作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】一小段阴影中的音乐 p.272-275  (阅读 8297 次)

副标题: 翻译:Preyst 校对:Bellicose

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劇透 -   :
After you’ve experienced a really good concert from the astral plane, things like BTLs and psychedelic drugs don’t even ping the radar. Don’t ask me how I know this—I’m having a
hard enough time maintaining my “good girl” image as it is. Of course, it tends to harsh your concert mellow some when people are trying to blow your head off.

Let me backtrack a little, though, or none of this is going to make any sense.

    当我昨天接到冬鹰(Winterhawk)的电话时我的确魂都惊出来了——我已经数年没有收到过来自他的消息了。数年前,一个朋友替我联系到他,以方便我一个特定的玄妙咒语来应付一份又专又急的活路。在那之后他偶尔也会指导我的工作。但这次可不太一样。首先,他想要和我在悲伤天使(Grieving Angel)见面(当然是在星界里),那可是一个以魔法安保和谨慎而出名的伦敦俱乐部。


    所以,我猜你已经非常想知道,我是怎么从和一个老朋友见面沦落到和五百多个亲爱的朋友们一起在演唱会现场闪躲着子弹,我是说,在新星巫术摇滚歌手伊安·丹砂( Ian Cinnabar)的个人秘密表演现场上?
劇透 -   :
It surprised the hell out of me when I got the call yesterday from Winterhawk—hadn’t heard from him in a couple of years, since a mutual friend put us in touch about a particular esoteric spell I needed to learn in a hurry for a specialized job. Since then, he’s occasionally steered work my way. This time it was different, though. For one thing, he wanted to meet astrally at the Grieving Angel, a London club known for its magical security and discretion.

He was already there when I arrived, lounging around being all elegant and insufferable like usual. Guy has an ego the size of Lofwyr—but then again, lots of us magical types do. It’s not exactly like I don’t put my fairly average-looking-for-an-elf self through the Mental Fabulizer before showing up for my astral close-ups. And hey, at least he’d finally lost the beard.

So, I hear you already wondering, how did I go from catching up with an old friend to tripping out with five hundred or so of my closest chummers and dodging bullets in the middle of an unadvertised, private show by Ian Cinnabar, the latest up-andcoming novahot singer on the mojo-rock scene?




劇透 -   :
Would you believe His Nibs was too sick to go himself?

Yeah, I didn’t either. But it’s true: he’d picked up some kind of creeping crud in Egypt or something, and he was too trashed to attend. Hence the astral meet. Did I mention ego? That’s a nice way to say he didn’t want me seeing him looking like something the devil rats dragged in.

None of this would have been a big deal except that the gig was actually business, not pleasure. Seems some shadowy associate of his had found out about a particular item in the possession of said up-and-coming superstar, and he wanted to get his twitchy little mitts on it before the guy took off on an extended tour of the Far East. Winterhawk figured it would be a cakewalk to get in, boost the item, and get out without anyone being the wiser, but he hadn’t counted on the Astral Death Plague laying him low the day before the gig.

So—enter Understudy Alani, stage right.


劇透 -   :
The show was at a trendy dance club called Cyanotic in Soho. Getting in was easy: I schmoozed my way past the two meatwalls posing as troll bouncers at the door without a glitch, so I guess Winterhawk didn’t have any trouble getting the name on the guest list switched at the last minute. I noticed right away that the crowd was almost all Awakened, with a few groggies trying hard to look like they fit in and a couple of droning wastoids strung out on deepweed. That’s the thing about the kind of shows that really get magicians’ motors running: They’re often not much of a thrill for the mundanes. That’s why a lot of mojo-rock acts go for a mix of the two, so they can at least get part of the crowd on its feet while the other part lolls around in their chairs and does their best imitations of the Sleeping Dead.

Inside, I shifted my perceptions to the astral, and the world blazed bright with auras: everything from the ordered patterns of hermetics with their trés chic synthleather jackets and bioluminescent tattoos to the wild dancing brilliance of shamans in techno-tribal garb, and even the strange intensity of what looked like a couple of voodoo houngans hanging out in a corner near the bar nursing oversized drinks with umbrellas in them. Spirits flitted around everywhere, getting off on the vibes as the opening act lit up the room. It wasn’t a huge venue— I’d done some legwork earlier today and a decker friend of Winterhawk’s had sent over some floorplans so I could plan a quick exit. Basically there was just a small lobby along with the big main floor, the stage area, bathrooms, and some dressing rooms and offices down below.


