作者 主题: 【CF】释放一个更好的你,赛博史 p. 63-72  (阅读 8282 次)

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【CF】释放一个更好的你,赛博史 p. 63-72
« 于: 2018-01-22, 周一 01:00:09 »









劇透 -   :
>Hey Nephrine? I wanted to say thanks again for taking this up on such short notice.

>No big thing, Butch, we’ve been needing to review some of the new toys for a while, but you did such a good job the last time, why did you need me for this one?

>That was seven years ago. Bull being around makes it easy to forget, but the rest of us tuskers aren’t quite so lucky. I wasn’t exactly a spring chicken then, and these days—well, let’s just say that it takes a lot longer to get out of bed.

>And the new kid?

>Riot? Human. On the one hand, she’ll be around for a while (if she doesn’t get her ass shot off due to that damn code of hers), but on the other, she needs the upgrades. This is a primer for her and a bit of a tour of the site as well.

>Can do. And Butch?


>If you need anything, you let me know, all right?

>Will do.

劇透 -   :
We’re moving toward 2078, which means it’ll soon be time for all the new tech to start rolling out. Ad campaigns are being fred up, scientists are busy in the lab, and management’s putting unrealistic expectations on everyone as they buck for promotion. This means it’s a prime time for shadowruns as we try to get our grubby mitts on the new tech before anyone else does, scuttle new designs before they hit the street, and oh, the kidnapping … pardon … involuntary re-employments, around every corner. It’s like Christmas, only with more bullets.
> Stone(硬石)

> Sunshine(阳光)

> Plan 9

>耐心点,蚂蚱。(暗讽plan 9很跳)当生体改造成为当前趋势的时候镀铬很容易被忽略。我当然超想看环球全能科技的最新基因改造能走到哪一步,但你得纵观全局,把握一切。归根结底,赛博改造能做到泛人类肉体所无法再现的事情,那意味着它永远都那么有趣。
> The Smiling Bandit(笑面土匪)
劇透 -   :
> Bullets for Christmas is an idea I fully support.
> Stone

> All jokes aside, this one’s been badly needed for a while. We’ve been so focused on CFD that we’ve been overlooking the advances in other felds. The Nanopocalypse changed how we approach many upgrades for the Metahuman body, and corporations are still adjusting things on the fly as new methodologies are discovered to replace the old. It’s easy to get distracted and miss the new rollouts.
> Sunshine

> Cyberware’s so boring and played out! Can’t we just skip ahead to Evo?
> Plan 9

> Patience, grasshopper. It’s easy to overlook chrome when bioware’s the current trend, and I’m certainly itching to see where Universal Omnitech’s new gene mods are going, but you need to look at everything to see the entire picture. At the end of the day, cyberware is capable of doing things that no metahuman body can replicate, and that means it’s always interesting.
> The Smiling Bandit

劇透 -   :
Before we can look into the future, we should really look into the past. Despite what the advertisers would have you believe, cyberware isn’t ancient tech, nor is it the greatest thing of the twenty-first century. In one form or another, the core concept’s been around for centuries, and even the basic form that you’d recognize as true cyber’s been in use for nearly a century. Remember, we have evidence of cavemen trying their hand at brain surgery, combining our curiosity and amazing metahuman durability with our need to deal with substandard situations, be it getting that pain out of your head, fling your teeth into points for better biting ability, or fguring out how to put wood and ivory into your mouth when you’ve outlived your teeth but still need to eat.

劇透 -   :
>That durability is our coolest super-power, by the way. All kinds of other animals are done for when they break a limb or get holes poked in them, let alone have half their body yanked off. Metahumanity’s too stubborn to die and just keeps chugging along. Not as cool as gammastrength or freeze vision, but hey, a power’s a power.

>That’s … quite the simplification. I could provide many counter-examples when I have time, but now’s not then.

劇透 -   :
The first attempts at cyberware of some type were probably the fled teeth mentioned above, followed by some caveman tying blades to the back of his hands to create some kind of clawed glove. False teeth, of course, were right behind, and from there we hit a wall for a few thousand years. We learned how to pull things out before we learned how to put them in, with bad teeth being the frst, then headaches and appendectomies following soon behind. Lopping off gangrenous limbs was a big hurdle, putting the risk of bleeding-out against the slow torturous death of infection, but we largely got past that as well. By the start of civilization, we had crutches and primitive artifcial hands and feet. They didn’t do anything, but they covered up the stump and allowed you some basic functions, like walking or holding a shield.
>咿啊,吓老子一跳(Yarrr, shiver me timbers)!我的家谱上有着钩子手的优良传统。
(校注:Yarrr和shiver me timbers都是海盗梗)


劇透 -   :
>Yarrr, shiver me timbers! There be a fine tradition of hook hands in me family tree.

>Wait. I thought your dad was an accountant?

>Hey! Don’t undercut my gimmick in public!

劇透 -   :
The first time the medical field moved past stone, bone, and glass to something that we’d recognize today as actual cyberware was the Jarvik-7 artifcial heart, first implanted into a human patient in 1982. Made of plastic, it was battery-operated and hammered away for nearly four months. The patient, Barney Clark of Seattle, was himself a dentist and a volunteer, but the process wasn’t a smashing success, with many side effects and bleeding, with him asking to be allowed to die more than once before his body finally gave up the fight.
>The Smiling Bandit(笑面土匪)
劇透 -   :
>There are earlier hearts, such as Vladimir Demikhov in 1937, but they’d all been implanted into animals. It should be further noted that patients didn’t live very long after the procedure, either. There’s discussion about the level of failure that these earlier machines might have had, comparing pure issues with post-operative infection and autoimmune rejection with more modern and holistic methodologies and the still-developing feld of Essence research.
>The Smiling Bandit

