作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】游戏管理 Game Management P344-349  (阅读 6732 次)

副标题: 翻译:妖猫

离线 妖猫

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After the gamemaster has done all of their preparation and has their run notes ready, it’s time for the players to come and start the game. Once the game begins, the gamemaster has a completely different set of concerns.

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Shadowrun is a unique game in that the play, the action, can take place in three different “worlds:” physical, Matrix, and Astral (magical). In addition to these three being completely different locations that a player can exist and interact in, they also represent a set of actions and abilities that are mutually exclusive. While this provides an incredibly rich and diverse setting and field of play for a game of Shadowrun, it does create some challenges for the gamemaster.
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First, the gamemaster needs to be aware that each of these three worlds are mutually exclusive, and thus spending too much time focusing on one of them excludes the others and thus can exclude other players. Second, the rules that resolve actions in each of the three worlds are different, giving the gamemaster more to manage. A particularly skilled or passionate gamemaster may take it on themselves to learn all of the rules in detail, but this is not necessarily required and can be quite intimidating for gamemasters new to Shadowrun. At a minimum, the gamemaster should be reasonably familiar with the basic, or overall, rules that govern each of the three worlds, but from there they can rely on a more knowledgeable player for all of the specific details. As gamemasters gain more experience, they will naturally become more familiar with the specifics of all of Shadowrun’s rule subsets. Finally, a gamemaster should be familiar with the kinds of things that can be accomplished in each of the three worlds, and what is more challenging. With this knowledge, a gamemaster can anticipate the run’s challenges and level of opposition, and adjust the degree of difficulty on the fly.

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Every player will think that the character they are playing is interesting in some way. There is some aspect to that character that the player finds interesting and wants to explore in a roleplaying session: their personality, their skill set, how they interact with other characters, or something. When the player brings that character to the table, it is part of the gamemaster’s job as the facilitator of the session to give the player the opportunity to do something with that character that they find interesting. A player who doesn’t have the opportunity to roleplay their character and participate in the way they want will become bored, frustrated, or both. They will not be having fun.
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A gamemaster needs to be constantly aware of how much Spotlight Time they are giving each of the players. Spotlight Time, in this case, is defined as a period of time that the gamemaster gives for a character to be the focal point of the story. Spotlight Time is measured in “real world” time rather than game time; it matters little to a player that their character spent 5 days doing something interesting if it only took 5 minutes of real world time to roleplay. Gamemasters should always strive to give an equal amount of Spotlight Time to each of the players in their game. When each player feels like they have been given an adequate opportunity for their character to do their thing, they will be much more content. Depending on the dynamics of the group, balancing Spotlight Time can be challenging. The process can be broken down into the following steps.

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First, the gamemaster should have a good feeling for the skill sets of the characters in the session. Are some stealth oriented? Combat monsters with guns or swords? Is the magician geared to throw manabolts in combat, or for more subtle manipulations? A decker wired up to slice hosts but runs from a physical fight? Does the face have a long list of valuable contacts and not much else? Chances are if a player has built a character to be good at something, then they want the opportunity to do that in a game. The gamemaster should keep a mental inventory of the primary skill sets of the characters. This information should be fairly top-of-mind when they are running the session, as it will be needed to switch or adapt scenes on the fly. By knowing character skills, the gamemaster will know the kind of things to do for a character, the nature of the scene, when it is time to give them Spotlight Time.

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Second, the gamemaster should understand the personalities of the players at the table. This should focus on whether the player is extroverted or introverted. Does a player have a tendency to speak up, jump in, and take control of a situation? Or is the player quiet, reserved, and more willing to go along with others? This is important because left unchecked, the extroverted or more dominant personalty players will take over the session and their characters will dominate the Spotlight Time. Identifying the extroverts and introverts in the group shouldn’t be difficult, even if the gamemaster is unfamiliar with the players. This identification is important because each type needs to be handled differently when it comes to managing Spotlight Time. Extroverted players will naturally grab Spotlight Time for their characters as they will seize opportunities to do interesting things. A gamemaster will not allow these players to completely dominate the time, cutting their scenes short or not even letting them begin, when necessary, to let others have an opportunity. Introverted players will need to be prompted or drawn out into their Spotlight Time. Sometimes it will be enough to simply prompt the player and ask them for their action(s). Other times, it will take more leading with the gamemaster setting up the structure of a scene or prompting the player with more specific choices.

