作者 主题: 【StarFinder CRB】基础职业:使節(Envoy)  (阅读 16008 次)

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【StarFinder CRB】基础职业:使節(Envoy)
« 于: 2017-08-20, 周日 10:37:08 »
使節 Envoy



每等級生命值(Hit Points):6

關鍵屬性 Key Ability Score

本職技能 Class Skill


武器與護甲擅長 Proficiencies
  武器擅长:使節擅長基礎(Basic)近戰武器,手槍(Small Arms)與手榴彈(Grenades)

13+9 +4+8+8專家(1d8+2),專門技能

【1級】使節急智 Envoy Improvisation

【1級】專家 Expertise(Ex)
 你擅長使用技能化解難題,無論它是社交方面的還是其他情況。。1級起,當你進行察言觀色檢定時,你可以擲1d6(你的專家骰)並將骰值作為洞察加值加入檢定結果。你必須至少持有1點決心點數(Resolve Point)才可以使用這個及其他專家能力。5級起,每當你投專家骰時,你獲得+1加值。9級、17級和20級時,此加值會再成長1。13級起,你的專家骰從1d6變成1d8。
 自9級開始,你對於技能的專業知識更加成長。每個有效技能每日一次,當你要為某個你持有技能專攻(Skill Focus)專長的技能投專家骰時,該專家骰可以雙骰取高。

【1級】專門技能 Skill Expertise(Ex)

【3級】專家天賦 Expertise Talent

【3級】武器專精 Weapon Specialization(Ex)
 對於每一個你因為本職業而擅長的武器類型(Weapon Type),你都對其獲得武器專精專長作為獎勵專長。

【20級】專業權威 True Expertise(Ex)
 你完全掌握了某個使節急智,運用起來就像呼吸一樣自然。當你獲得此能力時,選擇一項可以消耗決心點數(Resolve Point)來產生效果的已知急智。

劇透 -   :
As you gain experience, you learn envoy improvisations-little
tricks that bolster allies, confound enemies, or change the ebb
and flow of battle using guile, inspiration, or luck. You learn your
first envoy improvisation at 1st level, and you learn an additional
improvisation at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter. The list of
envoy improvisations appears on page 62.
If an improvisation allows you to grant an effect to an ally, you
cannot grant yourself that effect unless the improvisation states
otherwise. If an envoy improvisation allows a saving throw to resist
its effects or requires an enemy to attempt a skill check, the DC is
equal to 10 + half your envoy level + your Charisma modifier.
Some envoy improvisations are language-dependent, mindaffecting,
sense-dependent, orsome combination of any or all of
these. These terms are defined on page 270.

EXPERTISE (EX) 1st Level
You are an expert at dealing with challenges that test your skills,
be the challengesocial or otherwise. At 1st level, when attempting
a Sense Motive check, you can roll 1d6 (your expertise die) and
add the result of the roll to your check as an insight bonus. You
can use this and other expertise abilities as long as you have at
least 1 Resolve Point remaining. At 5th level, anytime you roll your
expertise die, you gain a + 1 bonus to the result. At 9th, 17th, and
20th levels, this bonus increases by 1. At 13th level, you roll 1d8 as
your expertise die instead of 1d6.
Beginning at 9th level, you have even greater expertise with
skills to which you can add your expertise die that you have also
selected with the Skill Focus feat. For each such skill, once per day
when rolling your expertise die to add to that skill, you may roll the
expertise die twice and take the better of the two results.

At 1st level and every 4 levels thereafter, you can use expertise
with one additional class skill. You must have at least 1 rank in
a skill to select it, and it must come from the following list: Bluff
(Cha), Computers (Int), Culture (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise
(Cha), Engineering (Int), Intimidate (Cha), and Medicine (Int).
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you choose an
expertise talent, which gives you an extra option when using a
skill with which you have expertise. The list of expertise talents
appears on pages 269-270.

You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for
each weapon type with which this class grants you proficiency.

