作者 主题: 【狂奔者天堂(Runner haven)】西雅图,美好的家 SWEET HOME SEATTLE P.101-104  (阅读 14996 次)

副标题: 未完已止;完成部分包括地区:奥本,贝尔维尤,理事会岛,中心区,埃弗里特

离线 凌辰时分的不明爬行物

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> 据我所知,通常接入点众们把西雅图称作他们的总部,但是更多的暗影狂奔者只是偶尔进城:破解数据库,抓个研究人员,或者做掉某个黑帮大佬之类的。

> 卡托九尾(Kat o’ Nine Tales)


劇透 -   :
>I know a lot of the regular Jackpoint crew calls Seattle their home base, but there are an even larger number of shadowrunner globe-hoppers out there who only pop into town to crack a datavault, bag a researcher, or ice some mob boss. This small guide to the various districts of Seattle is my con-tribution to these out-of-towners; hopefully it will help smooth your way. If you find it useful, feel free to repay me with a beer, some good paydata, or maybe a kiss if you’re cute.
> Kat o’ Nine Tale
« 上次编辑: 2019-08-05, 周一 01:17:38 由 马非鱼 »

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①译注:此处应指5E核心书中的人类至上俱乐部(Humanis Policlub)
劇透 -   :

劇透 -   :
Auburn is the manufacturing center of Seattle, constantly grumbling with the “Auburn Hum”—noise pollution from the twenty-four-hour factories, metal refineries, petrochem plants, and similar industrial sites. The Crash 2.0 struck a major blow to hundreds of automated assembly systems here, crippling certain companies (like United Oil). This disaster spurred a number of companies like Mitsuhama, Federated-Boeing, and Monobe to rush in and buy out their ruined competitors, further carving up the district into their own personal fiefdoms.

Despite all the shiny, new automated facili-ties with their drone-operated production lines, the megacorps still have need for old-fashioned metahuman labor. Workers live in run-down, bug-infested corporate housing projects, shop at com-pany commissaries, indebt themselves to corporate savings and loans, and send their kids to company vocational training. Metahumans make up a disproportionate amount of the local workforce, so groups like Humanis are quick to escalate conflicts along racial lines.

引述: 论坛体
>孤星刚刚通告了又一例兽人谋杀案,死者被拆得七零八落挂在奥本的一处栅栏上。玛雅剁人者(The Mayan Cutter)再度来袭。

>卡托九尾(Kat o’ Nine Tales)

②校注:玛雅剁人者在五版的模组Sprawl Wilds中有出现,是个臭名昭著的连环杀人狂。

劇透 -   :
>Lone Star just reported another dead ork, carved up real messy and left hanging on a fence in Auburn. The Mayan Cutter strikes again.

>Kat o’ Nine Tales



劇透 -   :
>Rumor has it the Star are using the Cutter as a cover to get their jollies cacking orks. The locals are tense about it.


  极道(The Yakuza)控制着奥本的大部分罪恶:他们有更好的妓术工作者,更给力的兴奋剂,让你撑过接连两个12小时排班,以及更多看起来能赢钱的赌桌。像“黄莲”和“八十八”之类的三合会试图靠低价位和异域风情的刺激来抢极道的盘子,但大部分奥本人都有点顽固不化。三合会们最终只能给快破产的小青年们供货。

劇透 -   :
The Yakuza controls the better part of vice in Auburn: they have better whores, better stimulants to keep you going through two consecutive twelve-hour shifts, and better odds when gambling. Triads like the Yellow Lotus and the Eighty-Eights try to undercut the Yakuza with cheaper or more exotic thrills, but most of the Auburn crowd is staunchly conservative. The Triads have ended up catering to half-broke teenagers.

