作者 主题: 【CRB】第三章-动物伙伴与魔宠(Animal Companions and Familiars)  (阅读 19797 次)

副标题: 和猫咪一起旅行!

线上 炼金术士卡莉

  • 某个自称为面包的人。
  • Hero
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 733
  • 苹果币: 4

动物伙伴与魔宠(Animal Companions and Familiars)


动物伙伴(Animal Companions)
忠诚的动物伙伴会遵从你的指令。你的动物伙伴具有仆从(Minion)特征,当你使用指挥动物(Command an Animal)动作指挥它时,它在你的回合中获得2个动作;这取代了指挥动物原本的效果,你也不需要为此尝试自然(Nature)检定。如果你的伙伴死亡,你可以花费一周的休整期无需代价地获得新的伙伴。你在同一时间只能拥有一只动物伙伴。

骑乘动物伙伴(Riding Animal Companions)
你或者你的盟友可以骑乘你的动物伙伴,只要它的体型比骑手大至少一级。如果动物伙伴搭载了骑手,那么它就只能使用它的陆地速度(land Speed),它无法在同一回合中移动并支援(Support)你。然而,如果你的伙伴拥有坐骑(mount)特殊能力,那么它尤其适合骑乘,并因此忽略上述这些限制。

幼年动物伙伴(Young Animal Companions)

你的动物伙伴用你的等级决定它们的熟练加值。它在无武装攻击、无甲防御、坐骑盔甲、所有的豁免检定、察觉(Perception)、特技(Acrobatics)和运动(Athletics)上受训。即使动物伙伴在适当的技能上受训,它们也无法使用要求高等智慧的能力,例如强迫(Coerce)或解读文书(Decipher Writing),除非它们拥有允许这么做的特化(specialization)。

属性调整(Ability Modifiers)

生命值(Hit Points)

成年动物伙伴(Mature Animal Companions)

灵敏动物伙伴(Nimble Animal Companions)
成年动物伙伴成长为灵敏动物伙伴时,将它的敏捷调整值提升2,将它的力量、体质和感知调整值提升1。它的无武装攻击会造成2点额外伤害。将它在特技(Acrobatics)和无甲防御上的熟练等级提升至专家。它还会根据自己的类型习得一种进阶战技(advanced maneuver)。它的攻击在忽略抗力(resistances)时视作魔法武器。

狂怒动物伙伴(Savage Animal Companions)
成年动物伙伴成长为狂怒动物伙伴时,将它的力量调整值提升2,它的敏捷、体质和感知调整值提升1。它的无武装攻击造成3点额外伤害。将它在运动(Athletics)上的熟练等级提升至专家。它还会根据自己的类型习得一种进阶战技(advanced maneuver)。如果你的动物伙伴是中型或更小,它的体型会提升一级。它的攻击在忽略抗力(resistances)时视作魔法武器。

伙伴类型(Companion Types)
你所选择的动物种类称为你的伙伴类型。每个伙伴类型都有它自己的数据。体型条目(Size entry)标明了你的伙伴在作为幼年动物伙伴时的起始体型。体型条目之后的是伙伴的无武装攻击,紧接着是它的属性调整值。生命值条目(Hit Points entry)标明了伙伴的族裔生命值。技能条目(Skill entry)标明了伙伴拥有的额外受训技能。感官条目(Senses entry)列出了伙伴的特殊感官。速度条目(Speed entry)给出了伙伴的速度(Speeds)。若伙伴具备特殊条目(Special entry),那么这里会列出伙伴所拥有的其他特殊能力,比如它能够充当坐骑,格外适合神卫这一类骑乘作战的职业。支援收益条目(Support Benefit entry)标明了你命令动物(Commanding the Animal)使用支援(Support)动作(见下)时获得的特殊好处。进阶战技条目(Advanced Maneuver entry)标明了伙伴在成为灵敏或狂怒动物伙伴时新学会的强力动作。


