作者 主题: PF1版奥能师官方奥能技艺全表  (阅读 25559 次)

副标题: 包含所有官方书目。原文后附。更新时间19年5月。

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« 于: 2015-07-24, 周五 22:33:29 »
奥能技艺Arcanist Exploit,首次出现于ACG。1级和之后每2级,奥能师习得下表中一项新的奥能技艺。一项奥能技艺只能选择一次。一旦奥能技艺选定后则无法再更改。多数奥能技艺需要奥能师从〖奥能源泉〗中消费点数来施展。若无特别说明,奥能技艺的豁免DC为「10+1/2奥能师等级+奥能师的魅力调整值」。

劇透 -  包含奥能技艺的书目列表、中文名、缩写、原文译者:
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide,进化职业手册,ACG,翻译链接(译者星)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins,玩家伴侣:进化职业起源,ACO。
Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology,玩家伴侣:奥术文集,ArA。
Pathfinder Player Companion: Divine Anthology,玩家伴侣:神术文集,DA。
Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Horror Realms,世界设定:惧怖国度,HR。
Pathfinder Player Companion: Disciple's Doctrine,玩家伴侣:门徒教义,DD。
Pathfinder Player Companion: Plane-Hopper's Handbook,玩家伴侣:位面漫游手册,PHH。
Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins,玩家伴侣:荒野起源,WO。
Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of Golarion,玩家伴侣:格拉里昂英雄传,HoG。

检索完成度:PZO1141 PZO92113 PZO9494 完成。

引述: 进化职业手册,ACG
  酸液喷射 (Acid Jet, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以发射出一股强酸。他能对30尺距离内任一目标进行一次远程接触攻击。若攻击命中,则造成「1d6+奥能师魅力调整值」的强酸伤害。1级以后每2级再增强1d6点(最高在19级达到10d6)。目标还会恶心1d4轮,通过强韧豁免则不会恶心。

  奥能壁障 (Arcane Barrier, Su):奥能师可用迅捷动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以创造一个魔法的壁障,保护他不受伤害。这个壁障赋予奥能师等于「奥能师等级+他的魅力调整值」的临时生命值,持续每奥能师等级一分钟或者直到临时生命值耗尽。一天之中奥能师每再次使用一次此能力,需要从〖奥能源泉〗中耗费的点数就增加1点(第二次使用时需要消耗2点,第三次使用时消耗3点,以此类推)。以此方式获得的临时生命值不与自身叠加,但再次使用能让临时生命值和持续时间重置。

  奥能武器 (Arcane Weapon, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以增强他的武器。此武器在穿透伤害减免时视作魔法武器。5级时,此武器获得+1增强加值,5级以后每4级,此加值增加1(最高在17级时变成+4)。此加值可以与武器上已有的加值叠加,最多到+5。奥能师也可以用此技艺添加下列之一的武器特殊属性:舞空,防御,及远,炽焰,炎爆,霜冻,霜爆,锋锐,电击,电爆,追击,法储,投掷。添加这些特殊属性占用等于此能力价值的增强加值。重复的特殊能力不会叠加。若本不是魔法武器,在添加其他武器特殊能力前,必须有至少+1增强加值。此效果在使用此技艺时决定,之后不能更改,除非再次使用此技艺。此效果只能对奥能师持有的武器生效,若其他生物持有此武器,这些效果就会消失,奥能师重新持用此武器时则会重新生效。奥能师同时只能有一个此能力生效。此效果持续「奥能师魅力调整值」(至少为1)分钟。

  血统升华 (Bloodline Development):奥能师在选择此技艺时选择一个术士血统。奥能师获得此血统的1级血统力量,如同他是一个1级术士。奥能师必须选择一个普通血统,而不能使用变体血统。以一个迅捷动作,奥能师可以从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点来激活他的潜在本质,使得在使用此能力时将奥能师等级视为术士等级,持续「奥能师魅力调整值」(至少为1)分钟。他以此方法无法获得任何其他能力,譬如血统奥秘或3级及以上的血统力量。若以此技艺获得了〖奥术连结〗且选择了链接物品,则奥能师只能用此物品来施展他的有效术士等级所允许环级的法术(除非他在〖奥能源泉〗消费了点数,否则只能是1环法术)。若奥能师已有一个血统(或在之后取得血统),则此技艺的效果变为在决定血统能力时,将奥能师等级与给予他血统的职业等级叠加。

