作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔6E Hack & Slash】【HS】网精时刻 P.72~79  (阅读 5040 次)

副标题: 个人自翻,HS网精章节全内容,相关名词引用@Cobalt 1号机 的译文,已完工。

离线 誓约推倒之剑

  • 三观不正中二精分玻璃心
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【暗影狂奔6E Hack & Slash】【HS】网精时刻 P.72~79
« 于: 2023-12-11, 周一 02:08:54 »
劇透 -   :
This chapter provides more options for sprites, starting with new types of sprites.
« 上次编辑: 2023-12-14, 周四 23:36:46 由 誓约推倒之剑 »

离线 誓约推倒之剑

  • 三观不正中二精分玻璃心
  • Chivary
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  • 帖子数: 1283
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新网精种类 New Sprite Types P.72~73
« 回帖 #1 于: 2023-12-11, 周一 02:10:26 »
新网精类型 New Sprite Types P.72~73

劇透 -   :
More variety has been observed among the denizens of the Matrix, and sprites are no exception. Some may believe that these are simply variants of known sprite types, but it seems much more likely that we will be seeing greater variety among sprites as more of them come into being. In order to compile or register any of these new sprite types, a technomancer must take the New Sprite Type echo.
刺客网精 Assassin Sprite
劇透 -   :
Some of the most vindictive technomancers have learned to compile sprites that match their disposition. These sprites are stealthy and violent, capable of dealing biofeedback damage to personas instead of merely crashing them.
矩阵主动性: (L×2)+1+4d6

·技能:电子学, 破解
劇透 -   :
·Skills: Electronics, Cracking
·Powers: Death Mark, Phantom
守卫网精 Defender Sprite
劇透 -   :
Some of the most vindictive technomancers have learned to compile sprites that match their disposition. These sprites are stealthy and violent, capable of dealing biofeedback damage to personas instead of merely crashing them.
矩阵主动性 :(L×2)+2+4d6 [译注:此处根据英文原文,守卫网精的矩阵主动性为(L×2)+1+4d6,但根据矩阵规调整为(L×2)+2+4d6]

·技能:电子学, 破解
劇透 -   :
·Skills: Electronics, Cracking
·Powers: Shield, Stability
模块网精 Modular Sprite
劇透 -   :
Modular sprites are extremely versatile, capable of adapting to any required task.
矩阵主动性 :(L×2)+1+4d6

劇透 -   :
·Skills: Electronics,  Engineering, Cracking
·Powers: Choose any one sprite power. You may change the power to a different one at the cost of 1 task. Swapping out for a different power requires the sprite to take a Major Action. You can swap powers as often as needed, but doing so uses up a task each time. The task does not cover actually using the power, but if the sprite is already in the process of following orders, it does not require an extra task to command it to use its new power within the context of its current instructions.
音乐网精 Music Sprite
劇透 -   :
Some technomancers consider the Resonance to be a thing of harmony, and they use concepts of music and art to relate to its mysteries. Music sprites are artistic and creatively expressive, reflecting the experiences and perspectives of the environment and entities they encounter.
矩阵主动性 :(L×2)+4+4d6

劇透 -   :
·Skills: Electronics, Con (Performance only)
·Powers:  Captivate Audience, Harmonize.
原初网精 Primal Sprite
  原初网精是由超链者编译而成的混乱而神秘的实体,超链者们训练自己的思维使他们几乎不在编译的网精上留下任何个人痕迹,以此来避免泛人类的期愿‘污染’原始的矩阵。这些网精往往形状奇异难以久视,并使用不常见的非语言(亦非文字)的形式进行交流。经典的拨号噪音(modem screams)似乎是它们的首选。因为和它们的交流依赖于这种不明确的方式,原初网精往往难以指挥。它们以完全无视指令并以自己的奇怪方式行事而闻名——但没有人知道原初网精的这种行为到底是想要却没能成功地服从命令,还是本身就我行我素。不过,除了意识形态方面的原因外,超链者编译原初网精还因为它们往往强大而能干,所以当它们真正的服从命令时——任务就能够被完成。
劇透 -   :
Primal sprites are chaotic and mysterious entities compiled by technomancers who have trained their minds to imprint almost none of their own selves onto their compiled sprites in an effort to avoid “corrupting” the wild Matrix with metahuman expectations. Such sprites tend to take bizarre forms that are difficult to look at for long, and they communicate using unusual non-verbal (or non-text) means. Classic modem screams seem to be a popular choice for them. With their reliance on unclear communication techniques, primal sprites can be difficult to command. They've been known to seem to completely ignore instructions and go about things in their own strange ways—whether they’re actually trying to follow orders and failing or just being obstinate is impossible to discern. There are reasons other than ideological ones for compiling them, though. Primal sprites tend to be quite powerful and capable, so drek gets done—when they actually do follow orders.
矩阵主动性 :(L×2)+3+4d6

劇透 -   :
·Skills: Electronics, Cracking
·Powers:  Digital Scream, Fractal Dream.

