作者 主题: 【Black Markets】詐騙犯(Hoaxer)[吟遊詩人變體]  (阅读 13538 次)

副标题: 火元素請不要看這個(笑)|就讓DM和PC來一場真人PK吧!


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
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  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
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出自《Black Markets pg. 29》

偽造者(Counterfeiter, Ex):詐騙犯在所有估價、唬騙和巧手檢定,以及在制造或檢測偽造品時的工藝、知識、語言學、察覺和專業檢定增加等同其吟遊詩人等級一半(最少為1)加值。他能未受訓嘗試上述技能。


吟遊表演(Bardic Performance, Su):詐騙犯將其奧術能量奉獻於欺騙他人而非娛樂他人,此給予他下列獨特的吟遊表演。
糟糕交易(Bad Deal, Su):詐騙犯能使用其表演誘哄一點運氣(好運或厄運)進一件金玉其外的物品。以會引起借機攻擊的標準動作,詐騙犯能消耗1輪吟遊表演向單一物品注入他已知的巫術。此物品必備足夠輕巧得能用單手持有,而且不能已經擁有任何魔法特性。詐騙犯需要每輪以迅捷動作消耗1輪吟遊表演維持此物品的巫術能力,直至詐騙犯放棄此道具或直至被觸發為止。當被另一個生物自願接受時,巫術立即觸發並以它的新擁有者作為目標。惡劣交易不能用於被強迫接受的生物或在他不知情下溜進他的所有物中,但詐騙犯能撒謊或作弊以說服他的目標接受此物品,或使用類似誘人贈禮(Beguiling Gift)等法術。

1級起,詐騙犯從下列列表中學習一個女巫巫術:凋零(Blight)、魅惑(Charm)、邪眼(Evil Eye)、祈福(Fortune)、治癒(Healing)、降禍(Misfortune)、沉眠(Slumber)或狂獸(Unnerve Beasts)。3級起和之後每3級,他能學習一個額外巫術。詐騙犯的巫術豁免DC=10+1/2詐騙犯等級+其魅力調整值。此巫術的功能如同女巫巫術,除了它們只能以單個生物為目標,而且詐騙犯只能使以注入物品的方式使用其巫術。若詐騙犯從其它來源學習巫術(例如女巫職業),他不能將它們調用到物品中。

12級起,詐騙犯從增加下列強力巫術至他其能學習的巫術列表:苦咒(Agony)、白霜(Hoarfrost)、白霜(Hoarfrost)、感染(Infected Wounds)、噩夢(Nightmares)、報償(Retribution)和夢談(Speak in Dreams)。


貨物出門概不退換(Buyer Beware, Su):以標準動作並消耗1輪吟遊表演作出神乎奇技的推銷手段,詐騙犯能說服某人接受一件禮品或交易,如同誘人贈禮(Beguiling Gift)(DC=10+1/2詐騙犯等級+其魅力調整值)。詐騙犯能使用此能力說服生物接受受惡劣交易表演而巫術過的物品。


人格擔保絕無問題(Personal Guarantee, Su):詐騙犯能阻止其巫術過的物品折磨目標直至他安全離開為止。他在能向物品注入巫術時能消耗最多等同其吟遊詩人等級的吟遊表演輪數。每輪消耗將延遲1分鐘巫術物品的觸發和發效於其現有擁有人。


破诅人(Curse Breaker, Su):12級或以上的詐騙犯能使用表演創造等同於破除結界(Break Enchantment)。此能力在其它方面如同安神表演功能。


禍不單行(Misery, Ex):2級起,詐騙犯學會從他人的不幸中取樂。他在針對承受詛咒、巫術或有害的影響心靈效果的生物時在攻擊骰和傷害骰獲得+1士氣加值,以及在對抗來源於該生物的法術時意志豁免檢定獲得+1士氣加值。此加值在5級和之後每6級提升1點。


熟諳詛咒(Versed in Curses, Ex):2級起,詐騙犯在對抗詛咒、巫術和依賴語言效果時豁免檢定獲得+4加值。


詛咒工匠(Curse Crafter, Ex):5級起,詐騙犯學會如何制作咒詛道具。在5級時他獲得1個造物專長,並在之後每6級獲得1個額外造物專長。他只能使用此專長制造詛咒道具。此外,他能制造看似魔法但沒有真正魔法特性的道具——如同被恒定魔法靈光(Magic Aura)法術——需要50gp。


劇透 -   :
Source Black Markets pg. 29
Hoaxers specialize in creating valuable-looking counterfeits and infusing these false treasures with dangerous magic to make their marks more vulnerable to future swindles.

