作者 主题: 【BotB】游侠变体-剧毒射手(Poison darter)  (阅读 4449 次)

副标题: 适合在莾吉荒原装逼的游侠,好处是毒药的DC是可以成长的,然而没了宿敌,狗狗和流派

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【BotB】游侠变体-剧毒射手(Poison darter)
« 于: 2017-03-12, 周日 14:02:41 »
引述:野兽血脉《Blood of the Beast》

游侠变体-剧毒射手(Poison darter)

『 啊~果然堂堂正正的战斗很累啊 』
                                            —— Archer 罗宾汉,《Fate Grand Order》


衰弱毒素(Debilitating Venom,Ex):剧毒射手能调和出可以涂抹在武器上的强力毒素。他每天可以使用此能力的次数等同于1/2职业等级+感知修正。如果他有毒性皮肤(Toxic Skin,ARG190页)种族特性的话,他能消耗1次该特性的每天使用次数,并获得衰弱毒素的一次额外使用次数。衰弱毒素仅能被剧毒射手所使用,而且在调和出来1小时后就会钝化失效。创造衰弱毒素是一个标准动作,而把衰弱毒素涂抹到武器上是一个移动动作。

衰弱毒素(Debilitating Venom):类型:伤口;强韧豁免DC= 10 + 1/2剧毒射手职业等级+其感知修正;发作频率 1次/轮 持续4轮;效果 1d3 敏捷伤害;治愈 1次豁免。


用毒(Poison Use, Ex):剧毒射手学习过如何安全的使用毒药,因此他在给武器上毒时不会因意外而中毒。这项能力替代野性认同

毒门技巧(Poison Style,Ex):2级时,替代战斗流派专长,剧毒射手可以选择任何一个调整了偷袭的盗贼天赋,或是调整了自制毒素和上毒的炼金术师发现,并用其感知修正替代智力修正,同时将其职业等级视作炼金术师或盗贼等级以满足先决条件。剧毒射手可以通过粘性毒药(Sticky poison,APG)科研发现以把一剂毒药涂抹到两把吹箭上,而不会对其效果造成影响。这项能力调整了战斗流派专长。

精准吹箭(Precise Dart,Ex):4级时,剧毒射手获得等同于盗贼职业特性的偷袭攻击,但仅有在使用吹箭筒攻击时生效。偷袭造成1d6额外伤害,并且在6级和之后每2个职业等级额外增加1d6。这项能力替代猎手羁绊。

劇透 -  原文:
Poison darter (Ranger Archetype)
In dense jungles, foliage and tight spaces hinder all but the most deceptively humble weapons: blowguns and poison.

Debilitating Venom (Ex): A poison darter can concoct potent toxins that he can apply to his weapons. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 his ranger level + his Wisdom modifier; if he has the toxic skin alternate racial trait (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 190), he can expend a daily use of that poison to employ his debilitating venom ability an additional time. The debilitating venom functions only for the poison darter and becomes inert if not used within 1 hour. Creating a debilitating venom is a standard action, and it can be applied to a weapon as a move action. Debilitating Venom—injury; save Fortitude DC = 10 + 1/2 the poison darter’s level + his Wisdom modifier; frequency 1/ round for 4 rounds; effect 1d3 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save.

At 5th level, the frequency increases to 6 rounds, and the toxin sickens a creature for 1 round every time it fails its saving throw to resist the poison. At 10th level, the poison’s Dexterity damage increases to 1d4, and two successful saving throws are needed to cure the poison. At 15th level, the poison dart can choose to deal Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution damage with the debilitating venom, selected when he creates the toxin. At 20th level,  the poison’s damage die increases to 1d6.  This ability replaces favored enemy and master hunter.

Poison Use (Ex): A poison darter is trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison himself when applying poison to a weapon. This ability replaces wild empathy.

Poison Style (Ex): At 2nd level, in place of a combat style feat, a poison darter can select any rogue talent that modifies sneak attacks or any alchemist discovery that modifies poisons he creates and applies, using his Wisdom modifier in place of his Intelligence modifier and his ranger level in place of his alchemist or rogue level for the purpose of meeting prerequisites. He can use the sticky poison APG discovery to apply a single dose of poison to two blowgun darts without reducing its potency. This ability modifies combat style feat.

Precise Dart (Ex): At 4th level, a poison darter gains a sneak attack identical to the rogue class feature, but only when attacking with a blowgun. This deals 1d6 extra points of damage, and the damage increases by 1d6 at 6th level and every 2 ranger levels thereafter. This ability replaces hunter’s bond.