作者 主题: 【UM】法术书(Spellbooks)  (阅读 24018 次)

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« 于: 2013-04-25, 周四 13:30:35 »

每本法术书(spellbook)或公式簿(formula book)都反映着使用者独特的个性以及能力。在这些书籍之中包含的不仅仅是法术,还有许许多多其他的内容,诸如施法者的研究笔记、日记、潦草的素描亦或单纯的政治论述。有的法术书上有预置仪式(Preparation Ritual),对于使用这些书籍准备法术的施法者来说,它可能使你受益——或者在某些时候会给你带来一些阻碍。
法术书中的类型描述(Descriptions),保护措施(protections),预置仪式(preparation rituals)以及法术内容(spell content)均可以按照需求混合匹配。高等级法术书可以轻松修改为低等级施法者所用——只需降低内含的法术等级并将不适用的低等级法术移除即可。同样,如果你需要法术书的内容更为丰富,只需要将两本书合二为一,或者将你所需要的法术或公式加入到其中便可。这些书同样可以作为新角色的法术书或公式簿使用。只要复制列表、就可以交给玩家使用了。
一本标准的法术书包含所有核心规则书(Core Rulebook)的戏法(cantrips),不过并不包含法师对立学派的戏法。法术书若含有其他来源的戏法,则已经记述在描述内容中。

使用预置仪式(Using Preparation Rituals)
当一名施法者使用带有预置仪式的法术书或公式簿准备法术时,只要他使用这本书准备至少3个法术(不包含戏法)或化合炼成,就可以通过仪式获得临时的增益(temporary boon)。这个增益会持续至效果被消耗(按照这个增益描述中的说明)或者施法者再次准备法术为止(此时可以再次从该书中准备至少3个法术重新获得增益)。无论施法者使用多少本带有预置仪式的法术书准备法术,她只能在准备法术时获得一个预置仪式的效果。在本章节中,标有星号(*)的法术均记述在本书的第五章之中(极限魔法,Ultimate Magic),标有两个星号(**)的法术均记述在进阶玩家手册(Advanced Player’s Guide)之中。标有上角标‘S’(S)的法术取自施法者的专精学派,而标有上角标‘OP’(OP)则表示该法术取自法术书的创作者的对立学派。

劇透 -   :
Each spellbook or formula book is a unique reflection of the personality and capabilities of its creator. Many of these tomes contain more than just spells, such as notes on the caster’s other research, personal diaries, naturalist sketches, or even political treatises. Some contain preparation rituals, each of which grants a boon—or sometimes a hindrance—to spellcasters who use the book to prepare their spells.
The sample spellbooks and formula books below each list a description of the book, information on the caster’s specialty school and oppositional schools (if any), the book’s spells, and its preparation ritual (if any). Some books also contain precautions against prying eyes.
Descriptions, protections, preparation rituals, and spell content can be mixed and matched as desired from different books. Higher-level books can easily serve for lower-level casters—just drop the spell levels that aren’t applicable and remove lower-level spells as desired. Similarly, if you desire longer books, combine two together or add spells or formulae of your choice to the desired levels. These books also work as spellbooks and formula books for new characters. Just copy the list, hand it to the player, and go.
A standard spellbook includes all cantrips from the Core Rulebook except those in the wizard’s oppositional schools. Books containing cantrips from additional sources are noted in the content description.
Each book features a value, which represents what a character must pay for the book on the open market, though finding a seller may be difficult. The character may sell the book for half that value. Any book with a preparation ritual has two sets of costs, one for the book without the preparation ritual, and one for the book with the ritual.

Using Preparation Rituals
When a spellcaster who prepares spells uses a spellbook or formula book with a preparation ritual, as long as he prepares at least three spells (not including cantrips) or formulae from the spellbooks, he gains a temporary boon granted by the ritual. The boon lasts until its effect is spent (as specified by the boon description) or the spellcaster prepares spells again (at which time it can be reapplied by preparing at least three spells from the book). A spellcaster can only take the effect of one preparation ritual when she prepares spells, no matter how many spellbooks with preparation rituals she uses to prepare spells. Spells in this section that are marked with an asterisk (*) are detailed in Chapter 5 of this book, and those marked with two asterisks (**) are detailed in the Advanced Player’s Guide. A superscript “S” (S) indicates a spell from the caster’s specialty school, whereas a superscript “OP” (OP) indicates a spell from the spellbook creator’s opposition school.


防护学笔记本(Defensive Primer)
等级 1 护法师(Level 1 Abjurer)
保护措施(protections):普通的锁(Average lock,DC 25)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):咒法系,附魔系
1级—燃烧之手(burning hands),侦测死灵(detect undead),脚底抹油(expeditious retreat),魔法飞弹(magic missile),防护邪恶S(protection from evil),衰弱射线(ray of enfeeblement),护盾术S(shield)
劇透 -   :
Defensive Primer (Level 1 Abjurer)
This surprisingly ornate and heavy volume is more than threequarters empty. Tightly written notes on the precepts of arcane defense and the vulnerabilities of supernatural entities fill the first two pages.
Protection Average lock (DC 25)
Opposition Schools Conjuration, enchantment
Value 160 gp
1st—burning hands, detect undead, expeditious retreat, magic missile, protection from evil S, ray of enfeeblement, shield S

鲁尔-萨文的学徒手册(Apprentice Chapbook of Rul Thaven)
等级 2 预言师(Level 2 Diviner)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):幻术系,变化系
1级—通晓语言S(comprehend languages),侦测密门S(detect secret doors),侦测死灵S(detect undead),鉴定术S(identify),防护邪恶(protection from evil),防护守序(protection from law),一级怪物召唤术(summon monster I),克敌机先S(true strike)
劇透 -   :
Apprentice Chapbook of Rul Thaven (Level 2 Diviner)
This slim book is carefully but amateurishly bound, with leather stretched tight across thin boards. The writing inside is fussy and crammed together, with words that are occasionally illegible. Eight of its pages contain spells; the final 10 pages are blank. A portrait of a plain woman, unsmiling, has been bound into the inside front cover.
Opposition Schools Illusion, transmutation
Value 155 gp
1st—comprehend languages S, detect secret doors S, detect undead S, identify S, protection from evil, protection from law, summon monster I, true strike S

无名日志(Unnamed Journal)
等级 3 无专精法师(Level 3 Universalist)
2级—狐之狡黠(fox’s cunning),灼热射线(scorching ray)
1级—魔法警报(alarm),羽落术(feather fall),隐雾术(obscuring mist),坐骑术(mount),护盾术(shield),电爪(shocking grasp),无声幻影(silent image),睡眠术(sleep)
劇透 -   :
Unnamed Journal (Level 3 Universalist)
This is a simple, unadorned spellbook. Notes on improving the efficiency of each spell crowd the margins, most of them hopelessly misguided.
Value 265 gp
2nd—fox’s cunning, scorching ray
1st—alarm, feather fall, obscuring mist, mount, shield, shocking grasp, silent image, sleep

旅者书册(Traveler’s Tome)
等级 4 变化师(Level 4 Transmuter)
保护措施(protections):简单的锁(Simple lock,DC 20)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):咒法系,附魔系
2级—滑翔术S**(glide),敲击术S(knock),浮空术S(levitate),魔绳术S(rope trick)
1级—重负术S**(ant haul),变巨术S(enlarge person),抹消术S(erase),脚底抹油S(expeditious retreat),重压之箭S**(gravity bow),封门术(hold portal),跳跃术S(jump),魔化武器S(magic weapon),护盾术(shield)
劇透 -   :
Traveler’s Tome (Level 4 Transmuter)
This small book, no larger than a pocket notebook, is bound between wooden covers, and is clearly a copy meant to withstand the rigors of adventuring. The arrowhead lodged in the cover can’t be removed without magic.
Protection Simple lock (DC 20)
Opposition Schools Conjuration, enchantment
Value 340 gp
2nd—glide S, **, knock S, levitate S, rope trick S
1st—ant haul S, **, enlarge person S, erase S, expeditious retreat S, gravity bow S, **, hold portal, jump S, magic weapon S, shield

创伤之书(Book of Harms)
等级 5 塑能师(Level 5 Evoker)
保护措施(protections):普通的锁(Average lock,DC 25)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):预言系,变化系
3级—火球术S(fireball),闪电束S(lightning bolt)
2级—强酸箭(acid arrow),黑暗术S(darkness),食尸鬼之触(ghoul touch),造风术S(gust of wind)
1级—燃烧之手S(burning hands),七彩喷射(color spray),元素之触S**(elemental touch),水流冲击S**(hydraulic push),催眠术(hypnotism),魔法飞弹S(magic missile),衰弱射线(ray of enfeeblement),电爪S(shocking grasp)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
创伤之浪(Harmful Surge)(Su):你可以将法术发挥至极限,但是这么做同样会伤害到你。当你施放法师的塑能法术时可以以自由动作消耗该增益效果。当你这么做时,可以视同使用法术极效超魔专长(Maximize Spell metamagic feat)施放该法术一般,但是你会受到1d4 x 你要极效超魔的法术等级点伤害。由此受到的伤害无法以任何方式减免。
劇透 -   :
Book of Harms (Level 5 Evoker)
The leather wrapping of this book is of an indeterminate type, and gives off a faint and unpleasant scent, as of charred meat. The writing inside is in a jagged hand, and many notes on the ash-smudged pages indicate its previous owner sought ever more damaging magic. A glittering rune in the cover’s center is shaped vaguely like a lightning bolt.
Protection Average lock (DC 25)
Oppositional Schools Divination, transmutation
Value 485 gp (860 gp with preparation ritual)
3rd—fireball S, lightning bolt S
2nd—acid arrow, darkness S, ghoul touch, gust of wind S
1st—burning hands S, color spray, elemental touch S,**, hydraulic push S, **, hypnotism, magic missile S, ray of enfeeblement, shocking grasp S
Preparation Ritual
Harmful Surge (Su) You can maximize a spell, but doing so damages you. Spend this boon effect as a free action when you cast a wizard evocation spell. When you do, you can treat that spell as if it were cast with the Maximize Spell metamagic feat, but you take 1d4 points of damage × the level of the spell that you are maximizing. The damage you take cannot be reduced in any way.

