作者 主题: 【龙枪】少年Gi的奇幻漂流  (阅读 65275 次)

副标题: The Odyssey of Gilthanas

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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #30 于: 2013-07-26, 周五 23:44:28 »





一开始,他就问了我许多边远地区的情况,例如圣奎斯特岛,帕兰萨斯周边的山丘,甚至传说中的巨龙列岛。我起初觉得他感兴趣的地点杂乱无章,毫无头绪,但我渐渐恍然大悟——所有这些地区都有山峰,而这些山峰都是已知的银龙聚居地。我进一步揣测,他必定是在寻找他的前任副手(同时也是他的情妇,如果宫廷流言可信的话),西悠瓦拉。尽管她大部分时间总是以野精灵的形象露面,但每当蓝龙大军试图夺回这座城市时,她就会恢复她的自然形体——一条银龙。战争结束后不久,艺术家公会(Artist's Guild)用一幅壮丽的镶嵌画装饰了他们的大厅,画面上吉尔赛那斯正乘在西悠瓦拉背上奔赴战场。











劇透 -   :
Lady Jennetta's Diary
12 Reapember 23sc—Gilthanas sought me out again today. (I have finally grown used to referring to him 
by name rather than "Your Grace" or some other formal title.) He is quite exhilarated by the plans he and Migel 
have drawn up. And to think, they never would have arrived at this solution were it not for me.
When Gilthanas first came to me, I was almost overawed by being alone with him. After all, it is not every 
day that a simple cartographer's daughter gets a private audience with a man of legend. It was only when he 
explained that he came to me because of my family's occupation that I calmed enough to enjoy his company. 
If any good came from growing up in that cramped shop, being able to aid Gilthanas is certainly it.
He began by questioning me about faraway places like the Isle of Sancrist, the hills surrounding Palanthas, 
and even the fabled Dragon Isles. At first, I could discern no rhyme or reason to his interests, but slowly it 
dawned on me—they were all places that have mountains where silver dragons have been known to 
congregate. I further surmised that he must be looking for his former lieutenant (and, if palace rumors are to be 
believed, paramour), Silvara. Although she most often appeared in the from of a wild elf, whenever the 
dragonarmies attempted to retake the city, she resumed her natural shape—that of a silver dragon. Shortly 
after the war, the Artist's Guild decorated their hall with a grand mosaic of Gilthanas riding into battle on 
Silvara's back.
Though I was loath to pry into his personal matters, once it became obvious that I suspected the truth, 
Gilthanas insisted on telling me the tale of how he and Silvara parted. A tear still comes to my eye as I reflect 
on it. Why is it that we can only recognize the important moments in our lives when we view them in memory? 
Gilthanas's heart will not be whole again until he finds Silvara—yet he has only the vaguest clue where to 
Together, we have fixed upon a dozen sites that seem likely places Silvara might have gone. They are 
spread across the entire continent and beyond. It would obviously take Gilthanas years to visit them all. 
Meanwhile, Silvara might move along to anywhere else she pleases—perhaps even across one of the great 
seas. The matter seemed hopeless.
One night, I could bear the sorrow no longer. In Wretched tears, I came to Migel, the only source of solace 
available, and surprisingly, he actually comforted me and attentively listened to all I had to say.
When I finished, instead of berating me for being an emotional fool, he held me close and soothed me. 
Stroking my head with his palm. "Everything will be all right," he promised. And so, it seems, it will be.
Migel spoke with Gilthanas the next day. He convinced him that such a quest would take a lifetime (even for 
an elf) and still might bear no fruit. Instead, my husband offered to speak to Lord Rychner on Gilthanas's behalf. 
Kalaman was in a state of peace. Surely the lord would spare a half-dozen of his swiftest riders to scour the 
land to search for news of Lady Silvara. They could cover the entire continent in less than a year, and should 
their efforts prove fruitless, more riders could embark immediately to cover six more paths. If they met with 
success, Gilthanas would know exactly where to go without wasting years on futle journeys.
I have never been more proud of my husband than the day he convinced Lord Rychner to support this plan. 
And I have never seen a happier soul than Gilthanas when he heard the news.
For the past several weeks, Gilthanas and I have pored over my grandfather's maps daily, plotting out the 
six best courses for the riders to follow. I believe we are nearly through.
Paladine, if you can yet hear our prayers, I beg you to grant whatever blessings you can to this endeavor. 
No soul I have ever met deserves happiness more than Gilthanas.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-27, 周六 17:01:39 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #31 于: 2013-07-27, 周六 21:44:32 »







卡拉曼很可能将很快恢复它仅次于帕兰萨斯的第二大贸易港的地位。事实上,鉴于帕兰萨斯如今处于塔克西丝骑士与苍蓝尊者——蓝天(Great Blue, Skie)的双重支配之下,许多商人或许会发现经由我城的市场走陆路运输货物更为有利可图。而所有这一切,都应当归功于我。

是不是我想得太多了?我总觉得自己有朝一日会拥有一间独立的办公室。或许,我能当上市长(Lord Mayor)?对于一个让生机与繁荣重回整座城市的人来说,这可不是什么过分的要求。为了确保自己的成功,我只需把吉尔赛那斯挽留在卡拉曼,而我已经轻松实现了这一点。此外,尽管我们对行刺他的幕后黑手的调查没有取得任何进展,但其后并没有发生进一步的刺杀事件,因此,我认为吉尔赛那斯无需继续担心来路不明的刺客。