需求 该生物是一只动物伙伴


体型 小型
近战 啮咬,伤害 1d8穿刺
近战 爪抓(灵巧),伤害 1d6挥砍
生命值 8
技能 生存
感官 昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉(模糊(imprecise),30尺)
速度 25尺,掘地 10尺,攀爬 10尺
支援收益 獾在敌人的位置周围挖坑,妨碍它的脚步。直到你下一回合开始,如果你命中并伤害了獾所威胁的生物,目标在移出当前所在的位置前无法使用快步(Step)动作(除非它能够快步通过困难地形)。
进阶战技 獾之狂暴(Badger Rage)


专注 情绪 心灵
需求 这只獾没有处于疲乏(fatigued)或者狂暴(raging)中。


体型 小型
近战 啮咬,伤害 1d8穿刺
近战 爪抓(灵巧),伤害 1d6挥砍
生命值 8
技能 威吓
感官 昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉(模糊(imprecise),30尺)
速度 35尺
支援收益 熊会抓住机会撕咬敌人。直到你下一回合开始,每次你以打击(Strike)命中熊触及范围内的生物时,这名生物会受到来自于熊的1d8点挥砍伤害。如果你的熊是灵敏或狂怒伙伴,那么挥砍伤害会提升至2d8。
进阶战技 熊抱(Bear Hug)


需求 这只熊的上一个动作是一次成功的爪抓打击(Strike)。


体型 小型
近战 啮咬(娴熟),伤害 1d6穿刺
近战 爪击(talon)(灵巧,娴熟),伤害 1d4挥砍
生命值 4
技能 隐匿
感官 昏暗视觉
速度 10尺,飞行60尺
支援收益 鸟儿会抓住机会啄击敌人的双眼。直到你下一回合开始,你的攻击(Strikes)在伤害一名位于你的鸟儿威胁范围内的生物的同时,也会造成1d4点持续流血伤害,这个目标直到流血伤害被移除前都会陷入目眩(dazzled)。如果你的鸟儿是灵敏或狂怒动物伙伴,持续流血伤害会提升至2d4点。
进阶战技 飞越攻击(Flyby Attack)



体型 小型
近战 啮咬(娴熟),伤害 1d6穿刺
近战 爪抓(灵巧,娴熟),伤害 1d4挥砍
生命值 4
技能 隐匿
感官 昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉(模糊(imprecise),30尺)
速度 35尺
特殊 你的猫对措手不及的目标造成1d4点额外精准伤害。
支援收益 猫咪会抓住机会令敌人失衡。直到你下一回合开始,你的攻击(Strikes)对一名处于你的猫咪威胁范围内的生物造成伤害的同时还会让它在你下一回合结束前陷入措手不及。
进阶战技 猫之猛扑(Cat Pounce)



体型 小型
近战 啮咬(娴熟),伤害 1d8穿刺
近战 爪击(灵巧,娴熟),伤害 1d6挥砍
生命值 6
技能 隐匿
感官 昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉(模糊(imprecise),30尺)
速度 50尺
支援收益 迅猛龙在夹击位附近反复横跳。直到你下一回合开始,在判断你和你的伙伴是否构成夹击时,它被视作处于自己原本的位置或周围10尺内由你选择的一个未被占据的空间;你可以为你的每次攻击选择不同的空间。
进阶战技 突进攻击



体型 中型或大型
近战 蹄击(hoof)(灵巧),伤害 1d6钝击
生命值 8
技能 生存
感官 昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉(模糊(imprecise),30尺)
速度 40尺
特殊 坐骑(mount)
支援收益 马儿为你的冲锋增添威势。直到你下一回合开始,如果你在进行攻击前以某个动作移动至少10尺,那么在这次攻击的伤害上增加等同于伤害骰子数量两倍的环境加值。如果你的武器已经具有骑战(jousting)武器特征,代替上述效果,骑战特征为每个骰子提供的伤害加值增加2点。
进阶战技 飞奔(Gallop)



