作者 主题: 【开坑】拯救过气规则,煮锅城《The Shackled City》1-20级AP! 自翻自校贴  (阅读 77472 次)

副标题: 第一章已翻译完毕……准备开始!第四章>_<第四章一半了

离线 弗雷德·弗兰克·弗朗西斯科

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Re: 拯救过气规则,煮锅城1-20级AP开坑!顺便招同好苦力~~~
« 回帖 #10 于: 2018-12-20, 周四 19:33:42 »
凭借圣·库斯伯特的谜语和对当地锁匠的怀疑, PC来到了盖尔夫锁匠店,这是一家不起眼的商店,坐落在熔岩大道上。锁匠凯根·盖尔夫给了潜伏客和幽暗匍匐者能打开这个城镇大部分锁具万能钥匙。由于这些钥匙,绑匪可以毫不费力地进入受害者家中。然而,凯根是被迫参与的,他的魔宠被当做人质抓了起来。这里PC们的目标是找到楼梯下的密门(G3区)穿过密门他们将会到达杰扎德林区的侏儒领地,当前幽暗匍匐者的老巢。杰扎德林区目前还关押着凯根的魔宠和被绑架的市民。当PC接近时,读出以下内容。
凯根的锁要价公道,他这的库存也很多,而且他三天就能做出一把普通锁,5天就能做出一把精致锁,当然,他目前的能力还不足以做出更好的锁 (尽管他有几把进口好锁还没卖出去)。
商店的前门有三个精致的机械锁,每个需要一个单独的钥匙或DC 30开锁鉴定来打开。工作时间门并不会锁上。如果PC们在晚上商店关门的时候敲门,凯根会走去二楼(G4区)的厨房,打开临街的一扇百叶窗,说:“商店关门了,朋友。明早再来吧。”如果PC们要求和他谈谈最近发生在这个城市的事情,他回答说,“太晚了,我还没准备好谈生意,明天再来吧!”除非拿出一个令人信服的理由,以及DC 15的成功交涉或威吓鉴定,才能说服他在下班后让PC们进入房间。如果PC们威吓他,但没有通过威吓鉴定,凯根会冲下楼去反锁前门,并在其开锁鉴定DC上额外+5。
PC们可以强行进入室内,不过前门很坚固,窗子后面还有隐藏着锁着的木百叶窗(开锁DC 30)。嵌在烟囱里的铁格栅可以防止小偷从烟囱里爬进来。

