作者 主题: 内海舰船 (Ships of the Inner Sea)  (阅读 15098 次)


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内海舰船 (Ships of the Inner Sea)
« 于: 2017-11-27, 周一 22:29:14 »

简介 Introduction


焦黑藏红号 Burt Saffron:一艘来自卡塔佩什的欧克诺港——全内海奴隶贸易的中心——的奴隶桨帆战船,焦黑藏红号适合于9级团队挑战。(由Philip A.Lee.所写)

天鲸号 Cetaceal :这首灰海盗船为安多安的雄鹰骑士团服务,震慑着整个地区的奴隶贩子。天鲸号适合于8级团队挑战。(由Paris Crenshaw.所写)

狐-蛤总号 Hu-Hazhong:来自遥远的天夏,戎克船狐-蛤总来到内海是希望用龙国的奇珍异宝来贸易阿维斯坦和伽伦德的货物,这些货物在东方拥有很高的价值。这艘船适合于4级团队挑战。(由Benjamin Bruck.所写)

不沉号 Imperious:这艘切利亚斯的风帆战舰是座浮动堡垒,被设计用于主宰任何尊敬的地狱女皇希望掌控的海军战斗。不沉号适合于13级的角色团队挑战。(由Paris Crenshaw.所写)

克拉肯之怨 Kraken's Spite:这艘维京长船,由一只被超自然风暴所摧毁的舰队残骸所组成。现在正在蒸汽洋上航行。克拉肯之怨适合于6级团队挑战。(由John Mangrum.所写)

尤娜瑞斯的标记 Mark of Yunnarius:这艘报丧女妖为船长的幽灵船狩猎那些过于靠近——被称之为阿本迪戈暴风眼的飓风肆虐之地——的船只。它比恶劣的天气还要危险的多。尤娜瑞斯的标记适合于15级团队挑战。(由Amanda Hamon Kunz.所写)

耀目红宝石号 Ravishing Ruby:受到一位独眼的海盗船长指挥,这艘船没有效忠于任何自由船长,所以他会劫掠热海的镣铐群岛。耀目红宝石号适合于5级团队挑战。(由Amanda Hamon Kunz.所写)

舰船战斗 Ship-to-Ship Combat

海上武器 Nautical Weapons

劫掠船只 Plundering Ships
快速浏览了本书的特色船只的价格可能会使一些GM担心可能让玩家角色有机会就进行几场遭遇就能一夜暴富(我特么玩海盗团不就是为了这个么)。还有人会担心船上货物和雇佣船员的装备价值过高,导致玩家财富和PFRPG所预设的玩家每级财富形成巨大偏差的,而这看起来是无可避免的。如果身为GM,你在担心这样的不平衡,你就应该看看我们在S&S冒险之路中所设计的劫掠规则哒!这个规则抽象化了那些巨额财富来创造了一个易用的系统来确保玩家角色不会过快获得太多的金币。作为获得该船的一部分,包括统计每一艘书中所列船只的货物和物资为一定的掠夺点。作为一般规则,每一个掠夺点大概价值1000gp并且占用大概1吨的货物容量。想知道更多?就去看Pathfinder Adventure Path #55哒!(依旧在推销S&S)

更多远洋冒险 More Adventures on the High Seas

探索者冒险之路:骷髅与镣铐 Skull&Shackles:没错又是我们哒让你的玩家们扮演卑鄙的海盗角色,在镣铐群岛搏得更多掠夺物和恶名。这套六本书的冒险之路会将玩家从1级带到15级,包括新的怪物,格拉里昂大洋的更多资料,以及更多惊喜!

探索着模组:亡命海寇 Plunder&Peril:和骷髅与镣铐冒险之路的卡牌游戏密切相关,亡命海寇提供了3部独立的镣铐群岛的海盗冒险,既可以独立使用也可以组合在一起作为一个较大战役。

玩家伴侣:内海海盗 Pirates of the Inner Sea:没有玩家应该在计划做一个海上角色时不参考这本玩家导向,制作完美海盗的指南。这本玩家伴侣中包括新专长、法术、变体以及魔法物品,以及内海的海盗声望等级——所有的设计只为定制最适合船上的人物角色,无论是海盗船或者其他类型的船。

探索者故事:海盗的荣誉 Pirate's Honor:一部令人兴奋的小说。关于海盗、大骗局、船长涂瑞斯 韦恩和双桅帆船观星者号上船员们的海上冒险故事。由Chris A. Jackson所写,同样也是本书第一章的作者。如果你渴望了解更多内海海员生活,那本书是你的必读之作。
« 上次编辑: 2018-02-16, 周五 15:19:13 由 丞相 »

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航行于内海之上 Sailing The Inner Sea
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-11-28, 周二 17:43:55 »
航行于内海之上 Sailing The Inner Sea

海上术语 Nautical Terms

方位 Directions
高与低(Alof and Alow):分别指帆船的上部索具和下部索具。
全宽与正橫(Beam and Abeam):分别指船的宽度和与龙骨成直角。
首舷和船尾(Bow and Stern):甲板上最前沿和最后的延展部分。
向前和向后(Fore and Aft):在船上的向前和向后,同时"afore"指在前,"abaf" 指在后。
左舷和右舷(Port and Starboard):面对船头时的左右方向或左右边。

舰船部件 Parts of a Ship
桅杆瞭望台(Crow's Nest):桅杆顶部用于瞭望的平台。
斜桁 (Gaff):一根支持顶部纵帆的圆杆,也是用于捞鱼的带勾长杆。
斜挂三角帆(Lateen Sail):纵向操纵的三角帆安装在斜向帆桁上。
交通船(Launch):任何用于在船与码头、海岸或者另一条船间往返的小船(例如gig, cutter, jolly boat, barge, or pinnace)。
中甲板(Waist Deck):船中部的上甲板-甲板中的工作区域。
露天甲板(Weather Deck):一艘船上未封闭的甲板或甲板区域,暴露于天气之中。

劇透 -  原文:
Sailing The Inner Sea
Few hails from the masthead can get a sea captain's
heart pounding faster than"Sails on the horizon!"Many questions race through a captain's mind in a flash,and she had better be able to assess the spotted ship's potential threat in an instant. Identifyng the number of the ship's masts,the color and shape of its sails,and the shape of its hull can give a captain the information she needs to decide whether to attack,raise defenses,or flee.
The following pages present descriptions of the most common types of ships found in the Inner Sea region in order to aid Game Masters in presenting detailed and immersive nautical experiences for player characters,whether those characters are officers of their own vessel,targets of a pirate raid,or simply booking passage aboard a merchant vessel headed in the right direction.Additionally,setting-specific trade routes,natural hazards,denizens of the sea,and other dangers provide ample inspiration for GMs to create extensive nautical adventures.
Nautical Terms
Before further describing the sorts of vessels one might encounter on Golarion,it's important to define a number of nautical terms not frequently used in non-nautical contexts.This may serve as both a glossary to aid in the understanding of content presented elsewhere in this book and a vocabulary primer GMs can use to spice up the flavor
of a ship-based campaign.

Aboard a ship, one uses specialized terms to describe direction and position, either relative to the ship's heading or on the ship itself. The following terms refer to location and direction aboard a nautical vessel.
Alof and Alow: In the upper and lower rigging of a sailing ship, respectively.
Beam and Abeam: A vessel's width, and at right angles to the centerline of the ship's keel, respectively.
Belowdecks: Beneath the solid "weather deck" of a ship. There is no "downstairs" aboard a ship.
Bow and Stern: The forward-most and af-most extensions of the deck.
Fore and Aft: Forward and rearward aboard a ship. Also "afore" meaning in front of, and "abaf" meaning behind.
Port and Starboard: The lef and right direction or side, when facing the ship's bow.

Parts of a Ship
The following terms are used to describe the various parts of a sailing ship or other seafaring vessel.
Bilge: The lowest interior compartment of a vessel.
Bollard: A post to which ropes are secured.
Boom: A fore-and-af rigged spar supporting the lower edge of a sail.
Bowsprit: A spar extending forward from the bow to support forward sails.
Crow's Nest: A platformfor a lookout near the top of a mast.
Draf: Measure of how deep the ship is, from the keel to the waterline.
Forecastle: The ofen-raised forward part of the weather deck of a vessel. Also called the "fo'c'sle."
Gaff: A spar to support the top of a fore-and-aft sail; also a hooked pole for landing fish.
Galley: A vessel's kitchen.
Helm: A wheel or tiller by which a ship is steered.
Hull: The outer body of a ship.
Jib: A triangular sail suspended from a forward stay.
Keel: The bottom of a hull, and the main source of a vessel's structural strength.
Lateen Sail: A fore-and-aft rigged triangular sail set on a sloping yard.
Launch: Any small boat used to travel between the ship and a dock, shore, or another ship (such as a gig, cutter, jolly boat, barge, or pinnace).
Mast: A long spar rising from the keel or deck of a ship and supporting the yards, booms, and rigging.
Mizzen: Any rigging belonging to the af-most mast of a ship.
Quarterdeck: The part of the deck abaf of the mainmast.
Ratlines: Ropes or lines that serve as steps for going alof.
Sheet: A rope for adjusting a sail.
Shroud: Any rope converging from both sides of a ship to support a mast.
Spar: Any pole meant to support a sail.
Stay: Any rope for steadying masts on a fore-and-aft axis.
Stemcastle: A ship's enclosed, aft-most elevated portion.
Transom: The flat back panel forming the stern of a ship.
Waist Deck: The upper deck amidships-the working area of the deck.
Weather Deck: The unenclosed deck or decks of a vessel, which are exposed to the weather.
Yard: The spar from which square-rigged or lateen sails are supported.

海上的船舶 Ship On the Sea

商船和劫掠船 Traders and Raiders

战舰 Warships
战列舰(Battleship):经常被叫做line-of-battle ships(突出一个中文优越性)。这些船通常是大规模海军的主要力量。战列舰有海军准将指挥,通常用于领导一只海军中队,抓捕海盗,护送商队或者远征军。包括至少40门弩炮,3到4台投石机以及200名士兵,这么一艘大船对于单独的海盗船来说实在是太难对付了。

劇透 -  原文:
Ship On the Sea
A skillful captain can identif a ship's type from nothing but a glimpse of its sails, while the hull is still below the horizon. That skill, or the lack thereof, can save or doom a ship and crew. The following ships are the most common varieties encountered in the Inner Sea region. While each is described briefly below, individual ships of a given class may vary from one another based on regional construction and the needs of the particular vessel.
Traders and Raiders
The following sailing ships are designed for general purposes such as transport of passengers and cargo, and small-scale skirmishing such as piracy and coastal raiding.
Brig: These two-masted, square-rigged ships are employed as fast merchant vessels, but are also ofen armed as corsairs or privateers. They're lighter than frigates, but able to carry a comparable armament. Brigs flying pirate flags are the scourge of the Inner Sea.
Brigantine: Two-masted ships with square rigs on their foremasts only, brigantines are smaller than brigs, and are slightly more maneuverable, though they cannot sport the same armament. Brigantines are ofen employed as armed merchants, escorts, privateers, or corsairs.
Caravel: Small lateen-rigged ships characterized by a high sterncastle, caravels are generally employed in cargo or fishing, but sometimes armed for raiding.
Catamaran: A catamaran is a small vessel formed of two hulls or floats held side by side by a frame above them. Very fast but not rugged enough for warfare, they're most ofen used in tropical climes for fishing and transporting cargo. Some island tribes, however, sometimes use catamarans to carry their warriors into battle,board unwary ships at anchor, or raid.
Galley: A galley is propelled mainly by one to three tiers of oars, but also sports lateen sails. Galleys are ofen used by slavers, though they're occasionally employed as short-range warships. They are heavily armed with ballistae, catapults, and even bow rams. With a shallow draf, galleys are especially useful in shoal waters and rivers, and can move quickly using their powerful banks of oars. Galleys do not handle high seas well due to their low profile, and can founder in rough conditions.
Felucca: With lateen sails on one or two masts, feluccas are fast, sleek vessels employed for fishing and transporting cargo, and-rarely-as warships. Feluccas have a shallow draf and can navigate rivers easily,employing both sails and oars.
Galleon: An eminently durable design characterized by lofy forecastles and sterncastles, galleons are used as heavily armed merchants or warships.They are square-rigged on the foremast and mainmast, and lateen-rigged on the mizzen.
Junk: Having square sails set on masts that are ofen stepped off the centerline of the ship, a high stern, and a flat bottom, junks are slow, sturdy craf employed as cargo vessels and warships by Tian nations.
Longship: With their narrow, open hulls, single square sails, and large numbers of oars that provide most of the propulsion, longships are commonly used by Ulfen for transport cargo and raiding.
Schooner: Characterized by a long keel and fore-andaf-rigged gaff sails and jibs, schooners are fast, and can sail very close to the wind. They are used for fishing and as fast merchant vessels, but are rarely armed, relying on superb maneuverability to evade trouble.

The following vessels are designed specifically for naval warfare and are rarely employed for other purposes.
Battleship: Ofen called line-of-battle ships, these vessels are used as main forces by large navies. Battleships commanded by commodores ofen head squadrons, hunt pirates, or escort merchant fleets or expeditions. With upward of40 ballistae, three to four catapults, and ofen 200 fighting sailors, such a ship is rarely tangled with by a lone corsair.
Catawar: This large, shallow-draf warship has two hulls connected by a broad, firm platform, and is usually rigged with lateen sails. Each hull can be fitted with 100 oars, and the vessel can support large numbers of soldiers, archers, and siege engines. Despite its size, the craf can maneuver well using its huge banks of oars. Catawars are ofen used for harbor protection or in blockades.
Frigate: Three-masted and square-rigged, frigates are the smallest of the "rated" ships-those commanded by an ofcer of captain rank. They're fast and heavily armed, with one or two decks ofballistae and a bow-mounted catapult. Frigates can hoist a huge number of sails, require large crews, and are often manned with specially trained fighting marines for boarding actions.
Man-o'-War: These sailing behemoths are the height of military naval engineering. Generally fleet flagships commanded by admirals, men-o'-war rarely leave port with fewer than a dozen other warships accompanying them. With up to 50 ballistae on three or four decks, half a dozen heavy catapults, and hundreds of fighting sailors, marines, clerics, and wizards, these intimidating ships are virtually unstoppable.

贸易线路 Trade Routes

环恩卡坦线 Encarthan Circuit:在塔姆兰、科斯,卡里法斯和王者阶梯间运送货物,一只灵活的卡拉弗快帆船舰队往返于这个利润丰厚但是危险的航线。航行时尽可能远离恐惧之岛危险的海岸。

热海快线 Fever Run:确实很有风险,这条暴利航线要经过阿本迪戈暴风眼边缘和镣铐群岛,为了到萨迦瓦寻求香料、炼金材料和珠宝。

内海北岸航线 Inner Sea North Tack:顺风沿着内海北部海岸线航行是一条有利可图的航线,但是安多安和其邻国的紧张关系即使对老实的商人也可能造成麻烦。灰海盗拒不容忍劫掠行为,并且切利亚斯舰队正驻扎在欧斯坦索(Ostenso)密切关注着任何东面驶来的船舶。

内海南岸航线 Inner Sea South Tack:大部分船长认为这里东风战胜盛行风是一种必要之恶,但是聪明的水手却可以利用夹角效应和受到伽伦德北部广袤沙漠加热和冷却的日变风,让这条航线更加易于行驶并且划算。

欧巴力贸易圈 Obari Trade Circle:由卡塔佩什,奎安庭(夸恩提姆,Quantium),尼斯旺,萨迪克(Sedeq),卡希尔,艾巴萨罗姆以及索西斯组成。所有这些城市都正对东南信风,这条拥有巨大利润的航线也受到欧克诺捕奴船的重兵巡逻,并且同时要忍受炫目的热风和闷热的安静。

沙湾航线 Sand Coast Reach:这条穿过奥罗登拱桥的短航线也是很赚钱的,但是对于那些试图往严酷的无神论国度拉哈多姆走私宗教物品的人来说是非常危险的。

瓦瑞西亚航线 Varisian Reach:沿着这条从奥罗登拱桥到科瓦萨和玛格尼玛的漫长航线航行中一大部分时间是用来躲避从蒸汽海上刮来的致命寒风“西北冰风”。这条重要的航线可以使一名船长赚大钱,只要她能躲开危险的风暴和地狱之口海湾中的居民。

劇透 -   :
Trade Routes
The following trade routes are the most commonly traveled in the Inner Sea region. While they are not the only currents and prevailing winds that allow for consistent travel, they connect the region's centers of commerce and culture more effciently than other routes.
Encarthan Circuit: Shipping cargo between Kerse, Tamran, Caliphas, and Thronestep, a fleet of nimble caravels plies this lucrative but dangerous route, sailing as far as possible from the treacherous shores of the Isle of Terror.
Fever Run: Risky indeed, this profitable route skirts the Eye of Abendego and the Shackles to Sargava for spices, alchemical treasures, and gems.
Inner Sea North Tack: The downwind run along the north coast of the Inner Sea is a lucrative route, but tensions between Andoran and its neighbors have caused problems even for honest merchants. The Gray Corsairs tolerate no piracy, and the Chelish fleet stationed in Ostenso looks very closely at any ship traveling from the east.
Inner Sea South Tack: Most captains viewthis easterly beat against the prevailing winds as a necessary evil, but a wily sailor can use the cape e?ect and diurnal winds generated from the heating and cooling of Garund's vast northern desert to make the passage easier and more profitable.
Obari Trade Circle: Spanning Katapesh, Quantium, Niswan, Sedeq, Katheer, Absalom, and Sothis, all of which have the easterly trade winds abeam, this highly profitable route is heavily patrolled by Okeno slavers and subject to both blinding siroccos and sweltering calms.
Sand Coast Reach: This short route across the Arch of Aroden can be lucrative, but is dangerous for those trying to smuggle religious items into strictly atheist Rahadoum.
Varisian Reach: Travel along this long route from the Arch of Aroden to Korvosa and Magnimar is generally timed to avoid deadly winter "Nor'westers" lashing out of the Steaming Sea. This primary trade route between the Inner Sea and Varisia can make a captain rich if she avoids dangerous storms and the denizens ofHellmouth Gulf.

障碍与自然灾害 Obstacles and Natural Hazards

奥罗登拱桥 Arch of Aroden:这座残破的古代巨石桥梁,横跨内海和阿卡蒂亚洋之间的赫斯普瑞斯海峡,以奥罗登拱桥之名闻名。它不断地由切利亚斯的寇兰庭舰队巡逻。

阿本迪戈暴风眼 Eye of Abendego:这个无尽的风暴在镣铐群岛,梅迪奥伽尔提岛和拉哈多姆的努特拉之间形成了一道不可逾越的屏障。无畏、疯狂或者绝望的船长才会知道如何穿越这团巨型无尽风暴的边缘。承受被逆时针方向的风撕扯,可以危险但快速的通过这里。

雅尼梅湍流 Siroccos of the Qadira Coast:变化莫测的水流和大漩涡折磨着雅尼梅岛和卡蒂亚海岸间的狭窄水道。水手们说有一个巨大怪兽在这里才造成了船舶杀手的大漩涡,但其他人则不大相信这个奇怪的故事。

卡蒂亚海岸热风 Siroccos of the Qadira Coast:来自佐山的灼热风暴将大片的沙尘暴吹向奥斯里昂海岸线上的失事船只。

危险区域 Dangerous Regions

盖布的亡灵海岸 Haunted Coast of Geb:亡者国度对活人的法律保护只在他们的土地上生效。所以在这片水域上航行而没有做好足够的防御准备,就不是仅危险,而是送死了。由于盖布大部分的贸易由海量僵尸种植的粮食完成,很少有自由商人会到这片——到处有幽灵船在水域上逡巡,夜空中满是鬼魂、吸血鬼或者更糟糕的东西——的土地上冒险。

地狱之口海湾 Hellmouth Gulf:很少有理智尚存的商队船长会冒险驶过这片混杂着恶意精类、炼狱生物、人鱼以及鸮型人的水域,甚至切利亚斯的战舰都不愿意挑战此地。这片区域由麦纳多山脉南端山峰,图里安岛和壳礁岛的岩石海岸环绕而成。这是一片甚至连海盗也会成为猎物的海域。

欧巴力洋 Obari Ocean:这里是欧克诺捕奴船的狩猎场,只要瞥见黄色风帆就可以把商船吓得半死。很少有商船会手无寸铁,并且通常会和小型的武装舰队同行,经常包括卡塔佩什的海盗也会被作为护卫力量。

镣铐岛及热海 The Shackles and Fever Sea:只有镣铐群岛的自由船长会有这片充斥着致命海礁和湍流的迷宫水域的准确地图。不过未知的浅滩是船长们在这片群岛中最不担心的事情了,食人族、海盗、掠食者以及不死生物才是大麻烦。这里可能是内海区域里所有海域里最危险的一个了。

雨浸湿地 Sodden Coast:很少有船长有勇气同时面对阿本迪戈暴风眼和镣铐群岛的海盗,来航行到这片雨浸湿地的海岸。有少数宝藏猎人会来到这里,但是在这片饱受风暴肆虐的海岸中,很少有人能活的比那些有鳞原住民的狩猎期更长。

蒸汽海 Steaming Sea: 乌尔芬劫掠者不仅只劫掠沿海的城镇和村庄,海上的船只也是他们的狩猎目标。很少有人能从这些狂怒的海盗手上幸存,但是如果有些目标看起来不是很好狩猎,有些船长会选择切换目标。

瓦瑞西亚湾 Varisian Gulf:瓦瑞西亚湾远离现有的贸易路线,在这片水域上航行的要么并非善类,要么就是足以抵御这些恶徒的能力。谜语港的海盗们视入侵他们的领地为一种冒犯,并且很可能会在劫掠完后炸掉这些船只,当然,不留活口。

劇透 -   :
Obstacles and Natural Hazards
Despite the relative safety and consistency of conditions on the above-listed trade routes, there are obstacles and natural hazards that sailors would do best to bear in mind.
Arch of Aroden: The ancient, ruined megalithic bridge known as the Arch of Aroden spans the Hespereth Strait between the Inner Sea and the Arcadian Ocean. It's constantly patrolled by the Chelish Corentyn Armada.
Eye of Abendego: This endless hurricane forms an impassible barrier between the Shackles, Mediogalti Island, and Rahadoum's Nuat blockade. Intrepid, insane, or desperate captains have been known to skirt the edge of this massive, ceaseless hurricane, using the tearing counterclockwise winds for a speedy but perilous passage.
Siroccos of the Qadira Coast: Scorching storms from the Zho Mountains send sheets of blinding dust and scouring winds to wreck ships on the unforgiving Osirian coast.
Yanimere Torrents: Treacherous currents and maelstroms plague the narrow pass between Yanimere Isle and the Qadiran coast. Sailors tell of a huge beast that forms shipkilling whirlpools, but others discount these fanciful stories.
Dangerous Regions
The following waterways are known for their many perils, and captains sailing them are wise to prepare for the hazards spoken of in sea shanties and dockside taverns.
Haunted Coast of Geb: The laws protecting the living in the nation of undead take effect only upon that nation's soil, so sailing these waters without proper protections is not only dangerous, but foolhardy. Though Geb trades heavily in grain harvested by legions ofzombies, few free traders venture here, for ghost ships patrol Geb's waters, and the night skies are of filled with wraiths, vampires, and worse.
Hellmouth Gulf: No sane merchant captain would risk sailing through this cauldron of vengeful fey,fiends, merfolk, and strix-even Chelish warships are reluctant to dare it. Bracketed by the southern spur of the Menador Mountains and the rocky shores of the isles of Thuryan and Shardstone, this is a stretch of sea in which even pirates become prey.
Obari Ocean: In this hunting ground of the Okeno slavers, the mere sight of yellow sails can send a merchant ship into panicked flight. Few traders go unarmed, and many chose to sail in small, armed flotillas, ofen contracting corsairs in Katapesh as armed escorts.
The Shackles and Fever Sea: Only the Free Captains of the Shackles have accurate charts of this labyrinth of deadly reefs and currents, but uncharted shoals are the least of a captain's worries in this archipelago populated by cannibals, pirates, predators, and undead. This is perhaps the most treacherous nautical expanse in all of the Inner Sea region.
Sodden Coast: Few captains brave both the Eye of Abendego and the pirates of the Shackles to cruise the shores of the Sodden Lands. Treasure hunters sometimes risk this coast, but few survive long enough to be more than prey for the scaly inhabitants of this storm-wracked shore.
Steaming Sea: Ulfen raiders not only pillage coastal towns and villages, but also take ships at sea. Few survive the fury of these pirates, but some of the grim captains can be bartered with if the target doesn't look like easy prey.
Varisian Gulf: The Varisian Gulf is far enough away fom established trade routes that anyone plying these waters is either up to no good, or able to fend off those who are. Pirates fom Riddleport view incursions into their territory as an affront, and are likely to bur unwary ships to the waterline without taking prisoners-afer looting them, of course.
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焦黑藏红号 Burnt Saffron
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-11-30, 周四 15:41:16 »

劇透 -   :
"When yeh see then yellow sails on the horizon,yeh best turn yer tiller in the other direction and pray that ol'Gozreh will keep the wind at yer back.Not every slaver ship out o'okeno's Fleshfairs preys on other ships, but then again,not every slaver ship is the Burnt Saffron,and yeh can never be too careful.Better safe than enslaved,I always tell the swabbies."
"If yeh can believe such tales, the slaves the Burnt Saffron takes on can never go free,even after death. Howling screams baunt the poor chained souls, who're forced to row'til they pass out or die.Even those who manage to escape for a time, they're still prisoners in their own minds,bewitched into thinkin' they got to return to the ship and sit right back down at their old oar bench! So,slip up in yer watch at the crow's nest,and yeh might find yerself-or yer ghost-in a slave collar that only the most powerful magic can break."   
———— Garuth "Ruddergut" Penswing,coxswain of the Clover Wine


背景故事 Background
      按照通常的传说,那艘后世被传为“焦黑藏红号”的船,是在4671AR,在石脊岛(Stonespine Island)首次起航的白色黎明号(White Dawn)”。当光以一种恰到好处的角度打在帆和水面上时,白色黎明号那珍珠白的船体和亮黄色的船帆让整艘船如同初升的太阳一般。这艘大船的船长是法泽姆 霍希德,一名来自镣铐岛的贪婪的前海盗,他的亲身经历告诉他,一艘船上被奴役的船员拿去卖到经常可以比劫掠他们获得更多的钱。霍希德带领着他的船员和那些认同他的作为的混蛋,黎明出发,去捕获任何他遇到的船只上面的船员和乘客。



     自从白色黎明号所谓的再现后,几只舰队都试图追捕并击沉这只现在被称为焦黑藏红号的船。一些人认为这只是个传说——一个老船员用来吓唬新人水手的故事里的鬼怪。另一些人认为这艘船长Varixio's 被烧毁的划桨帆船是一艘幽灵船,被某种地狱力量复活并受命狩猎奴役内海的舰队。
劇透 -   :
Most peoples of Golarion have an uneasy relationship with slavery, but to the slavers who sailout of the Katapeshi city of Okeno on yellow sailedships, it is a lucrative business indeed. Vessels sailing the Inner Sea generally give Okeno's ships a wide berth, and few are foolhardy enough to actively seek out and challenge these galleys.
The Burnt Saffion stands out from the Okeno fleet as one of the most belligerent slave galleys in Katapesh's waters. Its crew harbors a penchant for hunting down other ships and killing more sailors and passengers than they take prisoner.

According to common tales, the ship that would become the Burnt Safon first set sail from Stonespine Island's Yellow Harbor as the galley White Dawn in 4671 AR. The White Dawn's pearl-white hull and bright yellow sails made the ship resemble the rising sun when light struck sail and water in the right way. The galley was captained by Farzam Khorsheed, a greedy ex-pirate from the Shackles who had learned firsthand that a ship's enslaved crew could often fetch a higher price than the plunder from its hold. Khorsheed packed his crew with undesirables who supported his methods, and the Dawn set out to capture the crew and passengers of any ships it encountered.
Despite the ship's yellow sails, many sailors mistook the brightly colored galley for a simple merchant, never suspecting the cargo it carried. Tree years afer its maiden voyage, however, the White Dawn departed from the Thuvian port city of Merab with a hold full of slaves. While en route to Okeno, a freak storm caught the ship, smashed its masts and oars, and blew it into Andoren waters. A pair of Gray Corsair ships found the White Dawn adrif on the waves and boarded the crippled ship in hopes of o?ering assistance. When the Andorens found nearly dead slaves still chained to the Dawn's ruined oars and crammed into the ship's hold, they freed the slaves before cutting the galley loose and launching jars of alchemist's fire to put the haggard crew out of their misery.
Details regarding the White Dawn's fate are sketchy, but within a few months of its supposed demise, a ship matching the White Dawn's description was sighted skirting Stonespine Island, but its hull, oars, and masts were onyx instead of white. Its formerly bright yellow sails had darkened to a sickly sa?ron color, as though the canvas had been lef in a dyeing vat for too long. Those fortunate few able to observe the galley up close and survive to tell of it describe a hull blackened by fire rather than paint or pitch.
Since the White Dawn's alleged reappearance, several flotillas have attempted to hunt down ad sink the ship now known as the Burnt Safon. Some believe the Safon is just a my-a sailor's bogeyan meantto scare craven deckhands. Others maintain tliat Captain Varixio's incinerated galley is a ghost ship, reanimated by some infernal pact and commanded to haunt and enslave tlie fleets of the Inner Sea.

舰船数据 Ship Statistic
占据 4 (30 ft. by 150 ft.); 成本 66,800 gp
先攻 +6

AC 19; 硬度 9
HP 1,638 (船桨 3,200, 风帆 320)
豁免 +16

最高时速 60 ft. (人力), 60 ft. (风力), 120 ft.(muscle and wind); 加速度 30 ft.
远程攻击 标准投石机 +12 (6d6), 12 轻型弩炮 +6(3d8/19-20)
CMB +25; CMD 35
撞角伤害 10d8

动力 人力,风力或水流
航行检定 交涉 or 威吓 (人力);专业 (水手) (风力或水流)
操纵装置 船舵(HP 25, 硬度 5)
推进装置 160 桨手, 80 平方风帆(两根桅杆)
甲板层 3
货物/乘客120 吨/250 乘客

笨(守序中立 男性人类武僧 3)
船长 法泽姆 霍希德(守序邪恶 男性人类游侠 10/阿斯莫蒂斯审判者 2,见15页)
舵手 加瓦尔 埃里森多特(混乱中立 女性 中年 半兽人野蛮人 9)
水兵队长 威度 提宾(守序邪恶 男性 人类战士 8)
奴隶主管 格丽斯拉芬(中立邪恶 女性 豺狼人诗人 10,见14页)
56名 焦黑藏红号 奴隶贩子(混乱中立 人类盗贼[暴徒]2/武者 3)
200 中体型 桨手 (绝大部分 绝对中立 人类 平民 3)

军备 12 轻型弩炮带600发弩箭 (左舷和右舷); 标准投石机以及24枚石弹以及链射弹、寒冰弹以及烟雾弹各8枚
改造 魔化处理的船桨,撞角和船楼,坚固船体, 木质防护板
货物 3点掠夺点 (2点代表船上奴隶的价值; GM也可以通过解放奴隶的回报来提供这些掠夺点)
劇透 -   :
Okeno slaver (galley)
Colossal ship
Squares 4 (30 ft. by 150 ft.); Cost 66,800 gp
lnit +6
AC 19; Hardness 9
hp 1,638 (oars 3,200, sails 320)
Save +16
Maximum Speed 60 ft. (muscle), 60 ft. (wind), 120 ft.
(muscle and wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
Ranged standard catapult +12 (6d6), 12 light ballistae +6
CMB +25; CMD 35
Ramming Damage 1 0d8
Propulsion muscle, wind, or current
Sailing Check Diplomacy or Intimidate (muscle);
Profession (sailor) (wind or current)
Control Device tiller (hp 25, hardness 5)
Means of Propulsion 160 oars, 80 squares of sails
(two masts)
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 1 20 tons/250 passengers
Beng (LN male human monk 3)
Captain Farzam Khorsheed (LE male human ranger 10/
inquisitor of Asmodeus 2; see page 15)
Helmsman Jarva Ellasdotter (CN female middle-aged
half-ore barbarian 9)
Marine Commander Wedu Tibebe (LE male human fighter 8)
Slavemaster Gristlefang (NE female gnoll bard 10; see page 14)
56 Burt Saffron slavers (CN human rogue [thugAPG] 2/warrior 3)
200 Medium rowers (mostly N human commoner 3)
Armaments 1 2 light ballistaeuc with 600 bolts (port and starboard); standard catapultuc with 24 stones, 8 chain shotu', 8 liquid iceu', and 8 smoke shotuc
Modifications magically treated oars, ram and castles, sturdy hull, wooden plating
Cargo 3 points of plunder (2 points represent the value of the slaves on board; GMs can provide this plunder in the form of a reward for liberating the slaves instead)

船上成员 Ship's Crew
笨 Beng:这个健壮的天下奴隶作为奴隶们和其他船员的联络人。这是一个正式的职位,虽然作为奴隶不会在船只运行上有任何真正的发言权,但是这样的幻觉可以提升一些士气。
舵手 加尔瓦 埃里森多特 Helmsman Jarva Ellasdotter:一名前乌尔芬劫掠者,在一起船难后被留在南方的奥斯里昂。加尔瓦加入白色黎明号是希望可以用她自己的方式赚够回家的钱。她也是少数几个从白色黎明号变成焦黑藏红号时幸存下来的船员,所以对于霍希德的过往,她知道的比格丽斯拉芬更多。
水兵队长 威度 提宾 Marine Commander Wedu Tibebe: 这个愤怒而睚眦必报的伽伦德人,来自一个欧克诺长期的奴隶家庭。他负责领导水兵登陆敌舰,同时负责协调对对入侵者的防御,以及监督焦黑藏红号的攻城武器。威度对于藏红号是一个相对较新的成员,他的前任死于神秘情况。
劇透 -   :
Apart from the rowing slaves, 56 slavers call the Burnt Saffron home. Most of the ship's crew choose to remain with Captain Khorsheed for one reason or another. Some claim this loyalty stems from Khorsheed's lucrative slaving runs, while others cite more sinister forces at work. The bulk of the ship's work is done by the scores of slaves in the galley's holds, the strongest and most docile of which are kept on year after year instead of being sold, to serve as the backbone of the ship's slave crew.
In addition to Captain Khorsheed (see page 15) and Slavemaster Gristlefang (see page 1 4), the Burnt Saffron hosts colorful characters hailing from across the Inner Sea.
Beng: This burly Tian slave acts as the slaves' liaison to the rest of the crew. The position is largely ceremonial,as slaves have no real say in how the ship is run, but the illusion keeps up morale.
Helmsman Jarva Ellasdotter: A former Ulfen raider who was stranded in southern Osirion after a shipwreck, Jarva joined the White Dawn's crew in hopes of earning her way back home. She is one of the few crew members who survived the White Dawn's transformation into the Burnt Saffron, so she knows more about Khorsheed's past than Gristlefang.
Marine Commander Wedu Tibebe: This angry andvindictive Garundi, hailing from a longstanding Okeno slaving family, leads boarding parties onto enemy ships. He also coordinates the defense against invaders, and oversees of the Burnt Saffron's siege arsenal. Wedu is a relatively new addition to the Saffron, his predecessor having died under mysterious circumstances.