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Ultimately, balancing Spotlight Time is about the gamemaster stepping in and changing things. It may be that a group is naturally balanced and every player has an equal opportunity to have Spotlight Time, but this is rarely the case. More often, the gamemaster will need to introduce constraints and opportunities in order to balance the Spotlight Time. This begins with the planning of the run, designing challenges and writing scenes that are matched to the characters and their skills. This is discussed in Designing a Run (p. 335). However, the gamemaster will often need to make adjustments as player choices quickly change the original plan(s).
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If one player is taking too much time to resolve their action, the gamemaster can speed up the resolution of it, or put the scene/action on “pause” and move to another player for a while, coming back to the original later. “Cutting away” especially at a dramatically appropriate time can have other benefits as well, such as increasing pace, dramatic tension, and immersion. If a scene took much longer than expected and was dominated by certain players, the gamemaster may have to cut, move, or adjust later scenes to emphasize a different set of players. This is where writing the scenes as modular plot points really starts to pay off (see Scenes, p. 336). For example, if a combat took much longer than the gamemaster had anticipated and was dominated by the combat-oriented characters, it may be necessary to remove an upcoming combat scene or adjust it so that the stealth- or social-oriented character gets the focus instead. If the decker is dominating the information gathering with Matrix searches and hacks, then the next piece of information shouldn’t be available on the Matrix. Perhaps it’s one of the face’s contacts who has the information, or the group finds out that it is only known by a hostile gang or other group and the information must be taken by force. Make some quick notes about what was adjusted in the story so it can stay consistent, and then move forward with the plot.

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Controlling the pace of the run is another important responsibility of the gamemaster. Having written (or at least read and reviewed) the plot of a run, the gamemaster should be familiar with the overall storyline and where the points of greatest drama and excitement will occur. The gamemaster should be watching the amount of real time that is being spent on moving through the various plot points to gauge whether the run is moving at an adequate pace. If too much time is spent on plot points of lower significance or excitement, the run will seem to be dragging. If the players are becoming bored and less engaged, it’s time to move the story along at a quicker pace: cut a scene short, resolve actions quickly, cut complications, and move on. If the gamemaster knows that a more exciting part of the story is still a ways off but the players are already becoming less engaged, it may be time to improvise a new scene to add some excitement, or rearrange the order of events. If the players don’t seem interested in the current story point, or the way events are unfolding, then future scenes should be adapted in a way that they will find more engaging.
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Conversely, if the players are highly engaged in some aspect of a story and are enjoying themselves, a gamemaster can cut an upcoming scene change. If something good is going on, don’t mess withm it! For example, if the players are really engaged in sneaking their characters into a building, disabling sensors, and focused on avoiding fights, then the gamemaster can take the scene that they planned where a security team stumbles upon the players and remove, or delay, it. If the players are just coming off a highly exciting action scene, such as a chase, then a slower scene may need to be inserted next to give some down time before the next planned action scene.
Controlling pace is all about watching the players’ engagement in the story and adjusting the timing of events to maximize it.

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Just as “no battle plan survives contact with the enemy,” no run survives (intact) contact with the players. It seems to be an irrefutable law of roleplaying that no matter how much planning and forethought a gamemaster does, the players will always do something that was not anticipated. In roleplaying games, this is a strength rather than a problem. Above all else, the players in a game should feel empowered and allowed to make their own decisions. However, this means the onus falls on the gamemaster to adapt and move forward with the story. This is often easier said than done.
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Adapting the story of a run starts with writing it to be adaptable. As described under Scenes, a gamemaster should write the plot of their run with adaptation in mind, knowing that player choice will necessitate change in the story. Even if this hasn’t been done, the first step is to identify the key plot points that make up the structure of the story. A key plot point is a point in time or an event that constitutes an integral part of the story. Without the key plot point, it wouldn’t be the same story. Do the players need to meet an important NPC? Receive a critical piece of information? Obtain an object? Defeat a foe? As each key plot point occurs, the story unfolds one step at a time. When a gamemaster has identified the key plot points of their story, they know what can be changed when improvising, and what needs to stay.
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With the key plot points remaining fixed, the rest of the story elements can be adapted based on player choice. Setting can be changed from one place to another, characters exchanged or eliminated, or any other elements changed as needed. While adapting a scene, the gamemaster should have two objectives in mind. First, the story should follow player choice in a natural way, and second the gamemaster should work to tell the story they originally planned. Whatever the player characters have done, whatever choice they have made, should not be overridden by the gamemaster. If the group decides to go to a different location, that is where they go. If they decide to kill an NPC (and make all the proper rolls), the NPC should stay dead. A gamemaster should always respect and accommodate player choice. However, there should still be the opportunity for the key plot point to take place. This is where the adaptation comes in. If a gamemaster has clearly identified the key plot element, they should be able to place it in the story such that it still occurs, even though the players have changed the circumstances. If the gamemaster does it well, the players will never know that the gamemaster had to change anything from their original notes. When adapting to keep the story going forward, a gamemaster has three main strategies: relocate, replace, or remove.