前门(结实的铁皮木门): 厚2寸,硬度5;hp30;击破DC25;三个精致锁(开锁DC30)。
内门(优质木材): 厚1.5寸;硬度5; hp 15; 击破DC 18;精致锁(开锁DC30)。
百叶窗(普通木材): 厚1寸;硬度5; hp 10; 击破DC 15;精致锁(开锁DC30)。
窗户和烟囱的栏杆(铁): 厚1寸,硬度10; hp 30; 击破DC24。
标准锁:硬度15; hp30;开锁(简单:DC 20,普通:DC 25,精致:DC 30)。
劇透 -   :
Armed with St. Cuthbert's riddle and suspicions concerning the local locksmith, the PCs investigate Ghelve's Locks, a modest shop and dwelling on Lava Avenue.Keygan Ghelve, the locksmith, gave the skulks and dark creepers skeleton keys fitting most of the town's locks.Using these keys, the kidnappers can enter their victims' homes without too much fuss. However, Keygan is an unwilling accomplice eager to make amends-if only the evil skulks would release his familiar from captivity.The PCs' goal here is to find the secret door under the staircase (area G3)· Beyond the secret door lies the abandoned gnome enclave of Jzadirune, the current lair of the skulks and dark creepers. Jzadirune also holds Keygan's captive familiar and the way to the kidnapped townsfolk. When the PCs approach, read or paraphrase the following.
A small turret dominates the facade of this two-story black stone building. Iron bars are embedded in the thick window frames. Beyond the turret's groundfloor windows sits a lovely display oflocks, from large to small, simple to complex. To the left of the turret,above a heavy oak door, swings a simple sign that reads "GHELVE'S LOCKS."
Ghelve's Locks opens at sunrise and closes at sunset.the shop also closes for an hour around lunchtime,when Keygan runs most of his errands. Keygan charges fair prices for his locks. Although he has plenty of locks in inventory, and can make an average lock in 3 days and a good lock in 5 days, he lacks the skill to make amazingly good locks (although he has a few imported from Sasserine for sale).The front door has three good locking mechanisms, each requiring a separate key or DC 30 Open Locks check to open. The door is unlocked during work hours. If the PCs knock on the door at night when the shop is closed, Keygan goes to the kitchen on the
second floor (area G4), opens one of the shuttered windows facing the street, and says, "Shop's closed, friend. Come back after sunrise." If the PCs ask to speak with him about recent events in the city, he replies, "It's late, and I'm not ready to talk business- yours or mine. Come back tomorrow!" Only a compelling argument-and a successful DC 15 Diplomacy or Intimidate check-persuades him to let the PCs inside after hours. If a PC threatens him and fails the Intimidate check, Keygan rushes downstairs to cast hold portal on the front door, adding +5 to its break DC.
PCs can force their way inside, but the front door is sturdy and the windows have bars hidden behind locked wooden shutters (Open Lock DC 30). An iron grill embedded in the chimney mortar prevents Small intruders from crawling down the chimney.
PCs might attempt to sneak inside while Keygan is running errands during lunch hour. Before setting out, the gnome casts an alarm op the front door (the spell lasts 2 hours). The spell activates whenever someone other than Keygan crosses the door's threshold, and the noise is loud enough to alert Keygan's closest neighbors (who are kind enough to summon the town guard)

Front Door (strong, iron-bound wood): 2 in. thick;Hardness 5; hp 30; break DC 25; three good locks (Open Lock, DC 30).
Interior Door (good wood): 1 1/2 in. thick; Hardness5; hp 15; break DC 18; good lock (Open Lock, DC 30).
Window Shutters (simple wood): 1 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 10; break DC 15; good lock (Open Lock, DC 30).
Window and Chimney Bars (iron): 1 in. thick;Hardness 10; hp 30; break DC 24.
Typical Lock: Hardness 15; hp 30; Open Lock (very simple: DC 20, average: DC 25, good: DC 30).

