作者 主题: 【CF】赛博义肢 CYBERLIMBS P86-90  (阅读 11852 次)

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【CF】赛博义肢 CYBERLIMBS P86-90
« 于: 2017-12-07, 周四 01:39:25 »

虽然一般有点名气的医疗公司都已经不使用了, 某些无码者或是未投保的人能找到原始假肢也算幸运了。 从木製钉腿,铁钩手到没有动力驱动的上世纪铁/塑胶假肢, 这些假肢都只能以极低的价钱提供非常有限的效果。 在手掌或手臂的的情况下, 使用者在使用原始假肢时视为上限/精准度1。 在脚掌或脚的情况下, 使用者的走路速度只有正常状况下的一半并且跑步速度的乘数-1。 原始头盖骨和原始身体并不存在。 真可怜。

劇透 -   :
While not used by reputable medical corporations
these days, the fact remains that SINless and the uninsured
are lucky to get what they can. From the wooden
(!) pegleg and hook hand of antiquity to the unpowered
metal and plastic hybrids of a century ago, these
prosthetics all offer extremely limited results for an extremely
limited price.
In the case of hands/arms, the user is considered to
have a limit/Accuracy of 1 with any use of the limb.
In the case of feet/legs, the user is considered to
have a walking speed half of normal and has their run
multiplier reduced by one.
Primitive skulls and torsos don’t exist. Poor slots.


直接装在部分或是完整赛博义肢, 这就是一个标准内含各种手术工具显微操作以及一个电子护士来帮你诊断或治疗的医疗箱。 当然, 越贵性能越好。 这项改造只是用来安装医疗箱的,  急救箱本身要另外买。医疗箱 本身也可以像是一般医疗箱样补充。

劇透 -   :
Built directly into a partial or full cyberlimb, this is simply
a standard medical kit filled with useful surgical
implements, micro-manipulators, and a digital nurse
to help with diagnosis and treatment. More expensive
kits are, of course, more robust. The listing for this item
is simply for the compartment and parts to hold the
medkit; the medkit must be purchased separately. The
medkit then may be refilled as their non-cyber counterparts
for the same price.


工具箱很有很多种, 每种工具箱(军械, 汽车机械,等等...) 都可以直接安装在部分或是完整的赛博义肢上。 每个工具箱都包含鑽头, 夹子, 电子化的说明书和其他诸如此类和你手上的工作有关的东西。

劇透 -   :
Dozens of kits exist, each featuring a full tool kit (Armorer,
Auto Mechanics, etc.) that can be built directly
into a partial or full cyberlimb. Each kit features rotating
drillbits, clamps, computerized guides, and so forth, for
the task at hand.


大部分的赛博义肢在设计上都相对来讲接近真的肢体—合成义肢就是比较极端的例子,但是有些人对于装在身上的钢铁既高调又自豪, 对于他们, 大型化改造简直就是天下掉下来的礼物。 只限于装在机械义肢上, 大型化改造以隐藏性换来更多的容量, 然后更多的容量也带来更大的改造空间。 虽然大型化改造有六个等级, 不同的义肢能装的等级依然限于下表:


劇透 -   :
Most cyberlimbs are designed to be relatively lifelike—
extremely so in the case of synthetic limbs, but there
are those who wear their chrome loud and proud, and
for them, the bulk modification is a gift from above.
While only available for obvious cyberlimbs, the bulk
modification trades sneakiness for greater volume, and
with greater volume comes more upgrade capabilities.
While bulk modification is available in six Ratings, the
limb in question is limited as noted in the chart below:

Hand/foot/half-skull 1
Lower arm/lower leg/skull 2
Full arm/full leg 4
Torso/liminal chassis 6
For each point of Rating,
the modified limb gains +1 Capacity.


有时, 你不需要整隻手; 其他时候, 你想要在你现有的赛搏手臂上加些花招。 无论如何, 都可以单独升级手指来增加功能。

劇透 -   :
Sometimes, you don’t need an entire hand; other times,
you want to add a few tricks to the cyberhand you already
have. Regardless, individual finger upgrades are
available that add functionality to your digits.

手指电筒: 一个简单的小手电筒

手指打火机: 适合用来点菸...或是雷管


手指榴弹可以造成跟一般榴弹一样的伤害, 但是强度(power) -2 (注:不是很确定这裡的power是代表甚麽...估计是威力等同离开榴弹两米)。 很明显的, 手指榴弹每次用过之后都要换过, 并且使用少手指的手做的动作肉体极限-1。

手指手枪:究极的的单发袖珍手枪。 除了只有一发子弹和精度只有3(5)以外, 手指手枪视同普通的赛博袖珍手枪。

劇透 -   :
Fingerlight: A simple small flashlight.

Fingerlighter: Good for lighting cigarettes … or fuses.
Finger Grenade: Nothing says “Frag you!” like giving
someone the finger. And now you can frag them too!
Finger grenades inflict damage as if a grenade of the listed
type, but their power is reduced by 2. Obviously, the
finger must be replaced after each use, and actions using
the hand with the missing finger receive a –1 penalty
to the Physical limit.
Finger Pistol: The ultimate in one-shot hold-out pistols.
The finger pistol uses ordinary cybergun hold-out
rules, aside from being a single-shot and having an Accuracy
of 3(5).


这几十年来, 赛博义肢都有被改造与分析, 使其以较小的代价在某个领域表现的更好, 这是一个为了效率而被普遍接受的小小牺牲。 这个市场主要是在运动与娱乐方面, 但是可以使其大展手脚的领域都一直在探索中。 每种赛博义肢最佳化都需要一整支赛博义肢专为某种用途, 一般来说都会最佳化一对赛博义肢来达到最好的效果。 就像你所想像的, 每支义肢只能做一种最佳化。 赛博义肢最佳化+1对应用途的上限。 每改造一对赛博义肢使其对于于某个技能最佳化, 使用者该技能的骰池也+1。 以下是几种赛博义肢最佳化的例子, 但是并不是有这些, 也鼓励GM自己发明一些其他的。

劇透 -   :
For decades, cyberlimbs have been modified and analyzed,
producing results that are greater in one area
at a small cost in other areas, a general tradeoff that’s
been largely accepted in the name of efficiency. Primarily,
this market is in the fields of sports or entertainment,
but new arenas are always being explored.
In each case, this requires a full cyberlimb dedicated to
the cause, and they’re usually intended to be taken in
pairs for maximum result. As you might imagine, a limb
may only be optimized in one way.
Optimized limbs raise the user’s applicable limit by
+1 for each limb optimized in that skill. For each pair of
limbs optimized for the skill, the user gains +1 to their
applicable skill dice pool as well. While the list below
showcases several examples, it is by no means exhaustive,
and gamemasters are encouraged to come up with
several of their own.

天演 亚特兰蒂斯: 第一对有对称手脚的最佳化义肢。 谢啦,天演。(游泳)

富渊 演奏家: 从此这裡开始。 富渊 演奏家让音乐人完成他们的梦想(表演) 

卡伦金人: 联络计算机集团出产,命名自古老的奔跑界霸权。 与真的的卡伦金人一样自豪的产自肯亚(奔跑)

黑子:  其中一种极为罕见的赛博头盖骨。 联络计算机集团的黑子非常适合改变造型(伪装)

蒙登快拔: 在孤星中也很少见, 蒙登快拔又快又准(手枪)

斯宾拉德 永不休息: 攀岩,乔尔!(注:老电影梗...)。 有手和脚的版本, 这些义肢上装有比较薄并且有力的手脚趾让在各种表面上攀爬都十分容易(攀爬)

最强的: 最快又有着手枪一般威力的拳头。 一次挥好几拳!(徒手战斗)

洋基投手: 大联盟认证, 大联盟制裁!(投掷武器)

