作者 主题: 【Ultimate Spheres Of Power】基礎職業——縛靈士(Wraith)  (阅读 19853 次)

副标题: 19/04/20 我完事了


  • 犭良人
  • Diver
  • ******
  • 帖子数: 2562
  • 苹果币: 2
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  透过模仿強大而危險的生物,例如幽靈(ghosts)或影魔(shadow demons),縛靈士獲得了淡入以太的力量。縛靈士是一个多元化的群体,每个都跟特定生物种族或心神同调。此同调能被利用作奪取控制權,把敌人变成傀儡。他们有些从暴露于被附身的存在旁獲得才能,有些是死而复生的同时獲得能力,又或者通过其他更深奥的道途。




起始金錢:3d6 x 10 gp(平均105gp)。此外,每个角色起始时擁有價值不多于10gp的服裝。








+6 /+1
+6 /+1
+7 /+2
+8 /+3
+9 /+4
+9 /+4
+10 /+5
+11 /+6 /+1
+12 /+7 /+2
+12 /+7 /+2
+13 /+8 /+3
+14 /+9 /+4
+15 /+10 /+5










+0 (1)


0 (+2)

武器和防具擅長(Weapon and Armor Proficiencies):縛靈士擅長使用所有簡易武器、巨鐮和輕甲。


魔力池(Spell Pool):縛靈士获得一个小型魔力池以供他呼唤用以实现强力的魔法效果。此魔力池含有等同于其职业等级+其施法属性调整值的魔力点(最少为1)。每天1次,此魔力池能够在大致休息8小时后恢复。

魔域天赋(Magic Talents):縛靈士每级獲得3/4个魔域天赋,详情如表。

作崇道途(Haunt Path):1级时,縛靈士选择一个作崇道途。一旦选择则不能改变。道途技能永远视為选择该道途的縛靈士的本职技能。
  1级时,每个道途给予列出的道途域(path sphere),若已擁有域则獲得该域的一个天赋作為额外魔域天赋,以其职业等级作為其道途域的CL。此跟其他来源的CL叠加。
  2级时,縛靈士獲得道途附身术(path possession),给予其附身术能力额外选项。
  8级时,縛靈士獲得精通道途附身术(improved path possession),给予其附身术能力更多選擇选项。
  14级时,縛靈士獲得高等道途附身术(greater path possession),给予其附身术能力的选项的最后拓展。

縛靈形态(Wraith Form, Su):1级时,每天等同其职业等级+其施法属性调整值的轮數,縛靈士会獲得虛体亞种,並有以下调整:
  • 縛靈士受到来源于非魔法武器的一半伤害。
  • 縛靈士在縛靈形态时不能作出武器或天生武器攻击,除非他使用擁有[幽冥]附魔的武器。
  • 不造成伤害而且来源于实体的效果在影響縛靈士时有20%机率失效而非正常的50%。力場效果不受此失效机率影響。
  • 縛靈士保留所有不超过其最大负重的已穿戴裝备,以至任何给予長效效果的魔法物品的好處,但不从物理护甲或盾牌中獲得好處。
  • 縛靈士使用正常移动速度(將穿越固态物品视作陸地移动)。
  • 当不處于固态或液态中时,縛靈士將緩慢下降而且能以30尺速度(機動性完美)滑翔(glide),但每滑翔5尺就降落1尺(除非他擁有飞行速度)。
  • 啟動此能力是移动动作而结束是自由动作。他在背负超越其最大负重时不能啟動此能力。当縛靈士在固态物品时变回实体,他會立即被彈出到最近的開放空間,每穿過5尺距離承受1d6點傷害。
飞行通常化可选规则(Common Flight Alternate Rule)
虛体速查(Quick notes on incorporeality)
  • 獲得等同於你魅力加值的偏斜加值。
  • 只承受来源于實體的一半傷害(除了引導能量和力场效果)。
  • 没有天生护甲。
  • 不能被物理效果移动。
  • 不能移动實體物品(防阻你使用战技)。
  • 只有影像存在而不留痕跡,但是能选择被聽到。
  • 能穿透不比自身空間更大的物體。
  • 免疫掉落伤害。
附身术(Possession, Su):2级时,以一个标準动作,縛靈士能嘗試佔據一个在其天生觸及范围里的生物。这是一个影响心灵的佔據效果。以该生物的CR決定附身术的持續时间,如下表:附身术持續时间(在判斷生物例如动物伙伴、召喚魔域伙伴和魔宠时,將其CR视為其HD-2)。












武域、由HD獲得的专长、职业等级、和额外专长、魔域、自创法术(spellcrafted spells)(额外于縛靈士的,需求18级)



[註:武域、由HD獲得的专长、职业等级、和额外专长、魔域、自创法术(spellcrafted spells)(额外于縛靈士的,需求18级)的原文為Combat spheres, feats from Hit Dice, class levels, and bonus feats, magic spheres, spellcrafted spells (in addition to the wraith’s, requires 18th level),请自行理解分类]

  被动附身术(Passive Possession):被动附身术不给予对佔據生物的控制权,但仍共享该生物的感官而且能用心靈感應跟它交流。嘗試被动附身术非自願目标消耗1点魔力点。

  主动附身术(Active Possession):主动附身术涉及控制被佔據的生物。嘗試主动附身术需要消耗1点魔力点。縛靈士保留其能力如同被动附身术。身体保留其力量、敏捷、体质、HP、天生能力(natural abilities)和自动生效能力(automatic abilities)。具有額外肢體的身体不能讓縛靈士作出比正常情況更多次數的攻擊(或者更強的雙武器攻擊或双手攻击)。

  在縛靈士主动佔據身体或被动佔據身体但擁有控制权期间(例如宿主被暈眩或震懾),作用于他的影響心灵效果在附身术结束后仍然影響着他而非影響前宿主。縛靈士不会从宿主擁有的任何免疫心灵效果中獲得好處。若縛靈士正在專注于一个法术或其他效果而宿主的身体受制于会强迫進行專注检定的效果,縛靈士嘗試進行專注检定。给予縛靈士护甲加值、偏斜加值、抗力加值、盾牌加值、变形效果、疾病、毒素和其他改变或增益縛靈士肉体的效果的魔法效果在附身术其间將被压制,但不会消耗其持續时间。针对被佔據身体的效果(例如HP伤害、疾病、治療或毒素)影響被佔據身体而不会转移至縛靈士,除非它能影響佔據中的生物(possessing creatures)。能针对佔據中的生物的效果会在縛靈士佔據其他生物期间针对共影響他,包括对他造成伤害。
  若另一个生物嘗試佔據正在被縛靈士佔據的生物,它必需嘗試一个魔术技能检定(magical skill check)对抗縛靈士的魔术防御(MSD)。成功的话迫使縛靈士離开;失败的话则嘗試失败。允许生物向被主动佔據的宿主下达命令的效果在此期间內无效,除非他们也会影响縛靈士。(Effects that would allow a creature to command an actively possessed host are ineffective for the duration of the possession unless they would also affect the wraith.)
  给予防護心灵控制的效果,例如命運魔域的庇护真言(Hallow word)或防護邪惡(protection from evil)法术中生效于此能力。
  18级时,縛靈士獲得使用被佔據生物的任何武域、魔域、魔域天赋和自创法术(spellcrafted spells),但必需提供其自身的魔力点。縛靈士还能獲得使用法术,从被佔據生物的法术位中施放它们,但是必需支付基于认法术环位的魔力点:1-2环:1点;3-5环:2点;6-8环:3点;9环:4点。戲法和禱念在使用时不会消耗魔力点。

作崇之力(Wraith Haunts):3级时和以后每个奇數等级,縛靈士獲得下列一种作崇。除非额外注明,每种作崇只能选择1次。若作崇需要豁免检定,其DC=10+1/2縛靈士等级+其施法属性调整值。除非额外注明,所有作崇之力视作超自然能力。

高等附身术(Greater Possession):10级时,当縛靈士成功主动佔據一个目标,他能保持控制该目标的同时移动到另一个身上。縛靈士能选择離开此生物,出现在鄰接的空格或最近的可用空格。縛靈士能如常行动,在被主动佔據的生物和他自己之间分配动作。此能主动佔據多个生物被;而动作则从所有被佔據的生物和縛靈士之间分配。例如縛靈士佔據了一个兽人,縛靈士能用他下个标準动作佔據附近的哥布林,使兽人用其移速移动(移动动作),並施放一个瞬發域效果(cast a quickened sphere effect)(迅捷动作)。在下一轮,哥布林能裝填輕弩(移动动作),兽人能進行攻击(标準动作),而縛靈士仍有一个迅捷动作。同时能佔據的生物數目不多于縛靈士的施法属性调整值(最少為2)。以一个自由动作,縛靈士能选择结束被他佔據的生物的控制权。

縛靈宗師(Wraith Form Mastery):20级时,縛靈士能无限維持縛靈形态。任何额外虛化(Extra wraith form)和殘留虛化(Lingering Incorporeality)的作崇之力能立即重训成其它縛靈士符合条件的作崇之力。

劇透 -  原文:

  Emulating powerful and perilous creatures such as ghosts and shadow demons, wraiths gain the power to fade into the ether. A diverse group, each wraith is attuned to certain types of creatures or states of mind. This attunement can be exploited to seize control, turning foes into puppets. Some gain their talents from exposure to possessing entities, others obtain their power as part of returning from death themselves, or via other, more esoteric, paths.
Role: Eerie casters able to slip out of phase with reality and leap into susceptible minds, seizing control, making them perfect for infiltration and espionage.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d8

Starting Wealth: 3d6 x 10 gp (average 105 gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features





+6 /+1
+6 /+1
+7 /+2
+8 /+3
+9 /+4
+9 /+4
+10 /+5
+11 /+6 /+1
+12 /+7 /+2
+12 /+7 /+2
+13 /+8 /+3
+14 /+9 /+4
+15 /+10 /+5








Casting, haunt path (path sphere), spell pool, wraith form
Haunt path (path possession), possession
Wraith haunt
Haunt path (path skill)
Wraith haunt
Possession (extraordinary abilities)
Wraith haunt
Haunt path (improved path possession)
Wraith haunt
Greater possession
Wraith haunt
Possession (supernatural abilities)
Wraith haunt
Haunt path (greater path possession)
Wraith haunt
Possession (spell-like abilities)
Wraith haunt
Possession (spheres)
Wraith haunt
Wraith form mastery


+0 (1)


0 (+2)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
The wraith is proficient with all simple weapons, scythes, and light armor.

A wraith may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. A wraith is a Mid-Caster. (Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)

Spell Pool
A wraith gains a small reservoir of energy he can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to his class level + his casting ability modifier (minimum 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.

Magic Talents
A wraith gains 3/4ths of a magic talent per level, according to Table: The Wraith.

Haunt Path
At 1st level, the wraith chooses a haunt path. Once selected, this choice cannot be changed. Path skills are always class skills for wraiths with that path.

At 1st level, each path grants the listed path sphere, or a talent from that sphere if it is already possessed, as a bonus magic talent and uses his class level as his caster level with the path sphere. This stacks normally with caster levels gained from other sources.

At 2nd level, the wraith gains a path possession, granting additional options for his possession ability.

At 4th level, the wraith gains an insight bonus to the listed skill equal to half his class level.

At 8th level, the wraith gains an improved path possession, granting further options to his possession ability.

At 14th level, the wraith gains a greater path possession, granting a final expansion of options to his possession ability.

Wraith Form (Su)
At 1st level, for a number of rounds per day equal to his class level plus his casting ability modifier, the wraith may gain the incorporeal subtype, with the following modifications:
  • The wraith takes half damage from non-magic weapons.
  • The wraith cannot make weapon or natural weapon attacks while in wraith form unless he uses a weapon with the ghost touch special ability.
  • Effects originating from corporeal sources that do not deal damage have a 20% chance to fail against the wraith instead of the normal 50%. Force effect are not subject to this failure chance.
  • The wraith retains all worn equipment not exceeding his maximum load as well as the benefits from any magic items that grant a continuous effect, but gains no benefit from physical armor or shields.
  • The wraith uses normal movement speeds (treat moving through solid objects as ground movement).
  • When not on or in a solid or liquid, the wraith falls slowly and may glide, moving with a speed of 30 feet with maneuverability (perfect), but falling 1 foot for every 5 feet traveled (unless possessing a fly speed).
  • Activating this ability is a move action and ending it is a free action. He may not activate this ability if carrying a load greater than his maximum load. Should the wraith become corporeal while in a solid object, he is immediately shunted to the nearest empty space, taking 1d6 untyped damage per 5 feet traveled.