引述: 论坛体

> 这些日子里,工会的势力早就被大大削弱,更不用说在超企地盘上根本没他们的事,但黑手党已经锁定了那些仍旧存在的组织。唐·贾内利也推动了一些“兄弟会”的形成,这些组织在工蜂中越来越受欢迎。这群半公开组织沉溺于权力寻租。使黑手党能够在企业飞地里隐秘的扩展自身影响力。

> 阿克西斯 穆迪(Axis Mundi)

③译注:唐·贾内利应指5E核心书中,组成奥马利集团的三个黑手党家族之一贾内利(Gianelli)家族的首领,受集团头目唐娜·罗威娜·奥马利(Dona Rowena O’Malley)管辖。

劇透 -   :

劇透 -   :
> Unions are fairly defanged these days, not to mention completely nonexistent under megacorp jurisdictions, but the Mafia has a lock on the ones that still exist. Don Gianelli has also spurred the formation of a number of “fraternal organizations” that are growing in popularity with the worker bees. These semi-secret lodges indulge in influence-peddling, and covertly enable the Mafia to distribute their services inside corporate enclaves.

> Axis Mund

> 少数民进党(rads)也设法在奥本站稳脚跟,以工人为中心的左翼政治团体正在形成。他们为在奥本开设的自动装配线的任何具体信息支付了很高的费用。之后他们就雇狂奔者来破坏它们。

> 2XL

劇透 -   :
> A few rads have managed to gain a foothold in Auburn too, organizing worker-centric political groups with left-wing leanings. They pay well for any concrete info on automated assembly lines opening in Auburn, then they hire runners to sabotage them.
> 2XL


劇透 -   :
Runs in Auburn tend to target the local industries—sabotaging production, redirecting shipments, or stealing prototypes. Extractions are rare—corporate execs rarely deign to come down to the factory floor. If you have a contact or fixer in Auburn, chances are you can get high-tech manufactured goods at a discount, anything from the latest commlink models to radar-ab-sorbing materials to photovoltaic paint.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-07, 周三 20:14:12 由 凌辰时分的不明爬行物 »

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劇透 -   :
Bellevue is where the princes of Emerald City and their cho-sen supporters dwell. The white-collar elite live out their days in gated neighborhoods that are testaments to paranoia. Lone Star patrols the long , lonely border with Redmond, where the poorstare with hungry eyes at razor-wire-topped ferroconcrete walls and armored security drones. The gated communities themselves are masterpieces of social engineering, kept impeccably clean by a staff of maintenance drones and inviolate by near-invisible spydrones that monitor their territories for intruders. Wageslaves are encouraged to telecommute; armored shuttles transport the rest to their Downtown offices.

引述: 论坛体


劇透 -   :
>The juxtaposition between Redmond and Bellevue is shocking. On one side of the wall, garden drones tend hedges of bonsai trees along clean thoroughfares; on the other broken streets littered with spent bullet casings, burned-out BTLs, and used condoms are the norm. The wall is a literal barrier separating the haves from the have-nots.




劇透 -   :
>The latest trend in Bellevue is mini-arcologies, entire neighborhoods domed off with biofiber to filter the outside air of contaminants before the corpers suffer breathing it. It also protects their nice green lawns (kept alive by maintenance drones and filtered sunlight supplemented by lamps) from acid rain and ash fall.



劇透 -   :
Bellevue residents are bored house spouses, corp brat packs, and execs with high-stress jobs; they relieve the tension by satisfying their chemical and chip addictions, along with whatever sexual fetishes they might have picked up skimming the Matrix or attending that conference last week. A few high-end commercial districts, entertainment complexes, and exclusive clubs keep them sedated in their time off; the ultra-rich pass their time in members-only restaurants.

引述: 论坛体



劇透 -   :
>A few surreptitious black clinics operate in Bellevue, providing operations and enhancements that are illegal or that residents want to keep secret from their corporate doctors.




劇透 -   :
>The corp brats join thrill gangs and posses to rebel, fighting with kids from other corps and engaging in vandalism, random street assaults, and similar hoodlum thrill-seeking. The parental units try to civilize their adolescent hellraisers by buying them off with expensive toys, which inevitably get pawned for chips, drugs, and hookers. Occasionally some of these spoiled little wankers graduate to bigger crimes, though they tend not to get far before they get arrested or fall prey to some real urban predators.



