作者 主题: 【R&G】p. 98-102 学以致用——小组战术和战术动作  (阅读 6949 次)



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Combat, specifically small-unit tactics, is not just some abstract concept in Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. There are some specific, basic maneuvers any shadowrunner team can perform to receive in-game benefits during general combat situations. These come in the form of combat maneuvers. While not every combat situation can be accounted for, the maneuvers listed in this section can be used in a variety of combat situations and will enable players to expand their combat options and foster teamwork.



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Knowing how to move a squad through a war zone or adapt to your opponent’s tactics are useful skills, but sooner or later you’re going to come up against an enemy who’s embraced the principle of pure chaos in combat. Those who fight this way are either tactical geniuses or certifiable madmen—either way you will have no idea what to expect; chaos is, by nature, awfully to predict. So what do you do when faced with such adversaries? There’s no single answer; you’re going to have to get creative. Fortunately, there are some solid principles on which to base your creativity.

1. 要有计划B,然后是计划C,D,E……甚至是Z。任何战斗都有可能化作混沌,所以重要的不仅仅是有一个计划,知道什么时候这个计划完蛋了,该换下一个也是同等重要的。

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1. Have a plan B … and C, D, E, all the way through Z. Chaos is to be expected in any combat, and while having a plan is important, it’s just as important to know when the plan is a bust and it’s time to move on to the next one.

2. 维持适应性与灵活性。和拥有多个备用计划一样重要,你必须能根据你面对的新威胁和阻碍调整你的行动。评估现状,然后试图寻找敌人的弱点或者撤离路线。

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2. Maintain adaptability and flexibility. Just as it’s important to have multiple plans, it’s important to be able to adapt your actions as needed to face new threats or obstacles. Assess the situation and look for the enemy’s weaknesses or a way out.

3. 学会收手。每一场战斗都有可能让你发现你活命的唯一手段是放弃你的目标,这就使得知道什么时候放弃任务撤退是件攸关性命的大事。当然,撂挑子跑路多半会惹火你的约翰逊先生,甚至在短期内影响你的街头声誉。但是呢,也没几个战术家会否认这一点:相比于变成冰冷的尸体而言,活着能给你更多改正错误的机会。

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3. Know when it’s time to call it. In every combat situation there’s always a chance your survival will depend on giving up your objective. Which is why knowing when to back off and bug out is vital. Sure, living to fight another day may tick off your Ms. Johnson—it might even hurt your street rep in the short run. But few tacticians will argue that being alive gives you a lot more options for making things right than being dead does.

4. 别想着以混沌攻混沌。和通常的大众媒体说的相反,全力出击通常除了让你们白白送命之外啥好处都捞不到。活到最后而且获胜的战士和团队总是依靠可靠的计划,并且在战场上集中专注,服从指挥。除非作为一个经过深思熟虑的计划的一部分,万岁冲锋卵用都没有。任何人对着比自己强大的对手像兰博电影里那样狂暴化啥也做不到,除非她的目的是佯攻——吸引敌人的火力以便自己人能有序撤退,或者从另一个路线抵达目标。

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4. Don’t try and fight chaos with chaos. Contrary to what popular media says, going all out often does nothing besides get you killed. Fighters who win and teams that last use solid plans and stay focused and controlled on the battlefield. Bonsai charges or berserker rages are useless unless they are part of a well-thought-out strategy. Someone “going Rambo” against a superior force accomplishes nothing unless she’s acting as a diversion—drawing enemy fire so the rest of her team can withdraw in good order. Or achieve the objective by a different route.

5. 保持同进同退!当然这并不意味着你们真的得站在一起,我的意思是直到最后整个团队都要保持团结。现代科技和其他手段可以保障一个队伍互相分散,但他们还是必须随时协调自己的行动。活到最后的总归是团队,而不是一群独狼。

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5. Stay together! This doesn’t necessarily mean proximity; it means that a team has to continue working together until the bitter end. Modern tech and other means may allow a team to disperse, but they still must continue to coordinate their efforts. Teams, not lone wolves, are what survives in the long run.



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To receive the bonuses for a specific combat maneuver, a team cannot simply say “we are doing this” and then apply the benefits. The specific combat maneuvers listed here require a team to make a Combat Maneuver Test to determine whether or not they earn the bonuses, and the gamemaster should add or subtract modifiers based on how well the team set themselves up to carry out the maneuver. All maneuvers are considered optional and are used at the gamemaster’s discretion.



