作者 主题: 【MA】神话之惠(Mythic Boons)  (阅读 19488 次)

副标题: 反正也没人弄。。。就跳过认领步骤吧

离线 炽炎烈龙

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【MA】神话之惠(Mythic Boons)
« 于: 2015-04-08, 周三 09:27:22 »
神话之惠(Mythic Boons)
当奖励恩惠时,GM应当同时奖励那时刻所涉及到的玩家们,保证这些奖励对队伍的平衡。举例来说,如果一个野蛮人冲锋并用斧子以重击的方式杀死一名强大的恶棍,你可以奖励野蛮人,但别忽视与野蛮人夹击的游荡者,与通过吟游表演(bardic performance)提供在攻击骰上奖励的吟游诗人。一个角色每次获得的恩惠不超过一次(原文no more than once per encounter翻译为每次遭遇不超过一次,但根据下段一场战斗的同一类壮举的恩惠生效次数不超过3次或以上,并根据本段仅描述对一次壮举中的奖励方式,故认为应该指一次壮举中仅能获得一个恩惠的意思),但GM可以在特殊情况下放弃这个原则。
在我身后(Behind Me):玩家们击败了至少四名生物,但仅有一名(或没有)玩家在作战过程中受伤。
无血胜利(Bloodless Victory):玩家们仅通过非致命伤(Nonlethal Damage)的方式打败了一名神话敌人。
平静下来(Calm Down):角色通过一次技能检定,就结束或阻止与一名神话敌人的战斗,像是交涉(Diplomacy)或者唬骗(Bluff)。
紧握生命(Cling to Life):角色在一次巨大伤害的攻击下存活(伤害大于等于最大总生命值的一半,最小50点),并在之后的强韧豁免检定中,超过dc5点或以上。
千钧一发(Close Call):角色在被一名生物纠缠(entangled),擒抱(grappled),或囫囵活吞(swallowed whole)时打败他。
反制施法者(Counter Caster):角色对同一个敌人施法者反制法术三次或以上。
重击连锁(Critical Chain):不在任何一次攻击骰上失败,角色就连续完成三次重击。
死亡之舞(Deadly Dance):一轮中,角色挑起了四次或更多的借机攻击,但没人能击中他。
死亡之门(Death's Door):角色在对抗一名神话敌人确认重击时,使其生命为0点或以下。
深呼吸(Deep Breath):角色在不使用允许呼吸的魔法或能力的帮助下,在水下打败一名神话敌人。
极端手段(Desperate Measures):角色开始一场对抗神话敌人的战斗时,不使用任何剩余的(或临时的)神话之力。
遥远重击(Distant Crit):角色在攻击处于远程武器最大射程范围的目标时,造成重击。
最终赠礼(Final Gift):当处于0点生命时,角色使用一次魔法,道具或是特殊能力治疗一名伙伴,使其摆脱昏迷(unconscious)或濒死(dying)。
最先陨落(First to Fall):在战斗开始时,任何其他生物有机会行动前,角色就击败一名神话敌人。
战技展览(Maneuver Display):角色成功的表演了至少四次不同的战技。
湮灭一切(Mass Obliteration):只使用一次魔法,角色就击败了6名或更多的生物,结束了这场遭遇。
强烈冲击(Massive Attack):角色在对抗一名神话生物中所达成的一次攻击,就造成了巨大的伤害(大于等于总生命值的一半,最少50点)
强烈旋转(Massive Swing):角色在一轮中,使用近战或远程攻击对5个或以上的生物造成伤害。
大师医者(Master Healer):仅使用一次魔法,道具或是能力,角色就将一名濒死(dying)的生物回满了生命值。
神话挑战(Mythic Challenge):在一天之内,队伍击败数名神话生物,其总和的神话阶层大于等于在队伍中最高的角色的神话阶层的3倍。
惊人谎言(Outrageous Lie):使用唬骗(Bluff),玩家用几乎不可能的谎言说服了一名生物(-20修正的检定)。
胜利表演(Performance Victory):玩家使用了吟游表演(bardic performance)鼓舞了他的同盟8轮甚至更久。
精确位置(Pinpoint):角色成功地击中了一个处于全隐蔽(total concealment)状态的敌人三次
奋力向前(Push On):队伍在没有休息和恢复任何能力的情况下,克服了6次或更多的遭遇。
弹性施法者(Resilient Caster):在一次施法中承受一次重击之后,角色仍成功地用法术阻止或打败了敌人。
还之彼身(Return to Sender):一名生物在一轮中从一次远程攻击中抓住一支箭,并用它成功地击中了攻击者。
学派展览(School Display):角色施展了每一种学派至少一个魔法(低于他能施展的最高施法者等级2级或更多的法术则不会计数)
保卫同盟(Shield Ally):使用道途能力(path abilities),角色在一次攻击中至少三次阻止任何同盟受到任何伤害。
技能霸主(Skill Supremacy):角色在一次技能检定中,其结果超过了dc20点或更多。
独行勇士(Solo Warrior):角色不通过任何同盟的帮助就击败了一名神话生物,包括动物伙伴(animal companions),部署(cohorts)等等。
迅捷毁灭(Swift Doom):角色在战斗的第一轮中,在一名神话生物有机会行动前,用一个法术击败了他。
迅捷胜利(Swift Victory):队伍在第一轮就战胜了一次遭遇。
不死毒药(Undead Bane):在一次引导能量中,角色击败了8名或更多的不死生物,或者4名或更多的神话不死生物。
狂野勇者(Wild Warrior):在使用自然变身(wild shape)或其他变形术(polymorph)效果时,角色击败了一名神话敌人。
劇透 -   :
Mythic Boons
Mythic boons are special rewards given for moments of dramatic achievement. Mythic PCs should repeatedly act in a heroic fashion, charging boldly into danger with confidence, and they should be rewarded for accomplishing such astonishing feats of daring, luck, and courage. Awarding mythic boons is one way for the GM to encourage the players to push their characters to their limits.
Granting a boon is simple: when the PCs accomplish an astounding feat of bravery, cunning, or luck, they should regain one use of their mythic power (but may not exceed their total uses). This can represent different things depending on the origin: the divine smiling upon the PCs, eldritch energy surging within, or even a character's pride made manifest as actual power.