②校注:开车上路的泛人类(Driving While Meta)化用了开车上路的黑人(Driving While Black)→泛人歧视
劇透 -   :
Runners hate coming here. If you’re not dressed like a corporate drone, you’re likely to stick out—and Driving While Meta is still cause for a stop and search here. If you can dress up and play the part, it’s a nice district to conduct quiet business in. A lot of biz here involves chasing corp personnel—like kidnap-ping a protected corporate executive and her family, or wetwork against the same. Information gathering and surveillance jobs are also common, though the extra security, astral wards, and heavy IC you tend to encounter here make such jobs a major pain in the ass. A number of corps have innocent-looking little research parks scattered throughout the district; many of these feature vicious defenses to protect the secretive projects and cold-storage data vaults hidden within.

引述: 论坛体



劇透 -   :
>A few art and jewelry thieves make a steady living here, breaking into the ultra-secure mansions of the super-rich or their equally secure high-rise penthouses downtown.




劇透 -   :
>The Ciarniello Mafia family has their fingers all over Bellevue, including the District Court and the minimum-security Bellevue Correctional Facility. They’re invaluable contacts if you get arrested here; for a reasonable bribe they can get you out of nearly anything. They rake up a lot of favors from grateful corporate executives this way, not to mention the plentiful blackmail opportunities.

« 上次编辑: 2018-03-09, 周五 20:27:27 由 凌辰时分的不明爬行物 »

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  理事会岛(前默瑟岛)是西雅图与北美各国大使馆的所在地,这是涉及起草丹佛第二条约和西雅图大都会宪法中允许西雅图派遣自己的大使和开设自己的大使馆的一个复杂的政治丑闻的一部分。在上个时代,这里曾经是西雅图富人和企业的家,但2017年的火山爆发把他们赶出了这个岛。现在岛上的大部分地区都是按照与萨利希-仙灵理事会(Salish-Shidhe Council)(这几十年来对该岛有完全的管辖权)的协议而发展起来的。

劇透 -   :
  Council Island (formerly Mercer Island) hosts Seattle’s embassies with the nations of North America, part of a complicated political debacle involving the drafting of the Second Treaty of Denver and the section of the Seattle Metroplex Constitution that allows Seattle to send its own ambassadors and open its own embassies. At one time it was home to the rich and corporate of Seattle, but the eruptions of 2017 drove them off the island. Now most of the island is forested and undeveloped in accordance with an agreement with the Salish-Shidhe Council (which for several decades had complete jurisdiction over the island).

  当从90号州际公路进出这个岛时,你会发现沿线有多处大使馆,西雅图自己的大使馆在桥的两端。萨利希-仙灵(Salish-Shidhe)和其他的NAN(native american nations)使馆占主导地位,但是你也可以找到美洲联邦(CAS)精灵国提尔坦盖(TIR Tairngire)阿兹特兰(Aztlan)俄罗斯日本香港和广东联邦的大使馆。公司法庭也在这里设有办事处。

劇透 -   :
Housed along I-90 are the various embassies, with Seattle’s own embassies at both ends of the bridges as you enter or leave the island. The Salish-Shidhe and other NAN embassies are predominate, but you’ll also find embassies for the CAS, Tir Tairngire, Aztlan, Russia, Japan, Hong Kong, and the Canton Confederation, among others. The Corporate Court also has an office here. Construction on the isle is severely limited, with no structure allowed to be more than three stories high.

引述: 论坛体

>机师(Rigger) X

劇透 -   :
>Air traffic is also restricted but most of the embassies have helipads on the roof for quick egress in an emergency.
>Rigger X

  这有野人(The Growp’skitch)!萨斯科奇人部落居住在岛上的野生地区,和众多的动物和野生动物一起被公园护林员小心谨慎地监视着。此处萨斯科奇人数量超过一百五十名,还要加上偶尔从城外来的拜访者。


劇透 -   :
The Growp’skitch! sasquatch tribe inhabits the wild parts of the island, along with numerous critters and wildlife carefully watched over by park rangers. The sasquatch number over one hundred and fifty members, plus the occasional visiting sasquatch from out of town.

引述: 论坛体



劇透 -   :
>The sasquatch are considered a protected animal species under UCAS law (despite being sapient). Try not to shoot any.


劇透 -   :
Espionage is the name of the game on Council Island. Any intel you can gather is worth something to somebody. Jurisdiction is a very carefully defined mess, so keep in mind that every nation has its own penalties for illegal activities. Unsurprisingly, the syndicates also keep a low-level presenceon the island—diplomatic pouches are perfect for smuggling all manner of contraband, and the secure communication channels keep them in touch with operatives abroad.