科斯坦斯-英伏里克斯的实验室日志(Lab Journal of Constance Inflix)
等级 5 炼金术士(Level 5 Alchemist)
2级—朦胧术(blur),减缓毒发(delay poison),火焰吐息**(fire breath),化药为毒**(transmute potion to poison),喷吐虫群**(vomit swarm)
1级—掷弹手之眼**(bomber’s eye),通晓语言(comprehend languages),治疗轻伤(cure light wounds),跳跃术(jump),感官锐化**(keen senses),消除气味**(negate aroma),抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),海洋之触**(touch of the sea)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
炼金防护术(Alchemical Protection)(Su):这本日志赋予你的炼金知识能够从毒素与炼金物品中保护你。当你进行对抗毒素或炼金物品造成的豁免,并且在进行豁免掷骰之前,能够以直觉动作消耗此增益效果。你在该次检定中获得+4加值。
劇透 -   :
Lab Journal of Constance Inflix (Level 5 Alchemist)
The steel cover of this slim journal has taken its fair share of abuse; acid scars and minor slag spots show where the journal was subjected to intense working conditions. Equations, balances, and chemical notations mark the margins of the pages—with some formulae, it is difficult to tell where the notes end and the formula begins.
Value 280 gp (655 gp with preparation ritual)
2nd—blur, delay poison, fire breath **, transmute potion to poison **, vomit swarm **
1st—bomber’s eye **, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, jump, keen senses **, negate aroma **, resist energy, touch of the sea **
Preparation Ritual
Alchemical Protection (Su) The alchemical knowledge granted by this book protects you from poisons and alchemical items. Spend this boon’s effect as an immediate action when you make a saving throw against poison or an alchemical item but before rolling the saving throw. You gain a +4 bonus on that saving throw.

墓穴之书(Book of the Grave)
等级 6 死灵师(Level 6 Necromancer)
保护措施(protections):前三页的边缘涂有耐萨瑞毒(nitharit poison,接触;强韧豁免DC 13;频率 1次/分钟 持续6分钟;效果 1d3体质伤害;治愈 1次豁免)。
对立学派(Opposition Schools):附魔系,变化系
3级—血之讯息**(blood biography),力竭射线S(ray of exhaustion),吸血鬼之触S(vampiric touch),地狱幻景*(Vision of Hell)
2级—命令死灵S(command undead),创造宝图**(create treasure map),食尸鬼之触S(ghoul touch),幽灵手S(spectral hand),召岩术**(stone call),蛛网术(web)
1级—燃烧之手(burning hands),寒冷之触S(chill touch),易容术(disguise self),法师护甲(mage armor),防护善良(protection from good),衰弱射线S(ray of enfeeblement),尸体重塑S**(sculpt corpse),护盾术(shield),克敌机先(true strike),腹语术(ventriloquism)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
墓穴之息(Breath of the Grave)(Su):以迅捷动作并花费增益的效果,你可以吐出15尺锥形的腐败恶臭。在锥形范围内的生物必须成功通过强韧豁免检定(DC为10 + 你所具有的准备法术职业的最高施法者等级),否则会恶心(sickened)1轮。这会消耗掉增益。在该增益被消耗之后,你的交涉与潜行检定会在你再次准备法术之前受到-4减值。
劇透 -   :
Book of the Grave (Level 6 Necromancer)
This tome reeks of decomposing f lesh or some even fouler stench. Grave mold clings to the worm-eaten cover, and dirt stains the pages. Some pages have been torn out.
Protection The edges of the first three pages are coated with nitharit poison (contact; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes; effect 1d3 Con damage; cure 1 save).
Opposition Schools Enchantment, transmutation
Value 780 gp (1,230 gp with preparation ritual)
3rd—blood biography **, ray of exhaustion S, vampiric touch S, vitriol *
2nd—command undead S, create treasure map **, ghoul touchS, spectral hand S, stone call **, web
1st—burning hands, chill touchS, disguise self, mage armor, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement S, sculpt corpse S, **, shield, true strike, ventriloquism
Preparation Ritual
Breath of the Grave (Su) As a swift action, spend this boon’s effect to breathe a 15-foot cone of rotting stench. Creatures within the cone must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + your highest caster level in a class that prepares spells) or be sickened for 1 round. This spends the boon. After this boon has been spent, you take a –4 penalty on Diplomacy and Stealth checks until you prepare spells again.

辉煌之眼魔法书(Grimoire of Glittering Eyes)
等级 7 幻术师(Level 7 Illusionist)
保护措施(protections):整本书都被迷幻手稿(Illusory Script,意志DC 16;如果豁免失败,则会暗示读者‘合上这本书并离开’)所保护。
对立学派(Opposition Schools):
4级—魅影杀手S(phantasmal killer),游荡星尘S**(wandering star motes)
3级—谜幻手稿S(illusory script),隐形法球S(invisibility sphere),憎恶之纱S*(Loathsome Veil),强效幻影S(major image)
2级—魔嘴S(magic mouth),误导术S(misdirection),魅影陷阱S(phantom trap),恐吓术OP(scare)
1级—魔法警报(alarm),活化绳(animate rope),七彩喷射S(color spray),通晓语言(comprehend languages),易容术S(disguise self),催眠术(hypnotism),魔法灵光S(magic aura),魔化武器(magic weapon),护盾术(shield),睡眠术(sleep)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
辉煌之眼(Glittering Eyes)(Su):当施放幻术系法术时,你获得扩展视域。当你施放幻术系法术时,可以以自由动作消耗增益的效果。你会获得60尺黑暗视觉并在对抗幻术使自身不相信幻象的豁免检定中获得+4加值,这些效果持续1分钟。
劇透 -   :
Grimoire of Glittering Eyes (Level 7 Illusionist)
The title of this book is embossed into the scaly cover. Inside, the pages sparkle and gleam in even the faintest light, and the handwriting looks preternaturally clean.
Protection The entire book is warded with illusory script (Will DC 16; on failure, the suggestion is for the reader to “Close the book and leave”).
Opposition Schools Evocation, necromancy
Value 1,005 gp (1,705 gp with preparation ritual)
4th—phantasmal killer S, wandering star motes S, **
3rd—illusory script S, invisibility sphere S, madness S, *, major image S
2nd—magic mouth S, misdirection S, phantom trap S, scare OP
1st—alarm, animate rope, color spray S, comprehend languages, disguise self S, hypnotism, magic aura S, magic weapon, shield, sleep
Prepara tion Ritual
Glittering Eyes (Su) When casting an illusion spell, you gain expanded sight. Spend this boon’s effect as a free action when you cast an illusion spell. You gain darkvision 60 feet and a +4 bonus on saving throws to disbelieve illusions, with both benefits lasting for 1 minute.

变化师之书(Tome of the Transmuter)
等级 8 变化师(Level 8 Transmuter)
保护措施(protections):良好的锁(Good lock,DC 30),爆裂符文(Explosive Runes,反射DC 16)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):幻术系,死灵系
4级—野兽形态IIS(beast shape II),石化之触S**(calcific touch),困惑术(confusion),任意门(dimension door),塑石术S(stone shape)
3级—秘法视力(arcane sight),解除魔法(dispel magic),爆裂神符(explosive runes),闪电束(lightning bolt),高等魔化武器S(greater magic weapon),缓慢术S(slow)
2级—变身术S(alter self),炽焰法球(flaming sphere),敲击术S(knock),烟火术S(pyrotechnics),抵抗能量(resist energy),识破隐形(see invisibility),S风讯术(whispering wind)
1级—活化绳S(animate rope),魅惑人类(charm person),七彩喷射OP(color spray),抹消术S(erase),浮碟术(floating disk),气灌飞矢*(Ki Arrow),法师护甲(mage armor),魔法飞弹(magic missile),防护混乱(protection from chaos),隐型仆役(unseen servant)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
防御形态(Defensive Transmutation)(Su):当变为其他形态时,你可以增强你的防御力。当你施放变化系法术,并且该法术的施法距离为个人时,可以以自由动作消耗该增益的效果。只要你还受到该法术的影响,你就会在该法术的持续时间内获得+2天生护甲加值。
劇透 -   :
Tome of the Transmuter (Level 8 Transmuter)
This simple book is bound in white leather with a silver clasp. Careful notes on economic theory in a crisp and precise hand occupy the last few written pages, after which there is a page stained with a dark reddish-brown smear. The rest of the pages are blank.
Protection Good lock (DC 30), explosive runes (Reflex DC 16)
Opposition Schools Illusion, necromancy
Value 1,810 gp (2,610 gp with the preparation ritual)
4th—beast shape II S, calcific touch S, **, confusion, dimension door, stone shape S
3rd—arcane sight, dispel magic, explosive runes, lightning bolt, greater magic weapon S, slow S
2nd—alter self S, flaming sphere, knock S, pyrotechnics S, resist energy, see invisibility, whispering wind S
1st—animate rope S, charm person, color spray OP, erase S, floating disk, hush *, mage armor, magic missile, protection from chaos, unseen servant
Prepara tion Ritual
Defensive Transmutation (Su) When taking another shape, you can increase your defenses. Spend this boon’s effect as a free action when you cast a transmutation spell with a range of personal. As long as you are affected by that spell, you gain a +2 natural armor bonus for the duration of the spell.

