作者 主题: 【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)  (阅读 27635 次)

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【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
« 于: 2013-03-28, 周四 19:41:04 »
盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
盾徽联合(The Aspis Consortium,本部在切利亚斯的组织,见inner sea world guide第262页)雇佣了许多不择手段之人,并纵容他们在内海各处密谋获取财富并颠覆政权。而盾徽特工就是联合的达成这些目的的主要工具——身为公众代表的她们将外界的注意力从联合真正关切的事物与幕后活动,转移到愉快而不设防的假象上。
生命骰(Hit Die):d8

特殊(Special):擅长鞭子(whip),除此之外拥有陷阱感知(trap sense)职业能力或者能够施放侦测密门(detect secret doors)的能力

本职技能(Class Skills):
每级技能点数(Skill Ranks at Each Level):4 + 智力调整值

等级 BAB 强韧 反射 意志 职业能力
1级+0+0+1+0寻找陷阱,陷阱感知 +1
3级+2+1+2+1伏击陷阱,偷袭 +1d6
4级+3+1+2+1特工秘技,陷阱感知 +2
6级+4+2+3+2特工秘技,偷袭 +2d6
7级+5+2+4+2精通陷阱感知,陷阱感知 +3
9级+6+3+5+3偷袭 +3d6
10级+7+3+5+3特工秘技,陷阱感知 +4

职业能力(Class Features):

武器与护甲擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):盾徽特工不获得任何额外的武器或护甲擅长。


陷阱感知(Trap Sense)(Ex):盾徽特工在躲避陷阱时,反射豁免与AC获得+1加值;该加值在1级之后每3个等级会再增加1点。由其他职业获得的陷阱感知加值与此叠加。

特工秘技(Agency Secrets):2级起以及之后每2个等级,盾徽特工获得后述特工秘技中的一种。同一种特工秘技无法选择多次选择。
劇透 -   :

奖励专长(Bonus Feat):盾徽特工能够选择下列专长之一作为奖励专长:进阶游侠陷阱UM(Advanced Ranger Trap),嘲讽UM(Antagonize),寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),胁迫者APG(Enforcer),高等阴招APG(Greater Dirty Trick),精通阴招APG(Improved Dirty Trick),精通长鞭专精UC(Improved Whip Mastery),威逼(Intimidating Prowess),学习游侠陷阱UM(Learn Ranger Trap),技能专攻:威吓(Skill Focus,Intimidate),长鞭专精UC(Whip Mastery)。她必须满足专长的先决条件才能选取。

隐匿思想(Conceal Thoughts)(Su):盾徽特工在对抗有针对性的侦测思想(Detect Thoughts)或者类似的效果时,能够选择自身的什么思想被侦测到,而她的真实想法仍旧是秘密。该能力对阅读思想之外的影响心灵效果无效。

异国表演(Exotic Performance):拥有吟游表演(bardic performance)或者多才多艺(versatile performance)职业特性的盾徽特工,在决定表演相关的所有效果(包括学习新的表演类型以及提高她的表演效果)时,有效诗人等级增加1级。

随身藏匿(Hidden Stash)(Ex/Sp):盾徽特工将小物品藏在身上时,巧手检定获得等同于她职业等级的加值。此外,每日1次,她能够隐藏一件道具的魔法属性(magical properties),比如魔法灵光。

熟练施法者(Master Caster):能够如同吟游诗人或者审判者一般施法的盾徽特工可以将该职业的施法者等级增加1级。除了每日法术、可知法术以及增加施法者等级之外,她无法获得该职业的其他能力。如果盾徽特工有多个能够施法的职业,她必须在获得这个特工秘技时选择哪个职业获得该效果。

盗贼天赋(Rogue Talent):盾徽特工能够选择一个她有资格选取的盗贼天赋。在决定任何她所拥有的盗贼天赋的基于等级的效果时,她的盾徽特工等级与盗贼等级叠加,无论这些盗贼天赋是从哪个职业中获得的。

缩物走私(Shrunken Smuggle)(Sp):盾徽特工每日能够施放1次缩物术(Shrink Item),使用她的职业等级作为施法者等级。此外当物品被缩小时,它同时视同受到回避侦测(Nondetection)影响。当物品回到其原本大小时该效果结束。

