作者 主题: 1eGW<Dragon 071.p021>莫林德MURLYAND  (阅读 8041 次)

副标题: 莫林德Murlynd,旧西部枪神

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1eGW<Dragon 071.p021>莫林德MURLYAND
« 于: 2019-06-08, 周六 13:11:43 »
1eGW<Dragon 071.p021>莫林德MURLYAND  (准神Quasi-Deity)  防御等级ARMOR CLASS:-2  移动速度MOVE:12
  生命骰HIT DICE:135  在巢穴中概率% IN LAIR:60%  宝藏类型TREASURE TYPE:Fx2,R,U,V  攻击次数NO. OF ATTACKS:2次(双手)  伤害/攻击DAMAGE/ATTACK:根据武器  特殊攻击SPECIAL ATTACK:见后  特殊防御SPECIAL DEFENSES:见后  魔法抗力MAGIC RESISTANCE:35%  体型SIZE:中型M(6英尺高)  阵营ALIGNMENT:守序Lawful(偏善良good)  信徒阵营WORSHIPPERS' ALIGNMENT:不可用  位面PLANE:特殊;见后  牧师/德鲁伊CLERIC/DRUID:零  战士FIGHTER:12级圣武士  魔法使用者/幻术师MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST:每种12级(见后)  盗贼/刺客THIEF/ASSASSIN:零  武僧MONK:零  吟游诗人BARD:零  灵能能力PSIONIC ABILITY:I 或 VI      攻击/防御模式Attack/Defense Modes:全部/全部  等级/经验回报LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:X/48,000  力量S:18/76 智力I:18 感知W:15  敏捷D:16 体质C:18 魅力CH:14 容姿CO:17(注1)(注1:CO-Comeliness,1版就出现了容姿属性让我非常意外。)  莫林德Murlynd 的形象令人印象极为深刻。他的脸勇毅而英俊,他的双眼深邃而锐利。他似乎生性粗犷、独立、沉默寡言。他那宽阔、肌肉发达的身体,穿着另一个时间和世界——“旧西部Old West”——的典型服装。他的腰间系着一条皮带,上面挂有科技武器和一柄+6匕首。虽然显得冷漠且咄咄逼人,实际上,莫林德是位非常合群、健谈、温柔的人——除非他被惹恼了。Murlynd is a true character. His face is bold and handsome, his eyes deep and penetrating. His nature is seemingly rugged, independent, taciturn. His broad, muscular frame is typically clad in garments of another time and world, that of the “Old West.” His waist is girdled by a leather belt containing weapons of technology as well as a +6 dagger. Although appearing aloof and aggressive, Murlynd is actually quite gregarious, loquacious, and gentle . . . unless provoked.  如上所述,莫林德往往携带着科技武器(其称呼分别为“点45s(45s)”、“六连响(six shooters)”和“猪腿枪(hog legs)”(注2)),他的左右双手都能使用。他的特殊光环使得这些装置甚至能在例如 奥斯星球Oerth 这样的地方使用。如果他想,每件武器每轮能发射3发子弹。这些子弹甚至能击打最强大的魔法生物,并在命中时造成2d4点伤害。这些神秘的武器射程与轻弩射程相同。莫林德有把+4舞空神圣剑(阔剑),他经常将其放在战马上或背在背上。他双手都能使用武器,所以他在一轮中可能会使用他的神秘射弹武器,然后抽出剑或匕首,最后在他的阔剑“舞空”的时候,施展一道法术、或是使用其它装置。As noted, Murlynd is prone to carry technological weapons (variously called “45s”, “six shooters”, and “hog legs”) which he is able to employ in both his left and right hands. His special aura enables these devices to function even on Oerth, for instance. Each weapon sends forth three missiles per round, if he so desires. These projectiles will strike even the most powerful of magical creatures and inflict 2-8 points of damage when they hit. The range of these arcane weapons is the same as the range of a light crossbow. Murlynd has a +4 dancing holy sword (broadsword) which he usually carries on his warhorse or strapped on his back. He is able to use a weapon in either hand, so in combat Murlynd might use his arcane projectile weapons one round, then draw sword and dagger, and eventually cast a spell or use some other device while his broadsword “dances.”[译注:点45s(45s)——应该是0.45英寸Schofield左轮;六连响(six shooters)——六发式左轮手枪;猪腿枪(hog legs)——指美国西部牛仔等用的一种大号单发左轮手枪)]  莫林德的基础魔抗在对抗从1级角色到神祇使用的法术和类法术时都一样。当施展法术时,莫林德容易混淆他的咒语和他的科技术语,有时候这会带来意想不到的效果。因此,在施展一道 臭云术stinking cloud 或 雾墙术wall of fog 法术时,他可能会咒唤出一台喷薄出想要效果的奇怪发动机,但持续时间比期望的更长、影响范围更大。已知他以这种方式施展 燃烧之手burning hands,而制造出了一种喷出液体火焰的装置(注3)——但了一次,他咒唤的 火球术fireball 是一团无害炸开的纸。因为他对色调的差异不敏感,所以莫林德本质上基于颜色、或是颜色的使用的法术效果经常很奇怪,并且已知与发出色彩的科技装置相关。