作者 主题: 【HoG】神话异能(Mythic Occultism)  (阅读 21081 次)

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【HoG】神话异能(Mythic Occultism)
« 于: 2020-11-10, 周二 16:05:27 »
神话异能(Mythic Occultism)
出自Heroes of Golarion,28~31页

通灵者:某种意义上,通灵者所能呼唤的每种英灵都与六条神话道途之一紧密相连。在极少情况下,英灵会被某位特殊的通灵者所吸引,授予其更多力量。当通灵者首次获得神话之力时,他需选择如常获取或将神话之力与自身呼唤的英灵相结合。一旦做出选择便无法更改。若他将神话之力与自身呼唤的英灵相结合,那么每当他降灵(Seance)时神话道途便会改变以匹配他当日呼唤的英灵。这并不允许通灵者变更给定道途赋予的道途能力,而是每当他获得新的神话道途能力时必须为每一条神话道途分别选择能力,且仅在通灵道途相关英灵时才获得这些能力。选择此选项的通灵者不能获取双重道途(Dual Path)专长,也不能选择通用道途能力。不选择此选项的通灵者通常倾向于选择诡术大师道途(有时被通灵者称作千面之道)。
唤魂师:神话中的唤魂师总与传说中的英雄或恶棍的魅影同行,然而我们无从知晓是魅影将神话之力赋予唤魂师还是唤魂师的神话性质吸引了如此强大的魅影。大多数唤魂师被圣者道途吸引,而走上这条道途的唤魂师常被称作冥界牧者。若某项神话能力对幻灵(Eidolon)生效(如守护者道途的神话伙伴Mythic Companion能力),则唤魂师可将其应用于魅影(Phantoms.)。


统和众相(Coupled Phenomena,Su):当你以一个标准动作、移动动作或迅捷动作植入一个催眠师诡计(mesmerist trick,包括大师诡计masterful tricks),或使用境界之力(discipline power)、灵器之力(Focus Powers)、英灵之力(Spirit Power)、接触疗法(Touch Treatment)或原力(Wild Talents)时,你可以再以一个自由动作启动一项花费神话之力的能力。以此法启动的神话之力必须与你启动的其他能力动作类型相同或更快(迅捷动作比移动动作快,移动动作比标准动作快)。
扩展灵器学识(Expanded Implement Knowledge,Su):选择一个你已习得的灵器学派(Implement School)。对于你可以施放的每个法术环级,你可向已知法术列表中添加一个额外法术。此外,以迅捷动作花费1点神话之力,你可在所选灵器学派的一件灵器上增加2点心智点(Mental Focus)。这些心智点是由消耗的神话之力所创造,与你每日分配的心智点无关。你必须接触要增加心智点的灵器才能使用该能力。
神话增幅(Mythic Amplification,Su):每当你施放一个异能法术时,你可以花费1点神话之力来应用一个你已习得的精神增幅(Phrenic Amplifications),这不需要消耗你的精神力池(Phrenic Pool)中的精神力。以此法附加的精神增幅不计入每法术一个精神增幅的限制之中。你最低须达第3阶才能选取该道途能力。

神话疗法(Mythic Treatment,Su):当你使用接触疗法职业能力时,你可以花费1点神话之力赋予触摸生物1次新的豁免机会,用于重骰对抗单一有害效果的强韧或意志豁免检定。触摸生物在这次豁免检定中获得相当于你神话阶层一半数值的加值。若重骰通过则效果立即结束。你最低须达第3阶才能选取该道途能力。
心灵治疗(Psychic Healing,Su):你可以透过心灵共振传递治疗能量。当你施放一个以单个生物为目标的医疗子学派法术时,你可以将通过心灵连线(Telepathic Bond)或类似效果与你相连的生物作为法术目标,即使目标位于该法术的通常距离之外。该能力最大可将法术距离扩展至每神话阶层1英里。你最低须达第6阶才能选取该道途能力。
魅影护卫(Shielding Phantom,Su):你的魅影特别擅长保护你和你的盟友免受伤害。你的魅影加护(Spiritual Interference)提供的盾牌加值与防御加值各提升你神话阶层的一半数值。


