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【DMG2】Students and Masters 导师与学徒
« 于: 2012-12-10, 周一 16:15:15 »
出处:3R DMG2 Chapter6 CHARACTERS (p175)


PC可以通过选择领导力专长(Leadership feat)来获得一个部属(cohort),部属会像一个保镖、小伙计甚至将军的助理一样为玩家服务。部属是一个特殊的NPC,他将一直追随着他的主人。


不过,PC可以选择学徒专长(Apprentice feat)。同样,在超越了他的导师之后,一个想尝试当老师的学徒可以试试导师专长(Mentor feat)。





一旦成为了一名学徒,角色可以立即获得两个新的本职技能和两点额外的技能点来花费在其上。这些新的本职技能可以添加到角色的任何职业或者进阶职业(prestige class)的本职技能清单里。这些技能具体是什么将由角色选择的导师来决定。






当角色决定成为学徒后,他必须首先找到一个合适的导师。这不是任何NPC都能胜任的。只有那些拥有领导力专长的NPC才可以。师徒关系的形成极其依赖于战役的社会结构设定、PC的地理位置以及群体动力学(the group dynamics?)。你完全可以封杀这个专长,以免战役的节奏被搞的一团糟。与领导力专长不同,这些收归己下的NPC不会与PC们一同旅行,所以他们不会有机会抢走PC们的财宝、经验,或者,出风头的机会。


导师的装备与NPC相同(见3R DMG p127 表4-23 NPC装备总值表),而且必须拥有导师专长。
代码: [选择]
Table 4-23:NPC Gear Value
NPC Level Value of Gear(gp)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
900 2000 2500 3300 4300 5600 7200 9400 12000 16000
11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
21000 27000 35000 45000 59000 77000 100000 130000 170000 220000




图片:导师走,学生从(Where the mentor leads, the student follows)


下面介绍的8种导师类型相当的通用,它们涵盖了任何阵营、种族以及职业。一名导师可以是一个混乱邪恶的侏儒法师手工艺者(craftsman),也可以是一名守序善良的人类游荡者。每种导师类型拥有两门相关的技能——就像上面所述,学徒将得以把这两门技能当做他的本职技能。另外,每种类型的导师将给予学生一项独特的好处,这与导师的专业与所属的行业(profession and calling?)有关。

手艺大师(Craftsman):一名手艺大师拥有建造东西的技能。手艺大师给予学徒一个在所有子项的工艺检定上的+2表现加值(competence bonus),以及一个在购买由学徒自己制造的物品的原材料时10%的折扣(这包括由手艺技能或者制造物品专长制作的物品,但不包括法术成分和服务费)。
相关技能:估价(Appraise),知识(建筑与工程)(Knowledge(architecure and engineering))

相关技能:唬骗(Bluff),收集信息(Gather Information)


武道师傅(Martial Artist):一名武道师傅掌握着独特的战斗方式,这些战斗方式通常来自异国他乡。一名武道师傅给予学徒一个在先攻上的+2表现加值与一个+2反射豁免加值。

相关技能:知识(任意)(Knowledge(any one)),察言观色(Sense Motive)


如果学徒和导师都是奥术施法者,学徒将在1级时习得1个额外的法术。法师们得以将这个法术誊写在他们的法术书上,而像术士或者吟游诗人这样的自发(spontaneous)施法者可以在其可知法术(spells known)列表里额外添加一个法术。当学徒提升等级时,他同样可以习得一个额外的施法技巧。法师学徒被允许抄写导师的法术书,而不用支付任何费用。而那些不用准备法术的施法者(术士和吟游诗人)也能得到法术选择的灵活性:每当他获得一个相关职业的等级时,他可以选择学习一个新法术以替代一个旧的,两者的法术等级必须相同。
如果学徒和导师都是神术施法者(牧师,德鲁伊,圣武士与巡林客)(在3R核心他们都要事先准备法术),学徒可以选择一个其掌握的法术作为首选法术(preferred spell)。首选法术可以为任何等级。每天一次,学徒可以将一个准备好的同等级法术临时转换(自发施法(spontaneous casting))为首选法术来释放。学徒只能同时拥有一个首选法术,不过,每当学徒获得相关的职业等级时,他可以把它换成别的法术。
相关技能:知识(任意)(Knowledge(any one)),使用魔法装置(Use Magic Device)


