作者 主题: 【HT】途径与手段 P192-P196  (阅读 11337 次)

副标题: 翻译 cmoon 校对Bellicose

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【HT】途径与手段 P192-P196
« 于: 2018-03-21, 周三 19:42:44 »
这里详述的毒素遵循SR5 408页的毒素规则。
劇透 -   :
The Sixth World has seen the return of a lot of old traditions,and the art of the poisoner is among them.                                                               With the Awakening came a flood of new species of plants and animals,many of them toxic,venomous,poisonous,deadly in strange new ways.That meant poisoners could kill their victims and the authorities could not even identify the poison,let alone track down the source.
The toxins detailed here follow all of the rules for toxins given on p.408,SR5.
劇透 -   :
Also known as wolfsbane,monkshood,or leopard's bane,aconite is a poison derived from a common plant with blue flowers that resembles the hood of a monk.The poison is an alkaloid that paralyzes the nervous system and slows the heartbeat,possibly causing cardiac arrest.It was recently discovered that aconite can force creatures who have changed their form through magic back into their native form.This is presumed to be the origin of the legend of wolfsbane being effective against werewolves.Any metahuman or critter not in their natural form must make a Willpower + Magic(Power of the toxin after the Toxin Resistance Test) Test or revert to their natural form forcibly.

劇透 -   :
Distilled from the plant known as deadly nightshade or
belladonna,it contains a poisonous alkaloid similar to aconite.The plant can be recognized by its purple tubular flowers and black berries.While most poisoners use the concentrated form,the berries are sometimes slipped into pies and pastries.The poison's effects include dry mouth,dilated pupils,a rapid heartbeat,hallucinations,confusion,and possibly seizures.
劇透 -   :
The Awakened green mamba,native to sub-Saharan Africa spits this venom at its prey,blinding them.The victim of this toxin takes Physical damage and a visual Perception penalty equal to the Power of the toxin after the Toxin Resistance Test.If the vision penalty is between-1and-5 (including those values),the duration is 10 minutes.If the vision penalty is -6 or higher,the victim is blinded for twenty-four hours.
劇透 -   :
This slow-acting and deadly venom is the primary means
the Nova Scorpion uses to kill its prey.They prefer to
strike and then withdraw,returning to claim their prey
later.Many assassins follow their lead.Though powerful,
the antivenin for this toxin is relatively common.
劇透 -   :
The venom of the Dog Asp is a powerful cytotoxin causing cellular necrosis.If you get hit by this,you better hope it is somewhere you can get replaced with cyberware,because if it's flesh,it's dying and will need to be removed.
劇透 -   :
This toxin is milked from the large metasapient snakes found across Amazonia,Southeast Asia,and the Indian subcontinent.Much in the same way that poor college students often sell their blood (or other body parts),some naga sell their venom as a less-than-legal means of acquiring the nuyen to better explore metahuman society.While the venom is not itself magical,the potency of a naga's venom is determined by their magical potency (Toxin Power equals the naga's Magic),so some gifted individuals are able to charge a premium price.
劇透 -   :
Once extracted from the deadly (but delicious) fugu or
blowfish,tetrodotoxin is a potent neurotoxin,which is
now produced through bacterial synthesis.This toxin
prevents the signal s for muscle contractions from firing,
causing paralysis.Symptoms include numbness,a rap-
id irregular heartbeat,and paralysis of the diaphragm,
cessation of breath.If the Power of an attack after the
Toxin Resistance Test exceeds the target's Reaction,the
target is paralyzed and unable to take physical actions
for1hour; however if the Power of an attack after the
Toxin Resistance Test exceeds the target's reaction by
more than 3,they lose the ability to breathe and be-
gin Suffocating(p.137,SR5).Even if the target is not
paralyzed,they suffer a-2 dice pool modifier for the
next hour.Sugammadex is an effective counter-agent against tetrodotoxin although there is only sufficient
time to administer it of the toxin is ingested.

