作者 主题: 【龙枪】少年Gi的奇幻漂流  (阅读 65256 次)

副标题: The Odyssey of Gilthanas

离线 茶白猫小修

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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #40 于: 2013-08-02, 周五 16:17:10 »






























“我说啊,”大胡子无视吉尔赛那斯的存在,斜睨着莱萨格斯说,“你介不介意回到那座永久监狱(Perpetual Prison)里去?我们的实验还远没做完呢。”






































劇透 -   :
Further search revealed a dark stairwell behnd another door, and the elf slowly began to descend. His 
eyes were attuned to minimal light, but even so, he found it hard to make out any details in here. Lower and 
lower he crept, pausing to open an occasional door and carefully explore chambers beyond. He found the 
remains of many gnomes, as well as odd bits of machinery, but nothing that indicated anyone was alive. 
Always he went back to the stairs, still making his way downward.
He estimated that he was nearing the bottom of the tower when he heard a faint cry, the sound echoing 
through the hollow metal. "Hello?" he called. "Is someone there?"
"Help!" The cry was repeated, urgently. "But be careful."
"I'm coming!"
He moved as quickly as he could, calling out again, hearing the responses in a male voice that, though 
weak, was clearly invigorated by hope.
Finally, he stood before a silver door, with a series of buttons down the right side of the frame. The voice 
seemed to be coming from within.
"Who's in there? Are you hurt?" Gilthanas asked.
"My name is Lethagas ... and I'm not hurt, at least not any more. I've been in here for years—it's been that 
long since I've heard a living voice! Please, get me out!"
"I'll try," Gilthanas promised, though he looked askance at the array of buttons. "Do you know which button 
I should push?"
"Don't push any of them!" The voice came back, so shrill with panic that Gilthanas jumped back from the 
silver door. "That is, can you try just pushing on the door?"
He did, and surprisingly enough the portal swung easily open to reveal a spacious room of metal walls 
illuminated by the same white brightness he had noticed above. With a sob of joy, the prisoner called Lethagas 
stumbled forward, hastily interposing his body between the silver door and its frame.
"It wasn't locked?" Gilthanas said in amazement, at the same time seeing the golden hair and slender, 
pointed ears of a fellow elf.
"No, but it fit so smoothly into the wall that there was no way to pry it open from the inside."
"You've been in there for years? How did you survive?"
Mutely, Lethagas pointed at a series of nozzles along the far wall. As the two elves watched, one of these 
spewed a narrow stream of water, which splashed on the floor and then flowed through a grate just below. The 
next nozzle then dropped a few plops of green goo, which also dribbled through the grate.
"Automatic food and water," Leth replied, tautly. "Fiendish, isn't it?"
"More likely accidental," Gilthanas said. "How did you come to be here?" he asked, guiding Lethagas out of 
the tower.
"I was on an adventure with two friends ... we were looking for a machine that would help us defend 
Qualinost. We thought there would be good profit in it, so we flew here on griffins that have always been loyal 
to my family. One of my friends died atop the tower, pierced by some kind of spear-machine. The other one got 
tangled in some gears—I saw him mangled before my eyes."
"And you... ?"
"I was just looking for a place to rest. I stepped into this room, the door closed behind me, and then I spent 
several years here until you came along. I owe you my thanks—not to mention my sanit, and my life."
"Glad I could help," Gilthanas said. "But what is it about Qualinesti that it needs defenses?"
"The Dark Knights and the Speaker of the Sun are still at odds, to be sure, but new threats are taking shape. 
Sooner or later one of the Great Dragons is certain to lay claim to our forests."
Many more questions came to Gilthanas, but he didn't get the chance to ask them.
"But what's your story, friend?" Leth asked. "Not to mention, how did you survive this far?"
He was about to answer when both elves became aware of two voices, clearly bickering, and coming 
"Put a lock on the door, I said ... I said it would work better with a lock, but no! You had to be right, again!" 
The speaker was a male, but his tone was high-pitched and almost frantic with irritation.
"It would have worked!" insisted the other, in an even higher, apparently female, voice. "But wh said they 
could open it from the outside! That's not even fair!"
A moment later, two gnomes strolled into view, coming up the stairs that Gilthanas had been descending. 
They were short and plump, barely waist high to the elves. Each was dressed in a gown of blue and had long 
gray hair. The male also displayed a beard of the same color that descended all the way to the floor.
"I say," remarked the bearded one, ignoring Gilthanas to squint up at Lethagas. "Would you mind stepping 
back into the Perpetual Prison? Our experiment is far from over."
"I would mind, very much!" snapped the elf, his long-fingered hands curling into fists.
"There's no need to be huffy!" retorted the female gnome sharply. "After all, you've been our guest for five 
and a half years now. Haven't we fed you every day?"
Leth blanched. "Five and a half years?" he croaked, sagging against the wall.
But the gnomes weren't listening. "Technically, the machine fed him, not us," the male was reminding his 
partner. "After all, what's the point of a Perpetual Prison if one has to tend the prisoner? Who would still be a 
prisoner if you would have just let me put a lock on the door!"
"Never mind that! It still worked and will work again—or my name is not 
"Enough!" snapped Gilthanas, remembering another thing about gnomes: When one started to say his—or 
her— name, the recitation had to be stopped immediately. Otherwise, it could take several days. "The point is, 
you have no right to hold this elf prisoner!"
"Why, the very idea!" sniffed Drussi. "Have you no respect for science? For knowledge, or invention, or 
discovery? You're both ignorant savages!"
"I'll show you savagery," growled Lethagas, stepping forward, clearly ready to wring a gnome's neck. He 
continued to mutter, "Imprisoning me in a cell for years ... feeding me with foul slime ... leaving your fellow 
gnomes to rot on the floor around us...."
Gilthanas placed a calming hand on the younger elf's shoulder. "Perhaps we can talk a bit," he said to the 
gnomes. "Are there more of your people here?"
"There were lots," chirped the male. "There've been a few accidents, though."
"And there'll be more, you old fool!" snorted Drussi. "As if you could do anything right, 
"How about we just call you 'Spudder?'" Gilthanas interjected. "Now, do I take it you are the only two 
gnomes left here?"
"For now," admitted Spudder.
"I came here on a quest," the elf continued. "I'm seeking a dragon of silver, and I learned that she was 
coming to help gnomes in a tower. I think she came here. Did you see her?"
"Silvara?" asked Drussi. "Of course we did!"
"How long ago?" Gilthanas's heart quickened, and he scarcely breathed as he waited for her answer.
"Not long ... a few years, at the most."
"But she was here! Where did she go? Did you talk to her?"
"Only to tell her we didn't need any help. She got kind of huffy, and then she left."
"To where?" cried Gilthanas, feeling his hopes slipping away.
"She wouldn't tell us—or rather, we didn't ask," said Drussi. "Now, if you'll forgive us, we've got work to 
do ..."
"Not so fast!" Lethagas declared. "First, you'll see that we can get out of here!"
Gilthanas was sagging with defeat, barely listening to the debate as the other elf finally persuaded the two 
gnomes to see them out of the tower. Drussi and Spudder led them down the stairs until they reached a 
cavernous room that was apparently underneath the base of the tower.
"My griffins?" Leth asked. "Have you seen them?"
"They're still out there, flying around. Probably waiting for you," Drussi sniffed. "How do we get out?" he 
Spudder pointed to a large machine: a wheeled mechanism with a studded drill mounted on the front. "This 
is our digger. It will take you through the wall."
"You have to dig your way out?" Gilthanas asked in disbelief.
"Us? No! You're the ones who want to leave!"
"Do you have any rope?" he pressed. "I think I'd rather take my chances climbing own from the tower or 
going out the door."
"If you insist," muttered Spudder, adding an epithet for 'coward' under his breath. The elves ignored the 
taunt and convinced the gnomes to climb with them to the top of the tower. Although both gnomes insisted the 
lift worked just fine, going up at least, the elves preferred to trust their feet.
Finally, they stood beneath the trapdoor, each elf wrapped in a heavy coil of rope. Remembering that this 
portal had been the one part of the tower unblemished by any sort of machine, Gilthanas reached upward to 
push the door open.
"Wait!" gasped Drussi, too late.
A blade slashed out of the ceiling, slicing down to gash Gilthanas's hand as he snapped it back.
He cursed and clapped a hand over the wound. "A second later and I'd have lost my hand."
"We have a trap to protect the door!" insisted Drussi.
"Most traps try to keep people from coming into a place," growled the elf. He looked at the cut, which did not 
seem very deep. "Still, there was no real harm done."
"Not yet," said Spudder, shaking his head. "But wait until the poison takes effect...."
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-05, 周一 12:22:44 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