体型 小型
近战 啮咬(娴熟),伤害 1d8穿刺
生命值 6
技能 隐匿
感官 昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉(模糊(imprecise),30尺)
速度 20尺,攀爬20尺,游泳20尺
支援收益 蛇缠绕住你的敌人,妨碍它们的反应动作。直到你下一回合开始,任何处于你的蛇的威胁范围内的敌人不能使用由你触发的反应动作,除非它们等级比你更高。
进阶战技 紧勒(Constrict)


需求 这只蛇令比它更小的生物陷入擒抱(grabbed)。


体型 小型
近战 啮咬(娴熟),伤害 1d8穿刺
生命值 6
技能 生存
感官 昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉(模糊(imprecise),30尺)
速度 40尺
支援收益 狼不会放过任何一个撕裂肌腱的机会。直到你下一回合开始,你的攻击(Strikes)在对身处你的狼的威胁范围内的生物造成伤害的同时还会令目标在速度上承受持续1分钟的-5尺状态减值(大成功时为-10尺)。
进阶战技 击倒(Knockdown)


需求 这只动物伙伴的上一个动作是一次成功的啮咬打击(Strike)。


特化动物伙伴(Specialized Animal Companions)



你的伙伴以优雅的跳跃和猛扑加入战局。它获得否决优势(deny advantage)能力,因此它不会因为隐藏的、未被发现的、或夹击它的生物而陷入措手不及,除非这些生物的等级比你更高。它在特技上的熟练等级提升至大师,它的敏捷调整值增加1。它在无甲防御上的熟练等级提升至专家,如果它是灵敏动物伙伴则提升至大师。






调整值和AC(Modifiers and AC)

生命值(Hit Points)




魔宠和主人能力(Familiar and Master Abilities)

魔宠能力(Familiar Abilities)
回避伤害(Damage Avoidance):选择一种豁免。它在这种豁免上取得成功时会免受伤害;这并不会阻止伤害之外的效果生效。
快速移动(Fast Movement):魔宠的一种速度从25尺提升至40尺。
实验助手(Lab Assistant):它能够使用你的快速炼金(Quick Alchemy)动作。要使用这个能力,你必须拥有快速炼金,你的魔宠必须处于你占据的空间。如此使用快速炼金所需要满足的代价和需求与你自己使用时相同。它必须先拥有心灵手巧(manual dexterity)能力才能选择这个能力。
心灵手巧(Manual dextierity):它可以像双手一般运用肢体中的两肢来使用操纵(manipulate)动作。

主人能力(Master Abilities)
戏法联结(Cantrip Connection):你可以准备一个额外的戏法,如果你拥有法术库(repertoire),作为代替,每次选择这个能力时你都可以将一个戏法添加到你的法术库之中;你可以重训这个戏法,不过没法以其他方式改变它。你必须可以准备戏法或者可以将戏法添加到法术库中才能选择这个能力。
额外试剂(Extra Reagents):你的魔宠会从它的身上或体内产生出额外的灌注试剂。你获得一批额外的灌注试剂。你必须拥有灌注试剂能力才能选择这个能力。
魔宠聚能(Familiar Focus):每天一次,你的魔宠可以使用2个带有专注特征的动作为你恢复1点聚能点(Focus Point),至多恢复至你正常的聚能点上限。你必须拥有聚能池(focus pool)才能选择这个能力。
法术储存(Spell Battery):你获得一个额外的法术位,这个法术位的环级必须比你能施展的最高法术环级还要低至少三环;你必须可以用法术位施展四环法术才能选择这个主人能力。
法术传递(Spell Delivery):如果你的魔宠处于你所占据的空间,你能施展一个射程为接触的法术并将它的力量转化给魔宠,接着命令魔宠去传递这个法术。这么做的话,魔宠会使用自己的2个动作在这一轮内移动靠近你所选择的目标并接触它。如果它没法在这个回合内靠近并接触目标,这个法术会失去效果。

劇透 -  原文:
Animal Companions and Familiars
Some adventurers travel with loyal allies known as animal companions and familiars. The former begin as young animals but acquire impressive physical abilities as you level up, while the latter share a magical bond with you.

