作者 主题: 【Hero System 6th Edition, Volume 1 & 2】索引  (阅读 12676 次)


离线 歐諾

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【Hero System 6th Edition, Volume 1 & 2】索引
« 于: 2021-09-28, 周二 14:02:51 »
頁數為藍色表示是在6E1,頁數為紅色表示是在6E2。同時對於常見的HERO系統術語的解釋參見6E1 22的術語表。

裝上穿甲彈藥的.41半自動手槍(範例異能力)(.41 Semiautomatic Pistol With Armor Piercing Ammunition (example power)): 6E1 325

裝上穿透易碎彈藥的.45口徑半自動手槍(範例異能力)(.45 Caliber Semiautomatic Pistol with Penetrating Frangible Ammunition (example power)): 6E1 342

+1 傷害等級(武術招式)(+1 Damage Class (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 92

10鉛徑散彈槍(範例異能力)(10-Gauge Shotgun (example power)): 6E1 389

3d6鐘形曲線(3d6 bell curve): 6E1 11, 55, 6E2 280

40mm破片榴彈彈頭(範例異能力)(40mm Fragmentation Grenade Round (example power)): 6E1 323

5點翻倍規則(5-point doubling rule): 6E2 181

9mm衝鋒槍(範例異能力)(9mm Submachine Gun (example power)): 6E1 327

縮寫(Abbreviations): 6E1 13

剝離(限制)(Ablative (Limitation)): 6E1 147, 186

拋棄動作(Aborting an Action): 6E2 21

絕對效果規則(Absolute Effect Rule): 6E1 133

絕對距離感(天賦)(Absolute Range Sense (Talent)): 6E1 110

絕對時間感(天賦)(Absolute Time Sense (Talent)): 6E1 110

英雄系統中的絕對(Absolutes in the HERO System): 6E1 11, 133

吸收(異能)(Absorption (Power)): 6E1 165, 202

加速(Acceleration): 6E1 155, 6E2 25

訪問權限(資源)(Access (Perk)): 6E1 99

器材被搶奪的難易度(Accessibility of Foci): 6E1 377

意外變身(困難)(Accidental Change (Complication)): 6E1 204, 270, 418

精準(範圍效果選項)(Accurate (Area Of Effect option)): 6E1 129, 320

精準跳躍(加算)(Accurate Leap (Adder)): 6E1 244

精準掃射(技能)(Accurate Sprayfire (Skill)): 6E1 65

酸(Acid): 6E2 147

酸(範例特殊效果)(Acid (example special effect)): 6E1 121

酸性分泌物(範例異能力)(Acidic Secretions (example power)):6E1 352

酸蝕迷你榴彈(範例異能力)(Acid Mini-Grenade (example power)):6E1 330

雜技跳躍(範例異能力)(Acrobatic Leaping (example power)):6E1 243

雜技(技能)(Acrobatics (Skill)): 6E1 63, 6E2 162

做戲(技能)(Acting (Skill)): 6E1 63

先動(Acting first): 6E2 16, 19

動作(Actions): 6E2 18

動作表(Actions Table): 6E2 23

不花時間的動作(Actions which take no time): 6E2 18

發動異能(Activating a Power): 6E1 131

啟動檢定(需要檢定的形式)(Activation Roll (form of Requires A Roll)): 6E1 392

主動偵測(Active Detects): 6E1 210

有效點數、有效花費(Active Points, Active Cost): 6E1 119

主動聲納(增強感官)(Active Sonar (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 211

異能的活動,感知到的樣子(Activity of a Power, perceiving): 6E1 125

調整規則以適應你的遊戲(Adapting the rules to your game): 6E2 298

加算(Adders): 6E1 313, 316, 408

增加傷害(Adding Damage): 6E2 99, 286

額外BODY(加算)(Additional BODY (Adder)): 6E1 218

額外防禦(加算)(Additional Defense (Adder)): 6E1 218

相鄰(感官調整)(Adjacent (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 212

調整型異能(Adjustment Powers): 6E1 135-43, 156, 184, 186, 194, 202, 206, 217, 226, 234, 271, 290, 400, 6E2 13, 286

高級自動立體駕駛(範例異能力)(Advanced Autopilot (example power)): 6E1 283

高級藏身陰影(範例異能力)(Advanced Hiding In Shadows (example power)): 6E1 240

高級夜視目鏡(範例異能力)(Advanced Nightvision Goggles (example power)): 6E1 214

高級變身(範例異能力)(Advanced Shapeshifting (example power)): 6E1 280

高級無聲步(範例異能力)(Advanced Sneakiness (example power)): 6E1 240

高級傳送(範例異能力)(Advanced Teleportation (example power)): 6E1 302

高級訓練(範例特殊效果)(Advanced Training (example special effect)): 6E1 121

增益"疊加"(Advantage “stacking”): 6E1 313

 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 311-62
 調整型異能以及(Adjustment Powers and): 6E1 135, 137
 對增加傷害的影響(Effect on Adding Damage): 6E2 100
 移動型異能以及(Movement Powers and): 6E1 157
 異能框架以及(Power Frameworks and): 6E1 400, 405, 409
 感知以及(Senses and): 6E2 14
 水下(Underwater): 6E2 167

增益計算表(Advantages Calculation Table): 6E1 362

空中騎乘戰鬥(Aerial Mounted Combat): 6E2 32

空氣動力學,對作為武器的物體的影響(Aerodynamicity, effect on objects as weapons): 6E2 82

以太腐化(範例異能力)(Æthereal Corruption (example power)): 6E1 349

作為其它種感官被影響/一種以上感官(Affected As Another Sense/More Than One Sense (Limitation)): 6E1 160

影響無實體(增益)(Affects Desolidified (Advantage)): 6E1 218, 290, 318

影響實體世界(增益)(Affects Physical World (Advantage)): 6E1 192

影響整個物體(限制)(Affects Whole Object (Limitation)): 6E1 296

AH-1W超級眼鏡蛇(AH-1W SuperCobra (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

AH-64阿帕契(範例載具)(AH-64 Apache (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

支援(異能)(Aid (Power)): 6E1 167, 6E2 13

對象在空中,對擊退的影響(Air, being in, effect on Knockback): 6E2 115

空氣/風(Air/Wind (example special effect)): 6E1 121

氣閘門,的BODY和防禦(Airlock door, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

飛機(範例載具)(Airplanes (example vehicles)): 6E2 196

異星(心靈類別)(Alien (class of minds)): 6E1 149

全或無(限制)(All Or Nothing (Limitation)): 6E1 308

可分配(增益)(Allocatable (Advantage)): 6E1 172, 276

可變原點(加算)(Alterable Origin Point (Adder)): 6E1 144

可變大小(加算)(Alterable Size (Adder)): 6E1 128

改造分身(增益)(Altered Duplicates (Advantage)): 6E1 203

替代戰鬥數值(增益)(Alternate Combat Value (Advantage)): 6E1 318

總是直接(限制)(Always Direct (Limitation)): 6E1 287

總是開啟(限制)(Always On (Limitation)): 6E1 224, 367

阿爾薩瑪的不可視之斗篷(範例異能力)(Alzamar’s Cloak Of The Unseen (example power)): 6E1 348

雙巧手(天賦)(Ambidexterity (Talent)): 6E1 110

美洲黑熊(範例動物)(American Black Bear (example animal)): 6E2 177

和平的(增益)(Amicable (Advantage)): 6E1 290

荷魯斯護身符(範例異能力)(Amulet Of Horus (example power)): 6E1 387

魔力護符(範例異能力)(Amulet Of Magic Power (example power)): 6E1 206

分析(感官調整)(Analyze (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 212

分析(Analyze (Skill)): 6E1 64

動物(心靈類別)(Animal (class of minds)): 6E1 149

動物親合(Animal Friendship (Talent)): 6E1 110

動物訓練(Animal Handler (Skill)): 6E1 64

動物異能(範例特殊效果)(Animal Powers (example special effect)): 6E1 121

動物(Animals): 6E2 177

日式動畫武術(子體裁)(Anime Martial Arts (subgenre)): 6E2 243

匿名(資源)(Anonymity (Perk)): 6E1 99

敵對的(限制)(Antagonistic (Limitation)): 6E1 291

抗干擾科技(範例異能力)(Anti-Jamming Technology (example power)): 6E1 227

反雷射盔甲(範例異能力)(Anti-Laser Armor (example power)): 6E1 391

任何範圍(範圍效果的類型)(Any Area (type of Area Of Effect)): 6E1 321

任何目標(增益)(Any Target (Advantage)): 6E1 273

角色的外表(Appearance of a character): 6E1 115

附錄(Appendix): 6E1 441

奧術守護法術(範例異能力)(Arcane Warding Spell (example power)): 6E1 360

典型角色(Archetypical characters): 6E2 213-64

極地生存防護服(範例異能力)(Arctic Survival Suit (example power)): 6E1 246

範圍(異能的目標)(Area (target of a Power)): 6E1 129

範圍效果(增益)(Area Of Effect (Advantage)): 6E1 141, 147, 152, 167, 182, 184, 187, 192, 197, 218, 226, 230, 235, 264, 273, 286, 296, 308, 319-24, 6E2 167

範圍效果攻擊(戰鬥調整)(Area Of Effect Attacks (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 40

瞄準範圍(戰鬥調整)(Area, targeting (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 51

範圍影響持續異能(Area-affecting Constant Powers): 6E1 127

銀色之控制(範例異能力)(Argent Control (example power)): 6E1 388

阿爾克洛斯的召喚鐐銬法術(範例異能力)(Arkelos’s Spell Of The Conjured Fetters (example power)): 6E1 219

盔甲(Armor): 6E2 210

穿甲(Armor Piercing (Advantage)): 6E1 153, 184, 186, 302, 325

裝甲車(範例載具)(Armored Car (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

裝甲車,的BODY和防禦(Armored car, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

戰役中的軍備競賽(Arms races in the campaign): 6E2 274

準備(器材的調整)(Arrangement (modifier for Focus)): 6E1 378

靠自己力量抵達(Arrives Under Own Power (Limitation)): 6E1 291

防護箭矢法術(範例異能力)(Arrow Shield Spell (example power)): 6E1 188

人工智能電腦(Artificial Intelligence Computers): 6E2 184

突擊步槍(Assault Rifles (firearms)): 6E2 208

小行星,移動時的STR(Asteroid, STR of while moving): 6E2 27

星體形態(範例異能力)(Astral Form (example power)): 6E1 204

運動能力(範例特殊效果)(Athletic Prowess (example special effect)): 6E1 121

攻擊動作(Attack Action): 6E1 131

攻擊動作(Attack Actions): 6E2 18

攻擊型異能(Attack Powers): 6E1 144

需要攻擊檢定(限制)(Attack Roll Required (Limitation)): 6E1 181

攻擊檢定與戰鬥數值(Attack Rolls and Combat Value): 6E2 35

攻擊對抗替代防禦(異能調整)(Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Power Modifier)): 6E1 218, 226, 231, 242, 265, 296, 310, 325, 360

來自背後的攻擊,對DCV和部位射擊的影響(Attacked from behind, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

剝奪公權(範例社會困難)(Attainder (example Social Complication)): 6E1 428

角色的吸引力(Attractiveness of a character): 6E1 115

作者序(Author’s Introduction): 6E1 6

自動診療(範例異能力)(Autodoc (example power)): 6E1 283
« 上次编辑: 2022-03-25, 周五 18:10:00 由 歐諾 »

离线 歐諾

  • Adventurer
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Re: 【Hero System 6th Edition】索引(5/11)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-09-28, 周二 14:03:39 »
連發(增益)(Autofire (Advantage)): 6E1 153, 157, 160, 178, 218, 224, 226, 235, 238, 299, 319, 327, 400

連發(戰鬥調整)(Autofire (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 42

連發技能(技能)(Autofire Skills (Skill)): 6E1 65, 6E2 37

自動反擊(範例異能力)(Automatic Riposte (example power)): 6E1 351

自動機型異能(Automaton Powers): 6E1 145

自動機(Automatons): 6E2 182

汽車,的BODY和防禦(Automobile, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

雪崩,移動時的STR(Avalanche, STR of while moving): 6E2 27

普通個體(Average Individuals): 6E1 437

普通人(範例角色)(Average Person (example character)): 6E1 438

棚,的BODY和防禦(Awning, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

斧(HTH武器)(Axes (HTH weapons)): 6E2 204

反彈(增益)(Backlash (Advantage)): 6E1 172, 218

平衡,對作為武器使用的物體的影響(Balance, effect on objects as weapons): 6E2 82

物體的平衡(Balance of objects): 6E2 174

平衡異能(Balancing Powers): 6E1 120

桶,木製,的BODY和防禦(Barrel, wooden, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

屏障(異能)(Barrier (Power)): 6E1 169, 191, 310

基地(資源)(Base (Perk)): 6E1 107, 202, 269

基地屬性(Base Characteristics): 6E2 189

基於CON(限制)(Based On CON (Limitation)): 6E1 153

基地(Bases): 6E2 186

初級穩固(範例異能力)(Basic Bracing (example power)): 6E1 374

初級催眠(範例異能力)(Basic Hypnosis (example power)): 6E1 257

初級變身(範例異能力)(Basic Shapeshifting (example power)): 6E1 280

蛇尾雞之凝視(範例異能力)(Basilisk’s Gaze (example power)): 6E1 349

戰鬥法師法杖(範例異能力)(Battle Mage’s Staff (example power)): 6E1 361

射線(限制)(Beam (Limitation)): 6E1 145

獸化術(範例異能力)(Beastman Spell (example power)): 6E1 307

角色的容貌(Beauty of a character): 6E1 115

戰鬥之前(Before Combat): 6E2 6

開始戰鬥(Beginning Combat): 6E2 18

來自背後的攻擊,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Behind, attacked from, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

掩體後面(戰鬥調整)(Behind Cover (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 43

貝拉卡爾(範例角色)(Belakar (example character)): 6E2 237

貝爾206直升機(範例載具)(Bell Jetranger Helicopter (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

減壓病(Bends, the): 6E2 158

狂暴(困難)(Berserk (Complication)): 6E1 422

狂暴力量(範例異能力)(Berserk Strength (example power)): 6E1 395

腳踏車,的BODY和防禦(Bicycle, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

雙筒望遠鏡,對PER檢定的調整(Binoculars, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

暫時失去自身感官(限制)(Blackout (Limitation)): 6E1 181

司空見慣(天賦)(Blasé (Talent)): 6E1 114

衝擊(異能)(Blast (Power)): 6E1 174

爆能臂鎧(範例異能力)(Blaster Gauntlet (example power)): 6E1 345

爆能手槍(範例異能力)(Blaster Pistol (example power)): 6E1 174

流血(Bleeding): 6E2 113

月之女神的祝福(範例異能力)(Blessing Of The Moon Goddess (example power)): 6E1 246

戰鬥中的目盲(Blindness in combat): 6E2 7

格擋(戰鬥招式)(Block (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 57

艇(Boats (example vehicles)): 6E2 196

生命值(BODY)(屬性)(Body (BODY) (Characteristic)): 6E1 46, 141, 196

生命值(基地屬性)(Body (Base Characteristic)): 6E2 189

生命值(載具屬性)(Body (Vehicle Characteristic)): 6E2 187

身體控制(範例特殊效果)(Body Control (example special effect)): 6E1 121

身體氣味,對PER檢定的調整(Body odor, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 13

岩石之軀(範例異能力)(Body Of Stone (example power)): 6E1 189

身體影響型異能(Body-Affecting Powers): 6E1 146

波音747-400(範例載具)(Boeing 747-400 (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

骨骼網織層(範例賽博改造)(Bone Lacing (example cyberware)): 6E2 229

增幅(支援的可選形式)(Boost (optional form of Aid)): 6E1 168

可增幅充能(充能的選項)(Boostable Charges (option for Charges)): 6E1 368

巨石,的BODY和防禦(Boulder, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

彈跳攻擊(戰鬥調整)(Bouncing An Attack (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 44

弓與箭(範例異能力)(Bow And Arrows (example power)): 6E1 370

弓(遠程武器)(Bows (Ranged weapons)): 6E2 206

拳擊(武術流派)(Boxing (Martial Arts style)): 6E2 93

支撐(戰鬥招式)(Brace (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 60

支撐,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Braced, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

可被破壞器材(Breakable Foci): 6E1 378

受身(技能)(Breakfall (Skill)): 6E1 66, 6E2 163

打破玻璃,對PER檢定的調整(Breaking glass, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

肢體致殘(Breaking limbs): 6E2 107

掙脫束縛和抓擒(Breaking out of Entangles and Grabs): 6E2 124

破壞東西(Breaking things): 6E2 170

脫離檢定(Breakout Rolls): 6E1 149-50

閉氣(Breath, holding): 6E2 130

 增強能力(Improving ability to): 6E1 245
 水下(Underwater): 6E2 159

賄絡(Bribery (Skill)): 6E1 66

磚塊,的防禦(Brick, defense of): 6E2 172

橋梁,的BODY和防禦(Bridges, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

明顯邊緣(限制)(Bright Fringe (Limitation)): 6E1 240

僅限廣播(限制)(Broadcast Only (Limitation)): 6E1 299

青銅時代冠軍(超級英雄子體裁)(Bronze Age Champions (Supeheroes subgenre)): 6E2 218

塔拉瑪克兄弟會的心靈連結(範例異能力)(Brotherhood Of Taramak’s Mental Bond (example power)): 6E1 260