劇透 -   :
Sir Migel's Journal
8th day of Gildember, 23sc—If ever there has been a more perfect plan than this, I know nothing of it. I not 
only have secured an increase in the prosperity of the city as a whole, but I also have made myself 
indispensable to both Lord Rychner and Governor Gilthanas. My Lord cannot do without me, for I am the one 
who knows how to keep Gilthanas from leaving the city. The governor, on the other hand, relies upon me to 
keep him updated on the progress of our continent-wide search for his former consort.
Gilthanas has agreed to accept his former title for as long as he remains in Kalaman. We told him, not 
untruthfully, that it would elate the masses to hear about the decision. After all, in every appearance his return 
brings back the golden years. Gilthanas may not be able to dispel the eternal twilight that grips the city, but he 
has worked every other sort of miracle the people could hope for.
At the governor's behest, the open-air market once again fills the streets with produce, baked goods, and 
all manner of handicrafts. Market days are only three times a week (as opposed to the daily affair they were in 
years past), but before Gilthanas's return, there hadn't been a market day in nearly five years.
The governor himself wanders the market each day, greeting everyone he meets with a firm handshake 
and a civil nod of his head. And he always makes it a point to buy one or two items from the stalls, even if the 
palace larders are full. "The only way to raise confidence is to act confident," he has told me on several 
occasions. At his insistence all members of the palace staff must spend at least an hour a week walking the 
market, and he strongly encourages us to make at least one purchase.
As a result of the market days, other shops in the town square have not only reopened, but also are doing 
business unlike any they've known for years. More and more trade ships consider Kalaman a necessary stop, 
and their sailors come into the city rather than staying on their ships at night. Inns throughout town again have 
more full rooms than empty ones, and the Vingaard Brewery cannot produce its dark, viscous ale fast enough 
to meet demand.
Kalaman very well may soon regain its position as the trade port second only to Palanthas. And given the 
fact that Palanthas is now under the sway of both the Knights of Takhisis and the Great Blue, Skie, many 
traders may find it more profitable to move their cargo through our fair dry. And it is all thanks to me.
Would it be too much to think that one day I might hold an office of my own? Lord Mayor, perhaps? That is 
not too much to ask for bringing life and prosperity back to an entire city. All I have to do to ensure my success 
is keep Gilthanas in Kalaman, and that is accomplished easily enough. Additionally, although no progress has 
been made on discovering who would send assassins after him, I feel that since no further attempts have been 
made on his life, Gilthanas no longer has anything to fear from that unknown aggressor.
Keeping him here is easily enough done. After all, I have kept him this long on nothing more than a promise 
and a prayer. I see no reason why this situation cannot be maintained indefinitely.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-12, 周一 18:57:42 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #32 于: 2013-07-29, 周一 21:24:26 »





















劇透 -   :
Lady Jennetta's Diary
3 Frostkolt 24sc—What a false friend I am! Gilthanas came to me today, and though he is as stoic as 
anyone I've ever met, he confided in me that his heart begins to despair of ever seeing Silvara again. I listened 
with rapt attetion, cooed where I ought, and advised him to be patient. "These things take time," I said. "She 
has had nearly two decades to sequester herself. You can't expect to locate her in just a few short months."
He smiled and patted my hand. "Of course you are correct" he said and smiled gamely. It was all I could do 
to smile back. How can I live with this terrible secret? And what kind of friend am I if I do not share it with 
Last night, I came to Migel's study to inquire as to any items he might require from next week's first market 
day. When I arrived, though, he was engaged in conversation with Rika, that detestable toady he calls a clerk. 
Rather than barge in on their discussion, I resolved to wait silently by the door and enter only when there came 
a break in the discourse. It was never my intention to eavesdrop, but when I heard Gilthanas's name 
mentioned, my curiosity got the better of me. To my utter dismay, they were talking about what lies they could 
fabricate to make Gilthanas believe that the search for Silvara was proceeding smoothly.
"We must give him something solid—a sighting or a merchant who met Silvara along his travels," Rika 
intoned as he paced back and forth across the library. Migel, seated behind his reading desk, watched him 
with a scowl.
"Sit down!" my husband ordered, then returned to the issue at hand. "It must not be solid enough to cause 
him to leave. If the elf thought that someone had recently seen his dragon wench, he would be on his way 
there before the words finished echoing in the grand hall. No." And here he stroked his chin in a manner that 
sent a chill through my entire body. "If it must be a rumor, then it must be an old one. An innkeeper who saw 
Silvara three years ago."
"Yes!" Rika said fidgeting in the seat he'd taken. "She stopped in Palanthas on her way to 
Migel waved his hand dismissively. "Palanthas is too large a city. I think Throtl would be a more useful 
locale. A person could be going anywhere from that goblin-infested hole, particularly if that person was really a 
silver dragon."
With that, both Migel and Rika began to laugh in the most malicious manner. I was quite taken aback and 
must have gasped out loud, for my husband rushed to the library door and threw it open, catching me in the 
bright light of the reading lamps.
"How long were you standing here?" he demanded, holding me firmly by the wrist. "How much did you 
"Enough to know that you are a detestable villain." I'd never spoken to Migel in such a tone. He released his 
grip on my arm. "Enough so that when I share it with Gilthanas, he will see you for the liar that you are. He will 
leave Kalaman as quickly as he can, and you will be left to explain why."
My husband smiled cruelly at me.
"And what happens then?" He turned and strolled casually back to his seat at the desk. "When Gilthanas 
leaves what will happen to our city? Do you think the market will remain open without our great governor here 
to instill the simple folk with confidence? Of course not. Kalaman will plunge immediately back into the dark 
and frightened times we faced until six months ago. Gilthanas is the only one holding this renaissance 
"What of it?" I asked. "He owes us nothing. Rather, it is we who owe everything to Gilthanas. Is this how we 
show our thanks? By lying to him about his one true love? By making a mockery of the only thing that matters 
to him?"
"All we are doing, my dear wife, is creating hope in his breast so that he will remain patient while we find his 
love. It does no one any good to have our much beloved governor running off to chase shadows and rumors 
across the country-side. No, all we are doing is giving him faith that he and Silvara will one day be reunited. As 
long as they end up together, does it really matter that Gilthanas's faith is placed in a lie?"
I couldn't tell right from wrong anymore. Damn Migel and his artful words.
"Is it kinder to keep Gilthanas in Kalaman, where he can ease the suffering f the entire population, than to 
let him run hither and yon on a search that might never end?"
I could not answer.
"I suggest you think about that, my dear, before you condemn both the governor and the entire city to what 
is likely to be decades more of darkness and confusion."
So I held my tongue when Gilthanas and I met. And though I still cannot answer whether telling him the 
truth is the correct course of action, I'm not certain how long I can perpetuate Migel's half-truths.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-29, 周一 23:40:03 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #33 于: 2013-07-29, 周一 23:52:36 »