由于与科技混合,有时候莫林德一轮可以施展超过一道法术,这是因为他的咒文有一部分是由科学的艺术提供的!Murlynd's basic magic resistance is of the uniform sort which applies equally to spells or spell-like powers used by anyone from a 1st level character to a deity. When casting spells, Murlynd is prone to intermix technological terminology with his incantations, sometimes with surprising results. Thus, in casting a stinking cloud or wall of fog spell he might conjure into being a strange engine which gushes forth the desired result, but for far longer and over a greater area than desired. He is known to have cast burning hands in such a way that he made a device which spewed forth liquid fire — but at another time he conjured a fireball of paper which burst harmlessly. Because he is insensitive to differences in hue, Murlynd's spells which are color-based or color/employing in nature are often quite bizarre in effect, and are known to be linked with technological devices which send forth the hues. Because of this technological admixture, it is sometimes possible for Murlynd to cast more than one spell in a round, since the initial dweomer is provided, in part, by the art of science!  因为他涉猎科学和科技,莫林德经常对他的灵能能力不确信。因此,他在想调用它们时,有50%的可能性无法使用。但在这种情况下,他免疫其他人的灵能攻击。当他能够运用它们的时候,莫林德有以下灵能训练:动物传心术animal telepathy、鹰眼术clairvoyance、催眠术hypnosis、分子搅拌molecular agitation、物品读取object reading、预知precognition、时间印记sensitivity to psychic impressions、变更灵光aura alteration、次元步dimension walk、能量控制energy control(火)、同游灵界etherealness、probability travel、shape alteration、以及 心灵遥控telekinesis。他在使用次级力量时如同12级,使用主要力量时如同10级。Because of his dabbling in science and technology, Murlynd is often unsure of his psionic abilities. Therefore, there is a 50% likelihood that he will be unable to use his abilities when he might want to call on them. But when in this condition, he is immune to psionic attacks from others. When he is able to employ them, Murlynd has the following psionic disciplines: animal telepathy, clairvoyance, hypnosis, molecular agitation, object reading, precognition, sensitivity to psychic impressions, aura alteration, dimension walk, energy control (fire), etherealness, probability travel, shape alteration, and telekinesis. He uses minor powers at 12th level, major ones at 10th level.  由于他的不同寻常,也因他对可疑领域的涉及,莫林德一般不受他的同侪欢迎。事实上,大多数神都会回避他。他的住所是被划分在几个不同位面或超维度之间的特殊寓所。他心血来潮地从一处搬到另一处,根据心情在那呆上几天或几年。Since he is rather unusual, and because he dabbles in questionable areas, Murlynd is generally unpopular with those of his sort. He is, in fact, shunned by most. His abode is divided between several special dwellings on various planes or extra-dimensional areas. He moves about from place to place on a whim, staying for days or years as suits his mood.  60%的时候莫林德都是孤独一人。在其他时候,他会与以下一位或更更多人在一起:海若尼斯Heironeous(龙杂Dragon 067)、休厄德Heward、基奥姆Keoghtom、魔邓肯Mordenkainen、以及 札吉格Zagyg。Murlynd is alone about 60% of the time. At other times, he will be in the company of 1 or more of the following: Heironeous (DRAGON #67), Heward, Keoghtom, Mordenkainen, and Zagyg.[/size][/color]
« 上次编辑: 2019-06-08, 周六 13:13:34 由 席文塔姆 »

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Re: 1eGW<Dragon 071.p021>莫林德MURLYAND
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-06-08, 周六 14:24:16 »
« 上次编辑: 2019-06-08, 周六 14:27:00 由 叶公好Dragon »