When rewarding boons, the GM should reward all the PCs involved in that moment and keep these rewards balanced across the whole group. For example, if a barbarian champion charges forward and slays a powerful villain with a lucky critical hit with his axe, you might reward the barbarian, but don't neglect the rogue trickster flanking the villain with the barbarian and the bard marshal granting bonuses on the attack roll with his bardic performance as well. A character should get a boon no more than once per encounter, but the GM might waive this guideline in special circumstances.
Included below are example moments worthy of a boon. This is not an exhaustive list, as any situation can result in an extraordinary outcome. These should not be automatic; if a character is built to perform critical hits, he shouldn't be rewarded every time he scores three or more in one combat, but only when he does so in extreme circumstances.
Many of these boons require the character to perform the task against a mythic foe, but a suitably challenging normal foe might qualify as well, as determined by the GM. Unless otherwise specified, these moments must take place within the same encounter—the indestructible boon moment doesn't count if you survive two critical hits in one combat and one in the next, for instance.
Assassinate: With just a single melee or ranged attack, the character defeats a mythic creature that has its full hit point total.
Behind Me: The PCs defeat at least four or more creatures, but only one (or none) of the PCs takes any damage during the battle.
Bloodless Victory: The PCs defeat a mythic foe by dealing nonlethal damage only.
Calm Down: The character ends or prevents a combat against a mythic foe with a single skill check, most likely Diplomacy or Bluff.
Cling to Life: The character survives a single attack that deals massive damage to her (damage equal to or greater than half her maximum hit point total, minimum 50) and exceeds the DC of the subsequent Fortitude saving throw by 5 or more.
Close Call: The character defeats a creature that has him entangled, grappled, or swallowed whole.
Counter Caster: The character counterspells three or more spells from a single enemy spellcaster.
Critical Chain: Without failing any attack rolls, the character scores three critical hits in a row.
Deadly Dance: In 1 round, the character provokes four or more attacks of opportunity, but none of them hit.
Death's Door: The character confirms a critical hit against a mythic foe while at 0 or fewer hit points.
Deep Breath: The character defeats a mythic foe entirely while underwater, without the aid of any spells or abilities that allow the character to breathe.
Desperate Measures: The character starts a combat against a mythic foe without any uses of mythic power remaining (or confidence).
Distant Crit: The character scores a critical hit using a ranged weapon against a target who is in the maximum range increment for the weapon.
Final Gift: While at 0 hit points, the character uses a spell, item, or special ability to heal an ally instead of herself, causing her to fall unconscious and gain the dying condition.
First to Fall: The character defeats a mythic foe at the beginning of combat, before any other creature has a chance to act.
Indestructible: The character survives taking three critical hits.
Maneuver Display: The character successfully performs at least four different combat maneuvers.
Mass Obliteration: Using only one spell, the character defeats six or more creatures, ending the encounter.
Massive Attack: The character makes a single attack against a mythic creature that deals massive damage (equal to or greater than half its total hit points, minimum 50).
Massive Swing: The character deals damage to five or more creatures in a single round with melee or ranged attacks.