离线 茶白猫小修

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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #41 于: 2013-08-03, 周六 23:11:01 »
时来运去:水晶谷(Valley of Crystal),26sc

摘自林霞·马哲理(Linsha Majere)私人笔记


我是索兰尼亚骑士林霞·马哲理。我是那位在法师们都以为魔法业已遗失时将它再度带回这个世界的帕林·马哲理(Palin Majere)的女儿。我是在长枪战争中阻止黑暗之后(Dark Queen)统治克莱恩的英雄之一——卡拉蒙·马哲理(Caramon Majere)的孙女。我是一名玫瑰骑士,那支拥有两千多年传统的卫队中的一员。先辈们的声名曾让我惶恐了很长时间,在最黑暗的那些时刻,我认为自己永远配不上它们,尤其是,考虑到我得以入选骑士团的原因。

在圣克仙,我隶属于女骑士卡琳·赛莎莉(Lady Knight Karine Thasally)麾下的秘密组织。就像那儿的其他所有骑士那样,我生活在谎言中,但那是一个令我感到不舒服的谎言。我期盼着像父辈与祖辈之前所做的那样为家族姓氏增光添彩。单单是被接纳为第一位非索兰尼亚出身的女玫瑰骑士还不够。我渴望表现得对得起这个姓氏,有些时候,那种渴望太过迫切,令我感到痛苦。在那些日子里,我几乎什么都愿意做,什么机会都愿意试,只要它不违背骑士规章(Measure),也不危害到我们地下组织的安全。毕竟,要是我把所有的时间都花在扮演一位名叫琳恩(Lynn)的,骂骂咧咧、粗俗无礼的盖特威(Gateway)街头霸王上,那个证明自己配得上马哲理家族血统的机会或许永远不会到来。诚然,这种对个人荣誉感的过度专注是违反骑士规章的,但我很难控制自己不屈从于“那种工作太无足轻重”的诱惑。

这就是我开始写这本笔记的原因。它并不是那么的像一本自传,并不是那种有朝一日用来“还原故事真相”——就像我祖父在感叹他那群如今赫赫有名的朋友中没有一位保留了翔实的记录(而如今有数百位吟游诗人在讲述他们一生故事的各种不同版本)的时候经常说的那样——的笔记。不,我的确怀着期望它有朝一日进入钨斯·威斯坦城堡(Castle Uth Wistan)的图书馆的心情写下这本笔记。但那并不是作为我伟大事迹的记录——尽管我的确希望我能干出些值得记录的事迹,假如卡琳女士不会发现我已经如此严重地违反了骑士规章而把我从骑士队伍中除名的话——这本笔记的目的是记录下我犯的错误。我希望自己写下它们,并反省它们,我将从这些错误中汲取经验,而其他年轻骑士们或许也将从中学到一些东西。或许他们可以避免重蹈我的覆辙。不过话说回来,也许他们不会。每个人都有过这样的经历:在事后回顾时才发现自己当初太过骄傲自矜,或只是故意忽略了始终摆在眼前的事实。有时我们犯这样的过错是由于爱,有时是由于野心,还有时则是经验不足而为之。


我想到,这本笔记的目的本身,或许正是与骑士规章相抵触的。我假设有那么一天,一位年轻的,像曾经的我一样的新人会读到这些文字,会被警告过度自信是多么愚蠢——这想法是不是过于自大了?不,我并不这么想。毕竟,我是从著名的长枪英雄(Heroes of the Lance)之一,奎灵纳斯提的吉尔赛那斯那儿得到的这个主意。不管有多少人会相信,就在我着手写下这本笔记的这个早晨,他还活在人世。事实上,是他的话启发了我开始做这件事,也正是他的话让我意识到,哪怕在看上去最为黑暗的境况下,也总是存在希望。

劇透 -   :
Opportunities: Valley of Crystal, 26sc
From Linsha Majere's Personal Journal
9th day of Reapember, 26sc
I am Linsha Majere, Knight of Solamnia. I am the daughter of Palin Majere, the man who brought sorcery 
back to the world when mages thought it lost. I am the granddaughter of Caramon Majere, one of the heroes 
who prevented the Dark Queen from claiming dominion over Krynn during the War of the Lance. I am a Rose 
Knight, the guardian of two thousand years of tradition. These legacies intimidate me some days, and in my 
darkest moments I fear I will never live up to them, particularly in light of how I have been called to serve the 
Orders of the Knighthood.
I serve under Lady Knight Karine Thasally in a clandestine circle in the city of Sanction. Like all other 
Knights there, I live a lie, but it is a lie I am uncomfortable with. I want to bring honor to my family name as my 
parents and grandparents did before me. It is not enough to have become the first woman not of Solamnia to 
be admitted to the Order of the Rose. I want to show I am worthy of my family name, and some days I want it 
so bad, it hurts. On those days, I am willing to do almost anything and take any chances that don't violate the 
Measure or endanger the security of my hidden circle. After all, if I spend all my time in service playing the role 
of a foul-mouthed alley-basher of loose morals named Lynn of Gateway, the chance to live up to the legacy of 
the Majeres may never present itself. Of course, such a preoccupation with personal glory is in conflict with the 
Measure, but it's very difficult for me not to succumb to the feeling that serving just isn't enough.
And that's why I've started this journal. It isn't so biographers can someday "get the story right," as my 
grandfather so frequently says when lamenting that none of his now-famous friends kept consistent journals 
(and that now hundreds of bards are telling their life stories in as many different ways). No, I am keeping this 
journal in the hopes that it will find its way into the library of Castle Uth Wistan. But, rather than serving as a 
record of my great deeds—although I hope to have some of those to record as well, if Lady Karine doesn't find 
I have violated the Measure so grossly that she casts me out of the Knighthood—the purpose of this journal 
will be to record my mistakes. It is my hope that as I write of them and reflect upon them, I also will learn from 
them, and that other young Knights may learn as well. Maybe they will avoid making the same errors I have.
Then again, maybe not. Everyone's been in situations after which they look back and realize they were too 
cocky or just willfully ignorant of the facts staring them in the face all along. Sometimes we do it because of 
love, sometimes we do it because of ambition, and sometimes we do it out of inexperience.
I should feel blessed I made it this far and experienced only one such siuation. I should feel doubly blessed 
that I still live so that I can learn from the past and never make the mistake again, whether it was borne of 
ambition or inexperience. Certainly, love was furthest from any possible motivation I might have had to do what 
I did, consciously or subconsciously.
It occurs to me that the very purpose of this journal may go against the Measure. Is it too prideful of me to 
assume that someday a young initiate as I once was might read these words and thus be warned about the 
folly of overconfidence? No, I don't think so. After all, I got the idea from Gilthanas of Qualinesti, one of the 
celebrated Heroes of the Lance. Despite what many believe, he was still alive as of the very morning I started 
this journal. In fact, his words inspired me to start it, and it was his words that made me realize that even when 
things seem the darkest, there is always hope.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-14, 周三 23:00:18 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #42 于: 2013-08-04, 周日 17:31:37 »
导致我此刻身在此地——坐在距圣克仙几天路程的一条溪流边,我的马儿“追风者”(Windcatcher)在一旁喝水,而我则静待着自己的伤口痊愈——的那一连串事件,始于三个多星期前,那时我正在圣克仙城一家名叫“断角”(Broken Horn)的小酒馆里。不过,不像圣克仙的其他许多酒馆,断角酒馆的气氛通常是亲切的,在某种意义上说简直与我祖父母在阿班西尼亚(Abanasinian)的树镇索拉斯(tree town of Solace)开的那家旅店没什么两样。而那天夜里更是尤为亲切。我和其他几个常客一道玩着骰子,互相骂着善意的粗话——我骂得最脏,因为在所有人眼中琳恩就该这样——我想,大概就是这种寻常而热忱的氛围使我的判断发生了失误吧。