念力源泉(Kinetic Font,Su):以迅捷动作,你可以花费1点神话之力唤醒自身内在念力的源泉。从使用该能力的回合开始的每个回合中,你可以使单次念袭或通用原力(utility wild talent)的总超载降低1点,最低降至0。该效果持续轮数等同于神话阶层一半数值。你最低须达第6阶才能选取该道途能力。
超限念袭(Overcharged Blast,Su):每当你使用念袭时,你可以以自由动作花费1点神话之力在念袭中额外增添1项注能(Infusion),且不计入每次念袭至多1项塑形注能和至多1项性质注能的限制之中。你从该念袭中承受的总超载降低2点,最低降至0。
异常注能(Unorthodox Infusion,Su):你完全掌握一项注能,全凭己心不受元素约束。你选择一种新注能(Infusion)习得,且无视该注能的关联念袭。你可将该注能应用于你能使用的任何念袭,即使它并非该注能的关联念袭之一。你最低须达第3阶才能选取该道途能力。

能量通路(Energy Conduit,Su):以直觉动作,你可以花费1点神话之力掌控袭入你身躯的有害能量,转而利用其增强你的念力能力。在等同于神话阶层数值的轮数中,每当你受到酸液、寒冷、闪电、火焰或音波伤害时,你忽略该伤害的前5点,且每以此法忽略5点伤害获得1点能量点。你可以花费1点能量点来使单次念袭(blast)或通用原力(utility wild talent)的总超载降低1点,最低降至0。未使用的能量点在10分钟后消散。你最低须达第6阶才能选取该道途能力。
守御凝聚(Guarded Gathering,Su):每当你使用念力凝聚(Gather Power)职业能力时,聚集的能量会在你周身形成防御屏障。你获得相当于神话阶层一半数值的AC偏斜加值(向下取整,最低为1)。
借机念袭(Opportunistic Blast,Su):你能够抓住转瞬即逝的时机袭击敌人的防御漏洞。每轮一次,当一个位于你30尺范围内的盟友对你能看到的对手进行借机攻击时,你可以以直觉动作花费1点神话之力使用一项念袭对该对手进行借机攻击。你可以在念袭中使用注能原力,且你需承受超载。你最低须达第3阶才能选取该道途能力。


心智解放(Free Your Mind,Su):你可以触及盟友的心灵,使他们免受多余的影响。你可以以全回合动作花费1点神话之力,移除正在影响30尺内一位盟友的影响心灵效果。该效果立刻影响你,且你进行一次豁免来抵抗该效果,就如同你是该效果的原始目标一样。若你通过豁免则该效果不影响你,否则你受到影响。你最低须达第6阶才能选取该道途能力。
英灵共鸣(Spirit Influence,Su):当你完成一次降灵(Seance)时,你可以选择至多等同于你神话阶层一半数目的盟友(至少为1)。被选中的盟友也获得你的附身英灵的英灵同调(Spirit Bonus)效果。
无拘英灵(Unfettered Spirit,Su):当位于你30尺内的盟友在一次D20检定中失败、且该检定可被你的英灵同调(Spirit Bonus)加值影响时,你可以直觉动作花费1点神话之力并使附身英灵对你造成1点共鸣,将你的灵力奔涌(Spirit Surge)加值加在检定结果上。若盟友已从英灵共鸣(Spirit Influence)能力中获取你的英灵同调加值,则你可以选择花费神话之力或承受共鸣。你最低须达第3阶才能选取该道途能力。

瓶装天赋(Bottled Talent,Su):以标准动作,你可以花费1点神话之力并对拥有职业等级的生物进行近战接触攻击。若你命中则选择一个该生物具备且使用次数有限的职业能力,例如狂暴(Rage)、制裁邪恶(Smite Evil)或一个施法时间为1标准动作的法术。你复制该能力并将其放入你所持有的一件物品中,持续至多每神话阶层10分钟。任何持有该物品的生物都可以花费1点神话之力并以标准动作激活复制能力,使用该能力原本持有者的等级作为等级来决定所有基于等级的效果。你在24小时内不能再次以此法复制同一生物的同一特性。你最低须达第6阶才能选取该道途能力。
快捷诡计(Quick Trick,Su):当你或你触及内的盟友满足一个你知晓的诡计的触发条件时,你可以直觉动作花费1点神话之力为自己或盟友植入该诡计并立即触发。你最低须达第3阶才能选取该道途能力。
折射凝视(Rebounding Stare,Su):你可以令催眠凝视在生物之间折射。当你使用催眠凝视时,你可以花费1点神话之力来影响原目标30尺范围内的一个额外生物,持续1轮。你可以影响至多等同于神话阶层数量的额外目标。你每轮可以为每个额外目标花费1点神话之力来维持凝视。