更加糟糕的是,这名骑手带回了执政官那位龙姑娘的目击者的消息。很显然,有人曾看到西悠瓦拉在阿斯提瓦山脉(Astivar Mountains)的某座高峰周围飞翔。骑手说那个地方被称为流云之巅(Peak of Clouds),传说那里住着一位睿智而慈爱的鹰羽人(kyrie)隐士。我丝毫不关心那儿是不是真有这么个鸟人。可是我必须阻止吉尔赛那斯听到这个传闻。

劇透 -   :
Sir Migel's Journal
28th day of Brookgreen, 24sc—I am surrounded by buffoons! Sailors already provide Gilthanas with too 
many rumors of places Silvara may be without my own incompetent staff presenting him with ones of their own 
creation. I swear, I would kill Rika this very instant if I did not think that any replacement I found would be twice 
as inept.
This morning, I found my fool clerk regaling the governor with a preposterous tale about a silver dragon 
protecting Goldmoon and her mystics on the Isle of Schallsea. Thankfully, the dragon in the story was a male, 
and so Gilthanas paid it no heed.
To make matters worse, one of my riders returned to Kalaman today. He and the others have been living 
high on the hog in Ohme for the past six months, toasting every sunrise and sunset. It seems they have run 
through the satchel of steel I gave them quicker than anticipated. There are coins to spare in the treasury these 
days, so that is no obstacle.
My problem is that word has gotten about that my man has arrived. Gilthanas already has demanded an 
audience with the rider, and it was all I could do to convince him to delay until the man had time to rest. Now I 
have spent the entire afternoon coaching the sod on what to say—exactly which lies we have told the governor 
and what specific answers to give to specific questions. I can only pray this simple man does not fall to pieces 
in the presence of "the hero of the people." (If I had known how troublesome that title would be, I'd never have 
suggested it. Gilthanas now seems to have an almost arcane power over the common folk—they can hardly 
speak clearly in his presence, let alone think.)
To make matters worse, the rider brings with him news of a sighting of the governor's dragon maid. 
Apparently, Silvara has been seen flying around a particular spire in the Astivar Mountains. The rider says the 
place is called the Peak of Clouds, and legend tells that it is home to a wise and benevolent kyrie hermit. 
Whether or not such a bird-man lives there does not concern me at all. However, it is imperative Gilthanas not 
find out about this rumor.
Matters here in Kalaman are at a critical juncture. If we can increase outgoing trade by another four ships a 
week, we can add another pier to our waterfront. And that will in turn bring more merchant ships to the harbor. 
We stand at the verge of fulfilling all my dreams for our city. I cannot allow the governor's romantic interests to 
jeopardize Kalaman's future—my future!
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-12, 周一 18:57:55 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #34 于: 2013-07-30, 周二 14:23:53 »

















劇透 -   :
Lady Jennetta's Diary
1 Yurthgreen 24sc—I am a cowardly, faithless woman, and I deserve all the shame I've brought upon 
myself. For the past ten months, I have done nothing but lie to a man with a heart as noble and a spirit as pure 
as any I've ever encountered. I believed my husband, a man I know to be of scandalous honor, and accepted 
his word that when actual news of Silvara arrived, he would pass it immediately on to Governor Gilthanas. 
Somehow, I trusted that when a choice was to be made between personal comfort and moral responsibility, 
my own Migel would choose the righteous path.
What a fool I am.
I have made a point of staying within a discreet distance of my husband whenever he entertains members 
of his staff. Oh, I played the dutiful hostess and feigned bored disinterest, but in truth, I listened carefully to 
every word searching for some hint of deception. That hint came last night.
The tedious Rika, after one glass of wine more than his usual limit, made a passing comment about the 
rider who visited th palace last week. That toady said something to the effect of, "He took his truth back to 
Migel cast upon the toady such a withering gaze that Rika immediately commented on how late the evening 
had gotten and showed himself to the door. For my part, I, pretending to notice nothing amiss, bid Rika's 
vanishing form a fond good evening, then commented on how odd my husband's clerk was behaving. This 
seemed to satisfy Migel that Rika's slip of the tongue had eluded me.
The next day, while Migel was in court advising Lord Rychner on the matter of proposed construction along 
the waterfront, I re-entered his library and found his personal journal. Oh, what a fetid tangle of intrigue and lies 
I found therein, the very worst of which was the matter concerning Governor Gilthanas.
Migel finds this matter too important to leave to chance, and so do I. I have no doubt that Gilthanas saw 
through my husband's courtly politics, but I fear he did not know how rotten Migel is at the core—that is, until I 
brought the journal to the governor's quarters.
I was unsure as to how Gilthanas would react. Would he throw down the tome, quickly gather his 
belongings, and leave the city by the most opportune method available? Perhaps he would grab his sword and 
stalk over to the council chambers to exact revenge on Migel. (I was likewise uncertain as to whether or not I 
would perform my wifely duty of begging the governor to spare my husband's life.)
What he did, however, took me completely by surprise.
Governor Gilthanas, upon reading that his own true love, Silvara, had been spotted at the Peak of Clouds, 
kissed my hand in a most elegant manner.
"Dear Jennetta, you have saved me. While others in Kalaman only muddied the waters of my mind, you 
have been a spring of truth, light, and honor. I have not the words to thank you, but I hope that you will find 
some measure of satisfaction that it was your kindness that allowed me to find my heart. Do not let the 
scoundrels in this palace ever question your integrity or sincerity."
And with that, he was gone.
Despite the governor's words, though, I know that I have been an unfaithful wife. I've broken every rule of 
conduct Migel taught me when he took me from my family and brought me into this world of courtly delight. I no 
longer deserve this life of privilege.
And so I too have packed my belongings and prepare to leave the city. I've not touched one of the 
jewel-encrusted necklaces or golden earrings. Those belong to Migel, and even before I was a lady, I was 
never a thief. No, I take only the clothes on my back (a cotton shirt and tweed trousers that Migel never allowed 
me to wear) and my grandfather's maps. Perhaps I'll walk some of the roads he sketched, presuming they're 
still passable.
This diary, as well as Migel's journal, I will leave with a bookseller I know in the market. I fear my husband 
was right when he said that without Gilthanas, Kalaman will return to the days of cowering in the twilight, 
fearing what may lurk in the shadows. If that is the city's future, so be it. The citizens cannot rely on some 
shining hero to banish the darkness from their lives. Most heroes, I've come to suspect, are more like Migel 
than Gilthanas. And the more power we give them over our lives, the more there truly is to fear in the gathering 
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-30, 周二 23:48:57 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #35 于: 2013-07-31, 周三 11:20:15 »

