劇透 -   :
Oh, and I forgot to mention Freddie.

Freddie was a bound spirit of air ‘Hawk probably him alon to keep an eye on his investment. Not that I really needed a grumpy elemental following me around and offering critiques of my technique from the safety of the astral plane. “He can help you if you get in a jam,” ‘Hawk told me. “Least I can do. Just don’t send him off to fetch you drinks. He hates that.” Oh, and the name? Who knows? He’s weird like that. You get used to it.

劇透 -   :
So yeah—the item. Magicians are always needing reagents for all sorts of magical rituals—conjuring spirits, building items to augment their abilities, even brewing up potions and stuff like that. These reagents can be anything, as long as they go with the right tradition: old wood, bones, jewelry, pieces of buildings, and so on. All they have to be is old enough or exposed to magic enough to make them useful. When you’re doing an extra-special ritual, it sometimes calls for extra-special reagents. According to Winterhawk’s associate, it wasn’t common knowledge, but Cinnabar had a guitar pick that used to belong to JetBlack. Now, I’m not much of a musical historian, but even I recognized that name. Brooding, charismatic star, disappeared young, then people spent decades talking about how he’s still alive and in hiding, how there are secret, unreleased recordings out there—that whole kind of thing. If you were a fan, that type of sympathetic energy would contribute some pretty heavy lifting to the right flavor of ritual. Only problem was, Cinnabar took it with him when he toured. He considered it a good-luck charm and liked to keep it near him. Which meant that the only way to get it away from him was during a show, when he usually left it in his dressing room. The only reason I had any kind of shot at getting my hands on it at all was that not many people knew about it—that, and it would only be interesting to two types of people: hardcore JetBlack fans and magicians who were really into music.








劇透 -   :
The opening act wound down. I joined in the applause as they trooped offstage, then headed over to the bar to grab a drink and wait for Cinnabar to go on. Hey, Freddie, I thought, Go take a look around and let me know what kind of security they’ve got around the dressing room. And don’t get spotted, okay?

I could almost see the spirit rolling his eyes. There’s no need to insult me, his telepathic reply came back. But he did as he was told.
He didn’t return until there were signs that the show was about to start. There are two armed and visibly armored guards who don’t seem to be attached to the venue, he said. One is inside the dressing room, and the other is outside.

Visibly armored? Interesting. Usually entertainment types went with a bit more subtle security. I wondered what Cinnabar was afraid of—or whether he’d gotten intel that something was up. Still, that was a lot of security for protecting a guitar pick. Is the dressing room warded?

No. Also, the spirit continued in a bored tone, you didn’t ask me about this, but there seems to be rather more of a security presence around the venue than one might expect given its size and exclusivity.

Curiouser and curiouser. Thanks, Freddie.

I live to serve.

The sarcasm made it seem as though a little bit of Winterhawk was right there with me. I figured I’d better lay off asking Freddie for any more favors now, since he only owed me a couple more services, and it wouldn’t be fun to have him wink out on me right when I needed him most.



劇透 -   :
People were gravitating toward the stage, the magical types lounging into comfortable chairs so they could get their astral on as soon as the music started. I found a seat and prepared to do the same for awhile—I figured waiting until Cinnabar got fully into his set would be safer. And besides, there was no way I was going to be at a concert like this and not experience at least some of the show. This might be one to tell the grandkids about. Assuming I lived long enough to have any.

Cinnabar lived up to his hype. He and his band launched into their first song, weaving the physical sounds of their instruments with magical vibrations that lit up the astral plane. A really good magical act could manipulate the emotions of the audience like another instrument, and this was a really good magical act. I shifted out of astral for a moment and was amazed to see that they’d even kept the mundanes in mind: mystical figures from beautiful women in flowing gowns to magical critters to a sinuous pint-sized Eastern dragon writhed and danced among the musicians, glowing with arcane energy. I was impressed: That kind of spell was easy to cast but really hard to do well. It was art, plain and simple.