图片:在一位武术导师的教导下,Ember正在刻苦地锻炼她的技能。(Ember bones her skills under the guidance of a martial artist mentor)



代码: [选择]
情况 调整
导师与学徒拥有相同的种族和职业(and关系) +1
导师与学徒处在相同阵营 +2
导师与学徒的阵营的一个方面相同 +1
导师与学徒处在相对阵营 -1
学徒在至少两个相关技能上有最大的技能级数 +1













代码: [选择]






导师有权随心所欲地对付他的学徒,只要他自己觉得合适。导师也可以托付给学徒或多或少的责任。导师点数(mentor score)决定了学徒有多么忠诚。当一名角色第一次选择导师专长时,他的初始导师点数等于1+魅力调整(可加可减),然后再加上下面的调整:

代码: [选择]
情况 调整
学徒的等级 每级+1
导师帮助一次学生 +1
导师拒绝了一次学生的求助 -2
导师提供食宿 +1
每周导师没能按最低时限教导学徒 -1
每次导师要求学徒为其完成任务 -1
导师的行为直接导致了某位学徒的死亡 -5



在足够的教导下,每当导师获得一个等级,学徒也会升一级。而且,学徒也同时自动获得了相称的装备,当然,是以NPC的标准(见3R DMG1 第4章)。











代码: [选择]
学徒 Apprentice
导师 Mentor
红包 tithe
仰慕者 admirer
相关技能 associated skills
导师点数 mentor score
首选法术 preferred spell
专长:学徒 Apprentice feat
专长:导师 Mentor feat
导师类型:手艺大师 Craftsman
导师类型:作案专家 Criminal
导师类型:综艺导师 Entertainer
导师类型:武道师傅 Martial Artist
导师类型:思想家 Philosopher
导师类型:老兵 Soldier
导师类型:施法者导师 Spellcaster
导师类型:林中居士 Woodsman

领导力专长 Leadership feat
部属 cohort
进阶职业 prestige class
自发施法 spontaneous casting
« 上次编辑: 2012-12-17, 周一 18:18:02 由 方丈 »

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Re: 【DMG2】Students and Masters 导师与学徒
« 回帖 #1 于: 2012-12-10, 周一 16:17:44 »
劇透 -   :
出处:3R DMG2 Chapter6 CHARACTERS (p175)


A character can take the Leadership feat to gain a cohort, who then serves that PC as a general helper, a bodyguard, or a sidekick. The cohort is a unique NPC, but one who remains subservient to his or her master.
PC可以通过选择领导力专长(Leadership feat)来获得一个部属(cohort),部属会像一个保镖、小伙计甚至将军的助理一样为玩家服务。部属是一个特殊的NPC,他将一直追随着他的主人。
But what happens when a PC wishes to apprentice himself to a powerful wizard, or offers his services to a powerful rogue in order to learn from him? This relationship can be modeled on the Leadership feat, but the PC gains no tangible benefit for becoming a cohort. Not many players want to play a subservient minion of an NPC.
Instead, the character can opt to take the Apprentice feat. A character who wishes to become a teacher himself once he has surpassed his own instructor can take the Mentor feat.
不过,PC可以选择学徒专长(Apprentice feat)。同样,在超越了他的导师之后,一个想尝试当老师的学徒可以试试导师专长(Mentor feat)。

A character with this feat has apprenticed himself to a master in order to speed his learning and bolster his skills. This feat must be taken at 1st level. Once you start gaining experience, your methods of learning are already too ingrained for you to be able to gain the benefits of a mentor–apprentice relationship.
Prerequisite: 1st level only.
Benefits: When you select this feat, you gain all the benefits described in this section for being an apprentice.

A character who takes this feat has offered his knowledge and skill to a lower-level NPC and takes that NPC on as an apprentice.
Prerequisites: 8 ranks in at least two of the four skills associated with your mentor category; Apprentice; you must have graduated from an apprenticeship.
Benefits: When you select this feat, you gain all the benefits described in this section for being a mentor.