  转耗魔具 (Consume Magic Items, Su):奥能师可以消耗药剂、卷轴、法杖和魔杖中的力量,用来充填自己的〖奥能源泉〗。使用此能力是一个会引发借机攻击的标准动作,每天可用「奥能师魅力调整值」(至少为1)次。当使用此技艺时,奥能师为他的〖奥能源泉〗增加等同于魔法物品中法术环级一半的点数(0环和1环法术无法充填奥能源泉)。若用于药剂或卷轴,则该物品将损毁。若用于魔杖,该魔杖失去5发充能;若其充能少于5发,则魔杖损毁且奥能师无法获益。若用于法杖,该法杖失去1发充能,而奥能师获得的点数等同于该法杖消耗1发充能所能施放的最高法术环级;若该法杖没有仅消耗1发充能的法术,则奥能师无法转耗此法杖的魔力。一根法杖每天只能以此方式吸取1发充能。超过奥能源泉最大值的点数将流失。此技艺对于魔法防具、武器、戒指、权杖、奇物或其他上文没有说明的魔法物品无效。

  法术反制 (Counterspell, Su):奥能师可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以在一个法术施展时反制它。他必须如常地辨识该法术。若法术辨识检定成功,奥能师可以通过直觉动作尝试反制该法术,消耗1个比要反制的法术至少高1环的法术位。要反制该法术,奥能师必须如同使用『解除魔法』般进行解法检定。若要反制的法术是奥能师已经准备过的,则他改为消耗对应法术环级的法术位,且解法检定+5。以此方式反制法术不会触发通常在施法者反制法术成功时生效的专长或能力。

  次元滑步 (Dimensional Slide, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以创造一个次元裂痕,跨过它来抵达另一位置。使用此能力是移动动作或撤退动作的一部分,能使他移动每奥能师等级10尺的距离,到达一个他能够看见位置。这会用掉5尺移动力。他每轮仅能使用此能力1次。使用此能力进行的移动不会引发借机攻击,但在同一动作中进行的其他移动则会如常引发。

  能量护盾 (Energy Shield, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以保护他自己免受能量伤害。他选择一种能量类型,在每奥能师等级1分钟的时间内获得对此种能量10点抗力。每有5个奥能师等级,此抗力就增加5点(最高在20级时达到30)。

  魔宠 (Familiar, Ex):奥能师获得一个魔宠,如同法师的〖奥术连结〗职业特性,在决定魔宠的属性和能力时,将奥能师等级视作法师等级。若奥能师从其他职业获得了魔宠,在决定魔宠的属性和能力时,将奥能师等级与该职业等级叠加(此能力与血统升华技艺所获得的魔宠不能叠加,他只能选取其中一个)。

  烈焰之弧 (Flame Arc, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以发射出一道火焰之弧。这会创造出30直线型的火焰,对直线上的所有目标造成「1d6+奥能师魅力调整值」的火焰伤害,1级之后每2级再增加1d6点(最高在19级时达到10d6)。效果范围内的生物可以尝试通过反射豁免使伤害减半。

  力场痛击 (Force Strike, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以发射出一道力场冲击。这次攻击自动命中30尺距离内任意一个目标(如同『魔法飞弹』),并造成「1d4+每奥能师等级1点」伤害。能抵消『魔法飞弹』的法术和效果同样抵消此能力。

  寒冰飞弹 (Ice Missile, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以创造出一颗冰结飞弹。对30尺距离内任一目标进行一次远程接触攻击。若此攻击命中,则造成「1d6+奥能师魅力调整值」点寒冷伤害,1级后每2级再增加1d6点(最高在19级达到10d6)。此外目标还会恍惚1轮,强韧豁免通过则不会恍惚。

  物品制造 (Item Crafting):奥能师可选择一项造物专长作为奖励专长。他必须满足该专长的先决条件。

  雷电投枪 (Lightning Lance, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以射出闪电之枪。对30尺距离内任一目标进行一次远程接触攻击。若此攻击命中,则造成「1d6+奥能师魅力调整值」点闪电伤害,1级后每2级再增加1d6点(最高在19级达到10d6)。目标还会视力受损,在1轮内将所有生物视作拥有隐蔽(20%),强韧豁免通过则不会视力受损。

  超魔学识 (Metamagic Knowledge):奥能师可选择一项超魔专长作为奖励专长。他必须满足该专长的先决条件。

  混合超魔 (Metamixing, Su):奥能师可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点为他施展的法术添加一项她已知的超魔专长,而不影响施展时间(仍如常使用高环法术位)。他可以通过此能力将一项超魔专长添加到一个准备时应用了超魔专长的法术,不过仍然不能多次应用相同的超魔专长。