二甲基亚砜 (DMSO)
劇透 -   :
DMSO (P.188,Stolen Souls) is the greatest tool in the poisoner's arsenal that modern medical science has yet to provide.Most people don't realize that many everyday common substances can be lethal in sufficient dosage.DMSO makes it easy to push that dosage from normal to deadly.A prominent heiress was assassinated recently by adding DMSO to her bath water.The coroner's report listed her cause of death as dilutional hyponatremia,also known as water poisoning. Be wary of buying this from suppliers you don't know well.Besides being useful to assassins,it is highly sought after by drug dealers to make their product into easily usable patches,This has placed DMSO high on the list of items that are sold by undercover cops conducting sting operations.

« 上次编辑: 2018-12-01, 周六 12:11:52 由 cmoon »

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Re: 【HT】途径与手段 P192-P196
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-03-23, 周五 18:31:31 »
炼金术在熟练掌握它的暗杀者手中,将是一件强大的工具。你可以在家中打开一瓶冰啤酒的同时,让目标一命呜呼。(校注:这里的kick it是kick the bucket的简称,意为“翘辫子”)但使用这种方法时需要相当的谨慎,因为很容易错过你的目标并杀死一个路人。如果你在目标的房间内放置了一个附有人类触杀术的枕头,你得祈祷他的女仆是个兽人,而他的情人是精灵。(译注:一种诡异的种族歧视感)正因如此,许多成功的炼金暗杀者往往是渗透,诡计和社会学方面的大师。像所有的杀手一样,对目标出手时是关键时刻。但炼金暗杀者不必亲自动手。他们只需要目标自己上钩。这通常是通过快目标一步和调查实现的,将目标的酒店,汽车,或者其他你能准确预测到的地方都设为陷阱。
劇透 -   :
Alchemy is a powerful tool in the hands of a skilled assassin.You can be at home cracking open a cold beer at the same time your mark kicks it.The use of this method takes great care,though,because it can be very easy to miss your target and kill a bystander.If you leave a pillow enchanted with One Less Human in a mark's hotel room,you better hope the maid is an ork and his mistress is an elf.Because of this,many successful alchemical assassins are often masters of infiltration,sleight of hand and social engineering.Like all hits,intercepting the target is the moment of truth,but an alchemist need not intercept the target personally.They just need the target to encounter their preparation.This is often achieved by getting ahead of the mark and essentially booby-trapping their hotel,car,or any other place you can reliably predict they will be.
接触释放类的法术是首选的低消耗法术,但有些任务可能需要传达某些只有火球术才能说清的信息(译注:武力威胁啊什么的),触杀术和死亡之触也在炼金暗杀者(特别是那些箭枝)中相当流行。将胶化术附在目标浴室里洗澡用的肥皂上是一种恶毒的伎俩。(译注:太恶毒了)。在目标的油箱盖上附上一个点燃魔法,在他们开车去工作的时候触发。所有的证据都将被销毁,使之看起来像机械故障。附着了启动魔法的注射器将使得毒素的效果更甚。经过启蒙后的炼金术使用者在制作这类道具时有着更多的选择。除了隐蔽性对任务中的任何一个施法者都是必须的之外,锚定(仪式)也是炼金术使用者的最爱。它使得炼金术师有更宽松的时间和更精确的手段去影响他们的目标。可以通过对目标和某种材料的分析,精心设计出针对目标的炼金制剂(见 p.219, SG)。在某些人看来,这是唯一能将这些杀手和发送邮件炸弹的恐怖分子分开的东西。
劇透 -   :
Preparations of touch spells are preferred for their lower Drain,but certain contracts may require the kind of message only a Fireball can send.One Less and Death Touch are also popular among alchemical killers,particularly those that use enchanted arrows.Turn to Goo can be a nasty trick in the right place,particularly on a bar of soap in the mark's shower.Enchant the mark's gas cap with an Ignite spell with a timed trigger for when they are driving to work.All evidence is destroyed,and it looks like a mechanical failure.An Enabler spell enchanting a syringe can make a toxin hit that much harder. Alchemist Initiates have even more options when plying their craft.Besides Masking,which is practically necessary for any spellslinger in this business,Anchoring is a favorite of alchemists.It affords them a much looser timetable and much more precise tools for affecting their chosen target.With a good assensing of the target or a material sample,a preparation can be crafted thatwill affect the targetand only the target (see p.219, Street Grimoire).In the eyes of some,this is the only thing that separates these type of hitters from terrorists who send mail bombs.