Once a character has taken the Apprentice feat, she is considered an apprentice. The first thing she must do is select a type of mentor; the mentor choices are listed below. The DM can create new mentor types using the listed mentors as guidelines.
Upon becoming an apprentice, a character immediately gains two new class skills and two bonus skill points to spend on these class skills. These new class skills are added to the class skill list for any character class or prestige class she gains. The specific skills gained as class skills depend on the type of mentor she selects.
一旦成为了一名学徒,角色可以立即获得两个新的本职技能和两点额外的技能点来花费在其上。这些新的本职技能可以添加到角色的任何职业或者进阶职业(prestige class)的本职技能清单里。这些技能具体是什么将由角色选择的导师来决定。
In addition, the character gains one specific benefit (the exact type depends on the type of mentor selected) from her mentor, and in desperate times she can even call upon him for aid.
Apprentices are expected to learn and grow, and mentors are loath to step in and provide physical support or financial aid, or to pull strings for an apprentice.
Convincing the mentor to aid in this way requires a successful level check (d20 + character level), the DC of which is set by the DM and varies from 10 for simple favors to as high as 25 for highly dangerous, expensive, or illegal favors. A successful check means the mentor helps in some way (lends a magic item, accompanies the character on a short mission, pulls strings to get an appointment with the mayor, and soon) but demands double the normal tithe the next time the character gain a level.
Once the character asks for aid, no further requests for aid will be honored until she gains at least one experience level.

Finding a Mentor

When a character decides to become an apprentice, she must fi rst locate an appropriate mentor. Not just any NPC will do. As with the Leadership feat, apprenticeship depends heavily on the social setting of the campaign, the actual location of the PC, and the group dynamics. You're free to disallow this feat if it would disrupt the campaign. Unlike Leadership, the allied NPC does not travel with the PCs, so he or she won’t take treasure, XP, and spotlight time from the player characters.
当角色决定成为学徒后,他必须首先找到一个合适的导师。这不是任何NPC都能胜任的。只有那些拥有领导力专长的NPC才可以。师徒关系的形成极其依赖于战役的社会结构设定、PC的地理位置以及群体动力学(the group dynamics?)。你完全可以封杀这个专长,以免战役的节奏被搞的一团糟。与领导力专长不同,这些收归己下的NPC不会与PC们一同旅行,所以他们不会有机会抢走PC们的财宝、经验,或者,出风头的机会。
A character can try to gain a mentor of a particular race, class, and alignment, but the actual details are left to the DM. If a character selects a mentor who is too different from her skill set, interests, or goals, the advantages of this feat are correspondingly diminished.
The mentor has gear as an NPC (see Table 4–23: NPC Gear Value, page 127 of the Dungeon Master’sGuide) and must have the Mentor feat.
导师的装备与NPC相同(见3R DMG p127 表4-23 NPC装备总值表),而且必须拥有导师专长。
代码: [选择]
Table 4-23:NPC Gear Value
NPC Level Value of Gear(gp)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
900 2000 2500 3300 4300 5600 7200 9400 12000 16000
11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
21000 27000 35000 45000 59000 77000 100000 130000 170000 220000

Expectations of the Apprentice

Maintaining the status of apprentice isn't cheap. The apprentice is expected to tithe 100 gp of her earnings each time she gains a level. This tithe covers costs such as supplies, guild dues, gifts to the mentor, and miscellaneous costs. The tithe must be paid to the mentor as soon as possible (and certainly before the character gains another level), or she risks losing her apprenticeship. A 1st-level character doesn't need to pay a tithe until she reaches 2nd level.
Additionally, an apprentice is expected to practice her skills, study, and even undertake minor tasks for her mentor. Every week, she must spend at least 8 contiguous hours working for her mentor and practicing her skills. If she fails to meet this requirement, she must spend an additional day the next week. If she shirks her duties in this manner for an entire month, the character's mentor expels her from the apprenticeship.

