作者 主题: 【FR神器】巴萨罗斯的透镜  (阅读 9056 次)

副标题: 继续把有限的精力投入到一稿多投的事业中

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« 于: 2007-10-14, 周日 23:17:38 »
这是一件浑圆清澈的水晶透镜,在她坚硬的外框之上装饰着六枚圆环。五彩缎带穿过其中使得透镜能牢牢的固定在佩戴者眼前,因此即使有强烈的击打或震动也不会使它松动分毫。这件器物最早出现在Toril星球之上(被遗忘的国度 ® 设定集)。


这个不寻常的器物于两个多世纪之前在Zazesspur由Bagthalos Deszhum
mer——守护之神Helm的高阶祭司——制造出来。他所在的神庙被不计其数的盗窃事件骚扰因此他猜想是这可能是那些当地的盗贼团伙雇来了幻术师干的。为了阻止他们,Bagthalos制作了这一侦测装置以帮助神庙的守卫工作。但为Bagthalos感到叹息的是,神Helm,他的主,不赞成以任何形式用魔法协助守卫工作, 而且警告Bagthalos他将为进行这一研究而可能付出的代价——他的生命将奉献给他所事奉的Helm。Helm从不明确禁止Bagthalos继续他的研究,他只是给出了进行这种努力所需要的代价。在这里神的行为耐人寻味,也许是由于Bagthalos's多年的尽心事奉阻止了他的神祗仅仅只是在还没确定的情况下就剥夺掉他的高阶祭司的所有权能
高阶祭司并没意识到这就是Helm之前预见到的他的死亡,在呼出了他最后的一口气后,Bagthalos发出了关于他想要完成他的伟大创造的最后祈祷。一些人说Helm仁慈的实现了他的忠实的牧师愿望;其他人则说 Bagthalos's的灵魂是如何进入镜片之内——这是完成它的最后的关键步骤。无论怎样最后的结果是,Bagthalos眼片完成了。
不幸的是,Bagthalos也将他的镜片的秘密带进了坟墓。 作为惯例,他的遗体在清洗消毒之后被妥善安葬而他的遗物则被收藏于神庙的宝库之内。命运弄人,在他死后那些盗贼又几次光顾了神庙并在其中一次盗走了这件神器。他们知道他们偷的是什么吗?很可能不知道,因为在那之后的数十年里都再没听到关于它的消息。
然后,在短短数年之间,那枚镜片在Athkatla(在Amn中)和Ithmong(在Tethyr)的跳蚤市场中辗转多次。那些阴险的商人给它开出了45,000gp这一相比之下微不足道的价格。显然黑市商人并没有发掘出它的力量。同样的,也没有人愿意买这样一件闻所未闻又功能未知的物件,而且据传它的卖主,影贼工会“骨之指”,已经被蓝色龙Iryklathagra(绰号利齿)摧毁了。龙在他们位于The Small Teeth( 作为Tethyr和Amn边界的一条山脉)某处的山巅要塞中那些小偷们屠杀殆尽。在将他们的隐匿处清理干净后,龙占据了那里作为巢穴。那镜片可能仍在要塞中其他别的有可能的地方。


因为它的力量相对较弱并有可能带来不良的副作用,把镜片交到人物手中并不会严重的影响游戏的平衡性。但DM仍应该谨慎的决定是否把它放入战役中,毕竟,在充分使用它的真视术的能力之下冒险中的各个隐密的关键之处将变得无所遁形。通常有可能的情况是,镜片可能作为一件辅助用的道具而卷入了与另一件神器——例如Johydee面具或Ehlissa女王之惊异夜莺——的冒险当中。大体上,这类冒险应该包括很多有关变身术、变形术或魅惑术之类的带有幻术的遭遇,以充分体现镜片的力量。因此,关于“利齿”的遭遇是一场展开剧情现成的冒险。任何有足够的力量根除高阶盗贼工会整个巢穴龙都不是易与之辈。人物可能被雇用去剿灭该怪兽然后发现了镜片——在不了解DM为它所指定的特别计划的前提之下。这一个很适合熟习试误法的神器。它没有压倒性的力量 (在有准备的前提下),也不会带来毁灭性的诅咒。事实上,诅咒为那些聪明DM们提供了产生一些有趣的冒险的绝佳机会。想像玩家追踪着儿时的初恋情人并试图为一些年轻时做过的的那些琐碎又早已遗忘过失而道歉时的情景。而玩家在冒险的名义之下做着那些kobold的事又是如何的不公?(这两句不会翻)潜在的冒险点子几乎永无止境。