You gain total mastery over one of your envoy improvisations
and can use it with but a thought. When you gain this ability,
choose one improvisation you know that has an effect when
you spend 1 Resolve Point.
As long as you have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining,
you can gain the improvisation's effect without spending the
Resolve Point. This ability has no benefit if the improvisation
requires more than 1 Resolve Point.
In addition, when you roll your expertise die, you can add
2d8 rather than 1d8+4 to the result of your skill check. If, for
some reason, your bonus gained from expertise isn't 1d8+4, you
can't use this option.
« 上次编辑: 2017-11-19, 周日 15:04:15 由 傻豆 »
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

离线 Passer556

  • AbadarPress翻譯機 G5-P4
  • Knight
  • ***
  • 帖子数: 458
  • 苹果币: 1
Re: 【StarFinder CRB】基础职业:使節(Envoy)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-08-20, 周日 10:37:56 »
使節急智 Envoy Improvisation

劇透 -   :
機智虛招 Clever Feint(Ex)依賴感官

挫志嘲諷 Dispiriting Taunt(Ex)依賴語言、影響心靈、依賴感官

堅忍號定 Don't Quit(Ex)影響心靈、依賴感官振作!

類比心靈 Expanded Attunemt(Ex)

攻擊號令 Get 'Em(Ex)依賴語言、影響心靈、依賴感官給我打!

鼓舞號令 Inspiring Boost(Ex)依賴語言、影響心靈、依賴感官
 以一個標準動作,你可以向30呎內一名在你上回合結束後曾經受到來自強敵(Significant Enemy)的傷害的友軍發令。該友軍回復等同於使節等級的兩倍+你的魅力調整值的耐力(他的耐力上限為止),15級時恢復量提升到使節等級的三倍+你的魅力調整值。當一名友軍接受過你的鼓舞號令的影響後,無法再被另一個你的鼓舞號令影響,直到他花費十分鐘歇息以回復耐力。

警戒號令 Look Alive(Ex)影響心靈動作!

委身求情 Not in the Face(Ex)依賴感官說好不打臉!

意會言傳 Universal Expression(Ex)

迴避號令 Watch Your Step(Ex)依賴語言、影響心靈、依賴感官謹慎點!
劇透 -   :
機智奇襲 Clever Attack(Ex)

蹲伏閃避 Duck Under(Ex)
 你可以透過蹲低閃過敵人的近戰攻擊,害得他失衡踉蹌到對你有利的位置。你必須使用全力防禦(Total Defense)行動才能使用此能力。如果在你的下個回合開始前,一個敵人對你的近戰攻擊失手,你可以以一個反射動作對他發動一次有+8加值的移位(Reposition)戰技檢定。

專注號令 Focus(Ex)影響心靈、依賴感官認真點!

機動號令 Hurry(Ex)影響心靈、依賴感官跑起來!
 以一個標準動作,你可以給予60呎內的一名友軍一個移動動作,該友軍可以在他的下個回合使用該移動動作來:五呎慢步(Guarded Step)、移動等同於速度的距離、取出或收起武器。該友軍可以在任一動作的先後使用這個額外移動動作,包含完整動作。一個角色在一個回合不能透過機動號令取得多於一個額外動作。

快速挫志嘲諷 Quick Dispiriting Taunt(Ex)

快速鼓舞號令 Quick Inspiring Boost(Ex)

長程急智 Long-Range Improvisation(Ex)

閃躲號令 Watch Out(Ex)依賴語言、影響心靈、依賴感官快躲開!
劇透 -   :
臨機應變 Clever Improvisations(Ex)

吸引砲火 Draw Fire(Ex)依賴感官

通報狀況 Heads Up(Ex)依賴語言、依賴感官不妙啦!

強化攻擊號令 Improved Get 'Em(Ex)給我用力打!
劇透 -   :
救急救命 Desperate Defense(Ex)
 以一個移動動作,你可以使一名與你相鄰的友軍在考量能否被針對無助生物的行動(例如致命一擊 Coup de grace)影響時不被視為無助。此效果在當你與該友軍不再相鄰,或是你的下個回合開始時結束,以較早者為準。

專家攻擊 Expert Attack(Ex)

瞞天昧地 Hidden Agenda(Ex)

強化機動號令 Improved Hurry(Ex)全力跑起來!