暂借神力(Borrow Mythic Power,Su):以移动动作,你可以呼唤附体英灵借予你神话之力。你的附体英灵对你造成1点共鸣,你获得2点神话之力使用次数。以此法获得的神话之力使用次数只能用于附体英灵相关联的神话道途的道途能力上,且一旦你的附体英灵离开就会消失。
神话超载(Mythic Burn,Su):你可将神话之力转化为念力的燃料,反之亦然。你可等值消耗神话之力来代替念袭(blast)或通用原力(utility wild talent)的总超载,或等值承受超载代替神话之力的消耗。你必须具有超载(Burn)职业能力才能选取该道途能力。
神话联络人(Mythic Contact,Su):你知晓一名极端强大且学识渊博的异界生物的真名,该异界生物的HD至多为20。当你使用异界接触(Outside Contact)职业能力时,你可使用1点神话之力来召唤这位强力联络人而非其他异界生物。若你如此做,联络人可以提供更为详细的信息,例如任何可通过通晓传奇(Legend Lore)法术得知的信息,且联络人可以立即提供。然而这位联络人要求的代价要高昂得多:通常是1000gp,尽管某些情况下联络人可能会接受服务或信息交换。和异界接触同样,你可以尝试使用交涉或威吓讨价还价来将代价降为一半,但失败的尝试会使代价加倍,且失败5点或更多会使神话联络人直接离开而不提供任何信息。通常一位神话联络人不会自降身价来为你传递消息,但根据GM的判断它可能愿意为你提供其他服务以换取适当的补偿。你最低须达第3阶,且具有异界接触职业能力才能选取该道途能力。
异能掌握(Occult Mastery,Su):你是神秘技能解放的大师。在使用神秘技能解放时你在技能检定上获得等同于神话阶层的加值,且对于每个神秘技能解放你每日获得额外等同于神话阶层的额外使用次数。此外,花费1点神话之力,你可以使用一项你无法使用的神秘技能解锁能力(无论由于你不能施放异能法术还是由于未接受过该技能的训练)。你可以使用该神秘技能解放直至你再次如此使用神话之力。此能力给予的神秘技能解放额外使用次数也适用于以此法获得的神秘技能解放。
魅影附体(Phantom Possession,Su):以整轮动作,你可以花费1点神话之力邀请你的魅影控制你的身体,同时你的灵魂以虚体形式投射出来。当你的灵魂以此法离开身体时,你进入虚灵态(Incorporeal)并获得60尺飞行速度(机动性完美),但其他数据保持不变。你的投射灵魂拥有你所有装备的虚体版本,但消耗性装备和数量有限的装备在非物质状态下无法使用。与此同时,你的魅影控制你的身体如同占据术(Possession)。你可以在任何时候回归你的身体结束效果,或它在每神话阶层1分钟后自动结束,除非你花费额外的神话力量延长持续时间。若你的精神形态被杀死则你的灵魂自动回到你的身体,效果同时结束。你最低须达第3阶,且具有魅影职业能力才能选取该道途能力。

劇透 -   :
Mythic Occultism

Although members of the occult classes, found in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures, often concern themselves with matters of obscure and byzantine lore, there has historically been little overlap between this group of dedicated specialists and mythic power (see Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures). This does not mean that occult practitioners do not delve into mythic lore, however, and the following section explores some of the more common ways that these two mysterious practices interact with one another.

