summoned spirit types. For those players and gamemasters who want to stray from the basics, a few additional spirit types are included here for variety and to round out the traditions offered in this tome. If a player wants their character to summon a different type of spirit due to their own personal tradition and arcane philosophy, the gamemaster should be open to the idea as long as the player can generate a good story for their character. The basic shamanic and hermetic traditions of the core rule book are broad guidelines in a world of highly versatile and divergent magic.

劇透 -   :
The flora of the Sixth World is highly varied and vibrant. Plant life is also deeply connected to the psyche of metahumanity, which means the spirit world reflects this diversity. From thorn-covered humanoids to Venus-flytrap-headed vine creatures, the forms and shapes of plant spirits are as varied as any other in the spirit realms.
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   魔法   精华
F+2   F-1   F    F+1   F   F-1   F   F   F   F
动作   CM   移动
A1,I3   (F/2)+8   10/15/+1
主动性   [(F x 2) ] + 2D6
星界主动性   (F x 2) + 3D6
防御等级   F + 2
技能   星界,近战,异种远程武器,侦查,巫术
能力   星界形体,遮蔽,吞噬(水),恐惧,守护,魔法守护*,具象化,灵智,沉默*
可选能力   降祸,困惑,移动,毒性呼吸,搜索
吞噬 [DV (F )P , 攻击等级 (F x 3) /—/—/—/—]

劇透 -   :
With appearances ranging from avenging angels to Zulu warriors, guardian spirits are summoned to be the ultimate protectors. Driven by a warrior’s code and strongly opposed to immoral tactics, these spirits come to their summoner’s aid and defense but rarely bend a knee to a conjurer with a dark heart.
Guardian spirits will actively oppose and work at a maximum level of defiance against any conjurer with a negative Astral Reputation (p. 64).
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   魔法   精华
F+1   F+2   F +3   F+2   F   F   F   F   F   F
动作   CM   移动
A1,I4   (F+1)/2+8   10/15/+1
主动性   [(F x 2)+3 ] + 2D6
星界主动性   (F x 2) + 3D6
防御等级   F x 2 + 1
技能   星界,近战,异种远程武器,侦查
能力   星界形体,恐惧,守护,魔法守护,具象化,移动,灵智
可选能力   控制动物,遮蔽,元素攻击(召唤者召唤时选择元素),天生武器,念动,技能专精(选择任意近战技能专精)
可选的天生武器 [ 近战 DV (F/2 )+1 P , 攻击等级 (F x 2) /—/—/—/—]

劇透 -   :
Sometimes summoning is not about service but instead about seeking the advice of a wise sage. While the direction they deliver may come in the form of a riddle or masked in allusions, a guidance spirit rarely feels their job is complete until they have offered wise counsel.
The advice of a guide is directly related to the Astral Reputation of the conjurer (p. 64). The lower the score, the more cryptic and harder to understand the guidance will be, while the opposite is true for higher Astral Reputation scores.
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   魔法   精华
F+3   F-1   F +2   F+1   F   F   F   F   F   F
动作   CM   移动
A1,I3   (F+1)/2+8   10/15/+1
主动性   [(F x 2)+2 ] + 2D6
星界主动性   (F x 2) + 3D6
防御等级   F + 3
技能   星界,近战,侦查, 巫术
能力   星界形体,困惑, 占卜*,魔法守护*,具象化,灵智,搜索,阴影斗篷
可选能力   吞噬,增强感官(听觉,低光视觉,热感视觉,嗅觉),恐惧,影响
可选的天生武器 [ 近战 DV (F/2 )+1 P , 攻击等级 (F x 2) /—/—/—/—]

任务精魂热衷于工作,当它们被成功召唤时,它们为咒术师提供一个额外的服务。只要咒术师的星界声誉为正,束缚它们会提供额外的任务点(task point)。
劇透 -   :
Work, creation, innovation, invention, effort—these are all concepts intimately connected with the metahuman psyche for centuries. Since metahumanity first shifted to urban civilization, the various jobs of the world have been split, dissected, and narrowed. The spirit realm has mirrored those changes, creating a realm of spirits all skilled in differing ways. When you seek the aid of a task spirit, be sure you know the help you are seeking, for a spirit skilled in cobbling cannot help you make the perfect cobbler.
Task spirits are willing workers, and when successfully summoned, offer an additional service to their conjurer. When bound they offer an extra task point as long as the conjurer’s Astral Reputation (p. 64) is positive.
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   魔法   精华
F   F   F +2   F+2   F   F   F   F   F   F
动作   CM   移动
A1,I3   (F+1)/2+8   10/15/+1
主动性   [(F x 2)+2 ] + 2D6
星界主动性   (F x 2) + 3D6
防御等级   F
技能   星界,近战, 侦察
能力   降祸,星界形体,黏缠,具象化,移动,灵智,搜索,技能(选择生物技术,电子学,工程学,户外,驾驶中的一项以及一项所选技能的专精以及一个合适的知识技能)
可选能力   遮蔽,增强感官(听觉,低光视觉,热感视觉,嗅觉),影响,念动,技能(如上所述选择一套额外的技能套组)