Where the mentor leads, the student follows
图片:导师走,学生从(Where the mentor leads, the student follows)

Mentor Types

The eight mentor types described below are fairly generic, and can encompass any alignment, race, or class. A mentor can easily be a chaotic evil gnome wizard craftsman or a lawful good human rogue, for example. Each mentor type is associated with two skills; as detailed above, the apprentice gains these skills as class skills. In addition, each mentor grants the apprentice additional benefits unique to his profession and calling.
下面介绍的8种导师类型相当的通用,它们涵盖了任何阵营、种族以及职业。一名导师可以是一个混乱邪恶的侏儒法师手工艺者(craftsman),也可以是一名守序善良的人类游荡者。每种导师类型拥有两门相关的技能——就像上面所述,学徒将得以把这两门技能当做他的本职技能。另外,每种类型的导师将给予学生一项独特的好处,这与导师的专业与所属的行业(profession and calling?)有关。
Craftsman: A craftsman mentor is skilled at building things. A craftsman grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on all Craft checks and a 10% discount when he purchases raw materials for items he makes (including items made with the Craft skill or with an item creation feat, but not spell components or services).
Associated Skills: Appraise, Knowledge (architecture and engineering).
手艺大师(Craftsman):一名手艺大师拥有建造东西的技能。手艺大师给予学徒一个在所有子项的工艺检定上的+2表现加值(competence bonus),以及一个在购买由学徒自己制造的物品的原材料时10%的折扣(这包括由手艺技能或者制造物品专长制作的物品,但不包括法术成分和服务费)。
相关技能:估价(Appraise),知识(建筑与工程)(Knowledge(architecure and engineering))
Criminal: A criminal mentor is a high-ranking member of a thieves’ guild, an assassin, a bandit lord, or any similar miscreant. A criminal grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks and an extra 100 gp to spend on equipment as a starting character at 1st level. In addition, the apprentice is not required to pay the 100 gp tithe at each level, provided he remains an apprentice in good standing. He is expected to comply with requests from his mentor for minor services or tasks, such as tailing a subject, staking out a prospective work site, and so on.
Associated Skills: Bluff, Gather Information.
相关技能:唬骗(Bluff),收集信息(Gather Information)
Entertainer: An entertainer mentor is an actor, musician, storyteller, or other notable personality, often someone quite recognizable or famous. An entertainer grants her apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks and the ability to call upon the aid of an admirer or fan by spending a tithe appropriate for the apprentice’s level. The admirer is of a character level equal to 1/2 the apprentice’s own (minimum 1st) and must be within at least one step of his alignment, but can be of any race or class. The ally serves the apprentice for a limited duration (usually a number of days equal to his Charisma modifier, minimum of 1 day) as if a cohort. Once the apprentice calls upon the aid of an admirer, he may not do so again until he gains at least one level.
Associated Skills: Diplomacy, Perform.
Martial Artist: A martial artist mentor has perfected a particular style of fighting, often exotic. A martial artist grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks and a +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws.
Associated Skills: Concentration, Tumble.
武道师傅(Martial Artist):一名武道师傅掌握着独特的战斗方式,这些战斗方式通常来自异国他乡。一名武道师傅给予学徒一个在先攻上的+2表现加值与一个+2反射豁免加值。
Philosopher: A philosopher mentor is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. In a civilized area he might be a scholar or librarian, while in the wilderness he might be a shaman or nomad. A philosopher grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Concentration checks and a +2 bonus on Will saving throws.
