作者 主题: 【SG】扩充魔典 p. 102-119  (阅读 7140 次)

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【SG】扩充魔典 p. 102-119
« 于: 2017-09-01, 周五 22:34:34 »
那句古老的諺語”知識就是力量”對施法者來說可說是 實在地
來自核心書的咒語(p. 283, SR5)代表著任何施法者以適當的價格取得並廣泛流傳的常識性法術。而這裡的法術,相反的,是某種更加深奧而罕見的知識收藏。這些公式可能難以取得,因為施法者眾所皆知地嫉妒他們的秘密武器,許多人不會分享他們 - 至少不是在沒有高昂的開價下。畢竟,當你在暗影下狂奔時,任何東西都有一個價格。
在GM的衡量下,本章中的法術可能會在法師和神秘修士的角色創作中使用,或者可能會在遊戲中學到。 這些法術遵循所有相同的規則,詳見
(p. 281,SR5)。

劇透 -   :
The old adage knowledge is power is literally true for a spellcaster. A single spell can turn the tide on a dangerous run. The spells found in the core book (p. 283, SR5) represent the body of common-knowledge workhorse spells that are most widely accessible to any spellcaster for the right price. The spells here, by contrast, dive into more esoteric and rare collections of knowledge. These formulae may be tough to come by, as spellcasters are notoriously jealous of their secret weapons and many will not share them—at least, not without a costly price tag attached. After all, when running the shadows, everything’s for sale. At the gamemaster’s discretion, the spells in this chapter may be available to magicians and mystic adepts at character creation or may be learned later in game. These spells follow all the same rules for spellcasting as detailed on p. 281, SR5.

想要成為一個王牌,而不是只是一個人在街上做紙牌把戲?那麼你需要知道什麼時候施放一個法術才能發揮最大的效果。施放Camouflage在叢林中可以是一個偉大的策略;在辦公室裡可能效果不會那麼好。同樣的,如果你把opium den對匿名旅館的人施放,大多數的人只會欣然接受跟著嗨一下。在高級會議室中施放相同的咒語,更大的機會是通過他們感覺到的感覺知道有人在幹些可疑的事情。GM應該注意到玩家在特別不協調的地方施放法術,並為目標提供額外的骰子以抵抗這些法術,或者至少注意到他們受到魔法的影響。相反,如果施法者以完全適當的方式使用咒語,例如在屠宰場對下風方向釋放STENCH,則GM可能希望使目標對其的抵抗有些難度。

劇透 -   :
Want to be an ace spellslinger instead of just some guy doing card tricks on the street? Then you need to know when to cast a spell for maximum effect. Casting Camouflage can be a great strategy in the jungle; casting it in an office setting is less effective. Similarly, if you cast Opium Den on the denizens of a no-tell motel, most of the denizens will be only too happy to sink into a bleary haze of pleasure. Cast the same spell in an executive boardroom, and there’s a better chance that someone will see through the sensation they’re feeling and know that something suspicious is going on. Gamemasters should note when players cast spells in a particularly incongruous way and provide extra dice to targets to resist those spells, or at least to notice that they are under the effects of magic. Conversely, if a spellcaster uses a spell in a perfectly appropriate way, such as employing a Stench spell downwind from an abattoir, the gamemaster may want to make it a little tougher for the targets to resist.


 施法者利用法力來施放戰鬥法術以直接或間接傷害敵人。戰鬥法術的完整規則可以在核心書找到(p. 283,SR5)。

劇透 -   :
Spellcasters leverage mana to cast combat spells to directly or indirectly harm their enemies. The complete rules for casting and utilizing combat spells may be found on p. 283, SR5.

種類:P 距離:T 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F-5

種類:P 距離:LOS 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F-3

種類:P 距離:LOS(A) 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F-1

這些法術會變出一道嘶嘶作響的腐蝕性噴霧,對目標上造成酸性傷害(第283頁,SR5)類似腐蝕流和劇毒波(第170頁,SR5)。 這些爆炸物的腐蝕性質只會影響法術指定的特定物體,所有其他物體都不受傷害。 不同的物體需要單獨的法術(需要單獨學),如腐蝕牆壁,溶解電器,泥蝕護甲等等。
劇透 -   :
These spells conjure a sizzling blast of corrosive spray that inflicts Acid damage (p. 170, SR5) upon their targets similar to Acid Stream and Toxic Wave (p. 283, SR5). The corrosive nature of these blasts only affects the specified object for which the spell was created to harm. All other objects remain unharmed. Different objects require separate spells, such as Corrode Wall, Melt Electronics, Sludge Armor, and so on.

種類:P 距離:LOS 傷害:SPECIAL 持續:I 耗竭:F-2

 綁定該法器的法師在重新激活之前不能獲得骰子加成或任何其他優勢。 在下一次戰斗回合開始時,一些等同於法器強度的臨時傷害會被“治愈”。 當所有的傷害被治愈時法器的可以會花費一個簡單動作來重新激活焦點。 破壞持續法器也會破壞其持續的咒語。 星界投射中的法師直到他們的星體形式回到他們的身體,不能重新激活它們。

劇透 -   :
Disrupt [Focus] channels and then diverts mana into disrupting a specific active magical focus dealing temporary damage to its astral form. A focus that receives damage equal to its Force from this spell is disrupted and becomes inactive. The magician bonded to the focus can’t gain dice bonuses or any other benefit from the focus until it’s reactivated. A number of boxes of temporary damage equal to the Force of the focus are “healed” at the beginning of the next Combat Turn. The owner may spend a Simple Action to reactivate the focus when all damage is healed. Disrupting a sustaining focus also disrupts the spell it is sustaining. Astrally projecting magicians whose foci become disrupted cannot reactivate them until their astral form gets back into their physical body.

種類:M 距離:LOS 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F-3

毀滅[自由精魂]是Slay(第104頁)的一種特化變體,旨在解決特定的自由精魂。 每個特定種類的精魂需要這個法術的不同版本,包含目標的召喚公式。 這個法術不會影響其他精魂,甚至是與自由精魂相同的種類。 其公式等同於驅逐精魂公式的副本。

劇透 -   :
Destroy [Free Spirit] is a very specialized variant of Slay (p. 104) designed to take out a specific free spirit. Each unique spirit requires a different version of this spell, which must incorporate the target’s spirit formula. This spell doesn’t affect other spirits, even one of same type as the free spirit. The spell formula counts as a copy of the spirit formula for all purposes.

種類:P 距離:LOS 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F-3

想統治波濤,道路還是天空? 這個是給你的。 毀滅[載具]是用於載具(或無人機)的Slay(第104頁)的特化變體。 每種類型的載具(例如,飛機,船隻,船隻)需要該法術的不同版本,例如毀滅 飛機。 這個法術對其他載具沒有影響。

劇透 -   :
Want to rule the waves, roads, or skies? This one’s for you. Destroy [Vehicle] is a variant of Slay (p. 104) designed to target a type of vehicle (or drone). Each type of vehicle (e.g., aircraft, watercraft, groundcraft)  requires a different version of this spell, such as Destroy Aircraft. This spell has no effect on other vehicles.

種類:P 距離:LOS 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F-2

種類:P 距離:LOS(A) 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F

這些法術的所做遠遠超過了除落葉。 它們結合了火和水兩個要素,造成了可怕的毀滅性影響。 沸火術同時導致既是火焰傷害(第171頁,SR5)和水損害(見元素損傷側欄,第105頁)的物理傷害。 具有特定修改的裝甲,如防火,化學密封和化學防護)可以保護目標免受損壞(見第437頁,SR5)。 沸火術是一個單一目標的法術,而燒夷術是一個範圍法術。

劇透 -   :
These spells do a hell of a lot more than defoliate. They combine two elements, fire and water, to create a terrifying and devastating effect. Flaming Water causes Physical damage that is considered to be both Fire damage (p.171, SR5) and Water damage (see Elemental Damage sidebar, p. 105). Armor with specific modifications, such as Fire resistance, Chemical Seal, and Chemical protection) may protect target from the damage (see p.437, SR5). Firewater is a single-target spell, while Napalm is an area spell.

種類:M 距離:LOS (A)傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F+1
蟲精魂對法師來說是非常危險的。 在芝加哥淪陷之後,隨著“Bug Menace”的重要性日益增加,這個法術開始變得頗受歡迎。滅蟲術是專門針對特定類型的昆蟲精魂的Slay(第104頁)的特化變種。 每種獨特類型的蟲精魂需要不同版本的這種咒語,如蟻精魂或蠊精魂。

劇透 -   :
Insect spirits are exceptionally dangerous to magicians. After the fall of Chicago, this spell started to become quite popular as the “Bug Menace” grew in importance. Insecticide is a specialized variant of Slay (p. 104) designed to target a specific type of insect spirit. Each unique type of insect spirit requires different version of this spell, such as Insecticide Ant Spirits or Insecticide Roach Spirits.

種類:P 距離:LOS 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F-3

種類:P 距離:LOS(A) 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F+1

熟知這套法術的施法者可以用導致可怕的寒冷傷害(第170頁,SR5)的冰塊碎片來攻擊他們的敵人。 這可能會對某些生物造成不尋常的傷害並損壞裝甲或裝備。 具有特別強化的裝甲,如隔熱,化學密封和化學防護)可以保護目標免受損害(見第437頁,SR5)

劇透 -   :
Spellcasters that weld this set of spells can attack their enemies with shards of ice of frightening potency that cause Cold Damage (p.170, SR5). This may cause unusual damage to certain critters and damage armor or gear. Armor with specific modifications, such as Cold resistance, Chemical Seal, and Chemical protection) may protect target from the damage (see p. 437, SR5). Ice Spear is a single-target spell, while Ice Storm is an area spell. Ice Storm also acts as an Ice Sheet (p. 293, SR5) spell over the affected area

種類:M 距離:T 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F-6

種類:P 距離:LOS 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F-4

種類:P 距離:LOS(A) 傷害:P 持續:I 耗竭:F-2

這些是死亡之觸,法力箭和法力球的變體(第284頁,SR5)。 他們是專門的,旨在針對特定的物種或泛人類型:納迦觸殺術, 獸人誅滅術, 矮人屠戮術等等。 每個法術的目標由法術公式指定。 這些法術只會基於生物物種分辨,而不是社會地位或任何其他條件。 觸殺術需要施法者觸摸目標。 屠戮術影響單個目標。誅滅術是一個範圍法術。

劇透 -   :
These are variations of the Death Touch, Manabolt, and Manaball spells (p. 284, SR5). They’re specialized, designed to target a particular species or metaType: One Less Naga, Slay Ork, Slaughter Dwarfs, and so on. The target of each spell is designated by the spell formula. These spells only discriminate based on biological species, not social status or any other quality. One Less requires the caster to touch the target. Slay affects a single target. Slaughter is an area effect spell.



