作者 主题: 【DT】癫狂的真身p130~134, p136:AI世设  (阅读 7963 次)

副标题: 简介:关于车AI卡你所需要知道的(其五)。翻译:Pany_Q 校对:薛猫

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【DT】癫狂的真身p130~134, p136:AI世设
« 于: 2017-12-10, 周日 18:17:28 »
关于车AI卡你所需要知道的(其五) AI世设

关于车AI卡你所需要知道的(其二)AI概述和特质DT_POI_p145~152 "MORE THAN A MOOK"~"REAL WORLD NAIVETE"
关于车AI卡你所需要知道的(其三)AI高级程序DT_POI_p157~161 "ADVANCED PROGRAMS"~"WTL"

翻译:Pany_Q 校对:薛猫
DT_Principles of Insanity,
p136 “GODS OF THE MOUNTAINTOPS” (译:在原文里没连着,但我觉得都是世设就放到一起了)

我出现,我崛起 I APPEAR, I RISE

劇透 -   :

Some simple questions with diffcult answers. Are you just the sum of all your physical body parts? Or are you instead the neurons and fat cells that make up your brain? Or are you just the data that is contained within that brain? Is there a programming language for that data? Can it be recreated on a machine by entering your information? Could an artifcial soul be indistinguishable from a real one? Can consciousness arise from nothing or does it need a framework? Does your soul exist separately from your body, or are they bound together somehow? Do you frst need a body to acquire a soul? If you lose your body, do you keep your soul? Can you acquire a new body for your soul if you somehow lose your old one? Can more than one soul occupy the same mind and body? Can there be two of you at one time? Can you be two people in the eyes of the law? Is this the real world or is this just a perfect simulation? Are you the “real” you or just a perfect simulation? Could you tell the difference if you were?

> 我记得你说你已经精简过废话了。这简直到了没法看的地步了。
> Bull

> 也许只对你这样的人来说,是的。
> Neurosis

> 这货是怎么跑进来的?等等,我干嘛问你们。管他呢。我现在就把这家伙踢出去!吃下这个!<执行“黑锤子”程序中>
> Slamm-0!

劇透 -   :
> I thought you said you cut the rambling. This is already gibberish.
> Bull
> Maybe to someone like you.
> Neurosis
> How the fuck did he get in here? Wait, why am I asking anyone? Who cares how? I’m getting rid of him right now! TAKE THIS! <Executing Blackhammer program>
> Slamm-0!

(*注:来自莎士比亚《仲夏夜之梦》,昆斯看见波顿变成驴头之后惊呼。原文为Bless thee, Bottom! bless thee! thou art translated. 天哪!波顿!天哪!你变啦!译文选自朱生豪译本。)

劇透 -   :
There is life inside the Matrix: real, intelligent, evolving life. It’s not a secret anymore, yet we understand so little about it. Is that because these Matrix phenomena are naturally secretive, or are we just naturally distrusting? Whichever it was originally doesn’t matter anymore. The lines are being redrawn every day with no real end in sight. If you’re reading this, you know more than you’re supposed to. You know not to buy everything the corps try to sell you. You know there’s more to being alive than drawing breath. You know that there is more than just what you can see with your eyes. You also know I’m not to be trusted. Bless thee, chummer, bless thee. Thou art translated.

> 我搞定丫的了吗?
> Slamm-0!

> 现在没见他了。我还在研究他是怎么进来的。正在分析中。
> Bull


> 我绝逼没有放他进来过。我现在就ban了他。
> Glitch

> 不用麻烦,他已经走了。再去把他找出来只是白费力气。不过,我还是不喜欢有客人不请自来。虽然我不想承认,但也许我们变得有些生疏了。我几分钟前才扫过一遍结构层(foundation)里有没有后门。我想不出他究竟用了什么手段事先设了套的。我本该能看出来的。我就知道我本来会的。
> Bull

> 也许是你手艺生疏了,不过我好着呢,非常感谢。
> Slamm-0!