Possession (Su)
At 2nd level, the wraith may attempt to possess a creature within his natural reach as a standard action. This is a mind-affecting possession effect. The challenge rating of the creature determines the duration of the possession, per the Table: Possession Duration (creatures such as animal companions, Conjuration sphere companions, and familiars are treated as having a CR of their Hit Dice - 2 for this purpose).

This effect can be resisted with a Will save with a DC of 10 + half his wraith level + his casting ability modifier. A successful save to resist or end a possession increases the spell point cost for that individual wraith to possess that creature by 1 for 24 hours. This cost increase is cumulative, but is reset by a successful possession. Unless otherwise noted, creatures are aware of a failed possession attempt, having a feeling of a hostile force, but gain no other information. If the wraith is successful, his body is absorbed by and his life force occupies the host body.

The duration of an ongoing possession may be reset with the same action and spell point cost that was required to initiate it.

表:Possession Duration


> level +5
Level +2 to level +5
Level +1 to level -4
< level -4

Active Possession Duration

1 round/level (free action save to end possession each round)
1 round/level
1 minute/level
10 minutes/level

Unwilling Passive Possession Duration

1 minute/ level
1 minute/ level
1 hour/level
1 day/level

Willing Passive Possession Duration

1 hour/level
1 hour/level
8 hours/level
1 day/level

There are two types of possession: passive and active. The wraith chooses which to initiate as part of attempting possession.

表:Active Possession

Use the host’s

Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores (this modifies the total modifiers for ability checks, armor class, attack rolls, CMB, CMD, skill checks, save DCs based on physical abilities)
Bonuses to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution-based skills (except those from feats the wraith cannot access)
Defensive abilities (such as damage reduction, immunity, resistance, spell resistance)
Physical weaknesses (light blindness, vulnerability to damage types)
Reflex and Fortitude saving throws
Space and reach
Racial movement speeds
Natural attacks
Racial senses (such as blindsense, blindsight, darkvision, low-light vision, scent)
Hit points
Fast healing (only affects host body)
Regeneration (only affects host body)
Armor class
Racial skill modifiers
Passive special abilities (do not recalculate save DCs)
Continuous magic items that affect physical ability scores, skills, and other bonuses to physical form and prowess.
Extraordinary special abilities and special attacks that require active use, such as freeze, grab, pounce, rend, and swallow whole (do not recalculate save DCs) (requires 6th level)
Supernatural special abilities that require activation, such a breath weapons (do not recalculate save DCs) (requires 12th level)
Spell-like abilities (do not recalculate save DCs) (requires 16th level)
Combat spheres, feats from Hit Dice, class levels, and bonus feats, magic spheres, spellcrafted spells (in addition to the wraith’s, requires 18th level)
Auras (do not recalculate save DCs)
Ongoing effects that target the body
Use the alignment subtypes of both wraith and host
Use both wraith and host racial bonus feats
Use both wraith and host weapon and armor proficiencies

Use the wraith’s

Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma based skill modifiers
Base attack bonus
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution-based skill ranks
Will saving throw
Class abilities (abilities that require specific anatomy may not be accessible while possessing a host lacking that anatomy)
Feats from Hit Dice, class, and bonus feats
Combat talents
Magic talents
Caster level
Spell points
Mythic abilities
Alignment (other than alignment subtypes)
Continuous magic items that affect mental ability scores, skills, and other bonuses to mental form and prowess.
Ongoing mind-affecting effects

Passive Possession
Passive possession grants no control over the possessed creature, though shares the creature’s senses and may communicate telepathically with it. Attempting to passively possess an unwilling target costs a spell point.

The wraith maintains his Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, base attack bonus, alignment, mental abilities, extraordinary abilities not derived from physical form, combat talents, supernatural abilities, and magical abilities such as spells, sphere abilities, and spell-like abilities. Should the host become dazed, stunned, or unconscious, the wraith may control their body as normal as if actively possessing the host for the duration of the dazed, stunned, or unconscious condition. Targeted mind-affecting effects apply only to the mind in control of the body; if the wraith is not controlling the host, then the wraith is not the target. When successfully attempting a passive possession, if the wraith is unobserved by the target, he may attempt a Stealth check opposed by the target creature’s Perception check. If successful, the creature is not aware that it has failed a Will save or that it has become passively possessed.

Active Possession
Active possession involves taking control of the possessed creature. Attempting active possession requires a spell point. The wraith maintains his abilities as in passive possession. The body retains its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, hit points, natural abilities, and automatic abilities. A body with extra limbs does not allow the wraith to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon or two-handed attacks) than normal.

The wraith gains no automatic knowledge of and cannot choose to activate the body’s extraordinary abilities until 6th level or supernatural abilities until 12th level. The creature’s combat talents, feats that require active use, magic talents, spells, sphere abilities, and spell-like abilities cannot be accessed until the levels shown on Table: Active Possession.

An actively possessed creature (the host) is capable of taking mental only actions while possessed and may attempt a new save to end the possession early any time the wraith would force it to do something against its nature (see the Mind sphere for guidelines), though additional saves cannot be made more than once per round.

The wraith cannot cause the host to unwillingly harm itself (attacking itself, allowing others to attack it without defending itself, moving into obviously harmful positions, etc.).

The wraith may attempt to change an active possession to a passive possession or vise versa as a move action. Unwilling creatures are allowed a save to prevent the wraith from going from passive to active possession. Each time unit expended from a passive possession (usually minutes or hours) reduces the time available for an active possession by 1 time unit (usually minutes or rounds) and vice versa.

If the wraith possesses a creature that is unconscious due to being in negative hit points, the wraith remains conscious and can cause the body to act, but it remains staggered (though the wraith can still take additional mental-only actions, only the body is staggered) and may suffer hit point loss as normal.

The host body may still attempt stabilization checks using its normal modifiers. When possessing an unconscious creature, effects that would wake the creature do not end the possession, though the possessed creature is allowed to attempt a save to end the possession once it would be awakened.

The wraith may always end the possession early as a free or immediate action, appearing in an adjacent square of the wraith’s choice (or the nearest available square, if all adjacent squares are occupied). When possessing a willing host, the wraith may increase the duration by its normal time as a free action, paying any spell point cost as usual. When ending a possession, the wraith may choose to reappear with his wraith form ability active by spending a round of that ability as part of ending the possession. If the host body is slain, the possession ends and the wraith is dazed for 1 round with no saving throw and cannot activate wraith form as a free action as part of the possession ending.

Mind-affecting effects that target the actively possessed body or a passively possessed body while the wraith is in control (such as when the host is dazed or stunned) continue to affect the wraith after the possession ends and do not affect the former host. The wraith does not benefit from any immunity to mind-affecting effects that the host possesses. If the wraith is concentrating on a spell or other effect and the host body is subject to an effect that would force a concentration check, the wraith attempts the concentration check. Magical effects granting the wraith armor, deflection, resistance, and shield bonuses, polymorph effects, disease, poison, and other effects that alter or benefit the physical body of the wraith are suppressed for the duration of the possession but do not expend time from their durations. Effects targeting the possessed body (such as hit point damage, disease, healing, or poison) affect the possessed body and do not transfer to the wraith unless able to affect possessing creatures. Effects capable of targeting possessing creatures may target and affect the wraith while he is possessing another creature, including dealing damage to the wraith.

If another creature attempts to possess a creature the wraith is possessing, it must attempt a magical skill check against the wraith’s MSD. Success forces the wraith out; failure causes the attempt to fail. Effects that would allow a creature to command an actively possessed host are ineffective for the duration of the possession unless they would also affect the wraith.

Effects that grant protection from mind control such as the Hallow word of the Fate sphere or the protection from evil spells function against his ability.

The host’s abilities and statistics derived from mental attributes are not altered by the possession. For example, a wraith with high Charisma does not increase the hit points of a zombie by possessing it, nor would it improve the zombie’s Fortitude save. A possessed nymph would not change its deflection bonus to AC.

At 6th level, the wraith gains knowledge of a possessed creature’s extraordinary abilities and may activate them as normal for that creature.

At 12th level, the wraith gains knowledge of a possessed creature’s supernatural abilities and may activate them as normal for that creature.

At 16th level, the wraith gains knowledge of a possessed creature’s spell-like abilities and may activate them as normal for that creature.

At 18th level, the wraith gains access to any combat spheres, magic spheres, magic talents, and spellcrafted spells possessed by the creature for the duration of the possession, but must supply his own spell points. The wraith gains access to spells as well, casting them from the possessed creature’s spell slots, though must pay spell points based on the level of the slot to do so: level 1-2: 1 spell point, 3-5: 2 spell points, 6-8: 3 spell points, 9: 4 spell points. Cantrips and orisons may be used without spell point cost.

Wraith Haunts
At 3rd level and every odd level thereafter, the wraith gains one haunt from the following list. Each haunt may only be selected once unless otherwise noted. If a haunt calls for a saving throw, the DC is 10 + 1/2 his wraith level + his casting ability modifier. All wraith haunts are considered supernatural abilities unless noted.

Greater Possession
At 10th level, when the wraith succeeds in actively possessing a target, he may choose to maintain control of that target while moving on to another. The wraith may choose to exit the creature, appearing in an adjacent square or the nearest available square. The wraith may act normally, dividing his actions between the actively possessed creature and himself. Multiple creatures may be actively possessed; actions are divided between all possessed creatures and the wraith. For example, if the wraith possesses an orc, the wraith may spend his next standard action to possess the nearby goblin, then move the orc up to its speed (a move action), and cast a quickened sphere effect (a swift action). The following round, the goblin could reload a light crossbow (a move action), the orc could make an attack action (a standard action), and the wraith would still have a swift action. The number of creatures possessed at one time may not exceed the wraith’s casting ability modifier (minimum 2). The wraith may choose to end his control of any possessed creature as a free action.

Wraith Form Mastery
At 20th level, the wraith may remain in wraith form for any number of rounds in a day. Any instances of the extra wraith form and lingering incorporeality wraith haunts may immediately be retrained for other wraith haunts for which the wraith qualifies.
« 上次编辑: 2020-05-05, 周二 19:51:21 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


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Re: 【Ultimate Spheres Of Power】基礎職業——縛靈士(Wraith)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-04-17, 周五 22:52:36 »
作崇之力(Wraith Haunts)

  斷片(Amnesiac Possession):作為结束附身术的一部分,縛靈士能迫使宿主通过一个意志豁免,否则忘記佔據期间的事,如同心灵魔域(Mind sphere)的失忆(Amnesia)天赋。

  无形乘客(Benevolent Passenger):当佔據一个物品或自願生物时,縛靈士獲得法術默發和法術定發超魔专长的好處。若縛靈士已擁有其中一个专长,已擁有专长的魔力点消耗-1(最少為0)。

  吞噬宿主(Consume Host):当佔據一个活物时,以一个移动动作,縛靈士能消耗1点魔力点对宿主造成每2个职业等级1d6点伤害。成功通过強韌豁免则伤害減半。縛靈士獲得等同伤害量的治療量。成功通过豁免对抗此能力的生物在附身术期间免疫此能力。

  相位深透(Deep Phase):当處于縛靈形态时,以一个移动动作,縛靈士能消耗1点魔力点来嘗試穿越比自身空间厚的物体。縛靈士能以其移速穿越固体物质。若縛靈士没有在可以佔有的空间中结束移动,他被迫退回他的起点並每穿越過5尺距離承受1d6點傷害。

  迷失附身术(Disorienting Possession):当縛靈士结束主动佔據时,他能迫使被佔據的生物嘗試通过強韌豁免否则变得反胃「縛靈的施法属性调整值」轮。成功通过強韌豁免则只会惡心1轮。

  掌控泥怪(Dominate Ooze):縛靈士能佔領泥形生物類型的无心智生物,穿透由泥形生物類型给予的免疫影響心智的能力。

  拓展佔據道途(Expanded Path Possession)(需求:作崇道途,已选择的道途域)縛靈士獲得他不擁有的道途附身术(path possession)能力。此作崇之力能选择多于1次,每次选择另一个道途附身术。

