作者 主题: 【FR神器】术士王权杖  (阅读 20105 次)

副标题: 查资料时顺便翻的,转来这里换点积分……

离线 项月亮

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« 于: 2007-10-10, 周三 15:48:42 »
这柄看上去无害的权杖由一种稀有的蓝色金属制成。 它的一端镶嵌着一个中空的圆环,另一端则饰以两支弯角。总体来看,权杖在外形和质感上如同一柄旅者用的手杖。 这件神器最早见于 Toril大陆之上(FRCS)。
    据说在很久以前的居住在Netheri的术士之王们傲慢的认为自身的力量可以媲美神祗,而且好像为了证明他们的观点,他们创造的物品有着极端鲁莽的力量。 他们肆意破坏的行为使Faerun的其他居民感到忧惧,甚至有些人祈求他们的神对那些术士王们施以颜色。一如传说所载的那样,世界因此为这些争斗而变得动荡不安。 而且在他们的傲慢的影响之下,术士王们终于决定驱除这些 "干预凡间事务之神"。而这个邪恶计划的缔造者是 Glaeros Lhaerimm——那个许多贤者认为导致大沙漠Anauroch的蔓延开来的最终元凶。Glaeros通过一个秽恶的仪式创造这柄权杖——他吸取了十二个学徒的生命。在注意到他的野心之后, 神祗们派遣他的使者去阻止他这一计划,但是所有的使者都被其他的术士王所击败。最后, 在Glaeros开始进行制造的最终的阶段时, 使者们终于突破了他的防卫并将其击毙。接着那未完成的权杖便马上被另一名Netherese术士王抢走并用了它逃离了这场骚动。
    术士王权杖是一件有着强大威力的装置,很容易给一场精心策划的战役带来浩劫— DM们最好在经过深思熟虑后再把它加进游戏之中。 除非当他们准备好能以足够“残忍”的心态使用术士王权杖全部能力去骚扰游戏人物们:每次当人物使用权杖时,来自神界的警报就会响起,而神祗们也会展开无休的追捕直至权杖彻底毁灭。
    很明显,寻找权杖的过程本身就是一次冒险。一个较好的设定是将权杖置于他人之手,然后使用它并导致玩家人物中的牧师与他所信仰的神祗断开联系。在十天的沉寂(以及失去魔法)之后,该牧师会得到一个关于权杖的影像,并收到指示去寻找出它的下落 (玩家可能会发现他并非是唯一卷入此任务的人!)
    拥有强烈怨念的DM则有可能将玩家们陷入一种欲罢不能反受其害的境地:队伍中的一名玩家有可能找到了权杖(并使用了它),接下来只需要让队伍中的牧师知道他(她)一定要破坏它! (这种加倍艰难的情况只推荐给那些希望扮演冲突而又不想带来长期的不愉快的玩家.)

    This seemingly innocuous Scepter is made of acurious blue metal. One end of it is capped by a hollow circlet while two curved horns project from the other end. Overall, the Scepter has the size and heft of a footman's mace. This artifact was originally found on Toril in the FORGOTTEN REALMS® setting.


   It is said that in long-ago Netheril there lived sorcerer-kings of such might that they arrogantly considered themselves the equals of gods, and as if to prove their claim, they crafted items of truly reckless power. Their wanton destruction worried the other inhabitants of Faerun, and some even called on their gods to humble the mighty sorcerer-kings. The world shook with these battles, or so it is said. In their arrogance, the sorcerer-kings decided to rid themselves of these "meddling deities."
    Instrumental in this evil plan was Glaeros Lhaerimm, a man many sages blame for causing the spread of Anauroch, the Great Desert. Glaeros crafted the Scepter in a  grim process that drained the lives of a dozen apprentices. Noting his ambition, the deities sent minions to stop him, but each one was destroyed by the other sorcerer-kings. Finally, as Glaeros began the final stages, the divine minions broke through his defenses and destroyed him. The unfinished Scepter was then snatched up by anoth-er of the Netherese sorcerer-kings, who used it to escape the fray.
    In the centuries since, the Scepter has turned up in the hands of many wizards and warlords,the most notable being the lich known as "the Harper King." Stolen from that undead ruler before his destruction, the Scepter disappeared from view for many years. A dozen years ago, a mysterious merchant-mage may have used it in Sembia, to fight free of an attack by the Red Wizards of Thay (who presumably knew what he bore). The whereabouts of this mage and the Scepter are presently unknown.
Campalgn Use
    The Scepter of the Sorcerer-King is an immenselypotent device that can easily wreak havoc on an otherwise well-balanced campaign—DMs are advised to think long   and hard before introducing this item into the game! Only those DMs ready to mercilessly hound the player characters with the full consequences of its use introduce
the Scepter, for once a character wields its power,a celestial alarm is sounded and the powers will not rest until the Scepter does.
    Clearly, the finding the Scepter is an adventure in and of itself. One excellent way to involve the characters is to place the Scepter in someone else's hands, who      then uses it to separate a PC priest from his god. After 10 days of silence (and no magic), the priest receives a vision of the Scepter, with instructions to seek it out.   (The PCis likely to discover that he is not alone in this quest!)
    Particularly vindictive DMs might create a situation that allows the PCs to have their cake and sicken on it, too: One person in the party could find the Scepter (and   use it), only to have the group's cleric discover he must destroy it! (This case of double jeopardy is only recommended for those players able to role-play the conflict    without lingering ill feeling.)
    Anyone who finds the Scepter is well advised to keep it hidden, using the powerful item only for the most desperate situations and then immediately hiding the item again. Indeed,there is even the possibility that the mortal owner of the Scepter might, on the llth day of possession, receive a visit from a very irate avatar!

