作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】Gamemaster Advice P332-342  (阅读 7305 次)

副标题: 译者:地神 由tzeentch众代发

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译者:地神 由tzeentch众代发

Role of the Gamemaster

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The ultimate goal of any session of Shadowrun is for all of the participants, gamemaster as well as players, to have fun. The gamemaster’s role in this is to be a facilitator for that fun—the guy who helps make that fun happen.Primarily, the gamemaster is responsible for bringing the initial story seed, or spark, on which the session will be built. The gamemaster’s unique and important role in the game group gives them more responsibility, but they shouldn’t act as a ruler or tyrant of the game. In many ways, the gamemaster is like the director of a movie or the author of a story, and the players are the main characters. There are times when the gamemaster will challenge and be in opposition to the players, and there are times when the gamemaster will aid and direct the players,but the gamemaster is still part of the overall game group. The gamemaster and the players participate equally, in their different roles, in creating the fun for everyone. Think of the game as being like a boat, with the gamemaster controlling the rudder and the players rowing the oars. The gamemaster sets the direction, the players drive the game forward, and everyone is in the boat together. If they work together, things go great. If not, you either go nowhere or get lost.
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This chapter provides tools and advice that will help the gamemaster make the game fun for everyone—even themselves. We’ll start with the things gamemasters should be thinking about before a game session starts.