把握現狀 Situational Awareness(Ex)
 若你使用了準備動作,則在動作觸發之前,你可以消耗1點決心點數來改變你所準備的動作跟觸發條件一次。新準備的動作必須是跟原動作同級或低級的動作。(標準動作 > 移動動作 > 迅捷動作)

不滅決心 Sustained Determination(Ex)依賴語言、影響心靈、依賴感官

劇透 -   :
You learn your first envoy improvisation at 1st level and an
additional improvisation at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter.
Many improvisations require you to have a minimum envoy
level, and they are organized accordingly. Some improvisations
have additional prerequisites, such as other improvisations.

• Clever Feint (Ex) SD
As a standard action, you can fake out an enemy within 60
feet, making that enemy open to your attacks. Attempt a
Bluff check with the same DC as a check to feint against
that enemy (though this isn't a standard check to feint,
so Improved Feint and Greater Feint don't apply). Even if
you fail, that enemy is flat-footed against your attacks (see
page 276) until the end of your next turn. If you succeed,
the enemy is also flat-footed against your allies' attacks
until the end of your next turn. You can't use clever feint
against a creature that lacks an Intelligence score.
At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to treat a failed
Bluff check for clever feint as if it were a success.

• Dispiriting Taunt (Ex) LD MA SD
As a standard action, you can taunt an enemy within 60 feet.
Attempt an Intimidate check with the same DC as a check to
demoralize that enemy (though this isn't a check to demoralize,
so you can't use abilities that would apply to a demoralization
attempt, like the rattling presence expertise talent). If you fail,
that enemy is off-target (see page 276) until the end of your
next turn. If you succeed, that enemy is instead shaken (see
page 277) until the end of your next turn. This is an emotion
and fear effect.
At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to treat a failed
Intimidate check for dispiriting taunt as if it were a success.

• Don't Quit (Ex) MA SD
As a standard action, you can signal a single ally within 60 feet.
That ally ignores one condition (see page 273) of your choice
until the start of your next turn, chosen from the following list:
confused, fascinated, fatigued, shaken, sickened, and staggered.
While your ally doesn't suffer the effects of the condition
during that period, the condition is merely suppressed, not
removed, and its effects resume at the start of your next turn.
The condition can still be removed with spells, technology, and
other effects as normal.
At 6th level, add the following conditions to the list:
cowering, dazed, exhausted, frightened, nauseated, panicked,
paralyzed, and stunned.
At 12th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to remove
the condition with this ability instead of suppressing it. You
can't remove a condition with a permanent duration (see
page 271) in this way; if you attempt to do so, your attempt
fails but you don't lose the Resolve Point.

• Expanded Attunement (Ex)
You can use beneficial mind-affecting envoy improvisations
to aid allies who usually would not be able to gain benefits
from mind-affecting effects, such as constructs, robots, and
undead. If the improvisation grants a morale bonus, even
allies who can't normaly benefit from morale bonuses gain
that bonus.

• Get 'Em (Ex) LD MA SD
As a move action, you can choose one enemy within 60 feet.
Until the start of your next turn, you and your allies gain a
+ 1 morale bonus to attack rolls made against that enemy. The
bonus persists even if the enemy moves beyond 60 feet or out
of line of sight or hearing.
At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant this
bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against all enemies who
are within 60 feet.

• Inspiring Boost (Ex) LD MA SD
As a standard action, you can signal an ally within 30 feet
who has taken damage from any attack made by a significant
enemy (see page 242) at any point after your last turn ended.
That ally regains a number of Stamina Points (up to his
maximum) equal to twice your envoy level + your Charisma
modifier; at 15th level, this increases to three times your envoy
level + your Charisma modifier. Once an ally has benefited
from your inspiring boost, that ally can't gain the benefits of
your inspiring boost again until he takes a 10-minute rest to
recover Stamina Points.
At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to add your
envoy level to the number of Stamina Points regained.

• Look Alive (Ex) MA
When you spend a Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points
after a 10-minute rest, all allies who stay within 60 feet of you
throughout the rest gain a +2 morale bonus to Perception and
initiative checks for the next hour or until the next 10-minute
rest to recover Stamina Points, whichever comes first.

• Not in the Face (Ex) SD
As a move action, you can choose one enemy within 60 feet.
That enemy must succeed at a Will save or take a -4 penalty to
all attacks it makes against you until the end of your next turn.
At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to make the
enemy take the penalty with no saving throw allowed.

• Universal Expression (Ex)
When using a language-dependent improvisation that
affects an enemy, you can use the improvisation against
that enemy even if the two of you do not share a language.

