作者 主题: 【UM】法术荒疫(Spellblights)  (阅读 18187 次)

副标题: “强者愈是在绝境下,要笑得愈从容。”

离线 Falengel

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« 于: 2013-05-16, 周四 10:30:02 »

  • 本文参考了先前由 格里菲因 翻译的部分法术荒疫。
  • 个人认为有很多具体荒疫描述细节不甚严谨——尤其是一般有害状态那里;但是真的蛮有趣。
  • 虽然没有明说,我觉得Paizo的精神是似乎支持GM自行开发荒疫效果。
  • 有害状态下的施法获益规则告诉我们,多学几个杂七杂八的零级法术是很有意义的!


  • 法术荒疫基本概念
  • 弱效和强效法术荒疫描述
  • 可选规则:有害状态下的施法获益


Paizo官网:UM Spellblights  http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/magic/spellblights.html
法术荒疫部分翻译(By 格里菲因)  http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=46146






  法术荒疫区域(Areas of Spellblight):施展法术通常只有极低概率使施法者遭受法术荒疫的折磨,但在某些魔法能量不稳定的地区,施法这一行为本身也可能会危及施法者。法术荒疫区域主要有两种类型。每当施法者在弱效法术荒疫区域内施放一个法术,她必须通过DC为14的意志豁免,否则会染上一种弱效法术荒疫。每当施法者在强效法术荒疫区域内施放一个法术,她必须通过DC为22的意志豁免,否则会染上一种强效法术荒疫。由于这些区域的神秘和随机性,产生的法术荒疫种类并不固定。有些地区会产生固定的法术荒疫效果,在这些区域中每施放一个法术会更易或更难染上法术荒疫。

  诅咒和其他法术(Curses and Other Spells):所有的法术荒疫都可以由「降咒」或「高等降咒」法术施加给施法者。「降咒」可以使目标感染任何弱效法术荒疫,而「高等降咒」使目标感染一种强效法术荒疫。其他一些法术也可能会造成某种法术荒疫效果,或者允许其施法者选择任意的特定法术荒疫作为法术效果的一部分。针对该法术的成功豁免检定能够抵抗其法术荒疫效果。



  反魔场(Antimagic Field):当一个施法者首次尝试在反魔场区域内施放法术,她有一定几率自发地感染一种强效法术荒疫。该施法者必须通过一次意志豁免,豁免DC为「15+反魔场的施法者等级」;若该反魔场无特定施法者,则豁免DC为23。

  奥术失败(Arcane Spell Failure):当施法者在奥术失败率的检定中失败、且骰出5%以下时(在D100中投出01-05),她有一定几率感染一种法术荒疫。奥术失败的施法者必须通过一次DC为「15+该法术等级」的意志豁免,失败则感染一种法术荒疫。4级以下法术的奥术失败会导致弱效法术荒疫,而5级以上法术则会导致强效法术荒疫。

  制造魔法物品(Crafting Magic Items):当施法者在制造魔法物品的技能检定中失败时,取代制造出诅咒物品这一通常结果,GM可以选择给予该施法者一种法术荒疫效果。基于想要创造物品所需的施法者等级,随机决定一种法术荒疫。制造施法者等级需求在10级以下的物品会导致弱效法术荒疫,而制造施法者等级需求在11级以上的物品会导致强效法术荒疫。

  法术反转(Spell Turning):当一个施法者通过「法术反转」防卫法术、而他的目标也同样施为,这种对抗通常会产生如法术描述中出现的共振场。发动原始法术的施法者可以选择不产生共振场、而是让双方都感染一种强效法术荒疫。本应引发共振场的法术就此无效消散。

  传送事故(Teleportation Mishap):当施法者施放传送法术并造成事故后果时,有一定几率感染一种法术荒疫。施放传送法术的施法者必须通过DC为「15+传送法术等级」的意志豁免,失败则感染一种强效法术荒疫。

  使用魔法装置(Use Magic Device):当施法者在使用魔法装置的技能检定中自然投骰为1时,她可以选择面对感染一种弱效法术荒疫的风险,以取代24小时无法使用该魔法装置的后果。避免该法术荒疫的意志豁免DC为「10+物品施法者等级」。




