
譯文資料區 => 寻星者(Starfinder) => Pathfinder => 核心书籍(Core Books) => 主题作者是: 白药君 于 2017-08-23, 周三 21:23:34

主题: 【Starfinder CRB】宗教信仰:戴莫力图斯(DAMORITOSH)-征服者
作者: 白药君2017-08-23, 周三 21:23:34
(http://i.imgur.com/dsLzl1I.png)    戴莫力图斯(DAMORITOSH)
征服者(The Conqueror)
信仰中心:阿基顿(Akiton),卡斯卓韦(Castrovel), 伊达理号(Idari),the Veskarium
圣徽:       黑色背景下的红色 doshko 能量刀锋


戴莫力图斯是一位严酷的神祇,祂对自由或者舒适漠不关心。戴莫力图斯要求所有寻求祂祝福的信徒要像士兵一样服从命令,并且会驱使他们要不计一切代价以获得胜利,因此祂有时也会被称作“无情指挥官”(Grim Commander)。黩武主义下的荣耀感和对誓言的守信,与胆识一样都是可贵的特质,但对其信徒来说,比起贵族精神的勇气或英雄主义,更重要的还是战意和对胜利的渴求。在他们的眼中,强大的意志总是能凌驾于弱小之上,因此最佳的战术就是在潜在的敌人形成威胁之前投入力量将其彻底击溃。戴莫力图斯对交涉毫无兴趣,因为祂认为武力和勇猛的军队能在更短的时间内赢得更多的回报,尽管如此,祂仍然支持接受敌人体面的投降,以避免在没有额外回报的战事上浪费有生力量。


The vesk have always been a race of warriors and conquerors, but even though they’ve temporarily made peace with the Pact Worlds, Damoritosh remains a pillar of vesk society. To them, war and conquest are woven into the fabric of the universe, from plants’ and animals’ most basic conflicts to vast wars of ideology. One can choose to embrace this truth and secure a place in history with one’s triumphs, or one can deny it and die a coward’s death, scorned and forgotten. War requires sacrifice, however, and it is the duty of everyone in society to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to propel one’s species—or culture, empire, kingdom, or world—to victory

Damoritosh is a harsh deity, with no concern for freedom or comfort. Sometimes called the Grim Commander, he demands soldier-like obedience from all who seek his blessing and pushes his followers to seek victory at all costs. Courage is an admirable trait, as is a militaristic sense of honor and oath keeping, but the will to fight and the drive to win are far more important to his adherents than such noble ideals as bravery or heroism. In their minds, the strong will always subjugate the weak, and so the best strategy is to project strength and defeat potential enemies before they can become a threat. Damoritosh is uninterested in diplomacy, as force and military prowess can win far greater rewards in a shorter amount of time, but he also encourages the acceptance of a foe’s honorable surrender to avoid wasting lives for no additional gain

Damoritosh is the primary patron god of the vesk, but the Conqueror’s faith has spread throughout the Pact Worlds to mercenaries, soldiers, and warriors of all species, especially the kasathas and the lashuntas. Many of Damoritosh’s priests serve as mercenary commanders, military advisors, or chaplains in planetary defense forces, but others seek to live Damoritosh’s teachings as fully as possible, conquering minor dominions for themselves as petty warlords both within the Pact Worlds and on new worlds throughout the galaxy. Often built in traditional vesk architectural styles, Damoritosh’s temples are large bunker-like structures that can be easily fortified and defended by just a few warriors. Stockpiled with weapons and supplies, most churches can withstand a protracted siege or serve as a secure base for military operations, if necessary.

While many other races see Damoritosh as destructive, his congregations believe that conquest is a wave moving ever onward, and there’s no point in going back and mistreating those you’ve already bested, provided they remain deferential. His sacred weapon, the energy-bladed doshko, remains strongly associated with both his church and vesk warriors in general.
主题: Re: 【Starfinder CRB】宗教信仰:戴莫力图斯(DAMORITOSH)-征服者
作者: Passer5562017-08-23, 周三 22:18:21
行星防御力量(planetary defense forces)


主题: Re: 【Starfinder CRB】宗教信仰:戴莫力图斯(DAMORITOSH)-征服者
作者: 白药君2017-08-23, 周三 22:38:50
行星防御力量(planetary defense forces)



感谢指正  :em003

 :em021 我觉得应该是先抄起板凳暴打一顿,然后:“说!你这虾米猴子的公司要不要卖给俺们!不卖就打到你哭为止!”