• Watch Your Step (Ex) LD MA SD
When an ally within 60 feet must succeed at a Reflex
save to avoid a harmful effect, as a reaction before your
ally attempts the saving throw, you can grant the ally a +2
bonus to that saving throw.
At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to have the
ally roll twice on the saving throw and take the better result.
Both of those rolls benefit from the + 2 bonus provided by
this ability.

4th Level
You must be at least 4th level to choose the following envoy

• Clever Attack (Ex)
You can make an attack that throws your enemy off-balance.
As a standard action, you can make a single attack against
a target within 60 feet and gain the benefits of clever feint
(attempting a Bluff check against the target as normal).
Apply the effects of clever feint before resolving your attack.
You must have the clever feint envoy improvisation to choose
this improvisation.

• Duck Under (Ex)
You can duck under a foe's melee attack, causing it to
overextend and move into a position more favorable to you.
You must take the total defense action (see page 247) to use
this ability. If, before the start of your next turn, a foe misses
you with a melee attack, as a reaction you can attempt a
reposition combat maneuver with a +8 bonus to your attack
roll against that foe.

• Focus (Ex) MA SD
As a standard action, you can encourage a single ally within 60
feet to focus on the danger at hand. If that ally is flat-footed
or off-target, you end that condition. If circumstances would
cause the ally to immediately become flat-footed or off-target
again, you instead suppress that condition for 1 round.

• Hurry (Ex) MA SD
As a standard action, you can grant a single move action
to an ally within 60 feet. The ally can use that move action
during her next turn to take a guarded step, move up to her
speed, or draw or sheathe a weapon. The ally can use her
extra move action in between her other actions, and she can
even use it before or after a full action. A character can use
no more than one extra action from hurry in a single round.

• Quick Dispiriting Taunt (Ex)
You can use dispiriting taunt as a move action instead of a
standard action. You must have the dispiriting taunt envoy
improvisation to choose this improvisation.

• Quick Inspiring Boost (Ex)
You can use inspiring boost as a move action instead of a
standard action, though when you do so, the number of
Stamina Points your ally recovers is reduced by your envoy
level. You must have the inspiring boost envoy improvisation
to choose this improvisation.

• Long-Range Improvisation (Ex)
Double the range of your improvisations with ranges of at
least 30 feet.

• Watch Out (Ex) LD MA SD
As a reaction, when an enemy makes a ranged attack against
an ally within 60 feet of you, you can warn that ally of the
danger. You must spend your reaction when the enemy
declares the attack but before it makes the attack roll. Your
ally can spend a reaction to gain a +4 to AC against the
triggering attack. Once the triggering attack is resolved, the
ally falls prone.
At 8th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to prevent your
ally from falling prone after the attack.

6th Level
You must be at least 6th level to choose the following envoy

• Clever Improvisations (Ex)
The first time you would spend Resolve Points on one of your
envoy improvisations, reduce the cost by 1 Resolve Point
(minimum 0). This ability refreshes whenever you take a
10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points and after an 8-hour
rest to recover Resolve Points, reducing the Resolve Point cost
of your next envoy improvisation after the rest.

• Draw Fire (Ex) SD
As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to make all
enemies within 100 feet take a -4 penalty to all ranged attacks
they make that don't target you until the end of your next turn.
This penalty remains even if you and an enemy move more
than 100 feet away from each other, and enemies that weren't
within 100 feet when you used draw fire don't take the penalty
if they later come within range.

• Heads Up (Ex) LD SD
When you succeed at a Perception check, as a reaction, you
can signal a single ally wit hin 60 feet. That ally can act as
if he had also succeeded at the Perception check with the
same result.

• Improved Get 'Em (Ex)
Your morale bonus from get 'em increases to +2. As a
standard action, you can make a single attack against a
target within 60 feet. You and your allies within 60 feet gain
the benefits of get 'em against that target (applying these
effects before making the attack roll). As with get 'em, you
can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant the benefits against all
enemies within 60 feet. You must have the get 'em envoy
improvisation to choose this improvisation.