不过,我仍然希望罗纳尔至少喜欢我,因此我试着显得不那么富有攻击性。他似乎是个体面人,阅读面很广,富有学识。我也觉得他笑得很好看。我能在他身上找到的唯一缺点就是——他是霍甘·拜特(Hogan Bight)手下的顶尖人物……我之所以认为这是个缺点,是由于我心中的某一部分期望他是个更棒的人。他服务于那位阴森、神秘的圣克仙领主这件事也表明,无论我们建立了什么样的友谊,它都将永远建立在虚假的基础上。尽管我真的很喜欢罗纳尔,但我怎可能向他透露,我成为他朋友的原因是——我在圣克仙的任务是查明他主子的目标和动机?我不止一次地担忧着,为了达成自己的目的去欺骗他——一个我认为相当正直的人——是否违背骑士规章。我使用金月教给我的神秘能力侦测他灵魂的性质,发现他与我的骑士同伴们相比只不过是略微被邪恶沾染,这进一步增强了我的担忧。然而,每一次我想到这些,最终都会得出一个结论:只要我采取措施保护罗纳尔免受肉体伤害(一旦组织着手根据我从他那里得来的信息对付拜特的话),对他的欺骗就不算是不名誉的。


劇透 -   :
The events that led me to where I am now—sitting by a stream several days' ride north of Sanction while my 
horse Windcatcher waters herself and I wait for my wounds to heal—started a little over three weeks ago at the 
Broken Horn, a tavern in the city of Sanction. Unlike many other Sanction taverns, though, the mood at the 
Broken Horn was generally a friendly one, in some ways not unlike the inn my grandparents run in the 
Abanasinian tree town of Solace. That night, things were particularly friendly. I was playing dice with several 
other regulars, and we were exchanging good-natured barbs—mine being the most crude, because that's 
what everyone expects of Lynn—and I think the general cordial atmosphere probably contributed to my lapse 
in judgment.
I had just cleared twelve silver off the table when Lonar entered the pub. Ever since I first met him, I'd felt 
there was something different about Lonar. He was more handsome than the average scum dwelling in 
Sanction, and I'd seen him conduct himself with honor on more than one occasion. Once, he stepped into a 
fight involving a minotaur and a boy barely big enough to lift his own sword—and then took the child back to the 
village he'd come from. Sanction was not the place for kids in search of adventure. Many others would have 
saved the boy and then sold him into slavery.
I'd enjoyed several conversations with Lonar about topics ranging from which nation produces the best 
blades to whether there is any link between the arrival of the Great Dragons and the final departure of the gods, 
and even more esoteric philosophical topics ... although in the latter type of conversations, I always guarded 
myself. Lynn isn't exactly known as a scholar, and if I was to start discussing things from the point of view of the 
ideals held either by the Knights of Solamnia or by Goldmoon's mystics, I feared I would raise suspicions. So, 
I instead just used a series of bastardized Khurrish arguments about Fate and a chosen champion that would 
drive Evil from the land. Whenever Lonar would push me on my ideas, I'd resort to insults rather than reason or 
admitting my theories were unsound. I felt awful having to pass myself off as so unknowledgeable in 
philosophy and so ignorant of even the basest standards of intellectual discourse, but I had appearances to 
think about.
Still, I wanted Lonar to like me at least, so I tried not to be too offensive. He seemed like a decent man, and 
he was well read and knowledgeable. I also thought he had a nice smile. The only fault I could see in him was 
that he was one of Hogan Bight's top men . . . and I found this a fault only because part of me wanted him to be 
better than that. His service to the shady, mysterious lord of Sanction also guaranteed that whatever friendship 
we might forge would be forever based on false pretext. How could I ever reveal that, although I genuinely 
liked Lonar, I befriended him because my mission in Sanction was to discern the goals and motivations of his 
master? I had on more than one occasion worried about whether deceiving someone I thought to be an 
upstanding person fo my own ends was against the Measure. When I used the mystic abilities I was taught by 
Goldmoon to examine the nature of his soul and found that he was only slightly more tainted with Evil than my 
fellow Knights, those concerns grew even greater. Each time I considered them, though, I concluded that as 
long as I took steps to protect Lonar from physical harm (should the circle move against Bight on information 
I'd obtained from him), there was no dishonor in deceiving him.
At least no more dishonor than the lie I live in Sanction.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-05, 周一 00:43:08 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #43 于: 2013-08-04, 周日 19:29:09 »
























劇透 -   :
That night, Lonar had come to the Broken Horn for only one purpose. He paused just inside the doorway, 
scanning the packed common room. His eyes came to rest on me. He pushed his way through the crowd. "Can 
we talk, Lynn? Outside?"
"Sure," I replied. The other players scowled at me as I left the table. I gave them a sweet smile. "Sorry boys. 
I'll let you win your money back some other night."
As Lonar and I walked up the street, he said, "I hear you've been asking around for work that's a bit more 
respectable than the alley-bashing and gambling you've been doing."
I shrugged. "Maybe. So long as the pay's good."
"The pay's good. The pay comes from Lord Hogan."
My heart skipped a beat and my spirit soared. My effort to be friendly toward Lonar and to seem capable 
whenever he was around was paying off! I kept a calm facade, though. "Lord Hogan? What would Lord Hogan 
want with me?"
"Nothing, but I could use an extra sword on an expedition on his behalf. It'll take us through ogre territory. 
Would that be a problem?"
"I can outrun ogres," I said.
He grinned. "I'll pay you fifty steel coins right now. The balance depends on the outcome of our expedition. 
I'll provide food and fodder, but you need to provide your own horse. Still interested?"
"Definitely. Windcatcher needs some real exercise," I replied. "Plus, fifty steel is more money than I've 
gotten this month so far. What's the nature of the expedition?"
"I'll tell you once we're underway." He hesitated, looking me up and down, not lasciviously, but rather in an 
appraising fashion. "You're probably going to be the only woman in our group."
"You know what I do if someone gets grabby" I replied, patting the dagger on my belt. "But if they keep to 
themselves, I'll do the same."
Lonar flashed me a brilliant smile, one that made him appear even more handsome. He handed me a 
pouch of coins. "We leave at dawn. Wait at the mouth of the eastern pass."
After Lonar departed, I went to notify Lady Karine of my good fortune. She was the leader of the circle, so it 
was only right that I inform her of my imminent departure, but I was also hoping for some advice, for she is far 
more experienced than I am. She was not in, however, and her squire did not know where to reach her. After 
what I now know was too little consideration, I thought I could handle the situation without any advice from 
Lady Karine, and I felt confident that she wouldn't have forbade me to undertake this journey. I could think of 
no reason for Lonar to believe I was anything but what I appeared to be, and even if some sort of setup was in 
the making here, I had yet to encounter anyone in Sanction who was my equal with a sword. I felt that as long 
as I kept my guard up, I would be fine. So, I left a message with the squire and went back to my quarters to 
prepare and get a few hours sleep.
The following morning, Windcatcher and I were the first to arrive. Shortly, Lonar arrived with four other men, 
bringing our number to six. He also had two pack mules in tow. I only recognized one of the men, a lecher by 
the name of Kresh. Fortunately, as far as I went, Kresh always had been all talk and no action. He had seen 
what happened to men who tried to force themselves on me.
"Introduce yourselves if you wish," Lonar said. "As far as I'm concerned, all you need to know about each 
other is that you're all capable fighters who can hold your own in battle."
The four strangers made no attempts at pleasantries. Kresh looked me up anddown, as if he could see 
straight through my armor and cloak. "Lynn and I already know each other," he said. "But who knows? Maybe 
we'll have a chance to get closer on the road."
"Careful, Kresh," I replied. "If you get closer than a sword's length, you might impale yourself."
One of the strangers, a man of swarthy complexion that revealed a Khurrish heritage, found this more 
amusing than I would have thought possible. After he finished guffawing, he said in heavily accented Solamnic, 
"I like a woman with spirit."
After avoiding Dark Knight patrols, we rode all day through the eastern pass from Sanction, stopping only 
twice to allow our steeds to rest. As we camped that first night, Lonar finally revealed our destination. "Some of 
you may have heard of the Valley of Crystal. That's where we're headed. We're going to fill the packs we empty 
of food with crystals and deliver them to Lord Hogan. Any questions?"
"Yeah," I said, "How is our balance going to be calculated?"
"You'll all get an equal share of ten percent of the value of the crystals we bring back, as appraised by Lord 
I shrugged. "Sounds fine."
The men thought so, too.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-05, 周一 13:57:41 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #44 于: 2013-08-04, 周日 21:20:35 »

