凯根·盖尔夫,男侏儒专家3/法师(幻术专精)1:hp 17;见附件4。
如果英雄们指控凯根有犯罪行为或共谋,他会否认他们的指控。然而,如果他们试图激起对绑架受害者的同情,凯根就会变得越来越紧张和激动,因为他要小心对抗自己的“同伙”。说服凯根揭露真相需要合理的扮演和一个DC15的成功交涉鉴定。PC们也可以试图使用魅惑人类。即使这样,小心谨慎的侏儒也不会脱口而出说出真相,谁也不能保证那群潜伏客会不会正在监视着他(见区域G3) 相反,他试图用微妙的手势(拱起眉毛,向店后点头等等)来警告PC们,表达这里不仅只有他一个人。凯根必须做一个DC15的唬骗鉴定来成功将信息传递给PC们。不过,他的唬骗只有 +0,如果鉴定结果为5或者更低,角色们可能会觉得他是在邀请他们中的一个到后面房间做客。
劇透 -   :
Creature: Keygan Ghelve is 110 years old, with salt-and-pepper hair and a neatly trimmed mustache and goatee. His bushy eyebrows, creased face, and graven frown make him look frumpy and dour, but he possesses a sly wit and a disarming manner.
Keygan doesn't like clients looking down on him while they're haggling over prices. During business hours, he wears a pair of wood-and-iron stilts that clamp to his calves and wears extra-long pants to hide them. The stilts make him appear nearly 6 feet tall He is accustomed to walking on the stilts and suffers no penalty to his speed. He does not wear the stilts at night or while running errands, and leans them in a comer by the stairs when they're not in use.
Although he never lived in Jzadirune, Keygan visited the gnome enclave several times in his youth and spent the rest of his free time learning the locksmith trade and helping his father run Ghelve's Locks. He stopped visiting the enclave when a strange magical affliction called the Vanishing caused many of Jzadirune's denizens to fade into nothingness. His shop hides the only known entrance into Jzadirune, although only a handful of gnomes living in Cauldron know this. After 75 years, Jzadirune has faded from most people's memories.
Somewhat bored with his business,Keygan began studying magic a year ago. A little over three months ago, a gang of skulks and dark creepers found their way into Jzadirune from below. They followed the staircase up to the locksmith's shop, crept inside, and surprised both keygan and his rat familiar, Starbrow. Taking the familiar hostage, they blackmailed Keygan into telling them everything he knew about Cauldron. When the skulks learned that the gnome had crafted many of the town's locks, they made him create a single key that could open all of them. Fearing they would kill him and his familiar, keygan created special "skeleton keys" that would open any of his own locks. He then gave them a meticulous List of everyone in town to whom he'd sold locks in the past ten years. Keygan is not proud of his complicity, but he dares not act against the skulks so long as they're watching him and holding his familiar hostage.
Keygao Ghelve, Male Gnome expert 3/illusionist 1: hp 17; see Appendix 4.
If attacked, Keygan tries to incapacitate as many PCs as possible using color spray. If all of the PCs are knocked unconscious by the spell, Keygam binds them with rope found in his workshop. It takes him 2 rounds to fetch the rope and return with it, and 2 rounds to bind a single character. The skulk assigned to watch Keygan (see Development, below, and area G3) helps Keygan tie up the characters, then heads down to Jzadirune to fetch reinforcements. PCs can Cree themselves with a successful Escape Artist check (DC10+ Keygan's Use Rope check result).