鲁尔-萨文的熟练学徒之书(Journeyman Book of Rul Thaven)
等级 9 预言师(Level 9 Diviner)
这本中等大小的书的书脊皱皱巴巴的,封皮由柔软的灰色皮革包裹。某几处的皮革已经被磨掉,表面上有着斑斑点点的焦痕,一把黄铜制的锁头保持这本书处于闭合状态。一个女人的画像置于封面之中,而除了脸之外均被文字所覆盖:这些文字都是关于她的猜测与笔记并用圆圈圈起,用箭头相连。在女人下巴的下方写着如下几个词“魔鬼大师献祭(Diabolist sacrifice)?”
保护措施(protections):普通的锁(Average lock,DC 25),5级法术都用秘密文页(Secret Page)隐藏。查看的口令为“展示(reveal)。”
对立学派(Opposition Schools):幻术系,变化系
5级—异界探知S(contact other plane),强效造物术(major creation),心灵连线S(telepathic bond)
4级—侦测探知S(detect scrying),生物定位术S(locate creature),移除诅咒(remove curse),探知S(scrying)
3级—秘法视力S(arcane sight),锐耳术/鹰眼术S(clairaudience/clairvoyance),秘密文页OP(secret page),巧言术S(tongues)
2级—侦测思想S(detect thoughts),炽焰法球(flaming sphere),物品定位术S(locate object),抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),识破隐形S(see invisibility),二级怪物召唤术(summon monster II)
1级—惊恐术(cause fear),通晓语言S(comprehend languages),侦测密门S(detect secret doors),侦测死灵S(detect undead),易容术OP(disguise self),鉴定术S(identify),防护邪恶(protection from evil),防护守序(protection from law),克敌机先S(true strike)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
鲁尔-萨文之眼(Eyes of Rul Thaven)(Su):你能使用鲁尔-萨文(Rul Thaven)完善的戏法察觉隐形生物。以迅捷动作消耗该增益的效果。你能在1轮内获得识破隐形(See Invisibility)的效果。
劇透 -   :
Journeyman Book of RulThaven (Level 9 Diviner)
This medium-sized book has a creased spine and supple gray leather covers. The leather has rubbed away in certain spots, tiny pinhole burns pock the surface, and a brass lock holds the book shut. A woman’s portrait has been bound into the front cover, and text covers almost all of the image except her face: text in circles, with arrows pointing to new circles with suppositions. Underneath the woman’s chin are the words “Diabolist sacrifice?”
Protection Average lock (DC 25), and the 5th-level spells are hidden with secret page. The special word is “reveal.”
Opposition Schools Illusion, transmutation
Value 1,195 gp (2,320 gp with the preparation ritual)
5th—contact other plane S, major creation, telepathic bond S,
4th—detect scrying S, locate creature S, remove curse, scrying S
3rd—arcane sight S, clairaudience/clairvoyance S, secret page OP, tongues S
2nd—detect thoughts S, flaming sphere, locate object S, resist energy, see invisibility S, summon monster II
1st—cause fear, comprehend languages S, detect secret doors S, detect undead S, disguise self OP, identify S, protection from evil, protection from law, true strike S
Preparation Ritual
Eyes of Rul Thaven (Su) You use a trick perfected by Rul Thaven to ferret out invisible creatures. Spend this boon’s effect as a swift action. You gain the effects of see invisibility for 1 round

兽性日志(Journal of the Beast Within)
等级 10 炼金术士(Level 10 Alchemist)
4th—龙息术**(dragon’s breath)
3rd—野兽形态I(beast shape I),狂暴术(rage),巧言术(tongues),水中呼吸(water breathing)
2nd—树肤术(barkskin),牛之力量(bull’s strength),治疗中度伤(cure moderate wounds),元素之触**(elemental touch),抵抗能量(resist energy)
1st—掷弹手之眼**(bomber’s eye),通晓语言(comprehend languages),匠人祝福**(crafter’s fortune),治疗轻伤(cure light wounds),易容术(disguise self),变巨术(enlarge person),鉴定术(identify),护盾术(shield)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
兽化混合物(Beastly Concoction)(Su):这本日志会赋予你制作极端强效的兽性突变药剂的能力。当你饮用突变药剂时消耗该增益。突变药剂会使你选择的属性获得+6炼金加值而非原本的+4;当突变药剂生效时,你的所有心智属性受到-2减值(智力,感知与魅力)。
劇透 -   :
Journal of the Beast Within (Level 10 Alchemist)
This ragged collection of scorched and stained notes is tied with cheap twine between wooden covers. A few formulae appear to have been deliberately obliterated, scratched through so thoroughly that the paper is torn in places.
Value 800 gp (2,050 gp with the preparation ritual)
4th—dragon’s breath **
3rd—beast shape I, rage, tongues, water breathing
2nd—barkskin, bull’s strength, cure moderate wounds, elemental touch **, resist energy
1st—bomber’s eye **, comprehend languages, crafter’s fortune **, cure light wounds, disguise self, enlarge person, identify, shield
Preparation Ritual
Beastly Concoction (Su) This journal grants you the ability to make an extremely potent and savage mutagen. Spend this boon when you imbibe your mutagen. The mutagen grants you a +6 alchemical bonus to your selected ability score instead of the normal +4; you take a –2 penalty to all of your mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) while the mutagen is in effect.

弃儿杰克的手稿(Manuscript of Jack Were-Son)
等级 10 无专精法师(Level 10 Universalist)
保护措施(protections):带有秘法锁(Arcane Lock)的普通的锁(Average lock,DC 35)以及爆裂符文(Explosive Runes,反射DC 16)
5级—破除结界(break enchantment),法师的私人密室(mage’s private sanctum),变形术(polymorph),藏宝刺绣**(treasure stitching)
4级—魅惑怪物(charm monster),任意门(dimension door),高等隐形术(greater invisibility),精神错乱**(moonstruck),现形术**(true form)
3级—风之衣**(cloak of winds),爆裂神符(explosive runes),加速术(haste),闪电束(lightning bolt),回避侦测(nondetection),暮光之刃**(twilight knife)
2级—强酸箭(acid arrow),灼热凝视**(burning gaze),暮光之尘**(dust of twilight),云雾术(fog cloud),疯狂幻象*(Mad Hallucination),防护箭矢(protection from arrows),蛛行术(spider climb)
1级—风力变化**(alter winds),重负术**(ant haul),燃烧之手(burning hands),惊恐术(cause fear),封门术(hold portal),鉴定术(identify),魔法飞弹(magic missile),睡眠术(sleep),石拳术**(stone fist),渐隐术**(vanish)
劇透 -   :
Manuscript of Jack Were-Son (Level 10 Universalist)
Blood, dirt, wine, and more stain this white leather book. The owner’s name, Jack Were-son, is stamped into the cover in peeling gold, yet no more information about the author is immediately evident. Several of the pages contain careful diagrams and illustrations done by a competent but uninspiring artist.
Protection Average lock with arcane lock (DC 35) and explosive runes (Reflex DC 16)
Value 2,820 gp
5th—break enchantment, mage’s private sanctum, polymorph, treasure stitching **
4th—charm monster, dimension door, greater invisibility, moonstruck **, true form **
3rd—cloak of winds **, explosive runes, haste, lightning bolt, nondetection, twilight knife **
2nd—acid arrow, burning gaze **, dust of twilight **, fog cloud, metabolize *, protection from arrows, spider climb
1st—alter winds **, ant haul **, burning hands, cause fear, hold portal, identify, magic missile, sleep, stone fist **, vanish **
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Re: 【UM】法术书(Spellbooks)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-04-25, 周四 13:30:57 »
极寒之嚎(Arctic Call)
等级 11 塑能师(Level 11 Evoker)
保护措施(protections):造成寒冷伤害的火焰陷阱(fire trap,反射DC 17)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):幻术系,死灵系
6th—触发术S(contingency),冰封法球S(freezing sphere),排斥术(repulsion)
5th—寒冰锥S(cone of cold),法师的私人密室(mage’s private sanctum),魔法恒定术(permanency),传送术(teleport),力墙术S(wall of force)
4th—冰风暴S(ice storm),咆哮术S(shout),石肤术(stoneskin),启示徽记*(symbol of revelation),冰墙术S(wall of ice)
3rd—秘法视力(arcane sight),解除魔法(dispel magic),元素光环S**(elemental aura),火焰陷阱(fire trap),英雄气概(heroism),闪电束S(lightning bolt),魅影驹(phantom steed),探寻思想**(seek thoughts)
2nd—牛之力量(bull’s strength),虚假生命OP(false life),闪光尘(glitterdust),狂笑术(hideous laughter),完全修复术(make whole),抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),魔绳术(rope trick)
1st—侦测密门(detect secret doors),忍受环境(endure elements),变巨术(enlarge person),羽落术(feather fall),法师护甲(mage armor),魔法飞弹S(magic missile),隐雾术(obscuring mist),护盾术(shield),电爪S(shocking grasp)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
白霜之咬(Rime Bite)(Su):你能使法术塑造出几乎无人能承受的刺骨之寒。当你施放带有寒冷描述符(cold descriptor)的法术时,可以以自由动作消耗该增益。该法术所造成的任何伤害均会忽略所有寒冷抗力(resistance to cold),但是无法忽略免疫寒冷(immunity to cold)。
劇透 -   :
Arctic Call (Level 11 Evoker)
Fine vellum sheets fill these two well-worn books. Beautiful illustrations depict the effects of each spell, many with a distinctly arctic theme. Though the pages and their wintry illustrations are of high quality, the protective leather case that encloses both books smells and feels greasy, as if the hide has been crudely waterproofed with animal fat.
Protection fire trap modified to inflict cold damage (Reflex DC 17)
Opposition Schools Illusion, necromancy
Value 4,305 gp (5,955 gp with the preparation ritual)
6th—contingency S, freezing sphere S, repulsion
5th—cone of cold S, mage’s private sanctum, permanency, teleport, wall of force S
4th—ice storm S, shout S, stoneskin, symbol of revelation *, wall of ice S
3rd—arcane sight, dispel magic, elemental aura S, **, fire trap, heroism, lightning bolt S, phantom steed, seek thoughts **
2nd—bull’s strength, false life OP, glitterdust, hideous laughter, make whole, resist energy, rope trick
1st—detect secret doors, endure elements, enlarge person, feather fall, mage armor, magic missile S, obscuring mist, shield, shocking grasp S
Preparation Ritual
Rime Bite (Su) You infuse your spell with a biting cold that few can withstand. Spend this boon as a free action when you cast a spell with the cold descriptor. Any damage from that spell ignores all resistance to cold, but does not ignore immunity to cold.