8th Level
You must be at least 8th level to choose the following envoy

• Desperate Defense (Ex)
As a move action, you can cause one ally adjacent to you to
not be considered helpless (see page 276) for the purpose
of actions that can be used only against helpless creatures
(such as a coup de grace). This effect ends if the creature
ceases to be adjacent to you or at the beginning of your next
turn, whichever comes first.

• Expert Attack (Ex)
As a move action, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to add your
bonus from expertise to your next attack roll before the end of
your turn.

• Hidden Agenda (Ex)
You're an expert at veiling your true thoughts and goals.
Whenever a creature attempts a Sense Motive check to
detect a deception of yours, the creature must roll twice
and take the worse of the two results. When you attempt a
saving throw against an effect or ability that would read your
thoughts or reveal your motives, you can roll twice and take
the better of the two results.

• Improved Hurry (Ex)
You can use the hurry envoy improvisation as a move action
instead of a standard action. You must have the hurry envoy
improvisation to choose this improvisation.
At 12th level, you can use hurry as a standard action and
spend 1 Resolve Point to grant a standard action instead of a
move action.

• Situational Awareness (Ex)
If you ready an action, once before the trigger you
selected occurs, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to change
both the trigger and the action you have ready. You must
ready an action that takes the same kind of action as your
originally readied action, or you must ready a lesser action.
(For example, if you readied a standard action, you could
switch to another standard action, a move action, or a swift
action, and if you readied a move action, you could switch
to another move action or a swift action.)

• Sustained Determination (Ex) LD MA SD
As a move action, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to grant
an ally within 60 feet 1 Resolve Point that he can spend
to empower one of his abilities, even if he has spent all of
his own Resolve Points. The ally must spend the Resolve
Point before the start of your next turn; if he does not
do so, he loses the Resolve Point and you still lose the
Resolve Points you spent. You can't grant the same ally
the benefits of this ability again until both you and your
ally have recovered your Resolve Points after an 8-hour
rest or its equivalent.
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-21, 周一 17:26:02 由 Passer556 »
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

离线 Passer556

  • AbadarPress翻譯機 G5-P4
  • Knight
  • ***
  • 帖子数: 458
  • 苹果币: 1
Re: 【StarFinder CRB】基础职业:使節(Envoy)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-08-20, 周日 10:38:04 »
專家天賦 Expertise Talent

額外專門技能 Additional Skill Expertise(Ex)

調整儀態 Altered Bearing(Ex; 偽裝)
 透過改變你的姿勢、步伐、舉止及衣物裝備的穿戴方式,令他人乍看之下認不出來你來。當使用偽裝技能微調你外觀的細節(Alter Minor Detail)時,你可以放棄你的專家骰來以移動動作進行檢定,這個檢定的DC不會因為僅僅微調細節而-5。如果觀察者用來看穿你的偽裝的對抗察覺檢定成功了,他另外看出你的種族,以及其他你隱藏起來的特徵。

心理分析 Analyst(Ex; 察言觀色)

矜矜業業 Cautious Expertise(Ex; 見下)

大詐似信 Convincing Liar(Ex;唬騙)

文化素養 Cultural Savant(Ex;文化)
 不論你手邊有沒有電腦終端或其他的研究途徑,只要時間夠,你可以在以文化技能進行知識檢定(Recall Knowledge)時取20。

精巧偽裝 Cunning Disguise(Ex;偽裝)

工程能手 Engineering Adept(Ex;工程學)

偽證大師 Expert Forger(Ex;電腦)

快速入侵 Fast Hack(Ex;電腦)

妙手回春 Inspired Medic(Ex; 醫療)

洞悉底異 Keen Observer(Ex; 察顏觀測)
 當你與一個受到精神效果(Mental Effect)影響的生物交流了至少1分鐘後,GM為你自動進行一次不含專家骰的察言觀色檢定,成功時你得知這個精神效果。如果你特別指出要進行察覺精神效果的察言觀色,在GM的自動檢定以外你可以正常進行一次含專家骰的察言觀色檢定。

凶眼如炬 Menacing Gaze(Ex; 威嚇)

駭人氣勢 Rattling Presence(Ex; 威嚇)

語言學家 Skilled Linguist(Ex; 文化)

舌燦蓮花 Slick Customer(Ex; 交涉)

科技宅 Student of Technology(Ex; 工程學)

手術士 Surgeon(Ex; 醫療)
 每日一次,你可以用手邊的醫療器材超額進行一次治療致命傷(Treat Deadly Wound)檢定。由於這種高端醫術既困難又冗長,該次治療檢定的DC+5且耗時1小時。

包打聽 Well Informed(Ex; 交涉)

劇透 -   :
You gain an expertise talent at 3rd level and every 4 levels
thereafter. With the exception of additional skill expertise,
these talents require you to have expertise in the skills they
affect, as indicated in parentheses after the talent's name.