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Combat Maneuver Tests are based on the standard teamwork skill listed on p. 49, SR5. Before any combat maneuvers are attempted, the team will have to designate a leader to order and/or coordinate the maneuver. The leader in this case will be the primary roller for the test with the rest of the team contributing.


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To perform a Combat Maneuver Test, the designated leader needs to have the Small Unit Tactics Knowledge skill. They roll a Small Unit Tactics + Intuition[Mental] Test. Any team members who also have the Small Unit Tactics skill can join on a teamwork test (or they can default on the test, making an Intuition – 1 Test), making a roll and applying their hits per the teamwork tests rule. The team leader may use their Leadership skill to direct one team member per maneuver as described on p. 142, SR5. Ordering a Combat Maneuver can be done by verbal command, which is a Free Action. The Combat Maneuver Test is also a Free Action, and the success counts for an entire Combat Turn. A new Combat Maneuver Test is needed in subsequent turns if teams wish to continue the bonus. If the team is not familiar with the maneuver they are going to attempt and require extra explanation to familiarize themselves with what they are doing, the leader must spend a Complex Action passing on the necessary instructions before the Combat Maneuver Test can occur. As always, normal limits apply.


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Each maneuver has a specific number of successes required for completion. All bonuses are granted immediately. All team members performing a combat maneuver must wait to act at the same time during an Initiative Pass. If the Combat Maneuver Test fails, then each member of the team involved in the maneuver is considered to be out of position, and they receive a negative penalty equal to the bonus normally granted on Defense Tests for that Initiative Pass.


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If a team member rolls a glitch but the maneuver still succeeds, only that team member is considered out of position and suffers the penalty. A critical glitch by any team member automatically causes the maneuver to fail, and in this case it is bungled so badly that the penalties last until the end of the current Combat Turn, not just until the end of the Initiat
ive Pass.


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Maneuvers can be countered in two ways. The first is to simply maneuver before the opposition during the combat pass and take out key elements of the maneuver before it can be completed. The second is to counter-maneuver by making an opposed Small Unit Tactics roll to identify the maneuver and then act to disrupt it. The winner in the opposed test is considered to have completed the maneuver first and has sufficiently disrupted the opposing team/unit. This can only be done if both of the opposing teams go on the same initiative score.



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Small Unit Tactics skill governs the understanding and utilization of maneuvers and methods specific to small-group actions during combat. It specifically covers fire and maneuver in combat by using maneuvers and formations and can be used to determine beneficial of negative consequences of specific maneuvers/tactics such as cover and concealment. This skill can also be used to recognize any tactics/maneuvers used by an opposing force.
• Default: Yes (Intuition)
• Skill Group: None
• Specializations (By terrain/environment): Arctic, Desert, Forrest, Jungle, Mountains, and Urban


1. 决定检定的“领队”
2. 领队投小组战术+直觉【精神】
3. 团队成员掷骰,使用通常的协作检定规则
4. 统计成功数,与所需的成功数相比较以完成战术动作
5. 如果战术动作成功执行,套用奖励,否则套用必要的罚值

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1. Designate “Leader” for test
2. Leader rolls Small Unit Tactics + Intuition[Mental]
3. Team members roll; normal Teamwork rules apply
4. Tally hits and compare with number required to complete maneuver
5. Apply bonuses if maneuver successfully completed or apply necessary penalties






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Successes required: 4
Description: This is the classic leapfrog maneuver used when a unit must move while under fire. This can be used as both an offensive or defensive maneuver. It involves one combatant providing cover or suppressive fire to pin down enemy combatants from a protected position (see p. 179, SR5) as other members of her team move to another position. This process is repeated, with team members alternating roles, until either the objective is achieved or the team is clear of the engagement area. Note that locating sufficient cover is recommended while attempting this maneuver, but is not necessary.
Benefits: If suppression fire is successful, the moving elements of the team/unit receive a +3 bonus to defensive actions while any enemy combatants receive a –3 penalty for any offensive actions.