引述: 论坛体



劇透 -   :
>An embassy contact can help you build up case histories for fake SINs or provide you with cover IDs.



劇透 -   :
>A good cover is to grab a pair of binocs and pretend you’re watching for thunderbirds. There are nearly half a dozen thunderbird nests in the interior.



劇透 -   :
>Lake Washington is the legendary home of the Thunderbird, something the Salish have never forgotten.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-10, 周六 19:37:31 由 凌辰时分的不明爬行物 »

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劇透 -   :
  Downtown is the brain, heart, and soul of Seattle. It houses the seat of the Metroplex Government, as well as the infamous Arcology Commercial and Housing Enclave (formerly the Renraku Arcology) and the bustling Sea-Tac Airport. The departments of the UCAS Federal government keep their offices in the district, as do most AAA and AA megacorps.



劇透 -   :
Seattle Center is a forest of skyscrapers. Penthouses hold corporate apartments for the owners of the largest megacorps in the world, where they can look down on the ant-like masses. Street traffic in Seattle is chaotic—fools waste away in their autos while vain hopefuls attempt to make headway on cycles or skates. Cynical realists plod along on foot and the occasional moving sidewalk, while air taxis compete with heavy drone traffic. During the day, tourists fight the crowds to visit the Space Needle (a great place for meeting Mr. Johnson), the Aquarium, Pike Place Market, and even the Aztechnology Pyramid. After dark, the Center explodes with nightlife, as trendy corpsters and urban hipsters flock to world-famous nightclubs like the Fractured Helix and Dante’s Inferno.

引述: 论坛体

>旅行者琼斯(Traveler Jones)

劇透 -   :
> Elevated walkways and underground tunnels honey-comb Downtown’s streets. Wise Seattleites take advantage of three-dimensional map-chips hawked by urban entrepreneurs to better find their way around. Tourists have to rely on GridGuide’s free Citywalk service to get around, running a gauntlet of spam zones to arrive at their destination.
>Traveler Jones



劇透 -   :
>Runners breaking into Downtown skyscrapers need to be resourceful: the only way out of the 51st floor is up or down, and that’s not a decision you like to make in a pinch. You also want to avoid any prolonged gunfights or chases, because the Star has the District well-covered with patrols and drones and will quickly swam your position.


劇透 -   :
The Elven District is mainly residential, founded by dwarfs and elves as a verdant contrast to the ferroconcrete-and-chrome vulgarity of most urban centers. Nowadays, expatriate Tir nobles and gentry own the neighborhood and keep their homes well back from public streets. Subscribing to the Elven District’s AR overlay reveals a magical cityscape straight from a fantasy-sim, with paid actors serving as guides and kitschy boutiques selling overpriced elf and dwarf art.

引述: 论坛体

纳沙帮(Laésa)在精灵区有少量的活动,将冷埃(leäl)卖给当地的一名商人,后者用新星可乐和其他毒(和谐)品将其混成“仙尘(pixie dust)”。




劇透 -   :
>The Laésa have a slight presence in the Elven District, selling le?l to a local dealer who cut it with novacoke and other drugs to make “pixie dust.”


劇透 -   :
The International District population is primarily Japanese, with a smattering of Polynesians; the Chinese, Koreans, and Vietnamese favor Little Asia down in Tacoma. The typical green crystal walls of the Downtown overlay give way to creamy jade storefronts and animated statues once you subscribe to the local net. Younger Yakuza flash irezumi and katanas for tourists, but street crime is nearly unknown here.


劇透 -   :
University of Seattle (formerly Washington) students appear to be the major life form of the University District, scurrying busily back and forth between their apartments, bars, bookstores, coffeehouses, and classes. The University has a reputation for both its shamanic studies program and its degree in augmented reality engineering. Corporate recruiters scout the grounds for potential recruits, and the campus is inundated with corp-sponsored research projects (though anything promising is quickly relocated to more secure facilities off-campus). Tagging is popular with students, and the district has several well-known spam zones surrounding boutiques and trendy stores.