Associated Skills: Knowledge (any one), Sense Motive.
相关技能:知识(任意)(Knowledge(any one)),察言观色(Sense Motive)
Soldier: A soldier mentor is a commander of an army, a captain of a garrison, a mercenary leader, or otherwise in command of a combat troop. A soldier grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks and a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws.
Associated Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (local).
Spellcaster: A spellcaster mentor could be a priest of the character’s religion, a teacher at a wizard’s guild, or an inventor seeking a protégé. Spellcaster mentors are not as useful as the other seven mentors for characters who cannot cast spells themselves. A spellcaster grants her apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Spellcraft checks. The tutelage of a spellcasting mentor grants additional benefi ts only if the apprentice shares the same class as his mentor. The apprentice only gains these benefits when he gains a level in this class; he retains all the other benefi ts of this feat (the bonus skills and the bonus on Spellcraft checks) regardless of what class he chooses to gain a level in.
If the apprentice and his mentor are arcane spellcasters, he gains one additional spell known at 1st level. Wizards gain this spell in their spellbooks, and spontaneous casters such as sorcerers or bards gain an additional 1st-level spell beyond their normal number of spells known. As the apprentice gains levels, he is able to learn additional spellcasting techniques from his mentor; wizards can copy from their mentor’s spellbook at no charge. Spellcasters who do not prepare spells (such as a bard or sorcerer) gain increased flexibility with the spells they know. Each time an apprentice gains another of these levels, he can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged.
If the character and his mentor are divine spellcasters who prepare spells (such as clerics, druids, paladins, or rangers), he can select one spell he knows as a preferred spell. This can be a spell of any level he can cast. Once per day, the apprentice can spontaneously cast a preferred spell by swapping out any prepared spell of an equal spell level. He can only have one preferred spell at a time, but each time he gains a level in the associated class, he can change his preferred spell to a different spell.
Associated Skills: Knowledge (any one), Use Magic Device.
如果学徒和导师都是奥术施法者,学徒将在1级时习得1个额外的法术。法师们得以将这个法术誊写在他们的法术书上,而像术士或者吟游诗人这样的自发(spontaneous)施法者可以在其可知法术(spells known)列表里额外添加一个法术。当学徒提升等级时,他同样可以习得一个额外的施法技巧。法师学徒被允许抄写导师的法术书,而不用支付任何费用。而那些不用准备法术的施法者(术士和吟游诗人)也能得到法术选择的灵活性:每当他获得一个相关职业的等级时,他可以选择学习一个新法术以替代一个旧的,两者的法术等级必须相同。
如果学徒和导师都是神术施法者(牧师,德鲁伊,圣武士与巡林客)(在3R核心他们都要事先准备法术),学徒可以选择一个其掌握的法术作为首选法术(preferred spell)。首选法术可以为任何等级。每天一次,学徒可以将一个准备好的同等级法术临时转换(自发施法(spontaneous casting))为首选法术来释放。学徒只能同时拥有一个首选法术,不过,每当学徒获得相关的职业等级时,他可以把它换成别的法术。
相关技能:知识(任意)(Knowledge(any one)),使用魔法装置(Use Magic Device)
Woodsman: A woodsman mentor might be a hunter, a caretaker of a forest, or a scout. A woodsman mentor grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on Survival checks and the ability to follow tracks as if the apprentice had the Track feat, but only when the DC is 20 or lower.
Associated Skills: Knowledge (nature), Survival.