竊聽(技能)(Bugging (Skill)): 6E1 67

笨重(器材的調整)(Bulky (modifier for Focus)): 6E1 378, 6E2 37

子彈抗性(範例異能力)(Bullet-Resistant (example power)): 6E1 184

方向感(天賦)(Bump of Direction (Talent)): 6E1 110

官僚(技能)(Bureaucratics (Skill)): 6E1 67

過熱(需要檢定的調整)(Burnout (modifier for Requires A Roll)): 6E1 391

巴士,的BODY和防禦(Bus, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

學生巴士(範例載具)(Bus, school (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

灌木叢,的BODY和防禦(Bushes, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

購買異能(Buying Powers): 6E1 118

計算表(Calculation Tables): 6E1 362

荒野的呼喚(範例異能力)(Call Of The Wild (example power)): 6E1 291

閃電招來(範例異能力)(Calling Down The Lightning (example power)): 6E1 337

戰役創造(Campaign creation): 6E2 267-70

戰役風格(Campaign tone): 6E2 268

可增加/移除加算(增益)(Can Apply/Remove Adders (Advantage)): 6E1 142

可被偏斜(限制)(Can Be Deflected (Limitation)): 6E1 145

可被驅散(限制)(Can Be Dispelled (Limitation)): 6E1 145

可治癒肢體(加算)(Can Heal Limbs (Adder)): 6E1 235, 274

只能透過心靈連結使用(限制)(Can Only Be Used Through Mind Link (Limitation)): 6E1 260

只能傳送到固定地點(增益)(Can Only Teleport To Fixed Locations (Advantage)): 6E1 303

能承受拳打(範例異能力)(Can Take A Punch (example power)): 6E1 185

無法透過連結攻擊(限制)(Cannot Attack Through Link (Limitation)): 6E1 265

無法透過傳送逃脫(增益)(Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (Advantage)): 6E1 173, 218

無法被震懾(異能)(Cannot Be Stunned (Power)): 6E1 174

無法被用於[特定戰鬥招式](限制)(Cannot Be Used With [Specific Combat Maneuver] (Limitation)): 6E1 145

無法透過心靈連結使用(限制)(Cannot Be Used Through Mind Link (Limitation)): 6E1 153

無法造成傷害(限制)(Cannot Cause Harm (Limitation)): 6E1 252

無法造成傷害(限制)(Cannot Do Damage (Limitation)): 6E1 287

無法進行包裹(限制)(Cannot Englobe (Limitation)): 6E1 173

無法懸停(限制)(Cannot Hover (Limitation)): 6E1 228

無法穿過固態物體(限制)(Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (Limitation)): 6E1 192

無法重組(限制)(Cannot Recombine (Limitation)): 6E1 204

無法抵抗擊退(限制)(Cannot Resist Knockback (Limitation)): 6E1 182

無法使用瞄準(限制)(Cannot Use Targeting (Limitation)): 6E1 145

車(範例載具)(Cars (example vehicles)): 6E2 196

馬車,的BODY和防禦(Cart, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

能力的隨意使用(Casual Use of ablities): 6E1 131-32

接住墜落的角色(Catching falling characters): 6E2 140

接住投擲物(Catching thrown objects): 6E2 82

警告標誌圖示(Caution Sign icon): 6E1 120, 6E2 286

牢房(Cells): 6E2 192

細胞級(加算)(Cellular (Adder)): 6E1 279

大腦增幅器(範例異能力)(Cerebral Enhancer (example power)): 6E1 168

聚氣(範例異能力)(Ch’i Focusing (example power)): 6E1 391

氣操縱(範例特殊效果)(Ch’i Manipulation (example special effect)): 6E1 121

尿壺,的BODY和防禦(Chamber pot, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

變色龍(限制)(Chameleon (Limitation)): 6E1 241

冠軍(漫畫書超級英雄體裁)(Champions (Comic Book Superheroes genre)): 6E2 214

改變環境(異能)(Change Environment (Power)): 6E1 174, 6E2 14, 144, 154, 166, 6E2 144, 154

改變速度(Changing SPD): 6E2 17

修改英雄系統(Changing the HERO System): 6E2 295-304

角色概念(Character Conception): 6E1 33

角色轉換(Character conversions): 6E1 20

角色創造(Character creation): 6E1 13, 27-38

角色創造軟體(Character creation software): 6E1 8

角色點(Character Points): 6E1 12, 28, 31

角色卡(Character Sheet): 6E1 16

属性最大值(Characteristic Maxima): 6E1 50

屬性檢定(Characteristic Rolls): 6E1 41

 角色(Characters): 6E1 39-52
 基地(Base): 6E2 189
 電腦(Computers): 6E2 184
 載具(Vehicle): 6E2 186

屬性(異能)(Characteristics (Power)): 6E1 141, 178, 360

屬性比較(Characteristics Comparisons): 6E1 49

把角色當武器使用(Characters as weapons): 6E2 124

充能(增益)(Charges (Advantage)): 6E1 327

充能(限制)(Charges (Limitation)): 6E1 188, 197, 206, 246, 270, 274, 291, 332, 360, 367-71, 401, 407

四輪馬車,的BODY和防禦(Chariot, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

魅惑(技能)(Charm (Skill)): 6E1 68

 角色創造(Character creation): 6E1 38
 戰鬥順序(Combat sequence): 6E2 34-35
 OCV與DCV(OCV and DCV): 6E2 36-37
 異能創造(Power creation): 6E1 123

化學物抗性(範例異能力)(Chemical Resistance (example power)): 6E1 272

化學物(Chemicals): 6E2 148

化學物免疫(Chemicals, immunity to): 6E1 245

悶窒(戰鬥招式)(Choke (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 84

鎖喉(武術招式)(Choke Hold (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

電影化武術(子體裁)(Cinematic Martial Arts (subgenre)): 6E2 242

城門,的BODY和防禦(City gates, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

感官投射(異能)(Clairsentience (Power)): 6E1 179, 209, 6E2 10, 14

心靈類別(Classes of minds): 6E1 149, 270

爪子(範例異能力)(Claws (example power)): 6E1 241

攀爬(戰鬥調整)(Climbing (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 47

攀爬(技能)(Climbing (Skill)): 6E1 68,

攀爬,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Climbing, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

攀壁者(範例異能力)(Cling-Grips (example power)): 6E1 182

走壁(Clinging (Power))
 整體而言(Generally): 6E1 182, 6E2 167
 對擊退的影響(Effect on Knockback): 6E2 115

彈匣(充能的選項)(Clips (option for Charges)): 6E1 369

閉路無線電連結(範例異能力)(Closed Radio Link (example power)): 6E1 260

閉路電視系統(範例異能力)(Closed-Circuit TV System (example power)): 6E1 181

雲形態(範例異能力)(Cloud Form (example power)): 6E1 192

棍棒(範例異能力)(Club (example power)): 6E1 231

刀背打(戰鬥招式)(Club Weapon (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 84

棍棒(HTH武器)(Clubs (HTH weapons)): 6E2 204

雜亂環境(戰鬥調整)(Cluttered conditions (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 37, 47

鵝卵石,的BODY和防禦(Cobblestone, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

行為準則(心理困難的類型)(Codes of conduct (type of Psychological Complication)): 6E1 425-26

寒冷適應(Cold, safety in): 6E1 245

碰撞(Collisions): 6E2 72

載具碰撞(Collisions with Vehicles): 6E2 156

無比龐大質量質量模板(Colossal Mass Mass Template): 6E1 446

無比龐大體型模板(Colossal Size Template): 6E1 443

戰鬥(Combat): 6E1 14

戰鬥加速/減速(增益)(Combat Acceleration/Deceleration (Advantage)): 6E1 156

戰鬥平衡及有效度(Combat balance and effectiveness): 6E2 282

戰鬥駕駛(技能)(Combat Driving (Skill)): 6E1 68

改變環境的戰鬥效果(Combat effects of Change Environment): 6E1 175

戰鬥幸運(天賦)(Combat Luck (Talent)): 6E1 110

戰鬥招式(Combat Maneuvers): 6E2 54-94

戰鬥調整(Combat Modifiers): 6E2 40

戰鬥移動(Combat Movement): 6E1 155, 6E2 24

戰鬥立體駕駛(技能)(Combat Piloting (Skill)): 6E1 69

戰鬥感知(天賦)(Combat Sense (Talent)): 6E1 111
« 上次编辑: 2022-03-25, 周五 18:10:46 由 歐諾 »

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Re: 【Hero System 6th Edition】索引(5/11)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-09-28, 周二 14:04:20 »
戰鬥順序檢查表(Combat Sequence Checklist): 6E2 34

戰鬥技能等級(技能)(Combat Skill Levels (Skill)): 6E1 69-71, 6E2 38, 99, 102

戰鬥時間(Combat Time): 6E2 6, 16

坐騎的戰鬥訓練(Combat training for mounts): 6E2 31

水下戰鬥(Combat, underwater): 6E2 168

戰鬥數值(Combat Value): 6E2 35, 281

載具戰鬥(Combat, vehicular): 6E2 194

組合技能(Combination Skills): 6E1 54

合擊(Combined Attack): 6E2 74

合力(Combined STR): 6E1 41

漫畫書超級英雄體裁(Comic Book Superheroes genre): 6E2 214

常識(Common sense): 6E1 9

困難的發生率(Commonality of Complications): 6E1 416

僅限溝通(Communication Only (Limitation)): 6E1 299

水下溝通(Communication underwater): 6E2 160

緊湊型轎車(範例載具)(Compact car (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

屬性的比較(Comparisons of Characteristics): 6E1 49

有能普通人(範例角色)(Competent Normal (example character)): 6E1 440

心靈異能對抗(Competing Mental Powers): 6E1 152

心靈異能合力(Complementary Mental Powers): 6E1 152

補充技能(Complementary Skills): 6E1 57

 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 413-32
 遊戲主持(GMing): 6E2 274
 變身以及(Shape Shift and): 6E1 280
 變形以及(Transform and): 6E1 307
 載具/基地上的(For Vehicles/Bases): 6E2 194

複合異能(Compound Power): 6E1 119, 130

強迫(心理困難的類型)(Compulsion (type of Psychological Complication)): 6E1 425-26

電腦,的BODY和防禦(Computer, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

電腦連結(資源)(Computer Link (Perk)): 6E1 99

電腦編程(技能)(Computer Programming (Skill)): 6E1 71

電腦(Computers): 6E2 183

隱蔽(感官調整)(Concealed (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 212

藏物(技能)(Concealment (Skill)): 6E1 72, 6E2 175

集中掃射(技能)(Concentrated Sprayfire (Skill)): 6E1 65

專注(限制)(Concentration (Limitation)): 6E1 158, 372, 6E2 37

結語(Conclusion): 6E2 306

條件異能(受限異能的類型)(Conditional Power (type of Limited Power)): 6E1 382

錐形(範圍效果的類型)(Cone (type of Area Of Effect)): 6E1 320

可配置(Configurable (Advantage)): 6E1 173

困惑術(範例異能力)(Confusion Spell (example power)): 6E1 176

持續異能(Constant Powers)
 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 127, 187, 194
 拋棄以及(Aborting and): 6E2 22

持續(增益)(Constant (Advantage)): 6E1 142, 153, 168, 197, 218, 226, 302, 334

體質(CON)(屬性)(Constitution (CON) (Characteristic)): 6E1 44, 141

人脈(資源)(Contact (Perk)): 6E1 99

接觸型暈迷毒氣手榴彈(範例異能力)(Contact Knockout Gas Grenades (example power)): 6E1 326

持續性充能(充能的選項)(Continuing Charges (option for Charges)): 6E1 369

柔身術(技能)(Contortionist (Skill)): 6E1 72

對比,對PER檢定的調整(Contrast, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

控制台,的BODY(Control console, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

談話(技能)(Conversation (Skill)): 6E1 72

談話,對PER檢定的調整(Conversation, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

轉換角色到6E(Converting characters to 6E): 6E1 20

合作攻擊(戰鬥調整)(Coordinated Attacks (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 44

英雄系統核心叢書(Core Library, HERO System): 6E1 7

腐蝕性酸液(範例異能力)(Corrosive Acid (example power)): 6E1 326

罪惡血脈(範例社會困難)(Corruption Of The Blood (example Social Complication)): 6E1 428

超元(增益)(Cosmic (Advantage)): 6E1 411

宇宙能量(範例特殊效果)(Cosmic Energy (example special effect)): 6E1 121

宇宙能量視線(範例異能力)(Cosmic Energy Eyebeams (example power)): 6E1 334

宇宙飛行(範例異能力)(Cosmic Flight (example power)): 6E1 225

超元異能池(範例VPP)(Cosmic Power Pool (example VPP)): 6E1 412

消耗耐力(限制)(Costs Endurance (Limitation)): 6E1 153, 206, 270, 274, 374

只在啟動時消耗耐力(增益)(Costs Endurance Only To Activate (Advantage)): 6E1 345

抵抗間接(增益)(Counteracts Indirect (Advantage)): 6E1 173, 296

計算骰點(Counting the dice): 6E2 96

對準(戰鬥招式)(Cover (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 85

填鴨式學習(Cramming (Skill)): 6E1 72

狹窄環境(戰鬥調整)(Cramped conditions (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 47

爬行空間王牌(天賦)(Crawlspace Ace (Talent)): 6E1 113

創造吸血鬼法術(範例異能力)(Create Vampire Spell (example power)): 6E1 291

創造及分析角色(Creating and analyzing characters): 6E2 299

創造新的遊戲元素和規則(Creating new game elements and rules): 6E2 299

蔓延式控制(範例異能力)(Creeping Control (example power)): 6E1 328

多人操作型爆能炮(範例異能力)(Crew-Served Blaster (example power)): 6E1 392

犯罪學(技能)(Criminology (Skill)): 6E1 73, 6E2 163

血腥苦痛毒藥(範例異能力)(Crimson Agony Poison (example power)): 6E1 333

暴擊(Critical Hits): 6E2 118

弩(遠程武器)(Crossbows (Ranged weapons)): 6E2 206

跨世界奇幻(奇幻子體裁)(Crossworlds Fantasy (Fantasy subgenre)): 6E2 236

輾壓傷害(Crushing Damage): 6E2 125

密碼學(技能)(Cryptography (Skill)): 6E1 74

占卜水晶球(範例異能力)(Crystal Ball, Divinatory (example power)): 6E1 181

遙視水晶球(範例異能力)(Crystal Ball, Farseeing (example power)): 6E1 380

累積(Cumulative (Advantage)): 6E1 153, 142, 195, 218, 235, 296, 328

邱比特之觸(範例異能力)(Cupid’s Touch (example power)): 6E1 257

美貌移除之詛咒(範例異能力)(Curse Of Beauty Removed (example power)): 6E1 376

自定義英雄(Customizing HERO): 6E1 9

CV(屬性)(CV (Characteristics)): 6E1 45

賽博英雄(賽博朋克體裁)(Cyber Hero (Cyberpunk genre)): 6E2 228

賽博義眼(範例異能力)(Cybereyes (example power)): 6E1 393

賽博操縱(範例特殊效果)(Cyberkinesis (example special effect)): 6E1 121

賽博義手(範例賽博改造)(Cybernetic Arm (example cyberware)): 6E2 229

賽博朋克體裁(Cyberpunk genre): 6E2 228

賽博空間(Cyberspace): 6E2 228

賽博空間(範例異能力)(Cyberspace (example power)): 6E1 223

賽博改造,的範例(Cyberware, examples of): 6E2 229

匕首(範例異能力)(Dagger (example power)): 6E1 241

匕首(HTH武器)(Daggers (HTH weapons)): 6E2 204

傷害光環(範例異能力)(Damage Aura (example power)): 6E1 323

傷害等級(Damage Class): 6E2 96

 決定(Determining): 6E2 96
 偽裝(Disguising): 6E2 125
 的效果(Effects of): 6E2 104, 108

傷害最大值(Damage Maxima): 6E1 52

傷害消除(異能)(Damage Negation (Power)): 6E1 183

持續傷害(異能調整)(Damage Over Time (Power Modifier)): 6E1 328

傷害減免(異能)(Damage Reduction (Power)): 6E1 184

傷害護盾(Damage Shield): 6E1 321

危險感知(天賦)(Danger Sense (Talent)): 6E1 111

勇敢者達里安(範例角色)(Darien the Bold (example character)): 6E2 237

黑暗冠軍(現代動作冒險體裁)(Dark Champions (Modern-Day Action-Adventure genre)): 6E2 245

黑暗冠軍: 動畫劇集(黑暗冠軍子體裁)(Dark Champions: The Animated Series (Dark Champions subgenre)): 6E2 247

黑暗(環境影響)(Darkness (environmental effect)): 6E2 12, 142

黑暗(範例特殊效果)(Darkness (example special effect)): 6E1 121

黑暗(異能)(Darkness (Power)): 6E1 186, 238, 6E2 14, 37

黑暗衝擊(範例異能力)(Darkness Blast (example power)): 6E1 318

黑暗視覺法術(範例異能力)(Darkvision Spell (example power)): 6E1 348

DCV(屬性)(DCV (Characteristic)): 6E1 45, 141

DCV檢查表(DCV Checklist): 6E2 37

DCV調整表(DCV Modifiers Table): 6E2 37

死從天降(陷阱)(Deadfall (trap)): 6E2 155

致命打擊(天賦)(Deadly Blow (Talent)): 6E1 113

致聾尖叫(範例異能力)(Deafening Shriek (example power)): 6E1 333

死亡(Death): 6E2 107

減速(Deceleration): 6E1 155, 6E2 25

降低加速/減速(限制)(Decreased Acceleration/Deceleration (Limitation)): 6E1 158

降低重複使用間隔(增益)(Decreased Re-use Duration (Advantage)): 6E1 235

降低STUN乘數(限制)(Decreased STUN Multiplier (Limitation)): 6E1 242

推理(技能)(Deduction (Skill)): 6E1 74

推理式觀察(範例異能力)(Deductive Observation (example power)): 6E1 299

深度偽造身份(資源)(Deep Cover (Perk)): 6E1 102

森林保衛者之爪(範例異能力)(Defender-Of-Forests Claws (example power)): 6E1 389

防禦招式(技能)(Defense Maneuver (Skill)): 6E1 74

防禦型異能(Defense Powers): 6E1 141, 146, 191, 194, 196, 400

防禦性吸收(增益)(Defensive Absorption (Advantage)): 6E1 166

防禦性動作(Defensive actions): 6E2 21, 23

防禦性戰鬥數值(DCV)(屬性)(Defensive Combat Value (DCV) (Characteristic)): 6E1 45, 141

防禦性戰鬥數值(載具屬性)(Defensive Combat Value (Vehicle Characteristic)): 6E2 188

防禦性心靈戰鬥數值(DMCV)(屬性)(Defensive Mental Combat Value (DMCV) (Characteristic)): 6E1 45, 141

