作者 主题: 【CA】社交花招SOCIAL MANEUVERS p.153-154  (阅读 6189 次)

副标题: 我决定把这篇文送给第一排的那位face……

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【CA】社交花招SOCIAL MANEUVERS p.153-154
« 于: 2018-01-11, 周四 22:05:54 »
劇透 -   :
There are all manner of tricks and cons a socially capable person can use to bend a situation to their will. This section offers different options for social maneuvers, though gamemasters can choose which of these options to allow in their game. All social maneuvers incur –4 dice pool modifier on the listed test unless otherwise indicated and cost a Free Action in addition to any listed action. Most Social Maneuvers require making one test with the negative modifier to gain a bonus on a second test, while others require making a test with the negative modifier to gain a special effect.
迷人表演(Charming Performance):你决定把这首歌送给第一排的那位帅哥……在表演检定中获得至少1净成功,来提升目标NPC的好感度1级。
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Charming Performance: You’d like to dedicate this song to the handsome mark in the first row … Gain at least 1 net hit on a Performance test to increase NPC attitude by one step.
操练军士(Drill Sergeant):有的人吃胡萝卜那一套,但你知道在时间最宝贵的时候怎么把鞭子甩得啪啪响。进行一个威吓+魅力检定,来让目标在他们下次接受你指令时,领导力+意志对抗检定中受到-2调整。(译注:发出指令的你在这个对抗检定中使用领导力+魅力,由他们的领导力+意志抵抗。见chm使用技能)
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Drill Sergeant: Some people respond to the carrot, but you know how to crack the whip when time is of the essence. Make an Intimidate + Charisma Test to make the target take a –2 on their next Leadership + Will Opposed Test to take commands from you.
失礼(Faux Pas):你越礼貌,他们相比起来就越糟糕。进行一个礼仪+魅力检定,让目标看起来无理或粗野。他们在下一次社交检定中受到-2调整值。
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Faux Pas: The more polite you are, the worse they look in comparison. Make an Etiquette + Charisma Test to make a target seem rude or boorish. They get –2 modifier on Social tests the next turn.
吹嘘目标(Hustling the Mark):以退为进。这不仅仅是输掉,而是加强你的目标来让他们变得自负而无神。那之后,当他们把全部赌在最后一把时,你一把撕开他们的喉咙。从赌球和扑克到棒球和武术,输家总是高兴得太早。进行一个骰池调整为-6的唬骗+魅力检定(而不是通常的社交花招的-4)。如果你在此检定中失败,那你在对抗同一个目标的下一个唬骗或交涉检定中获得+2骰池调整。
劇透 -   :
Hustling the Mark: Lose now to win later. This isn’t just losing, but building up your mark so they get overconfident and lazy. And then, when they bet it all on a big finish, you tear their throat out. From pool and poker to clubbing and kung-fu, pride comes before their great fall. Make a Con + Charisma Test with a –6 dice pool modifier (instead of the normal –4 for social maneuvers). If you fail this test, you gain a +2 dice pool modifier on your next Con or Negotiation test against the same target.
深刻宏论(Informed Opinion):所有的阅读终于有了回报!没什么能比真正清楚你所谈论的更能让你在人群中脱颖而出了。如果在任何社交场合下你有对附近目标适用的知识技能,你可以投掷该技能检定并将成功数加入你在这次相遇中的社交界限。当你对话题门儿清的时候,可以操作的空间可就大多了。
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Informed Opinion: All that reading paid off! Nothing wins over a crowd like knowing what you’re talking about. If you have a knowledge skill applicable to the subject at hand in any social situation, you can roll that skill and add a dice pool modifier equal to your hits to your social limit for the encounter. There’s a lot more room to get it right when you know the topic inside and out.
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Misdirection: You ever wonder why a stage magician brings a beautiful woman on stage? While you were wondering, they stole your watch. Make a Con + Charisma Test. If you receive even one net hit, the target takes a –4 on Perception tests until their next action due to distraction.
激励型教师(Motivational Teacher):教学可不只是把一种技能的方法告诉学生,而是帮助他们相信自己能做到。进行一个领导力+魅力检定,来让你下一个教导检定获得+2骰池调整。
劇透 -   :
Motivational Teacher: Teaching isn’t just about communicating a skill’s methods to a student, but helping them believe they can do it at all. Make a Leadership + Charisma Test to gain a +2 dice pool bonus on your next Instruction test.