If his color spray fails horribly, or if he takes 9 or more points of damage, Kcygan surrenders and promises to reveal everything he knows. Development One skulk guards the shop at all times. The skulk hides on the second-floor balcony overlooking area G3 , within view of the secret door under the staircase. Hidden from plain sight, the skulk can overhear conversations in the shop and jump on anyone who detects the secret door under the staircase. The skulk does not come to Keygan's rescue if the gnome is attacked in his shop.
If he can be coaxed into helping the PCs find the missing townsfolk, Keygan reveals the following information about Jzadirune and its current denizens:

劇透 -   :
The kidnappers also look his rat familiar, Starbrow.His rat fauniliar is located in a dark place within one mile, and through his empathic link, he can sense both the rat's hunger and fright.
The kidnappers include two types of creatures:"tall ones" and "short ones." The "tall ones" resemble naked, hairless, genderless humans with blue pupilless eyes and gray skin that changes color,allowing them to blend perfectly with their surroundings.They are usually encountered in pairs or threes and often leave the shop wearing cloaks.
The "short ones" are sinister gnomelike creatures with pallid skin, large noses, and soft black hooves for feet. They wear black cloaks and cowls that help them hide in shadows.
The kidnappers share a common language that Keygan doesn't recognize (Undercommon).
If the kidnappers have a leader, Keygan hasn't seen it. The "tall ones" and "short ones" seem to get alongjust fine without one. Keygan gave the kidnappers three different-sized skeleton keys that can open most of the town's locks (any lock with an Open Lock DC of 30 or lower). One of the "tall ones" carries the keys on a silver ring (see area J15).
The "tall ones" wield rapiers and light crossbows. The "short ones" wield sharp daggers. They live in the ruins of Jzadirune.Jzadirune was a small enclave inhabited by gnome spellcasters. The enclave was abandoned 75 years ago after a magical plague called the Vanishing swept through it. The disease caused several of Jzadirune's residents to slowly fade away into nothingness.Keygan doesn't know whether the plague still poses a threat.
Jzadirune's doors arc gear-shaped and designed to roll to one side or the other. Many of them bore traps that only the gnomes could safely bypass.
Keygan can provide a worn map of Jzadirune, but he refuses to accompany the PCs into the gnome enclave unless charmed or forced at sword point. Although Keygan remembers his father telling him about secret passages in Jzadirune, Keygan doesn't know where any of them are, and they are not shown on his map. Keygan's memory of the various chambers and their contents is sketchy, at best Although Keygan's failure to report what he knew about the abductions might be understandable, it's still not excusable. If his compliance with the skulks is brought to the attention of the town guard, Keygan pleads guilty and begs for leniency. His eventual fate is left to you to decide, but certain powerful individuals in the region (particularly the slaver Vervil Ashmantle, who is tangentially tied to the abductions) might take action against him if he feels the gnome could pose a threat.
Ad-hoc XP Award : Award full experience for Keygan if the PCs befriend him or persuade him to make amends. Award half experience
« 上次编辑: 2019-01-07, 周一 13:04:38 由 弗雷德·弗兰克·弗朗西斯科 »
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Re: 拯救过气规则,煮锅城1-20级AP开坑!顺便招同好苦力~~~
« 回帖 #11 于: 2018-12-21, 周五 15:07:26 »