远视者塔恩尼斯的智慧(Insights of Far-Seeing Taernis)
等级 12 咒法师(Level 12 Conjurer)
保护措施(protections):蛇纹法印(Sepia Snake Sigil,反射DC 16)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):预言系,死灵系
6级—回城术S**(getaway),异界誓缚S(planar binding),六级怪物召唤术S(summon monster VI),钢铁墙壁S(wall of iron)
5级—维生气泡**(life bubble),异界探知OP(contact other plane),翱翔天际(overland flight),传送术S(teleport)
4级—酸池坑S**(acid pit),黑触手S(black tentacles),次元锚(dimensional anchor),次等指使术(lesser geas),魅影杀手(phantasmal killer),重雾术S(solid fog)
3级—气化形体(gaseous form),高等魔化武器(greater magic weapon),反邪恶法阵(magic circle against evil),蛇文法印S(sepia snake sigil),刺坑S**(spiked pit),臭云术(stinking cloud),避难小屋(tiny hut)
2级—箭雨喷发S**(arrow eruption),怪物晕眩术(daze monster),暮光之尘S**(dust of twilight),极寒之触*(Frigid Touch),闪光尘S(glitterdust),疯狂幻象*(Mad Hallucination),粉碎音波(shatter),召岩术S**(stone call)
1级—通晓语言OP(comprehend languages),易容术(disguise self),跳跃术(jump),法师护甲S(mage armor),魔法灵光(magic aura),召唤坐骑S(mount),睡眠术(sleep),绊脚沟坎S**(stumble gap),隐型仆役S(unseen servant)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
强壮召唤(Sturdy Summoning)(Su):你所召唤的生物的防御会获得短时间的强化。当你施放一个咒法系(召唤)的法师法术时,可以以自由动作消耗该增益的效果。你使用该法术所召唤的生物会获得等同于你施法者等级的暂时生命值,并且只要被召唤的生物还留有1点由此获得的暂时生命值,它的豁免检定就会得到+2环境加值。
劇透 -   :
Insights of Far-Seeing Taernis (Level 12 Conjurer)
These two books are part of a set held together with a leather strap. The covers are of a shimmering and unearthly blue leather, and the spines are built of silver and iron. The books are chilly to the touch, and staring at them induces minor vertigo.
Protection Sepia snake symbol (Reflex DC 16)
Opposition Schools Divination, necromancy
Value 4,520 gp (6,320 gp with the preparation ritual)
6th—getaway S, **, planar binding S, summon monster VI S, wall of iron S
5th—comet S, *, contact other plane OP, pierce reality S, *, teleport S
4th—acid pit S, **, black tentacles S, dimensional anchor, lesser geas, phantasmal killer, solid fog S
3rd—gaseous form, greater magic weapon, magic circle against evil, sepia snake symbol S, spiked pit S, **, stinking cloud, tiny hut
2nd—arrow eruption S, **, daze monster, dust of twilight S, **, fantastic reach *, glitterdust S, metabolize S, *, shatter, stone call S, **
1st—comprehend languages OP, disguise self, jump, mage armor S, magic aura, mount S, sleep, stumble gap S, **, unseen servant S
Prepara tion Ritual
Sturdy Summoning (Su) A creature you summon gains augmented defenses for a short time. Spend this boon effect as a free action when you cast a conjuration (summoning) wizard spell. The creature you summon with that spell gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your caster level, and as long as the summoned creature has at least 1 of these hit points, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws.

探寻永恒(Quest Eternal)
等级 13 预言师(Level 13 Diviner)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):咒法系,变化系
7级—高等秘法视力S(greater arcane sight),高等探知S(greater scrying),虹光喷射(prismatic spray)
6级—连环闪电(chain lightning),触发术(contingency),摄心目光(eyebite),通晓传奇S(legend lore),真知术S(true seeing)
5级—支配人类(dominate person),火蛇术**(fire snake),窥视魔眼S(prying eyes),传送术OP(teleport),心灵连线S(telepathic bond)
4级—秘法眼S(arcane eye),困惑术(confusion),侦测探知S(detect scrying),恐惧术(fear),冰风暴(ice storm),火墙术(wall of fire)
3级—锐耳术/鹰眼术S(clairaudience/clairvoyance),解除魔法(dispel magic),移位术(displacement),高等魔化武器OP(greater magic weapon),水流爆发**(hydraulic torrent),闪电束(lightning bolt),探寻思想**(seek thoughts),巧言术S(tongues)
2级—秘法锁(arcane lock),虚假生命(false life),狐之狡黠OP(fox’s cunning),物品定位术S(locate object),抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),灼热射线(scorching ray),识破隐形S(see invisibility),愚者之触(touch of idiocy)
1级—魔法警报(alarm),魅惑人类(charm person),通晓语言S(comprehend languages),七彩喷射(color spray),侦测密门S(detect secret doors),快速挖掘OP**(expeditious excavation),浮碟术(floating disk),防护邪恶(protection from evil),护盾术(shield),克敌机先S(true strike),腹语术(ventriloquism)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
行旅智者(Travel Sage)(Su):没有什么东西能像魔法书一样增强记忆力。与其他增益不同,你不需要去消耗掉它。直至你再次准备法术为止,你的知识(地理)被视为已受训。如果你已经在知识(地理)上投入技能点数,那么你会在该技能的检定中获得+2环境加值。
劇透 -   :
Quest Eternal (Level 13 Diviner)
Stuffed between the pages of these two well-worn volumes are all manner of riddles, tidbits of lore, and fragments of maps. One of the covers is missing a corner, as if hacked off with a blade, and the text inside is tiny and cramped, as if the author were afraid of running out of room.
Opposition Schools Conjuration, transmutation
Value 6,705 gp (8,355 gp with the preparation ritual)
7th—greater arcane sight S, greater scrying S, prismatic spray
6th—chain lightning, contingency, eyebite, legend lore S, true seeing S
5th—dominate person, fire snake **, prying eyes S, teleport OP, telepathic bond S
4th—arcane eye S, confusion, detect scrying S, fear, ice storm, wall of fire
3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyance S, dispel magic, displacement, greater magic weapon OP, hydraulic torrent **, lightning bolt, seek thoughts **, tongues S
2nd—arcane lock, false life, fox’s cunning OP, locate object S, resist energy, scorching ray, see invisibility S, touch of idiocy
1st—alarm, charm person, comprehend languages S, color spray, detect secret doors S, expeditious excavation OP, **, floating disk, protection from evil, shield, true strike S, ventriloquism
Preparation Ritual
Travel Sage (Su) There is nothing like a magic book to enhance the memory. Unlike other boons, you do not spend this one. Until you prepare spells again, you are considered trained in Knowledge (geography). If you are already trained in Knowledge (geography), you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on those checks instead.