掩饰阵营(Mask Alignment)(Su):2级起,以标准动作,盾徽特工能够改变她的阵营灵光来误导侦测阵营(detect alignment)的效果。她可以选择被检测出的结果为任何自身选择的特定阵营,亦或者是无阵营(no alignment)。该效果只影响侦测阵营,而对那些基于阵营造成伤害或其他影响的效果无效。该效果持续至她解消或者再次更改自身的阵营灵光为止。
    10级起,当盾徽特工呈现出虚假阵营时,对于魔法物品、法术以及类法术或超自然效果(如禁制术Forbiddance,共鸣术Sympathy或一把邪恶武器unholy weapon)带来的所有影响,包括基于阵营的魔法陷阱,均视其为伪装的阵营。当盾徽特工掩饰她的阵营时,她忽略与其真正阵营相关的这些类型的效果。

偷袭(Sneak Attack)(Ex):该能力与盗贼的同名能力相同。每3个等级额外伤害会增加1d6点(3级,6级和9级)。如果盾徽特工从其他来源获得了偷袭能力,则伤害叠加。

伏击陷阱(Ambush Trap)(Ex):3级起,盾徽特工能够设置由她制作、或者通过进行解除装置检定超出陷阱DC10点从而避过的机械陷阱。只要盾徽特工与如此设置的陷阱相邻,她就可以以移动动作将其触发。她能够将她的陷阱感知加值加到陷阱的察觉DC以及陷阱的攻击检定上,如果目标处于措手不及(flat-footed)或者由于其他原因AC失去了敏捷加值,就可以将盾徽特工的偷袭伤害加到陷阱的伤害上。

刻骨嘲弄 时髦杀法 镜花水月 腹黑毒舌(Crucial Taunt)(Ex):5级起,盾徽特工能够将装模作样的挑衅与轻蔑的讥讽之辞合二为一,这使得她可以在以唬骗检定进行虚招,以威吓检定挫败士气以及阴招战技(见进阶玩家手册)的时候,获得等同于她1/2职业等级的加值。她可以将成功检定造成的效果延迟至多每职业等级1天时间,之后通过直觉动作将其触发。盾徽特工必须在距离目标60尺内触发或使用一个刻骨嘲弄。这是一个依赖语言的效果。

精通陷阱感知(Improved Trap Sense)(Ex):7级起,盾徽特工的陷阱感知加值也适用于避免陷阱效果时的豁免检定。

远程激活(Remote Activation)(Ex):8级起,盾徽特工能够使用她的伏击陷阱能力应用到距离自身最多30尺的陷阱上。

劇透 -   :
Aspis Agent
The Aspis Consortium employs many unscrupulous individuals in its conniving plots to achieve wealth and subversive dominion throughout the Inner Sea. Aspis agents are the Consortium’s chief instruments in this endeavor—public ambassadors who put a pleasant and disarming face forward while def lecting attention away from the company’s true interests and activities.
Aspis agents research ancient lore to discover long-lost treasures, then organize expeditions to recover them for their leaders—usually higher-ranking Aspis agents. Their careful study of the traps and hazards of ancient ruins helps agents evade danger themselves while leaving such threats intact for competing treasure hunters to face.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become an Aspis agent, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Skills: Appraise 5 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks, Craft (traps) 5 ranks, Disable Device 5 ranks, Intimidate 5 ranks, Knowledge (history) 5 ranks, Perception 5 ranks.
Special: Proficiency with the whip, as well as either the trap sense class feature or the ability to cast detect secret doors.

Class Skills
The Aspis agent’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Aspis agent prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Aspis agent gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Trapfinding (Ex): As the rogue class feature. Levels in Aspis agent stack with levels from any other class that grants this ability for the purposes of determining an Aspis agent’s total trapfinding bonus.

Trap Sense (Ex): An Aspis agent gains a +1 bonus to AC and on Ref lex saves made to avoid traps; this bonus increases by +1 every 3 levels after 1st. Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

Agency Secrets: At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, an Aspis agent gains one of the following agency secrets. An Aspis agent can’t select an individual agency secret more than once.

Bluster (Ex): An Aspis agent takes no penalty on Intimidate checks against larger creatures, and larger creatures gain no bonus on Intimidate checks against her.

Bonus Feat: An Aspis agent may choose one of the following as a bonus feat: Advanced Ranger TrapUM, AntagonizeUM, Combat Expertise, EnforcerAPG, Greater Dirty TrickAPG, Improved Dirty TrickAPG, Improved Whip MasteryUC, Intimidating Prowess, Learn Ranger TrapUM, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Whip MasteryUC. She must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat.

Conceal Thoughts (Su): An Aspis agent targeted with detect thoughts or a similar effect may choose what thoughts are detected, while her true thoughts remain private. This does not affect mind-affecting effects other than thought-reading.