1.艉楼 Sterncastle
焦黑藏红号的船舵和唯一一台投石机就座落于艉楼顶部。旁边的弹药库里储存着24枚石弹以及链射弹、寒冰弹以及烟雾弹各8枚。当船只进港或者执行高难度机动时,船长法泽姆 霍希德通常就在这。无论何时船长至少有3名奴隶贩子陪同。

2.艏楼 Forecastle

3.主甲板 Main Deck

4.战术室 Wardroom
一条长木桌和几把椅子占据了这个房间的大部分空间。 一张盖在桌子上的大羊皮纸地图详细的描绘了卡塔佩什的海岸线,扎摩诔以及邻近海域。几个X标记了焦黑藏红号已经击沉其他船只的地方。两侧各有三扇窗户安装着铁条百叶窗(硬度8,HP20,破坏DC25),提供甲板后面和附近海面的视野。

5.船长室 Captain's Quarters

6.楼梯间 Stairwell

7.射击甲板 Firing Deck

8.航海士房间 Officers' Quarters
奴隶主管 格丽斯拉芬和她最信任的手下睡在这里,从天花板上挂着6具帆制的吊床,永远会有五个奴隶贩子在这里休息,用于在顶部甲板和射击甲板轮休。格丽斯拉芬的貂皮吊床挂在房间的最内侧,下面角落里有一个木制箱子,上面挂着一具精良锁具(解除装置DC30)。这个柜子里装着一枚火元素宝石,两团银纺,一袋珠宝(两绿宝石,三火蛋白石,五个星光蓝宝石)价值1000gp,还有内海各地的各种硬币总共2500gp.

9.船员房间 Crew Quarters

10.厨房 Galley

11. 第二贮存室 Secondary Hold

12.桨手长椅 Rowing Benches
这个区域被锁在36条桨手长椅上的奴隶塞满,每条长椅上有4名奴隶。没有轮到划桨的奴隶就睡在他们的长椅下面。奴隶主管 格丽斯拉芬和六名奴隶贩子会确保这些奴隶一直处于监视之中。

13. 主贮藏室 Main Hold

价格:16000gp 位置:颈部 重量:2磅
这种魔法奴隶项圈(使用与精制品镣铐相同的数据)是留给意志特别坚强的奴隶的。当扣在一名生物的脖子上时,项圈以佩戴者为目标施放一个安定心神的效果(意志 DC13 无效)。只要戴着这个项圈,佩戴者必须每分钟进行一次额外豁免,直到其豁免失败或者项圈被移除。一旦激活,安定效果将持续到项圈被移除或者佩戴者受到大于等于其HD的伤害。每天一次,藏红奴隶项圈(优质锁)的钥匙持有者可以对佩戴者使用一次暗示术,通过一次DC14的意志检定,可以忽视该效果。但是如果目标处于项圈的安定心神效果下,则该情况下无豁免。
制造条件:制造奇物,安定心神calm emotions,暗示术suggestion
劇透 -   :
This magical slave collar (which uses the same statistics as masterwork manacles) is reserved for particularly strongwil led slaves. When shackled around a creature's neck, the collar targets the wearer with a calm emotions effect (Will DC 13 negates). The wearer must attempt an additional save each minute it wears the collar until it fails a save or removes the collar. Once active, the calming effect of the collar remains until the collar is removed or the wearer takes a number of points of damage equal to or greater than its Hit Dice. O nce per day, the wielder of the key to the Saffron slave collar's lock (a superior lock) can cast suggestion on the wearer. A successful DC 14 Will saving throw negates this effect, unless the target is subject to the calm emotions effect of the collar, in which case it receives no saving th row.
Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, suggestion
劇透 -   :
The black-hulled galley known across the Inner Sea a s the Burnt Saffion has a beam of 30 feet and stretches nearly 150 feet from bow to stern. With three full decks and two masts flying square sails of burnished yellow, this slave galley is among the most recognizable ships of its kind.
1 . Sterncastle
The Burnt Saffion's tiller and sole catapult sit atop the sterncastle. Nearby ammunition stores hold 24 stones and eight each of chain shotuc, liquid iceAPG, and smoke shotuc. Captain Farzam Khorsheed is usually found here when the ship is coming into port or performing a difficult maneuver. The captain is accompanied by at least three slavers at all times.
2. Forecastle
The Burnt Saffion's forecastle gives the crew a good perch to observe incoming hazards or ships. Two slavers keep watch here, with an additional four on hand when the ship is actively seeking other vessels to prey upon.
3. Main Deck
Both of the ship's masts rise from the main deck. A crow's nest atop the mainmast is accessible by rope ladder or a counterweighted line. The foresail and mainsail riggings are each tied in two clusters of four ropes on either side of the deck's rails. Each rope's knot can be untied from the mooring cleats with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check or DC 15 Profession (sailor) check.
Amidships next to the mainmast, the deck hatch (hardness 5, hp 20, break DC 16) lets air and light into the ship, and it can be used as a shortcut to the firing deck (area 7). During battle, the hatch is locked to deny access to boarding parties. Near the forecastle, a pair of stairs on either side of the ship lead down to the stairwell (area 6).
Six slavers generally tend to the sails and rigging during normal weather, with an additional dozen on duty in inclement weather.
4. Wardroom
This cabin is where the senior members of the crew carouse and discuss plans.
A large wooden table and some chairs take up most of the space in this cabin. A large parchment map detailing the Katapeshi coastline, Jalmeray, and the nearby ocean covers the table; several X's mark places where the Burnt Saffion has sunk other ships. Three windows with ironreinforced shutters (hardness 8, hp 20, break DC 25) oneither side of the cabin provide a view of the aft deck and the open ocean beyond.
The door leading into the captain's quarters (area s) is locked. Attempting to open the door without speaking the password triggers an alarm trap that silently alerts Captain Khorsheed to the unauthorized intrusion.
5. Captain's Quarters
A hammock made of luxuriant dhabba pelts hangs on the starboard side of the cabin. On the port side of the cabin, four large iron cages (hardness 10, hp 30, break DC 25) hang from metal hooks in the ceiling. The first cage contains a number of small, vibrantly colored birds. The second cage contains an eagle (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 118). The third cage, the smallest of the group, is home to a gagged and manacled female pixie (Bestiary 228). The fourth and final cage, the largest of the four, contains a mute, malnourished male aasimar (Bestiary 7) in a Saffion slave collar; he barely has enough room to sit up in the cage's cramped confines.
6. Stairwell
This stairwell heads to the main deck (area 3), and ladders lead down to the rowing benches (area 12). Double doors lead to the firing deck (area 7).
7. Firing Deck
Six heavy ballistae line either side of this deck. Each ballista has enough ammunition to fire 50 shots (600 bolts in total). Because of the amount of space the siege engines occupy, moving through this area counts as difficult terrain. At least 12 slavers are stationed on this deck at all times. Slavers crewing the ballistae are proficient in the operation of the siege engines and can thus operate the devices without penalties.
8. Officers' Quarters
Slavemaster Gristlefang and her most trusted underlings bunk here. Six canvas hammocks hang from the ceiling, and five slavers are usually asleep at any given time, resting between their shifts abovedecks or on the firing deck. Below Gristlefang's sable-lined hammock in the aft port corner sits a wooden chest (hardness 5, hp is) secured with a good lock (Disable Device DC 30). The chest contains a .fire elemental JJem, two vials of silversheen, a sack of jewels (two emeralds, three fire opals, five blue star sapphires) worth i,ooo gp in total, and 2,500 gp in coins from across the Inner Sea region.
9. Crew Quarters
Fifteen canvas hammocks are crammed into this cabin. The crew sleep in shifts, so each hammock is usually occupied, except in situations that require all hands to be on deck.
10. Galley
The galley is where the ship's meals are prepared. This room contains a prep area, barrels and crates of food, a large vat of gruel for the slaves, and a smaller tub of more appetizing food for the rest of the crew.
11 . Secondary Hold
Crates and barrels of foodstuffs and other standard cargo fill this hold. The hold typically carries between 45 and 80 tons of cargo; its current cargo is worth only i point of plunder.
12. Rowing Benches
This area is filled with slaves chained to 36 rowing benches, with four slaves per bench. The slaves not on rowing duty sleep underneath their assigned benches. Slavemaster Gristlefang and six slavers keep the slaves under constant watch. These slaves are worth 2 points of plunder.
13. Main Hold
The Burnt Saffeon's primary cargo is the slaves it employs to propel the vessel. Those not currently chained to a bench in area 12 are housed in this cramped cabin, whose walls are lined with rings to which chains can be easily attached.
The hold is devoid of furnishings or niceties, and features only a few buckets of either gruel or excrement. Twentyfour frightened and malnourished slaves are chained together and squeezed into this space, along with three corpses of slaves who died in the last few days that have not yet been removed by the Saffeon's crew.

舰船策略 Ship Tactics


劇透 -   :
Whether hugging the Katapeshi coastline, following well traveled trade routes, or traversing the open waters of the Inner Sea, the Burt Saffron has rightfully earned its reputation as a scourge against freedom. Any lone ship that crosses the Saffron's path is potential prey, and the galley's combination of oars and sails lets the ship overtake all but the most nimble of watercraft.
Captain Khorsheed's primary goal when approaching another ship is to disable the vessel as quickly as possible. The Saffron's catapult team employs chain shot"' and regular shot to destroy sails and masts, and follow-up salvos of smoke shot"' throw the enemy crew into disarray. While the enemy panics, the Saffron lashes itself to the limping ship, and boarding party leader Tibebe attacks the enemy crew, using the smoke screen to his advantage.
Once the captured ship is firmly under Khorsheed's control, he chooses the most able-bodied survivors, claps them in irons, and throws them in the Saffron's hold. The rest he commits to the deep or leaves adrift in their ship's wreckage. Occasionally, however, Khorsheed orders the captured shipand all of those left aboard-burned. Former Saffron crew members claim that the captain's orders regarding captured ships are subject to the whims of Asmodeus.
In the rare event that the Burt Saffron is boarded or infiltrated, the crew sounds the ship's alarm. The alarm system, which can be triggered by a pull rope in most common areas, consists of a complex series of ropes, chains, and pulleys that ring large, cylindrical bells throughout the ship. Once the alarm sounds, Tibebe's slavers arrive on the main deck to repel invaders. The slaves' shackles, years of torture and subjugation, and fear of harsh reprisal prevent them from rising up against their captors unless they are magically compelled to do so

冒险楔子 Adventre Hooks

黑暗交易 Dark Dealings:海棚屋和酒吧中流传着关于白色黎明号的神秘幸存是霍希德在黎明号燃烧,并处于火海中时辱骂哥兹莱并祈求阿斯摩蒂斯的结果。传说黎明号的船长和黑暗的神订下契约,作为回报,阿斯摩蒂斯从水中复活了这艘船并且赋予了它魔法力量。而PC则受雇于一个善神教会,诸如莎伦莱或者凯登·凯连,来发现这些说法的真相并且结束这场黑暗的交易——如果真的存在的话。

无处可逃 No Escape:一些关于藏红号最令人痛心的酒馆故事是关于划船的奴隶们的。根据这些传说,如果一个人带着藏红奴隶项圈太久,那项圈就会和他的灵魂融合,即使之后项圈被摘下,而奴隶获得了自由。他也会尽一切力量回到那艘船上。一名PC们的亲密盟友(甚至某位PC)就是这样被拖回到了船上。带领团队进入冲突可能导致所有人最后都处于格丽斯拉芬的皮鞭之下。

营救行动 Rescue Operation:一名亲密的伙伴,家族成员,或者甚至某个PC被一条与描述上与焦黑藏红号有着惊人的相似的船俘虏了,玩家必须追查到那艘传奇的贩奴船来拯救他们的盟友,甚至可能为此穿越数十英里的海洋。使任务更具挑战性的事实是:奴隶主管格丽斯拉芬尤其擅长处理那些似乎是营救目标的特殊奴隶。

不沉之船 The Unsinkable Ship:在过去的几十年里,多艘切利亚斯的战舰和灰海盗多次声称在一次激烈的海战中击沉一艘有着黄色风帆,描述与焦黑藏红号相符合的贩奴划桨大帆船。那些船员目睹了那艘贩奴船的沉没并且相信他们已经解决了堪称祸害的最知名的贩奴船——直到几周或者几个月后被其他船员告知看到了一艘描述完全相同的船。PC们由其中一只海军提供巨额赏金(或者作为一只独立团队)来再一次击沉焦黑藏红号,或者最后一次击沉它。
劇透 -   :
Adventre Hooks
As one of the most legendary and feared slave galleys on the Obari Ocean and the Inner Sea, the Burnt Safon can serve as a foe in nearly any campaign, as all ships are potential victims of the sinister vessel. Ofthe ships in this book, the Burnt Safon is thus the vessel best suited to serving as a random encounter, though the following plots can also be woven around the ship in order to allow it to play a larger role in an ongoing campaign.
Dark Dealings: Sea shanties and barroom whispers explain the White Dawn's mysterious survival as a result of Khorsheed denouncing Gozreh and calling out to Asmodeus as the Dawn burned and sank around him. Legend tells that the Dawn's captain entered into a pact with the dark god, and in return, Asmodeus resurrected the ship from its water grave and imbued it with magical power. The PCs are tasked by the church of a good deity such as Sarenrae or Cayden Cailean to discover the truth of theseclaims and bring about an end to this dark bargain-if it truly exists.
No Escape: Some of the most harrowing tavern tales of the Safon speak of the slaves that row the ship. According to these accounts, if someone wears a Safon slave collar for too long, the collar permanently binds his soul to the ship. Even if the collar is removed and the slave is turned free, he will try everything in his power to get back aboard. A close ally of the PCs (perhaps even a PC) has just such a draw to return to the ship, leading the party into a conflict that could result in the entire group coming under Gristlefang's lash.
Rescue Operation: A close associate, family member, or even member of the PCs' party has been taken captive on a ship described as bearing a striking resemblance to the BurntSafon. The PCs must track down the legendary slaver ship to rescue their ally, perhaps across many miles of open ocean. Making the task even more challenging is the fact that Slavemaster Gristlefang is known to execute any slave who seems to be the specific target of a rescue attempt.
The Unsinkable Ship: Several times in the last few decades, various Chelish warship and Gray Corsair crews claimed to have sunk a yellow-sailed slave galley matching the Burnt Safon's description in a pitched naval battle. The crews witnessed the ship sinking and believed they had defeated the greatest known slaver scourge, only to hear tell of another crew sighting a ship with the same description weeks or months later. The PCs are offered a large bounty by either navy (or an independent party) to sink the Burnt Safon once and for all.

XP 9600
女性 豺狼人 诗人 10 (怪物图鉴 155)
中立邪恶 中体型 类人生物(豺狼人)
先攻 +1;感官 黑暗视觉 60 尺;察觉 +14


AC 21,接触 12,措手不及 20 (+5护甲,+1偏斜,+1敏捷,+2天生防御,+2盾牌)
HP 100 (12 HD; 2d8+10d8+46)
强韧 +8,反射 +8,意志 +6; +4 对抗吟游表演,基于语言的效果, 以及音波


速度 30尺
近战+1链枷 +12/+7 (1d8+3/19-20*2)或+1长鞭 +12/+7 (1d3+4 非致命)
远程标枪 +9 (1d6+2)
吟游诗人已知法术(施法者等级 10,专注 +12)
支配人类(DC 16), 咆哮术(DC 16)
极度绝望(DC 15), 治疗重伤, 加速术, 强效幻影(DC 15)
猫之优雅, 注目术(DC 14), 英雄气概, 音鸣爆(DC 14), 巧言术
魔法警报,惊恐术(DC 13), 魅惑人类(DC 13), 狂笑术(DC 1 3), 移除恐惧
晕眩术(DC 12),侦测魔法, 幻音术(DC 12), 催眠曲(DC 12), 传讯术, 阅读魔法
特殊攻击 吟游表演 24 轮/每天 (移动动作; 破咒曲, 末日丧歌[DC 17],清心, 迷魂[DC 17], 提振技能+3, 激发勇气+2, 提振战力, 暗示[DC 17])


力量 15,敏捷 12,体质 15,智力 12,感知 9,魅力 14
BAB +8;CMB +10;CMD 22
专长 精通重击 (链枷), 猛力攻击, 健壮, 要害打击, 武器专攻 (链枷), 武器专攻 (长鞭)
技能 攀爬 +7, 知识 (本地) +21, 察觉 +14,表演 (朗诵, 打击,演唱) +17, 专业 (水手) +12, 游泳 +4
语言 通用语,豺狼人语
特殊能力 逸闻知识 +5, 万事通 (可使用任何技能), 博学 1次/天, 多才多艺(朗诵[交涉,察言观色],打击[驯养动物,威吓], 演唱[唬骗,察言观色])
战斗装备 治疗重伤药水, 任意门卷轴, 鹰之威仪卷轴, 人类定身术卷轴;
其他装备 +1链甲衫, +1小圆盾, + 1轻型链枷, +1长鞭, 标枪(5), 天生防御护符+1, 防护戒指+1,优质锁具(2), 精制品鼓, 精制手铐(2),钥匙环,8pp, 31gp

劇透 -   :
XP 9,600
Female gnoll bard 1 0 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 1 55)
NE Medium humanoid (gnoll)
lnit +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14
AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+5 armor,+1 deflection,+1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 shield)
hp 1 00 (12 HD; 2d8+10d8+46)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +6; +4 vs. bardic performance,
language-dependent, and sonic
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 flail +12/+7 (1d8+3/1 9-20) or +1 whip +12/+7 (1d3+4 nonlethal)
Ranged javelin +9 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks bardic performance 24 rounds/day (move action; countersong, d irge of doom [DC 17], distraction, fascinate [DC 1 7], inspirecompetence +3, inspire courage +2, inspire greatness, suggestion [DC 1 7])
Bard Spells Known (CL 10th; concentration +12)
4th (1/day)-dominate person (DC 16), shout (DC 16)
3rd (3/day)-crushing despair (DC 15), cure serious wounds, haste, major image (DC 15)
2nd (5/day)-cat's grace, enthrall (DC 14), heroism, sound burst (DC 14), tongues
1st (6/day)-alarm, cause fear (DC 13), charm person (DC 13), hideous laughter (DC 1 3), remove fear
O (at will)-daze (DC 12), detect magic, ghost sound (DC 12), lullaby (DC 12), message, read magic
Str 1 5, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 14
Base Atk +8; CMB +1 0; CMD 22
Feats Improved Critical (flail), Power Attack, Toughness, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (flail), Weapon Focus (whip)
Skills Climb +7, Knowledge (local) +21, Perception +1 4,
Perform (oratory, percussion, sing) +17, Profession (sailor) +12, Swim +4
Languages Common, Gnoll
SQ bardic knowledge +5, jack-of-all-trades (use any skill), lore master 1/day, versatile performance (oratory, percussion, sing)
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of dimension door, scroll of eagle's splendor, scroll of hold
Other Gear + 1 chain shirt, + 1 buckler, + 1 flail, +1 whip, javelins (5), amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +1, good locks (2), mwk drum, mwk manacles (2), key ring, 8 pp, 31 gp
Khorsheed's first mate, Gristlefang, is a gnoll slavemaster with a special talent for breaking slaves who step out of line. She capriciously exercises her cruelty even on obedient slaves, giving her the reputation aboard the vessel as someone whose favor it is wise to earn.
Gristlefang hails from the deserts of southern Osirion, where she participated in countless raids upon trading caravans and small settlements, and even a few on the fortifed city oflpeq. Dissatisfed with the meager pickings she and her pack were able to claim, Gristlefang set out on her own to pursue a more lucrative slaving career in the markets of Katapesh.
Within the bustling trade city, Gristlefang found work as an enforcer and slave driver. It wasn't until she signed on to a mysterious vessel said to be in need of a new slavemaster that she truly found her calling. Accepting Captain Khorsheed's offer sight unseen, Gristlefang joined the Burnt Safon's crew shortly afer its mysterious transformation, and quickly became the most indispensable member of the crew besides the captain himself.

XP 12,800
男性 人类 游侠 10/阿斯摩蒂斯审判者 2 (进阶玩家手册 38)
守序邪恶 中体型 类人生物 (人类)
先攻 +6;感官察觉 +17


AC 23,接触 14,措手不及 20 (+8 护甲, +1 偏斜,+2敏捷, +1闪避, +1盾牌)
HP 114 (12 HD; 10d10+2d8+46)
强韧 +14,反射 +13,意志 +10
防御能力 反射闪避


速度 20 尺
近战/远程 +1 炽焰弯刀 +13/+8/+3 (1d6+3/18-20*2 附带1d6火焰), +1 反曲刀 +12/+7/+2 (1d4+3/18-20*2)
远程 精制重弩 +16 (1d10/19-20*2)
审判者已知法术(施法者等级 2,专注 +2)
祝福术,神恩, 克敌机先
出血术(DC 12), 烙印术(DC 1 2), 晕眩术 (DC 1 2),神导术, 恩赐
类法术能力(施法者等级 2;专注+4)
复制幻象(Copycat)5次/天(2 轮)
游侠已知法术(施法者等级 7,专注 +9)
树肤术, 风墙术
纠缠术 (DC 13), 重压之刃APG, 抵抗能量伤害


力量 15,敏捷 18,体质 14,智力 8,感知 14,魅力 10
BAB +11;CMB +13;CMD 29
专长 闪避, 双重切割, 坚忍, 高等双武器格斗, 精通双武器格斗, 猛力攻击, 健壮, 双武器防御, 双武器格斗, 双武器撕裂, 武器专攻 (弯刀)
技能 特技 +4 (+O 跳跃), 攀爬 +5, 威吓 +1 6, 知识 (地理) +14, 察觉+17, 专业 (水手) +17, 察言观色 +3,法术辨识 +14, 游泳 +5
语言 通用语
特殊能力 巧夺先攻, 偏好地形 (城市+2, 水上+4),猎手羁绊(同伴), 审判 1次/天, 怪物学识+2, 严苛凝视, 快速追踪, 追踪 +6, 野性认同+10, 穿林步
战斗装备 次等指使术魔杖 (4发);
其他装备 +2链甲, +1 炽焰弯刀, +1反曲刀, 精制重弩(20发弩矢), 巨力腰带+2, 抗力斗篷+2, 防护戒指+1, 锁链(50 尺), 钥匙环, 银制阿斯摩蒂斯邪徽, 47 gp

劇透 -   :
XP 1 2,800
Male human ranger 10/inquisitor of Asmodeus 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 38)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
lnit +6; Senses Perception +17
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +1 deflection,+2 Dex, + 1 dodge, + 1 shield)
hp 114 (12 HD; 10d10+2d8+46)
Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +10
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 flaming scimitar +13/+8/+3 (1d6+3/18-20 plus1d6 fire), +1 kukri +12/+7/+2 (1 d4+3/18-20)
Ranged mwk heavy crossbow +1 6 (1 d10/19-20)
Special Attacks combat style (two-weapon), favored enemy (aquatic humanoids +2, humans +6, water outsiders +2)
Inquisitor Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +4) At will-detect alignment 5/day-copycat (2 rounds)
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +2)
1st (3/day)-bless, divine favor, true strike
O (at will)-bleed (DC 1 2), brandAPG (DC 1 2), daze (DC 1 2),
guidance, virtue
Domain Trickery
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 7th; concentration +9)
2nd-barkskin, wind wall
1 st-entangle (DC 13), lead bladesAPG, resist energy
Str 1 5, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +11; CMB +13; CMD 29
Feats Dodge, Double Slice, Endurance, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Toughness, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Rend, Weapon Focus (scimitar)
Skills Acrobatics +4 (+O when jumping), Climb +5, Intimidate +1 6, Knowledge (geography) +14, Perception
+17, Profession (sailor) +17, Sense Motive +3,
Spellcraft +14, Swim +5
Languages Common
SQ cunning initiative, favored terrain (urban +2, water +4), hunter's bond (companions), judgment 1/day, monster lore +2, stern gaze, swift tracker, track +6, wild empathy +10, woodland stride
Combat Gear wand of lesser geas (4 charges);
Other Gear +2 chainmail, +1 flaming scimitar, +1 kukri, mwk heavy crossbow with 20 bolts, belt ofgiant strength +2, cloak of resistance +2, ring ofprotection +1, chain (50 ft.), key ring, silver unholy symbol of Asmodeus, 47 gp

Originally a pirate, Farzam Khorsheed was always noted for having eyes the color ofburished gold, and many said he was so greedy that they were surprised he hadn't gouged Slips of tle Inner Sea out his own eyes to get at the gold in them. Khorsheed's avarice quickly led him from piracy to the Okeno slave trade, and he has been busy capturing other ships' crew and passengers and selling them into slavery ever since.
When the Gray Corsairs sank the WiteDawn, Khorsheedcalled upon Asmodeus, god of slavery, to help him, but only Khorsheed knows exactly what deal he struck with the Prince of Lies. What is certain is that the Wite Dawn emerged from the sinking ashes as the Burnt Safon, and Khorsheed has a newfound ability to use divine magic. Together, theBurntSafon and its captain represent a potent force of slavery on the waters of the Inner Sea.
Khorsheed treats slaving as his divine mandate, and woe betide any who step in his way. He sees everyoneincluding himself and his crew-as potential slaves that
have not yet been clapped in chains, and he believes that with Asmodeus's guidance, he will witness the whole world enslaved by his own hand.
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« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-12-03, 周日 23:18:02 »

------欧腾飞 埃特森,艾吉奥之战, 4713AP
劇透 -   :
"I heard the muffled voice of a lookout saying a ship had suddenly sailed out of a fog. It was upon us in moments,faster than anyone thought possible. Above, we could hear weapons firing, the sounds of battle, the screams of the dying. The noises all died with them. We huddled silently in the darkness, not knowing what would become of us.Perhaps our captors had repelled the invaders.Perhaps both crews had been slain, leaving the ship to drift on the waves with us chained below. Then she opened the door to the hold and found us. She broke my chains, pulled me up into the light, and handed me a sword, still wet with slavers' blood. Her crew taught us to sail the ship that was once our prison, and offered to escort us back home. We said to them, 'Now we are free.Now we will take our ship and sail with you into battle against those who would take our freedom. And together we will prevail."
------Otenfi Etzene,Battle of Ijo,4713AP


背景故事 Background
      灰海盗征用了这艘船,并且交由闵迪拉·艾丝雷琴(Mindirra Ethraikien)指挥,一名前途无量的年轻圣骑士,她在鲸身天使——至高天神使伊丽曼察——成为其守护者后,将船重命名为天鲸号。钢隼指挥官随即命令艾丝雷琴船长带着她的船南下到雅尼梅岛报道,那里是一个秘密的小型舰队集结点,用于破坏从欧克诺向北的奴隶贸易。
      尽管在蝎湾(Scorpion Coast)多次对贩奴船的袭击都十分成功,但艾丝雷琴感受到了她的神祇在呼唤她向西去。在4711年,在多次向上级提出申请后,她被获准率领天鲸号通过奥罗登拱桥,攻击阿卡迪亚洋上的海盗和奴隶贩子。
      在那场战役后不久,艾丝雷琴和她的船员们就回到了奥古斯塔,送一些船员回家,也向海军上将和人民委员会汇报了他们的事迹,随后向艾玛斯(Almas)大学的贾丽斯 艾宾卡特提供了各式的莽吉文物。

劇透 -   :
Named after the merfolk-like agathions, the Cetaceal serves as a symbol of the Andoren tenet of freedom and defends that principle aggressively at sea. The Gray Corsairs who crew the Cetaceal are more than a match for all but the most powerful pirates and slavers.
While sea stories claim the Cetaceal was crafted by the hands of celestials on a river in the Great Beyond, the truth is that its keel was laid in 4699 AR in the Outcast Fishery in Magnimar. Through a series of strange events, both fortunate and foul, the vessel-originally known as the Bountiful Harvest-passed from captain to captain until it finally came into the possession of an overconfident pirate who made the mistake of attacking the Gray Corsair ship Lavieton off the coast of Cape Erebus. The pirate lost the ship and his life in a matter of moments.
  The Corsairs commandeered the vessel and offered its command to Mindirra Ethraikien, a promising young paladin, who renamed it after the celestial beings who serve her patron, the empyreal lord Ylimancha. The Steel Falcons then ordered  Captain  Ethraikien to take her ship south to Yanimere Island, where a small fleet  secretly  gathered to disrupt the flow of slaves moving north from Okeno.
  Despite many successful raids on slave ships along the Scorpion Coast, Ethraikien felt that her patron was callingher west. I4711, afer sending multiple requests to her superiors, she received permission to take the Cetacealthrough theArch ofAroden and attack pirates and slavers in theArcadian Ocean.
  Captain Ethraikien and  her crew spent 2 years in the western waters, attacking dozens of ships and freeing hundreds of slaves. The Cetaceal became a thor in the side of the Shackles pirates and Ombo slavers, and eared the respect of the city council of the abolitionist Mwangi city of Senghor. While this respect has not created an official alliance withAndoran, the fiendly relations make Senghor a safe port for the Cetacealand any crew of whom Ethraikien speaks well.
  In Rova  4713, afer a 4-month campaign resulting in the formation of a small fleet of ships crewed by freed slaves, the Cetaceal led that fleet in a sea battle  between liberated slaves and their Ombo persecutors in the waters near the fishing village of ljo. Though little more than a skirmish, the event became known to Senghori historians as the Battle of ljo.
  Shortly afer the battle, Ethraikien and her crew sailed back to Augustana to take some crewmembers home, report on their exploits to the admiralty and the People's Council, and deliver various Mwangi artifacts to Jalus Ebincott at the University of Almas.
  Captain Ethraikien is anxious to return to Senghor, however. She believes that the key to Andoran's rise to dominance in the Inner Sea lies in developing stronger ties with the settlements ofthe Mwangi Expanse, seeing such arrangements as ways to influence the local governments to give up slavery in favor of other forms of trade. A stronger Andoren presence and rising anti-slavery sentiment would also weaken  Chelish power in the region.
The Cetaceal has not yet faced a Chelish ship, but some among the crew are eager to take aim at such a powerful target.If this small faction of the crew is able to persuade Captain Ethraikien to embrace this plan, the results could be explosive。

舰船数据 Ship Statistic & 船上成员 Ship's Crew
灰海盗 双桅小艇 (帆船)
占据 3 (20 尺 by 85 尺); 成本 21,000 gp
先攻 +4
AC 19; 硬度 7
hp 1,620 (风帆 240)
豁免 +14
最高时速 90 尺 (wind); 加速度 30 尺
远程攻击 箭矢投射器 +13 (3d8/x3), 4轻型弩炮 +9 (4d6)           
CMB +25; CMD 35
撞角伤害 10d8
动力 风帆或水流
航行检定 专业 (水手)
操纵装置 方向盘 (hp 50, 硬度 10)
推进装置 60 平方风帆 (两根桅杆)
甲板层 3
货物/乘客120 吨/120 乘客
巴龙 古尔(绝对中立 男性 人类 德鲁伊[暴风之主] 9级)
水手长 莱斯 芬宁(中立善良 男性 半精灵 游侠 8级)
船长 闵迪拉 艾丝雷琴(守序善良 女性 人类 圣武士[神性猎手] 13级)
副船长 杰德拉 欧迪兰(守序善良 女性 人类 战士[双持战士] 9级)
军械长“三节” 托雷瓦尔(中立善良 男性 人类 专家 2级/游侠 4级)
瓦伦汀 克林顿(中立善良 男性 人类 炼金术师[外科医生] 5级)
34名 灰海盗水手(混乱善良 人类 战士 5)
军备 巨矢型投射器并有20个弹药包,4门轻型弩炮以及100发弹药
改造 大型舵,魔化处理的控制装置, 狭窄船体, 快速装置船帆, 走私舱室, 强化船体
货物 4个掠夺点

巴龙 古尔 Balion Ghor:生于卡蒂亚长于奥古斯塔娜,巴龙从小就热爱着海洋和他成长的家园,所以他最终加入了灰海盗保护他新家园的理想。
水手长 莱斯 芬宁 Boatswain Rais Fennin:莱斯崛起于镣铐岛海岛之中,他成为了一名有天赋的水手和教师,在他因为违抗一条乱命之前,许多船长都寻求他的加盟。后来他逃离了那艘船和镣铐群岛,来到了安多并且加入了灰海盗。他希望克服自己的过去,所以加入黄金军团。
船长 闵迪拉 艾丝雷琴 Captain Mindirra Ethraikien:艾丝雷琴精致的容颜让她看起来像是伊丽曼察的子嗣而非仅是追随者。她是一个严肃而认真的人,但同时也非常关心她的船员们。让某人被误认为是安多安的敌人,是一个可以用来对付她的办法。
副船长 杰德拉 欧迪兰 Commander jedra Oldarin:天鲸号的二把手是一个强有力的女性,令人钦佩的是对于安多安的奉献精神即使是船长也只能自叹不如。
军械官 “三节”托雷瓦尔 Master-at-Arms "Three-Knots" Tolevar:灰海盗会招募“三节”托雷瓦尔是因为他的木工技巧和攻城武器上卓绝才能。虽然他的航海水平还比不上天鲸号上那些最优秀的水手,但是他作为灰海盗受到的训练已经让他远超一般的水手了。
瓦伦汀 克林顿 Valentio Crelton:瓦伦汀是船上的外科医生,但他的才能实则远超过一名普通的医生。

劇透 -   :
Gray Corsair brigantine (sailing ship)
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (20 ft. by 85 ft.); Cost 21,000 gp
lnit +4
AC 19; Hardness 7
hp 1,620 (sails 240)
Save +1 4
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
Ranged arrow springal +13 (3d8/x3), 4 light ballistae +9 (4d6)
CMB +25; CMD 35
Ramming Damage 10d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
Control Device steering wheel (hp 50, hardness 10)
Means of Propulsion 60 squares of sails (two masts)
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 120 tons/120 passengers
Balion Ghor (N male human druid [storm druid"M] 9)
Boatswain Rais Fennin (NG male half-elf ranger 8; see page 22)
Captain Mindirra Ethraikien (LG female human paladin [divine hunter] 13; see page 23)
Commander jedra Oldarin (LG female human fighter [two-weapon warrior] 9)
Master-at-Arms "Three-Knots" Tolevar (NG male human expert 2/ranger 4)
Valentia Crelton (NG male human alchemist [chirurgeon"M] 5)
34 Gray Corsair sailors (CG human fighter 5; see page 22)
Armaments arrow springal with 20 ammunition packs,4 light ballistae with 1 00 bolts
Modifications broad rudder, magically treated control device, narrow hull, rapid-deploy sails, smuggling compartments (2), sturdy hull
Cargo 4 points of plunder

劇透 -   :
The Cetoceols crew consists of 60 men and women, most of whom are Gray Corsair sailors (see page 22). Some of the more prominent members of the crew are described below.
Balion Ghor: Born to Qadiran parents in Augustana, Balion grew to love both the sea and his adopted homeland. He eventually joined the Gray Corsairs to protect the ideals of the new home.
Boatswain Rais Fennin: Rais was raised by pirates of the Shackles, becoming a talented sailor and teacher. Many ship captains sought him out until he defied the orders of the wrong one. Forced to flee the ship and the Shackles, he traveled to Andoran and joined the Gray Corsairs. He hopes to overcome his past and eventually enlist in the Golden Legion. For more information, see page 22.
Captain Mindirra Ethraikien: Ethraikien's exquisite appearance often makes her seem more like a child of Ylimancha than just a follower. She is serious and focused, but cares almost too deeply for her shipmates, a fact that could be used against her if it became known to Andoran's enemies. For more information, see page 23.
Commander jedra Oldarin: The Cetoceols second-incommand is a powerful woman whose admiration for her captain is second only to her dedication to Andoran.
Master-at-Arms "Three-Knots" Tolevar: The Gray Corsairs recruited "Three-Knots" Tolevar because of his carpentry skills and his raw talent with siege weapons. While his seamanship is not equal to that of the best of his shipmates, his training as a Gray Corsair puts him far above an average sailor.
Valentio Crelton: Valentia serves ably as the ship's surgeon; his talents exceed those of a simple sawbones。


1.艉楼甲板 Poop Deck

2.中甲板 Waist Deck
      在前桅杆前部,整个甲板都被一个投射器(springal)所占据,用来发射覆盖敌人甲板的箭雨,一个被固定在桅杆右侧的盒子里装了4包投射器的弹药。船员们可以用一种特制帆布盖住这具兵器,来使其就像是一个普通的盒子或者被放在顶层的货物(察觉 DC 30 可以发现其真正本质)。战斗中,这具投射器由三名水手操纵,另有两名水手负责拉动透索以及弹药供应。

3.军官起居室 Wardroom/Officers' Quarters
      这个艉楼内部的大型隔间同时作为天鲸号四名军官的餐厅和会议室:船长艾丝雷琴,副船长欧迪林,巴龙 古尔以及瓦伦汀 克林顿。在房间的两边,各有两个架子的折叠床。房间的中间是一个桌子和四张椅子,在船尾舱壁上的门旁边有一个橱柜,里面装着盘子、杯子和餐具(比其他船员用的稍微好一点)。在门的另一边是一个书架,里头是航船日志,航海图,和其他航海用具。
      任何在研究图标的人如果成功通过了DC20的察觉检定可以返现一种一张画在一张奇怪的浅绿色兽皮或者羊皮纸上。一个成功通过DC25的知识(地理)检定可以发现图纸描述了一个位于雨浸湿地的地点,位于蛙行河(Frogmarch River)和蟹河(Crab River)之间。图上的标签是用Aklo语(某种黑暗地域的语言)进行字符错位加密过的,通过DC30的语言学检定可以破解这个图上的地点被称为“饥饿之风的巢穴(House of Hungry Winds)”
      下面可以通往前甲板(区域5)的楼梯间有一个隐秘的走私隔间,可以从区域3进入。可以供灰海盗们在被强行登船和搜查时隐藏重要材料和人物(察觉 DC 20).

