作者 主题: [PF]魔戰士變體大全  (阅读 118278 次)


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« 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 19:00:00 »
劇透 -   :
傻豆師傅、四月、沈淪、sleepinglord、旅法師 紫淵、lichzeta、弒君者伊恩、PATIBAUL、折劍者緋月

裝甲戰法師(Armored Battlemage)
牌法師(Card Caster)
地深宗匠(Deep Marshal)
魔能射手(Eldritch Archer)
奧法後繼者(Eldritch Scion)
元素騎士(Elemental Knight)
煉獄剝皮者(Fiend Flayer)
綠刺殺手(Greensting Slayer)
鐵環鬥士(Iron-Ring Striker)
卡潘妮亞舞者(Kapenia Dancer)
吉斯特卡機關術士(Jistkan artificer)(果園的翻譯仍在進行中)
魔武者(Magic Warrior)
Nature-Bonded Magus(尚無翻譯)
鑄魂師(Soul Forger)
咒舞者(Spell Dancer)
法術捕獵者(Spell Tr​​apper)
尖塔防衛者(Spire Defender)
法杖士(Staff Magus)

Myrrh, Frankincense, and Steel: Kurald Galain's Guide to the Magus(目前最推薦魔戰士指南,會隨新書出版不斷更新),討論串

Optimizing the Suboptimal: A Subguide to the Myrmidarch
A Guide to Touch Spells, Spellstrike, and Spell Combat
Magus Hexcrafter Guide: The Complete Guide For Dealing With The Devil討論串
Walter's Guide to the Magus討論串
The Exhaustive Guide the the Kensai Magus(專門針對劍聖變體,推薦),討論串
Forger's Supplemental Guide to the Updated Magus
The path of Spell and Sword:How to kick butt and look good doing it(一篇比較新的指南,應該是2018寫的)

引述: Myrrh, Frankincense, and Steel: Kurald Galain's Guide to the Magus
  • Bad - It's a trap, avoid it at all cost. This option either doesn't actually do what it advertises, or is so situational that it probably won't ever come up.
  • Okay - It works, but it's not great. For a niche build, this option may be worth it, but in general you should get something better.
  • Good - A solid and effective choice; the bread-and-butter of a good Magus, although it could be build-specific or somewhat situational.
  • Excellent - One of the strongest and most versatile options; every Magus should seriously consider this, regardless of build.
« 上次编辑: 2018-11-29, 周四 23:41:09 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: [PF]魔戰士變體大全
« 回帖 #1 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 19:04:25 »
Beastblade (Magus Archetype),出自魔寵手記(Familiar Folio)

魔寵(Familiar,Ex):3級起,獸之刃獲得魔寵魔戰士奧能。該能力取代3級獲得的魔戰士奧能(magus arcana)。

並行觸擊(Tandem Touch,Su):4級起,當獸之刃的魔寵對一個接觸法術維持能量(Holding the charge)時,獸之刃能夠施放其他法術,而不需要解消魔寵在維持的充能。該能力取代法術喚回(Spell Recall)。

魔寵力池(Familiar Pool,Su):7級起,當獸之刃準備他的魔戰士法術時,可以從自己的奧能力池(Arcane Pool)中花費一些點數(如此花費的點數上限等同於他的智力調整值)來灌注到他的魔寵體內。每個以此花費的點數,都能讓魔寵在該日以類法術能力施放一個魔戰士法術。如此使用的法術必須在比獸之刃能夠施放的最高法術等級低3級的範圍中選擇,而且該法術不能消耗價值超過1gp的材料成分。該能力取代知識力池(Knowledge Pool)。

魔寵法術擊(Familiar Spellstrike,Su):11級起,每當獸之刃的魔寵成功對魔戰士正在威脅的生物傳遞一個接觸法術時,該目標便會引起魔戰士的藉機攻擊。該能力取代精通法術喚回(Improved Spell Recall)。