Because they specialize in things that are, generally speaking, outside the realm of common knowledge, practitioners of the occult who find a way to tap into mythic power often find that the occult path is more difficult to grasp than more conventional approaches. Occult characters can take mythic options like any other character, but they may find that many of the available options are not well suited to their particular abilities, especially since their magic is neither arcane nor divine. When a psychic spellcaster becomes mythic, she can treat her psychic spells as either arcane or divine for the purposes of any mythic abilities she gains. This does not change the actual nature of her spellcasting, but it allows her to make use of certain mythic abilities she would otherwise be unable to use. Once this choice between arcane and divine is made, it cannot be changed.
Kineticists: In much the same way that kineticists can channel elemental energy, a tiny number of them are eventually able to master the ability to channel the strange energy that empowers mythic creatures. Some believe that any kineticist can unlock this ability with enough dedicated work and skill, while others believe it is a trait one must be born with. In either case, mythic kineticists tend to gravitate toward either the path of the champion (generally known as the path of the channeler) or the guardian (sometimes referred to as the path of infinite stillness).
Mediums: In a way, every medium gets a small taste of mythic power through the spirits they channel, each of which is tied closely to one of the six mythic paths. In rare cases, the spirits become taken with a particular medium and bestow upon him a greater portion of their power. When a medium first gains mythic power, he can do so normally, or he can tie his mythic power to the spirits he channels. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. If he ties his mythic power to his spirits, then whenever he performs a seance, his mythic path changes to match the spirit he is channeling that day. This does not allow the medium to change which path abilities he has chosen for a given path. Instead, whenever he gains a new mythic path ability, he must select an ability for each mythic path, and he gains access to those abilities only when channeling the spirit associated with that path. Mediums who select this option cannot gain the Dual Path feat, and they cannot select universal path abilities. Mediums who do not take this option tend to prefer the trickster path (sometimes referred to by mediums as the many-faced path).
Mesmerists: Mythic mesmerists acquire their powers because their inherent mythic potential already gives them a knack for manipulating others. Many mythic mesmerists are believed to be godlings descended from the likes of Asmodeus or Norgorber, although such claims are best taken with a grain of salt. Mesmerists frequently take the path of the trickster (and unlike with many mythic occult practitioners, there is no special name for mesmerists who do).
Occultists: Occultists, with their innate connection to the power of objects, are most often imbued with mythic power by handling powerful items that have potent connections to mythic people, places, and events. Mythic occultists often find themselves drawn to the path of the trickster (sometimes called the path of the dilettante when referring to mythic occultists), although those who focus more on their spellcasting abilities instead turn to the path of the archmage, and such individuals are often referred to as thaumaturges.
Psychics: Most psychics draw their powers from their disciplines, and mythic psychics are no exception. For most mythic psychics, their discipline provides the source of both their psychic and mythic powers: a mythic psychic with the abomination discipline might be tainted by a dark force of mythic proportion, while one with the faith discipline may have been imbued with divine power. Mythic psychics are often drawn toward the archmage path (generally referred to as the path of the third eye by mythic psychics) or the hierophant path (typically referred to as the path of enlightenment).
Spiritualists: Mythic spiritualists almost always travel in the company of the phantoms of legendary heroes and villains, although it is unclear whether it is the phantom that gives the spiritualist mythic power or the spiritualist’s mythic nature that attracts such a potent phantom. Most spiritualists are drawn to the hierophant path, and spiritualists who take this path are often referred to as shepherds of the underworld. A spiritualist treats any references to an eidolon within a mythic ability (such as the mythic companion guardian path ability) as though it also referred to phantoms.

Although psychic magic differs from arcane and divine magic in many ways, a psychic caster can still benefit from the eldritch secrets of the paths of the archmage and the hierophant. The following section provides new occult-themed path abilities for the archmage and hierophant paths.

