作者 主题: 【NLOFS】纽梅利亚,星落之地(Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars)怪物图鉴(Bestiary)  (阅读 28528 次)

副标题: 自己团要用顺手就翻了一些,排版ing

离线 绿龙

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« 上次编辑: 2021-03-09, 周二 15:17:54 由 绿龙 »


离线 绿龙

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-03-09, 周二 15:18:00 »
蝎类机器人(Robot, Arachnid)

XP 200 CR1/2
绝对中立 小型 构装体(机体亚种)
先攻 +1; 感官 黑暗视觉 60 尺,低光视觉;察觉 +5


AC 14, 接触 12, 措手不及 13(+2天生,+1体型)
hp 15(1d10+10)
强韧 +0, 反射 +1, 意志 +1
免疫 构装体免疫;
抗力 火焰抗力5; 弱点 易碎(fragile),重击易伤,电击易伤


速度 40 尺, 攀爬速度 20 尺.
近战 2 爪抓 +3 (1d3-1)
特殊能力 自爆,等离子装置


力量 9, 敏捷 13 体质 -, 智力 10, 感知 12, 魅力 1
BAB +1; CMB -1; CMD 10(18对抗绊摔)
专长 武器娴熟
技能 攀爬+7,解除装置+10,察觉+5,隐匿+10;种族调整值 +5解除装置,+5隐匿
语言 通用语,哈利特语


环境 任意(纽梅利亚)
组织 单独,一对或一群(3-12)


自爆(Explode,Ex): 如果一个蝎类机器人被摧毁或是受到了它最大生命值一半或以上的伤害,他需要通过一个强韧检定,其DC与受到的伤害相等。如果蝎类机器人在豁免中失败,则它就会爆炸,这会对该蝎类机器人十尺半径内的所有目标造成2d4等离子伤害(DC10反射减半)。等离子伤害的一半是火焰伤害,另外一半是电击伤害。这会彻底摧毁这台机器人即便自爆伤害并没有摧毁它。这个能力的豁免DC基于敏捷。
易碎(Fragile,Ex): 当受到致命伤害时,蝎类机器人的功能就会变差。当它生命值低于最大生命之但仍然未到达最大生命值的一半时,蝎类机器人的速度变为原本的一半。进一步的受伤会让蝎类机器人有着自爆(Explode)的风险。
等离子装置(Plasma Torch,Ex): 蝎类机器人可以有俩种方式使用自己的等离子装置。首先,它可以使用等离子装置对一位15尺内的目标进行远程接触攻击,成功的命中会造成1d6等离子伤害。或者,蝎类机器人可以以自身为原点射出15尺的锥形光束,所有在锥形区域内的生物都要受到1d4点等离子伤害(DC10反射减半)。等离子装置在每次使用后需要一轮时间才能再次充能使用。等离子伤害的一半是火焰伤害,另外一半是电击伤害。


劇透 -  原文:
Robot, Arachnid

XP 200 CR1/2
N Small construct (robot)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;; Perception +5


AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)
hp 15 (1d10+10)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1
Immune construct traits
Resist fire 5
Weaknesses fragile, vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable
to electricity


Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee 2 claws +3 (1d3-1)
Special Attacks explode, plasma torch


Str 9, Dex 13, Con -, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 1
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 10 (18 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +7, Disable Device +10, Perception +5, Stealth +10; Racial Modifiers +5 Disable Device, +5 Stealth
Languages Common, Hallit


Environment any (Numeria)
Organization solitary, pair, or colony (3-12)
Treasure none