D10投骰 弱效法术荒疫 强效法术荒疫 
1 失焦(Caster Blank) 邪盲(Eldritch Cataracts) 
2 粗哑(Caster Croak) 危惧(Nameless Dread) 
3 倒错(Confounded Casting) 否决(Negated) 
4 忘我(Disassociation) 强迫(Obsessive Fixation) 
5 黑瞳(Ebon Eyes)   闪灭(Phase Blight) 
6 邪颤(Eldritch Ague) 法燃(Spell Burn) 
7 泣血(Hemoculysis) 法竭(Spell Sap) 
8 疲惫(Lassitude) 绝情(Transference Block) 
9 冗仪(Ritualistic Obsession) 眩惑(Vertigo) 
10 法瘾(Spell Addiction) 重投两次,感染两项弱效荒疫 

劇透 -   :

Spellblights are rare and unusual magical conditions that uniquely affect spellcasters, including creatures that use spell-like abilities. Spellblights are curses, some functioning continuously and others manifesting only when the afflicted creature attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability. A creature that lacks the ability to cast spells or use spell-like abilities cannot usually be afflicted by a spellblight.

Unlike many magical effects, a spellblight usually persists in an antimagic field, though because they often affect spellcasting, their effect is typically lessened in such a field.

Gaining Spellblights

There are many ways a spellcaster can become afflicted with a spellblight. These conditions can be gained by way of a bestow curse or major curse spell, as well as spontaneously with a number of unusual circumstances, many of which are detailed below.

Areas of Spellblight: Typically, the act of casting a spell has little chance of inflicting a spellblight, but there are some areas of magical instability where the mere act of casting a spell within the area can endanger a spellcaster. There are two main types of spellblight areas. In areas of minor spellblight, each time a spellcaster casts a spell, she must succeed at a DC 14 Will saving throw or be affected by a random minor spellblight. In areas of major spellblight, the caster must succeed at a DC 22 saving throw or contract a major spellblight. Due to the strange and random nature of such areas, their effects are not always consistent. There are areas that inflict a single type of spellblight, and areas that are easier or harder to resist with each spell cast.

Curses and Other Spells: All spellblights can be inflicted upon spellcasters with a bestow curse or major curse spell. Bestow curse can bestow any minor spellblight, while a major curse is required to afflict a spellcaster with a major spellblight. Other spells may inflict a specific spellblight or may allow the caster to select any spellblight as part of the spell. A successful saving throw against the spell prevents the spellblight from taking hold.

Optional Ways to Acquire Spellblights

GMs may choose to include the following methods of acquiring spellblights.

Antimagic Field: The first time a spellcaster attempts to cast a spell within an antimagic field, there is a chance she will spontaneously gain a major spellblight. The caster must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 15 + the caster level of the antimagic field or DC 23 if there is no caster level for the effect).

Arcane Spell Failure: When a spellcaster fails an arcane failure check by rolling a 5% (a roll of 01–05 on the spell failure roll) or lower, she has a chance of becoming afflicted with a spellblight. The failed spellcaster must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC 15 + the spell's level) or gain a spellblight. A failed spell of 4th level or lower results in a minor spellblight, while a failed spell of 5th level or higher results in a major spellblight.

Crafting Magic Items: When a spellcaster is crafting a magic item, and fails the skill check to create the item, the GM can choose to give the caster a spellblight instead of having that check result in a cursed item. Determine the spellblight randomly based on the caster level of the item she was attempting to create. Creating an item with a caster level of 10 or lower gives a random minor spellblight, while creating an item of caster level 11 or higher gives a random major spellblight.

Spell Turning: When a spellcaster is warded with a spell turning, and so is the creature he or she attacks, such occurrences usually create a resonance field as described in the spell's description. Instead, the spellcaster who cast the original effect can choose not to create the resonance field and both spellcasters are affected by a major spellblight. The spell that triggered the resonance field drains away without effect.

Teleportation Mishap: A spellcaster who casts a teleportation spell that results in a teleportation mishap has a chance of gaining a spellblight. The spellcaster who cast the teleportation spell must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 15 + the spell level of the teleport) or gain a major spellblight.

Use Magic Device: When a spellcaster rolls a natural 1 while attempting to use a magic device with the Use Magic Device skill, she can choose to risk gaining a minor spellblight instead of not being able to activate the item for 24 hours (Will negates DC 10 + item's caster level).

Removing Spellblights

While the most severe symptoms of a spellblight may manifest only episodically, the condition is often tenacious and difficult to remove. Each spellblight lists conditions for its removal, and can also be removed as if it were a curse (with remove curse, break enchantment, and so on). The caster level check DC to remove a minor spellblights is 20; the DC to remove a major spellblight is 30. The DC to remove the spellblight is reduced by 1 with each day that passes (minimum DC 10). Using anything other than a curse-removing spell to remove a spellblight imposes a –5 penalty on the caster level check. Any spellblight can be removed automatically, without a caster level check, with mage's disjunction, miracle, or wish.

The following tables list minor and major spellblights. When called to randomly determine a spellblight, roll on the appropriate table.

Table: Random Minor Spellblights
1Caster Blank
2Caster Croak
3Confounded Casting
5Ebon Eyes
6Eldritch Ague
9Ritualistic Obsession
10Spell Addiction

Table: Random Major Spellblights
1Eldritch Cataracts
2Nameless Dread
4Obsessive Fixation
5Phase Blight
6Spell Burn
7Spell Sap
8Transference Block
10Roll twice on the minor spellblight chart. The spellcaster is afflicted with both spellblights.
« 上次编辑: 2013-05-16, 周四 10:56:23 由 Falengel »

离线 Falengel

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  • ウミトソラ キレイ
法术荒疫描述(Description of Spellblights)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-05-16, 周四 10:33:24 »
法术荒疫描述(Description of Spellblights)


弱效法术荒疫(Minor Spellblights)


  失焦(Caster Blank):失焦效果下的施法者难以对同一个目标多次施放法术或使用类法术能力。在以某生物为目标施放法术后,若失焦效果未被移除或压制,施法者无法将该生物再次作为法术目标。施法者必须消耗一个标准动作进行专注(译者注:描述而已,并非专注检定)来压制并摆脱失焦效果,直到再次施放一个目标型法术。失焦可以被任何移除困惑或精神错乱的效果治愈。免疫心灵效果的生物同样免疫失焦。

  粗哑(Caster Croak):粗哑效果下的施法者的喉咙或嘴巴被魔法禁锢住。施法者若非竭尽全力则难以发出声响。被该效果影响的生物必须消耗一个迅捷动作来集中精神于语言,才能使自己所说的话被他人听到。施放含有声音成分的法术将有20%失败率,而那些基于语言的法术豁免DC降低4点。类法术能力由于无需声音成分而不受该法术荒疫影响。被该法术荒疫影响的生物根本无法大喊或尖叫。「医疗术」或类似效果可以治愈该法术荒疫,感染者也可以通过施放一次「咆哮术」来摆脱粗哑效果——尽管施法本身将如常被该法术荒疫效果所影响。

  倒错(Confounded Casting):倒错效果下的施法者,在自己想要施放的法术、和自己实际施展的法术之间,存在认识和意识上的失联。她在施放法术或使用类法术能力时,必须通过DC为「15+法术等级双倍」的专注检定。如果专注检定失败,该施法者只能挑选并施放另一项施法时间相同、法术等级相同或更低的法术/类法术能力。若该施法者没有其他法术或类法术能力,将会失去此次施法动作;她原本想要施放的法术或类法术能力并不会被消耗,因此可以再次尝试施放。倒错可以被任何移除困惑或精神错乱的效果治愈。免疫心灵效果的生物同样免疫倒错。


  黑瞳(Ebon Eyes):黑瞳效果下的施法者的眼睛被乌黑发亮的薄膜覆盖,逆转了她对于光线和黑暗的理解。该生物将黑暗视作强光、将昏暗视作常光、将常光视作昏暗、并将强光视为黑暗。黑瞳提供针对目盲、目眩等视觉效果的保护,对上述效果的各项豁免获得+2加值。黑瞳可以被移除目盲的效果治愈。

  邪颤(Eldritch Ague):邪颤体现为使施法者衰弱的恶心。邪颤效果下的施法者在诅咒被移除前都处于恶心状态。施法者必须通过DC为「15+法术等级双倍」的专注检定来摆脱该效果,检定成功后可以在1轮内正常施法。如果检定失败则同时失去该法术和施法动作。邪颤相对于诅咒更像是一种疾病,免疫疾病的生物同样免疫邪颤。「移除疾病」可以治愈邪颤;与大多数法术荒疫不同,通过此法术移除该荒疫无需承受施法者等级检定的-5减值。



  冗仪(Ritualistic Obsession):冗仪效果下的施法者在施放法术时加入无必要的姿势。任何原先不带有动作成分的法术(即便是法术定发超魔后的法术)将需要动作成分,而原先即带有动作成分的法术将需要空出双手来施展。类法术能力也将包括动作成分。动作的复杂性还将使迅捷动作施放的法术改为需要标准动作,标准动作法术改为1轮,施法时间1轮的法术改为2轮。其他的法术施展时间不受影响。额外的专注倒是提高了所施放法术的性能。任何由冗仪导致施展时间增加的法术或类法术能力,其豁免DC+1。冗仪可以被任何移除精神错乱的效果治愈。免疫心灵效果的生物同样免疫冗仪。

  法瘾(Spell Addiction):法瘾效果下的施法者得益于施展法术时的得意,却也不得不很快地承受法术耗尽带来的懊丧。成功地施放一个法术后,施法者的攻击检定、技能检定和豁免在下轮结束前获得+2士气加值。不过一旦某轮她未能施放法术,她将会进行撤退动作(withdrawal)并在下轮前陷入恶心状态。法瘾可以被任何移除困惑、精神错乱或疾病的效果治愈。免疫心灵效果的生物同样免疫法瘾。

强效法术荒疫(Major Spellblights)


  邪盲(Eldritch Cataracts):感染邪盲荒疫的施法者施放法术时,他的视野越来愈浑浊、最终完全失明。每当该施法者施放一个法术,她必须通过DC为「15+法术等级」的强韧豁免。如果豁免失败,她基于视觉的察觉检定受到-1减值,直到该法术荒疫被移除。多次豁免失败会使减值叠加,并最终在达到-4时导致施法者目盲。邪盲是一种难以治愈的法术荒疫,任何治愈目盲的效果可以将察觉减值降低1点。如果该减值被回复到-3或更少,那么施法者能够重拾光明,直到下一次类似强韧豁免失败使得减值再度达到-4。将减值降低到0点即可治愈该法术荒疫。目盲或者不使用视觉的生物免疫邪盲。

  危惧(Nameless Dread):感染危惧荒疫的施法者觉得来自遥远时空的陌生存在、或者星界彼端的黑暗力量在追杀自己,并撕裂自己的理智。每当该施法者施放法术或使用类法术能力时,她会瞥到无名追杀者的身影。她必须通过DC为「15+法术等级双倍」的专注检定,检定失败将陷入战栗,持续每法术等级1轮。如果已经处于战栗,该施法者将陷入惊惧,持续时间为当前效果和先前效果中较长者。如果已经处于惊惧,该施法者将陷入恐慌(并因此无法再施法),持续时间为当前效果和先前效果中较长者。每当该施法者陷入恐慌,她会有5%的几率彻底陷入永久的精神错乱(如同「精神错乱」法术,或者GM可以从游戏掌控手册,Game Mastery Guide的250-251页中寻找一项精神错乱效果)。遭受危惧折磨的施法者特别精于掌控带有「恐惧」或「混乱」描述符的法术。当她施放带有上述描述符的法术时,法术豁免DC提高1点,同时她也在穿透法术抗力的施法者等级检定中获得+1表现加值。压制恐惧的法术对危惧荒疫有效。移除恐惧的效果能够压制危惧(及其为施法带来的优势)1小时。


  强迫(Obsessive Fixation):感染强迫荒疫的施法者产生了一种强迫症式的重复性,具体在准备法术型、自发施法型施法者和类法术能力使用者之间的表现会有所不同。准备法术型施法者会尽可能重复地准备法术,意味着她会为每个法术准备两份拷贝,但不会超过她正常情况下所能准备的法术数量。该荒疫唯一的效果就是重复准备法术(因此限制了多样性)。自发施法型施法者或类法术能力使用者在施放法术或使用类法术能力后,必须在下一轮再度使用同样的法术,否则将在该轮结束后晕眩1轮;每当她连续施放同一个法术2轮、或者陷入晕眩后,强迫荒疫的效果重置,她也因此可以施放任何所知的其他法术——并展开下一个循环。强迫荒疫可以被任何移除困惑或精神错乱的效果压制1天。

  闪灭(Phase Blight):感染闪灭荒疫的施法者的存在不停地显现和隐去。每当施放法术时,她的实际位相将持续闪烁每法术等级1轮。对位相闪烁的施法者的物理攻击有50%失手率,针对个体的法术有50%几率无法影响她,区域型攻击对她造成的伤害减半。与此同时,该施法者的物理攻击也有50%失手率,她施放的全部目标型法术都有50%几率无法影响到目标,她造成的区域型攻击伤害同样减半。与施放「闪现术」法术不同,该施法者并不会变成灵体;她仅仅闪烁于现实空间中。「次元锚」等阻挡跨位面旅行的效果,会在持续期间使位相闪烁的生物的存在趋于稳定。