  精通拓展佔據道途(Expanded Path Possession, Improved)(需求:拓展佔據道途,縛靈士12级)縛靈士獲得他已选择的拓展佔據道途的進階道途附身术(improved path possession)能力。此作崇之力能选择多于1次,每次选择另一个已选择的拓展佔據道途。

  额外虛化(Extra Incorporeality):縛靈士獲得每天额外4轮縛靈形态能力。此作崇之力能选择多于1次;額外轮數可叠加。

  强制縛靈形态(Forced Wraith Form)(需求:共享縛靈形态)縛靈士能针对非自願的目标以近战接觸攻击使用共享縛靈形态。成功通过意志豁免则无效。非自願的目标不能选择结束此效果,但是縛靈士能如常结束它。每轮以一个整轮动作,目标生物能嘗試一个新意志豁免来结束此效果。此作崇之力能选择第二次,让縛靈士以近距距離(25尺+每2职业等级5尺)的远程接觸攻击使用此能力。

  鬼影幢幢(Ghostly Fade):当處于縛靈形态时,縛靈士能以一个自由动作或即使动作獲得隱蔽(concealment)直至他下一回合的开始。在4级和之后每4级,此隱蔽持續额外1轮。

  幽靈滑翔(Ghost Glide)(需求:縛靈士7级)当處于縛靈形态时,縛靈士獲得等同于其基礎移速的飞行速度。

  精通幽靈滑翔(Ghost Glide, Improved)(需求:縛靈士11级)即使不處于縛靈形态,縛靈士仍然獲得幽靈滑翔给予的飞行速度,但是机动性下降至一般。

  电子幽靈(Ghost in the Machine)(需求:物體馭行,技師专长(Technologist))当佔據科技裝置时,縛靈士能以魔力点代替能源消耗。技師专长请查阅Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide book。

  幽靈天赋(Ghostly Talent):縛靈士从他的道途域獲得一个天赋作為额外天赋。此作崇之力能被选择多于1次,每次縛靈士选择一个的额外天赋。

  隱藏馭手(Hidden Rider):当佔據其他生物或物品時,縛靈士能在卜卦魔域(Divination sphere)的占卜(divine)能力和預言學派的法术中通過能影響佔據生物的防護,例如反邪惡法陣(Magic Circle against Evil)或者禁制術(Forbiddance)。縛靈士必需嘗試意志豁免對抗這该法术或魔域能力(即便原本並不允許進行豁免)。若他豁免成功,该法术將把他視作為宿主一般(例如預言效果僅會揭示出宿主的陣營,禁制術僅會針對宿主的陣營而不會傷害縛靈士)。若縛靈士豁免失敗,该法术如常對他生效。

  隐藏附身者(Hidden Possessor):没有意识到縛靈士存在或不把他视作敌对生物的生物在对抗他的附身术能力时豁免承受-2罰值。

  隱于空氣(Into Thin Air):以一个即时动作,縛靈士能消耗1点魔力点啟动其縛靈形态。若縛靈士擁有鬼影幢幢作崇之力,他能选择作為即时动作的一部分同时啟动,该能力如常消耗1点魔力。

  長效控制(Lengthened Control):当縛靈士成功使用其附身术能力时,他能以自由动作消耗1点魔力点以在判斷附身术的持續时间时將生物視為按表:附身术持續时间低1層級的CR。若生物的CR低於「<等级-4」,该主动佔據的持續时间由10分钟级提升至1小时级,或被动佔據的持續时间提升至无限(每24小时獲得新的豁免机会)。

  殘留虛化(Lingering Incorporeality):当縛靈士从能力中结束其縛靈形态时,他能选择保持于縛靈形态额外2轮而无需消耗每天轮數。若縛靈士在縛靈形态时啟动其附身术能力,他在附身术结束时若仍在此时间內则自动回復到縛靈形态。

  悲嘆呻吟(Moan):以一个标準动物,縛靈士能發出怪異的嗚咽声,允許縛靈士嘗試一个威吓检定来对30尺以內的所有敌意生物進行挫敗士氣。若使用武域系统(Spheres of Might),作為代替,縛靈士能选择角斗武域(Gladiator sphere)或若已擁有该武域则选择其中的天賦。若使用此选項,此作崇之力能被选择多于1次,每次给予角斗武域的额外天赋。

  物體馭行(Object Ride):縛靈士能消耗1点魔力点来被动佔據一个物品每等级1小时。当為目标的物品獲得意志豁免的机会。此物品不能小于超小型和大于超大型。10级时,物品最小体型下降至微型和最大体型提升至巨型。縛靈士在佔據物品时保留其正常感官。

  軍械之灵(Possess Armaments):(需求:附魔魔域;物體馭行或騷靈道途(path of the poltergeist))当佔據武器、盾牌或一套盔甲时,在佔據期间,縛靈士能自动给予它他擁有的一項结附效果(the benefit of one enhancement that he possesses)。此物品必需是有效的结附目標。縛靈士使用其职业等级作為CL来判斷此附魔的效果,正常情況下跟其他来源的CL叠加。附魔消耗的任何额外魔力点如常消耗。若使用活化物体(Animate Object)附魔,縛靈士在佔據此物品时能向它下达命令。

  远程附身术(Ranged Possession):縛靈士能嘗試佔據在近距距離(25尺+每2职业等级5尺)的有效目标。

  反應性附身术(Reactive Possession):(需求:軍械之灵或騷靈道途的精通道途附身术)当縛靈士受到人造武器造成的伤害时,他能以一个即时动作嘗試佔據该武器,如常支付魔力点。

  共享縛靈形态(Share Wraith Form):以一个标準动作,縛靈士能接觸一个自願生物並给予他们其縛靈形态的好處和縛靈士已擁有的作崇之力的调整(例如殘留虛化)。该生物或縛靈士能以一个自由动作结束此效果。被接觸的生物消耗縛靈士的縛靈形态轮數。縛靈士能以一个自由动作结束此效果。

  思想竊取(Steal Thoughts):縛靈士直觀地意識到什么行动是違反其宿主的天性[註:即背离本心]。当佔據生物时,縛靈士能以一个标準动作消耗1点魔力点来读取它的思维,允许縛靈士用它的技能调整值嘗試進行单一知识检定(即使先前縛靈士在同一检定中用自身的调整值时失败)或收到該生物會知道的单一問題的答案(例如「我的鑰匙放哪?」或「我母亲的女僕叫什么?」)。

  縛靈之刃(Wraith’s Blade):以一个迅捷动作,縛靈士能消耗1点魔力点来他回合结束前转化其所有攻击成虛体接觸攻击(如同接觸攻击,但針对虛体接觸攻击的效果如常生效)。此能力还允許處于縛靈形态时攻击实体目标。

劇透 -   :
Wraith Haunts

Amnesiac Possession
As part of ending a possession, the wraith may force the host creature to succeed on a Will save or forget the duration of the possession as the Amnesia talent of the Mind sphere.

Benevolent Passenger
When possessing an object or a willing creature, the wraith gains the benefits of the Silent Spell and Still Spell metamagic feats. If the wraith already possesses either of these feats, reduce the spell point cost of the possessed feat by 1 (minimum 0).

Consume Host
While possessing a living creature, the wraith may spend a spell point as a move action to deal 1d6 untyped damage per 2 class levels to the host. A successful Fortitude save halves this damage. The wraith heals a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt. A creature that successfully saves against this ability becomes immune to it for the duration of the possession.

Deep Phase
While in wraith form, the wraith may spend a spell point as a move action to attempt to pass through objects thicker than his own space. The wraith may move up to his speed through solid matter. If the wraith does not end his movement in a space he could occupy, he is shunted back to his starting position, taking 1d6 untyped damage per 5 feet traveled.

Disorienting Possession
When the wraith’s active possession ends, he may force the possessed creature to attempt a Fortitude save or be nauseated for a number of rounds equal to the wraith’s casting ability modifier. A successful save reduces this to being sickened for 1 round.

Dominate Ooze
The wraith may possess mindless creatures of the ooze type, bypassing the immunity to mind-affecting effects granted by the ooze type.

Expanded Path Possession (requires haunt path, path sphere of the selected path)
The wraith gains the path possession ability of a path he does not possess. This wraith haunt may be taken more than once, each time another path possession may be selected.

Expanded Path Possession, Improved (requires expanded path possession, wraith 12)
The wraith gains the improved path possession ability of a path he chose for expanded path possession. This wraith haunt may be taken more than once, each time another expanded path possession may be selected.

Extra Incorporeality
The wraith gains 4 additional rounds of his wraith form ability per day. This talent may be taken more than once; the bonus rounds stack.

Forced Wraith Form (requires share wraith form)
The wraith may target an unwilling creature with Share Wraith Form via a melee touch attack. A successful Will save negates this effect. An unwilling creature cannot choose to end this effect, though the wraith may end it normally. The target creature may attempt a new Will save each round as a full-round action to end the effect early. This wraith haunt may be taken a second time to allow the wraith to use this ability with a ranged touch attack with a range of close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 class levels).

Ghostly Fade
While in wraith form, the wraith may spend a spell point as a free or immediate action to gain concealment until the start of his next turn. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this concealment persists for an additional round.

Ghost Glide (requires wraith 7)
The wraith gains a fly speed equal to his base speed with perfect maneuverability while in wraith form.

Ghost Glide, Improved (requires wraith 11)
The fly speed granted by ghost glide applies even when the wraith is not in wraith form, though when not in wraith form the maneuverability decreases to average.

Ghost in the Machine (requires object ride, Technologist feat)
While possessing a technological device, the wraith may spend spell points in place of charges. The Technologist feat can be found in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide book.

Ghostly Talent
The wraith gains a talent from his path sphere as a bonus talent. This wraith haunt may be selected more than once; each time the wraith selects an additional talent.

Hidden Rider
While possessing another creature or object, the wraith may hide from the divine ability of the Divination sphere and spells of the Divination school and pass through wards that would affect a possessing creature such as magic circle against evil or the effects of a forbiddance spell. The wraith must attempt a Will save against the spell or sphere ability (even if it does not normally allow a saving throw). If he succeeds, the spell treats him as if he were his host (for instance, Divine Alignment would reveal only the host’s alignment, and forbiddance keyed to the host’s alignment would not damage the wraith). If the wraith’s saving throw fails, the spell functions against him as normal.

Hidden Possessor
Creatures that are not aware of the wraith or do not count the wraith as a hostile creature take a -2 penalty on saves against his possession ability.

Into Thin Air
The wraith may spend a spell point to activate his wraith form ability as an immediate action. If the wraith possesses the ghostly fade wraith haunt, he may choose to activate it as part of this immediate action, paying the spell point cost for that ability as usual.

Lengthened Control
Upon successfully using his possession ability, the wraith may spend a spell point as a free action to calculate the duration of the possession as if the creature’s CR was 1 tier lower per Table: Possession Duration. For creatures with a challenge rating below the wraith’s class level -4, the duration instead increases from 10 minutes/level to 1 hour per level for active possession or to indefinite (new save granted every 24 hours) for passive possession.

Lingering Incorporeality
When the wraith ends his wraith form ability, he may choose to remain in wraith form for two additional rounds without spending any rounds from his daily allotment. If the wraith was in wraith form when activating his possession ability, he automatically regains his wraith form upon ending the possession if within this time.

As a standard action, the wraith may emit an unearthly moan, allowing the wraith to attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all hostile creatures within 30 feet. If using Spheres of Might, the wraith instead may choose to gain the Gladiator sphere or a talent from that sphere if it is already possessed. If using this option, this wraith haunt may be taken more than once, granting an additional talent from the Gladiator sphere each time.

Object Ride
The wraith may spend a spell point to passively possess an object for up to 1 hour per level. Attended objects receive a Will save. The object can be no smaller than Tiny and no larger than Huge. At level 10, the minimum object size decreases to Diminutive and the maximum increases to Gargantuan. The wraith retains his normal senses while possessing an object.

Additionally, the wraith may designate a single object within the normal limits as his refuge. Passively possessing the refuge does not require a spell point. Designating an object as a refuge requires a 1-hour ritual. Designating a new object causes any previous refuges to cease functioning as a refuge. The wraith may speak in his normal voice while in his refuge object.

Possess Armaments (requires Enhancement sphere; object ride or path of the poltergeist)
When possessing a weapon, shield, or suit of armor, the wraith may automatically grant it the benefit of one enhancement that he possesses for the duration of the possession. The object must be a valid target for the enhancement. The wraith uses his class level as his caster level to determine the effect of this enhancement. This stacks normally with caster levels gained from other sources. Any additional spell point cost of the enhancement must be paid as usual. Should the Animate Object enhancement be used, the wraith may issue commands to the object while possessing it.