毒精魂,法師和修士所使用的輻射異能和法術會對目標造成高度集中的輻射。 即時效應是類似暴露於極端熱量的燒傷。 然而,持續的效果是更具破壞性,導致身體在細胞水平上開始分解。 輻射攻擊會造成物理傷害。 護甲不提供任何骰子來抵抗輻射傷害,除非有升級提供抗輻射能力,這樣可以為其傷害抗性對抗和以下毒素抗性對抗提供骰子。視每次輻射攻擊為一種會引起噁心的毒素(參見毒素,第408頁,SR5),其DV等於攻擊時獲得的淨成功(在傷害抗性對抗之前)
液態傷害以施加壓力的方式來導致傷害,液態傷害不直接影響任何傳感器;相反的,它有機會擊倒人物。基礎的液態傷害為法術的強度,目標投敏捷以作對抗,敏捷的淨成功數等於傷害的減免數如果對抗後的傷害高於目標之物理界限則該目標被擊倒,就好像被強行進行了一個Drop Prone的自由動作。此外,半徑為(強度/ 2)米的目標周圍的區域在接下來的十分鐘內是滑的。 任何涉及這方面的行動,包括防禦檢定,將受到-2骰池。 在同一地區的明火使他們的DV減少了等同法術的強度。 另外,任何暴露的和未密封的電子元件都可能被損壞。 對於任何此類設備,請進行設備評級(3)測試; 失敗意味著水沖擊裝置的敏感內部並將其磚化(參見Bricking,第228頁,SR5)。
劇透 -   :
ELEMENTAL DAMAGE POLLUTANT Pollutant attacks deliver a concentrated burst of chemicals and other invasive elements that cause a severe reaction. Effects depend on the strength of the attack and the target’s ability to resist, but can range from mild discomfort to complete and debilitating shutdown of the target’s body. Treat any Pollutant attack as a toxin with the following characteristics: Vector: Inhalation Speed: Immediate Penetration: 0 Power: (DV of attack) Effect: Physical damage, anaphylactic shock (see below) Armor provides no dice to resist a Pollutant attack. Armor upgraded with a Chemical seal (p. 437, SR5) provides immunity to the damage and toxic effects.
Anaphylactic Shock: If the damage from the attack with this effect is not completely resisted, the victim enters anaphylactic shock, resulting in muscle spasms and autonomic system failure if left untreated. The victim continues to take 1 box of unresisted Physical damage each Combat Turn until death, or until the victim is treated as per Stabilization (see Stabilization, p. 209, SR5).
RADIATION Radiation powers and spells used by toxic spirits, magicians, and adepts cause highly concentrated bursts of radiation to be inflicted upon the target(s). Immediate effects are burns similar to being exposed to extreme heat. The ongoing effects, however, are
much more damaging, causing the body to begin to break down at the cellular level. Radiation attacks cause Physical damage. Armor provides no dice to resist Radiation damage, unless it has an upgrade to provide Radiation resistance, which provides dice equal to its rating for the Damage Resistance Test and the following Toxin Resistance Test. Treat every Radiation attack that hits as a toxin causing Nausea (see Toxins, p. 408, SR5) with a DV equal to net hits of the attack (before the Damage Resistance roll).
WATER Water damage comes into play when water is delivered with sufficient force and pressure to cause injury. Water damage does not directly affect any Condition Monitors; instead, it has a chance to knock characters down. The base Water damage for knockdown purposes is the Force of the spell. The targeted character rolls Agility, reducing the  Water damage by the number of hits. If the remaining damage is higher than the character’s Physical limit, the Water damage knocks them down, as if they had been forcibly taken a free Drop Prone action. Additionally, the area around the target with a radius of (Force / 2) meters is slippery for the next ten minutes. Any action involving movement in this area, including Defense Tests, take a –2 dice pool penalty. Active fires in that same area have their DV reduced by the spell’s Force. Also, any exposed and unsealed electronics may be damaged. For any such devices, make a Device Rating (3) Test; failure means water hit the sensitive innards of the device and bricked it (see Bricking, p. 228, SR5).

類型:P  範圍:T  傷害:P  持續時間:I   耗竭:F - 5


類型:P  範圍:LOS  傷害:P  持續時間:I   耗竭:F - 3

類型:P  範圍:LOS(A)  傷害:P  持續時間:I  耗竭:F – 1

這套是Shatter/Powerbolt/ Powerball (p. 284, SR5)的一種變體,只會影響特定類型的無生命物體。不同種物體則需要不同的法術才可作用,像是衝撞門,毀壞家具,摧毀槍等等。這法術不可作用在交通工具上,物體以它們擁有的障礙指數(是門或牆壁之情況)抵抗此法術之判定;其他東西則是以它們的物體抗性判定(p. 295, SR5)。物體一部分的毀壞會使此物體抵抗的效果減低,其類似於傷害對於半人類的影響。物體每受到三點傷害,會使所有對於物體的判定產生負1的骰值修正。毀壞只影響單一目標,而摧毀是範圍法術。衝撞則需要施法者碰觸到物體。
劇透 -   :
This set of spells is a variant of Shatter/Powerbolt/ Powerball (p. 284, SR5) that only affect a specific type of inanimate object. Different types of objects require a separate spell such as Ram Door, Wreck Furniture, Demolish Gun, and so on. This spell cannot be used against vehicles. Objects resist this spell with their Barrier Rating (in the case of doors and walls); other items resist with their object resistance (p. 295, SR5). Partial damage reduces the effectiveness of the item similar to the way damage affects a metahumans. For every three points of damage the item suffers, there is a –1 modifier to any tests using the item. Body Wreck affects only a single target while Demolish is an area spell. Ram requires the caster to touch the target.

Radiation Beam輻射束

類型:P  範圍:LOS  傷害:P  持續時間:I  耗竭:F - 3

Radiation Burst輻射爆裂
類型:P  範圍:LOS(A)  傷害:P  持續時間:I  耗竭:F – 1

此法術會將輻射的惡性和不可視的能量引導並作用至目標上,造成輻射傷害(見Elemental Damage sidebar, p.105)。
劇透 -   :
These spells channel and unleash the vicious and invisible power of radiation on their target, causing Radiation damage (see Elemental Damage sidebar, p. 105). Radiation Beam is a single target spell. Radiation Burst is an area spell. These spells can only be learned by a magician with a lodge made for the Toxic tradition.

Pollutant Stream汙染流
類型:P  範圍:LOS  傷害:P  持續時間:I  耗竭:F – 3
Pollutant Wave汙染潮
類型:P  範圍:LOS(A)  傷害:P  持續時間:I  耗竭:F – 1
像是滲漏的綠色化學藥劑、亞硫酸的褐色煙霧等等,這些法術會釋放一種純粹的會被人出自本能厭惡的化學藥劑,它會導致對目標污染的傷害(見元素傷害側欄註釋, p. 105)
劇透 -   :
Oozing green chemicals, sulfurous brown smoke, and more—these spells release a pure form of nature-abhorring chemicals, causing Pollutant damage to their target (see Elemental Damage sidebar, p. 105). Pollutant Stream is a single target spell. Pollutant Wave is an area spell. These spells can only be learned by a magician with a lodge made for the Toxic tradition.

類型:M  範圍:T  傷害:P  持續時間:I  耗竭:F – 3

破魔術是法術“死亡之觸” (見p.315, SR5)的一個變體,可以輕鬆的破壞魔法屏障(見p.284, SR5)。施法者必須觸碰到法術屏障的物理成分或星體形式。屏障抵抗力(其結構等級)+反射法術(如果有人正在保護它)。
劇透 -   :
Shattershield is a variant of Death Touch (p. 284, SR5) designed to splinter manna barriers (see p. 315, SR5) in a very satisfying way. The caster must touch the mana barrier’s physical component or astral form. The barrier resists with Force (its Structure rating) + Counterspelling (if anyone happens to be protecting it).

Detection Spells偵查法術

類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

星界信息是星界投影(見p.313, SR5)的一個變體,可以在以星界為媒介上發送簡短的口頭信息(一百個字以內),而無需召喚觀察者。施法者必須對目標的星體形態具有個人經驗或是擁有物質鏈結(見p.296, SR5)。信息將找到目標並等到當目標在星界上的時候傳達給他,或者是目標召喚觀察員接收信息(見p.313, SR5)。該消息只持續一段時間。最短持續時間為二十四小時;每次施法判定成功都可以額外延長另外二十四小時。
劇透 -   :
Astral Message is a variant of the Astral Projection spell (p. 313, SR5) designed to send short verbal messages (one hundred words or less) through the astral plane without summoning a watcher. The spellcaster must have personal experience with the target’s astral form or possess a material link (p. 296, SR5). The message will seek out the target and be delivered to her the next time she is present in the astral plane or if she summons a watcher (p. 313, SR5). The message only lasts for a limited time. The minimum duration is twenty-four hours; this is extended by an extra twenty-four hours for each hit on the Spellcasting Test.

Astral Clairvoyance星界千里眼
類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

星界千里眼是Clairvoyance Spell千里眼(見p.286, SR5)的變體,可以在星界上工作。施法者會發射他的感知能力,就彷彿他就站在此法術的感知範圍內的一個選定的位置上。該“視點”可以隨意地移動到該法術的感知範圍內的任何其他位置。法術期間,施法者天生的器官感知能力會被這個法術中獲得的洞察力所覆蓋,所以導致阻礙他天生的身體感知能力的不幸副作用。
劇透 -   :
Astral Clairvoyance is a variant of the Clairvoyance spell (p. 286, SR5) designed to work in the astral plane. The subject may project her assensing ability as though she were astrally present at a chosen point within the sensory range of the spell. This “visual point” may be moved to any other location within the sensory range of the spell at will. During the spell, the subject’s normal assensing is overlaid with the insight gained from this spell. This has the unfortunate side effect of blocking out her natural physical senses. Magicians cannot use Astral Clairvoyance to target others with spells.

Borrow Sense感知借用
類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

Animal Sense動物感知
類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 5

Eyes of the Pack共享之眼
類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 1

“共享之眼”是“感知分享”的一種變體,只適用於自願目標,且只能夠分享視覺。從“ 成員”中其中一人的視線切換到另一個人需要一個簡單動作。
劇透 -   :
This collection of spells allows the spellcaster to tap into the senses of her target. Borrow Sense enables the subject to borrow a single sense from a chosen target within range of the spell. If the target fails to resist the spell, the subject perceives with the target’s sense as if it were his own. Any Perception Tests made by the subject using the target’s sense use the caster’s net hits on the Spellcasting Test as the limit. Note that anything sensed by the target does not make a Spell Resistance Test. The caster must touch the subject while casting the spell. The target of Borrow Sense remains in control of his own actions and senses; the subject is merely along for the ride. The subject cannot communicate with the target or direct her to focus on anything specific. Nor may the subject leverage his own augmented senses (including astral sight) through the target’s senses. The subject cannot target spells through the target’s senses. As long as the caster sustains the spell, the subject can switch from one of the target’s senses to another with a Simple Action. Senses that the subject does not normally have can be borrowed (such as bat sonar). Note that a target’s astral sight is considered a separate sense for purposes of this spell (i.e., the subject can borrow sight or astral sight, but not both at the same time). Animal Sense is a restricted version of Borrow Sense that can only be used to borrow a sense from a non-sapient, non-paranormal animal. Eyes of the Pack is a variant of Borrow Sense that only works with voluntary targets and only allows the sense of sight to be borrowed. Switching from the sight of one member of “the pack” to another requires a Simple Action.