4.船长的房间 Captain's Stateroom
      这个箱子被一个精良的锁保护着(解除装置 DC 40),并且有伊丽曼察的高阶祭祀释放的陷阱确保其不会落入错误之人的手中。任何没有用艾丝雷琴的那把唯一的钥匙,就尝试打开箱子的生物会受到陷阱的效果。

窃贼的自责陷阱 CR9
类型:魔法 察觉DC33;解除装置DC33

5.艏楼甲板 Forecastle Deck
前甲板上永远会有一名瞭望手,这也是巴龙 古尔最喜欢的睡觉地点,除非当时海上风浪大到会将他从一边甩到另一边去,这种时候他会把自己绑在后桅上享受这种天气。这个古怪的行为某种程度上导致其他船员会尽量当德鲁伊呆在艏楼甲板上时避开那里,但是也从来没有严重到会影响他们无法完整正常的船上作业的程度。

6.射击甲板 Firing Deck
当水手们试图伪装成非军事船只,来减轻敌对势力的监视或者渗透进著名的贩奴港口时,这些弩炮可以拆解并且通过一系列的特殊设计的防水布伪装成一堆普通的木材。在搜查这堆木材的角色可以通过DC 30的察觉检定看破这个诡计,而且这个伪装的木材堆只能用来对抗肉眼检查。

7. 后舱水手宿舍和厨房 Aft Crew Quarters and Galley

8.前舱水手宿舍和储物室 Forward Crew Quarters and Stowage

9.底舱 Bilge

舰船策略 Ship’s Tactics
      进攻时,天鲸号首选会运用骗术,隐藏其身份并且运用天然的或者魔法雾来接近目标而不被发现。巴龙 古尔会运用他的魔法来操纵风向增加优势或者推动船只靠近目标。甲板上的水手会操纵巨矢投射器进行群射来在灰海盗抓到敌船并在登陆前削弱顶层甲板上敌人的数量。
      在第一轮,登船者会在舯甲板面临10名灰海盗以及水手长芬宁和巴龙 古尔,并且他们会得到船长艾丝雷琴的从上面发起的远程攻击支援。一名水手会打开通往主甲板的盖子。底下的水手会使用弩炮射击敌船,以期摧毁敌人的武器并减少地方水手数量。
劇透 -   :
Fast and light, the Cetaceal is neither built nor armed for direct assaults on larger ships. The vessel's strengths lie in its maneuverability and in the talents of its crew. Captain Ethraikien's sailing skills and Boatswain Fennin's tutelage of the crew make this vessel an effective hit-and-run fighter.
Offensively, the Cetaceal first relies on subterfuge, hiding its identity and using natural or magical fog to get close without being seen. Balian Ghor employs his magic to control the winds, gaining the advantage and propelling the ship toward its target. The deck crew leads with volleys from the arrow springal, softening up enemy crew members topside before the Gray Corsairs grapple their foe and climb aboard.
If attacked, the Cetaceal first runs away, using speed and druidic magic to gain distance and time. If she cannot escape, Captain Ethraikien turns to set up for a counterattack. Failing that, the crew members take to their battle stations and prepare to repel boarders.
On the first round, boarders face up to 1O Gray Corsair sailors on the waist deck, supported by ranged attacks from above by Captain Ethraikien, Boatswain Fennin, and Balion Ghor. One sailor lifts the cover from the ladder to the main deck. Sailors below fire ballistae into the attacking vessel, hoping to destroy weapons and reduce the enemy crew's numbers.
The following round, with the ladder uncovered, Valentia throws bombs at anyone standing near the opening on the deck above, making room for more sailors to climb up safely. If his fellow Corsairs are nearby, he throws healing bombs instead.
If the Cetaceal is currently sheltering any freed slaves, the crew do everything in their power to keep boarders away from areas 3 and 6, where the escapees are hidden, and fight to the death.

冒险楔子 Adventure Hooks

阻止灾难 Averting Disaster:安多安的海军官员收到了一条来自天鲸号的消息,他们正在前往拦截并袭击一艘切利亚斯战舰。而切利亚斯很可能会以势不可挡的毁灭性反击来回应对这次无端进攻。玩家是唯一足够靠近并且有能力能够在事情变得无可挽回前,阻止船长实施她那无谋的计划的力量了。

偷藏宝物 Hidden Cargo:天鲸号的水手长芬宁,在不太有利的情况下离开了他的上一艘船。虽然他已经放弃了海盗的生活,但是他仍然保留了一点旧日生活的遗留。他也考虑过卖掉那个他“得到”的奇怪的黄金雕像,但是尚未找到买家。他的前船长知道这个家伙希望卖掉这具雕像,希望玩家们能够登上那艘船帮他取回他的物品,并且最好不要在过程中直接牵连到海盗船长。

错误识别 Mistaken Identity:玩家在夜里受到了一了迅捷而足以致命的攻击,敌船没有悬挂旗帜。在黑暗中,天鲸号的船员错以为玩家的船只是一艘贩奴船或者臭名昭著的海盗船。由于天鲸号不会表露自己的身份,所有玩家们如果想说服敌人停止攻击,必须自己先幸存足够久的时间,来证明自己的身份。
劇透 -   :
Adventre Hooks
As a part of Andoran's navy, the Cetaceal's primary mission is to defend and spread the principles of freedom and liberty. Given that noble cause and the fact that the ship is commanded by a paladin, it is more likely that PCs will be working with the Cetaceal than against it. However, there may be good reasons that even heroes would clash with this famous vessel.
Averting Disaster: Andoren Navy officials have received a message from the Cetaceal informing them that the vessel is en route to intercept and attack a Chelish warship. Cheliax would likely respond to an unprovoked assault with overwhelming, devastating force. The PCs are the only ones close enough-and powerfl enough-to reach the Cetaceal and stop the captain from carrying out her ill-conceived plan before it's too late.
Hidden Cargo: The Cetaceal's boatswain, Rais Fennin, departed his last ship on less than favorable terms. Although he has turned away from the life of a pirate, he brought a piece of that old life with him. He had thought to sell the strange golden statue he "acquired," but has found no buyers yet. Fennin's former captain learned that the freebooter has been trying to sell the statue and wants the PCs to get onboard to recover her property, preferably without directly implicating the pirate captain in the process
Mistaken Identity: The PCs are attacked in the night by a fast, deadly ship that flies no flag. In the darkness, the Cetaceal's crew has mistaken the PCs' ship for a slaver or infamous pirate vessel. The Cetaceal won't identif itself, so the PCs must survive long enough to establish their own identities if they hope to convince their unknown foe to call off the attack.


灰海盗水手 CR 4
XP 1,200
人类 战士 5
混乱善良 中体型 类人生物 (人类)
先攻 +4; 感官 察觉 +1
AC 19, 接触:15, 措手不及 14 (+4护甲, +4敏捷, +1闪避)
hp 42 (5d1O+10)
强韧 +7, 反射 +6, 意志 +3 (+1 对抗恐惧)
防御能力 英勇+1
速度 30 尺
近战 精制短弯刀+7 (1d6+2/18-20), 精制匕首+5 (1d4/19-20)
远程攻击 轻型十字弩+9 (1d8/19-20)
特殊攻击 武器训练 (重刃+1)
力量 12, 敏捷 18, 体质 14, 智力 10, 意志 13, 魅力 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 21
专长 神行步, 闪避, 擅长异种武器 (弩炮), 灵狐步, 攻城技师, 技能专攻 (专业 [水手]), 双武器格斗,武器专攻(短弯刀)
技能特技 +9, 攀爬 +8, 知识 (工程) +8, 专业 (水手) +8, 游泳 +9
语言 通用语
特殊能力 盔甲训练 1
战斗装备 治疗中伤药水(2), 炽火胶(2);
其他装备 精制链甲衫,轻弩(50), 精制短弯刀,精制匕首, 抗力斗篷+1,游泳灵药, 纸牌, 骰子, 78 gp
劇透 -   :
XP 1,200
Human fighter 5
CG Medium humanoid (human)
lnit +4; Senses Perception +1
AC 19, touch 1 5, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 42 (5d1 O+1 0)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3 (+1 vs. fear)
Defensive Abilities bravery + 1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk cutlass +7 (1d6+2/18-20), mwk dagger +5 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +9 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks weapon training (heavy blades +1)
Str 1 2, Dex 1 8, Con 1 4, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 21
Feats Acrobatic Steps, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (ballista), Nimble Moves, Siege Engineer, Skill Focus (Profession [sai lor]), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
Focus (cutlass)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +8, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Profession (sailor) +8, Swim +9
Languages Common
SQ armor training 1
Combat Gear potions of cure moderate wounds (2), alchemist's fire (2);
Other Gear mwk chain shirt, light crossbow with 50 bolts, mwk cutlass, mwk dagger, cloak of resistance +1, elixir ofswimming, cards, dice, 78 gp

莱斯 芬宁 CR 7
XP 3,200
男性 半精灵 游侠 8
中立善良 中体型 类人生物 (精灵,人类)
先攻 +4; 感官 昏暗视觉; 察觉 +15
AC 19, 接触:15, 措手不及 14 (+4 护甲, +4 敏捷, +1 闪避)
hp 56 (8d10+8)
强韧 +7, 反射 +1 0, 意志 +4; +2对抗惑控系,免疫睡眠; 闪电抗力 2
速度 30 尺
近战 精制短弯刀 +9/+4 (1d6/18-20)
远程攻击 +1 轻弩 +13 (1d8+1/1 9-20)
特殊攻击 战斗流派 (十字弓), 宿敌 (邪恶异界 +2, 人类 +4)
游侠法术准备 (CL 5th; 专注 +7)
2nd-树肤术, 风墙
1st-重压之箭, 长距射击
力量 10, 敏捷 18, 体质 12, 智力 8, 意志 15, 魅力 13
Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD 22
专长 十字弓熟稔APG, 闪避, 坚忍, 精通精准射击, 近距射击, 精准射击, 快速装填 (轻型十字弩), 技能专攻 (专业 [水手])
技能攀爬 +11, 威吓 +12, 察觉 +15, 专业 (水手) +16, 生存 +13, 游泳 +11; 种族调整值 +2 察觉
语言 通用语,精灵语
特殊能力 精灵血脉, 偏好地形 (城市+2, 水上+4), 猎手羁绊 (同伴),快速追踪, 追踪+4, 野性认同+9, 穿林步
战斗装备 祝福武器油, 魔化武器油, 朦胧术药水, 猫之优雅药水, 蛛行术药水, 炼银弩矢(20),寒铁弩矢(20);
其他装备 +1电鳗革镶嵌皮甲, +1轻弩,弩矢(50), 精制短弯刀, 精制匕首, 护盾胸针, 抗毒剂, 22 gp
劇透 -   :
XP 3,200
Male half-elf ranger 8
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
lnit +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1 5
AC 19, touch 1 5, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 56 (8d10+8)
Fort +7, Ref +1 0, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep; Resist electricity 2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk cutlass +9/+4 (1d6/18-20)
Ranged +1 light crossbow +13 (1d8+1/1 9-20)
Special Attacks combat style (crossbowAP6), favored enemy (evil outsiders +2, humans +4)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +7)
2nd-barkskin, wind wall
1st-gravity bawAPG, longshot"'
Str 1 0, Dex 18, Con 1 2, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 13
Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD 22
Feats Crossbow MasteryAPG, Dodge, Endurance, Improved Precise Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload (light crossbow), Skill Focus (Profession [sailor])
Skills Climb +1 1, Intimidate +12, Perception +15, Profession (sai lor) +16, Survival +13, Swim +11; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven
SQ elf blood, favored terrain (urban +2, water +4), hunter's bond (companions), swift tracker, track +4, wild empathy +9, woodland stride
Combat Gear ail of bless weapon, oil of magic weapon, potion of blur, potion of cat's grace, potion ofspider climb, alchemical silver bolts (20), cold iron bolts (20);
Other Gear +1 eel hide"' studded leather, +1 light crossbow with 50 bolts, mwk cutlass, mwk dagger, brooch of shielding, antitoxin, 22 gp

闵迪拉 艾丝雷琴 CR 11
XP 1 2,800
女性 人类 伊丽曼察的圣武士 (神性猎手) 12
守序善良 中体型 类人生物(人类)
先攻 +2; 感官 察觉 +8
灵光范围 (1O 尺)
AC 20, 接触:13, 措手不及 18 (+6 护甲, + 1 偏斜, +2 敏捷,+1 天防)
hp 70 (12d10)
强韧 +11, 反射 +9, 意志 +13
免疫魅惑, 疾病,恐惧
速度 20 尺
近战 +1 炼银短弯刀 +14/+9/+4 (1d6+1/18-20) or 精制寒铁匕首 +14/+9/+4 (1d4+1/19-20)
远程攻击 +1 适应复合长弓 +16/+11/+6 (1d8+2/19-20/x3)
特殊攻击 引导正能量 (DC 19, 6d6), 猎者祝福, 制裁邪恶4次/天 (+3 攻击和AC, +12 伤害)
圣武士类法术能力(CL 12th; 专注 +15)
圣武士准备法术(CL 9th; 专注 +12)
3rd-防护邪恶法阵, 祈祷术
2nd鹰之威仪,抵抗能量, 诚实之域 (DC 15)
1 st-祝福术,神恩, 长距射击
力量 12, 敏捷 14, 体质 1 0, 智力 12, 意志 15, 魅力 16
Base Atk +12; CMB +13; CMD 26
专长 运动健将, 致命瞄准, 远距射击, 精通重击 (长弓), 近距射击, 精准射击", 快速射击, 武器专攻 (长弓)
技能攀爬 +4, 交涉 +14, 威吓 +13, 知识 (地理) +7, 察觉 +8, 专业 (水手) +13, 察言观色 +15, 游泳 +14
语言 天界语, 通用语
特殊能力 远程恩惠 (60 尺), 神契 (武器+3, 2次/天), 圣疗 9次/天 (6d6), 恩惠 (疾病, 疲乏, 恶心), 共享精确
战斗装备 火焰箭油, 猫之优雅药水(2), 次级复原术卷轴, 移除麻痹卷轴;
其他装备 +1 秘银鳞甲, +1 适应复合长弓(力量调整值 +1)与五十发箭矢,+1炼银短弯刀, 精制寒铁匕首, 天防护符 +1, 巨力腰带+2, 防护戒指+1, 钥匙环, 伊丽曼察的银制圣徽, 小型猎鹰雕像, 39 gp

      雄鹰骑士是一个坚定地善良组织,致力于废除奴隶制以及在内海传播自由与民主。正是这种改善世界和保护弱者的奉献精神吸引了闵迪拉 艾丝雷琴加入了这个组织。
劇透 -   :
XP 1 2,800
Female human paladin of Ylimancha (divine hunter) 12 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 62)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
lnit +2; Senses Perception +8
Aura care (1O ft.)
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, + 1 deflection, +2 Dex,+1 natural)
hp 70 (12d10)
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +13
Immune charm, disease, fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 alchemical silver cutlass +14/+9/+4 (1d6+1/18-20) or mwk cold iron dagger +14/+9/+4 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged +1 adaptive composite longbow +16/+11/+6 (1d8+2/19-20/x3)
Special Attacks channel positive energy (DC 19, 6d6), hunter's blessing, smite evil 4/day (+3 attack and AC, +12 damage)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1 2th; concentration +15)
At will-detect evil
Paladin Spells Prepared (CL 9th; concentration +12)
3rd-magic circle against evil, prayer
2nd-eagle 's splendor resist energy, zone of truth (DC 15)
1 st-bless, divine favor, longshot
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 1 0, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Base Atk +12; CMB +13; CMD 26
Feats Athletic, Deadly Aim, Far Shot, Improved Critical (longbow), Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot", Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Skills Climb +4, Diplomacy +14, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (geography) +7, Perception +8, Profession (sailor) +13, Sense Motive +15, Swim +14
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ distant mercy (60 ft.), divine bond (weapon +3, 2/day), lay on hands 9/day (6d6), mercies (diseased, fatigued, sickened), shared precision
Combat Gear oil of flame arrow, potions of cat's grace (2), scroll of lesser restoration, scroll of remove paralysis;
Other Gear +1 mithral scale mail, +1 adaptive"' composite longbow (Str +1) with 50 arrows, +1 alchemical silver cutlass, mwk cold iron dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of giant strength +2, ring of protection +1, key ring, silver holy symbol of Ylimancha, small falcon statue, 39 gp
The Eagle Knights are a staunchly good organization tasked with abolishing slavery and spreading feedom and democracy throughout the Inner Sea. It is this dedication to improving the world and protecting the weak that attracted Mindirra Ethraikien to the organization.
Raised in the Andoren fshing village ofTasaroa on the shores of the Inner Sea, Mindirra had always venerated the empyreal lord Ylimancha, who watches over coastlines and fsherfolk, yet she never felt the call to actively serve the Harborwing until one fatefl day in her sixteenth year. A brazen slave ship from Okeno raided the defenseless village, and the desperate cleric in the Ylimanchan temple sent a plea for help with a seagull to any ship in the vicinity.
Just as Mindirra and her family were being placed in manacles by their would-be captors, a Gray Corsair ship arrived, and a squadron of well-trained Steel Falcons quickly dispatched the slavers, sparing the villagers from a terrible fate. Ylimancha had answered her people's call, and Mindirra decided then that she would retur the blessing.
Now in her ffh year as captain of the Cetaceal, Mindirra sometimes fnds the subterfge required of her crew at odds with her lawfl nature, but she understands that such actions are necessary to do the greater good, ensuring no vulnerable village like Tasaroa ever faces the same fate. Captain Ethraikien believes that all creatures deserve freedom and is committed to using every resource at her disposal to ensure that comes to pass.

« 上次编辑: 2018-02-15, 周四 17:29:13 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-12-11, 周一 10:28:39 »

____________ 郑,狐-蛤总号上的商船水手


背景故事 Background
劇透 -   :
Ever since the  Resplendent Phoenix first arrived in Absalom some 3000 years ago, the people of the Inner Sea have been fascinated with the strange and wondrous goods produced in the far-off Dragon Empires of Tian Xia. The first glimpse of a Tian junk in the distance thrills merchants, their wealthy clients, and pirates alike, for all know that when those distinctive sails appear on the horizon, fine silks, exotic spices, and untold treasures are sure to follow. The Hu-HazhonJ may deliver all these things and more,  provided it can survive its arduous  journey.
Long before they became business partners on the Hu- Hazhong, a kitsune alchemist named Sironu and a samsaran druid named Narava served together in the court of Lord Yaobai, a powerfl Lingshenese noble. Sironu was the court alchemist, while Narava's wind magic ensured safe passage through her lord's ports. Although they were competent in their fields, their  non-human  status relegated them to the lowest ranks of the court.  Both were deeply dissatisfied with their stations, and though the reserved and aloof samsaran was nothing at all like the hot-headed and bombastic kitsune, the twofound that their contrasting personalities complemented each other, and they soon became fast fiends. Tey passed evenings with one another, speaking of their  hopes and dreams. For Sironu, this involved amassing wealthand power enough to live in comfort for the rest ofhis days. Narava sought instead to follow in the footsteps of her past lives and explore the world, particularly the strange lands on the other side.
  The opportunity for both to fulfil their dreams came when  Lord Yaobai commissioned a set of seven trading vessels as gifts for his seven children. Sironu knew that Hu, the lord's youngest son, had no taste for sea travel, instead preferring to spend his days rolling dice, drinking,and carousing with courtesans. Sironu also knew that Hu had accrued some gambling debts, and that he might bewgl to part with his fine new ship at a deep discount. Sironu and Narava pooled their savings and made Hu an offer he eagerly accepted.At last, the two had the means to pursue their goals: the Hu-Hazhong.Since they had invested equal shares into purchasing the ship, they tossed a coin to decide who would become captain. Sironu won, and appointed Narava as his first mate and sailing master.
  The new business partners had precious little money to invest in skilled sailors afer purchasing the vessel, so Narava rounded out the crew with people other captains in the area were likely to overlook, hoping that gratitude would make them quick learners.
  The Hu-Hazhong spent a year trading goods around the Lake of Eels, breaking in its inexperienced crew and collecting trade goods for its ultimate journey. Narava had, in a past life as the explorer Sayala, charted a course fom Tian Xia to the distant continents of Avistan and Garund.This course would take the ship through dangerous waters, but delivering the treasures of Tian Xia to the Inner Sea and vice versa would surely reap a tremendous bounty for the merchant vessel.
The journey was more difficult than either could have imagined, yet Narava's guidance from her past lives has carried them through. Though the ship has suffered casualties-eightcrewmembers in all-it has successfully navigated its way to the Inner Sea and is now poised to make landfall within a day.

舰船数据 Ship Statistic & 船上成员 Ship's Crew
占据 3 (25 尺 by 75 尺); 成本 35,250 gp
先攻 +6
AC 17; 硬度 7
hp 900 (风帆 360)
豁免 +13
最高时速 90 尺 (风力); 加速度 30 尺
远程攻击 歼星炮(100d6 火焰和力场)炎蛟炮 (6d6 火焰), 火箭投射器 +5 (3d6 火焰)
CMB +25; CMD 35
撞角伤害 8d8
动力 风力或水流
航行检定 专业 (水手)
操纵装置 舵轮
推进装置 90 平米风帆 (三根桅杆)
甲板层 3
水手长及枪炮主管 巴佬 (混乱中立 男性 天狗 先知 1/战士 2)
船长 司若琉 (混乱中立 男性 狐妖 炼金术师 8)
大副及航海主管 纳若瓦 (守序中立 女性 轮回者 德鲁伊[城镇德鲁伊] 6)
珺锋和荣锋 (中立善良 女性和男性 人类 忍者 4)
纠察长 羽藤史黑部 (绝对中立 男性 人类 武士 5)
16 天洲商船水手(绝对中立 人类 专家 2)
军备 炎蛟炮装载15发弹药(前), 火箭投射器装载5发弹药(后)
改造 大型舵, 增加货仓容量, 快速装置船帆, 丝绸船帆, 走私舱室(2), 强化船体
货物 5个掠夺点
劇透 -   :
Tien merchant vessel (junk)
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (25 ft. by 75 ft.); Cost 35,250 gp
lnit +6
AC 17; Hardness 7
hp 900 (sails 360)
Save +13
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
Ranged firedrake (6d6 fire), rocket springal +5 (3d6 fire)
CMB +25; CMD 35
Ramming Damage 8d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
Control Device tiller
Means of Propulsion 90 squares of sails (3 masts)
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 100 tons/100 passengers
Boatswain and Master Gunner Balao (CN male tenguARG oracleAPG 1/fighter 2)
Captain Sironu (CN male kitsuneARG alchemistAPG 8; see page 31)
First Mate and Sailing Master Narava (LN female samsaranARG druid [urban druid]APG 6; see page 30)
junfeng and Rongfeng (NG female and male human ninja 4)
Master-at-Arms Hatoshi Kurobu (N male human samurai"' 5)
16 Tian merchant sailors (N human expert 2; see page 30)
Armaments firedrake"' with 15 loads of ammunition (fore), rocket springal"' with 5 loads of ammunition (aft)
Modifications broad rudder, increased cargo capacity, rapid-deploy sails, silk sails, smuggling compartments (2), sturdy hull
Cargo 5 points of plunder

水手长及枪炮主管 巴佬 Boatswain and Master Gunner Balao:巴佬和 羽藤史黑部(Hatoshi Kurobu)的坚韧形成了鲜明的对比,他偷偷带了一只天狗汲水樽上船,并且大部分晚上都喝得烂醉,然后宣扬他那“鸟神”的美德。尽管其他航海士都不喜欢他那些不体面的行为,但是巴佬无数次的在旅途中证明了他是一名继承了蛤总意志的优秀的枪手,而且他的汲水尊也多次帮助蛤总号在没法找到自然水源时提供了宝贵的新鲜清水。
船长 司若琉 Captain Sironu:仅仅是名义上的船长,狐妖司若琉会和他的大副共同进行绝大部分的决策。呆在港口时,司若琉通常会伪装成一个明海男性,来避免受到歧视。更多资讯请见31页。
大副及航海主管 纳若瓦First Mate and Sailing Master Narava:作为船长司若琉的长期同伴,纳若瓦同时还是船上的大副和航行主管。每当她被呼唤来咨询时,她总是能基于过往的航海经历提供意见。更多详情请见30页。
珺锋和荣锋 Junfeng and Rongfeng: 他们是一对开朗的姐弟,分别任职狐-蛤总号上的木匠,以及厨师和医生。他们俩曾经被训练成为凌乘服务的刺客,但是无法忍受其主人要求他们进行的暴力和折磨行动。虽然现在他们俩会拒绝在战斗中对任何类人生物施加致命伤害,但他们的协作共同攻击对敌人而言依旧十分棘手。
纠察长 羽藤史黑部 Master-at-Arms Hatoshi Kurobu: 黑部是一名被逐出的诸黑浪人,但是在狐-蛤总号上仍然保持着他的纪律性。尽管他对船员们的战斗操练严厉又无情,但人们仍然赞誉有赖于他的指导这艘船才能幸存至今。
劇透 -   :
TThe Hu-Hazhong originally set out with a crew of 30, though casualties sustained in the journey from Tian Xia to Avistan have reduced its complement to a mere 22. The 16 regular crew members (see page 30) are merchant sailors recruited for their skill at trade as much as their sailing experience. The rigors of their journey have toughened them considerably, however. The ship's officers are as follows.
Boatswain and Master Gunner Balao: Balao, who presents a stark contrast to the stoic Hatoshi Kurobu, secreted a tengu drinking jug aboard ship, and spends most nights slovenly drunk, proclaiming the virtues of his "bird god." Though the other officers resent his shameful behavior, Balao proved himself a capable gunner numerous times on the journey, and his jug helps keep the ship provisioned with fresh water when no natural sources can be found.
Captain Sironu: Captain in title only, the kitsune Sironu shares most command decisions with his first mate. Sironu often masquerades as a Minkai man in port to avoid humans' prejudice. For more information, see page 31 .
First Mate and Sailing Master Narava: Long time companion o f Captain Sironu, Narava serves as both first mate and sailing master. She offers her counsel on seafaring based on experience from her past lives whenever she is called upon to do so. For more information, see page 30.
Junfeng and Rongfeng: These jovial twins serve as the Hu-Hazhong's carpenter and its cook and surgeon, respectively. The two were trained as assassins in service to Lingshen, but could not stomach the acts of violence and cruelty their masters demanded of them. Though the twins now refuse to deal lethal damage to any humanoid in combat, their ability to strike as a team makes them dangerous opponents.
Master-at-Arms Hatoshi Kurobu: Kurobu, a disgraced ronin from Shokuro, maintains discipline aboard the HuHazhong. Though stern and unforgiving, he drills the crew in fighting shape, and many credit the ship's survival to his guidance.

舰船策略 Ship’s Tactics
劇透 -   :
Though armed with an array of alchemical weaponry, the Hu-Hozhong is first and foremost a trading vessel, and so does its best to avoid any threats it faces on the high seas. Narava uses a combination of full ahead and make way maneuvers, relying on her lifetimes of sailing experience to outrun and outmaneuver enemy vessels. So long as they are not engaged in combat, Sironu and Kurobu both spend their turns aiding the sailing master's piloting checks.
Though the captain can craft additional ammunition for the ship's siege engines if supplied with the right materials, such resources are hard to come by on the open seas. For this reason, the Hu-Hozhong's gunners avoid firing on enemy vessels unless they are fired upon first. Led by Balao, the gunners preferentially target a ship's sails and control device, hoping to set the enemy vessel on fire. The gunners cease firing once the enemy ship has caught aflame, attempting to use the distraction of the fire to escape rather than seeking to destroy the enemy ship.
The crew of the Hu-Hozhong shows less compassion when faced with sea monsters and other such inhuman threats, as most of the ship's casualties have come at the hands of such creatures. The gunners attack with full force, and do not cease firing until the attacking creature is dead or the ship's magazines have run dry. The ship does not pursue sea creatures, however, as its fire-based weaponry is less effective at combating aquatic enemies.

1.艉楼甲板 Poop Deck

2.主甲板 Main Deck

3.船长室 Captain's Cabin
船长室装饰奢华,有着上好的丝绸和黑木家具,在房间里侧有一张大床。司若琉晚上会在这里。这个房间里的橱柜中放着本船的航海日志,里头包括船上的所有货物以及过去一年的贸易记录。床脚的一个箱子里包括4瓶治疗轻伤药水,两套礼服,一面描绘海景并点缀着天青石的漆扇价值75gp,以及一个公式蒸馏器(formula alembic)。

4. 航海主管的房间 Sailing Master's Cabin
这个中等大小的房间里稀疏的摆着几样东西,大部分东西都储存在一个紧钉在船体上并牢牢锁上的橱柜里。一个安在甲板上的桌子占据了房间的中心,一个睡垫被卷好横放在靠墙的地方。纳若瓦在睡觉会在这里,或者不需要主动领航时会在这里研究图表。PC们如果搜索这里会发现一个星盘,一个指南针,一架望远镜,许多普通的星图和海图。以及萨雅拉的轮回者祷文图。这种特制的表图饰以轮回者的名字和祷言,作用如同轮回命轮(samsaran life wheel),除了它们还可以在轮回者追随前世的脚步时,在知识(地理)检定上提供一个加值。

5.炼金工作台 Alchemical Lab
这个杂乱的房间里摆放着司若琉所有的炼金装备,效果如同一个工作台,会在手艺[炼金]上提供+2加值。如果在这个房间发生战斗,每回合累计5%的概率,司若琉会敏锐的尝试搅动反应中的药水,在房间中释放一股难闻的烟雾(如同臭云术,DC15)持续1分钟。司若琉白天都会在这里,制作烟火以便在抵达阿维斯坦时销售。在晚上,这个房间的门会被用一把优质的锁锁上(解除装置 DC30),只有船长有这里的钥匙。

6.厨房 Galley

7.船员铺位 Crew Bunks

8.后货舱 Aft Cargo Hold

8a.后货舱隔间 Aft Cargo Compartments

8b.被淹过的船舱 Flooded Cargo Compartment

8c.走私舱室 Smuggler's Compartments

9.军械库 Armory

9a.前货舱隔间 Forward Cargo Compartments

10.弹药库 Magazine

11.航海士的房间 Officers' Cabin
这艘船上的航海士的四个吊床贯穿这个房间。当不需要维护航行时,黑部、巴佬、珺锋和荣锋都会在这里。这个房间的房门会在晚上以普通锁上锁(解除装置 DC25),房间的每个成员以及船长和大副都有这里的钥匙。

劇透 -   :
The Hu-Hazhong is a three-masted junk in the Tian style.It measures 75 feet from bow to stern and 25 feet abeam, and is constructed of the finest of Tian teak.
1 . Poop Deck
A rocket springal is mounted behind the rudder, which sitsin the middle of this raised deck. During the day, Narava and Kurobu are stationed here, and they alternate shifts steering the ship and supervising the crew. At night, a single Tian merchant sailor armed with a crossbow patrols this deck and serves as the lookout. In combat, Balao and three assistant gunners operate the rocket springal from this deck.
2. Main Deck
A single firedrake carved to resemble a stylized lion is mounted on the fore end of this deck. During the day, this deck is crewed by 14 Tian merchant sailors and the boatswain, Balao. At night, three Tian merchant sailors armed with crossbows patrol this deck. Lanterns hanging from both the mainmast and the foremast provide normal light on the deck, while four lanterns hanging from the gunwales provide normal light out to a distance of 60 feet over the water to the port and starboard.
3. Captain's Cabin
The captain's cabin is sumptuously decorated with fine silks and darkwood furniture, including a full bed in the aft corner of the room. Sironu can be found here in the evening. The cabinets in this room contain logbooks written in Senzar detailing the contents of the ship's hold, along with records of all transactions made over the past year. A chest at the foot of the bed contains four potions of cure light wounds, two courtier's outfits, a lacquered fan depicting a seascape and decorated with lapis lazuli stones worth 75 gp, and a formula alembic (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 299).
4. Sailing Master's Cabin
This moderately sized cabin is sparsely appointed, with much of its contents stored in tightly shut cabinets secured to the hull. A large table attached to the deck occupies the center of the room, and a sleeping pad lies rolled up against a wall. Narava can be found in this cabin sleeping or studying her charts when not actively piloting the ship. PCs searching this room find an astrolabe, a compass, a spyglass, numerous mundane star and sea charts, and Sayala's samsaran prayer charts. These special charts are decorated with samsaran names and prayers, and function as a samsaran life wheel (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide i99), except they grant a bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks to follow routes taken by a samsaran in her past life.
5. Alchemical Lab
This cluttered chamber holds all of Sironu's alchemical equipment, which functions as an alchemy lab, granting a +2 bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks. If combat takes place in this room, there is a cumulative 5% chance each round that Sironu's sensitive experiments are agitated to the point of reaction, filling the room with foul smelling smoke (as stinking cloud, DC 15) for 1 minute. Sironu can be found here during the day, crafting fireworks to sell upon arriving in Avistan. In the evening, the doors to this room are locked with good locks (Disable Device DC 30 ), to which only the captain holds the key.
6. Galley
This compartment features a large iron stove connected to a chimney leading to the starboard exterior of the ship. Cabinets filled with cooking utensils line the exterior wall of the compartment, while the aft half of this room holds the ship's supplies of food and water. Rongfeng, the ship's surgeon and cook, works here during the day, often assisted by his sister Junfeng
7. Crew Bunks
The majority of the Hu-Hazhong's crew bunks in this cabin, which is crowded with hammocks and small wooden footlockers
8. Aft Cargo Hold
This large cargo hold stores the majority of the ship's mundane sailing supplies, including rope, spare sails and timber, and various pieces of rigging equipment.
8a. Aft Cargo Compartments
These compartments contain six crated jade statues of famous heroes from Quain, a dozen casks of fine wine from Tianjing, and a chest of colorful silken garments in the style currently fashionable in Hwanggot. Together, these are worth 1 point of plunder.
8b. Flooded Cargo Compartment
This cargo chamber flooded when the ship was blown into a reef during a storm along the southern coast of Casmaron. The damage to the hull was minor, and the flooding was confined to this bulkhead. The hull has since been patched and the water pumped out, but the exotic spices stored here have been ruined by seawater. The PCs can, however, recover a crate of ceremonial Minkai weaponry worth 1 point of plunder.
8c. Smuggler's Compartments
These cargo compartments seem full of nothing but mundane sailing supplies. A successful DC 25 Perception check allows a PC to detect a hidden trap door in the raised keel floor of each compartment, which collectively contain jade jewelry, porcelain wares, gold and silver cutlery, fine silk and gold embroidery thread, coffee from Nagajor, Minkai tea, and masterwork armor and weapons from across the Dragon Empires. These goods are worth 3 points of plunder.
9. Armory
This cabin provides access to the main deck (area 2) via a steep set of stairs. Lockers here hold the ship's complement of personal weapons, including 15 light crossbows, 20 short spears, 200 bolts, and 24 sets of lamellar leather armor. The armory lockers are secured with average locks (Disable Device DC 25), which can be opened by keys held by all of the ship's officers.
9a. Forward Cargo Compartments
These holds collectively carry 14 crates of expertly crafted Lingshenese ceramics and a dozen bolts of fine silk worth a total 900 gp.
10. Magazine
This starboard cargo compartment stores the ammunition for the ship's two siege weapons, and its interior is sealed with a thick layer of wax that prevents water from leaking in and spoiling the ammunition. The magazine currently holds 10 uses of ammunition for the firedrake and 5 uses of ammunition for the rocket springal. In addition, Captain Sironu stores any fireworks that he has completed and that are ready for use here. If the PCs make a brief search of the magazine, they find 30 paper candles (Ultimate Equipment108), eight star candles (Ultimate Equipment 109), four coughing dragons (see page 29),two skyrockets (Ultimate Equipment 109), andtwo flashing fiends (see page 29).
11 . Officers' Cabin
The ship's officers bunk i n the four hammocks strung across this cabin. When not actively running the ship, Kurobu, Balao, Junfeng, and Rongfeng can all be found here. The door to this room is locked at night with an average lock (Disable Device DC 25), with keys held by each of the officers, the captain, and the first mate.
11 a. Officer's Storage
This room contains stout wooden lockers that hold the personal effects of the ship's officers. The lockers are secured with average locks (Disable Device DC 25), and they contain three sets of courtier's clothes, a silverand-pearl holy symbol of Qi Zhong worth 50 gp, and a tengu drinking jug (Advanced Race Guide 167), among other mundane personal effects.