Beastblade (level 1-9 / 10+)
  • Gain a familiar with spellcasting ability. No effect at low levels.
  • Stacks with Eldritch Archer or Staff Magus.
  • At low level, this archetype simply doesn't do a lot, as the familiar arcana is something you can take anyway, the level 4 ability is rarely needed, the level 7 ability starts out only with cantrips, and you do lose spell recall. Then at level 10-11 it suddenly becomes very good: your familiar gets to cast several spells per day (such as the ever-popular Shocking Grasp) while you cast your own, and if he connects you get to make a free attack. This is a big action advantage, and you can pick a complementary archetype for your familiar as well.
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: [PF]魔戰士變體大全
« 回帖 #2 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 19:14:00 »

黑刃(Black Blade,Ex):3級時,劍縛魔戰士獲得一把強力且擁有自我意識的武器,其名黑刃。它的武器類型由魔戰士本人決定(詳見邊欄)。擁有此能力的魔戰士不能取得魔戰士奧能中的「使魔(Familiar)」,也不能擁有任何類型的魔寵,即使是從別的職業獲得。

魔戰士奧能(Magus Arcana):下列是劍縛魔戰士可選的的魔戰士奧能:奧能精準(Arcane Accurancy),拓展學習(Broad Study),破法擊(Dispelling Strike),鏡向反射(Reflection)。

黑刃基礎數據(Black Blade Basic):黑刃就像魔寵一樣,只跟某個特定的魔戰士有所連結,但黑刃跟魔戰士之間更像是同伴而非主僕。
劇透 -   :

感知與魅力(Wisdom and Charisma):在劍縛魔戰士升級時,黑刃的感知與魅力也會隨之成長。這些屬性起初是6,魔戰士每升兩級就會再+1。


語言與技能(Languages and Skills):黑刃一開始只會說通用語。當黑刃的智力增加時,它開始顯現出它在語言與奧秘學術上的宿慧。當黑刃的智力達到12時,它獲得一種GM所選的獎勵語言,並在知識(奧秘)上獲得1級。往後它每次在智力上獲得加值時,就會獲得一種新的語言與知識(奧秘)上的新級數。


黑刃的奧能力池(Black Blade Arcane Pool):黑刃有個總量為「1+其智力調整值」點奧能點的奧能力池。

黑刃的能力敘述(Black Blade Abilities Descriptions):黑刃擁有的特殊能力(或是可給予其持有者的能力)取決於持有者的魔戰士等級。被它的魔戰士以外的任何人持有時,通常黑刃會拒絕使用它擁有的任何特殊能力,並且作用如同它同類武器中的精緻品。
劇透 -   :

黑刃襲(Black Blade Strike,Sp):以一個自由動作,魔戰士可以從黑刃的奧能力池中消耗掉1點奧能點,讓黑刃在傷害骰上獲得+1加值,持續1分鐘。1級後每4個等級,此能力給予黑刃的傷害骰加值再+1。



能量共振(Energy Attunement,Su):5級時,以一個自由動作,魔戰士可以花費他的黑刃奧能力池中的奧能點,並讓它造成下列的傷害類型之一來取代原本的武器傷害:寒冷、電擊或者火焰。他可以從奧能力池中花費2點奧能點來造成音波或力場傷害以取代原本的武器傷害。此效果持續到魔戰士下回合開始。

以神御劍(Teleport Blade,Sp):以一個標準動作,9級或者更高的魔戰士可以從他自己或者黑刃的奧能力池中花費1點奧能點,從他的黑刃從最遠1哩處召喚過來——它會立刻傳送到他的手中。

秘法轉換(Transfer Arcana,Su):13級時,每天一次,魔戰士可以試圖從他的黑刃奧能力池中汲取奧能點,注入自己的奧能力池中。這樣做需要一個全回合動作,而且魔戰士必須通過DC等同黑刃自我值的意志豁免檢定。如果魔戰士成功,他每從黑刃那裡吸收2點奧能點,就可以回覆自身1點奧能點。如果魔戰士在豁免中失敗,他會疲勞(但還是可以再次嘗試)。如果他已經疲勞,則改為陷入力竭。如果他已經陷入力竭,則他無法使用此能力。