特别规则:每当原初网精进行检定时,在其骰池中加入1枚狂野骰。如果这枚狂野骰掷出了一个1,原初网精将不再听从命令而是自由行动。它不会采取直接的行动去对抗编制它的超链者,但它们可以破坏友方的设备和攻击友方网精和化身。不过更常见的还是它们会直接走开去做别的事情。让一只散漫的原初网精回归正轨需要消耗2个指令权,一个用于取消当前的状态,另一个则用于向它下达新的命令。如果你试图向原初网精下达复杂的命令,原初网精必须进行一个 能级×2+1狂野骰(阈值3,或更多,如果GM认为这个命令异常复杂)的理解检定。如果这枚狂野骰掷出了一个1,网精会误解命令并自由行动。原初网精不受[网精亲和]特质或以[网精亲和]特质为先决条件的特质影响,但它们是[网精灾星]特质的可用选择。
劇透 -   :
Special Rules: Whenever a primal sprite makes any test, add a wild die to its dice pool. If the wild die rolls a 1, the sprite will stop following orders and apparently act at random. It will not take direct actions against the technomancer who compiled it, but these things have been known to start bricking friendly devices and crashing allied sprites and personas. They usually just wander off and do something else, though. Getting a distracted primal sprite back on track requires two tasks—one to cancel the current state of affairs and another to give it a new command. If you ever try to give complicated orders to a primal sprite, the sprite must make a comprehension test. Roll its level x 2 with a threshold of 3 (or more, if the gamemaster decides that the orders are incredibly complex) add a wild die. If the wild die rolls a 1, the sprite misinterprets orders and behaves randomly. Primal sprites are incompatible with the Sprite Affinity quality or any other quality for which Sprite Affinity is a prerequisite. They are an eligible choice for the Sprite Bane quality, however.
« 上次编辑: 2024-01-11, 周四 13:03:04 由 誓约推倒之剑 »

离线 誓约推倒之剑

  • 三观不正中二精分玻璃心
  • Chivary
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  • 帖子数: 1283
  • 苹果币: -4
新网精能力 New Sprite Powers P73~74
« 回帖 #2 于: 2023-12-11, 周一 02:11:14 »
新网精能力 New Sprite Powers P73~74

吸引观众 Captivate Audience
  网精的周围环绕起复杂、海量却美丽又迷人的拟感信号。网精进行一次 唬骗(表演)+共鸣 检定,并记录其总成功。网精100米内使用VR模式的化身各自使用 直觉+防火墙 检定进行抵抗。拥有艺术或音乐相关知识的角色因为更容易受到本能力的影响而无法在抵抗检定中使用极限。代理、IC和个人助手通讯链应用不受本能力的影响,没有运行任何设备的化身也是如此,但网精会如同拥有艺术或音乐相关知识的角色一样受到影响。任何没能完全抵抗网精的人必须在进行极限动作或获取极限增益时花费双倍的极限点数,持续 网精的净成功数 轮。这个效果会影响所有动作,而不仅仅是矩阵动作。弹出VR模式或转换为AR模式能够立刻结束这个效果。这个能力不能在矩阵上静默运行时使用。
劇透 -   :
Complex, overwhelming, yet beautiful and entertaining simsense signals surround the sprite. The sprite makes a Con (Performance) + Resonance test and records the total hits. Personas using VR mode within 100 meters of the sprite may attempt to resist independently using Intuition + Firewall. Characters who have a knowledge skill related to art or music are more vulnerable and cannot gain or spend Edge to resist this power. Agents, IC, and personal assistant commlink apps are entirely unaffected, as are any devices that are not running a persona, but sprites are just as vulnerable as characters with artistic knowledge skills. Anyone who does not fully resist the sprite must pay twice the number of points of Edge for all Edge Boosts and Actions for a number of combat rounds equal to the sprite’s net hits. This applies to all actions, not just Matrix Actions. Jacking out or switching to AR ends the effect immediately. This power can not be used while running silently on the Matrix.