  法燃(Spell Burn):感染法燃荒疫的施法者施法或使用类法术能力时感到肌肤如受火炙。当通过DC为DC为「15+法术等级双倍」的专注检定后,该施法者可以无视法燃效果带来的痛楚;不过一旦检定失败,她将恍惚1轮。已经由于该法术荒疫效果处于恍惚状态的施法者,她施放的任何带有「火」描述符的法术豁免DC提高1点。燃烧的痛楚实际仅存于该施法者的想象中。免疫心灵效果的生物同样免疫法燃荒疫,也无法在施放带有「火」描述符的法术时受益。

  法竭(Spell Sap):感染法竭荒疫的施法者会在施法时掉线。她将会变得自闭、隔绝、焦虑,甚至不省人事。每当该施法者施放法术或使用类法术能力时,她必须通过DC为「14+施法者等级」的强韧豁免,否则将在下一轮结束前陷入晕眩。如果她的豁免结果失败10点以上,将会直接倒地并失去意识1D4轮。法竭荒疫可以被移除困惑或精神错乱的效果压制1天。

  绝情(Transference Block):感染绝情荒疫的施法者难以将同伴当作法术效果的目标。每当她对同伴施法时必须通过DC为「15+法术等级双倍」的专注检定,检定失败将会失去该法术。绝情荒疫可以通过在反魔场中驻留1小时来治愈。


劇透 -   :
Description of Spellblights

The following section details spellblights, split up based on their severity and featuring descriptions of effects and special methods to end those effects. Note that some of the effects of spellblights can be somewhat beneficial. Crafty spellcasters can make the best of even the worst situations, and the beneficial effects of any spellblights represent this. If a spellblight calls for a concentration check based on the level of the effect, and the caster is using a spell-like ability that doesn't have an effective level, use half the caster level of the spell-like ability instead.

Minor Spellblights

The following is a list and descriptions of many of the most common minor spellblights.

Caster Blank: A spellcaster with caster blank has a hard time focusing her spells or spell-like abilities on the same creature more than once. After targeting a creature with a spell, the caster cannot target that creature again with a spell until caster blank is removed or suppressed. To suppress caster blank, the afflicted spell caster must spend a standard action concentrating, which shakes off all effects of the caster blank until she casts a targeted spell again. Caster blank only affects spells that target creatures, and a spellcaster can still affect the creature with area spells.

Caster blank can be cured by any effect that removes confusion or insanity. Creatures that are immune to mind-affecting effects are immune to this spellblight.

Caster Croak: The afflicted spellcaster's throat or mouth is magically constricted. The spellcaster can barely make her words heard, and then only with great effort. A creature under this affect can only make itself heard by others by spending a swift action to focus its will on speech. Casting spells with a verbal component has a 20% chance of spell failure, and the save DCs of any spells she casts with the language-dependent descriptor are reduced by 4. Spell-like abilities are not affected by this spellblight because they lack verbal components. Shouting and screaming is impossible while the creature is affected by this spellblight.

A heal spell or similar effect cures this spellblight, as does casting the shout spell, though doing so is still affected by the spellblight's effects.

Confounded Casting: A spellcaster with confounded casting has a mental disconnect between the spells she intends to cast and the spells she actually casts. The first time on her turn that she casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, she makes a concentration check with a DC of 15 + twice the level of the spell being cast. If the concentration check fails, the caster must pick another spell or spell-like ability of the same level or lower to cast with the same casting time. If the spellcaster has no other spell or spell-like ability, the action is lost. The spell or spell-like ability she originally picked is not spent and she can attempt to cast that spell again later.

Confounded casting is cured by any effect that removes confusion or insanity. Creatures that are immune to mind-affecting effects are immune to this spellblight.

Disassociation: A spellcaster with disassociation lapses into a mild insanity in which she dissociates her identity and starts to perceive herself as someone else. While subject to disassociation, a spellcaster is incapable of using spells or effects with a range of personal or of targeting herself with a spell effect. A spell with an area that includes her but does not need targeted individual creatures functions normally.

Disassociation can by cured by any effect that removes confusion or insanity.

Ebon Eyes: A spellcaster with ebon eyes develops a jet-black film over her eyes, which inverts her capacity to perceive light and darkness. The creature treats darkness as bright light, dim light as normal light, normal light as dim light, and bright light as darkness. The ebon eyes protect against blinding, dazzling, patterns, or other visual effects, granting a +2 bonus on all saving throws against those effects.

Ebon eyes can be removed with an effect that removes blindness.

