作者 主题: 【KC】矩阵是什么?WHAT IS THE MATRIX? p14~17  (阅读 5998 次)

副标题: 暨:J. P. 女士的《小白(或者龙)也能懂的矩阵101》的一部分以及Puck的《新矩阵的“超链100”结构层说》 翻译by Pany_Q

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【KC】矩阵是什么?WHAT IS THE MATRIX? p14~17
« 于: 2018-10-19, 周五 13:45:49 »
KC_p14~17 "WHAT IS THE MATRIX?"_Jolene Price女士的《小白(或者龙)也能懂的矩阵101》的一部分以及Puck的《新矩阵的“超链100”结构层说》
翻译by Pany_Q

KC的《Matrix 101》这一章主要是汇总和澄清了整个SR 5e的矩阵设定,外加爆了一个之前没透露过的料:Danielle de la Mar(丹妮尔•德•拉•马尔)女士所推广的当前矩阵(也就是75’之后的、5e中的这个矩阵)究竟是怎么的来的。新东西不多,我只是想翻Puck的爆料而已。
《Matrix 101》的形式是这样的:2079年(译注:这个年份是根据正文推测的)3月7日,在新奥尔良觉醒了一头自称Terasca(特拉斯卡)的龙,祂想要了解矩阵。一位名为Jolene Price(乔琳娜•普莱斯)的女士冒着被吃风险为祂献上了这份《小白(或者龙)也能懂的矩阵101》。Jackpoint转载了这篇科普,并夹杂了一些成员的评论和额外爆料。


我们目前所用的这个矩阵问世于2075年1月1日。那时,臭名昭著的骇客公敌丹妮尔•德•拉•马尔*(Danielle de la Mar) 女士为新矩阵提出了新的结构和协议,并担当其开发顾问,确保新矩阵能符合她在多场公共演讲中所推崇的那套安全标准。下面,我会尽己所能用尽可能简要的的方式对这个新矩阵进行阐明,英明的特拉斯卡(Terasca)。

劇透 -   :
On January 1, 2075, the current version of the Matrix was revealed. Danielle de la Mar, notorious hacker adversary, proposed structures and protocols for a new Matrix, and she served an advisory role throughout its development, making sure it adhered to the defnitions of safety she had set forth in many public discourses. The following is a description of what this new Matrix is, in as concise a fashion as I can make it, wise Terasca.

> 可怜的乔琳娜(Jolene)听起来吓坏了。“强大的特拉斯卡”、“英明的特拉斯卡”,这头龙是有什么自卑情结还是怎么的?
> Borderline

> Slamm-0!

劇透 -   :
> Poor Jolene sounds terrifed. “Powerful Terasca,” “wise Terasca,” does this dragon have an inferiority complex or something?
> Borderline
> Well, we don’t really know much about Terasca, but they don’t seem to be a great dragon, only an adult. Jolene is most defnitely afraid, given what happened to her predecessor. But trust me, she’s being extremely well taken care of for doing the work and peppering her words with draconic flattery.
> Slamm-0!


劇透 -   :
At its most basic, the Matrix is the network formed by every wired and wireless device on the planet. This network draws computing power from all of these devices and is thus capable of processing nearly unlimited amounts of data almost instantaneously. The connected nature of the Matrix allows users to read messages, pay bills, and communicate over any distance. It monitors individuals’ fnances as well as the larger economy. It handles utilities, manages traffc on city streets, helps guns shoot more accurately, gives medkits access to medical records, and even detects wear and tear on clothing. It dominates nearly every facet of everyday life, no matter who you are.