劇透 -   :
The next few days were uneventful, except for lewd comments and verbal sparring between Kresh and me 
and belly laughs from the Khur. Lonar spent some time quizzing me about my travels beyond Sanction, placing 
particular emphasis on the area around the New Sea and Schallsea. At the time, I didn't suspect that it was 
anything but conversation on his part. After all, he originally hailed from Caergoth, and I believed that he was 
trying to see if we perhaps had visited the same places. Now I know that he was thinking far more sinister 
We were traveling through a narrow pass two days away from the Valley of Crystal when the ambush 
occurred. Three Khurrish men stepped out from behind rocks. "Your money or your life!" one called out.
"'Your money or your life?!'" exclaimed the man who found Kresh and me amusing. "What manner of 
bandits say such foolishness?"
"Serious ones," replied the speaker. He barked a word in Khurrish, and three arrows cut down our jolly 
Lonar let out a roar and spurred his horse forward, drawing his sword. The three men in front of us reacted 
with surprise, having clearly assumed their demonstration would subdue us rather than enrage us. Still, they 
shot another volley of arrows. While an arrow felled one more of the strangers who had traveled with us, 
another tore harmlessly through my cloak as I kneed my horse away.
I spurred Windcatcher forward but leaped from her back onto a ledge on the side of the canyon. She was 
trained to gallop until clear of the battle area, then stop to await my return.
I scaled the wall swiftly, mentally thanking both my grandparents and the mystics at the Citadel of Light who 
had let me scamper like a monkey first through the trees of Solace and later up and down the cliffs of Schallsea. 
I reached the top where the archers were, finding that they were still focused on killing my companions down 
below. I slowly drew my sword and dagger. Then I cleared my throat.
One archer turned and I flung my dagger at him. It lodged in his neck, and he went down with a strangled 
cry as I closed on his four companions. They dropped their bows and drew the wickedly curved blades the 
Khurrish warriors are known.
I ducked under a wild swing by the lead warrior and, as we engaged, stabbed him in the belly. I withdrew my 
weapon swiftly, slashing another foe's leg before retreating out of sword range. He fell to the ground, 
The last two Khurrish bandits attacked together, stabbing at me from the right and the left. I danced away 
from the swordsmen, drawing my second dagger as I did. I used it to block a swing from the left foe and used 
my sword to hack his head from his shoulders. The headless body spasmed as it fell.
The final warrior and I circled for a couple of moments. The screams of the man I had hobbled faded to 
moans and whimpers. My one remaining fe suddenly rushed me. I parried two of his blows, then he 
overextended himself with a lunge, and I dove toward his open side. My sword punched through his chainmail. 
He coughed up blood before falling limply to the hard, dusty ground.
The whimpers behind me suddenly went silent. I whirled to see Lonar standing there, his sword deep in the 
back of the Khur I had wounded. A bow and arrow lay in the Khur's still-twitching hands. "You left this one alive, 
alley cat. And he almost got you. Lonar to the rescue."
I set my face in a mocking expression and raised my sword in a salute. "Very gallant of you, Sir Knight, but 
I could have handled it."
He gave me an odd smile that I now know was born of suspicion. He said, "Based on that display, I'd say 
you're being wasted in Sanction. You should be leading the life of a sell-sword."
"Maybe you can put in a good word with Lord Hogan," I replied, wiping my sword on a dead enemy. He 
nodded, clapping me on the shoulder.
We climbed down into the canyon. The four strangers were all dead. Kresh saw this as a good thing—more 
for him and me to split at the end, and more mounts to carry our crystals. "Only if we don't run into more 
trouble," I said.
The rest of the trip was uneventful. We spent a day burying the bodies. I struggled to hold my tongue as 
Kresh looted bodies. I looted one myself to keep up appearances, but as soon as I return to Sanction, I'm going 
to arrange to have the items sent to the Citadel of Light as a donation.
Late in the second day after the ambush, we spotted rays of colors dancing in the blue sky. I pointed them 
out, commenting on their beautiful and bizarre nature.
"Seen 'em," Kresh said. "Wasn't impressed the first time. Ain't impressed now."
"Those are reflections from the valley," Lonar said in a more conversational tone. "And while those lights 
may be pretty, they'd burn your eyes out if you were to enter the valley right now. We're going to camp near the 
entrance and go in only after sundown."
We reached the valley, and I saw a small sample of what Lonar meant. A narrow canyon led from our 
campsite to the Valley of Crystal, and in it danced sheets of colored light so bright that I saw spots for minutes 
after I looked at it. Lonar and Kresh both found that amusing.
The sun set as we established camp. While Kresh built a fire pit, Lonar and I went to the valley to gather the 
first batch of crystals. We took only saddlebags because, Lonar explained, the crystals were sharper than 
razors and would slice through less sturdy containers. Even in the moonlight, the valley was awash with colors, 
making it one of the most beautiful sights I had ever viewed. The crystals stretched for miles, covered in 
undulating waves of colors.
"This is amazing," I said, my breath stolen by awe.
"People say the Chaos god touched this place," Lonar said. "Lord Hogan wants to gather crystals both for 
research and to pay the ogres so they don't side with the Dark Knights. Ogre shamans want these things very 
badly, but they refuse to come in here themselves. Why, we're not certain."
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-05, 周一 12:31:39 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #45 于: 2013-08-05, 周一 00:23:27 »














“你或许能骗过断角酒馆的那群混混,但你骗不过我罗纳尔·西德尔(Lonar Hiddel)。”“我不知道你说什——”


















劇透 -   :
We gathered crystals for about two hours, until each of us had filled two sets of saddlebags. By the end, nay 
leather gloves had been reduced to tatters, and I had several small cuts on my hands.
Back at camp, Kresh had built a large fire pit. I offered to water the horses. Kresh said there wasn't any 
water within fifty miles of the valley, so the horses would have to do with only a little until we were ready to 
"That's no good," I said. "The horses can't go too long without water."
"If we work hard, we may gather enough crystals to be on the way back tomorrow," Lonar said, retrieving a 
whetstone from his pack. "The horses will be fine for that long."
I agreed with him, but still spent some extra time on Windcatcher, talking to her and thoroughly brushing her 
down. When I rejoined Lonar and Kresh at the crackling blaze, I suggested that they should tend to their own 
horses. "It's bad enough we can't water them until we leve the valley. They'll serve you much better if you 
treat them right."
"Really?" Lonar said, cocking an eyebrow. "And where did an alley cat such as yourself learn that?"
"On the road. One of the men guarding the caravan I traveled with was a Khur. You know how they are with 
horses. They eat on them, sleep on them, and they know how to get the most out them. A horse that is brushed 
and rubbed down after a day's ride will outperform a horse that's been treated like a pair of wooden shoes and 
just left by the door."
Lonar stopped sharpening his sword. "You may be right, little alley cat," he said. He got to his feet and did 
that interesting little twirl with this sword he usually did just before sheathing it. Only this time he didn't. He just 
rested the blade against his right shoulder as he walked around the fire and behind me.
"I ain't rubbing down no horse," Kresh said. "That's not a job for a warrior. If you ask me, that's woman's 
"Good thing I'm an alley cat," I said, taking a piece of dried meat for myself.
Lonar laughed behind me. "Sharp-tongued as ever, Lynn. I think we might have been friends you and I, 
under different circumstances."
Pain exploded in the back of my neck, as Lonar struck me with what must have been the pommel of his 
sword. I fell forward as the world seemed to go white. Before my vision cleared, my training as a Knight of 
Solamnia caused me to instinctively struggle to my knees and start drawing my sword. Then I was kicked hard 
in the stomach and collapsed again, taking several more blows over the next few minutes. Every instinct was 
swept away as a haze of pain consumed my mind. All I could do was gasp for air.
As the world swam in and out of focus, I felt strong hands grasping me and throwing me against one of the 
boulders. As I struggled to recover my breath, I heard my sword being drawn from its sheath. It clattered 
against the stones somewhere, and the hands grabbed me again and pulled me into a sitting position with my 
back against the boulder. Then something tore through the haze of pain: The feeling of cold steel against my 
neck, followed by warm breath on my right ear. "This is where the game ends, alley cat," Lonar whispered.
Everything snapped back into focus. The pain became sharper than before, and as Lonar moved back to 
lock his brown eyes with mine, I saw his face in far greater detail than I ever had before. I saw his chiseled 
features, the beard that was coming in strong after our time on the road, the small wrinkles that appeared at 
the corners of his eyes as he smiled at me, and the coldness in his eyes. I realized that the charm and warmth 
of his smile had been purely superficial and that it had hidden a dark soul, just as I hid my true nature behind 
the facade of Lynn. Fighting back both fear and pain, I said, "What's going on, Lonar? Why are you doing this?"
"You might fool the riffraff at the Broken Horn, but you're not good enough to fool Lonar Hiddel." "I don't 
know what—"
He silenced me by pressing the blade harder against my throat and shushing me. "No more lies, little alley 
cat. No more lies. I grant you, you're good. Isn't she, Kresh?"
"That remains to be seen," Kresh said.
"Always thinking with his loins, that Kresh," Lonar said with a sigh. "Suffice it to say, dear Lynn, he thought 
you were just another sword-wielding wench in britches. It wasn't until we ran into those bandits that he saw 
what I saw the first time I watched you brawling in Sanction."
"So I can fight. I had to learn how. I—"
"Yes, yes. Spare me the sob story. You were taken away by slavers but escaped and a kindly man taught 
you how to use a sword ... or maybe your father never got a son, so he taught you how to fight, but before you 
could inherit the bandit empire he'd built, Knights of Takhisis wiped it out. Are either of those close?"
"I have no idea what your problem is, Lonar."
He slapped me. I tasted blood in my mouth. His smile widened and his eyes grew colder. "No more 
meowing. My 'problem' is that you are toogood with that sword to be just another wench in britches. You are 
too good at fighting, period. I've been watching you. And I've been doing a little bit of checking up on you. For 
a supposed alley-basher, you don't seem to rack up many victims. You gamble, you brawl, but you spend little 
time lurking in alleys and waiting for drunks. Why is that? It's a lot quicker than dice games.
"And when you brawl. Hmm ... I think you try to hide it, but you just can't. When it comes to the martial arts, 
you are simply too good." He grabbed my chin in his hand and leaned closer, putting his face inches from mine. 
"You're no common rogue, Lynn, no matter how hard you try to pass yourself off as one. But who are you? 
Certainly, no Knight of Solamnia would be so rude, nor would she ever allow the kind of dishonor to befall her 
that you engage in nightly. No, there is only one type of person you can possibly be."
His eyes grew even colder as he said, "So, what Order are you a member of? The Lily or the Skull?"
I was so stunned that I barked out a laugh. He didn't understand the nervous reaction and slapped me 
again. He delivered a knee into my stomach, twice. Each time, I spasmed forward, but Lonar slammed his free 
hand against my chest, forcing me back against the stone.
"This is not funny, Lady Lynn," he snarled. I vomited forth the bit of dried meat I had eaten, then alternately 
dry-heaved and tried to catch my breath. "This is your death, and it can be a painful one. What. Order. Are. You. 
"Please," I moaned. I'm not ashamed to admit that once the spasms from the blows to my stomach 
subsided, I started shaking with fear. "I'm not a Knight of Takhisis. You've got it all wrong."
"Have I?" He pushed the tip of his stiletto harder against my neck. I felt the warm trickle of blood as he 
penetrated the skin.
"Yes," I whispered. "In the name Paladine, I swear I am not a Dark Knight."
"In the name of Paladine? Paladine?! Are you trying to make me think you're a Knight of Solamnia?!" He 
laughed. "What do you think, Kresh? Could our little alley cat really be a Knight without her shining armor?"
"Too skinny," Kresh said. "And too good-looking. Ain't never been a good-looking woman Knight. That's 
why they become Knights in the first place.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-10, 周六 01:35:20 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