Animal Companions
An animal companion is a loyal comrade who follows your orders without you needing to use Handle an Animal on it. Your animal companion has the minion trait, and it gains 2 actions during your turn if you use the Command an Animal action to command it; this is in place of the usual effects of Command an Animal. If your companion dies, you can spend a week of downtime to replace it at no cost. You can have only one animal companion at a time.

Riding Animal Companions
You or an ally can ride your animal companion as long as it is at least one size larger than the rider. If it is carrying a rider, the animal companion can use only its land Speed, and it can’t move and Support you on the same turn. However, if your companion has the mount special ability, it’s especially suited for riding and ignores both of these restrictions.

Young Animal Companions
The following are the base statistics for a young animal companion, the first animal companion most characters get. You make adjustments to these statistics depending on the type of animal you choose. As you gain levels, you might make further adjustments as your companion becomes more powerful. Animal companions calculate their modifiers and DCs just as you do with one difference: the only item bonuses they can benefit from are to speed and AC (their maximum item bonus to AC is +2).

Your animal companion uses your level to determine its proficiency bonuses. It’s trained in its unarmed attacks, unarmored defense, barding, all saving throws, Perception, Acrobatics, and Athletics. Animal companions can’t use abilities that require greater Intelligence, such as Coerce or Decipher Writing, even if trained in the appropriate skill, unless they have a specialization that allows it.

Ability Modifiers
An animal companion begins with base ability modifiers of Str +2, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0. Each type has its own strengths and increases two of these modifiers by 1 each. These increases are already calculated into the stat blocks in Companion Types below.

Hit Points
Your animal companion has ancestry Hit Points from its type, plus a number of Hit Points equal to 6 plus its Constitution modifier for each level you have.

Mature Animal Companions
To advance a young animal companion to a mature animal companion (usually a result of one of your class feat choices), increase its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers by 1. Increase its unarmed attack damage from one die to two dice (for instance 1d8 to 2d8), and its proficiency rank for Perception and all saving throws to expert. Increase its proficiency ranks in Intimidation, Stealth, and Survival to trained, and if it was already trained in one of those skills from its type, increase its proficiency rank in that skill to expert. If your companion is Medium or smaller, it grows by one size.

Nimble Animal Companions
To advance a mature animal companion to a nimble animal companion, increase its Dexterity modifier by 2 and its Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers by 1. It deals 2 additional damage with its unarmed attacks. Increase its proficiency ranks in Acrobatics and unarmored defense to expert. It also learns the advanced maneuver for its type. Its attacks become magical for the purpose of ignoring resistances.

Savage Animal Companions
To advance a mature animal companion to a savage animal companion, increase its Strength modifier by 2 and its Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers by 1. It deals 3 additional damage with its unarmed attacks. Increase its proficiency rank in Athletics to expert. It also learns the advanced maneuver for its type. If your companion is Medium or smaller, it grows by one size. Its attacks become magical for the purpose of ignoring resistances.

Companion Types
The species of animal you choose is called your companion’s type. Each companion type has its own statistics. The Size entry indicates your companion’s starting size as a young animal companion. Following the size entry are the companion’s unarmed attacks, and then its ability modifiers. The Hit Points entry indicates the companion’s ancestry Hit Points. The Skill entry indicates an additional trained skill your companion has. The Senses entry lists your companion’s special senses. The Speed entry gives your companion’s Speeds. The Special entry, if present, lists any other special abilities your companion has, for example whether it often serves as a mount and is particularly appropriate for mounted classes, such as the champion. The Support Benefit entry indicates a special benefit you gain by Commanding the Animal to use the Support action (see below). The Advanced Maneuver entry indicates a powerful new action your companion learns how to use if it becomes a nimble or savage animal companion.