Pre-Game Considerations

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Your preparation is important to making a game work.Like any runner, you need to pack out. Here’s some of the gear you’ll need.
Know Your Players
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A gamemaster should talk with the players to determine the kind of game they want to play. This is especially important if it’s a new group or people that the gamemaster does not know personally. The gamemaster should get a good understanding of what the players want out of the game and how they want it played. Do they want a heavily tactical game with maps, miniatures, and lots of shooting? Do they prefer a heavily story-driven game with plot twists and exciting reveals? Do they want a game with deep and subtle characters, where issues of motivations and morality are explored? Do they want a game filled with larger-than-life situations and action such as high-speed chases, dragons, and explosions? More than likely, each of the players will want different things or will find different aspects of the game the most fun or the most exciting. The gamemaster should keep all of this in mind, or better yet write it down as a reminder when running the game.
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Getting this kind of information isn’t always easy.Many players won’t be able to tell you exactly what they want out of a game, or they will say something that they think they like. To help you find out what kind of game the players will find most enjoyable, ask specific questions or for specific examples of situations they’d find interesting. Instead of asking what they find fun about Shadowrun, you can ask them to describe their favorite moment from a game of Shadowrun, or from any other game they’ve played. Ask for a time when the gamemaster surprised them, or when the gamemaster made them laugh. Ask them to describe their favorite NPC, or a villain they loved to hate. Get the players to start talking about their best Shadowrun memories—and start taking notes. You shouldn’t just repeat their favorite moments and elements, but by listening to what the players share,you can get an idea of the kind of game that the players will find the most enjoyable. If all of the stories involved action-packed fight scenes, or tense moments of stealth and intrigue, then make notes to incorporate those elements into future runs.
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This will help the game get off to the best possible start and avoid disasters that kill momentum in the early going. If the gamemaster were to spend a bunch of time planning a run full of deep corporate intrigue, secret plots,and subtle machinations, but the players wanted something with a high-speed chase and a gunfight, the game could fail quickly. Without going through the process of identifying what the players want, the gamemaster may be puzzled why they seem to be bored with the story.And the players—well, they may be bored.
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That said, knowing what the players want should not bar the gamemaster from planning a run that has a different theme or different elements. It may be that the players have never had the opportunity to try a different style of game, and they may enjoy it more than they guessed. Players should be accommodating enough to play sessions that have a different feel to them, and getting players (and their characters) out of their comfort zones can provide some of the best growth and roleplaying opportunities. But these diversions should most likely be exceptions. If the game consistently deviates from what the players have stated to be their preference,that can lead to frustration.
Know Yourself
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Once you’ve talked to your players, spend some quality time talking to yourself. You need to understand what you want out of the game. Why do you enjoy gamemastering?What is it about the activity that excites and engages you the most? What motivates you to tell these stories? What kind of stories do you want to tell?Is there a particular plot that’s been rolling around in your head that you want to use? A good gamemaster should know what they want to get out of running the game and how that can be achieved.
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They should communicate these things to the players.If there is some kind of conflict between what the gamemaster wants and what the players want, then the conflict needs to be addressed and resolved, preferably by finding some sort of middle ground or compromise. If it cannot be resolved, then it was probably best that the game never got started.
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When the players are getting what they want out of a game, they are involved and engaged. In the same way,when a gamemaster is getting what they want by telling stories that interest them, they will be engaged and motivated to put the necessary time and effort into the game. The passion of the gamemaster is infectious and can be a key element in a good game session. Conversely, an unfulfilled gamemaster will often become demotivated and less enthusiastic, which inevitably leads to the decline, or death, of the game.
Group Rules and Boundaries
  • 道德:亦正亦邪的人物能被每个人所认可吗?
  • 种族主义:即使在暗影狂奔中,种族都只是虚构的,但这种擦边球仍然可能让某些人感到不适。
  • 暴力:暗影狂奔无疑是有暴力元素的。关键是,怎样对暴力元素进行限制?比如,应该禁止以儿童为目标的暴力吗?
  • 性:关于性的话题很可能刺激到某些人。人们对待性的态度并不一致,而有些人并不希望在游戏中处理关于这些的话题。
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You should now know what kind of game you want to run—you’ve got the broad lines, now it’s time to start throwing in some details and color.
A good place to start is to discuss whether there are any issues of personal offense—themes or subjects that any of the players would be uncomfortable roleplaying or encountering in the game. The Sixth World is not a pleasant place, and many things can come up in the game that could make a player uncomfortable. Potential problem areas include:
• Morality: Is everyone comfortable with characters having varying levels of questionable morals,where there is no discernible good or bad?
• Racism: Even if it just involves the fictional races of Shadowrun, racism may hit too close to home for some people.
• Violence: Violence tends to happen in Shadowrun games. How graphic should the violence in your game be? Are there targets, such as children,that should be off-limits?
• Sexuality: Sexuality can be extremely sensitive for some people, and some may not want to deal with the seedier side of town in their games, or with specific sexual subjects.
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Gamemasters should ask players if any of these topics (or any others) should be considered off-limits for the game to avoid any personally uncomfortable situations.