死亡标记 Death Mark
  死亡标记能力网精是网精专注于杀死某人的信号。网精标记一个处于VR模式的化身并进行一次 破解+共鸣vs.直觉+防火墙的对抗检定。如果网精在检定中胜出,目标化身会浮现令人不安和神秘的隆起、溃疡或伤口。化身会被链接锁定,无法使用切换界面模式隐藏矩阵动作,并需要进行对抗检定才能弹出。更糟的是,只要目标受到任何来源的矩阵伤害,就需要承受等值的生物反馈伤害——处于VR热模时是物理伤害,VR冷模时是眩晕伤害。如果网精直接对目标造成了伤害,目标还会受到等同于本能力破解检定净成功数的额外伤害。死亡标记持续至网精停止维持能力或目标重启设备弹出
劇透 -   :
The Death Mark power signals a sprite's intention to murder somebody. The sprite targets a persona that is using VR mode and makes a Cracking + Resonance vs. Intuition + Firewall Opposed test. If the sprite succeeds, the target gains a disconcerting and mysterious bulge, sore, or wound on their persona. They become link-locked, unable to use the Switch Interface Mode or Hide Matrix Actions, and they require an Opposed test to Jack Out (p.182, SR6). It gets worse. If the target takes Matrix damage from any source, they also suffer an equal number of boxes of biofeedback damage—Physical damage if using hot-sim VR, Stun damage if using cold-sim. If the sprite directly damages the target, it deals a number of extra boxes equal to the net hits scored on the initial Cracking test. The Death Mark disappears when the sprite stops sustaining it or the target jacks out or reboots.

数字尖啸 Digital Scream
  网精发送一阵足以让100米内连接矩阵的所有实体察觉到的宽频复合杂讯。网精进行一次 电子学+共鸣 检定,区域范围内会受到等同于成功骰数的杂讯影响。杂讯会在下一个战斗轮开始时衰退,而一旦它结束,感知到尖啸的所有实体都会收到一份文件。这份文件由指挥网精的超链者发出,这视为指挥网精使用本能力的次要动作的一部分。这份文件可以包含有加密的数据炸弹。当在矩阵上静默运行的,网精无法使用本能力。
劇透 -   :
The sprite sends out a wide burst of complex noise that is perceived by everything connected to the Matrix within 100 meters. The sprite makes an Electronics + Resonance test, and the area becomes affected by noise equal to the number of hits rolled. This fades at the beginning of the next combat round, and once it ends, everything that perceived the scream receives a single file. This file must be provided by the technomancer that commands the sprite as part of the Minor Action required to command it, and it may include encryption and/or a data bomb if desired. This power cannot be used while running silently on the Matrix.

分形梦境 Fractal Dream
  网精以一个化身或IC为目标,进行一次 破解+共鸣vs. 直觉+数据处理 的对抗检定。如果网精获得了任何净成功,目标就会从矩阵中消失,被困入一场共鸣中的奇异热模VR体验,持续1战斗轮/每净成功——即使目标的设备不具备热模VR功能。这会导致IC崩溃,但除了浪费化身的时间,这并不会让化身受伤。一些经历过这种情况的人形容这是一种宗教般的体验,而一些潜在超链者也是由这种方式获得觉醒,但大多数人都无法用语言来形容或理解这种无法形容的奇异感觉。如果有人在被分形梦境困住时被从矩阵上物理断连,他会承受甩致休克,受到8点生物反馈伤害,且会陷入电颤晕眩状态持续1轮/每受到1点生物反馈伤害。
劇透 -   :
The sprite targets a persona or IC and makes a Cracking + Resonance test vs. Intuition + Data Processing. If the sprite scores any net hits, the target vanishes from the Matrix, trapped within a bizarre hot sim experience in the Resonance for one combat round for each net hit—even if their device has no hot sim capability. This causes IC to crash, but other than wasting their time, it doesn't harm personas. Some who have experienced this describe having a religious experience, and some latent technomancers have had their Emergence triggered in this way, but most have no words or understanding of the indescribable strangeness. If someone is physically disconnected from the Matrix while trapped in the fractal dream, they will suffer severe dumpshock, taking 8 boxes of biofeedback damage as well as receiving the Zapped and Dazed conditions for one minute per box of damage taken.