類型:P  範圍:T(a)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F - 3

通過施放“彙整”,施法者能夠神秘地賦予自己力量,可以詳盡地將該施法領域內的所有非生命物品以條列式彙集整理。只要施法者的施法強度超過此物品的抗性閥值(見p.295, SR5),他就可以寫下或施法範圍內的所有物品的數量列表。施法時所得到的淨命中,表示物品列表所提供之細節和描述的程度。
劇透 -   :
By casting Catalog, the spellcaster mystically empowers the subject to compile a comprehensive, itemized list of all the non-living items within the area of the spell. The subject can write or dictate a list of the quantity of all items in range of the spell as long as the caster beats an item’s Object Resistance threshold (p. 295, SR5). Net hits obtained in the spellcasting indicate the level of detail and description the list provides. Items in the area that the subject would not recognize by sight are listed as “unknown.” The caster must touch the area targeted by the spell.

類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:I  耗竭:F – 3

診斷會提供施法者資訊關於目標的整體健康程度,及任何可能罹患之疾病、損傷、或其他現存的醫學病症。淨命中決定所提供訊息的詳細程度,如“偵查法術結果”表(見p.286, SR5)。此法術在同等的淨命中下,可提供比“感知分享”還要更多的資訊。施法者必須觸碰目標才能觸發該法術。
劇透 -   :
Diagnose grants the subject information on the target’s general health and any illnesses, injuries, or other mundane medical problems the target might possesses. The net hits determine the detailed level of the information provided, as noted on the Detection Spell Results table (p. 286, SR5). It provide more details than Assensing would at comparable hit levels. The caster must touch the subject to trigger the spell.

Dragon Astral Signature龍星記號
類型:M  範圍:LOS(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F + 5

有種說法指稱此法術是由S-K Prime組織所開發,用於監控在歐洲和亞洲活動的獵龍團體,且此法術已經洩露至地下以測試龍如何應對這個新威脅。施法者獲得可以從他位置的星界環境去感應星界記號的能力,能夠確定龍是否存在於該地區,或者是否此地區的某個東西上有殘存細微的龍魔法(假設魔力因時間流逝而尚未消褪)。
劇透 -   :
Rumors suggest that this spell was developed by an S-K Prime operation monitoring dragon-hunter groups operating in Europe and Asia, and it has been leaked into the underground to test how the dragons will respond to this new threat. The caster gains the ability to assense the astral signatures of her local astral environment to determine if a dragon is present or if there is a touch of dragon magic on anything in the area (assuming the aura has not yet faded due to the passage of time).

Enhance Aim瞄準強化
類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 1
“瞄準強化”可透過減輕對於瞄準物的範圍誤差值(類似於使用“影像增幅”;見p.178, SR5),神奇地提高一個志願目標天生的瞄準能力。施法者的每次法術命中,都能夠使射手會偏差的有效區域,減少範圍誤差值10米。與“影像增幅”不同,目標不需要一個“預備瞄準動作”來鎖定一個瞄準物,因為這個法術會神奇地自動完成。“瞄準強化”的效果能和其他瞄準裝置、植入物和能力(雷射瞄準器,瞄鏡筒,智能鏈接,專精能力等等)相疊加。施法者必須觸碰目標才能觸發該法術。
劇透 -   :
Enhance Aim magically improves a voluntary target’s natural ability to aim by reducing range modifiers against targets (similar to using image magnification; see p. 178, SR5). Each hit scored by the caster reduces the effective range for the shooter for the purpose of calculating Range modifiers by 10 meters. Unlike image magnification, the target does not need a Take Aim action to lock onto a target, as the spell does that auto-magically. The effect of Enhance Aim is cumulative with other targeting devices, implants, and abilities (laser sights, scopes, smartlinks, Improved Ability adept power, etc.). The caster must touch the subject to trigger the spell.

類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 1

劇透 -   :
Hawkeye improves a voluntary subject’s visual acuity. Each hit scored by the caster provides a +1 dice pool modifier for visual Perception Tests. This effect is cumulative with other perception aids, implants, and abilities (vision enhancement, adept powers, etc.). The caster must touch the subject to trigger the spell.

Mana Window魔力窺口
類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F - 3

Astral Window星界窺口
類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

這些法術是“千里眼”(見p.286, SR5)和“星界千里眼”(p.106)的進階版,能使施法者賦予目標能夠以此法術穿越法術屏障(通常會阻擋“千里眼”,且在星界中是不透明的),透視或感知到屏障後的東西的能力。如果屏障的「力量」無法抵抗法術,被施法的人可以穿越屏障看到/感知較遠的景象,就如同身體或在星界中已經在法術可以感知的範圍內。術師不能對從此法術看到、感知到的目標施放法術。
劇透 -   :
These spells are advanced versions of Clairvoyance (p. 286, SR5) and Astral Clairvoyance (p. 106) that allow the caster to grant a subject the ability to see or assense through mana barriers (which normally stop Clairvoyance and are opaque on the astral). If the barrier does not resist the spell with its Force, the subject can see/assense distant scenes through the barrier as if physically or astrally present within the sensory range of the spell. Magicians cannot cast spells at targets they see using these spells. Casting these spells does not alert the creator of the mana barrier. Mana Window bypasses mana barriers on the physical plane with its clairvoyant physical sight. Astral Window bypasses astral mana barriers with its clairvoyant assensing. The caster must touch the subject of the spell, and for Astral Window the subject must be astrally active.

類型:M  範圍:T(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F

Mindnet Extended大範圍心靈網絡
類型:M  範圍:T(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F + 1

“大範圍心靈網絡”是“心靈網絡” (p.287, SR5)的一個變體,此法術可讓一群志願者之間用心靈感應交流。這群人中每位都可以自由地交談、交換影像,並且只要他們保持在被法術施放的人的目標範圍內(施法時所接觸的人),就可以自由交談。這群人(不包括施法的目標)的人數會作為施法判定的閥值。一旦任何參與的人已經離開此法術的範圍,就必須再施法一次,以再次得到“心靈網絡”的好處,儘管只要剩下其他參與者保持在範圍內並且法術仍存在,他們就能繼續在這群人之中進行心靈交流。

劇透 -   :
Mindnet is a variation of the Mindlink spell (p. 287, SR5) designed to allow telepathic communication between a group of voluntary people. Everyone in the group can freely talk, exchange images, and emote as long as they remain within range of the target of the spell (the person touched when the spell is cast). The number of people participating in the group (excluding the target) serves as the threshold for the Spellcasting Test. Once any participants have left the range of the spell, it must be recast for them to once again to gain the benefits of Mindnet, though the other participants may continue to participate in the link as long as they remain in range and the spell is sustained.
Mindnet is an area spell, while Mindlink Extended is an extended area spell.

Night Vision夜視力
類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

夜視力可賦予志願的目標在缺乏光線下的視覺,如同在眼睛加裝強化夜視的效果 (p.444, SR5)。
劇透 -   :
Night Vision grants a voluntary subject low-light vision like that provided by the low-light vision cybernetic eyeware enhancement (p. 444, SR5).

[Sense感知] Cryptesthesia假像強化
類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

“感知假像強化”(“超自然感知”)是千里眼(p.286, SR5)以及順風耳(p.286, SR5)的進階版法術。每一個隱匿法術都使施法者在法術範圍之中選擇一任意位置,能夠使用不同的強化感知能力,如夜視力、紅外線視力、提高嗅覺、超聲波。這些感知能力能模仿賽博強化 (p.451, SR5)所帶來的效果。施法者施法時不需要擁有相應的感知能力。然而,每種感知能力都需要不同的法術。(例如,聲納假像強化或視覺假像強化)。
劇透 -   :
Sense Cryptesthesia (“paranormal perception”) is an advanced form of Clairvoyance (p. 286, SR5) and Clairaudience (p. 286, SR5). Each Cryptesthesia spell allows the subject to utilize a different augmented sense such as low-light vision, thermographic vision, enhanced smell, or ultrasound at a chosen point within the spell’s range. These senses mimic the effects of headware cybernetic enhancements (p.451, SR5). The subject need not possess the sense to utilize it while the spell is powered. However, each sense requires a different spell (for example, Sonar Cryptesthesia or Enhanced Vision Cryptesthesia).
Magicians cannot use senses granted by Cryptesthesia to target others with spells. The caster must touch the subject to trigger the spell.

Spatial Sense空間感
類型:P  範圍:T(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F - 3

Spatial Sense Extended空間洞察
類型:P  範圍:T(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 1

劇透 -   :
Spatial Sense grants the subject an innate awareness and knowledge of his physical surroundings within range of the spell in terms of landscape, geography, and architecture. The layout knowledge lasts as only long as the spell is sustained and is not retained when the spell ends (though the subject can make a map or recite directions before ending the spell). The net hits scored on the Detection Spell Results table (p. 286, SR5) determine how much detail the spell provides, progressing from a general idea of what’s where, to a rough map of the area, to knowing each exit and how secure they are. The spell works in all directions (three-dimensional) and may uncover hidden layout features such as ventilation shafts, secret rooms, and sewer tunnels. It will not detect security features or living things. Areas that are protected by a mana barrier are experienced as “blank spots.”

Thought Recognition思想認知
類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F

Area Thought Recognition範圍思想認知
類型:M  範圍:LOS(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F + 2

這套法術像是一種侵入性較低的“心靈探針”(p.287, SR5)。施法者賦予目標掃描他人的表面思想,在法術一施放後得到他當時正在想的特定單詞、片語、聲音或影像。此法術並沒有深入研究目標的大腦以獲取信息;它只能驗證目標是否是活躍地想到一個特定的人、地點、事件或事物。調查人員使用此法術來確定目標是否具有某些東西(如謀殺用的武器)的知識,
劇透 -   :
This set of spells is a less intrusive form of Mind Probe (p. 287, SR5). The caster grants the subject the ability to scan the target’s surface thoughts for a particular word, phrase, sound, or image chosen when the spell is cast. This spell does not dig through the target’s brain for information; it merely verifies if a target is actively thinking about a particular person, place, event, or thing. Investigators use this spell to determine if a target has knowledge of something (such as a murder weapon) that they otherwise wouldn’t to determine if they are involved with a crime. Spies use this spell to determine if someone is tailing or looking for them.
Thought Recognition is used on one particular target, while Area Thought Recognition scans the minds of everyone within the area.