(译注:根据描述,这个战术动作其实上是斜角剥离Diagonal Peel战术。此处疑是催化剂将之与中央剥离Center peel战术动作弄混而又笔误而成。由于并没有名为“Counter Peal”的战术动作,在此根据描述将其译作“斜角剥离”。)

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Successes Required: 5
Description: A fighting retreat designed to allow a smaller unit to withdraw from an engagement with a larger enemy force. The team forms a sloped or diagonal battle line so that each member has a clear field of fire and one end of the line is closer to the enemy than the other. The team member closest to the enemy withdraws under cover of suppressive fire from the rest of the team and takes up a fire position a not far behind the last team member. The process repeats—the team member closest to the enemy moving to be farthest away along the direction of retreat under cover of her teammates’ suppressive fire—until the team is out of the engagement zone. (Note, the realities of combat may prevent the initial formation of a straight line, but the principle remains the same.) To accomplish this maneuver, each team member must be able to take some kind of ranged offensive action during execution.
Benefits: +2 for all Defense Tests





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Successes required: 6
Description: This maneuver consists of placing two elements of the team into separate positions from which both can envelope a single target from two different directions. The team leader must first identify suitable locations for his people to take up firing positions (solo Small Group Tactics + Intuition[Mental] Test, Simple Action). The second step is maneuvering the team members into those positions (normal Combat Maneuver Test). This can be done either before combat as part of an ambush, or during combat as a tactical maneuver.
Benefits: Attackers on the team receive a +3 attack bonus.





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Successes required: 4
Description: The Diamond Formation is employed by teams of four and used defensively when moving through an open area of unknown potential danger. It is also used when the team is searching for a target/objective. The Diamond makes 360 degrees of overlapping fields of view and fire possible—enabling quick assessment of and response to incoming threats. The classic Diamond formation has the leader at the forward-most point of the diamond, a tail at the point directly behind her, and two other team members at the diamond’s left and right points halfway between them. Larger groups can use modifications of the Diamond, such as placing additional team members along the sides or at the points of the Diamond. It’s also common to use the Diamond formation as a defensive perimeter around whatever’s being protected— client, wounded, objective—at the center. A team in Diamond formation doesn’t have to waste time turning; the lead simply transfers to the point nearest the new direction of travel. Obviously the Diamond formation is not well adapted to narrow settings such as hallways and impossible to use when terrain forces the team to move single-file.
Benefits: +1 bonus against any surprise/ambush checks, +2 on Initiative roll





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Successes required: varies
Description: A favorite of gangs who want to put the beat-down on larger metatypes or formidable individuals, the Dog Pile looks like a mad rush but is in fact a tightly coordinated physical attack. The group swarms their intended victim, focused on disabling his or her extremities (thus, most common defensive moves simply make their targets easier to hit). Once the target is immobilized or brought down, the attackers strike vital areas until the target is neutralized. This maneuver is slightly different than others in its execution.
Benefits: For every 3 successes (rounded down) the leader makes in their Small Unit Tactics roll, team members receive number +1 to their attack bonus.




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Successes required: 4
Description: First developed by law-enforcement tactical response teams for use against barricaded subjects and/or in hostage situations, the standard Dynamic Entry tactic is to suddenly fill a confined area with overwhelming force and neutralize the threat. In a rare case of military adapting law enforcement tactics, the Dynamic Entry has become commonplace in small-scale, urban military actions. With Dynamic entry the team first “stacks up” outside the entrance(s) to the confined and/ or barricaded position, out of sight of their target. On signal they enter fast—it takes planning, choreography, and above all practice, practice, practice to be able to get a team through a narrow opening and overwhelm opponents in a confined area without everyone tripping all over each other. Standard practice is for the team to go through in pairs, breaking left and right as they cross the threshold, until everyone is through. If a door must be breached, the “door kicker” blasts it with shaped charges or specialized ammo and the first pair go through before the smoke clears. (It’s not uncommon to send in drones or spirits as the first pair of team members.) As each pair enters, the team spreads along the perimeter of the room so each has a clear field of fire. The team leader is responsible for assigning positions in the line and selecting which direction they go in. The last team member who opened the door secures the entrance.
Benefits: If the attacking team breaches before they are seen by defenders, they receive a +3 attack modifier. If their approach and breach is known, the bonus is only +1.





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Successes required: 4
Description: This is the Dynamic Entry with explosives. Before the first pair crosses the threshold, the door kicker deploys an explosive device—i.e., pitches a grenade—into the room (normal Throwing Weapons Test applies). The team then waits for the device to detonate before breaching. Depending on the explosive device used, this can have dire consequences if not performed properly.
Benefits: Same as the standard dynamic entry, but with any added benefits of the explosive device.