Ranged Possession
The wraith may attempt to possess valid targets within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 class levels).

Reactive Possession (requires possess armaments or path of the poltergeist improved path possession)
When the wraith takes damage from a manufactured weapon, he may attempt to possess that weapon as an immediate action, paying the normal spell point cost.

Share Wraith Form
The wraith may touch a willing creature as a standard action, granting them the benefits of his wraith form and any wraith haunts that modify it that the wraith possesses (such as lingering incorporeality). Either the creature or the wraith may end this effect as a free action. The touched creature expends rounds of wraith form from the wraith’s pool. The wraith may end this effect as a free action.

Steal Thoughts
The wraith is intuitively aware of what actions are against his host’s nature. When possessing a creature, the wraith may spend a spell point as a standard action to read its mind, allowing him to attempt a single Knowledge check using its skill modifiers (even if the wraith has previously failed the same check using his own modifiers) or receive the answer to a single question that the creature would know (such as ‘Where did I leave my key?’ or ‘What is my mother’s maiden name?’).

A successful Will save negates this effect. A creature is aware of succeeding on this save, sensing the mental probing of the wraith, though not the details of the information sought. Additional uses of this ability while possessing the same creature do not allow Knowledge checks to be retried if they would not otherwise be possible to retry.

Wraith’s Blade
The wraith may spend a spell point as a swift action to cause all his attacks to become incorporeal touch attacks (and thus be resolved as touch attacks, though effects that apply against incorporeal touch attacks function normally) until the end of his turn. This ability also allows the attacks to be made against corporeal targets while wraith form is active.

作崇道途列表(List of Haunt Paths)

祖先道途(Path of the Ancestor)

  道途域(Path Sphere):守护(Protection)

  道途附身术(Path Possession):当祖先佔據中的自願生物承受HP伤害时,以一个自由动作,即使不在他的回合,祖先能选择重新定向至多一半的伤害至自身。此伤害在计算被佔據的生物的DR、免疫、抗力和弱点后才分擔,而且不能再以任何方式減少或重新定向.此外,在判斷只影響自己的效果时,祖先能选择將自願被佔據生物视作自己。

  道途技能(Path Skill):知识[歷史](智力)

  精通道途附身术(Improved Path Possession):祖先佔據中的自願生物在附身术期间獲得祖先擁有的其中1个护符天赋(aegis talent)的好處。啟动此护符的魔力点消耗-1,但当附身术结束时此护符同时失效。

  高等道途附身术(Greater Path Possession):祖先现在能向佔據中的自願生物同时啟动2个护符天赋而非1个;每个护符的魔力点消耗-1。

賜活者道途(Path of the Anima)

  道途域(Path Sphere):自然(Nature)或天候(Weather)

  道途附身术(Path Possession):賜活者能主动佔據自然元素,創造出小型元素或活化植物。此生物视作自願被佔據,並在附身术结束时消散。創造时必須要有適當體積的相宜材料,賜活者能用自然创造(Create Nature)天賦或地艺(Geomancing)的火焰能力组(Fire package)的点燃(Create Fire)能力来為啟动此能力时提供需要的材料,如常支付消耗。
  。气元素(Air elementals)需要空气能力组或天候魔域,以及特定數量的5尺立方体的空气。
  。土元素(Earth elementals)需要土壤能力组或金属能力组,以及特定數量的5尺立方体的石头、泥土、金屬或沙堆。
  。火元素(Fire elementals)需要火焰能力组,以及至少為同体型的火焰
  。活化植物(Animated plants)需要植物能力组,以及至少為同体型的一株植物。
  。水元素(Water elementals)需要流水能力组,以及特定數量的5尺立方体的水。
2小型(HP減半,CR 1/2)1/4小型

  道途技能(Path Skill):知识[自然](智力)

  精通道途附身术(Improved Path Possession):賜活者能佔據植物种类或对應已擁有的魔域和能力组的元素亚种的生物(elemental subtype corresponding to the spheres and packages possessed),无视基于种族的免疫影響心灵效果。该生物在对抗賜活者的附身术时豁免承受-2罰值。

  高等道途附身术(Greater Path Possession):賜活者在使用其道途附身术能力时不需要消耗魔力点以創造並主动佔據元素或植物生物。植物种类或元素亚种的生物不能从命運魔域的庇护真言、防護邪惡(protection from evil)法术或类似效果中獲益以对抗賜活者的附身术意图。无心智的植物种类或元素亚种的生物不再在对抗賜活者的附身术时獲得豁免检定。

腐朽者道途(Path of the Corruptor)

  道途域(Path Sphere):死亡(Death)

  道途附身术(Path Possession):腐朽者能主动佔據死屍。被佔據的生物如同操縱死屍般獲得如同死亡魔域(Death sphere)的活化死者(Reanimate)能力中的數据,包括任何腐朽者擁有的该魔域滿足所有先決條件的天赋能力。目标生物的HD至多為腐朽者职业等级的2倍。此跟其他来源的死亡魔域CL叠加。被創造的生物视作自願被佔據,並在附身术结束时同时结束活化死者效果。被佔據的身体不计入縛靈士能控制的不死生物HD數中。

  道途技能(Path Skill):知识[宗教](智力)

  精通道途附身术(Improved Path Possession):腐朽者能佔據不死生物种类的生物,无视基于种族的免疫影響心灵效果。无心智的不死生物不会在对抗腐朽者的附身术时獲得豁免检定並且视作自願被佔據,除非他们已被其他生物控制。

  高等道途附身术(Greater Path Possession):腐朽者对被他控制的不死生物使用其道途附身术能力时不需要消耗魔力点。不死生物不能从命運魔域的庇护真言、防護邪惡(protection from evil)法术或类似效果中獲益以对抗腐朽者的附身术意图。

神獸道途(Path of the Cryptid)

  道途域(Path Sphere):化形(Alteration)

  道途附身术(Path Possession):態度不差于冷漠(indifferent)的动物种类的生物成為神獸的附身术目标时视作自願被佔據。动物或魔法獸种类的生物在对抗神獸的附身术时豁免承受-2罰值。

  道途技能(Path Skill):馴養動物(魅力)

  精通道途附身术(Improved Path Possession):神獸对他佔據中的宿主(以及没有他不在佔據的生物(and no creatures that he is not possessing))施放变形(Shapeshift)时減少1階动作级(通常為标準动作至移动动作)。此能力不能將施法时间下降至迅捷动作以下。变形在附身术结束时自动结束。神獸能附身动物种类的集群,无视基于亚种的免疫影響心灵效果。

  高等道途附身术(Greater Path Possession):动物种类的生物成為神獸的附身术目标时总被视作自願被佔據,除非他们已被其他生物控制(例如动物伙伴、處于[脅迫]效果或被驯兽武域(Beastmastery sphere)的驯服(tame))。
  动物或魔法獸种类的生物不能从命運魔域的庇护真言、防護邪惡(protection from evil)法术或类似效果中獲益以对抗神獸的附身术意图。

掠奪虫道途(Path of the Despoiler)

  道途域(Path Sphere):死亡(Death)

  道途附身术(Path Possession):掠奪虫能佔據蟲類种类的生物,无基于种族的免疫影響心灵效果。承受着毒素或疾病效果的生物在对抗掠奪虫的附身术时豁免承受-2罰值。

  道途技能(Path Skill):醫療(感知)

  精通道途附身术(Improved Path Possession):掠奪虫能佔據蟲類种类的集群,无视基于亚种的免疫影響心灵效果。花費1分钟吸引当地的蟲類,掠奪虫能創造並主动佔據此集群,並在附身术结束时离散。創造的集群使用召唤魔域(Conjuration sphere)召喚伙伴數据,CL等同掠奪虫的职业等级(此跟其他来源的CL叠加)並且底基形态如下:

  高等道途附身术(Greater Path Possession):掠奪虫佔據蟲類种类生物时不需要消耗魔力点。此类生物不能从命運魔域的庇护真言、防護邪惡(protection from evil)法术或类似效果中獲益以对抗縛靈士的附身术意图。

血魔道途(Path of the Moroi)

  道途域(Path Sphere):鲜血(Blood)

  道途附身术(Path Possession):在判斷由于半血以下或承受出血效果中的豁免罰值时,血魔的附身术视作控血(Blood Control)。

  道途技能(Path Skill):醫療(感知)

  精通道途附身术(Improved Path Possession):血魔獲得自我掌控(Self Control)作為额外天賦並在施放控血时將被佔據的宿主视為自身。宿主仍允許進行豁免检定以抵抗此效果。

  高等道途附身术(Greater Path Possession):]当目标處于血魔的控血效果时,他的附身术能力不是影響心灵能力,而且此类生物不能从命運魔域的庇护真言、防護邪惡(protection from evil)法术或类似效果中獲益以对抗血魔的附身术。

騷靈鬼道途(Path of the Poltergeist)

  道途域(Path Sphere):念动(Telekinesis)

  道途附身术(Path Possession):騷靈鬼能主动佔據无人看管的物品(unattended objects),活化它们以服务他。此物品视作自願被佔據。此物品的大小必需是附魔魔域(Enhancement sphere)的活化物体(Animate Objects)天賦能活化的体型,以騷靈鬼的职业等级作為CL。此在正常情況下跟其他来源的CL叠加。此物品獲得附魔魔域的活化物体天賦的活化物体數据和能力。

  道途技能(Path Skill):飛行(敏捷)

  精通道途附身术(Improved Path Possession):騷靈鬼能佔據構裝體种类的生物,无视基于种族的免疫影響心灵效果。在騷靈鬼成功佔據活化物体或構裝體后,以一个自由动作,他能如同念动魔域(Telekinesis sphere)那样抬起(lift)它,体型限制如常生效。此外,騷靈鬼的道途附身术能力现在能对有主物品生效,但如正常附身术一样獲得意志豁免检定。

  高等道途附身术(Greater Path Possession):騷靈鬼能佔據大堆超小型或更小的物品,創造出集群;把集群视作活化一个擁有集群亚种的中体型物品(數據如同掠奪虫道途的精通道途附身术,但擁有佔據構种类)。无心智的构裝体不再在对抗騷靈鬼的附身术时獲得豁免检定。

魅影道途(Path of the Phantasm)

  道途域(Path Sphere):幻影(Illusion)

  道途附身术(Path Possession):在魅影創造的幻覺区域中的生物在对抗他的附身术时豁免承受-2罰值。

  道途技能(Path Skill):易容(魅力)

  精通道途附身术(Improved Path Possession):当嘗試佔據在魅影創造的幻覺区域中的生物时,魅影能嘗試一个魔术技能检定对抗任何会防止附身术的魔法效果的魔术防御,例如命運魔域的庇护真言、防護邪惡(protection from evil)法术或类似效果。若能成功,魅影能在附身术期间佔據该生物而不受影响。

  高等道途附身术(Greater Path Possession):当生物處于魅影創造的幻覺区域中时,他的附身术能力不是影響心灵能力。

阴影道途(Path of the Shadow)

  道途域(Path Sphere):幽暗(Dark)

  道途附身术(Path Possession):在阴影創造的黑暗区域生物中的在对抗他的附身术时豁免承受-2罰值。

  道途技能(Path Skill):隱匿(敏捷)

  精通道途附身术(Improved Path Possession):当嘗試佔據在阴影創造的黑暗区域中的生物时,阴影能嘗試一个魔术技能检定对抗任何会防止附身术的魔法效果的魔术防御,例如命運魔域的庇护真言、防護邪惡(protection from evil)法术或类似效果。若能成功,阴影能在附身术期间佔據该生物而不受影响。

  高等道途附身术(Greater Path Possession):当生物處于在阴影創造的黑暗区域中时,阴影的附身术能力不是影響心灵能力。

惊骇鬼道途(Path of the Spook)

  道途域(Path Sphere):心灵(Mind)

  道途附身术(Path Possession):惊骇鬼被动佔據的生物在对抗其心灵魔域(Mind sphere)的迷咒(charm)能力时豁免承受-2罰值。處于畏縮、恐慌或麻痺狀態的生物在对抗惊骇鬼的附身术能力时豁免额外承受-2罰值。

  道途技能(Path Skill):威吓(魅力)

  精通道途附身术(Improved Path Possession):處于戰慄或驚懼狀態的生物在对抗惊骇鬼的附身术能力时豁免额外承受-2罰值。此罰值不跟惊骇鬼的道途附身术的罰值叠加。處于困惑或恐慌狀態的生物对抗惊骇鬼的附身术能力时视作自願被佔據。

  高等道途附身术(Greater Path Possession):處于驚懼、畏縮、恐慌或恐慌狀態的生物承受的罰值提升至-4。
  当嘗試佔據處于上述狀態的生物时,惊骇鬼能嘗試一个魔术技能检定对抗任何会防止附身术的魔法效果的魔术防御,例如命運魔域的庇护真言、防護邪惡(protection from evil)法术或类似效果。若能成功,惊骇鬼能在附身术期间佔據该生物而不受影响。
劇透 -   :
List of Haunt Paths
Path of the Ancestor
Rather than a malevolent controller, an ancestor protects those he is attached to.