SUPPORT [one-action]
Requirements The creature is an animal companion.
Your animal companion supports you. You gain the benefits listed in the companion type’s Support Benefit entry. If the animal uses the Support action, the only other actions it can use on this turn are basic move actions to get into position to take advantage of the Support benefits; if it has already used any other action this turn, it can’t Support you.

Your companion is a badger, wolverine, or other big mustelid.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] jaws, Damage 1d8 piercing
Melee [one-action] claw (agile), Damage 1d6 slashing
Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha +0
Hit Points 8
Skill Survival
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet)
Speed 25 feet, burrow 10 feet, climb 10 feet
Support Benefit Your badger digs around your foe’s position, interfering with its footing. Until the start of your next turn, if you hit and deal damage to a creature your badger threatens, the target can’t use a Step action (unless it can Step through difficult terrain) until it moves from its current position.
Advanced Maneuver Badger Rage

BADGER RAGE [one-action]
Requirements The badger isn’t fatigued or raging.
The badger enters a state of pure rage that lasts for 1 minute, until there are no enemies it can perceive, or until it falls unconscious, whichever comes first. It can’t voluntarily stop raging. While raging, the badger is affected in the following ways.
• It deals 4 additional damage with its bite attacks and 2 additional damage with its claw attacks.
• It takes a –1 penalty to AC.
• It can’t use actions that have the concentrate trait unless they also have the rage trait. The animal companion can Seek even while raging.
After it has stopped raging, it can’t use Badger Rage again for 1 minute.

Your companion is a black, grizzly, polar, or other type of bear.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] jaws, Damage 1d8 piercing
Melee [one-action] claw (agile), Damage 1d6 slashing
Str +3, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0
Hit Points 8
Skill Intimidation
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet)
Speed 35 feet
Support Benefit Your bear mauls your enemies when you create an opening. Until the start of your next turn, each time you hit a creature in the bear’s reach with a Strike, the creature takes 1d8 slashing damage from the bear. If your bear is nimble or savage, the slashing damage increases to 2d8.
Advanced Maneuver Bear Hug

BEAR HUG [one-action]
Requirements The bear’s last action was a successful claw Strike.
The bear makes another claw Strike against the same target. If this Strike hits, the target is also grabbed, as if the bear had successfully Grappled the target.

Your companion is a bird of prey, such as an eagle, hawk, or owl.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] jaws (finesse), Damage 1d6 piercing
Melee [one-action] talon (agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 slashing
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha +0
Hit Points 4
Skill Stealth
Senses low-light vision
Speed 10 feet, fly 60 feet
Support Benefit The bird pecks at your foes’ eyes when you create an opening. Until the start of your next turn, your Strikes that damage a creature that your bird threatens also deal 1d4 persistent bleed damage, and the target is dazzled until it removes the bleed damage. If your bird is nimble or savage, the persistent bleed damage increases to 2d4.
Advanced Maneuver Flyby Attack

FLYBY ATTACK [two-actions]
The bird Flies and makes a talon Strike at any point along the way.

Your companion is a big cat, such as a leopard or tiger.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] jaws (finesse), Damage 1d6 piercing
Melee [one-action] claw (agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 slashing
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha +0
Hit Points 4
Skill Stealth
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet)
Speed 35 feet
Special Your cat deals 1d4 extra precision damage against flatfooted
Support Benefit Your cat throws your enemies off-balance when you create an opening. Until the start of your next turn, your Strikes that deal damage to a creature that your cat threatens make the target flat-footed until the end of your next turn.
Advanced Maneuver Cat Pounce

CAT POUNCE [one-action]
The cat Strides and then Strikes. If it was undetected at the start of its Cat Pounce, it remains undetected until after the attack.