离线 茶白猫小修

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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #46 于: 2013-08-05, 周一 13:47:47 »
“我是索兰尼亚骑士。”我说,在理智管住我的嘴之前,这些话就脱口而出。我已经受够了对死亡的恐惧和他们加在我身上的屈辱的刺痛。“我是一名玫瑰骑士!我唾弃艾瑞阿肯大君(Lord Ariakan)的回忆,唾弃塔克西丝有鳞的皮肤!我来圣克仙是因为我从天位骑士利亚姆·厄林(Grand Master Liam Ehrling)那里接受了一项特殊任务。我的任务是调查你的上司,霍甘·拜特的动向,但我并不像黑暗骑士们那样真正是你们的敌人。骑士团只是想弄清他打算干些什么,但他不肯和他们打交道!我不是黑暗骑士!”



罗纳尔歪着头,双眼仍然冰冷地瞪着我:“玫瑰骑士?你?!你一定当我是个白痴,琳恩小姐!你何不干脆撒谎说自己是亚苟斯皇帝(Emperor of Ergoth)的一位私人使者,计划打入内部窥探霍甘大人的力量,以确定我们是否值得出兵支援?”







































劇透 -   :
"I'm a Knight of Solamnia," I said, my words spilling forward swiftly before reason stopped them. Fear of 
death and the sting of the insults they were heaping upon me had become too much to bear. "I'm a Knight of 
the Rose! I spit on the memory of Lord Ariakan and I spit on the scaly hide of Takhisis! I came to Sanction on 
a special assignment from Grand Master Liam Ehrling. My mission is to investigate the activities of your 
master, Hogan Bight, but I'm not really your enemy as the Dark Knights are. The Orders just want to know what 
he's up to, but he wouldn't deal with them! I'm not a Dark Knight!"
Revealing my rank with the Orders may be a violation of my vows. I will make sure I emphasize this act 
when I submit my report to Lady Karine. I did not violate the Measure by leaving Sanction without her 
permission or knowledge, but revealing myself as a covert Knight to someone who is not a member of the 
Orders is in all likelihood a grave offense.
It doesn't matter that it didn't do me any good.
Lonar cocked his head, and his eyes still coldly glared. "A Rose Knight? You?! You must take me for an 
idiot, Lady Lynn! Why didn't you just go ahead and spin a lie about being a personal emissary from the 
Emperor of Ergoth who wants to take a peek at Lord Hogan's forces from the inside to see if we're worthy of 
military aid?"
"I'm telling the truth," I said.
He regarded me for a moment, looking thoughtful. The stiletto remained painfully at my throat, still digging 
past my skin. Suddenly, he said: "What is the sixty-eighth point of the Measure?"
I blinked "What?"
"The 68th point. What is the sixty-eighth point? If you're a Rose Knight, you know it."
"There aren't sixty-eight points in the Measure," I replied, "not anymore. Grand Masters Guthar and Liam 
revised it years ago."
"Then we're an impasse. My father was once a Knight. He got thrown out before I was born, but he made 
me memorize the main points and standards outlined in the Measure because he thought it was a good code 
to live by. I think he was right to do so. Some of them make a lot of sense. And if you could have told me what 
the sixty-eighth point was, I might have let you live to present proof of your affiliation. But now, I just think it's a 
"At any rate, Rose Knights aren't the type of people who hang out in bars and fraternize with lowlifes. Rose 
Knights have more honor than that." A new tone had crept into his voice, a tone that struck an even deeper fear 
in me than before.
Kresh heard it too. Rising to his feet, he asked, "You're not just gonna kill her?"
"That was the general idea," Lonar replied.
"That'd be a waste. Let me have some fun first."
Lonar shrugged and struck me on the forehead with the hilt of his stiletto, causing the back of my head to 
slam against the rock. I finally lost consciousness. When the world swam back into focus, the stench of Kresh's 
unwashed body filled my nose. I had been pulled away from the rocks and was flat on my back. The stars 
swam brightly in the heaven. Someone was tugging at the strings of my breeches. I heard Lonar say, "Don't let 
her scream. I hate it when women scream."
Kresh laughed, and I realized that he had been struggling with my breeches. "You're awake. Great. I 
wouldn't want you to miss the last and greatest thrill of your life!" He slapped me hard across the face, and then 
started struggling with my breeches again.
"Just cut them off," Lonar sighed from somewhere nearby. "She's not going to need them again."
My head suddenly cleared as a different kind of terror flooded my being. Not only was I going to die here, 
but also they were going to take away every shred of dignity I possessed before they killed me. I had 
completely misjudged Lonar. I had been taken in by good looks, charm, and the fact that he was less tainted 
with Evil than many of Sanction's residents.
"I guess you're right," Kresh said. "I can't undo the cursed knot she used."
"Please, Kresh," I whispered. I would not allow these cretins to do this to me. "If I cooperate, will you let me 
live? I don't want to die. Please."
He grinned at me and ran his tongue over his crooked teeth. "Sure. Maybe I'll decide you're too valuable to 
kill," he whispered back, leaning close.
I kissed his unshaven cheek and he returned a putrid kiss on my mouth as I ran my hands down his back 
and over his side, finding his waist and caressing it.
My right hand found the dagger on his weapons belt. With my left, I started to undo the buckle, hoping he 
truly always thought with his loins as Lonar said. Kresh didn't disappoint me.
"Yeah," he said. "Undo mine first... then take care of that damned knot on yours."
I think Kresh died more startled than in pain. I swiftly drew his dagger from his hilt and slashed his throat. He 
jerked backward, his hands instinctually going to his neck to stop his life from pumping from his body. Blood 
poured from between his fingers and spilled upon me as I scrambled out from under him.
Lonar was less surprised than Kresh. He rose to his feet on the far side of the campfire, drawing his sword. 
"You should have just lain back and taken it, alley cat," he said in an irritated tone. "If Kresh had enjoyed 
himself, you might have lived a few more days."
"Not a good bargain," I replied, quickly drawing Kresh's sword from its sheath. He was twitching like a fish 
out of water, not quite dead yet. I kicked his hand aside as he grabbed for me. Lonar and I started to circle 
around his body. "Why don't I just lay you out next to him and return to Sanction with the crystals and earn 
Hogan Bight's favor that way?"
"You haven't won yet, Lynn." He twirled his blade as he approached. "I'm going to be hard to kill, particularly 
since you're using Kresh's inferior weapons. You and I, being real warriors, go forquality in our weapons. 
Kresh went for what cost the least."
He was right. As we circled, each of us attempting to find just the right moment to strike, I noticed that the 
sword I was using was horribly unbalanced. I took a chance and scanned the area for my own discarded 
weapons, but Lonar took that as an opportunity to rush at me.
I parried the swings that came too close, backing away from him. He was very good. I barely held against 
his blows, as did the weapon I held.
Our battle carried us away from the camp and into the entrance of the Valley of Crystal. The white-blue 
glow of the crystals beneath the moonlight reflected on Lonar's well-honed blade, making it appear magical. 
The sword I wielded was so ill-used that it remained a dull gray.
The beating I had suffered at his hand caused me to tire quicker than I normally would, so he managed to 
knock the sword from my hand with a flurry of blows. However, he left his side open while doing so. I dove 
forward, intending to punch the dagger through his chainmail. Instead, the blade snapped on the links. Lonar 
backed away from me as we both looked at the broken weapon in my hand with amazement. He checked his 
gut for wounds, found none, then swiftly moved between the dropped sword and me.
"Be reasonable, Lynn. Let me know who you really are. That way, I'll know where to send your body."
I backed away from him, my booted feet stumbling across the first few scattered crystals. Several of them 
shifted loose. I took a couple more steps back. "Yeah. Let's be reasonable. Let's go back to Sanction together. 
You can bring me before Hogan Bight. Maybe he'll believe me. I promise I'll leave out the part about you 
standing by while Kresh attempted to rape me. I think Lord Hogan's a bit more honorable than someone who 
would countenance such a thing."
"First, Lord Hogan would take my word over a Knight of Takhisis—or even a Knight of Solamnia—any day. 
He knows that I share his concern for keeping Sanction free from oppression by any of your dying religious 