Explode (Ex): If an arachnid robot is destroyed or takes damage while below half its maximum hit points, it must attempt a Fortitude saving throw with a DC equal to the amount of damage taken. If it fails, the robot explodes, dealing 2d4 points of plasma damage to all targets in a 10-foot-radius burst (Reflex DC 10 half). Half the damage dealt by plasma is fire damage, and half is electricity damage. This destroys the robot if it was still animate. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
Fragile (Ex): When badly damaged, arachnid robots function poorly. An a rachnid robot reduced to fewer than half its maximum hit points is staggered and moves at half speed. Further damage may cause the robot to explode.
Plasma Torch (Ex): An a rachnid robot can use its arm mounted plasma torch in two ways. First, it can use the torch to make a ranged touch attack against a target within 15 feet, dealing 1d6 points of plasma damage on a successful hit. Alternatively, the robot can emit a 15-foot cone from its torch, dealing 1d4 points of plasma damage to all targets in the a rea of effect (Reflex DC 10 half). The robot's plasma torch requires 1 full round to recharge between uses. Half the damage dealt by plasma is fire damage, and half is el ectricity damage.

Ubiquitous pets of Numerian technologists, arachnid robots also serve as sentinels and spies. Arachnid robots come equipped with a plasma welding torch that resembles a scorpion's tail stinger and doubles as a weapon. Under stress, an arachnid robot's plasma core can overload, destroying the robot in a fiery blast. This tendency inspired the practice of using the robots as suicide drones. An arachnid robot is intelligent enough to have a sense of self-preservation, however, and one can be made to undertake such a mission only through trickery. Despite their scorpion-like appearance, arachnid robots' ability to use their claws as an additional pair of legs when climbing or moving quickly has earned the robots the name "spiderbots" among Kellid natives. Their small size makes them the most likely robots to be found outside of Numeria, as they are the ones most easily smuggled past watchful Technic League agents.

« 上次编辑: 2021-03-17, 周三 15:05:08 由 绿龙 »


离线 绿龙

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-03-09, 周二 15:19:01 »

XP 600 CR2
绝对中立 小型植物
先攻 +0; 感官 低光视觉;察觉 +0


AC 13, 接触 11, 措手不及 13(+2天生,+1体型)
hp 26(4d8+8)
强韧 +6, 反射 +1, 意志 +1
免疫 植物免疫; 弱点 火焰易伤
伤害减免 DR5/挥砍
防御特性 全局视野,带刺,易燃;


速度 30 尺
近战 挥击+6(1d3+3附加攫抓)
特殊能力 攫抓(中型),毒素,强力冲锋(挥击,2d4+3附加攫抓)

力量 14, 敏捷 11 体质 15, 智力 -, 感知 10, 魅力 1
BAB +3; CMB +4(+8擒抱); CMD 14(无法被绊摔)


环境 阴凉或是暖温的地方
组织 单独,一对或一群(3-12)


带刺(Barbs,Ex): 任何使用近战武器,徒手攻击或天生武器的角色攻击血液藤球时都会受到1d4的穿刺伤害和1点流血伤害。任何试图对血液藤球进行战技检定或逃脱检定的生物也会受到带刺的伤害,无论豁免有没有成功。使用长武(reach)武器攻击血液藤球的角色不会受到该能力的伤害。一个被成功擒抱的角色会在血液藤球回合开始时受到带刺的伤害。
可燃(Flamable,Ex): 如果血液藤球受到了火焰伤害,它将被点燃(见Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 444),但是它不会受到点燃的伤害在被点燃的那一轮。它每轮会受到1D6火焰伤害如果它不通过一个DC15的反射检定来扑灭火焰。它将会额外造成1D6火焰伤害在带刺,挥击,以及任何使用近战武器攻击它的带刺伤害上。
毒素(Posion,Ex): 带刺-伤口,豁免强韧DC14,频率1轮/次,共4轮,效果晕眩1轮,痊愈1次成功豁免;无法对免疫影响心灵的生物产生作用



劇透 -  特殊能力速查:
强力冲锋 (Powerful Charge, Ex):具有这种特殊能力的生物在展开冲锋的时候,除了通常的优势和劣势之外,还可以造成额外的伤害。该攻击和造成额外伤害的数值会在生物的描述中给出。