Your companion is a dromaeosaur (also called a raptor), such as a velociraptor or deinonychus.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] jaws (finesse); Damage 1d8 piercing
Melee [one-action] talon (agile, finesse); Damage 1d6 slashing
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0
Hit Points 6
Skill Stealth
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet)
Speed 50 feet
Support Benefit Your raptor constantly darts into flanking position. Until the start of your next turn, it counts as being in its space or an empty space of your choice within 10 feet when determining whether you and your companion are flanking; you can choose a different space for each of your attacks).
Advanced Maneuver Darting Attack

DARTING ATTACK [one-action]
The raptor Steps up to 10 feet and then Strikes, or Strikes and then Steps up to 10 feet.

Your companion is a horse, pony, or similar equine.
Size Medium or Large
Melee [one-action] hoof (agile), Damage 1d6 bludgeoning
Str +3, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0
Hit Points 8
Skill Survival
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet)
Speed 40 feet
Special mount
Support Benefit Your horse adds momentum to your charge. Until the start of your next turn, if you moved at least 10 feet on the action before your attack, add a circumstance bonus to damage to that attack equal to twice the number of damage dice. If your weapon already has the jousting weapon trait, increase the trait’s damage bonus by 2 per die instead.
Advanced Maneuver Gallop

GALLOP [two-actions]
The horse Strides twice at a +10-foot circumstance bonus to Speed.

Your companion is a constrictor snake, such as a boa or python.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] jaws (finesse); Damage 1d8 piercing
Str +3, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0
Hit Points 6
Skill Stealth
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet)
Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 20 feet
Support Benefit Your snake holds your enemies with its coils, interfering with reactions. Until the start of your next turn, any creature your snake threatens can’t use reactions triggered by your actions unless its level is higher than yours.
Advanced Maneuver Constrict

CONSTRICT [one-action]
Requirements The snake has a smaller creature grabbed.
The snake deals 12 bludgeoning damage to the grabbed creature; the creature must attempt a basic Fortitude save. If the snake is a specialized animal companion, increase this damage to 20.

Your companion is a wolf or other canine creature, such as a dog.
Size Small
[one-action] Melee jaws (finesse); Damage 1d8 piercing
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0
Hit Points 6
Skill Survival
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet)
Speed 40 feet
Support Benefit Your wolf tears tendons with each opening. Until the start of your next turn, your Strikes that damage creatures your wolf threatens give the target a –5-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute (–10 on a critical success).
Advanced Maneuver Knockdown

KNOCKDOWN [one-action]
Requirements The animal companion’s last action was a successful jaws Strike.
The wolf automatically knocks the target of its jaws Strike prone.

Specialized Animal Companions
Specialized animal companions are more intelligent and engage in more complex behaviors. The first time an animal gains a specialization, it gains the following: Its proficiency rank for unarmed attacks increases to expert. Its proficiency ranks for saving throws and Perception increase to master. Increase its Dexterity modifier by 1 and its Intelligence modifier by 2. Its unarmed attack damage increases from two dice to three dice, and it increases its additional damage with unarmed attacks from 2 to 4 or from 3 to 6. Each specialization grants additional benefits. Most animal companions can have only one specialization.

In your companion’s natural environment, it can use a Sneak action even if it’s currently observed. It gains a +2 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls using Stealth, its proficiency rank in Stealth increases to expert (or master if it was already an expert from its type), and its Dexterity modifier increases by 1. Its proficiency rank for unarmored defense increases to expert, or master if it’s nimble.

Your companion terrorizes foes with dominance displays and pushes them around the battlefield. Its proficiency ranks for Athletics and Intimidation increase to expert (or master if it was already expert from its type), its Strength modifier increases by 1, and its Charisma modifier increases by 3.