防禦性減值技能等級(技能)(Defensive Penalty Skill Levels (Skill)): 6E1 85

守勢攻擊(武術招式)(Defensive Strike (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

防禦性心靈感應(異能招數)(Defensive Telepathy (power trick)): 6E1 298

英雄系統的關鍵點(Definitional Points of the HERO System): 6E2 285

偏斜(異能)(Deflection (Power)): 6E1 187, 191, 286

脫水(環境影響)(Dehydration (environmental effect)): 6E2 142

延後效果(增益)(Delayed Effect (Advantage)): 6E1 332

延遲階段(額外時間的形式)(Delayed Phase (form of Extra Time)): 6E1 375

延遲還原速度(增益)(Delayed Return Rate (Advantage)): 6E1 142

延遲一個動作(Delaying an Action): 6E2 20

爆破(技能)(Demolitions (Skill)): 6E1 75, 6E2 163

惡魔召喚法術(範例異能力)(Demon-Summoning Spell (example power)): 6E1 332

惡魔群法術(範例異能力)(Demonhorde Spell (example power)): 6E1 291

密度改變(範例特殊效果)(Density Alteration (example special effect)): 6E1 121

密度增加(異能)(Density Increase (Power)): 6E1 188

依賴(困難)(Dependence (Complication)): 6E1 184, 193, 236, 274, 419

從屬NPC(困難)(Dependent NPC (Complication)): 6E1 204, 420

取決於角色的知識(Depends On Character’s Knowledge (Limitation)): 6E1 252

無實體化(異能)(Desolidification (Power)): 6E1 152, 190, 259, 290, 299, 360

赤貧(收入層級)(Destitute (income category)): 6E1 105

偵測(增強感官)(Detect (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 210, 6E2 10

偵測寶藏法術(範例異能力)(Detect Treasure Spell (example power)): 6E1 373

心靈異能的劣化(Deterioration of Mental Powers): 6E1 149-50

決定傷害(Determining Damage): 6E2 96

裝置故障表(Device Malfunction Table): 6E2 172

敏捷(DEX)(屬性)(Dexterity (DEX) (Characteristic)): 6E1 44

敏捷(載具屬性)(Dexterity (Vehicle Characteristic)): 6E2 187

骰子與擲骰(Dice and Dice Rolling)
 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 12, 6E2 96
 計算(Counting): 6E2 96
 戰鬥中的擲骰(Rolling in combat): 6E2 34

UOO異能的差異調整(Differing Modifiers for UOO powers): 6E1 359

難以改變(限制)(Difficult To Alter (Limitation)): 6E1 238

難以驅散(增益)(Difficult To Dispel (Advantage)): 6E1 333

維度(感官調整)(Dimensional (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 212

維度操縱(範例特殊效果)(Dimensional Manipulation (example special effect)): 6E1 121

維度旅行(Dimensional travel): 6E1 221

減少飲食(生命維持的形式)(Diminished Eating (form of Life Support)): 6E1 245

減少睡眠(生命維持的形式)(Diminished Sleep (form of Life Support)): 6E1 245

超小體型模板(Diminutive Size Template): 6E1 444

泥土,的BODY和防禦(Dirt, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

陰招亂戰(武術流派)(Dirty Infighting (Martial Arts style)): 6E2 93

致殘(Disabling): 6E2 111

繳械(戰鬥招式)(Disarm (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 60

識別性(感官調整)(Discriminatory (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 212

疾病免疫(Diseases, immunity to): 6E1 245

偽裝(技能)(Disguise (Skill)): 6E1 75

偽裝傷害(Disguising damage): 6E2 125

驅散(異能)(Dispel (Power)): 6E1 152, 193, 290, 6E2 13

驅散魔法法術(範例異能力)(Dispel Magic Spell (example power)): 6E1 194
« 上次编辑: 2022-11-25, 周五 16:30:17 由 歐諾 »

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Re: 【Hero System 6th Edition】索引(5/11)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-09-28, 周二 14:05:01 »
擾亂電器(異能招數)(Disrupt Electronics (power trick)): 6E1 191

鮮明特點(困難)(Distinctive Features (Complication)): 6E1 421

臥倒(戰鬥招式)(Dive For Cover (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 85

DMCV(屬性)(DMCV (Characteristic)): 6E1 45, 141

閃避(戰鬥招式)(Dodge (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 61

造成BODY(增益)(Does BODY (Advantage)): 6E1 247, 308, 333

造成擊退(增益)(Does Knockback (Advantage)): 6E1 333

不會流血(異能)(Does Not Bleed (Power)): 6E1 195

不會跨過間隔空間(增益)(Does Not Cross Intervening Space (Advantage)): 6E1 286

無法阻止易於搶奪器材的使用(限制)(Doesn’t Prevent The Use Of Accessible Foci (Limitation)): 6E1 219

無法防護傷害(限制)(Doesn’t Protect Against Damage (Limitation)): 6E1 193

無法對[特定類型的傷害]生效(限制)(Doesn’t Work On [Defined Type Of Damage] (Limitation)): 6E1 236, 274

無法再分身存在時生效(限制)(Doesn’t Work While Duplicate Exists (Limitation)): 6E1 204

無法對無實體角色生效(限制)(Doesnt Work Against Desolidified Characters (Limitation)): 6E1 226

門,的BODY和防禦(Doors, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

開門,對PER檢定的調整(Doors, opening, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

休眠能力(Dormant abilities): 6E1 46

雙倍耐力消耗(限制)(Double Endurance Cost (Limitation)): 6E1 206

雙關節(天賦)(Double Jointed (Talent)): 6E1 113

雙倍擊退(增益)(Double Knockback (Advantage)): 6E1 283, 334

傷害翻倍(可選規則)(Doubling Damage (optional rule)): 6E2 99

翻倍快速參照表(Doubling Quick-Reference Table): 6E1 448

向下移動(Downward movement): 6E2 25

位於目標下風處,對PER檢定的調整(Downwind from target, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12-13

斯賓塞博士的發條加特林火炮(範例異能力)(Dr. Spencer’s Clockwork Gatling Cannon (example power)): 6E1 391

恐怖博士的恐懼光環(範例異能力)(Dr. Terror’s Fear Aura (example power)): 6E1 176

巨龍變身之護符(範例異能力)(Dracoform Amulet (example power)): 6E1 271

拖行(Dragging): 6E2 125

龍息(範例異能力)(Dragon’s Breath (example power)): 6E1 323

汲取(異能)(Drain (Power)): 6E1 195, 290

汲取,強力一擊(Drain, Haymakering): 6E2 69

Drake, Alena(範例角色)(Drake, Alena (example character)): 6E2 250

劇評家(天賦)(Drama Critic (Talent)): 6E1 114

戲劇性戰鬥(Dramatic combat): 6E2 15

戲劇性現實主義(Dramatic realism): 6E1 8

戲劇感(Dramatic sense): 6E1 9

空投物體(Dropped objects): 6E2 141

缺氧(Drowning): 6E2 130

睡眠術(範例異能力)(Drowsiness Spell (example power)): 6E1 330

藥物免疫(Drugs, immunity to): 6E1 245

桶,55加侖,的BODY和防禦(Drum, 55-gallon, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

酒醉(戰鬥調整)(Drunkeness (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 37, 47

糞,對PER檢定的調整(Dung, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 13

分身(異能)(Duplication (Power)): 6E1 141, 192, 196-204, 269-70

分身迷惑(異能招數)(Duplicative Confusion (power trick)): 6E1 200

器材的耐用性(Durable Foci): 6E1 379

持續時間增益(增益)(Duration Advantages (Advantage)): 6E1 334

持續時間限制(限制)(Duration Limitations (Limitation)): 6E1 373

異能的持續時間(Duration of Powers): 6E1 127

鷹眼(範例角色)(Eagle-Eye (example character)): 6E2 222

從較早版本轉換(Earlier editions, converting from): 6E1 20

耳塞(範例異能力)(Earplugs (example power)): 6E1 227

大地/岩石(範例特殊效果)(Earth/Stone (example special effect)): 6E1 121

易於察覺(限制)(Easily Perceived (Limitation)): 6E1 283

易於重組(加算)(Easy Recombination (Adder)): 6E1 203

修改飲食需求(Eating, altering need to): 6E1 245

回音,對PER檢定的調整(Echoes, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

ECSP-7000船上型電腦(範例電腦)(ECSP-7000 Shipboard Computer (example Computer)): 6E2 185

心靈異能的效果檢定(Effect Rolls for Mental Powers): 6E1 149

有效度上限(Effectiveness Ceilings): 6E2 282

自我(EGO)(屬性)(Ego (EGO) (Characteristic)): 6E1 44

清晰記憶(天賦)(Eidetic Memory (Talent)): 6E1 113

彈性身軀(範例異能力)(Elastic Body (example power)): 6E1 286

彈性身軀禁錮(範例異能力)(Elastic Body Entrapment (example power)): 6E1 386

電場(範例異能力)(Electric Field (example power)): 6E1 385

電(Electricity): 6E2 148

電(範例特殊效果)(Electricity (example special effect)): 6E1 121

通電柵欄(範例異能力)(Electrified Fence (example power)): 6E1 323

電子學(技能)(Electronics (Skill)): 6E1 76

精靈視覺(範例異能力)(Elvensight (example power)): 6E1 214

緊急避難所之供給(範例異能力)(Emergency Shelter’s Provisions (example power)): 6E1 370

情緒控制(範例特殊效果)(Emotion Control (example special effect)): 6E1 121

移情治療法術(範例異能力)(Empathic Healing Spell (example power)): 6E1 395

共情(限制)(Empathy (Limitation)): 6E1 299

固定式雷射炮(範例異能力)(Emplaced Laser Cannon (example power)): 6E1 376

附魔盔甲(範例異能力)(Enchanted Armor (example power)): 6E1 184

負擔,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Encumbered, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

負擔(戰鬥調整)(Encumbrance (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 45

耐力(Endurance): 6E2 131

耐力(END)(屬性)(Endurance (END) (Characteristic)): 6E1 46, 141

增益以及耐力(Endurance, Advantages and): 6E1 316

異能的耐力消耗(Endurance Cost of Powers): 6E1 130

移動型異能的耐力消耗(Endurance, cost of Movement Powers): 6E1 155

戰鬥中的耐力(Endurance, in combat): 6E2 39

耐力限制(限制)(Endurance Limitations (Limitation)): 6E1 374

移動以及耐力(Endurance, movement and): 6E2 25

耐力儲備(異能)(Endurance Reserve (Power)): 6E1 194, 205, 270

能量屏障(範例異能力)(Energy Barrier (example power)): 6E1 173

能量之軀(範例異能力)(Energy Body (example power)): 6E1 192

能量爆發(範例異能力)(Energy Burst (example power)): 6E1 335

能量阻尼場(範例異能力)(Energy Dampening Field (example power)): 6E1 196

能量防禦(基地屬性)(Energy Defense (Base Characteristic)): 6E2 189

能量防禦(ED)(屬性)(Energy Defense (ED) (Characteristic)): 6E1 46, 141, 196

能量防禦(載具屬性)(Energy Defense (Vehicle Characteristic)): 6E2 187

能量臂鎧(範例異能力)(Energy Gauntlets (example power)): 6E1 231

能量操縱(範例特殊效果)(Energy Manipulation (example special effect)): 6E1 121

以屏障包裹(Englobing with Barriers): 6E1 171

強化化學受器(範例賽博改造)(Enhanced Chemoreception (example cyberware)): 6E2 229

增強感知(增強感官)(Enhanced Perception (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 211

重推(範例異能力)(Enhanced Push (example power)): 6E1 374

增強感官(異能)(Enhanced Senses (Power)): 6E1 207, 299

超大體型模板(Enormous Size Template): 6E1 443

易怒/狂暴(困難)(Enraged/Berserk (Complication)): 6E1 422

束縛(異能)(Entangle (Power)): 6E1 215, 310, 6E2 37, 69, 124

束縛與角色都會受到傷害(增益)(Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (Advantage)): 6E1 218

束縛擁有1點BODY(限制)(Entangle Has 1 BODY (Limitation)): 6E1 219

進入微觀宇宙!(範例異能力)(Enter The Microverse! (example power)): 6E1 223

進入戰鬥(Entering Combat): 6E2 15

埋葬(範例異能力)(Entombment (example power)): 6E1 360

環境(Environment, the): 6E2 139-78

環境影響(戰鬥調整)(Environmental Conditions (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 46-48

環境移動(天賦)(Environmental Movement (Talent)): 6E1 113

環境適應(Environments, safety in): 6E1 245

史詩奇幻(奇幻子體裁)(Epic Fantasy (Fantasy subgenre)): 6E2 236

單元劇戰役(Episodic Campaigns): 6E2 275

 總體而言(Generally): 6E2 179-212
 基地/載具的(For Bases/Vehicles): 6E2 193

支付(Paying for): 6E1 32

逃避條款(範例異能力)(Escape Clause (example power)): 6E1 302

間諜(黑暗冠軍子體裁)(Espionage (Dark Champions subgenre)): 6E2 247

永鋒劍(範例異能力)(Eversharp Sword (example power)): 6E1 325

常人困難(Everyman Complications): 6E1 417

常人技能(Everyman Skills): 6E1 60

擴展呼吸(生命維持的形式)(Expanded Breathing (form of Life Support)): 6E1 245

擴展類別(增益)(Expanded Class (Advantage)): 6E1 290

擴展效果(增益)(Expanded Effect (Advantage)): 6E1 142, 195

器材的消耗性(Expendability of Foci): 6E1 378

調整型異能與可消耗能力(Expendable abilities, Adjustment Powers and): 6E1 135-36

經驗點(Experience Points): 6E2 292

實驗性爆能槍(範例異能力)(Experimental Blaster (example power)): 6E1 391

爆炸(範圍效果的選項)(Explosion (Area Of Effect option)): 6E1 323

爆炸(Explosives): 6E2 210

延長呼吸(生命維持的形式)(Extended Breathing (form of Life Support)): 6E1 245

武術的額外DC(武術招式)(Extra DCs for Martial Arts (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 92

額外肢體(異能)(Extra Limbs (Power)): 6E1 192, 224

額外階段(額外時間的形式)(Extra Phase (form of Extra Time)): 6E1 376

額外片段(額外時間的形式)(Extra Segment (form of Extra Time)): 6E1 376

額外時間(限制)(Extra Time (Limitation)): 6E1 274, 374

額外維度移動(異能)(Extra-Dimensional Movement (Power)): 6E1 220

超凡技能(Extraordinary Skills): 6E1 60

超極重質量模板(Extremely Massive Mass Template): 6E1 446

需要視線接觸(限制)(Eye Contact Required (Limitation)): 6E1 154

F-15E鷹式(範例載具)(F-15E Eagle (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

朝向(Facing): 6E2 26, 50

調整型異能的消退速度(Fade rate of Adjustment Powers): 6E1 139

墜落(Falling): 6E2 47, 140

心靈感應與謊言(Falsehoods, Telepathy and): 6E1 298

技能熟悉(Familiarity with a Skill): 6E1 56

有名(範例社會困難)(Famous (example Social Complication)): 6E1 428

奇幻(體裁)(Fantasy (genre)): 6E2 233

奇幻英雄(奇幻體裁)(Fantasy Hero (Fantasy genre)): 6E2 233

即時備戰(技能)(Fast Draw (Skill)): 6E1 76, 6E2 163

時間加速(範例異能力)(Fast Time (example power)): 6E1 168

超光速旅行(異能)(Faster-Than-Light Travel (Power)): 6E1 225

人情(資源)(Favor (Perk)): 6E1 102

恐懼(心理困難的類型)(Fear (type of Psychological Complication)): 6E1 425-26

恐懼施加(範例異能力)(Fear Infliction (example power)): 6E1 257

反饋(限制)(Feedback (Limitation)): 6E1 173, 204, 260, 273, 299

擊劍(武術流派)(Fencing (Martial Arts style)): 6E2 93

兇猛的(天賦)(Ferocious (Talent)): 6E1 114

任務減少(限制)(Fewer Tasks (Limitation)): 6E1 291

防火身軀(範例異能力)(Fiery Body (example power)): 6E1 185

戰鬥(Fighting): 6E1 14, 6E2 34

水下戰鬥(Fighting underwater): 6E2 168

填補(加算)(Fill In (Adder) 6E1 310

極度有錢(Filthy Rich (income category)): 6E1 105

精細操縱(加算)(Fine Manipulation (Adder)): 6E1 296

火(Fire): 6E2 150

火焰矢法術(範例異能力)(Fire Bolt Spell (example power)): 6E1 174

滅火器(範例異能力)(Fire Extinguisher (example power)): 6E1 194

火/熱(範例特殊效果)(Fire/Heat (example special effect)): 6E1 121

 總體而言(Generally): 6E2 207
 強力一擊(Haymakering): 6E2 69

感知檢定的調整(PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

Firebrand(範例角色)(Firebrand (example character)): 6E1 16-19

火焰領主的烈焰吞噬(範例異能力)(Firelord’s Consuming Flames (example power)): 6E1 345

近戰射擊(Firing into melee): 6E2 43

大地之拳法術(範例異能力)(Fist of Earth Spell (example power)): 6E1 337

Fivedawns, Jessica(範例角色)(Fivedawns, Jessica (example character)): 6E2 259

固定位置的傳送(Fixed Locations for Teleportation): 6E1 300

固定觀察點(限制)(Fixed Perception Point (Limitation)): 6E1 181

多重異能的固定插槽(Fixed slots for Multipowers): 6E1 402

旗桿,的BODY和防禦(Flagpole, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

閃光(異能)(Flash (Power)): 6E1 141, 226, 235, 6E2 14, 37, 69

閃光防禦(異能)(Flash Defense (Power)): 6E1 227

手電筒(範例異能力)(Flashlight (example power)): 6E1 238

飛行(Flight): 6E2 28
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Re: 【Hero System 6th Edition】索引(5/11)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-09-28, 周二 14:05:30 »
飛行(異能)(Flight (Power)): 6E1 227, 243