虽然绝大多数早期赛博技术粗笨又原始,但它一直在提高。到了上个世纪之交,人们开始讨论如何才能让它进步到足以使拥有改造的人比起天然的、没有任何改造成分的人更加优越。可笑的是,某些人注意到了这点,而对此第一个真正的考验来自一个名叫圣蒂诺·柯勃斯的亚马逊田径运动员。柯勃斯截除双腿的时候一岁都不到,但他长大后决计不会让那成为他梦想的阻碍。他把自己推向运动员生涯,专注于跑步。他更换过数种形式不断改进的假肢,但最终选择了幸福公司推出的碳纤维刀锋式跑步假肢。2005年,从橄榄球转到田径仅仅一年,他与健全的运动员竞争并创下了残疾人的世界纪录(setting world records for the disabled)。他本身的能力已经够优越的了,再加上那双有着基于猎豹的曲足设计的优质刀锋式跑步假肢,这使对其不公平竞争的指控越发高涨*。指控者认为,这个没有脚的男人在赛跑上被赋予某种程度的不公优势*。他在世界竞技排行榜上迅速上升,不断从残奥会上夺得金牌,同时试图在全奥会上一展身手。在慎重的考虑后,他被允许参加到有着极高强训练的健全运动员的竞赛中,而前者无法跟上后者的节奏*。尽管如此,他如此出色的表现仍引发了对殖装与体育的未来发展的大范围讨论*。
劇透 -   :
While most of this pre-cyber tech was clunky and primitive, it kept improving. By the turn of the last century, there started to be talk of what to do when it finally advanced far enough that someone with an augmentation would be superior to a native, unmodified person. Laughable to most, certain figures paid attention to it, and the first true test of this came in the form of an Amazonian runner by the name of Santino Corbez. Corbez hadn’t even seen his frst year of life before his legs were amputated, but he grew up determined to not let it get in the way of his dreams. He pushed himself into the life of an athlete, focused on running. He’d been through several forms of ever-improving artifcial legs before settling into carbon-fber running blades produced by Shiawase corp. In 2005, only a year after having moved from rugby to track, he was competing with able-bodied athletes and setting world records for the disabled. These running blades, a flexible-foot design based on a cheetah, were of high enough quality that, when combined with his natural abilities, gave rise to accusations of unfairness, that in some way this man with no feet was being given an unfair advantage in a footrace. He moved quickly up the world competitive charts, picking up gold medals in Paralympics while trying to compete in the full Olympics. After careful consideration, he was allowed to compete, where he wasn’t able to keep pace with able-bodied runners at the very highest level of training, but still performed so well that massive consideration about the future of augmentations and sports had to be taken into account.
>The Smiling Bandit(笑面土匪)
劇透 -   :
>Corbez’s career ended soon after. Records are hard to track down, thanks to the Crash and the more important events that had begun when magic returned, but he wound up killing his sister three years after his Olympic debut. The psychological reports that came from this investigation have been referenced in several later talks on cyberpsychosis, but there are many aspects of this case that undercut those arguments. His rise and fall had an effect on the entire sports world.
>The Smiling Bandit

劇透 -   :
Different sports have differing rules for what is, and isn’t, allowed in terms of augmentations. Here’s a few!
劇透 -   :
Baseball: Allowed some upgrades in 2032 but has a byzantine system on how much is too much that’s modifed by quality of implant as well as type. Reflexes, muscles, and eye upgrades are the primary augmentations allowed. Surprisingly, while many older records have fallen with the new wave of tech coming into the game, several remain. The general consensus is that while the quality of augmentation has improved, baseball’s fall from being the primary game of the UCAS has taken the highest caliber of player into other fields. Then there’s the fact that augmentations on hitters tend to be balanced by augmentations in pitchers, keeping the playing feld somewhat level.
劇透 -   :
Basketball: Anything that modifes a player’s height or reach is right out, as are pure cyberlimbs, but improved reflexes and general, low-level muscle augmentation are allowable. Cybernetic “Smartball” tech was grudgingly allowed into the game in 2047, but it was a bitter fight that kept many more advances out for nearly a decade.
橄榄球:或许再没有什么经典体育运动能像橄榄球一样适应增强了。到了2025年,军备竞赛就开始了,到2028年赛季推迟了2个月来构筑新的场地以适应新升级的进入。(在2027年的时候有227人重伤以及4人死亡,这足以说明改场地的必要了*。)2053年场地再次升级,到现在全长两百米宽八十米。第一攻(First Down;橄榄球术语)需要推进25米,而球重3公斤。UCAS和CAS的比赛势均力敌,对抗激烈,但CAS的计量单位仍旧使用码而不是米,这导致了一些问题。在2052赛季后,国家橄榄球联合会(NFL)更进一步的允许全赛博义肢,这意味着唯一不被允许的就是真的武器了,而且甚至没有对殖装数量的限制,这导致了球员的铬比皮还多。当然的,旧的记录早就死了。
劇透 -   :
Football: Probably no classic sport has adapted to augmentation as much as football. By 2025, the race was on, and the 2028 season was delayed by two months while new fields were constructed to take the new upgrades into account. (In 2027, there were 227 serious injuries and 4 deaths, showing how much adapting had to be done.) The field was again upgraded in 2053, and is now fully two hundred meters long and eighty meters wide. A first-down requires a twentyfive-meter advance, while the ball weighs three kilos. The UCAS and CAS play head-to-head, but the CAS league still uses yards, not meters, resulting in some problems. After the 2052 season, the NFL went ahead and allowed fully cybernetic limbs, meaning that the only things not allowed were actual weapons; anything less was good to go, and no limits on the number of implants were ever in place, resulting in players with more chrome than skin. Needless to say, the old records are long dead.
劇透 -   :
Soccer: The world’s top sport remains that last port of call for unaugmented players, banning virtually all cyberware. The commonality of datajacks and cybereyes has given some wiggle room, but ocular improvements or active wireless communication on the field is outlawed, as are all muscle or reflexive improvement. The fact that a shoeless player from a dirt-poor country could one day stand tall at the World Cup without hundreds of thousands of nuyen worth of upgrades is a powerful driving factor in the game’s standing as the most popular worldwide.
劇透 -   :
Urban Brawl: The only sport to go deeper into cybernetics than football, urban brawl has no problem with cyber-weapons or limb replacements, and the more exotic, the better. Urban brawl remains the world’s number two sport in terms of popularity, behind soccer in most countries.