和谐之声 Harmoniz
  网精从共振中唤和周围的矩阵中唤起音符、图像和感觉,与周围的环境和存在完美的协调一致。网精进行一次 唬骗(表演)+共鸣 检定。网精100米内的矩阵杂讯降低这次检定的成功数。即使有规则限制这些杂讯无法被任何方式降低或消除,网精的这一能力也能突破这一限制。无论通过AR、VR还是扬声器和3D投影装置,100米内任何能察觉到网精表演的人都能收到积极影响。任何试图治愈这些角色的检定都能获得等同于上述能力检定成功数的奖励骰。这包括自然恢复、急救、医疗箱、治疗魔法甚至是复合程式。任何角色通过工程学或电子学检定试图修复矩阵或物理伤害的维修行为也获得同样数量的奖励骰。网精、AI以及其他矩阵动物会受到更强的影响,在每个战斗论结束时自动恢复1点伤害。
劇透 -   :
The sprite generates tones, images, and sensations drawn from the Resonance and surrounding Matrix, perfectly harmonizing with the environment and entities there. The sprite makes a Con (Performance) + Resonance test. Matrix noise within 100 meters of the sprite is reduced by the sprite’s hits. Even if the source of noise has a rule that it can’t be reduced or negated by any means, this sprite power overcomes that limitation. Anyone within 100 meters who can experience the sprite’s performance, whether through AR or VR, or even on speakers and trid projectors, is positively affected. Any test made to heal an affected character gains bonus dice equal to the sprite’s hits on the performance test. This includes natural healing, first aid, medkits, healing magic, and even complex forms. Any character making repairs gains the same number of bonus dice on their Engineering or Electronics tests to fix Matrix or Physical damage. Sprites, AI, and other Matrix fauna are even more strongly affected, automatically healing one box of damage at the end of every combat round.

矩阵护罩 Shield
劇透 -   :
The sprite focuses all of its attention and effort toward locating and intercepting Matrix hazards. For one task, this power protects a number of icons, personas, or devices up to its Resonance attribute. A sprite can only maintain one instance of the shield power. Anything under the shield's protection gains the sprite's Resonance attribute in bonus dice to all Matrix defense tests, as well as Opposed tests against complex forms and sprite powers. If a target takes Matrix damage while under the effects of the Shield power, that Matrix damage is suffered by the sprite instead. If a sprite takes damage due to sustaining Shield, your Sprite Rep goes down by 1 unless it is a Defender sprite.
« 上次编辑: 2023-12-12, 周二 00:21:28 由 誓约推倒之剑 »

离线 誓约推倒之剑

  • 三观不正中二精分玻璃心
  • Chivary
  • *****
  • 帖子数: 1283
  • 苹果币: -4
新网精指令 New Sprite Commands P.74~75
« 回帖 #3 于: 2023-12-11, 周一 02:17:15 »
新网精指令 New Sprite Commands P.74~75
劇透 -   :
Technomancers tend to be creative, so it's no surprise that new uses for sprites are discovered with time. Each of these new commands is specific to one or more types of sprite, which means they can only be used with a sprite of the matching type. These commands only work with registered sprites—newly compiled sprites just don't seem to have the juice. All of these commands are available to modular sprites. None of them are available to primal

情报网精指令权 Courier Sprite Tasks
劇透 -   :
Signal Boost: You can tell your courier sprite to enhance your Matrix connections, reducing noise by its Resonance for one combat round per level. This command is also available to defender sprites.

破解网精 Crack Sprite
劇透 -   :
Host Ken: At your command, your crack sprite can provide assistance on any Matrix action or complex form that targets a host or IC, adding its Resonance attribute in bonus dice to your test.

数据网精 Data Sprite
劇透 -   :
Hyperthreading: If you ask your data sprite to help you thread a complex form, add its Resonance to your dice pool on your threading test.This command is also available to music sprites.
劇透 -   :
File Ken: You can request assistance from your data sprite on any Matrix action that targets a file, adding its Resonance attribute as bonus dice on your test.

诱错网精 Fault Sprite
劇透 -   :
Cybercombat Boost: You can tell your crack sprite to crank up your Data Spike Matrix action or Resonance Spike complex form, adding its Resonance to your Matrix damage. This command is also available to assassin sprites.

机械网精 Machine Sprite
劇透 -   :
Device Ken: You can request assistance from a machine sprite on any Matrix action or complex form that targets a device to gain its Resonance attribute in bonus dice on your test.