劍破萬法(Spell Defense,Sp):以一個自由動作,17級或更高的魔戰士能夠從其黑刃的奧能力池中花費1點奧能點;接著他會獲得等同於黑刃本我值的法術抗力,持續到他下回合開始。

飲命吞魂(Life Drinker,Su):從19級開始,只要魔戰士用他的黑刃殺死一個活物,他就可以從下列的效果中擇一受益:黑刃的奧能力池恢復2點奧能點;黑刃與魔戰士的奧能力池各回覆1點奧能點;魔戰士獲得等同於黑刃本我值的暫時生命值(這些暫時生命值持續1分鐘或者到被消耗掉,看哪個較短)。被黑刃殺死的生物必須至少有魔戰士角色等級的一半才能觸發此特性。

Black Blades

A black blade is a particular form of intelligent weapon gained by a magus with the bladebound archetype. There are several ways a magus might gain this weapon. Sometimes it just appears among the magus's possessions, and its origin is a mystery. Other times the magus finds a black blade during an adventure or event of some kind. Sometimes a black blade is passed down generation to generation in an ongoing search for a magus who can unlock its true potential.

A black blade is always a one-handed slashing weapon, a rapier, or a sword cane. The magus chooses the blade's type upon gaining the blade, and once chosen, it can't be changed. As a bladebound magus increases in level, his black blade gains power.

A black blade is independently conscious but features some personality traits reflecting its wielder. A black blade always has the same alignment as its wielder and even changes its alignment if its wielder does. The blade typically works toward its wielder's goals, but not always without argument or backlash. Each black blade has a mission, and while sometimes two or more black blades will work in concert, each mission is singular in purpose (the black blade's mission is usually up to the GM and the needs of the campaign or the adventure, or a GM can determine the weapon's purpose randomly using Table: Intelligent Item Purpose). Some black blades are very open about their missions, but most are secretive. Certain sages have speculated that an invisible hand or arcane purpose moves these weapons.

Can I use Craft Magic Arms and Armor to increase my blade's enhancement bonus?

No, nor can you use that feat to add other properties (such as flaming) to the black blade. You can use your arcane pool to temporarily add abilities to your black blade.

  • Gain an intelligent weapon, with free pluses and enchantments as you level up.
  • Stacks with Hexcrafter or Kensai, but not both.
  • This great archetype provides you with an intelligent weapon. It increases to a bigger "plus" for free, saving you a sizeable chunk of wealth for other items. In addition, it gets a scaling damage bonus, can briefly do force damage, resists sundering, and can teleport to your hand if disarmed. Like a familiar, it gives you alertness for free and lets you roll twice on knowledge and perception checks. The weapon doesn't come with special properties, but that's what your enchant weapon ability is for; the main downside is that you can't get Spell Storing this way. With all these extra boons, it's effectively a +8 weapon at the top levels; by comparison, if you'd spend 1/3rd of your wealth on your weapon, then the weapon from this archetype will be better than what you can buy, except at level 18-20. And this all costs you only one arcana slot and some pool points, which you get back at later level via a pool recovery ability. Overall a powerful and versatile option for your Magus.
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: [PF]魔戰士變體大全
« 回帖 #3 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 19:18:21 »
牌法師(Card Caster)
出自哈囉牌手冊(The Harrow Handbook)

致命發牌者(Deadly Dealer,Su):第一級,牌法師獲得致命發牌者作為獎勵專長,即使他沒有滿足前提條件。只要還有1點奧能力池,牌法師就可以通過向牌中充能,造成正常傷害,而不需要奧術打擊專長。

奧能力池專攻(Arcane Pool Focus,Su):牌法師奧能力池只能用來強化遠程武器。第5級,牌法師可以用奧能力池充能遠程武器,可以將如下武器特殊能力加在遠程武器上:(briallent energy),及遠(distance),熾焰(flaming),焰爆(flaming burst ),凍寒(frost),冰爆(icy burst),迴力(returning),尋踪(seeking),雷鳴(shock),音爆(shocking burst)和加速(speed)。他可以用奧能力池強化整副哈羅牌,如同它是彈藥。