Your companion joins the fray with graceful leaps and dives. It gains the deny advantage ability, so it isn’t flat-footed to hidden, undetected, or flanking creatures unless such a creature’s level is greater than yours. Its proficiency rank in Acrobatics increases to master, and its Dexterity modifier increases by 1. Its proficiency rank in unarmored defense increases to expert, or master if it’s nimble.

Your companion races. It gains a +10-foot status bonus to its Speed, swim Speed, or fly Speed (your choice). Its proficiency in Fortitude saves increases to legendary, and its Constitution modifier increases by 1.

Your companion is an incredible tracker. It can move at full Speed while following tracks. Its proficiency rank in Survival increases to expert (or master if it was already an expert from its type), and its Wisdom modifier increases by 1.

Your companion smashes things. Its unarmed attacks ignore half an object’s Hardness. Its Athletics proficiency increases to master, and its Strength modifier increases by 1.

Familiars are mystically bonded creatures tied to your magic. Most familiars were originally animals, though the ritual of becoming a familiar makes them something more. You can choose a Tiny animal you want as your familiar, such as a bat, cat, raven, or snake. Some familiars are different, usually described in the ability that granted you a familiar; for example, a druid’s leshy familiar is a Tiny plant instead of an animal, formed from a minor nature spirit.

Familiars have the minion trait (page 634), so during an encounter, they gain 2 actions in a round if you spend an action to command them. If your familiar dies, you can spend a week of downtime to replace it at no cost. You can have only one familiar at a time.

Modifiers and AC
Your familiar’s save modifiers and AC are equal to yours before applying circumstance or status bonuses or penalties. Its Perception, Acrobatics, and Stealth modifiers are equal to your level plus your spellcasting ability modifier (Charisma if you don’t have one, unless otherwise specified). If it attempts an attack roll or other skill check, it uses your level as its modifier. It doesn’t have or use its own ability modifiers and can never benefit from item bonuses.

Hit Points
Your familiar has 5 Hit Points for each of your levels.

Your familiar is Tiny.

Your familiar has low-light vision and can gain additional senses from familiar abilities. It can communicate empathically with you as long as it’s within 1 mile of you, sharing emotions. It doesn’t understand or speak languages normally, but it can gain speech from a familiar ability.

Your familiar has either a Speed of 25 feet or a swim Speed of 25 feet (choose one upon gaining the familiar). It can gain other movement types from familiar abilities.

Familiar and Master Abilities
Each day, you channel your magic into two abilities, which can be either familiar or master abilities. If your familiar is an animal that naturally has one of these abilities (for instance, an owl has a fly Speed), you must select that ability. Your familiar can’t be an animal that naturally has more familiar abilities than your daily maximum familiar abilities.

Fam iliar Abilities
Amphibious: It gains a swim Speed of 25 feet (or Speed of 25 feet if it already has a swim Speed).
Burrower: It gains a burrow Speed of 5 feet, allowing it to dig Tiny holes.
Climber: It gains a climb Speed of 25 feet.
Damage Avoidance: Choose one type of save. It takes no damage when it succeeds at that type of save; this doesn’t prevent effects other than damage.
Darkvision: It gains darkvision.
Fast Movement: Increase one of the familiar’s Speeds from 25 feet to 40 feet.
Flier: It gains a fly Speed of 25 feet.
Kinspeech: It can understand and speak with animals of the same species. To select this, your familiar must be an animal, it must have the speech ability, and you must be at least 6th level.
Lab Assistant: It can use your Quick Alchemy action. You must have Quick Alchemy, and your familiar must be in your space. This has the same cost and requirement as if you used it. It must have the manual dexterity ability to select this.
Manual Dexterity: It can use up to two of its limbs as if they were hands to use manipulate actions.
Scent: It gains scent (imprecise, 30 feet).
Speech: It understands and speaks a language you know.