冒险楔子 Adventre Hooks
狐之赏金 Fox's Bounty:姚拜领主被他儿子狐出售狐-蛤总号而激怒了,而为如此好的一艘船被这么贱卖而双倍愤怒!他发誓要夺回船只,取回货物作为对他两个前臣属无耻行径的报复。为此,他在内海的代理人之一雇佣了玩家们来捕获这艘船并活捉司若琉和纳若瓦,让他们能面对正义的审判。

偷渡者 Stowaway:在阿维斯坦卖完了它带来的货物,并且装载上新的货物后,狐-蛤总号开始离开这里,进行返回天夏的危险航程。但是,一名阿维斯坦贵族家庭的孩子在开船前不久偷偷躲上了船里,并且现在就躲在船只的走私舱室里。他的父母确信这些异国人绑架了他们的孩子,并聘请PC们追捕狐-蛤总号,并解救他们的子嗣。

不谐之盟 Uneasy Allies:PC们发现了一条线索可能可以引导他们找到古代阿兹兰特帝国的一件强力神器,但是只有一个知道如何穿过诸多危险水域抵达那片破碎大陆的人,那便是早已逝世多年的轮回者探险家——萨亚拉。PC们知道了纳若瓦是萨亚拉的转生并且保留了这条航线的部分知识。为此,他们必须说服她帮助自己找到神器。即使成功,他们也必须保持警惕,因为司若琉很可能决定将宝藏留给自己。

新型烟花 New fireworks
吐烟飞龙 Coughing Dragon:当点燃后,这个长约一尺的木管开始发出嘶嘶声并可冒出烟雾。一轮后他会以90尺的速度呈直线飞行1d6轮,随后爆发出一股浓厚的彩色烟雾。这个烟花飞行过的每一个方格都会充满烟雾(视为云雾术效果,除了中等或强风都可以用1轮吹散这个烟雾),并且会使爆炸点半径15尺范围内都充满烟雾。这个烟雾会刺激眼睛并且灼烧肺部,一个在充满烟雾的方格开始其回合的生物需要通过一个DC 15的强韧检定,否则就会陷入恶心1d4轮。
闪烁妖焰 Flashing Fiend:点燃时,这个小小的圆锥形焰火发出明亮的白色火花,如同蜡烛般照亮区域。它可以如同泼溅武器般用以掷向某个方格交点。一轮后,它会爆发出闪动的极度强光,持续1d6轮。任何在其15尺内开始回合的生物,必须通过一个DC12的反射检定,否则目盲1d4轮。

劇透 -   :
New fireworks
The following fireworks are new alchemical inventions of Sironu.
Name Weight Cost Craft DC
Coughing Dragon 1 lb. 40 gp 25
Flashing Fiend -lb. 100 gp 30
Coughing Dragon: When lit, this foot-long wooden tube begins to hiss and emit puffs of smoke. One round later it takes flight, moving in a straight line at a speed of 90 feet for ld6 rounds before exploding in a burst of thick, colorful smoke. Each square the firework passes through during its flight fills with smoke (treat the effect as a fo1 cloud spell, except a moderate or stronger wind dissipates the smoke in 1 round), as does an area in a 15-foot radius surrounding the point at which the rocket exploded. This smoke stings the eyes and inflames the lungs, and a creature that begins its turn in a square filled with smoke must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw or be sickened for ld4 rounds.
Flashing Fiend: When lit, this small conical firework emits bright white sparks that illuminate the area as a candle. It can be thrown to target an intersection as a splash weapon. One round later, it begins to emit pulses of extremely bright light for ld6 rounds. Any creature that begins its tur within 15 feet of the firework must succeed at a DC 12 Reflex saving throw or be blinded for ld4 rounds


天洲商船水手 CR 1/2
XP 200
人类 专家 2
绝对中立 中体型 类人生物 (人类)
先攻 -1; 感官 察觉 +6
AC 1 3, 接触:9, 措手不及 13 (+4 护甲, -1 敏捷)
hp 14 (2d8+5)
强韧 +1, 反射 -1, 意志 +4
速度 30 尺
近战 短矛 +2 (1d6+1)
远程攻击 轻弩 +O (1d8/1 9-20)
力量 13, 敏捷 9, 体质 12, 智力 8, 意志 13, 魅力 10
基本攻击加值 +1; CMB +2; CMD 11
专长 技能专攻 (专业 [sailor]), 健壮
技能特技 +2, 估价 +3, 攀爬 +4, 交涉 +5, 察觉 +6, 专业 (商人) +6, 专业 (水手) +9, 察言观色 +6, 游泳 +4
语言 天洲语
战斗装备 治疗轻伤药水, 拌足包;
其他装备 精制皮板鳞甲,轻弩(20弩矢), 短矛, 金戒指(价值20g), 22 gp
劇透 -   :
XP 200
Human expert 2
N Medium humanoid (human)
lnit -1; Senses Perception +6
AC 1 3, touch 9, flat-footed 13 (+4 armor, -1 Dex)
hp 14 (2d8+5)
Fort +1, Ref -1, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee shortspear +2 (1d6+1)
Ranged light crossbow +O (1d8/1 9-20)
Str 1 3, Dex 9, Con 1 2, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 1 0
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 11
Feats Skill Focus (Profession [sailor]), Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +2, Appraise +3, Climb +4, Diplomacy +5, Perception +6, Profession (merchant) +6, Profession (sailor) +9, Sense Motive +6, Swim +4
Languages Tien
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, tanglefoot bag;
Other Gear mwk leather lamellar, light crossbow with 20 bolts, shortspear, gold rings worth 20 gp, 22 gp
纳若瓦 CR 5
XP 1,600
女性 轮回者 德鲁伊(城镇德鲁伊) 6 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 198, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 101)
守序中立 中体型 类人生物(轮回者)
先攻 +6; 感官 昏暗视觉; 察觉 +9
AC 20, 接触:12, 措手不及 18 (+6 护甲, +2 敏捷, +2 盾牌)
hp 36 (6d8+6)
强韧 +6, 反射 +5, 意志 +10; +2对抗死亡效果, 预言效果和惑控效果,对抗负能量效果
防御能力 生命之缚
速度 20 尺
近战 精制短矛 +6 (1d6+1)
远程攻击 精制投石索 +7 (1d4+1)
特殊攻击 风暴冲击 (1d6+3 非致命伤害, 7/day)
德鲁伊法术准备 (CL 6th; 专注 +1 0)
3rd-水牢法球APG (DC 17), 球形闪电 (DC 18), 水流爆发APG, 步步生莲APG
2nd-树肤术, 火焰刀, 炽焰法球 (DC 17), 云雾术, 造风术 (DC 17)
1st-风力变化APG (DC 15), 水流冲击APG, 隐雾术, 燃火术, 海洋之触APG
O (at will)-造水术, 侦测魔法, 神导术, 光亮术
D 领域 :天气
力量 12, 敏捷 14, 体质 11, 智力 10, 意志 18, 魅力 10
基本攻击加值 +4; CMB +5; CMD 17
专长 精通先攻, 法术专攻 (塑能), 健壮
技能交涉 +9, 知识 (地理) +11, 知识 (历史) +7, 知识 (地方) +7, 知识 (自然) +7, 知识 (贵族) +7, 语言学 +1, 察觉 +9, 专业 (水手) +15, 生存 +12; 种族调整值 +2 知识 (地理), +2 专业 (水手)
语言 通用语,德鲁伊语, 轮回语, 天洲语
特殊能力 博学者, 自然纽带(天气领域), 自然智识, 抵抗幻惑, 前世的残片, 千面万相, 野性认同 +6
战斗装备 治疗中伤药水(2);
其他装备 +1 角板鳞甲, +1 轻木盾, 精制短矛,精制投石索(20发弹药), 抗力斗篷+1, 德鲁伊工具包, 32 gp
劇透 -   :
XP 1,600
Female samsaran druid (urban druid) 6 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 198, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 101)
LN Medium humanoid (samsaran)
lnit +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 36 (6d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +10; +2 vs. death effects, divinations,
enchantments, and negative energy effects
Defensive Abilities lifebound
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk shortspear +6 (1d6+1)
Ranged mwk sling +7 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks storm burst (1d6+3 nonlethal, 7/day)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +1 0)
3rd-aqueous orbAPG (DC 17), cl lightning0 (DC 18), hydraulic torrentAPG, lily pod strideAPG
2nd-borkskin, flame blade, flaming sphere (DC 17), fog cloud, gust of wind (DC 17)
1st-alter windsAPG (DC 15), hydraulic pushAPG, obscuring mist°, produce flame, touch of the seoAPG
O (at will)-ceote water detect magic, guidance, light
D domain spell; Domain Weather
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 1 0, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (evocation), Toughness
Skills Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (geography) +11, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Linguistics +1, Perception +9, Profession (sailor) +15, Survival +12; Racial Modifiers +2 Knowledge (geography), +2 Profession (sailor)
Languages Common, Druidic, Samsaran, Tien
SQ lorekeeper, nature bond (Weather domain), nature sense, resist temptation, shards of the past, a thousand faces, wild empathy +6
Combat Gear potions of cure moderate wounds (2);
Other Gear +1 hor lomello!', +1 light wooden shield, mwk shortspear, mwk sling with 20 bullets, cloak of resistance +1, druid's kit"', 32 gp

司若琉 CR 7
XP 3,200
男性 狐妖 炼金术师 8 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 192, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 26)
混乱中立 中体型 类人生物 (狐妖, 变形生物)
先攻 +3; 感官 昏暗视觉; 察觉 +10
AC 1 8, 接触:1 3, 措手不及 1 5 (+5 护甲, +3 敏捷)
hp 63 (8d8+24)
强韧 +8, 反射 +10, 意志 +2; +6 对抗毒素
速度 30 尺
近战 +1 胁差 +6/+1 (1d6+2/18-20), 精制胁差 +6 (1d6/18-20), 啮咬 +2 (1d4) 或 +1 胁差 +8/+3 (1d6+2/18-20) 或 啮咬 +7 (1d4+1)
远程攻击 炸弹 +10/+5 (4d6+2 fire) 或 精制黑木轻弩 +10 (1d8/19-20)
特殊攻击 炸弹 10/day (4d6+2 fire, DC 16)
炼金术师准备化合 (CL 8th)
3rd-c治疗重伤, 英雄气概
2nd-朦胧术, 治疗轻伤, 虚假生命, 浮空术, 防护箭矢
1 st-掷弹手之眼APG, 治疗轻伤, 脚底抹油, 护盾术, 海洋之触APG
力量 13, 敏捷 16, 体质 12, 智力 15, 意志 8, 魅力 12
基本攻击加值 +6; CMB +7; CMD 20
专长 调制药剂, 擅长异种武器 (胁差), 猛力攻击, 随手投掷, 健壮, 双武器格斗
技能特技 +13, 唬骗 +7, 攀爬 +3, 手艺(炼金术) +13, 察觉 +10, 专业 (水手) +8, 法术辨识 +13, 游泳 +3; 种族调整值 +2 特技
语言 通用语,神知语,天狗语,天洲语
特殊能力 炼金术 (炼金造物 +8, 辨识药水), 变身 (中体型类人生物; 变身术), 科研发现 (震荡炸弹 [4d4+2 音波加耳聋], 急速炸弹, 灌注炼成, 精确炸弹 [2格]), 快速切换, 突变药剂 (+4/-2, +2 天防, 80 分钟), 用毒, 迅捷炼金, 迅捷上毒
战斗装备 飞行术药水, 隐身术药水, 强酸(5), 血根草(4剂), 大型蝎子毒 (4剂);
其他装备 +1 暗叶布皮板鳞甲, +1 胁差, 黑木轻弩(20发弹药), 精制胁差, 抗力斗篷+1, 炼金术师工具包, 玉制珠宝价值180 gp, 23 gp

劇透 -   :
XP 3,200
Male kitsune alchemist 8 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 192, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 26)
CN Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
lnit +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
AC 1 8, touch 1 3, flat-footed 1 5 (+5 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 63 (8d8+24)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +2; +6 vs. poison
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 wakizashi +6/+1 (1d6+2/18-20), mwk wakizashi +6
(1d6/18-20), bite +2 (1d4) or
+1 wakizashi +8/+3 (1d6+2/18-20) or
bite +7 (1d4+1)
Ranged bomb +10/+5 (4d6+2 fire) or
mwk darkwood light crossbow +10 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks bomb 10/day (4d6+2 fire, DC 16)
Alchemist Extracts Prepared (CL 8th)
3rd-cure serious wounds, heroism
2nd-blur, cure moderate wounds, false life, levitate, protection from arrows
1 st-bomber's eyeAPG, cure light wounds, expeditious retreat, shield, touch of the seaAPG
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 20
Feats Brew Potion, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (wakizashi), Power Attack, Throw Anything, Toughness, TwoWeapon Fighting
Skills Acrobatics +13, Bluff +7, Climb +3, Craft (alchemy) +13, Perception +10, Profession (sailor) +8, Spellcraft +1 3, Swim +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics
Languages Common, Senzar, Tengu, Tien
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +8, identify potions), change shape (Medium humanoid; alter self), discoveries (concussive bomb [4d4+2 sonic plus deafness], fast bombs, infusion, precise bombs [2 squares]), fast shifterARG, mutagen (+4/-2, +2 natural, 80 minutes), poison use, swift alchemy, swift poisoning
Combat Gear potion of fly, potion of invisibility, acid (5), bloodroot (4 doses), large scorpion venom (4 doses);
Other Gear +1 dorkleaf cloth leather lamellar, +1 wakizashi, darkwood light crossbow with 20 bolts, mwk wakizashi"', cloak of resistance +1, alchemist's kit, jade jewelry worth 180 gp, 23 gp

Where his samsaran friend seeks adventure, Sironu seeks profit. The kitsune was born the son of a poor merchant, and spent most of his youth hawking cheap wares on the street. Eventually he scraped together enough money to buy his first formula book, and taught himself alchemy in order to market elixirs of youth and love potions to the nobel. His skill at making fireworks drew the attention of Lord Yaobai, earning him a place in the nobleman's court. Sironu got a taste of the sweet life in Yaobai's court, and swore from that day on he'd never be poor again.
Sironu's latest venture looks to be his most profitable, but the cost may be too great for the kitsune. Though he has no qualms with risking his own life, Sironu has never before felt so acutely responsible for the lives of others, and is wracked by guit over the death of the eight crew members during the ship's passage to the Inner Sea. He increasingly turns to his work in the ship's alchemy lab to distract him fom his worries.
When he's ashore marketing the ship's goods, Sironu often takes the form of his human persona-a Minkai man with bushy gray eyebrows and a balding patesince he has little trust that strangers will treat him with respect. He may also take on this guise when negotiating at sea ifenemies haven't yet seen his kitsune form.
« 上次编辑: 2019-01-27, 周日 11:30:47 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-12-16, 周六 15:43:26 »
“三个船长,三艘船——我们认为自己突破封锁的几率相当不错。戴斯娜怕是翅膀都要笑掉了。在我们看到红黑色风帆像风中的恶魔一样扑向我们时,我们甚至没能离开平奇(Pinch)。赛风号(Windracer)逃向海岸线,寄希望于利用浅滩来摆脱追猎者——但它来不及跑那么远。我看间一个身影从不沉号上飞出,剑光闪耀,并着陆在赛风号上。她一瞬间就把“光杆”威廉和他的舵手砍倒了,随后将船调转过来对准我们。阿卡迪亚之王号(Arcadian King)的船员们陷入了恐慌,他们夹在地狱和那条失去指挥官的船之间。我指挥着自己的船在为时已晚之前赶紧掉头回港,背后的风呼啸着带来了身后战斗的声音。我只回了一次头,为了向我的朋友们做最后道别。”
————————风暴袋号船长 安恩·利达内,现停于佩扎克。
劇透 -   :
“Three captains, three ships - we'd figuted our chances of running the blockade were pretty good. Desna must've been laughing her wings off at that. We weren't even out of the Pinch before we saw those black-and-red sails bearing down on us like devils on the wind. The Windracer made a run for the shore line, thinking to lose its pursuers in the shoals - but it never got that far. I saw a lone figure fly from the Impervious, her sword ablaze, and land on the Windracer. That woman cut down OI'“Bare Poles”Willam and his helmsman in a blink, and then turned the ship hard, steering it back toward us. The crew of the Arcadian King was in a panic, caught between Hell and a vessel with no commander. I managed to gert my own ship turned around and back into the harbor before it was too late, but the wind carried the sounds of the brief battle behaind me. I only looked back once to say farewell to good friends.”
————————Captain Aern Liddane of the Stormbag,currently moored in Pezzack

尊敬的地狱女皇的战舰“不沉号”是一艘切利亚斯风帆战舰。建造于臭名昭著的佩扎克封锁开始之前,这艘四桅战舰已经为了切利亚斯的利益而执行过多次任务了。不沉号在沃瑞尔·塔米纳瑞( Vorrea Talminari)的指挥下,她是一位严厉无情的船长,她凭借自己英勇、智慧以及维持封锁期间的冷酷无情为自己赢得声望。无论是持续检查叛乱的火苗是否燃起还是驱逐那些海上来的海盗祸害,不沉号是一个象征地狱女皇女王阿波罗盖二世掌控力的再显眼不过的标志,即使她本人远在艾格里安的王座之上。

背景故事 Background
      它是同级战舰中的第二艘,不沉号的龙骨最初是在4689 AR进行安放的,但是建造一直到4691年中才延期完工。当时,切利亚斯官员声称是由于叛军的破坏行动导致的延期,但是大部分民众将问题归咎于效率低下的官僚组织和供应链问题。真实情况介于两者之间,两个原因的共同作用导致了建造工作的延期。
     得益于她的技艺和勇气,这位英勇的中校得到了不沉号的指挥权和等阶女伯爵的贵族头衔。这艘战舰因汇报这次奇怪的战斗而被召回,并且对其武器和防御进行了额外升级,随后被指派至伽伦德以西的水域,用于保护切利亚斯的贸易,猎杀那些偷盗货物的海盗以及试图解放奴隶的私掠船。不沉号上有一只地狱骑士的特遣队,但是船员们并不确定原因。只有船长和副执榜官凯洛斯 维恩(Paralictor Karross Venn)知道原因,但是他们没说过。船上的牧师,诵经者罗特罗沃 佩拉瓦里(Lector Rotrovo Peravali)对于被排挤在圈子之外非常不快。所以他只会对地狱骑士副执榜官勉强表示一丁点的尊重。
劇透 -   :
Her Infernal Majestrix's ship Impervious is a Chelish man-o' -war. Built just before the infamous blockade of Pezzack began, this four-masted vessel has seen service on a number of missions in support of Chelish interests. The Impervious sails under the command of Vorrea Talminari, a stern and merciless captain who earned her reputation for bravery, cleverness, and ruthlessness while maintaining the blockade. Whether keeping the fires of rebellion in check or driving the scourge of piracy from the seas, the Impervious is an unmistakable symbol of the influence Queen Abrogail II holds even far from her throne in Egorian.
The second ship of its class, the Impervious's keel was first laid in 4689 AR, but delays in construction prevented completion until the middle of 469i. At the time, Chelish ofcials claimed the delays were the result of insurgent sabotage, but most laypeople blamed the problems on inefcient bureaucrats and supply line problems. The truth lies somewhere in between, as both reasons contributed to the delay.
When the Impervious was at last ready to sail, the ship's crew was hand-chosen from the best, most loyal sailors in the Imperial fleet. They departed almost immediately upon completion of their initial maneuvers to patrol the Hespereth Strait. In 4710, the Impervious was reassigned to join Governor Sawndannac's fleet in the blockade of Pezzack. The man-o'-war was a critical part ofthe blockade and remained in the area for nearly 2 years, destroying a dozen blockade runners and capturing at least twice that many.
On 22 Neth, 4712, the Impervious attacked an unnamed, unflagged ship that attempted to enter Pezzack. The mysterious ship's crew was obviously ready for a fight, and the Impervious's captain was slain in battle. His secondin-command, Commander Vorra Talminari, took charge and led the Chelish crew to victory. Every member of the enemy ship who survived the battle used poisoned tooth capsules to commit suicide, leaving no explanation of why they were trying so hard to get into Pezzack.
For her skill and valor, the brave commander was given command of impervious and the noble title of Paracountess. Te ship was recalled for debriefing about the strange battle, modified with additional upgrades to its armaments and defenses, and then reassigned to the waters west of Garund, where it defends Chelish trade and hunts pirates who would steal cargo and privateers who would attempt to free slaves. The Impervious has a contingent of Hellknights aboard, but the crew isn't exactly sure why. Only the captain and Paralictor Karross Venn know, but they aren't saying. The ship's priest, Lector Rotrovo Peravali, is quite unhappy about being lef out of the loop. As a result, he barely manages to show the Hellknight paralictor a modicum of respect.
Peravali's lack of information on the Hellknights' motivations is a source of amusement to the entire crew, who are largely distrusting of the secretiveAsmodean priest. The lector has the reputation aboard as being a spy for someone in the church ofAsmodeus or political parties in Egorian, and the fact that it's openly known that he can't discern this particular secret makes him even more dedicated to whatever true mission the church of Asmodeus has assigned him aboard the Impervious.

舰船数据 Ship Statistic & 船上成员 Ship's Crew

切利亚斯 风帆战舰 (帆船)
占据 4 (40 尺 by 1 20 尺); 成本 131,300 gp
lnit +1
AC 21; 硬度 14
hp 3,321 (风帆 1,280)
豁免 +15
最高时速 90 尺 (风力); 加速度 30 尺
远程攻击 16  精制轻型弩炮 +12 (4d6)
CMB +27; CMD 37
R撞角伤害 10d8
动力 风力或水流
航行检定 专业 (水手)
操纵装置 舵轮 (hp 50, 硬度10)
推进装置 160 平方风帆 (4 桅杆)
甲板层 5
货物/乘客105 吨/132 成客
船长 等阶女伯爵 沃瑞尔 塔米纳瑞 (守序中立 女性 中年 人类 魔战士 16)
副官 安德烈 莱格迪 (守序邪恶 男性 人类 望族 2/专家 3/战士 9)
诵经者 罗特罗沃 佩拉瓦里 (守序邪恶 男性 人类 阿斯摩蒂斯牧师 14)
中尉 盖丽达 马克丽 (守序邪恶 女性 人类 战士 5)
100 切利亚斯 水兵队 (守序中立 人类 游侠[散兵] 6)
58 船员或水手
军备 16 精制轻型弩炮 400发弹药
改造 额外船员舱室,大型舵, 延长龙骨, 船艏像 (1,000 gp), 附魔操纵装置, 附魔船体, 附魔风帆, 撞角, 快速装置船帆, 丝绸船帆, 强化船体, 木质防护板
货物 6 掠夺点
劇透 -   :
Chelish man-o'-war (sailing ship)
Colossal ship
Squares 4 (40 ft. by 1 20 ft.); Cost 131,300 gp
lnit +1
AC 21; Hardness 14
hp 3,321 (sails 1,280)
Save +15
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
Ranged 16 mwk light ballistae +12 (4d6)
CMB +27; CMD 37
Ramming Damage 10d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
Control Device steering wheel (hp 50, hardness 1 0)
Means of Propulsion 160 squares of sails (4 masts)
Decks 5
Cargo/Passengers 105 tons/132 passengers
Captain Paracountess Vorrea Talminari (LN female middle-aged human magus"M 16; see page 39)
Commander Andrei Leggaldi (LE male human aristocrat 2/expert 3/fighter 9)
Lector Rotrovio Peravali (LE male human cleric of Asmodeus 14; see page 38)
Lieutenant Gerida Markoli (LE female human fighter 5)
100 Chelish marines (LN human ranger [skirmisherAPG] 6)
58 officers and sailors
Armaments 16 mwk light ballistae"' with 400 bolts
Modifications additional crew quarters, broad rudder, extended keel, figurehead (1,000 gp), magically treated control device, magically treated hull, magically treated sails, ram, rapid-deploy sails, silk sails, sturdy hull, wooden plating
Cargo 6 points of plunder

不沉号上承载了170个灵魂:船长,随船牧师,15名航海士,45名水手(守序中立 人类 专家 4),一只地狱骑士小队,以及100个切利亚斯马润。
船长 等阶女伯爵 沃瑞尔 塔米纳瑞 Captain Paracountess Vorrea Talminari:塔米纳瑞将她的一生都奉献给了切利亚斯海军。她通过顽强的毅力和无与伦比的智慧赢得了自己的地位。虽然他受命将诵经者佩拉瓦里也视为船上的一员,并且有时也会询问他的意见,但是她对其出现对船员们造成的影响十分的愤怒。

副官 安德烈 莱格迪 Commander Andrei Leggaldi:副官莱格迪是一个马西尼城郊小贵族的儿子。他渴望权利并不断地寻求能获得诵经者佩拉瓦里的青睐的方法。

诵经者 罗特罗沃 佩拉瓦里 Lector Rotrovio Peravali:佩拉瓦里是随船牧师,一名狂热的阿斯摩蒂斯信徒。虽然诵经者的职责是协助船长维持船上的纪律与秩序,但是大部分船员相信他的真实目的是找出并且报告教会和政府的潜在敌人。

中尉 盖丽达 马克丽 Lieutenant Gerida Markoli: 中尉马克丽是军队的指挥官,为船长塔米纳瑞负责培养和训练船上的水兵队。

副执棒官 凯洛斯 维恩 Paralictor Karross Venn (守序中立 男性 人类 战士 5/地狱骑士 5):副执棒官 维恩不是一个典型的地狱骑士,在他身周弥漫的是一种严峻的高贵而非仅是傲慢的氛围。四名地狱骑士(守序邪恶或守序中立 人类 战士5/地狱骑士2)以及两个地狱骑士侍从(守序中立 人类 战士2)跟随他,所有的人都是界门骑士团的成员。只有他和船长真正知道地狱骑士出现在不沉号上的任务。
劇透 -   :
The Impervious carries 170 souls: the captain, the ship's priest, 15 officers, 45 sailors (LN human expert 4), a contingent of Hellknights, and 1 00 Chelish marines.
Captain Paracountess Vorrea Talminari: Talminari has devoted her life to the Chelish Navy. She earned her position through dogged persistence and unmatched resourcefulness. She is under orders to include Lector Peravali as part of the ship's company and even seeks his advice on occasion, but she deeply resents the effect his presence has had on her crew. See page 39 for more information.
Commander Andrei Leggaldi: Commander Leggaldi is the son of a minor noble with holdings on the outskirts of Macini. He craves power and constantly seeks to gain Lector Peravali's favor.
Lector Rotrovio Peravali: Peravali, the ship's priest, is a zealous disciple of Asmodeus. Though the lector's orders are to help the captain maintain discipline and order, most of the crew suspect that his true role is to root out and report potential enemies of the church and state, which contributes to a growing sense of paranoia onboard. See page 38 for more information.
Lieutenant Gerida Markoli: Lieutenant Markoli is the commander of troops, responsible to Captain Talminari for the training and discipline of the marines onboard.

舰船策略 Ship’s Tactics
劇透 -   :
When in naval combat, Captain Talminari stands next to the wheel. She makes all Profession (sailor) checks to maneuver the ship, while her helmsman uses the aid another action.
She first places the Impervious upwind of enemy vessels to increase her chances of gaining the upper hand, then moves to the bow of sailing ships to make raking attacks from stem to stern to take out the enemy's masts. She similarly targets the oars of rowing vessels, but prefers to strike from astern to avoid getting rammed. Once a vessel is disabled, she closes for boarding, putting the marines to work mopping up enemy crews, while keeping her sailors on the Impervious for maneuvering and defense.
Captain Talminari rarely flees and continues attacking until it is clear that her ship will be boarded. She then calls marines topside, hoping to take the fight to the other ship first. Even if the Impervious is boarded, the enemy will face her, 20 marines, and 1O sailors when they first land on deck.
In the first round of shipboard combat, sailors attack with crossbows while marines engage in melee. Captain Talminari gives directions to her helmsman, then moves to engage the nearest foes.
The following round, Lector Peravali enters combat from area 5. Paralictor Venn and his Hellknights arrive from below. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew assembles near the armory, takes up arms and prepares to engage the enemy.
In round three and beyond, marines assume positions near the topside ladders to help reinforcements get up on deck. Sailors either join the melee or use crossbows to prevent enemy reinforcements from getting aboard the Impervious.
If they are losing the fight topside, crew members hole up in area 1 5, hoping to fend off the enemy until another Chelish ship arrives to assist them.

冒险楔子 Adventre Hooks

神秘使命 Mysterious Errand: 有来自探索者协会的消息称界门骑士团可能获得了一把可以解封一大笔宝藏的魔法钥匙,并且这枚钥匙可能与安弗雷克堡底下的神秘大门的谣言有关。骑士团已经确定了这把钥匙对应大门的位置,并且不沉号已经在发掘宝藏的路上了,协会需要那把钥匙以及宝藏位置对应的信息。

水手,书记,间谍 Sailor, Scrivener, Spy:安多安迫切的希望能够将佩扎克里的自由之民们从切利亚斯暴政的枷锁中拯救出来,但是他们的海军无法直面与切利亚斯的冲突。PC们接受到一位黄昏之爪(Twilight Talons)代理人的联系,负责定位并且登陆不沉号。之后他们需要找到并且复制下来船上的航海日志。安多安将会利用情报针对切利亚斯防御中最薄弱的情况下袭击这艘船,来努力将目标从佩扎克中带出来。

异见者 Dissention:尽管她已经为帝国效忠了多年,船长塔米纳瑞见识了太多直接证据说明阿斯摩蒂斯教会是如何伤害她的船员,推而广之,她的国家。她想要叛逃,但是她知道如果她只是孤身逃离,那些她关心的家里人会遭多大罪。她通过某些途径辗转雇佣了玩家们来配合进行一次攻击以掩护她的逃离。如果成功了,那么他们将同时赢得这艘船和它的船长,但是他们必须在其他切利亚斯海军找到并报复他们前,立刻赶到一个安全的避风港中。
劇透 -   :
A Chelish man-o'-war is a tempting target for anyone wishing to strike a blow against Her Infernal Majestrix's diabolical might, but here are some other reasons characters might encounter the Impervious.
Mysterious Errand: Sources in the Pathfinder Society have learned that the Order of the Gate possesses a magical key that unlocks a great treasure and may be tied to the rumors of a mysterious gate beneath Citadel Enferac. The order has located the door the key opens, and the Impervious is already en route to recover the treasure. The Society wants both the key and information about the treasure's location.
Sailor, Scrivener, Spy: Andoran wants desperately to free the people of Pezzack from the yoke of Chelish tyranny, but its navy cannot face Cheliax in direct conflict. The PCs are contacted by a representative of the Twilight Talons and tasked with locating and boarding the Impervious. Tere they must find and copy down the ship's log books. Andoran will then use the intelligence to plan attacks on ships in the places where Cheliax's defenses are at their weakest in an effort to draw resources away from Pezzack.
Dissention: Despite her years of loyalty to the empire, Captain Talminari has seen direct evidence of how the church ofAsmodeus has harmed her crew and, by extension, her country. She wants to defect, but knows that the people she cares about at home will suffer if she simply deserts. Her intermediaries hire the characters to coordinate an attack on the Impervious to provide cover for her escape. If they succeed, they'll win both the vessel and the captain, though they must then rush to a safe port before the rest of the Chelish Navy finds them and retaliates.