Ember bones her skills under the guidance of a martial artist mentor
图片:在一位武术导师的教导下,Ember正在刻苦地锻炼她的技能。(Ember bones her skills under the guidance of a martial artist mentor)

Mentor Statistics

The DM should develop the mentor's statistics. A mentor has a base level of 5th, modified by the apprentice's Charisma bonus (if any) and by the following situations. These situations only apply when the feat is first taken; if any of these situations change at a later date (for example, the apprentice’s alignment changes), the mentor's level does not change.
代码: [选择]
Table 6-1: Mentor Level Modifiers
Condition Modifier
Mentor and apprentice are same race and class +1
Mentor and apprentice are same alignment +2
Mentor and apprentice share one alignment aspect +1
Mentor and apprentice are opposing alignments –1
Apprentice starts at maximum rank in at least two of the mentor's associated skills +1
代码: [选择]
情况 调整
导师与学徒拥有相同的种族和职业(and关系) +1
导师与学徒处在相同阵营 +2
导师与学徒的阵营的一个方面相同 +1
导师与学徒处在相对阵营 -1
学徒在至少两个相关技能上有最大的技能级数 +1

Becoming an Ex-Apprentice

In the case of the death or loss of a mentor, an ally or associate of the prior mentor (who is of an equal level to the original mentor) typically takes the place of the original. The benefits gained from the Apprentice feat are not altered. Two conditions can alter the apprentice benefits.
Surpassing the Mentor: Once the apprentice reaches 5th level, he graduates from his apprenticeship. He continues to gain the benefits of the Apprentice feat, but no longer needs to work with his mentor. The mentor's associated skills remain class skills for purposes of determining the maximum rank he can have in those skills, and he still retains the secondary benefits, but an associated skill can only be purchased as a class skill if he gains a level in a class that has that skill as a class skill. He no longer needs to tithe to his mentor upon gaining levels. If you allow, he can also immediately exchange his Apprentice feat for the Mentor feat (see below).
Expulsion: Grounds for expulsion include actions deemed destructive by the mentor, failing to pay tithes in a timely manner, or simply not spending the time required to study the chosen craft for an entire month. A character can also choose to leave an apprenticeship;although the apprentice can part on good terms with his mentor, the game effects are the same as if he were expelled.
An expelled apprentice immediately loses the secondary benefits of this feat, and his apprentice class skills immediately become cross-class skills unless he possesses a level in a class that grants the skill as a class skill. A skill that becomes a cross-class skill begins to atrophy; the next time the character gains a level, any skill ranks in excess of his normal maximum skill ranks for a cross-class skill are lost forever.

Gaining a New Mentor

If a character is expelled or voluntarily leaves an apprenticeship before he surpasses his mentor, he can seek out a new mentor. The new mentor can be of any type. Finding a new mentor is time-consuming. The ex-apprentice must make a successful Gather Information check (DC10 + character level), and each attempt takes a number of days equal to his character level. Success indicates he has found a new mentor; failure indicates that he has not, but he can try again.
Once a character gains a new mentor, he must immediately pay a tithe of 100 gp times his character level. He must then spend at least a week of 8-hour days studying and working with his new mentor to become familiar with her teaching methods. After this time, the apprentice gains the mentor’s associated class skills and secondary benefits, but he does not gain bonus skill points for the new class skills.
A new mentor’s maximum level is one level lower than the level of the previous mentor (minimum 5th). A character who constantly changes mentors or keeps getting expelled soon finds that no one wants to take him on as an apprentice.


Although mentors typically belong to a guild or organization, they sometimes work alone. Likewise, although most mentors take on multiple apprentices and devote their lives to teaching them, some instead focus on one apprentice at a time. Player character mentors should choose this second option, since by taking on only one apprentice they don’t have to devote all their time to him. The benefits for having multiple apprentices don't stack, in any event.
An apprentice is similar to a cohort, except that the apprentice doesn’t accompany the mentor on adventures as a standard rule. A new apprentice is always a 1st-level character. The apprentice’s race and gender can vary, but his class must be identical to one the mentor possesses at least one level in. Likewise, the apprentice must have the Apprentice feat.
The mentor must possess at least 8 ranks in two of the four skills associated with the mentor type.
代码: [选择]
Craftsman: Appraise, Craft (any), Knowledge (architecture and engineering), Profession (any).
Criminal: Bluff, Gather Information, Open Lock, Sleight of Hand.
Entertainer: Diplomacy, Gather Information, Perform, Profession.
Martial Artist: Balance, Concentration, Jump, Tumble.
Philosopher: Concentration, Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (any one other), Sense Motive.
Soldier: Climb, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Ride.
Spellcaster: Concentration, Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.
Woodsman: Climb, Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), Survival.
代码: [选择]
Since the mentor spends so much of her time teaching the apprentice and practicing these four skills, she gains a +2 competence bonus on checks involving any of her four associated skills.
While the apprentice pays his mentor a tithe, the money from that sum goes to pay for the various expenses related to maintaining the apprenticeship. The apprentice might also ask his mentor for help at times, usually in the form of a loan of money or the casting of a spell. The mentor is free to react to these requests as she sees fit, but if she ignores them too often, she might lose her apprentice.

Finding an Apprentice

When a PC takes the Mentor feat, the DM should prepare a small group of three to six prospective apprentices for the character to choose from. At this stage, the prospective apprentices don’t need full statistics; a name, race, class, gender, and one-sentence personality should be enough. When the PC selects one of them, she generates the apprentice’s ability scores, using the elite array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8). The apprentice must have the Apprentice feat, but otherwise the details are up to the player character.
A new apprentice starts at 1st level, with gear appropriate to his class.