哈羅法術打擊(Harrowed spellstrike,Su):第二級,牌法師可以將一個接觸或遠程法術充入一件投擲遠程武器,這作為法術正常時間的一部分。法術必須以單個生物為目標,而法術射程則改為投擲武器的射程。本能力和法術打擊運作方式完全相同,除了只能用於投擲遠程武器而非近戰武器。本能力代替和修改了法術打擊。

(Role Dealer,Su):第三級,每當牌法師隨機抽取並投擲一張哈羅牌,若該牌和牌法師的陣營在某個陣營軸上相符,則該牌的重擊範圍變成19-20;若該牌與牌法師陣營完全相同,則額外地,重擊乘數變為*3,並且在重擊確認骰上有+4加值。本能力代替了第3級獲得的奧能。

引述: 新魔戰士奧能(New Magus Arcana)
奧術發牌者(Arcane Dealer,Su):魔戰士獲得致命發牌者專長,即使他不滿足前提,他可以用奧能力池來強化牌張,視一副牌為54發彈藥。魔戰士必須使用奧術打擊或奧能力池來強化牌張之後,才能將其作為武器使用。魔戰士至少要有6級才能選擇此奧能。

羅剎之幸(Rakshasa's Fortune,Su):每當魔戰士對自己釋放一個變形子學派的法術,以自由動作,他可以​​從自己所有的一副完整的哈羅牌中抽一張牌。若該牌的陣營和魔戰士的陣營完全相符,則法術持續時間加倍,並且可以額外獲得法術可以給予的兩個怪物能力(比如二級獸形術(beast shape II)的靈敏嗅覺和攫抓) ,即使通常來說目標形態並不具有這些能力也可以。若是部分相符,則可以額外獲得法術可以給予的一個怪物能力,即使通常來說目標形態並不具有這些能力也可以。若相反,法術持續時間減半,並且失去一個法術給予的怪物能力。魔戰士必須至少9級才能選擇此奧能。

Card Caster
  • Attach spells to thrown weapons, like Gambit from the X-Men.
  • Stacks with Hexcrafter, and of course Staff Magus.
  • You can use spellstrike on thrown weapons, with extra options for weapon enchantment thrown in for free; a belt of Mighty Hurling will help your damage here. However, you can no longer enchant or spellstrike with melee weapons, and you still can't use thrown weapons with spell combat. Despite the name, instead of cards as weapons, consider a chakram (with more damage and bigger range), or a net or alchemist fire (which target touch AC). Overall, a nice perk at low cost.
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: [PF]魔戰士變體大全
« 回帖 #4 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 19:21:26 »
地深宗匠 Deep Marshal(魔戰士變體) PFS ×
出自Arcane Anthology

  地深法術 Deep Spellcasting:地深宗匠知道許多關於塑造大地與岩石的魔法秘密。地深宗匠可以將以下術士/法師法術加入他在魔戰士法術列表中的同環位置:匠人詛咒(Crafter's Curse)APG,匠人祝福(Crafter's Fortune)APG,消抹術,快速挖掘(Expeditious Excavation)APG,鬼斧神工,高等完全修復術(Greater Make Whole)TG,敲擊術,高等造物術,修復術,次級造物術,移土術,穿牆術,化石為泥和化泥為石,以及所有的0至六環術士/法師列表中的防護係法術。地深宗匠仍然需要將這些法術記錄在他的法術書裡才能準備和施放它們。如果這些法術同時存在與術士/法師法術列表和魔戰士法術列表,那麼地深宗匠在選取它們時使用環級較低的那一份列表。地深,地深宗匠無法施放所有附魔系,幻術系和死靈係法術,也無法使用這三個學派的法術完成型和法術觸髮型物品(除非他成功的進行一個使用魔法裝置檢定)。本能力調整了魔戰士的法術。

  受制 Bound by Tradition:地深宗匠的奧術能量極其有限。地深宗匠的奧能力池大小為1點/他的每3個魔戰士等級+他的智力調整值(最小為1)。除此之外,除非地深宗匠持用的武器是戰斧,重鎬,戰鎚或是名字中帶有“矮人”的武器,否則他無法使用自己的奧能力池點數為武器提供增強加值或是特殊附魔效果。除此之外,地深宗匠也只能使用上述武器來發動法術戰鬥和法術打擊。本能力調整了奧能力池,法術戰鬥和法術打擊。