劇透 -   :
In the modern era, the frst true cyberlimb was installed by Dr. Harold Darkfeather in 2019, in Scotland, then an area of the world known for advanced scientifc pursuit. Lenora Bartoli, a violinist of some talent, had lost her left hand in a car accident, which would have ended her career at any point in the past. This time, however, the Transys Corporation stepped in and, after a successful surgery, was the focus of both the adulation and the scorn of those looking toward a future where man and machine were melded together. Miss Bartoli underwent a grueling year of training and adapting to the new limb, but on the one-year anniversary of her accident, she performed at Carnegie Hall to a sold-out audience. She was never the world’s top talent, but her unique feature of playing with a cybernetic limb kept her famous for years before such upgrades were commonplace enough that she generally vanished from the public eye.
>Baka Dabora(马鹿德博拉)


>都怪大崩溃!我看过那些记录:当时她的尸体在家里被发现,发现时她的义肢被手枪射烂了,残余的义肢手里握着小刀,而她身上则被那把小刀捅了十几个窟窿。那种说她过量摄入安眠药和酒精而死的说法都只是为了掩盖她真正的死因。那个可怜的玩意无法接受赛博改良呢。(Poor thing couldn’t handle being improved.)
>Plan 9

>我不确定这到底是Plan 9还是Plan 10,但不管是哪个,马鹿你大概也不应该和他们意见一致。
>Kay St.Irregular(K街偶客)
(校注1:Plan 10是Plan 9的CFD人格,Plan 9本身是一个至少变性过两次的超人类主义者,而Baka Dabora是一个日本高层上班族)
(校注2:Kay St.暗指华盛顿K街,这词也常指UCAS首府的游说者;Irregular与regular对立,后者指熟客。感谢德文维基)

劇透 -   :
>And we still haven’t talked about all the issues she had with bio-rejection and how much Transys invested into her to ensure everything was perfectly fine whenever she was on camera. Once she wasn’t valuable to them, of course, the extra treatments stopped. She slowly went mad, telling some of her friends that she was afraid of “it” and how she’d sometimes wake up to find it trying to squeeze the life out of her until she took control over it.
>Baka Dabora

>You still haven’t shown us any evidence of this, you know.

>Blame the Crashes! I’ve seen notes that when her body was found in her house, the hand had been blown apart by a pistol while she’d been stabbed dozens of times by the knife found in the remains of her artifcial limb. Saying that she’d overdosed on sleeping pills and alcohol was all just a cover-up for her actual death. Poor thing couldn’t handle being improved.
>Plan 9

>I’m not sure if that’s Plan 9 or Plan 10, but either way, Baka, you probably shouldn’t be on the same page as them.
>Kay St.Irregular

劇透 -   :
2024 brought simsense to the general populace, with the horrors of BTL addiction right behind. 2025 saw the frst augmented athlete (Mario Sanchez of the Philadelphia Eagles, for those playing Matrix Trivia), and 2026 was when cyberterminals were created, giving us our frst deckers and a new interface. Cyberware is more than pop-out blades and enhanced skeletons, after all. Headware memory became a thing, cybereyes and datajacks slowly turned into standard-issue in frstworld countries, and Ares made a killing with the frst Ares Predator taking advantage of their Picus Smartgun System. By 2050, cyberware was all but required for anyone wanting a combat edge on the streets and was present in many elite corporate forces, if still beyond the reach of footsloggers in corporate forces, national militaries, or police forces. Lone Star briefly flirted with a requirement that all offcers would have to be upgraded with a smartgun system and a radio for communication, but the legal battles were costly and ongoing cyberpsychosis incidents helped get the idea shelved.

>Hard Exit(硬出口)
(校注:the brass意指将军/司令官级别的高级将领,实在是找不到对应的俚语,不过“扛将星儿的”似乎合适。如有更好的想法,务必指教)

>Baka Dabora(马鹿德博拉)
(校注:Neo-Police似乎是Neo-Tokyo Municipal Police的缩写,后者为新东京市政警察,故此一译)


>Baka Dabora(马鹿德博拉)

劇透 -   :
>As happy as we were about that, the officers were even happier. Oh, sure, you still get a few legbreakers in the shadier departments that are chromed to the gills on impounded cyber, but most of them are well aware of the downsides to getting wires plugged into your head. Mind you, there’s also been opposition to badge-cams for decades, so old-fashioned tech-hate is present.

>Knight Errant is fairly close on both, but the high-threat response teams break both molds. KE doesn’t have the reputation for being dirty like the Star, but your basic pawn’s still uncomfortable with Big Brother watching everything. I chalk it up to basic infantry mentality; if the brass is around, your ass’d better be doing something. With no commander watching every move, they can slack off a bit, talk to one another, smoke … you know, normal human stuff.
>Hard Exit

>For a hard contrast, Renraku’s Neo-Police require badge cameras on every officer, left on as soon as they’re on the clock and not turned off until they finish their shift. They keep their uniforms spotless, right down to the mandatory white gloves, and even the meter maids have drone backup and advanced commlink support.
>Baka Dabora

>I hear that they’re pretty awful in a scrap. Too much polish, not enough spit. True?

>Compared to Lone Star, let alone KE, they’re underarmored and under-gunned, true, but the caliber of crook is different here.
>Baka Dabora

>So, who’s up for a trip to Osaka?