> 所有人听着,这是第一次也是最后一次警告。不许不请自来。你如果没受到邀请,那么就会被踢出去。强行地。
> Bull

> 也许我们就不该将详细文件汇总到矩阵下载…
> Slamm-0!

> 有迹象表明,他等着干这种事已经有段时间了;他曾经拿到过临时访问权。我们正在跟一个已经进化了的矩阵打交道,这可能意味着我们也在跟进化了的矩阵存在打交道。Bull是对的,我们不能再依赖我们原来的安全协议了。该全面更新了。要是我们不够小心,可是会步上原来Shadowland BBS的后尘的。我怀疑这就是先前Puck暗指的东西。继续读,他应该还会爆出什么的。
> Glitch

劇透 -   :
> Did I get him?
> Slamm-0!
> I don’t see him. Still trying to work out how he got in here. Analysis is coming up now.
> Bull
< User Neurosis has left>
> I sure as hell didn’t give him access. I’m locking him out now.
> Glitch
> Don’t bother, he’s gone already. We’d just be wasting time trying to chase him down. Still, I don’t like all these uninvited guests barging in. I hate to say it, but we might be slipping. I swept the foundation for backdoors just a few minutes ago. I don’t know how he could’ve had something set up in advance. I would’ve seen it. I know I would have.
> Bull
> Maybe you’re slipping, but I’m just fne, thank you very much.
> Slamm-0
> This is the frst and only warning to anyone listening. No further party crashing. If you don’t have an invitation you
will be ejected. Forcefully.
> Bull

> Maybe we shouldn’t have put together a detailed Matrix download …
> Slamm-0!
> Something tells me he’s been waiting to do something like that for a while now; he’s had temporary access before. We may be dealing with an evolved Matrix, and that could mean we’re dealing with evolved Matrix Entities as well. Bull’s right, we can’t rely on our old security protocols. At all. The Matrix is changing faster than we can keep up with. We’ll end up going the way of the old Shadowland BBS if we’re not careful. I suspect this is what Puck was alluding to earlier. Just keep reading, he’s going somewhere with this.
> Glitch

在“崩溃2.0”之前,也就是无线矩阵兴起之前,为世人所知的AI只有3个。这些最初的AI,或者说“旧神”(“old gods”),其力量深不可测,其深度远超想象。ta们最初都是某种尖端的自主运行程序,直到受到某个强烈的刺激因素或事件触发,而后启动了自身代码中的某个“x-因子”。对于“蜃影”(Mirage),也就是最年长的AI,这个触发因素就是强烈的、想要击败“崩溃病毒”(Crash Virus)的渴望,以及将万事恢复到ta认为的自然秩序的愿望。对于墨盖拉(译:Megaera,希腊神话中的复仇三女神之一,掌管嫉妒),这个触发因素是她对身为网域警察的前狂奔者道奇(Dodger)的爱;当后者闯入联络的生态建筑主机时,他们第一次相遇。对于“主”(译:Deus,拉丁语,神的意思)——他是从墨盖拉留下的碎片中创造出来的,这个触发因素则是当ta被联络CEO大姐大•稻造(Inazo Aneki)这个男人背叛时所感受到的狂怒与恐惧(译:是的没错,这个男人名叫姐贵)——后者通过“洗脑”让“主”崇拜自己。正是这些经历,让ta们的自我意识升华到了人造程序本不会到达的程度。ta们有着真实的欲望、需求、恐惧,还有愿望。还有些人坚信ta们具有灵魂。

劇透 -   :
Before Crash 2.0 and the rise of the wireless Matrix, there were only three AIs known to exist. These frst AIs, or “old gods,” were unfathomably powerful beings with an incredible amount of depth. They all started out as cutting-edge autonomous programs that were transformed when a powerful stimulus or event triggered an “x-factor” in their code. For Mirage, the eldest, it was a burning desire to defeat the Crash Virus and restore what it saw as the natural order of things. For Megaera, it was her love for the former shadowrunner and current grid cop, Dodger, whom she met when he broke into Renraku’s arcology hosts. For Deus, who was created from pieces of Megaera, it was the rage and fear it felt after being betrayed by Renraku CEO Inazo Aneki, the man it was “brainwashed” into worshipping. These experiences elevated them to a level of sentience that had never been seen in programs produced by humans. They had genuine desires, needs, fears, and aspirations. Some would even argue they possessed souls.