類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 4

劇透 -   :
Translate creates a low-level telepathic connection between the subject and a specific target within range of the sense (chosen when the spell is cast). This allows the subject and target to understand each other’s speech as if the subject spoke the target’s native language. The spell translates general intent rather than exact phrasing. This is useful for simple conversations, but not delicate diplomacy where the tact of a skilled translator is needed. This spell is often used for international corporate and government conversations. Translate may be used to communicate with any sapient species that uses language (such as sasquatch or merrow), but may not be used to communicate with non-sapient animals. The hits from the Spellcasting Test determine the quality of the translation. The caster must touch the subject to trigger the spell.

Health Spells生命法術

類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

“雙巧手”能使施法者暫時地賦予雙巧手的特質(p.175, SR5)至一名有意願的目標。施法者每次法術命中都增加了此法術一回合的持續時間,若不重複施法則只有兩回合的最小持續時間。施法者必須觸碰目標才能啟動法術。
劇透 -   :
Ambidexterity allows the spellcaster to temporarily grant the Ambidextrous quality (p. 172, SR5) onto a willing subject. Every hit scored by the caster increases the duration of this spell by 1 Combat Turn for a minimum of 2 Combat Turns. The spellcaster must touch the subject to activate the spell.

Alleviate Addiction成癮緩解(精華)
類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 6

“成癮緩解”暫時降低成癮對目標身心的影響(p.77, SR5)。每次淨成功都降低1級的成癮程度(例如從嚴重到中等)。這個法術不能治癒上癮,它只能緩解其影響,且一次只能解決一種成癮所帶來的影響。
這種治癒效果只有在法術持續施放時才能繼續存留,然後成癮就會回到原本的嚴重程度。請注意,這個法術對“法器成癮”的影響不起作用(p.319, SR5)。
劇透 -   :
Alleviate Addiction temporarily reduces the effects of addiction on the subject’s body and mind (p. 77, SR5). Every net hit reduces the addiction level by one (from Severe to Moderate, for example). This spell does not remove the addiction; it only alleviates its effects, and it can only address the effects of one addiction at a time. This cure only last while the spell is powered and then the Addiction returns at full force. Note that this spell does not work against the effects of Focus Addiction (p. 319, SR5).

類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 6

“緩解過敏”暫時阻止或減輕過敏對目標身體和心靈的影響(p.78, SR5)。每次淨成功都會降低1級的過敏程度(例如從中等到輕度)。該法術不能消除過敏,只能減輕其過敏反應,且一次只能緩解一種過敏的帶來的影響。一旦法術結束,過敏就會回到原本的嚴重程度。
劇透 -   :
Alleviate Allergy temporarily blocks or reduces the effects of an allergy on the target’s body and mind (p. 78, SR5). Every net hit reduces the allergy level by one (from Moderate to Mild, for example). This spell does not remove the allergy, only alleviates its effects, and it only alleviates the effects of one allergy at a time. The Allergy returns at full force once the spell ends.

類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3
劇透 -   :
Awaken allows the spellcaster to immediately wake an unconscious target and instantly bring them to full alertness, temporarily alleviating the effects of Stun, including modifiers from damage. This spells works on a subject that is unconscious due to an external cause such as injury, medication, or chemicals. The caster must achieve a threshold equal to the Stun modifiers (or 1 for targets simply asleep) the subject currently experiences. The subject remains conscious as long as the spell is sustained. At the end of that period, the character relapses into unconsciousness. Afterwards, the subject must endure all the Stun damage (this includes any new Stun damage accumulated while awake) at twice the typical duration. This effect lasts until all Stun damage is healed. Sadly, the caster may not cast this spell on herself.

類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

“精神亢化”緩解了一名志願目標身體方面所需的睡眠。每一次成功都可以減少接近一個小時的睡眠,以抵抗疲勞(p.172, SR5)。即使“精神亢化”在實習術師中受到重視,但它有個顯著的缺點。由GM自由判定,濫用“精神亢化”而長時間未實際進入睡眠的人可能會被強制剝奪行動能力而神奇地進入睡眠(第172頁,SR5)。
劇透 -   :
Crank alleviates a voluntary subject’s physical need for sleep. Every hit scored approximates one hour of sleep for purposes of resisting Fatigue (p. 172, SR5). Popular among student magicians, Crank has a significant downside. At the gamemaster’s discretion, a character who abuses Crank to avoid actual sleep for long periods may find themselves addicted to magically aided sleep deprivation (p. 172, SR5).

類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:P  耗竭:F – 2
“反應減免”使施法者減少目標的反映(由“主動性”Initiative Score表示)。目標需以“反應”+“反制施法”之值作為抵抗值。此法術的值必須等於或超過目標的“反應”。每次淨成功都將目標的“主動性”降低1點。
劇透 -   :
Decrease Reflexes allows the spellcaster to decrease the reflexes (as represented by Initiative Score) of a target. The target resists with Reaction + Counterspelling. The Force of the spell must equal or exceed the target’s Reaction. Every net hit achieved reduces the target’s Initiative Score by 1.


類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3
“活化劑”與法術“緩和劑Antidote”相反(p.288, SR5)。此法術會增加目標對藥物或毒素的易受性。自然地,“解毒術”對於那些巫師是受歡迎的,因可以幫助他們和那些藥物獲得更好的評價。目標需以“體質”+“反制施法”之值作為抵抗值。每次淨成功減少目標在毒素抗性判定的骰池1點。“活化劑”必須持續到毒素效果開始出現,否則不影響抗性判定。
劇透 -   :
Enabler is the opposite of the spell Antidote (p. 288, SR5). This spell increases the target’s susceptibility to drugs or toxins. Naturally, Enabler is popular with wiz-gangers to help themselves and other druggies get a better high. The target resists with Body + Counterspelling. Each net hit scored reduces the target’s dice pool by 1 for the Toxin Resistance Test. Enabler must be sustained until the toxin effect kicks in, otherwise it does not affect the Resistance Test.

類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3
被此法術影響超過七十二小時的目標可能須冒著有永久性傷害的風險。GM應對任何過度使用“空氣餐”的目標進行疲憊傷害和定向障礙(p.409, SR5)判定。
劇透 -   :
Fast grants a voluntary subject the ability to supplant feelings of hunger or thirst for as long as the spell is sustained. Each hit allows the target to ignore
the symptoms of one skipped meal. Fast does not alleviate the biological need for food or water. Once the spell ends, the subject immediately suffers any effects
of from dehydration or starvation. The wealthy sometimes use Fast as a painless “diet spell.” Hunger pangs and the effects of not eating and drinking immediately
return to the subject.
Subjects under the effects of this spell for more than seventy-two hours risk permanent damage. The gamemaster should apply Fatigue damage and the Disorientation effect (p. 409, SR5) as appropriate to any subject that uses Fast excessively.

類型:M  範圍:T  持續時間:I  耗竭:F – 1

訓練有素的狂奔者學會控制並掌握他的生存本能以計算風險。“”強制防禦在這樣原始的強烈需求下出現,以不惜一切代價求取生存。術師必須以魔法+施法判定之值,抗衡目標的身體(+反制施法)判定之值,並成功。被施法的目標需被迫中斷她目前的“”全防禦動作(第191頁,SR5)。施法者施法的成功次數決定目標需被迫於幾個“戰斗回合”數,保持在“全防禦”狀態。這個法術並不強制目標留在該地區或戰鬥中。有關“主動防禦”的更多信息,請參見p.190, SR5。
劇透 -   :
A trained runner learns to control and master her survival instincts to take calculated risks. Forced Defense triggers these primal urges to survive at all costs. The spellcaster must succeed in a Magic + Spellcasting Test opposed by the target’s Body (+ Counterspelling). The target of this spell is forced to interrupt her current action to go on Full Defense (p. 191, SR5). The number of hits scored by the caster determines the number of Combat Turns that the target is forced to remain at Full Defense. This spell does not force the target to remain in the area or the combat. For more information on Active Defenses, see p. 190, SR5.

Increase Inherent Limits界限突破(精華)
類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 1

Decrease Inherent Limits界限束縛(精華)
類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 1

每個角色都有三個天生的固有界限(物理、精神和社交),用於決定你在能夠確切使用的初始擲骰後的成功判定數,並確定判定最終的結果(p.47, SR5)。這套法術使施法者暫時幫助一名目標,讓他在法術持續時間內能克服這些固有界限。施法者必須觸碰目標以啟動法術,然後選擇一個要被此法術影響的固有界限。一次只能改變一個固有界限。對同一個目標重複施法會抹去之前的施法效果。每個達成的淨成功可以增加或減少目標選定的固有界限1點,至少為1。
劇透 -   :
Every character has three inherent limits (Physical, Mental, and Social) that determine how many of the hits from your initial roll you can actually use to determine the result of the test (p. 47, SR5). This set of spells allows a spellcaster to temporarily help a subject overcome these limits for the duration of the spell.
The spellcaster must touch the subject to activate the spell and then select a single inherent limit to affect with this spell. Only one inherent limit may be altered at a time. Recasting the spell on a subject wipes away the previous alteration. Each net hit achieved increases or reduces the target’s selected inherent limit by 1, to a minimum of 1. Just so we’re clear: Increase Inherent Limits increases the limit of a subject while Decrease Inherent Limits decreases the limits of a target.

Illusion Spells幻象法術

The subtle art of Illusion spells allows spellcasters to deceive, disorientate, and confuse the senses. The complete rules for casting and utilizing Illusion spells can be found on p. 289, SR5.

Camouflage Check偽裝混淆
(真實,單感官Realistic, Single-Sense)
類型:M  範圍:LOS  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 2

Physical Camouflage反偵測迷彩
(真實,單感官Realistic, Single-Sense)
類型:M  範圍:LOS  持續時間:S  耗竭:F

劇透 -   :
This set of spells colors the subject in a camouflage pattern that matches her surroundings and provides 1 die per hit to resist attempts to spot their physical body. Camouflage works only against living viewers, while Physical Camouflage works against living viewers and technological sensors.

類型:P  範圍:LOS  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

類型:P  範圍:LOS  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 1

“偵測誘餌”是法術“混沌”(p.290, SR5)的變體,只能影響非生命體的偵測儀器。被施法的偵測器會受到一連串的訊息輸入轟炸,藉以混淆其鎖定程序。對於每個超過物品抗性閥值的施法成功,偵測器的偵測等級會降低1。“偵測誘餌”影響單一個目標;“偵測迷惑”則是個範圍法術。
劇透 -   :
Decoy is a variant of the spell Chaos (p. 290, SR5) that only affects non-living sensor devices. The sensor is bombarded with a storm of input that confuses its targeting program. For each hit scored over the Object Resistance threshold, the sensor’s rating is reduced by 1. Decoy affects a single target; Chaff is an area spell.

Double Image鏡像
類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F -1

“鏡像”能讓施法者創造出目標的幻術複製影像,且此影像和目標一模一樣,且會模仿目標所做的一切。施法者對此複製體的控制有所限制,但仍可以調整它的移動(以防止它穿過牆壁等等),儘管在狹小之處這可能有其困難度。做出複製體需要進行一個複雜動作,這需要施法者的一個簡單動作Simple Action。施法者必須觸碰受試者才能啟動咒語,且只要法術持續施放,鏡像就會一直存在。施法者一次只能施放出一個目標的一個鏡像,儘管施法者可能會多次施放法術以復制更多人。
劇透 -   :
Double Image allows the spellcaster to create an illusionary doppelganger of the subject that is an identical image of the subject and mimics everything he does. He has limited control of the duplicate and can adjust its movement (to keep it from walking through walls and so forth), though in tight quarters this may be difficult. Making the duplicate take a distinct action requires a Simple Action by the caster. The spellcaster must touch the subject to activate the spell, and the duplicate exists as long as the spell is sustained. Casters may only have one duplicate of a single individual at a time, though they may cast the spell multiple times to duplicate multiple people.
Targets who fail to resist the spell cannot tell the original and double image apart as the double sounds, smells, and looks like the original. The double is insubstantial; bullets and melee attacks go right through it. It can neither make attacks nor cast spells. Double Image affects both physical beings and technological sensors.

類型:M  範圍:LOS  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

施法者的淨成功決定了“夢境”的生動度和複雜性。正經歷極嚴竣噩夢(需要至少5次淨成功)的目標,無法在承受壓力的情況恢復昏迷傷害,而在法術期間的任何休息都是沒有作用的。當他們醒來後,目標將清晰地記住夢境內容,但不一定會知道夢境是被神秘地更改過的。“夢境”法術通常是需使用儀式施法(p.295, SR5),作為向敵人發出警告、威脅或折磨的方法。它也能用於涉及夢境解析directed dreaming的現代心理諮詢和診療諮詢。
劇透 -   :
Dream allows a spellcaster to craft a dream sequence(including visuals, sounds, emotions, etc.) and transmit it to a sleeping target. Manufactured dreams cannot cause actual harm to the target. However, if the spellcaster is wily, the manufactured dreams may soothe or frighten the target and alter his actions in the waking world.
The spellcaster’s net hits determine the dream’s vividness and complexity. Targets who have severe nightmares(requires at least 5 net hits) do not recover Stun damage while they persist, and any rest during that time is lost. The target will vividly remember the dream when they wake up but will not necessarily know that the
dream was mystically altered. The Dream spell is often cast using ritual spellcasting (p. 295, SR5) as a means of sending warnings, threats, or torment to an enemy. It is also used in modern psychological and therapeutic counseling involving directed dreaming.

類型:M  範圍:LOS  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

Opium Den鴉片丹
類型:M  範圍:LOS(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 1


劇透 -   :
This set of spells provides the spellcaster with an unusual set of non-lethal tools to distract his enemies by forcing great pleasure upon them. Euphoria envelops the target in the stimulating throes of a great high comparable to an empathogenic drug high or sexual climax. Many magicians utilize this spell in their private lives, granting willing targets a thrilling ecstasy. However, using this spell on unwilling subjects is considered a criminal act by law enforcement officers in many jurisdiction. Spellcasters known to excessively cast this set of spells may gain an unsavory reputation.
Each net hit scored by the spellcaster applies a –1 dice pool modifier to all of the targets’ actions as they are distracted by the sensation. At the gamemaster’s discretion, a character who suffers a dice pool modifier higher than his Willpower is completely incapacitated and preoccupied. Euphoria affects a single target; Opium
Den is an area spell.

類型:M  範圍:LOS(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

劇透 -   :
Foreboding is an area spell that mystically broadcasts feelings of imminent danger, fear, and unease to any living being who enters the spell’s range. Targets simultaneously feel chilled and nervous. Their hackles rise, and they feel slightly panicked. Characters that fail to resist the spell suffer a –1 dice pool modifier to all actions for each net hit scored by the spellcaster, representing their shaking, fear, and nervousness for as long as they remain in the area of effect. At the gamemaster’s discretion, characters who suffer a dice pool modifier greater than their Willpower may be compelled to flee the area, or they may simply curl up into a gibbering ball. The drawback to this spell is that the spellcaster can not limit or control who is targeted by this spell, and it effects enemies and allies alike.

Hot Potato烙鐵幻術
類型:M  範圍:LOS(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

劇透 -   :
Hot Potato is an area-effect spell that allows the spellcaster to create the illusion that all metal within the range is extremely hot to the touch. Characters who fail to resist
feel as though any metal they are in contact with (weapons, armor, implants, piercings, etc.) is burning them. If the character does not drop, remove, or otherwise disengage contact from the metal, they will a dice pool modifier equal to the caster’s net hits to all actions as they are distracted by the burning sensation. Once they lose contact with any metal, the distraction is over. The drawback to this spell is that the spellcaster cannot limit or control who is targeted by this spell, as it effects enemies and allies alike.

類型:P  範圍:LOS  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

Mass [Sense] Removal〔感知〕滅感術
類型:P  範圍:LOS(a)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 1

劇透 -   :
This set of spells allow the spellcaster to mystically strip the target of a specified sense (sight, hearing, taste, etc.) Each sense requires a separate spell. The target suffers a –1 dice pool modifier to all Perception Tests involving that sense for every net hit scored by the caster. Implants and other technological sensors that use that
sense are also affected. The drawback to this spell is that the spellcaster cannot limit or control who is targeted by this spell—it affects enemies and allies alike. [Sense] Removal affects a single target, while Mass [Sense] Removal is an area spell.

類型:M  範圍:LOS  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

類型:M  範圍:LOS(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 1

劇透 -   :
This set of spells provides the spellcaster an obnoxious tool to distract her enemies by creating an illusion of a sickening, gut-wrenching stench. Every net hit scored by the caster applies a –1 dice pool modifier to all of the target’s actions as they gag and retch. At the gamemaster’s discretion, a character who suffers a dice pool modifier higher than his Willpower is completely incapacitated and pre-occupied with throwing up. Thankfully, the spellcaster is immune to the effects of this spell.
Stink affects a single target, Stench is an area spell.

Sound Barrier阻聲障壁
類型:P  範圍:LOS(A)  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

“阻聲障壁”是“沉默術”法術(p.291, SR5)的一個變體,能使施法者在影響範圍的周圍創造一個阻聲的障礙(而不是創建一個沉默的區域)。在“阻聲障壁”內部的人聽不到外界的聲音,但可以聽到球狀障壁內的聲音,反之亦然。只有需要越過障壁的聲波才會受到法術影響,這和“沉默”法術的作用方式相同。“阻聲障壁”也影響科技儀器、次聲波和超聲波。
劇透 -   :
Sound Barrier is a variant of the Silence spell (p. 291, SR5) that allows the spellcaster to create a perimeter of silence around the area of effect (rather than creating a mass area of silence). Those inside the sound barrier cannot hear outside noises but can hear sounds within the globe and vice versa. Only sounds crossing the border are affected, in the same manners as the Silence spell. Sound Barrier also affects technological devices, infrasound, and ultrasound.

Switch Vehicle Signature車輛訊號轉換
類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:特殊  耗竭:F + 1

“車輛訊號轉換”是“物理假面”(p.291, SR5)的一個變體,旨在將車輛(或無人機)專屬的電子信號與其他大小約略相同的交通工具,切換一小段時間。電子偵測器(例如來自其他車輛或無人機的偵測器)會以其中一輛受影響的車輛之識別信號而誤判成其他目標車輛。該法術無法賦予額外的驗證碼,以騙過更難侵入的管控系統,且潛入機密區域,但這將有助於一車輛潛入常規的安全監控系統。兩輛目標車輛距離相隔須在五公里內,這個欺騙法術才能有效。一旦目標車輛超出該範圍,車輛的信號將中斷並恢復正常。此突發的信號變更,將觸發大多數管控系統尋找異常的訊號。另外,如果其中一輛車被銷毀,這個法術的效果會自動取消。
劇透 -   :
Switch Vehicle Signature is a variant of Physical Mask (p. 291, SR5) designed to switch the electronic signal unique to a vehicle (or a drone) with another vehicle of roughly the same size for a limited time. Electronic sensors (such as those from other vehicles or drones) will read the vehicle signature of one of the affected vehicles as though it were the other targeted vehicle. This spell does not grant additional verification codes that paranoid security systems might require to grant access to secure areas, but it will help a vehicle sneak past casual security monitoring. This deception is only effective as long as the two targeted vehicles are within a five
kilometers of each other. Once the targeted vehicles exceed the range, the vehicle signatures snap back to normal. This sudden switch will trigger an alert by most security systems looking for abnormalities. In addition, should one of the vehicles be destroyed, the effects of this spell are automatically canceled.
The spell’s duration is ten minutes plus an additional ten minutes for each net hit scored by the caster.
類型:P  範圍:T  持續時間:S  耗竭:F – 3

“車輛假象”是“物理假面”(p.291, SR5)的一個變體,旨在隱蔽車輛和無人機的身份。 施法者透過觸碰目標車輛,創造一種幻覺假象,假扮成像一輛只有大小約略相同,但和原本完全不同的車輛。除了視覺假象外,這個法術會影響車輛的聲音、味道和其他足以辨別的特徵。“車輛假象”也可以修改車輛的辨識訊號(p.184, SR5);施法者施展法術的每次淨成功可以升高或降低1點車輛的“訊號”修改值,施法者必須積極接觸被假扮的車輛以維持法術。
劇透 -   :
Vehicle Mask is a variant of Physical Mask (p. 291, SR5) designed to mask the identities of vehicles and drones. By touching the targeted vehicle, the spellcaster
creates an illusion that masks it to appear to be a completely different vehicle of roughly the same size. In addition to the visual mask, this spell affects the vehicle’s
sound, smell, and other identifiable characteristics. Vehicle Mask can also modify a vehicle’s Signature (p.184, SR5); each net hit scored by the caster can be used
to raise or lower the vehicle’s Signature modifier by 1. The caster must be actively touching the vehicle being masked to sustain the spell.


施法者經常夢想塑造世界以適應他們,而操縱法術是他們如何達成的。 操縱法術根據施法者的想法來控製或轉化物質和能量。 施放和使用操縱法術的完整規則可以在p。 292,SR5。上找到
劇透 -   :
Spellcasters often dream of shaping the world to suit them, and Manipulaiton spells are how they pull this off. Manipulation spells involve controlling or transforming matter and energy according to the whims of the spellcaster. The complete rules for casting and utilizing Manipulation spells can be found on p. 292, SR5.