祖父的遗产(Grandfather’s Legacy)
等级 14 死灵师(Level 14 Necromancer)
保护措施(protections):由3个精巧的锁(superior locks)组成的锁串均被秘法锁(arcane lock)所强化(DC 50),并且在每本书的第二页都附有虚弱徽记(symbol of weakness,强韧DC 20)。
对立学派(Opposition Schools):附魔系,幻术系
7级—操控死灵S(control undead),死亡一指S(finger of death),虚弱徽记S(symbol of weakness),死者苏生S*(temporary resurrection)
6级—酸雾术(acid fog),连环闪电(chain lightning),死亡法阵S(circle of death),唤起死灵S(create undead),强迫护卫S**(unwilling shield)
5级—驱逐术(dismissal),怪物定身术(hold monster),魔魂壶S(magic jar),控物术S*(possess object),力墙术(wall of force),疲乏波S(waves of fatigue)
4级—操纵死尸S(animate dead),降咒S(bestow curse),疫病术S(contagion),弱能术S(enervation),幽影投射S**(shadow projection),咆哮术(shout),冰墙术(wall of ice)
3级—遗体防腐S(gentle repose),死灵定身术S(halt undead),闪电束(lightning bolt),反善良法阵(magic circle against good),回避侦测(nondetection),力竭射线S(ray of exhaustion),臭云术(stinking cloud),吸血鬼之触S(vampiric touch)
2级—秘法锁(arcane lock),目盲/耳聋术S(Blindness/Deafness),黑暗术(darkness),虚假生命S(false life),遮蔽物品(obscure object),抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),恐吓术S(scare),飞虫走兽(summon swarm)
1级—惊恐术S(cause fear),寒冷之触S(chill touch),浮碟术(floating disk),尸体重构S*(restore corpse),催眠术(hypnotism),隐雾术(Obscuring Mist),衰弱射线S(ray of enfeeblement),尸体重塑S**(sculpt corpse),护盾术(shield),睡眠术(sleep)
劇透 -   :
Grandfather’s Legacy (Level 14 Necromancer)
This pair of lexicons is covered in excellently preserved human skin, with an intricate lace of fingerbones forming the locks on the cover. A family seal has been embossed on the lower center of the cover, but f lecks of gold leaf have begun to peel away, revealing that the embossed pattern in fact follows a faded tattoo on the skin itself.
Protection A series of three superior locks each augmented with arcane lock (DC 50) and a symbol of weakness (Fortitude DC 20) on the second page of each book.
Opposition Schools Enchantment, illusion
Value 7,610 gp
7th—control undeadS, finger of deathS, symbol of weaknessS, temporary resurrectionS, *
6th—acid fog, lightning fieldS, *, circle of deathS, create undeadS, unwilling shieldS, **
5th—dismissal, hold monster, magic jarS, transfer intelligenceS, *, wall of force, waves of fatigueS
4th—animate deadS, bestow curseS, contagionS, enervationS, shadow projectionS, **, shout, wall of ice
3rd—gentle reposeS, halt undeadS, lightning bolt, magic circle against good, nondetection, ray of exhaustionS, stinking cloud, vampiric touchS
2nd—arcane lock, blindnessS, darkness, false lifeS, obscure object, resist energy, scareS, summon swarm
1st—cause fearS, chill touchS, floating disk, hungry are the deadS, *, hypnotism, obscuring fog, ray of enfeeblementS, sculpt corpseS, **, shield, sleep

化学家手册(Chymist’s Guidebook)
等级 15 炼金术士(Level 15 Alchemist)
保护措施(protections):良好的锁(Good lock,DC 30)
5级—即效延迟剂**(delayed consumption),魔魂壶(magic jar),法术抗力(spell resistance)
4级—自爆术**(detonate),行动自如(freedom of movement),高等隐形术(greater invisibility),复原术(restoration),石肤术(stoneskin)
3级—增效灵药**(amplify elixir),秘法视力(arcane sight),加速术(haste),英雄气概(heroism),防护能量伤害(protection from energy),荆刺之躯**(thorn body)
2级—变身术(alter self),熊之坚韧(bear’s endurance),虚假生命(false life),火焰吐息**(fire breath),识破隐形(see invisibility),化药为毒**(transmute potion to poison)
1级—重负术**(ant haul),通晓语言(comprehend languages),治疗轻伤(cure light wounds),侦测密门(detect secret doors),变巨术(enlarge person),跳跃术(jump),感官锐化**(keen senses),消除气味**(negate aroma),护盾术(shield),克敌机先(true strike)
劇透 -   :
Chymist’s Guidebook (Level 15 Alchemist)
The pages of this formula book are carefully varnished. Sprinkled among the formulae are details and diagrams of alchemical devices, many of which seem to defy the normal conventions of alchemy and physics. The last page contains incomplete notes on the preparation of experimental mutagens.
Protection Good lock (DC 30)
Value 2,420 gp
5th—delayed consumption **, magic jar, spell resistance
4th—detonate **, freedom of movement, greater invisibility, restoration, stoneskin
3rd—amplify elixir **, arcane sight, haste, heroism, protection from energy, thorn body **
2nd—alter self, bear’s endurance, false life, fire breath **, see invisibility, transmute potion to poison **
1st—ant haul **, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, detect secret doors, enlarge person, jump, keen senses **, negate aroma **, shield, true strike

守护者的魔法书(Guardian Grimoire)
等级 15 护法师(Level 15 Abjurer)
保护措施(protections):爆裂符文(Explosive runes,反射DC 16)以及火焰陷阱(fire trap,反射DC 17)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):幻术系,死灵系
8级—束缚大法(binding),迷宫术(maze),防护法术S(protection from spells)
7级—放逐术S(banishment),延迟爆裂火球(delayed blast fireball),耗费术S**(expend),巨龙形态II(form of the dragon II),擒拿掌(grasping hand)
6级—解析咒文(analyze dweomer),反魔场S(antimagic field),连环闪电(chain lightning),高等解除魔法S(greater dispel magic),真知术(true seeing)
5级—破除结界S(break enchantment),寒冰锥(cone of cold),驱逐术S(dismissal),变形术(polymorph),五级怪物召唤术(summon monster V),力墙术(wall of force)
4级—困惑术(confusion),任意门(dimension door),次元锚S(dimensional anchor),火焰陷阱S(fire trap),群体人类变巨术(mass enlarge person),庇护所(secure shelter),现形术S**(true form)
3级—风之衣S**(cloak of winds),昼明术(daylight),意识投影**(enter image),爆裂神符S(explosive runes),加速术(haste),闪电束(lightning bolt),反邪恶法阵S(magic circle against evil),水中呼吸(water breathing)
2级—侦测思想(detect thoughts),闪光尘(glitterdust),敲击术(knock),防护箭矢S(protection from arrows),缓冲护垫*(Cushioning Bands),抵抗能量S(resist energy),灼热射线(scorching ray),风讯术(whispering wind)
1级—活化绳(animate rope),侦测密门(detect secret doors),侦测死灵(detect undead),忍受环境S(endure elements),羽落术(feather fall),隐雾术(obscuring mist),防护混乱S(protection from chaos),幽影武器OP*(Shadow Weapon),护盾术S(shield),电爪(shocking grasp),笨拙之触**(touch of gracelessness)
0级—标准外加打击死灵OP(disrupt undead)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
守护者技法(Guardian Trick)(Su):你尝试以充满力量的短句挫败一次攻击。当一名不死生物或者异界生物的攻击命中你时,你可以以直觉动作消耗增益的效果。攻击的生物必须重投攻击骰,并使用第二次检定的结果,即使它比前一次更低。
劇透 -   :
Guardian Grimoire (Level 15 Abjurer)
These three well-made books are covered with runes of warding against outsiders and undead. The pages inside show water damage along the edges.
Protection Explosive runes (Reflex DC 16) and fire trap (Reflex DC 17)
Opposition Schools Illusion, necromancy
Value 10,665 gp (13,665 gp with the preparation ritual)
8th—binding, maze, protection from spells S
7th—banishment S, delayed blast fireball, expend S, **, form of the dragon II, grasping hand
6th—analyze dweomer, antimagic field S, chain lightning, greater dispel magic S, true seeing
5th—break enchantment S, cone of cold, dismissal S, polymorph, summon monster V, wall of force
4th—confusion, dimension door, dimensional anchor S, fire trap S, mass enlarge person, secure shelter, true form S, **
3rd—cloak of winds S, **, daylight, enter image **, explosive runes S, haste, lightning bolt, magic circle against evil S, water breathing
2nd—detect thoughts, glitterdust, knock, protection from arrows S, reinforcing bands *, resist energy S, scorching ray, whispering wind
1st—animate rope, detect secret doors, detect undead, endure elements S, feather fall, obscuring mist, protection from chaos S, shadow blade S, *, shield S, shocking grasp, touch of gracelessness **
0—standard plus disrupt undead OP
Preparation Ritual
Guardian Trick (Su) With a quick phrase of power, you attempt to foil an attack. Spend this boon’s effect as an immediate action when an undead or outsider hits you with an attack. The attacking creature must reroll the attack, taking the second roll even if it is lower.