无论是在隐喻层面上还是在字面意义上,魔法子弹都是不存在的。(译注:magic bullet也可译作灵丹妙药)。自黑火药问世,枪管膛线就已经出现并大大提高了(火器的)射程与精度。这对炼金术使用者不利之处在于,任何用作炼金制剂的子弹都会在离开枪管时被破坏从而使得附在其上的魔法失效。我听到过很多有关炼金术师购买老式黑火药和滑膛枪的传言,但是很少听说过他们成功过。从枪管里射出子弹的过程,即使没有膛线,也会磨损子弹。仅有的几个成功案例使用了铁球而非子弹。这类特制的火枪弹由钢制成,而不是铅弹,并被深雕来设置魔法。虽然这些子弹被射出后仍保持着附着在上的魔法,但它却有着如此低下的准度和极低的射程,以至于你直接把它扔到目标脸上显得更好一些。但仍有一线希望,如果你能成功击中目标,这些口径极大的火枪弹也会有着巨大的威力。
劇透 -   :
There are no magic bullets,in a metaphorical sense as
well as a literal sense.Since the days of black powder,
gun barrels have had rifing that dramatically improves
the range and accuracy of projectiles.The downside of
this for the alchemist is that any bullet used as a lynch-
pin will be sufficiently marred while leaving the barrel to
destroy any enchantments on that bullet.I have heard
plenty of rumors of alchemists buying up old black-powder muskets and blunderbusses produced without rifled barrels,but I hear few rumors of their success.The mere
process of firing a bullet from a gun,even one with-
out rifling,is damaging to a bullet.Some very limited
success has been found going back even further by es-
chewing bullets for simple balls.Special musket balls are
used-they're made of steel instead of lead,and deep
engraving is usually used to set the enchantment.While
these balls have about an even chance of retaining an
enchantment after being fired,they suffer from such
wild inaccuracy and poor range that you might as well
just walk up to the target and throw the ball at them.
Looking at the silver lining, if you do somehow manage
to hit,those musket balls are absurdly huge by standard
caliber measurements,so they pack quite a wallop.
一些修士已经开始将附魔过的空弹壳装在枪里。这有几点好处。第一,这对某些人来说更为舒适。它还使得某人看起来更具威胁性,举着一些奇怪的东西可能意味着你是个疯流浪汉,或者意味着是时候“先干法师”了。(校注:geek the mage是句SR的街头俗语,意为“先干法师”)每个人都知道枪意味着什么(虽然他们可能不知道枪里装的不是子弹而是魔弹)。左轮枪独占鳌头,因为人们可以装入几个附着不同的魔法的子弹,并用选弹系统来发动他们想要的魔法。(译注:然而左轮不能加选弹系统)要注意,魔法并非由击锤所触发,而是通过精神指令(而触发)。
劇透 -   :
Some alchemists have taken to enchanting empty
cartridges and loading them into their gun.There are a
few advantages to this.For one,it is more comfortable
to some.It also makes it more obvious that someone
is a threat.Holding out some strange-looking doodad could mean you are a crazy bum or that it is time to geek the mage .Everybody understands what a gun means, though (even if they don't know it is going to shoot a Manabolt instead of a bullet).Revolvers are particularly
popular among this crown because they can load a couple bullets, a couple spells, and use an ammo skip mod to
instantly select from whichever they want to fire.It should
be noted that the spells aren't fired by the gun'hammer
coming down but by a mental command trigger.
劇透 -   :
Some advanced alchemists have taker to filling capsule rounds with liquid alchemical preparations.These work great,but ultimately it is just a work-around for their specialization and lack of skill in raw spellcasting.
劇透 -   :
Archery is by far the most popular medium for alchemical projectiles.It is fairly common for talismongers
to sell bows and crossbows that are also alchemical foci.
Ostensibly this is for avid paracritter hunters,butI think
we all know better.While not as long range,as powerful,
or as rapid-fring as guns,bows are silent and extremely
powerful in the hands of an alchemist.If an arrow fails to
pierce a mark's armor,the spell will still trigger on their
aura if it is a contact trigger preparation or can be triggered with a command word.
« 上次编辑: 2018-04-07, 周六 19:24:20 由 cmoon »