全局视野 (All–Around Vision, Ex):这个生物一次性可以看到所有方向。他不会被夹击 (flanked)。

劇透 -  原文:

XP 600 CR2
N Small plant
Init +0; Senses low-light vision;; Perception +0


AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+2 natural, +1 size)
hp 26 (4d8+8)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +1
Defensive Abilities all-around vision, barbs, flammable
DR 5/slashing
Immune plant traits
Weaknesses vulnerable to fire


Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +6 (1 d3+3 plus grab)
Special Attacks grab (Medium), poison, powerful charge
(slam, 2d4+3 plus grab)

Str 14, Dex 11, Con 15, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 14 (can't be tripped)


Environment cold or temperate plains
Organization solitary, pair, or field (3-12)
Treasure none


Barbs (Ex): A creature that strikes a bloodbrush with a melee weapon, an unarmed strike, or a natural weapon takes 1 d4 points of piercing damage and 1 point of bleed damage, and is exposed to the bloodbrush's poison. Any creature that attempts a combat maneuver or Escape Artist check against a bloodbrush also takes this barb damage, regardless of success. Melee weapons with reach do not endanger an attacker in this way. A grappled creature takes barb damage at the start of the bloodbrush's turn.
Flammable (Ex): If a bloodbrush takes fire damage, it catches fire (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 444), but does not take damage for catching fire in the round it ignites. It takes 1d6 points of fire damage at the start of each turn unless it succeeds at a DC 15 Reflex save to extinguish the flame. A burning bloodbrush inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage with its barbs and slam attacks and to any creature that strikes it with a melee attack as its barbs abil ity.
Poison (Ex): Barbs-injury; save Fort DC 1 4; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect dazed; cure 1 save; no effect on creatures immune to mind-affecting effects.

Though they resemble humble tumbleweed, bloodbrushes are animate and aggressive. Movement draws its attention, especially when accompanied by warmth and moisture. When it strikes prey, it latches on and delivers a sedating toxin through its barbs. Victims that succumb to this poison experience vivid hallucinations as the bloodbrush 47 Numl!tia, Land of Falll!n Stars finishes them off. As much a drug as a poison, refined bloodbrush toxin commands a high price in the right circles. A single bloodbrush provides sufficient poison to refine 1d,i doses of bloodbrush extract (see page 23), and counts as the raw materials for the process. Bloodbrush thorns deposit seeds, though the seeds germinate only in dead flesh. A single corpse sprouts 2d4 seedlings. After 3 months of growth, the now-mature and animate bloodbrush breaks free of its roots and rolls off in search of prey. Prior to this, an immature bloodbrush is neither animate nor toxic. A bloodbrush lives for up to 6 months after tearing free, and can survive 2 weeks between feedings. Despite its size, a mature bloodbrush plant weighs 5 pounds at most. Kellids harvest the thorns of immature bloodbrushes. They grind the dried thorns, and brew the resulting powder as a tea with mild euphoric and fever-reducing properties. Harvesting the thorns and preparing the tea requires a successful DC 15 Survival check. Drinking this tea grants a +1 circumstance bonus on saves against an ongoing disease for 24 hours. Particularly ingenious tribes, and even some members of the Technic League, cultivate bloodbrush in the shallowly buried corpses of their fallen enemies. When a farmed bloodbrush is near maturity, the grower places a sturdy wicker cage about it to prevent it from escaping. Such cages can be completely sealed and carried into battle or covertly placed in a rival settlement. When released, the captive bloodbrush tends to attack the nearest target, so using one as a weapon presents significant risks to the one who releases it.
« 上次编辑: 2021-03-12, 周五 01:01:01 由 绿龙 »


离线 绿龙

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甄虫(Zhen, Worm)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-03-09, 周二 15:19:31 »
甄虫(Zhen, Worm)

