作者 主题: 【CF】异种泛遗传学 P.158~P.160  (阅读 9260 次)

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【CF】异种泛遗传学 P.158~P.160
« 于: 2017-10-24, 周二 17:28:58 »

一直以来科学家和研究者都在寻找和蒐集某些既少见,带有与一般泛人类明显不同特质但又不超越泛人类范畴的突变基因 某些奇异基因已被证明有足够的好处来当作基因殖装的基础
劇透 -   :
Scientists and researchers have been identifying and
collecting gene samples for decades that represent
extremely rare gene mutations granting traits that are
significantly different than the standard metahuman
yet still within the realm of normal metahuman genetic
expression. Some of these exotic genes have proven
beneficial enough to warrant gene augmentations
based on them.


你的胃在你身体比较下面的地方并且能够夸张的拉长拉大。这让你能够一次吃下非常多的食物 你甚至可以在半小时内吃下三十条热狗之后还有馀裕叫甜点。你可以一次吃喝几天分的食物, 虽然这么做的话每吃下一天份的食物都会让你的物理极限-1。
劇透 -   :
Your stomach is located lower in the body and can
stretch dramatically, allowing you to consume huge quantities of food in one sitting. You can down thirty hot
dogs in a half hour and still ask for dessert. You can eat
and drink enough for up to days in one sitting, although
doing so reduces your Physical limit by 1 for two hours
per day’s worth of food you gorge in a single sitting.


这项遗传突变增大了脑内前叶腺和尾状核, 这让你能够拥有真正意义上的完美记忆力。
劇透 -   :
This genetic mutation causes an enlarged temporal
lobe and caudate nucleus in the brain. This enables you
to have true perfect memory. You can recall memories
just like you were watching them happen over again.
You could recall the exact date and day of the week of
your twelfth birthday and remember what flavor soycake
you had. The downside is that it is hard to forget
the bad things you have experienced. This augmentation
gives you a +2 on memory related tests, lets you
ignore Memory Test glitches, and turns Memory Test
critical glitches into regular glitches. Since you also
perfectly remember negative experiences, the threshold
for Composure Tests that deal with reacting to bad
memories (either from events during play or from qualities
like Flashbacks or Phobia) increases by 1.


这项殖装增加了肺泡的弹性,并强化了横隔膜以扩大换气量和加强氧气交换。 这让你可以闭气更长时间并且增加耐力。相对于一般的六十秒(20回合), 你可以闭气九十秒(30回合)都不用做任何检定  (p.137, SR5)。 另外对于长时间剧烈活动所需要面对的疲劳检定(p.172,SR5)骰池+1 。
如果你有一个内部内置气罐(p.455,SR5)的话,比起正常的六小时 你只要三小时的呼吸就能填满气罐。
劇透 -   :
This augmentation increases the elasticity of the alveoli
and reinforces the diaphragm, expanding the tidal volume
of the lungs and improving oxygen exchange. This
allows you to hold your breath longer and increases endurance.
You can hold your breath for ninety seconds
(30 Combat Turns) before making any tests, instead
of the usual sixty seconds (20 Combat Turns) (p. 137,
SR5). You also receive a +1 dice pool modifier to all
Fatigue tests (p. 172, SR5) dealing with performing prolonged
strenuous activity. If you also have an internal
air tank (p. 455, SR5), you can refill the tank through
three hours of normal breathing instead of six.


劇透 -   :
This augmentation improves the electrical insulation of
your nervous system by increasing the thickness of the
myelin sheath surrounding the central nervous system.
It grants a +1 dice pool bonus when resisting electrical
attacks and 1 point of natural biofeedback filtering.

肌肉生长抑制素抑制素 MYOSTATIN INHIBITOR(注:好绕口...)

这个基因以降低代谢效率为代价大幅度提高身体製造肌肉的能力并且抑制储存脂肪的能力。肌肉生长抑制素抑制剂在模特和演员之中非常流行。有这项基因的人不需要努力就可以看起来又瘦又充满肌肉。虽然这项基因在大多数运动项目中被禁止,但是城市混战(注:urban brawl,SR中一种以整个城市为场地类似美式足球的运动。少量的殖装和非致命低火力武器都是被允许的)是例外(不然呢)。因为会降低代谢效率的关係,需要耐力的运动员反而会避开这项殖装。
因为你更容易飢饿的关係,你的疲劳伤害是每十二小时一次不是每二十四小时。 这个伤害每三天不是六天增加一次(p.172,SR5)。
劇透 -   :
This gene dramatically increases the body’s ability to
build muscle and reduces stored fat at the cost of reduced
metabolic efficiency. Myostatin inhibitors are
extremely popular with models and actors. People with
this gene look well muscled and lean with little to no
effort. It is banned in most sports, urban brawl being
a notable exception (natch). Athletes in sports that require
long-term endurance tend to shy away from this
augmentation because they might falter due to a lack
of stored energy. It increases your Strength by 1 and
reduces the Karma cost of increasing your Strength by
2. You are more susceptible to hunger, taking fatigue
damage every twelve hours instead of twenty-four,
with that damage increasing every three days rather
than every six (p. 172, SR5).


如果对该项药物没有上瘾 那成瘾检定的骰池-2。
如果以上瘾的话 那成瘾检定的骰池+2。
劇透 -   :
This is a set of several minor genetic modifications that
have the collective effect of modifying the way your
body processes drugs. These genes were discovered
through study of survivors of years of heavy substance
abuse. While you become more likely to become addicted
to drugs, you experience greater effects of
drugs and lessened effects when they wear off. Any
drug that grants a positive attribute modifier as an effect
increases that modifier by +1. Any drug that deals
damage when it wears off deals two less damage, and
any negative effects that occur when a drug wears off are halved in duration. On Addiction Tests, take a –
dice pool modifier when you aren’t addicted to the
drug you’re rolling for, and a +2 dice pool modifier
when you are addicted to the drug.


劇透 -   :
This gene improves your brain’s ability to mentally filter
out outside noise and focus on one particular sound
source. Treat this as a Rating 1 select sound filter (p.
445, SR5).


劇透 -   :
You know how some kids can eat a handful of dirt or
eat slightly spoiled or exotic food? There’s a gene for
that. This augmentation reduces your lifestyle cost by
ten percent and grants +1 dice pool modifier to toxin
resistance tests.
« 上次编辑: 2017-10-25, 周三 00:54:23 由 十九 »

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Re: 【CF】异种泛遗传学 P.158~P.160
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-10-24, 周二 17:31:32 »
 :em032 19哥的速度真是可怕