  强化魔法 (Potent Magic, Su):每当奥能师从〖奥能源泉〗中消费点数来提高施法者等级时,施法者等级+2而不是+1。每当奥能师从〖奥能源泉〗中消费点数来提高法术DC时,+2而不是+1。

  快速研读 (Quick Study, Ex):奥能师可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以准备一个法术来替换一个已经存在的法术。使用此能力是一个会引发借机攻击的整轮动作。在使用此能力时奥能师必须能翻阅他的法术书。准备的法术必须和替换的法术环级相同。

  学派理解 (School Understanding):奥能师可从法师的奥术学派中选择一种,但无需指定对立学派。奥能师如同他是1级法师般获得此学派的一个能力,并在使用时以魅力调整值取代智力调整值。此能力必须是一个1级能力,且使用次数限制为每天「3+奥能师魅力调整值」次。以一个迅捷动作,奥能师可以从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点来增强他的理解,使得在使用此能力时将奥能师等级视为法师等级,持续「奥能师魅力调整值」(至少为1)轮。在持续时间内,他还会获得此学派其他的1级能力。他以此方法无法获得其他能力,譬如8级学派之力。若奥能师已有一个奥术学派(或在之后获得一个),此技艺效果改为在决定奥术学派能力时,将奥能师等级与给予奥术学派的职业等级叠加。

  魔法视觉 (See Magic, Su):奥能师可看见魔法灵光。若他从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点则可在1分钟内他立即认出魔法物品的灵光和法术效果(如同『侦测魔法』)。在此期间,他视作对每个灵光都已经研究了3轮时间,并且在知识(奥秘)技能检定中视作d20骰出了15。此外,若他在此期间触摸了一件魔法物品,他可以立即通过法术辨识技能鉴定其特性,而无需花费3轮来检查此物品。若该物品为敌人所持有,奥能师必须通过成功的近战接触攻击才能加以鉴定。

  法术打断 (Spell Disruption, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点并成功通过对此法术的解法检定(如同『解除魔法』)以将此法术打断。此能力会将法术效果压制「奥能师魅力调整值」(至少为1)轮。若此法术影响多个生物,则此能力仅压制一个生物身上的效果。在持续时间结束后,法术重新生效,且被压制的轮数将不计入其持续时间。此能力可用于非自愿目标,但奥能师必须进行成功的近战接触攻击、且目标可以通过成功的意志豁免来避免此效果。此能力对立即生效或持续时间为永久的法术无效。

  法术抗力 (Spell Resistance, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以在「奥能师魅力调整值」(至少为1)轮内赋予他自身法术抗力。此法术抗力等于「6+奥能师等级」且不能被压制,但可以在他的回合以一个自由动作解除。

  法术调整 (Spell Tinkerer, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以改变一个法术的既定效果。要使用此能力他必须与此法术效果(或此效果的目标)相邻接,并意识到了该效果。他可以选择将此法术的剩余持续时间延长或缩短50%。此能力可用于非自愿目标,但奥能师必须进行成功的近战接触攻击、且目标可以通过成功的意志豁免来避免此效果。此能力对一个法术只能生效1次。此能力对立即生效或持续时间为永久的法术无效。

  迅捷转耗 (Swift Consume, Ex):奥能师可用迅捷动作而非移动动作来使用〖转耗法术〗职业能力或〖转耗魔具〗技艺。

引述: 进化职业起源,ACO
  变形转换 (Altered Shifting, Su):当奥能师被他自己施放的一个[变形]子学派法术影响时,他可以从他的〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点转换到该法术允许的另一个形态。如此做将使法术的施法者等级减1,这可能会让该法术的施法者等级低于施放该法术的最低必要施法者等级,如果适用的话还会降低法术的持续时间。奥能师必须拥有〖勒彼斯塔德变形者〗技艺才能选择该技艺。

  第一世界面容窃贼 (First-World Face Thief, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点以呈现一个如同『易容术』一样的幻术伪装。如果从〖奥能源泉〗中花费两点奥能取代一点,这个效果的持续时间提高到每个奥能师等级10分钟。