Eldritch Ague: Eldritch ague manifests itself as a sickness that is debilitating to spellcasters. A spellcaster with this spellblight is sickened until the curse is removed. When the subject of the curse casts a spell, she is overcome with shaking for 1 round, requiring any spellcasting or the use of a spell-like ability during that time to succeed at a concentration check (DC 15 + twice the spell level of the spell being cast). If she fails the save, the spell and the action to cast it is lost.

While a curse, eldritch ague acts much like a disease, and creatures with immunity to disease are also immune to eldritch ague. Remove disease cures eldritch ague; unlike with most spellblights, using this spell to remove the spellblight does not impose a –5 caster level check penalty.

Hemoculysis: A spellcaster with hemoculysis bleeds from her eyes whenever she casts a spell. The volume and duration of this flow depends on the level of the spell, lasting 1 round per level of the spell. While bleeding from the eyes, the spellcaster is considered dazzled and takes 1 point of bleed damage. Casting additional spells while the eyes are already bleeding resets the duration of existing hemoculysis by the spell level, provided it's greater than the current duration. The sight of the spellcaster's eyes bleeding is horrifying, and she gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks and a –4 penalty on Bluff and Diplomacy checks for the duration of the bleeding.

Hemoculysis can be cured by heal or regenerate.

Lassitude: Whenever a spellcaster with this spellblight casts a spell, she must make a concentration check (DC 15 + twice the spell level of the spell being cast). If she fails the check, the spellcaster takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per spell level (or 1 point of nonlethal damage when casting a 0-level spell or 1 point per 2 caster levels if using a spell-like ability). This nonlethal damage cannot be reduced in any way so long as the spellcaster suffers from lassitude.

Lassitude can be cured by lesser restoration, restoration, or any effect that completely removes exhaustion. Simply resting has no effect. Creatures immune to nonlethal damage are immune to this spellblight.

Ritualistic Obsession: A spellcaster afflicted with ritualistic obsession adds unnecessary gestures to her spellcasting activities. Any spell without a somatic component (even a spell cast with the Still Spell feat) now requires one, and any spell that already has a somatic component requires two free hands rather than one. Spell-like abilities now require a somatic component. The extra complexity increases swift action casting times to a standard action, standard action casting times to 1 round, and 1 round casting times to 2 rounds. Other casting times are not increased. The extra focus does serve to increase the efficacy of the caster's spells. All save DCs for spells and spell-like abilities that have their casting time increased with ritualistic obsession are increased by 1.

Ritualistic obsession is cured by any effect that removes insanity. Creatures that are immune to mind-affecting effects are immune to ritualistic obsession.

Spell Addiction: A spell addict feeds off the elation of wielding magic, but suffers rapid withdrawal once spellcasting ends. After successfully casting a spell, the addict gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws until her next turn. On any round the spell addict does not cast a spell on her turn, however, she goes into withdrawal, and is sickened until her next turn.

Spell addiction is cured by any effect that removes confusion, insanity, or disease. Creatures that are immune to mind-affecting effects are immune to spell addiction.

Major Spellblights

The following list details some of the most common major spellblights.

Eldritch Cataracts: Each time a spellcaster with this spellblight casts a spell, her vision becomes fuzzier and fuzzier until eventually she is blinded. Each time the spellcaster casts a spell, she must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 15 + the spell's level. If she fails, she takes a –1 penalty on vision-based Perception checks until the spellblight is removed. Further failed saving throws increase the penalty by 1 until the character reaches a –4 penalty, at which point she becomes blinded instead.

Eldritch cataracts is a difficult spellblight to cure. Any effect that cures blindness reduces the penalty by 1. If the penalty is reduced to –3 or lower, any blindness is relieved until the caster fails the Fortitude saving throw enough times to bring the penalty back to –4. Reducing the penalty to 0 cures the spellblight.

Blind creatures and creatures that don't use sight are immune to eldritch cataracts.

Nameless Dread: A caster with nameless dread believes strange beings from far dimensions or the blackness between the stars are hounding her and sapping her sanity. Every time the caster uses a spell or a spell-like ability, she sees a glimpse of her nameless pursuers. She must succeed at a concentration check (DC 15 + twice the spell's level), or become shaken for 1 round per level of the spell. If already shaken, the spellcaster becomes frightened for the duration of the original effect or the duration of the new effect, whichever is greater. If she is already frightened, she becomes panicked (and cannot cast) for the duration of the current effect or the duration of the new effect, whichever is greater. Each time a spellcaster becomes panicked, there is a 5% chance she will become permanently insane (as the insanity spell, or the GM may choose a form of insanity listed on pages 250–251 of the GameMastery Guide).