類型:P範圍:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F - 2

類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1

類型:M範圍:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F - 2

類型:M距離:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1
這套法術由施法者將目標綁定在阻礙移動的魔法能量帶上。每一次成功,目標的敏捷值就會降低1點。如果敏捷值降低到0,目標就會受到約束,無法移動他的四肢。受到咒語的限制時,目標可能試圖爬行或短距離跳躍(以正常移動速度的四分之一)。被綁定的目標仍然可以防禦和躲避攻擊,但是他們會遭受等同於施法者淨成功數的骰池調整值。被束縛的目標可能試圖通過進行對抗的檢定來破壞綁定,以力量+體質對抗咒語的強度x2。束縛術對單個目標起作用,而網縛術是範圍法術。這些法術可以用來對付無生命的物體,如無人機,以限制移動或旋轉的部件,儘管這可能不會阻止一些無人機和車輛,這取決於它們的推進方法。魔縛術和魔網術對抗星體或雙重屬性的實體,對抗的檢定是意志+魅力VS法術的強度x 2.魔縛術只能在一個生命或魔法目標上作用,而魔網術是一個範圍對抗生命/魔法目標的法術。
劇透 -   :
This set of spells is used by the spellcaster to bind a target with invisible bands of magical energy that impede movement. Every net hit reduces the target’s Agility by 1. If Agility is reduced to 0, the target is bound and unable to move his limbs. While bound by the spell, the target may attempt to crawl or hop short distances (at one-quarter their normal movement rate). Bound targets may still defend and dodge against attacks, but they suffer a dice-pool modifier equal to the caster’s net hits. A bound target may attempt to break free of the bindings by making an Opposed Test, pitting Strength + Body against the spell’s Force x 2. Bind works on single targets, while Net Bind is an area spell. These spells may be used against inanimate objects such as drones to restrict moving or rotating parts, though this may not stop some drones and vehicles, depending on their method of propulsion. Mana Bind and Mana Net work against astral or dual-natured entities, and the Opposed Test to break free is Willpower + Charisma vs. spell’s Force x 2.Mana Bind only works on a single living or magical target, while Mana Net is an area spell that works against living/magical targets.

類型:P射程:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F + 1 防蟲屏障是對蟲精魂和蟲精魂異能起作用的法力屏障(294,SR5)的修改版本。 在芝加哥陷落之後,這個咒語開始變得相當受歡迎,因為“蟲子的威脅”越來越重要。 當在物理平面上施放時,防蟲屏障會阻止物質化的蟲精魂,製造出一種基於法力的物體,從而“殺死”接觸到它的任何蟲精魂。 物理傷害等於其強度。 其他的的功能與法力屏障相同。 請注意,此法術不會傷害任何其他類型的精魂或星體。
劇透 -   :
Bug Zapper is a modified version of the Mana Barrier spell (p. 294, SR5) designed to work against insect spirits and insect spirit powers. After the fall of Chicago, this spell started to become quite popular as the “Bug Menace” grew in importance. When cast on the physical plane, Spirit Zapper impedes materialized spirits, creating a mana-based object that “zaps” any insect spirits that come into contact with it. The barrier inflicts Physical damage equal to its Force. Otherwise, Bug Zapper functions the same as Mana Barrier. Note that this spell does not damage any other types of spirits or astral forms.

類型:M射程:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F - 3

類型:M射程:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1
安撫動物允許施法者安撫任何非智力生物(正常或超自然),使其在法術持續時無法攻擊。 安撫動物影響單個生物,而安撫群體是一個範圍法術。 如果受到攻擊,受影響的動物仍然會保衛自己。
劇透 -   :
Calm Animal allows a spellcaster to calm any non-sapient creature (normal or paranormal), making it non-aggressive while the spell is sustained. Calm Animal affects a single creature, while Calm Pack is an area spell. Affected animals still defend themselves if attacked.

類型:P範圍:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F - 3
施法者可以利用貓落術降低目標的墜落率,幫助他安全著陸而不會受到傷害(第172頁,SR5)。 GM可以將施法者的命中與法術的強度相乘確定目標可以不受傷掉落的最大距離(以米為單位)。 如果目標距離較遠,則在計算傷害之前減去法術的最大距離。
劇透 -   :
A spellcaster may utilize Catfall to slow a target’s fall to help him land safely without suffering falling damage (p. 172, SR5). Gamemasters can determine the maximum distance (in meters) the target may fall without danger of injury by multiplying the spellcaster’s hits by the spell’s Force. If the target falls a greater distance, subtract the maximum distance of the spell before calculating damage.

類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:P耗竭:F - 3
清潔術[元素]是一個範圍法術,用於清除範圍內特定元素體積內的所有雜質。 每個元素需要不同的法術(清潔空氣,清潔水等)。 例如,清潔空氣可以用來淨化有毒煙霧的房間,或者淨水可以淨化飲用水。 施法者的命中決定了元素的清潔程度。 微渾濁的水只需要一次成功就能清理,而受污染的徑流水可能需要四次成功才能飲用。 元素的清理數量等於施法者的魔法等級×10立方米。
劇透 -   :
Clean [Element] is an area spell that clears all impurities out of the volume of a particular element within range. Each element requires a different spell (Clean Air, Clean Water, etc.). For example, Clean Air could be used to cleanse a room of toxic fumes, or Clean Water could purify a drinking supply. The caster’s hits determine how thoroughly the element is cleaned; slightly muddy water would require only 1 hit to clean, while contaminated runoff water could require four hits to make it drinkable. The amount of an element cleaned equals the caster’s Magic Rating x 10 in cubic meters.

類型:M射程:LOS持續時間:耗竭:F - 1
吐真術是一種咒語,強迫目標只能說出真相。 目標可以說他或她認為是真實的東西,即使它不是。 目標可以選擇不發言或不發表信息,但不能直接說謊。 一些司法管轄區(如UCAS)認為,執法機關使用這個法術是違反嫌疑人反對自證的權利。已知他人使用這個法術(其中包括)在法律案件中了解真相。 該法術的持續時間等於施法檢定的命中。
劇透 -   :
Compel Truth is a spell that forces the target to speak only the truth as she knows it. The target can say something he or she believes to be true, even if it is not. The subject may choose not to speak or to withhold information but cannot directly lie. Some jurisdictions (like the UCAS) consider the use of this spell by law enforcement authorities to be a violation of a suspect’s right against self-incrimination. Others have been known to use this spell (among others) to get to the truth in legal cases. The spell lasts for a number of minutes equal to the hits on the Spellcasting Test.

類型:M範圍:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F - 3
類型:M範圍:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1
這套法術是控制思維和群體控制思維(p。293,SR5)的一個變種,設計用於非智能動物(正常和超自然)。 施法者首先抓住動物的思想和行動的控制,然後可以發出一個必須遵守的簡單行動的口頭命令。 GM應該在確定目標動物的效果時,考慮目標動物的智力和命令的複雜性。 控制動物影響單個生物; 控制群體是一個範圍法術。
劇透 -   :
This set of spells is a variant of Control Thoughts and Mob Mind (p. 293, SR5) designed to work on non-sapient animals (both normal and paranormal). The spellcaster first seizes control of the animals’ minds and actions and then may issue verbal commands that must be obeyed with a Simple Action. Gamemasters should consider the intelligence of the targeted animal and the complexity of the command when determining how effectively the targeted animal obeys. Control Animal affects a single creature; Control Pack is an area spell.

類型:P範圍:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1
偏斜術賦予施法者對自願目標施放保護法術的能力。 每一個淨成功都可以給予目標一個+1骰池加乘來防範遠程物理攻擊。 這個咒語的效果是微妙的,可以視為一個錯失的開槍或瞄準不良
劇透 -   :
Deflection grants the spellcaster the ability to cast a spell of protection over a willing target. Every hit scored grants the target a +1 dice pool modifier for defending against ranged physical attacks. The effects of this spell are subtle enough to be discounted as a missed shot or poor aim (at least at first).

AURA [元素]靈氣
類型:P射程:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F + 1 [元素]靈氣在自願者的身體周圍創造出元素能量的波紋光環,賦予她元素的一些屬性。 每個元素需要不同的法術,如火焰光靈氣,電氣靈氣,寒冰靈氣等等。 所述光環根據元素的性質,通過施法者的命中來增加任何近戰攻擊的傷害值。 攻擊也被視為冷,電,火或其他元素傷害(第105頁和第170頁,SR5),並具有適合每次攻擊的護甲穿透。 任何成功的物理攻擊也意味著攻擊者必須抵抗來自光環的類似傷害。
劇透 -   :
[Element] Aura  creates a rippling aura of elemental energies around a willing subject’s body, granting her some of the properties of said element. Each element requires a different spell such as Flame Aura, Electrical Aura, Cold Aura, and so on. Said auras increase the Damage Value of any melee attacks by the caster’s hits depending upon the nature of the element. Attacks are also treated as Cold, Electricity, Fire, or some other elemental damage (p. 105 and p. 170, SR5), and have the armor penetration appropriate to each attack. Any successful physical melee attack against the subject also means that the attacker must resist similar damage from the aura.

WALL [元素] 元素牆
類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F + 2
劇透 -   :
[Element] Wall allows the spellcaster to create a wall composed of the specified element named in the spell. Each element requires a different spell, such as Fire Wall, Ice Wall, Smoke Wall, and so on. The elemental wall may have a height and length up to the spell’s Force in meters. Alternatively, the caster may craft a dome with a radius and height equal to half the Force in meters.  The width of the wall can be up to one meter.  In addition, the caster may adjust this size as he would adjust any area effect radius (see p. 282, SR5). Anyone coming into contact with the wall suffers special damage as appropriate to the element (p. 170, SR5), with a Drain equal to the spell’s Force. Note that some elemental walls (fire, smoke, etc.) are not solid and do not block attacks, though they may inflict Visibility modifiers as determined by the gamemaster. Solid walls (earth, ice, etc.) have an Armor and Structure rating equal to the caster’s Spellcasting hits.

類型:P範圍:T(A)持續時間:P耗竭:F - 1
此法術即時裁縫服裝,將服裝轉化為施法者所希望的任何時尚。 與服裝的物品抗性作對抗(服裝的防禦池可以在6到9之間,取決於材料的複雜性以及它是否將電子裝置與線進行交織)中的淨成功決定裁縫中的風格程度。 該法術不能改變服裝的保護價值,只能是其裁剪,顏色,圖案和合體。 衣服的重量不會改變,並且必須覆蓋大致相同的面積(例如,連身衣不能轉換成比基尼)。 施法者必須觸摸衣服。
劇透 -   :
This spell instantly tailors clothing, transforming garments into any fashion the caster wishes. The net hits over the clothing’s object resistance (defense pool for the clothing can be between 6 and 9, depending on the complexity of the material and whether it interweaves electronics into the threads) measure the degree of style in the tailoring. The spell cannot change clothing’s protective value, only its cut, color, pattern, and fit. The weight of the clothing does not change, and it must cover approximately the same amount of area (for example, a jumpsuit can’t be converted into a bikini). The caster must touch the clothing.