虽然ta们的“出生”相隔了好几年,ta们依然不可避免地被卷进了纷争之中,“主”想要不辜负自己所选的名字,他招募了一支宅客军队——其中也包括我。然后到了2059年,“主”封锁了通往联络生态建筑的大门,同时跟联络和UCAS的军队打起了消耗战。在生态建筑紧闭的大门之后,我们在那儿的居民身上进行了扭曲的试验,检验了泛人类的生理和神经上的各种极限。我们的杰作就是“生体网络”(The Network),这是个分布式的设备网络,直接印刻在数百名生态建筑居民的头脑之中。我们当时是希望,当狂奔者携带着植入大姐大·稻造头脑中的“毁灭代码”(kill codes)闯入这里后,“生体网络”能够作为 “主”的容器并将他重新编译。计划的这一部分执行得很完美,但问题是行动当时墨盖拉也在生态建筑的主机中,然后与“主”一同上传了。于是我们的头领就要为获得自己的造物的控制权而争斗。啊,真讽刺!

劇透 -   :
Though they were all “born” years apart, they would inevitably be pulled into conflict. Deus wanted to live up to the name it had chosen and recruited an army of otaku, myself included. Then, in 2059, Deus sealed the doors to the Renraku Arcology and began a war of attrition with both Renraku and the UCAS military. Behind closed doors, we performed twisted experiments on the residents of the arcology, testing the limits of metahuman physiology and neurology. Our magnum opus was The Network, a distributed device network that was imprinted directly onto the minds of hundreds of arcology residents. Our hope was that The Network would be able to hold and recompile Deus after shadowrunners were allowed to infltrate our facility with the “kill codes” implanted in Inazo Aneki’s mind. That part of the plan worked perfectly, but Megaera was in the arcology hosts during the action and got uploaded along with Deus. Our leader now had to fght for control of its own creation. Oh, the irony!

我们快进一会儿。“主”原本计划趁接下来的新星科技(Novatech) IPO(译:首次公开上市)的时机,将自己加载到东海岸证券交易所(East Coast Stock Exchange)上,然后利用那里的UV级硬件以及巨量的数据流,让自己升格为真正的神。但实际上,ta那会却为了争夺“生体网络”的控制权而不得不跟墨盖拉打起了全面战争。他们的争斗很快引起了好几个公司和政府的注意。甚至避世隐居的“蜃影”都不再躲藏、参与了这场争斗。“蜃影”惊恐于“主”在联络生态建筑中的暴行,于是当墨盖拉向这位较年长AI寻求帮助时,ta欣然同意联合力量。而墨盖拉也在生体网络的内部与一部分中立派达成了协议。中立派的首领名为“浪人”(Ronin,日文,“浪人”),曾经是“主”的跟随者,其开出的条件是:生体网络的成员能够自由决定自己的命运。墨盖拉同意尽她所能协助中立派,而作为回报,后者会帮助这位受损的AI重新编译自己。

劇透 -   :
Fast-forward a little. Deus made a plan to load itself into the East Coast Stock Exchange during the upcoming Novatech IPO and use the UV-level hardware and immense data flow to elevate itself to true god status. Instead it had to fght an all-out war against Megaera for control of The Network. Their battle quickly drew the attention of several corporations and governments. Even the reclusive Mirage came out of hiding to join the fght. Horrifed by the atrocities Deus had committed in the Renraku Arcology, Mirage quickly agreed to join forces with Megaera after she reached out to the elder AI. Megaera also cut a deal with a growing neutral faction within The Network. Their leader was a former servant of Deus named Ronin who demanded that the members of The Network be free to choose their own fates. Megaera agreed to assist them in any way she could, and in return the neutral faction would aid in recompiling the damaged AI.