XP 200 CR1/2
绝对中立 中型 虫类
先攻 -1; 感官 黑暗视觉 60 尺;察觉 +0


AC 9, 接触 9, 措手不及 9(-1敏捷)
hp 5(1d8+1)
强韧 +3, 反射 -1, 意志 +0
防御特性 保护性粘液
免疫 影响心灵,凝视攻击,基于视觉的攻击和影响视觉的效果;
弱点 失明


速度 20 尺, 掘地速度 10 尺. 游泳速度 20 尺
近战 挥击+1(1d4+1附加攫抓)
特殊能力 紧勒(1d4+1),肉体溶解


力量 12, 敏捷 9 体质 13, 智力 -, 感知 10, 魅力 1
BAB +0; CMB +1; CMD 10
专长 盲斗
技能 隐匿-1(+9在沼泽里),游泳+9;种族调整 +10隐匿在沼泽


环境 温暖的沼泽
组织 单独,一对或一堆(3-20)


失明(Blindness, Ex): 甄虫仅仅使用它的“颤动感知”来感知四周。它对所有基于视觉的效果和攻击免疫,包括凝视攻击。
肉体溶解(Flamable,Ex): 虽然在战斗中因为酸性分泌物过于稀释而不会造成伤害,但甄虫的酸性粘液可以在1d4天内把一具中等大小的尸体变成骨架或是一滩恶臭的泥浆。中体型以上的每大一级都需要原本一倍的时间,而中体型以下的每小一级则只需要原本时间的一半。
保护性粘液(Protective Mucus, Ex): 甄虫身上的粘液可以减缓攻击者的阻力,也可以让火更难产生作用。甄虫受到的武器和火焰伤害只有原本的一半。这个效果不会降低暴击所造成的伤害。


这种只靠本能行动的甄虫一般生长在温暖而又潮湿的环境里,比如纽梅利亚的古拉姆泥泉(Gorum Pots)。寒冷会扰乱它们的震颤感知,它们也没办法在坚硬的岩石层里挖洞。所以甄虫一般不会在远离地热层的地方游荡。

劇透 -  原文:
Zhen, Worm
Barely thicker than hempen rope, this orange-banded worm stretches many feet in length.

XP 200 CR1/2
N Medium vermin
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0


AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-1 Dex)
hp 5 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +0
Immune gaze attacks, mind-affecting effects, sight-based attacks, and visual effects
Defensive Abilities protective mucus
Weaknesses blindness


Speed 20 ft., climb 10 ft.
Melee slam +1 (1d4+1 plus grab)
Special Attacks constrict (1d4+1), dissolve flesh


Str 12, Dex 9, Con 13, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 10
Feats Blind-Fight
Skills Stealth -1 (+9 in swamps), Swim +9; Racial Modifiers +10 Stealth in swamps


Environment warm swamps
Organization solitary, pair, or colony (3-20)
Treasure none


Blindness (Ex): A zhen worm perceives solely through its tremorsense ability. It is immune to all sight-based effects and attacks, including gaze attacks.
Dissolve Flesh (Ex): Though too dilute to cause damage in combat, a zhen worm's acidic mucus reduces a Medium sized corpse to bones and a pool of foul-smelling slurry in 1d4 days. Each size category above Medium doubles the amount of time required, and each size category smaller than Medium halves it.
Protective Mucus (Ex): Weapons slip off the slick slime that coats a zhen worm, and fire has difficulty burning it away. Zhen worms take half damage from weapons and fire. This ability does not reduce damage from confirmed critical hits.