然而,东面与西面的景象却更为恐怖。朝着太阳升起的方向,他可以望见远处名为墨莱克斯的黑龙霸主支配下的腥臭沼泽。有几次精灵还看到了他怪异的身形,像一枚不成比例的巨大阴影,或掠过他国度的上空,或在一口浅塘中翻滚腾跃。 而另一个方向上则密布着杂乱而繁茂的森林,那是隐居其中的巨龙罗瑞那扩大地貌的成果。他从未见过那片国度的绿龙主人,但奇拉克对他保证,那条巨蛇的确存在,并且是位冷酷无情的霸主。












劇透 -   :
The Peak of Clouds, 25sc
"Now, working with the element of rock ... that's the next lesson... at least I think it is ... isn't it? What is that 
form of magic called, anyway?"
"Geomancy?" Gilthanas answered helpfully, as he always did when his teacher's mind wandered.
"Precisely!" Keelak nodded his feathered head, bobbing his full body forward and back on his skinny legs. 
The kyrie puffed out his chest and stretched tall. "I see that I have taught you well."
"Of course you have," Gilthanas replied. "Have I not absorbed every lesson you have imparted to me?"
"I remember when you first climbed up here—twenty years ago, it was—and we started with lessons on 
aeromancy. It took you mos of that time just to learn a spell that would move a little gust of wind."
Gilthanas cleared his throat in embarrassment, then spoke. "Actually, it was only a little more than a year 
ago when I first climbed to your peak." The prince couldn't help but make the correction. Certainly he was 
prepared for most of his pedagogue's little imaginings, but he would not allow himself to be remembered as a 
Even if, when he had first started his studies of the new magic, he had been as helpless as a babe trying to 
swim up a raging stream.
He recalled his arrival here at the Peak of Clouds ... of the sheer, obviously unclimbable mountain that had 
risen before him from the tangled heart of the Astivar Mountains. It had taken him two weeks to find the hidden 
passage near the base of the mountain, and even that had not been an easy route to the summit. Chilly and 
lightless, the secret way had wound through a maze of corridors and ascending shafts within the massif. He 
had wandered for many days, seeking only to work his way upward.
Dwarves lived there, and he had spent tense moments in a confrontation with the mountain dwellers. He 
learned that they were masters of the undermountain, but cared little for the upper reaches—and nothing at all 
for the exterior of the summit. At length they had given him leave to pass.
And finally he had emerged here, on the cloud-wrapped summit. Keelak had greeted him as though he had 
been expecting him—later, the elf realized that the absent-minded kyrie had simply thought that he recognized 
Gilthanas from a series of lessons he'd been conducting in his mind.
But within that mind, which sometimes seemed as fog-shrouded as the mountaintop, there lurked a brilliant 
sense of intuition and an instinctive understanding of the changes that had been wrought in the world with the 
arrival of the Age of Mortals. Keelak had longed to share this knowledge, and so he had demanded that 
Gilthanas become his pupil.
At first the elven wanderer had refused, intending only to learn what the ancient kyrie knew of Silvara before 
continuing on his way. The creature revealed that he had in fact known Silvara and that she had departed from 
here for a destination she had made known to the kyrie. But Keelak, despite his apparent senility, had been 
shrewd enough to negotiate a deal: Only after Gilthanas studied his teachings, and learned enough of the new 
magic to master three schools of sorcery would he impart this information.
Now, thirteen months later, Gilthanas willingly admitted that the kyrie had proven to be an adept teacher. 
While he might not have remembered what he ate for breakfast, he seemed to understand the way that stone 
and air, fire and water were linked to the powers lurking within a mortal heart. He had shown the elf how to 
harness those forces and use the power in a way that was much like the magic of old.
During that time, it seemed to Gilthanas as though the world had shrunk around him. Nine days out of ten 
the aptly named Peak of Clouds was encased in murk so thick that the kyrie and the elf might have been 
enclosed in a walled room. They conducted their studies and their lives on the flat plateau of the 
mountaintop—a circle the size of a large playing field. A narrow passageway descended to a series of caverns 
where the two sought refuge during the rare intervals of bad weather, but for the most part Gilthanas and 
Keelak had lived outside.
On the rare days when the clouds blew away and the extent of the Astivar Mountains was revealed as a 
dazzling vista, Gilthanas never tired of drinking in the view. The mountain range was green and lush, vibrant 
with water and life, and often draped with decorative tendrils of mist that swathed the lower valleys.
To east and west were more dire panoramas, however. In the direction of the rising sun he could see as far 
as the fetid swamp of the black dragon overlord called Mohrlex. Several times the elf had seen that monstrous 
form, like a great shadow of impossible proportions, sweep throug the sky over his realm, or wallow and 
cavort in one of the shallow ponds. In the other direction lay the sprawling, thick forest enhanced for the 
reclusive dragon, Lorrinar. He had never observed the great green master of that realm, but Keelak assured 
him that the serpent existed and that he was a ruthless overlord.
Though the kyrie lived simply, these were days of comfort and pleasure for the elven prince. He found the 
challenge of using his mind a refreshing process, and he showed a remarkable adeptness in learning the ways 
of the new magic. He could mold air into a variety of shapes, call up—or tame—the wind, and even weave 
spells or gain information merely by concentrating his efforts. He had mastered three schools—divination, 
enchantment, and aeromancy—but lately he had been growing restless, and he knew that soon it would be 
time to ask the kyrie to fulfill his end of the bargain.
That chance was propelled by outside circumstances, as Gilthanas was attempting to convince Keelak that 
he had, in fact, only been here for little more than year.
The first of the black-clad figures appeared on their plateau with a suddenness that froze Gilthanas in place. 
Two more of the masked intruders quickly popped into view, while the first launched himself across the 
mountaintop with a rush. All were fully concealed but wore loose clothes that gave them freedom of movement. 
Each wielded a longsword in one hand and a short, narrow dagger in the other.
Fortunately, Gilthanas had never abandoned the habit of wearing his sword when he was thus exposed. He 
drew the weapon and met the other's slashing attack with a quick parry. Cold, dark eyes glared at him through 
a slit in the mask, and then the mysterious attacker spun away and, in the same gesture, threw a sharp dagger 
straight at Gilthanas's heart.
The steel sword whipped past and the knife clattered away—and now the elf knew the tactics, recognized 
that these intruders were trained assassins similar to the ones that had attacked him in Kalaman. Who they 
were and who had sent them were questions he forced aside for the moment. Abandoning any thought of 
mercy, he charged and stabbed the knife-thrower through the chest.
But the other two were rushing forward. His gangly, feathered arms flapping, Keelak hopped forward, 
screeching at the assassins to halt. Gilthanas groaned as one of the figures slashed the gentle kyrie across his 
face and chest. Keelak tumbled to the ground.
Another attacker whirled closer, and the elf struck him down. But his own thrust left him vulnerable, and he 
recoiled suddenly with a sensation of burning pain across his cheek.
He was cut! His first thought was that he had lost an eye, and his vision swam with red. He struck unerringly, 
however, and the last of the assassins bled his life onto the stone cold mountaintop. Gilthanas clapped a hand 
to his face, feeling the bloody cut, but finding that his eye remained whole.
In moments Gilthanas was kneeling beside the stricken Keelak. The elf shuddered in horror as he saw the 
deep gash and the blood welling into a wide pool. He thought that the kyrie was already dead, but then the 
wounded face twitched and one eye cracking open.
"Good pupil, you were ..." croaked the dying creature. "You deserve your True Heart ... your silver one. 
Seek her among the gnomes ... in their tower by the sea ..."
And the kyrie said no more.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-31, 周三 18:02:35 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #36 于: 2013-07-31, 周三 18:47:45 »