  採掘專注 Miner`s Focus(Ex/Su):在3級時,地深宗匠可以將自己持有的魔法武器中的魔力和自身的法力進行共鳴。每當地深宗匠在持用戰斧,重鎬,戰鎚或是名字中帶有“矮人”的武器並同時施放一個魔戰士法術時,他可以將武器的增強加值的一半(至少為1)加到他的施法者等級上。如果地深宗匠的這個法術需要他進行施法者等級檢定來穿透法術抗力,那麼這時他可以將自己武器的增強加值全部加在施法者等級上。


  • Deep Marshal - The main perks are early access to medium and heavy armor, and a decent bonus on spell resistance checks. However, the major downside is that you lose access to all illusion spells (including your best defense buffs, such as Mirror Image), as well as necromancy and enchantment; you get abjuration in return, but its best spells were already on your list anyway. This major downgrade of your spellcasting ability is really not a good tradeoff.
« 上次编辑: 2023-04-14, 周五 14:20:54 由 蕾貝卡【沉淪】 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
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Re: [PF]魔戰士變體大全
« 回帖 #5 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 19:24:03 »
【Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Street】 魔戰士變體
魔能射手 魔法少女 (魔戰士變體)
Eldritch Archer (Magus Archetype)
——"Madokami" Kaname Madoka/"圓神" 鹿目圓香

本職技能:魔能射手用【察覺】替代【使用魔法裝置】作為她的本職技能。 這改變了魔戰士的本職技能

魔能力池(Su):魔能射手可以用魔能力池給武器添加的特性增加【及遠Distance】【巧射Nimble shot】和【迴力Returning】,但是不再包括【舞空Dancing】【銳鋒Keen】和【斬首Vorpal】。 這改變了魔戰士的魔能力池。


遠程法術戰鬥(Ex):魔能射手必須用遠程武器替代輕型或單手武器進行法術戰鬥。她不需要為使用法術戰鬥空出一隻手。魔能射手不能用承受攻擊減值以提高專注檢定的方式來進行防禦式施法。 該能力改變了法術戰鬥。

       如果被傳遞的法術通常情況下可以影響多個目標,那麼每次攻擊只能傳遞一個單獨的飛彈Missile、射線Ray或效果Effect。如果該法術會導致多次攻擊,且魔能射手在用法術戰鬥進行全回合攻擊時也能進行多次攻擊,那麼她可以用她剩餘的攻擊次數傳遞該法術的剩餘攻擊次數,每次仍只能傳遞一個單獨的飛彈Missile、射線Ray或效果Effect。未被傳遞的飛彈Missile、射線Ray和效果Effect會在魔能射手的回合結束時被浪費掉。 該能力改變了法術打擊。

聚焦法術打擊(Su):16級起,魔能射手可以像傳遞射線一樣用遠程法術打擊傳遞錐形和線形法術,被傳遞的法術只能影響被擊中的生物或物體。 該能力取代反制擊Counterstrike。

譯註:【PRC:Heroes of the Street】中還有兩個以該變體2級職業特性【遠程法術打擊】作為前置的魔戰士奧能:

及遠法術打擊(Reach Spellstrike, Su)【HotS】
     前提:魔戰士等級9,遠程法術打擊(Ranged Spellstrike)

遠距法術打擊(Distant Spellstrike, Su)【HotS】
     前提:魔戰士等級12;遠程法術打擊(Ranged Spellstrike)

Eldritch Archer
  • Full archer that gets a free spell every round.
  • Stacks with Beastblade or Hexcrafter.
  • If you want to use a bow instead of a blade, this archetype is extremely good. Instead of a gish, it is primarily an archer, and should take feats accordingly (e.g. point-blank and precise shot). To support this, you gain perception skill, enchantments for your ranged weapon at half the cost, and you each round you can both cast a spell and make a full volley of attacks. Ranged spellstrike is not so useful though, as it mainly makes your spells less accurate; just aim the spell normally, or dip into Gunslinger so you can make ranged touch attacks. However, this does open up the Reach Spellstrike arcana. Finally, since this archetype doesn't require free hands to cast spells, you can also use a one-handed thrown weapon and use your other hand for e.g. a shield and metamagic rod. Overall, it's very powerful, even if it isn't really a gish any more.
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
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Re: [PF]魔戰士變體大全
« 回帖 #6 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 19:27:13 »
元素騎士(Elemental Knight)(魔戰士變體)