The blind and mindless zhen worms thrive in warm, wet environments such as the Gorum Pots of Numeria. Cold disrupts their tremorsense, and they cannot burrow through rocky soil, so the worms do not roam far from their geothermal baths. Though rarely thicker than an inch in diameter, zhen worms reach up to 10 feet in length and weigh up to 20 pounds. The orange bands along their sides react to tremors and vibration, providing their only means of perceiving the environment around them. Zhen worms hunt by lying unseen beneath mud or water, waiting for prey to approach close enough to attack. Zhen worms normally restrict themselves to modest prey such as rodents and lizards, but a hungry worm may attack Small or even Medium prey. A zhen worm has no mouth or digestive tract. Instead, it absorbs nutrients and secretes waste through thousands of tiny orifices along its body. The mucus coating its body slowly dissolves organic matter. Over a matter of days, a zhen worm wrapped around a corpse reduces it to nothing but bones and a foul-smelling slurry.
« 上次编辑: 2021-03-12, 周五 00:59:40 由 绿龙 »


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« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-03-09, 周二 15:19:52 »

XP 600 CR2
绝对中立 中型 构装体(机体亚种)
先攻 +1; 感官 黑暗视觉 60 尺,低光视觉;察觉 +6


AC 13, 接触 11, 措手不及 12(+1敏捷,+2天生)
hp 31(2d10+20)
强韧 +0, 反射 +1, 意志 +0
免疫 构装体免疫; 抗力 电击抗力5,火焰抗力5
弱点 重击易伤,电击易伤


速度 30 尺
近战 2挥击+4(1d4+2)


力量 15, 敏捷 12 体质 -, 智力 -, 感知 10, 魅力 1
BAB +2; CMB +4; CMD 15
专长 警觉(Alertness)
技能 易容-4(+4伪装成人类),知识(地方)+4,察觉+6,察言观色+6;种族调整值 易容+8伪装成人类
语言 通用语,哈利特语
SQ 假颜


环境 任意(纽梅利亚)
组织 单独,一对或一伙(3-8)
财宝 标准


假颜(False Flesh, Ex): 人形机器人的人造肉体和头发使其在易容为人类的检定上获得+8加值(但不能模仿特定的人类)。仔细观察人形机器人或触摸它冰冷皮肤时,都会自动了解它并非真正的类人生物。


劇透 -  原文:
This impassive humanoid has shiny, pale skin and an eerily expressionless face

XP 600 CR2
N Medium construct (robot)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; low-light vision Perception +6


AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex,+2 Natural)
hp 31 (2d10+20)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0
Immune construct traits;
Resist electricity 5, fire 5
Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerability to electricity


Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slam +4 (1d4+2)


Str 15, Dex 12, Con -, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 1
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Alertness
Skills Disguise -4 (+4 to appear human), Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6; Racial Modifiers +8 Disguise to appear human
languages Common, Hallit
SQ false flesh


Environment any (Numeria)
Organization solitary, pair, or band (3-8)
Treasure standard


False Flesh (Ex): The synthetic flesh and hair of a mannequin robot give it a +8 bonus on Disguise checks to appear human (but not to impersonate a specific human). Closely inspecting a mannequin or touching its cold, synthetic skin automatically reveals its non-human nature.

Designed to labor at tedious or hazardous tasks, mannequin robots were intended to both look and behave like humans. Their designers felt that humans would find the mannequins more comfortable to work next to than conventional robots-but they were mistaken. While the mannequins superficially resembled their makers, their inhuman behavior, subtly wrong appearance, and unnatural movement, as well as the unyielding cold of their synthetic flesh proved disturbing, and the humans they were meant to work alongside reflexively distrusted them. Though many were produced for a variety of tasks, the mannequin line of robot was deemed a failure. The next generation of human-form constructs took the form of a true artificial life form: the android. Mannequins look more or less human, but their jerky, mechanical movement, imperfectly simulated behavior, and artificial construction give them away with any close interaction. Mannequin robots vary in size and shape as much as humans, but weigh at least 200 pounds because of their metallic endoskeletons.

