
譯文資料區 => 暗影狂奔 => Shadowrun 5E => 主题作者是: cmoon 于 2018-05-27, 周日 19:46:57

作者: cmoon2018-05-27, 周日 19:46:57
Among the ranks of the idealist archetype that I mentioned above, there are assassins who dedicate themselves to their causes and beliefs to even greater degrees. They are driven by the same motivations as other idealists, but they also adopt a strict code that governs how they live their lives and conduct themselves on the job. For lack of a more neutral term, I refer to them as “honorable killers.”
I proudly count myself among these assassins. In my opinion, it’s only these codes of honor that separate assassins from the cold-blooded murderers who prey on the weak and defenseless every day in sprawls across the world. In a job that involves dealing death on a regular basis, it’s far too easy to cross the line from “professional assassin” to “soulless monster,” and that’s not a transition I ever want to make.

> Clockwork

 > Balladeer

> Picador

> Oh, gag me with a fucking vibroblade.
> Clockwork

> Here’s where I have to part opinions with our author. I’m not saying that you have to make a habit of shooting children in order to be a successful assassin, but thinking you can adhere to a strict “code of honor” while being an effective assassin is hopelessly naïve. When you’re in this line of work, you have to do whatever it takes to survive and get the job done, and “whatever it takes” is not always going to be pleasant. Sooner or later, strictly adhering to a code of honor is going to get you stuck in a position where you’ll have to make a choice between violating that code or dying. While you’re busy agonizing over which way to go, you’ll catch a bullet through the head that makes the choice for you.
 > Balladeer

> Speak for yourself. I’m not an assassin, but I am a soldier, a profession that also involves taking the lives of others. When you’re in a line of work like that, you need something to hold onto so that you don’t cross that invisible line Quietus mentioned. I was fortunate enough to be mentored by Matador, God rest his soul, who taught me the value of honor in a soldier’s life. Adhering to the code he taught me has saved me from doing things in the heat of the moment that, once my anger subsided, would have either tortured me with guilt for the rest of my life or driven me to suicide.
I’ve seen soldiers who don’t have a code of honor to restrain them. They become little more than monsters, the sort of people that use civilians for target practice or worse. Personally, I cut out the middleman and use my sidearm to handle such soldiers on the rare occasions they show up in my unit.
> Picador


I’d like to be able to give aspiring assassins a step-bystep guide on how to develop your own code of honor, but I can’t really give much advice on this because it’s such a personal decision. Everybody has different lines they won’t cross and different things they value, and it’s things like that which usually shape an assassin’s code.
 Since I can’t give any general advice, I’ll share my own code here to give an example of what I’m talking about.
作者: cmoon2018-05-27, 周日 19:47:43
The first and most important tenet of my code is never to kill an innocent. In this case, “innocent” means anyone who is not my target or directly defending the target.
There are many reasons I have this tenet as part of my code. For one thing, it’s the innocents that I’m doing this job to help. I’m fighting for those who can’t fight for themselves, and killing them is a betrayal of that goal. Plus, it’s just plain wrong. I believe these people have a right to live a full life and to take that opportunity from them is unforgiveable. I’ve never killed an innocent in the course of my job, and that’s a record I’m very proud of.
I have, on occasion, been required to use some sort of force on people I consider innocents, either for their own safety (like getting them out of the way of a firefight) or because they were guarding a target but didn’t meet my definition of “directly defending my target” as described above. Whenever I’m forced to do this, I use non-lethal means like gel rounds or shock ammunition to render them unconscious until I eliminate the target. After that business is concluded, I quickly make sure that the unconscious innocents are alive and not suffering any adverse effects before making my escape.

> “不利的影响”?比如呢?而且你怎么能检查到每个被你射中的人。
> /dev/grrl

> Quietus

 > Netcat

> 我的意思是,这通常指的是那些像雇佣警察和类似的低收入的保安。在我看来,他们并不是因为自己是坏人而试图去保护一个坏人。这不过是像其他工作一样的有偿劳动,他们不过是想养家糊口而已。这在我眼里并不意味着该去死。
> Quietus

> “Adverse effects?” Like what? And how can you check everyone you’ve shot?
> /dev/grrl

> The big two things I look out for are trouble breathing or signs of a heart attack.T he former can be caused by a gel round impacting in the wrong spot, knocking the wind out of the target, and the latter can be caused by shock ammunition. Despite being marketed as a non-lethal type of ammunition, shock ammo can cause heart attacks in unhealthy people. As for how I can check everyone, it takes five seconds per person, for someone who knows exactly what to look for. Plus, they’re unconscious from the effects of the rounds, so they’re not likely to get up and alert the authorities or shoot me.
> Quietus