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Successes required: see description
Description: A variation of the old “Shoot and Scoot” artillery tactic, Fire Shield involves using long range artillery fire (grenades, rockets, mortars, offensive magic, etc.) and “walking” it toward a target or objective. As an offensive maneuver, members of the team/unit follow the fire shield in, mopping up any remaining enemies. It can be used as a defensive maneuver when an enemy force is close to a friendly position. Artillery fire is deployed behind enemy positions and then walked forward until the enemy force is neutralized or when it comes too close to a friendly position. This is a risky maneuver because to complete it, the team members deploying the artillery fire must succeed on an attack roll, with teamwork help from those walking it forward. A glitch will always require a grenade scatter test to see how close the weapon comes to team members, while a critical glitch drops artillery fire right on the heads of friendly forces.
Benefits: +4 for all friendly forces maneuvering under the shield, –2 for all enemy actions because of combined artillery and regular fire.




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Successes required: 6
Description: This tactic is straightforward: The team maneuvers as a unit towards a objective, laying down suppressive fire as they advance. When the team is close enough to the objective, the steady advance becomes a charge. In most military situations, this is accompanied by either artillery or heavy weapons support and is used as a final push against an objective. The serious drawback to this tactic from a small unit standpoint is it was designed for use by military forces with lots of expendable personnel available. The Marching Fire maneuver requires you leave any cover behind, counting on the volume of your suppressive fire to keep the enemy from shooting you. Obviously fully automatic weapons are best for this maneuver. At one time firing while advancing greatly reduced accuracy, but with modern technology this is no longer a significant factor. The team leader doesn’t coordinate in this maneuver much beyond designating the target and giving the order.
Benefits: +4 for all attack rolls with semi-auto, burst fire, or fully automatic firearms.





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Successes required: varies
Description: Technically not a combat maneuver because it’s normally used before combat begins, Slicing the Pie (also known as Cutting the Cake) is a maneuver that’s been used by Law Enforcement/Security officers for decades and has become popular with military units engaged in urban warfare. Used during building searches, this maneuver is designed to look around corners into open hallways, through open doors into rooms, or around tall obstacles. Using a corner/wall/edge as cover, the searcher moves in a lateral or semi-circular pattern (with weapon up and ready) behind cover. This is done until they can visually identify the target/subject of their search. If done correctly, the searcher will only minimally expose themselves and then can take whatever action they deem necessary. The searcher may carry over the gained bonuses from this from Combat Turn to Combat Turn as long as they don’t move and other combatants stay in the same general area where they were first seen.
Benefits: Defensive bonus to the searcher only based on number of successes when performing the maneuver. Maneuver fails if no successes are rolled, giving he searcher no bonuses or penalties. A glitch gives the searcher a –2 defensive penalty, while a critical glitch means they are seen by the enemy, who moves on them to force them from their position.





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Successes Required: 2
Description: Similar to Bounding Overwatch, Traveling Overwatch is a preventative maneuver. It’s meant to be used when speed is essential and best intel indicates contact with an enemy is unlikely. When the team is in motion, one—or preferably two—members take a trailing position and periodically stop to carefully survey their surroundings. If the main body of the unit is attacked, the overwatch pair can respond with either long range-support or engage in a flanking maneuver. In using this tactic, a drone or spirit will either complement or replace a team member in the rear overwatch position. The drawback to this tactic is that the rear overwatch has a chance of being separated from the main group or being eliminated without the main group realizing. This is why drone and spirit use has become popular in this position. For this maneuver, the team leader is always the team member in the overwatch position.
Benefits: + 1 on all Perception Tests and + 2 to the overwatcher’s Initiative roll if combat is initiated.

边栏:沉入黑暗   GOING DARK


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Not everyone in the shadows is keen on the wireless Matrix, especially after the new Matrix protocols were enacted. For some the potential drawbacks to being wireless—such as having your augmentations unexpectedly shut down—far outweigh any benefits. These niche operators prefer to use throwback technology and routinely disable wireless devices when they can. Even though the team’s riggers and deckers rely on current technology, a team may opt to “go dark” temporarily to avoid detection. This can be a viable tactic for secretly getting an asset in position to do real damage. When facing an opponent with superior Matrix assets, isolating all combatants can level the playing field. Operating in the dark is difficult but not impossible in 2075, and those who do develop skills that make up for their lack of reliance on tech.
« 上次编辑: 2023-10-09, 周一 14:51:23 由 阿飘 »