影之谜(Mysteries of Shadow)
等级 16 幻术师(Level 16 Illusionist)
这三本书中的每一卷均使用金色墨水写在乌黑的纸张之上。其中阴影位面(Shadow Plane)的居民与地理的描述均使用谜幻手稿(Illusory script)藏匿在书中。
保护措施(protections):谜幻手稿(Illusory script,意志DC 16;如果豁免失败,则会暗示读者‘忘记这些注释与说明的存在’),魅影陷阱(phantom trap,打开任何一本书都会感觉书中似乎设置了陷阱)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):预言系,塑能系
8级—高等幽影塑能术S(greater shadow evocation),心灵屏障(mind blank),闪光图纹S(scintillating pattern),永恒静滞(temporal stasis)
7级—死亡一指(finger of death),高等幽影咒法术S(greater shadow conjuration),投影术S(project image),拟像术S(simulacrum),法术反转(spell turning)
6级—摄心目光(eyebite),铜墙铁壁(guards and wards),有限祈愿术(limited wish),永恒幻影S(permanent image),预置幻影S(programmed image),行影术S(shadow walk),说服徽记(symbol of persuasion)
5级—死云术(cloudkill),海市蜃楼S(mirage arcana),心灵迷雾(mind fog),梦魇S(nightmare),伪装术S(seeming),幽影塑能术S(shadow evocation),心灵遥控(telekinesis)
4级—黑触手(black tentacles),任意门(dimension door),高等隐形术S(greater invisibility),次等法术无效结界(lesser globe of invulnerability),魅影杀手S(phantasmal killer),移除诅咒(remove curse),探知OP(scrying),幽影咒法术S(shadow conjuration)
3级—解除魔法(dispel magic),英雄气概(heroism),谜幻手稿S(illusory script),反善良法阵(magic circle against good),强效幻影S(major image),魅影驹(phantom steed),缩物术(shrink item),缓慢术(slow)
2级—秘法锁(arcane lock),黑暗术OP(darkness),虚假生命(false life),闪光尘(glitterdust),魔嘴S(magic mouth),镜影术S(mirror image),遮蔽物品(obscure object),魅影陷阱S(phantom trap),风讯术(whispering wind)
1级—七彩喷射S(color spray),易容术S(disguise self),忍受环境(endure elements),羽落术(feather fall),油腻术(grease),魔法灵光S(magic aura),弱效幻影S(minor image),隐雾术(obscuring mist),衰弱射线(ray of enfeeblement),无声幻影S(silent image),腹语术S(ventriloquism)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
影之学识(Shadow Knowledge)(Su):这本书中的知识就像阴影位面本身一样附着在你的意识之上。与其他增益不同,你无须消耗该增益。直至你下次准备法术为止,只要你所进行的检定是关于阴影位面的地理与居民,那么的所有知识技能均被视为已经受训。如果你已经在适用的知识技能中投入技能点,那么你会在这次检定中获得+2环境加值。
劇透 -   :
Mysteries of Shadow (Level 16 Illusionist)
Each volume of this three-book set is written in gold ink on jetblack paper. Illusory script hides descriptions of the geography and denizens of the Shadow Plane.
Protection illusory script (Will DC 16; on failure the suggestion is “Forget the existence of the descriptions and notes”), phantom trap (opening any of the books seems to set off a trap)
Opposition Schools divination, evocation
Value 11,820 gp (15,020 gp with the preparation ritual)
8th—greater shadow evocation S, mind blank, scintillating pattern S, temporal stasis
7th—finger of death, greater shadow conjuration S, project image S, simulacrum S, spell turning
6th—eyebite, guards and wards, limited wish, permanent image S, programmed image S, shadow walk S, symbol of persuasion
5th—cloudkill, mirage arcana S, mind fog, nightmare S, seeming S, shadow evocation S, telekinesis
4th—black tentacles, dimension door, greater invisibility S, lesser globe of invulnerability, phantasmal killer S, remove curse, scrying OP, shadow conjuration S
3rd—dispel magic, heroism, illusory script S, magic circle against good, major image S, phantom steed, shrink item, slow
2nd—arcane lock, darkness OP, false life, glitterdust, magic mouth S, mirror image S, obscure object, phantom trap S, whispering wind
1st—color spray S, disguise self S, endure elements, feather fall, grease, magic aura S, minor image S, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement, silent image S, ventriloquism S
Preparation Ritual
Shadow Knowledge (Su) The knowledge in this book clings to your consciousness like the Shadow Plane itself. Unlike other boons, you do not spend this one. Until you prepare spells again, you are considered trained in all Knowledge skills as long as the check pertains to the geography and denizens of the Shadow Plane. If you are already trained in the appropriate Knowledge skill, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on these checks instead.

鲁尔-萨文的大师之书(Master Books of Rul Thaven)
等级 17 预言师(Level 17 Diviner)
这三册一组的书籍被漆黑如夜的皮革装订在一起,并用闪亮的银扣合拢。书中的页面上充满了笔记与勘误的注释。在接近这套书的结尾开始,书中的字迹就逐渐变得仓促潦草,并且在最后一页写着,“我找到她了!(I have found her!)”
保护措施(protections):每本书都带有精巧的锁(superior lock,DC 40);9级至7级的法术均被秘密文页(Secret Page)隐藏,并且第一本书还用爆裂符文(Explosive runes,反射DC 17)进行了保护。
对立学派(Opposition Schools):幻术系,变化系
8级—短讯暗示(demand),感知位置S(discern location),高等窥视魔眼S(greater prying eyes),锢魂术(trap the soul)
7级—瞬间召唤(instant summons),秘法视力S(greater arcane sight),高等探知S(greater scrying),异界传送(plane shift),灵视S(vision)
6级—解析咒文S(analyze dweomer),解除魔法(greater dispel magic),铜墙铁壁(guards and wards),通晓传奇S(legend lore),排斥术(repulsion),真知术S(true seeing)
5级—异界探知S(contact other plane),强效造物术(major creation),秘藏箱(secret chest),短讯术(sending),心灵连线S(telepathic bond),位面适应OP(planar adaptation)
4级—降咒(bestow curse),次元锚(dimensional anchor),次等指使术(lesser geas),次等法术无效结界(lesser globe of invulnerability),生物定位术S(locate creature),移除诅咒(remove curse),庇护所(secure shelter),感官共享S**(share senses)
3级—秘法视力S(arcane sight),血之讯息S**(blood biography),锐耳术/鹰眼术S(clairaudience/clairvoyance),爆裂神符(explosive runes),秘密文页OP(secret page),探寻思想S**(Seek Thoughts),巧言术S(tongues)
2级—不灭明焰(continual flame),侦测思想S(detect thoughts),炽焰法球(flaming sphere),人类定身术(hold person),物品定位术S(locate object),抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),识破隐形S(see invisibility),二级怪物召唤术(summon monster II)
1级—惊恐术(cause fear),通晓语言S(comprehend languages),侦测密门S(detect secret doors),侦测死灵S(detect undead),易容术OP(disguise self),鉴定术S(identify),防护邪恶(protection from evil),防护守序(protection from law),克敌机先S(true strike)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
强效鲁尔-萨文之眼(Improved Eyes of Rul Thaven)(Su):这个被强化的增益能使你看到隐形的生物。你能够以迅捷动作激活增益的效果,以此获得至多10轮识破隐形(see invisibility)的效果。这些轮数不必连续,但是你每次激活增益的效果是都需要耗费迅捷动作。当10轮识破隐形全被用光,或者你下一次准备法师法术时,增益的效果才会被消耗。
劇透 -   :
Master Books of Rul Thaven (Level 17 Diviner)
This trio of books is bound in leather as black as a starless night, clasped together with gleaming silver. The pages are filled with notes and errata. The handwriting becomes more hurried toward the end of the trilogy, and the final page says, “I have found her!”
Protection Each book features a superior lock (DC 40); secret page hides the 9th- and 7th-level spells, and the first book is warded with explosive runes (Reflex DC 17).
Opposition Schools Illusion, transmutation
Value 12,685 gp (16,510 gp with the preparation ritual)
9th—foresight S, freedom
8th—demand, discern location S, greater prying eyes S, trap the soul
7th—instant summons, greater arcane sight S, greater scrying S,
plane shift, vision S
6th—analyze dweomer S, greater dispel magic, guards and wards, legend lore S, repulsion, true seeing S
5th—contact other plane S, major creation, secret chest, sending, telepathic bond S, planar adaptation OP
4th—bestow curse, dimensional anchor, lesser geas, lesser globe of invulnerability, locate creature S, remove curse, secure shelter, share senses S, **
3rd—arcane sight S, blood biography S, **, clairaudience/clairvoyance S, explosive runes, secret page OP, seek senses S, **, tongues S
2nd—continual flame, detect thoughts S, flaming sphere, hold person, locate object S, resist energy, see invisibility S, summon monster II
1st—cause fear, comprehend languages S, detect secret doors S, detect undead S, disguise self OP, identify S, protection from evil, protection from law, true strike S
Preparation Ritual
Improved Eyes of Rul Thaven (Su) This improved boon allows you to see invisible creatures. You can activate the boon’s effect as a swift action to gain the effects of see invisibility for up to 10 rounds. The rounds need not be consecutive, but you must spend a swift action each time you activate the boon’s effect. The boon’s effect is only spent when all 10 rounds of see invisibility are used up, or the next time you prepare wizard spells.