> How the hell can somebody be guarding the target but not “directly defending the target?”
 > Netcat

> By that, I usually mean people like rent-a-cops and similarly low-paid security guards. In my mind, they’re not necessarily trying to defend an evil person because they’re evil themselves; usually it’s just a paying job like any other, and they’re just trying to feed their families. That doesn’t warrant death in my opinion.
> Quietus
作者: cmoon2018-05-27, 周日 20:18:55
I will only take jobs that involve taking out targets whose demise will help people. Serial rapists, ganger scum, corrupt suits, and psychopaths of all types are just a few examples of the types of targets I’ve taken out over the years. If eliminating a man means that dozens of women around the sprawl can walk the streets feeling a little bit safer, or that the people don’t have to worry about being shot because they’re wearing the “wrong” colors in the “wrong” part of the city, I’ll take the job.
I don’t kill purely for other people’s, or corporations’, profits. I’ve turned down plenty of lucrative jobs to erase crusading environmentalists or neo-anarchists when those people were guilty of nothing more than being inconvenient to a corporation’s plans. Turning that money down has kept me on the razor’s edge of poverty at times, but frankly, I don’t give a shit. I do this job to make the world a better place, not to make it easier for fat cats to line their pockets.

> Aufheben
> There are more than a few shadowrunners who take this approach. The most well known are the ones who take “hooding,” as in Robin Hood, jobs. Sometimes they do it for no compensation except the satisfaction of doing the right thing. Personally, I think it’s an admirable path. It’s not an easy one, by any means, but one to applaud.
> Aufheben
作者: cmoon2018-06-03, 周日 22:02:30
Being an assassin is a job, not a hobby. I hold peoples’ lives in my hands every day, and I have to treat that as the grave responsibility it is rather than as something to be enjoyed. I don’t enjoy what I do but I believe it’s a necessary evil. Believe me, I’d love to be able to retire because all the assholes in the world have disappeared and left me with no jobs. Until then the world needs people like me to tip the scales towards the good side just a little bit.
Besides all that, enjoying this job like one does a hobby is a quick way to become the “psycho” assassin I mentioned above.

>这也同样适用在雇佣兵身上。业余者一个绝对没跑的特征是,他们将自己工作看作是匹特博游戏而非一场事关队友生死的枪战(译注:“匹特博”是英文PAINTBALL的译音,是一种以击发器(PAINTBALL GUN)和彩弹(PAINTBALL)为主要工具,对参赛者的眼面部有较严密保护的激烈对抗性的运动)。一个头脑正常的雇佣兵指挥官才不会想让这样的人进入他们的部队。首先,他们不严肃的态度意味着他们通常不听命令,而在战场上不服从命令就会害死人。第二,对每个人来说,有人在身边的人都在竭力求生的情况下还把枪战当做游戏,是真的让人他娘的恼火。额外的恼火,意味着额外的压力会被施加在已经极端紧张的每个人身上。并且就像寂灭所说的,这样的小丑如果在雇佣兵的职业生涯中能够活得够久,通常都会变成享受杀戮的疯子。他们迟早会用杀戮平民来取乐。这种恶态除了可憎之外,还会让你的小队在雇佣兵社区内成为不受欢迎者(译注: persona non grata,拉丁文,不受欢迎者)。你们会被几乎所有的品行端正的雇主加入黑名单。通常,要想恢复这个小队的声誉,唯一的办法就是射杀这个疯子,有时甚至连这都不管用。
> Picador
> This applies to the mercenary business as well. One surefire sign of an amateur is somebody who treats their job like a game of paintball instead of like a firefight where they and their teammates stand a real chance of dying. No mercenary commander in their right mind wants someone like that in their unit. First of all, their lack of seriousness means they often don’t listen to orders, and failure to follow orders on the battlefield can get someone killed. Secondly, it’s really fucking annoying to everybody around you when someone’s treating a real brushfire war like a game while everyone else is focused on trying to survive. Extra annoyance means additional, unnecessary stress on everyone in an already-tense situation. And like Quietus said, the jokers like this who survive for long in the mercenary profession usually become psychopaths who enjoy killing way too much. Sooner or later they’ll resort to killing civilians to get their jollies. Besides being heinously evil, that sort of thing makes your unit persona non grata in the merc community. You’ll be effectively blacklisted by any halfway respectable employer. Usually the only way to restore the unit’s reputation is to shoot said psychopath, and sometimes even that doesn’t work.
作者: cmoon2018-06-03, 周日 22:04:39
There’s obviously a big risk in hiring an assassin; if someone is caught doing it, they can be charged with accessory to murder, which usually carries penalties just as severe as the murder itself. That means that anyone who hires an assassin is taking a major leap of faith in assuming that the assassin won’t sell him out. If you build a reputation as a reliable assassin who absolutely will not betray the person who hired you, that gives you a major advantage when hiring time comes along. If you do betray an employer, you can count on being blacklisted at best and targeted by an assassin yourself at worst.
That sort of thing isn’t conducive to a long career, and if I’m blacklisted or dead, a few more bastards might live to make normal folks’ lives hell. Hence, this is a tenet of my code.