Master Abilities
Cantrip Connection: You can prepare an additional cantrip, or if you have a repertoire, instead designate a cantrip to add to your repertoire every time you select this ability; you can retrain it but can’t otherwise change it. You must be able to prepare cantrips or add them to your repertoire to select this.
Extra Reagents: Your familiar grows extra infused reagents on or in its body. You gain an additional batch of infused reagents. You must have the infused reagents ability to select this ability.
Familiar Focus: Once per day, your familiar can use 2 actions with the concentrate trait to regain 1 Focus Point, up to your usual maximum You must have a focus pool to select this.
Lifelink: If your familiar would be reduced to 0 HP by damage, as a reaction with the concentrate trait, you can take the damage. If you do, you take all the damage and your familiar takes none. However, if special effects when a hit damages your familiar (such as snake venom) still apply to your familiar.
Spell Battery: You gain one additional spell slot at least 3 levels lower than your highest-level spell slot; you must be able to cast 4th-level spells using spell slots to select this master ability.
Spell Delivery: If your familiar is in your space, you can cast a spell with a range of touch, transfer its power to your familiar, and command the familiar to deliver the spell. If you do, the familiar uses its 2 actions for the round to move to a target of your choice and touch that target. If it doesn’t reach the target to touch it this turn, the spell has no effect.
« 上次编辑: 2023-01-02, 周一 02:05:48 由 原子能青蛙 »

线上 炼金术士卡莉

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Animal Companions and Familiars
Page 214: In the first paragraph, replace the first two sentences with the following to clarify the specific action required to command your animal companion, and that it doesn’t require a check.
An animal companion is a loyal comrade who follows your orders. Your animal companion has the minion trait, and it gains 2 actions during your turn if you use the Command an Animal action to command it; this is in place of the usual effects of Command an Animal, and you don’t need to attempt a Nature check.

Page 214: Under Young Animal Companions, add the sentence “An animal companion has the same level you do.” Change the maximum item bonus to AC from +2 to +3.

Page 217: In the ambusher section, remove “It gains a +2 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls using Stealth” since a companion acts on your initiative and therefore this clause provides no benefit.



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  • .--. --- ... ... . ... ... .. --- -.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 原子能青蛙

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Page 217: Familiars' level wasn't explicit. Add "A familiar has the same level you do." The description of familiars didn't define any Strikes but also wasn't explicit that they couldn't make them. Add "It can't make Strikes" to the beginning of the third sentence.
劇透 -  签名折叠:


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
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  • 帖子数: 2564
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  • .--. --- ... ... . ... ... .. --- -.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 里予

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  • 里予是野不是野

体型 中型或大型
近战 蹄击(hoof)(灵巧),伤害 1d6钝击
生命值 8
技能 生存
感官 昏暗视觉,灵敏嗅觉(模糊(imprecise),30尺)
速度 40尺
特殊 坐骑(mount)
支援收益 马儿为你的冲锋增添威势。直到你下一回合开始,如果你在进行攻击前以某个动作移动至少10尺,那么在这次攻击的伤害上增加等同于伤害骰子数量两倍的环境加值。如果你的武器已经具有骑战(jousting)武器特征,代替上述效果,骑战特征为每个骰子提供的伤害加值提升至2点。
进阶战技 飞奔(Gallop)





原文:If your weapon already has the jousting weapon trait, increase the trait's damage bonus by 2 per die instead.

“increase by” 和 “increase to” 的语义应当是有区别的。
“increase by” 指增加【了】,“increase by 2” 是在原有的基础上增加2 体现为 “1+2=3”
“increase to” 指 增加【到】, “increse to 2” 是将原有的基础值增加变为2 体现为 “1→2”





其它:我认为核心在于对于 “increase by” 的理解,此外,我也尝试过去FVTT上找官方答案,但遗憾的是FVTT里并没有做动物伙伴部分。

离线 原子能青蛙

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已改。increase by2这里显然是加2的意思。
劇透 -  签名折叠: