作者 主题: 【HoG】阿卡迪亚英雄(Heroes of Arcadia)  (阅读 14327 次)

副标题: 火器专长,杀手天赋,两位通灵者传奇英灵

离线 晴澈之空

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【HoG】阿卡迪亚英雄(Heroes of Arcadia)
« 于: 2020-11-20, 周五 16:34:49 »
阿卡迪亚英雄(Heroes of Arcadia)
出自Heroes of Golarion,4~5页

Dragon Shot (Combat, Grit)
先决条件:勇毅(Grit)职业能力或业余铳士(Amateur Gunslinger),法术辨识5级。
好处:以一个迅捷动作,你可以花费1点勇毅点将你的枪械伤害转化为强酸、火焰、闪电或寒冷,持续1轮。每当你使用该能力时你都可以选择不同的伤害类型。如此使用依然如同远程武器攻击般应用重击倍率和其他能力,例如致命瞄准(Deadly Aim)。
Infused Spell Cartridges (Combat)
先决条件:智力15,奥术打击(Arcane Strike),法术弹(Spell Cartridges),能施放4环奥术法术,擅长火器。
好处:当你使用奥术打击(Arcane Strike)专长向枪械灌注能量时,你可以以一个标准动作施放3环或更低环级的法术并发射一枚力场弹。该法术需距离为接触或创造射线;若该法术创造多道射线,子弹只会造成一道射线的效果。若力场弹命中目标,它造成力场伤害同时造成法术效果。若力场弹对目标造成重击,该法术造成的伤害加倍。
Recall Ammunition (Combat, Grit)
先决条件:勇毅(Grit)职业能力或业余铳士(Amateur Gunslinger),基础攻击加值+9,法术辨识5级。
Spell Cartridges
先决条件:奥术打击(Arcane Strike),能够施放奥术法术,擅长火器。
好处:当你使用奥术打击(Arcane Strike)专长向枪械灌注能量时,你可以发射力场弹而非通常子弹。力场弹造成每5施法者等级1D4力场伤害。力场弹不使用黑火药和子弹,在克服伤害减免时视为魔法。

卡祖塔尔(Kazutal)曾是战争与征服的女神,但当一场巨大灾祸威胁她的子民时她做出了改变。如今她被称作猎豹母亲(Mother Jaguar),被尊为团队(Community),爱慕(Love)与保护(Protection)之女神。卡祖塔尔的信徒更乐于俘虏他们的敌人而非杀死他们,给予他们归于和平的机会。下列杀手天赋适用于向猎豹母亲奉身的战士。
  猎豹之仁(Jaguar's Grace,Ex):拥有该天赋的杀手在使用造成致命伤害的武器造成非致命伤害时不承受通常的-4减值。使用这种方式造成非致命伤害时可以造成偷袭(Sneak)伤害。杀手必须达到4级才能选取该天赋。
  猎豹突袭(Jaguar's Pounce,Ex):当拥有该天赋的杀手造成偷袭(Sneak)伤害时,他可以以直觉动作尝试卸武(Disarm)或绊摔(Trip)战技且将目标视为措手不及(失去CMD上的敏捷加值)。如此使用的战技不会引起借机攻击。杀手必须已选取猎豹之仁(Jaguar's Grace)才能选取该天赋。
  猎豹卫护(Jaguar's Protection,Ex):当拥有该天赋的杀手造成偷袭(Sneak)伤害时,他可以迫使目标将注意力从自己的盟友身上移开。受影响的敌人在对杀手以外的任何目标的攻击检定中承受-2减值,持续1分钟。杀手必须已选取猎豹突袭(Jaguar's Pounce)才能选取该天赋。

瓦伦哈拉(Valenhall)的乌尔芬殖民地是阿卡迪亚为数不多的阿维斯塔人殖民地之一,也是最为古老的殖民地之一。在林诺姆诸王国(Lands of the Linnorm Kings),瓦伦哈拉被认为是英雄与王者的传奇安息地,吸引了众多乌尔芬冒险家在生命尽头勇敢地穿越阿卡迪亚大洋。近年来,随着乌尔芬与阿卡迪亚关系的改善,阿卡迪亚通灵者们开始深入了解这些传说并感知这些英灵。不过,文化上的明显差异仍会在联系这些英灵时带来一些困难。关于传奇英灵的更多信息可在战役设定:异能国度找到。

这位未冕王是一位乌尔芬民间英雄,因屠杀了近12条蛇龙(Linnorm)而闻名,但她在杀死众蛇龙之君父法夫海尔(Fafnheir,the father of all linnorms)之前拒绝统治任何国家。当时的林诺姆诸国王害怕失去自己的王位于是派遣战士去杀死她。阿德里尔险些丧命,随即逃离家乡前往瓦伦哈拉。
  恶咒(Death Curse,Su,至高英灵之力):当你降灵阿德里尔时,你可以任选两个恶龙咒(Linnorm Death Curse)狂暴之力(Rage Powers)。你每次降灵阿德里尔时可以选择不同的狂暴之力。你将你的通灵者等级作为野蛮人等级来满足狂暴之力的先决条件,且在挑战(Challenge)时总享受这些狂暴之力的好处无论你是否狂暴。你将由狂暴之力造成的每1点额外伤害改为1D6点额外伤害。