劇透 -   :
A Moment in Time: The Assassin's Path
A sharp, well-forged blade in the hands of an expert swordsman can cut the flesh without the person feeling 
anything—until the blood starts spilling over the skin. It was just such a blow I struck against Gilthanas, the first 
elf I had ever met.
Or did I?
We had lunged at each other, each of us deflecting each other's blow at the last moment, our swords 
ringing. We both kept our balance and whirled away from each other, slashing as we went.
But did I strike him?
It would take a moment for the brain to realize the body was dying. And some moments can last forever.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-01, 周四 11:08:45 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #37 于: 2013-07-31, 周三 19:15:46 »


















然而所有这些刺激与最后一个相比都算不上什么。我们在许多天前进入了奈罗德,横跨敏加河(Vingaard River ),进入了那片笼罩整个国度的非自然阴影之中。我们一路向东,雨一直下着。道路变作泥浆的溪流,延缓了我们的脚步。


劇透 -   :
Following te Path, 25sc
Some days seem like years. That is how the days felt while I was traveling with a white-haired elf who called 
herself Stalker. I rarely saw her face—she kept the hood of her cloak drawn at all times, much like the 
Emissary did back on Elian. Also like the Emissary, she kept herself wrapped in layers of cloth that kept her 
sex and race ambiguous—and her array of poisoned blades hidden—to all but the keenest of observers. Her 
expert talent at voice mimicry made it even more difficult to discern what sex she was when first dealing with 
her. It wasn't until she disrobed in an effort to seduce me on our second night traveling together that I was even 
certain she was female.
I ended up traveling with Stalker after becoming an unwilling guest of Khellendros, the mighty blue dragon 
who rules the sandy lands of Ansalon's northwest. After explaining to the Dark Knights who detained me in 
Palanthas that I was an Elian agent of the Red, I was taken to a cave not far from the city. Here, I met their 
fearsome master. It was the first time I had been in the presence of a dragon, and it took all my strength of will 
not to just whirl and flee even before he spoke, so strong was the sense of menace and dread that surrounded 
When Khellendros spoke, it was with a deep voice that was surprisingly rich and comforting, not at all the 
hissing, reptilian sound that I would have expected. Further, his Elian was as perfect as that spoken by any 
native of my island. He said that he had an interest in Gilthanas as well; he cared naught for the silver dragon, 
but he wanted the elf captured and imprisoned within his dungeons. When I restated that my mission, and that 
of my brethren, was to slay Gilthanas, Khellendros asked, "Does it matter to Malystryx whether Gilthanas is 
dead or imprisoned?"
I replied that it probably didn't. The Emissary's main concern seemed to be the silver dragon. There was no 
question that we were to slay the silver dragon, should we encounter her. The Emissary had made that clear 
during the years we waited for Gilthanas to emerge from his magical passage.
The dragon responded, "My main concern is that Gilthanas and his old comrades in arms caused me many 
difficulties half a century ago. I do not want to see those difficulties arise again, so I want him 
neutralized—unlike the others, he is not old and feeble. If the Golden General wasn't preoccupied in her 
homeland, I would be taking similar steps to have her dealt with as well."
I pointed out that if he was dead, Gilthanas would never pose a problem again. Although the dragon agreed 
that I made a compelling case, he asked mat I trust in his experience with Gilthanas and in the wisdom of the 
ages that he— both the elf and the dragon—represented. "We are both far wiser and cunning than you could 
ever hope to become Solov, despite the fact that you are highly intelligent."
We discussed the matter further, and we eventually agreed to imprison Gilthanas in Khellendros's 
dungeons since this option was just as good as having him dead. I made it clear, however, that I was not 
skilled at subterfuge nor was I at all talented in taking foes alive. The dragon bared his fangs in what I suppose 
passes for a smile among his kind and said, "I suspected as much. That is why I have chosen to provide you 
with an ally."
Stalker stepped from the deepest shadow in the cave already wrapped in her many cloaks. She did not 
speak Elian, but she spoke the tongue of elves and of the Solamnians—languages I had mastered to some 
extent with the aid of the Superior Master.
"If you find yourself incapable of taking Gilthanas alive," Khellendros said, "Stalker can do so. None in my 
service are as adept as Stalker in directing victims into traps ... even if the traps are somewhat overmuch at 
"But they work," came the soft voice from within the shadows of the hood.