(校注:无线矩阵倡议,Wireless Matrix Initiative,始于2062年的北欧。在那之前,矩阵只能进行有线链接。在2064年崩溃2.0后,无线矩阵全面落行。幻想果然跟不上现实啊,望天)
劇透 -   :
By the late ‘50s, chrome’s crown started to lose luster, and the ‘60s saw biotech get more and more attention. Biotech was starting to get elbowed aside by nanotech until the second Crash and the Nano-pocalypse. Nanites are further hampered by the terrible PR and rumor offering in the wake of the CFD saga, leaving the throne open again. Bioware has been sitting there for a while, but the Wireless Matrix Initiative and widespread wireless connectivity has made it possible that maybe, just maybe, the Chrome King will once again take his throne. Yeah, I know you slots hate it, and if I never hear one of you grouse about “Why does my smuggling compartment even have an option to broadcast its existence to everybody within ten meters?!” again, it’ll be a miracle.




劇透 -   :
>Why does my smuggling compartment even have an option to broadcast its existence to everybody within ten meters?


>Hang on. Fred doesn’t have a smuggling compartment.

>Well, technically...

>Yeah, but everyone has that one.

劇透 -   :
Today, cyberware generally comes in two flavors. There’s the basics, like cybereyes (far and away the most common ‘ware of the day), skilljacks, and datajacks in the tech crowd (but being phased out). Those are all wireless-enabled and improved by modern technology, and they interface well with the newer stuff rolling out.
And then you have the other class: people who need to exceed the design parameters of the metahuman body.
劇透 -   :
>Now we’re talkin’!

劇透 -   :
Raw chrome like servomotors instead of muscles, bulletproof skulls, radar, built-in guns … these are things that you just can’t replicate with bioware. The thought behind this stuff is that Human 2.0 is nice and all, but even the most bio-augmented secretary doesn’t handle being hit by a walking refrigerator very well.
>Plan 9

>Turbo Bunny(涡轮兔女郎)

>Plan 9

>Turbo Bunny(涡轮兔女郎)

(校注:Plan 9,/dev/grrl,Turbo Bunny这三个“妹子”在跨了几本扩的吹水中都有调侃守门人,后者似乎是一个AI,和Turbo Bunny有着,额,大概是超越友谊的关系。)
劇透 -   :
>I’ll have you know that some appreciate that kind of impact on a regular basis. Evo hips are marvelous this year!
>Plan 9

>Wait. I thought you were back to being a guy?
>Turbo Bunny

>And? Besides, you should give it a spin sometime! Not like it’d matter to Gateskeeper anyway, right?
>Plan 9

>/dev/’s been talking again, hasn’t she?
>Turbo Bunny

劇透 -   :
Shadowrunners generally fit into that second mold, with a touch of the first. As cyberware fell out of favor, new buildings scrapped plans for cyberware scanners in the late ‘60s, and we’re seeing a small revival in hidden chrome now as well. Synthskin’s been getting improved for decades, mostly thanks to work on the assorted humanoid drones, and that progress has been shared with cyberlimbs. There’s also pushback against the wireless world, with more stealth gear being constructed right as security teams have started to rely on simple radio scans and hot broadcasts to track down infiltrators. Obviously, most of us keep our wireless turned off, so we’re able to get by where, ten or fifteen years ago, they’d catch us with cyberware scanners.
劇透 -   :
>While this is true, there are, like, a googol of things that wireless can do for you. Don’t overlook your tools!

引述: 译词对照表
cyberpsychosis 赛博错乱
Dr. Harold Darkfeather 哈罗德·黑羽博士
Gatekeeper 守门人
Lenora Bartoli 莱诺拉·巴托丽
Mario Sanchez 马里奥·桑切斯
Matrix Trivia 矩阵冷知识
Neo-Police 新京警察
Neo-Police 新组警察
Picus Smartgun System 皮库斯智能枪系统
Santino Corbez 圣蒂诺·柯勃斯
Transys Corporation 传系公司
Universal Omnitech 环球全能科技
Vladimir Demikhov 弗拉底米尔·德米霍夫
Wireless Matrix Initiative 无线矩阵协议

离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【CF】释放一个更好的你,赛博史 p. 63-67
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-02-14, 周三 15:40:02 »
劇透 -   :
A fair question since, as discussed, bioware is nearly as effective but far less invasive and, furthermore, the path of augmentation invariably leads to the loss of one’s sense of self, often crossing into the threshold of true psychosis. It’s one thing to add a datajack for work or pick up an improved lung capacity for lakeshore dwellers, but to just go out and lop off a perfectly-functional arm to add a hunk of metal to it? There are those who would argue that cyberpsychosis doesn’t actually exist and that those who are victimized by the condition were wired wrong to begin with. Rational people just don’t act like that.
>Hard Exit(硬出口)




劇透 -   :
>Here we go again.
>Hard Exit

>The path of augmentation is unnatural. The world recoils from those who walk it.

>An interesting observation, but one that overlooks the cyber-mage. True, it’s more of a burnout’s path than a road of higher magical mysteries, but it’s the newest school of magical theory and, as such, has the most open potential.

>Or it’s an evolutionary dead-end with deluded proponents.

>Magical stuff is two doors down, crew. Stick to cyber.

劇透 -   :
Of course, many people in our line of work aren’t exactly rational to begin with. As more and more focus falls on the biological and cutting-edge genetech, a prevailing opinion is that cyberware is old hat, falling behind the tech curve and therefore is useless. Nothing could be further from the truth, but I’m not about to go out there and correct those mis-opinions; quite frankly, I like being underestimated, and I know I’m not the only one. Everything in this life is about finding an edge, and for many of us, that edge is made out of chrome. Let’s take a look at three reasons why that is.

劇透 -   :
First and foremost in the minds of many is affordability. Cybernetics are cheaper than their bioware counterparts, sometimes by an order of magnitude, and when you only have so much in the way of funds, you look for the best bang for the buck. Time after time, that’s cybernetics. There’s been a bit of a shake-up in pricing over the past few years, due to the scrambling of assorted nanite-based medical procedures, with some old techniques having been dusted off, while new approaches to current problems did their best to find a work-around. As these pathways are discovered, prices will likely drop.