  英勇之歌(Song of Valdr,Su,中等英灵之力):以一个标准动作,你可以开始表演向盟友注入力量与信心。任何参与你降灵仪式的盟友若能听到你的表演,便可在力量属性和体质属性上获得等同于你的英灵同调(Spirit Bonus)加值的士气加值。你可以维持该表演的轮数等同于你的魅力调整值+你的英灵同调加值。这些轮数不需连续。维持表演是一个自由动作。
  未来王史诗(Saga of Future Kings,Su,至高英灵之力):从你的英勇之歌(Song of Valdr)中获益的盟友获得等同于你的英灵同调(Spirit Bonus)加值的DR/—。另外,当一个受你歌曲影响的盟友生命值降低至0以下时,他可以尝试通过一个强韧豁免检定(DC=10+受到伤害的一半),若通过,她改为将生命值降低至0。


劇透 -   :
Heroes of Arcadia
Arcadia is a vast continent far west of the Inner Sea. Few outsiders from the Inner Sea have ever explored the interior nations of Arcadia, and many of their cultures and customs are known only to those born there. Arcadia holds many diverse traditions, martial arts, arcane disciplines, and even deities that most citizens of the Inner Sea know nothing about.

Guns are still rare in Arcadia, and Arcadian gunslingers often have difficulty finding ammunition in the wilderness. In response, these gunslingers have developed their own techniques using Arcadian magic.

Dragon Shot (Combat, Grit)
You instinctively channel your latent magical abilities through your firearm.
Prerequisites: Amateur Gunslinger feat or grit class feature, Spellcraft 5 ranks.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can spend 1 grit point to convert your gun’s damage into acid, fire, electricity, or cold damage for 1 round. You can choose a different damage type each time you use this ability. This still counts as a ranged weapon attack for critical hit multipliers and abilities such as Deadly Aim.

Infused Spell Cartridges (Combat)
You can improve your arcane ammunition with more powerful magic.
Prerequisites: Int 15, Arcane Strike, Spell Cartridges*, ability to cast 4th-level arcane spells, proficient with firearms.
Benefit: While your gun is imbued with power from the Arcane Strike feat, you can spend a standard action to cast a spell of 3rd level or lower and deliver it via a force bullet. The spell must have a range of touch or produce a ray; if the spell would produce multiple rays, the bullet delivers the effect of only one ray. If the force bullet strikes a target, it deals its force damage and also delivers the effects of the spell. If the force bullet critically hits a target, the spell deals double damage.

Recall Ammunition (Combat, Grit)
You use your innate magical abilities to instantly recall a missed shot.
Prerequisites: Amateur Gunslinger feat or grit class feature, base attack bonus +9, Spellcraft 5 ranks.
Benefit: After missing with a ranged weapon attack using a firearm, you can spend 2 grit points as an immediate action to recall the shot. If you do so, the ammunition from the missed shot is magically loaded back into the firearm and is ready to fire again immediately.

Spell Cartridges (Combat)
You can fire bullets of arcane energy when your ammunition runs low.
Prerequisites: Arcane Strike, ability to cast arcane spells, proficient with firearms.
Benefit: While your gun is imbued with power from the Arcane Strike feat, you can fire force bullets instead of regular ammunition. A force bullet deals 1d4 points of force damage for every five caster levels you have. Force bullets do not use black powder or ammunition and count as magic for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction.

Kazutal was once a goddess of war and conquest, but she changed when a great calamity threatened her people. Now she is known as Mother Jaguar and revered as a goddess of community, love, and protection. Kazutal’s faithful prefer to capture their enemies rather than killing them, offering them the chance to make peace. The following slayer talents are suitable for warriors dedicated to Mother Jaguar.
Jaguar’s Grace (Ex): A slayer with this talent does not take the normal –4 penalty when dealing nonlethal damage using a weapon that normally deals lethal damage. Attacks made this way can apply nonlethal sneak attack damage. The slayer must be at least 4th level to select this talent.
Jaguar’s Pounce (Ex): When a slayer with this talent deals sneak attack damage, he can attempt a disarm or trip combat maneuver as an immediate action as if the target were flat-footed (losing its Dexterity bonus to CMD). This combat maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The slayer must have the jaguar’s grace talent to select this talent.
Jaguar’s Protection (Ex): When a slayer with this talent deals sneak attack damage, he draws the target’s attention away from his allies. The affected enemy takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls made against anyone other than the slayer for 1 minute. The slayer must have the jaguar’s pounce talent to select this talent.