Path Sphere: Protection

Path Possession: When a willing creature the ancestor is possessing takes hit point damage, as a free action that can be taken even when it is not his turn, the ancestor may choose to redirect up to half the damage to himself. The damage is determined after the possessed creature’s damage reduction, immunity, resistance, and vulnerability have been calculated and may not be further reduced or redirected by any means. Additionally, the ancestor may choose to count the possessed willing creature as himself for the purposes of effects that only target self.

Path Skill: Knowledge (history) (Int)

Improved Path Possession: A willing creature the ancestor is possessing gains the benefit of one (aegis) talent the ancestor possesses for the duration of the possession. The cost of activating this aegis is reduced by 1 spell point, but the aegis is lost when the possession ends.

Greater Path Possession: The ancestor may now activate two (aegis) talents instead of one as part of possessing a willing creature; the spell point reduction applies separately to each.

Path of the Anima
An anima manipulates the very elements around himself.

Path Sphere: Nature or Weather

Path Possession: The anima may actively possess natural elements, creating a small elemental or animated plant. The creature dissipates when the possession ends. The created creature counts as willing. There must be a suitable volume of appropriate material. The anima may use talents such as Create Nature, or the Create Fire geomancing ability of the (fire) package as part of activating this ability to supply the required material, paying the normal cost for doing so. The available forms depend on the spheres and packages possessed.

Air elementals require the (air) package or the Weather sphere and a given number of 5-foot cubes of air.
Earth elementals require the (earth) or (metal) package and a given number of 5-foot cubes of stone, dirt, metal, or sand.
Fire elementals require the (fire) package and a fire of at least the given size.
Animated plants require the (plant) package and a plant of at least the given size.
Water elementals require the (water) package and a given number of 5-foot cubes of water.
Class Level   Maximum Elemental Size   Minimum 5-ft. Cubes   Minimum Size1
2nd   Small (halve hit points, CR 1/2)   1/4   Small
4th   Small   1/4   Small
8th   Medium   1   Medium
12th   Large   8   Large
16th   Huge   27   Huge
20th   Greater (Huge) Elemental or Gargantuan Animated Plant   64   Gargantuan
1: When creating a fire or water elemental with this ability, the wraith may choose to increase the time taken to reduce the required material volume. For every time step (standard to full-round, full-round to one round), the required size category decreases by one step. Doing so draws either heat (for fire) or moisture (for water) from the surrounding area. Drawing heat decreases the temperature in an area out to medium range by one step (per the Weather sphere) per size reduction for 10 minutes. This ability cannot be used if it would set the temperature beyond category 7 cold. Drawing moisture leaves an area out to medium range (close range in moist, humid environments and long range in more arid environments) unusually dry for 10 minutes.

Path Skill: Knowledge (nature) (Int)

Improved Path Possession: The anima may possess creatures with the plant type or the elemental subtype corresponding to the spheres and packages possessed, ignoring any type-based immunity to mind-affecting effects. Such creatures take a -2 penalty on saves against the anima’s possession.

Greater Path Possession: The anima does not need to spend a spell point to create and actively possess an elemental or plant creature with his path possession ability. Creatures with the plant type or elemental subtype gain no benefit from the Hallow word of the Fate sphere, the protection from evil spell, or similar effects against possession attempts by the anima. Mindless creatures of the plant type or elemental subtype no longer receive a saving throw against the anima’s possession.

Path of the Corruptor
A corruptor marshals an undead army to spread his influence.

Path Sphere: Death

Path Possession: The corruptor may actively possess dead bodies. The possessed creature has statistics as if it had been animated per the reanimate ability of the Death sphere, including any talents of that sphere that he possesses, and must meet all requirements of that ability. The target creature may have Hit Dice up to twice the corruptor’s class level. This stacks with Death caster levels gained from other sources. The created creature counts as willing. When the possession ends, the reanimate effect also ends. The possessed body does not count against the number of Hit Dice of undead the wraith can control.

Path Skill: Knowledge (religion) (Int)

Improved Path Possession: The corruptor may possess creatures of the undead type, ignoring any type-based immunity to mind-affecting effects. Mindless undead both do not receive a save against this ability and count as willing unless they are being controlled by a creature other than the corruptor.

Greater Path Possession: The corruptor does not need to spend a spell point to possess an undead creature under his control. Undead creatures gain no benefit from the Hallow word of the Fate sphere, the protection from evil spell, or similar effects against possession attempts by the corruptor.

Path of the Cryptid
Able to unlock the primal wrath of wild beasts, cryptids can be fearsome warriors.

Path Sphere: Alteration

Path Possession: Creatures of the animal type that are no worse than indifferent to the cryptid are counted as willing targets for possession. Creatures of the animal or magical beast types take a -2 penalty on saves against the cryptids possession.

Path Skill: Handle Animal (Cha)

Improved Path Possession: The cryptid reduces the time required to cast shapeshift targeting a host he is possessing (and no creatures that he is not possessing) by one step (normally a standard action to a move action). This ability cannot reduce the casting time below a swift action. The shapeshift automatically ends when the possession ends. The cryptid may possess swarms of the animal type, ignoring their subtype based immunity to mind-affecting abilities.

Greater Path Possession: Creatures of the animal type are always counted as willing when the cryptid attempts to possess them unless they are already controlled by another creature (such as being an animal companion, being under a (compulsion) effect, or being tame per the Beastmastery sphere).

Creatures with the animal or magic beast types gain no benefit from the Hallow word of the Fate sphere, the protection from evil spell, or similar effects against possession attempts by the cryptid.

Path of the Despoiler
A despoiler feeds on pestilence and decay.

Path Sphere: Death

Path Possession: The despoiler may possess any creature of the vermin type, ignoring any type-based immunity to mind-affecting effects. Creatures suffering from the effects of poison or disease take a -2 penalty on saves against the despoiler’s possession.

Path Skill: Heal (Wis)

Improved Path Possession: The despoiler may possess swarms of the vermin type, ignoring their subtype-based immunity to mind-affecting abilities. By spending 1 minute attracting local vermin, the despoiler can create a swarm to actively possess. This swarm disperses when the possession ends. To create the swarm, use the statistics of a Conjuration sphere companion summoned with a caster level equal to the despoiler’s class level (this stacks with caster levels gained from other sources) and the following base form:

Speed 20 ft., Climb 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack N/A; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 11.

The swarm has the swarm subtype, with constituent members of Tiny size and a 10-foot space. Its swarm damage is 1d6 + 1d6 per 3 Hit Dice and has a distraction DC of 10 + 1/2 Hit Dice + the despoiler’s casting ability modifier. The appearance of the constituent members of the swarm formed will be based on the GM’s discretion given the environment. If the despoiler is of at least 5th level, he may spend an additional spell point as part of beginning the possession to grant the swarm a fly speed of 20 feet (perfect).

Creatures of the vermin type are always counted as willing when the despoiler attempts to possess them unless they are already controlled by another creature (such as being an animal companion, being under a (compulsion) effect, or being tame per the Beastmastery sphere).

Greater Path Possession: The despoiler does not need to spend a spell point to possess creature of the vermin type. Such creatures gain no benefit from the Hallow word of the Fate sphere, the protection from evil spell, or similar effects against possession attempts by the wraith.

Path of the Moroi
Wraith that are drawn to, and sometimes feed on, blood.

Path Sphere: Blood

Path Possession: The moroi’s possession ability is treated as blood control for the purpose of determining save penalties from being less than half hit points or suffering from a bleed effect.

Path Skill: Heal (Wis)

Improved Path Possession: The moroi gains Self Control as a bonus talent and treats a possessed host as himself for the purpose of casting blood control. The host is still allowed saves to resist these effects.

Greater Path Possession: The blood wraith’s possession ability is not a mind-affecting ability when targeting creatures that are under the effects of his blood control and such creatures gain no benefit from the Hallow word of the Fate sphere, the protection from evil spell, or similar effects against the moroi’s possession.

Path of the Poltergeist
A poltergeist is adept at moving creatures and objects as well as possessing and animating objects.

Path Sphere: Telekinesis

Path Possession: The poltergeist may actively possess unattended objects, animating them to serve. These objects count as being willing. The object must be of a size the wraith could animate per the Animate Objects talent of the Enhancement sphere, using his class level as his caster level. This stacks normally with caster levels gained from other sources. The object gains the statistics and abilities as an animated object per the Animate Object talent of the Enhancement sphere.

Path Skill: Fly (Dex)

Improved Path Possession: The poltergeist may possess creatures of the construct type, ignoring any type-based immunity to mind-affecting effects. The poltergeist may also lift, as the Telekinesis sphere, an animated object or construct as a free action immediately after successfully possessing it. Normal size limits on lift apply. Additionally, his path possession ability now also applies to attended objects, which receive a Will save as usual for possession.

Greater Path Possession: The poltergeist may possess large numbers of Tiny or smaller objects, creating a swarm; treat a swarm so animated as a Medium-sized animated object with the swarm subtype (generate statistics per the improved path possession of the Path of the Despoiler, but with the construct type). Mindless creatures of the construct type no longer receive a save against his possession.

Path of the Phantasm
Hunters that hide inside their illusion, deceiving their prey into a false security.

Path Sphere: Illusion

Path Possession: Creatures within the area of an illusion created by the phantasm take a -2 penalty on saves against the phantasm’s possession.

Path Skill: Disguise (Cha)

Improved Path Possession: When attempting to possess a creature within the area of an illusion that the phantasm created, the phantasm may attempt a magical skill check against the MSD of any magical effect that would prevent possession, such as the Hallow word of the Fate sphere, the protection from evil spell, or similar effects. If successful, the phantasm may possess the creature and is unaffected by the bypassed effect for the duration of the possession.

Greater Path Possession: The phantasm’s possession ability does not count as a mind-affecting effect when used on creature’s within an area of an illusion that the phantasm created.

Path of the Shadow
A shadow lurks in darkness, seizing those foolish enough to enter their penumbra.

Path Sphere: Dark

Path Possession: Creatures within the area of a darkness created by the shadow take a -2 penalty on saves against the shadow’s possession.

Path Skill: Stealth (Dex)

Improved Path Possession: When attempting to possess a creature within the area of a darkness that the shadow created, the shadow may attempt a magical skill check against the MSD of any magical effect that would prevent possession, such as the Hallow word of the Fate sphere, the protection from evil spell, or similar effects. If successful, the shadow may possess the creature and is unaffected by the bypassed effect for the duration of the possession

Greater Path Possession: The shadow’s possession ability does not count as a mind-affecting effect when used on creature’s within an area of darkness that the shadow created.

Path of the Spook
A spook feeds on fear and insanity.

Path Sphere: Mind

Path Possession: Creatures the spook is passively possessing take a -2 penalty on saves against the spook’s charm abilities of the Mind sphere. Creatures that are cowering, panicked, or paralyzed take an additional -2 penalty on saves against the spook’s possession ability.

Path Skill: Intimidate (Cha)

Improved Path Possession: Creatures that are shaken or frightened take an additional -2 penalty on saves against the spook’s possession ability. This does not stack with the penalty from the spook’s path possession. Creature’s that are confused or panicked count as willing for the spook’s possession ability.

Greater Path Possession: The penalty that creatures that are frightened, cowering, panicked, or paralyzed take on saves against the wraith’s possession ability increases to -4.