誓缚手册(Manual of Binding)
等级 18 咒法师(Level 18 Conjurer)
保护措施(protections):魔法灵光(magic aura,法术书没有魔法灵光),制作巫妖命匣的笔记被秘密文页(secret page)隐藏,蛇文法印(反射DC 17)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):防护系,附魔系
9级—异界之门S(gate),缚魂术(soul bind),九级怪物召唤术S(summon monster IX),时间停止(time stop),祈愿术(wish)
8级—唤起高等死灵(create greater undead),凋死术(horrid wilting),高等异界誓缚S(greater planar binding),迷宫术S(maze),障幕(screen)
7级—放逐术OP(banishment),死亡一指(finger of death),擒拿掌(grasping hand),高等传送术S(greater teleport),反重力(reverse gravity),七级怪物召唤术S(summon monster VII)
6级—游荡烈焰**(Contagious Flame),解离术(disintegrate),高等解除魔法OP(greater dispel magic),通晓传奇(legend lore),异界誓缚S(planar binding),钢铁墙壁S(wall of iron)
5级—死云术S(cloudkill),寒冰锥(cone of cold),异界探知(contact other plane),饥饿坑S**(hungry pit),魔魂壶(magic jar),翱翔天际(overland flight),魔法恒定术(permanency),秘藏箱S(secret chest),痛苦徽记(symbol of pain)
4级—球形闪电**(ball lightning),黑触手S(black tentacles),侦测探知(detect scrying),任意门S(dimension door),弱能术(enervation),高等隐形术(greater invisibility),弹力法球(resilient sphere),移除诅咒OP(remove curse)
3级—闪现术(blink),昼明术(daylight),意识投影**(enter image),火球术(fireball),遗体防腐(gentle repose),秘密文页(secret page),蛇文法印S(sepia snake sigil),臭云术S(stinking cloud)
2级—黑暗视觉(darkvision),虚假生命(false life),闪光尘S(glitterdust),完全修复术(make whole),镜影术(mirror image),抵抗能量OP(resist energy),识破隐形(see invisibility),飞虫走兽S(summon swarm),蛛网术S(web)
1级—燃烧之手(burning hands),侦测死灵(detect undead),易容术(disguise self),油腻术S(grease),法师护甲S(mage armor),魔法灵光(magic aura),魔法飞弹(magic missile),衰弱射线(ray of enfeeblement),隐型仆役S(unseen servant)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
应急复还术(Revivifying Contingency)(Su):你不能使用动作消耗该增益。当受到该增益影响后,你的生命值第一次降至0或更低时,你会立即恢复2d6点生命值。如果这足以将你的生命值提升至0或更高的话,你就不会失去意识。
劇透 -   :
Manual of Binding (Level 18 Conjurer)
The three volumes of this set are bound in black sharkskin, the spells inscribed in purple ink on fine paper. Spells conceal extensive notes on constructing a lich’s phylactery.
Protection magic aura (spellbook appears nonmagical), secret page hides the notes on constructing a lich’s phylactery, sepia snake sigil (Reflex DC 17)
Opposition Schools Abjuration, enchantment
Value 12,719 gp (16,769 gp with the preparation ritual)
9th—gate S, soul bind, summon monster IX S, time stop, wish
8th—create greater undead, horrid wilting, greater planar binding S, maze S, screen
7th—banishment OP, finger of death, grasping hand, greater teleport S, reverse gravity, summon monster VII S
6th—contagious flames **, disintegrate, greater dispel magic OP, legend lore, planar binding S, wall of iron S
5th—cloudkill S, cone of cold, contact other plane, hungry pit S, **, magic jar, overland flight, permanency, secret chest S, symbol of pain
4th—ball lightning **, black tentacles S, detect scrying, dimension door S, enervation, greater invisibility, resilient sphere, remove curse OP
3rd—blink, daylight, enter image **, fireball, gentle repose, secret page, sepia snake sigilS, stinking cloud S
2nd—darkvision, false life, glitterdust S, make whole, mirror image, resist energy OP, see invisibility, summon swarm S, web S
1st—burning hands, detect undead, disguise self, grease S, mage armor S, magic aura, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, unseen servant S
Preparation Ritual
Revivifying Contingency (Su) You do not spend this boon with an action. When you are affected by this boon, the first time you are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, you immediately regain 2d6 hit points. If this is enough for you to reach 0 hit points or higher, you do not fall unconscious.

皮舞者丛书(Library of the Dancer of Skins)
等级 19 无专精法师(Level 19 Universalist)
9级—怪影杀手(Weird),形体变化(shapechange),祈愿术(wish),世界波**(world wave)
8级—巨人形态II(giant form II),极冰射线(polar ray),闪光图纹(scintillating pattern),水幕天华**(seamantle),锢魂术(trap the soul)
7级—操控天气(control weather),元素形态IV(elemental body IV),复仇鬼影**(phantasmal revenge),真言术:盲(power word blind),城墙术**(rampart),法术反转(spell turning)
6级—野兽形态IV(beast shape IV),梦之衣**(cloak of dreams),操纵水位(control water),液体形态**(fluid form),回城术**(getaway),枷锁束缚*(Leashed Shackles),植物形态II(plant shape II)
5级—酸蚀术*(Corrosive Consumption),鬼斧神工(fabricate),火蛇术**(fire snake),间歇泉**(geyser),怪物定身术(hold monster),翱翔天际(overland flight),位面适应**(planar adaptation),心灵遥控(telekinesis)
4级—龙息术**(dragon’s breath),任意门(dimension door),火焰之雨**(firefall),高等隐形术(greater invisibility),精神错乱**(moonstruck),驭波术*(Ride the Waves),现形术**(true form),游荡星尘**(wandering star motes)
3级—闪现术(blink),风之衣**(cloak of winds),元素光环**(elemental aura),飞行术(fly),憎恶之纱*(Loathsome Veil),流沙术**(Shifting Sand),暮光之刃**(twilight knife),武器幻化**(versatile weapon)
2级—箭雨喷发**(arrow eruption),暮光之尘**(dust of twilight),元素之语**(elemental speech),*变身术(alter self),火焰吐息(fire breath),加速毒发**(accelerate poison),共享语言**(share language),水流术**(slipstream)
1级—风力变化**(alter winds),重负术**(ant haul),忍受环境(endure elements),羽落术(feather fall),闪光爆**(flare burst),鉴定术(identify),石拳术**(stone fist),海洋之触**(touch of the sea),克敌机先(true strike),渐隐术**(vanish)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
御法增益(Defensive Boon)(Su):你能够产生一波快速的奥能爆发,这能够一次法术攻击。当你被接触法术或类法术能力作为目标时,能够以直觉动作消耗该增益的效果,使你在对抗这次接触攻击时AC获得+4偏斜加值。
劇透 -   :
Library of the Dancer of Skins (Level 19 Universalist)
This quartet of books is held together by a shining silver strand wound around the four tomes and tied in an intricate knot. Inside, the writing is expansive and sloppy, filled with marginalia; the author’s notes indicate clear excitement about her discoveries, and while the thinker is obviously brilliant, she is also apparently undisciplined.
Value 16,420 gp (20,695 gp with the preparation ritual)
9th—choose fate *, shapechange, wish, world wave **
8th—giant form II, polar ray, scintillating pattern, seamantle **, trap the soul
7th—control weather, elemental body IV, phantasmal revenge **, power word blind, rampart **, spell turning
6th—beast shape IV, cloak of dreams**, control water, fluid form **, getaway **, lightning field *, plant shape II
5th—comet *, fabricate, fire snake **, geyser **, hold monster, overland flight, planar adaptation**, telekinesis
4th—dragon’s breath **, dimension door, firefall **, greater invisibility, moonstruck **, rainbow helix *, true form **, wandering star motes **
3rd—blink, cloak of winds **, elemental aura **, fly, lightwall *, shifting sands **, twilight knife **, versatile weapon **
2nd—arrow eruption **, dust of twilight **, elemental speech **, fantastic reach *, fire breath, metabolize *, share language **, slipstream **
1st—alter winds **, ant haul **, endure elements, feather fall, flare burst **, identify, stone fist **, touch of the sea **, true strike, vanish **
Preparation Ritual
Defensive Boon (Su) You throw up a quick burst of arcane energy that deflects an incoming spell attack. As an immediate action when targeted with a touch spell or spelllike ability, you can spend this boon’s effect to gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC against the triggering attack.