劇透 -   :
Evo Atlantean: The first set of optimized limbs that had
both matching arms and legs. Thanks, Evo! (Swimming)
Fuchi Virtuoso: The line that started it all. Virtuoso
allows musicians to achieve their dreams. (Performance)
Kalenjin: A single name brings a legacy of unequaled
supremacy in running to this Renraku brand,
proudly constructed in Kenya to exacting specifications.
Kuroko: One of the extremely rare optimized cyber
skulls, Renraku’s Kuoko is fantastic for ease of redesign.
Munden QuickDraw: A rare entry from Lone Star,
the QuickDraw is both fast and accurate. (Pistols)
Spinrad NeverRest: Rock climbing, Joel! Available
for both arms and legs, these limbs come with thin digits
and powerful grips that make climbing any surface a
breeze. (Climbing)
The Greatest: The fastest fists in piston power. Throw
those punches in bunches! (Unarmed Combat)
Yankee Pitcher: Major League approved, Major
League sanctioned! (Throwing Weapons)


最着名的暗影小子潜行脚, 对很多人来讲这些脚看来就像"弯错边"一样。 实际上这些脚有着普通的髋关节和膝盖,但是脚掌非常长,使重量全落在跖球让脚踝变成有如第二个膝盖一样。 一般来讲都是类似于狗或猫的脚, 比较极端时也会模彷禽类的脚并且经常会在加上猛禽脚(参见下方)。 趾行脚可以装在完整或是部分的赛博义肢上, 并且一定要有一对才会有加成。 每支趾行脚+1使用者潜行的物理极限。 每对趾行脚+1使用者跑步的乘数。

劇透 -   :
Best known in the shadows as Kid Stealth legs, these
legs “bend the wrong way” in many eyes. The leg itself
is actually constructed with normal hip and knee
placements, but the foot is extremely elongated, with
the weight fully on the ball of the foot and the ankle
perceived by many as a second knee. While generally
constructed with dimensions analogous to a dog or
cat’s legs, taken to the extreme, they resemble the legs
of birds and often feature raptor feet (see below).
Digigrade may be taken as a modification for full or
partial cyberlegs but not for feet, and they provide no
bonus unless taken in pairs. The user’s Physical limit for
the Stealth skill group is increased by 1 per leg, while the
running speed multiplier is increased by 1 for each pair.

射勾手是一个带有绞盘, 可收纳30米缆绳的收线器, 和一个可以射出跟带有命令功能来控制赛博手抓握的缆线长度一样距离的喷气式发射器的赛博手臂(整臂或部分)改造。 当抓稳了之后, 绞盘可以以每轮10米的速度拉, 或是以一半的速度安静的拉。 如果发射之后没抓稳的话, 也可以每轮25米的速度收线,或是每轮10米的速度安静的收线。 射勾手的空气压缩机需要一分钟的时间来发射下一发。 使用技能异种远程武器(射勾枪)来瞄准。

劇透 -   :
A modification to a cyberarm (either partial or full) that
consists of a winch, a feed system capable of loading
up to thirty meters of wire, and a pneumatic launcher
that can fire the cyberhand up to the full range of the
wire, which also serves as a command path to let the
hand grab hold of a distant target. Once a firm grip is
secured, the winch can pull them toward the hand at a
rate of ten meters per Combat Turn, or half that silently.
Should a grip not be made, it can rewind the hand
at a rate of twenty-five meters per turn, or ten meters
silently. It takes one minute for the air compressor to
ready the hand for another shot.
Use Exotic Ranged Weapon (Grapple Gun) for targeting
with the launched hand.