娱乐型(CR+1):娱乐型人形机器人是休闲和娱乐作为目的所设计的,一个娱乐型变体+4魅力,技能专攻(表演[任意])代替警觉,可以扫描30尺范围内的生物思想(如同侦测思想Detect Thoughts)。

劇透 -   :
The mannequin robot described above represents a typical model, designed for menial labor or basic service. Other models resemble the base model, but have different capabilities. If no CR change is noted, the model has the same CR as a standard mannequin. Specialized mannequins advance by taking class levels, generally in non-spellcasting classes such as fighter, gunslinger, monk, and rogue.
Athlete (CR +1): Designed to compete in robotic sporting events, an athlete model has +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, Fleet in place of Alertness, and a +5 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Recreation (CR +1): Designed for entertainment and leisure purposes, a pleasure model has a +4 bonus to Charisma, has Skill Focus (Perform [any]) in place of Alertness, and can scan the minds of creatures within 30 feet (as detect thou_ghts).
Rescue: Designed for rescue and retrieval operations in conditions too dangerous for unprotected humans, a rescue model's resistance to electricity and fire improves to 10.
Security (CR +1): Designed for assisting human security forces in dangerous situations, a security model has +2 Dexterity, Improved Initiative in place of Alertness, +1 natural armor, and hardness 5. Security models are proficient with firearms, simple weapons, and light armor.
Target: Designed as an active target for weapons practice, a target model has +2 Dexterity, a 10-foot increase to speed, hardness 5, and Dodge in place of Alertness. Reducing a target model below half its maximum hit points causes it to shut down for io minutes.
« 上次编辑: 2021-03-17, 周三 15:16:46 由 绿龙 »


离线 绿龙

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2021-03-09, 周二 15:20:20 »

XP 800 CR3
N 中型 构装体(机体亚种)
先攻 -1; 感官 黑暗视觉 60 尺,低光视觉;察觉 +5


AC 14, 接触 9, 措手不及 14(-1敏捷,+5天生)
hp 42(4d10+20)
强韧 +1, 反射 +0, 意志 +1
防御特性 硬度5
免疫 构装体免疫;
弱点 散架(fall to pieces),重击易伤,电击易伤


速度 30 尺
近战 挥击+7(1d4+4)或旋锯+8(2d4+4/x3)


力量 17, 敏捷 8 体质 -, 智力 5, 感知 10, 魅力 1
BAB +4; CMB +7; CMD 16(20对抗绊摔)
专长 猛力攻击,武器专攻(旋锯)
技能 知识(工程)+2,察觉+5
语言 通用语,哈利特语
SQ 修理,蹒跚


环境 任意废墟(纽梅利亚)
组织 单独


散架(fall to pieces,ex): 任何造成废料机器人最大生命值25%(通常是10点)的攻击或是效果都会损坏废料机器人的一个系统。通过1D6来决定是哪个子系统受到了影响。如果该系统已经损坏,则不会有进一步的影响。
1.CPU:废料机器人将变为“困惑”状态(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 566)
修理(Repair , ex): 废料机器人可以使用其他机器人无法活动的部件来修复自身损伤。这样做需要8个小时,并且可以恢复10点生命值和任何一项已经损坏的子系统。一个中体型的机器人的损坏部件可以供废料机器人维修8个小时。每比中体型大1级的机器人损坏部件,都可以让废料机器人再额外维修8小时。对于每个小于中型机器人的体型,废料机器人都需要花费一倍的数量(比如小型需要2个,超小型需要4个)才可以进行8小时维修。
恍惚(Staggered,ex): 废料机器人的内在结构较差,因此每轮只能使用一个移动动作或是标准动作。实际上,它始终视为处于恍惚状态。废料机器人可以使用冲锋动作的在一轮内移动并攻击。


劇透 -  原文:
Frayed wires and broken-off protrusions sprout from mechanical construct’,and one of its salva ged arms ends in a spinning blade

XP 800 CR3
N Medium construct (robot)
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; low-light vision Perception +5


AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14 (-1 Dex,+5 Natural)
hp 42 (4d10+20)
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +1
Immune construct traits;
Defensive Abilities hardness 5
Weaknesses fall to pieces, vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity


Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +7 (1d4+4) or rotary saw +8 (2d4+4/x3)