飛行,對擊退的影響(Flight, effect on Knockback): 6E2 115

浮動困難(Floating Complications): 6E1 417

飛行(戰鬥調整)(Flying (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 47

器材(限制)(Focus (Limitation)): 6E1 181, 193, 195, 196, 204, 215, 238, 241, 270, 283, 287, 292, 303, 308, 360, 376, 6E2 167

聚焦能量射線(範例異能力)(Focused Energy Beam (example power)): 6E1 325

專注心靈控制(範例異能力)(Focused Mental Control (example power)): 6E1 372

霧(環境影響)(Fog (environmental effect)): 6E2 144

霧,對PER檢定的調整(Fogginess, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

造霧術(範例異能力)(Fogweaving Spell (example power)): 6E1 335

追隨者(資源)(Follower (Perk)): 6E1 102, 202, 269

立足點不穩(戰鬥調整)(Footing, poor (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 47

力能致動(範例異能力)(Force Kinetics (example power)): 6E1 296

力操縱(範例特殊效果)(Force Manipulation (example special effect)): 6E1 121

法醫學(技能)(Forensic Medicine (Skill)): 6E1 76, 6E2 163

偽造(技能)(Forgery (Skill)): 6E1 76

形態凝聚(異能招數)(Form Cohesion (power trick)): 6E1 282

戰鬥幸運(範例異能力)(Fortunes Of Battle (example power)): 6E1 246

只能向前移動(限制)(Forward Movement Only (Limitation)): 6E1 244

四手戰士(異能招數)(Four-Armed Combatant (power trick)): 6E1 224

困難的頻率(Frequency of Complications): 6E1 416

福利(資源)(Fringe Benefit (Perk)): 6E1 103

隱形的邊緣(Fringe, for Invisibility): 6E1 240

凍傷(環境影響)(Frostbite (environmental effect)): 6E2 143

燃料充能(充能的選項)(Fuel Charges (option for Charges)): 6E1 370, 6E2 285

全移動(Full Move): 6E2 18, 24

全階段動作(Full Phase Actions): 6E2 18

全階段(額外時間的形式)(Full Phase (form of Extra Time)): 6E1 376

全力使用異能(Full power, using a Power at): 6E1 131

標準車(範例載具)(Full-Size car (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

傢具,的BODY和防禦(Furniture, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

神奇發明池(範例VPP)(Gadget Pool (example VPP)): 6E1 412

神奇發明(範例特殊效果)(Gadgets (example special effect)): 6E1 121

銀河冠軍(超級英雄子體裁)(Galactic Champions (Supeheroes subgenre)): 6E2 218

賭博(技能)(Gambling (Skill)): 6E1 77

遊戲比例尺(Game Scale): 6E2 15

 總體而言(Generally): 6E2 265-94
 心靈異能(Mental Powers): 6E1 149

超極巨體型模板(Gargantuan Size Template): 6E1 443

防毒面具(範例異能力)(Gas Mask (example power)): 6E1 246

汽油,對PER檢定的調整(Gasoline, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 13

傳送門(傳送或EDM)(Gates (Teleportation or EDM)): 6E1 222, 301

城門,的BODY和防禦(Gates, city, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

通用武術(武術流派)(Generic Martial Arts (Martial Arts style)): 6E2 93

體裁模擬(Genre Simulation): 6E2 278, 298

體裁(Genres): 6E2 213-64

手勢(限制)(Gestures (Limitation)): 6E1 241, 381, 6E2 167

幽靈本質(範例異能力)(Ghostly Essence (example power)): 6E1 334

斬鬼劍(範例異能力)(Ghostrending Sword (example power)): 6E1 318

巨蜘蛛網(範例異能力)(Giant Spider Webs (example power)): 6E1 345

驅逐天賦(範例異能力)(Gift Of Banishing (example power)): 6E1 345

超巨型怪獸的堅不可摧(範例異能力)(Gigantic Monster’s Invulnerability (example power)): 6E1 185

極巨體型模板(Gigantic Size Template): 6E1 443

格蘭德魯薩的衰弱咒(範例異能力)(Glandrusar’s Invocation Of Enfeeblement (example power)): 6E1 382

玻璃,的BODY和防禦(Glass, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

滑翔斗篷(範例異能力)(Glider Cape (example power)): 6E1 228

滑翔(飛行的形式)(Gliding (form of Flight)): 6E1 228, 6E2 29

術語表(Glossary): 6E1 22

黏著手榴彈Mk.I(範例異能力)(Glue Grenade, Mk. I (example power)): 6E1 219

黃金時代冠軍(超級英雄子體裁)(Golden Age Champions (Supeheroes subgenre)): 6E2 218

魔像(作為自動機)(Golems (as Automatons)): 6E2 182

抓擒(戰鬥招式)(Grab (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 37, 62, 69, 124

飛掠抓擒(戰鬥招式)(Grab By (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 67

抓擒武器(Grab Weapon): 6E2 67

被另一角色抓著,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Grabbed by another character, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

抓著另一角色,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Grabbing another character, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

四爪錨索(範例異能力)(Grapnel And Rope (example power)): 6E1 292

大地抓握(範例異能力)(Grasp Of The Earth (example power)): 6E1 344

肢體抓握(異能招數)(Grasping Limbs (power trick)): 6E1 224

引力子操縱(範例異能力)(Graviton Manipulation (example power)): 6E1 228

重力(範例特殊效果)(Gravity (example special effect)): 6E1 121

重力,對移動的影響(Gravity, affect on movement): 6E2 25

手榴彈(Grenades): 6E2 208

戰役的基本規則(Ground rules for a campaign): 6E2 267

地面纏鬥(Groundfighting): 6E2 127

基地的土地(Grounds for Bases): 6E2 190

變大(異能)(Growth (Power)): 6E1 217, 229, 286

膨脹動量(異能招數)(Growth Momentum (power trick)): 6E1 282

防守區域(Guarding areas): 6E2 128

槍械使用,對PER檢定的調整(Gun use, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

槍械,強力一擊(Guns, Haymakering): 6E2 69

半移動(Half Move): 6E2 18, 24

半階段動作(Half Phase Actions): 6E2 18

錘(HTH武器)(Hammers (HTH weapons)): 6E2 204

近身攻擊(異能)(Hand-To-Hand Attack (Power)): 6E1 231

近身戰鬥(Hand-To-Hand Combat): 6E2 54

近身致死攻擊(HKA)(Hand-To-Hand Killing Attack (HKA)): 6E1 241

近身武器(Hand-To-Hand Weapons): 6E2 201

手銬(範例異能力)(Handcuffs (example power)): 6E1 219

手槍(火器)(Handguns (firearms)): 6E2 208

角色的容貌(Handsomeness of a character): 6E1 115

冷硬議價師(天賦)(Hard Bargainer (Talent)): 6E1 114

硬科幻(科幻子體裁)(Hard Science Fiction (Science Fiction subgenre)): 6E2 258

硬化(增益)(Hardened (Advantage)): 6E1 147, 189, 218, 302, 310

難以重組(限制)(Harder Recombination (Limitation)): 6E1 204

Hardpoint(範例角色)(Hardpoint (example character)): 6E2 224

哈雷戴維森V-Rod(範例載具)(Harley-Davidson V-Rod (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

傷害性幻覺(Harmful illusions): 6E1 251

不利的秘密(範例社會劣勢)(Harmful Secret (example Social Complication)): 6E1 428

七眠者之豎琴(範例異能力)(Harp Of The Seven Slumbers (example power)): 6E1 381

厭惡(心理困難的類型)(Hatred (type of Psychological Complication)): 6E1 425-26

看了看四周(異能招數)(Have A Look Around (power trick)): 6E1 200

強力一擊(戰鬥招式)(Haymaker (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 68

藉由強力一擊增加傷害(Haymaker, adding damage with): 6E2 99, 102

治療(異能)(Healing (Power)): 6E1 202, 206, 232, 6E2 13

治療受傷(Healing from injury): 6E2 121-22

治療變形(Healing from Transform): 6E1 307

治療速度(Healing rate): 6E2 130

聽覺感知調整(Hearing Perception Modifiers): 6E2 12

聽覺感官群組(Hearing Sense Group): 6E1 208, 6E2 8, 12

灶/壁爐,的BODY和防禦(Hearth/fireplace, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

高熱光環(範例異能力)(Heat Aura (example power)): 6E1 395

高溫適應(Heat, safety in): 6E1 245

大質量角色(Heavy Characters): 6E1 446

超重質量模板(Heavy Mass Template): 6E1 446

重武器(Heavy Weapons): 6E2 208

重質量模板(Hefty Mass Template): 6E1 446

標準身高(Height, standard): 6E1 12

直升機,的BODY和防禦(Helicopter, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

直升機(範例載具)(Helicopters (example vehicles)): 6E2 196

英雄系統核心叢書(HERO System Core Library): 6E1 7

英雄系統哲學(HERO System Philosophy): 6E1 8

英雄設計師(角色創造軟體)(Hero Designer (character creation software)): 6E1 8

英雄動作點(Heroic Action Points): 6E1 415, 6E2 287

英雄角色與戰役(Heroic characters and campaigns): 6E1 29, 34

高奇幻(奇幻子體裁)(High Fantasy (Fantasy subgenre)): 6E2 236

高壓(High pressure)
 環境影響(Environmental effect): 6E2 144
 適應(Safety in): 6E1 245

廣頻段無線電感知(增強感官)(High Range Radio Perception (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 211

上流社會(技能)(High Society (Skill)): 6E1 77

快速拔槍(戰鬥招式)(Hipshot (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 87

英雄系統的歷史(History of the HERO System): 6E2 306

攻擊部位(Hit Location): 6E2 108

HMMWV"悍馬"(範例載具)(HMMWV “Humvee” (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

保留一個動作(Holding an Action): 6E2 20

閉氣(Holding one’s breath): 6E2 130

中心空洞(增益)(Hole In The Middle (Advantage)): 6E1 335

全息投影(範例異能力)(Holograms (example power)): 6E1 238

恐怖(體裁)(Horror (genre)): 6E2 262

馬(輕型戰馬)(範例動物)(Horse (Light Warhorse) (example animal)): 6E2 178

火速反射II(範例賽博改造)(Hot Reflexes II (example cyberware)): 6E2 229

氣墊船,的BODY和防禦(Hovercraft, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

HTH戰鬥(HTH Combat): 6E2 54

反射HTH戰鬥攻擊(HTH Combat attacks, Reflecting): 6E1 273

巨體型模板(Huge Size Template): 6E1 443

人類(心靈類別)(Human (class of minds)): 6E1 149

被追殺(困難)(Hunted (Complication)): 6E1 423

Hur’shaas(範例角色)(Hur’shaas (example character)): 6E2 259

超屬性(範例特殊效果)(Hyper-Characteristics (example special effect)): 6E1 121

超感知(範例特殊效果)(Hypersenses (example special effect)): 6E1 121

催眠手槍(範例異能力)(Hypnopistol (example power)): 6E1 318

I型鋼,的BODY和防禦(I Beam, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

我酒醉時也能好好打架!(天賦)(I Can Drunk Just As Good Fight! (Talent)): 6E1 113

在冰上,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Ice, on, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

寒冰束縛(範例異能力)(Ice Bonds (example power)): 6E1 219

冰/冷(範例特殊效果)(Ice/Cold (example special effect)): 6E1 121

冰滑梯(範例異能力)(Ice Slides (example power)): 6E1 388

冰風暴法術(範例異能力)(Ice Storm Spell (example power)): 6E1 332

冰上行走(天賦)(Icewalking (Talent)): 6E1 113

無視對手(Ignoring opponents): 6E2 128

幻覺術(範例異能力)(Illusion Spell (example power)): 6E1 238

幻覺偽裝(範例異能力)(Illusionary Disguise (example power)): 6E1 252

幻覺(範例特殊效果)(Illusions (example special effect)): 6E1 121

幻覺創造(Illusions, creating): 6E1 236, 248

影像(異能)(Images (Power)): 6E1 236

模仿(加算)(Imitation (Adder)): 6E1 279

無法移動(器材的調整)(Immobile (modifier for Focus)): 6E1 378

無法動搖(天賦)(Immovable (Talent)): 6E1 114

免疫(生命維持的形式)(Immunity (form of Life Support)): 6E1 245

損傷(Impairing): 6E2 111

不可穿透(增益)(Impenetrable (Advantage)): 6E1 147, 186, 189, 218, 302, 310

帝國動力裝甲Mark I(範例異能力)(Imperial Powered Armor, Mark I (example power)): 6E1 387

不可滲透(加算)(Impermeable (Adder)): 6E1 276

極其驚人之印象(範例異能力)(Impressive As All Get Out (example power)): 6E1 333

強化加速/減速(增益)(Improved Acceleration/Deceleration (Advantage)): 6E1 156, 244

強化支撐(範例異能力)(Improved Bracing (example power)): 6E1 242

強化非戰鬥移動(加算)(Improved Noncombat Movement (Adder)): 6E1 157

強化非戰鬥拉伸(加算)(Improved Noncombat Stretching (Adder)): 6E1 286

強化結果群組(Improved Results Group (Advantage)): 6E1 308

臨時武器(Improvised weapons): 6E2 173

無法感知到對手(Inability to Sense an Opponent): 6E2 125

不精準(限制)(Inaccurate (Limitation)): 6E1 381

咒語(限制)(Incantations (Limitation)): 6E1 241, 381, 6E2 167

無法腐化(天賦)(Incorruptible (Talent)): 6E1 114

增加感知角度(感官調整)(Increased Arc Of Perception (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 213

增加耐力消耗(限制)(Increased Endurance Cost (Limitation)): 6E1 206, 231, 374

增加質量(加算)(Increased Mass (Adder) 6E1 223, 302

增加最大極限(增益)(Increased Maximum (Advantage)): 6E1 165

增加最大射程(增益)(Increased Maximum Range (Advantage)): 6E1 344

增加恢復時間(充能的選項)(Increased Recovery Time (option for Charges)): 6E1 372

增加換彈時間(充能的選項)(Increased Reloading Time (option for Charges)): 6E1 369
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-22, 周五 13:10:57 由 歐諾 »

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Re: 【Hero System 6th Edition, Volume 1 & 2】索引(5/11)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2021-09-29, 周三 17:20:54 »
增加STUN乘數(Increased STUN Multiplier (Advantage)): 6E1 242

調整型異能與遞增型能力(Incremental abilities, Adjustment Powers and): 6E1 138

間接(增益)(Indirect (Advantage)): 6E1 180, 218, 238, 286, 335

紅外感知(增強感官)(Infrared Perception (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 211

固有(增益)(Inherent (Advantage)): 6E1 224, 334

固有異能(Inherent Powers): 6E1 128

先攻(Initiative): 6E2 16, 19

受傷(Injury): 6E2 103, 107

隱蔽異能(Inobvious Powers): 6E1 124-26

昆蟲體型(範例異能力)(Insect Size (example power)): 6E1 282

昆蟲般的體型模板(Insectile Size Template): 6E1 444

應激恐懼(範例異能力)(Inspired Terror (example power)): 6E1 391

瞬間(限制)(Instant (Limitation)): 6E1 158, 373

瞬間變化(加算)(Instant Change (Adder)): 6E1 270, 279

瞬間換裝(範例異能力)(Instant Change (example power)): 6E1 307

瞬間光速(加算)(Instant Lightspeed (Adder)): 6E1 225

瞬間異能(Instant Powers): 6E1 127, 194

虛體(Intangibility): 6E1 190

虛體之觸(異能招數)(Intangible Touch (power trick)): 6E1 191

智力(INT)(屬性)(Intelligence (INT) (Characteristic)): 6E1 44

智力削弱藥(範例異能力)(Intelligence-Sapping Drug (example power)): 6E1 330

異能的強度,感知到的樣子(Intensity of a Power, perceiving): 6E1 125

介入(Interposing): 6E2 128

審訊(Interrogation (Skill)): 6E1 78

酒醉(戰鬥調整)(Intoxication (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 37, 47

序(Introduction): 6E1 5-26

發明(技能)(Inventor (Skill)): 6E1 78

隱形(異能)(Invisibility (Power)): 6E1 239, 252, 6E2 167

戰鬥中的隱形(Invisibility, in combat): 6E2 125

神秘人Kallose的無形刀刃(範例異能力)(Invisible Blade Of Kallose The Mysterious (example power)): 6E1 338