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Probably the most common technique is to relocate a key plot point. This involves taking the core elements of a scene that convey the key plot point and moving them to wherever the players have chosen to go instead of where it was originally planned. This can be as simple as changing a scene from one location to another, but it can also involve relocating actions from one character to another, or events from one time period to another. Another kind of relocation involves changing the way, or method, a plot point is delivered. In general, relocating involves changing one or a small handful of elements of an originally planned scene to reflect the differing choices that the players have made. The core element(s) of the plot remain unchanged, with just the proper names or window dressing of the scene being changed.

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Thomas, the gamemaster, originally planned that the player characters would head to their favorite club and overhear a drunk corporate researcher as he talked too loudly about his latest nova-hot research. This would catch the players’ interest, and the rest of the run would have them stealing the research and attempting to sell it. However, the group’s decker convinces the group to break with tradition and attend his favorite virtual club instead.
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Thomas identifies that the key plot point is for the players to learn about the research somehow. This is what is necessary for the integrity of the story. He decides to adapt the scene by relocating where the information is given, and by whom. As the players socialize in the virtual club, Thomas has a contact of the decker approach him and offer to sell him a particularly interesting rumor about some corporation research.

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The second technique is to replace the scene that conveys the key plot point. Replacing is more dramatic than relocating, and it should used when no part of the originally planned scene remains. This will happen when the player decision is so completely different from what was anticipated something completely new must be created. The players may have decided to go to a different city when they were expected to stay, or stayed when they were expected to leave. Or the players may have decided to solve a problem or create a plan in a completely unanticipated way. When a scene is replaced, the gamemaster is most often improvising a new scene on the fly. The key plot point remains, but the gamemaster will need to figure out a way to work it into the new scene. Adapting this dramatically is challenging for the gamemaster, but can create some memorable gaming moments.

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The players in Thomas’ game have heard about the corp research project and are interested in breaking in to steal it. They proceed to the building where the research is happening to create a plan for getting in. Normally, the players in Thomas’ group prefer to sneak into places using a combination of hacking and magic while avoiding gunfights, so Thomas had planned this part of the run assuming the players would act as they usually do. However, they decide to break with tradition again, and come up with a crazy plan to convince the local street gang to start a riot and storm the corp building, which will create a cover for the group to move in. This is nothing like Thomas had anticipated.
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The only key plot point is that the group must obtain the research, because the rest of the run (as planned) involves the group trying to sell what they have stolen. So Thomas replaces the original scene of a stealth intrusion and improvises one where the group has to earn the trust of the local street gang by passing their initiation rituals. After gaining their trust, the players and the gang stir up a riot near the target building.

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Sometimes the story develops in such a way that the gamemaster can remove an entire scene or key plot point, while still maintaining the integrity of the story. In fact, there are cases where the story makes more sense, flows more naturally, if the plot point is removed than if the gamemaster somehow forces it to happen. This is probably the least common form of adaptation, but is one that the gamemaster should still consider. Removing plot points or scenes can be done for pacing purposes as well.

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Thomas’ players have the corporate research data. The next major step in the run that Thomas had planned was for the players to have to find a buyer for the information. A scene was planned that involved the players going to no small amount of effort to find a buyer for the sensitive information while still being discreet enough to not be noticed by the corp that they stole it from. However, as Thomas is gearing up to run the scene the group’s face lets the rest of the group know that he has a contact who is an information broker who deals in stolen information. For a cut of the profits, the broker will find a buyer for the information and all the group has to do is stay low.
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Thomas had completely forgotten about the face’s contact when planning the adventure. Without forcing some unnatural circumstances on the players, Thomas doesn’t see any way that he can go ahead with the scene where the players need to find a buyer. So he removes the scene and skips ahead to the scene where the players have a buyer and need to set up the exchange of information for money.

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Scenes can and will vary a great deal depending on the needs of the story being told. In general, the most common scenes can be broken down into three major categories: investigation, social, and action. A scene may have elements of one, two, or all three of these types. What follows are some specific tips for gamemasters running these kinds of scenes.