持续:通过镜片观测可以给佩戴者提供如同真视术的效果。除此之外,佩戴者免疫一切凝视攻击的影响或威胁,以及魔法或心灵异能导致的hypnotism, bright lights,
shimmering colors, mesmerizing patterns or eye
当佩戴时,神器会从使用者的内心深处发出呢喃。在佩戴镜片的每个小时(或其中的某一时刻)中,使用者需要进行一次豁免鉴定。如果失败,角色会清晰的回忆起他的每个错误,过失和败笔并且被强迫以尽可能好方式的对它们进行弥补。DM应该选择一个角色过去发生而又应该被纠正的冒险事件。角色将被羁绊于这个事件 (如同一个指使术,但无法被驱散)并且在此期间镜片失去作用直到它认为事件被妥善处理了。



This circular clear crystal lens has an adaman-
tine frame studded with six small loops on the
outer rim. Colorful ribbons run through these
loops to hold the monocle over one's eye quite
securely, so that even mighty blows or jarring
won't shift it free. This item originated on Toril
in the FORGOTTEN REALMS® setting.


This unusual item was crafted in Zazesspur
over two centuries ago by Bagthalos Deszhum-
mer, who was then the Archpriest of Helm, the
Guardian God. His temple was plagued by
many thefts that he suspected were the work of
local thieves employing magical invisibility. To
counter them, Bagthalos set to work creating a
detection aid for the temple guards.
Alas for Bagthalos, Divine Helm, his lord, dis-
approved of any attempt to substitute magical
aid for vigilance, and warned Bagthalos of the
price such vain research would demand—the
life of a being dedicated to the worship of Helm.
Helm never expressly forbade Bagthalos from
continuing his research, he only set the cost of
such an effort. In this the deity was implacable
Perhaps it was Bagthalos's years of faithful ser-
vice that prevented the deity from stripping his
Archpriest of all powers for even presuming to
undertake the task. Perhaps it was Helm's way
of testing his faithful servant—who can say the
way of the gods?
The archpriest was a good man, but obsessed
By day and night he dreamed of completing his
creation. With every step he took forward in his
researches, though, he remembered Helm's
price and found himself unable to progress at
the cost of another. Days passed into weeks and
then months of agonized torment. The arch-
priest's sermons fell off and his duties lay
forgotten as Bagthalos let himself waste away
and die.
Little did the archpriest realize that it was his
own death Helm had predicted, for in the fina
puffs of his failing breath, Bagthalos uttered thelast prayers needed for his grand creation. Some
say Helm mercifully fulfilled his faithful priest's
desire; others tell how Bagthalos's spirit passed
into the Monocle, the final key to its making.
However it came to be, the Monocle of Bagthalos
was complete.
Unfortunately, Bagthalos also carried the
secret of his Monocle to the grave with him. As
was customary, his quarters were cleaned and
fumigated and his goods placed in the temple
treasury. Fate being what it is, thieves struck
once more sometime later and one of the trea-
sures they carried off was the Monocle of Bagtha-
los. Did they know what they had taken?
Probably not, for nothing was heard of it for a
decade or more.
Then, for a brief span of several years, the
Monocle circulated in the whisper markets of
Athkatla (in Amn) and Ithmong (in Tethyr).
There the sinister merchants offered it for sale at
the paltry sum of 45,000 gp. Apparently these
black marketeers did not grasp the scope of its
powers. Still, no buyer was willing to pay that
price for a little-known object of no repute, and
the shadowy brotherhood of thieves who were
thought to be selling the item, the Skeletal Fin-
ger, was destroyed by the venerable blue dragon,
Iryklathagra (Sharpfangs). The dragon slaugh-
tered the thieves in their mountain stronghold,
hidden somewhere in the peaks of The Small
Teeth (which mark the border between Tethyr
and Amn). Their hideout cleared, the dragon
took up residence there. The Monocle may still liesomewhere in the stronghold or may be some-
where else.