但以上仅是表面。正如魔法可以影响日常生活而进入星界却是完全不同的体验一样,仅仅使用连接到矩阵的设备和通过虚拟现实(VR)进入矩阵也是全然不同的。进入矩阵就如同沉浸于一个虚拟的宇宙,在这里你与其中所有其他存在共享一种共同认可的幻象。归功于近一个世纪的数字图像技术革新,矩阵中所有的东西都具有无与伦比的细节。大部分情况下,用户们都能区分矩阵世界和现实世界,但并不总是这样——这就是这种体验的精妙之处。也许这样理解会更容易:请想象矩阵是一个巨大的海洋星球。矩阵正是定义这个世界的水体。它能触碰到所有东西,将这个世界连接在一起。它是我们在这世界中从一处到另一处所经由的介质。用户们在里面能以近乎无限的速度飞行、行走,还可以游泳。在矩阵中,所有交互都通过图标(icons)实现,图标就是人(化身(personas))、地点(主机(hosts))和物品(文件和设备(files and devices))在矩阵中的三维数字替身。矩阵中的个人以一种称为【化身】的虚拟形式出现。这是一个人的数字化体现,就如同双重性质的生物既有物理形体又有星界形体一样。一名用户的化身与其脑电波模式和全球元数据有着密不可分的联系,所以基本上化身是不可能伪造的,不过我们可以之后再来进一步探讨这个话题。矩阵中,在你身边的是其他矩阵用户的化身。这些化身可能是实体存在的设备用户——比如合法用户或者非法碟客,也可能是超链者的活体化身,又或者是其它用户所创造的被称为网精或代理的半自主运行的仆役们,甚至也可能是个AI。鉴于支配着当前矩阵的协议对化身大小有规定,所以化身虽然可以自定义,但它们只能是从从矮人到巨魔的泛人类大小。

劇透 -   :
But this is only the surface. Just as magic can affect everyday life but is a different experience from entering the astral realm, entering the Matrix itself through virtual reality is entirely different from using a Matrix-connected device. Entering the Matrix plunges you into a virtual universe, a shared consensual hallucination with every other entity inside. Everything is rendered in incredible detail powered by a century of digital graphics innovation. Most of the time, users can tell the difference between the Matrix world and the real one, but not always—such is the sophistication of the experience. It may be helpful to think of the Matrix as a great ocean planet. The Matrix proper is the water that defnes the world. It touches everything and connects the world together. It is the medium through which we move from one place to another. Users can fly, walk, or even swim within it, travelling at nearly unlimited speed. While inside, all interactions will be with icons, 3D digital representations of the persons (personas), places (hosts), and things (fles and devices) of the Matrix. Persons in the Matrix take a virtual form called a persona. It is a person’s digital representation, much in the same way that dual-natured creatures have a physical and astral forms. A user’s persona is tied inextricably to their brainwave patterns and global metadata, so they are virtually impossible to counterfeit, but more on that later. All around you are the personas of other Matrix users. These could be physical users of devices like legitimate users or illegitimate deckers, the living personas of technomancers, semi-autonomous servants called sprites or agents created by other users, or even AI. Due to the protocols which govern the Matrix, personas can be customized, but they can only appear as metahuman-sized objects, ranging in size between a dwarf and a troll.


劇透 -   :
Floating alongside personas in the Matrix are devices. Any real-world devices connected to the Matrix, which in 2080 is nearly all of them, also appear as icons. Regardless of their actual physical size, devices in the Matrix almost always appear smaller than personas.


劇透 -   :
Looming large over the vast ocean of the Matrix are islands called hosts. In the Matrix, hosts hover far above everything else. Just like climbing out of the water onto land, climbing out of the true Matrix into a host is a transition. Inside hosts, physics are experienced however they are programed to behave. Most mimic real-world physics for the sake of ease of use, but this is not always the case.


劇透 -   :
A host, sometimes inaccurately called a node due to old habits, is the “where” of the Matrix. Matrix protocols are very specifc as to the defnition of what a host is, and yet there are Matrix places called “hosts” that do not quite conform to these Matrix protocols or defnitions.

>新矩阵想要用没有物理实体的虚拟主机完全取代旧有的、基于设备的主机。仅存的例外就是那些在2075年之前就已存在的旧式主机(outdated host),以及野主机(rogue host);这类主机在矩阵中看起来与其它主机一样,尽管这两者并不符合GOD对主机的严格定义。
> Orbital DK

> Bull

劇透 -   :
> This new Matrix tried to completely replace devicebased hosts with virtual hosts, which have no physical counterpart. The exceptions are outdated hosts that existed prior to 2075 and rogue hosts; they still appear as hosts in the Matrix, despite the Grid Overwatch Division’s strict defnitions.
> Orbital DK
> True. When the term was frst coined, a host was the illusion of a 3D place within any network. Paranoid corps and abandoned networks may still have offline “hosts.” So while GOD says a host isn’t a host unless it is connected to the Foundation of the Matrix, offline and non-compliant hosts still exist.
> Bull

劇透 -   :
Besides devices, there are other icons that can be interacted with on the Matrix, known as fles. Files can be as simple as raw data like electronic mail or accounting details, but they may also be as sophisticated as programs that perform incredibly complex functions.