越加先进的生物外观无人机也同时应用到了赛博义肢上。 本来赛博义肢就算外观上很像肉体, 触感也会马上出卖了是赛博义肢的事实, 但是现在更先进的合成皮肤也有了体温, 更高价的能够流汗甚至是流血。 就像真的一样, 甚至更好! 本来合成义肢在被触摸时马上就会被发现, 这项改造可以让合成义肢被触摸时还需要做一个察觉(2+rating)检定来发觉是合成皮肤。 对赛博殖装扫描没有效果。

劇透 -   :
Advances in lifelike drones have also been adapted to
core synthetic cyberlimb technology. Where once flesh
was passable for viewing but betrayed by a touch, the
more advanced synthskin of today is giving, warm to
the touch, and more expensive blends sweat or even
bleed when pricked. It’s like real, only better!
Where normal synthetic limbs may be detected automatically
by touch, those coated in improved synthskin
require a Perception Test to be detected, requiring two
hits, plus one more for each Rating. Cyberware scanners
are as effective as normal, however.


这是一项比较近期才出现的赛博改造, 特殊身体大范围的在结构上改变使用者的下腹部区域, 一般来说都需要对消化系统进行一些精细的改造,并且会失去生殖器, 来完成整个下半身的改造。 越特殊的改造需要越多的心力。 下列是一些比较流行的特殊身体, 也鼓励GM自己创造一些。

劇透 -   :
One of the more recent cyber-mods, the liminal body
is an extensive restructuring of the lower abdominal
region of the user, often requiring some delicate
re-working of digestive systems and waste removal, as
well as the loss of genitalia, in exchange for a lower
body replacement. The more exotic the modification,
the more work needs to be done. Some of the more
popular options are shown below, but gamemasters
are encouraged to develop their own as well.

半人马: 最先开始的特殊身体, 使用者的下半身替换成马。 四脚又敏捷, 但是又大还很重。 使用者的跑步速度加倍, 而且拖行和负重重量也加倍。 所有的赛博腿都可以如常改造, 记得四隻脚要拿平均!
轮子战士: 一个大小跟轮椅差不多大的四轮装置。 使用者的移动速度加倍, 但是困难地形就更困难了。
坦克!: 类似轮子战士, 坦克!使用的是履带不是轮子,用速度交换灵活性。 使用者的走路速度不变, 但是除了泥泞以外的困难地性都变得相对简单。 履带一般会掀起走过的路面, 然而, 这会让使用者在某些较为优雅的场合比较不受欢迎。

劇透 -   :
Centaur: The one that started it all, the user’s lower
half is replaced by a cybernetic steed. Four-legged and
swift, but large and heavy. The user’s running speed is
doubled, and their ability to drag or carry weight is also
doubled. The cyberlegs may each be modified as normal,
but remember to average all four!
The Wheeled Warrior: A four-wheeled device
roughly the size of a wheelchair, the user’s running
speed is doubled, but difficult terrain is especially troublesome.
Tank!: Similar to the Wheeled Warrior, the Tank! design
uses treads, rather than wheels, trading speed for
maneuverability. The user’s walking speed is unchanged,
but any difficult terrain other than mud is a breeze. The
treads tend to tear up whatever surface they drive over,
however, making the user less than welcome in certain
elegant establishments.


正式名称为抓握肢(prehensile), 但是大家都叫它猴脚。 这项改造最常见于那些需要做长时间宇宙飞行的人,  猴脚虽然会降低移动速度, 但能把赛博足改造成接近像手一般灵巧并且能够做出各式各样的动作。 猴脚使用者能把脚当成手用,但是这麽做时物理极限和准度都-1。 另外, 使用者的跑步速度乘数 -1。

劇透 -   :
Formally called prehensile, everyone called them
“monkey feet” until the name stuck. Most often seen
as a modification for those in long-term space flight,
these modified cyberfeet are nearly as adroit as the user’s
hands and are capable of performing a vast array of
motions, though they also result in slower movement.
A user with monkey feet can use them as hands, but
their Physical limit and Accuracy are reduced by 1 when
doing so. In addition, the user’s running multiplier is reduced
by 1.