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Next, table rules should be established, if the group doesn’t have them already. These generally include etiquette and courtesy procedures while playing the game.How are rules questions handled: Look it up and get it right, or have the gamemaster make a quick ruling and move on and look it up after? How do you handle player interruptions: Can the game keep going or should it pause and wait for the player to come back? How much out-of-character discussion is allowed at the table—is the group there to roll dice and have fun, or does the group want a more focused roleplaying experience? Are there any procedures for die rolling? Must all rolls be visible, including the gamemaster’s in everyone’s view? What if a die is “cocked” or lands off the table? Establishing some procedures during a combat situation such as when initiative is rolled and reported, when modifiers are calculated, and when actions are declared and resolved can significantly speed up the time it takes to resolve combats and reduce time between player actions.
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The group should then discuss if there are any house rules they would like to implement. These are specific instances where the group decides to play the game differently than how it is written. These should be established prior to the first game being played to avoid confusion.
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As a gamemaster, you should be up-front with the players about how you intend to play the opposition in the game. Will enemies be ruthless and press every advantage that they have until the players are dead, or will the gamemaster let the players escape damaged but alive? Will opposition be “gamed” where it is designed appropriate to the characters’ skill level or will it be based solely on the gamemaster’s (or group’s) view of what is appropriate (or realistic) for the game world? Also, does the gamemaster make their die rolls discreetly behind their screen, or roll on the table in front of all the players? Will die rolls be fudged if they completely break the story or will everything be taken straight up?
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Finally, character death should be discussed. Although Shadowrun, Fifth Edition provides many opportunities for a character to prevent their own demise,sometimes things just do not work out. Some groups prefer to stick to the rules, roll the dice, and let whatever happens happen, even to the point of characters dying.Other players may not want all the hard work they put into creating their character and writing a deep and creative background go to waste on a few bad die rolls. The group should decide if permanent character death is acceptable,even if that death is random and not fulfilling for the story. Or can character death only happen when the possibility is specifically foreknown to the player and the death dramatically appropriate for the situation?
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Although discussing these topics may seem tedious,obvious, or a waste of time, going through the process will produce valuable results, even for groups that are well established. Establishing these key issues of game theme, structure, and boundaries can reduce conflict and avoid some of the pitfalls that sometimes come up in the course of roleplaying.
Group Template
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Creating a group of characters should be done as collaborative effort. All the players should discuss with each other the kind of characters they want to play and,by extension, the structure of the group. When characters are created, or at least character concepts created,with the input of the rest of the group, there are no session-one surprises. Players will know if their chosen role or skill set overlaps with other group members. In addition to reviewing skill sets, the group should discuss the kind of characters they want to play from a personality and morality standpoint. Is the group full of hard-line professionals, taking runs purely to support a living? Is the group a bunch of “hooders” taking runs to knock the corporations or other Powers That Be down a peg and helping out the little guy? This will set an overall tone or feel for the group.
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Next, and probably most importantly, the group should discuss the connections their characters have to one another. Do any of the characters have a shared history? Are any related? Does the group have a purely professional relationship, being assembled by a fixer they all know? Or is this a group of strangers that have just come together, forced to work together through circumstance? Is there mistrust, or possibly hostility, between any characters in the group? Building conflict between characters into the group provides interesting roleplaying opportunities, but it should be handled cautiously. If the group devolves into fighting each other, the game will quickly come to a halt. If characters end up with some tension between them, be sure there is a force that pulls them to work together that is stronger than that conflict, otherwise it will become difficult to find reasons for the characters to stay together for any length of time.
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Mapping out these character connections as part of character creation and prior to the first session will prevent major game-stopping problems or conflicts from occurring. If the players have done the work of planning the connections between their characters, they will find it easier to roleplay them right from the start. If there are conflicts between characters in the group, they will be known prior to the first session and thus will not come as an unpleasant shock to any player when the group begins the first session.
Final thoughts
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With all of the above work done, the game should be set up in the best possible way for success. It is by no means a guarantee, but the chances of having a successful and well-functioning game will be increased.Beyond all of the above, there is one final critical ingredient: attitude.
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When everyone comes to the table, they should come with the attitude of dedicating themselves to the game, committed to making it work. All of the discussions described above are designed to help the gamemasters and players understand group goals and expectations and (ideally) find acceptable compromises.The discussions are intended to let everyone voice their opinion and avoid any situation where a player comes into a game with a negative attitude from the start because it’s not the tone, style, structure, or character concept they wanted to play. If everyone’s opinion were adequately heard, considered, and brought into a consensus, then everyone should be able to commit themselves to making the game work. That’s what makes a successful game.
« 上次编辑: 2015-08-28, 周五 15:00:11 由 tzeentch众 »