The Ulfen colony of Valenhall is one of the few Avistani settlements on Arcadia, and one of the oldest. In the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, Valenhall is considered the legendary resting place of heroes and kings, and so many Ulfen adventurers of great renown brave the journey across the Arcadian Ocean near the end of their lives. In recent years, as the relationship between Ulfen and Arcadians improved, Arcadian mediums have begun to learn more about these legends and feel their spirits. However, the stark differences in their cultures may still lead to some difficulty channeling these spirits. More information on legendary spirits can be found on page 10 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Realms.

Ardril, the Would-Be King (Champion)
The Would-Be King is an Ulfen folk hero famous for slaying nearly a dozen linnorms but refusing to rule any nation until she had slain Fafnheir, the father of all linnorms. The Linnorm Kings at the time were fearful of losing their positions and sent their own warriors to kill her. Ardril barely escaped with her life, and she fled her home for Valenhall.
Gaining Favor: To gain Ardril’s favor, you must defeat an enemy with the dragon type and at least 7 Hit Dice without any aid from allies. After defeating the enemy, you must attempt a Wisdom check as you are bombarded with the memory of a linnorm’s curse. If you succeed, Ardril answers your call.
Taboo: If you accept a taboo while channeling Ardril, you must never seek out or accept any position of power or leadership.
Challenge (Lesser, Su): You gain the challenge ability as a cavalier of your level. When you challenge a foe, your attacks ignore any damage reduction your target has. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws until the challenge ends.
Death Curse (Supreme, Su): When you channel Ardril, you can select any two linnorm death curse rage powers (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 114). You can select different rage powers each time you channel Ardril. Treat your medium level as your barbarian level for the purpose of meeting prerequisites. You gain the benefit of these rage powers against challenged foes even if you are not raging. For each additional point of damage that would be dealt by a rage power, you deal 1d6 points of damage instead.

Father of Legends (Marshal)
The Ulfen regard the Father of Legends as the greatest skald of all time. During his life, there was no greater honor than to be immortalized by his song, and several of the most famous Ulfen epics were first sung by him.
Gaining Favor: To gain the Father of Legends’ favor, you must first compose a song or poem about a heroic event that you witnessed but did not take part in. Then you must perform the piece in front of a crowd of at least 100 people. If you succeed at a Charisma check during the performance, the Father of Legends will answer your call.
Taboo: If you accept a taboo while channeling the Father of Legends, you cannot take any actions that would deny an ally an opportunity for glory. This includes killing an enemy that an ally was attempting to defeat or forcibly removing an ally from combat, even when her life is in danger.
Song of Valor (Intermediate, Su): As a standard action, you can begin a performance that fills allies with power and confidence. Any ally that participated in your seance who can hear your performance receives a morale bonus to Strength and Constitution equal to your spirit bonus. You can maintain this performance for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier plus your spirit bonus. These rounds need not be consecutive. Maintaining your performance is a free action.
Saga of Future Kings (Supreme, Su): Each ally who benefits from your song of valor gains DR/— equal to your spirit bonus. In addition, when an ally affected by your song would be reduced to fewer than 0 hit points, she can attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + half the damage received). If the ally succeeds, she instead is reduced to 0 hit points.
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-20, 周五 19:34:20 由 晴澈之空 »

离线 晴澈之空

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Re: 【HoG】阿卡迪亚英雄(Heroes of Arcadia)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-11-20, 周五 16:46:01 »

Jaguar意为美洲豹,但格拉里昂显然没有“美洲”,姑且参照猎豹突袭(Jaguar Pounce)译作猎豹,若有更好翻译还请告知。

未冕王原文The Would-Be King,很难翻译,姑且译作未冕王,同样征求翻译。
光看这位未冕王的介绍不好理解,需要对林诺姆诸王国有点了解。简单来说杀死蛇龙(linnorm)举着龙头穿过城门就能成为统治一片地区的国王(林诺姆同样也是Linnorm,和蛇龙同名),而若能杀死众蛇龙之君父法夫海尔(Fafnheir,the father of all linnorms)则能够统一诸王国,所以这位矢志杀死法夫海尔的英雄被惧怕夺位的在任国王刺杀了。

至此(在我把阿维斯坦补上之后),Heroes of Golarion这本玩家手册就全部完工了!各位有希望翻译的资源吗?
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-20, 周五 20:44:04 由 晴澈之空 »

离线 蒼月溟

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Re: 【HoG】阿卡迪亞英雄(Heroes of Arcadia)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-11-29, 周日 08:46:02 »
注法彈(戰鬥)Infused Spell Cartridges (Combat)
法術彈(戰鬥)Spell Cartridges
獵豹突襲(Jaguar's Pounce,Ex)