Khellendros had a report that Gilthanas was in Kalaman. When I mentioned that some of my brethren had 
traveled to that region, he stated tha the local lords were supporting Gilthanas and that my fellow Masters had 
been killed in battle with palace guards. He restated the need for more elaborate tactics like those practiced by 
Stalker. I considered the wisdom of his words and took Stalker as my temporary ally.
If anyone demonstrates why women should not be warriors, it is Stalker. Never mind their duty to their men 
and society at large to bear children so that someone can carry on the bloodline and retell the tales of their 
fathers' deeds, but they act entirely too capriciously for their own good. First, after I rejected her on our second 
night together and explained that I was devoted to the woman I had at home, she laughed at me for not taking 
advantages when they were offered to me. "Life's supposed to be fun," she said. "Besides, women are more 
than brood mares for you men. When you start seeing what is truly around you, you'll find that we have a lot 
more to offer than just children."
As we journeyed, her behavior grew even more tiresome than it had been when we started. She would take 
care to point out other women who bore weapons, sometimes urging me to spar with them. I always refused. 
No woman could stand up to my expert combat maneuvers. Stalker always shrugged and said that my 
"overweening pride and ability to underestimate possible foes" would prove to be my downfall or that my 
"blindness" would lead me to an early grave.
When we had the luxury of an inn to stay in, she would often find an engaging companion and leave me to 
my own devices. Usually I sat in front of the common room's fire and watched its dancing flames, thinking of 
home or of the mission. Sometimes I went up to my private room and practiced combat maneuvers in an 
attempt to keep from thinking of what I'd left behind. One thing I noted, though, was that when we left the inn, 
Stalker's companion was discreet enough not to make an appearance. I silently thanked these men for not 
bowing to her own "overweening pride."
During one of her trysts at a campsite, however, curiosity got the best of me. I crept after her and a 
companion who she'd found traveling on the road that day, following them to the edge of a stream, where I 
discovered the depths of depravity that makes up Stalker's soul. As both she and her companion seemed lost 
in the passion of the moment, she grabbed a dagger from their discarded clothing and drove it into his eye 
without warning. I retreated from this scene after that, for she didn't stop with his death. I had to wonder what 
kind of monster the dragon had saddled me with.
As our travels continued, I kept a careful eye on Stalker, trying to determine if she used any pattern to select 
her victims. I came to realize that she killed only the ones who responded crassly to her advances; she merely 
robbed the others and left them tied to a nearby tree ... although the ropes were usually so poorly tied that I 
suspect the victim worked himself free within a few hours. I admit that on one level I feel as though she was 
doing the world a favor. Any man too weak to resist her temptations would probably just spawn another 
When I asked her about it, Stalker defined these acts as keeping life "fun" and keeping her spirits high, and 
she became very annoyed when I expressed disapproval. I have to admit that I found her to be a far more 
palatable companion after a night of "fun," as she seemed cheerful after it and would appear quite interested in 
intellectual pursuits. For hours, she would engage me in philosophical discourse about the definitions of "fun" 
and "honor" and "right" and "wrong."
All of these irritations seem like nothing compared to the last one, however. We had entered Nightlund 
several days before, crossing the Vingaard River and moving into the unnatural pall that hung over all of this 
country. It rained steadily as we traveled eastward. The roads turned into streams of mud, slowing our 
As we trudged along the road, she became very aggressive in her assertion that murderng men was 
perfectly acceptable because it made her happy—especially in these dreary surroundings. Although I felt an 
urge to argue this point with my weapons instead of words, I reminded myself that she was the servant of one 
of the Red's allies and restrained myself.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-04, 周日 01:56:42 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #38 于: 2013-08-01, 周四 20:51:32 »


这家旅店的名字是“骑士小憩”(A Knight's Rest)。经营它的一家人个个都长着一对大耳朵,看上去就和周围那些阴影笼罩下的植物一样蔫唧唧的。之前来的客人很少,因此我们轻易就订到了房间。


那女子正指着她的一张地图说:“这条路,还有那条路都已经彻底消失了,威尔(Will)。至于那条嘛……那条也一样,差不多可以从地图上抹掉了。就我所听说的,在这座桥附近有某种行尸(walking dead)的巢穴。”

