orders. Lord Hogan is preparing for the future while you keep looking toward the past, at the expense of the 
people of Krynn. The gods have left the world to the mortals, yet you Knights—on both sides of your little 
squabble—seem to have missed that entirely."
"The Knights of Solamnia have always been about more than service to the gods," I said.
He continued, ignoring me: "Second, Lord Hogan has made it clear that he doesn't want any members of 
the so-called 'fighting orders' in his city—last time, you nearly created a massacre when your Dark Knights, the 
Knights of Solamnia, and the Legion of Steel showed how bad guests can be. You have nothing to say that he 
would want to hear. You and yours are part of the past."
"I think if your master was to actually talk to a Knight of Solamnia, he'd discover that we've learned from our 
mistakes in Sanction. I think—"
"You never learn from your mistakes. None of you 'Knights' do. And I think I've given you enough time to 
come clean and to say your last words."
He advanced toward me. I quickly crouched and blindly scooped up a handful of crystals and dirt and flung 
them at his face. He screamed in pain as the crystals slashed him, and I moved for my sword. Even partially 
blinded, however, Lonar managed to swing at me with his sword, catching me across the breast. Although his 
strike didn't penetrate my armor, it did knock me to the ground. Sharp crystals cut into the back of my legs.
Lonar bellowed wordlessly, blinking as blood from the cuts on his forehead streamed into his left eye. He 
raised his sword to deliver the killing blow. I fought against my reflexes and kept my eyes open and fixed on the 
gleaming blade to watch the final strike as it fell. As I stared at Death in the face, I finally beat back my fear. I 
suddenly felt calmer than I had in years. I whispered, "Paladine, please watch over my soul."
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-13, 周二 13:51:55 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #47 于: 2013-08-05, 周一 20:40:29 »


























即使在那一刻,我也觉得自己该表现出更多的感激之情。在我不怎么有资格得到拯救的时候,一个传奇人物拯救了我,给了我第二次机会。然而,想到这些,我察觉到“第二次机会”意味着我必须严格忠于自己的誓言,在与这两位精灵在一起时始终扮演琳恩的角色。那也就意味着要尽可能地粗鲁。我深深挖掘自己的记忆,搜寻着在最后归宿旅店(Inn of the Last Home)顾客们口中听过的那些顶顶难听的种族歧视脏话。



劇透 -   :
But the killing blow never landed. Instead, Lonar suddenly jerked a half step forward, and the blade of a 
swrd burst from his chest with a crunch of bone and a snapping of chainmail links. He coughed, and blood 
welled forth from his mouth and the wound on his chest. The sword retreated and he fell to the ground, 
twitching as life fled from his body.
"Filthy dragonarmy scum," someone said in elven. "You will burn my forest no more."
Standing above Lonar's form, holding my sword, was a figure out of legend. He appeared just as he had in 
Gramps's tales—an elf with long golden locks, large blue eyes, and a face so handsome that he puts even 
others of his fair race to shame. Grammy could still make Gramps jealous by describing how her heart had 
fluttered when she first laid eyes on Gilthanas of Qualinesti. Now that I had seen him myself, I understood why.
"Gilthanas?" I said, still not entirely believing my eyes. He turned his large blue eyes toward me. There was 
a strange look in them, a look of fury. Then, his expression filled with recognition.
"Tika!" he exclaimed. He helped me to my feet. "Tika, what are you doing here? I thought you were dead!"
That was even more surprising to me than his appearance. My parents and Gramps frequently commented 
on how much I resembled Grammy about the face, but surely Gilthanas had to know she was much older than 
I was at this point.
"You're wounded," he continued, noticing the cuts on my legs. "Did that animal do that? And your hair. Did 
he cut off your beautiful locks?"
From what she told me when I decided to cut mine, Grammy has worn her hair long her entire life, taking 
advantage of the spectacular curls that nature had gifted her with. Although I had inherited the red color she 
had when she was young, I had not inherited the curls. I also chose to wear my hair short because it was more 
comfortable when wearing a great helm.
His question confirmed that he thought I was Grammy, though. I came to question whether this was really 
Gilthanas. Could he just be a madman? He had a scar down one side of his face, and Grammy had never 
mentioned a scar. But a long time had passed since she had heard from him, so long, in fact, that she and 
everyone else thought him dead. As I was trying to decide what to do next, I heard someone calling his name.
"Here, lean on me, Tika," Gilthanas said. "I'm sure Tasslehoff has some bandages in his pack. We'll fix your 
legs in no time."
"Thank you, Gilthanas." I said. The name felt strange when I said it, somehow false. But, despite his 
obvious madness, how could he be anyone but Gilthanas?
He helped me back toward the camp. Another elf came into view. "Tasslehoff," Gilthanas cried. "Tika has 
been attacked by draconians! She needs our help!"
The other elf rushed to our side, and the two of them helped me toward the camp. Once there, the second 
elf offered me a blanket so I could stay decent while he tended my wounds.
"I will return to the pass," Gilthanas said. "I don't want any of that scum sneaking up on us."
"Don't go too far," the other elf said.
"Your friend seems quite insane," I said as I slowly and painfully slid out of my pants.
"Yes," the elf said, looking in the direction of his fair-haired comrade. "He has been affected by a rare 
gnome poison. His madness is only going to get worse, and he'll die within a few months if I don't get him a 
cure. Oh, I'm Lethagas, by the way. His name is Gilthanas."
"I thought I recognized him," I said. "My name is—"
I caught myself. I already had violated my oath of secrecy once that evening, under duress. I wasn't going 
to do it again out of thoughtlessness.
"—Lynn. I'm from Sanction. We came out here to gather crystals to sell to the lord of the city. My 'partners' 
decided to take something from me that I was unwilling to part with. So, they died."
"Rest assured, I will attempt no such thing," Lethagas said. "Now, try to relax. This might sting a bit."
"Why are you two here?" I asked through gritted teeth as he poured alcohol on the back of my thighs. "You 
won't find help in the middle of nowhere."
"I saw your fire. Our griffins need rest, and I hope that someone here might help us."
"Your mounts can rest, but as for help ... well, it's just like an elf to look in the wilderness for something that 
can be found in a city." I ended the comment with a snigger, trying to imitate the sound I had heard from a 
trapper who frequented the Solace inn while I was a child. He was perhaps the most virulent bigot I have ever 
met, and Lethagas seemed to pick up on my changed attitude.
"That could be so," he replied. "There is occasionally wisdom to be found in nature. However, we did find 
you, a citizen of Sanction. Can you tell me of any wise men who live there? Anyone who can help my friend?"
"Fix my legs, then we'll talk. And watch that blanket," I replied, forcing a cold tone into my voice. I sensed 
Lethagas stiffen, and his ministrations became a bit less gentle.
Even at the time, I felt I should have shown more gratitude. A legend had come to save me at a time when 
I didn't really deserve saving, and had thus given me a second chance. Yet, as I thought about it, I realized the 
second chance meant that I had to stay true to my vows and stay in the role of Lynn for as long as I was with 
these elves. And that meant being as crude as I possibly could, reaching deep back into my memory for the 
very worst of the racial slurs I had heard from the patrons at the Inn of the Last Home.
Eventually, my behavior became too much for him to bear. "I need to get more bandages from my 
saddlebags," he said, heading toward the trio of griffins that stood silhouetted against the rising moon. 
Moments after he left, Gilthanas appeared at my side, having arrived without making even the slightest sound. 
He looked appraisingly at my injured legs. "Tasslehoff did a good job," he said.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-06, 周二 21:20:47 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #48 于: 2013-08-05, 周一 23:26:43 »