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An investigation scene is typified by the players going about a process of information gathering. Generally players will use a variety of methods to gather the information, following whatever their character specialty happens to be: physical, electronic, or magical. The player group will commonly split into sub-groups or individuals in this kind of scene, so each can pursue an avenue of investigation using their particular skills. A rigger may use drones to survey the target, a stealthy adept may break into key areas, a decker will do Matrix searches and hacks, and a face will call their contacts and talk to people. When running this kind of scene, a gamemaster should pay particular attention to the amount of time given to resolving the actions of each of the players (see Spotlight Time, p. 348), and try to balance it among them. Ideally, the gamemaster’s notes for this scene should simply list the key pieces of information that are available to be found, and remain open to how that information can be gathered. This way, the gamemaster can allow each of the players to be successful in their own way and feel that they have contributed something. If one player is taking too long to resolve their actions, a gamemaster can put their actions “on pause” to give some time to another player to resolve their actions. This technique is discussed in more detail under Pace (p. 349).
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Another common problem with these kinds of scenes is player frustration. To the gamemaster who wrote the plot, the clues and avenues of investigation will seem obvious. However, things never seem so obvious to the players. If a player attempts an avenue of investigation that is completely wrong or off track, the (seemingly) natural reaction is for the gamemaster to say, “you find nothing,” and shut it down. This should be avoided. If the gamemaster does not somehow work with the actions the players are attempting, then the game devolves into the players attempting to guess what the gamemaster was thinking when they wrote the plot. This will become frustrating very quickly. In many ways it will seem like the video games from 20 or more years ago where the player would attempt many actions only to have the game continually say “you can’t do that” or “that doesn’t work.”
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When running an investigation scene, the gamemaster “rule of thumb” should be: make everything work. That means that every action the players attempt, no matter how off track the gamemaster may perceive it to be, should have some sort of positive result in pointing them back to the story. If a player calls up an NPC that would never know anything about the plot, that NPC should at least say, “maybe try talking to this person” or “I don’t know, but you could try asking around there.” In this way the player(s) get some sort of direction from the gamemaster that allows them to move forward. In general, a gamemaster should be generous with hints and clues, using them as a trail of breadcrumbs to lead the players along in the plot.

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A social scene is typified by extended interactions between the player characters and non-player characters. When preparing to run this kind of scene, a gamemaster should ensure they have a strong idea of the personalities of all the non-player characters that are going to be involved, listing out the most important traits or quirks along with some memorable quotes in their notes. A social scene is primarily about roleplaying, with the least amount of die rolling occurring. This kind of scene is most successful when everyone can stay in character as much as possible. Having a unique voice, accent, or mannerism for the NPC will make it more memorable for the players.
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Social scenes can benefit greatly from some game aids to help keep everyone in character. A prop can be associated with a particular NPC. Drawings of characters or locations can help give the players a solid mental image. Music will go a long way to establish the tone and setting of the social encounter. If the scene is supposed to take place in a hot nightclub like Dante’s Inferno, then have some club music on in the background.

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An action scene is typified by sequences of danger and excitement. Most of the time in an action scene is taken up by resolving the dice mechanics of the actions. While action scenes in a movie or book are fast, and increase the pace of the narrative, there is a real risk that an action scene in a roleplaying game will actually slow the pace due to all of the rules and dice rolling involved. A gamemaster can take steps to reduce the risk that the game will get bogged down in an action scene.

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First, a gamemaster should prepare to run the action scene. Any rules that the gamemaster knows they will need to reference should be written out, or at least a page reference noted, so they can be accessed quickly. If an action scene is going to feature a particular subset of rules, such as a vehicle chase, the gamemaster can reread that section of the rulebook to make sure the rules are fresh in their memory. Similarly, stats for the appropriate people and items involved in the scene should be written in the session notes. A gamemaster should also avoid slowing the game down by stopping to look up rules in the middle of an action sequence. A ruling should be made on the spot that will keep the game moving, and then a more detailed check into the rule can be made after the session. The rules serve to tell the story, and so the story should not be stopped by the rules.
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Second, the gamemaster or the players should do action recaps. When dice are being counted, rolled, and actions resolved, players and gamemasters can lose the mental picture of what is going on in the action scene, especially if they are not the one performing the action. Action recaps are a technique that helps focus everyone in the group on how the action scene is unfolding. After the mechanics of an action have been completed and the result is known, the gamemaster or the player that performed the action should quickly narrate what just happened for the benefit of everyone else in the group.
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Finally, the gamemaster and group collectively should develop their own system or structure for resolving combat actions. What this means is that the group should develop a set of agreed-upon procedures for how they handle the common elements of combats, such as rolling initiative, tracking turn order, and declaring actions. If everyone has a solid understanding of how and when things are done, the actions will resolve quicker and less time will be lost. “Do I roll initiative yet?” “Whose turn is it?” “When is it my turn?” “What just happened?” These are the kind of questions that will be reduced or eliminated if the group has a well-established and understood combat resolution system. For example, the group’s procedure for combat may be: the gamemaster to call “initiative,” each player rolls, and then waits for the gamemaster to call their name before telling what they rolled. Initiative values are then written on a whiteboard or scrap paper and displayed for everyone to see clearly. The gamemaster then begins calling character names when it is their turn and each player declares their actions. With an established order of actions, combats will inevitably run more smoothly.
« 上次编辑: 2017-10-04, 周三 13:49:14 由 妖猫 »