>或者集团们会以圣利润(Holy Profit)的名义赚差价。(校注:圣经梗)
劇透 -   :
>Or the corps will pocket the difference in the name of Holy Profit.

劇透 -   :
The next factor in their favor is reliability. Cybernetics date to the previous century and are nearing a hundred years of use. By and large, we found the bugs and hammered them out decades ago. Sure, the newer tech still needs some tweaking here and there, but for the most part, we’ve got this. When you get cybereyes or a datajack, you know exactly what you’re getting. In a world filled with distrust, that’s a big deal.


>Plan 9(计划9)

劇透 -   :
>Of course, there’s always the risk of picking up a passenger.

>Pfft. Alone time is overrated. You’d be surprised how nice it is to have someone to talk to. It’s like having a roommate.
>Plan 9

>The roommate stories I could tell you…

劇透 -   :
An overlooked aspect of this, combined with the low cost, is the relatively easy path you have toward repairing cybernetics. Some welding here, a new plate there, and you’re as good as new, or at least good enough for now. Beyond that is the simple truth of material science: flesh is easier to destroy than metal or most plastics. Cybernetic parts take a beating.

劇透 -   :
A simple fact is that machines can do things that the metahuman body just can’t do. They can be faster, stronger, and vastly more damage-resistant, just for starters. The production of high energy output, interacting with radio broadcasts, interfacing with the Matrix … these are all things that bioware simply cannot do. Cyberware, and only cyberware, is your bridge into this world beyond metahuman capabilities. Dabble in the bio-genetic all you want, you will never find anything akin to skillsofts.

> The Smiling Bandit(笑面土匪)

(校注:托马斯·罗克斯伯勒(Thomas Roxborough)是阿兹科技和环球全能科技的主要股东之一,因患有自身免疫性疾病和治疗的失败,现在成了缸中脑,和外界的唯一联系是矩阵。传闻痴迷于获得新身体,是一个超凡的碟客。感谢wiki)
劇透 -   :
> Actually, there’s some fascinating work going on in Aztlan just now with RNA retroviruses. Just a heads-up.
> The Smiling Bandit

> They’re following up on that research?! Dammit, Roxborough! You know better than that!

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Re: 【CF】释放一个更好的你,赛博史 p. 63-68
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-04-29, 周日 17:13:19 »
劇透 -   :
There’s always a catch, and if you’re going to survive life in the shadows, you’d better learn that real quick. There are, of course, some downsides to the technology, and it would be rude of me to not lay all those options out there. So, let’s have a look.

赛博改造对身体来说有点太硬了。泛人类就不是为了让金属嫁接到血肉上而设计的,只是现代医学允许我们克服这种天然排斥罢了。赛博使用者通常会服用大剂量的抗排斥药物和免疫抑制剂,试图阻止肉体意识到你已经对它做过的事。新装的部件总是会痒,皮肤会持续红肿,极易擦破直到伤口结疤,还会有某种近乎本能的宽泛感觉:"这东西就是哪里不对劲",有些人永远也摆脱不掉它。但凡在赛博技师这行当干过一年甚至更久的人,多少都知道接到那些电话的感受,那些电话都是关于病人如何挖出他的新的赛博眼、强行拔下赛博肢体、或者尖叫着的用叉子挖出他们那新装上的数据接口。当然,你不会听到有关这些消息的报道——信息娱乐综合体(the InfoTainment Complex)不能让人们知道这些会让一条新产品线延期的东西——但是或许一个二十岁的人根本无法适应赛博义肢而且会有着糟糕的反应。有些人从小就有极度的恐惧和抗拒,而其他人则对那种内在的不宁感毫无觉察,直到有一天他们醒来,原本应该是温暖血肉的地方被冰冷的金属所取代,内部有什么东西啪擦作响。
劇透 -   :
Cyberware is hard on the body. Metahumans simply aren’t meant to have metal grafted to flesh, and only modern medical science allows us to overcome that natural rejection. Cyber-users are often loaded with any number of anti-rejection drugs and immune-suppressants, trying to keep the body from realizing what you’ve done to it. New parts always itch, skin stays red and chafed until callus builds up, and there’s this general, primal feeling that Something Is Not Right that some people simply can’t shake. There’s not a cybertechnician in the feld for a year or more who doesn’t know what it’s like to get a call after a patient scratched out their new cybereyes, pulled off a cyberlimb, or dug at a new datajack with a fork while screaming. You don’t hear those reports on the news of course—the InfoTainment Complex can’t let people know that there’s pushback against a new product line—but maybe one person in twenty simply can’t handle cybernetics and react badly. Some have a guttural fear and loathing from a young age while others have no idea about the unsettling feeling in their gut until they wake up with cold metal where warm flesh should be and something inside snaps.




>Axis Mundi(世界之轴)

劇透 -   :
>If you’re in a well-stocked clinic or hospital, bio-monitors will pick up on this kind of anxiety and medical teams will be dispatched quickly. If you’re not and you yank out something vital while having a panic attack, well, good luck.

>Seriously? Everyone I know embraces upgrades! I mean, who doesn’t get new eyes for their sixteenth birthday, right?

>Used to date a chick whose son got braces one afternoon and, after everyone was asleep, he grabbed his dad’s toolbox and pulled his new gift apart with pliers. It was all tears and blood, but they figured out his problem long before he could get lined up for augmentations for football. That would have been a damn shame. Weirdly, he’s a nurse these days.

>The spirit rebels against such injustice, and those who react violently against these degradations should be applauded for their empathetic natures, not seen as unfortunate freaks. They are the wisest of us, and know that a pure body is essential to keeping a pure spirit. Look to these wise ones as future magicians.
>Axis Mundi

>Your body can handle some minor upgrades with no noticeable loss of the Talent, but you always have to wonder if this next piece is going to be the one that starts you on the burnout’s path. Trying to balance the edge it gives you against the possible cost is a delicate operation. Fortunately, some of us are good at it.