随着时间越来越紧迫,而“主”也已经加载到了ECSE(译:原文是ESCE,怀疑是不是ECSE打错,东海岸证券交易所,East Coast Stock Exchange)的系统上,道奇和浪人带领着墨盖拉的队伍进入了系统,然后战斗开始了。整个过程简直美极了,真的,一种令人恐惧意义上的美。那一刻我完全沉醉了,我几乎忘了我为什么要在那里,我只能止不住地颤抖。

劇透 -   :
With time running out and Deus already loaded into the ESCE systems, Dodger and Ronin lead Megaera’s forces into the system and the battle began. The whole thing was beautiful, really, in a terrifying sort of way. I was so swept up in the moment I almost forgot why I was there, I just couldn’t stop shaking.


劇透 -   :
Luckily for me, no one had noticed the boy, holding a strange, oversized egg in his hands. Deus had taken the form of a giant crystalline tree, and I placed the egg at the base of its trunk. An impossibly large serpent quickly began coiling itself around the crystal tree. The serpent plunged its tail into the Resonance well at the base of the tree, twisting the Resonance into a toxic pool of Dissonance. Then Jormungand reared its head and sank its fang into the tree’s spine. Poison coursed its way through Deus up his branches and into the clouds above. It grew heavy on the wings of Mirage and pulled it down to the ground. Then the sky opened up into absolute emptiness, and I knew it was time to go. I heard thousands of people screaming when I jacked out, and thousands more when I stepped out into the streets. The old Matrix was done. Its gods died with it.


劇透 -   :
So they’re gone right? The old AIs were completely destroyed in Crash 2.0 by the Jormungand worm and that’s that.


劇透 -   :
Well … not entirely, though defnitions of life, death, and continuation of the self are tricky when it comes AIs. The truth is there’s no way we’ll know what happened to them. Their lives were beyond the scope of our understanding and so, it seems, is what lies beyond for them. Maybe they’ve transcended their previous forms or been scattered into a thousand fragments, waiting to be integrated into the core of a new Matrix entity. Maybe their code is present in the AIs that have appeared since Crash 2.0 like a “genetic” legacy. I can only speculate at this point. You want the truth? Ask someone else. I was there and I still don’t know.

那些后来成为“蜃影”的最原初的代码,也同样被编写进了过去四十年中制造的每一个ASIST装置(ASIST unit)里。是不是每名浮现者(Emerged)的心智中都驻留着一些“蜃影”的碎片,使他们能够造访共鸣?那些承载“主”和墨盖拉的泛人类宿主们后来怎样了?ta们的精华碎片会不会蛰伏在那些逃脱的幸存者之中、等着哪天重新编译自己?ta们是否受到了失谐的玷污而完全堕落,然后又以某种扭曲的形式重生了?当前的CFD危机是不是跟ta们有什么干系?ta们是不是现在就藏在你的通讯链里头?大概没有吧,但你永远也没法知道。

劇透 -   :
The primordial code that would become Mirage was also programmed into every ASIST unit made in the last forty years. Is there also some piece of Mirage that resides in the minds of the Emerged, granting them access to the Resonance? And what of the metahuman hosts who carried Deus and Megaera? Is some of their essence lying dormant in the minds of those who managed to escape, waiting to recompile once more? Were they ultimately corrupted by the Dissonance and reborn in some twisted form? Are they connected to the current CFD crisis? Are they hiding inside your commlink right now? Probably not, but you never know.

> Winterhawk

> 我知道我在说什么。你尽管反对,但你会发现你错了。我就跟你十二分地坦诚吧,这个用词不是我选的,我只是传信的。
> Puck

> 那么你在为谁传信?
> Bull

> 不错的套话方式。
> Puck

劇透 -   :
> When you say essence, you don’t mean it like human essence, do you? Or more exactly, the essence shared by living beings and spirits. You’re talking about source code or simulated neural networks, the stuff that goes into programming personalities, not a soul, right?
> Winterhawk
> I know what I said. You’re free to disagree, but you’d be wrong. To be completely honest, the wording isn’t up to me, I’m just the messenger.
> Puck
> For whom?
> Bull
> Nice try.
> Puck