元素奧能(Elemental Arcana)(Su):3級起,元素騎士能夠選擇下列只對他們有效的魔戰士奧能。
  • 增效攻襲(Assault Synergy)(Su):以一個迅捷動作,元素騎士能夠消費1輪元素攻襲的持續時間,使他當輪施放的攻擊性法術造成的能量傷害提高1d6點。該法術必須帶有酸、寒冷、閃電或火描述符(acid,cold, electricity or fire descriptor)。額外的能量傷害與法術的能量傷害一致。 10級起,他能夠消費2輪以使法術增加2d6點能量傷害。
  • 能量反射(Energy Reflection)(Su):該奧能除了只對造成強酸、寒冷、閃電或火焰傷害的法術生效以外,如同反射(reflection)魔戰士奧能一般作用。只要元素騎士從他的奧能力池中消費至少1點奧能,以啟動這個魔戰士奧能,他就能夠花費元素攻襲的持續輪數,就如同花費奧能點數一般。例如元素騎士能夠消費1點奧能力池點數以及3輪元素攻襲反射4級或更低等級的法術。元素騎士必須至少12級才能選擇此奧能。
  • 強化能量抗力(Energy Resistance Boost)(Su):以一個迅捷動作,元素騎士能夠從他的奧能力池中消費1點奧能或者元素攻襲的1輪持續時間,使他的所有種族能量抗力增加5點,持續1輪。

元素基體(Elemental Matrix)(Su):4級起,元素騎士獲得蓄能元素攻襲(見巨靈裔專長)作為獎勵專長。此外自4級起,以一個迅捷動作,元素騎士能夠消耗他的元素攻襲能力的持續輪數。每消耗4輪時間,他就可以獲得1點奧能力池點數。該能力取代法術喚回。

魔戰士奧能(Magus Arcana):下述列出的為推薦元素騎士選擇的魔戰士奧能:法術強效(empowered magic),力池打擊(pool strike),法術護盾(spell shield)。

  • Elemental Knight - Suli only. This is only barely an archetype, and more a list of extra arcana for suli. The interesting one is Energy Reflection; at higher levels this is too expensive, but at low levels spending e.g. two points to bounce back a Scorching Ray is fun. The other two arcana are not so good, and the downside of this archetype is that it blocks you from the stronger archetypes, except Bladebound and Staff Magus. Eldritch Scion would be a better choice on a suli.
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。

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Re: [PF]魔戰士變體大全
« 回帖 #7 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 19:32:16 »
翻出來就是告訴你,這是個多麼垃圾的變體      白貓注:不是我翻der

裝甲戰法師 Armored battlemage
出自護甲大師手冊 (Armor Master's Handbook)

中甲擅長(Medium Armor, Ex)

奧能力池(Arcane Pool,Su)

裝甲戰法師不能使用她的點數強化武器。取而代之的是她可以用一個迅捷動作從奧能力池里花費1點給予她正穿著的盔甲+1增強加值,持續1分鐘。 1級之後每4級,盔甲會獲得額外+1增強加值,在17級時最大+5.這些加值與已經存在的盔甲增強加值疊加,最大+5。

盔甲訓練(Armor Training, Ex)

重甲擅長(Heavy Armor, Ex)

擴展奧能力池(Expanded Arcane Pool,Su)
劇透 -   :
Armored battlemage

Many battlemages focus purely on destructive evocations, but some extend their tactical studies to include use of the tried-and-true protection of steel. These armored battlemages learn to move and cast spells in even the most restrictive armors, and have developed new methods to magically enhance their armor.
Medium Armor (Ex)
An armored battlemage gains this ability at 1st level instead of 7th. When wearing medium or armor, the armored battlemage gains a +4 bonus on concentration checks to cast defensively. This stacks with the bonus from the Combat Casting feat.
This ability replaces spell combat and alters the medium armor ability.