Keeping an Apprentice

The mentor is free to treat her apprentice however she wants, entrusting him with as little or as much responsibility as she feels appropriate. The mentor score measures her apprentice’s loyalty. When she first gains this feat, her initial mentor score equals 1 + her Charisma modifier and is modified by the following conditions.
导师有权随心所欲地对付他的学徒,只要他自己觉得合适。导师也可以托付给学徒或多或少的责任。导师点数(mentor score)决定了学徒有多么忠诚。当一名角色第一次选择导师专长时,他的初始导师点数等于1+魅力调整(可加可减),然后再加上下面的调整:
代码: [选择]
Situation Modifier
Apprentice's character level +1 per level
The mentor grants the apprentice a favor +1
The mentor refuses the apprentice a favor -2
The mentor provides room and board +1
Each week the mentor fails to train the apprentice for the minimum required time -1
Each time the mentor asks the apprentice for a favor -1
The apprentice is killed as a direct result of the mentor's actions -5
代码: [选择]
情况 调整
学徒的等级 每级+1
导师帮助一次学生 +1
导师拒绝了一次学生的求助 -2
导师提供食宿 +1
每周导师没能按最低时限教导学徒 -1
每次导师要求学徒为其完成任务 -1
导师的行为直接导致了某位学徒的死亡 -5

Training an Apprentice

Apprentices advance with training. Each week, a mentor is expected to dedicate at least 8 consecutive hours to training with her apprentice. Meeting this minimum amount of training allows the apprentice to advance and keeps the mentor's own skills honed. If she neglects her apprentice, not only does she take a penalty to her mentor score, but she also loses her skill check bonuses until she spends time with her apprentice.
With adequate training, the apprentice gains a level each time the mentor gains a level. He also acquires equipment appropriate to an NPC of his class (see Chapter 4 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).
在足够的教导下,每当导师获得一个等级,学徒也会升一级。而且,学徒也同时自动获得了相称的装备,当然,是以NPC的标准(见3R DMG1 第4章)。
When the apprentice reaches 5th level, he graduates and follows the mentor as a cohort, as if she had the Leadership feat.

Favors from an Apprentice

Periodically, a mentor might need a favor from her apprentice. To determine if the favor is granted, make a mentor check by rolling 1d20 and adding the mentor score. A small favor, such as assisting in the creation of a magic item or guarding a location for a day, is a DC 15 check. A large favor, such as asking the apprentice to accompany the mentor on a short, relatively safe adventure or guarding a location for several weeks is a DC 25 check. A huge favor, such as asking for the apprentice to accompany the mentor on an extended adventure or asking him to make the mentor a magic item, is a DC 40 check. Each time the mentor asks a favor of her apprentice, her mentor score goes down by 1, regardless of whether or not the favor is granted.

Losing an Apprentice

If a mentor's score ever drops to 0 or lower, the mentor's apprentice grows dissatisfied and leaves. The mentor immediately loses the bonuses to her associated skills.
The mentor can also choose to expel her apprentice at any time; the results are identical to when an apprentice voluntarily leaves. If her apprentice dies, she can choose to have the apprentice raised from the dead, at which point he might leave, depending on the circumstances of his death.
The mentor can seek out a new apprentice once a month has passed. If she gains a new apprentice, her mentor score is reset to its base value, -1 per previous apprentice lost. If a mentor loses too many apprentices, she'll quickly find that no one wants to become her student due to the reputation she's gained.
At the DM’s option, relocating to a new, distant location can remove the penalties for losing apprentices.
Finally, once the apprentice reaches 5th level and graduates from his apprenticeship, he becomes a cohort, as if the mentor had the Leadership feat. The mentor can dismiss him, if she wishes, with no ill effect or hard feelings. This does not count as a lost apprentice should she seek to gain a new one in the future. She must find a new apprentice within 30 days to continue to benefit from the skill bonuses.