Archmage Path Abilities
The following occult-themed abilities are available to characters of the archmage path.
Coupled Phenomena (Su): Whenever you spend a standard action, move action, or swift action to implant a mesmerist trick (including masterful tricks), or use a discipline power, focus power, spirit power, touch treatment, or utility wild talent, as a free action you can also activate an ability that uses mythic power. The mythic ability you activate must require the same action type as the other ability you activated or a faster one (a swift action is faster than a move action, and a move action is faster than a standard action).
Expanded Implement Knowledge (Su): Choose a single implement school you have access to. For each spell level that you can cast, you add one additional spell from that school of magic to your list of spells known. Additionally, by expending one use of mythic power as a swift action, you can add 2 points of mental focus to a single implement associated with the chosen implement school. These points of mental focus are created from the expended mythic energy and do not come from your daily allotment of mental focus. You must be touching the implement in which the mental focus will be invested when you use this ability.
Mythic Amplification (Su): Whenever you cast a psychic spell, you can expend one use of mythic power to apply a single phrenic amplification you know to the spell, without expending any points from your phrenic pool to do so. The phrenic amplification added in this way does not count against the normal limit of one phrenic amplification per spell. You must be at least 3rd tier to select this path ability.

Hierophant Path Abilities
The following occult-themed abilities are available to characters of the hierophant path.
Mythic Treatment (Su): Whenever you use your touch treatment class feature, you can expend one use of mythic power to grant the touched creature a new saving throw to resist a single harmful effect that initially allowed a Fortitude or Will save to resist. The touched creature gains a bonus on this saving throw equal to half your mythic tier. If the saving throw is successful, the effect ends immediately. You must be at least 3rd tier to select this path ability.
Psychic Healing (Su): You can transmit healing energy through psychic vibrations. Whenever you cast a spell of the healing subschool that targets a single creature, you can target any creature to which you are connected by a telepathic bond or similar effect, even if that creature is outside the spell’s normal range. You cannot use this ability to cast such a spell on a creature that is farther away from you than 1 mile per mythic tier. You must be at least 6th tier to select this path ability.
Shielding Phantom (Su): Your phantom is especially adept at protecting you and your allies from harm. The shield and circumstance bonuses granted by your spiritual interference class feature are both increased by an amount equal to half your mythic tier.

Kineticists in particular have difficulty making full use of mythic power, as they are not spellcasters in their own right and many mythic abilities do not interact with their most potent class feature, the kinetic blast. The following section presents a number of new, specialized path abilities for champions and guardians that give kineticists a greater range of mythic options.

Champion Path Abilities
The following kineticist-focused abilities are available to characters of the champion path.
Kinetic Font (Su): As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to open up a wellspring of kinetic energy within yourself. Each round, beginning on the round in which you use this ability, you can reduce the total amount of burn you would take for a single blast or utility wild talent by 1, to a minimum of 0. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to half your mythic tier. You must be at least 6th tier to select this path ability.
Overcharged Blast (Su): Whenever you use one of your kinetic blasts, you can expend one use of mythic power as a free action to apply one additional infusion to the blast, beyond the normal limit of one form infusion and one substance infusion per blast. Additionally, whenever you use this ability, you reduce the total amount of burn you would accept from the blast by 2 (to a minimum of 0).
Unorthodox Infusion (Su): You learn to master an infusion beyond those that normally apply to the elements in which you specialize. You learn a new infusion of your choice, regardless of that infusion’s associated blasts. You can apply the chosen infusion to any blasts you are capable of using, even if they are not one of that infusion’s associated blasts. You must be at least 3rd tier to select this path ability.

Guardian Path Abilities
The following kineticist-focused abilities are available to characters of the guardian path.
Energy Conduit (Su): As an immediate action, you can expend one use of mythic power to harness harmful energy within your body and use it to empower your kinetic abilities. For a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier, whenever you take acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage, you ignore the first 5 points of that damage. For every 5 points of damage ignored in this way, you gain an energy point, which you can expend to reduce the total burn cost of a blast or utility wild talent by 1 (to a minimum of 0). Unspent energy points dissipate after 10 minutes. You must be at least 6th tier to select this path ability.
Guarded Gathering (Su): Whenever you use your gather power class feature, the gathered energy swirls around you, forming a protective barrier. You gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to half your mythic tier (rounded down, minimum 1).
Opportunistic Blast (Su): You can take advantage of momentary lapses in defense to assault your foes with your kinetic blast. Once per round, when an ally within 30 feet of you makes an attack of opportunity against an opponent you can see, you can expend one use of mythic power as an immediate action to make an attack of opportunity against that opponent using one of your kinetic blasts. You can apply infusion wild talents to the blast, and you accept burn for doing so. You must be at least 3rd tier to select this path ability.