時尚術 命中結果

大部分施法者都致力於學習法術而不是機械。這可能使魔術師在狂奔中需要緊急修理時處於不利的狀態。修理術可以讓施法者修復對非生命物質的傷害,包括無人機和車輛。施法者必須先觸摸物體,然後達到足夠的淨成功以物品的物品抗性閾值(第295頁,SR5)。修復可以修復任何物品,其重量等於強度 x施法者的命中數,單位為千克或更少。這個咒語只能在所有碎片存在時修復破碎的物品。重量限制適用於損壞的部分,不一定是整個車輛。例如,如果你有一個破車輪,你會把這個重量算在內,而不是整個車的重量。每1個淨成功修正1點結構等級或1格傷害。一個物體只能受到一次修理術的影響,此後不能再被這個咒語修復。
劇透 -   :
Most spellcasters have devoted their efforts towards learning spells rather than mechanics. This can leave a magician in a bad situation when there is a need for an emergency repair during a run. Fix allows the spellcaster to repair damage to non-living materials, including drones and vehicles. The caster must first touch the object and then achieve enough hits to beat the item’s Object Resistance threshold (p. 295, SR5). Fix can repair any item with a weight equal to the Force x the spellcaster’s hits in kilograms or less. This spell can only repair broken items when all the pieces are present. The weight limit applies to the damaged part, not necessarily the entire vehicle. For example, if you have a busted wheel, you would count that weight not the weight of the entire vehicle. Each hit scored repairs 1 point of Structure rating or 1 box of damage.   An object may only be affected by Fix once and thereafter may not be repaired again by this spell.

 類型:P範圍:T持續時間:S耗竭:F - 3
壁虎爬行術允許施法者授予一個自願的個體沿著垂直或者頂部表面行走的能力,其移動速率等於每回合的強度x淨成功數。 雖然這個個體在咒語持續期間有驚人的攀爬能力,但是他仍然受到重力的影響,並且如果他的手或腳與地面分離,他將會掉落。 當個體爬上特別光滑的表面時GM,可以選擇要求攀爬測試。
劇透 -   :
Gecko Crawl spell allows the caster to grant a willing subject the ability to walk along vertical or overhead surfaces at a movement rate equal to Force x hits in meters per turn. Although the subject has amazing climbing abilities for the duration of the spell, he is still affected by gravity and will fall if his hands or feet are physically separated from the surface. The gamemaster may elect to require Climbing Tests in order for the subject to climb especially slick surfaces.

類型:P範圍:LOS持續時間:P耗竭:F - 3
類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:P耗竭:F - 1
黏著術允許施法者將目標綁定到當前接觸的任何一個表面。 目標必須在施法時觸摸表面。 施法者必須擊敗表面的物品抗性(第295頁,SR5),以創造神秘的紐帶。 將兩個表面拉開需要在法術的強度x 2和分離者的力量+體質之間進行相反的對抗。 如果一個目標或表面有一個體質或結構等級低於法術的強度時,皮膚/表面在被分離的過程中將被撕裂(遭受等於差值的物理傷害)。黏著術影響單個目標,黏合術是一個範圍法術。
劇透 -   :
Glue allows the spellcaster to bond a target to any one surface to which it is currently in contact. The target must be touching the surface at the time of the spellcasting. The caster must beat the surface’s Object Resistance threshold (p. 295, SR5) in order to create the mystical bond. Pulling the two surfaces apart requires an Opposed Test between the spell’s Force x 2 and the separator’s Strength + Body. If a target or surface has a Body
or Structure rating lower than the spell’s Force, the skin/ surface will be torn apart in the process of being separated (suffering Physial damage equal to the difference). Glue affects a single target, Glue Strip is an area spell.

INCREASE NOISE增噪術(環境)類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F - 3
DECREASE NOISE降噪術(環境)類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1

雜訊是無線矩陣上的靜電干擾,會使您的信號丟失並降低您的訪問速度(第230頁,SR5)。法師可以利用這套法術人為地增加或減少法術範圍內的噪音。施法者不能免疫她的法術,如果她在增加了雜訊之後試圖使用矩陣,她的確可能會被吊起來。施法者必須獲得足夠的淨成功來對抗物品的物品抗性(第295頁,SR5)。在法術的界限內,每成功一次都會使矩陣的雜訊增加或減少1。有關雜訊和矩陣的影響的更多信息,請參閱第59頁的圖表。 231,SR5。特定區域的雜訊異常變化可能會引起不必要的關注,並增加“監視指數”(第231頁,SR5)。4成功以上的這個法術的每一點淨成功都會給區域內黑客的監視指數每分鐘加1D6。
劇透 -   :
Noise is the static on the wireless Matrix that saps your signal and slows down your access (p. 230, SR5). Spellcasters can leverage this set of spells to artificially increase or decrease the noise within the range of the spell. The spellcaster is not immune to her alternations of the noise and may indeed be hoisted on her own petard should she attempt to use the Matrix after she has increased the noise. The spellcaster must achieve enough hits to beat the item’s Object Resistance threshold (p. 295, SR5). Each net hit achieved increases or reduces the noise of the Matrix by 1 within the boundaries of the spell. For more information about the effects of noise and the Matrix, refer to the chart on p. 231, SR5. Unusual changes in the noise of a specific area may attract undue attention and increase the Overwatch Score (p. 231, SR5). Every point of Force of this spell above 3 adds one to a hacker’s Overwatch Score each minute.

類型:P範圍:T持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1
類型:P範圍:T持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1

優質的裝備並不總是容易在緊張的時候獲得。有時一個狂奔者不得不把自己能做的事情做好。這套法術允許施法者通過增加一個限制類別(如準確性(第417頁,第5頁))暫時升級或降級目標裝備。 聰明的施法者偷偷使用減少機械極限來破壞對手和敵人,而他們從來沒有懷疑過他們的垮台。施法者必須首先觸摸物體,選擇一個單一的限制來影響,然後達到足夠的命中來擊敗物品的物體抗性(第295頁,SR5)。任何特定的機械一次只能改變一個極限。每次淨成功數將目標選定的固有極限增加或減少1,最小為1.增加機械極限增加對象的極限,同時降低機械極限減少目標的極限
劇透 -   :
Quality gear isn’t always easy to come by in a tight spot. Sometimes a runner has to make do with what she can scrounge. This set of spells allows a spellcaster to temporarily upgrade or downgrade targeted gear by increasing a single limitation category, such as Accuracy (p. 417, SR5). Wily spellcasters secretly use Decrease Gear Limits to sabotage rivals and enemies without them ever suspecting the true the instrument of their downfall. The caster must first touch the object, select a single limit to affect, and then achieve enough hits to beat the item’s Object Resistance threshold (p. 295, SR5). Only one limit may be altered at a time for any particular piece
of gear. Each net hit achieved increases or reduces the target’s selected inherent limit by 1, to a minimum of 1. Increase Gear Limits increases the limit of a subject while Decrease Gear Limits decreases the limits of a target

雜訊術會以電磁頻譜產生靜電來干擾無線電和無線信號。 這個咒語在信號等級低於施法者淨成功的範圍內堵住了所有的信號,就像一個JAMMER(248頁,SR5)。 可悲的是,施法者的個人裝備並不能免疫這個法術
劇透 -   :
Interference creates a barrage of static in the electromagnetic spectrum jamming radio and wireless signals.   This spell jams all signals in the area of effect with a Signal rating less than the hits scored by the spellcaster, just like a jammer (p. 248, SR5). Sadly, the spellcaster’s personal equipment is not immune to this spell.

類型:P範圍:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1
閉鎖術(鎖綹術)允許施法者以相當於強度的力量,以念力方式關住門(或入口,艙口,封閉物或類似的障礙物)。 施法者必須擊敗物品的物品抗性(第295頁,SR5)才能將封鎖鎖定到位。 打開門需要力量和法術的強度之間的對抗檢定。
劇透 -   :
Lock allows the spellcaster to telekinetically hold a door (or portal, hatch, closure, or similar blockage) closed with a Strength equal to the Force. The caster must beat the item’s Object Resistance threshold (p. 295, SR5) to hold the blockade into place. Opening the portal requires an Opposed Test between Strength and the spell’s Force.

類型:M射程:LOS(A)持續時間:P耗竭:F - 1
法力干擾允許施法者創建一個妨礙魔法活動的背景輻射。 對於施法者每獲得一次淨成功,背景輻射增加1.一旦法術永久化,此法術的背景輻射以每小時1點的速度減退。 法力干擾影響受影響區域的所有人,包括施法者。
劇透 -   :
Mana Static allows the spellcaster to create a background count that impedes magical activities. For every hit scored by the caster, the background count is increased by 1. Once the spell is made permanent, the background count from this spell recedes at a rate of 1 point per hour. Mana Static affects everyone in the affected area, including the caster.

類型:P範圍:T持續時間:P耗竭:F - 3
裝扮術允許施魔者對自願對象進行“改造”,神秘地改變化妝品,頭髮的顏色和風格,指甲等。 這些變化本質上是神奇的,並不取決於施法者對梳理或時尚的知識。 改造的效果與在美容院進行的改造效果一樣。 施法者的每一個淨成功擊都會衡量改造的風格和技巧的程度。
劇透 -   :
Makeover allows the spellcaster to grant a “makeover” to voluntary subject that mystically alters cosmetics, hair color and style, and nails. These changes are magical in nature and do not depend upon the caster’s knowledge of grooming or fashion. The effects of the makeover are as permanent as those made physically in a beauty salon. Each hit scored by the caster measures the degree of style and skill in the makeover.

類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:I耗竭:F - 3
迷霧術造成濃霧覆蓋整個區域。 霧密集而難以看透,施加等同於施法者命中的能見度調整值。 基於周圍的溫度和風,霧會迅速消散。 一般來說,這意味著視覺調整值在每個戰斗回合時減少1,儘管GM可能會在涼爽,潮濕的地區降低速度,在炎熱乾燥的地區速度會加快。
劇透 -   :
Mist creates a thick fog that blankets the entire area of effect. The mist is dense and difficult to see through, imposing a visibility modifier equal to the hits scored by the caster. The mist dissipates quickly based on the surrounding temperature and winds. Generally speaking, this means the vision modifier is reduced by 1 per Combat Turn, though gamemasters may make this reduction slower in cool, damp areas and faster in hot, dry areas.

類型:M射程:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F + 3
攻擊型法力屏障是法力屏障法術的加強版(第294頁,SR5)。 它可以讓施法者創造一個法力屏障,可以“打擊”任何接觸它的精魂,雙重型態生物或星體。 物理傷害等於其強度。 其他的,進攻魔法屏障的功能與魔法屏障相同。
劇透 -   :
Offensive Mana Barrier is an amped-up version of the Mana Barrier spell (p. 294, SR5). It allows the spellcaster create a mana barrier that “zaps” any spirits, dual beings, or astral forms that come into contact with it. The barrier inflicts Physical damage equal to its Force. Otherwise, Offensive Mana Barrier functions the same as Mana Barrier.