船体描述 Ship Description(这是一艘典型的克拉克船)


1.前甲板 Foredeck

2.桅楼 Crow's Nests

3.艉楼甲板 Poop Deck

4.露天甲板 Waist Deck

5.军官起居室  Wardroom

6.船长房间 Captain's Cabin
房间中这张朴素而舒适的床与这套颇有年份的黑木高背椅的书桌相得益彰。一个秘密夹层在一个底部衬铅的书桌抽屉里,可以打开到包含了舰船所有航海日志的异次元空间,可以追溯到它的第一次航行。抽屉上挂着一把精良的锁(解除装置DC 40),但是异次元空间的开启需要通过船长钥匙打开并且同时用炼狱语说出关键字。如果有时间可以研读这些文件,日志中包含了丰富的切利亚斯海军行动的知识,包括几个切利亚斯海岸上的秘密的军事港口的位置,还有一个隐藏在森格霍尔南边的丛林之中。

7.船尾廊台 Balcony

8.高级包间(佩拉瓦里的房间) State Room (Peravali's Quarters)
这个小房间装饰的富丽堂皇,正由阿斯摩蒂斯牧师享用着。这个房间本应属于副官莱格迪,但是他被诵经者佩拉瓦里赶走了。房门上安装着优质门锁(解除装置DC 30),而里头的空间则受到一个CR14的重伤术陷阱保护着。除了佩拉瓦里以外的任何人只要没有说出阿斯摩蒂斯的三条教义都会触发这个陷阱。他的小桌子上散落着各种文件,包括一本上锁的书,其中记录了船上一些成员的行为和态度,包括船长塔米纳瑞,用于评估他们对阿斯摩蒂斯教会和切利亚斯的忠诚度。

9.厨房及厨师房间 Galley and Cook's Quarters

10. 主甲板 Main Deck
在这里, 不沉号的16门大型弩炮正处于船上军械官团队的精心维护下。四台支架矗立在船只中间,分别靠在桅杆的两侧,每个装载有24发弹药(足够弩炮组全力开火3轮)。战斗中,32名枪炮士官会在这里操作弩炮,军械官会指导他们,还会有8名水手从货舱(区域18)为他们进行弹药补给。

11.航海士卧室 Officers' Quarters

12.地狱骑士的房间 Hell knights' Quarters

13.监禁室 Brig

14.杂物间 Stowage

15.后船员宿舍区 Aft Crew Berthing
这个区域中住着绝大部分船上的水手。这里十分拥挤并且汗臭味浓重。这个房间的门可以从内侧上锁,并且通过一个DC20的察觉检定可以发现发现他们在这里装了隐藏的屠孔(murder holes)。这个房间可以被用作一个安全物来防御任何接近的敌人。

16.军械库 Armory

17.前船员休息室 Fore Crew Berthing

18.货舱 Cargo Hold
劇透 -   :
Ship Description
The Impervious is among the most heavily fortified ships in Cheliax's formidable navy. It's also among the largest, stretching 120 feet from bow to stern, with a beam of 40 feet. Its black-and-red varnished hull is nigh impenetrable (giving credence to the vessel's name), and its billowing sails on four masts make for an intimidating sight rising over the horizon.
The weather decks of the Impervious is meticulously cleaned, but its surface is anything but shiny. One of the improvements in the vessel's design was to embed a thin layer of rough sand in the wood. While the sand has no effect on checks to move about a pitching deck, it provides friction that grants a +4 circumstance bonus on skill checks or saving throws against slipping or falling.
1 . Foredeck
The deck of the forecastle is used mainly for lookouts and as a staging area prior to boarding other vessels.
2. Crow's Nests
Crow's nests are mounted 20 feet above the waist deck. One of the ship's boats-the captain's gig-is stowed between the crow's nests, hoisted into place by block and tackle and lowered during storms or when needed.
3. Poop Deck
The ship's wheel and compass stands on the forward part of this deck. This masterwork compass is worth 300 gp and grants a +4 competence bonus to Survival checks and to Profession (sailor) checks made to navigate a ship.When she's not in her cabin or out inspecting the rest of the ship, Captain Talminari can be found here, directing the helmsman from her raised chair and overseeing the activities on the deck below.
4. Waist Deck
The waist deck is almost always abuzz with activity, as at least 15 sailors perform a variety of tasks. A dozen marines are also scattered about the deck, either maintaining or practicing with their weapons. At night, some sailors bring bedrolls topside and sleep on the deck rather than in the crowded berthing areas (areas 15 and 17).
5. Wardroom
This is the primary meeting and dining space for the officers. It's furnished with a long table and eight chairs, and the flag of Cheliax hangs on the forward bulkhead. A sideboard at one end of the space holds a set of fine dishes and silverware for formal occasions, as well as more durable wooden dishes for daily use. Another cabinet holds dried meats and fruits as well as some hard cheeses and bread.
6. Captain's Cabin
While the ship's previous captain maintained a richly appointed cabin, Captain Talminari dispensed with most of the needless decorations after she took command. Her tastes are utilitarian, making a clear statement that she's first and foremost a sailor and that her noble title has in no way changed her.
The room's plain but comfortable bed is offset by a desk made of aged darkwood and a matching high-backed chair. A secret compartment in the bottom of one lead-lined desk drawer can be opened to reveal an extradimensional space containing all of the ship's log books, dating back to its first voyage. The drawer has a superior lock (Disable Device DC 40 ), but the extradimensional space can only be accessed by unlocking the drawer with the captain's key while speaking a command word in Infernal. For those with the time to peruse them, the logs hold a wealth of knowledge about
Chelish naval operations, including the locations of a few secret military seaports along the coast of Cheliax as well as one hidden in the jungle south of Senghor.
A bookshelf lines the forward bulkhead, containing a variety of tomes about navigation, a series of charts for various ports around the Inner Sea region, several treatises on magic, jars and boxes of spell components, and Talminari's spellbook.
7. Balcony
This is a private retreat for the captain and her guests, where they can enjoy the ocean breeze and perhaps a cigar with Chelish brandy. Occasionally, the captain invites Lector Peravali to perform Asmodean rites here instead of on the weather decks.
8. State Room (Peravali's Quarters)
This small cell is richly appointed, as befits a cleric of Asmodeus. This cabin should belong to Commander Leggaldi, but he has been displaced by Lector Peravali. The door has a good lock (Disable Device DC 30) and the space within is protected by a CR 14 harm trap (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 422), triggered when anyone other than Peravali enters the room without speaking three lines from The Asmodean Disciplines. His small desk contains a variety of papers, as well as a locked book containing notes about the behavior and attitudes of certain crew members, including Captain Talminari, assessing their loyalty to the church of Asmodeus and to Cheliax.
9. Galley and Cook's Quarters
The ship's cook uses this pair of cabins. The starboard space is the galley, where he prepares meals for the captain, officers, and crew. It contains a wood-burning stove, cooking utensils, pots and pans, a spice rack, and a selection of foodstuffs from the ship's stores. The other space is his sleeping quarters, which doubles as a storage area for dry goods and other ingredients, including a large barrel of citrus fruits.
10. Main Deck
Here, the Impervious's 16 Large ballistae are carefully maintained under the leadership of the ship's master-at-arms.Four racks stand amidships, one on either side of each mast, holding 24 bolts each (enough for 3 rounds of fire from the ballistae). During combat, 32 gunner's mates man the ballistae, while the master-at-arms directs them, and eight more sailors retrieve additional bolts from the hold (area 18) as needed.
11 . Officers' Quarters
Nine of the Impervious's officers, including Lieutenant Markoli, share this space as their living and sleeping quarters. The space is fitted with bed racks for eight, but the most junior officer now sleeps in a hammock strung on one side to make room for Commander Leggaldi. While the junior officers are extremely unhappy with this arrangement, Commander Leggaldi is quick to silence any grumbling for fear of insulting the lector.
12. Hell knights' Quarters
These spaces are normally assigned to more senior officers, but have been given to Paralictor Venn and his fellow Hellknights. Venn shares the starboard-side cabin with his two lieutenants, while the remaining Hellknights and armigers share the port side room.
A small chest in Paralictor Venn's room contains a silver box without hinges or a hasp.It's etched with a variety of geometric symbols, as well as a band of seemingly random, nonsensical Dwarven runes. The box radiates a strong aura of abjuration magic, but resists further identification.
13. Brig
Located on the second deck, the brig consists of two large cells crafted of strong steel bars, quite capable of holding prisoners of any sort. The cells were recently refurbished and upgraded with superior locks (Disable Device DC 40). The ship's masterat- arms and two other sailors stand guard here at all times when the brig is occupied. Since the brig is also used to discipline crew members, at least one of the cells typically holds two or three sailors or marines for misconduct.
14. Stowage
This locker holds a variety of tools and materials for cleaning and maintaining the ship.
15. Aft Crew Berthing
This space houses the majority of the ship's sailors. It is cramped and smells strongly of sweat. The doors of this cabin can be barred from the inside, and a successful DC 20 Perception check reveals that they are fitted with hidden murder holes. This cabin can be used as a safe room, from which defenders can attack anyone approaching.
16. Armory
The door is locked with a good lock (Disable Device DC 30); the master-at-arms and the boatswain each have a key. Inside are racks containing 20 crossbows (along with crates containing 400 crossbow bolts), 40 daggers, 20 masterwork boarding pikes, and 20 masterwork cutlasses.
17. Fore Crew Berthing
The forward compartment is just as cramped and smelly as the aft berthing. Embarked marines sleep, eat, and socialize here. At least 25 marines will be here at any one time.
1 8. Cargo Hold
The Impervious's hold doesn't normally carry trade goods, but it does contain valuable materials for the maintenance and preservation of the massive warship. Notably, there are sheets of silk (450 square yards worth 1,500 gp) to repair or replace the sails, cords of hardwood, rope, pitch, enough spare parts to build eight working ballistae, and 300 ballista bolts. This is in addition to the usual provisions of food, water, and ale necessary to support the ship.


罗特罗沃 佩拉瓦里 CR 13
XP 25,600
男性 人类 阿斯摩蒂斯牧师 14
守序邪恶 中体型 类人生物(人类)
先攻 +1; 感官 察觉 +7
AC 22, 接触:11, 措手不及 21 (+7 护甲, +1 敏捷, +1 天生防御, +3 盾牌)
HP 94 (14d8+28)
强韧 +12, 反射 +7, 意志 +16
速度 20 尺
近战 +1 精金轻型硬头锤 +16/+11 (1d6)
远程攻击 +1 轻弩 +12 (1d8+1/19-20)
特殊攻击 引导负能量 6次/每天 (DC 20, 7d6), 律理之杖 (7 轮, 2/每天)
领域类法术能力 (CL 14th; 专注 +19)
8/天-复制幻象 (14 轮), 秩序之触
随意-大师幻觉 (14  轮/每天)
牧师准备法术 (CL 14th; 专注 +19)
7th-渎神之语 (DC 22), 律言 (DC 22), 群体治疗重伤
6th-剑刃护壁 (DC 21), 增距焰击术 (DC 20), 怪物定身术 (DC 21), 增距怪物召唤术五
5th-虚假景象, 焰击术 (2, DC 20), 法术抗力, 真知术
4th-困惑术 (DC 19), 防死结界, 高等魔化武器 (2), 秩序之怒(DC 19), 邪影击 (DC 19)
3rd-治疗重伤, 解除魔法, 反混乱法阵, 反善良法阵, 增距粉碎音波 (DC 17), 水面行走
2nd-阵营武器 (秩序), 熊之坚韧, 牛之力量, 治疗中伤(2), 抵抗能量
1st-惊恐术 (DC 16), 神恩 (2), 丧志术(DC 16),地狱治疗, 防护混乱, 虔诚护盾
O (at 意志)-出血术 (DC 15), 造水术, 修复术, 稳定伤势
力量 8, 敏捷 12, 体质 12, 智力 13, 意志 20, 魅力 16
基本攻击加值 +10; CMB +9; CMD 20
专长 警觉, 导能打击, 法术增远, 引导之手, 说服者, 抄写卷轴, 选择导能, 健壮
技能唬骗 +13, 交涉 +15, 医疗 +15, 威吓 +5, 知识 (位面) +11, 知识 (宗教) +18, 察觉 +7, 察言观色 +26, 法术辨识 +18
语言 通用语
战斗装备 治疗中度伤药水 , 治疗中度伤卷轴 , 治疗重伤卷轴 (3), 群体治疗重伤卷轴 , 精金弩矢 (50), 炼银弩矢 (50);
其他装备 +2 鳞甲, +2 轻盾 , +1 精金轻型硬头锤, +1 轻弩, 天防护符 +1, 抗力斗篷 +2,
心灵力量头带+2 (意志,魅力), 钥匙环,银制阿斯摩蒂斯邪徽, 碎玉 (250 gp), 眼药水 (250 gp), 87 gp

作为一个欧斯坦索郊区磨坊主的儿子,罗特罗沃 佩拉瓦里早年一直梦想着过上显著,有影响力并且有权力的生活。当他还是一个年轻人,他就坚持不懈的提早完成磨坊中的工作,然后挤出时间花一个小时到欧斯坦索的神殿中聆听阿斯摩蒂斯牧师的教导。他最终得以摆脱磨坊,将其毕生献给谎言王子,并且终于爬到了权力阶层,为他赢得了不沉号上的这个位置。
劇透 -   :
XP 25,600
Male human cleric of Asmodeus 14
LE Medium humanoid (human)
lnit +1; Senses Perception +7
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+7 armor, +1 Dex, +1 natural, +3 shield)
hp 94 (14d8+28)
Fort +1 2, Ref +7, Will +16
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 adamantine light mace +16/+1 1 (1d6)
Ranged +1 light crossbow +1 2 (1d8+1/19-20)
Special Attacks channel negative energy 6/day (DC 20, 7d6), staff of order (7 rounds, 2/day)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +19)
8/day-copycat (14 rounds), touch of law
At will-master's illusion (14 rounds/day)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 14th; concentration +19)
7th-blasphemy (DC 22), dictum0 (DC 22), mass cure serious wounds
6th-blade barrier (DC 21), enlarged flame strike (DC 20), hold monster° (DC 21), enlarged summon monster V
5th-false vision°, flame strike (2, DC 20), spell resistance, true seeing
4th-confusion° (DC 19), death ward, greater magic weapon (2), order's wrath (DC 19), unholy blight (DC 19)
3rd-cure serious wounds, dispel magic, magic circle against chaos0, magic circle against good, enlarged shatter (DC 1 7), water walk
2nd-align weapon (law only)0, bear's endurance, bull's strength, cure moderate wounds (2), resist energy
1st-cause fear (DC 16), divine favor (2), doom (DC 16), inferal healing'swG, protection fom chaos0, shield of faith
O (at will)-bleed (DC 15), create water, mending, stabilize
D domain spell; Domains Law, Trickery
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 16
Base Atk +1 0; CMB +9; CMD 20
Feats Alertness, Channel Smite, Enlarge Spell, Guided Hand, Persuasive, Scribe Scroll, Selective Channeling, Toughness
Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +15, Heal +15, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (planes) +11, Knowledge (religion) +18, Perception +7, Sense Motive +26, Spellcraft +18
Languages Common
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of cure moderate wounds, scrolls of cure serious wounds (3), scroll of mass cure serious wounds, adamantine
bolts (50), alchemical silver bolts (50);
Other Gear +2 scale mail, +2 light steel shield, +1 adamantine light mace, +1 light crossbow, amulet of natural armor +1, cloak of resistance +2,
headband of mental prowess +2 (Wis, Cha), key ring, silver unholy symbol of Asmodeus, crushed jade (250 gp), eye ointment (250 gp), 87 gp

A miller's son from the outskirts of Ostenso, Rotrovio Peravali dreamed of a life of importance, influence, and power from an early age. As a young man, he strove tirelessly in the mill to complete his work early, giving him time to make the hour-long journey to Ostenso to hear the teachings of the priests of Asmodeus in the temple there. He eventually lef the mill and dedicated his life to the Prince of Lies, and has risen to a position of authority that has earned him his place on the Impervious.

沃瑞尔 塔米纳瑞 CR 15
XP 51,200
女性 中年人类 魔战士 16 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9)
守序中立 中体型 类人生物(人类)
先攻 +1; 感官 察觉 +8
AC 21, 接触:12, 措手不及 20 (+8 护甲, +1 偏斜, +1 敏捷, +1 敏捷)
HP 95 (16d8+20)
强韧 +1 3, 反射 +8, 意志 +12; +2 对抗恐惧
速度 20 尺
近战 +1 公理短弯刀 +17/+12/+7 (1d6+6/1 5-20) or 精制轻型硬头锤 +16/+11/+6 (1d6+3)
远程攻击 精制轻弩 +14 (1d8/19-20)
特殊攻击 高等法术战斗, 精通法术战斗, 法术战斗 (-2 攻击, +2 专注, 双倍加值), 法术打击
魔战士准备法术 (CL 16th; 专注 +19)
6th-连环闪电  (DC 19)
5th-寒冰锥  (DC 18), 酸蚀术 , 翱翔天际
4th-黑触手, 高等地狱治疗, 火墙术, 音墙术
3rd-闪现术 , 飞行术 , 力场钩链, 充能之拳  (2, DC 16), 闪电束 (DC 16)
2nd-朦胧术 , 猫之优雅 , 极寒之触  (2), 灼热射线  (2)
1 st-谨慎步伐, 冻伤(2), 水流冲击, 护盾术 , 电爪
O (随意)-酸液飞溅, 眩晕术 (DC13), 侦测魔法 , 闪光术  (DC13), 冰冻射线
力量 17, 敏捷 13, 体质 13, 智力 17, 意志 11, 魅力 13
Base Atk +12; CMB +15 (+17 卸武); CMD 27 (29 对抗卸武, 31 对抗闯越, 31 摔拌)
专长 战斗施法, 寓守于攻, 重击专攻, 卸武重击, 额外奥能力池, 严守纪律, 精通重击 (短弯刀), 精通卸武,灵狐步, 武器专攻 (短弯刀), 武器专精 (短弯刀)
技能特技 +8 (+12维持平衡, +11跳跃), 攀爬 +14, 飞行 +11, 威吓 +12, 知识 (奥秘) +14, 知识 (工程, 地理) +11, 察觉 +8, 专业 (水手) +19, 法术辨识+22, 游泳 +11
语言 通用语,炼狱语,混通语
特殊能力 奥能力池(13点,+4), 反制击, 战斗训练(战士等级8), 重甲擅长, 精通法术唤回, 知识力池, 魔战士奥能 (奥能精准, 精神集中, 重击施法, 急速袭击, 力池打击+6d6), 中甲擅长
战斗装备 治疗中伤药水, 水上行走药水;
其他装备 +2 平衡次等护命灵活胸甲, +1公理短弯刀, 精制轻弩(20发弩矢), 精制轻型硬头锤, 天防护符+1, 体能腰带+2 (力量,体质), 抗力斗篷, 感知头带+2, 防护戒指 +1, 法术书, 法术材料包
严守纪律(Focused Discipline):沃瑞尔塔米纳瑞在对抗所有恐惧效果(fear effects)时的豁免检定获得+2加值。每当恐惧效果以沃瑞尔 塔米纳瑞为目标并且未能影响到她(无论是由于成功的豁免检定还是由于免疫恐惧),她在对抗使用该恐惧效果未遂的生物时,攻击检定,武器伤害检定与CMB检定均获得+2士气加值,持续1轮。
劇透 -   :
XP 51,200
Female middle-aged human magus 16 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +8
AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +1 deflection, +1 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 95 (16d8+20)
Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +12; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 axiomatic cutlass +17/+12/+7 (1d6+6/1 5-20) or mwk light mace +1 6/+11/+6 (1d6+3)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +14 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks greater spell combat, improved spell combat, spell combat (-2 attack, +2 concentration, double bonus), spellstrike
Magus Spells Prepared (CL 16th; concentration +19)
6th-chain lightning (DC 19)
5th-cone of cold (DC 18), corrosive consumption"M, overfond flight
4th-block tentacles, greater inferal heoling'swG, wolf of
fire, wolf of sound"M
3rd-blink, fly, force hook chorge"M, force punch"M (2,DC 16), lightning bolt (DC 16)
2nd-blur, cot's grace, frigid touch"M (2), scorching ray (2)
1 st-adjuring step, fostbite"M (2), hydraulic pushAP6, shield, shocking grasp
O (at will)-ocid splash, doze (DC 1 3), detect magic, flare (DC 1 3), ray of frost
Str 17, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 13
Base Atk +12; CMB +15 (+17 disarm); CMD 27 (29 vs. disarm, 31 vs. overrun, 31 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Critical Focus, Disarming StrikeAP6, Extra Arcane Pool"M, Focused Discipline, Improved Critical (cutlass), Improved Disarm, Nimble Moves, Weapon Focus (cutlass), Weapon Specialization (cutlass)
Skills Acrobatics +8 (+12 to maintain balance, +11 to jump), Climb +14, fly +11, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge (engineering, geography) +11,
Perception +8, Profession (sailor) +19, Spellcraft +22, Swim +11
Languages Common, Infernal, Polyglot
SQ arcane pool (13 points, +4), counterstrike, fighter training (fighter level 8), heavy armor proficiency, improved spell recall, knowledge pool, magus arcana (arcane accuracy, concentrate, critical strike, hasted assault, pool strike +6d6), medium armor proficiency

Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of water walk;
Other Gear +2 balanced light fortification agile breastplate, +1 axiomatic cutlass, mwk light crossbow with 20 bolts, mwk light mace, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of physical might +2 (Str, Con), cloak of resistance +2, headband of inspired wisdom +2, ring of protection +1, spellbook, spell component pouch
Focused Discipline Captain Talminari gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against fear effects. Whenever a fear effect targets her and fails to affect her (either because of a successful saving throw or because of immunity to fear), she gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and combat maneuver checks against the creature that attempted to use the fear effect on her for 1 round. (This feat originally appeared on page 286 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Ses World Guide.)
« 上次编辑: 2018-02-15, 周四 18:01:09 由 丞相 »

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Rua!我们!强!Rua!海妖之乱号(KRAKEN'S SPITE)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-12-27, 周三 22:06:16 »

——海妖之乱号的航行主管 谢尔·斯纳里布朗,谦卑的请求欧克诺的萨瓦什·安·马蒂船长投降
劇透 -   :
“Our keel is seasoned with salt and battle-sweat. Our mast boasts trophies from a hundred slaver ships. I have watched boneless arms rise like serpents from the churning sea, longer than the oaken masts they crushed in their coils! My warriors have defeated drowned men who staggered at us with axes in their hands and crabs where they once had eyes! We have cloven stroms in twain and tamed the winter wyrm! We have sailed to the hallowed halls of eternal kings and back again. We are storm-washed and battle-hardened, and neither serpent nor slaver has tested our mettle and lived!”

“We have survived the wreth of nameless gods, and the valkyries themselves guide my steel! Do you heed my words? Look upon the Stormcleavers! Death had her taste of us, and she spat us out! Did you truly think your teeth sharper than hers”
————Steermaster Kjell Snarribrand of the Kraken's Spite, humbly requesting the surrender of captain Siavesh al-Madhi of Okeno


背景故事 Background
      于 4709 年,破碎湾之王 [蛮横者]英吉曼德尔(Ingimundr the Unruly)派出了一只长船舰队来劫掠内海地区,摆脱其竞争者白色艾斯崔德(White Estrid)的胜利带来的阴影,进行了这次尝试。不幸的是,这支舰队没能达成目的。
      当这只舰队靠近玛格尼玛时,一场反常的风暴翻腾着于满天繁星之中横空出世,将半数的舰船吹向大海。而另一半则没有那么好运了。这场风暴将大量的长船击沉并且导致数以十计的船只搁浅。舰队的残骸碎片散落在自女士火炬(Lady's Light,玛格尼玛南部半岛末端的一座雕像)到罗德里克湾(Roderick's Cove,位于谜语港南)之间的数百里瓦瑞西亚海岸线上。
      海妖之乱号的水手们是那场超自然风暴的幸存者,他们将其称呼为“利维坦之怒”(Leviathan's Wrath)。他们最近距离的目睹了那次风暴,并宣称看见过海量的触手从海中升起摧毁船只并将那些嘶喊着的勇士们拖入他们宿命的深渊——他们坚称对于任何单一的海怪来说,那些触手显得过多过大了。
劇透 -   :
In 4709 AR, Ingimundr the Unruly, King of Broken Bay, launched an armada of longships to pillage the Inner Sea, a vainglorious attempt to overshadow the victories of his rival, White Estrid. Unfortunately for Ingimundr's legacy, however, the fleet never reached its destination.
As the armada closed in on Magnimar, a freak storm boiled out of starry skies, blowing half the fleet out to sea. The other half was not so fortunate. The storm sank longships by the score and drove dozens more aground, leaving wrecks scattered across hundreds of miles of the Varisian coast, from the Lady's Light to Roderick's Cove.
The sailors of the Kraken's Spite are survivors of that unnatural hurricane, which they cal the Leviathan's Wrath. Those who were nearest to the eye of the storm claim to have seen a mass of tentacles rise up to crush ships and drag shrieking warriors to their doom-too many and too large, theyinsist, to have belonged to any single kraken.
Before the storm, Kjel Snarribrand was just a conscripted raider and apprentice shipwright. When he woke in the surf the morning after, his determination and braggadocio quickly made him the leader of a gang ofragged survivors. They spent months collecting castaways and scavenging parts from wrecks from which to build a new ship.
By autumn, the crew had built a new longship from the corpses of lngimundr's fleet, and after much debate, Kjel dubbed it the Kraken'Spite. Fatefully,while out searching for supplies, Kjell met another displaced Ulfen with no ties to the fleet: an ex-slave named Asta who was herself traveling north after obtaining her freedom. Asta joined the crew when they set sail, and she and Kjel soon fell in love.
Kjell made two declarations as captain that remain contentious among his crew even today. First, they would turn their backs on the greed of distant kings, holding no loyalties outside the ship. Second, out of respect for Asta's bitter experience and Desnan beliefs, they would renounce pillaging and slave-taking, instead hunting any slaver ships they encountered.
Five years later, the crew of the Kraken's Spite still consists primarily of veterans of that tumultuous journey. Once conscripted reavers subject to the whims of King Ingimundr, they now serve no master and call no land their home. Yet the old ways die hard, and some in the crew still insist the only true path to fortune and glory is raiding. Even those who aspire to better things are always itching for action.
Kjel and his council, admiringly called the Valkyries by the crew, lead through sheer force of personality and tests of courage. While predominantly active in the Steaming Sea, the ship recently returned from a voyage to Arcadia, with treasures and tales from the foreign land as proof of its crew's accomplishments.

舰船数据 Ship Statistic & 船上成员 Ship's Crew
占据 3 (20 尺 by 75 尺); 成本 13,000 gp
先攻 +1
AC 14; 硬度 5
hp 675 (桨手 400, 风帆 240, 船舵 25)
豁免 +15
最高时速 30 尺 (人力), 60 尺 (风力), or 90 尺 (人力及风力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +18; CMD 28
撞角伤害 10d8
动力 人力、风力或水流
航行检定 交涉或威吓 (人力) or 专业 (水手) (风力或水流)
操纵装置 舵柄 (控制板)
推进装置 40名桨手, 30 平米风帆(1桅杆)
甲板层 1
货物/乘客5 吨/100 乘客
阿斯塔 欧姆斯多特(中立善良 女性 人类 盗贼[特技大师] 2/诗人 3)
阿特利 高德雷森(绝对中立 男性 熊人后裔兽态人 游侠 2)
格朗基尔的萝塔 (混乱中立 女性 狐德菈 战士 2)
航海主管 谢尔 斯纳里布朗(混乱中立 男性 人类 野蛮人[掠海者] 8)
[螺纹刀] 瓦尔格达 (混乱中立 女性 人类 古拉姆牧师 6)
47名 风暴切割者 (混乱中立 人类 武者 3)
改造 附魔风帆,撞角,走私舱室(2)
货物 2 点掠夺点
劇透 -   :
Ulfen dragon ship (longship)
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (20 ft. by 75 ft.); Cost 13,000 gp
lnit +1
AC 14; Hardness 5
hp 675 (oars 400, sails 240, tiller 25)
Save +15
Maximum Speed 30 ft. (muscle), 60 ft. (wind), or 90 ft. (muscle and wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +18; CMD 28
Ramming Damage 1 0d8
Propulsion muscle, wind, or current
Sailing Check Diplomacy or Intimidate (muscle) or
Profession (sailor) (current or wind)
Control Device tiller (steerboard)
Means of Propulsion 40 oars, 30 squares of sails
(one mast)
Decks 1
Cargo/Passengers 5 tons/100 passengers
Asta Ormsdotter (NG female human rogue [acrobatAPG] 2/bard 3)
Atli Gudrunson (N male werebear-kin skinwalker ranger 2; Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood at the Moon 6)
Rota of Grungir (CN female huldra04 fighter 2)
Steermaster Kjell Snarribrand (CN male human barbarian [sea reaver] 8; see page 47)
Valgerda Thread-Cutter (CN female human cleric of Gorum 6; see page 46)
47 Stormcleavers (CN human warrior 3; see page 46)
Modifications magically treated sails, ram, smuggling compartments (2)
Cargo 2 points of plunder


阿斯塔 欧姆斯多特 Asta Ormsdotter:阿斯塔是谢尔的妻子,她的每一处都如同真的女武神一般。她出生于南部沼泽(林诺姆地名,位于格伦基尔森林以南)但是在一场家族战争中被卖为奴隶,在它重获自由并自己向北回家前,曾在卡塔佩什劳役多年。她是一位黛丝娜的信徒,教导大道之上有奇迹,她也是这些船员能从狂热嗜血变得爱好旅行的主要因素。

阿特利 高德雷森 Atli Gudrunson:他是在这艘船最近准备探索阿卡迪亚时加入的最新成员,由于对其先祖那有诸多神话的故乡的好奇而加入船只。到目前为止,他还没有给人形成太深的印象。他现在是船上的厨师,主要职责是在海妖之乱号登陆时,领导狩猎活动。

格朗基尔的萝塔 Rota of Grungir: 萝塔曾经是一艘被“利维坦之怒”所摧毁的长船上的奴隶,被强迫每天为船长提供好运气。当谢尔的幸存者团队找到萝塔并摧毁了她身上的寒铁锁链,他们获得了萝塔的好感。她是个奇怪而任性的家伙,喜欢传统但是又沉迷于旅行。船员们更多的将其视为命运的使者而非是一名航海士。

航海主管 谢尔 斯纳里布朗 Steermaster Kjell Snarribrand:他是海妖之乱号上的船长,同时也是阿斯塔 欧姆斯多特的丈夫,谢尔 斯纳里布朗充分利用了他的一切,在他自己拼凑的长船上,他将目光放在了更伟大的掠夺,荣耀以及冒险上。更多信息请见47页。

螺纹刀 瓦尔格达 Valgerda Thread-Cutter: 一个可怕的家伙,瓦尔格达是船上的战斗牧师以及战术家,拥有一双可以敏锐评估潜在敌人实力的锐眼。惯例上,他有10个法术用在补充船上有限的食物和水上。更多信息请见46页。
劇透 -   :
The Kraken' Spite's full crew complement is 52, and all either are Ulfen or have ties to the Linnorm Kingdoms. The common sailors, who call themselves the Stormcleavers (see page 46), follow the lead of the steermaster (captain) and his navigational council, who are known as the Valkyries. The ship's officers are listed below.
Asta Ormsdotter: Asta is Kjell's wife, and she looks every bit a valkyrie. She was born in Southmoor but sold into slavery during a clan war, and toiled for years in Katapesh before regaining her freedom and working her way north. A devotee of Desna, she teaches the wonder of the open road, and is the primary force shiftng the crew's bloodlust to wanderlust.
Atli Gudrunson: The crew's most recent addition joined the crew during their visit to Arcadia, curious to see his forebears' much-mythologized homeland. So far, he's not overly impressed. As he's the ship's cook, his primary responsibility is leading hunts for game when the Kraken' Spite makes landfall.
Rota of Grungir: Rota was a prisoner aboard a longship smashed by the Leviathan's Wrath, forced to provide its captain with good luck. When Kjell's band of survivors rescued Rota and broke her cold iron chains, they gained her favor. She is a strange and capricious creature, fond of the old ways but enthralled by travel. The crew see her less as an officer and more as an emissary of fate.
Steermaster Kjell Snarribrand: The captain of the Kraken' Spite and husband of Asta Ormsdotter, Kjell Snarribrand has made the most of his lot, and in his
patchwork longship, he sets his sights ever on greater plunder, glory, and adventure. For more information, see page 47.
Valgerda Thread-Cutter: A grim figure, Valgerda is the ship's war priest and battle tactician, with a keen eye for the prowess of potential foes. In practice, her spells of ten go toward replenishing the ship's limited supplies of food and water. For more information, see page 46.

船体描述 Ship Description

1. 船首 Bow
当船只在航行时,一直会有一名瞭望手驻扎在船头,高耸的舷墙可以对舷外的攻击形成掩蔽。阿斯塔 欧姆斯多特大部分时间在这里,热切的凝望着地平线,给船员们讲述传奇故事并且带着他们唱些小调。

2.桨手长椅 Rowing Benches

3.控制台 Steerboard

4.航海主管的休息室 Steermaster's Retreat
与其说它是船舱,不如说这是一个狭窄的木质围栏, 这里是谢尔和女武神们不需要工作时休息的地方,但是他们很乐意放弃他们的房间来供生病的水手或者慷慨的乘客使用。谢尔的休息室里堆满了他旅行中精心挑选过的纪念品,都是些有价值的战利品或者瓦瑞西亚海岸搜集的不祥的漂浮物。通过一个DC20的察觉检定可以发现甲板上在一堆发臭的毛皮下有一个隐藏的面板。这个面板打开可以一个独立的隔间,谢尔在那里头储存着船上最值钱的货物。
劇透 -   :
The dragon ship Kraken's Spite measures 75 feet in length from stem to stern. It has a single deck, and its shallow draf allows it to traverse oceans and rivers with equal ease. The hull is planked in Varisian oak, but the ship's skeleton-its keel, ribs, mast, and more-was salvaged from the wreckage ofKing Ingimundr's hubris. The ship's name is proudly emblazoned on the bow in Skald runes, but close inspection finds a dozen or more names-Ocean Mist, Wyrm's Tooth, Valen's Spear, and others-scratched into scavenged timbers by respectfl survivors. Here and there, the wood still bears scars lef by tentacle suckers the size offeasting platters.
1 . Bow
The Kraken's Spite's mostunusual feature is its two-headed draconic figurehead. One ornately carved linnorm's head looms high over the bow, staring out over the sea in the usual fashion of Ulfen longships, but a second head rides directly beneath it, jutting out from the prow just above the waterline. Among their many wild tales, the sailors claim that the two heads represent a fearsome tarn linnorm, sometimes adding that the figurehead can magically animate itself to snap at foes. In truth, Kjell's band of survivors simply salvaged two intact figureheads from the wrecks they found on the Varisian coast. The crew's stubborn factions were unable to agree on which to abandon, and ultimately incorporated both into the keel. Their claims of magic are not entirely unfounded, however. The lower head, a particularly malevolent-looking wyrm salvaged from the wreck ofthe Sea Shadow, has proven unnaturally resilient and is now used as the ship's ram, "biting" other vessels without need for snappingjaws.
While the ship is underway, a lookout is always stationed at the bow, where high bulwarks provide cover against attacks originating from overboard. Asta Ormsdotter spends much ofher time at this post, eagerly watching the horizon while regaling the crew with fanciful tales or leading them in bawdy songs.
2. Rowing Benches
Up to 40 Medium sailors can crew the oars here in packed conditions, 20 rowers to a side. When not in use, the oars are stowed along the center ofthe ship, stacked alongside two dozen harpoons, grappling hooks, coils of rope, and other common tools. The rowers sit on water-resistant sea chests where individual sailors store their personal gear. Between the oarlocks, wooden hooks allow the crew to secure heavy shields along the gunwales (or to remove them) as a standard action. A shield mounted on the rail provides cover to rowers seated directly behind it.
A single mast rises 35 feet above the deck, bearing a square-rigged sail with broad red and white stripes. Magically enhanced to seize the wind, this rig was another major find for Kjell's scavengers. The huldra Rota spends most of her time on duty near the mast, relaying orders fore and af. Each time the Iraken's Spite defeats a slave ship, Rota adds a set of shackles to a growing chain slowly coiling its way up from the foot of the mast.
All hands report for duty when the oars run out, but traveling under sail requires far less exertion. When the ship is at rest, the crew sleep between their benches, bundled in fur-lined bedrolls crafed to comfortably hold two or more people. Predictably, the crew have little respect for concerns ofprivacy or hygiene.
The main deck is sectional. Each 5-foot-square panel can be lifed up to access the cramped hold below. Clearing and removing a deck panel requires a fullround action and provokes attacks of opportunity; removing a section of the deck turns that space into difcult terrain.
The Kraken's Spite's limited cargo space makes long, uninterrupted sea voyages impractical without magical aid, so the crew prefers to hug coastlines or hop between islands while underway. Whenever possible, they beach the ship at night, camping, hunting, and inspecting the hull on shore before leaving with the tide.
3. Steerboard
A long side-rudder is affixed to the gunwale here. Though the rudder has no magical properties, Kjell never leaves his lovingly carved steerboard unattended. A crew member guards the steerboard even when the ship is at rest. Kjell and his second, Valgerda Thread Cutter, alternate the duty of piloting the ship from here, where they can keep a firm hand on the tiller, help brace the sail, and bellow commands to the rest of the crew.
4. Steermaster's Retreat
Less a cabin than a cramped wooden enclosure, this is where Kjell and the Valkyries rest while off duty, but they readily surrender their shelter for the benefit of ailing sailors or well-paying passengers. Kjell's retreat is cluttered with eclectic mementos of his travels, be they valuable trophies or ominous flotsam collected from the Varisian coast. A successful DC 20 Perception check reveals a concealed panel in the deck beneath piles of sour-smelling furs. This panel opens onto an isolated compartment in the hold where Kjell stores the ship's most valuable cargo.