(译者瞎扯:对于催子搞出来的这个“XX Ken”,向人请教后猜想是来自德语kennen(了解)或者Kenntnis(知识)。同样ken在英语中也可以引相同的词源做知识、眼界解,故翻译为真知。以及也不知道为什么,就第一个网精指令有个Task,后面的都没有了;以及也不知道为什么,明明几乎每个新命令都是讲共鸣加入某个骰池或提升/降低等于共鸣的值,但催子愣是能全部用不同的句式来写,太怪了。)

离线 誓约推倒之剑

  • 三观不正中二精分玻璃心
  • Chivary
  • *****
  • 帖子数: 1283
  • 苹果币: -4
【暗影狂奔6E Hack & Slash】【HS】网精声誉 P.75~76
« 回帖 #4 于: 2023-12-11, 周一 02:17:47 »
网精声誉 Sprite Rep P.75~76
劇透 -   :
No one really knows who's keeping tabs, whether it's the Resonance, the sprites themselves, or a technomancer's own conscience, but word seems to get around about which technomancers treat their sprites well and which ones don't. Any technomancer capable of compiling and registering sprites (which is pretty much all of them) begins with a Sprite Rep of 0, which is neutral. Certain things can cause your Sprite Rep to improve or decline. When one of your sprites runs out of tasks with an undamaged Matrix condition monitor, your Sprite Rep has a chance to go up. Sprites seem to enjoy using their powers. Once per session, when one of your sprites successfully uses one of its sprite powers at your orders, your Sprite Rep might go up. Additionally, once per session, if you use a complex form to aid a sprite, your Sprite Rep has a chance to go up.
劇透 -   :
Whenever your Sprite Rep has a chance to go up, roll 1D6 and add your submersion grade. If this total exceeds your current Sprite Rep, it goes up by 1. If the total is equal to or less than your Sprite Rep, it stays the same.
劇透 -   :
If you cause a sprite to crash, whether through your own actions or by a sprite acting on your commands, your Sprite Rep goes down by 1. If one of your own sprites is crashed, your Sprite Rep goes down by 1.The exceptions to this are fault sprites (who don’t really seem to mind the experience) and Dissonant sprites (who don't count, as far as the rest are concerned).
劇透 -   :
Sprites begin to chafe after repeated registrations and long service. Each time you re-register a sprite after the first, reduce your Sprite Rep by 1. Just to be clear, you may compile a sprite, register a sprite, and re-register a sprite once with no effect to your Sprite Rep—it’s only the second re-registration and beyond that has a negative effect. If you order your sprite to take on a long-term task, reduce your Sprite Rep by 1 after every twenty-four hours passes. If one of your sprites runs out of tasks and has six or more boxes of damage filled on its Matrix condition monitor, your Sprite Rep goes down by 1.

正面网精声誉 Positive Sprite Rep
劇透 -   :
If you have a positive Sprite Rep, gain a point of Edge whenever you compile or register a sprite with a level equal to or less than your Sprite Rep. This Edge may be spent on the test or saved for later.
劇透 -   :
No Edge may be gained or spent on behalf of any sprite's test made against you if that sprite's level does not exceed your current Sprite Rep.

负面网精声誉 Negative Sprite Rep
劇透 -   :
If you have a negative Sprite Rep, you may not gain or spend Edge on any tests to compile, register, or otherwise interact with any sprites. Reduce the maximum level of any sprites you are capable of compiling or registering by your Sprite Rep if it is negative.

清赎网精声誉 Atonement
  一旦你的网精声誉过低,你将很难通过正常途径恢复它。当你的网精声誉是负数时,你可以花费一周时间来进行特殊的冥想、为自由网精跑腿、编制一些低能级的网精并讨好它们或做点其他什么事。在你这么做之后,你可以1:1的花费业力来提升你的网精声誉,最高提升至0。如果你宁愿冒生命危险也不愿花费一点儿业力,你也可以试图前往共鸣领域(Resonance Realm)进行一次狂奔来恢复网精声誉。
劇透 -   :
Once your Sprite Rep sinks too low, it becomes difficult to build it back up through normal means. Whenever your Sprite Rep is a negative number, you may spend one week in special meditations, running obscure errands for free sprites, compiling low-level sprites and treating them very nicely, etc. When you do this, you may spend Karma on a one-for-one basis to increase your Sprite Rep, up to a maximum of zero. You may also attempt a run on a Resonance Realm to atone, if you'd rather risk your life than spend a few Karma.

失谐与网精声誉 Dissonance and Sprite Rep
  因为大多数网精在失谐超链者身边时都会感到不适,失谐超链者无法从正面网精声誉中获得好处。当一名失谐超链者与他们失谐资质(Dissonance aptitude)的偏好类型一致的网精打交道时,失谐超链者不会受到负面网精声誉的影响。有关玩家角色失谐超链者的规则,请查看扩展书Shadow Cast(P.79)
劇透 -   :
Dissonant technomancers do not gain the benefits of a positive Sprite Rep, as most sprites are uncomfortable near them. A Dissonant technomancer does not suffer the drawbacks of a negative Sprite Rep when dealing with sprites that are the preferred type for their Dissonance aptitude. For rules on Dissonant technomancer player characters, see Shadow Cast (p. 79).