隱形人癥候群(範例異能力)(Invisible Man Syndrome (example power)): 6E1 367

無形異能效果(增益)(Invisible Power Effects (Advantage)): 6E1 124, 153, 157, 160, 224, 228, 242, 291, 338, 6E2 167

無形異能(Invisible Powers): 6E1 124-26

元素咒(範例異能力)(Invocation Of The Elements (example power)): 6E1 362

地獄之門咒語(範例異能力)(Invocation Of The Gate To Hell (example power)): 6E1 223

離子炮(範例異能力)(Ion Blaster (example power)): 6E1 370

黑鐵時代冠軍(超級英雄子體裁)(Iron Age Champions (Supeheroes subgenre)): 6E2 218

鋼鐵意志(範例異能力)(Iron Will (example power)): 6E1 247

鋼鐵意志II(範例異能力)(Iron Will II (example power)): 6E1 373

不可抗拒之建議(範例異能力)(Irresistible Suggestions (example power)): 6E1 386

我嘲笑你那軟弱無力的打擊(範例異能力)(I Scoff At Your Feeble Blows (example power)): 6E1 184

一切都在我反應之內(範例異能力)(It’s All In The Reflexes (example power)): 6E1 273

通才(技能促進子)(Jack of All Trades (Skill Enhancer)): 6E1 96

卡殼(需要檢定的調整)(Jammed (modifier for Requires A Roll)): 6E1 391

卡殼(火器故障)(Jamming (firearms malfunction)): 6E2 207

 的BODY和防禦(BODY and defense of): 6E2 171
 範例異能力(Example power): 6E1 228

水上摩托(範例異能力)(Jetski (example power)): 6E1 292

柔術(武術流派)(Jujutsu (Martial Arts style)): 6E2 93

叢林藤蔓(範例異能力)(Jungle Vines (example power)): 6E1 292

讓我休息個幾小時我就沒事了(範例異能力)(Just Gimme A Couple Hours To Rest And I’ll Be Fine (example power)): 6E1 274

空手道(武術流派)(Karate (Martial Arts style)): 6E2 94

川崎忍者ZX-12R(範例載具)(Kawasaki ZX12R Ninja (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

氣拳(範例異能力)(Ki Punch (example power)): 6E1 286

致死攻擊(異能)(Killing Attack (Power))
 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 241, 6E2 98
 對擊退影響(Effect on Knockback): 6E2 115

致死傷害攻擊(Killing Damage Attacks): 6E2 98, 103

致死打擊(武術招式)(Killing Strike (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

將移動速度轉換成公里(Kilometers, converting movement to): 6E2 25

動能(範例特殊效果)(Kinetic Energy (example special effect)): 6E1 121

擊退(Knockback): 6E2 37, 114

擊退抗性(異能)(Knockback Resistance (Power)): 6E1 242

擊倒(Knockdown): 6E2 112

擊昏(Knockout): 6E2 37, 106

昏迷毒氣手榴彈(範例異能力)(Knockout Gas Grenades (example power)): 6E1 326

知識技能(技能)(Knowledge Skill (Skill)): 6E1 79

功夫(武術流派)(Kung Fu (Martial Arts style)): 6E2 94

基地裡/載具上的實驗室(Labs for Bases/Vehicles): 6E2 191

戰鬥中的感知缺失(Lack of Senses in combat): 6E2 7

蘭博基尼Diablo(範例載具)(Lamborghini Diablo (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

路燈,的BODY和防禦(Lamp post, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

山崩,移動時的STR(Landslide, STR of while moving): 6E2 27

語言(技能)(Language (Skill)): 6E1 80

語言障礙(限制)(Language Barrier (Limitation)): 6E1 299

提燈,的BODY和防禦(Lantern, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

大體型角色(Large characters): 6E1 230, 442

大體型模板(Large Size Template): 6E1 443

大體型目標(Large Targets): 6E2 126

雷射手槍(範例異能力)(Laser Pistol (example power)): 6E1 242

光劍(範例異能力)(Laser Sword (example power)): 6E1 241

失去意識後仍能持續(增益)(Lasts Through Unconsciousness (Advantage)): 6E1 355

岩漿(環境影響)(Lava (environmental effect)): 6E2 152

執法(黑暗冠軍子體裁)(Law Enforcement (Dark Champions subgenre)): 6E2 247

領導力(範例新技能)(Leadership (example new Skill)): 6E2 300

跳躍(Leaping): 6E2 28

跳躍(移動的方式)(Leaping (form of movement)): 6E1 41

跳躍(異能)(Leaping (Power)): 6E1 243

里爾31A(範例載具)(Learjet 31A (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

留下痕跡(限制)(Leaves A Trail (Limitation)): 6E1 159

水蛭衝擊手槍(範例異能力)(Leech Blast Pistol (example power)): 6E1 333

掃腿(武術招式)(Legsweep (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

武器的長度(Length of weapons): 6E2 201

三級克維拉防彈衣(範例異能力)(Level III Kevlar Body Armor (example power)): 6E1 276

漂浮術(範例法術)(Levitation Spell (example spell)): 6E2 234

心靈感應與謊言(Lies, Telepathy and): 6E1 298

生命能量衝擊(範例異能力)(Life Force Blast (example power)): 6E1 343

生命維持(異能)(Life Support (Power)): 6E1 245, 6E2 146

標準壽命(Lifespan, standard): 6E1 12

光(環境影響)(Light (environmental effect)): 6E2 144

光(範例特殊效果)(Light (example special effect)): 6E1 121

光能衝擊(範例異能力)(Light Blast (example power)): 6E1 174

創造光(Light, creating): 6E1 238

化光旅行(範例異能力)(Light Form Travel (example power)): 6E1 225

火發出的光(環境影響)(Light, from fires (environmental effect)): 6E2 152

閃電束(範例異能力)(Lightning Bolt (example power)): 6E1 323

落雷術(範例異能力)(Lightning Bolt Spell (example power)): 6E1 242

閃電心算(天賦)(Lightning Calculator (Talent)): 6E1 114

閃電反射(天賦)(Lightning Reflexes (Talent)): 6E1 114

淺眠(天賦)(Lightsleep (Talent)): 6E1 114

肢體致殘(Limbs, breaking): 6E2 107

 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 363-96
 異能框架以及(Power Frameworks and): 6E1 400, 405, 410
 水下(Underwater): 6E2 167

限制計算表(Limitations Calculation Table): 6E1 362

受限開火角度(限制)(Limited Arc Of Fire (Limitation)): 6E2 193

受限身體部位(限制)(Limited Body Parts (Limitation)): 6E1 287

受限感官(限制)(Limited By Senses (Limitation)): 6E1 252

加上限制的屬性(Limited Characteristics): 6E1 47

受限心靈類別(限制)(Limited Class Of Minds (Limitation)): 6E1 154

受限防禦範圍(限制)(Limited Defense (Limitation)): 6E2 187

受限效果(限制)(Limited Effect (Limitation)): 6E1 160

受限機動性(限制)(Limited Maneuverability (Limitation)): 6E2 188

受限操作(限制)(Limited Manipulation (Limitation)): 6E1 224

受限載體(限制)(Limited Medium (Limitation) 6E1 310

受限現象(限制)(Limited Phenomenon (Limitation)): 6E1 167

受限異能(限制)(Limited Power (Limitation)): 6E1 382

受限異能(受限異能的類型)(Limited Power (type of Limited Power)): 6E1 382

受限射程(增益)(Limited Range (Advantage)): 6E1 344

受限射程(限制)(Limited Range (Limitation)): 6E1 388

受限恢復(限制)(Limited Recovery (Limitation)): 6E1 206

受限特殊效果(限制)(Limited Special Effect (Limitation)): 6E1 143

受限目標(限制)(Limited Target (Limitation)): 6E1 308

體裁模擬的限制(Limits of genre simulation): 6E2 278

豪華轎車(範例載具)(Limousine (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

線狀(範圍效果的類型)(Line (type of Area Of Effect)): 6E1 320

視線範圍(異能的射程)(Line Of Sight (Range of a Power) 6E1 130, 148, 237

視線範圍(增益)(Line Of Sight (Advantage)): 6E1 344

語言學家(技能促進子)(Linguist (Skill Enhancer)): 6E1 96

連鎖(限制)(Linked (Limitation)): 6E1 148, 159, 238, 383

獅子(範例動物)(Lion (example animal)): 6E2 178

唇語(技能)(Lipreading (Skill)): 6E1 82

照字面意思解讀(限制)(Literal Interpretation (Limitation)): 6E1 257

生活在一個危險的世界中(Living in a dangerous world): 6E2 147

心靈掃描鎖定(Lock-on, Mind Scan): 6E1 263

自動開鎖器(範例異能力)(Lockgun (example power)): 6E1 283

上鎖術(範例異能力)(Locking Spell (example power)): 6E1 177

閉鎖(Lockout (Limitation)): 6E1 386

開鎖(技能)(Lockpicking (Skill)): 6E1 82

鎖,的BODY和防禦(Locks, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

長柄槍(範例異能力)(Long Pike (example power)): 6E1 286

長期耐力(Long Term Endurance): 6E2 132

持久(加算)(Long-Lasting (Adder)): 6E1 177, 6E2 285

長弓(遠程武器)(Longbows (Ranged weapons)): 6E2 206

長壽(生命維持的形式)(Longevity (form of Life Support)): 6E1 245

蓮花精靈Turbo(範例載具)(Lotus Esprit Turbo (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

低奇幻(奇幻子體裁)(Low Fantasy (Fantasy subgenre)): 6E2 236

低壓(Low pressure)
 環境影響(Environmental effect): 6E2 144
 適應(Safety in): 6E1 245

低科幻(科幻子體裁)(Low Science Fiction (Science Fiction subgenre)): 6E2 258

幸運(範例特殊效果)(Luck (example special effect)): 6E1 121

幸運(異能)(Luck (Power)): 6E1 246

狼人之自愈(範例異能力)(Lycanthropic Regeneration (example power)): 6E1 274

M113A2 APC(範例載具)(M113A2 APC (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

M1A1艾布蘭主力戰車(範例載具)(M1A1 Abrams MBT (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

致盲之釘頭錘(範例異能力)(Mace Of Blinding (example power)): 6E1 385

釘頭錘(HTH武器)(Maces (HTH weapons)): 6E2 204

機械(心靈類別)(Machine (class of minds)): 6E1 149

機槍(火器)(Machine Guns (firearms)): 6E2 208

機械,的BODY和防禦(Machinery, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171-73

Maelstrom(範例角色)(Maelstrom (example character)): 6E2 226

法師之眼(範例異能力)(Mage’s Eye (example power)): 6E1 214

法師視覺(範例法術)(Magesight (example spell)): 6E2 234

魔法(範例特殊效果)(Magic (example special effect)): 6E1 121

魔法矢(範例法術)(Magic Bolt (example spell)): 6E2 234

守護魔法陣(範例異能力)(Magic Circle Of Protection (example power)): 6E1 332

魔法池(範例VPP)(Magic Pool (example VPP)): 6E1 412

魔法抗性(範例異能力)(Magic Resistance (example power)): 6E1 185

磁場(環境影響)(Magnetic fields (environmental effect)): 6E2 144

磁(範例特殊效果)(Magnetism (example special effect)): 6E1 121

磁力操控(範例異能力)(Magnetokinesis (example power)): 6E1 296

改頭換面(加算)(Makeover (Adder)): 6E1 280

故障(Malfunctions): 6E2 172-73

人變青蛙(範例異能力)(Man Into Frog (example power)): 6E1 308

可攜式脈衝炮(範例異能力)(Man-Portable Pulson Cannon (example power)): 6E1 380

強制效果(限制)(Mandatory Effect (Limitation)): 6E1 154

增益的強制性(Mandatory nature of Advantages): 6E1 316

人孔蓋,的BODY和防禦(Manhole cover, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

壁爐架,的BODY和防禦(Mantel, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

許多拳頭,許多毆打(異能招數)(Many Fists, Many Punches (power trick)): 6E1 224

武術(範例特殊效果)(Martial Arts (example special effect)): 6E1 121

武術(體裁)(Martial Arts (genre)): 6E2 240

武術(技能)(Martial Arts (Skill)): 6E1 82

武術精通(範例異能力)(Martial Arts Mastery (example power)): 6E1 231

武術格擋(武術招式)(Martial Block (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-22, 周五 13:11:22 由 歐諾 »

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Re: 【Hero System 6th Edition, Volume 1 & 2】索引(6/11)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-10-01, 周五 14:54:32 »
武術繳械(武術招式)(Martial Disarm (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

武術閃避(武術招式)(Martial Dodge (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

武術逃脫(武術招式)(Martial Escape (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

武術抓擒(武術招式)(Martial Grab (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

武術招式(Martial Maneuvers)
 總體而言(Generally): 6E2 90
 以...增加傷害(Adding damage with): 6E2 99, 102
 對擊退的影響(Effect on Knockback): 6E2 115

武術打擊(武術招式)(Martial Strike (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

武術摔投(武術招式)(Martial Throw (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

質量,對跳躍的影響(Mass, effect on Leaping): 6E2 28

極重質量模板(Massive Mass Template): 6E1 446

大師攀爬者(天賦)(Master Climber (Talent)): 6E1 113

大師級催眠(範例異能力)(Master Hypnotist (example power)): 6E1 257

匹配困難點數(Matching Complications Points): 6E1 414

物質操縱(範例特殊效果)(Matter Manipulation (example special effect)): 6E1 121

調整型異能與最大效果(Maximum effect, Adjustment Powers and): 6E1 136

治療的最大效果(Maximum effect, Healing): 6E1 233

MCV(屬性)(MCV (Characteristics)): 6E1 45

機械學(技能)(Mechanics (Skill)): 6E1 82

超重拳(範例異能力)(Mega-Punch (example power)): 6E1 334

超級炸彈(範例異能力)(MegaBomb (example power)): 6E1 342

超巨移動(MegaMovement Powers): 6E1 156

超巨比例(增益)(MegaScale (Advantage)): 6E1 157, 228, 240, 244, 265, 302, 340, 6E2 285

近戰射擊(Melee, firing Ranged attacks into): 6E2 43

心靈感應與記憶(Memories, Telepathy and): 6E1 298

修復術(範例異能力)(Mending-Spell (example power)): 6E1 236

以AVAD模擬心靈攻擊(Mental attacks, simulating with AVAD): 6E1 325

心靈察覺(增強感官)(Mental Awareness (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 211

心靈衝擊(異能)(Mental Blast (Power)): 6E1 247

心靈戰鬥(Mental Combat): 6E2 39

心靈防禦(異能)(Mental Defense (Power)): 6E1 226, 247

心靈幻覺(異能)(Mental Illusions (Power)): 6E1 248

心靈最大值(Mental Maxima): 6E1 52

心靈麻痺(束縛的形式)(Mental Paralysis (form of Entangle)): 6E1 217

心靈異能(Mental Powers)
 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 148, 270
 的戰鬥技能(Combat Skill Levels for): 6E1 71
 對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37
 遊戲主持(Gamemastering): 6E1 149
 強力一擊(Haymakering): 6E2 69
 的可被感知性(Perceivability of): 6E1 151

心靈/靈能(範例特殊效果)(Mental/Psionic (example special effect)): 6E1 121

心靈搜尋及定位(範例異能力)(Mental Search And Locate (example power)): 6E1 328

心靈感官群組(Mental Sense Group): 6E1 208, 6E2 8, 14

心靈變形(Mental Transform): 6E1 306

英雄系統的元規則(Meta-rules of the Hero System): 6E2 297

金屬,的防禦(Metal, defense of): 6E2 172

流星,移動時的STR(Meteor, STR of while moving): 6E2 27

以公尺為單位(Meters, measuring in): 6E1 12, 6E2 15

縮小飛行(異能招數)(Microflight (power trick)): 6E1 282

微觀(感官調整)(Microscopic (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 213

點石成金(範例異能力)(Midas Touch, the (example power)): 6E1 367

中產階級(收入層級)(Middle Class (income category)): 6E1 105

中型轎車(範例載具)(Midsize car (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

將移動速度轉換到英里(Miles, converting movement to): 6E2 25

軍事行動/特種作戰(黑暗冠軍子體裁)(Military Action/Special Ops (Dark Champions subgenre)): 6E2 247