• Additional Skill Expertise (Ex)
Choose another skill in which you have at least 1 rank
from the list of skills you can choose with the expertise
class feature; you can use expertise with that skill. You can
choose this talent up to three times, choosing a different
skill each time.

• Altered Bearing (Ex; Disguise)
You can quickly adjust your posture, your stride, your
demeanor, and the way your clothes and gear fit, causing
casual observers to fail to recognize your true appearance.
When you attempt a Disguise check to alter minor details
of your appearance, you can forgo your expertise die to
attempt the check as a move action. You don't reduce the
DC by 5 for attempting to alter only minor details, and if
an observer succeeds at an opposed Perception check that
pierces your disguise, he also realizes your true race and
what features you have disguised. You can't use this ability
for more complex disguises.

• Analyst (Ex; Sense Motive)
You have been taught to carefully consider your own
assumptions, making it much less likely you assign false
motives to other creatures. When using Sense Motive to
detect deception or discern a secret message, as long as your
expertise die roll result is not a 1, you don't think a truthful
statement contains deceptions or infer false information from
a secret message even if you fail your check by 5 or more.

• Cautious Expertise (Ex; see below)
Choose a skill you have selected with the skill expertise class
feature. When you take 20 (see page 133) with this skill, you
can roll your expertise die twice and take the better result.
You can choose this talent up to three times, choosing a
different skill selected with the skill expertise class feature
each time.

• Convincing Liar (Ex; Bluff)
When you attempt a Bluff check, you can choose not to roll
your expertise die until later. After you determine what the
check's result would be, you can choose to either roll your
expertise die and add the result to the total or forgo the
expertise die and reroll the check (see page 243). At 9th
level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll the check and
add the result of your expertise die.

• Cultural Savant (Ex; Culture)
As long as you have enough time, you can take 20 on Culture
checks to recal I knowledge, even if you don't have access to a
computer terminal or other means of research.

• Cunning Disguise (Ex; Disguise)
When you attempt an initial Disguise check, you can forgo
rolling your expertise die. Instead, the first time a creature
would pierce your disguise with a Perception check, treat its
result as if it had rolled a natural 1 on its Perception check.
This benefit applies only once per disguise. At 9th level, this
ability also applies against the second creature who pierces
your disguise.

• Engineering Adept (Ex; Engineering)
When you attempt an Engineering check to disable or repair
a device, you can forgo rolling your expertise die to instead
halve the time it takes to make the attempt.

• Expert Forger (Ex; Computers)
You have a database of electronic seals and predesigned
templates that allow you forge an official document in
a matter of moments. When you attempt a Computers
check to create a forgery, as long as you have access to a
computer, you can forgo your expertise die to attempt the
check as a full action (rather than the normal required time
of 1d4 minutes).

• Fast Hack (Ex; Computers)
When you attempt a Computers check to hack into a
computer system, you can forgo rolling your expertise die
to instead halve the time it takes to make the attempt (to a
minimum of 1 round). At 9th level. if you successfully hack
the system, you can also negate a single countermeasure
protecting that computer system. You cannot use this talent
to negate a countermeasure from the same computer again
for 24 hours.

• Inspired Medic (Ex; Medicine)
When you attempt a Medicine check, you can choose not
to roll your expertise die until later. After you determine
what the check's result would be, you can choose to either
roll your expertise die and add it to the total or forgo the
expertise die and reroll the check (see page 243). At 9th
level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to both reroll the check
and add the result of your expertise die.

• Keen Observer (Ex; Sense Motive)
Whenever you interact with a creature under a mental effect
for at least 1 minute, the GM attempts an automatic secret
Sense Motive check for you without your expertise die. On a
success, you learn about the mental effect. If you specifically
request a Sense Motive check to sense mental effects, you
can attempt a Sense Motive check as normal. including your
expertise die, in addition to this automatic check.