Carcerian Eye翻译过来是卡瑟利之眼
« 上次编辑: 2018-12-21, 周五 17:07:30 由 Alanryan »

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Re: 拯救过气规则,煮锅城1-20级AP开坑!顺便招同好苦力~~~
« 回帖 #12 于: 2018-12-21, 周五 20:37:26 »

离线 弗雷德·弗兰克·弗朗西斯科

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Re: 拯救过气规则,煮锅城1-20级AP开坑!顺便招同好苦力~~~
« 回帖 #13 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 20:30:04 »
应该……不会那么坑2333,最起码翻完一两本吧 :em032
皇冠战争 河风
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离线 弗雷德·弗兰克·弗朗西斯科

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Re: 拯救过气规则,煮锅城1-20级AP开坑!顺便招同好苦力~~~
« 回帖 #14 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 20:31:52 »

Carcerian Eye翻译过来是卡瑟利之眼

« 上次编辑: 2018-12-23, 周日 20:45:14 由 弗雷德·弗兰克·弗朗西斯科 »
皇冠战争 河风
钢铁巨神 巴格

离线 弗雷德·弗兰克·弗朗西斯科

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Re: 拯救过气规则,煮锅城1-20级AP开坑!顺便招同好苦力~~~
« 回帖 #15 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 23:47:27 »
劇透 -   :
This storefront smells of wood and pipe smoke. Two padded chairs flank a hearth containing a small yet lively fire. The fireplace's carved mantle bears a tinderbox, a small vase of dried smoking leaves, and a finely wrought collection of pipes. A burgundy strip of carpet leads from the entrance to the wall across from it, where dozens-perhaps hundreds-of keys hang from tiny hooks. The keys come in all shapes and sizes. A handsomely engraved mahogany counter stretches along one wall. Behind it hangs a red curtain that neatly hides the rest of the store.
Keygan likes his customers to feel comfortable. The padded chairs, hearth, smoking pipes, and other accoutrements are intended to put visitors at ease. The keys hanging on the wall open various locks. When Keygan sells a lock, he points to the key that opens it and allows the customer to remove it from the wall-a bit of ceremony goes a long way. Treasure: PCs searching the counter find a book containing a complete list of sa les made in the past several years and a locked iron strongbox (Open Lock DC 30). The strongbox holds three removable shelves; the top shelf holds 233 cp, the middle shelf holds 150 sp, and the bottom shelf holds 126 gp and 4 pp.
这个房间的门是用精致锁锁上的(开锁DC 30)。
劇透 -   :
The door to this room is locked with a good quality lock (Open Lock DC 30).
Unlike the front of the store, the contents of this room are nol neatly arranged. A stout-legged wooden table and matching stool stand at odd angles in the room, and tiny mechanisms and tools litter the tabletop. The floor is cluttered with upright kegs holding tiny gears, screws, metal lock casings, tumblers,springs, and keys. A bucket of coal, a short-handled spade, and a small iron oven equipped with a miniature bellows occupy the fu comer of the workroom.A lantern rests on another stool near the door.
Keygan stores the raw materials for his locks and works his craft in this room. It takes him several nights of tireless work to finish a single lock, and he can make locks of varying quality and complexity.
The tools and lock components found here aren't valuable, except to a skilled locksmith.
暗门(木): 厚度2寸;硬度5;hp20;击破DC15;搜索(DC 20);开锁(DC 20)。
   潜伏客:hp12;见附件。
策略:当PC们发现秘密门或向楼梯移动时,它会跳下来,落在目标附近的一个空位上。潜伏客必须通过(DC 15)跳跃检定,以避免从10尺跌落中受到1d6点伤害。虽然他失去了高地优势,但在突击轮中,如果PC没能通过侦查和聆听来发现它,这个潜伏客就会得到额外的攻击回合,潜伏客会一直战斗到死或被捕。
宝藏:窗户上展示的锁都是模型,并不值钱。凯根的贵重商品保存在三个锁着的箱子里(开锁DC 30)。第一个箱子里装着凯根的轻弩和10支弩矢。第二个箱子包含25把简易锁(每个20金)和16把普通锁(每个40金)。第三个柜子有8把精致锁(每把80金)和3把终极锁(每把150金)。这些锁的总价值为2230金。
劇透 -   :
Black curtains partially obscure a window niche that faces the street. Ornate locks and complex locking mechanisms are neatly displayed in the niche. The room itself looks tidy, but lived in. Carpets cover the stone floor, and a broom leans against the railing of a wooden staircase leading up to a second floor balcony. Three wooden chests rest in the middle of the floor, their lids bound shut with sturdy iron padlocks. Small tables, shelves, and benches hold various knick-knacks, and a framed portrait of a silver-haired gnome hangs next lo a tall wooden box at the base of the stairs. The wooden box contains an intricate array of ticling gears, counterweights, and cylindrical chimes, surmounted by a circular face that bears the numerals 1 through 12 on its circumference.
The construct at the base of the stairs is a grandfather clock built by Keygan's father, who is expertly depicted in the framed portrait. The clock weighs 300 pounds.
A secret door is hidden in the wall of the staircase,next to the red curtain. The secret door is well hidden and locked. With a loud squeal, it pushes open to reveal a io-foot-square landing at the top of a stone staircase that descends into darkness.