Counterfeiter (Ex): A hoaxer adds half his bard level (minimum 1) on all Appraise, Bluff, and Sleight of Hand checks, as well as on Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, Perception, and Profession checks to create or detect a counterfeit or forgery. He can attempt such skill checks untrained. This ability replaces bardic knowledge.

Bardic Performance (Su): A hoaxer dedicates his arcane energies to deceiving others rather than to entertaining them, granting him the following unique performances.

Bad Deal (Su): A hoaxer can use his performance to coax a bit of luck (good or bad) into a valuable-seeming object. As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the hoaxer can use 1 round of bardic performance to invest a single object in his possession with a hex he knows. This object must be light enough to hold in one hand, and cannot already have any magical properties. The object remains hexed as long as the hoaxer continues to spend 1 round of bardic performance each round as a swift action to maintain it, until the hoaxer drops the item, or until triggered. The hex triggers immediately upon being willingly accepted by another creature, targeting its new owner. A bad deal cannot be forced on a creature or slipped into its possession without its knowledge, but a hoaxer can lie or cheat to convince his mark to accept the object, or use spells like beguiling gift.

At 1st level, the hoaxer knows one witch hex from the following list: blight, charm, evil eye, fortune, healing, misfortune, slumber, or unnerve beasts. At 3rd level and every 3 bard levels thereafter, he can learn one additional hex. The save DC for a hoaxer’s hexes is equal to 10 + 1/2 the hoaxer’s bard level + his Charisma modifier. These hexes function identically to witch hexes, except they can only target single creatures, and the hoaxer can only use his hexes by investing them into objects. If the hoaxer learns hexes from any other source (such as the witch class), he cannot invoke them into an object.

Beginning at 12th level, the hoaxer adds the following major hexes to the list of hexes he can learn: agony, hoarfrost, ice tomb, infected wounds, nightmares, retribution, and speak in dreams. This performance replaces inspire courage, inspire competence, and inspire greatness.

Buyer Beware (Su): As a standard action, a hoaxer can convince someone to accept a gift or trade as per beguiling gift (DC = 10 + 1/2 the hoaxer’s bard level + his Charisma modifier) by spending 1 round of bardic performance on a supernatural sales pitch. The hoaxer can use this ability to convince a creature to accept a hexed object created with his bad deal performance. This performance replaces countersong.

Personal Guarantee (Su): A hoaxer can prevent his hexed wares from afflicting a target until he is safely out of sight. He can spend up to 1 round of bardic performance per bard level while hexing an object. For every round expended, the object’s hex is delayed for 1 minute before triggering and hexing its current owner. This performance replaces distraction.

Curse Breaker (Su): A hoaxer of 12th level or higher can use performance to create an effect equal to break enchantment. This otherwise functions as soothing performance. This performance replaces inspire greatness.

Misery (Ex): At 2nd level, a hoaxer learns to take joy in the misfortune of others. He gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against creatures suffering from a curse, hex, or harmful mind-affecting effect, as well as a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws against spells from such creatures. These bonuses increase by 1 at 5th level and every 6 bard levels thereafter. This ability replaces versatile performance.

Versed in Curses (Ex): At 2nd level, a hoaxer gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against curses, hexes, and language-dependent effects. This ability replaces well-versed.

Curse Crafter (Ex): At 5th level, a hoaxer learns how to craft cursed items. He gains one item creation feat as a bonus feat at 5th level, plus an additional item creation feat every 6 levels thereafter. He can use these feats only to craft cursed items. In addition, he can craft items that appear magical but have no true magical properties—as if permanently affected by the magic aura spell—for 50 gp. This ability replaces lore master.


« 上次编辑: 2020-12-24, 周四 14:49:48 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2564
  • 苹果币: 2
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Re: 【Black Markets】詐騙犯(Hoaxer)[吟遊詩人變體]
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-12-23, 周三 22:34:54 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 祈一仔

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Re: 【Black Markets】诈骗犯(Hoaxer)[吟游诗人变体]
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-12-24, 周四 14:41:06 »