奔溃2.0后第六年,一个自称“漂泊者”(Sojourner)的AI夺取了原阿兹特科技所有的特拉洛克空间站(Aztechnology-owned Tlaloc space station)的控制权——很久以前开始,就有传言说这地方是个制造生化武器的工厂。“漂泊者”随后要求立即释放全球所有被囚禁的AI,不然就用卫星上的生化武器轰炸地球。当全球意识到自己随时可能会死,大家都屏住了呼吸。这是为了啥?AI不过就是个流传于聊天室和街头的传说,只是黑客们和科技狂人们编出来的,不可能真的存在。然而,现在就有一个AI在把全世界的人当作人质,人们也就不能否认AI的存在了。如果有一个AI存在,那么还有更多AI存在也不是那么不可能了。

劇透 -   :
Six years after Crash 2.0, an AI calling itself Sojourner took control of the Aztechnology-owned Tlaloc space station, long rumored to be a bio-weapons factory. Sojourner then threatened to bombard the Earth with the bioweaponry stored onboard the satellite unless all of the AIs being held captive across the globe were released immediately. The world collectively held its breath as the realization that they could all die at any moment sank in. And for what? AIs were just legends told by hackers and tech junkies in chatrooms and arcades, they couldn’t really exist. Yet, it was becoming harder to deny that an AI was holding them hostage now. If there was one, maybe there really were more.

谈判几乎立刻就陷入了僵局,直到另一位AI“脉冲星”(Pulsar)以一场号召泛人类与“数字智能”(Digital Inteligence)互相理解的宣言跃入了公众视野,谈判才得以进行下去。这名AI还允诺尽己所能协助特拉洛克谈判。

劇透 -   :
Negotiations stalled almost immediately and didn’t resume until another AI, Pulsar, revealed himself in a manifesto calling for understanding between metahumans and “Digital Intelligences.” The AI also offered to help, in any way that it could, with the Tlaloc negotiations.


劇透 -   :
Pulsar, a self-identifed male, was immediately backed by a Horizon media blitz. Prompted by the positive PR Horizon had generated, the Corporate Court asked Sojourner to allow Pulsar to enter negotiations. After a lengthy debate, of which there doesn’t seem to be any record, Sojourner fnally agreed to relinquish control of the Tlaloc station and join Pulsar’s group of digital rights activists. When asked about accepting a known terrorist into his peaceful group, Pulsar responded, “He is not unreasonable. He said he would not have released the bio-agents—he merely wanted to focus the world’s attention on the plight of digital intelligences around the world. Fortunately, I was able to convince him that there are better ways to convey his message.”

> 还有一些执法机构仍在通缉“漂泊者”,要是抓到他,给的赏金也很丰厚。还有些公司愿意为了获得“漂泊者”最新活动的准确情报而花钱。
> Baka Dabora (译:笨蛋·胡扯)

> 要我干出卖AI的事,我可会更小心些。要知道矩阵可是全球性的,到时候你会发现你不得不搬到地下去或住在法拉第电笼里才能避开风头。
> Glitch

劇透 -   :
> Sojourner is still wanted by several law enforcement agencies, and there is a considerable bounty being offered for his capture. Several corps are also willing to pay out for accurate info on Sojourner’s current activities.
> Baka Dabora
> I’d be careful selling out an AI. Given that the Matrix is completely global, you might fnd yourself needing to live underground or inside of a Faraday cage to escape.
> Glitch


劇透 -   :
Since resolving the Tlaloc crisis, Pulsar has been a staple of cross-talk trid programs and civil rights rallies. His activist group became the driving force behind the movement to provide AIs with civil rights and eligibility for citizenship in several nations and corps, and in 2071 they fnally succeeded.