舰船策略 Ship’s Tactics
劇透 -   :
The Kraken' Spite carries no siege engines; its greatest weapon is its crew, who are never more elated or united than when some sea monster or ship of malcontents decides to test their mettle. Because the ship has only a single deck, all hands can be ready for battle within minutes of sighting another vessel.
Kjell's vikings have no fear of storms and often try to lure vessels into rough seas before confronting them in shipto-ship combat. When battle is joined, the Stormcleavers fill the sails and lean on the oars, lunging forward at full speed to ram, grapple, and board the enemy.
The Kraken' Spite's Stormcleavers surge over the rails as soon as they can, using Improved Overrun to shove defenders aside. While these raiders take on the common crew, Kjell and his Valkyries focus on officers and anyone else who looks particularly imposing. Kjell opens combat by raging and, if possible, skewering enemies with his harpoon before yanking them into the sea. In subsequent rounds, he leaps across the gap, hoping to bypass defenders at the rails and reach their leaders. The Valkyries follow on his heels, focusing on supporting Kjell, each other, and their crew with magic healing, bardic performance, and drawn steel.
Kjell or Valgerda calls for retreat if overwhelmed, but they may overextend themselves to try to rescue fallen comrades, and Kjell fights to the death to defend his wife Asta. Kjell and his crew hold grudges-if they survive a defeat, they're likely to stalk the ship that bested them, hoping for a chance at vengeance.

阿卡迪亚的宝藏  Treasures of Arcadia
      在4713年夏天,海妖之乱号的船员们自发的探索冲入了神话国度瓦伦哈拉的大门。向西航行穿过北阿卡迪亚洋,在那个秋天,他们抵达了古代乌尔芬人的殖民地瓦伦港,并且找到了一个由乌尔芬人和阿卡迪亚人组成的小镇。不顾瓦伦港的人民抗议,船员们自行步行前往参观林诺姆诸王的安息之所。他们漫无目的的在森林中游荡,希望能有机会穿过神秘的瓦伦哈拉的面纱,但是他们被一群精类生物拦住了,袭击他们的探险队并且驱逐他们回去。不管怎么进行赞美,威胁或吹嘘,都无法打动阻拦他们前进的精类,但罗塔的调解至少防止了冲突的发生。返程后,沮丧的船员们花了整个冬天去探索瓦伦港以南的海岸和水道。探险队闯进了一对曾经是人类萨满的有着固态冰块心脏的冰心精(metee-kolen-ol,a race of evil wizards with hearts of ice,北美神话怪物,P子世界中尚未出版)的宿怨之中。在击败了他们后,船员们自己找到了萨满精心挑选的宝藏,并且于春天返回了阿维斯坦。

掠夺:海妖之乱号的掠夺物取决于他最近的战斗或者沿途停靠的港口。这条船刚刚从卡阿迪亚返回,并且带着将近一吨的海象牙和另一吨的来自海狸、海豹和大白貂的皮毛,总共价值两个掠夺点。皮毛中还过着一份欧克诺奴隶名单(600gp)以及一些从敌人手中抢夺到的瘟疫石冢的遗物。这里头包含了几个船员们正在小心使用的魔法物品,因为这些东西某种程度上非常类似伊利森巫术。船员目前正在辩论是否出售这些宝藏,或将它们呈送给林诺姆的国王,或许是「血鹰」斯温或「白色」 艾斯崔德,以求获得国王的青睐。

劇透 -   :
Treasures of Arcadia
In the summer of 4713 AR, the crew of the Kraken's Spite set out on a spontaneous quest to storm the gates of the mythic realm of Valenhall. Sailing west across the northern Arcadian Ocean, they reached the ancient Ulfen colony of Port Valen that fall and found a town populated by Ulfen and Arcadians. The crew set out on foot to behold the Linnorm Kings' resting place for themselves-despite the protests of the people of Port Valen. They wandered aimlessly through the dense forests, hoping to pierce the veil of mythical Valenhall, but they were stopped by fey creatures that harried their expedition and urged them to turn back. No mix of compliments, threats, or boasting could impress the fey that blocked their path, but Rota's mediation did at least prevent offense. Turning back, the frustrated crew spent the winter exploring the coasts and waterways south of Port Valen. The expedition eventually blundered into a feud between a pair of metee-kolen-ol——once-human shamans with hearts of solid ice. Afer defeating them, the crew helped themselves to the shamans' eclectic treasures and set out for Avistan in the spring.

Plunder: The Kraken's Spite's plunder depends on its most recent battle or port of call. The ship has just returned from Arcadia, and the hold is packed with nearly a ton of walrus ivory and another ton of pelts from beavers, seals, and giant ermines, which are worth 2 points of plunder in total. Buried among the furs are an Okeno slaver's payroll (600 gp) and a collection of plague-cairn relics looted from their foes. These include several magic items the crew is wary of using, in some cases because of their similarities to Irriseni witchcraf. The crew is currently debating whether to sell these treasures or to present them to a Linnorm Kingperhaps Sveinn Blood-Eagle or White Estrid-in a bid to gain the king's favor.

精魂鸟舍(Aviary of Spirits)
灵光 :中等预言系 施法者等级 :9
位置:无 价格:16000gp 重量:5磅
制作条件:制作奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),锐耳术/鹰眼术(clairaudience/clairvoyance),制作者必须有5级的驯养动物
劇透 -   :
Aviary of Spirits
Price 16000gp Slot - CL 9th  Weight 5 lbs.
Aura moderate divination
This reinforced wicker box is decorated with images of owls, ravens, or other cunning birds. It has enough room for up to three Tiny birds to perch i nside. Any bird of the animal type stored in the aviary for 24 hours becomes attuned to the aviary's magic, radiating the same aura as the aviary itself. By issuing a command word and concentrating on the bond between their spirits, a user can direct a released bird to fly either to a known location (as with animal messenger) or in a specific direction. The bird flies in a direct route at its normal speed. For the next hour, by maintaining physical contact with the aviary, the user can scry through the bird's senses, making the bird the sensor for a clairaudience/dairvoyance spell. While scrying, the user cannot sense her own surroundings, but she can switch between her senses and the bird's as a move action.
Craft Wondrous Item, animal messenger, clairaudience/clairvoyance, crafter must have 5 ranks in Handle Animal
真王的随葬之冠(Funerary crown of the true king)
灵光 :强烈防护系 施法者等级 :16
位置:头部 重量:4磅
      一对弯角从这具极为华丽的头盔的太阳穴部分伸出来,而这对弯角实际上是从石冢蛇龙的嘴里拔出的尖牙。这个头盔由古代的林诺姆诸王制作并使用,为受到林诺姆龙(蛇龙)死亡诅咒的穿戴者提供保护。对于一名配得上它的使用者,陪葬皇冠会抑制任何佩戴者身上正在生效的死亡诅咒,并且为佩戴者在抵抗恐惧、毒药以及其他所有诅咒的豁免上提供+4抗力加值。这具头盔还会在所有尝试影响其他林诺姆龙(蛇龙)杀手时基于魅力的检定上提供+4洞察价值。每个月一次,以一个标准动作,穿戴者可以召唤一名英灵(怪物图鉴 484)持续10分钟时间。这个效果在其他方面等同于法术 召唤怪物VII。
劇透 -   :
Funerary crown of the true king
Slot head CL 16th WEIGHT 4 lbs.
AURA strong abjuration
The curling horns that jut out from the temples of this splendid helm are actually fangs extracted from the jaws of a cairn linnorm. Created by and for the Linnorm Kings of old, the helm reserves its power for wearers who have been targeted by a linnorm's death curse. For a worthy wearer, the funerary crown suppresses any death curse currently affecting the wearer and grants a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to resist fear effects, poison, and all other curses. The helm also grants a +4 insight bonus on all Charisma-based checks the wearer attempts to influence other linnorm slayers. Once per month as a standard action, the wearer can summon an einherji (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 484) for up to 10 minutes. This power is otherwise equivalent to a summon monster VII spell.
When placed on the brow of one who has never slain a linnorm, the helm instead subjects the unworthy wearer to the death curse carried by the last true Linnorm King to have worn the helm. This curse cannot be dispelled while the crown is worn, but ends as soon as the helm is removed.
The funerary crown of the true king can be destroyed only if it is swallowed by Fafnheir, the Father of All Linnorms.
霜心护身符(Rimeheart Amulet)
灵光 :强烈变化系 施法者等级 :9
位置:颈部 价格:40000gp 重量:-磅
这种护身符由踏上变为温迪戈雪魔道路的第一步的邪恶施法者制造。这个护符是一块不融冰制成的小型人类雕像,挂在佩戴者的胸口。当佩戴它时,它会使佩戴者的心脏凝固,冷却其身魂。佩戴者会立即体温过低,只要他配带着护身符就会永久性疲乏,但是同时会在对抗寒冷环境时获得恒定的忍受环境效果。这枚护身符还会提供10点寒冷抗性,免疫流血效果,并且在对抗情绪描述符的法术时,为豁免提供+4抗力加值。每天一次,佩戴者可以用一个标准动作以类法术使用一次极寒之触(UM 221)。移除护身符就会是佩戴者的心脏恢复温暖,但是他需要花费8个小时热身才能解除疲乏。
制作条件:制作奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),安定心神(calm emotions),忍受环境(endure elements),极寒之触(frigid touch)
劇透 -   :
Rimeheart Amulet
Aura strong abjuration; CL 9th
Slot neck; Price 40,000 gp; Weight —
These talismans are crafted by evil spellcasters on the first steps of the path of the wendigo. The amulet, a tiny human figure formed from unmelting ice, rests on the wearer’s chest. When worn, it freezes the wearer’s heart solid, chilling body and soul. The wearer immediately develops hypothermia, becoming permanently fatigued for as long as he wears the amulet, but is otherwise protected against cold weather by a constant endure elements effect. The amulet also grants 10 points of cold resistance, immunity to bleed effects, and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against spells with the emotion descriptor. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can use frigid touch (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 221) as a spell-like ability. Removing the amulet thaws the wearer’s heart but leaves him fatigued until he spends 8 hours warming up.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, endure elements, frigid touchUM; Cost 21,600 gp

冒险楔子 Adventure Hooks

命运的沙漏 Fate's Hourglass:当一名狐德菈公开和船员们一起生活在船上时(毛茸茸的尾巴和空洞的背部很难隐藏),变得迷信是自然而然的事情。船员们都知道当谢尔打破了萝塔的枷锁时,她许诺会为其效劳一定的年数,但是只有谢尔知道她的誓言会在何时到期。在他们的传言中,这份契约总是快要偿还完了。萝塔似乎很享受在海上的生活,但是没有一个人知道她到底是怎么想的。可能是赋予好运的精怪突然离去,导致了海妖之乱号的灾难。随着时间流逝变得越来越贫穷,成功的冒险越来越少,船员们可能会要求重新为一名国王服役来保证他们的正当权益,否则他们或重新变成恶毒而无情的袭击者和掠夺者,在绝望中堕于邪恶的拥抱。

为了荣耀 For the Glory:在一次码头酒馆的斗殴中,风暴切割者打探到了玩家们的目标,并且盯上了相同的宝藏。这些粗鲁的风暴切割者除了想出新的饮酒歌外没有任何真正的目的,而且他们笨手笨脚的干扰可能会威胁到玩家们的精妙计划。

海之阴影 Sea Shadow:海妖之乱号不是唯一一艘从英吉曼德尔的舰队残骸上重建的船只。[霜目]格鲁米,海影号渴求荣耀的航海主管同样重建了他的船和船员,哪怕他们已经在风暴中溺亡。在舰队集结的时候,[霜目]曾经和他手下的劫掠者以血结缔盟约,让他们承诺将一直进行征战,直到满载掠夺品荣归故里,要么就此沉入大海深处。在死亡时,船员才知道船长的血之契约已经将他们献给了恶魔领主大衮。当海影号失事时,只有少数劫掠者活了下来,而剩下的人则在海浪中化为了朽战尸(B2 110),试图返回他们的船上,但是谢尔的幸存者们已经从他们那被诅咒的船上取走了一些部分。只要海妖之乱号还带着海影号被偷走的骨骸,那些不死的维京战士就无法完成他们亵渎的誓言。他们那嵌满藤壶的长船追踪着海妖之乱号的踪迹,而每当太阳开始燃烧时,就会如同石头般沉入幽深的海里。为了永远的摧毁海影号,海妖之乱号必须将其可怕的撞角(以及几根肋条)投入深海。这样,[霜目]格鲁米和它被诅咒的船员们才能真正得到安息。

劇透 -   :
Adventre Hooks
The Kraken's Spite's sailors are unpredictable and potentially dangerous to other mariners, but their role in a nautical campaign need not be purely antagonistic.
Fate's Hourglass: It's natural to be superstitious when the crew has a huldra living openly onboard (a bushy fox tail and hollow back are difcult secrets to
keep). The crew know that when Kjell broke Rota's chains, she promised to serve him ably for a set number of years, but only he knows when her pledge expires. In their retellings, the debt is always nearly repaid. Rota appears to enjoy her life at sea, but one never knows what she really thinks. The sudden departure of the luckgiving fey could spell disaster for the Kraken's Spite. As times become leaner and ventures less successful, the crew might demand to return to the service of a king who can keep them properly provisioned, or they might become vicious and pitiless raiders and pillagers, embracing evil in their desperation.
For the Glory: During a dockside tavern brawl, the Stormcleavers catch wind of the PCs' goals and careen off afer the same treasures. The loutish Stormcleavers have no real aim beyond inspiring new drinking songs, and their ham-fisted interference may threaten to scuttle the PCs' subtler plans.
Sea Shadow: The Kraken's Spite was not the only ship rebuilt from the flotsam of lngimundr's armada. Grumi Frost-Eye, glory-hungry steermaster of the Sea Shadow, also rebuilt his vessel and crew, despite having drowned in the storm. When the armada mustered, Frost-Eye bonded his raiders in blood, making them swear to continue their conquests untiltheir ship eitherreturned home laden with plunder or sank to the ocean's depths. In death, the crew learned that their captain's blood rite had pledged them to the demon lord Dagon. When the Sea Shadow wrecked, only a handful of raiders survived. The rest staggered from the surf as draugr (Path.fnder RPG Bestiar z no), seeking to return to their vessel, but Kjell's survivors had already scavenged parts from their accursed ship. As long as the Kraken's Spite carries the Sea Shadow's stolen bones, the undead vikings cannot fulfill their unholy vow. Their barnacle-encrusted longship trails in the wake of the Kraken's Spite, sinking into the dark waters like a stone whenever the sun blazes. To scuttle the Sea Shadow for good, the Jraken's Spite must surrender its fearsome ram (and several ribs) to the briny deep. Only then can Grumi Frost-Eye and his cursed crew trulybe put to rest.


风暴切割者 CR 1
XP 400
人类 武者 3
混乱中立 中体型 类人生物(人类)
先攻 -1; 感官 察觉 +O
AC 14, 接触:9, 措手不及 14 (+4 护甲, -1 敏捷, +1 盾牌)
hp 19 (3d10+3)
强韧 +4, 反射 +O, 意志 + 1
速度 30 尺
近战 精制战斧 +6 (1d8+2/x3)
远程攻击 鱼叉 +2 (1d8+2/x3) 或 短弓 +2 (1d6/x3)
力量 14, 敏捷 9, 体质 13, 智力 10, 意志 11, 魅力 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +5 (+7 闯越); CMD 14 (16 vs.闯越)
专长 擅长异种武器 (鱼叉), 精通闯越, 猛力攻击
技能攀爬 +5, 工艺 (造船) +5, 威吓 +5, 专业 (水手) +6, 游泳 +5
语言 通用语,乌尔芬语
战斗装备 治疗轻伤药水, 雷鸣石;
其他装备 精制链甲衫, 轻木盾, 鱼叉, 精制战斧, 短弓(20发箭矢), 御寒衣物, 骰子, 各色幸运护符

劇透 -   :
XP 400
Human warrior 3
CN Medium humanoid (human)
lnit -1; Senses Perception +O
AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, -1 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 19 (3d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +O, Will + 1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk battleaxe +6 (1d8+2/x3)
Ranged harpoon +2 (1d8+2/x3) or shortbow +2 (1d6/x3)
Str 14, Dex 9, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +5 (+7 overrun); CMD 14 (1 6 vs. overrun)
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (harpoon), Improved Overrun, Power Attack
Skills Climb +5, Craft (ships) +5, Intimidate +5, Profession (sailor) +6, Swim +5
Languages Common, Skald
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, thunderstone;
Other Gear mwk chain shirt, light wooden shield, harpoon, mwk battleaxe, shortbow with 20 arrows, cold weather outfit, dice, assorted good-luck charms

The crew members of the Kraken's Spite call themselves the Stormcleavers. Coarse, deeply superstitious, and proud of their culture and their ship, they present a fiercely unified front to the rest of the worldone that happens to match many foreign stereotypes of drunken Ulfen. In truth, the stormcleavers are much less cohesive than they appear , and often behave more like a dysfunctional family than a ship's crew.
[螺纹刀] 瓦尔格达 CR 5
XP 1,600
女性 人类 古拉姆牧师 6
混乱中立 中体型 类人生物(人类)
先攻 +O; 感官 察觉 + 3
AC 17, 接触:10, 措手不及 17 (+7 护甲)
hp 48 (6d8+18)
强韧 +7, 反射 +2, 意志 +8
速度 20 尺
近战 +1 巨剑 +8 (2d6+4/19-20)
远程攻击 标枪 +4 (1d6+2)
特殊攻击 引导正能量 4/天 (DC 12, 3d6), 兵贵神速 (6/天)
领域类法术能力 (CL 6th; 专注 +9)
6/天-力量满溢 (+3)
牧师准备法术 (CL 6th; 专注 +9)
3rd-降咒(DC 16), 造粮术, 魔化防具, 祈祷术
2nd-援助术,抵抗能量伤害, 音鸣爆(DC 15), 灵能武器, 召唤怪物 II
1st-神恩, 忍受环境, 行动禁制(DC 14), 魔化武器, 虔诚护盾
O (at will)-侦测魔法, 神导术, 修复术, 净化食粮
领域 力量, 战争 (战术子域)
力量 14, 敏捷 10, 体质 14, 智力 12, 意志 17, 魅力 8
基本攻击加值 +4; CMB +6; CMD 16
专长 战斗施法, 额外导能, 健壮, 武器专攻 (巨剑)
技能估价 +6, 工艺 (造船) +7, 威吓 +5, 知识 (宗教) +8, 专业 (水手) +12, 察言观色 +8, 法术辨识 +8, 生存 +6
语言 通用语,乌尔芬语,木族语
战斗装备 树肤术药水, 治疗轻伤药水 (2), 水中呼吸卷轴;
其他装备 +1 链甲衫, + 1 巨剑, 标枪(4), 御寒衣物, 爪勾, 绳索(50 尺), 古拉姆的银制圣徽, 日光杖(2), 190 gp

一个天生的勇士和坚定的传统主义者,[螺纹刀] 瓦尔格达为那些相信海妖之乱号应该回到血与掠夺的传统道路上的船员们发声。作为船上的牧师和战斗祭祀,她善于观察敌人的力量与弱点。
劇透 -   :
XP 1,600
Female human cleric of Gorum 6
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +O; Senses Perception + 3
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor)
hp 48 (6d8+18)
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +8
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 greatsword +8 (2d6+4/19-20)
Ranged javelin +4 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 4/day (DC 1 2, 3d6), seize the initiative (6/day)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +9)
6/day-strength surge (+3) Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +9)
3rd-bestow curse (DC 16), create food and water, magic vestment°, prayer
2nd-aid0, resist energy, sound burst (DC 15), spiritual weapon, summon monster II
1st-divine favor, endure elements, forbid action"M (DC 1 4), magic weapon°, shield of faith
O (at will)-detect magic, guidance, mending, purify food and drink
D domain spell; Domains Strength, War (TacticsAP6)
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 16
Feats Combat Casting, Extra Channel, Toughness, Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Skills Appraise +6, Craft (ships) +7, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (religion) +8, Profession (sailor) +12, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +8, Survival +6
Languages Common, Skald, Sylvan
Combat Gear potion of barkskin, potions of cure light wounds (2), scroll of water breathing;
Other Gear +1 choinmoil, + 1 greatsword, javelins (4), cold weather outfit, grappling hook, rope (50 ft.), silver holy symbol of Gorum, sunrods (2), 190 gp

A born warrior and staunch traditionalist, Valgerda Thread-Cutter serves as the voice of those in the crew who believe the Kraken's Spite should retur to the old ways of blood and pillage. As the ship's cleric and war priest, she has a good eye for enemies' strengths and weaknesses.

谢尔 斯纳里布朗 CR 7
XP 3,200
男性 人类 野蛮人 (掠海者) 8 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 29)
混乱中立 中体型 类人生物(人类)
先攻 +1; 感官 察觉 +8
AC 17, 接触:9, 措手不及 16 (+5 护甲, +1 敏捷, -2 狂暴, +3 盾牌)
hp 89 (8d12+32)
强韧 +13, 反射 +6, 意志 +7
防御能力 脚踏实地(Sure-Footed); DR 1/-
速度 30 尺
近战 +1 战斧 +17/+12 (1d8+7/x3) 或 精制鱼叉 +17/+12 (1d8+9/x3)
远程攻击 精制鱼叉 +12 (1d8+6/x3)
特殊攻击 狂暴 (20 轮/天), 狂暴之力 (猛力一击+3, 狂暴跳跃+8, 自发闪避+2, 重生之力[2d8+4 hp], 轮摆位移+2)
基础数据: 当没有狂暴时,谢尔的数据为 AC 19, 接触:11, 措手不及 18; hp 73; 强韧 +11, 意志 +5;
近战 +1 战斧 +15/+10 (1d8+5/x3) 或 精制鱼叉+15/+10 (1d8+6/x3);
力量 18, 体质 14; CMB +12, CMD 23;
技能攀爬 +14, 游泳 +10.
力量 22, 敏捷 12, 体质 18, 智力 8, 意志 10, 魅力 14
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 23
专长 擅长异种武器 (鱼叉), 说服者, 猛力攻击, 坚韧的北方人
技能特技 +11, 唬骗 +7, 攀爬 +16, 工艺 (造船) +7, 交涉 +12, 威吓 +12, 察觉 +8, 专业 (水手) +12, 生存 +10, 游泳 +12
语言 通用语,乌尔芬语
特殊能力 风暴之眼, 海之恐怖, 萝塔之运, 野蛮水手 +2
战斗装备 游泳灵药, 治疗中伤药水(2), 次级复原药水, 炽火胶 (2), 雷鸣石;
其他装备 +1 链甲衫, +1 重木盾, +1 战斧, 精制鱼叉, 抗力斗篷+1, 御寒衣物, 各种金银饰品 (价值450gp), 银制婚标 (价值100gp), 58 gp
萝塔之运 Rota's Luck (Su):狐德菈萝塔每天都会为谢尔祝福好运,给予他所有的豁免、攻击、以及技能获得+2幸运加值。这些加值已经体现在以上的数据中。

       航海主管 谢尔 斯纳里布朗 是一个充满激情但是缺乏规划的人。一名充满粗犷魅力和暴烈脾气的天生的领袖,为他的船和船员深深自豪。他十分尊重瓦尔格达(即使在拒绝她的建议时),对于超自然的萝塔也表示正式的尊重,并且完全被他的妻子阿斯塔给征服了。他作为船长时不偏不倚,不会完全不问船员意见而独断专行,并且在分配战利品时慷慨大方。谢尔还是一个面对侮辱时暴躁易怒的人,并不总是从自己的错误中汲取教训,并且非常勇敢毫不在意危险。当他在战斗中殴打敌人时,会使用他强大的技艺威吓敌人,有时连自己也信了一半。
劇透 -   :
XP 3,200
Male human barbarian (sea reaver) 8 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 29)
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +8
AC 1 7, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 Dex, -2 rage, +3 shield)
hp 89 (8d12+32)
Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +7
Defensive Abilities sure-footed; DR 1/-
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 battleaxe +17/+12 (1d8+7/x3) or mwk harpoon +17/+1 2 (1d8+9/x3)
Ranged mwk harpoon +12 (1d8+6/x3)
Special Attacks rage (20 rounds/day), rage powers (powerful blow +3, raging leaper +8, reflexive dodge +2, renewed vigor [2d8+4 hp], rolling dodge +2)
Base Statistics When not raging, Kjell's statistics are AC 19,
touch 11, flat-footed 18; hp 73; Fort +11, Will +5;
Melee +1 battleaxe +1 5/+1 10 (1d8+5/x3) or mwk harpoon+15/+10 (1d8+6/x3);
Str 1 8, Con 1 4; CMB +12, CMD 23;
Skills Climb +14, Swim +10.
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 2 3
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (harpoon), Persuasive, Power Attack, Rugged Northerner
Skills Acrobatics +11, Bluff +7, Climb +16, Craft (ships) +7, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +12, Perception +8, Profession (sailor) +12, Survival +10, Swim +12
Languages Common, Skald
SQ eyes of the storm, marine terror, Rota's luck, savage sailor +2
Combat Gear elixir of swimming, potions of cure moderate wounds (2), potion of lesser restoration, alchemist's fire (2), thunderstone;
Other Gear +1 chain shirt, +1 heavy wooden shield, +1 battleaxe, mwk harpoon"', cloak of resistance +1, cold weather outfit, assorted gold and silver trinkets (worth 450 gp), silver wedding armband (worth 100 gp), 58 gp
Rota's Luck (Su) The huldra Rota blesses Kjell with good luck each day, granting him a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws, attack rolls, and skill checks. These bonuses are included in the statistics above.

Kjell's goal in his new life is to challenge himselfand his crewwith adventures ofever-greater daring. For years, he never seriously considered returning to his birthplace in Bildt, for he is unwilling to bow before Ingimundr the Unruly's throne. Oflate, however, he has started to dream ofperhaps one day returning to Broken Bay after all... but not without a linnorm's head.
Steermaster Kjell Snarribrand is a man of passion, not of planning. A natural leader brimming with coarse charm and fierce temper, he takes immense pride in his ship and crew. He deeply respects Valgerda (even when he rejects her counsel), is duly deferential toward the otherworldly Rota, and is utterly smitten with his wife Asta. He is even-handed as a captain, asking nothing of his crew he will not do himself, and he is generous when dividing the spoils. Kjell is also a prickly hothead who brooks no insult, doesn't always learn from his mistakes, and is less courageous than he is heedless of danger. When he berates his enemies in battle, rattling them with boasts of his deadly prowess, he ofen believes halfte lies he tells.
Kjell's goal in his new life is to challenge himself and his crewwith adventures of ever-greater daring. For years, he never seriously considered returning to his birthplace in Bildt, for he is unwilling to bow before Ingimundr the Unruly's throne. Oflate, however, he has started to dream ofperhaps one day returning to Broken Bay aftr all... but not without a linnorm's head.

« 上次编辑: 2018-01-04, 周四 22:26:40 由 丞相 »

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幽灵船尤娜瑞斯的标记(Mark of Yunnarius)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-01-08, 周一 17:40:46 »

——莱尔 兰森,来自奇险港的著名故事人
劇透 -   :
“When the winds of the Great Hurricane howl like a hundred yeth hounds and the seas thrash mighty ships like twigs-that's when they say the Mark of Yunnarius strikes. From a distance, it's a sight to behold: all sweeping lines and elegant details,just as its elven creators intended, but with a hint of something rotten and sinister.”
“As it gets closer, its nature become clear. The hull is blackened and scarred. The masts are splintered like lightning-wrought trees, and the tattered sails flutter like torn skin. But it;s the crew that's the real menace-draugr elves, corpse-archers, and the bitterest banshee you can imagine. They say a dozen lifetimes of anguish drip from her scream. The faintest echo of it can boil a sailor's blood, they say, and if this ship ever sails near yours, it's the last thing you'll ever hear.”
————Lyell Ransen,renowned storyteller from Port Peril

即使是英勇和无畏自然的在其居民的血液中流淌的无法之地镣铐群岛,幽灵船尤娜瑞斯的标记(Mark of Yunnarius)也会激起迷信和恐惧。这艘船曾承载着它的精灵船长埃玛琳迪和其船员去往那个她希望能称之为家园的遥远土地。但是埃玛琳迪爱人的背叛以及随之而来的悲剧,这名美丽术士和其船员转变成了困扰阿本迪戈暴风眼将近半个世纪的亡灵恐惧。

背景故事 Background
      要理解尤娜瑞斯的标记号的使命以及其船员悲剧的变化,就必须先知道埃玛琳迪的故事,埃玛琳迪是一位有着超凡魅力的精灵术士,在活着的时候曾是这艘船的船长,而现在则是一个强大的女妖。大约在50年前,埃玛琳迪来到了卡佩·杜雅(Kepre Dua)的阿兰顿港(Alendruan Harbor),一个在镣铐群岛完全由精灵组成的聚居地。她正在和她的精灵野蛮人爱人英莱拉(Imdlara),一起从来自莽吉莽原派来刺杀英莱拉的刺客——由于英莱拉对当地野精灵所犯下的罪行——手上逃亡。
      当自称为这个港口女皇的卡拉·雨金(Kaala Raingold)得知他们俩希望航行去奇奥尼,在精灵们的家园中寻找一个容身之所时。卡拉为这个女人定制了一艘纵帆船:尤娜瑞斯的标记,条件是当他们抵达奇奥尼时,会确保奇奥尼与卡拉达成同盟。埃玛琳迪和英莱拉毫不犹豫的就同意了。
劇透 -   :
Even in the lawless Shackles, where bravery and fearlessness run thick in the resident's blood, the ghost ship Mark of Yunnarius inspires superstition and terror. The ship was once meant to carry its elven captain, Emalynday, and her allies to a far-off land she hoped to call home. Butthe treachery of Emalynday's lover and the tragedy that ensued transformed the beautiful sorceress and her crew into undead terrors that have haunted the Eye ofAbendego for nearly halfa century.
To understand the commission of the Mark of Yunnarius and the tragic transformation of its crew, one must know the story of Emalynday, the charismatic elven sorceress who captained it in life and steers it now as a powerfl banshee. Nearly 50 years ago,Emalynday arrived in Alendruan Harbor on Kepre Dua, the Shackles isle inhabited entirelyby elves. She was on the run with her lover, the elven barbarian Imdlara, from assassins sent to murder Imdlara for her crimes against the wild elves of the Mwangi Expanse.
When Kaala Raingold, the self-proclaimed queen of the harbor, learned that these two wished to sail to Kyonin to seek a place in the elven homeland, Kaala commissioned a schooner for the women-the Mark of Yunnarius-on the condition that the elves would secure certain alliances in Kyonin for Kaala upon their arrival. Without hesitation, Emalynday and Imdlara agreed.
To crew the ship, Emalynday and Imdlara called upon the friends they made while staying in Alendruan Harbor. They included the infamous elven triplets Denhil, Lendhol, and Quendel Thenille, who had previously spent decades exploring the ancient ruins of Ghol-Gan. However, while Emalynday continued to recruit sailors, Imdlara was formulating plans of her own that had nothing to do with reaching Kyonin and living a peacefl life.
 Imdlara and a few like-minded recruits decided that once the Mark of Yunnarius ventured away from Kepre Dua, they should use the ship for piracy and plunder-and earn far more profit than they would by simply following their predetermined course. Attached to her dreams and loyal to her benefactor, Emalynday rejected that idea. So Imdlara, who had always been far more crafty and wicked than the love-struck Emalynday knew, secretly plotted to murder her lover and captain the ship herself. She recruited several of the ship's crew members to her cause, and Emalynday was left unsuspecting and with few allies save for the triplets.
Soon, the Mark of Yunnarius embarked on its fated journey. When the ship approached the southernmost edge of the Eye of Abendego, Imdlara slit Emalynday's throat while she slept as allies slew the triplets. The barbarian had just overpowered the remaining crew members who were loyal to Emalynday when the unthinkable happened.
A terrible shriek emanated from Emalynday's quarters. The beautiful sorceress flew at her treacherous lover-only now, her delicate features were twisted in a mask of rage, and her body was as incorporeal as a mirage. Emalynday had become a banshee, and the foul energy released in the process had turned the slain triplets into baykoks. The undead elves quickly slaughtered the traitorous crew----some say they flayed Imdlara alive, although rumors persist that the elf still lives, imprisoned somewhere on the ship.
For the 50 years since that day, the Mark of Yunnarius has circled the Eye ofAbendego. Emalynday's blinding rage prompts her to attack any vessel unlucky enough to pass nearby, and the undead crew is doomed to eteral servitude. It's unclear whether there's anyway to rid the seas of the ghost ship, but one thing is clear: all self-respecting sailors who venture near the Eye flee at the first sign of any ship with tattered sals and a tarished figurehead of a elven maiden.