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网精协作 Sprite Teamwork P.76
« 回帖 #5 于: 2023-12-11, 周一 02:18:48 »
网精协作 Sprite Teamwork P.76
劇透 -   :
A technomancer can have only one unregistered sprite, but multiple registered sprites can be assigned to work together on the same task. This allows you to issue the same command to multiple sprites with a single Minor Action. When working together on a task, sprites may use Teamwork tests to improve their chances. Every sprite involved in a Teamwork test must possess the relevant skill (usually Electronics or Cracking). If multiple sprites have the same power, the dice pool for any test required for the power may benefit from a Teamwork test. Most Teamwork tests are skill tests, but this still works exactly the same way even though only attributes are used. In this case, the maximum number of bonus dice the leader sprite can gain from Teamwork is its level. If multiple sprites use teamwork on a hacking action, all sprites involved in the Teamwork test gain access if the action is successful. If there are negative consequences from a teamwork-assisted action, all sprites involved in the Teamwork test suffer the same consequences as the leader.
劇透 -   :
You can also request Teamwork assistance from your registered sprites. This takes one Minor Action regardless of how many sprites you wish to include, and it requires a task from each sprite involved in the Teamwork test. In order to help, the sprites must have the same skill as the one you are using on the test. If the Teamwork test assists a hacking action, your sprites gain the same access level that you achieve. If there are negative consequences, your sprites suffer them as well.
劇透 -   :
Sprites are particularly effective at assisting technomancers with threading complex forms. If you request Teamwork assistance on a complex form, the sprite provides its level in bonus dice on your Electronics skill test. These count as dice gained from a Teamwork test, and so the maximum number of bonus dice you can benefit from is equal to your ranks in Electronics. You must use a Minor Action to command the sprite before threading the complex form.
« 上次编辑: 2023-12-11, 周一 02:58:53 由 誓约推倒之剑 »

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创建永久网精 Permanent Sprite Creation P77~79
« 回帖 #6 于: 2023-12-11, 周一 02:21:35 »
创建永久网精 Permanent Sprite Creation P77~79
劇透 -   :
Many technomancers become attached to their sprites, registering them over and over again, refusing to allow them to return to the Resonance. Unless you keep up with registering a sprite so that it never runs out of tasks, it ultimately returns to the Resonance. Perhaps it continues to exist there or ceases to exist until compiled once more. No one truly knows, and the sprites don't seem to have any answers they're willing to share. Only the most determined technomancers devote their efforts and abilities into the permanent registration of a sprite, creating either a free sprite or an ally sprite. This takes a lot of time and Karma, and it requires the Sprite Conduit echo.
劇透 -   :
Whether you’re trying to register a free sprite or an ally sprite, most of the steps are the same:
劇透 -   :
1. Get the source code: Design the sprite, choosing its type, level, skills, powers, echoes, and complex forms. Create the source code or acquire it from a Resonance Realm.
2.Compile and register the sprite. Its level and type must match the source code.
3. Bind the source code to the sprite, sealing their permanent registration.
4. Either form a bond with the sprite to gain an ally sprite or release the sprite into the Matrix as a free sprite.

第一步:获取源代码 Step One: Get the Source Code
劇透 -   :
The source code is a special Matrix file encoded with deep layers of Resonance information. For a sprite, it's like DNA. It determines and defines almost everything about the sprite. Before acquiring the source code, design the sprite. First, choose the type of sprite, which must be a type of sprite that you are capable of compiling and registering. Then, choose the sprite's level and start tallying the sprite's Karma cost, which starts at its level x 2. The Karma cost will be increased by additional choices, but you don't pay any Karma at this step. Just add up the total cost for later reference. The maximum level that you can permanently register is your Resonance attribute. The next step is to choose the sprite's powers.

劇透 -   :
The sprite automatically starts with all of the standard powers for its type. You may add powers from other sprite types for 1 Karma cost each. The maximum number of powers (including the standard powers for its type) equals the sprite's level. The sprite automatically comes with the skills listed for its type. You can provide the sprite with additional skills at the cost of 1 Karma for Knowledge and Language skills, Electronics, Cracking, and Engineering, and 2 Karma for any other skill. Sprites may not learn Tasking. If you are creating the source code yourself, you must possess the skill or an activesoft, knowsoft, linguasoft, or autosoft with ranks or a rating equal to the sprite’s level for each added skill. In the case of a knowsoft or linguasoft, there is no rating requirement. If you rely on software for this, it is not deleted or consumed in the process — you just need it handy while you encode the source code.