Tapping into the energies and powers of the occult allows profound insight into the mind. Mythic power allows an occult character even greater control over this insight. The following section provides new occult-themed path abilities for the marshal and trickster paths.

Marshal Path Abilities
The following occult-themed abilities are available to characters of the marshal path.
Free Your Mind (Su): You can reach into the mind of your allies and free them from unwanted influence. You can spend 1 point of mythic power as a full-round action to remove a mind-affecting effect currently affecting an ally within 30 feet. The effect immediately affects you instead, and you receive a saving throw to resist the effect as if you were the original target. If you succeed, the effect has no effect on you; otherwise, you are subject to it. You must be at least 6th tier to select this path ability.
Spirit Influence (Su): When you complete a seance, you can choose a number of allies equal to half your mythic tier (minimum 1). The chosen allies also gain your spirit’s spirit bonus.
Unfettered Spirit (Su): As an immediate action when an ally within 30 feet fails a d20 roll that could be modified by your spirit bonus, you can spend 1 point of mythic power and allow your spirit to gain 1 additional point of influence over you to add your spirit surge die to the check’s result. If the ally is receiving your spirit bonus from the spirit influence ability, you can choose to either spend your mythic power or allow your spirit to gain additional influence instead. You must be at least 3rd tier to select this path ability.

Trickster Path Abilities
The following occult-themed abilities are available to characters of the trickster path.
Bottled Talent (Su): As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power and attempt a melee touch attack against a creature with class levels. If you succeed, choose one of that creature’s class features with limited uses, such as rage, smite evil, or a single spell with a casting time of 1 standard action. You replicate that ability and place it into an item you hold for 10 minutes per tier. Any creature holding the item can expend 1 point of mythic power as a standard action to activate the replicated feature, using the level of the creature touched as their level for any effects based on level. You cannot replicate a specific feature from a creature more than once every 24 hours in this way. You must be at least 6th tier to select this path ability.
Quick Trick (Su): As an immediate action when a triggering condition is met against you or an ally within reach for a trick you know, you can spend 1 point of mythic power to implant the trick in yourself or the ally and immediately activate the trick. You must be at least 3rd tier to select this path ability.
Rebounding Stare (Su): You can cause your hypnotic stare to bounce between creatures. When you use your hypnotic stare, you can spend 1 point of mythic power to affect an additional creature within 30 feet of the original target with the stare for 1 round. You can affect additional creatures up to your mythic tier. You can maintain additional stares by spending 1 point of mythic power per additional stare each round.

The following universal path abilities are thematically linked to occult characters or improve upon the class features of occult classes.
Borrow Mythic Power (Su): As a move action, you can call on a channeled spirit to grant you a fraction of its mythic power. Your channeled spirit gains 1 point of influence over you, and you gain two uses of mythic power. Uses of mythic power gained in this way are lost once the spirit leaves you, and they can be spent only on path abilities from the same mythic path with which the spirit is associated.
Mythic Burn (Su): You are able to convert mythic energy into the energy used to fuel your kinetic powers, and vice versa. You can expend mythic power to reduce the total burn cost of a blast or utility wild talent on a one-for-one basis. Alternatively, you can accept 1 point of burn in place of expending one use of mythic power. You must have the burn class feature to select this path ability.
Mythic Contact (Su): You learn the true name of a particularly powerful and knowledgeable outsider with up to 20 Hit Dice. When using your outside contact class feature, you can expend one use of mythic power to conjure this particularly potent contact instead of one of your other contacts. If you do, the contact can provide much more detailed information, such as anything that can be learned with a legend lore spell, and the contact can provide the information immediately. However, the cost is much higher: typically 1,000 gp, although in some cases the contact may instead accept services or an exchange of information. As with outside contact, you can attempt to bargain with the contact, using Diplomacy or Intimidate to try to halve the payment cost. Failure causes the cost to be doubled, and failure by 5 or more causes the mythic contact to depart without providing information of any kind. Typically, a mythic contact will not lower itself to delivering messages, but at the GM’s discretion, it may be willing to perform other services for you in exchange for appropriate compensation. You must be at least 3rd tier and have the outside contact class feature to select this path ability.
Occult Mastery (Su): You are a master of occult skill unlocks. You gain a bonus equal to your mythic tier on skill checks made as part of an occult skill unlock, and you can use each occult skill unlock you have access to a number of additional times per day equal to your mythic tier. Further, by expending one use of mythic power, you gain the ability to use an occult skill unlock you would not otherwise have access to (whether because you cannot cast psychic spells or because you are not trained in that skill). You can use this occult skill unlock until the next time you regain uses of mythic power. The extra uses of occult skill unlocks granted by this ability also apply to skill unlocks you gain access to in this way.
Phantom Possession (Su): As a full-round action, by expending one use of mythic power, you can invite your phantom to control your body while you project your spirit incorporeally. While your spirit is outside of your body in this fashion, you become incorporeal and gain a fly speed of 60 feet (perfect), but your statistics remain otherwise unchanged. Your projected spirit has incorporeal versions of all of your equipment, although consumable equipment and equipment with limited numbers of charges or uses cannot be used while incorporeal. At the same time, your phantom takes control of your body, as the spell possessionOA. You can end the effect at any time by returning to your body, and it ends automatically after 1 minute per mythic tier unless you expend an additional use of mythic power to extend the duration. If your spiritual form is slain, your spirit returns to your body automatically and the effect ends. You must be at least 6th tier and have the phantom class feature to select this path ability.
« 上次编辑: 2022-05-19, 周四 14:31:03 由 晴澈之空 »