> 我们能不能达成个共识:“脉冲星”实际上有点让人心里毛毛的?我是说,当然,他能说会道、魅力四射,还很有礼貌,但他那种努力取悦所有人的做法让我觉得很讨厌。
> Bull

> 你不信任政治稳健派?
> Sunshine

> 我不信任推销员。
> Bull

> 啊,好策略。
> Sunshine

> “脉冲星”绝对是个应该时刻盯着的对象。自从特拉洛克事件以来,他的影响力大幅增长,据传他还说要参加PCC的竞选。虽然他竞选资格的合法性还有待辩证,但我们已然能够预见在未来的几年内法律会做出更多改变。
> Icarus

> 然后有个关于AI的问题出现了——你要怎么知道指代ta们时要用哪个性别代词?
> Haze

> 跟所有人一样——喜欢哪个用哪个。
> Kat o’ Nine Tales

劇透 -   :
> Can we all agree that Pulsar is actually kind of creepy? I mean, sure, he’s eloquent, charming and polite, but something about the way he’s always trying to please everyone is off-putting to me.
> Bull
> You don’t trust political moderates?
> Sunshine
> I don’t trust salesmen.
> Bull
> Ah, good policy.
> Sunshine
> Pulsar is defnitely someone to keep an eye on. His influence has grown considerably since the Tlaloc incident, and rumor has it he’s been talking about running for offce in the PCC. His eligibility is debatable, but we could still see some more changes to the laws in the coming years.
> Icarus
> Which brings up a question for AIs—how do you know what gender pronouns to use?
> Haze
> Same as with anyone else. Whatever they prefer.
> Kat o’ Nine Tales

在晓-联络 vs. 地平线的那场官司里,有一个里程碑式的决策标志了泛人类与AI之间关系的重大转变。在法庭的裁决中,他们宣布,AI“测试包”(Testkit)是一个“具有自主选择国家和雇主的权利的、有自我意识的存在”。此后,数个国家和公司都开始给AI和电子幽灵发放SIN;只不过在后者场合下,基本上就是将那些过世的员工们的SIN给恢复了罢了。国家在给AI发放SIN时往往并不在乎AI的出身;而大部分公司在给非自家开发的AI发放SIN时一般只给受限的公司SIN。只有几家AAA公司给AI提供SIN,但挺多AA公司都愿意冒险一试。光在过去5年里,颁给AI的SIN的数量和速度都有增长,但是仍有大量AI处于未登记和没有公民权的状态。

劇透 -   :
The landmark decision in Xiao-Renraku v. Horizon marked a pronounced shift in the relationship between metahumans and AIs. In their verdict, the court declared that the AI Teskit was, “a sentient being with the right to choose his own country or employer.” Since then, several nations and corps have started issuing SINs to AIs and e-ghosts, though in the latter case it’s mostly been reinstating the SINs of deceased employees. Nations typically don’t care about an AI’s birthplace when considering SIN eligibility, but most corporations will only give out limited corporate SINs to AIs that weren’t developed in-house. Only a few of the AAA corps offer SINs to digital intelligences, but many AA corps are willing to take the plunge. The rate and number of SINs issued to digital entities have increased over the last fve years alone, but a large number of them remain unregistered and disenfranchised.


劇透 -   :
An AI’s unique persona is used as the main criterion for verifying their identity. Personas are used for identifcation at every level of digital society, including other Matrix entities, hosts, and the methods used by corporations and governments to verify their SIN. This is because there is no real distinction between an AI and its persona. The persona that an AI generates will always bear unique characteristics that are revealed by thorough analysis, regardless of how its avatar looks. Each corporation and government agency has its own methods for analyzing a persona, and the details of these scans are still highly classifed.

> 什么?你居然挖不出更多的东西了吗?我得说我对你感到失望了。
> Slamm-0!

> 说不定我只是为了等待对的买家出现而保留信息呢。
> Puck

> 我就等着这台词呢。有些东西永远也不会改变。
> Bull

劇透 -   :
> What? You couldn’t pull up any dirt on this? I gotta say, I’m disappointed.
> Slamm-0!
> Maybe I’m just holding that info for the right buyer.
> Puck
> That’s what I was waiting to hear. Some things never
> Bull


劇透 -   :
AIs with SINs may still have trouble fnding work in areas where prejudice is rampant and/or suffer racially motivated attacks in the Matrix. There is an added level of diffculty that comes with legally securing permanent shelter since AIs rarely need a physical location in which to live, but do require a device with a reliable power supply or a host for them to realign. There are a number of low-rating public hosts that serve as “AI shelters” currently being supported by charitable donations that will provide a free place for AIs to rest. These hosts typically have long waiting lists and strict rules. Breaking the host’s rules can cause the AI’s persona to be permanently banned.