Master Healer: Using only a single spell, item, or ability, the character heals a dying creature to full hit points.
Mythic Challenge: In one day, the group defeats a number of mythic creatures with a combined total mythic tier equal to or greater than 3 × the highest mythic tier among the characters in the party.
Outrageous Lie: Using Bluff, the character convinces a creature of a nearly impossible lie (–20 modifier to the check).
Overkill: The character uses a catapult, ballista, or ram to deal massive damage to a mythic creature (equal to or greater than half the creature's total hit points, minimum 50).
Performance Victory: The character uses bardic performance to inspire its allies for 8 or more rounds.
Pinpoint: The character makes three successful attacks against a creature that has total concealment from him.
Push On: The group overcomes six or more encounters without resting or regaining any abilities.
Resilient Caster: After sustaining a critical hit while casting a spell, the character succeeds at the concentration check and defeats a foe with that spell.
Return to Sender: The creature catches an arrow or other projectile from a ranged attack and uses it to make a successful hit on the attacker within 1 round.
Savant: The character succeeds at a skill check with a DC of 20 or higher when he rolled a natural 5 or lower.
School Display: The character casts at least one spell from each school of magic (not counting spells that are two or more levels below the highest level of spell he can cast).
Shield Ally: Using path abilities, the character prevents an ally from taking any damage from an attack at least three times.
Skill Supremacy: The character exceeds the DC of a skill check by 20 or more.
Solo Warrior: The character defeats a mythic creature without assistance from any allies, including animal companions, cohorts, etc.
Swift Doom: The character defeats a mythic creature with a single spell on the first round of combat, before it has a chance to act.
Swift Victory: The group defeats an encounter in a single round.
Tumbler: In 1 round, the character uses Acrobatics to move through the threatened areas of at least five foes without provoking any attacks of opportunity.
Undead Bane: With a single use of channel energy, the character defeats eight or more undead creatures or four or more mythic undead.
Unstoppable: The character suffers the effects of at least three of the following conditions at the same time while in combat with a mythic foe: blinded, confused, deafened, disabled, exhausted, frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, pinned, and stunned.
Wild Warrior: While using wild shape or some other polymorph effect, the character defeats a mythic foe.
Wrestler: The character reverses a grapple against a foe and pins that foe on the following turn.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-03, 周三 08:36:38 由 炽炎烈龙 »

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Re: 【MA】神话之惠(Mythic Boons)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2015-04-08, 周三 13:18:11 »


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Re: 【MA】神话之惠(Mythic Boons)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2015-04-08, 周三 15:37:55 »
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Re: 【MA】神话之惠(Mythic Boons)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2015-04-21, 周二 17:39:07 »

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Re: 【MA】神话之惠(Mythic Boons)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2015-04-21, 周二 18:12:11 »