刚才说到的网域监管单位(Grid Overwatch Division),或简称GOD,高踞于这片矩阵海洋之上统治着这里。GOD的物理服务器位于一颗地球轨道卫星上,而在矩阵之中,他们是不可见的,他们从甚至比主机更高的地方监视一切,只有在需要的时候才会现身,在违规者们面前显耀他们的武力。

劇透 -   :
The previously mentioned Grid Overwatch Division, or GOD, rules the Matrix ocean from far above it. GOD has physical servers located on a satellite orbiting the Earth, and in the Matrix, they are unseen, and keep watch far above even the hosts, only making their presence known when necessary to wield their power against a rule-breaker.


劇透 -   :
Yes, great one—they are very much like dragons flying high over their domains.


劇透 -   :
If GOD watches far above the Matrix sea, the Foundation is what exists below it. Most users do not know this Foundation exists, let alone know what it is. Access to the Foundation is no small feat. Pushing our ocean metaphor, the Foundation is the ground on which the ocean of the Matrix lies and the stuff of which hosts are made. Hosts are connected to the Foundation via a “foundation” particular to that host. In this way, hosts are a bit like continents. Accessing a host’s foundation is perilous to say the least, even for members of GOD, who are given hazard pay even to perform the most routine maintenance there. This information is not common knowledge, however. Most corporations desire the populace to believe GOD is in complete control over the Matrix and is able to control it. This belief is dubious.

> 她说的对。近几年来我们对结构层的了解完全打破了GOD能完全掌控它的幻象。他们只是让这东西运作了起来,但这东西绝对超出他们的控制能力之外。事实上,我认为现在已经没有任何人能控制它了,我甚至开始相信,即使哪天世界上所有的设备都在同一时间关闭了,矩阵依然会继续存在
> /dev/grrl

> 牛屎。这毫无道理。没有任何东西能100%脱离物理实体而纯虚拟地存在。这不符合物理法则。回家喝酒去吧,/dev/。
> Clockwork

劇透 -   :
> She’s right. What we’ve learned about the Foundation these last few years certainly dispels any notion that GOD controls it. They may have got the ball rolling, but it is defnitely beyond their control. In fact, I don’t think anyone has control of it anymore. I’ve come to believe that even if all the devices in the world were shut down simultaneously, the Matrix would continue to exist.
> /dev/grrl
> Bulldrek. That doesn’t make any sense. Something can’t be one hundred percent virtual without a physical component. That isn’t how physics work. Go drunk, /dev/, you’re home.
> Clockwork

> 其实我也开始相信这说法了。这有点令人不安,但看起来矩阵结构层确实远超出我们原先所以为的东西。在新矩阵刚出来的时候,没人知道结构层。我相信那时连GOD都压根不知道它的存在。我的意思是,他们当然知道怎么用结构层来构造主机,但他们并不知道它的原理也不明白新矩阵有多大程度建立在这个“地基”之上。他们知道的就是,丹妮尔•德•拉•马尔和她的团队创造了某种特别的东西,它能用,并且能很好地保护公司财产。他们可以忽略其它一切问题。直到他们的技术人员在执行日常维护工作时死亡,他们才意识到问题,但到了这一步,已经做什么都完了。
> Netcat

劇透 -   :
> I’ve come to believe the same, actually. It is a bit unsettling, but it appears the Foundation of the Matrix is far more than we thought it was. When the new Matrix frst hit, no one knew about the Foundation. I believe GOD didn’t even really know about it. What I mean is, of course they knew how to use it to build hosts, but they didn’t know how it worked or how “foundational” to the new Matrix it really was. All they knew is that Danielle de la Mar and her team created something special, it worked, and it was very good at protecting corporate assets. They were willing to look past anything else. It wasn’t until their technicians started dying during routine jobs that they began to ask questions, and by the time they did, it was too late to do a damn thing about it.
> Netcat

> 事实远比这险恶得多。大家都知道丹妮尔•德•拉•马尔对超链者恨之入骨。大家所不知道的是,在2070年代的前几年,德•拉•马尔会与她能找到的任何拿超链身上做实验的人狼狈为奸。当她拿到了监督构建新矩阵的合同时,她的手指头可伸进了不止一块协议馅饼里。公司们用尽了含糊其辞的技术呓语来解释新矩阵将会如何不依赖于硬件而完全虚拟运行,但是从物理法则上来说它就是行不通的。但是,德•拉•马尔就是让它实现了。她施展了她从实验所学到的技术,折磨并将100名超链者强制连结在一起形成了一个完形体,用他们“奠基”了她的虚拟矩阵,她用来构建主机和数据踪迹的每一块砖块都是从这100人身体中抽离的灵魂做成的。当她向GOD和公司法庭展示了新矩阵的概念证明,后者被惊呆了,并且全都假装他们能理解它——他们不想承认理解不了德•拉•马尔这样一个无名之辈给他们分享的知识。
> Puck