When attempting to possess a creature with one of these conditions, the spook may attempt a magical skill check against the MSD of any magical effect that would prevent possession, such as the Hallow word of the Fate sphere, the protection from evil spell, or similar effects. If successful, the spook may possess the creature and is unaffected by the bypassed effect for the duration of the possession.
« 上次编辑: 2021-05-07, 周五 09:45:49 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
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Re: 【Ultimate Spheres Of Power】基礎職業——縛靈士(Wraith)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-04-17, 周五 22:53:25 »
天賦職業獎勵(Favored Class Bonuses):


劇透 -   :
Favored Class Bonuses
Aasimar: Gain +1/4 sacred bonus on saves against effects that would end possession.

Dhampir: Gain +1/8 bonus to path sphere DCs.

Dwarf: Increase the failure chance of magic effects originating from a corporeal source while in wraith form by 1%.

Elf: Add +1 foot to all of the wraith’s speeds while incorporeal. In combat, this only has an effect for every five increases to the movement’s speed.

Gnome: Gain +1 round of wraith form per day.

Goblin: Gain +1 round of wraith form per day.

Halfling: Gain +1/6 of a new wraith haunt.

Hobgoblin: Gain +1/6 of a new combat feat.

Human: Gain +1/6 of a new magic talent.

Orc: Increase effective class level by +1/3 when determining what creatures of the animal and magical beast types you can possess.

Tiefling: Gain +1/8 bonus to possession DC.

縛靈士专长(Wraith Feats)

额外作崇之力(Extra Wraith Haunt)

增强附身术(Strengthened Possession)

劇透 -   :
Extra Wraith Haunt
Prerequisite: Wraith haunt class feature.

Benefit: You gain an additional wraith haunt. You may take this feat multiple times. The effects stack.

Sphere Focus
Prerequisite: Casting class feature.

Benefit: Choose a sphere. You gain a +1 bonus to saving throw DCs for all abilities from that sphere. You may take this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time it is gained, apply this benefit to a different sphere.

Strengthened Possession
Prerequisite: Possession class feature.

Benefit: You count your wraith level as 4 higher when determining the maximum CR of a creature you may possess, the save DC of your possession ability, and your effective wraith level for determining the effect of path abilities (though does not grant access to path abilities that have not yet been gained). This bonus cannot increase your effective wraith level above your Hit Dice.
« 上次编辑: 2020-05-05, 周二 19:50:24 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
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Re: 【Ultimate Spheres Of Power】基礎職業——縛靈士(Wraith)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-04-17, 周五 22:54:19 »


武器和防具擅長(Proficiencies):精神領袖擅長所有簡易武器、輕甲和小圆盾。此外,若此是角色第一级的职业,他们能选择一項武艺源流(Martial Tradition)。


混合訓練(Blended Training, Ex):每当精神領袖从职业等级獲得魔域天赋时(不包括首次獲得施法职业特性时的2个额外天賦),他能选择獲得武域天赋(combat talent)。精神領袖以其施法属性调整值作為其域武者调整值(practitioner modifier)。


巢穴思维(Hive Mind, Su):精神領袖不以单一生物的形态存在,而是一份由所有成员共享但没完全納入的意識。1级起,精神領袖獲得领袖武域(Leadership sphere)和Extra Leadership Package天賦[註:没有此名字的天賦,疑似是拓展领导力(Expanded Leadership)]為额外天賦,獲得部署组(cohort packages)和随从组(Follower packages)。若精神領袖已擁有任一组,他能选择獲得在该组中的一个额外天賦。若精神領袖由于缺陷(drawback)而無法選擇它們,他用此额外天賦来回購该缺陷。
  .从巢穴思维獲得的能力不会影響臨時部署,例如宿生者战争领袖变体的指挥心灵链接(battlemind symbiat’s commanding mind link)、徵兵(Draft)傳奇天賦或契約者(Contractors)傳奇天賦中的招募。
    ——在此距離內的部署稱為「受控部署(controlled cohorts)」。若部署移动至此区域外,精神領袖失去關於该部署的巢穴思维能力的好處。若该随从在定居點中被驅散或组成了定居点的一部分(dispersed in a settlement or portion of a settlement),此区域则跟據定居點或那一部分的中心计算。若随从组成了大篷车(caravan),那则由大篷车开始计算。
    ——若精神領袖的随从分成數个小队,他必須在这些小队之间以1英里為单位分配距離。每个小队擁有的距離不能少于1英里。若精神領袖擁有運營基地(Base of Operations)天賦,每个定居点从该天賦中的随从小队受益于完整的距離,而且不计入距離单位分配之中。
    ——若精神領袖通过受控部署来使用能力的一部分时给予移动,例如蛮横武域(Brute sphere)的猛撞(Shove)能力或卫士武域(Guardian sphere)的戒卫(Patrol)能力,该部署能消耗精神領袖的移动速度来在使用该能力的同时進行该移动。
    ——一般施法缺陷(General casting drawbacks)在通过受控部署施放效果时则同样遭受罰值。会永久在物理上呈现的缺陷將呈现在所有受控部署身上。
    ——当通过受控部署施放域效果时,精神領袖能指定该部署進行专注。该部署提供专注该效果所需的动作,使用精神領袖的专注调整值。若有效果令任何其他部署或精神領袖需要专注检定,除非此部署同樣受到影響,他不用進行专注检定。(If an effect on any other cohort or the collective would require a concentration check, this cohort does not need to make it unless also subject to the effect.)精神領袖不能通過專注來維持比他通常以自己的動作能維持的更多效果。若精神領袖没有指定部署進行专注,那么任何引致部署或随从進行专注检定的效果將迫使精神領袖進行专注检定。
  .技能:精神領袖能通过其部署和随从並使用自己的作动進行主动技能检定。此类技能检定使用部署和随从的肉体屬性(在判斷此功能时將随从的肉体屬性视為全10),否則使用其自己的调整值。当進行反應性技能检定(reactive skill check)时,精神領袖通过最優选的受影響部署或随从来進行检定。
  .志願者:在休息来重獲魔力点后,精神領袖能从他的随从中招募一个HD數至多等同其交涉技能等级的生物成為部署。此不需要交涉检定。此能力和操練軍士(Drill Sergeant)天賦给予的招募随从能力叠加。


  一体之力(Strength of One, Su):2级时,每轮开始时以一个自由动作,精神領袖能给予一个受控部署其任何肉体屬性和BAB。此屬性被任何影響着该部署的加值、罰值、伤害和流失所调整。此持續至选择另一个部署為止。此能力可以防止部署死于体质歸0。此能力不增加现有HP,但是会增加最大HP;当失去此加值时,最大HP会減少而多餘的现有HP也会失去,但除此之外不会失去最大HP。此能力不会给予缺少该屬性的生物有该屬性,但是不死生物部署能在判斷最大HP时以给予的体质屬性取代魅力屬性。

  守望相助(Many Eyes, Ex):4级时,在精神領袖的随从或至少2个受控部署的察覺距離內並且能進行察覺检定时,精神領袖在此技能獲得等同其1/2职业等级的環境加值。此加值應用在精神領袖的检定,而非随从或部署的检定。

  技藝容器(Inhabit Vessel, Su)):8级时,每轮开始时以一个自由动作,精神領袖能向一个受控部署给予所有他已知的武域天赋和魔域天赋。此持續至选择另一个部署為止。魔域天赋不会给予部署任何缺少的施法能力。

  分擔痛苦(Share Pain, Su):14级时,每当受控部署受到伤害或流失,精神領袖能定向一半的伤害或流失至另一个受控部署。此伤害在计算第一个部署的免疫、抗力和弱点后才分擔,而且不能再以任何方式被抗力減少、免疫或弱点增伤。此伤害或流失不能以任何方式重新再定向。屬性伤害或流失不能定向至缺少对應屬性的生物。


徵召入群(Collective Impressment):精神領袖只能主动佔據目标;他不能被功佔據他们。他能通过任何處于其巢穴思维能力的距離中的部署嘗試進行附身术。在判斷道途能力时,縛靈士视作被动佔據其受控部署。


萬象歸一(All as One):20级时,一体之力和技藝容器能给予任何處于其巢穴思维能力的距離中的部署。精神領袖能以1小时从其随从中打造新的部署。部署被杀后不再对其他部署造成负向等级或对随从造成罰值。

精神領袖与心靈扭曲者(Collective and Mind Bender)
  擁有心靈扭曲者缺陷的精神領袖若被任何效果破壞了他对部署的控制,该部署在持續时间之內不再视為處于精神領袖的距離內(no longer count as being in collective range for the duration)。若部署在精神領袖重獲控制前離开此距離的话,该部署不能再招募並变成一个自由生物。
作祟之力(Wraith Haunts):精神領袖能选择领袖武域天賦和融域专长(Champion feats)以取代作祟之力。

  我保我自己(I Watch My Back):任何2个之間不超過近距距離(25尺+每2职业等级5尺)的受控部署免疫夾擊,除非他们都被夾擊。

  心灵投射(Mental Projection)(需求:精神領袖9级)精神領袖在他的部署周圍30尺半徑內獲得心靈感應(telepathy ),使他能跟任何共用一种语言(不论是精神領袖或任何其部署)的生物進行交流。心靈感應能同时跟多个生物演說,雖然同時維持和多個生物的心靈交談,就像與多個人同時進行聽說交流一樣難。

  精神停滯(Psychic Static):当一个生物被至少2个精神領袖的受控部署夾擊时,它在对抗影響心灵效果时豁免承受-2罰值。


劇透 -   :
Collective [CS]
Collectives exist as a powerful hive mind.

Proficiencies: Collectives are proficient with simple weapons, as well as light armor and bucklers. In addition, if this is the character’s first level in any class, they may select a martial tradition of their choice.
This modifies proficiencies.

Blended Training (Ex): Whenever a collective would gain a magic talent from his class levels (not the 2 bonus talents gained when first gaining the casting class feature), he may instead choose to gain a combat talent. A collective uses his casting ability modifier as his practitioner modifier.

This modifies magic talents. This archetype may be combined with other archetypes that replace magic talents; the collective cannot gain a combat talent in place of a magic talent the other archetype loses.