虽然金钱是伟大的平等促使者(the great equalizer;金钱面前,人人平等),但获得你想要的东西同样也是要处理的另一个简单因素。尖端技术倾向于待在公司的手里,而绝大多数暗影诊所提供的最好也就是次等标准(抱歉,Butch!)。进入任何声誉良好的β级诊所都是一次漫长的等待名单,即使只是简单的α级设施也受到公司严格的控制。这意味着如果你是个——比如说——是个亚洲国家的矮人,阿兹特兰的混血儿,或是任何地方的兽人,你会发现自己受到种种无形限制:永远没有空缺的记事簿,一笔令人吃惊的额外费用,或是被告知自己的保险不包括“可选服务”。如果你想知道为什么那么多街头武士会通过极道获取植入,那只是因为他们在网罗关系上能力不足,无法寻找更好的选择。
劇透 -   :
While money is the great equalizer, there’s also the simple matter of getting what you want. Cutting-edge tech tends to stay in corporate hands, while the options available in most shadowclinics are sub-standard at best (sorry Butch!). It’s a long waiting list to get into a beta clinic of any repute, and even simple alpha-level facilities are under heavy corporate control. This mean that if you’re, say, a dwarf in an Asian country, a mixedrace in Aztlan, or an ork pretty much anywhere, you’re going to find yourself looking at a wall filled with appointment books that have no openings, a surprising surcharge, or being told that your insurance doesn’t cover “optional services.” If you ever wonder why so many street samurai get implants from the Yakuza, it’s because they just don’t have the networking skills to fnd better options.

>Kay St.Irregular(K街偶客)

劇透 -   :
>There’s also the matter of legality. Retractable spurs are illegal in pretty much every country in the world.
>Kay St.Irregular

>But they’re so wiz!

劇透 -   :
If you plan on getting regular updates, it’s vital that you befriend a cyberdoc, or someone who knows a cyberdoc, and that you keep up that friendship. There are only ten delta-grade facilities in North America right now, each with a waiting list a kilometer long if you’re not a citizen of its parent corporation. Two of these facilities claim to be independent operators, but one’s long-rumored to be owned by a Japanacorp (exactly who changes with the rumor-monger, of course), and the other was recently outed as an Aztechnology operation.

>提醒一下那些几个月没看新闻的:领导级身体增强(Executive Body Enhancements)是一个阿兹特科的隐藏品牌。 地平线的几次入侵搜出了这条信息,但是直到超链者们对他们开始反扑为止,这条信息都没能派上用场。之后在超链者们之间广为流传的一部分信息,就包括了这一条,但是由于最近的事件(注:指CFD爆发),它的重要性黯然失色。
劇透 -   :
>Executive Body Enhancements was the Azzie hidden brand, for those who missed the news for a few months. Horizon intrusions had managed to ferret that out, but they hadn’t found a way to use it yet when the technomancer blowback happened. Part of the data the technomancers were tossing around included that particular nugget, but it was obviously overshadowed.

劇透 -   :
As a general rule, cybernetic weapons are outlawed everywhere but can be licensed in those rare countries that allow bloodsports. Military-grade augmentations, such as wired reflexes, or security-grade, such as smartgun links, are more available depending on the nation, while common ’ware is legal almost everywhere. A few smaller NAN tribes forbid any augmentation, but those laws are more to protect the holistic purity of their own people; augmented visitors will simply be encouraged to leave as soon as possible. As always, there are dozens of exceptions, so check your local shark to be sure.

劇透 -   :
It’s been touched on before, but I want to stress it again: Cyberware may well make you insane. This is pretty well-established science at this point, save a few industry aligned holdouts and conspiracy types, but the metahuman mind just doesn’t adapt well to lacing your body with wires and chrome. There’s always a risk that you’ll mentally reject the new parts of you and then your mind will have to do some internal gymnastics to arrive at a point where you can endure. In some people, the anxiety triggers phobic reactions where none had previously existed, following fairly traditional lines. (Heights and clowns are the most common of these phobias, but sometimes they get obscure, like not being able to touch carpet.) In others, a dissociative disorder is found, where someone thinks of their cybernetic parts as “other” in some way, or even that they themselves have become more machine than man. OCD-like responses are extremely common, with heavily augmented individuals often having to create a mental code to follow, since morality no longer seems to control their urges. Once you’re more machine than man, there’s just no going back.


>我目前在研究一个理论,关于殖装对一个人灵光带来的瓦解和星界动穴(astral foveae)有着何种相似程度。我现在正在看着PCC(Pueblo Corporate Council;普韦布洛公司议会)的资料,虽然研究还处于开始阶段,但是很有趣。



>Jimmy No(鸡米·不)
劇透 -   :
> Cyberpsychosis is a general term for a broad array of mental disorders that are brought on by, or exacerbated by, augmentations. These run the gamut of normal mental disorders but were rarely present pre-op and never as badly as they become post-op. Your better facilities will have psychologists on hand to help you deal with these situations. Shadow clinics tend to take your money and kick you out to fend for yourself as best you can.
> Butch

> I’m working on a theory about how the disruptions that cybernetics cause in one’s aura are not entirely unlike astral foveae. It’s still in the early stages as I research these matters in the PCC, but it’s interesting.
> Elijah
> I’m curious to see how your hypothesis will hold up when you encounter mages with astral forms that include their cyber-augmentations clearly present and bonded with their spirit-self.
> Haze

> Can the magical mumbo-jumbo. The sensation of “wrongness” that comes from cybernetics is based on the variance between digital and biological neural data transmission states. Your brain knows the difference and reacts uncomfortably. It’s pure science. We’ve been over this.
> Butch