舰船数据 Ship Statistic & 船上成员 Ship's Crew
幽灵船 (纵帆船)
占据 3 (30尺 乘 95尺) 成本 24,500 gp
先攻 +17
AC 21; 硬度 1 O
hp 3,240 (风帆ails 360)
豁免 +14
最高时速 90 尺 (风力); 加速度 30 尺
CMB +27; CMD 37
撞角伤害 8d8
动力 风力或水流
航行检定 专业(水手)
操纵装置 舵轮
推进装置 90 平米风帆 (三桅杆)
甲板层 3
货物/乘客150 吨/120名乘客
丹赫尔 森尼尔,兰多尔 森尼尔,昆多 森尼尔(中立邪恶 男性 猎生尸 游侠5)
埃玛琳迪 (混乱邪恶 女性 报丧女妖 术士 10)
加仑瑟尔 格林达利(绝对中立 男性 朽战尸船长 魔战士 6)
乐诺尔 米尔瓦纳(绝对中立 女性 朽战尸船长 战士 5)
尼林德 (混乱中立 女性 巫焰)
30名 朽战尸船长 水手
改造 大型舵, 船艏像, 附魔船体
货物 6掠夺点
劇透 -   :
Ghost ship (sailing ship)
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (30 ft. by 95 ft.) Cost 24,500 gp
lnit +17
AC 21; Hardness 1 O
hp 3,240 (sails 360)
Save +1 4
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +27; CMD 37
Ramming Damage 8d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
Control Device steering wheel
Means of Propulsion 90 squares of sails (three masts)
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 150 tons/1 20 passengers
Denhil, Lendhol, and Quendel Thenille (NE male baykok ranger 5; see page 54)
Emalynday (CE female banshee"' sorcerer 1 O; see page 55)
Garenthel Glindari (N male draugr captain"' magus"M 6)
Lenoral Millvana (N female draugr captain"' fighter 5)
Nylindre (CN female witchfire"')
30 draugr captain"' sailors
Modifications broad rudder, figurehead, magically treated hull
Cargo 6 points of plunder
尤娜瑞斯的标记上的船员,如果没有在英莱拉背叛的那个命运开始之夜中彻底死亡,就会被转化为朽战尸船长(怪物图鉴2 110)。总共有32名船员受到了这种转化,由GM决定,它们可以在船上任何地方遭遇。

丹赫尔·森尼尔,兰多尔·森尼尔,昆多·森尼尔 Denhil, Lendhol, and Quendel Thenille:精灵三兄弟作为埃玛琳迪的保镖和冒险伙伴在标记号上效力,他们在镣铐群岛由于过人的英勇和不愿暴露在聚光灯下而被称为“无名众”。 现在他们化为可怖的猎生尸在船只之上锁具之间飞翔。更多详情请见54页。

埃玛琳迪 Emalynday:这名被谋杀的术士、海员化为了这艘船的女妖船长,埃玛琳迪曾是一个执迷于爱情的精灵,但最终她和她的爱情却被其所求之人一同抛弃。来自其爱人之手的可怕背叛使埃玛琳迪和周围的一切都陷入了一种难以名状的不死化中。

加仑瑟尔 格林达利 Garenthel Glindari:加仑瑟尔是船上的水兵长,并且也是英莱拉对抗埃玛琳迪的主要同谋。加仑瑟尔痛斥英莱拉导致自己无法安息的命运,现在他效忠于女妖船长,如此之忠诚正与其活着时的背叛相配。

英莱拉 Imdlara(中立邪恶 女性 精灵 野蛮人 5):严格来说已经不算是船上的船员了,英莱拉是以这艘船为家的仅存的两个活人之一。她现在被关押在区域11。

乐诺尔 米尔瓦纳 Lenoral Millvana:乐诺尔是船上的军械官,并且也曾是埃玛琳迪的密友。在成为不死者后,乐诺尔成为英莱拉的狱卒。他希望英莱拉的余生都会在船上痛苦的度过。乐诺尔希望这个精灵能够在死后也不死化,在这些由于她的背叛而被诅咒的人中度过可怖的余生。
劇透 -   :
The crew members aboard the Mark of Yunnorius who did not perish on the fateful night of lmdlara's betrayal were transformed into draugr captains (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 110). In total, 32 crew members were transformed in this way, and they may be encountered throughout the vessel at the GM's discretion.
Since they require no sleep or sustenance, most of the undead crew work constantly on the main deck, sailing the ship or waiting patiently for a target vessel to come into view. Many of the ship's officers were also changed in this way, and use the same base draugr captain statistics as the rest of the crew, except for those characters noted below.
Denhil, Lendhol, and Quendel Thenille: Serving on the Mork as Emalynday's bodyguards and adventurous companions were elven triplets, known in the Shackles as the Unsung Three for their great bravery and unwillingness to accept the limelight. They now fly above the ship and amid its riggings as horrific baykoks. See page 54 for more information.
Emalynday: The murdered sorceress and sailor who became the ship's banshee captain, Emalynday was once a spirited elven castoff with a zest for the finer things in life. Her terrible betrayal at the hands of her lover doomed Emalynday and all around her to an unspeakable undeath. See page 55 for more information.
Garenthel Glindari: Garenthel served as the Mark's boatswain and was lmdlara's main co-conspirator against Emalynday. Garenthel blames lmdlara for his undead fate, and now serves his banshee captain with as much loyalty to her as he had treachery in life.
Imdlara (NE female elf barbarian 5): No longer technically a member of the crew, lmdlara remains aboard the Mark as one of the two living souls to call the vessel home. She's held captive in area 11 .
Lenoral Millvana: Lenoral served as the ship's masterat-arms and was a close friend to Emalynday. In undeath, Lenoral became lmdlara's jailer. She wants lmdlara to spend the rest of her natural life in suffering aboard the ship. Lenoral hopes the elf will then rise to spend a terrible afterlife among those she damned by her betrayal.

船体描述 Ship Description

1.艉楼甲板 Poop Deck

2. 中甲板 Waist Deck

3.船长的房间 Captain's Quarters
这间曾经极度奢华的船舱是埃玛琳迪和英莱拉的私人卧室。任何在房间中进行搜查的人通过DC30的察觉都可以找到一个塞在床底下的上锁的盒子(解除装置DC 25),里头包含了一个价值200gp的音乐盒,可以播放一首传统的精灵情歌。埃玛琳迪的私人日记,以及一颗天变球。
埃玛琳迪的报复 CR 14
XP 38,400
混乱邪恶 作祟
施法者等级 14级
察觉 察觉检定DC 26(听到逐渐变大的失控的啜泣声)
HP 28;触发:接近;再起:1分钟
效果:当这个作祟被触发,一个精神错乱并且啜泣着的精灵术士的微光图像出现在房间中早就被毁的床上。随后她脖子上的伤口开始喷血,而她则开始发出一阵是灵魂颤抖的恐怖哀嚎。所有房间中的生物成为女妖之嚎(DC 23)的目标。

沿着这个房间的左侧隔墙,是一个上锁的箱子(解除装置DC 30)。里头包括了十二本关于精灵学识、工艺、魔法以及其他的稀有书籍(总共价值2500gp)。除了这些普通书籍还有两部魔法书籍:一本通晓卷册以及一本不包含法术的祝福书。埃玛琳迪打算作为卡拉的代表将这两本书送给奇奥尼的显贵。

5.舞厅 Ballroom

6.被浪费的库存 Wasted Stores

7. 活人之屋 " Living" Quarters
马勒瑞安 CR 13 冰术士
劇透 -  人物数据:
XP 25,600
半精灵术士 14
NE 中型类人生物(精灵,人类)
先攻 +2;感官 昏暗视觉;察觉 +19
AC 21,接触 15,措手不及 18(+4 护甲,+2 偏斜,+2 敏捷,+1 闪避,+2 天生)
HP 79(14d6+28)
强韧 +6,反射 +6,意志 +12;对抗附魔(enchantments)+2
免疫 火焰(120点),昏睡(sleep)
抗力 寒冷抗力 20
速度 30尺
近战 精制品矛(mwk spear) +7/+2(1d8–1/×3)
远程 精制品轻弩(mwk light crossbow) +10(1d8/19–20)
血统类法术能力(CL 14级;专注 +20)
9次/日—元素射线(elemental ray,1d6+7 寒冷伤害)
1次/日—元素爆发(elemental blast,14d6 寒冷伤害,DC 23)
术士已知法术(CL 14级;专注 +20)
7级 (3次/日)—延迟爆裂火球(Delayed Blast Fireball,寒冷伤害,DC 25)
6级 (6次/日)—连环闪电(Chain Lightning,寒冷伤害,DC 24),元素形态III(Elemental Body III),冰封法球(Freezing Sphere,DC 24)
5级 (7次/日)—恶意变形术(Baleful Polymorph,DC 21),寒冰锥(Cone of Cold,DC 23),元素形态II(Elemental Body II),五级怪物召唤术(Summon Monster V)
4级 (7次/日)—元素形态I(Elemental Body I),冰风暴(Ice Storm),弹力法球(Resilient Sphere,DC 22),重雾术(Solid Fog),冰墙术(Wall of Ice,DC 22)
3级 (7次/日)—飞行术(Fly),闪电束(Lightning Bolt,寒冷伤害,DC 21),防护能量伤害(Protection from Energy),力竭射线(Ray of Exhaustion,DC 19),雪风暴(Sleet Storm)
2级 (8次/日)—强酸箭(Acid Arrow,寒冷伤害),目盲/耳聋术(Blindness/Deafness,DC 18),云雾术(Fog Cloud),造风术(Gust of Wind,DC 20),镜影术(Mirror Image),灼热射线(Scorching Ray,寒冷伤害)
1级 (8次/日)—燃烧之手(Burning Hands,寒冷伤害,DC 19),忍受环境(Endure Elements),法师护甲(Mage Armor),魔法飞弹(Magic Missile),隐雾术(Obscuring Mist),护盾术(Shield)
0级 (随意)—酸液飞溅(Acid Splash,寒冷伤害),出血术(Bleed,DC 16),侦测魔法(Detect Magic),侦测毒性(Detect Poison),法师之手(Mage Hand),冰冻射线(Ray of Frost),阅读魔法(Read Magic),提升抗力(Resistance),疲劳之触(Touch of Fatigue,DC 16)
血统 元素血统(水)
战斗前 术士会施放法师护甲(Mage Armor)以及防护能量伤害(Protection from Energy,火焰)。
战斗时 术士会施放强效超魔的范围伤害法术,诸如寒冰锥(Cone of Cold),冰封法球(Freezing Sphere)以及连环闪电(Chain Lightning)。若被迫陷入近战,她会施放元素形态III(Elemental Body III)并变为大型水元素(Large water elemental)。
基础数据 除去法师护甲(Mage Armor)以及防护能量伤害(Protection from Energy),术士的基础AC为17,接触15,措手不及14;免疫 昏睡。
力量 8,敏捷 15,体质 14,智力 10,感知 12,魅力 22
BAB +7;CMB +6;CMD 21
专长 战斗施法(Combat Casting),闪避(Dodge),法术强效(Empower Spell),施法免材(Eschew Materials),高等法术专攻:塑能系(Greater Spell Focus:evocation),精通先攻(Improved Initiative),钢铁意志(Iron Will),灵狐步(Nimble Moves),法术默发(Silent Spell),技能专攻:察觉(Skill Focus:Perception),法术专攻:塑能系(Spell Focus:evocation)
技能 交涉 +11,飞行 +11,知识(神秘,位面) +8,语言学 +1,察觉 +19,法术辨识 +8,游泳 +4
语言 水族语(Aquan),通用语(Common),精灵语(Elven)
特殊能力 血统奥秘(能量伤害法术变为寒冷伤害),精灵血脉(elfblood)
战斗装备 飞行药剂(potion of fly)
其他装备 精制品轻弩(10支弩箭),精制品矛,+2天生防御护符(amulet of natural armor +2),+4魅力头带(headband of alluring charisma +4),+2防护戒指(ring of protection +2),1413gp
尼林德 挑战等级9 巫焰
劇透 -  怪物数据:
XP 6,400
混乱邪恶 中型不死生物(虚体亚种)
8.餐厅 Mess

9. 贵重物品舱 Valuables Holds

10.主储藏室 Main Hold

11.监牢 Brig
两名朽战尸看守着被精制镣铐锁在墙上的英莱拉。乐诺尔 米尔瓦纳,尤娜瑞斯的标记号的前军械官,掌控着唯一一把钥匙。英莱拉会向任何找到她的活人乞求施放她。她会谎称没有任何不道德的行为,并且为了逃离这艘船愿意说出任何事情。

12.船员铺位 Crew's Berths

13. 军械库 Quartermaster

14.航海士的军械库 Officer's Armory

15. 航海士的房间 Officer's Quarters
这个实用主义的房间曾经是尤娜瑞斯的标记上航海士的领地。可以在这里找到六个防水的手提箱(解除装置DC 20);其中一个是陷阱,包含了一个魔法陷阱会电机任何试图打开它的小偷。因为这里是船只最低的一层甲板,所以地板很潮湿并大约有一英寸的积水。如果陷阱被触发了,所有接触这个房间地板的生物都会受到影响。
XP 25,600
类型:魔法 察觉DC:31 解除装置DC 31
触发:接触 重置:

劇透 -   :
The Mark of Yunnarius is a schooner, once fine but now decrepit, and measures 95 feet from bow to stern and 30 feet abeam. While the ship's hull, sails, and riggings appear damaged (in some cases beyond the ability to function), the ship is held together by the necromantic energy that pervades it, so such details don't impact the ship's ability to sail.
1 . Poop Deck
The poop deck is tiered, with a mezzanine-like promenade overlooking the main deck. The upper tier sports the Mark of Yunnarius's steering wheel, and it is from here that Emalynday pilots the vessel using mage hand. The deck, which once boasted beautiful railings and marbled stairs, is full of splintered wood and mossy slicks.
2. Waist Deck
This open, dilapidated deck was once where the Mark's elven crew went about their daily tasks. The undead elven triplets known in life as the Unsung Three prowl this deck, along many of the ship's draugr captain crew members. The three spend most of their time searching the horizon for ships with living creatures to annihilate, taking advantage of their ability to fly far from the ship and see farther distances from greater heights.
3. Captain's Quarters
This once-lavish cabin was the personal quarters of Emalynday and Imdlara. Anyone who succeeds at a DC 30 Perception check while searching the room finds a lockbox tucked underneath the bed. The lockbox (Disable Device DC 25) contains a music box worth 200 gp that plays a traditional Elven love song, Emalynday's personal journal, and an orb of storms.
The same wicked energy that transformed Emalynday into a banshee also haunts the epicenter of her betrayal. More information on haunts can be found on page 242 of the Path.finder RPG Game Mastery Guide.
XP 38,400
CE haunt
Caster Level 1 4th
Notice Perception DC 26 (to hear the rising sound of uncontrollable sobbing)
hp 28; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 m i n ute
Effect When this haunt is triggered, the shimmering image of a distraught, sobbing elven sorceress a ppears on the room's unmade bed. just after she manifests, blood gushes from a gash in the sorceress's throat and she lets out a terrible, soul-chilling wail . All creatures in the room are subject to a wail of the banshee spell (DC 23).
Destruction If the banshee Emalynday is destroyed, so is this haunt.
4. Wardroom
This cabin was formerly a meeting room and common area for Emalynday, Imdlara, the Unsung Three, and the ship's other officers. Now its rich mahogany furniture is torn, the walls' colorful portraits are faded, and the bodies of four elven pirates who mercifully escaped undeath are slumped and rotting on the floor. A stairwell leads down to area 8.
Along the cabin's port bulkhead is a locked hutch (Disable Device DC 30 ). Inside are a dozen rare books on elven lore, craftsmanship, magic, and more (worth 2,500 gp in total). In addition to these mundane texts are two magical tomes: a tome of understanding +1, and a blessed book containing no spells. Emalynday planned to give both as gifts to dignitaries
in Kyonin on Kaala's behalf.
5. Ballroom
This cabin was once a small, elegant ballroom and general parlor area for the ship's passengers and officers. Its thick carpet is now shredded, and its furnishings are splintered. The cabin is generally occupied by six draugr pirates.
6. Wasted Stores
Barrels of moldy food, fetid drinking water, and other mined supplies from the ill-fated voyage to Kyonin are stored here. Nothing of value remains.
7. " Living" Quarters
This small cabin serves as the quarters for the Mark of
Yunnarius's sole living crew member, the sorcerer Melerian. His lover, the changeling sailor Nylindre, was aboard the ship when all aboard were slain, and the powerful necromantic energy had the rare effect of turning her into a witchfire. Nylindre convinced Emalynday to sail the Mark efYunnarius to the Sodden Lands coast, where the witchfire petitioned
Melerian to join her aboard the vessel, and he has been a helpful member of the crew for decades since. With a rin!J
of sustenance and a necklace of adaptation, he ensures that his biological needs are met, but his inability to touch Nylindre has driven him somewhat mad over the years.
XP 25,600
CE male half-elf sorcerer 14 (Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex 171 )
hp 79
XP 6,400
Witchfire (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 284)
hp 115
8. Mess
The large cabin served as the mess for the ship's crew when they still required food. It now boasts a grotesque display of moldy table fixings, tattered place settings, and three dead elven bodies slumped in disarranged chairs.
9. Valuables Holds
These three storage holds are packed with rare and valuable gifts Emalynday and Imdlara were instructed to give these to prominent elves of Kyonin once they reached their destination. Kaala hoped these gifts would win her influence and allies. The crates and barrels here contain outrageously expensive items, including 12
crates of elven-made musical instruments, 10 crates of gemstone-encrusted vases and sculptures, and 10 crates of gold-inlaid linens and gowns. This cargo is worth a total of 6 points of plunder.
10. Main Hold
This hold once housed the mundane cargo meant to be traded along the journey to Kyonin as a means of paying the crew (as opposed to the valuable gifts for Kyonin diplomats held in area 9). After years of damage and rot, there's nothing of value left.
11 . Brig
This area was once an infirmary for the Mark of Yunnarius's passengers and crew, but the undead elves who remain have converted it into a brig with one prisoner: Imdlara.
Two draugr crew members guard Imdlara, who is chainedto the wall with masterwork manacles. Lenoral Millvana, the Mark efYunnarius's former master-at-arms, carries the only key to Imdlara's restraints, and acts as a third guard. Imdlara begs anyone living who finds her to free her. She falsely claims innocence of any wrongdoing and is willing to say anything to escape the ship.
12. Crew's Berths
This cabin is filled with tattered hammocks in which the crew of the Mark ofYunnarius bunked prior to their deaths. Now no longer in need of sleep, the sailors rarely come to their former cabin, and the floor is littered with the mildew covered remains of their personal effects.
13. Quartermaster
This cabin served as the quartermaster's workspace and armory, and once held the ship's tools, supplies, and armaments. Most ofthe weapons that used to be found here are now in the possession of the crew, and what remains is rusted and ruined. A sturdy door in the forward bulkhead is water-swollen and warped, and cannot be opened. It can be smashed with a successful DC 20 Strength check or if dealt 30 points of damage (hardness 5). The door leads to the officer's armory (area 14).
14. Officer's Armory
This small cabin held the most powerful and valuable weapons aboard the ship, which were reserved for the use of the captain and her officers. In the chaotic aftermath of the ship's conversion into a ghostly vessel, the key to the door was lost, and the decades of disrepair have made the room inaccessible to even those crew with mind enough to want to open it.
Within are three +1 elven curve blades, a golden +2 composite shortbow (worth an additional 4,000 gp as an art object), a
suit of +3 leaf armor (Path.finder Campa(gn Settin13: The Inner Sea World Guide 291), and three quivers containing a total of 100 +1 arrows.
15. Officer's Quarters
These utilitarian quarters were once the domain of the Mark's officers. Six watertight footlockers are found here (Disable Device DC 20 ); one is trapped with a magical trap meant to shock any thief attempting to access it. As this is the lowest of the ship's decks, the floor here is soggy and holds about an inch of standing water. If the trap is triggered, it arcs to affect all creatures touching the cabin floor.
XP 25,600
Type magic; Perception DC 31; Disable Device DC 31
Trigger touch; Reset none
Effect (empowered chain lightning, 11d6 electricity damage +50%, Reflex DC 20 half [DC 18 for secondary targets]); multiple targets (all creatures touching the floor in area 15)

舰船策略 Ship’s Tactics
劇透 -   :
The Mark of Yunnarius sails an endless loop on the outskirts of the Eye of Abendego. As captain, Emalynday hopes to encounter ships that are traveling dangerously near the storm, either unintentionally or in an effort to evade authorities. She pilots the ship only at night, as she is powerless in the light of the sun; during the day, one of the Unsung Three or a draugr captain pilots it.
Lacking siege weaponry of any kind, the Mark of Yunnarius is most effective when it can ram or pull alongside an enemy vessel to grapple and board its prey. Emalynday, Nylindre, and the Unsung Three can fly, and they either take the fight to their targets or act as magical artillery and archery support from afar.

额外作祟 Additional Haunt

XP 51,200
混乱邪恶 作祟(任何最大半径35尺的区域)
施法者等级 15级
察觉 察觉检定DC 32(听到一个女声难以置信的耳语“不!”)
HP 30;触发:接近;再起:1天

劇透 -   :
Additfoual Haunt
While some locations aboard the Mark of Yunnarius feature specific undead creatures or haunts, some do not. The following haunt can be added to any location without an existing creature, haunt, or trap, at the GM's discretion. Appropriate locations for this haunt are areas 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10.

XP 51,200
CE haunt (any area up to a 35-foot radius)
Caster Level 15th
Notice Perception DC 32 (to hear a woman's voice incredulously whisper "no")
hp 30; Trigger proxim ity; Reset 1 minute
Effect When this haunt is triggered, a woman's voicethat of Emalynday-begins screaming "No!" Then she shrieks, in a most anguished and enraged voice, "I loved you!" A random creature in the area is tarqeted with power word kill. For that target, these last words bring a pain so bright and absolute it literally breaks her heart. This spell effect has the emotion descriptor.
Destruction If Emalynday is destroyed, so is this haunt.

冒险楔子 Adventure Hooks


阿兰顿港寻求答案 Alendruan Harbor Seeks Answers:不在乎所有关于尤娜瑞斯的标记命运的恐怖流言,卡拉从未收到一份埃玛琳迪和他的船员们以及成为不死生物的确切消息。卡拉所知道的只有这艘船从未抵达过奇奥尼,而她为了确切知道那艘船到底发生了什么而慷慨掏钱的,毕竟她已经在它上面投入了那么多。由于那艘船已经成为众多恐怖传言的主角,她只会招募最勇敢的探险家去寻找那艘船。

失踪的女儿 Missing Daughter:埃玛琳迪是全迪尔(Trindhil)——莽吉莽原的一名艾库迦精灵酋长——的女儿,并且在到镣铐群岛前,正准备继承部落的领导权。然而由于她的父亲禁止她和那个流亡者英莱拉交往,埃玛琳迪和她的爱人一起逃离了莽吉莽原。五十年过去了,但是埃玛琳迪的父亲仍然没放弃寻找她。近年来,他雇佣的冒险者前往埃玛琳迪最后为人所知的地方——镣铐群岛——探索她的命运。

厄运之风 Unlucky Winds: 任何在阿本迪戈暴风眼附近航行的船只都有可能足够倒霉,刚好遭遇标记号的航线,特别是如果有一场意想不到的风暴将其吹离航线。甚至有些一些胆大包天的镣铐岛船长会故意引诱他们的敌人在暴风眼附近航行,以期让埃玛琳迪和他的不死船员们可以为他们解决掉这些海盗问题。如果一艘船发现自己正处于标记号的视野内,最好的应对策略就是逃跑,幽灵船通常只会追杀十二公里左右,就会返回其之前的航线上。
劇透 -   :
Adventure HooKs
There are many ways PCs might encounter the Mark of Yunnarius when they sail near the Eye of Abendego. Below are but a few examples.
Alendruan Harbor Seeks Answers: Despite all the terrible rumors about the Mark of Yunnarius's fate, Kaala has never received confirmation that Emalynday and the crew have indeed become undead. All Kaala knows is that the ship never arrived in Kyonin, and she would pay well to know what exactly happened to it, since she spent a considerable amount on it. She recruits only the bravest adventurers to seek the ship that's become the target of such heinous rumors.
Missing Daughter: Emalynday is the daughter of Trindhil, an Ekujae elf chieftain in the Mwangi Expanse, and before she came to the Shackles, she was poised to inherit tribal leadership. However, her father forbade her relationship with the fugitive Imdlara, so Emalynday fled the Mwangi Expanse to be with her lover. Fifty years may have passed, but Emalynday's father still seeks his daughter. In recent years, he's employed adventurers to travel to her last-known location-the Shackles-to discover her fate.
Unlucky Winds: Any ship that sails in the vicinity of the Eye of Abendego might be unlucky enough to cross the Mark's path, particularly if an unexpected storm blows it off course. A few unscrupulous Shackles captains have even been known to purposely manipulate their enemies into sailing near the Eye in the hopes that Emalynday and her undead crew will eliminate the pirates' problems for them. If a ship finds itself within sight of the Mark, the best strategy is to run, as the ghost ship pursues prey for only a dozen miles or so before returning to its previous course.

无名众(3) CR 14
XP 每人38,400
男性 猎生尸 游侠 5 (怪物图鉴3 35)
中立邪恶 中体型 不死生物
先攻 +11; 感官 黑暗视觉60 尺; 察觉 +19
AC 29, 接触:1 7, 措手不及 22 (+5 护甲, +6 敏捷, +1 闪避, +7 天防)
HP 每人194 (20 HD; 15d8+5d10+100)
强韧 +15, 反射 +17, 意志 +12
速度 30 尺, 飞行 60 尺 (良好)
近战 2 爪抓 +21 (1d6+5)
远程攻击 +2 寻踪复合长弓 +26/+21/+16/+11 (1d8+7/19-20/x3 附加1d6负能量伤害及麻痹)
特殊攻击 战斗流派 (箭术), 噬魂(DC 22), 恐怖哀嚎 (DC 22), 宿敌(精灵+2, 人类+4), 死能箭(DC 22)
游侠准备法术 (CL 2nd; 专注 +3)
1st-重压之箭, 抵抗能量
力量 21, 敏捷 24, 体质 -, 智力 9, 意志 12, 魅力 20
基本攻击加值+16; CMB +21; CMD 39
专长 致命瞄准, 闪避, 坚忍, 远距射击, 精通重击 (长弓), 精通先攻, 灵活移动, 近距射击, 精准射击, 快速射击, 移动射击, 武器专攻 (长弓)
技能飞行 +29, 威吓 +23, 察觉 +19, 隐匿 +25, 生存 +19
语言 通用语,精灵语
特殊能力 偏好地形 (水域+2), 猎手羁绊 (同伴), 追迹+2, 野性认同 +10
战斗装备 高等杀戮箭(人类), 隐形术药水(2), 猫之优雅魔杖(12发充能);
其他装备 +3 叶织甲, +2寻踪复合长弓(+5 力量), 抗力斗篷+1

劇透 -   :
XP 38,400 each
Male baykok ranger 5 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 35)
NE Medium undead
lnit +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +19
AC 29, touch 1 7, flat-footed 22 (+5 armor, +6 Dex, +1 dodge, +7 natural)
hp 194 each (20 HD; 15d8+5d10+100)
Fort +15, Ref +17, Will +12
Immune undead traits
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee 2 claws +21 (1d6+5)
Ranged +2 seeking composite longbow +26/+21/+16/+1 1 (1d8+7/19-20/x3 plus 1d6 negative energy and paralysis)
Special Attacks combat style (archery), devour soul (DC 22), dread howl (DC 22), favored enemy (elves +2, humans +4), infused arrows (DC 22)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +3)
1st-gravity bowAP6, resist energy
Str 21, Dex 24, Con -, Int 9, Wis 1 2, Cha 20
Base Atk +16; CMB +21; CMD 39
Feats Deadly Aim, Dodge, Endurance, Far Shot, Improved
Critical (longbow), Improved Initiative, Mobility, PointBlank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Skills Fly +29, Intimidate +23, Perception +19, Stealth +25, Survival +19
Languages Common, Elven
SQ favored terrain (water +2), hunter's bond (companions), track +2, wild empathy +10
Combat Gear greater arrow of human slaying, potions of invisibility (2), wand of cat's grace (12 charges);
Other Gear +3 leather armor, +2 seeking composite longbow (+5 Str), cloak of resistance +1

The elven triplets Denhil, Lendhol, and Quendel Thenille-the Unsung Three-were renowned hunters before theyjoined the crew ofthe Mark of Yunnarius. Now they serve as Emalynday's most trusted allies and fierce combatants.

埃玛琳迪 CR 18
XP 153,600
女性 报丧女妖 术士 10 (怪物图鉴2 41)
混乱邪恶 中体型 不死生物 (虚体)
先攻 +17; 感官 黑暗视觉 60 尺, 追猎心跳,察觉 +42
AC 31, 接触:31, 措手不及 17 (+7 偏斜, +13 敏捷, + 1 闪避)
hp 323 (29 HD; 19d8+10d6+203)
强韧 +16, 反射 +24, 意志 +26
防御能力 虚体特性; 免疫:不死生物特性 弱点:阳光虚弱
速度 飞行 60 尺 (完美)
近战 虚体接触接触:+33 (14d6 负能量伤害附加恐惧)
特殊攻击 恐惧 (DC 26), 哀嚎(DC 28)
血统类法术能力 (CL 1 0th; 专注 +1 7)
任意-眼难及 (10 轮/天)
术士已知法术 (施法者等级 10级; 专注 +17)
5th (4/天)-支配人类(DC 26)
4th (6/天)-极度绝望(DC 25), 自爆术(DC 21), 毒击术(DC 21)
3rd (8/天)-深度睡眠(DC 24), 火球术(DC 20), 加速术, 人类定身术(DC 24)
2nd (8/天)-强酸箭, 虚假生命, 狂笑术(DC 23), 灼热射线,蛛网术 (DC 19)
1st (8/天)-魅惑人类(DC 20), 纠缠术(DC 18), 法师护甲, 魔法飞弹, 护盾术, 克敌机先
O (at will)-酸液飞溅, 出血术(DC 17), 眩晕术(DC 21), 侦测魔法, 幻音术(DC 17), 精怪之相, 法师之手, 寒冷射线, 阅读魔法
血统 精类
力量 -, 敏捷 36, 体质 -, 智力 8, 意志 22, 魅力 24
基本攻击加值 +19; CMB +32; CMD 50
专长 能力专攻(哀嚎), 警觉, 战斗反射, 闪避, 施法免材, 高等法术专攻(惑控), 法术升阶, 精通先攻, 钢铁意志, 闪电反射, 灵活移动, 法术瞬发, 法术专攻(惑控), 跳跃攻击, 快步跟进, 武器专攻(接触), 疾风步
技能飞行 +21, 知识(奥秘) +12, 知识(地理) +8, 察觉 +42, 专业(水手) +19, 察言观色 +32
语言 通用语,精灵语,混通语
特殊能力 血统奥秘:当你施展一个“胁迫”子学派的法术,该法术DC+2,穿林步

劇透 -   :
XP 153,600
Female banshee sorcerer 10 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 41)
CE Medium undead (incorporeal)
lnit +17; Senses darkvision 60 ft., hear heartbeat;
Perception +42
AC 31, touch 31, flat-footed 17 (+7 deflection, +1 3 Dex, + 1 dodge)
hp 323 (29 HD; 19d8+10d6+203)
Fort +16, Ref +24, Will +26
Defensive Abilities incorporeal; Immune undead traits
Weaknesses sunlight powerlessness
Speed fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Melee incorporeal touch +33 (14d6 negative energy plus terror)
Special Attacks terror (DC 26), wail (DC 28)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1 0th; concentration +1 7)
At will-fleeting glance (1 0 rounds/day)
10/day-laughing touch
1/day-shadow walk
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1 0th; concentration +17)
5th (4/day)-dominote person (DC 26)
4th (6/day)-crushing despair (DC 25), detonoteAPG (DC 21), poison (DC 21)
3rd (8/day)-deep slumber (DC 24), fireball (DC 20), haste, hold person (DC 24)
2nd (8/day)-acd arrow, false life, hideous laughter (DC 23), scorching ray, web (DC 19)
1st (8/day)-chorm person (DC 20), entangle (DC 18), moge armor, magic missile, shield, true strike
O (at will)-acid splash, bleed (DC 17), doze (DC 21), detect magic, ghost sound (DC 1 7), haunted fey aspect, moge hand, ray of frost, read magic
Bloodline fey
Str -, Dex 36, Con -, Int 8, Wis 22, Cha 24
Base Atk +19; CMB +32; CMD 50
Feats Ability Focus (wail), Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spring Attack, Step Up, Weapon Focus (touch), Wind Stance
Skills Fly +21, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge(geography) +8, Perception +42, Profession(sailor) +19, Sense Motive +32
Languages Common, Elven, Polyglot
SQ bloodline arcana (+2 DC for compulsion spells), woodland stride

Emalynday began life as the capricious daughter of Trindhil, chiefain of a tribe of Ekujae elves in the Mwangi Expanse. Even before she reached
adulthood, the thought of inheriting her father's responsibilities-and spending her days in such an isolated place-made her uneasy. And so Emalynday
pursued her natural arcane abilities and hoped for a different fate in a more exotic locale.

Soon afer reaching adulthood, Emalynday went exploring the wilderness and came across a striking elven barbarian named Imdlara. The passionate sorceress quickly fell in love, but never suspected that the barbarian was fleeing prosecution for several murders. Imdlara told Emalyndaythat the elventribes persecuted her unjustly, and so Emalynday took the barbarian before her father to beg for his help. Because he knew the nature of Imdlara's crimes, though,Trindhil refused-and forbade his daughter from consorting with the criminal.

Rather than abandon Imdlara, Emalynday fled the Mwangi Expanse, and the two stayed one step ahead of Imdlara's pursuers. Theywoundup in the Shackles, wherethanks to the wicked Imdlara-the elven leader Kaala set into motion a chain ofevents that led to tragedy.
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乍一看是传统风格海盗船的 迷人红宝石号(RAVISHING RUBY)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-01-19, 周五 17:48:34 »

劇透 -   :
"So, ye found a stomach fer resistin', didya? Ye must not've heard the stories, then. Well, here's one! When I was just a less, I found meself scufflin's with some real devilish scallywags. Werewolves, the lot of 'em. Aye, they bit and scratched me, and they took me eye and half me nose fer good measure. How'd I repay 'em? I stabbed 'em with silver, right through their dark hearts. Then, afore they breathed their last, I fed 'em to the sharks. Ah, how they screamed and thrashed, and cried fer me to save 'em! How their blood turned the sea red!"
"Ha! I laughed as they died, and those poor pups only stole me eye. I've another, y'see, but I only had the one ruby. I'm figurin' I owe the bilge-suckin'worm who took me stone double the treatment and more."
"And ye were figurin' to come out better? Ye may not be the fools who stole me gem, but I'm not one fer carin'. Ye ain't gettin' no mercy from me."
----- Aurora"Cyclops Jane" Henley, captain of the Ravishing Ruby


背景故事 Background
      在仅仅服役了几年以后,这艘船的蠢货船长就在一场肆虐的风暴中将其开地疯狂偏离航线,结束的时候已经到了热海,在那里被自由船长哈瓦拉斯 格鲁德(Havalas Grudd)麾下的海盗们掠夺了。格鲁德降这艘被俘获的双桅小船重新命名为顺手牵羊号,并将其赠送给了一个名为托马斯“剃刀利齿”麦格劳(Tomass "Razortooth" McGraw)的年轻盟友。
      然而在迷人红宝石号得以离开镣铐群岛这片混乱的水域前,一艘忠于格鲁德的船只——对背叛了剃刀利齿的人没有一丝友善——袭击了他们。尽管人数远少于敌方,亨利船长和他的船员们以少敌众击退了敌人,但是那些狡猾的海盗却带着她的宝贵的红宝石逃跑了。自那以后,亨利船长就开始热衷于追猎格鲁德和他的盟友们,为了报复对她的羞辱而击垮他们,并且夺回自己的红宝石。这项任务变得愈发危险了,因为格鲁德在她头上安放了一大笔悬赏,而且她也无法在牡蛎礁(Oyster Cay)——格鲁德的母港——公开暴露自己那张伤痕累累的脸。

劇透 -   :
The notorious pirate ship known as the Ravishing Ruby has a long, bloody history that began 20 years ago when it was commissioned in Taldor as a trade vessel. In those early days, the ship belonged to a greedy merchant who daringly traded near the pirate-infested waters of the Fever Sea. Now, the stolen brigantine sails the treacherous seas surrounding the Shackles under Captain Aurora "Cyclops Jane" Henley, a pirate obsessed with retrieving a lost bauble that she believes is the key to a priceless secret.
The Ravishing Ruby began its existence 20 years ago as a Taldan smuggling ship named Fortune Smiles, which made regular trips to Rahadoum, where the wealthy would pay lavish prices for the rare gems the ship's owner specialized in.
After only a few years in service, however, the ship's bumbling captain steered it wildly off course during a raging storm, ending up in the Fever Sea, where it was plundered by a pirate crew under the flag of Free Captain Havalas Grudd. Grudd renamed the captured brigantine the Five-Finger Discount and gifted it to a young ally by the name of Tomass "Razortooth" McGraw.
Razortooth recruited some of the Shackles' most promising young scoundrels and carved a name for himself among the region's merciless pirate captains. Razortooth's willingness to mentor young pirates led to his downfall, however, after he gave a young woman named Aurora "Cyclops Jane" Henley a place on his ship.
Ambitious to a fault but grateful for the job, Cyclops Jane served faithfully as Razortooth's favorite protege-at first. She soon discovered the ship's hidden compartments were unused and the ship's taking were pitiful, and surmised that Razortooth was incompetent. In the aftermath of a successful attack against an Osirian luxury ship, Cyclops Jane and her co-conspirators struck. Their mutiny claimed the lives of Razortooth and all his loyal officers, and Cyclops Jane became the ship's full-fledged captain.
When the dust settled and Captain "Cyclops Jane" Henley inventoried the loot from the fallen Osirian vessel, she discovered among the opulence a strange piece: a fist-sized ruby that,when held to the eye, revealed a tiny treasure map somehow etched into the interior of its facets.When she next arrived in port, the captain consulted an oracle, who told her that the map led to an ancient power source that could make her immortal. With her insatiable ambition irreversibly piqued, Captain Henley renamed her ship after the beautiful ruby and set about following the strangely wrought map.
Before the Ravishing Ruby could make it out of the chaotic waters surrounding the Shackles, however, a ship loyal to Grudd-who took none too kindly to the mutiny against Razortooth-ambushed the vessel. Captain Henley and her crew fought off the attackers despite being outnumbered, but the crafty pirates made off with her prized ruby. Ever since, Captain Henley has been obsessed with hunting down Grudd and his allies, murdering them for humiliating her,and stealing her ruby back. This mission is made more dangerous by the fact that Grudd has placed a sizable bounty on her head, and because she can't show her scarred face in Oyster Cay, Grudd's homeport.