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Designing a Run

讨论已经结束,目标已经明确,是时候进入正题了。摆在gm面前的便是他们最重要的工作:创造一次狂奔。在狂奔中,应该对故事的走向,至少是最开始的部分进行规划. gm不必拘束如何发挥自己的灵感,如何合理的规划一次狂奔。事实上,每一个gm都可以有他们独特的方法。本章并不着力于描述一种最好的方法。相对的,本章旨在帮助那些并没有成熟的个人风格的gm制定他们自己的狂奔,并提供适当的思想和技术;同时,那些身经百战的老gm们也可借此提高自己的知识水平。
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The talk is over, the goals are set, now it’s time to dive into the particulars. The gamemaster now has to do one of the biggest parts of their job: Create a run. The run forms the story that will define, at least initially, the play session. How a gamemaster goes about getting an idea for a run and how it is planned can vary widely.There are as many different methods as there are gamemasters.This section is not intended to be the only or even the best method for planning a run. Instead, it provides a starting point for gamemasters who haven’t developed a personal style and offers a selection of ideas and techniques that more veteran gamemasters can adapt, in part or whole, to their style.
The Hook
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Most of the time, a run doesn’t spring forth fully formed from the mind of a gamemaster. Nearly all runs start with a single idea or image—the hook. The hook is the initial seed that the rest of the run is built around. It may be an interesting plot concept, a run structure that is unusual and compelling. It can be an interesting piece of technology or information that becomes the focus. It can be a compelling NPC that is the driver of events. It can be a vivid action scene full of danger and excitement. Whatever its form, the hook is the thing that drives a gamemaster to think “I want to stage a run about this.”
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The hook can come from anywhere. Shadowrun sourcebooks, Missions, and adventures are full of ideas that can be used in a myriad of campaigns. Some gamemasters will read something on the Internet or in a newspaper that sounds like the plot of a shadowrun. A gamemaster can hear about an interesting new piece of technology being researched and make a Sixth World version of it the subject of a run. They may read about an interesting character, or see one in a TV show or movie and adapt the character to be in their game. There may be something in the background or history of one of the characters that forms the starting point of the run.An unresolved or “dangling” plot from a previous run may deserve to be dealt with in a future run. Or the idea could come unbidden into their head or from a source unknown. Regardless of where it comes from, it becomes the starting point.
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Quite often, the hook will be a scene or image that is the climax or ending point of the run. This is okay! The hook is often the most memorable moment of the story,and it’s natural for this to happen near the end. Don’t worry about not having a complete story detailed. Concentrate on making the hook a compelling image and a memorable moment.
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As the plot of the run starts to become more fully formed in the mind of the gamemaster, they should take time to write the background for the adventure,the text that says what’s really going on. This includes many facts that the players may never find out but are significant to the integrity and consistency of the story.In Shadowrun, many events happen that affect the player characters but are outside their control. The Sixth World is full of powerful people all hatching their own plots and machinations. Runners usually function as operatives and agents of these powers, working on the periphery of their plans. This means that they don’t have the whole picture of what is going on and why they are being asked to do the things that they do. No one in the Sixth World, however, hires runners without a reason, no matter how petty that reason may be. To that end, the gamemaster should write the background of events and motivations that has led to the runners being hired.
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Who is really hiring the runners? What do they want them to do? Why do they want it, what are they going to get out of it? Why are they hiring illegal deniable assets instead of using some other method? What will they do if things go wrong? Who or what is the target of the run? Does the target know that they will be (or could be) the target of a run? How will they respond when (if) the run becomes apparent to them?
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Initially it may not appear that the answers to these questions will be directly relevant to the run, but answering the questions will help solidify the details of the plot in the gamemaster’s mind. The process of writing the background may prompt the gamemaster to make changes in how they have written some of the plot to make it more cohesive. The greatest benefit to writing the background,though, comes when the gamemaster needs to improvise away from the plot they have written while maintaining the integrity of the story. If something completely unexpected happens, the gamemaster has the information they need to take the unexpected and continue the story in a way that seems believable to the players. If done well,the players won’t even know that the run has gone away from the gamemaster’s original notes.
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For example, imagine the gamemaster designed a run where the runners were supposed to intercept a courier and take the package being carried. The rest of the plot was supposed to deal with how the runners evade the original recipients of the package to deliver it to their employer. In the game session, though, the dice of the players go horribly wrong and they end up unable to stop the courier and take the package. The gamemaster doesn’t want to override what has happened by having the players succeed despite their misfortune. Fortunately, the gamemaster wrote in the background who was supposed to receive the package and what they were planning on doing with it, which is ship it out of the port to their offshore arcology. Acting quickly, the gamemaster finds a way for the players to acquire this information. The run then shifts to an effort to intercept the ship that’s now carrying the package, bound for the corporate arcology. This improvisation could easily end up becoming the remaining plot of the adventure. The players may not ever know that it wasn’t the original plot, and the events that didn’t happen can be saved and adapted to fit into a future run.
Scene Types
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What needs to happen in a scene can be incredibly varied and depends a lot on the story the gamemaster is trying to tell. However, there are certain types of scenes that will (re)occur often in a Shadowrun game.Until a gamemaster gains enough experience to feel very comfortable with their planning, the following templates can serve as a useful guide for writing common types of scenes.
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This is a scene where the players have a social encounter with one or more NPCs who are movers, shakers,or otherwise important to what’s about to go down.Most commonly, this scene will begin a run with the players as shadowrunners meeting Mr. Johnson. These scenes are generally characterized by extended social roleplaying and in-character discussion, with little to no dice rolls. This kind of scene should include the people the players are talking to, shooting, or otherwise interacting with. Detailed notes on the scene should include descriptions of the people, how they behave and react,and possibly some scripted dialog to be read in-character.The gamemaster should note enough about the people that they would be comfortable roleplaying them consistently for an extended period of time.