  第一世界幻术捕手 (First-World Illusion Catcher, Su):奥能师在对抗幻术的豁免上得到+2加值。如果奥能师成功地拒绝相信一个幻术,奥能师可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点,并对此法术进行解除魔法检定(如同『解除魔法』)。如果成功,他可以选择结束幻术的效果或是如同其施放者是奥能师一样改变它。如果法术的持续时间是专注,奥能师必须对新效果保持专注,否则法术效果终止。奥能师必须拥有〖第一世界面容窃贼〗技艺才能选择该技艺。

  勒彼斯塔德变形者 (Lepidstadt Shifter, Su):当奥能师被一个『变形术』影响时,他可从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点来施展一个法术。除了奥能师是用该能力在『变形术』下而不是在〖自然变身〗下施法,这个能力的其他作用方式如同「自然施法」专长一样。

  奈多阴影面纱 (Nidalese Shadow Veil, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点用一张阴影面纱围住自己,使得他更难被发现和攻击。奥能师获得隐蔽(20%)和+5隐匿。这个效果持续「1+奥能师魅力调整值」轮。

  音鸣冲击 (Sonic Blast, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点施放一股震耳欲聋的音波能量冲击,对30尺距离内任一目标进行一次远程接触攻击。若此攻击命中,则造成「1d6+奥能师魅力调整值」点音波伤害,1级后每2级再增加1d6点(最高在19级达到10d6)。此外目标还会耳聋1分钟,强韧豁免通过则伤害减半且不会耳聋。

  第三只眼 (Third Eye, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点每天额外张开一次第三只眼。他可以得到更多的使用次数,但是每个随后的使用将从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点额外的奥能点(第二次额外使用花费2点,第三次花费3点,以此类推)。奥能师必须拥有「邪眼」专长才能选择此技艺。
邪眼 (Eldritch Eye)【战役设定:内海世界指南】
  前提:知识 (奥秘) 4 级,能够施放奥术。

引述: 奥术文集,ArA
  奥术发现 (Arcane Discovery):奥能师可以选择这个奥能技艺来习得一个奥术发现(UM P86)。要习得一个奥术发现,奥能师须用他等级的一半作为法师等级来判断是否满足奥术发现的等级要求。该奥术发现的效果只对奥能师本人施放的法术有效,而不是所有法师法术。奥能师不能选择用一个奥术发现取代一个专长(除非他有法师等级,而在此情况下获得奥术发现也只能影响法师法术)。

  慈善魔法 (Philanthropic Magic, Su):当奥能师以一个或更多盟友(不包括他自己)为目标施放法术时,奥能师可从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点给予这些盟友临时生命,数值等同于奥能师法术的法术等级(spell level)。这些临时生命可以与其他来源的临时生命相叠加,但是多次使用该技艺获得的临时生命不叠加。这些临时生命持续1分钟/施法者等级或直到消散。

  原能魔法 (Primal Magic, Sp):选择该技艺的奥能师可以通过两种方式使用原能魔法:
      - 奥能师可从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点或更多点奥能点创造一个不受控制的原能魔法效果,依据范例原能魔法事件表(内海魔法 P13,翻译链接)。该事件的CR等同于奥能师的施法者等级,每从〖奥能源泉〗中多花费一点奥能点施法者等级上限提升5。在此种情况下,该事件也被视为一个法术等级是CR一半的法术(法术等级最高为9)。
      - 奥能师也可从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点和一个至少3级的法术位来创造一个效果,就像他使用了惊奇权杖 (Rod of Wonder)一样。所有惊奇权杖创造的法术效果均使用奥能师的法术等级,而不是惊奇权杖效果列表中列出的法术等级(比如,一个8级奥能师使用惊奇权杖随机施放出的火球术将造成8D6伤害,而不是列表中的5D6伤害)。在此种情况下,该事件也被视为一个法术等级等同于花费掉的法术位等级的法术。

引述: 神术文集,DA
  混淆施法 (Obfuscated Spellcasting, Su):当奥能师施放法术时,他可从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点使其看起来像另一个法术。这个法术可以被伪装成任何奥能师知晓的其他法术。该技艺会使正确辨识该法术的法术辨识技能DC提高,提高幅度为奥能师CL的两倍。法术辨识失败且失败差值小于奥能CL的两倍会将该正在施放的法术误认为另一个被奥能师选定的伪装法术。