軍事科幻(科幻子體裁)(Military Science Fiction (Science Fiction subgenre)): 6E2 258

模仿池(範例VPP)(Mimic Pool (example VPP)): 6E1 412

仿聲(技能)(Mimicry (Skill)): 6E1 83, 6E2 163

心靈控制(異能)(Mind Control (Power)): 6E1 253, 6E2 167

心靈長槍(範例異能力)(Mind Lance (example power)): 6E1 247

心靈連結(異能)(Mind Link (Power)): 6E1 192, 202, 258

心靈撕裂(範例異能力)(Mind Ripper (example power)): 6E1 333

心靈掃描(異能)(Mind Scan (Power)): 6E1 209, 259, 260-61

心靈過篩(範例異能力)(Mind-Sifting (example power)): 6E1 387

心靈箭矢(範例異能力)(Mindbolt (example power)): 6E1 318

心靈讀取(範例異能力)(Mindreading (example power)): 6E1 299

心靈長槍(範例異能力)(Mindspear (example power)): 6E1 388

購買異能的最低花費(Minimum costs for Powers): 6E1 119

來自受傷的最小傷害(Minimum damage from injuries): 6E2 103

次級不死生物創造術(範例異能力)(Minor Undead Creation Spell (example power)): 6E1 372

少數群體(範例社會困難)(Minority (example Social Complication)): 6E1 428

極微體型模板(Minuscule Size Template): 6E1 444

超極微體型模板(Minute Size Template): 6E1 444

鏡子領域(範例異能力)(Mirror Field (example power)): 6E1 273

走火(火器故障)(Misfire (firearms malfunction)): 6E2 207

射擊失手(Missed shots): 6E2 127

投射物發射器(陷阱)(Missile Projector (trap)): 6E2 156

可動(增益)(Mobile (Advantage)): 6E1 173

可動(範圍效果選項)(Mobile (Area Of Effect option)): 6E1 127, 129, 324

可動觀察點(加算)(Mobile Perception Point (Adder)): 6E1 180

器材的可移動性(Mobility of Foci): 6E1 378

現代動作冒險(體裁)(Modern-Day Action-Adventure (genre)): 6E2 245

技能的調整(Modifiers for Skills): 6E1 58, 6E2 280-81

模塊化火器(範例異能力)(Modular Firearm (example power)): 6E1 361

鑽地機(範例異能力)(Mole Machine (example power)): 6E1 310

金錢(資源)(Money (Perk)): 6E1 104

道德準則(心理困難的類型)(Moral code (type of Psychological Complication)): 6E1 425-26

戰役中的道德(Morality of the campaign): 6E2 268

運動偵測器(陷阱)(Motion Detector (trap)): 6E2 156

PC的動機(Motivation of the PCs): 6E2 272

摩托車,的BODY和防禦(Motorcycle, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

騎乘移動(Mounted Movement): 6E2 30

飛掠攻擊(戰鬥招式)(Move By (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 70

衝鋒攻擊(戰鬥招式)(Move Through (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 70

 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 41, 155, 6E2 24-32
 以...增加傷害(Adding damage with): 6E2 100, 102
 被震懾與(Being Stunned and): 6E2 106
 對PER檢定的調整(PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12
 水下(Underwater): 6E2 161
 載具(Vehicular): 6E2 188, 194

移動最大值(Movement Maxima): 6E1 50

移動型異能(Movement Powers): 6E1 141, 155

移動技能等級(Movement Skill Levels): 6E2 32

活動石手(範例異能力)(Moving Hand Of Stone (example power)): 6E1 388

停止移動中的物體(Moving objects, stopping): 6E2 26

在泥巴上,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Mud, on, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

多重形態(異能)(Multiform (Power)): 6E1 202, 266, 360

多重攻擊(戰鬥招式)(Multiple Attack (Combat Maneuver))
 總體而言(Generally): 6E2 73
 對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37
 異能框架以及(Power Frameworks and): 6E1 399

多個攻擊者(戰鬥調整)(Multiple Attackers (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 49

受制於多攻擊者加值,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Multiple Attackers Bonus, subject to, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

多重類別(加算)(Multiple Classes (Adder)): 6E1 152

單一一個異能的多個器材(Multiple Foci for a single power): 6E1 380

多個觀察點(加算)(Multiple Perception Points (Adder)): 6E1 180

多重異能(Multipower): 6E1 266, 402-408

冷兵器遠程武器(Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons): 6E2 206

必須以全力使用(限制)(Must Be Used At Full Power (Limitation)): 6E1 146

必須通過間隔空間(限制)(Must Pass Through Intervening Space (Limitation) 6E1 303

我的熱視線使你的槍太燙無法繼續抓住(範例異能力)(My Heat Vision Makes Your Gun Too Hot To Hold (example power)): 6E1 324

秘密困難(Mystery Complications): 6E1 417

秘密傷害(Mystery Damage): 6E2 118

秘法箭(範例異能力)(Mystic Arrow Spell (example power)): 6E1 324

神秘黑暗(範例異能力)(Mystic Darkness (example power)): 6E1 343

裸異能增益(Naked Power Advantages): 6E1 314

狹窄表面(戰鬥調整)(Narrow surfaces (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 37, 47

導航(技能)(Navigation (Skill)): 6E1 83

死靈法師之鎖鏈(範例異能力)(Necromancer’s Chains (example power)): 6E1 318

負面聲譽(困難)(Negative Reputation (Complication)): 6E1 424

要害打擊(武術招式)(Nerve Strike (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

神經性失明(異能招數)(Neural Blindness (power trick)): 6E1 298

無法恢復(充能的選項)(Never Recovers (option for Charges)): 6E1 372

夜晚,對PER檢定的調整(Night, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

夜視(增強感官)(Nightvision (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 211

九頭蛇(範例異能力)(Nine-Headed Hydra (example power)): 6E1 204

忍者英雄(武術體裁)(Ninja Hero (Martial Arts genre)): 6E2 240

氮醉(Nitrogen narcosis): 6E2 159

不會平攤傷害(限制)(No Averaging (Limitation)): 6E1 204

無法有意識地控制(限制)(No Conscious Control (Limitation)): 6E1 252, 386

無防禦(限制)(No Defense (Limitation)): 6E1 219

不增加防禦(限制)(No Defense Increase (Limitation)): 6E1 189

無法定位方向(限制)(No Direction (Limitation)): 6E1 215

無邊緣(加算)(No Fringe (Adder)): 6E1 240

不受重力減值(增益)(No Gravity Penalty (Advantage)): 6E1 158

缺少攻擊部位(異能)(No Hit Locations (Power)): 6E1 272

無擊退(限制)(No Knockback (Limitation)): 6E1 145

無須處在視線範圍(加算)(No LOS Needed (Adder)): 6E1 259

無非戰鬥移動(限制)(No Noncombat Movement (Limitation)): 6E1 159

無非戰鬥拉伸(限制)(No Noncombat Stretching (Limitation)): 6E1 287

無普通防禦(AVAD的形式)(No Normal Defense (form of AVAD)): 6E1 325-26

無射程(限制)(No Range (Limitation)): 6E1 154, 178, 265, 296, 388

無射程(異能的射程)(No Range (Range of a Power) 6E1 129

不受距離調整(增益)(No Range Modifier (Advantage)): 6E1 302, 344

無相對速度(加算)(No Relative Velocity (Adder) 6E1 302

無STR加值(限制)(No STR Bonus (Limitation)): 6E1 242

不會增加STR(限制)(No STR Increase (Limitation)): 6E1 189

無轉向半徑(增益)(No Turn Mode (Advantage)): 6E1 158

無須錨點(加算)(Non-Anchored (Adder)): 6E1 172

非戰鬥加速/減速(增益)(Noncombat Acceleration/Deceleration (Advantage)): 6E1 156

非戰鬥移動(Noncombat Movement): 6E1 155, 6E2 24, 37

非戰鬥時間(Noncombat Time): 6E2 6

非永續(限制)(Nonpersistent (Limitation)): 6E1 373

非抗性(限制)(Nonresistant (Limitation)): 6E1 184

非抗性防禦(限制)(Nonresistant Defense (Limitation)): 6E1 173, 219

非選擇性目標型(範圍效果選項)(Nonselective Target (Area Of Effect option)): 6E1 129, 324

非定位感官(Nontargeting Senses): 6E2 7

常人角色(Normal characters): 6E1 34

普通傷害攻擊(Normal Damage Attacks): 6E2 98, 103

正常聽覺的花費(Normal Hearing, cost of): 6E1 209

正常質量(增益)(Normal Mass (Advantage)): 6E1 283

普通移動(Normal Movement): 6E2 28

普通射程(限制)(Normal Range (Limitation)): 6E1 154

正常視覺的花費(Normal Sight, cost of): 6E1 209

正常嗅覺的花費(Normal Smell, cost of): 6E1 209

正常味覺的花費(Normal Taste, cost of): 6E1 209

正常觸覺的花費(Normal Touch, cost of): 6E1 209

值得注意的普通人(範例角色)(Noteworthy Normal (example character)): 6E1 438

空區(Null zone, the): 6E2 20

心靈掃描,決定心靈的數量(Number of minds, determining with Mind Scan): 6E1 261

 攻擊/破壞(Attacking/damaging): 6E2 170
 作為武器(As weapons): 6E2 49, 173

物體大小,對PER檢定的調整(Object Size, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

在移動時迴避障礙(Obstacles, avoiding while moving): 6E2 25, 27

明顯異能(Obvious Powers): 6E1 124-26

器材的明顯性(Obviousness of Foci): 6E1 376

OCV(屬性)(OCV (Characteristic)): 6E1 45

OCV檢查表(OCV Checklist): 6E2 36

3d6的機率(Odds on 3d6): 6E1 55, 6E2 280

副手(戰鬥調整)(Off Hand (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 49

副手防禦(天賦)(Off-Hand Defense (Talent)): 6E1 114

攻擊性戰鬥數值(OCV)(屬性)(Offensive Combat Value (OCV) (Characteristic)): 6E1 45

攻擊性戰鬥數值(載具屬性)(Offensive Combat Value (Vehicle Characteristic)): 6E2 188

攻勢強力一擊(Offensive Haymaker): 6E2 69

攻擊性心靈戰鬥數值(OMCV)(屬性)(Offensive Mental Combat Value (OMCV) (Characteristic)): 6E1 45

攻擊性減值技能等級(技能)(Offensive Penalty Skill Levels (Skill)): 6E1 84

攻勢攻擊(武術招式)(Offensive Strike (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 91

OMCV(屬性)(OMCV (Characteristic)): 6E1 45

全能護盾生成腰帶(範例異能力)(Omnishield Generator Belt (example power)): 6E1 276

僅限一種感官(限制)(One Sense Only (Limitation)): 6E1 181

同一時間只能使用一次(One Use At A Time (Limitation)): 6E1 143
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Re: 【Hero System 6th Edition, Volume 1 & 2】索引(7/11)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2021-10-02, 周六 18:30:16 »
單向連結(增益)(One-Way Link (Advantage)): 6E1 265

單向透明(增益)(One-Way Transparent (Advantage)): 6E1 173

僅限支援他人(限制)(Only Aid Others (Limitation)): 6E1 168

僅限支援自己(限制)(Only Aid Self (Limitation)): 6E1 168

僅限另一身份時(限制)(Only In Alternate Identity (Limitation)): 6E1 386

僅限有接觸表面時(限制)(Only In Contact With A Surface (Limitation)): 6E1 228

僅限在合適地形上時(限制)(Only On Appropriate Terrain (Limitation)): 6E1 277

僅能用來還原到初始值(限制)(Only Restores To Starting Values (Limitation)): 6E1 143

僅能藉由夢境(限制)(Only Through Dreams (Limitation)): 6E1 181

僅能藉由他人感官(限制)(Only Through The Senses Of Others (Limitation)): 6E1 181

僅能用來造成傷害(限制)(Only To Cause Damage (Limitation)): 6E1 287

僅能用來創造光(限制)(Only To Create Light (Limitation)): 6E1 238

僅能防護[限定類型的攻擊](Only To Protect Against [Limited Type Of Attack] (Limitation)): 6E1 193

僅限不進行攻擊時(限制)(Only When Not Attacking (Limitation)): 6E1 241

僅能對其他同樣擁有心靈連結的對象使用(限制)(Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (Limitation)): 6E1 260

僅對[限定類型的攻擊]生效(限制)(Only Works Against [Limited Type Of Attack] (Limitation)): 6E1 148, 173, 273, 276

僅能對[限定類型的物體]作用(限制)(Only Works On [Limited Type Of Objects] (Limitation)): 6E1 296

從最細小的裂縫滲透過去(異能招數)(Oozing Through The Tiniest Cracks (power trick)): 6E1 285

不透明(加算)(Opaque (Adder)): 6E1 172

可選戰鬥招式(Optional Combat Maneuvers): 6E2 84

演講(技能)(Oratory (Skill)): 6E1 83

軌道炮(範例異能力)(Orbital Cannon (example power)): 6E1 342

戰鬥中的動作順序(Order of Actions in combat): 6E2 16, 19

異能的原點(Origin point of a Power): 6E1 126, 144

英雄系統的起源(Origins of the HERO System): 6E2 306

其它傷害效果(Other Damage Effects): 6E2 118

室外物品,的BODY和防禦(Outdoor items, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

戰役的前景(Outlook of the campaign): 6E2 269

整體技能等級(Overall Skill Levels): 6E1 88

痛苦引發(範例異能力)(Pain Induction (example power)): 6E1 334

廂式貨車(範例載具)(Panel Truck (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

降落傘(範例異能力)(Parachute (example power)): 6E1 228

急救(技能)(Paramedics (Skill)): 6E1 84

部分覆蓋(限制)(Partial Coverage (Limitation)): 6E2 189

部分效果(限制)(Partial Effect (Limitation)): 6E1 266

部分限制異能(Partially-Limited Powers): 6E1 366

部分鎖定(增益)(Partial Lock-On (Advantage)): 6E1 265

部分變形(增益)(Partial Transform (Advantage)): 6E1 308

被動偵測(Passive Detects): 6E1 210

異能的路徑,感知到的樣子(Path of a Power, perceiving): 6E1 125

豌豆湯霧(範例異能力)(Pea-Soup Fog (example power)): 6E1 177

減值技能等級(技能)(Penalty Skill Levels (Skill)): 6E1 84

穿透(增益)(Penetrating (Advantage)): 6E1 184, 186, 342

穿透性(感官調整)(Penetrative (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 213

辣椒噴霧(範例異能力)(Pepper Spray (example power)): 6E1 226

被隱藏的物體對PER的調整(PER Mods for concealed objects): 6E2 175-76

可被感知的(Perceivable): 6E1 124

可被感知的(限制)(Perceivable (Limitation)): 6E1 270, 280, 387

異能的感知(Perceiving Powers): 6E1 124

感官投射的觀察點(Perception point of Clairsentience): 6E1 180

感知檢定(Perception Rolls): 6E2 7, 11

水下感知(Perception underwater): 6E2 160

鳥棲(範例異能力)(Perching (example power)): 6E1 182

絕對音感(天賦)(Perfect Pitch (Talent)): 6E1 114

技能的時代(Period for Skills): 6E1 59

調整型異能與資源(Perks, Adjustment Powers and): 6E1 135

永恆陰影(範例異能力)(Perpetual Shadow (example power)): 6E1 352

資源(資源)(Perquisites (Perks)): 6E1 98-107

永續(增益)(Persistent (Advantage)): 6E1 128, 235, 334

永續異能(Persistent Powers): 6E1 128

個人器材(Personal Foci): 6E1 380

個人力場(範例異能力)(Personal Force-Field (example power)): 6E1 276

自我免疫(增益)(Personal Immunity (Advantage)): 6E1 173, 203, 219, 291, 343

人格損失(限制)(Personality Loss (Limitation)): 6E1 270

人格特質(心理困難)(Personality traits (type of Psychological Complication)): 6E1 425-26

基地/載具的人員(Personnel for Bases/Vehicles): 6E2 191

說服(技能)(Persuasion (Skill)): 6E1 85

鬼魂形態法術(範例異能力)(Phantom Form Spell (example power)): 6E1 360

階段(遊戲時間的單位)(Phase (measurement of game time)): 6E2 16

英雄系統的哲學(Philosophy of the HERO System): 6E1 8

恐懼操縱(範例異能力)(Phobic Manipulation (example power)): 6E1 252

生理困難(困難)(Physical Complication (Complication)): 6E1 154, 425

物理防禦(PD)(屬性)(Physical Defense (PD) (Characteristic)): 6E1 46, 141, 196

物理防禦(基地屬性)(Physical Defense (Base Characteristic)): 6E2 189

物理防禦(載具屬性)(Physical Defense (Vehicle Characteristic)): 6E2 187

實體化身(限制)(Physical Manifestation (Limitation)): 6E1 387

身體最大值(Physical Maxima): 6E1 52

皮卡車(範例載具)(Pickup Truck (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

穿刺火焰(範例異能力)(Piercing Fire (example power)): 6E1 342

派珀PA-28切諾基(範例載具)(Piper PA-28 Cherokee (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

手槍,的BODY和防禦(Pistol, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

手槍(火器)(Pistols (firearms)): 6E2 208

部位射擊(Placed Shots): 6E2 109

胡蜂之疫法術(範例異能力)(Plague Of Hornets Spell (example power)): 6E1 381

位面旅行(Planar travel): 6E1 221

飛機,的BODY和防禦(Plane, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

飛機(範例載具)(Planes (example vehicles)): 6E2 196

在地球以外其它星球上的墜落(Planets other than Earth, falling on): 6E2 141

塑膠的防禦(Plastic, defense of): 6E2 172

塑膠製手槍(範例異能力)(Plastic Pistol (example power)): 6E1 338

遊戲主持與玩家角色(Player Characters, GMing): 6E2 270

點數上限(Point Ceilings): 6E2 282

異能的原點(Point of origin of a Power): 6E1 126, 144

塗毒小刀(範例異能力)(Poisoned Knife (example power)): 6E1 385

毒(Poisons): 6E2 210

毒免疫(Poisons, immunity to): 6E1 245

長柄武器(HTH武器)(Polearms (HTH weapons)): 6E2 204

警車(範例載具)(Police Car (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

貧窮(收入層級)(Poor (income category)): 6E1 105

立足點不穩(戰鬥調整)(Poor footing (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 47

保時捷911(範例載具)(Porsche 911 (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

攜帶式迫擊炮(範例異能力)(Portable Mortar (example power)): 6E1 337

姿勢改變(加算)(Position Shift (Adder)): 6E1 157, 244, 302

正面聲譽(資源)(Positive Reputation (Perk)): 6E1 106

後末日(體裁)(Post-Apocalyptic (genre)): 6E2 262

第12片段後(遊戲時間的單位)(Post-Segment 12 (measurement of game time)): 6E2 16

第12片段後的恢復(Post-Segment 12 Recovery): 6E2 129

巨人之力藥水(範例異能力)(Potion Of Giant Strength (example power)): 6E1 351

動力裝甲電池(範例異能力)(Powered Armor Battery (example power)): 6E1 206

異能(技能)(Power (Skill)): 6E1 86

異能增益(Power Advantages): 6E1 311-62

力量護腕(範例異能力)(Power-Bracers (example power)): 6E1 380

異能能夠從角色身上或耐力儲備中取用END(增益)(Power Can Draw END From Character Or Endurance Reserve (Advantage)): 6E1 206