劇透 -   :
If you wish the sprite to know any complex forms, choose any number of complex forms that you know, at the cost of 1 Karma each. There are some echoes that sprites can learn as well: Living Network, Matrix Attribute Upgrade, Overclocking, and Resonance Link. If you know one of these echoes, you may pass its knowledge to your sprite's source code for 1 Karma cost each. Note that if you are not creating the source code yourself, you are not required to possess the skills, complex forms, and echoes. But getting source code from a Resonance Realm is a very dangerous task that few are willing to attempt.

劇透 -   :
Add up the total Karma cost for the sprite. There are two ways that you may acquire the source code: make it yourself or acquire it from a Resonance Realm.
The rules for going on a Resonance Realm run are on p. 156 of this book.

创建源代码Creating the Source Code
劇透 -   :
Creating the Source Code
To create the source code yourself, you must meet the following requirements:
1. You must have at least as many ranks in Electronics (Software) as the sprite's level.
2. The sprite's level may not exceed your Resonance attribute.
3. You must meet all skill requirements for any added skills.
4. You must know any complex forms or echoes that are included.

  接下来,进行一次编程检定(译注:根据本书P.55DIGITAL TOOLBOX部分,编程检定是 电子学(软件)+逻辑 的延续检定),其阈值为要获取源代码的总业力花费,间隔时间为1小时。这个精密的工序必须在同一节故事(same session)中进行,无论其长短。如果你休息或出现严重失误,源代码就会崩溃,你必须重新开始。每次失误都会提升本次检定的2点阈值。一旦完成这项艰巨的任务,这份独一无二的共鸣编码文件就会储存进你的活体化身中。这个文件是网精独有的源代码,不能被复制或转让。它只能由你读取和编辑。
劇透 -   :
Next, make a programming test with a threshold equal to the total Karma cost, and an interval of one hour. This delicate process must occur all within the same session, regardless of its duration. If you take a break or critically glitch, it collapses, and you must start over. Each glitch increases the threshold by 2. Once this grueling task is complete, the unique, Resonance-encoded file is stored within your living persona. This file is the sprite's unique source code, and it may not be copied or transferred. It may only be read and edited by you.
第二步:编制和注册 Step Two: Compile and Register
劇透 -   :
You must first compile then register a sprite with the type and level that matches the source code. You may rest between compiling and registering the sprite. If you suffered any fading after compiling, you should rest up. You may not rest up after registering the sprite until this process is concluded without having to start over.
第三步:永久注册 Step Three: Permanent Registration
劇透 -   :
You must have the Sprite Conduit echo in order to go any further in this process. Immediately after the registration is successfully completed, you may use the source code to permanently register the sprite. This requires a second successful registration action, with no breaks to recover from fading. You may take a break between compiling and registering the sprite, but not between the registration and permanent registration actions. If you succeed (only one net hit is necessary), you may choose to seal the registration. In doing so, you transfer the source code into the sprite, and you must pay the Karma cost from your own available Karma, with a discount of 1 Karma if you have the sprite affinity quality that matches the sprite’s type. Once this Karma is paid, the source code is transferred to the sprite. You still possess knowledge of the source code, but the mysterious, Resonance-encoded file passes from you and into the sprite. The source code is unique to that specific sprite and cannot be reused to permanently register another sprite. Each act of permanent registration requires a new source code—even if the type, level, and other abilities are identical.
第四步:释放自由网精或缔约盟友网精 Step Four: Release Free Sprite or Bond Ally Sprite
劇透 -   :
If you wish to create a free sprite, all you need do at this time is release the sprite. It becomes its own entity, free to go about life in the Matrix and Resonance as it chooses. The memory of its source code remains in your mind.
劇透 -   :
Why would you want to do this, you might ask? Well, for some people, it’s enough just to create something new and release it into the world. But there are benefits to having friends.
劇透 -   :
When you create and release a free sprite, your sprite rep goes up by its level.
劇透 -   :
You also gain a new free sprite contact with the Matrix type, with a Connection rating equal to the sprite's level and Loyalty rating equal to your Resonance attribute.
劇透 -   :
The free sprite may come to you for upgrades, as you are one of the few people in the world capable of doing so. It is capable of advancing in other ways, but none are as easy as having your help. A free sprite is willing to provide any assistance it is capable of in return for such an act.
劇透 -   :
However, a free sprite may also become aware that they are vulnerable to you, should you choose to abuse your knowledge of their source code. If your sprite rep ever sinks to the negative equivalent of the free 's level, it may choose to act against you in order to neutralize a perceived threat to its existence.
劇透 -   :
If you ever abuse the free sprite's source code, it ceases to be your contact and will attempt to either avoid or destroy you.
盟友网精Ally Sprite
劇透 -   :
If you do not already have an ally sprite, you may choose to forge a bond with the now-permanently registered sprite. This requires a number of hours equal to the sprite’s level, with no time allowed for rest. Then you may bond it as an ally sprite by paying its Karma cost again from your own available Karma. If you have the sprite affinity quality that matches the sprite’s type, you get a discount of 1 Karma.
升级一只自由或盟友网精 Upgrading a Free or Ally Sprite
  如果你知晓一只网精的源代码(通常是通过创建它或访问共鸣域取得),并且该网精愿意,你就可以升级它。你可以提升它的能级,或者赋予它新技能、网精能力、复合程式或回声。你必须满足创建源代码时相同的前提条件。这一过程需要进行一次 任务调度(注册)+共鸣 的延续检定,其阈值等同于网精能级(如果适用,使用网精升级后的能级),间隔时间为1小时。升级的业力消耗是创建源代码时的两倍,且必须由你支付。
劇透 -   :
If you know a sprite's source code (usually acquired by creating it or visiting a Resonance Realm), and the sprite is willing, you may upgrade it. You may upgrade a sprite's level or provide it with new skills, powers, complex forms, or echoes. You must meet the same requirements as when creating the source code. This process requires an extended Tasking (Registering) + Resonance test with a threshold equal to the sprite's level (using the sprite’s upgraded level, if applicable), and an interval of one hour. The Karma cost for any upgrades is doubled and must be paid for by you.
劇透 -   :
Multiple technomancers can work together to create or upgrade a free sprite. This works as a Teamwork test, and the Karma costs may be paid by any technomancer involved in the process. In order to participate, every technomancer involved must have the Sprite Conduit echo. All technomancers involved in creating or upgrading a free sprite gain the same benefits, such as an improvement to Sprite Rep, and gaining a new free sprite contact. Only one of the technomancers needs to possess knowledge of the source code. A free sprite can share its own source code with anyone it chooses to, but doing so represents an extreme and perhaps unwise) level of trust. A technomancer cannot normally convey knowledge of a source code to anyone else, even if they created the source code themselves.
Teamwork may not be used for any step of creating an ally sprite.
« 上次编辑: 2023-12-14, 周四 23:36:35 由 誓约推倒之剑 »