> Fianchetto
> This advice applies just as much to shadowrunners as it does to assassins. The corporations may all know that the other corps hire as many shadowrunners as they do, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to just lie back and let a run go down without retaliation if they know who the culprit is. It would make them look weak, and they know they can’t afford to show weakness. So as crazy as it sounds, the fact that they’re hiring you for a job means that they trust you to one degree or another. Don’t take that trust lightly if you want to have a long shadowrunning career. Or a long life.
作者: cmoon2018-06-16, 周六 13:56:23
By this, I mean I won’t talk about jobs on Matrix sites in a way that can be traced back to me or my employer. This is partly for my own safety, but it’s also an extension of not betraying my employer. Whenever I talk about a job, I leave out the identifying details. If the job was sufficiently unique that any details could possibly tip someone off, I just don’t talk about it at all.

> 鬼知道在接入点会有谁能好好地接受这个建议。
> Pistons

> 嗯,谈论这些东西是我们的天性。我们中的一些人不仅享受着它带给我们的荣耀,而且分享故事也能去帮助影子社区中的其他人。暗影狂奔者中的普遍的常识就是去忽略可识别的细节,但根本不去谈论它,这几乎与我们应该联合起来的理念背道而驰。
 > Kay St. Irregular

> 我的导师告诉我的第一件事是:“如果你在追名逐誉,希望每个人都知道你的名字,这对你的工作来说是错的。”在一定程度上,这对暗影狂奔者来说是正确的,但对刺客来说更是如此。与暗影狂奔者们不同,我们除了杀人什么都不做。这意味着我们要谨慎行事,避免早早地送命,无论会是栽在“服务于公共利益”的警察手里还是在,“需要抹除痕迹”的雇主的手中。
> Quietus

> Ghost knows some people here on JackPoint could do well to take that advice.
> Pistons

> Eh, it’s in our nature to talk about this stuff. Not only do some of us bask in the glory it brings us, but sharing stories helps out others in the shadow community. Its common sense among shadowrunners to leave out the identifying details, but to not talk about it at all almost feels like it goes against the way we’re supposed to be wired.
 > Kay St. Irregular

 > One of the first things my mentor told me was: “If you’re looking for glory and want everybody to know your name, this is the wrong line of work for you”. That’s true to a certain extent among shadowrunners but it’s even truer for assassins. Unlike shadowrunners, we do nothing but kill people. That means a lot more discretion is needed to avoid a premature death, whether it’s at the hands of cops “serving the public good” or at the hands of employers “tying up a loose end.”
> Quietus
作者: cmoon2018-06-16, 周六 13:57:58

I will not break my code for any reason. That’s the bottom line. It’s something I make perfectly clear to both my employers and those I work with, on the rare occasions I work with anyone. To avoid any complications, I ensure that I only work with people who, if they don’t share my code, will at least not ask me to break it and will not put me in a situation where I have to stand by and watch it be broken. On a couple occasions, I’ve been forced to work with people I haven’t been able to vet properly. One of those times, I had to violently intervene to prevent an innocent from being harmed by another team member. The psycho just wouldn’t listen to reason when I tried to warn him that a heavily armed combat drone wasn’t appropriate for the type of job we were doing. It wasn’t something I enjoyed, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

 > Kane

> Quietus

> Sounds like an interesting story behind that summary. C’mon, spill some details on a job or two, man. You’re gonna die anyways. What harm is it going to do?
 > Kane
> I intend to die as I lived, Kane: as a professional. So no.
> Quietus
作者: cmoon2018-06-16, 周六 13:59:16
作者: 卡卡财神2018-06-16, 周六 23:49:13
作者: cmoon2018-06-17, 周日 12:42:22
这本书还没有翻完,但我可以告诉你结果,是死了 :em032如果你确实对暗影狂奔这个规则和他的背景很感兴趣的话,可以加群201635360,和群内的老鸟们一起讨论哦,有更多的背景文件都可以在群内下载取得。 :em009