小组学习(Peer Tutoring):全班人都提出他们独特的看法,而你也能找到人人都能用得上的新视角。与其他玩家同时进行一个教导+魅力检定。每一个玩家都必须使用此技巧,且必须拥有1-3级你们准备提升的技能(通常教导要求进行检定者必须拥有4级或以上要教导的技能时才能使用)。如果参与的玩家得到的成功数等同于他要提升到的新技能等级,那么他的相应技能训练时间减少,可以直接提升。
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Peer Tutoring: You can find new insights everyone can use when the whole class offers their own unique perspectives. Make an Instruction + Charisma Test at the same time as another player. Each player must use this technique and must possess the skill you are all trying to improve at a rank between 1 and 3 (normally Instruction can only be used if the one making the test has 4 ranks or more). If all involved players score hits equal to the rank they are leveling up to, they all have the training time reduced and can improve that skill.
肉体接触(Pressing Flesh):亲密行为是一件很好的事情,但人们就因为你这样的人才害怕它。进行一个礼仪+魅力检定来和蔼地碰别人一下。握一下手,拍一下背,或是在人群中“意外”地撞到一起。在同一动作流程中,对同一个人的手上功夫检定获得+2骰池加值。
劇透 -   :
Pressing Flesh: Physical intimacy is a wonderful thing, but others fear it because of people like you. Make an Etiquette + Charisma Test to touch someone in a benign way. A handshake, a pat on the back, or an “accidental” bump in a crowd. Gain a +2 on Palming against the same person in the same Action Phase.
触人痛处(Rub It In):他们知道你让他们无法还手。你知道如何让他们为此流冷汗。当你对目标有有利地位时,进行一个交涉+魅力检定。你由于有敲诈素材或者手握其他谈判筹码而通常会获得的+2骰池调整加倍。(译注:这个动作中-4进行的交涉检定只是用来获得这一效果,要应用它还得另一个交涉检定)
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Rub It In: They know you’ve got them over a barrel. You know how to make them sweat about it. Make a Negotiation + Charisma Test when you have leverage over the subject. Double the usual +2 dice pool modifier for having blackmail material or a heavy bargaining chip.
挽回颜面(Saving Face):你学到了幽默、谦恭与急智的完美融合,让你能吃下一击后看起来一切如常。你可以优雅地摆脱一次失言,也可以接受一次侮辱后仍然风度翩翩。如果你在任何社交检定中失误,你可以立刻进行一个受-4骰池调整的礼仪检定。如果你成功了,那你可以不受减值地重新进行(先前的)检定。
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Saving Face: You’ve learned that perfect blend of humor, humility, and quick wit that lets you take a hit and come out looking good. You can recover from a faux pas with grace, and you can take an insult and be a good sport. If you fail any Social test, you can immediately make an Etiquette test with a –4 dice pool modifier. If you succeed, you may make that the test again at no penalty.
荡漾心神(Shake It):行动的许诺总是比单单一张漂亮脸蛋更迷人。进行一个唬骗(诱惑)+魅力检定。这只对那些可能潜在地对你有性趣的人有效果。那些看着你的人对你的侦察检定获得+2骰池加值,而对周围其他人的侦察检定获得-2骰池减值,因为你正吸引他们的注意力。
劇透 -   :
Shake It: The promise of action is always more enticing than just a pretty face. Make a Con (Seduction) + Charisma Test. This is only effective with people who would potentially find you romantically attractive. Those observing you gain a +2 to Perception tests against you, but –2 against others in vicinity as you are holding their attention.
木头枪(Wooden Gun):进行一个手上功夫+敏捷检定对抗对手的侦察+直觉。如果你在检定中获胜,你在说服他你手上有一把可以开火的枪的唬骗或威吓检定中获得+2加值,即使你手上其实没有。
劇透 -   :
Wooden Gun: Make a Palming + Agility Test vs your opponent’s Perception + Intuition. If you succeed, you gain a +2 on a Con or Intimidate test against them to imply you have a weapon on hand, ready to use, even if you don’t.
劇透 -   :
Zanshin: Make an opposed Judge Intentions test (p. 152, SR5) with a –2 dice pool modifier. With 1 net hit, you can determine if the target has ranks in any Close Combat skill. With 2 net hits, you can learn which Close Combat skill they have the highest rank in. With 3 net hits, you can determine whether they are an amateur (1–2 ranks), well trained (3-5 ranks), or highly trained (6+ ranks)
« 上次编辑: 2018-01-11, 周四 22:14:27 由 Razr »