劇透 -   :
> The truth is much darker and much more dangerous as well. Danielle de la Mar’s hatred of technomancers is well known. What isn’t public knowledge is that back in the early 2070s, de la Mar rubbed shoulders with anyone she could fnd who was doing experiments on us. When she was given the contract to oversee the creation of the new Matrix, she had her fngers in more than just the protocol pie. The corporations used double talk and technobabble to explain how the new Matrix was going to be hardware-free and completely virtual, but the physics just don’t work out. But de la Mar made it happen. She took what she learned from the experiments and used that to torture and forcibly network a gestalt of over one hundred technomancers, which she used as the “foundation” for her virtual Matrix. The building blocks she used to create hosts and data trails were the souls being sucked out of those hundred. When she presented a proof of concept to GOD and the rest of the Corporate Court, they were impressed and all pretended like they understood it, so as not to admit a virtual nobody like de la Mar was sharing knowledge that was beyond them.
> Puck

> 狗屎哦,这可是些让人世界观崩塌的爆料。你难道在说每当我们使用矩阵时,我们其实都是在脑交100个超链玩?我可不喜欢那画面。
> Bull

> 我打赌Clockwork会喜欢。光是上矩阵能让超链痛苦这个想法就能让那喷屎货直接高潮。
> Slamm-0!

> 错。如果矩阵是建立在真实的超链者脑电波上这说法是真的,这就意味着我才不想在这半人类半赛博的绵羊梦做出来的矩阵里游泳呢。谁知道这些满心仇恨的鬼神们最后会放出什么来?
> Clockwork

劇透 -   :
> Drek. Those are potentially damning charges. You’re saying that every time we use the Matrix, we are mindfragging a hundred technos somewhere? That doesn’t sit well with me.
> Bull
> I bet it sits just fne with Clockwork. That drek-hole is probably getting off now at the thought that using the Matrix hurts technomancers.
> Slamm-0!
> Wrong. The idea of the Matrix being built on actual technomancer mind patterns means I don’t want to be swimming in the Matrix if the whole thing is a demi human’s cybernetic sheep dream. Who knows what those vengeful gods will eventually unleash?
> Clockwork

> 好吧,幸或不幸,你已经不用担心这个问题了。多年以前,德•拉•马尔就打算要拔掉“超链100”的插头,看看新矩阵能没有他们是否也能运作下去。不过还没等她这么做,她就发现所有作为她所爱的新矩阵的地基的超链们已经全死了。我知道你想问什么:那为什么矩阵还能运作呢。继续听。你知道,矩阵里到处冒出共鸣井和失谐井的情况已经存在好几年了吧?
> Puck

> Puck,你要说的不会就是我想的那个吧。
> Netcat

> 我实在没法不注意到这点:乔琳娜完全没跟特拉斯卡提到共鸣、失谐或共鸣诸域。
> Bull

> 可能是因为跟龙说“世界上有一个你到不了的地方而那里有信息和力量之源”这种事很可能让这位普莱斯(Price)女士成为龙点心。
> Glitch

劇透 -   :
> Well, fortunately or unfortunately, you don’t have to worry about that. It’s been years since de la Mar intended to start unplugging the One Hundred to see if the new Matrix would work without them. Instead, she discovered that all the technomancers who acted as the foundation for her beloved Matrix were dead. You’re probably asking yourself how the Matrix is still functioning, then. Follow me. You know how Resonance and Dissonance wells have been popping up, seemingly at random, throughout the Matrix for years now?
> Puck
> Puck, you can’t be suggesting what I think you are.
> Netcat
> I can’t help but notice Jolene doesn’t mention Resonance, Dissonance, or Resonance realms to Terasca.
> Bull
> Probably because suggesting the idea that there are sources of information and power that dragons have no way to access is likely to get Ms. Price eaten.
> Glitch

> 回到正题:共鸣井和失谐井的源头就是这“超链100”。他们与共鸣的联系渗透结构层,与共鸣诸域建立起了永久的链接。链接建成后,它就为结构层——进而为矩阵——提供着源源不断的运算力和储存空间。相应的,矩阵中的所有数据也透过这个链接渗进共鸣诸域。当超链们死亡——说不定他们自己也搭了一把手,“地基”仍继续存在;现在,它是一个位于所有泛人类电子数据的总和、共鸣诸域以及失谐诸域之间的混合空间。没有任何人在控制它,GOD能做到的仅仅是在它的顶层上做些操作。
> Puck

> 我需要点时间消化一下。
> /dev/grrl

> 我也是。
> Netcat

> 同上。
> Bull

> 同同上。
> Slamm-0!