在这种时候我很难保持琳恩的伪装。我想加入他们的追寻,但我明白我不能。我有必须回去完成的使命。可是我还是尽我所能地帮助莱萨格斯。在种族歧视和辱骂的言辞——例如威胁要杀了吉尔赛那斯,因为他的疯癫简直比精灵通常的表现还要让我恶心——掩饰之下,我告诉了他们该如何抵达神之乡(Godshome)(我“母亲”曾造访过的一处神秘之地)和治愈之河(River of Healing)(几年前有位骑士告诉我的地方)。我想莱萨格斯是位勇敢而重荣誉的精灵,吉尔赛那斯对他的信赖是正确的。我真希望自己能留给他一个更好的印象。要是吉尔赛那斯想起了我们的对话,告诉他我是谁,他该以为我的父母是些怎样的人啊?




劇透 -   :
"Gilthanas," I said, his name still sounding false on my tongue. I needed to prove to myself that he wasn't 
just some lunatic who had fooled both himself and Lethagas ... I couldn't help but think the gods, even if they 
had left Krynn behind, would have rewarded Gilthanas with happiness with Silvara instead of insanity for his 
service during the War of the Lance. I took his hand and concentrated for a moment, focusing upon the pulsing 
of my heart and drawing forth the mystical powers that Goldmoon had opened up to me during the summers I 
spent on Schallsea.
When I opened my eyes again, Gilthanas was looking at me expectantly, but now I also could see the bright 
green and blue life energy that so brightly represented his soul. I had seen a similar pattern when I had looked 
at Laurana, the one time I met her. I no longer had any doubt. He was Gilthanas.
But where the glow of his sister's soul had been calm and soothing waves, Gilthanas's form was 
surrounded by a seething and chaotic mass of colors. He was indeed deeply, perhaps irrevocably, insane.
"Tika?" he said, noticing the sorrow that must have registered on my face at that realization. "Are you all 
I held his hand tighter. "This is so unfair," I said. "How could this be, Gilthanas? Why aren't you with Silvara? 
The stories people tell of you and her.... Are they all just fantasies? Lies? Is everything ugly and grim? Can't 
there ever be a happy ending?"
He frowned at me. "Silvara? How do you know about Silvara and me?"
The nimbus of light about him seemed to flicker out as I allowed my spell to end. With it went my last bit of 
hope. "You and she did a great service for Krynn and the children of Paladine. Why didn't Paladine reward you 
"Tika, Tika, Tika," he said in a slightly patronizing tone. "The gods give mortals only the rewards they 
deserve. Truth is, I didn't deserve Silvara. I didn't know what I had in her. She tried telling me—showing 
me—but I was too wrapped up in myself to realize it. Even after I lost her, it took me decades to realize what I 
had done. Now I'm trying to get her back, to earn my reward. Do you know I drove her away because she lied 
to me?"
"You did?"
"Yes, she isn't a Kagonesti at all. She is a ..." He hesitated, looking at me with a slight frown. "Wit. You're 
not Tika. You look a little like her, but you can't possibly be her. She should be much older."
"Yes!" I shifted excitedly, but the pain shot through my cut legs. Instead, I just clutched his hand. "I'm Tika's 
granddaughter. I'm Linsha Majere."
"Linsha? You're how old? Eighteen? Nineteen? You look almost like your grandmother did when I first met 
her. Does she live still?"
"She's as feisty as ever. Caramon, too. But listen, your friend Lethagas told me that you've been poisoned. 
What happened?"
"Fate," Gilthanas said. "Fate and pride. I drove Silvara away because I was too proud to admit how deeply 
I had fallen in love and how much her lie had wounded me. And now I'm going to waste away as a lunatic 
without ever getting back together with her." He looked at me sadly. "At least I got to meet you, Linsha Majere. 
Are you following in your grandparents' footsteps?"
"A little less successfully, perhaps, but I'm trying," I replied, indicating my wounded legs.
"Draconians will always be a match for a young warrior, no matter how tough she thinks she is." He paused 
again. "That was a draconian I saved you from back there, was it not?"
I didn't have the heart to tell him the truth. "Yes. A Kapak. But, you seem fine now. Tell Lethagas about 
Silvara while you can. I'm sure he'll help you."
"I have moments like this one, but they are getting rarer and shorter with each passing day. And Lethagas 
already knows about my quest to reunite with Silvara. He has promised to stay with me until I have found her. 
First, though, he wants to stop the poison from killing me. He is a very sensible and loyal companion, Leth is." 
He started to stroke my hair with his free hand, an absent-minded look crossing his face. "You should let your 
hair grow out. Your grandmother had such lovely hair."
"You know what I think? I think that we've both been granted a second chance here tonight. It was Fate that 
brought us all here ... Fate, or maybe even the hand of Paladine himself." I shifted again, trying to look into his 
blue eyes but only wincing with pain. "I think that Lethagas guiding his griffins to our fire was no mistake. You 
were fated to save me from my attackers, so that I could have the chance to become the Knight I've always 
wanted to be. And because you saved me, I can give you information on not just one place where you might 
find a cure, but two! Paladine be praised, Gilthanas, but I think that I can help you and your silver dragon 
"Silver dragon?"
"Yes, you and Silvara?"
"What are you talking about, silver dragon?" Gilthanas leapt to his feet. "Silvara is not a dragon! How dare 
you accuse my beloved of being a rampaging monster?!"
I think Gilthanas might have struck me if Leth hadn't returned at that very moment and dragged him away. 
Gilthanas didn't regain his sanity while I was with him and Leth. Instead, he fought imaginary creatures and set 
Lonar's body on fire because "zombies will reanimate if you don't!"
It was very difficult for me to maintain the facade of Lynn during that time. I wanted to join their quest, but I 
knew I couldn't. I had duties to return to. But I still helped Lethagas as best I could. Couched in racist and 
abusive terms—such as threatening to kill Gilthanas because his insanity was disgusting me even more than 
elves typically did—I provided them with information on how to reach Godshome (a mystic site my "mother" 
once visited) and the River of Healing (a place a Knight told me about a few years back). I think Lethagas is a 
brave and honorable elf, and that Gilthanas did right in placing his trust in him. I just wish I could have left him 
with a better impression of me. What will he think of my parents if Gilthanas remembers our conversation and 
tells him who I am?
I continue to attempt to help them on their journey. As I slowly make my way back to Sanction, I offer nightly 
prayers to Paladine and his two sons, and hope that one of them is listening and is willing to help Gilthanas on 
his difficult path.
I'd throw a payer or two in for myself, too, but I'm saving them in case my wounds get infected before I 
reach Sanction. Hopefully, my infractions against the Measure will be deemed light enough to let me take 
advantage of the second chance Fate or the gods have given me.
It's my most sincere hope right now. And if you're reading this, it probably came true.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-06, 周二 14:23:22 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #49 于: 2013-08-06, 周二 15:12:07 »



