Exotic Performance: An Aspis agent with the bardic performance or versatile performance class feature increases her effective bard level by 1 for all effects related to performances, including learning new types of performances and increasing the effects of her performances.

Hidden Stash (Ex/Sp): An Aspis agent gains a bonus equal to her class level on Sleight of Hand checks to hide small objects on her person. In addition, once per day she can hide the magical properties of one item as magic aura.

Master Caster: An Aspis agent able to cast spells as a bard or inquisitor increases her caster level for that class by 1. She does not gain other benefits of that class other than spells per day, spells known, and an increased caster level. If the agent has levels in both classes, she must choose which class to apply this increase to when she takes this agency secret.

Rogue Talent: An Aspis agent can select one rogue talent for which she qualifies. Her Aspis agent levels stack with rogue levels for any rogue talents she possesses with leveldependent effects, whether they were gained from this prestige class or another class.

Shrunken Smuggle (Sp): An Aspis agent can cast shrink item once per day, using her class level as her caster level. In addition, while the item is shrunken, it is also affected as nondetection. This effect ends when the item returns to its proper size.

Mask Alignment (Su): At 2nd level, as a standard action, an Aspis agent can alter her alignment aura to deceive effects that detect alignment. She may choose to be detected as any specific alignment she chooses or as no alignment. This affects only alignment detection, not effects that cause harm or are otherwise based on alignment. This effect lasts until she dismisses it or changes her alignment aura again.
At 6th level, an Aspis agent targeted with an effect that detects alignment or with any alignment-based effect can automatically identify the effect by making a Spellcraft check. If successful, she can assume a false alignment as an immediate action.
At 10th level, when an Aspis agent assumes a false alignment, she is treated as having that alignment for all effects of magic items, spells, and spell-like or supernatural effects (such as forbiddance, sympathy, or an unholy weapon), including magical traps based on alignment. While masking her alignment, she ignores these types of effects that relate to her true alignment.

Sneak Attack (Ex): This ability is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 at every third level (3rd, 6th, and 9th). If an Aspis agent gains a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses on damage stack.

Ambush Trap (Ex): At 3rd level, an Aspis agent can specially rig a mechanical trap she has either crafted or bypassed by exceeding its Disable Device DC by 10. A trap so made can be triggered by the Aspis agent as a move action as long as she is adjacent to the trap. She adds her trap sense bonus to the trap’s Perception DC and on the trap’s attack rolls, and adds her sneak attack damage to the trap’s damage if the target is f lat-footed or otherwise denied its Dexterity bonus to AC.

Crucial Taunt (Ex): At 5th level, an Aspis agent can combine infuriating smugness and sneering mockery with Bluff checks to feint, Intimidate checks to demoralize, and dirty trick combat maneuvers (see the Advanced Player’s Guide), gaining a bonus equal to 1/2 her class level on these checks. She may then delay the effect of the successful check for up to 1 day per class level, spending an immediate action to trigger it later. The Aspis agent must be within 60 feet to use or trigger a crucial taunt. This is a language-dependent effect.

Improved Trap Sense (Ex): At 7th level, an Aspis agent’s trap sense bonus applies on all saving throws made to avoid trap effects.

Remote Activation (Ex): At 8th level, an Aspis agent can use her ambush trap ability on a trap up to 30 feet away.
« 上次编辑: 2013-03-29, 周五 08:49:15 由 四月奈奈子 »

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Re: 【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-03-28, 周四 19:55:43 »
好评!  :em010
延迟虚招…  :em017
« 上次编辑: 2013-03-28, 周四 20:00:47 由 Falengel »

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Re: 【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-03-28, 周四 20:11:00 »
印第安拉琼斯! :em019

还有,图给好评! :em010


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Re: 【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-03-28, 周四 20:53:07 »
Aspis Consortium 似乎是pathfinder的对头组织啊。如果它的进阶是印第安纳琼斯,那PF算啥……
单个小孩的CR再X3,这遭遇怎么都是团灭的节奏啊…… T_T


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Re: 【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-03-28, 周四 20:58:59 »
好评!  :em010
延迟虚招…  :em017

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Re: 【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-03-28, 周四 21:56:23 »
印第安拉琼斯! :em019
还有,图给好评! :em010



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Re: 【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-03-28, 周四 22:07:35 »

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Re: 【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-03-28, 周四 22:21:19 »


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Re: 【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2013-03-28, 周四 23:50:46 »

下面的是inner sea world guide的

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Re: 【PoP】盾徽特工(Aspis Agent)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2013-03-28, 周四 23:52:12 »
PF第一個讓我有進的慾望的進階…… :em032