舰船数据 Ship Statistic & 船上成员 Ship's Crew
海盗双桅横帆船 (帆船)
占据 3 (30尺 by 100尺); 成本 14,500 gp
先攻 +8
AC 16; 硬度 5
hp 1,620 (风帆 240)
豁免 +13
最高时速 90 尺 (风力); 加速度 30 尺
远程攻击 6 轻型弩炮 +10 (3d8), 4 轻型投石车 +15 (4d6)
CMB +22; CMD 32
撞角伤害 10d8
动力 风力或水流
航行检定 专业(水手)
操纵装置 舵轮
推进装置 60 平方风帆 (两根桅杆)
甲板层 3
货物/乘客150 吨/120 乘客
船长 阿诺娜“独眼简”亨利(中立邪恶 女性 人类 游荡者[海盗] 5/内海海盗 6; 玩家伴侣:内海的海盗 24页)
德莉莎“焦油唾沫”瓦克塔(混乱中立 女性 矮人 诗人[海之咏者] 5)
大副 奥伦 歪爪(混乱中立 男性 人类 术士8)
贾森“弹弓儿童”琼斯(混乱中立 男性 人类 游荡者 2)
尼利亚 巨人杀手(中立邪恶 女性 半兽人 野蛮人 6)
普瑞姆“油嘴皮”斯塔布(绝对中立 男性 人类 游荡者[短刃宗师] 6)
45名 海盗杀手(混乱邪恶 人类 战士 6)
军备 6 轻型弩炮(左舷和右舷) 有200发轻弩炮弹药; 4 轻型投石机 (前端和后端 拥有50发轻型投石机弹药和10发炽焰弹)
改造 撞角, 快速装置船帆, 丝绸风帆, 2个走私舱室
货物 4个掠夺点
劇透 -   :
Pirate brig (sailing ship)
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (30 ft. by 1 00 ft.); Cost 14,500 gp
lnit +8
AC 16; Hardness 5
hp 1,620 (sails 240)
Save +1 3
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
Ranged 6 light ballistae +10 (3d8), 4 light catapults +15 (4d6)
CMB +22; CMD 32
Ramming Damage 1 0d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
Control Device steering wheel
Means of Propulsion 60 squares of sails (two masts)
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 150 tons/120 passengers
Captain Aurora "Cyclops Jane" Henley (NE female human rogue [pirate"'] 5/lnner Sea pirate 6; Pathfinder Player Companion: Pirtes of the Inner Seo 24, see page 63)
Dressa "Tar Spit" Vokta (CN female dwarf bard [sea singerAPG] 5)
First Mate Auren Twistclaw (CN male human sorcerer 8; see page 62)
Jacin "Kid Catapult" Jones (CN male human rogue 2)
Neeria the Giant-Slayer (NE female half-ore barbarian 6)
Priam "Greasylips" Stubbs (N male human rogue [knife master"'] 6)
45 pirate cutthroats (CE human fighter 6)
Armaments 6 light ballistae (port and starboard) with 200 light ballista bolts; 4 light catapults"' (fore and aft) with 50 light catapult stones and 1 0 alchemist's fire canisters
Modifications ram, rapid-deploy sails, silk sails, 2 smuggling compartments
Cargo 4 points of plunder

船长 阿诺娜“独眼简”亨利 Captain Aurora "Cyclops Jane" Henley:亨利船长是个无情的海盗,通过纯粹的残忍和无情成为了船长,她要求所有船上的海盗都要对她绝对的忠诚,更多详情请见63页。

德莉莎“焦油唾沫”瓦克塔 Dressa "Tar Spit" Vokta:德莉莎“焦油喷涂”瓦克塔是这艘船的领航和舵手,她是一个暴脾气的矮人,她的绰号得名于她清嗓时往海里吐的带着黑色烟草的唾沫。

大副 奥伦 歪爪 First Mate Auren Twistclaw:歪爪是迷人红宝石号上的水手长,也是独眼简在对剃刀利齿船长发起叛乱时的主要同谋。歪爪对独眼简能用强硬手段管理船上的海盗们十分敬佩。更多详情请见62页。

贾森“弹弓儿童”琼斯 Jacin "Kid Catapult" Jones:贾森是一个只有15岁大的船上侍者,并且可能是船上最会躲藏并且最灵通的船员了。弹弓儿童会监视船员们,保证所有人就像他们刚上船时一样忠诚,不会有任何人有计划对船长发起叛变。

尼利亚 巨人杀手 Neeria the Giant-Slayer:尼利亚是船上的军械官和二副,当亨利船长看到在奥鲁港(Ollo)外的荒野中,这个半兽人几乎单挑了一个火巨人后,就找上了她。(夭寿啦,6级NPC野蛮人单刷CR10的火巨人啦)

普瑞姆“油嘴皮”斯塔布 Priam "Greasylips" Stubbs: 油嘴皮既是船上的厨师,有时也冒充医生。他在奇险港长大的经历教会了她如何割开喉咙,他将这些技术转化成了厨艺还有那可疑的医术。亨利船长赞赏油嘴皮的能力可以胜任任何他被要求填上的角色定位。
劇透 -   :
In all, there are 53 souls aboard the Ravishing Ruby: pirate cutthroats, officers, and two prisoners. The ship's officers are detailed below.
Captain Aurora "Cyclops Jane" Henley: A ruthless pirate who has risen to captain through sheer brutality and mercilessness, Captain Henley requires absolutely loyalty from every pirate on her ship. See page 63 for more information.
Dressa "Tar Spit" Vokta: The ship's navigator and helmsman, Dressa "Tar Spit" Vokta is a surly dwarf who gets her nickname from the dark tobacco spit she hawks overboard into the sea. It's a mystery to the rest of crew where she gets her seemingly inexhaustible supply of chew, and how she manages to sing such clear and melodious sea shanties with a perpetually full mouth.
First Mate Auren Twistclaw: Boatswain on the Ravishing Ruby, Twistclaw was Cyclops Jane's primary co-conspirator in the mutiny against Captain Razortooth. Twistclaw respects Cyclops Jane because of her hard-line approach to managing the ship's rowdy pirates. See page 62 for more information.
Jacin "Kid Catapult" Jones: Jacin is the ship's 15-year-old cabin boy, and perhaps the sneakiest and most versatile member of the crew. As loyal as they come, Kid Catapult spies on the crew to ensure no one ever plans to mutiny against his captain.
Neeria the Giant-Slayer: Neeria is the ship's master-at-arms and second mate. Captain Henley sought Neeria out after witnessing the half-ore almost single-handedly take down a fire giant in the wilds outside Ollo.

船体描述 Ship Description

1. 艏楼甲板 Foredeck

2.艉楼甲板 Poop Deck

3.顶层仓库 Topside Storage

4.歪爪的房间 Twistclaw's Cabin
这个大小适中的房间属于大副奥伦 歪爪,本船的水手长。一张黑色的羊毛地毯掩盖着房间中央的隐藏隔间(察觉DC 20),里头藏着一根火球项链(2型),一份火焰箭油以及一瓶喷火灵药。

5.露天甲板 Waist Deck

6.航海士的房间 officers' Cabin

7.起居室 Wardroom
在通向区域6和区域8的房门中间,一块红色天鹅绒的帷幕遮住了一小块方形的凹室,放着书架和三个橱柜,里头装着船长保存的船只导航工具,地图以及其他有价值的物品。橱柜是上锁的(解除装置DC 30)。每个里头包含各式各样的地图和图纸价值850gp(总共2250gp)
成功通过一个DC 15的察觉检定可以发现一个小箱子被放在凹室地板下的暗舱内。这个箱子上面有个陷阱,里头装着亨利船长实际的分类帐簿。这个陷阱可以通过用船长的钥匙开锁来规避。
毒雾陷阱 CR9
类型机械; 察觉 DC 25;解除装置 DC 25
触发:接触 重置:规避:亨利船长的钥匙

8.船长的房间 Captain's Cabin
这个漆成了深红色的华丽舱室,是亨利船长的私人房间。一个抽屉柜被固定在内壁上。柜子的四个抽屉都上了锁(解除装置DC 25),里头有13枚红宝石总共价值200gp,一顶易容帽和两袋干燥粉。

9.船员物品储藏室 Crew's Hold

10.船员舱室 Crew's Quarters

11.射击甲板 Firing Deck

12. 餐厅 Mess

13.活物舱 Livery

14.监禁室 Brig
现在被锁在舱壁上的是一个骗子,Dreya Littletoe(中立邪恶 女性 半精灵 诗人 6,NPC志29页)和一个凶残的半身人 Lew "快刃" Swailen(混乱邪恶 男性 半身人 战士,NPC志81页),他们都因为在奥略(Ollo)的犯罪而被通缉。亨利船长从一艘敌船上抓到了他们并且计划拿去港口政府那里换取奖金。如果玩家释放了Littletoe和快刃,他们会帮助玩家们打败亨利船长和她的船员们——尽管这两个囚犯都不配当成盟友来信任。

15.主储藏室 Main Hold

16.军械库 Armory
这个狭小的船舱内载满了各种普通的武器、护甲和补给品来替换船员们损坏的装备。迷人红宝石号的军械官尼利亚 巨人杀手,通常都会待在这里,还有至少一名海盗杀手在这里作为她的助手。因为迷人红宝石号的军械和船员现在都处于战备状态,目前军械库的装备相对比较少。盔甲架上有五套镶嵌皮甲和一套秘银衫。武器架上有三把精制品弯刃大刀,四把+1细剑和八把精制品水兵刀。以及各种等待维修的破损军用武器。

17.船长的秘藏 Captain's Stash
这个次要的储存室里包括亨利船长的个人战利品,除了船长和大副外,所有人都是禁止进入的,两人都有这扇门的钥匙(解除装置DC 30)。这个房间里的大部分财宝都是硬币、珠宝、艺术品或者其他容易交易的类型。这些东西本身加值1个掠夺点,其中的细节留给GM填充。
在船尾的仓闭上有一扇密门(察觉DC 25发现)通向船尾的一个小储存室。船员们知道在军械库后面有一片空的区域,但是他们假装不知道,知道最好让船长保存着自己的秘密。在这个走私舱室里,有一箱加值400gp的塔尔多水晶杯,一桶价值450gp的烏荼羅藏红花,10箱总共价值1150gp的螺丝栓。这个秘密隔间里的财物价值2掠夺点。
劇透 -   :
The Ravishing Ruby is a modified two-masted bark, measuring 100 feet from bow to stern and with a 30-foot beam. The ship typically flies black sails to make it harder to spot at night, and often runs dark in order to take its prey by surprise.
1 . Foredeck
Two light catapults are positioned atop the Ravishing Ruby's foredeck, both of which can be rotated to launch volleys forward as well as port and starboard. Open wooden crates containing a total of 25 light catapult stones and five alchemist's fire canisters are close at hand. At any given time, four pirate cutthroats are working on this deck, seeing to the ship's rigging and firing the catapults during combat。
2. Poop Deck
This raised deck at the stern of the Ravishing Ruby features the same armaments and regular crew as area 1, except the catapults here can be rotated to fire astern rather than forward. The ship's wheel is located on this deck, and is typically piloted by Dressa "Tar Spit"Vokta, the ship's navigator and helmsman. When in battle or preparing to raid another vessel, Captain Henley takes the helm and commands the ship's crew.
3. Topside Storage
This small cabin serves as all-purpose storage for sailing supplies. An auxiliary armory of a dozen light crossbows, loo crossbow bolts, and 20 cutlasses is stored here, along with ropes, pulleys, sail patches, and other gear necessary to have closer to hand than the ship's hold (area 15).
4. Twistclaw's Cabin
This modest cabin is the abode of First Mate Auren Twistclaw, the ship's boatswain. A black woolen rug hides a secret compartment in the center of the floor (Perception DC 20), which contains a necklace of fireballs (type II), an oil of flame arrow, and an elixir of fire breath.
5. Waist Deck
This is the largest of the Ravishing Ruby's weather decks, and is the primary area in which the pirates maintain daily operations. A contingent of 12 pirate cutthroats work here during normal operations.
6. Officers' Cabin
This cabin houses four bunks in which the Ravishing Ruby's officers (save the captain and first mate) sleep in shifts. Lining the bulkheads beneath the bunks are six footlockers where the officers store their personal effects. Each is locked with a good lock, and contains situational wealth according to the character level of the officer who owns it (see the Ship's Crew sidebar).
7. Wardroom
This cluttered cabin serves as the captain's mess and wardroom, and holds Captain Henley's notes, maps, navigation charts, and crew records, as well as faked cargo manifests. Despite the cabin's functional nature, it houses an imposing array of bizarre furniture, including an ostentatious desk made entirely of polished bone set in the center.
A red velvet curtain occludes a small square alcove, between the doors to areas 6 and 8, filled with bookshelves and three cabinets, in which the captain keeps the ship's navigational tools, maps, and other valuables. The cabinets are locked (Disable Device DC 30 ). Each contains an assortment of rare maps and drawings worth 850 gp (2,550 gp in total).
A successful DC 15 Perception check reveals a small lockbox (secured with a superior lock) in a hidden compartment beneath the alcove's floorboards. The lockbox, which is trapped, holds Captain Henley's actual ledgers. The trap can be bypassed by unlocking the box with the captain's key.
Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger touch; Reset none; Bypass use of Captain Henley's key
Effect poison gas (ungol dust); never miss; onset delay (1 round); multiple targets (all targets in area 7)
8. Captain's Cabin
This gaudy cabin, painted a deep crimson, serves a s Captain Henley's personal cabin. A chest of drawers is secured to the inner wall. The four drawers within are locked (Disable Device DC 25) and contain 13 rubies worth a total of 200 gp, a hat of disguise, and two sacks of dust of dryness.
9. Crew's Hold
This small storage cabin is separated from the crew's quarters (area 10) by only a sheer curtain, and serves as the hold for the share of plunder that belongs to the ship's nonofficers. Within are piles ofburlap sacks, each labeled with a different crew member's name. The curtain is generally drawn, but its transparent nature ensures that no one tampers with any of his fellow pirates' loot without being seen. The wealth within these sacks is largely left to the GM, and has not been incorporated into the ship's plunder value.

10. Crew's Quarters
The Ravishin13 Ruby's crew sleeps in this rather utilitarianarea. The cabin is filled with hammocks, most of which contain the crew members' limited mundane possessions. At any given time, as much as a third of the crew can be found here, recovering from their most recent shift or sleeping off a night of drinking and gambling.

11 . Firing Deck
The vessel's primary armaments occupy this deck. Light ballistae line the port and starboard bulkheads-three on each side. Beside each ballista is an open wooden crate. In all, there are 200 light ballista bolts on this deck. When the ship is not in combat, four pirate cutthroats attend to the ballistae's upkeep and ammunition inventories.

Jacin "Kid Catapult" Jones, the youngest member of the Ravishin13 Ruby's crew, is also here, although he moves to areas I or z as needed during combat. Six pirates are needed to crew all the ballistae.

12. Mess
This cabin contains a well-used cooking area and beat-up benches where the Ravishin13 Rulry's sailors take their meals and spend their short breaks. A small larder stands adjacent to the mess, and contains the ship's cured meat, dry goods, and liquid provisions.

The ship's cook, Priam "Greasylips" Stubbs, is found here along with at least three pirate cutthroats. Although the cutthroats raucously join any fights that break out nearby, Greasyl ips prefers to exercise his considerable knife skills stealthily should the ship or this area come under attack.

13. Livery
This room is filled with cages of all sizes that hold chickens and donkey rats, as well as nearly a score of giant tortoises that require little food, water, or care and each provide hundreds of pounds of meat when butchered. Captain Henley stores exotic creatures she captures while raiding in this livery as well, unless they are too large, in which case she stashes them in the main hold (area 15).

14. Brig
Filled with shackles and stocks, this brig is where Captain Henley locks recently captured prisoners and any crew members who require disciplinary action. Only prisoners who might bring a hefty ransom are kept here; enemies oflesser importance she either presses into her service or executes. Only the captain and first mate carry the keys to the restraints. Otherwise, opening the fetters requires a successful DC 30 Disable Device check.

15. Main Hold
This open space is filled with the spoils of Captain Henley's most recent exploits. Currently, the hold contains various cured leathers worth a total of 1 point of plunder. Currently chained to the bulkhead are a con artist, Dreya Littletoe (NE female half-elf bard 6; Path.finder RPG NPC Codex 29), and a murderous halfling, Lew "Swiftblade" Swailen (CE male halfling fighter 4; Path.finder NPC Codex 81), both wanted for crimes in Ollo. Captain Henley has captured them from an enemy ship and plans to collect a bounty from the port's authorities. If the PCs free Littletoe and Swift blade, they're willing to help the PCs defeat Captain Henley and her crew-although neither prisoner can be trusted as an ally.

16. Armory
This cramped cabin is stuffed with racks full of mundane weapons, armor, and supplies to mend the crew's equipment when it becomes damaged. The RavishinlJ Ruby's master-atarms, Neeria the Giant-Slayer, is generally found here along with at least one pirate cutthroat serving as her assistant. Because the RavishinlJ Ruby's armaments and crew are currently readied for battle, the armory is relatively thin on supplies at the moment. The armor racks contain five suits of studded leather armor and one mithral shirt. The weapon racks contain three masterwork falchions, four +1 rapiers, and eight masterwork cutlasses, along with various broken martial weapons awaiting repair.

17. Captain's Stash
This secondary hold contains Captain Henley's personal haul ofloot, and is strictly off-limits to all but the captain and first mate, each of whom has a key to the door (Disable Device DC 30). Much of the wealth in this room takes the form of coins, jewelry, art objects, and other easily traded commodities. This stash represents 1 point of plunder in itself, and the details of the contents are left up to the GM.

A secret door in the aft bulkhead (Perception DC 25 to notice) leads to a smaller hold in the stern of the vessel. While the crew know there's a hollow space behind the armory, they feign ignorance, knowing it's best to let the captain have her secrets. Inside the smuggler's compartment are a case ofTaldan crystal goblets worth 400 gp, a barrel of Vudrani saffron worth 450 gp, and 10 crates of silk bolts worth a total of 1,150 gp. The treasure in this secret compartment is worth 2 points of plunder.

舰船策略 Ship’s Tactics
劇透 -   :
Captain Henley orders the Ravishing Ruby's crew to attack any vessels that sail under Free Captain Havalas Grudd's flag, ships she's identified as easy prey, and ships she believes are trying to follow her.
In combat, the captain takes the helm and shouts orders from the poop deck. The crew launches siege engine attacks from range as the captain closes the distance between the ships. Once the Ravishing Ruby comes within 30 feet of an enemy vessel, Captain Henley attempts to ram the opposing ship. During the following rounds, her siege engine crews assist with attempts to grapple the enemy ship, if necessary. Once the ship is grappled, normal shipboard combat commences.
If the Ravishing Ruby is attacked unexpectedly with siege engines, the captain instructs her crew to return fire immediately while she attempts to position the ship for a ram maneuver. If the ship is boarded, all crew members on the weather decks defend the ship as best they can the first round it's boarded. On the second round, Captain Henley relinquishes the helm and joins the fight. The following round, First Mate Twistclaw arrives on the waist deck and begins casting area-of-effect spells, targeting as many enemies as possible.

冒险楔子 Adventure Hooks

公海上的阴谋 Intrigue on the High Seas:公开战斗并不是镣铐群岛那些臭名昭著的海盗领主们打败敌人的唯一手段。由于没有海盗船长会在知情的情况下对亨利船长和她的船员出手,哈瓦拉斯·格鲁德和他的盟友们一直在寻找新来者来替他们这件脏活。如果玩家们是新崛起的海盗,想要在镣铐中获得声望,那么一个亨利船长的敌人可能会让他们去追捕她,谎称只是去干掉一个实力较弱的敌人。

情侣之争 Pawns in a Lovers' Quarrel:哈瓦拉斯·格鲁德(Havalas Grudd)与早已分手的情人——韦德·奥尔加(Wide Olga)在争夺牡蛎礁(Oyster Cay)控制权的问题上陷入了激烈的冲突。韦德·奥尔加对格鲁德和亨利船长之间的仇恨非常清楚,如果玩家们在镣铐群岛中打响了名头,韦德·奥尔加可能会找到他们。她请求玩家们在她和亨利船长结成同盟,她深知这样的同盟对双方都是有利的,但对格鲁德来说却是致命的。

异常痴迷 Singular Obsession:亨利船长疯狂的专注于夺回她被偷走的红宝石地图,攻击任何撞上她的船只,只为一丝微渺的希望,她所攻击的目标知道那枚红宝石地图现在的下落。当玩家们获得了这颗红宝石——无论是从落败的敌人手上获得,偶然间找到,或者由某个希望亨利船长追杀玩家们的家伙交给玩家——那个海盗会使用她所控制的所有资源来重新得到它。
劇透 -   :
Adventre Hooks
The Ravishing Ruby makes a great random pirate encounter for PCs traveling through the Fever Sea or near the Shackles who may otherwise not be part of a pirate-themed adventure. On the other hand, the intricacies of the ship's history and the motivations of its captain and crew can lead to many more long term encounters. The seeds of several such campaigns follow.
Intrigue on the High Seas: Open combat is not the only means through which the Shackles' notorious pirate lords seek to defeat one another. Although few pirate captains would knowingly take on Captain Henley and her crew, Havalas Grudd and his allies are constantly looking for newcomers to do their dirty work. If the PCs are upstart pirates seeking prestige in the Shackles, one of Captain Henley's enemies might contract them to hunt her under the pretext of vanquishing a weaker rival.
Pawns in a Lovers' Quarrel: Havalas Grudd is locked in a bitter conflict with his estranged lover, Wide Olga, over control of Oyster Cay. Wide Olga is well aware of the hatred between Grudd and Captain Henley, and if the PCs make a name for themselves in the Shackles, Wide Olga may seek them out. She asks the PCs to broker an alliance between her and Captain Henley, knowing that such an alliance could be beneficial for all parties-and deadly for Grudd.
Singular Obsession: Captain Henley is maniacally focused on retrieving her stolen ruby map, attacking nearly any ship she comes across in the mere hope that her target possesses knowledge of its current whereabouts. Were the PCs to come into possession of the ruby-by tang it from a fallen foe, finding it by chance, or having it given to them by someone who wants Captain Henley to hunt them down-the pirate would use all the resources at her command to retrieve it.

奥伦 歪爪 CR 7
XP 3,200
男性 人类 术士 8
混乱中立 中体型 类人生物(人类)
先攻 +2; 感官 察觉 +4
AC 14, 接触:14, 措手不及 11 (+1 偏斜, +2 敏捷, +1 闪避)
hp 54 (8d6+24)
强韧 +6, 反射 +8, 意志 +8
火焰抗力 10
速度 30 尺
近战 精制品匕首  +6 (1d4+1/19-20)
血脉类法术能力 (CL 8th; 专注 +1 2)
7/天-元素射线 (1d6+4 火焰)
术士已知法术 (CL 8th; 专注 +1 2)
4th (4/天)-火墙术
3rd (6/天)-火球术(DC 19),加速术, 防护能量
2nd (7/天)-火焰吐息(DC 18), 炽焰法球(DC 18),灼热射线, 献祭(DC 18)
1st (7/天)-燃烧之手(DC 17), 七彩喷射(DC 15),油腻术(DC 15), 法师护甲, 魔法飞弹, 护盾术
0 (随意)-酸液飞溅, 出血术(DC 14), 侦测魔法, 光亮术,法师之手, 冰冻射线, 阅读魔法, 火花术
血脉: 元素(火)
力量 12, 敏捷 14, 体质 14, 智力 8, 意志 1 0, 魅力 18
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 19
专长 闪避, 法术强效, 法术增远, 施法免材, 高等法术专攻 (塑能), 闪电反射, 法术专攻 (塑能)
技能察觉 +4, 法术辨识 +6, 使用魔法装置 +15
语言 通用语
特殊能力 血统奥秘 (当你施展一个造成元素伤害的法术,你可以将伤害类型改变为你的血统所选定的元素)
战斗装备 治疗轻伤药水(2), 火焰刀卷轴(3), 焰击术卷轴, 燃火术魔杖(15发充能);
其他装备 精制匕首, 抗力斗篷+2, 防护戒指+1, 钥匙环, 23gp

劇透 -   :
XP 3,200
Male human sorcerer 8
CN Medium humanoid (human)
lnit +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+1 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 54 (8d6+24)
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +8
Resist ti re 1 O
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +6 (1d4+1/19-20)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +1 2)
7/day-elemental ray (1d6+4 fire)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +1 2)
4th (4/day)-wall of fire
3rd (6/day)-fireball (DC 19), haste, protection from energy
2nd (7/day)-fire breathAPG (DC 18), flaming sphere (DC 18),
scorching ray, spontaneous immolationuc (DC 1 8)
1st (7/day)-buring hands (DC 17), color spray (DC 1 5),
grease (DC 1 5), mage armor, magic missile, shield
O (at will)-acid splash, bleed (DC 14), detect magic, light,
mage hand, ray of frost, read magic, sparkAPG
Bloodline elemental (fire)
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 1 0, Cha 18
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 19
Feats Dodge, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Eschew
Materials, Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Lightning
Reflexes, Spell Focus (evocation)
Skills Perception +4, Spellcraft +6, Use Magic Device +15
Languages Common
SQ bloodline arcana (change energy damage spells to match
bloodline energy)
Combat Gear potions of cure light wounds (2), scrolls of flame blade (3), scroll of flame strike, wand ofproduce flame (1 5 charges);
Other Gear mwk dagger, cloak of resistance +2, ring ofprotection +1, key ring, 23 gp
Auren Twistclaw is a man of few words and fewer frills, but he is one of the only people Captain Henley trusts with her life. He's a cruel man-he spent nearly 10 years as a sailor under Captain Razortooth, whose mutiny he facilitated with gusto and pleasure. Ultimately, Twistclaw betrayed Razortooth not because he agreed with Cyclops Jane that the captain was incompetent and a poor earner, but because he resented Razortooth for not taking notice of his considerable skill with magic and rewarding him accordingly. For Twistclaw, serving under Captain Henley is a promising situation that affords him powerful status and lets him indulge his cruelty by punishing sailors who run afoul of the captain's strict rules.
Despite his somewhat unpredictable and arguably insane natural and pyromaniacal tendencies, Auren is a meticulous man who keeps his cabin (area 4) sparsely furnished, austerely decorated, and spotlessly tidy. The same attention to detail and his own sense of the proper order of things lead him to justify extreme violence and creatively sadistic punishments when he's disciplining the crew. The captain largely keeps him from causing wanton destruction to the Ravishinl Ruby, instead encouraging him to take out his rage upon enemy vessels, traitors, or crew who simply don't cut muster. She's unaware of Auren's secret stash of pyrotechnic magic items beneath his cabin floor, however, and were she to discover this potential fire risk, she would likely feed her first mate to the sharks, as she has so many others who disappointed her.
阿诺娜“独眼简”亨利CR 10
XP 9,600
女性 人类 游荡者[海盗] 5/内海海盗 6
NE 中体型 类人生物(人类)
先攻 +8; 感官 察觉 +14
AC 23, 接触:16, 措手不及 18 (+6 护甲, +1 偏斜, +4 敏捷, +1 闪避, +1 天生防御)
hp 91 (11d8+38)
强韧 +6, 反射 +12, 意志 +6; +1 对抗恐惧和影响心灵的效果
防御能力 反射闪避, 直觉闪避, 坚定不移+1
速度 30 尺
近战 +1 细剑 +14/+9 (1d6+2/18-20)
远程攻击 精制轻型十字弩 +12 (1d8/19-20)
特殊攻击 偷袭+5d6, 摇摆复位
力量 1 2, 敏捷 18, 体质 14, 智力 8, 意志 10, 魅力 16
基本攻击加值 +7; CMB +8; CMD 24
专长 战斗反射, 闪避, 精通先攻, 钢铁意志, 灵活移动, 海腿子, 健壮, 武器娴熟, 武器专攻 (细剑)
技能特技 +10, 估价 +8, 唬骗 +8, 攀爬 +8, 易容 +8, 威吓 +17, 知识 (工程) +2, 知识(地方) +5, 察觉 +14, 专业 (水手) +14, 察言观色 +7, 巧手 +8, 隐匿 +17, 游泳 +10
语言 通用语
特殊能力 海盗绝活 (速度爆发, 经典决斗者, 风暴水手, 操索抢风), 盗贼天赋 (武器训练)
战斗装备 治疗重伤药水;
其他装备 +2链甲衫, +1细剑, 精制轻型十字弩(20发弩矢), 天防护符+1, 敏捷腰带+2, 抗力斗篷+1, 防护戒指+1, 钥匙环, 143 gp
速度爆发(Burst of Speed)(Ex) 亨利船长学会了如何在情况必须时将她船的速度全部哄出来。通过DC 20的专业(水手)检定,她可以使她的船只的基础速度在一轮内翻倍。她每天只能使用一次这个能力。
经典决斗者(Classic Duelist)(Ex) 亨利船长在使用水兵刀,细剑和短剑时,在攻击骰上获得+1表现加值。
风暴水手(Storm Sailor)(Ex) 亨利船长在进行航行和导航时,将所有的风暴视为更弱的一级(这项增益与角色背景特质了解飓风(Hurricane Savvy)以及其他和风况有关的能力叠加)。她可以通过做一个特技检定来以正常速度在不平坦的表面行动,并且她不会因为轻微打滑,轻微不稳定和中等不稳定在特技检定上承受减值。
操索抢风(Windrigger)(Ex):亨利船长学会了抢风航行的技艺,通过DC 15的专业(水手)检定,她增加她的船只的基础移动速度5尺,持续1小时。

14岁那年,为了避免自己的母亲陷入可悲的卖淫生活,阿诺娜·简·亨利(Aurora Jane Henley)于立足于在帕利港(Parley Point)的一艘船的船员名单上签下了自己的名字。当停靠在奥略(Ollo)时,她发现自己与一群水手陷入了酒馆乱战,这些水手原来是阿维玛·索林什的狼人船员。阿诺娜·简取得了胜利,但那天晚上稍晚的时候,两个狼人在奥罗的码头附近跳向了她。
当她回到自己的船上时,浑身浴血筋疲力尽,她的同伴们给她起了个新名字“独眼简”。不久之后, 她的英勇事迹传到了船长“剃刀利齿”麦格劳的耳中,他给了她在船上的一席之地——而这也最终成为了他的灾难。
劇透 -   :
XP 9,600
Female human rogue (pirate) 5/lnner Sea pirate 6
(Pathfinder Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea 24,
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 72)
NE Medium humanoid (human)
lnit +8; Senses Perception +14
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +1 deflection, +4 Dex,
+1 dodge, +1 natural)
hp 91 (11d8+38)
Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +6; +1 vs. fear and mind-affecting effects
Defensive Abilities evasion, uncanny dodge, unflinching +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 rapier +14/+9 (1d6+2/18-20)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +12 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +5d6, swinging reposition
Str 1 2, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +7; CMB +8; CMD 24
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Sea Legs"', Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
Skills Acrobatics +10, Appraise +8, Bluff +8, Climb +8, Disguise +8, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (engineering) +2, Knowledge(local) +5, Perception +14, Profession (sailor) +14, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +17, Swim +10
Languages Common
SQ pirate tricks (burst of speed, classic duelist, storm sailor, windrigger), rogue talents (weapon training)
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds;
Other Gear +2 chain shirt, +1 rapier, mwk light crossbow with 20 bolts, amulet of natural armor +1, belt af incredible dexterity +2, cloak of resistance +1, ring af protection +1, key ring, 143 gp
Burst of Speed (Ex) Captain Henley has learned to coax speed out of her ship when it really counts. With a successful DC 20 Profession (sailor) check, she doubles her ship's maximum speed for 1 round. She can use this ability once per day.
Classic Duelist (Ex) Captain Henley gains a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls made with a cutlass, rapier, or short sword.
Storm Sailor (Ex) Captain Henley treats all storms as if they were one category less severe for the purposes of sailing and navigation. She can attempt Acrobatics checks to move at her normal speed across uneven ground without increasing its DC, and she doesn't take penalties on any Acrobatics checks because of slightly slippery, slightly unsteady, or moderately unsteady conditions.
Windrigger (Ex) Captain Henley has learned the tricky art of tacking. With a successful DC 15 Profession (sailor) check, she increases her ship's maximum speed by 5 feet for 1 hour.
At age 14, Aurora Jane Henley signed on the crew of a ship based in Parley Point to avoid the life of prostitution that left her mother mired in misery. While docked in Ollo, she found herself in a barroom scuffle with some sailors who turned out to be members of Avimar Sorrinash's werewolf crew. Aurora Jane emerged victorious, but later that evening, two of the werewolves jumped her near Ollo's docks.
Aurora Jane fought fiercely, but the werewolves' claws raked her face, destroying her right eye and the flesh around it. In desperation, Aurora Jane plunged the sharp, silver pendant she was wearing into the werewolves' flesh. She then dragged her would-be assailants to the docks' edge and threw them to the sharks below.
When she returned to her ship,bloody and exhausted, her companions gave her a new name: "Cyclops Jane." Shortly aferward, word ofher exploits reached Captain Razortooth McGraw, who offered her a spot on his ship-to his ultimate misfortune.
« 上次编辑: 2018-01-29, 周一 22:45:33 由 丞相 »

离线 我因在昵称带上ta的名字而被扣了......

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Re: 内海舰船 (Ships of the Inner Sea)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-03-01, 周四 23:04:47 »