> And we’ll probably go over it again in ten more years.
> Jimmy No

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Re: 【CF】释放一个更好的你,赛博史 p. 63-70
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-08-02, 周四 15:27:25 »
在深入了解你想看的部分之前,我要说的最后一点是质量。我们当中大多数人习惯于标准级别的赛博改造——那种大规模生产和大规模销售的简单、现买现用的升级。一部分人起步时也有“二手货”,或者用现代术语来说,“欧米加级(Ω)”的赛博改造。(为什么是Ω?因为这是序列的末端(the end of the line)*)术语的改变不仅仅只是营销语的改变,尽管这占了一大部分。恰巧相反,Ω级赛博改造往往是第一代的,只是对那些更受欢迎改造的粗制滥造仿制品。阿兹特科技因这种质量低劣的做工而臭名昭著,但他们并不是唯一如此的;确保你的赛博医生值得信赖,并且如果可能的话,在你的队伍里塞一个能检查东西并确保你得到的是你本应得到的东西的技术向狂奔者。
(校注:the end of the line有双关,一个意指Ω是希腊字母的最后一个字,另一个意指这是试验级产品。)
劇透 -   :
My final notation before diving into the section you all want to see is about quality. What most of us are used to is standard-grade cyberware—simple, off-the-shelf upgrades that are mass-produced and mass-marketed. When many of us started out, there was also “used,” or to use modern terminology, “omega-class” cyberware. (Why omega? Because it’s the end of the line.) The terminology change isn’t just marketingspeak, though that’s a big slice of it. Instead, omega cyberware is often frist_generation, just cheaply made and a knockoff of more popular ’ware. The Azzies are notorious for this kind of shoddy workmanship, but they’re hardly the only ones; be sure that your cyberdoc is reasonably trustworthy and, if possible, have a tech-oriented runner on your team who can look things over and make certain that you’re getting what you’re supposed to get.
作为一项可选规则,GM可以允许玩家从他们二手赛博改造中获得某种缺陷而不是正常情况下1.2倍的精华消耗。虽然对此没有严格的规定,但精华节省的越多,缺陷就越严重。举例可能包括一个不会向阿瑞斯雇员开火的智能枪链接;一个膝盖不太好的赛博腿,将角色的奔跑速度降低一个倍数;或是没有开关的跳线反射,从而导致一段要全力对抗日常生活中可能带来悲剧后果的感知威胁(perceived threats)的人生。一如既往,GM有最终决定权。
(校注:perceived threats是一种只对主体而言的威胁,其他客体并不一定会受影响。比如说,对于一个逃犯而言,警察的在场就是一个感知威胁;对于一个有小丑恐惧症的人而言,小丑就是一个感知威胁)
劇透 -   :
As an optional rule, a gamemaster may allow a player to take some kind of drawback from their used cyberware instead of 1.2 times the normal Essence cost. While there are no hard and fast rules for this, the greater the savings in Essence, the worse the flaw should be. Examples might include a smartgun link that won’t fire at people flagged as Ares employees; a cyberleg with a bad knee, lowering the character’s run speed multiplier by one; or wired reflexes without an off switch, resulting in a life where they strike out against perceived threats in everyday life with possibly tragic consequences. As always, the gamemaster has final say.



>Red Anya(红安亚)
劇透 -   :
>Wuxing’s early attempts at a cyber-division produced some truly awful work, for instance.

>Still toeing the company line, eh Sticks? Omega-grade’s also found in new tech being tried out by the larger megas, field-testing things in SINless people. Once the prototypical bugs are worked out, the improved model goes into production.

>Renraku had issues in their African factories for a time. They managed to smooth that out after a while.

>The omega work was mostly offloaded to Chinese warlords. Waste not, want not.
>Red Anya(红安亚)
劇透 -   :
Alpha quality is the best that most of us will ever see. Designer labels, personalized trim, or cybereyes that can almost pass for the real thing—all of this falls under the alpha category. Doctors at alpha clinics are excellent, and they almost always have a staff psychologist on hand to ensure that your mind integrates the new ’ware as well as your body does. This grade of cyber includes the name brands that everyone’s after, and represents the premium line for a corporation. Of course, it also carries a premium price, but that’s part of the appeal.


劇透 -   :
Knock-offs of premium lines, like “Opple” or “Spunrad,” are usually Azzie make, of course. The best of these look like the real deal, but cost what a standard augmentation would. Of course, they’re just standard under a fancy label, so you’re not getting much extra.

>There are street docs who’ll charge you for alphaware and slip you standard instead. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Having a good relationship with a street doc you trust is critical to a successful shadowrunning career

>Hey, Netcat, sweetie? Make sure Butch is on our Holiday Card list, okay? Love you!
劇透 -   :
Beta quality’s better than most of us will ever see, but I know a lot of you save up your cash and favors for a shot at the stuff. Chiba-quality eyes that look entirely metahuman, Spinrad “Fleshtastic” limbs that sweat, or math processors straight out of Essen, this level is world-famous. There aren’t many beta clinics out there, and they all require you to know someone to get in. Seattle has three, putting it in some rarifed air. Most corporations only keep a handful in a nation, requiring appointments and travel to enjoy the facilities. This is medical tech at its fnest, and when you’re receiving it, it often feels more like a trip to a resort than a night at the hospital.
>等会。三个? 高阶身体增强(Executive Body Enhancements)和夜莺的肉体部位(Nightengale’s Body Parts),对,但是第三个是啥?Butch,你这条狡猾的老狗,是不是趁我们不在的时候赚取了新的评分?


>等会。胡玛娜医院(Humana Hospital)怎么了?


(校注:ACHE的全称为Arcology Commercial and Housing Enclav,生态建筑商业和住房飞地,属于联络,一般用缩写或称之为Renraku Arcology,联络生态建筑区)
劇透 -   :
>Hang on. Three? Executive Body Enhancements and Nightengale’s Body Parts, sure, but where’s the other? Butch, you sly old dog, did you earn a new rating when we weren’t looking?