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Re: 【HT】途径与手段 P192-P196
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-03-25, 周日 22:23:05 »
修士擅长于隐匿刺杀。修士们通常不携带武器,因为他们自己本身就是一件武器。他们可以通过安检和任何搜身而不必引发报警器嗡嗡乱叫,因为他们确实没有携带武器。被动的异能无法被荧光星界菌探测器(译注;FAB sensor,FAB=Fluorescing Astral Bacteria,一种生活在星界的细菌,共有3型,这里的是1型,只能感觉到星界灵光的运动)探测到和被在星界的粗略一撇所发现。直接灵视能够发现修士是觉醒者,但这是假设修士没有伪装超魔,而且无论如何,这也不会告诉你他们拥有的魔法是什么。(译注:感谢妖猫大佬的校对)
劇透 -   :
Adepts definitely have an edge on stealth when it
comes to making hits.They often don't need weapons
because they are weapons.They can slip through security without setting off MAD scanners and pass any
pat-down because they are truly unarmed.Passive ad-
ept powers wont trip FAB sensors and aren't detectable
with a cursory glance in the astral.Direct Assensing can
pick up that an adept is Awakened but that is assuming
the adept doesn't have Masking and will not tell the
type of magic they possess in any case.
劇透 -   :
Speaking of FAB sensors: Yes,that's a thing! They
aren't common because fuorescing astral bacteria is fin-
icky to keep alive and a bit costly for common purposes.
Still,if magical security is a concern and a mage at every
checkpoint is too costly,they're sometimes used.It is
basically just a sealed vial of the bacteria with an electrical photosensor.If the bacteria fluoresces due to active
magic,the photosensor sends a signal to the operator.
Then security usually calls over a mage to Assense the
individual.Some FAB sensors are also incorporated into
hand-held security wands along with MAD and cyberware scanners.But back to the fun of getting through security.Once
you've made it,usually with the help of a very expensive
fake ID,an adept can have many abilities that allow them
to get the job done.Some can kill with a punch,some
can steal a gun from a security guard without them realizing,and some can throw a teaspoon with the force and
accuracy to eliminate a target.The trick is making an escape when you kill so close,but being able to jump out a
third-story window and land at a run certainly helps.The
wide variety of capabilities adepts can command can
prove extremely difficult for a security detail to account
for,so they are not to be underestimated.
« 上次编辑: 2018-04-07, 周六 19:25:07 由 cmoon »

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Re: 【HT】途径与手段 P192-P196
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-03-26, 周一 12:59:14 »
劇透 -   :
When it comes to killing someone,a bullet to the brain
or a knife in the back usually does the job just fine.
When someone hires a mage to do the job,they usually either want to send a message or they want it to look like an accident.