Hive Mind (Su): The collective does not exist as a single creature, but rather is a consciousness shared by, but not completely subsuming, all its members. At 1st level, the collective gains the Leadership sphere and the Extra Leadership Package talent as bonus talents, gaining both the (cohort) and (follower) packages. Either package is already possessed, he instead gains a bonus talent from that package. If he is incapable of selecting them due to a drawback, he uses the bonus talent to buy off the drawback.
。The collective no longer has a body. He is considered to have his base movement speeds for use when taking actions through cohorts (though this does not grant movement modes the cohort does not possess). If a cohort within the telepathic link knows additional languages, that cohort can translate to and from the collective, effectively treating them as known languages for interactions made through that cohort, but other cohorts do not gain the ability to speak or understand the additional languages.
。Abilities gained from hive mind do not affect temporary cohorts, such as those gained from the battlemind symbiat’s commanding mind link or the Draft legendary talent, nor hired via the Contractors legendary talent.
  —The collective and his followers and cohorts have a continuous telepathic link. This link functions for 1 mile per class level from the main body of his followers.
  —Cohorts within this range are referred to as controlled cohorts. If a cohort travels outside this area, the collective loses the benefits of his hive mind abilities regarding that cohort. If the followers are dispersed in a settlement or portion of a settlement, then this area is calculated from the settlement or portion’s center. If the followers have formed a caravan, then it is calculated from the caravan.
  —If the collective’s followers are divided into smaller groups, the collective must divide this range between the groups, assigning 1 mile per class level to each group. A group cannot have less than a 1 mile range. If the collective possesses the Base of Operations talent, each settlement with a group of followers from that talent gains the full benefit of the collective’s range, not counting toward the number of groups for reducing the range of multiple groups.
  —Each round, the collective may choose to distribute his actions between all his controlled cohorts, acting through them in addition to their normal actions. Such actions use the collective’s abilities as if actively possessing the cohort. Such actions are resolved using the cohort’s statistics.
  —If a controlled cohort is taking an action that requires more than a full-round action to complete, the collective may not grant it additional actions.
  —Likewise, if the collective is acting through a controlled cohort to take an action that requires more than a full-round action, the cohort cannot take any actions.
  —If an ability the collective uses through a controlled cohort grants movement as part of using that ability, such as the shove ability of the Brute sphere or the patrol ability of the Guardian sphere, the cohort may take that movement as part of using that ability, expending the collective’s movement speed.
。Casting and Concentration
  —The collective may cast sphere effects through his controlled cohorts. Each time an effect is cast, a controlled cohort must be chosen as the caster, supplying any verbal, somatic, material, or other components that cannot be supplied as mental-only actions. The casting is subject to any effects that are ongoing on that cohort.
  —The collective may target a controlled cohort that he is casting through with an effect that only targets self. Effects on both the collective and his cohorts do not stack. The collective is immune to polymorph effects.
  —General casting drawbacks inflict their penalties on the cohort that is being used to cast the effect. Drawbacks that have a permanent physical manifestation manifest themselves on all controlled cohorts.
  —When casting a sphere effect through a controlled cohort, the collective may assign concentration to that cohort. That cohort supplies the action required to concentrate on the effect, using the collective’s concentration modifier. If an effect on any other cohort or the collective would require a concentration check, this cohort does not need to make it unless also subject to the effect. The collective may not sustain more effects via concentration than he normally would be able to with his own actions. It the collective does not assign concentration to a cohort, then any effect on a cohort or follower that would cause a concentration check forces the collective to make a concentration check.
。Damage and Death: The collective cannot be targeted or damaged directly. If the collective’s followers are dispersed and cohorts slain, the collective is considered to be dead, though may be restored by bringing a cohort back to life. If the cohorts are slain but the followers intact, the collective continues to exist, though is unable to act outside of the actions the followers may take until new cohorts are recruited. Any time a cohort in slain, all cohorts are dazed for 1 round, even if they would normally be immune to the dazed condition, and the collective gains 1 temporary negative level. If a negative level would reduce the collective to 0 Hit Dice, he instead takes 4 points of Constitution drain for the duration of the effect (if the collective lacks a Constitution score (Con (-)), substitute Charisma drain instead). If this drain would reduce the collective to 0 Constitution (or Charisma, if substituting), he dies. No saving throw is made to remove these negative levels, but they are automatically removed at a rate of 1 per 8 hours rest, though may be removed by other means as normal.
。Effects Targeting the Collective: Mind-affecting abilities targeting a controlled cohort or follower have a 50% chance to target the collective instead. Mind-affecting abilities that target multiple cohorts or followers or an area also have a 50% chance of affecting the collective, but this chance is only rolled once for all cohorts and followers; if the collective is affected he is only affected once regardless of the number of cohorts and followers within the area of effect. Divinations and other effects that would discern the collective’s location point to the nearest controlled cohort or center of a follower group. Individual cohorts or followers may be targeted, in which case they are affected independently.
。Provoking: If the collective takes any action that provokes an attack of opportunity, that attack is resolved against the cohort being acted through.
。Saving Throws: A controlled cohort may use the collective’s base saving throws if beneficial.
。Senses: The collective receives all sensory data from all of his controlled cohorts. Additionally, he may receive sensory information from a number of followers not exceeding his casting ability modifier. The chosen followers may be changed as a free action at the start of the collective’s turn. These senses are based on the special senses of the cohorts and followers and gain no benefit from any special sense the collective possesses.
。Skills: The collective may make active skill checks through its cohorts and followers using his own actions. Such skill checks use the physical ability scores of the cohort or follower (treat followers as having a 10 in all physical attributes for this purpose), but otherwise using his own modifiers. When making a reactive skill check, the collective makes his check via the affected cohort or follower that is most beneficial.
。Volunteers: After resting to regain spell points, the collective may recruit a cohort from his followers with Hit Dice up to the maximum for his ranks in Diplomacy. No Diplomacy check is required. This ability stacks with the ability to recruit followers granted by the Drill Sergeant talent.

Additional abilities are granted at higher levels:

Strength of One (Su): At 2nd level, once at the start of each turn as a free action, the collective may grant one controlled cohort his any of his physical ability scores and his base attack bonus. These scores are modified by any bonuses, penalties, damage, and drain the cohort is subject to. This lasts until a different cohort is chosen. This ability can prevent a cohort from being slain by being reduced to 0 Constitution. This ability does not increase current hit points, though does increase maximum hit points; when lost this bonus is removed, maximum hit points are reduced, with current hit points in excess of the maximum being lost but otherwise not reducing maximum hit points. This ability does not transfer an ability scores to a cohort that lacks a score in that attribute, though undead cohorts may treat the granted Constitution score as their Charisma score for the purpose of determining maximum hit points.

Many Eyes (Ex): At 4th level, the collective gains a circumstance bonus to Perception equal to half his class level for checks made within Perception range of his followers or when at least 2 controlled cohorts are able to make the check. This bonus applies to the collective’s check, not the cohort’s or follower’s own checks.

Inhabit Vessel (Su): At 8th level, once at the start of each turn as a free action, the collective may grant knowledge of all his known combat and magic talents to one controlled cohort. This lasts until a different cohort is chosen. Magic talents do not grant casting ability to cohorts that lack it.

Share Pain (Su): At 14th level, whenever a controlled cohort takes damage or drain, the collective may redirect half of the damage or drain to another controlled cohort. This is calculated after the effects of any immunity, resistance, or vulnerability the first cohort possesses and may not be further reduced by resistance or immunity or increased by vulnerability. The damage or drain may not be further redirected by any means. Ability damage or drain may not be transferred to a creature that lacks the relevant ability score.

These abilities replace wraith form and haunt path. The collective counts as possessing the haunt path class feature for the purpose of qualifying for the Expanded Path Possession and Improved Expanded Path Possession wraith haunts.

Collective Impressment: The collective can only actively possess targets; he cannot passively possess them. He may make possession attempts via any cohort within collective range subject to his hive mind abilities. The wraith counts as passively possessing his controlled cohorts for the purpose of path abilities.

This modifies possession.

All as One: At 20th level, the benefit from strength as one and inhabit vessel may be granting to any number of cohorts within collective range subject to his hive mind abilities. The collective may produce a new cohort from his followers in 1 hour. Slain cohorts no longer impose negative levels on other cohorts or penalties on followers.

This replaces wraith form mastery.

Collective and Mind Bender
Should the collective possess the Mind Bender drawback, any effect that disrupts the collective's control over a cohort that makes that cohort no longer count as being in collective range for the duration. If the cohort leaves this range before the collective regains control, that cohort is no longer recruited and becomes a free creature.

Wraith Haunts: The collective may select Leadership sphere talents and Champion feats in place of wraith haunts.

The collective also has exclusive access to the following haunts:

I Watch My Back: Any two controlled cohorts within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 ranks in Diplomacy) of each other are immune to flanking unless both of them are flanked.

Mental Projection: (requires collective 9): The collective gains telepathy in a 30-foot radius around his cohorts, enabling him to communicate with any creature that shares a language with the collective or any of his cohorts. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as speaking and listening to multiple people simultaneously.

Psychic Static: When a creature is flanked by at least two of the collective’s controlled cohorts, it takes a -2 penalty on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

Self-help: The collective’s controlled cohorts may use aid another for attack rolls and skill checks on other controlled cohorts as a swift action. Multiple instances of aiding another with this ability do not stack.

  德拉古爾是引导怒火精魄的勇者並使用狂暴武域(Berserker sphere)。

武器和防具擅長(Proficiencies):德拉古爾擅長所有簡易武器、輕甲和小圆盾。此外,若此是角色第一级的职业,他们能选择一項武艺源流(Martial Tradition)。


混合訓練(Blended Training, Ex):每当德拉古爾从职业等级獲得魔域天赋时(不包括首次獲得施法职业特性时的2个额外天賦),他能选择獲得武域天赋(combat talent)。德拉古爾以其施法属性调整值作為其域武者调整值(practitioner modifier)。


狂暴(Rage, Ex):德拉古爾獲得狂暴职业特性,如同野蠻人(或野蠻人UCH),在判斷效果时视其德拉古爾等级為野蠻人等级。


怒火精魄(Spirit of Wrath):1级时,德拉古爾獲得狂暴武域作為额外域。
  2级时,当佔據生物时,德拉古爾能消耗其狂暴轮數给予该生物其狂暴能力的增益和罰值。此宿主在狂暴结束时如常陷入疲乏狀態。若德拉古爾擁有任何狂暴天賦(rage talents)[註:没有rage talent这类天賦],宿主共享此类天賦。当狂暴时,德拉古爾的宿主在攻击其盟友时永远不视為違反其天性。


狂暴之灵(Raging Spirit):德拉古爾能选择狂暴之力和融域专长(champion feats)以取代作祟之力,在判斷先決條件时视其职业等级為野蠻人等级。

強力狂暴(Mighty Rage):20级时,德拉古爾獲得野蠻人的強力狂暴能力。


劇透 -   :
Draugr are champions who channel a spirit of wrath and use the Berserker sphere.

Draugr are proficient with simple weapons, as well as light armor and bucklers. In addition, if this is the character’s first level in any class, they may select a martial tradition of their choice.

This alters proficiencies.

Blended Training (Ex)
Whenever a draugr would gain a magic talent from his class levels (not the 2 bonus talents gained when first gaining the casting class feature), he may instead choose to gain a combat talent. A draugr uses his casting ability modifier as his practitioner modifier.

This alters magic talents. This archetype may be combined with other archetypes that replace magic talents; he cannot gain a combat talent in place of a magic talent the other archetype loses.

Rage (Ex)
The draugr gains rage as the barbarian (or unchained barbarian, if used) class feature, treating his draugr levels as barbarian levels for determining its effects.

This replaces wraith form.

Spirit of Wrath
At 1st level, the draugr gains the Berserker sphere as a bonus sphere.

At 2nd level, while possessing a creature, the draugr may grant that creature the benefits and penalties of his rage ability, spending round from his pool. The host is fatigued at the end of this rage as usual. If the draugr possesses any rage talents, the host shares these talents. While raging, the draugr’s host is never considered to be acting against its nature when attacking its allies.

At 4th level, the draugr gains an insight bonus to Intimidate equal to half his class level.

At 8th level, when the draugr deals damage with an attack action or succeeds on a combat maneuver made as at least a standard action, he may attempt to possess the target of the attack or maneuver as a swift action.

At 14th level, the draugr’s rage improves, gaining the barbarian’s greater rage ability.

This replaces the draugr’s haunt path.

Raging Spirit
The draugr may select rage powers and (champion) feats in place of wraith haunts, treating his class level as his barbarian level for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.

Mighty Rage
At 20th level, the draugr gains the mighty rage ability of the barbarian.

This replaces wraith form mastery.


霧氣形态(Mist Form, Su):1级时,每天等同其职业等级+其施法属性调整值的轮數,霧影能化作一团霧氣。霧影和其所有裝備变成無實質的存在,其护甲(包括天生护甲)变得无用,但其体型、敏捷、偏斜加值和来源于力场效果的护甲加值仍然生效。霧影从武器攻击承受一半的伤害並有25%机率无视重击和精準伤害,此机率每5个职业等级提升25%至最多100%。霧影處于霧氣形态时不能攻击或施放擁有語言、姿勢、材料或器材成分的法术或域能力。若他已保持一个接觸法术或域能力,该法术或域能力在霧氣形态生效时无害地消散。啟动霧氣形态是移动动作而结束此能力是自由动作。


劇透 -   :
Mistshades are capable of transforming into mist.

Mist Form (Su)
At 1st level, for a number of rounds per day equal to his class level plus his casting ability modifier, the mistshade may dissolve into a mist. The mistshade and all his gear become insubstantial. His armor (including natural armor) becomes worthless, though his size, Dexterity, deflection bonuses, and armor bonuses from force effects still apply. The mistshade takes half damage from weapon attacks and gains a 25% ability to ignore critical hits and precision damage, which increases by 25% per 5 class levels to a maximum of 100%. He cannot attack or cast spells or sphere abilities with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components while in mist form. If he has a touch spell or sphere ability ready to use, that spell or ability is discharged harmlessly when the mist form is in effect. Entering mist form is a move action and ending it is a free action.

While in mist form, the mistshade can shroud himself in a cloud of mist as a swift action. The cloud has a 5-foot radius, which may be increased by 5 feet at 5th level, and again every 5 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 25 feet at 20th level. The mist obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target). The ability may be dismissed as a free or immediate action and does not function underwater.