引述: 论坛体



劇透 -   :
>The kids like to lead freshmen into the worst spots, and I’m not ashamed to say I’ve used the same tactic when trying to ditch a tail Downtown.
>Rigger X


劇透 -   :
A lot of shadow activity goes down in the Downtown area, but runners still need to play it subtle when going to work—the Star and various corpsec squads are always on the lookout for suspicious activity, including anyone wearing too much armor or running a commlink in hidden mode. The syndicates and gangs also bring a lot of business Downtown. Though they get into a lot of tussles, they keep them quiet and out-of-sight—drive-bys and flashy assaults are uncommon as the major players don’t want to scare off any potential business or spur a Star crackdown.

引述: 论坛体



⑥译注:此处的崩溃指崩溃2.0(Crash 2.0)即2064年11月2日发生的矩阵事故。据译者所知,已译扩展中涉及并描述该事件的有:《第六纪元年鉴》加美国部分,《街头传奇》重要数据:刻尔柏洛斯部分,《数据踪迹(DT)》AI世设部分
&校注:崩溃2.0是一起由AI“Deus”(见DT部分AI世设)入侵东海岸证券交易所导致的大规模矩阵崩溃事件,导致全球矩阵在数小时内全数停机,直接死伤者无数,并引起包括当时十大之一(克罗斯应用科技公司)在内的无数公司倒台,详见设定书“System Failure”(未翻译)

劇透 -   :
>There’s some interesting speculation floating around the Matrix in regards to the Crash Memorial—that’s the large, featureless, matte-black obelisk in the middle of a peaceful little park downtown, dedicated to those who lost their lives as a result of the Crash of ’64. The Memorial is aglow in AR, alive with the names, voices, and images (both still and animated) of the victims (you can add your own lost loved ones for a fee). It’s network has very tight security to discourage vandalism and spam—too tight, some think. In fact, no one’s been able to crack it, and some top hackers have tried. That leads some to believe that someone—perhaps Renraku, as they were a major funder—is storing some heavy duty data inside, in plain sight.
« 上次编辑: 2018-04-13, 周五 14:46:26 由 凌辰时分的不明爬行物 »

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劇透 -   :
A boomtown gone bust, Everett’s economy has been in the toilet for years. A hit on the Seattle City Records during the Crash of ’64 erased major segments of land ownership records for the district, creating a bureaucratic nightmare that is still being sorted out. Several corporations that tried to resolve their differences over the matter in court have bankrupted themselves from the legal costs. A squatting explosion has also taken place in Everett, as much of the disputed property remains abandoned for the home-less—or anyone needing a quiet safe house—to occupy.


劇透 -   :
With Puget Sound on one side and the Salish border on the other, Everett is a hub for smuggling operations in Seattle. Everett’s docks are prime syndicate real estate, and each is constantly working to expand its hold on the trade at the expense of its rivals. The Salish have recently increased their patrols along Everett to counter an increased rate of unauthorized border crossings.


劇透 -   :
Aside from a major Federated Boeing construction facility, the major feature in this district is the Everett Naval Shipyards—the only UCAS naval facility on the Pacific—and the UCAS naval carrier group it services. The Salish keep an especially close eye on activities here, as do a number of spies working for other foreign governments and extraterritorial corporations. Runs to infiltrate the base are uncommon due to tight military security, but jobs to monitor comings and goings from the base are always available.

引述: 论坛体


劇透 -   :
>Currently, Everett is playing host to the CSS Virginia II, a Hunley-class fusion submarine, for a set of war games scheduled over the next year.


>涡轮兔(Turbo Bunny)

劇透 -   :
>The Eighty-Eights Triad provides most of the vices for sailors and marines out of the naval shipyards, including performance-enhancing drugs, stimulants, chips, prostitutes, and gambling, under the cover of massage parlors, arcades, strip bars, and similar common tawdry amusements.
>Turbo Bunny



劇透 -   :
>There’s been a lot of talk in military circles of working a deal with the Metroplex Government to expand the naval station and ship-yards through eminent domain. This plan goes directly counter to the interests of several corporations—particularly Horizon and Wuxing—who are pushing for the Metroplex to reassign the whole district for commercial development. Expect to see shadow action on both sides soon.

« 上次编辑: 2018-04-13, 周五 14:56:44 由 凌辰时分的不明爬行物 »