劇透 -   :
Sending a message usually means big,messy,and in public.There is usually a high risk of getting caught and a correspondingly high pay rate.The messiness of a public hit can work in your favor as the group terror
can make a substantial background count to help cover
your astral traces.That being said,a public hit on a mark
who is expecting it can be unbelievably dangerous.Direct magical defenses are often fairly minimal,just there to defend against the suicidal nuts.Most of the focus is making sure that it is glaringly obvious that anyone who tries anything is not getting away.After all,a spirit can
overtake you through the astral in a fraction of a second, manifest,and end any chance of escape.
让一次刺杀显得像一场意外是法师暗杀者们最常见的工作。由于显而易见的原因,通过做这种活儿来积攒名声会非常困难。(校注:building a rep意为“扬名立万”)多年来,我听说过无数相当优雅的方式,这里就有一个例子(译注:结果不止一个):
另一个很有用的小技巧就是将目标放在一个致命的情景中,比如在他们开车的时候对他们释放沉醉术和困惑术。(校注:沉醉术见Stolen Souls,困惑术见核心)有时你完全可以将责任转给另一方,像是对一个目标施放物理假面术,让他通过古人帮地盘的时候看起来像个万圣节帮的成员。有时让它看起来像一场意外只是意味着要让某人消失。用趁手的方式干掉某个人,然后让他嗖的一下消失不见。用胶化术在水管低下把他冲没了。地精魂和是塑形术[土壤](校注:见SG的“塑形术[物质]”)可以用来掩埋尸体而不会留下任何土壤被破坏的痕迹。
劇透 -   :
Making a hit look like an accident is by far the most
common job for a mage assassin.It can be particularly hard building a rep for this sort of thing for obvious reasons,but there are still some well-known operators
out there.I have heard of some absolutely elegant tricks
pulled over the years.Here's a sample:
Cast Petrify on someone while they are near water.
They fall unconscious and turn to stone.If they fall into
the water (or you help them“fall" into the water),they
will sink to the bottom.When you stop sustaining the
spell they will quickly drown.There will be no marks on
the body indicating foul play,and by the time they find
the body (if they ever do),your astral signature will have
faded.Another good trick is to put the mark in a lethal
situation,like casting Intoxication or Confusion on them
while they are driving.Sometimes you can even completely shift the blame to another party,for example casting a Physical Mask on the mark so they look like
a Halloweener while walking around on Ancients turf.
Sometimes making it look like an accident simply
means making someone disappear permanently.Kill
them however is convenient,then make the body go
poof.Cast Turn to Goo and wash your problems down
the drain.An earth spirit or a Shape Earth spell can be
used to bury bodies without leaving a trace of the soil
being disturbed.

荧光星界菌探测器FAB SENSOR
(最大距离 5米  占据容量 [1] 可获得性+8R  花费4000新円)
劇透 -   :
This sensor function can be added to any sensor package.
This sensor can only determine the Absence or presence
of active mana sources in the immediate area,not the exact
source or strength.Background count temporarily reduces the
effective Rating by an equivalent amount.The bacteria sealed
within the sensor require special sterile feedstock to maintain
at a cost of 50 nuyen per month.
« 上次编辑: 2018-04-07, 周六 19:10:56 由 cmoon »