代码: [选择]
学徒 Apprentice
导师 Mentor
红包 tithe
仰慕者 admirer
相关技能 associated skills
导师点数 mentor score
首选法术 preferred spell
专长:学徒 Apprentice feat
专长:导师 Mentor feat
导师类型:手艺大师 Craftsman
导师类型:作案专家 Criminal
导师类型:综艺导师 Entertainer
导师类型:武道师傅 Martial Artist
导师类型:思想家 Philosopher
导师类型:老兵 Soldier
导师类型:施法者导师 Spellcaster
导师类型:林中居士 Woodsman

领导力专长 Leadership feat
部属 cohort
进阶职业 prestige class
自发施法 spontaneous casting
« 上次编辑: 2012-12-17, 周一 18:16:55 由 方丈 »

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Re: 【DMG2】Students and Masters 导师与学徒
« 回帖 #2 于: 2012-12-12, 周三 12:39:39 »
想要带好团的话,那么首先摆正自己的位置,你要明白你是守密人,你的主要目的是守护秘密而不是对抗玩家。你必须是守序中立的,部分情况下应该偏向玩家。其次善用自己手里的情报,为了剧情的发展,有些情报可以根据团的情况提前给予或者是延后给予。鼓励所有充满想象力并且善于动脑的PC,惩罚所有异想天开的笨蛋,不要阻止和妨碍PC的选择。剧情第一,模组第二,有趣第一,规则第二(口胡什么的理所当然的是不允许的)。其次就是要有耐心,pc们(不管是新人还是老人 尤其是新人)都是一群长着呆毛的小黄鸡,充满各种好奇心和各种问题,也有些呆呆们会充满各种有趣的奇思妙想和异想天开的中二想法。结合自己团的情况,然后和大家一起商议,会比较利于你和你的PC们的游戏...哦对了..还有,最重要的一点,互相信任,彼此包容,说到底TRPG是一种先成为朋友,然后一起玩游戏增加感情的活动,不要本末倒置了。顺便还有本人的一个建议:包容一切细节,用无限的自由性来剥夺PC们的自由


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Re: 【DMG2】Students and Masters 导师与学徒
« 回帖 #3 于: 2012-12-12, 周三 12:46:21 »

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Re: 【DMG2】Students and Masters 导师与学徒
« 回帖 #4 于: 2012-12-14, 周五 14:47:45 »




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Re: 【DMG2】Students and Masters 导师与学徒
« 回帖 #5 于: 2012-12-14, 周五 16:07:48 »

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Re: 【DMG2】Students and Masters 导师与学徒
« 回帖 #6 于: 2012-12-14, 周五 17:47:45 »
想要带好团的话,那么首先摆正自己的位置,你要明白你是守密人,你的主要目的是守护秘密而不是对抗玩家。你必须是守序中立的,部分情况下应该偏向玩家。其次善用自己手里的情报,为了剧情的发展,有些情报可以根据团的情况提前给予或者是延后给予。鼓励所有充满想象力并且善于动脑的PC,惩罚所有异想天开的笨蛋,不要阻止和妨碍PC的选择。剧情第一,模组第二,有趣第一,规则第二(口胡什么的理所当然的是不允许的)。其次就是要有耐心,pc们(不管是新人还是老人 尤其是新人)都是一群长着呆毛的小黄鸡,充满各种好奇心和各种问题,也有些呆呆们会充满各种有趣的奇思妙想和异想天开的中二想法。结合自己团的情况,然后和大家一起商议,会比较利于你和你的PC们的游戏...哦对了..还有,最重要的一点,互相信任,彼此包容,说到底TRPG是一种先成为朋友,然后一起玩游戏增加感情的活动,不要本末倒置了。顺便还有本人的一个建议:包容一切细节,用无限的自由性来剥夺PC们的自由

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Re: 【DMG2】Students and Masters 导师与学徒
« 回帖 #7 于: 2012-12-14, 周五 18:31:37 »
prestige class就是大名鼎鼎的“进阶职业”
PC可以通过选择领导力专长(Leadership feat)来获得一个跟班(cohort)
« 上次编辑: 2012-12-14, 周五 18:36:15 由 laiyi_11 »
Does the Good Scheme defines Good, or the Good defines Good Scheme?

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Re: 【DMG2】Students and Masters 导师与学徒
« 回帖 #8 于: 2012-12-14, 周五 20:53:34 »
prestige class就是大名鼎鼎的“进阶职业”
PC可以通过选择领导力专长(Leadership feat)来获得一个跟班(cohort)

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Re: 【DMG2】Students and Masters 导师与学徒
« 回帖 #9 于: 2012-12-17, 周一 15:16:42 »
最后一点也搞定了!欢迎勘误! :em020