劇透 -   :
As we started to get tired, we were lucky enough to come within view of a run-down inn. Stalker suggested 
that we spend the "night" in dry and comfortable surroundings. "Clean sheets will go a long way to making me 
more cheerful about life in general, even if there's never a sun in the sky around here."
I made Stalker promise that if we stayed at the inn, she would not kill any of the other patrons or staff. She 
swore that she wouldn't.
The name of the inn was "A Knight's Rest." It was run by a family who all had big ears and looked as sickly 
as the vegetation of the shadow-drenched landscape around us. Few guests had arrived, so securing rooms 
was easy.
Stalker insisted that we enjoy a decent meal together after stowing our gear and changing into dry clothes. 
While we sat in the common room eating the bland food that I had found typical of most regions I'd visited 
across Ansalon, the word "Gilthanas" drifted toward us from the bar-counter. We looked in that direction as 
one and saw a human woman in mud-spattered boots and trousers. The innkeeper's wife was hanging her 
sodden cloak next to the fireplace, while the woman pulled maps from a leather satchel and opened them on 
the counter. Stalker rose to her feet and sauntered toward her, pulling back her hood. I followed. As Stalker 
walked, her posture seemed to change—as it always did when she was about to fool a victim into trusting her. 
I found the way she could change her bearing and personality in the space of a moment remarkable.
The woman pointed to one of her maps, saying, "This road and that road are wiped out, Will. And that one ... 
that one you can pretty much write off as well. From what I've heard, there's some sort of nest of walking dead 
near the bridge."
The innkeeper cursed. "Between the dragons, the undead, and the damn shadow that's been hanging over 
the land, there's not going to be any travelers left anymore!"
Stalker said, "Pardon me for interrupting, but we overheard you mention the name 'Gilthanas.' We happen 
to be looking for an elf-prince named Gilthanas. We were led to believe at the last inn that he is currently 
residing in Kalaman. If you know of him, can you tell us whether he is still in the city?"
She regarded us with suspicion. "Are you friends of his?"
"My friend here is a former adventuring companion of Gilthanas's. And me . .. well, many years ago, I gave 
my heart to him, and he gave me his. We'd given him up for dead, so naturally I—"
"Are you Silvara?" The woman suddenly looked very excited. Stalker didn't laugh, but I have no doubt that 
she was having a difficult time containing herself when she leaned closer to the woman and answered in the 
affirmative. The woman started to excitedly dig through her maps. "Oh, to think I would meet both you and 
Gilthanas! My husband treated him most ill, your ladyship, he—"
"Please," Stalker said softly, brushing her white hair from her eyes. "We Good dragons do not stand on 
ceremony. Just call me Silvara."
"Us meeting here makes me wonder if the gods of Good might not be watching over us after all."
Stalker took her hands into hers, looked into her eyes, and said in an earnest tone, "They do, my friend. The 
gods aren't gone. They are just testing us. And if we remain strong, they will return."
Stalker made many other soothing noises and told many other lies, and when she was done, not only did 
we have a complete account of Gilthanas's activities during his year in Kalaman but we also had news of his 
destination. Further, she gave us the only map she possessed of the area around the Woods of Lahue for our 
journey to the Peak of Clouds. When she left, she seemed to walk on air. I told Stalker that she had been cruel 
to the poor woman.
Stalker replied with arin, "I gave her hope. How can that be cruel?"
I said that they were all lies.
"Those 'lies' got us what we needed," she noted impatiently. "Now get off your moral high horse and start 
thinking about what we should do next." Without waiting, she continued, "I'm now wondering if those reports 
we heard of a silver dragon heading west out of Nightlund might have been true. If Gilthanas is looking for 
Silvara, she's probably also looking for him, hoping for the kind of sappy, lovey-dovey reunion that makes 
right-thinking people sick to their stomachs. I think this woman might be wrong in her belief that Gilthanas was 
going east. After all, he came from the east."
I pointed out that her logic was flawed, as he had arrived by boat and may have disembarked at any point 
along the coast, which puts his direction of travel in question. She scowled at me and said, "I don't believe in 
logic. Logic has never done me any good. I think we should head west."
I said I had no intention of going back in the direction we just came from.
"Look, even if Gilthanas is still in this area, if we go back west, we can set a trap for him, nice and close to 
Khellendros's strongholds. Along the way, I can drop some references that might make him think Silvara went 
that way ... after all, if I could make that silly woman think I was Silvara without even trying, just imagine what I 
could do if I made a serious go at impersonating her? I could lead him right into our arms!"
I told her that I didn't think the kind of cat-and-mouse games that she so enjoyed were appropriate when 
hunting one such as Gilthanas. I said I wanted to confront him in an honorable fashion and then give him the 
chance to surrender to her or be killed by me.
"Where's the fun in that?" she asked. "Don't you get any pleasure out of toying with your prey? If you ask 
me, that's half the fun ... letting your prey come to you, and then letting it 'escape,' if there's time for that."
"No," I replied. "That is not how we conduct ourselves. Masters of Ranks kill our quarries, swiftly and as 
simply as possible. Death is no game."
"Everything's a game, my too-serious friend. If you don't learn to play, you'll find yourself regretting all the 
fun you passed up." She sighed and stretched. "You know, I think I'm starting to realize that you and I don't 
exactly make a good team. Our masters may have common interests, but we just aren't working out. Why don't 
we try it this way: I'll head back westward in case that woman was wrong, and you go east through the green 
dragon's domain to see if he really did go looking for that magical mountain."
I pointed out that she was supposed to help capture Gilthanas in case I found him. I also pointed out that 
she was supposed to work with me if she found him first.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she said. She searched through the many layers of her clothing. She drew forth a 
golden ring with a bright red stone and threw it on the table. In rattled across the boards and came to rest 
between my hands. "This ring's part of a matched set. They'll let us summon each other. You'll wear one, I'll 
wear the other, and whichever of us finds Gilthanas first rubs the stone. The other stone will then turn bright 
blue. That person then twists the stone, and he or she will be transported to the vicinity of where the other one 
knows Gilthanas to be. All you or I have to do is concentrate on wanting to find him... and then the one who got 
the message will be where the sender was thinking about!"
She couldn't explain anything else about how the rings worked—"It's magic! What do you want from 
me?!"—and so I took the ring and we parted ways.
At least I was rid of her. And even if she found Gilthanas first, I believed she would be honorable enough to 
contact me via the rings. Similarly, I believed her honorable enough not to betray me by giving me a cursed 
magical item. I believed that our service to masters who were allies would be enough to keep her madness in 
I would then be there in a moment, and then the qest would be over.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-02, 周五 11:28:44 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #39 于: 2013-08-02, 周五 11:37:38 »
温斯顿之塔(Winston's Tower),26sc




