劇透 -   :
> Back on topic: The source of the Resonance and Dissonance wells was the One Hundred. Their connection to the Resonance established a permanent link to the Resonance realms, permeating the Foundation. Once established, the link provided unlimited processing and storage power for the Foundation, and thus, the Matrix. In return, all data from the Matrix bled through into the Resonance realms. When the technos died, whether they had a hand in their own demise or not, the foundation persisted, and it is now a hybrid space between the sum of all metahuman digital data, the Resonance realms, and Dissonance realms as well. No one controls it, although GOD is still able to manipulate the top layers.
> Puck
> I’m gonna need some time to process all of that.
> /dev/grrl
> Likewise.
> Netcat
> Me too.
> Bull
> Me three.
> Slamm-0!

我们必须经由【网域】访问矩阵。继续用海洋的比喻,网域有点像远洋航行的赞助者。在水手们启航去探索地球海洋之前,他们大多都找富有国家来赞助。他们能从赞助者那获得原本无法获得的补给和金钱支持,作为交换,他们要插着赞助国的旗帜,要听赞助者的各种要求。网域运作方式跟这差不多。要连上矩阵,你得先决定用哪个网域来访问矩阵,就像第五纪的手机运营商那样。没有网域,就无法访问矩阵。目前有一个公共网域(public grid),但是使用它就意味着在你和你想要的信息之间隔着超慢的速度、杂讯以及其它该网域固有的缺陷。是的,公司们是故意将公共网域造成这样的。大部分大城市都有它们自己的当地网域,只在本区域内提供访问矩阵的服务;而10大超企们各有一个属于自己的全球网域。除公共网域外,不论你用的是哪个网域,体验上的差别都仅存在于装饰层面。如果你通过阿瑞斯的网域访问矩阵,你的视野会被最新的阿瑞斯产品淹没;如果你用的是西雅图网域,淹没你的就换成政治宣传或当地餐馆的广告了。不过,不同网域之间还是存在一个极大的差别。每一个网域都由一个专属于该网域的GOD分部监管,称为【次级GOD】(demiGOD)。在我们上面的例子中,如果你在阿瑞斯网域上闯进某个主机被抓到的话,阿瑞斯的次级GOD分部会找到你头上,而新奥尔良则有它自己的次级GOD且其职责仅覆盖该城市范围。

劇透 -   :
The Matrix depths can only be accessed through grids. Grids, to conclude our nautical metaphor, function a bit like patrons for long voyages. When sailors began exploring the Earth’s oceans in earnest, most did so with the patronage of wealthy nations. They bore the flags of their patron nations and were at the whims of their patron’s desires, but also were given access to supplies and fnances they would be otherwise unable to obtain. Grids function much the same. In order to reach the Matrix, you must choose a grid through which to access it, much like cell phone carriers in the Fifth World. No grid, no Matrix access. There is a public grid, but using it means you have slow speeds, noise, and other built-in hurdles to overcome when trying to access information. Yes, the corporations planned it that way. Most major cities also have their own local grids, offering access only in that location, while the ten major megacorporations have their own, worldwide grids. Aside from the public grid, whichever grid is chosen, the difference in experience is largely cosmetic. Accessing the Matrix through the Ares grid will flood your vision with promotions of the newest Ares-produced items, while using the Seattle Grid would likely do the same with political advertisements or local restaurant ads. There is one large difference between the grids, however. Each grid is overseen by its own sub-division of GOD called a demiGOD. In our example above, being caught while breaking into a host on the Ares grid will bring Ares’ demiGOD division down on you, while New Orleans has its own demiGOD division whose jurisdiction only covers the city.

« 上次编辑: 2018-10-26, 周五 20:10:49 由 zyupha »
Kick the goblin scum!
Fu*k it bit my anckle.

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