I waited a couple more songs, switching between watching the astral show, the mundane show, and the crowd, and then it was time for my show. Fortunately the bathrooms were in the same general direction as the dressing rooms, so I had an excuse. Not that anyone was paying any attention to me. Off the main floor, down the stairs and past the bathrooms and the “No Guests Beyond This Point” sign, I was already deciding how I wanted to deal with the two guards.



劇透 -   :
Except that they weren’t there. At least the one in the hallway wasn’t.

And the door was open.

My neck-hairs started to crawl. I was worried, but hey, if they were going to make this easy for me, I wouldn’t complain. I just had to be extra careful in case it was some kind of setup. Fingering a small talisman in my pocket, I muttered a few words and faded into invisibility. If there was anybody else invisible and astrally perceiving in there, they’d see me right away, but I had to take the chance. I’d never gotten around to learning a clairvoyance spell and now I was regretting it.



劇透 -   :
I spotted one of the guards right away, splayed out on the floor unconscious. The other one was nowhere to be seen. After a quick glance to make sure there wasn’t anybody else in the room, I called up a watcher I’d summoned earlier that evening. It shimmered in the air in the form of a sleek ghostly cat. I gave it a description of the small box Winterhawk had described, then kept a nervous eye on the door as it searched the room. I trusted it to find the pick—watchers aren’t that bright, but they’re good at ferreting out magic.

It leaped onto my shoulder a couple of minutes later. Sorry, boss. Not here.

“Well, shit,” I said aloud. That meant he had to have it with him—or somebody else had already grabbed it.



劇透 -   :
That was about as much as I could work through before gunfire and screams cut through the pounding ambient beat and pretty much drove everything else right out of my head.

What the hell—?

I ducked back out into the hallway and closed the door behind me. It wouldn’t do to get caught in Ian Cinnabar’s dressing room in the middle of whatever this was. Dropping the invisibility spell, I hurried back toward the stage. All my instincts told me that was a very bad idea: I should just get out while I could. But a job was a job, and I knew ‘Hawk well enough to know that if I fucked this one up, he’d never send me another one. And this wasn’t exactly my first firefight.





劇透 -   :
It’s funny how the general public thinks that all magicians are badass combat spellslingers, ready to fling fireballs and streams of acid and mid-sized vehicles at each other over the smallest disagreement. Truth is, a lot of us don’t even know any combat-type spells and wouldn’t have the balls to use them if we did. Especially in Britain, where they’ve elevated bureaucracy to an art form. Why am I telling you this? Because it’ll help explain the fact that despite the club being full to bursting with the Awakened, by the time I made it back to the stage area most of them had hit the ground cowering, or were running for the exits and begging not to be shot. The ones who hadn’t already been shot or trampled, that is.

Another burst of gunfire erupted from the crowd. Heart pounding, I snatched a fast look at the stage. The synth player was down and writhing. The guitar player was huddled behind a stack of amps, and the drummer crouched low in back of his kit where I could barely see him. But where was Cinnabar? Freddie—can you find Cinnabar? Is he dead?

I sensed the spirit moving off to follow my order. The music had stopped, but the crowd’s screams, the amp feedback and the shrill shriek of an alarm did a great job of creating a distracting wall of sound. I ducked behind the bar and risked another look around: the two gunmen in the audience were waving SMGs threateningly in every direction—not firing at the moment, but doing a good job clearing out a big space around them. They wore matching gang jackets and were yelling something I couldn’t make out, but I thought I caught the words “fuckin’ dandelion eater.” Where were all the security guards? The ones who were supposed to be protecting the stage—

It was right about then that the pieces started coming together. The venue security people I’d seen ringing the front of the stage at the beginning of the show were nowhere to be seen now. Either they were all dead, or something a lot bigger than a stolen guitar pick was at stake here.

Freddie’s voice poked me in the brain from the astral plane: Mr. Cinnabar is heading toward his dressing room. With undignified haste.