異能創造檢查表(Power Creation Checklist): 6E1 123

強力飛鏢(範例異能力)(Power Dart (example power)): 6E1 389

異能防禦(異能)(Power Defense (Power)): 6E1 272

異能汲取(範例異能力)(Power Drain (example power)): 6E1 328

動力戰甲(範例異能力)(Powered Battle Armor (example power)): 6E1 276

異能移動(Powered Movement): 6E2 28

異能框架(Power Frameworks)
 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 98, 139, 397-412, 6E2 286
 調整型異能以及(Adjustment Powers and): 6E1 139

異能限制(Power Limitations): 6E1 363-96

異能大漩渦(範例異能力)(Power Maelstrom (example power)): 6E1 324

異能調整(Power Modifiers): 6E1 312

 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 117-310
 水下(Underwater): 6E2 163-66

異能簡介表(Powers Summary Table): 6E1 163

異能表(Powers Table): 6E1 162

預知(Precognition): 6E1 180

預知(範例特殊效果)(Precognition (example special effect)): 6E1 121

僅限預知/溯知(限制)(Precognition/Retrocognition Only (Limitation)): 6E1 181

卷纏尾(範例異能力)(Prehensile Tail (example power)): 6E1 224

氣場(PRE)(屬性)(Presence (PRE) (Characteristic)): 6E1 45

氣場攻擊(Presence Attacks): 6E2 69, 135, 288

氣場防禦(範例異能力)(Presence Defense (example power)): 6E1 178

 環境影響(Environmental effect): 6E2 144
 高/低,適應(High/low, safety in): 6E1 245

從過去版本轉換(Previous editions, converting from): 6E1 20

虹光衝擊法術(範例異能力)(Prismatic Blast Spell (example power)): 6E1 324

職業技能(技能)(Professional Skill (Skill)): 6E1 86

職業模板(Professional Templates): 6E1 37

技能嫻熟(Proficiency with a Skill): 6E1 56

臥倒的目標(戰鬥調整)(Prone Target (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 37, 49

預言性畫面閃現(範例異能力)(Prophetic Glimpses (example power)): 6E1 386

保護攜帶的物品(加算)(Protects Carried Items (Adder)): 6E1 276

偽足(範例異能力)(Pseudopods (example power)): 6E1 374

靈能苦痛引發(範例異能力)(Psionic Pain Induction (example power)): 6E1 247

靈能護盾(範例異能力)(Psionic Shield (example power)): 6E1 247

靈能手術(異能招數)(Psionic Surgery (power trick)): 6E1 298

心靈聯繫(加算)(Psychic Bond (Adder)): 6E1 259

心靈視覺(範例異能力)(Psychic Sight (example power)): 6E1 266

心靈致動(範例異能力)(Psychokinesis (example power)): 6E1 295, 318

心理困難(困難)(Psychological Complication (Complication)): 6E1 252, 255, 270, 425, 6E2 184

公眾身分(範例社會困難)(Public Identity (example Social Complication)): 6E1 428

收力攻擊(戰鬥招式)(Pulling A Punch (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 87

紙漿英雄(紙漿體裁)(Pulp Hero (Pulp genre)): 6E2 252

拳打,對PER檢定的調整(Punch, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

超負荷(Pushing): 6E2 133

心靈觀察水晶(範例異能力)(Psychic Viewing Crystal (example power)): 6E1 266

流沙(Quicksand): 6E2 152

種族模板(Racial Templates): 6E1 37-38

雷達(增強感官)(Radar (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 211

雷達感知(範例異能力)(Radar-Sense (example power)): 6E1 214

 環境影響(Environmental effect): 6E2 144, 6E2 153
 適應(Safety in): 6E1 245
 特殊效果(Special effect): 6E1 121

無線電感知(增強感官)(Radio Perception (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 211

無線電感知/傳輸(增強感官)(Radio Perception/Transmission (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 211

無線電感官群組(Radio Sense Group): 6E1 208, 6E2 9

無線控制炸彈(範例異能力)(Radio-Controlled Bomb (example power)): 6E1 351

半徑(範圍效果的類型)(Radius (type of Area Of Effect)): 6E1 320

鐵路車輛,的BODY和防禦(Railroad car, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

鐵軌,的BODY和防禦(Railroad tracks, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

雨(環境影響)(Rain (environmental effect)): 6E2 145

Randall Irons(範例角色)(Randall Irons (example character)): 6E1 436

隨機射擊(Random shots): 6E2 127

遠程(感官調整)(Range (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 214

射程增益(增益)(Range Advantages (Advantage)): 6E1 344

射程基於STR(增益)(Range Based On STR (Advantage)): 6E1 344

射程基於STR(限制)(Range Based On STR (Limitation)): 6E1 388, 6E2 167

遠程(增益)(Ranged (Advantage)): 6E1 203, 231, 242, 273, 344

格擋遠程攻擊(Ranged attacks, Blocking): 6E2 59

遠程戰鬥(Ranged Combat): 6E2 54

遠程繳械(Ranged Disarms): 6E2 61

遠程致死攻擊(RKA)(Ranged Killing Attack (RKA)): 6E1 241

遠程重組(增益)(Ranged Recombination (Advantage)): 6E1 203

射程限制(限制)(Range Limitations (Limitation)): 6E1 388

距離調整(Range Modifier): 6E2 11, 38

套用距離調整(限制)(Range Modifier Applies (Limitation)): 6E1 287

異能的射程(Range of Powers): 6E1 129

快速(感官調整)(Rapid (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 214

快速攻擊(技能)(Rapid Attack (Skill)): 6E1 87

快速連發(技能)(Rapid Autofire (Skill)): 6E1 65
« 上次编辑: 2022-07-22, 周五 13:11:59 由 歐諾 »

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Re: 【Hero System 6th Edition, Volume 1 & 2】索引(8/11)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2021-10-03, 周日 22:23:56 »
快速分身(增益)(Rapid Duplication (Advantage)): 6E1 203

快速痊癒(限制)(Rapid Healing (Limitation)): 6E1 308

快速自愈(範例異能力)(Rapid Healing Factor (example power)): 6E1 274

 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 284, 442
 戰鬥中的(In combat): 6E2 54

實際點數,實際花費(Real Points, Real Cost): 6E1 119

寫實武器(武器的限制)(Real Weapon (Limitation for weapons)): 6E2 200

現實主義(Realism): 6E1 8

戰役的現實度(Realism of the campaign): 6E2 268

現實性戰鬥(Realistic combat): 6E2 15

寫實武術(子體裁)(Realistic Martial Arts (subgenre)): 6E2 242

現實扭曲傳送門(範例異能力)(Reality-Warping Portals (example power)): 6E1 273

非常大的拳(異能招數)(Really Big Fist (power trick)): 6E1 285

從特殊效果推理(Reasoning from special effects): 6E1 122

僅限接收(Receive Only (Limitation)): 6E1 299

可恢復充能(充能的選項)(Recoverable Charges (option for Charges)): 6E1 372

從震懾中回復(Recovering from being Stunned): 6E2 37, 105

恢復(Recovery): 6E2 122, 129

復原(REC)(屬性)(Recovery (REC) (Characteristic)): 6E1 46

採取恢復動作(Recovery, taking): 6E2 37, 129

受距離影響而減少(限制)(Reduced By Range (Limitation)): 6E1 388

受縮小影響而減少(限制)(Reduced By Shrinking (Limitation)): 6E1 283

減少耐力消耗(增益)(Reduced Endurance (Advantage)): 6E1 168, 189, 197, 230-31, 345

減少消除(加算)(Reduced Negation (Adder)): 6E1 144

減少穿透(限制)(Reduced Penetration (Limitation)): 6E1 388

減少屬性(Reducing Characteristics): 6E1 47

減少擊退(Reducing Knockback): 6E2 117

反射(異能)(Reflection (Power)): 6E1 192, 272, 286

再生(異能)(Regeneration (Power)): 6E1 202, 274, 360

相對速度(Relative velocity): 6E2 71

聲譽(Reputation): 6E1 106, 424

需要多手(武器的限制)(Required Hands (Limitation for weapons)): 6E2 200

需要檢定(限制)(Requires A Roll (Limitation)): 6E1 182, 273, 280, 389

需要[技能]檢定(需要檢定的形式)(Requires A [Skill] Roll (form of Requires A Roll)): 6E1 391

需要多個充能(充能的選項)(Requires Multiple Charges (option for Charges)): 6E1 371

需要多個使用者(限制)(Requires Multiple Users (Limitation)): 6E1 392

預留一個階段(Reserving a Phase): 6E2 20

抗拒(天賦)(Resistance (Talent)): 6E1 114

抗性(增益)(Resistant (Advantage)): 6E1 147

抗性防護(異能)(Resistant Protection (Power)): 6E1 275

以STR抵抗擊退,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Resisting Knockback with STR, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

抵抗心靈異能(Resisting Mental Powers): 6E1 149

可被限制(限制)(Restrainable (Limitation)): 6E1 393, 6E2 167

限制恢復(充能的選項)(Restricted Recovery (option for Charges)): 6E1 372

限制形狀(限制)(Restricted Shape (Limitation)): 6E1 173

限制使用(限制)(Restricted Use (Limitation)): 6E1 206

角色點的花費上的限制(Restrictions on spending Character Points): 6E1 32

復活(加算)(Resurrection (Adder)): 6E1 235, 274

僅限復活(限制)(Resurrection Only (Limitation)): 6E1 236, 274

視網膜掃描器(陷阱)(Retina Scanner (trap)): 6E2 156

溯知(Retrocognition): 6E1 180

調整型異能的還原速度(Return rate of Adjustment Powers): 6E1 139

返回原狀(限制)(Reversion (Limitation)): 6E1 270

騎乘(技能)(Riding (Skill)): 6E1 87

騎乘動物移動(Riding animals, movement): 6E2 30

步槍,的BODY和防禦(Rifle, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

步槍(火器)(Rifles (firearms)): 6E2 208

隱形戒指(範例異能力)(Ring Of Invisibility (example power)): 6E1 240

儀式召喚(範例異能力)(Ritual Summoning (example power)): 6E1 392

競爭者(困難)(Rivalry (Complication)): 6E1 426

道路,的BODY和防禦(Roadway, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

機器人(作為自動機)(Robots (as Automatons)): 6E2 182

火箭靴(範例異能力)(Rocketboots (example power)): 6E1 277

檢定加值(加算)(Roll Bonus (Adder)): 6E1 264

緩衝動作(戰鬥招式)(Roll With A Punch (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 88

緩衝動作,對擊退的影響(Roll With The Punch, effect on Knockback): 6E2 115

取整(Rounding): 6E1 12

橡膠球形態(異能招數)(Rubber Ball Form (power trick)): 6E1 285

X法則(Rule of X): 6E2 282

抱令守律(天賦)(Rules-Monger (Talent)): 6E1 114

失控(火器故障)(Runaway (firearms malfunction)): 6E2 207

奔跑(移動的方式)(Running (form of movement)): 6E1 41, 277, 6E2 28

奔跑(異能)(Running (Power)): 6E1 277

主持戰役(Running the campaign): 6E2 275

犧牲摔投(武術招式)(Sacrifice Throw (Martial Maneuver)): 6E2 92

安全水中傳送(加算)(Safe Aquatic Teleport (Adder)): 6E1 302

安全盲目傳送(增益)(Safe Blind Teleport (Advantage)): 6E1 303

安全盲目旅行(增益)(Safe Blind Travel (Advantage)): 6E1 223

保險庫門(Safe door, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

環境適應(生命維持的形式)(Safe Environment (form of Life Support)): 6E1 245

武士模板(賽博英雄用)(Samurai Template (for Cyber Hero)): 6E2 230

樹人的樹液球(範例異能力)(Sap Globes Of The Tree People (example power)): 6E1 345

度量衡(Scale): 6E1 12, 6E2 15

氣味操縱(範例異能力)(Scent Manipulation (example power)): 6E1 280

學者(技能促進子)(Scholar (Skill Enhancer)): 6E1 96

學生巴士(範例載具)(School Bus (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

科幻(體裁)(Science Fiction (genre)): 6E2 255

科學技能(技能)(Science Skill (Skill)): 6E1 87

科學家(技能促進子)(Scientist (Skill Enhancer)): 6E1 96

Saravane的閃爍鐐銬(範例異能力)(Scintillant Shackles Of Saravane (example power)): 6E1 381

水肺裝備(SCUBA gear): 6E2 162

秘密身分(範例社會困難)(Secret Identity (example Social Complication)): 6E1 428

保全裝置(Security devices): 6E2 155

保全系統(技能)(Security Systems (Skill)): 6E1 88

片段(遊戲時間的單位)(Segment (measurement of game time)): 6E2 16

片段式移動(Segmented movement): 6E2 27

選擇性無實體化(增益)(Selective Desolidification (Advantage)): 6E1 192

選擇性目標型(範圍效果選項)(Selective Target (Area Of Effect option)): 6E1 324

自身(異能的射程)(Self (Range of a Power) 6E1 129

僅限自身(限制)(Self Only (Limitation)): 6E1 252

僅限自身(異能的目標)(Self Only (target of a Power) 6E1 129

自給式呼吸(生命維持的形式)(Self-Contained Breathing (form of Life Support)): 6E1 245

半自動手槍(火器)(Semi-Automatic Pistols (firearms)): 6E2 208

半固態(異能招數)(Semi-Solid Form (power trick)): 6E1 191

半自動.45手槍(範例異能力)(Semiautomatic .45 Handgun (example power)): 6E1 242

老年人(範例角色)(Senior Citizen (example character)): 6E1 437

感官(感官調整)(Sense (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 214

感官群組(Sense Groups): 6E1 159, 208, 6E2 8

感官影響型異能(Sense-Affecting Powers): 6E1 159, 180

感官的花費(Senses, cost of): 6E1 209

英雄系統中的感官(Senses in the HERO System): 6E2 7-14

異能的感知(Sensing Powers): 6E1 124

基地/載具的感測器(Sensors for Bases/Vehicles): 6E2 192

感知型異能(Sensory Powers): 6E1 160

感知天賦(Sensory Talents): 6E1 109, 6E2 10

有知覺的載具(Sentient Vehicles): 6E2 195

連續劇戰役(Serial Campaigns): 6E2 275

戰役的嚴肅程度(Seriousness of the campaign): 6E2 269

瞄準(戰鬥招式)(Set (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 79

限定效果(僅限手部/腳部)(Set Effect (Hands/Feet Only) (Limitation)): 6E1 219

限定效果(限制)(Set Effect (Limitation)): 6E1 186, 238, 257

設定選擇/創造(Setting choice/creation): 6E2 267

陰影(環境影響)(Shadow (environmental effect)): 6E2 144

陰影,對PER檢定的調整(Shadow, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

跟蹤(技能)(Shadowing (Skill)): 6E1 88

暗影領域(範例異能力)(Shadowsphere (example power)): 6E1 324

形態改變(範例特殊效果)(Shape Alteration (example special effect)): 6E1 121

物體的形狀(Shape of objects): 6E2 174

變身(異能)(Shape Shift (Power)): 6E1 269, 277

盾牌(Shields): 6E2 211

散彈槍(火器)(Shotguns (firearms)): 6E2 208

大吼,對PER檢定的調整(Shouting, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

推擠(戰鬥招式)(Shove (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 79

尖叫警示(範例異能力)(Shrieker Alarm (example power)): 6E1 226

縮小(異能)(Shrinking (Power)): 6E1 218, 281, 286

副作用(限制)(Side Effects (Limitation)): 6E1 193, 270, 393

視覺感知調整(Sight Perception Modifiers): 6E2 12

視覺感官群組(Sight Sense Group): 6E1 209, 6E2 9

火器的瞄具(Sights for firearms): 6E2 207

寂靜(環境影響)(Silence (environmental effect)): 6E2 144

白銀時代冠軍(超級英雄子體裁)(Silver Age Champions (Supeheroes subgenre)): 6E2 218

簡化治療(Simplified Healing): 6E1 234

假死(天賦)(Simulate Death (Talent)): 6E1 115

模擬感官群組規則(Simulated Sense Group Rule): 6E1 207, 6E2 8

 基地"屬性"(Base “Characteristic”): 6E2 189
 物體的(Of objects): 6E2 174
 武器的(Of weapons): 6E2 203
 對PER檢定的調整(PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12
 生理困難(Physical Complication): 6E1 445
 目標的(Target’s): 6E2 51
 載具"屬性"(Vehicle “Characteristic”): 6E2 186

大小改變(範例特殊效果)(Size Alteration (example special effect)): 6E1 121

大小改變型異能(Size Powers): 6E1 160

滑板(範例異能力)(Skateboard (example power)): 6E1 277

技能組合(Skill Combinations): 6E1 54

技能描述(Skill Descriptions): 6E1 63

技能促進子(Skill Enhancers): 6E1 96

技能等級(技能)(Skill Levels (Skill)): 6E1 88

技能最大值(Skill Maxima): 6E1 51

技能調整(Skill Modifiers): 6E1 58, 6E2 280-81

技能時代(Skill Period): 6E1 59

技能檢定(Skill Rolls): 6E1 55

技能類型(Skill Types): 6E1 62

技能對技能對抗(Skill Versus Skill Contests): 6E1 57

技藝熟練的普通人(範例角色)(Skilled Normal (example character)): 6E1 439

 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 53-96
 調整型異能與(Adjustment Powers and): 6E1 135
 用來使用異能的(For using Powers): 6E1 131
 水下(Underwater): 6E2 162