• Menacing Gaze (Ex; Intimidate)
When you attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize foes,
you can forgo your expertise die to attempt to briefly
demoralize a small group as a full action. You attempt an
Intimidate check against foes within 60 feet, no two of
which can be more than 20 feet apart. The DC of this check
is equal to the highest DC to demoralize any one of the foes.
If you are successful, the targets gain the shaken condition
(see page 277) for 1 round (even if your result exceeded
the DC by 5 or more). Once you use this ability against a
creature, it is immune to this talent for 24 hours.

• Rattling Presence (Ex; Intimidate)
When you attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize
an opponent, you can forgo rolling your expertise die to
automatically increase the duration of the shaken condition
by 1 round on a successful check. At 9th level, you instead
increase the duration by 2 rounds on a success when using
this talent.

• Skilled Linguist (Ex; Culture)
You can speak and read a number of bonus languages equal
to your ranks in Culture. Additionally, when you attempt
a Culture check to decipher writing, you can forgo your
expertise die to attempt the check as a full action (rather
than the normal 1 minute) per approximately 250 words of
writing or fewer.

• Slick Customer (Ex; Diplomacy)
When you attempt a Diplomacy check, you can choose not
to roll your expertise die until later. After you determine
what the check's result would be. you can choose to either
roll your expertise die and add it to the total or forgo the
expertise die and reroll the check (see page 243). At 9th
level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to both reroll the check
and add the result of your expertise die.

• Student of Technology (Ex; Engineering)
As long as you have the time to do so, you can take 20 (see
page 133) on Engineering checks to identify creatures and
technology, even if you do not have access to a computer
terminal or other means of research. If the creature or
technology was created by a group or individual you are
familiar with (normally including any major corporation or
military), on a successful check you also identify what group
created the object identified.

• Surgeon (Ex; Medicine)
You can use Medicine to treat deadly wounds on a patient
once each day in addition to the normal allowances for the
medical equipment you are using. Because performing this
level of advanced medicine is difficult and time consuming,
the DC for this additional treatment increases by 5 and the
ski II check takes 1 hour.

• Well Informed (Ex; Diplomacy)
You keep yourself as up to date as possible about the events
and major figures of any region you are in. Once you have
been in a settlement or region for at least 24 hours, when
you attempt a Diplomacy check to gather information, you
can forgo your expertise die to attempt the check as a swift
action (rather than the normal 1d4 hours)
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-25, 周五 15:18:04 由 Passer556 »
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

离线 Passer556

  • AbadarPress翻譯機 G5-P4
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Re: 【StarFinder CRB】基础职业:使節(Envoy)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-08-20, 周日 10:40:23 »
使節範型:大使 Ambassador





專長:武器專攻(Weapon Focus)(先進近戰武器),武器擅長(先進近戰武器),武器專精(先進近戰武器)


使節範型:軍官 Military Officer
主题:王牌機師(Ace Pilot)





專長:步槍擅長(Longarm Proficiency),武器專攻(步槍),武器專精(步槍)


使節範型:談判專家 Negotiator





專長:精通先攻(Improved Initiative),技能專攻(文化),技能專攻(交涉)


使節範型:惡棍 Scoundrel







« 上次编辑: 2017-08-20, 周日 22:03:47 由 Passer556 »
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【StarFinder CRB】基础职业:使節(Envoy)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-08-20, 周日 12:06:36 »



* marfish 捂脸

离线 Passer556

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Re: 【StarFinder CRB】基础职业:使節(Envoy)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-08-20, 周日 13:58:17 »



* marfish 捂脸


Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

离线 Passer556

  • AbadarPress翻譯機 G5-P4
  • Knight
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  • 帖子数: 458
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Re: 【StarFinder CRB】基础职业:使節(Envoy)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-08-20, 周日 22:18:59 »
使節範型:大使 Ambassador


使節範型:軍官 Military Officer


使節範型:惡棍 Scoundrel


P子你是不是為了趕在Gen Con以前送廠引刷所以校對都不做了?
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-20, 周日 22:23:56 由 Passer556 »
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.


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Re: 【StarFinder CRB】基础职业:使節(Envoy)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-08-20, 周日 22:25:21 »