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Sometimes players need to get some info, and this is where it happens. This can be done through social interaction,generally with contacts, though these interactions are more brief than a full social scene. Investigation also includes scouting or searching locations through various means. This could include simply walking in, if the location is open to the public, or could involve illegal entry by one or more of the players. The location could simply be watched on a stakeout with the players physically nearby, surveyed electronically by drones or in the Matrix, or magically. Investigation can also include gathering information by searching or hacking the Matrix—whatever the situation requires.
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An investigation scene exists to give important information to the players. In your notes, you should make a list of all the pieces of information that you think the players could (or should) acquire through the investigation.As with scenes in general, keep the method of acquisition loosely (if at all) defined so as to respond to player actions. If possible, the information should be
noted in such a way that it can be given to the players realistically through a variety of different means. For example,the gamemaster may note that the players can acquire the blueprints of a building. This could be obtained by physically scouting the building, downloaded from public records, hacked and taken from the building’s security system, mapped by astral scouting, acquired
by smooth talking (or bribing) contacts, or beaten out of a captured employee. However the players chose to go about it, they got the information they needed.
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The purpose of an action scene should be obvious. Action in a run serves to create tension and excitement and increase the pace of events. There should be some element of danger, risk, or loss to the players. An action scene can take many different forms. It can be a savage fight where bullets and spells are flying back and forth,it can be a chase where the players are tying to escape or are trying to pursue someone, or it can be a moment of dramatic tension when the players’ plan reaches its critical point, or the plans of others come against them.
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Action scenes are mostly resolved using die rolls and game mechanics. The most common way these scenes go wrong is getting bogged down in rules, slowing the pace of the game. In order to avoid this, the gamemaster should put in their notes all the relevant game mechanics needed in the scene, or at least references to the page(s) where the rules can be found.
Build Backward
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As described above, a single scene is written around contributing one or more points to the overall plot of the run. Building the overall plot of the adventure is done by stringing together multiple scenes that make up the whole. As described above, planning the plot of an adventure starts with a hook. The hook is the initial idea or vision that the gamemaster starts with. While not always the case, the hook is quite often the climax of the adventure. This should form the starting point when planning the scenes of the overall run. It may seem counter-intuitive to start at the end of the plot, but this method will ensure that the overall plot builds toward the hook as the climax. So, first the gamemaster should write out a scene that centers around the hook (often the climax) of the run, whatever that may be. The gamemaster shouldn’t worry so much about how to get the plot there just yet, focusing instead on making the climactic scene as dynamic and exciting as possible. This should be the most memorable moment of the run, so it should be written to make an emotional impact on the players.
当场景中组成狂奔中的高潮部分已经完成后,gm应当开始写作那些在其后运作的场景。玩家们是因为什么介入游戏的高潮情景?他们的对手又是因为什么而介入的?玩家的目的是什么?他们的对手目的又是什么?通过回答其中的一些问题,并集中解答玩家以何种方式进入到高潮场景,便可完善那些铺垫场景的细节。当场景完成以后,gm便可将同样的问题套用在铺垫场景的铺垫场景上,这样一直推进直到最开始的场景。如果顺利的话,gm最后就会得到一个关于全部情节的大框架,也就是从开始(通常是与一位Mr. Johnson接头)到结束(完成狂奔并得到报酬)的一系列场景。
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Once the scene that forms the climax of the run has been written, the gamemaster should begin writing additional scenes working backwards from that scene. What led the players to get into the situation that forms the climax? How did they get to the climactic location?How did their opposition get there? What are the goals of the players, and of the opposition? By answering some of these questions and focusing on what happened to get the players to the climactic scene, the details of the scene that preceded it will begin to form.Once that scene has been planned, the gamemaster can repeat the same questions to plan the scene that came before that, and so on until the scenes work themselves backwards to the beginning. Once the process is complete the gamemaster should have a series of scenes that set the frame of the overall plot of the run from the beginning (often meeting a Mr. Johnson) to the end (often completing the run and getting paid).
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As mentioned before, there are probably as many different ways to plan a run as there are gamemasters for Shadowrun, so a gamemaster should feel free to adapt this methodology to whatever suits them best. For example,a gamemaster may find that they want to focus on the “big picture” plot of the run first before planning the details of the individual scenes. In this case they may find it more helpful to make only a few quick notes about each scene, noting just the most important aspects of it as it contributes to the overall plot. This will form a brief “skeleton outline” of the plot of the run from beginning to end. From there the gamemaster can move into writing more specific details for each scene.
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While writing these scenes, the gamemaster should be mindful of keeping them as loose and modular as possible.In addition to the contents and context of each scene, the gamemaster should write out a general idea (or several ideas) for the transitions between scenes.The transition defines how and when the players are going to move from one scene to another. What will be the trigger to move from one scene to the next?When is the meeting complete? When the players have acquired the needed information or equipment?When they’ve defeated their opposition? When some third party arrives and changes their plans? Just as the details of the scene should be kept fairly nonspecific so they can quickly be adapted to player choice, the transitions between scenes should be kept similarly vague so that they too can be changed and adapted to player choice.
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In order to keep the game plot natural and allow the players to feel in control, the gamemaster should avoid forcing any specific scene transition or sequence on the players. Let the players make their choices and have their decisions drive the plot. This may mean there is no immediately natural way to get from the current scene to the next that the gamemaster had planned, so the gamemaster may have to improvise some sort of brief (or lengthy) transition scene to move the plot from one point to another. This could also result in the gamemaster dramatically adapting the subsequent scene to fit with the choices the players have made. The purpose behind this is to ensure that the players are having fun by having their choices make a meaningful difference, and the gamemaster has fun by telling the story they want, even if it has to be adapted.
Write the Background
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Just as is the case with a good character, a good plot needs a backstory. The gamemaster needs to write a background that gives the story context in the overall game world. If the gamemaster reaches a point where they’re stuck and can’t figure out how to get to a particular scene or plot point, the background can help jumpstart the creative process and give them new ideas about how to integrate the players’ decisions back into the larger plot of the run.
« 上次编辑: 2015-09-02, 周三 15:00:19 由 tzeentch众 »