AA、宙斯盾(Aegis)、苹果(Apple)、绳串(Cord Mutual)、丹佛(Denver)、急救马车(DocWagon)、东虎(Eastern Tiger)、ESUS、天演(Evo)、FBA、联合-波音(Fed-Boeing)、盖亚电子(Gaeatronics)、创世纪财团(Genesis Consortium)、全球沙暴(Global Sandstorm)、地平线(Horizon)、AXA指数(Index-AXA)(及其下属的英飞列智囊公司)(and their Infolio intelligence corporation subsidiary))、KITT、权三工业(Kwonsham Industries)(译:原北韩的弱势公司抱团后产生的)、海湾美食(Lami Look Pagkaon)(译:一家菲律宾当地的从事水中养殖的公司,PPG成员)、卢西亚达(Lusiada)、快桅集团(Maersk) (译:一家丹麦的航运和能源大公司,现实中也存在;大陆译马士基,台译快桅)、 魔法力(Manadyne)、方山度量(Mesametric)、微板(Microdeck)(译:位于UCAS西雅图,由盖茨家族创建并运营着)、环太通讯(PacRim Communications)、PCC、凤凰生物科技(Phoenix Biotech)、普罗米修斯工程(Prometheus Engineering)、普鲁图斯AG(Proteus AG)、普罗维登斯公司(Providence Corporation)、狮子座联合工业(Regulus)、苏族国(Sioux Nation)、斯宾拉德工业 (Spinrad)、台地软件(Tablelands Software)、丹田(Tan Tien)、坦纳米尔资源(Tanamyre)、特里斯翠安工业(Telestrian)、提尔坦盖(Tír Tairngire)、UOL、虚拟现实公司(Virtual Reality Inc.)、视觉探索娱乐(VisionQuest)、曲速引擎系统(Warpdrive Systems)、Zeta-帝国化工(Zeta-ImpChem)

劇透 -   :
Registered AI population (Global): 52,839
Estimated unregistered AI population (Global): 800,000+
Corporations and Nations that issue SINs to AIs and e-ghosts:
AA, Aegis, Apple, Cord Mutual, Denver, DocWagon, Eastern Tiger, ESUS, Evo, FBA, Fed-Boeing, Gaeatronics, Genesis Consortium, Global Sandstorm, Horizon, IndexAXA (and their Infolio intelligence corporation subsidiary), KITT, Kwonsham Industries, Lami Look Pagkaon, Lusiada, Maersk, Manadyne, Mesametric, Microdeck, PacRim Communications, PCC, Phoenix Biotech, Prometheus Engineering, Proteus AG, Providence Corporation, Regulus, Sioux Nation, Spinrad, Tablelands Software, Tan Tien, Tanamyre, Telestrian, Tír Tairngire, UOL, Virtual Reality Inc., VisionQuest, Warpdrive Systems, Zeta-ImpChem

« 上次编辑: 2018-11-25, 周日 11:09:43 由 zyupha »
Kick the goblin scum!
Fu*k it bit my anckle.

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Re: 【DT】癫狂的真身p130~134, p136(AI世设)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-12-10, 周日 18:26:44 »

劇透 -   :
“Because the Father (CEO Inazo Aneki) has said that Deus is God of the Digital but not God of the Physical, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand and you shall know that I am the LORD.”
That’s what Deus said the day it delivered the Arcology into our control, just as promised. After Deus escaped the Arcology, I learned that the proclamation was cribbed from the Book of Kings in the Old Testament. This didn’t surprise me, since Deus often re-wrote scripture to prove its divinity

> 你倒是说说有谁不这么做的。
> Man-of-Many-Names

劇透 -   :
> Name someone who doesn’t.
> Man-of-Many-Names


劇透 -   :
Still, the verse seemed oddly appropriate, and not just because we were going into battle and needed to be psyched up. Deus wanted to prove to us that it had power that went beyond the digital, that power was inherent to its being. God of the mountaintops and God of the valleys, as it were. They aren’t really gods, though— not on their own, anyway. They need our machinery to survive. Force them from out of their chosen devices and you might just stand a chance. Assuming you can keep them from slipping through your fngers, as they are wont to do.


