作者 主题: 【HHH】战士变体-钢魂神兵(Steelbound Fighter)  (阅读 7364 次)

副标题: 晚上一个人守夜寂寞了?和自己的爱剑说说话聊聊天呗

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【HHH】战士变体-钢魂神兵(Steelbound Fighter)
« 于: 2017-03-07, 周二 01:40:50 »
引述:闹鬼英雄手册《Haunted Heroes Handbook》

战士变体-钢魂神兵(Steelbound Fighter)



钢魂武器(Steelbound Weapon,Ex):1级时,钢魂神兵选择一种武器,比如短剑,长弓,或者重型连枷等。他在使用该类武器时获得武器专攻专长。只要他不再手持或携带至少一把该种武器——武器状态可以是破损但不能是被摧毁——那么钢魂神兵在其感知属性上受到-2减值,并且无法得到除了从战士奖励专长以外的所有战士职业能力好处。一旦钢魂神兵的武器觉醒(参照下文的钢魂觉醒能力),上述惩罚只要在钢魂神兵没携带或者手持那柄特定武器时就会生效。这项能力替代1级战士的奖励专长。

钢魂觉醒(Steelbound Awakening,Su):5级时,钢魂神兵所携带的一柄无智能武器被依附在他灵魂内的潜藏精魄能量所浸染,并被转化成一柄智能武器。该武器必须和钢魂神兵1级时所选择的武器类型相一致。钢魂武器只要处于被握持的状态就能让持有者获得警戒(Alertness)专长。钢魂神兵在使用钢魂武器攻击时其攻击及伤害均获得+1加值,该加值在9级的时候提升到+2,13级的时候提升到+3,17级的时候提升到+4,20级的时候提升到+5。






劇透 -  原文:
Steelbound Fighter(Fighter Archetype)
Whenever a particularly imposing intelligent weapon controls the mind of its wielder for long enough, spiritual echoes of this dominance can have strange resonances throughout that wielder’s bloodline for generations to come. The steelbound fighter is sometimes the result of such a legacy: a fighter who has impressive martial resolve and technique with a specific weapon as the result of a powerful relationship a similar weapon had with one of his ancestors.

Steelbound Weapon (Ex): At 1st level, a steelbound fighter selects one type of weapon (such as shortswords, longbows, or heavy flails). He gains Weapon Focus with that specific weapon. Whenever he isn’t wielding or carrying at least one weapon of this type (the weapon can be broken but not destroyed), a steelbound fighter takes a –2 penalty to his Wisdom score and can’t benefit from his fighter class abilities (excluding bonus feats gained from fighter levels). Once the steelbound fighter’s weapon awakens (see steelbound awakening below), these penalties apply whenever the fighter isn’t carrying or wielding that particular weapon.  This ability replaces the fighter’s 1st-level bonus feat.

Steelbound Awakening (Su): At 5th level, one non- intelligent weapon carried by the steelbound fighter becomes possessed by the latent spiritual energies that cling to his soul, transforming that weapon into an intelligent weapon. The weapon must be of the type the fighter chose at 1st level as his steelbound weapon. The steelbound weapon grants its wielder Alertness as a bonus feat as long as the weapon is wielded. A steelbound fighter gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls with his steelbound weapon. This bonus increases to +2 at 9th level, +3 at 13th level, +4 at 17th level, and +5 at 20th level. 、

A steelbound weapon gains Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores of 10 when it awakens, and has the same alignment as its wielder. It communicates via empathy, and has senses that extend 30 feet. It has 5 ranks in a skill of the steelbound fighter’s choice.

At 9th level, the steelbound weapon’s ability scores increase to 12 and it gains the ability to speak in its wielder’s native tongue. The weapon gains the ability to cast a 3rd-level spell once per day (the choice of the spell is made by the steelbound fighter, but is subject to GM approval, and once chosen, it can’t be changed), with a caster level equal to the steelbound fighter’s level. The spell’s save DC is based off of the item’s Charisma.

At 13th level, the steelbound weapon’s ability scores increase to 14 and its senses extend to 120 feet. The weapon gains a special purpose of the steelbound fighter’s choice (subject to GM approval).

At 17th level, the steelbound weapon’s ability scores increase to 16 and it gains telepathy as well as darkvision with a range of 60 feet. The weapon can now use its spell- like ability three times a day, and can select a second 3rd- level spell that it can use once per day.

A steelbound fighter transfers the effects of his steelbound awakening to a new weapon of the proper type automatically after carrying that weapon on his person for 24 hours, but can have only one weapon under the effects of steelbound awakening at any given time. This ability replaces weapon training.

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Re: 【HHH】戰士變體-鋼魂神兵(Steelbound Fighter)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-03-07, 周二 02:17:47 »

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Re: 【HHH】战士变体-钢魂神兵(Steelbound Fighter)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-03-07, 周二 09:01:37 »

离线 TougouTuyosi

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Re: 【HHH】战士变体-钢魂神兵(Steelbound Fighter)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-03-08, 周三 21:41:22 »
:em013 嗯……我在思考,根据上面提到长弓,也就是说不限制近战远程,甚至可以投掷武器——我的智能飞轮不想被投掷出去 :em014

甚至……如果按照战士的武器组来看,还可以选攻城兵器…… :em021 一个会碎碎念的冲锋桥?
比切尔|守序中立人类|战士 1| 生命值8/12|防御等级18(接触12,措手不及16)|战技防御16|强韧+4 反射+2 意志+2|先攻+2|察觉+1 察言观色+1 交涉+0 特技-3 隐匿-3|