劇透 -   :
I didn’t pause for questions—I just took off in that direction. I didn’t know if he still had any of his own people here, but if they hustled him off to a car somewhere I’d never have another chance to pull this off. I pounded down the hallway, staying close to the wall and keeping an eye out for any other gunmen, but aside from a few panicked patrons trying to find an exit, I encountered nobody.

I spotted him just as he flung open the dressing room door and slipped inside. Summoning up an invisibility spell again, I slid through right behind him before the door closed.

The place was still empty save for the unconscious ork on the floor. Cinnabar stopped in the middle of the room, bent over, dripping with sweat. I could see his back heaving from his panicked breathing. His leather pants, flowing open coat, and mystical body paint that had looked so dramatic on stage were somehow ridiculous here among the costume racks and plastic cups. His wild-eyed gaze darted from the ork to the closed door as he snatched up his comm from the dressing table. “Galen? Marissa? Anybody?” His voice pitched high, almost shrieking. “Where the fuck are you people? They’re fuckin’ shooting at me!”




劇透 -   :
And then everything happened at once. If I hadn’t been looking in the right direction, I would have been too late to stop it. A flash of movement, and suddenly the “unconscious” ork security guy leaped up, pointed his hands at Cinnabar, and barked out some arcane command.

I acted before I thought. Diving forward, still invisible, I launched myself at Cinnabar’s legs and knocked him off his feet. Shifting mental gears I let the invisibility go and replaced it with a barrier that flared up in a shimmering dome around me and the fallen musician. My hands rose and my fists clenched, shaking, as I struggled to maintain the spell against the potent force of the crackling sheet of lightning battering against it. Brilliant light exploded out in all directions, blazing into the dark corners of the small dressing room.

Cinnabar was yelling but I didn’t have time to pay attention.  I knew I couldn’t hold the barrier long—I was pumping a lot of extra power into it, but that kind of effort took its toll fast. Already sweat was beading up on my forehead, and my vision was getting swimmy. The ork let out a roar of rage and changed tactics, making a series of gestures in the air with one hand and pulling out a pistol with the other. This wasn’t going to end well if something didn’t change soon. “Help me!” I yelled to the cowering Cinnabar. “Frag it, do something!”

“He’s trying to fucking kill me!” he screamed. At least I think that was what it was. At that point he was pretty much incoherent.


劇透 -   :
Fine, no help there. Freddie!

Fortunately Freddie was better in a fight than Cinnabar, and even more fortunately I hadn’t used up all his services. The air around the ork whirled and spun, snatching up everything in its vicinity: cups, clothes, boxes, shoes, dust—it was like the guy suddenly had his own personal tornado whizzing around him. Confused, he flung his hands up to fend it off and fired a round into the ceiling, flailing wildly. Then a loud bang as the door collapsed off its hinges and the two troll bouncers came storming into the room and piled on top of him. They were the most beautiful sights I’d seen all night—I instantly took back all the unkind thoughts I’d had about them back at the front door. Dropping the barrier but keeping a wary eye out in case the trolls were bluffing, I sank to my knees next to Cinnabar and did my best not to pass out.


劇透 -   :
I didn’t really want to stick around long after that, but Cinnabar asked me to hang out for a few so he could thank me before he let his people hustle him off. I loitered around and listened to his handlers mutter at each other while I waited, and by the time we got to chat I’d picked up most of the story. “So,” I told him after he’d expressed his gratitude and I was getting ready to leave, “This whole thing’s been fun. Really it has. But do us all a favor, okay? Next time you plan to skip out on your old producer, hire a real shadowrunner to do a proper extraction. Don’t just walk off on your own. Pissing off people like that without backup is almost never healthy, scan? And don’t forget: You owe me one for this.”




劇透 -   :
I think Winterhawk was pretty surprised when he got the package I sent over the next day. “I heard about what happened, “ he said when he called. No vid from his side, I noticed. “It’s all over the newsnets. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you’d just gotten yourself out of there.”

“What, and miss all the fun?” I grinned. “Besides, if I’d left, I wouldn’t have had a chance to ask him for his goodluck charm. The one he decided wasn’t so lucky after all.” My grin widened. “Maybe next time you’ll send me something what’ll actually be a challenge.”

“Be careful what you ask for, “ he said. I could hear a faint chuckle in his voice as he broke the connection.