劇透 -   :
Winston's Tower, 26sc
How long had he been wandering the wilds of Ansalon? Gilthanas no longer knew, nor cared. Instead, he 
allowed himself a moment of elation as he craned his neck and studied the lofty expanse of the tall, narrow 
structure rising from the coast. The ship pitched and rolled beneath his feet as the captain worked her into the 
rough waters along the Karthay shore, but the elf had eyes only for his destination. He was fascinated by the 
elaborate image atop the spire, like shining glass facets that formed a sort of rosebud. The ship's captain 
informed him that the object had once been a lighthouse beacon, but that it had not worked during the man's 
lifetime on the sea.
A dozen clues had brought the elven prince to this tower built as a fortress to ancient Istar, and now, a 
monument to gnome technology. His latest information had suggested that Silvara had come here, and he had 
doggedly followed her trail, even to the point of booking passage from the mainland. As payment, he had used 
the platinum coins he had found on the bodies of the assassins who had slain Keelak and attempted to kill 
Gilthanas himself. Unfortunately, his search of the bodies hadn't yielded any information regarding the source 
of their mission. That was a mystery that the elf had vowed to address eventually.
A stone wharf extended into the sea from the base of the cliff below the tower. The captain ordered a boat 
lowered, and the crew rowed close enough that Gilthanas could leap to the dock. With a few surreptitious 
glances, the sailors rowed back to their ship, which hastened to put on canvas and get away from this place. 
The elf could only chuckle as he made his way up the stairs carved into the cliff face. He was here, and 
perhaps he would find answers within this towering edifice.
His elation passed quickly as he began to consider the problem of entering and searching the tower. The 
dark face that he had first assumed was stone now looked to be smooth metal, without even the joints that 
might have made scaling a stone wall at least a possibility. A ramp curled around the base of the tower, leading 
past several open, beckoning doorways, but the prince decided to make a little more cautious approach.
Halfway around the tower he found another irregularity in the wall: a series of stone steps rising to a small 
platform against the base of the structure. They looked like the stairs leading to a typical entryway, except he 
could see no door. He climbed to the space and examined the wall closely for any sign of a seam or break. The 
only thing he could discover was a small silver button extending perhaps a finger's width from the wall. 
Otherwise, he found no sign of any break or any mark in the metal plate that would have indicated a door.
Gilthanas, like most inhabitants of Krynn, knew a little of gnomes. "Tinkers," they were called, and they had 
a legendary fascination with invention. The development of a complicated machine was the typical life's goal of 
any gnome worth his or her weight in salt. Occasionally these machines worked, usually in some way not 
anticipated by the inventor. Quite often, the machine proved deadly to its designer and to anyone else who 
happened to come within reach of its claws, gears, levers, wheels, and so forth.
Thus, Gilthanas regarded that silver button in the wall with a certain amount of trepidation. He knocked on 
the wall, determining from the sound that it was in fact metal, and it seemed to be quite thick. He pushed and 
prodded along the surface as far as he could reach, even drawing his sword and tapping over his head, to no 
avail. In the end, his lack of patience led him to the inescapable conclusion: He had to press the button.
He placed his thumb on the silver circle and pushed. The button glided into the wall with smooth ease, 
though he felt some sort of mechanism engage on the other side. For two long, long heartbeats, nothing 
And then Gilthanas was pressed flat, crumpling against the surface nder his feet. In a split second he 
realized that the platform was rising at tremendous speed—that acceleration pressed him down. He was lifted 
dozens of feet up the face of the tower and then, abruptly, the platform snapped to a halt.
The elf, of course, kept rising, catapulted high into the air by the forceful lift. His stomach lurched and his 
senses whirled, but he had the presence of mind to look upward. At the top of the tower, he saw a platform 
extend, and he immediately deduced that this was a landing that should have caught him on his way down, 
after he had been lifted past it. However, it had clearly emerged too early, and the elf smashed into the bottom 
of the platform's surface with numbing force.
Only his quick wits saved his life. Anticipating the impact, he had lifted his arms over his head to cushion the 
blow to his skull and kicked his legs out to either side. One foot flailed through a gap in the girder supporting 
the platform, and then he was hanging upside down, his knee crooked through the opening while the world 
spun dizzily more than a hundred feet below.
Immediately some sort of machine cranked into motion, pulling the platform back toward the rim of the 
tower. The girders folded, and Gilthanas perceived that, in a few seconds, his leg would be pinched or perhaps 
even severed at the knee between massive steel beams. With a desperate lurch, he pulled himself around, 
catching the edge of the metal rod with his hands and extricating his foot from the rapidly shrinking gap. As the 
girders folded together, he flung himself forward and sprawled onto the top of the tower, watching in 
amazement as the platform settled to become merely a part of the flat floor.
"That went well," he murmured to himself, rising to his feet, dusting himself off, and checking for broken 
bones. His head hurt, his leg was chafed, and his fingers were cramped from the strain of supporting his 
weight, but nothing seemed permanently damaged. The great light loomed above him, and he passed several 
deadly looking devices that might have been weapons of bombardment. He didn't touch any of them.
He found a trapdoor leading through the top of the tower and gingerly lifted it, relieved to find that no 
machines were involved. A short ladder led him to the metallic floor of a round room, which seemed to occupy 
the full circle of the tower's diameter. Bright light emerged from several panels along the walls, fully illuminating 
the place.
Immediately he caught the scent of death. Looking around, he saw several doors and a few dead gnomes 
sprawled on the floor before one of them. There were various tables and shelves with strange mechanisms 
upon them in here. One in particular caught his eye: It was a massive assemblage of gears and pulleys 
attached to a spear. It had apparently worked, for impaled on the spear was the body of another dead 
gnome—no doubt the intrepid inventor himself.
The elf felt his spirits sinking. How was he going to learn anything here if all the gnomes were dead? Still, he 
had only started to explore the tower.
He went to one of the doors unblocked by corpses, and opened it to reveal a long shaft with a chain circling 
over a pulley mounted in the roof. As soon as he had pulled the portal wide, the chain started clinking, and a 
quick downward look showed him that some sort of compartment was rising toward him. Common sense told 
him to slam the door and run, but some perverse curiosity held him in place. The approaching cage slowed, 
finally coming to a gentle stop perfectly in line with the floor of the room.
Within that cage, not surprisingly, were several dead gnomes in various stages of decomposition. 
Recognizing this as some sort of lift, Gilthanas had seen enough—he would try to find an old-fashioned 
stairway. When he closed the door, his intuition was rewarded as he heard the chain whip through the pulley 
with unfettered speed. A second later he heard the cage crash into the floor far, far below. 
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-11, 周日 15:13:41 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]