引述: 惧怖国度,HR
注:以下奥能技艺可以被任何阵营的奥能师学习,但它们都伴随着风险。如果你使用一个外层裂隙技艺(the Outer Rifts, 外层裂隙,深渊的别称)而且在使用时将你的〖奥能源泉〗减少到0,你会立即从受诅者accursed, 魔化者demonic, 狱契者hellbound, 或是附身者possessed腐化中获得一种变异的污染。DM决定你获得的是哪种腐化、变异和污染;该污染会持续24小时。在这24小时里每次用此种方式将你的〖奥能源泉〗减少到0都会获得一种新的污染,并且将所有如此获得的污染倒计时重置到24小时。多次以此种方式滥用奥能技艺可以导致永久性的腐化——这是DM的可选内容,但在其他情况下,这些腐化都是临时性的且不会恶化(progress)。你永远无法用这种方式获得某个腐化的恩典(gift)。
名词:the Outer Rifts,外层裂隙;corruption,腐化;manifestation,变异;stain,污染;gift,恩典;progress,恶化;

  猩红泪水 (Blood Tears, Su):奥能师可用移动动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点使他的眼睛变红并且流下血泪。在此期间,奥能师的视野会被鲜血模糊,在面对所有凝视攻击(gaze attack)时均视为已移开眼睛,但该生物不会因此针对奥能师获得隐蔽。在30尺范围外,所有奥能师可见的生物和物品获得针对该奥能师的隐蔽。奥能师可用一个标准动作终止该技艺——奥能师从他的脸上擦干血泪并用一只自由手free hand将它洒向15尺锥形范围内的所有生物。这些生物必须成功通过一次意志豁免否则会因为极端的痛苦而恍惚一轮。如果奥能师不擦干血泪,那么该技艺的效果最长可持续每奥能师等级1分钟。

  诅咒呢喃 (Damnation Susurrus, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点催动一场由阴险低语声组成的大合唱,它们将回荡在30尺半径内一个单独目标的脑海里,催促该目标去伤害他自己。该生物如果意志豁免检定失败就会被声音压垮并屈服于它们的建议。在该目标的回合,他将丢掉手里握持的任何物体并伤害他自己,造成1d6伤害。在3级和之后的每3级,奥能师可用该技艺瞄准一个额外目标,最多在18级达到7个目标。诅咒呢喃是一个影响心灵的效果。

  炼狱象鼻 (Fiendish Proboscis, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点长出一根被短尖毛发覆盖的有关节的长象鼻。这个附属肢体将从奥能师的面部长出来并且附带一条末端是有刺软骨尖管的高度灵活有力的舌头。象鼻将持续每奥能师等级1轮,在此期间,奥能师不能说话也不能使用声音成分。奥能师可以提前用一个迅捷动作终止该技艺。用一个标准动作,奥能师可用象鼻的舌头攻击一个目标。这是一种有10尺触及的主要天生武器。用这条舌头攻击被视为一种接触攻击。如果奥能师用这条舌头击中一个可以施放法术或使用类法术能力的生物,那么他将吸取一部分该生物的魔法能力并且在他的〖奥能源泉〗中增加一点奥能点(超出上限的奥能点将丢失)。如果奥能师击中一个不能施放法术或使用类法术能力的生物,那么舌头将吸取该生物的生命力并且治疗奥能师1d6点生命值。无论该生物是否具备使用魔法的能力,这条舌头抽取魔法或生命能力都会使被击中的生物恶心一轮。

  裂隙迷雾 (Rift Fog, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点在他身边创造出一个五尺半径的冷雾旋涡。斜眼打量时,会有炼狱生物的面容在迷雾中打转。用一个标准动作,奥能师可以让这团裂隙迷雾向任何方向以30尺的速度移动,最远移动到距奥能师60尺的地方。迷雾可以上升或者跳跃最多30尺高来攻击一个目标。当迷雾停止移动时,它会缠绕任何完全或部分包含在它范围的目标。迷雾超自然的寒冷温度将对这些被影响的生物造成1d6点寒冷伤害。被裂隙迷雾伤害的生物如果意志豁免失败则在接下来的一轮里被减速(如同法术减速术)。一旦被创造出来,裂隙迷雾可以维持每2奥能师等级1轮(最少1轮),或直到奥能师启动一个新的奥能技艺。