世上有很多种不同的模组化赛博义肢和模组化赛博义肢配件。 最基本的有环状接头可以让使用者轻鬆拆下部分义肢, 最常见就是装在手腕上让使用者可以轻易拆下赛博手, 再在手臂上的接口上装上其他工具。 大部分的使用者都不会搞得太複杂, 一个赛博手和一个工具交互使用, 有些人则拥有令人惊叹一系列的赛博义肢摆在家裡, 让他们换义肢就好像一般人换鞋一样平常。

无线: 可以使用一个自由动做拆下一个模组化的部分, 装上的话则永远是简单动作。

劇透 -   :
A wide variety of modular cyberlimbs and modular cyberlimb
accessories exist. The basic form is a simple
switch-out ring that allows the user to easily remove part
of a limb, most commonly a wrist that allows a hand’s
removal, leaving a port where the removed limb can be
replaced with some kind of tool. While most users keep
it simple, having a normal cyberhand and a single tool
that they switch between, others keep a stunning array
of cyberlimbs stored in their home, allowing them to slip
a new one on as easily as ordinary people change shoes.
Wireless Bonus: Removing a modular part is a Free
Action instead of a Simple Action. Attaching a new
modular part is always a Simple Action.


任何义肢都可以和模组化接头一起买让它可以和另一个模组化接头接在一起。 使用者可以同时拥有好几支义肢, 像是日常生活中用的合成义肢然后换成正式上场用的机械义肢, 几隻为不同场合特化的义肢等等...有些人买了多支模组化义肢只为以防不小心少了一支!

劇透 -   :
Any cyberlimb may be purchased with a modular connector,
allowing it to be connected to another modular
connector. This allows the user to have several limbs,
such as a synthetic arm for casual life and a tricked-out
chrome arm for business, several optimized limbs for
different occasions, and so on. Some simply choose to
purchase multiple modular limbs, just in case they lose


所有装备都可以模组化, 但是比较大的东西需要比较大的义肢来换装。 手枪大的物品需要一个模组化的赛博手, SMG大的物品或是工具箱需要一个赛博前臂, 突击步枪那麽大的物品则需要一个赛博整臂。不论装备的大小, 装备上的模组化接头都是50新元。

劇透 -   :
Virtually any gear may be made modular, but larger
items need a larger limb to replace. Items roughly the
size of a pistol require a modular hand, items the size
of a sub-machine gun or toolkit require a partial limb,
while items as large as a rifle require a full limb. Regardless
of the size of the item, the cyberlimb connector
costs 50 nuyen.


部分赛博头盖骨是另外一个最近又开始流行的过时经典。 经由在头骨的一侧安装一大片介面板, 不少改造都可以不用经过反覆的手续直接装在上面, 比起完整的赛博头盖骨的侵入性更低而且安全不少。

劇透 -   :
The partial cyberskull is another throwback classic
that’s seeing a comeback. By upgrading one side of the
skull with a large interface board, quite a few upgrades
can be installed directly into it, rather than requiring difficult
surgery repeatedly, but it is less invasive and far
less dangerous than a full cyberskull.


类似蜥蜴或是禽类的脚, 猛禽脚是一种又大又致命同时又负责移动的武器。 虽然使用着以成为一个可怜又不能穿鞋的存在为代价得到了这随时傍身的武器, 但是很多人都觉得值得。 猛禽脚在没有趾行脚的情况下很难使用; 使用这脚(注:就是没有趾行脚的猛禽脚)攻击时物理极限-1。

劇透 -   :
Similar to saurian or avian feet, raptor feet are large,
deadly weapons that also serve for locomotion. The
user trades go-anywhere weapons for a sad, shoeless
existence, but this is a trade many are willing to endure.
Raptor feet are difficult to use unless the user also has
digigrade legs; attacks with the legs reduce the user’s
Physical limit by 1.