While in mist form the mistshade cannot run, but it can fly at a speed of 20 feet (perfect) + 5 feet per 5 class levels and automatically succeeds on all Fly checks. He can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, with all he was wearing or holding in his hands, as long as the effect persists. The mistshade is subject to the effects of wind, and he cannot enter water or other liquid. He also cannot manipulate objects or activate items, even those carried along with his mist form. Continuously active items remain active, though in some cases their effects may be moot. This is a polymorph effect.

This replaces wraith form, but any feat, haunt, or other ability that would affect the duration or activation of wraith form may instead be applied to mist form.


虫群形态(Swarm Form, Su):1级时,每天等同其职业等级+其施法属性调整值的轮數,虫群之心能分裂作一个虫类集群。此集群只能由超小型生物组成。此体型不能被化形魔域(Alteration sphere)的缩放体型(Size Change)天賦、人类变巨术(enlarge person)或其他效果改变。当處于虫群形态时,虫群之心獲得20尺+每5职业等级5尺的移动速度,而且能穿越足夠让每个独立生物通过的小洞和開口。
  此集群佔據10尺空间(若是擁有飞行虫群(swarm flight)作崇之力的话则是立方体),触及0尺。此集群有25%机率无视重击和精準伤害,此机率每5个职业等级提升25%至最多100%。此集群擁有擾亂心神能力,迫使任何生物在承受集群伤害时必需嘗試通过強韌豁免(DC=10+1/2HD+体质调整值),否则变得反胃1轮。在集群佔據空间內施法或專注於法術时需要進行魔法技能检定(DC=20+1/2CL)。而在集群佔據方格內使用需要耐心和專注的技能則需要通過DC 20的意志豁免。
  这是一个变形效果。虫群之心獲得变形者亚种。在滿专长的先決条件时,虫群之心视作擁有化形魔域的集群之型(Swarm Shape)天賦。需要處于集群的特性能應用于虫群形态。

虫群之心的作祟之力(Swarmheart Haunts)

  自我分裂(Divided Self):当處于虫群形态时,虫群之心对抗目标為個體生物的效果时豁免獲得+4加值。

  毒素(Poison, Ex):虫群之心的集群攻击在造成伤害时附带毒素。(傷口,豁免 DC=10+1/2职业等级+体质调整值,頻率 每轮1次,持續6輪,效果 1d2点體質傷害,痊癒 1次豁免)。

  微型集群(Shrink Swarm)(需求:虫群之心10级)虫群之心的集群成員縮小至微型,獲得免疫武器伤砉。

  飞行虫群(Swarm Flight, Ex):当處于虫群形态时,虫群之心獲得等同于虫群形态给予的陸地移速的飞行速度(机动性完美)。

劇透 -   :
Swarmhearts are capable of transforming into a swarm of vermin.

Swarm Form (Su)
At 1st level, for a number of rounds per day equal to his class level plus his casting ability modifier, the swarmheart may divide himself into a swarm of vermin. The swarm can be composed only of Tiny creatures. This size cannot be altered by the Size Change talent of the Alteration sphere, enlarge person, or other effects. While in swarm form, the swarmheart gains a move speed of 20 feet plus 5 feet per 5 class levels and can move through small holes and openings that are large enough for the individual creatures.

While in swarm form, the swarmheart may climb virtually on any surface, no matter how slick or sheer; he can climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings as well as a spider does. While in swarm form, the swarmheart does not need to attempt Climb checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). He cannot attack or cast spells or sphere abilities with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components while in swarm form. If he has a touch spell or sphere ability ready to use, that spell or ability is discharged harmlessly when the swarm form is in effect. Entering swarm form is a move action and ending it is a free action.

The swarm fills a 10-foot square (or cube if flying with the swarm flight haunt) and has a reach of 0. The swarm gains a 25% ability to ignore critical hits and precision damage, which increases by 25% per 5 class levels to a maximum of 100%. The swarm has the distraction ability, forcing any creature that takes swarm damage to attempt a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 class level + Constitution modifier to avoid being nauseated for 1 round. Spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of a swarm requires a magical skill check (DC 20 + 1/2 caster level). Using skills that involve patience and concentration while in the swarm requires a DC 20 Will save.

The swarmheart may choose to ignore any creatures in his space, choosing to not deal the swarm damage, force magical skill checks to cast spells, or force Will saves to perform skills. The swarm is incapable of performing combat maneuvers and cannot be tripped, grappled, or bull rushed. The swarmheart in swarm form takes half damage from slashing and piercing weapons and 50% more damage from effects that affect an area.

Swarmhearts in swarm form do not threaten creatures, and do not make attacks of opportunity with his swarm attack. The swarm automatically deals 1d6 plus Constitution modifier damage to any creature whose space it occupies at the end of his turn. This damage increases by 1d6 per 5 class levels. Swarm attacks are not subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover. The individual creatures in the swarm may appear to be any suitably sized creature of the vermin type.

A swarmheart in swarm form does not gain any special protection from mind-affecting effects.

This is a polymorph effect. The swarmheart gains the shapechanger subtype. The swarmheart counts have possessing the Swarm Shape talent of the Alteration sphere for the purposes of meeting feat prerequisites. Traits that require being in the form of a swarm may be applied to swarm form.

This replaces wraith form, but any feat, haunt, or other ability that would affect the duration or activation of wraith form may instead be applied to swarm form.

Swarmheart Haunts
The swarmheart has exclusive access to the following haunts:

Divided Self
While in swarm form, the swarmheart gains a +4 bonus on saves against effects that target individual creatures.

Poison (Ex)
The swarmheart’s swarm attack poisons targets in addition to dealing damage. (Injury, DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Constitution modifier, frequency 1/round for 6 rounds, effect 1d2 Constitution damage, cure 1 save).

Shrink Swarm (requires swarmheart 10)
The size of the creatures in the swarmheart’s swarm is reduced to Diminutive, gaining immunity to weapon damage.

Swarm Flight (Ex)
While in swarm form, the swarmheart gains a fly speed (perfect) equal to the ground speed granted by swarm form.



永久縛靈化(Permanent Wraith, Su):1级时,無軀者被永远鎖定在縛靈形态。若無軀者没有佔據生物或物品,又或者没有顯現出其肉体的情況下结束其回合,他受到1点非致命伤害。此伤害在5个角色等级时提高至2点,10个角色等级时提高至3点,15个角色等级时提高至4点。此伤害除了在佔據生物或物品期间恢復外,不能被任何方式治療並穿透任何免疫和非致命伤害的DR。由此能力造成的非致命伤害示能被減少或转移。当佔據生物或其收容所物品时(详见物體馭行(Object Ride)作崇之力),此伤害以每分钟1点的速率治療。当佔據其它物品时,它以每小时1点的速率治療。無軀者不用吃、喝或睡,不会从老化獲得加值或罰值,但是仍会因達到最大年齡而永远死亡。無軀者能在其收容所里时以他的正常声音说话。
  当無軀者从此能力受到超过他最大HP的伤害时,他自动回到其收容所里(若身處100尺+每职业等级10尺之內)或弥散成佔據他所在空间的无心智作崇(mindless haunt)。此作崇嘗試佔據進入他所在空间的任何生物(或其收容所)。若能成功,無軀者恢復正常。当處于作崇形态时,無軀者在8小时没有嘗試佔據非自願生物后恢復所有魔力点(他们不能在没有魔力点的情況下作出此嘗試)。


灵魂骑士(Spirit Rider, Su):1级时,無軀者獲得被动佔據自願目标的能力。此功能如同附身术能力。此外,無軀者獲得物體馭行作崇之力。2级时,無軀者如常獲得完整的附身术能力。


顯現(Manifest, Su):3级时,每天等同其职业等级+其施法属性调整值的分钟數,無軀者能顯現出其肉体。啟动此能力是移动动作而结束此能力是自由动作。作為结束此能力的一部分,若無軀者背负超越其最大负重,他必須抛弃物品直至负重處于其最大负重之內(若可行的话)。


復甦(Restored, Ex):20级时,無軀者能每天无限分钟地顯現出其肉体,而且没有佔據宿主也不再受到伤害。

劇透 -   :
Unbodied wraiths can exist permanently in an incorporeal form.

While most wraiths can step out of phase with the material world, others are so estranged from it by death, trauma, or powerful magic that they require great effort to return to it.
Special: At the GM’s discretion, in special circumstances slain PCs may be allowed to retrain their most recent level into a level in this archetype for the wraith class. Characters with wraith class levels could be allowed to retrain into this archetype.

Characters with this archetype may still benefit from effects that restore creatures to life. If using the special circumstances suggestion above, whether the character returns to life as they were prior to taking this archetype or if they return as having this archetype will depend on the GM and the desires of the player, which should be worked out before hand.

Permanent Wraith (Su)
At 1st level, the unbodied is permanently locked in wraith form. If the unbodied ends his turn neither possessing a creature or object, nor manifested in his physical body, he takes 1 point of nonlethal damage. This increases to 2 points at 5th character level, 3 points at 10th character level, 4 points at 15th character level. This damage cannot be healed by any means other than by time spent possessing a creature or object and bypasses immunity and resistance to nonlethal damage. Nonlethal damage from this ability cannot be reduced or redirected. While possessing a creature or his refuge object (see the object ride wraith haunt), this damage heals at the rate of 1 point per minute. While possessing any other object, they heal at a rate of 1 point per hour. The unbodied does not need to eat, drink, or sleep, and gains no further bonuses or penalties from aging, though still dies permanently when his maximum age is reached. The unbodied can speak in his normal voice while in his refuge object.

An unbodied whose damage taken from this ability exceeds his maximum hit points automatically returns to his refuge object (if within 100 feet + 10 feet per class level) or else discorporates, becoming a mindless haunt occupying his space. This haunt attempts to possess any creature (or his refuge object) that enters his space. If successful, the unbodied is restored to his normal function. While in haunt form, the unbodied recovers all spell points after 8 hours of not attempting to possess an unwilling creature (they cannot make such an attempt if out of spell points).

This replaces wraith form.

Spirit Rider (Su)
At 1st level, the unbodied gains the ability to passively possess willing targets. This functions as the possession ability. Additionally, the unbodied gains the object ride wraith haunt. The unbodied gains the full possession ability normally at 2nd level.

The unbodied does not gain the bonus talent from his path sphere until 2nd level.

This replaces the magic talent gained at 2nd level.

Manifest (Su)
At 3rd level, for a number of minutes per day equal to his class level plus his casting ability modifier, the unbodied may manifest his physical body. Activating this ability is a move action and ending it is a free action. If carrying a load greater than his maximum load, the unbodied must drop items until below his maximum load (if possible) as part of ending this ability.

This replaces the wraith haunt gained at 3rd level.

Restored (Ex)
At 20th level, the unbodied may remain in physical form for any number of minutes in a day and no longer takes damage for remaining outside a host while in wraith form.
« 上次编辑: 2020-05-05, 周二 19:50:48 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【Ultimate Spheres Of Power】基礎職業——縛靈士(Wraith)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-04-17, 周五 23:52:46 »


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Re: 【Ultimate Spheres Of Power】基礎職業——縛靈士(Wraith)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2020-04-18, 周六 00:05:53 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【Ultimate Spheres Of Power】基礎職業——縛靈士(Wraith)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2020-04-18, 周六 01:30:34 »
真就18级才能拿……占据自己无心智武者伙伴的梦碎了  :em001
野兽控制魔域(Beastmastery sphere)驯服(tame))指的是驯兽武域(dds不区分sphere指的是武域还是魔域这一点偶尔还是有点头疼)
創造XX(Create Nature)在chm里译作自然创造,是自然魔域的一个天赋。


  • 犭良人
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Re: 【Ultimate Spheres Of Power】基礎職業——縛靈士(Wraith)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2020-04-18, 周六 09:13:12 »
真就18级才能拿……占据自己无心智武者伙伴的梦碎了  :em001
野兽控制魔域(Beastmastery sphere)驯服(tame))指的是驯兽武域(dds不区分sphere指的是武域还是魔域这一点偶尔还是有点头疼)
創造XX(Create Nature)在chm里译作自然创造,是自然魔域的一个天赋。
还真有Create Nature啊, 但我怎么在CHM里找不到的呢…
« 上次编辑: 2020-04-18, 周六 09:19:15 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
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Re: 【Ultimate Spheres Of Power】基礎職業——縛靈士(Wraith)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2020-04-19, 周日 22:09:10 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【Ultimate Spheres Of Power】基礎職業——縛靈士(Wraith)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2020-04-20, 周一 01:05:24 »