Hah. I’d be lucky to earn alpha-class recognition. We have the tools and we have the talent, but the facilities are a bit lacking. No, the third’s on top of the ACHE. It would have been a delta-class facility if it weren’t for Deus. As it stands, I don’t know how anyone can go there without a non-stop panic attack.

>Wait. What happened to the Humana Hospital?

>Knight Errant finally busted them. Damn shame. They did great work.
劇透 -   :
Lastly are the delta facilities. Unlike the betas, these aren’t world-famous, largely because the megacorps don’t want you to know that they exist. They’re famous for handling CEOs and senior executives personally, but they also keep up the blackest of black-ops teams and conduct research that is … not for public consumption.
劇透 -   :
>Read: Cybermancy.
现存的Δ级设施不到二十个,大概。根据你的定义标准和你相信的人,传言的数字可能高达三十个或是低至四个,并且并非每个超企都有一个受其控制。老牌超企当然有,但是地平线没有并且非常客房有一个,而五行现时期并没有兴趣投资这个。一些AA评级的超企可能拥有Δ级的设施,最有可能有的诸如普罗透斯(Proteus),斯普拉德和环球全能科技(Universal Omnitech),不过别指望他们会给出确认消息。在北美,联络生态建筑区(Renraku Arcology)应该有一个;阿瑞斯在底特律有一个,可能在魁北克也有一个;新网在波士顿有一个;而医疗马车(DocWagon)正在亚特兰大建一个。阿兹特科技在特诺奇提特兰有一个,而传闻MCT可能在芝加哥的任何地方建造一个。
劇透 -   :
There are fewer than twenty of them in existence, roughly. Rumors put the number as high as thirty or as low as four, depending on your criteria and who you trust, and not every megacorporation has one under their control. The older corps do of course, but Horizon doesn’t and is hungry for one, while Wuxing has no interest in the investment at this time. A couple of the AA-rated megacorps may have facilities of this quality, with Proteus, Spinrad, and Universal Omnitech the most likely, but good luck getting them to confirm it. In North America, the Renraku Arcology would have had one, Ares has one in Detroit, and possibly one in Quebec, NeoNET has one in Boston, and DocWagon is in the process of building one in Atlanta. Aztechnology has one down in Tenochitlan, while it’s rumored that MCT wants to build one in Chicago of all places.

>萨埃达-克鲁伯重工当然在埃森有一个,而日企们在他们的总部城市都有一个。天演在符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)和圣彼得堡各有一个。物部(Monobe)和耶鹿岛科技(Yakashima)各有一个,虽然是双A企业,但他们在鬼魂十年(Ghost Decade)期间遭受重创,已无法维持它们运行了。
>Baka Dabora(马鹿德博拉)

>在拉利贝拉(埃塞俄比亚北部的一个城镇),没人会提及锡安联合(Zion Amalgamated),我懂了。


>Abba Kedus可能跟你意见相悖。我会寄给你我的价目表。

(校注:鬼魂十年,Ghost Decade,指2060s期间日本超企的停滞期,有各种天时地利人和等因素,比如说像是环太平洋火山带爆发了。感兴趣的可以看Storm Front,4e到5e的过渡书之一。)
劇透 -   :
>Horizon wants to build one in LA, but it lacks the knowledge base. They’re hot for extraction work right now.

>Saeder-Krupp has one in Essen of course, while the Japanacorps each have one in their HQ city. Evo has one in Vladivostok and a second in St. Petersburg. Monobe and Yakashima each had one, despite being double-A, but they were hit hard during the Ghost Decade and couldn’t keep them up.
>Baka Dabora

>No one’s mentioning Zion Amalgamated in Lalibela, I see.

>That’s because everything about ZA is a rumor, nothing more. Not like anyone can get into the Ethiomalian Territories to check.

>Abba Kedus would disagree with you. I’ll send you my price list.
劇透 -   :
And that brings us to the gamma grade. Long story short, it doesn’t exist. Somewhat longer story, there’s a whole lot of nuyen being invested to change that fact. You get some Matrix rumors that suggest that one megacorp or the other has unlocked the mysteries of gammaware, but as of yet, nothing’s been proven. If it ever gets figured out, it’ll be the blackest of tech for a while, while the corp that manages it reaps the rewards and deals with the explosion of raids that’ll follow. Being the lone holder of the world’s most exclusive technology is an opportunity and a burden. Good luck with that!
劇透 -   :
The next big thing! Officially, no one has discovered it yet, but if you want your game to decide otherwise, the first corporation to unlock gamma-grade cyberware will find itself with a technological edge for a while, until the others learn to catch up. One or two bleeding-edge prototypes might be out there, before true production can be started up, and maybe your players happen to get their hands on someone with this one-of-a-kind test system. Mmm, possibilities!
赛博品级          精华消耗调整 可获得性调整 花费调整
伽马(γ)Gamma   x0.4          +12          x5
劇透 -   :
Gamma        x0.4                    +12               x5
>Plan 9


> Marcos(马科斯)

>Plan 9

>我不是靠参加无聊赌局走到我现在的位置的,Plan 9。过。


> /dev/grrl


劇透 -   :
>I got a thousand nuyen that says Evo gets there first. Any takers?
>Plan 9

>I love you, Planners, but NeoNET has this one in the bag. You’re on.

>Hey, if you two’ll give me ten-to-one odds for the longshot, I’ll step up with Aztechnology.
> Marcos(马科斯)

>Five to one. They’ve had delta for too long. Glitch? You want in? I’ll give you twenty-to-one on Ares!
>Plan 9

>I didn’t get where I am by taking stupid bets, Plan 9. Pass.

> So, what are the odds on anyone else?
> Call it twenty-to-one? Nobody else is even close.
> /dev/grrl
>Count me in. For Zion Amalgamated.
> Am-Mut

>Wise investment.