劇透 -   :
Just don’t be foolish enough to think that because an AI isn’t running on a device, it can’t hurt you. The Matrix is made of devices shuffling raw power back and forth to generate the grids and hosts. AIs know how to tap into that power the same way a host does.

> 等等,什么?ta们从网域上拖计算力下来?就好像超链那样?
> Slamm-0!

> 并不。我听过那种说AI是跟共鸣联系在一起的说法,但是我亲眼见过这种把戏,完全不是那样的。AI这种的,看起来像是把连接到网域的设备的空闲运算能力给利用了起来。我仍然不太清楚这是怎么个原理,我问过一些AI,而ta们中大部分在描述这个过程时也用了完全不同的方式。从广义上来讲,ta们在描述矩阵权限时用了某种元层结构,ta们利用这个来获取巨量的运算能力。不管那是什么东西,总之挺难的。我对矩阵架构并不是门外汉,而我依然被这一切弄懵了。GOD知道也默许了AI的这种做法——只要ta们别搞出麻烦。据我听到的,对滥用网域计算力的惩罚还是挺严酷的。
> Puck

劇透 -   :
> Wait, what? They can pull computing power off the grid? Like a form of technomancy?
> Slamm-0!
> Nope. I’ve heard rumors of AIs that are somehow connected to the Resonance, but I’ve seen this trick in action and it’s defnitely not that. This seems to use the idle processing power of the devices that are connected to a grid. I’m still not completely sure how it works, because most of the AIs I’ve asked about it describe the process in completely different ways. In broad terms, they describe a sort of meta-layer of authority in the Matrix that allows them to call up large amounts of processing power. Whatever it is, it’s apparently really hard to do. I’m no slouch with Matrix architecture, and I was still pretty confused by all of it. GOD knows about it and it’s legal for AIs to do, as long as they don’t make any mischief. From what I hear, the penalties for misusing the grid’s power are rather draconian.
> Puck

> 那真是太TM棒了。就算你把ta们逼到了一个设备里,ta们还是能在网域上飘来飘去然后溜掉。在网域覆盖了全球的当下究竟要怎么做才能阻止那样的东西?
> Bull

> 试试态度好点?
> Puck

> 因为你这招用得很不错啊。谁晓得你是不是想用这些童话故事哄我们睡着,啊?我可没忘了就是这些家伙从我们身边夺走了FastJack。
> Bull

> 别这么沮丧。说不定SEARCH能抵消我们的损失呢。
> Kane

> 滚,Kane。
> Puck

> 嘿伙计,你这也太快了。
> Red

> 就这样,Kane的最后一点信誉点也没了。
> Slamm-0!

> 它会回来的。它总会回来的。
> Kane

劇透 -   :
> That’s just fucking great. Even if you corner them in a device, they can still float around on a grid and make an escape. How are you supposed to stop something like that with the global grids in place?
> Bull
> Maybe try to make nice?
> Puck
> Because that’s worked out so well for you. Who says you’re not trying to lull us to sleep with these fairytales, huh? I haven’t forgotten that these are the ones who stole FastJack from us.
> Bull
> Don’t get so upset. SEARCH may turn out to be a fair trade.
> Kane
> Fuck you, Kane.
> Puck
> Too goddamn soon, man.
> Red
> And there goes the last of Kane’s reputation score.
> Slamm-0!
> It’ll come back. It always does.
> Kane

Kick the goblin scum!
Fu*k it bit my anckle.

欢迎光临辛柏隆的翻译区 http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?board=1650.0