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Re: 【HoG】神话异能(Mythic Occultism)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-11-10, 周二 16:15:52 »
:em023为什么!催眠师!没人权!催眠师也想要炫酷的道途名呀! :em023

又及,如果有人提要求的话会考虑优先翻译,如果没有的话我就顺着HoG书一点点补上去了…… :em032水平不足希望不要用太难的内容为难我呀……
又又及,不死鸟术士血脉和独角兽术士血脉有人翻在私人区了,如果我想把Heroes of Tian Xia这一章全文翻译的话需要走什么程序吗?
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-10, 周二 22:30:34 由 晴澈之空 »

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Re: 【HoG】神话异能(Mythic Occultism)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-11-10, 周二 18:09:35 »


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Re: 【HoG】神话异能(Mythic Occultism)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-11-10, 周二 18:16:50 »



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Re: 【HoG】神话异能(Mythic Occultism)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-11-10, 周二 18:33:12 »




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Re: 【HoG】神话异能(Mythic Occultism)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2020-11-11, 周三 22:28:47 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 晴澈之空

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Re: 【HoG】神话异能(Mythic Occultism)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2020-11-11, 周三 22:41:45 »



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Re: 【HoG】神话异能(Mythic Occultism)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2022-05-18, 周三 23:49:57 »
瓶装天赋(Bottled Talent,Su):以标准动作,你可以花费1点神话之力并对拥有职业等级的生物进行近战接触攻击。若你命中则选择一个该生物具备且使用次数有限的职业能力,例如狂暴(Rage)、制裁邪恶(Smite Evil)或一个施法时间为1标准动作的法术。你复制该能力并将其放入你所持有的一件物品中,持续至多每神话阶层10分钟。任何持有该物品的生物都可以花费1点神话之力并以标准动作激活复制能力,使用该能力原本持有者的等级作为等级来决定所有基于等级的效果。你不能以此法复制可用频率低于每日1次的能力。你最低须达第6阶才能选取该道途能力。

Bottled Talent (Su) (Heroes of Golarion pg. 30): As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power and attempt a melee touch attack against a creature with class levels. If you succeed, choose one of that creature’s class features with limited uses, such as rage, smite evil, or a single spell with a casting time of 1 standard action. You replicate that ability and place it into an item you hold for 10 minutes per tier. Any creature holding the item can expend 1 point of mythic power as a standard action to activate the replicated feature, using the level of the creature touched as their level for any effects based on level. You cannot replicate a specific feature from a creature more than once every 24 hours in this way. You must be at least 6th tier to select this path ability.


While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 晴澈之空

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Re: 【HoG】神话异能(Mythic Occultism)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2022-05-19, 周四 14:29:22 »