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Re: 【HT】途径与手段 P192-P196
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-03-26, 周一 17:54:24 »
劇透 -   :
Becoming a successful hitter isn't all guns and stealth.
You have to use your head or before you blink it will be
on the chopping block.Here are some useful Knowledge Skills assassins may select,with particularly applicable specializati ons.
劇透 -   :
Assassination is not about a fair fight.It is about striking first and striking as hard as possible.If a mark gets
a chance to defend themselves,things have already gone wrong.
Use this skill to find the right place to
stage and ambush and then use it properly.
劇透 -   :
The best way not to get caught is to be one step ahead of
those chasing you.Knowing a few forensic techniques
helps you better erase the traces you leave behind.
劇透 -   :
Guarding a person is very different than guarding an
object or place.By necessity,there are weak points in
the security that are necessary to allow the target to go
about their daily life.
劇透 -   :
Once the job is done,the first instinct of many is to skip
town.This action is predictable and many an assassin
has been caught trying to board a fight.It is often best
to find a safe place to lay low.
一旦任务完成,许多人的第一反应就是逃脱。这一行为是可以被预测的,这也导致了很多暗杀者在登机逃脱时被抓。(校注:board a flight,意为登上航班)最好的方法就是找个安全的地方躲好。
劇透 -   :
Once the job is done,the first instinct of many is to skip
town.This action is predictable and many an assassin
has been caught trying to board a fight.It is often best
to find a safe place to lay low.
劇透 -   :
It pays to know the big names in crime syndicates.They
are quite of ten your employers and your targets.
犯罪集团(湿活)UNDERWORLD (湿活)(校注:注:“湿活”,SR俚语,指涉及到杀人的狂奔工作)
劇透 -   :
These are the basics.Know your business.Amateurs
don't last long in this game.
« 上次编辑: 2018-04-07, 周六 19:19:14 由 cmoon »

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Re: 【HT】途径与手段 P192-P196
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-03-26, 周一 18:07:57 »
劇透 -   :
Knowing who is hiring.who is doing the work,and who
is willing to help for the right price are all essential.
While the popular image of assassins has them acting
as a lone wolf,every successful hit has a handful of
people that made succe ss possible,whether they know
it or not.
你需要有人用你喜欢的方式将所有武器都准备好吧?以军械商为原型(P182 RF)将{交涉}技能从3增加至5,增加2级{机械工业}技能。
劇透 -   :
You need someone to trick out all your weapons just
the way you like,right? Use Arms Dealer (p.182,Run
Faster); reduce Negotiations 5 to Negotiations 3,add
Industrial Mechanics 2.
劇透 -   :
A few jobs require leaving a corpse as a message,but
in most cases making a body disappear is preferable if
only to keep your anonymity.Use Recicladore (p.191,
Run Faster).
完成一件任务也许只需要一颗子弹,但也少不了几个假身份的帮助。(P181, RF)
劇透 -   :
Completing a job may only take one bullet,but several
false identities (stats on p.187,Run Faster).
劇透 -   :
What is your target's current location? What are their
habits and vices? Going into a job blind is the fastest
way to end up dead.Use News Reporter (p.190,Run
Faster),reduce Sneaking 4 to Sneaking 2 and Tracking 3
to Tracking 1,add Con 2 and Negotiation 2.
劇透 -   :
  Most alchemists are pretty careful about who they
hand off their preparations to since their spell aura
can be tracked back to them.Some alchemists are
willing to be less discerning for a hefty price.For an
otherwise mundane operative,having a few magical
tricks up your sleeve can make a huge difference.Use
Talismonger (p.194,Run Faster); change Arcana 4 to
Arcana 3,Negotiation 4 to Negotiation 3,and add En-
chanting 2.
劇透 -   :
Many toxic plant specimens are rare and temperamental to keep.The extraction of toxins from these specimens is best left to the experts.Use Talismonger (p.
194,Run Faster); change Alchemy 4 to Alchemy 2,add
Survival 2,change Magical Threats 5 to Magical Threats
4,Magic Theory 5 to Magic Theory 4,and Parabotany
2 to Parabotany 5.
劇透 -   :
Acquiring,keeping,and milking an Ekelybenie just for
one dose of venom is a lot of risk and effort.Let some-
one else do it.Use Parabotanist as decribed above,but
change Parabotany 5 to Parabotany 5.
劇透 -   :
It is all well and good to have the best gear and weapons possible,but if you can't get them into the same
country as your target they are worthless.Use Smuggler archetype (p.125,SR5).
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-31, 周五 14:57:34 由 cmoon »

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Re: 【HT】途径与手段 P192-P196
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-03-26, 周一 19:02:00 »
感谢B朋友的校对,我的错误好多啊 :em032
« 上次编辑: 2018-04-07, 周六 19:21:21 由 cmoon »