离线 tzeentchian

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Next to creating a plot or story for the players to follow,the most significant task in writing a run is designing the opposition. Goals and accomplishments never seem worthwhile unless they are achieved through resistance, and struggle is a central theme throughout Shadowrun. The gamemaster should have a clear idea of the relative level of difficulty they want to have in the run. How challenging will it be for the players to achieve their objectives? How much time and resources should the players have to expend in the course of accomplishing (or even attempting) their goals? Should the run challenge them significantly in a specific area:physically in combat, financially with a drain on their nuyen, socially by forcing them to make alliances, or intellectually by requiring them to outthink their opponents?The nature of the opposition is directly tied to the story of the run and should make sense based on the situation presented to the players. There are several specific things to keep in mind from a game perspective when designing opposition.
Be Appropriate
在大多数时候,一次狂奔中的反派,应当拥有与玩家同一水准的技能和力量。当然有时候,为了制造娱乐效果和符合故事情节,可能会只有一些水平很低的反派。在遇到这些对手的时候,玩家们会很快的产生厌倦情绪,因为他们感受不到一点危机感。另一方面,偶尔让反派的实力明显高于玩家,会造成非常戏剧性的效果,但是过高的挑战会很快让玩家感到沮丧,从而拒绝任何挑战。因此,在狂奔中的大多数时候,反派的实力应与玩家持平,稍高一点或者稍微低一点。 也就是说在符合故事情节的前提下,npc们应当拥有与玩家同一个级别的技能和装备。矩阵系统应对玩家们即将面对的任务做一个评级,反派法师的施法倾向和选取的法术也应与玩家的相同。反派可以是一个强大的个体,也可以是数量众多的杂兵。但无论如何,应让玩家感受到挑战,而非不知所措。
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Most of the time, the opposition of a run should be at a level appropriate to the skill and power of the players.While sometimes it may be entertaining and fit the story to have only low-level opposition, players may quickly become bored with always walking through the bad guys with no sense of danger. Conversely, opposition that clearly outmatches the players in power and
skill can be very dramatic if used occasionally, but will quickly become frustrating if the players feel that they are not equipped to meet any challenge. Thus, most of the time, the opposition of the run should be relatively the same, or slightly above, the skill and power level of the players (or slightly below if they significantly outnumber the players). This means that NPCs should
have skills and equipment roughly equivalent to what the players have, as long as it fits the story. Matrix systems should have a rating about equal to the deck that is going to crack it, or an opposing magician should have about the same Magic attribute and selection of spells that the player magician has. Combative opponents can be as wired as the player street sam, or there
could be more of them to balance out the odds. The end result is that the players should feel challenged but not overwhelmed.
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In addition to the level of opposition, keep in mind the kinds of challenges that the players are equipped (or not) to handle. If there is no magician in the group,any sort of magical opposition will be very difficult. If the group has no decker, needing to manipulate a lot of electronic security will be nearly impossible. Will the group have to do something through brute force when they are more geared for stealth? Or will they be forced to eschew violence when they are normally armed to the teeth? For the most part, keep challenges within the skill areas the group is equipped to handle.
Give Equal Opportunities
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A player group in Shadowrun is generally made up of a number of players that have a specialized skill set:street samurai, face, magician, decker. When writing the opposition and general challenges of a run, the gamemaster should be mindful of the skill specialties of the players. There should be a challenge of some sort written in the run that is best solved by that skill specialty. If there is a street samurai geared for combat,then there should be a point where the group gets into a fight. If there is a face, then social interactions and having the right contacts should be an important factor.If there is a magician, then there should be a problem that can only really be solved through magic. If there is a decker, then give them a system to subvert. In this way none of the players should feel like their character didn’t contribute anything to the group, or didn’t have an opportunity to show their skills.
Have Stats For Easy Access
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While in the planning stage of a run, the gamemaster should take the time to put any and all relevant game stats and rules that they think they will need into their run notes. NPCs that are important to the story should have stats in the run notes, especially if they are involved in a combat. If there is a system that the decker will need to intrude on, it should be defined and mapped out. If there are some other aspects to the story that touch upon particular areas of the rules, like enchanting or breaking through barriers, then the rules should be copied or summarized in the run notes. At the very least, a reference to the appropriate rulebook page should be noted. With rules notes or references in place, the gamemaster doesn’t need to take time to stop telling the story and go look up a rule that is needed. The rule should be right at hand, easily referenced and used, so the story can continue as seamlessly as possible.
Plot Hole Check