Str 17, Dex 8, Con -, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 1
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 16 (20 vs. trip)
Feats Power Attack, Weapon Focus (rotary saw)
Skills Knowledge (engineering) +2, Perception +5 languages Common, Hallit
SQ repair, staggered


Environment any (Numeria)
Organization solitary
Treasure none


Fall to Pieces (Ex): Attacks and effects that deal more than 25% of a scrapyard robot's maximum hit points in damage (10 hit points for a standard scrapyard robot) impair one of the robot's components. Determine which subsystem randomly by rolling 1d6. If the subsystem has already been impaired, there is no further effect.
1 CPU: The robot is confused (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 566)
2 Fractured Plating: Reduce the robot's natural armor bonus by 3.
3 Power Core: Attacks against the robot with natural weapons, unarmed strikes, or metal weapons deal 1d6 points of electricity damage to the attacker, and the robot's slam attack deals an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage. The robot shuts down from power loss in 1d4+1 rounds.
4 Rotary Sow: The robot loses its rotary saw attack.
5 Servos: The robot's speed is reduced to 15 feet and its CMD against trip combat maneuvers is reduced by 8.
6 Sensors: The robot is blinded.
Repair (Ex): A scrapyard robot can use the inactive bodies of other robots to repair damage to itself. Doing so restores 10 hit points and removes one condition imparted by its fall to pieces ability per 8-hour period of uninterrupted work. Eight hours of repair expends all salvageable parts from 1 Medium robot. For each size category a scrapped robot is above Medium, the scrapyard robot can perform another 8 hours of repairs using that robot's parts. For each size category smaller than Medium scrapped robots are, the scrapyard robot requires twice as many robots to complete 8 hours of work.
Staggered (Ex): The poor construction of a scrapyard robot allows it to take only a single move or standard action each round. In effect, it always has the staggered condition. A scrapyard robot can move up to its speed and attack in the same round as a charge action.

Pieced together from broken technology, these constructs lack the balance to stand upright, the motor control to use their hands (if they have any), and the intelligence possessed by advanced robots, but they still retain a halting consciousness and the ability to obey simple commands.
« 上次编辑: 2021-03-17, 周三 15:18:28 由 绿龙 »


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电容泥怪(capacitor oozes)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-03-17, 周三 00:48:48 »
电容泥怪(capacitor oozes)

XP 12,800 CR11
N 中型 泥怪
先攻-5; 感官 盲视120尺;察觉 -5
灵光 渗透电能(10尺., DC25)


AC 5, 接触 5, 措手不及 5(-5敏捷)
hp 195(17d8+119)
强韧 +12, 反射 +0, 意志 +0
防御特性 电能充盈
免疫 电击,泥怪特性