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网精共生 Sprite Symbiosis P.79
« 回帖 #7 于: 2023-12-11, 周一 02:22:41 »
网精共生 Sprite Symbiosis P.79
劇透 -   :
A technomancer may choose to create a symbiotic bond with their ally sprite. This requires a positive sprite rep, an ally sprite, and the Sprite Symbiosis echo. To form a symbiotic bond, the ally sprite merges with the technomancer’s living host. This requires a Minor Action from the technomancer and a Major Action from the sprite, and it provides the following benefits while sustained:
·超链者在进行网精拥有的技能的检定中获得(盟友网精 L/2)的奖励骰,这个奖励骰被视为协作检定奖励。(译注:即奖励骰上限为超链者自身的技能等级)
劇透 -   :
The technomancer's Matrix attributes are increased by the same amount that a sprite with the same type as your ally sprite adds to their level on its statblock. The technomancer gains (ally sprite’s level/2) bonus dice on skill tests for which the sprite has a matching skill. This counts as a Teamwork test. The technomancer can use any of the ally sprite’s powers, using their own skills and Resonance attribute for tests (with the Teamwork bonus dice mentioned above). If the technomancer takes Matrix damage, it is suffered by the ally sprite instead.
劇透 -   :
While using sprite symbiosis, the ally sprite is undetectable except to entities with a Resonance attribute. The only ways in which the ally sprite can be affected while in symbiosis is by damaging the technomancer's living persona.
劇透 -   :
The symbiosis ends if the technomancer falls unconscious, the ally sprite is crashed, or if the technomancer uses a major action to end it willingly. Extricating itself requires all of a sprite's attention, and it will not be able to act until the following combat round.
« 上次编辑: 2023-12-14, 周四 22:44:14 由 誓约推倒之剑 »

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Re: 【暗影狂奔6E Hack & Slash】【HS】网精时刻 P.72~79
« 回帖 #8 于: 2023-12-14, 周四 23:38:08 »
完工力! :em024