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Got everything planned out? Great. Now give it the once-over to make sure it makes sense. When planning a run in reverse, plot flow and transitions seem natural in the context of where the plot is going, and this is known because the scene to follow was written before the scene that precedes it. However, when moving forward through the plot, the transition to the next scene or plot point may not seem natural, or even logical, given what has happened before or the information available at the time. For example, a scene may center around the players meeting a key NPC or visiting a key location, but the gamemaster may forget to actually let the players know about the NPC or location prior to the scene taking place; there’s no logical reason for the players to go to a person or place that they don’t know about.
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To avoid these kinds of plot holes, the gamemaster should read through the notes of their run from beginning to end—reversing the order in which it was written. While reading, they should be looking to ensure that the plot makes sense when moving forward through it, and that the flow and transition from scene to scene make sense given what has happened before.Additional notes can help the plot make more sense and the transitions more logical or obvious, possibly by giving the players additional hints or foreshadowing key locations or NPCs by mentioning them earlier in the plot. While going through this process, the gamemaster should also think about alternate choices the players may take that could change the direction of the plot and make notes on how the plot could be adapted to accommodate those choices.
Game Extras
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At this point, the plot should be fairly complete and ready to run. However, if the gamemaster wants to put in some extra effort there are a few things that can be done to make their game even more memorable and focus the roleplaying of the players.
Document Hand-Outs
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Document hand-outs can serve as a great focal point for the players. These are most easily done as some form of document written from an in-game context that provides some meaning or information to the players. This can include: a news story about some recent event(s) pertaining to the run, an advertisement for a product or company that factors into the plot, a stolen corporate file, an intercepted Matrix message, a series of posts made on JackPoint, or a diary of the last desperate thoughts of the victim of some tragedy. The document can be given to the players whenever appropriate—at the beginning, in the middle (when acquired by the characters), or at the end to serve as some sort of epilogue. In any case, the document will serve as a way to focus the players on the plot and make the overall game world seem more real to them.
描绘关键地点的地图相当重要。如果狂奔中地点成为了重点区域,譬如玩家必须欻功能如一家公司的办公室,那就必须得提供一张相关的地图了。地图可让gm避免细节上的困惑,使其更有效地控制全局,也可避免pc感到混乱和沮丧。一个地图不必包括所有细节,它应当包括一个完整的整体布局,并标记出目标和关键的地点,不过将更多细节添加进去当然是可以的。雄心勃勃的高玩gm当然可以制作属于他们自己的地图,不过对于其他人来说大可不必如此。暗影狂奔官方发布的模组内附带有数张地图,gm可以自行将它们火气中的一部分在模组中提供给玩家。Gm也可在sprawl sites上下载任意一个城市的地图包。通过在网络搜索,可以免费的得到许多不同地方的地图(包括房屋,办公室和工厂的各色蓝图)。此外,在shadowrun中的很多城市和地点都是基于现实中的城市和地点改编而成的,所以现实中的地图和照片也可用作gm的地图的素材。
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Maps of key locations can be very useful. If the focus or climax of the run is a location, such as the players having to break into a corporate office, a map of that location is almost mandatory. By having a map, the details of the location can be much more easily kept consistent by the gamemaster, avoiding confusion and frustration by the players. A map need not have all the details, indeed the gamemaster may need to keep some things from the players, but it should show the general layout and any obvious features of the target location. If a gamemaster is particularly ambitious or skilled, they can create the map wholly on their own,but this is not the only option. Published Shadowrun adventures often have multiple location maps in them that can be taken whole or adapted to the run that the gamemaster is planning, and Sprawl Sites map packs have locations that can be dropped into any city. Alternatively,maps of many different kinds of places can be acquired with an Internet search—blueprints or drawings of houses, offices, and factories can be freely acquired.Additionally, many cities and locations in Shadowrun are based on real-world cities and locations, so maps and photographs of the actual place can be used as a starting point.
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Bringing props to a game is another way to add a new dimension to the gaming table. Real-world objects can be brought in to represent in-game objects such as credsticks,data chips, or even weapons (it’s not a good idea to bring real weapons, though). The addition of a physical object that the players can actually hold and examine can serve as a focal point for the roleplaying. The gamemaster can even attach an in-game meaning to the prop,such as the player holding the prop (out of game) is the same as the character holding the item (in game).
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Music can be a very powerful tool for setting emotion in a scene. The music doesn’t need to be an obvious or overt part of the game to be effective. A little bit of background music while the game is going can set the general emotional tone of the scene. By choosing an appropriate piece of music, the gamemaster can add tension, levity, sorrow, solemnity, or almost any other emotion to their game. If the gamemaster wants to use music, they can note the tracks they want to play and when they want to play them in the run notes. Music can also be more overt, though this should be used only in certain circumstances so as not to detract from the overall game. However, if a scene is taking place where music in an integral part, such as a club or concert,
then the gamemaster can put on something they feel closely matches what would be playing at that location.By telling the story through another channel or method, the players will likely be more engaged and more focused on the roleplay.