技能(異能)(Skills (Power)): 6E1 283, 360

需要皮膚接觸(限制)(Skin Contact Required (Limitation)): 6E1 154

跳躍式掃射(技能)(Skipover Sprayfire (Skill)): 6E1 66

臭鼬,對PER檢定的調整(Skunk, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 13

猛推(Slam): 6E2 62

Slash(範例角色)(Slash (example character)): 6E2 231

奴隸(範例社會困難)(Slave (example Social Complication)): 6E1 428

睡眠/夢境(範例特殊效果)(Sleep/Dreams (example special effect)): 6E1 121

睡眠毒標(範例異能力)(Sleep Poison Darts (example power)): 6E1 331

睡眠術(範例異能力)(Sleep Spell (example power)): 6E1 247

 改變...的需求(Altering need to): 6E1 245
 對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37
 心靈感應與...中的心靈(Minds, Telepathy and): 6E1 298

手上功夫(技能)(Sleight Of Hand (Skill)): 6E1 89

彈弓(遠程武器)(Slings (Ranged weapons)): 6E2 206

在光滑表面上,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Slippery surfaces, on, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

緩慢恢復(限制)(Slow Recovery (Limitation)): 6E1 206

慢性毒素(範例異能力)(Slow-Acting Poison (example power)): 6E1 376

小體型角色(Small characters): 6E1 282, 442

小孩(範例角色)(Small Child (example character)): 6E1 437

小體型模板(Small Size Template): 6E1 444

氣味感知調整(Smell Perception Modifiers): 6E2 13

嗅覺/味覺感官群組(Smell/Taste Sense Group): 6E1 209, 6E2 9

臭味,對PER檢定的調整(Smelliness, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 13

煙霧手榴彈Mk.I(範例異能力)(Smoke Grenades, Mk. I (example power)): 6E1 186

煙霧手榴彈Mk.II(範例異能力)(Smoke Grenades, Mk. II (example power)): 6E1 370

探頭射擊(戰鬥招式)(Snap Shot (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 88

噴嚏,對PER檢定的調整(Sneeze, PER Roll modifiers for): 6E2 12

狙擊爆能槍(範例異能力)(Sniper Blaster (example power)): 6E1 344

雪(環境影響)(Snow (environmental effect)): 6E2 145

社會困難(困難)(Social Complication (Complication)): 6E1 428

角色創造軟體(Software, character creation): 6E1 8

太陽/天體(範例特殊效果)(Solar/Celestial (example special effect)): 6E1 121

毀滅之歌(範例異能力)(Song Of Destruction (example power)): 6E1 382

聲波(範例特殊效果)(Sonic (example special effect)): 6E1 121

聲波長槍(範例異能力)(Sonic Lance (example power)): 6E1 389

聲波劍(範例異能力)(Sonic Sword (example power)): 6E1 345

靈魂灼燒(範例異能力)(Soulburn (example power)): 6E1 331

聲音(環境影響)(Sound (environmental effect)): 6E2 144
« 上次编辑: 2022-11-25, 周五 16:30:31 由 歐諾 »

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Re: 【Hero System 6th Edition, Volume 1 & 2】索引(9/11)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2021-10-04, 周一 14:40:57 »
異能對源頭的效果,感知到的樣子(Source Effect of a Power, perceiving): 6E1 125

異能的源頭,感知到的樣子(Source of a Power, perceiving): 6E1 125

太空歌劇(科幻子體裁)(Space Opera (Science Fiction subgenre)): 6E2 258

太空船,的BODY和防禦(Spaceship, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

太空衣,的BODY和防禦(Spacesuit, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

空間感(增強感官)(Spatial Awareness (Enhanced Sense)): 6E1 211, 6E2 10

改變SPD(SPD, changing): 6E2 17

長槍(HTH武器)(Spears (HTH weapons)): 6E2 204

特殊效果(Special Effects): 6E1 120, 125

特殊異能(Special Powers): 6E1 161

專精技能(Specializing Skills): 6E1 58

特定存在(增益)(Specific Being (Advantage)): 6E1 291

速度(SPD)(屬性)(Speed (SPD) (Characteristic)): 6E1 45, 6E2 285

速度(載具屬性)(Speed (Vehicle Characteristic)): 6E2 188

速度表格(Speed Chart): 6E2 17

速讀(天賦)(Speed Reading (Talent)): 6E1 115

機動船(範例載具)(Speedboat (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

加速戰鬥(Speeding up combat): 6E2 52

極速者異能(範例特殊效果)(Speedster Powers (example special effect)): 6E1 121

致盲強光法術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Blinding Light (example power)): 6E1 226

附魔削弱術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Diminished Enchantments (example power)): 6E1 196

恐懼術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Fear (example power)): 6E1 196

治療術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Healing (example power)): 6E1 236

多語言術(範例法術)(Spell Of Many Tongues (example spell)): 6E2 234

無數幻象法術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Myriad Phantasms (example power)): 6E1 252

死靈之倦怠法術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Necromantic Ennui (example power)): 6E1 388

火焰防護術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Protection From Fire (example power)): 6E1 276

高溫防護術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Protection From Heat (example power)): 6E1 348

正義之力法術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Righteous Strength (example power)): 6E1 178

鏽蝕厄運法術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Rusty Doom (example power)): 6E1 194

探知術(範例異能力)(Spell Of Scrying (example power)): 6E1 181

意志喪失術(範例異能力)(Spell Of The Bereft Will (example power)): 6E1 386

燃燒之刃法術(範例異能力)(Spell Of The Burning Blade (example power)): 6E1 348

飢餓烈焰法術(範例異能力)(Spell Of The Hungry Flames (example power)): 6E1 168

靜默術(範例異能力)(Spell Of The Idle Tongue (example power)): 6E1 186

無形小徑法術(範例異能力)(Spell Of The Invisible Path (example power)): 6E1 396

法術大師(可選天賦)(Spellmaster (optional Talent)): 6E1 116

知覺混沌之域(範例異能力)(Sphere Of Chaotic Sensations (example power)): 6E1 186

靈魂形態(範例異能力)(Spirit Form (example power)): 6E1 367

靈魂投射(範例特殊效果)(Spirit Projection (example special effect)): 6E1 121

運動型多用途車(範例載具)(Sports Utility Vehicle (example vehicle)): 6E2 196

跑車(範例載具)(Sportscars (example vehicles)): 6E2 196

擴散攻擊(戰鬥調整)(Spreading An Attack (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 49

彈簧靴(範例異能力)(Spring-Boots (example power)): 6E1 243

緊壓(Squeeze): 6E2 62

增益堆疊(Stacking Advantages): 6E1 313

失速速度(限制)(Stall Velocity (Limitation)): 6E2 188

標準戰鬥招式(Standard Combat Maneuvers): 6E2 57

標準效果規則(Standard Effect Rule): 6E1 133

標準異能(Standard Powers): 6E1 161

標準遠程(異能的射程)(Standard Range (Range of a Power) 6E1 129

星際英雄(科幻體裁)(Star Hero (Science Fiction genre)): 6E2 255

星艦超引擎(範例異能力)(Starship Hyperdrive (example power)): 6E1 225

星艦武器吊艙(範例異能力)(Starship Weapons Pod (example power)): 6E1 362

飢餓(環境影響)(Starvation (environmental effect)): 6E2 143

潛行(技能)(Stealth (Skill)): 6E1 89

隱形飛機效果(範例異能力)(Stealth Plane Effect (example power)): 6E1 240

異能的使用與潛行(Stealth, Power use and): 6E1 125

鋼鐵拳(範例異能力)(Steel Fist (example power)): 6E1 231

鋼鐵觸手(範例異能力)(Steel Tentacles (example power)): 6E1 224

沾黏(增益)(Sticky (Advantage)): 6E1 345

興奮藥丸(範例異能力)(Stim Pill (example power)): 6E1 246

螫針(範例異能力)(Stinger (example power)): 6E1 393

臭氣彈(範例異能力)(Stink Bomb (example power)): 6E1 226

岩石,的BODY和防禦(Stone, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

岩石的防禦(Stone, defense of): 6E2 172

停止標誌圖示(Stop Sign icon): 6E1 120, 6E2 286

停止移動中的物體(Stopping moving objects): 6E2 26

停止指定感官(加算)(Stops A Given Sense (Adder)): 6E1 218

當心靈能力者被擊昏/被震懾時停止生效(限制)(Stops Working If Mentalist Knocked Out/Stunned (Limitation)): 6E1 154

故事講述(Storytelling): 6E2 276

STR 0,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(STR 0, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

移動射擊(戰鬥招式)(Strafe (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 88

黑街(技能)(Streetwise (Skill)): 6E1 89

力量(STR)(屬性)(Strength (STR) (Characteristic))
 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 41, 206
 以...增加傷害(Adding damage with): 6E2 100, 102
 移動與(Movement and): 6E2 25
 載具屬性(Vehicle Characteristic): 6E2 186

最小STR(武器的限制)(Strength Minimum (Limitation for weapons)): 6E2 199

我敵人的力量(範例異能力)(Strength Of My Enemies (example power)): 6E1 166

力量表(Strength Table): 6E1 43

力量/異能(範例特殊效果)(Strength/Toughness Powers (example special effect)): 6E1 121

拉伸(異能)(Stretching (Power)): 6E1 202, 230, 282, 284

拉伸異能(範例特殊效果)(Stretching Powers (example special effect)): 6E1 121

伸縮腿(異能招數)(Stretchy Legs (power trick)): 6E1 285

打擊(戰鬥招式)(Strike (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 80

引人注目的外表(天賦)(Striking Appearance (Talent)): 6E1 115, 279

意志堅定(限制)(Strong-Willed (Limitation)): 6E1 291

暈眩值(STUN)(屬性)(Stun (STUN) (Characteristic)): 6E1 46, 141, 196-97

STUN乘數(STUN Multiplier): 6E2 98

僅限STUN(或BODY)(限制)(STUN (or BODY) Only (Limitation)): 6E1 184, 186

僅限STUN(限制)(STUN Only (Limitation)): 6E1 174

STUN轉移(範例異能力)(STUN Transfer (example power)): 6E1 197

英雄級戰役中的STUN傷害(Stun Damage in Heroic Campaigns): 6E2 119

暈眩毒氣手榴彈(範例異能力)(Stun Gas Grenades (example power)): 6E1 196

 對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37
 治療與(Healing and): 6E1 233
 正在從...中恢復,對DCV/部位射擊的影響(Recovering from, effect on DCV/Placed Shots): 6E2 37

震懾(Stunning): 6E2 104

閃耀光能衝擊(範例異能力)(Stunning Light Blast (example power)): 6E1 326

心靈感應與潛意識(Subconscious, Telepathy and): 6E1 298

受制於命令(範例社會困難)(Subject To Orders (example Social Complication)): 6E1 428

受距離調整影響(限制)(Subject To Range Modifier (Limitation)): 6E1 388

衝鋒槍(火器)(Submachine Guns (firearms)): 6E2 208

潛艇,的BODY和防禦(Submarine, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

鐵路車輛,移動時的STR(Subway, STR of while moving): 6E2 27

誤擊(Sucker Attacks): 6E2 128

窒息(Suffocation): 6E2 130

英雄系統的簡介(Summary of the HERO System): 6E1 13-15

召喚(異能)(Summon (Power)): 6E1 192, 203, 287, 360

被召喚存在必須居住於當地(限制)(Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (Limitation)): 6E1 291

曬傷(環境影響)(Sunburn (environmental effect)): 6E2 143

陽光爆法術(範例異能力)(Sunburst Spell (example power)): 6E1 332

墨鏡(範例異能力)(Sunglasses (example power)): 6E1 227

超級柔身術技能(範例異能力)(Super-Contortionist Skill (example power)): 6E1 192

超高密度形態(範例異能力)(Super-Dense Form (example power)): 6E1 242

超級偽裝(範例異能力)(Super-Disguise (example power)): 6E1 280

超級奔跑(範例異能力)(Super-Running (example power)): 6E1 277

超級技能(範例特殊效果)(Super-Skills (example special effect)): 6E1 121

超級速度(範例異能力)(Super-Speed (example power)): 6E1 228

超級類固醇藥丸(範例異能力)(Super-Steroid Pills (example power)): 6E1 178

超級力量砸穿(範例異能力)(Super-Strength Smash-Through (example power)): 6E1 310

超級英雄體裁(Superheroes genre): 6E2 214

超級英雄級角色與戰役(Superheroic characters and campaigns): 6E1 29, 34

超音速飛行(範例角色)(Supersonic Flight (example power)): 6E1 342

壓制(汲取的可選形式)(Suppress (optional form of Drain)): 6E1 196, 6E2 13

壓制射擊(戰鬥招式)(Suppression Fire (Combat Maneuver)): 6E2 89

絕對平衡感(天賦)(Supreme Balance (Talent)): 6E1 113

連發的額外花費(Surcharge for Autofire): 6E1 327

Sureshtar的強酸球(範例異能力)(Sureshtar’s Acidic Sphere (example power)): 6E1 331

表面(範圍效果的類型)(Surface (type of Area Of Effect)): 6E1 321

僅限表面(限制)(Surface Only (Limitation)): 6E1 292

僅限表層思維(限制)(Surface Thoughts Only (Limitation)): 6E1 299

奇招(戰鬥調整)(Surprise Move (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 51

突襲(戰鬥調整)(Surprised (Combat Modifier)): 6E2 37, 50

生存(技能)(Survival (Skill)): 6E1 90

易感(困難)(Susceptibility (Complication)): 6E1 184, 193, 236, 274, 429

易感(限制)(Susceptible (Limitation)): 6E1 219

俠盜(體裁)(Swashbuckling (genre)): 6E2 262

樹人之迅速攀爬(範例異能力)(Swift-Climbers Of The Tree People (example power)): 6E1 182

蛙鞋(範例異能力)(Swimfins (example power)): 6E1 292

游泳(移動的方式)(Swimming (form of movement)): 6E1 41

游泳(異能)(Swimming (Power)): 6E1 292

擺盪(Swinging): 6E2 29

擺盪(異能)(Swinging (Power)): 6E1 292

劍,的BODY和防禦(Sword, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

劍術大師的技能(範例異能力)(Swordmaster’s Skill (example power)): 6E1 242

劍(HTH武器)(Swords (HTH weapons)): 6E2 204

劍與魔法(奇幻子體裁)(Swords And Sorcery (Fantasy subgenre)): 6E2 236

系統操作(技能)(Systems Operation (Skill)): 6E1 90, 6E2 300

戰術(技能)(Tactics (Skill)): 6E1 91

不受攻擊傷害(增益)(Takes No Damage From Attacks (Advantage)): 6E1 219

不受STUN傷害(異能)(Takes No STUN (Power)): 6E1 293

受到傷害(Taking Damage): 6E2 103

 總體而言(Generally): 6E1 108-116, 447
 調整型異能以及(Adjustment Powers and): 6E1 135
 水下(Underwater): 6E2 163

防護魔法之護身符(範例異能力)(Talisman Against Sorcery (example power)): 6E1 272

坦克,的BODY和防禦(Tank, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

瞄準範圍(Target An Area): 6E2 51

異能對目標的效果,感知到的樣子(Target Effect of a Power, perceiving): 6E1 125

異能的目標,感知到的樣子(Target of a Power, perceiving): 6E1 125

異能的目標(Target of Powers): 6E1 129

目標大小(Target Size): 6E2 51

目標的DCV(異能的目標)(Target’s DCV (target of a Power) 6E1 129

定位感官(感官調整)(Targeting Sense (Sense Modifier)): 6E1 214

定位感官(Targeting Senses): 6E2 7

Taurus(範例角色)(Taurus (example character)): 6E2 220

聯合毆打(異能招數)(Team Punch (power trick)): 6E1 200

戰鬥合作(技能)(Teamwork (Skill)): 6E1 91

科技(範例特殊效果)(Technology (example special effect)): 6E1 121

少年冠軍(超級英雄子體裁)(Teen Champions (Supeheroes subgenre)): 6E2 219

念動力(異能)(Telekinesis (Power)): 6E1 294

念動力,強力一擊(Telekinesis, Haymakering): 6E2 69

念動力(範例特殊效果)(Telekinetic (example special effect)): 6E1 121

念力手臂(範例異能力)(Telekinetic Arm (example power)): 6E1 296

念力衝擊(異能招數)(Telekinetic Blast (power trick)): 6E1 294

念力粉碎(異能招數)(Telekinetic Crush (power trick)): 6E1 294

念力偏斜(範例異能力)(Telekinetic Deflection (example power)): 6E1 188

念力懸浮(異能招數)(Telekinetic Levitation (power trick)): 6E1 294

念力點防禦(異能招數)(Telekinetic Point Defense (power trick)): 6E1 294

念力護盾(異能招數)(Telekinetic Shield (power trick)): 6E1 294

念力助手(範例異能力)(Telekinetic Sidekicks (example power)): 6E1 204

遙感(增益)(Telepathic (Advantage)): 6E1 257

心靈感應(異能)(Telepathy (Power)): 6E1 192, 259, 297

電線桿,的BODY和防禦(Telephone pole, BODY and defense of): 6E2 171

傳送(範例特殊效果)(Teleportation (example special effect)): 6E1 121

傳送(異能)(Teleportation (Power)): 6E1 259, 300, 6E2 29
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