速度 30 尺,攀爬 10 尺
近战 挥击+18(2d6+9附加4d6电击伤害和神经乱流)
特殊攻击 神经乱流


力量 22, 敏捷 1 体质 24, 智力 -, 感知 1, 魅力 1
BAB +12; CMB +18; CMD 23
技能 攀爬+14
SQ 压缩


环境 寒冷的沙漠或平原
组织 单独


电能充盈(Electrified, Ex): 任何使用天生武器,徒手打击或任意金属武器攻击电容泥怪的生物受到4D6点电击伤害,任何擒抱电容泥怪的生物同样会受到该伤害,并且在每一轮维持擒抱时都会受到该伤害。
神经乱流(Neurophagic Jolt, Ex): 当电容泥怪对一个生物进行挥击并成功造成电击伤害时,该生物的神经系统将会因为神经上的刺激而陷入震慑1轮(强韧DC25避免)。当对一个因为该能力而陷入震慑的生物进行第二次神经乱流的攻击时,会导致其在大脑产生一种破坏性的共振。这种共振类似于一种苦难(affliction)效果,并具有以下数据:意志豁免DC25;频率1次/轮,共6轮;造成1d2敏捷和1d2智力伤害;1次治愈。
中和毒性(Neutralize poison)不能结束这种效果,但是医疗术,高等复原术或任何可以移除疯狂(insanity)的效果可以结束这种效果。这是一个影响心灵的效果,该能力的豁免DC基于体质。
渗透电能(Osmotic Drain, Ex)): 电容泥怪会消耗附近的电能。任何携带充能装备的角色必须通过一次DC25的强韧豁免,否则身上随机的一件充能物品会丧失1个充能(charge)。任何一次性使用的物品将会直接没电,具有可再生电源的设备将陷入断电(depowered)直到它们可以再次充电(对于一些太阳能设备而言)或被压制其电击能力1d4分钟(对一些会造成电击物品的充能武器而言)。每个受到渗透电能影响的充能装备,都会使得电容泥怪造成电击伤害时造成1D6电击伤害,而且它的速度会增加30尺,持续1轮。该能力的豁免DC基于体质。


劇透 -  原文:
capacitor oozes
Electricity crakles and arc from this undulating mass of orange slime.

XP 12,800 CR11
N Medium ooze
Init -5; Senses blindsight 120 ft Perception -5
Aura osmotic drain (10 ft., DC 25)


AC 5, touch 5, flat-footed 5 (-5 Dex)
hp 195 (17d8+119)
Fort +12, Ref +0, Will +0
Immune electricity, ooze traits;
Defensive Abilities electrified


Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft.
Melee slam +18 (2d6+9 plus 4d6 electricity and neurophagic jolt)

Str 22, Dex 1, Con 24, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
Base Atk +12; CMB +18; CMD 23
Skills climb+14
SQ compression


Environment cold deserts or plains
Organization solitary
Treasure none


Electrified (Ex): A creature that strikes a capacitor ooze with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or metal weapon takes 4d6 points of electricity damage. Creatures grappling a capacitor ooze take this damage when initiating the grapple and on each round the grapple is maintained.
Neurophagic Jolt (Ex): When a capacitor ooze deals electricity damage to a target with its slam attack, the jolt to the target's neurological system stuns the creature for 1 round (Fortitude DC 25 negates). A second neurophagic jolt to a stunned target sets up a destructive resonance in the target's brain. This resonance functions like an affliction with the following statistics: save Will DC 25; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dexterity and 1d2 Intelligence damage; cure 1 save. Neutralize poison does not cure this affliction, but heal, greater restoration, and any effect that removes insanity does. This is a mind affecting effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Osmotic Drain (Ex): A capacitor ooze drains power from nearby electrical sources. Any creatures within 10 feet of a capacitor ooze carrying at least one device that's powered by or generates electricity must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or lose 1 charge from a random electrical device. Single use items are depowered entirely; devices with renewable electrical sources are depowered until they can recharge (in the case of a solar-powered device) or have their electrical function suppressed for 1d4 minutes (in the case of a shock weapon). A given power source can be drained only once per minute. For each electrical device affected by the capacitor ooze's osmotic drain, the ooze deals an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage the next time it would deal electricity damage to a target, and its speed increases by 30 feet for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Created by technologists seeking to devise an organic battery, capacitor oozes escaped captivity and now infest the hinterlands of Numeria. They find water dangerous and humidity painful, so they gravitate toward arid climes with stable weather. Capacitor oozes instinctively seek out sources of electricity, consuming them like other creatures would food. Maintaining vigor and growth requires regular consumption of organic material as well. A capacitor ooze that's denied power or food begins to starve. Capacitor oozes grow without bound, splitting only from damage or misfortune. Capacitor oozes that encounter others of their kind often merge if left undisturbed, a process that takes id4 hours and may result in a giant or advanced ooze. Capacitor oozes that aren't inclined to merge disperse, as they find disharmonious electrical auras intolerable.
« 上次编辑: 2021-03-17, 周三 15:57:30 由 绿龙 »


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