一个简单的改造在使用者的赛博脚下加装一个可收放的滑轮。 除非两脚都有装不然没有效果。

无线: 滑行装置可使用一个自由动作来启动, 不然则使用简单动作。

劇透 -   :
A simple modification where retractable skates are
placed in the user’s cyberfeet, these are virtually useless
unless taken in pairs. When engaged, the user’s
walking and running speeds are improved by fifty percent,
but the unsteady balance results in a lowering of
their Physical limit by 1 while the skates are in use.
Wireless Bonus: Activating or deactivating the
skates is a Free Action, rather than a Simple Action as


另一项比较複杂的赛博足改造就是使用地面效应, 基于喷气悬浮式无人机的科技, 在使用者下方产生类似于空气枕的现象让使用者可以在地面以上几公分的高度悬浮。 这项改造需要一些练习才能习惯, 但是一旦熟练之后, 喷气悬浮装置可以让使用者走路与跑步的速度加倍。 使用喷气悬浮装置时脆弱的平衡会让使用者的物理极限-2。 请记得如果不是改造一对脚而是只有一隻脚, 或是使用者负重的话则无法使用。

无线: 喷气悬浮装置可使用一个自由动作来启动, 不然则使用简单动作。

劇透 -   :
A more complex option for cyberfeet is the use of
ground-effect platforms, based on skimmer drone
technology, to provide a cushion of air beneath the
user and allow them to hover a few centimeters above
the ground. It takes some practice to get the hang of
it, but once mastered, the skimmers allow the user to
move at double their normal walking or running speed
when engaged. The fragile balance required to maneuver
them reduces the user’s Physical limit by 2. Note
that these are completely useless unless taken in pairs,
and they’re unusable if the user attempts to carry any
significant extra weight.
Wireless Bonus: Activating or deactivating the
skimmers is a Free Action, rather than a Simple Action
as normal.


一项赛博手的改造, 让手指能够伸长并且附有可旋转的关节。 让使用者能够做出普通手做不出的动作, 并且能让手指伸进狭小的地方或是很窄的缝。
每个有蛇指改造的赛博手都会让使用者在做需要手动灵巧的动作时物理极限+1, 如果有一对的话手上功夫技能+1。

无线: 蛇指可使用一个自由动作来启动, 不然则使用简单动作。

劇透 -   :
A modification to cyberhands, where the fingers are
extendable and feature rotational joints, allowing a
wide range of motion impossible with ordinary hands,
as well as the ability to slip fingers through tight spaces
or narrow gaps.
Each cyberhand with snake fingers raises the user’s
Physical limit by +1 for feats of manual dexterity, while a
pair adds +1 to the user’s Palming skill.
Wireless Bonus: Snake Fingers may be activated or
deactivated as a Free Action, rather than a Simple Action.


经过伸缩改造的赛博义肢可以以力量做为代价大大的增加义肢的长度, 让使用者可以以此增加高度, 接触到比较高的地方, 或是看到障碍物的另一边。 虽然能够延伸到更远的地方很有用, 代价就是伸长了的义肢没办法发挥义肢全部的力量。 伸缩赛博义肢只能装在部分或整腿/整臂, 不能装在赛博手或赛博足。
每级伸缩赛博义肢能让义肢延伸1米, 但是每延伸1米使用者义肢的有效力量属性就降低2。

无线:伸缩赛博义肢可以使用一个自由动作来伸缩, 不然则使用简单动作。

劇透 -   :
Cyberlimbs modified with telescopic options may vastly
increase their length, at a cost of strength, allowing
the user to elevate themselves, reach high spots, or see
over obstacles. While this extra reach can be quite useful,
it comes at a cost in that the extended limbs cannot
bring their full strength to bear. Note that the telescopic
option may only be added to full or partial cyberlimbs,
not hands or feet.
For each point of Rating, a limb may be extended 1
meter, but for each meter extended, the user’s effective
Strength with the limb is reduced by 2.
Wireless Bonus: Telescopic limbs may be activated
or deactivated as a Free Action, rather than as a Simple


装在赛博部分或整腿, 这些喷水推进器让使用者在水下加速。 一个喷水推进器让使用者游泳速度加倍。 一对喷水推进器则是三倍。

劇透 -   :
Installed into a full or partial cyberleg, these waterjets
speed a user’s path underwater. While one jet doubles
the user’s Swimming speed, a pair triples it.

« 上次编辑: 2017-12-07, 周四 08:29:50 由 十九 »