Arcane Pool (Su)
An armored battlemage cannot spend points from his arcane pool to enhance weapons. Instead, he can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant armor he is wearing a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every 4 magus levels he has beyond 1st, the armor gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses stack with existing armor enhancement bonuses to a maximum of +5.
Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.
At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following armor special abilities: balanced, bitter, fortification (heavy, light, or medium), ghost touch, invulnerability, spell resistance (13, 15, 17, or 19) , or spell storing.
Adding these special abilities consumes an amount of bonus feats equal to the ability's base price modifier. In addition, the armored battlemage can grant his armor the energy resistance special ability at the cost of a +3 bonus or the improved energy resistance special ability at the cost of a +5 bonus. These special abilities are added to any the armor already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the armor is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other special abilities can be added . These bonuses and special abilities are decided when the arcane pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the armored battlemage uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if the armor is worn by anyone other than the magus.
An armored battlemage can enhance only one suit of armor in this way at one time. If he uses this ability again, the first use immediately ends.
This ability alters arcane pool.

Armor Training (Ex)
At 3rd level, an armored battlemage gains armor training, as per the fighter ability.
At 8th level, he gains armor training 2.
At 13th level, he gains armor training 3.
At 18th level, he gains armor training 4.
This ability replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd and 18th levels, and improved spell combat.

Heavy Armor (Ex)
An armored battlemage gains this ability at 7th level instead of 13th.
This ability alters heavy armor.

Expanded Arcane Pool (Su)
At 14th level, the armored battlemage can grant his armor the glamered special ability at the cost of a +2 bonus, the slick or shadow special ability at the cost of a +3 bonus, and the greater slick or greater shadow special ability at the cost of a +5 bonus when using his arcane pool.
This ability replaces greater spell combat.

  • Armored Battlemage - This archetype loses two of the Magus's core abilities, spell combat AND enchanting weaponry, and simply doesn't get much in return. Enchanting your armor is a mediocre ability since your best defense comes from your spells, and the only armor ability on the list that's worth its cost is Fortification. If you're looking for a defensive archetype, try Skirnir or Staff Magus; this one is nothing but a trap.
« 上次编辑: 2017-07-11, 周二 23:26:40 由 白貓 »
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
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Re: [PF]魔戰士變體大全
« 回帖 #8 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 19:36:13 »
奧法後繼者(Eldritch Scion,魔戰士變體)


法術(Spell):一名奧法後繼者使用魔戰士法術列表中的法術。他可以釋放任何他所知道的法術而不需要預先準備。要學習或施放一個法術,奧法後繼者的魅力值必須至少為10 + 法術等級。奧法後繼者法術的豁免難度等於10 + 法術等級 + 奧法後繼者的魅力調整值。一名奧法後繼者每天只能施放固定數量的法術。他的基本每日法術數量等同於一個和他等級相同的吟遊詩人。此外,他也可以因為高魅力值而獲得額外的每日法術。一名奧法後繼者所知的法術數量有限。他擁有一個和他相同等級的詩人相同數量的已知法術,並且可以選擇學習一個新法術以替代一個原本的法術。在第5級以及之後每3個等級,就好像一個詩人能做的那樣,(見核心規則書P35,詩人職業能力部分)。該能力替換魔戰士原本的施法職業能力。


奧法之池(Eldritch Pool,Su):一名奧法後繼者會獲得一個名為奧法之池的個人魔法能量,其值大於它的魔戰士等級的1/2 (至少為1)+他的魅力調整值。用一個迅捷動作,奧法後繼者可以花費一點奧法之池的能力進入一種持續2輪的神秘專注狀態。這個狀態下他可以使用他的血脈狂怒者血脈能力,就好像他是一個進入了血怒狀態的血脈狂怒者一般,儘管他不會獲得其他血怒能力所帶來的益處或害處。在4級時,一名奧法後繼者也能夠像使用奧能力池一般使用他的奧法之池,獲得魔戰士的奧能力池職業能力的所有益處。