A spellcaster suffering from nameless dread is particularly adept at wielding spells with the fear or chaos descriptor. When she casts a spell with that descriptor, the save DC for that spell is increased by 1, and she gains a +1 competence bonus on all caster level checks made to bypass spell resistance.

Spells that suppress fear work on nameless dread. Those that remove fear effects suppress the effects of nameless dread (and its benefits to spellcasting) for 1 hour.

Negated: A negated spellcaster has his ability to manipulate magical energies disrupted. He gains spell resistance equal to 10 plus twice the highest spell level he can cast. This spell resistance cannot be voluntarily lowered. In addition, anytime he casts a spell, he must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against this spell resistance. On a successful check, the spell is completed and the spellcaster's spell resistance is removed until the start of his next turn. Failure indicates he failed to muster up enough magical energy to cast the spell, but the spell is not lost and may be attempted again. Any feats or abilities that aid in bypassing spell resistance help with this check.

Restoration suppresses the negated spellblight for one day.

Obsessive Fixation: A spellcaster with an obsessive fixation develops a tendency toward repetition. This manifests itself differently depending on whether the spellcaster prepares spells, is a spontaneous caster, or uses spell-like abilities. When preparing spells, an afflicted spellcaster must attempt to prepare as many duplicate spells as she can, meaning she prepares two copies of each spell she picks, but cannot exceed her normal number of spell slots to do so. This need to prepare multiples (thus limiting her versatility) is the only effect. If the spellcaster is a spontaneous caster or uses spell-like abilities, when that spellcaster casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, she must cast that spell again on her next turn, or becomes dazed for 1 round at the end of her turn. Once she casts two copies of the same spell in a row or becomes dazed, the obsessive fixation resets, and she can cast any spell she knows, starting the cycle again.

Obsessive fixation can be suppressed for 1 day with an effect that removes confusion or insanity.

Phase Blight: A spellcaster afflicted with spellblight fades in and out of existence. Each time she casts a spell, she phases in and out of reality for 1 round per level of the spell cast. While phasing, any physical attacks made against the spellcaster have a 50% miss chance, any individually targeted spell has a 50% chance to fail to affect the caster, and the spellcaster takes only half damage from area attacks. In addition, while actively phasing, all of a spellcaster's physical attacks have a 50% miss chance, all of the caster's spells that target creatures have a 50% chance of affecting the target, and all of the caster's area attacks do 50% of their normal damage. Unlike when casting the blink spell, the spellcaster does not become ethereal; she blinks in and out of reality altogether.

Effects that block planar travel, like dimensional anchor, stabilize a phasing creature for the duration of the effect.

Spell Burn: Each time a spellcaster afflicted with this spellblight casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, her skin feels like it burns, as if she were on fire. With a successful concentration check (DC 15 + twice the spell level cast), the spellcaster can ignore the pain of the effect, but if she fails, she is staggered for a round. While the caster is staggered by this spellblight, any spell with the fire descriptor that she casts has its saving throw DC increased by 1.

The burning sensation is a figment of the caster's imagination. Spellcasters that are immune to mind-affecting effects are immune to this spellblight, and don't gain the beneficial effect when casting spells with the fire descriptor.

Spell Sap: A spellcaster with spell sap is subject to blackouts when casting spells. She may become mentally locked, distant, or catatonic, or may even slip into unconsciousness. Each time the afflicted spellcaster casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, she must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14 + caster level) or become dazed until the end of her next turn. If she fails the save by 10 or more, she instead falls prone and lapses into unconsciousness for 1d4 rounds.

Spell sap can be suppressed for 1 day with an effect that removes confusion or insanity.

Transference Block: A spellcaster with transference block has difficulty targeting allies with spell effects. Anytime she casts a spell on an ally, she must make a concentration check (DC 15 + twice the spell's level) or the spell is lost.

Transference block can be cured by spending 1 hour in an antimagic field.

Vertigo: A spellcaster with vertigo becomes dizzy and lightheaded when she casts a spell. Each time she casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, the world spins and shifts around her. She must succeed at a concentration check (with a DC equal to the 15 + twice the level of the spell being cast). If the spellcaster fails the check, she falls prone, and for 1d4 rounds takes a penalty on Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, Stealth, and Swim checks equal to 1 + the level of the spell. While the afflicted spellcaster takes those penalties, she must also succeed at a DC 10 Acrobatics check in order to stand up from prone.