Secret Door (wood): 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 20; break DC 15; Search (DC 20); Open Lock (DC 20).Creature: A skulk hides on the balcony overlooking this room.
Skulk: hp 12; see Appendix 4.
Tactics: The skulk leaps down when PCs find the secret door or motion toward the staircase, landing on its feet in a square adjacent to its intended target. The skulk must succeed at a Jump check (DC 15) to avoid taking 1d6 points of damage from the 10-foot drop. The skulk loses the advantage of higher ground but gets a free attack during the surprise round if the PCs fail a Listen check and Spot check to notice it. The skulk fights until captured or slain.
Treasure: The locks and mechanisms in the windows are nonfunctional display models and worth only a few copper pieces each. Keygan's valuable merchandise is kept in the three locked chests (Open Lock DC 30). The first chest holds Keygan's light crossbow and 1.0 crossbow bolts. The second chest contains twenty-five very simple locks (20 gp each)and sixteen average locks (40 gp each). The third chest holds eight good locks (80 gp each) and three amazing locks (150 gp each). The total value of the locks is 2,230 gp.
The grandfather clock, as an heirloom and oddity,might be worth as much as 2,500 gp to an interested buyer. The portrait of Keygan's father (illustrated by an unknown artist) is worth 5 gp.
Development PCs who step through the secret door find themselves on a dark landing. A stone staircase (see area J1) descends into Jzadirune and the next chapter of the adventure.
劇透 -   :
This kitchen contains all the basic amenities, including a tabl e with an hourglass resting atop it. A fireplace dominates one wall, with pots hanging from books on either side. Two cabinets with frosted-glass doors hold dishware and utensils. A half-barrel washbasin stands in the far comer next to a locked pantry.
Nothing in the kitchen appears out of place. The lock on the pantry is very simple (Open Lock DC 20). Apart from the expected supply of preserved foodstuffs, spices,and soap, the pantry contains little of interest. Treasure: The hourglass is worth 25 gp intact.
   刀片陷阱:cr1;机械;位置触发;自动复位;攻击+8 伤害(1d8/X3);搜索鉴定DC21;解除装置DC22。
宝藏: 做工精细完好无损的彩绘屏风,价值25金币。书架上放着一些普通的书,其中有一本厚厚的书,名为《如何打造更好的锁》(对一个锁匠来说值10金)。
劇透 -   :
Keygan locks the door to this room at night before he goes to sleep. The door has a good lock (Open Lock DC 30).
This richly appointed bedroom holds furniture sized for a person of small stature. A coat rack sits by the door, while elsewhere in the room sit a cozy bed with a hand-sewn comforter, a clean bedpan, a chest of drawers at the foot of the bed, a wooden screen with birds painted on its panels, a wardrobe, and a small bookcase with some books and trinkets on it. A lantern sits atop a small end table by the bed.
The wardrobe holds Keygan's clothes, including several small vests and three pairs of boots.The chest at the foot of the bed bolds three drawers, all held shut by a single good lock (Open Lock DC 30).
The drawers hold the following.
Top Drawer: This drawer holds a varnished wooden comb, a sewing needle and spools of thread, blank pieces of parchment, a jar of sepia ink, and some quills.Middle Drawer: This contains some handwritten notes on lock designs. Buried under them is a map of Jzadirune written on a tattered piece of coarse leather. The map does not reveal secret passages or show any of the new passages dug by the dark creepers.
Bottom Drawer: This drawer contains Keygan's spellbook. The drawer is also trapped (see below).
Trap: Two spring-loaded scything blades sweep out from narrow compartments between the drawers when the bottom drawer is opened without the proper key .
Scything Blade Trap: CR 1; mechanical; location trigger; automatic reset; Atk +8 melee (1d8/XJ); Search DC 21; Disable Device DC 22.
Treasure: The painted screen is finely wrought and worth 25 gp intact. The bookcase holds some mundane books, including a thick volume titled Building Better Locks (worth 10 gp to a locksmith).
« 上次编辑: 2019-01-03, 周四 00:22:57 由 弗雷德·弗兰克·弗朗西斯科 »
皇冠战争 河风
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离线 Alanryan

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Re: 拯救过气规则,煮锅城1-20级AP开坑!顺便招同好苦力~~~
« 回帖 #16 于: 2018-12-25, 周二 20:19:49 »

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Re: 拯救过气规则,煮锅城1-20级AP开坑!顺便招同好苦力~~~
« 回帖 #17 于: 2018-12-25, 周二 23:23:46 »

离线 弗雷德·弗兰克·弗朗西斯科

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Re: 拯救过气规则,煮锅城1-20级AP开坑!顺便招同好苦力~~~
« 回帖 #18 于: 2018-12-26, 周三 00:14:13 »
会提供精美制作的PDF :em021
皇冠战争 河风
钢铁巨神 巴格

离线 弗雷德·弗兰克·弗朗西斯科

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  • 帖子数: 175
  • 苹果币: 2
Re: 拯救过气规则,煮锅城1-20级AP开坑!顺便招同好苦力~~~
« 回帖 #19 于: 2018-12-26, 周三 10:35:01 »
皇冠战争 河风
钢铁巨神 巴格