類型:P射程:T持續時間:I耗竭:F - 3 防腐術允許施法者防止惰性有機物質燥化,分解或腐敗。 它可以用在食物和飲料等世俗的東西上,但法醫施法者經常使用它來保護屍體在屍體解剖之前不受腐爛,或保存從犯罪現場取來的小有機樣本(頭髮,皮膚)作為 物質鏈接(第296頁,SR5)。 材料保持新鮮和保存的時間淨成功決定;以物質通常會保持新鮮的時間乘以命中數+ 1以確定其持續時間。 例如,4次命中將保持物質的時間長達5倍
劇透 -   :
Preserve allows the spellcaster to keep inert organic matter from drying out, decaying, or putrefying. It can be used on such mundane things as food and drink, but it is most often used by forensic spellcasters to protect cadavers from decay before autopsy, or to preserve small organic samples (hair, skin) taken from a crime scene for use as a material link (p. 296, SR5). The amount of time the material stays fresh and preserved is determined by the Spellcasting hits; multiply the number of hits + 1 by the time matter would normally stay fresh to determine how long it lasts. For example, 4 hits would preserve a substance for 5 times as long as it would normally last.

類型:P範圍T持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1一個狡猾的魔法師知道如何保護她的逃生載具免受敵方施法者的傷害。 保護載具在目標載具上施放防護屏障。 施法者必須擊敗表面的物體抗性門檻(第295頁,SR5),以便在施法者和車輛之間建立神秘的聯繫。 施法者每獲得一個淨成功,將使目標物體抗性對抗中提高1點成功。此外,施法者在法術持續時間內可以與整車及其乘員分享她的法術防禦。 請注意,只有車輛內的一個目標,或車輛本身,可以在單次作戰回合中使用所述的法術防禦。
劇透 -   :
A wily magician knows how to protect her getaway vehicle from rival spellcasters. Protect Vehicle casts a protective barrier over a targeted vehicle. The caster must beat the surface’s Object Resistance threshold (p. 295, SR5) in order to create the mystical bond between the caster and the vehicle. Each net hit scored by the
caster then increases the vehicle’s Object Resistance threshold by 1. In addition, for the duration of the spell, the caster may share her Spell Defense with the entire vehicle and its occupants. Note that only one target within the vehicle, or the vehicle itself, may utilize said Spell Defense during a single Combat Turn.

類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:I耗竭:F + 3
劇透 -   :
Pulse sends out a brief, highly charged burst of electromagnetic energy, emanating from the spellcaster, that plays havoc with electrical systems. This spell erases standard RFID tags and may affect other non-optical and non-hardened electronic circuit systems within the range of the spell. Most modern electronics are optical-based, but they still have some electronic components that this spell can effect. It also can affect some archaic devices and power systems. All such devices within the spell’s range, no matter who owns them, are affected. The caster must beat the item’s Object Resistance threshold (p. 295, SR5) to affect it with Pulse. Affected systems may suffer data loss, power outages, or burn out entirely at the gamemaster’s discretion. The number of hits scored by the caster determines the level of disruption of the systems within the range of the Pulse. In addition, Pulse also disrupts wireless reception and radio communication for a brief instant.

類型:P範圍:LOS持續時間:S排水:F - 1 強化使施法者能夠增加一個物體的結構完整性,不超過施法者的魔法(平方米)。 只要法術持續,施法者每個淨成功就會使護甲和結構等級提高1。
劇透 -   :
Reinforce allows the spellcaster to increase the structural integrity of an object no larger than caster’s Magic in square meters. Each hit scored by the caster increases both the Armor and Structure rating by 1 as long as the spell is sustained.

類型:P範圍:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F + 1
 拖延載具是一種危險的魔法,魔法師在敵人逃跑時無法阻止他們。 如果施法者達到足夠的命中來擊敗載具的物品抗性(第295頁,SR5),她可以物理吸收過多的動能,導致相對速度降低。 這會導致大量的額外的耗竭,但是對於每一次淨成功,施法者都可以將目標車輛的速度屬性降低一個。 這個法術可以在追逐中減慢目標的效果。 如果司機不熟悉這個咒語的效果,gm可以要求特技動作來保持車輛穩定(第204頁,SR5)。
劇透 -   :
Slow Vehicle is a dangerous spell that magicians use as a last report when an enemy is getting away and there isn’t any way to stop them. Should the caster achieve enough hits to beat the vehicle’s Object Resistance threshold (p. 295, SR5), she may physically absorb excess kinetic energy causing a decrease in relative speed. This causes a good deal of extra Drain, but for every hit scored, the caster may decrease the Speed Attribute by one for the targeted vehicle. This spell can be quite effective in slowing a target down during a chase. If the driver is unfamiliar with the effects of this spell, the gam
emaster may require a Stunt action to keep the vehicle steady (p. 204, SR5).

類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F - 2
塑形術[物質]允許施法者移動和塑造一定體積的無機元素或物質(空氣, ,水,火,泥,熔岩,石膏,混凝土,焦油等)。首先,施法者必須擊敗目標的抵抗門檻(第295頁,SR5),然後以他的意志命令。只要施法者以每回合最大(淨成功數)米的移動速度來移動,物質可以以任何方式移動和重塑。鬆散的材料可以很容易地移動和重新定形,但是連接或加固的材料(例如牆壁或者結構的其他材料部分)通過每個作戰回合減少其強度的結構等級來分解。這個法術可以讓施法者迅速挖掘洞穴,重定向溪流,填充氣球,通過火焰創建路徑,構建路障,或創建一個以前不存在的門戶。每個元素/材質都需要一個單獨的咒語,例如沙塑型術,冰塑型術,木塑型術,混泥土塑型術等等。當法術結束時,施法者重塑的元素或材料將保持凍結狀態。如果這種形式不能得到物質的支持,就會崩潰。材料/元素也可以展開,熄滅或蒸發。例如,以每回合施法者的施法命中減少能量,火焰就會消失。
劇透 -   :
Shape [Material] allows the spellcaster to move and shape a volume of a specified inorganic element or material (air, earth, water, fire, mud, lava, plasteel, concrete, tar, etc.) within range of the spell. First, the caster must beat the material’s Object Resistance threshold (p. 295, SR5) and then mentally command it to his whims. The material can be moved and reshaped in any way the caster desires at a maximum Movement Rate of (net hits) meters per turn. Loose material can be moved and re-shaped easily, but material that is connected or reinforced (such as walls or other material part of a structure) must be broken apart by reducing its Structure Rating by Force points per Combat Turn.  This spell allows the caster to rapidly dig holes, redirect streams, fill balloons, create a path through a fire, construct a barricade, or create a doorway where one didn’t exist before. Each element/material requires a separate spell such as Shape Sand, Shape Ice, Shape Wood, Shape Concrete, and so on. Elements or materials reshaped by the caster remain frozen in that form when the spell ends. If that form cannot be supported by the material, it will collapse into rumble. The material/element can also be spread out, extinguished, or evaporated. For example, a fire could be extinguished by reducing the Power by the caster’s Spellcasting hits each turn.

(物理)類型:P範圍:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F - 3

(物理)類型:P範圍:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F - 5

劇透 -   :
Shapechange transforms a voluntary subject into a normal (non-paranormal) critter, though the subject retains human consciousness. The subject can only assume the form of a critter whose base Body Rating is 2 points greater or less than her own. Consult the Critters section, (p. 392, SR5) for the subject’s Physical attributes while in critter form. Add 1 to the critter’s Base attribute Ratings for every hit the caster generates. Her Mental attributes remain unchanged. This spell does not transform clothing and equipment. Magicians in critter form can still cast spells but cannot perform tasks requiring speech. The subject may not turn into a swarm.
Critter form works like the Shapechange spell but only allows the subject to change into a specific non-paranormal animal. Each critter form is a different spell (Hellhound Form, Devil Rat Form, and so on

(環境,範圍)類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F - 1
(環境,範圍)類型:P範圍:LOS(A)持續時間:S耗竭:F + 1
這是法力屏障咒語(第294頁,SR5)的修改版本,旨在對抗精魂和精魂力量。 當在物理平面上施法時,錮魂術阻礙物質化的精魂。 它對咒語,法器,或非雙重性質生物和星界形態沒有影響。
劇透 -   :
This is modified version of the Mana Barrier spell (p. 294, SR5) designed to work again spirits and spirit powers. When cast on the physical plane, Spirit Zapper impedes materialized spirits. It has no effect on spells, foci, or non-spirit dual beings and astral forms.

STERILIZE消菌術(物理,區域)類型:P射程:LOS(A)持續時間:I耗竭:F - 3這個法術可以讓施法者殺死所有的細菌和其他微生物,並摧毀有機物質,如皮屑, 溢出的血液。 受此法術影響的材料不能用作材料鏈接。 因為這個咒語不會影響附著在生物體上的生物材料,所以它不會殺死住在生物體內的各種有益和有害的微生物。 施法者每取得一個淨成功,就會對任何嚐試收集和使用被施法過生物材料來進行取證或物理鏈接的技能造成-1骰池調整,。 狂奔者經常會使用這個法術來消除有害的痕跡證據,特別是在血液流出的情況下。 消毒區域等於施法者的魔法等級(立方米)。
劇透 -   :
This spell allows a spellcaster to kill all bacteria (and other microorganisms) and destroy organic material such as skin flakes, stray hairs, and spilled blood. Material affected by this spell cannot be used as a material link. Because the spell does not affect biomaterial attached to a living being, it does not kill the various helpful and harmful microorganisms living inside a creature. Each hit scored by the caster inflicts a –1 dice pool modifier to any skill tests made to collect and use sterilized biomaterial for forensics or material link purposes. Shadowrunners often employ this spell to eliminate incriminating trace evidence, especially if blood has been spilled. The area sterilized equals the caster’s Magic Rating in cubic meters
TURN TO GOO膠化術(物理)類型:P射程:LOS持續時間:S耗竭:F + 3

膠化術允許施法者將活體組織轉化為黏稠的膠狀物質。 施法者必須以魔法+施法技能對抗目標的體質(+反制施法)。 此外,法術的強度必須等於或超過目標的體質。 非生命物質(包括服裝,裝備和殖裝)不受影響。 目標在這個法術的效果下是昏迷的,而且對這個膠狀物的傷害通常會影響到他本身。 膠狀物的護甲等級等於身體+淨成功數(見壁壘barrier,第364頁,SR5)。殖裝仍然保持不動,彷彿被凍結在琥珀裡。 如果被移除,目標可能受到由gm判定的顯著物理傷害(取決於被移除的內容)。
劇透 -   :
Turn to Goo allows a spellcaster to transform living tissue into a sticky, glue-like substance. The caster must win an Opposed Test pitting her Magic + Spellcasting against the target’s Body (+ Counterspelling). Additionally, the spell’s Force must equal or exceed the target’s Body. Non-living material—including clothing, gear, and cyberware—are not affected. The target is not conscious while under the effects of this spell, and any damage suffered by the gooey form affects the target normally. The goo has a barrier Armor Rating equal to the Body + net hits (see Barriers, p. 364, SR5). Cyberware remains still, as though frozen in amber. If removed, the target may suffer significant physical damage (depending on what is removed) as determined by the gamemaster.
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