A restoration cast on the afflicted spellcaster suppresses this spellblight for 1 day.
« 上次编辑: 2013-05-16, 周四 10:49:15 由 Falengel »

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  中毒或恶心(Poisoned or Sickened):每日1次,中毒或恶心状态下的施法者可以在施放造成中毒或恶心效果的法术时,选择承受20%的法术失败率。如果她施法成功,她所施放的造成中毒或恶心效果的法术豁免DC提高2点。



劇透 -   :
Optional: Benefits of Harmful Conditions

A resourceful spellcaster draws upon experience to lend power to her magic. In the same way many of the spellblight conditions above offer advantages under the right conditions, at the GM's discretion, the standard conditions described in Appendix 2 of the Core Rulebook can provide benefits as well. If the following material gives a spell failure chance, this is in addition to other rolls to succeed at casting (such as caster level checks and arcane spell failure from armor) and is resolved after those rolls.

Bleed: While a spellcaster is affected by this condition, her inflict wounds spells inflict an extra point of damage per die. This only applies when using an inflict wounds spell, not when using those spells to heal undead.

Blinded: A blinded spellcaster can use some of the energy of a spell with the light descriptor to try to counteract the blinded condition. Also, when a blinded spellcaster casts a spell with the light descriptor, she can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure with that spell. If the caster successfully casts the spell, the spell also ends the blinded condition.

Confused: While confused (either temporarily, or permanently by way of an insanity spell or effect), a spellcaster can tap into that confusion during periods of lucidity. When a confused spellcaster can act normally, the DCs of her spells that give confusion or insanity effects are increased by 1. The caster also gains a +2 competence bonus on caster level checks made to bypass spell resistance with those spells.

Entangled: A spellcaster who is entangled and casts a spell with the force descriptor can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure on that spell. If she successfully casts the spell, she ends the entangled condition, or if she is anchored, her movement is no longer prevented, but she is still entangled.

Dazzled: A dazzled spellcaster can use some of the energy of a spell with the darkness descriptor to try to counteract the dazzled condition. When a dazzled spellcaster casts a spell with the darkness descriptor, she can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure with that spell. If the caster successfully casts the spell, the spell also ends the dazzled condition.

Deafened: A deafened spellcaster can use some of the energy of a spell with the sonic descriptor to try to counteract the deafened condition. When a deafened spellcaster casts a spell with the sonic descriptor, she can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure with that spell. If the caster successfully casts the spell, the spell also ends the deafened condition.

Disabled: A disabled spellcaster can tap into her fears of impending death to empower her conjuration (healing) spells. Once per day, while disabled due to damage taken, a spellcaster can choose to treat a single conjuration (healing) spell she casts on herself as having a caster level two levels higher than her actual caster level. She must actually cast the spell; this ability cannot raise the caster level of a spell cast from a magic item.

Grappled: While being grappled, a spellcaster can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure when casting a touch attack spell. If the spell is successfully cast, the caster gains a +2 bonus on the attack roll against the creature grappling her.

Nauseated: A nauseated spellcaster can use some of the energy of a conjuration (healing) spell to try to counteract the nauseated condition. When a nauseated spellcaster casts a conjuration (healing) spell, she can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure with that spell. If the caster successfully casts the spell, the spell also ends the nauseated condition.

Poisoned or Sickened: Once per day, while a spellcaster is poisoned or sickened, she can take a 20% chance of spell failure when casting a single spell that causes a poison or sickened effect. If the spell is successful, the DC of any poison or sickened effect granted by that spell increases by 2.

Shaken: While a spellcaster is shaken, once per day she can channel her fear to increase the power of a single spell with the fear descriptor that she casts. When she does so, the spell DC of that spell is increased by 1. She must actually cast the spell; this ability cannot raise the caster level of a spell cast from a magic item.

Staggered: Once per day, while a spellcaster is staggered, she can take a 20% chance of spell failure when casting a single spell that takes a swift or standard action to cast. If the spell is successfully cast, she can take a move action directly after casting the spell.
« 上次编辑: 2013-05-16, 周四 10:45:46 由 Falengel »

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Re: 【UM】法术荒疫(Spellblights)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-05-16, 周四 10:47:02 »
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« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-05-16, 周四 12:12:29 »

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Re: 【UM】法术荒疫(Spellblights)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-05-16, 周四 14:47:32 »

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-05-18, 周六 23:46:43 »

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Re: 【UM】法术荒疫(Spellblights)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-05-19, 周日 00:05:12 »