线上 马非鱼

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在background和scene type之间漏了一小节,感谢 妖猫 翻译并将其补完


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The run-planning technique presented in this section uses the core idea of breaking the run down into a series of scenes. A scene is defined as a discrete portion of the run that contributes somehow to the story as a whole. A scene can be a specific location where some interactions happen, it can be a period in the timeline of the story, or it can be a particular event. Each scene should have at least one aspect to it that contributes to the overall story of the run.

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The first thing that should be written about a scene is the critical element it contributes to the overall story. If nothing else, a gamemaster’s notes should record the purpose of the scene to ensure that it doesn’t get forgotten among everything else that is going on. A gamemaster should ask themselves: if nothing else, what needs to happen in this scene? Do they need to meet an important NPC? Get a crucial piece of information? Acquire a new piece of technology? Catch sight that they are being followed? Conduct a tense negotiation? Note this critical element in some way so that it stands out.

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After the critical element has been defined, then fill out the scene. Where does the scene take place? What other character are there? Does anything interesting happen to the players during the scene? Are there any potential dangers or complications? Is there anything else going on that is interesting but not central to the scene? If this is a combat encounter, what NPC stats are needed? What are the tactics of the opposition? How will they react when they start losing or winning? Or do they have a specific objective, such as preventing the players from getting an item or piece of information? Jot down enough information to give yourself a solid idea of what’s going on in the scene so that you can narrate it with consistency and vibrancy for the players, and you can respond as the players interact with the scene without a lot of pauses or flipping through books.

(译注:the best of both worlds是汉娜·蒙塔娜的主题曲)
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At the same time, a scene needs to be modular or adaptable. Almost without fail, the players in a roleplaying game will do something completely unanticipated by the gamemaster. One of the key strengths of a roleplaying game is the power the players have to interact with the game freely and take any action that comes to mind, and gamemasters should encourage players to make their own choices. However, this freedom of choice can (and often will) lead to players taking an action that dramatically changes where the gamemaster had originally envisioned the plot going. An astute gamemaster can have the best of both worlds: Allowing the players to make their choice, while still having the story go in roughly the same way as they had planned. This is where modular and adaptable scenes come in. As stated before, every scene should state clearly what needs to happen in order for that scene to contribute to the overall story. With this firmly in mind, a gamemaster can adapt everything else in the scene, moving it to a different location, a different point in time, or whatever, and still have the scene move the story forward. Adapting to unexpected player choice is discussed more in Game Management (p. 348), but preparing for it in advance when writing scenes will make it that much easier.