劇透 -   :
Ashes: Godshome, 27sc
From the Journal of Lethagas of Qualinesti,
started in the Year 26sc
Entry 14, In Godshome
I have few actual memories of the evacuation of Qualinesti during the War of the Lance. I was still very 
young at the time, barely more than a baby, and my father believes that the horrors I experienced caused me 
to block them from my mind. But sometimes, when sitting at a campfire, memories of screaming, the sound of 
beating dragon wings, and the sight of a forest aflame all around me flash into my mind, leaving me breathless 
for a moment.
As I sit here in this desolate valley, a fire raging and a skinned rabbit sizzling on a spit, some of those 
memory fragments are drifting through my mind, along with the both the joys and hardships I experienced 
while growing up in Qualimori, our city of exile.
One memory in particular echoes through my mind.
My mother was very religious. When I asked her why the gods had let the dragons destroy our home in 
Qualinesti, she responded that E'li had chosen to let the dragonarmy destroy those elves who were weak in 
spirit and corrupted by the taint of humans. She believed that the gods had given the forest of Southern Ergoth 
to us, and that there the best of the elven nations would grow strong. She viewed the return of divine powers to 
the priesthood as evidence that the elves of Southern Ergoth were indeed chosen over all other peoples. The 
next step, she said, would be the rebirth of the legendary city of Godshome—only it would be reborn under the 
banner of a united elven kingdom.
Godshome. My mother loved telling and retelling the legends of Godshome, explaining in a dozen different 
ways how it was both a city where god-fearing people of all races gathered to worship and a secluded vale 
where those whom the gods found worthy were given their direct blessing. The city was supposedly built to 
appear like a giant wheel when viewed from the air, while the vale contained living statues of all the gods and 
a pool which could grant mortals the power to reach the stars themselves.
I had only ever heard those stories from my mother, and I hadn't heard about or thought of Godshome for 
years when suddenly Lynn of Gateway mentioned it.
She was a very strange woman, even for a human. She had every appearance of being a rogue and a 
scoundrel, yet before we parted ways she had used the map from Gilthanas's pack and indicated not one but 
two places to which I might take him to find healing. A look of pain crossed her face when Gilthanas started 
howling apologies at Silvara, Tanis Half-Elven, and several others whom I couldn't place. The way she winced 
made me think that she might have known some of the people he was seeing in his fevered visions, but when 
I pressed for details, she became rude.
After lambasting me with slurs that I'd heard only the most black-hearted of villains level against my people, 
she insisted that she was doing this only to repay us for saving her life when the scum she was traveling with 
attacked her. She insisted that if she didn't help me find a way to cure Gilthanas, she would have to kill him 
because he disgusted her so much. Yet, when she didn't think I was watching her, I saw her look at my friend 
with such pity that I knew she felt heartbreak, not disgust, at his state. But, if she chose to lie about her 
motivations, that was her decision.
The two places she added to Gilthanas's map were "Godshome" and "River of Healing." She explained that 
she'd heard of the places from a retired explorer, and from other disparaging remarks it seemed this explorer 
was a mother whom she had little love for and who had shown little love for her. Still, Lyn was sure that the 
information on these sites was valid, and that I would find a cure for Gilthanas at either one.
The River of Healing was located in the faraway Vingaard Mountains while Godshome was merely a few 
days flight from our camp. "If there's anywhere the gods can still be found, it's there," the rogue had assured 
me. "And the gods can heal pretty much anything that might ail a mortal... except lack of faith, I suppose."
That was an interesting statement even if I am still not entirely sure what she meant. After all, how could 
someone stand in the presence of the gods and not believe? And if the tales my mother told were true, then 
Godshome would have to be one of the most glorious sites in Ansalon.
But, now that I have arrived at Godshome, I see that it, like so many other places in the world, has lost all 
magic. I am glad my mother died before the Summer of Chaos, for its end surely would have broken her heart. 
However, the sight of this vale would have hurt her even more.
I found the ruined city of Godshome first, soaring on griffin back over the arid landscape of Neraka. A large 
encampment of Dark Knights had established themselves here, although for what reason I do not know; 
perhaps they were searching for signs of the departed gods as I've heard mystics from the Citadel of Light 
have done?
Whatever the reason for them being there, it simply added motivation for me to avoid those ruins—to view 
it simply as the landmark that it is. According to both my mother and Lynn of Gateway, the gods could be 
reached directly in the vale, not in the city.
So, I flew the griffins into the nearby mountain range, soaring through narrow canyons and circling over 
valleys that appeared inaccessible to anything but flying creatures. Unlike most other mountain ranges in 
Ansalon, these did not appear to contain the ruins of ancient ogre cities; perhaps even at the height of their 
civilization, those Evil beings had shunned this range, sensing that the powers of the divine held sway here. 
Nor did the range seem to hold any valleys that matched the description my mother had given—bowl-shaped 
with a circular pool in the middle.
As I searched, I also thought of how my mother had said that the valley could be found only if the gods 
wished it. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect; if the gods still resided there, they would allow me to find it... or 
not. I decided that I would search for four days. After that, I would head west in search of the River of Healing.
It took me two days to find the valley. During this time, Gilthanas slipped in and out of a half-awake state, 
often experiencing violent rages during which he thrashed in the saddle. I eventually had to land and tie his 
arms to make sure he didn't unfasten his harness and fall to his death. I came to fear that he might kill himself 
before the poison did. But, the stories about Godshome kept coming to my mind, filling me with hope. 
Gilthanas was the son of Speaker Solostaran, and he had stood against the hordes of the dragonarmies so the 
Qualinesti could return to our homeland. Surely, if someone who had sounded as disreputable as Lynn's 
mother could find Godshome, the gods would extend a welcoming hand to Gilthanas.
My hopes started to wane when I circled above Godshome Vale. It was readily recognizable as the place I 
sought: a bowl-shaped valley with a lake that formed a perfect circle at its center. The water of the lake 
seemed strangely black, but something white shone within it. Steeply rising, rocky slopes lined the valley, 
offering no exits from the valley that I could see from the air. Blackened, toppled stumps covered the area as if 
the entire valley had been subjected to a fire far greater than even that which had swept through Qualinesti 
when it fell to the dragonarmy.
I landed the griffins. Gilthanas was unconscious, so I left him bound in the saddle. Nowhere could I see the 
statues of the gods that supposedly stood within the valley. As I walked toward the curious black lake, the 
breezesent a fine gray ash scurrying back and forth across the barren valley floor.
When I reached the edge of the sunken area at the valley's center, instead of seeing dark and polluted 
water, I found myself gazing down upon a solid glasslike substance. It was cracked, almost as if a giant had 
struck it dead-center with a fist. Despite the cracks and the ashes that the wind pushed across it, the surface 
appeared highly polished, allowing me to see reflected in it the pale, scarred moon that had appeared in the 
heavens on the night following the defeat of the god Chaos. I looked to the clear blue sky. The sun was sinking 
behind the mountains, and the moon was nowhere in evidence.
I could see no statues of the gods. I could see no lake in which mortals could swim to the stars. Nothing but 
ash remained, making this place a mockery of what it had once been.
I cursed the gods, then and there. I cursed them for abandoning Ansalon, for giving people like my mother 
false hope with their brief return after the War of the Lance. I cursed them for leading Lynn of Gateway to give 
me false hope and waste precious days in my quest to save the man who had saved my life. I dared them to 
strike us both dead. I dared them to show themselves, to prove to me that they were nothing but cowards who 
so feared for their own safety that they first shattered the world in response to the Kingpriest of Istar's demands 
of submission. I taunted them for fleeing in the face of the god of Chaos and then cursed them again for leaving 
those who worshiped them not even the magic of wizards. I raged at the heavens until my throat grew soar, 
and until I noticed that Gilthanas had freed himself and was raging right along with me.
I realized the futility of crying out to the gods. They are either deaf or dead. The ashes in this valley, the 
ashes that will be impossible to keep from clinging to the rabbit that I am roasting, are probably their remains. 
Whatever the truth is, the gods are gone. I sought their aid, and they could provide none. I will once again 
restrain Gilthanas in the saddle of one of the griffins and then we will travel toward Solamnia in search of the 
River of Healing. Or, better yet, a sage who can provide a cure even sooner.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-13, 周二 00:05:48 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]