Campaign Use

Because of its relatively low power and poten-
tially harmful side effects, the Monocle is not a
tremendously unbalancing artifact to have fall
into the player characters' hands. The DM
should still be cautious of giving it out, however,
since its broadly useful true seeing power could
unhinge the key secret of an adventure.
Most likely, the Monocle could be introduced
as an aid and asset to another adventure involv-
ing a different artifact, such as Johydee's Mask or
Queen Ehlissa's Marvelous Nightingale. In general,
the adventure should involve a large amount of
polymorphed, shapechanged, charmed, or
otherwise enchanted encounters, as befits the
power of the Monocle. To this end, Sharpfangs is
a ready-made adventure hook to get things
started. Any dragon powerful enough to eradi-
cate an entire den of high-level thieves is not one
to be taken lightly. The characters may be hired
to eliminate the beast and then discover the
Monocle without realizing the special purpose
the DM intends for it.
This a good artifact for the trial-and-error
process of learning. Its powers are not over-
whelming (if one is prepared), nor is its curse
devastating. In fact, the curse gives clever DMs a
wonderful opportunity to create amusing adven-
tures. Imagine sending the PC off to track down
and apologize to a long-lost childhood sweet-
heart for some petty slight as a youth. What injus-
tices has the PC done to kobolds in the name of
adventuring? The potentials are nearly endless.
Of course, few DMs will want the group to
have a permanent (though risky) source of true
seeing, so it is best to eventually remove the item
from the campaign. With luck, a few rounds of
atonement may be enough to convince the char
acter to give it up, but if that fails, some surviv
ing members of the Skeletal Finger might wan
their property back.


Constant. Looking through the monocle gives
the wearer the power of a true seeing spell. Fur-
thermore, the monocle-wearer is immune to all
gaze attacks and to effects or menaces, magical
or psionic, that employ hypnotism, bright lights,
shimmering colors, mesmerizing patterns or eye
Invoked. Three times per day, the Monocle can
fire a bright orange ray (range 60 yards, dura-
tion instantaneous) that immediately drains 1d8
hp from the wearer but deals 4d8 hp damage to
everything in its path. The beam penetrates all
materials but lead. Targets the wearer can see are
automatically hit, while those in the path but
concealed by solid objects are allowed to roll a
saving throw vs. death (+4 bonus) to avoid the
Random. 2 from Table 15: Detection.
Curse. Part of Bagthalos's spirit is indeed
trapped within the Monocle—all the sorrows and
regrets of his being. When worn, the artifact
whispers these feelings into the mind's eye of its
owner. Each hour (or fraction thereof) spent
wearing the monocle, the user must roll a saving
throw vs. spells. If failed, the character remem-
bers intensely every error, misstep, and fault and
feels compelled to make amends as best as pos-
sible. The DM should chose an incident from the
character's past adventures that must be cor-
rected. The character becomes obsessed with
this quest (as per a geas spell, only the effect can-
not be dispelled) and the Monocle ceases to func-
tion until things have been set right.

Suggested Means of Destruction

* All of the pieces of Bagthalos's spirit must be
found on the outer planes and reunited.
* It must be frozen at the heart of the Abyss.