  Constant. The Scepter automatically rebounds any magic or psionic power targeted specifically against its wielder (area effects are not included),and then magnifies the damage and duration tenfold (if possible). A magic missile curves back on its caster and inflicts [1d4 + 1] x 10 damage,for example.
  Invoked. Nine times per day, a touch of the Scepter (which requires a successful attack roll against unwilling targets) can heal or harm, as the wielder wills. In either ca-se, the gain or loss is 2dl2 points of damage; furthermore, 1 of these points is always a permanent gain or loss. The Scepter cannot alter a creature's permanent hit point total by more than 9 points, and when this number is reached, the creature is no longer affected by this property of the scepter, for good or ill. The creature's death will not change the Scepter's count (a resurrected being doesn't start over with the opportunity for another 9 weals or woes).
  Once per day, the Scepter can dispel magic auto- matically. The item to be dispelled must be touched by the Scepter, and a successful attack roll must be made if       the item is held by an opponent. Each time this power is used, there is a 2-in-6 chance to drain the item as per a rod of cancellation and to create a permanent magic-
dead area with a 60-foot radius. Only artifacts are immune to the effects of this magic-dead zone.
  Curse. For 10 full days from the instant the Scepter is used, the influence of a single, randomly-chosen deity is banished from the world where the character resides.    Note that this affects only a single world. If, for example, the deity is barred from Toril (in the FORGOTTEN REALMS world) it could still potentially be active on Selune,    the moon of that world.
  While banished, the deity cannot observe, control, contact, or influence beings and events on that world. The god cannot enter that world as an avatar, by manifesta-tion, vision, or possession, nor can it send any of its Outer Planar minions or items, except through the aid of others.Note that a gate opened from the barred world
to the deity's plane is still possible. While thediety is barred, new spells cannot be gained byany priest or ranger of that following. One deity is affected per use of the     Scepter, although those whose area of control includes magic are immune.
  Given the devastating effect of this item, the deities of those worlds where the Scepter is known (Toril, for instance) have carefully instructed their senior priests as to what the Scepter looks like and what should be done if it appears. Most often, the powers demand the death of the wielder. Deities themselves are blind to the     loca-tion or presence of the Scepter,and must rely on the eyes of their followers.

Suggested Means of Destruction

* Destined to rid the world of meddling gods,the incomplete Scepter can only be destroyed by using it to slay a god.

* The Scepter is destroyed when the last of the sorcerer-kings (now potent liches) are hunted down and killed. Of course, the Scepter is powerless against its makers.

* The Scepter is destroyed when all the gods forswear any further attempts to involve themselves in the affairs of mortals.
« 上次编辑: 2007-10-16, 周二 23:55:06 由 项月亮 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2007-10-10, 周三 15:57:04 »
果园原来有积分 :em003 ?
As Divine Grace ┓( ̄▽  ̄)┏

离线 项月亮

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2007-10-10, 周三 16:09:03 »

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2007-10-10, 周三 18:17:43 »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2007-10-10, 周三 18:36:53 »
果园原来有积分 :em003 ?
我猜定是有的,否则AD在干啥涅 :em006  

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2007-10-10, 周三 19:31:59 »

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2007-10-11, 周四 14:43:47 »

二版中异位面果然就是外星啊............ :em005


离线 项月亮

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2007-10-16, 周二 14:35:55 »

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« 回帖 #8 于: 2007-10-16, 周二 15:27:01 »
* The Scepter is destroyed when the last of the sorcerer-kings (now potent liches) are hunted down and killed. Of course, the Scepter is powerless against its makers.

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« 回帖 #9 于: 2007-10-16, 周二 19:46:37 »
* The Scepter is destroyed when the last of the sorcerer-kings (now potent liches) are hunted down and killed. Of course, the Scepter is powerless against its makers.
10/9就有人提过而楼主也修改了原发处的,只是忘了改这边的版本。: )

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