Eldritch Scion (level 1-7 / 8+)
  • Gain bloodline powers, and be a spontaneous caster based on charisma. Runs out of steam quickly at low levels.
  • Stacks with Staff Magus.
  • This is really a game changer for the Magus. The main benefit is that you gain a Bloodrager bloodline, with some very powerful abilities. For example, Aberrant gives you reach, lets you stagger on any critical and gives you a long list of immunities including nauseating, exhaustion, and 50% of critical hits; all of which together for one swift action. Arcane bloodline gives you three strong buff spells at the same time for a swift action, and lets you take extra opportunity attacks against any monster using a spell-like ability. Or, the Destined bloodline gives you a large luck bonus to AC and saving throws, lets you reroll one attack every two rounds and gain insight bonuses to more attacks, automatically confirms your critical hits, and lets you make a saving throw to negate being killed, once per day. These are highly useful abilities that a normal Magus doesn't get, and if there's a low-level ability you don't need, you can replace it with a bloodline famliar for free. Now using these abilities costs a pool point every two round, which sounds like a harsh limit, but in practice you can keep this up through every combat of the day around level four. To do so, you should avoid arcana that require pool points, don't use your enchant weapon ability at low level, and probably take the Extra Arcane Pool feat. It's an interesting change of pace, but bear in mind that the Scion locks you out of most other archetypes, and that it gets only few skill points, and that a spontaneous caster can't use metamagic with spellstrike.
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
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Re: [PF]魔戰士變體大全
« 回帖 #9 于: 2016-11-24, 周四 19:38:10 »
秘傳者(Esoteric 魔戰士變體)

能駐光陰,解留顏鬢,引君霄漢。 』



武器和防具擅長(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):

較差的施法能力(Diminished Spellcasting):

奧能力池(Arcane Pool,Su):
在1級時,秘傳者可以像增強人造武器一樣使用奧能力池增強他的徒手攻擊。在5級時,他可以將如下的武器特殊效果添加到他的徒手打擊或武器上:護體Defending、焰爆Flaming Burst、凍寒Frost、冰爆Icy Burst、衝擊Impact(UM)、電擊Shock、電爆Shock Burst、追擊Speed或雷鳴Thundering.該能力調整了魔戰士的奧能力池能力。

徒手打擊(Unarmed Strike):
1級起,秘傳者獲得精通徒手打擊(Improved Unarmed Strike)作為獎勵專長。此外,他還會獲得武僧的徒手打擊(Unarmed Strike)能力,將他的魔戰士等級作為其武僧等級來計算徒手打擊的傷害。

徒手法術打擊(Unarmed Spellstrike,Su):

以神御氣(Ki Arcana,Su):
在4級時,秘傳者的奧能力池在決定法術和能力需求時也同時可以視為氣池。秘傳者的奧能點數可以用來使用那些通常需要氣來使用的能力。如果一名秘傳者也同時獲得了氣池的能力,他可以隨意互換他的氣和奧能點(但特殊的氣池,如醉酒(Drunken Ki, Su,醉拳大師)能力帶來的氣例外)。該能力取代了魔戰士的法術喚回能力。

紋身法術(Tattooed Spell,Sp):

AC加值(AC Bonus,Ex):

進階紋身法術(Improved Tattooed Spell,Sp):

  • Esoteric (level 1-5 / 6+) - An unimpressive attempt at an unarmed Magus, its main ability is to use enchant weapon and spellstrike with unarmed strikes - which a regular Magus could do anyway. You get stuck with diminished spellcasting, although at higher levels you get them back in the form of spell-like abilities. Overall, this archetype simply doesn't do a lot.
雅各之塔(Jacob's Tower) 個人翻譯的Pathfinder RPG非官方長篇系列冒險模組,一系列13個模組共17萬字,每個模組皆可獨立抽出使用。(已出版,商品頁面) 全彩地圖素材包
Pathfinder v2.0Pathfinder RPG的規則資源合集電子書,絕讚好評廢貓中。