大师吉波尔的配方集(The Formulae of Master Gebr)
等级 20 炼金术士(Level 20 Alchemist)
6级—元素形态III(elemental body III),巨龙形态I(form of the dragon I),医疗术(heal),行影术(shadow walk),转变术(transformation),双子形态**(twin form)
5级—即效延迟剂**(delayed consumption),托梦术**(dream),假死(elude time),梦魇(nightmare),翱翔天际(overland flight),转灵强愈剂**(resurgent transformation),法术抗力(spell resistance)
4级—自爆术**(detonate),龙息术**(dragon’s breath),火焰护盾(fire shield),液体形态**(fluid form),高等隐形术(greater invisibility),中和毒性(neutralize poison),石肤术(stoneskin),万用公式**(universal formula)
3级—吸纳之触**(absorbing touch),增效灵药**(amplify elixir),猎犬追踪**(bloodhound),移位术(displacement),斗转星移**(draconic reservoir),加速术(haste),英雄气概(heroism),探寻思想**(seek thoughts),荆刺之躯**(thorn body)
2级—炼金反刍**(alchemical allocation),树肤术(barkskin),牛之力量(bull’s strength),猫之优雅(cat’s grace),元素之触**(elemental touch),火焰吐息**(fire breath),察觉细节**(perceive cues),识破隐形(see invisibility),化药为毒**(transmute potion to poison),喷吐虫群**(vomit swarm)
1级—掷弹手之眼**(bomber’s eye),通晓语言(comprehend languages),匠人祝福**(crafter’s fortune),易容术(disguise self),变巨术(endure elements),感官锐化**(keen senses),消除气味**(negate aroma),护盾术(shield),石拳术**(stone fist),海洋之触**(touch of the sea)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
自发爆弹(Spontaneous Bomb)(Su):在用炸弹上,你总是有出人意料的花招。每日1次以迅捷动作,你能够将一个你有资格获得的科研发现(但是你还未获得)应用到一个炼金炸弹上。这不会允许你在一个炼金炸弹上叠加应用无法共同使用的科研发现。
劇透 -   :
The Formula e of Master Gebr (Level 20 Alchemist)
These four cloth-bound books are neatly printed—as with a printing press or some other form of mechanical transcription— with a title page, a table of contents, and a useful cross-referenced index. They have been treated well and are clearly reference works, rather than laboratory notes; the writer was obviously a most disciplined and focused inventor.
Protection The cover is treated with tears of death poison (contact; save Fort DC 22; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/ minute for 6 minutes; effect 1d6 Con damage and paralyzed for 1 minute).
Value 6,500 gp (11,000 gp with the preparation ritual)
6th—elemental body III, form of the dragon I, heal, shadow walk, transformation, twin form **
5th—delayed consumption **, dream, elude time **, nightmare, overland flight, resurgent transformation **, spell resistance
4th—detonate **, dragon’s breath **, fire shield, fluid form **, greater invisibility, neutralize poison, stoneskin, universal formula **
3rd—absorbing touch **, amplify elixir **, bloodhound **, displacement, draconic reservoir **, haste, heroism, seek thoughts **, thorn body **
2nd—alchemical allocation **, barkskin, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, elemental touch **, fire breath **, perceive cues **, see invisibility, transmute potion to poison **, vomit swarm **
1st—bomber’s eye **, comprehend languages, crafter’s fortune **, disguise self, endure elements, keen senses **, negate aroma **, shield, stone fist **, touch of the sea **
Preparation Ritual
Spontaneous Bomb (Su) When it comes to bombs, you have a special trick up your sleeve. Once per day as a swift action, you can apply a discovery that you qualify for (but do not already know) to a bomb. This does not allow you to stack non-stacking discoveries on a bomb.

统御语言与思维(Mastery of Word and Thought)
等级 20 惑控师(Level 20 Enchanter)
保护措施(protections):书中的第一页带有死亡徽记(Symbol of death,强韧DC 22)
对立学派(Opposition Schools):咒法系,幻术系
9级—支配怪物S(dominate monster),预警术(foresight),法师裂解术(mage’s disjunction),群体怪物定身术S(mass hold monster),群体绞杀**(mass suffocation),真言术:死S(power word kill),时间停止(time stop)
8级—束缚大法S(binding),克隆术(clone),迷舞S(irresistible dance),心灵屏障(mind blank),变形万物(polymorph any object),真言术:震S(power word stun),阳炎爆(sunburst)
7级—偏转术**(deflection),高等秘法视力(greater arcane sight),瞬间召唤OP(instant summons),有限祈愿术(limited wish),群体人类定身术S(mass hold person),异界传送OP(plane shift),真言术:盲S(power word blind),共振之语*(resonating word),震慑徽记S(symbol of stunning)
6级—梦之衣S**(cloak of dreams),触发术(contingency),人肉炮弹**(enemy hammer),高等解除魔法(greater dispel magic),指使术S(geas/quest),通晓传奇(legend lore),法师回忆术(mage’s lucubration),真知术(true seeing)
5级—驱逐术(dismissal),支配人类S(dominate person),鬼斧神工(fabricate),冰封之牢*(icy prison),弱智术S(feeblemind),法师的私人密室(mage’s private sanctum),魔法恒定术(permanency),窥视魔眼(prying eyes),传送术OP(teleport)
4级—降咒(bestow curse),极度绝望S(crushing despair),次元锚(dimensional anchor),恐惧术(fear),精神错乱S**(moonstruck),弹力法球(resilient sphere),塑石术(stone shape),石肤术(stoneskin)
3级—火球术(fireball),飞行术(fly),高等魔化武器(greater magic weapon),英雄气概S(heroism),憎恶之纱*(loathsome veil),回避侦测(nondetection),防护能量伤害(protection from energy),疯狂迷恋S*(Reckless Infatuation),暗示术S(suggestion)
2级—秘法锁(arcane lock),不灭明焰(continual flame),虚假生命(false life),狂笑术S(hideous laughter),魔嘴OP(magic mouth),镜影术OP(mirror image),抵抗能量(resist energy),魔绳术(rope trick),识破隐形(see invisibility),愚者之触S(touch of idiocy)
1级—魔法警报(alarm),魅惑人类S(charm person),羽落术(feather fall),强迫安静*(Forced Quiet),水流冲击**(hydraulic push),鉴定术(identify),魔法飞弹(magic missile),记忆空白S**(memory lapse),衰弱射线(ray of enfeeblement),护盾术(shield),隐型仆役OP(unseen servant)
预置仪式(preparation rituals)
诅咒之名(Curse of Names)(Su):当你使用这本书准备好法术之后,将一个单一生物的正式姓名(proper name)写到这本书的名单中。当你距离被指定的生物30尺内时,能够以迅捷动作叫他的名字并赋予他诅咒之名。这会消耗掉增益的效果。目标在所有攻击检定中受到-2减值,在所有对抗你的攻击检定中受到-4减值,持续1分钟。当你激活该诅咒后,这个名字会在书中被划掉。该名生物无法再次成为来源于你的诅咒之名的目标。对同一生物的多个诅咒之名的罚值不会叠加。
劇透 -   :
Mastery of Word and Thought (Level 20 Enchanter)
This massive tome is the size of four normal spellbooks, bound in leather as hard as plate armor and stitched together with strands of thin, pliable metal rather than thread. Toward the end is a list of names, each crossed out.
Protection Symbol of death on the first page of the book (Fort DC 22)
Opposition Schools Conjuration, illusion
Value 22,750 gp (27,250 gp with the preparation ritual)
9th—dominate monster S, foresight, mage’s disjunction, mass hold monster S, mass suffocation **, power word kill S, time stop
8th—binding S, clone, irresistible dance S, mind blank, polymorph any object, power word stun S, sunburst
7th—deflection **, greater arcane sight, instant summons OP, limited wish, mass hold person S, plane shift OP, power world blind S, resonating word *, symbol of stunning S
6th—cloak of dreams S, **, contingency, enemy hammer **, greater dispel magic, geas/quest S, legend lore, mage’s lucubration, thunderclap *, true seeing
5th—dismissal, dominate person S, fabricate, icy prison *, feeblemind S, mage’s private sanctum, permanency, prying eyes, teleport OP
4th—bestow curse, crushing despair S, dimensional anchor, fear, moonstruck S, **, resilient sphere, stone shape, stoneskin
3rd—fireball, fly, greater magic weapon, heroism S, loathsome veil *, nondetection, protection from energy, symbol of peace S, *, suggestion S
2nd—arcane lock, continual flame, false life, hideous laughter S, magic mouth OP, mirror image OP, resist energy, rope trick, see invisibility, touch of idiocy S
1st—alarm, charm person S, feather fall, hush *, hydraulic push **, identify, magic missile, memory lapse S, **, ray of enfeeblement, shield, unseen servant OP
Preparation Ritual
Curse of Names (Su) When you are finished preparing your spells with this book, write the proper name of a single creature among the list of names in this book. As a swift action, when you are within 30 feet of the named creature, you can call out its name to bestow the curse of names on it. This spends the boon’s effect. The target creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, and a –4 penalty on all attack rolls against you, for 1 minute. When you activate this curse, the name is crossed out in the back of the book. That creature cannot be the target of a curse of names originating from you ever again. The penalties of two instances of curse of names on the same creature do not stack.
« 上次编辑: 2013-04-25, 周四 13:51:58 由 四月奈奈子 »


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Re: 【UM】法术书(Spellbooks)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-04-25, 周四 13:45:25 »


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Re: 【UM】法术书(Spellbooks)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-04-25, 周四 17:49:06 »

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Re: 【UM】法术书(Spellbooks)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-04-25, 周四 18:12:50 »

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Re: 【UM】法术书(Spellbooks)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-04-25, 周四 20:38:28 »


我不禁陷入了深思 :em003