  无边暗影 (Shadows Out of Light, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点从外层裂隙中汲取炼狱精华注入到他自己的影子中。畸形和几乎无定型的阴影怪物涌入他的身体,将他的双眼转变为完全的黑色并且扭曲他的物理形体。这些阴影可以维持每2奥能师等级1轮(最少1轮),在这期间给予奥能师+2偏斜AC。影子们具有威胁性,只要它们存在,奥能师就被认为持有武器可以夹击或是进行借机攻击。当一个生物引发了来自奥能师的借机攻击时,奥能师可以选择用影子进行借机攻击,这被视为一种接触攻击且会造成「1d6+奥能师魅力调整值」点寒冷伤害和1点力量伤害。成功的强韧豁免可以抵消力量伤害。该能力不会增加奥能师每轮的借机攻击次数上限,但是〖战斗反射〗这样的专长可以允许奥能师用影子进行多次借机攻击。影子不能用来进行正常的攻击动作。

  灵魂骑师 (Soulrider, Su):当奥能师施放法术以活体生物为目标时,他可用迅捷动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点在他的法术中注入一股被称为"灵魂骑师"的变异炼狱能量。灵魂骑师将依附在法术目标身上并将自己隐藏在受害者的潜意识里,只要奥能师的〖奥能源泉〗中有至少一点奥能点,它就能一直存在,直到奥能师解消灵魂骑师(这需要一个标准动作),或者持续到奥能师在另一个生物上成功感染灵魂骑师。法术目标可以通过一个成功意志豁免避免被灵魂骑师附着在灵魂上(这是在法术本身可能允许或不允许豁免之外的一个额外豁免)。如果法术目标通过豁免或是其他手段(比如法术抗力或是免疫该法术效果)成功抵抗了该法术,那么灵魂骑师依附受害者的效果会自动失败。『侦测魔法』和『侦测邪恶』可以揭示灵魂骑师的存在。只要灵魂骑师存在于受害者身上,奥能师就能追踪该生物如同其处于『关照术』效果的影响下,且该生物在抵抗任何由该奥能师造成的影响心灵效果时-2豁免骰。只要灵魂骑师依附于目标身上,奥能师就可以从〖奥能源泉〗中花费一点奥能点向受害者发送一条讯息。灵魂骑师是一个影响心灵的效果。

  畸变触须 (Tentacles, Su):奥能师可用迅捷动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费2点奥能点让一对有弹性的触须从他的上胸部发芽长出。在此同时,奥能师的手臂会萎缩成畸形病态的残肢,仅能举起小型物体或是做出体态手势。戒指、护腕和其他穿戴在萎缩手臂上的物品保持原位,但是需要手来启动的魔法物品此时无法被奥能师使用。同样,此时奥能师无法使用武器和盾牌。奥能师可以完全控制这些可怕的触须并且可以用它们传递接触法术,或是用它们作为次要天生武器,触须可造成「中体型奥能师1d4/小体型1d3+1/2奥能师力量调整」点伤害。奥能师用触须时触及+5尺。

引述: 门徒教义,DD
  盔甲面具 (Armored Mask, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点给他自己加持一层幻术装甲。当他激活该能力时,奥能师获得任意轻甲或中甲外观的『法师盔甲』效果,施法者等级等同于他的奥能师等级。在盔甲激活后的任何时间点,奥能师均可用直觉动作从〖奥能源泉〗中额外花费1点奥能点获得『虔诚护盾』效果,施法者等级等同于他的奥能师等级。

  天真无邪 (Aspect of Innocence, Su):奥能师可用直觉动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点获得『无罪术』APG效果,施法者等级等同于他的奥能师等级。

  魅力四射 (Charmer, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点获得『花言巧语』效果,施法者等级等同于他的奥能师等级。奥能师必须拥有「天真无邪」技艺才能选择此技艺。

  修补肉体 (Mending Flesh, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点接触一个目标以给予表面上的治疗效果。该效果会停止目标受到的任何流血效果并给予「1d8+奥能师魅力调整值」点临时生命,持续奥能师等级个小时。在6级时,临时生命增加到「2d8+奥能师魅力调整值」点。一个生物一天只能从「修补肉体」技艺收益一次。

引述: 位面漫游手册,PHH
  明确召唤 (Focused Summoning,Su):当奥能师在非物质位面的其他位面召唤一只对该位面属于本地生物的异界生物时,可从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点让该生物的攻击能够克服它拥有的所有DR类型。举例,一只食魂魔拥有DR 10/寒铁或善良,那么它就可以同时克服DR寒铁和DR善良。

  圣水喷流 (Holy Water Jet,Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点发射一道圣水喷流。这会创造出30直线型的水流,对直线上的所有可被圣水伤害的目标造成「1d8+奥能师魅力调整值」点伤害,1级之后每2级再增加1d8点(最高在19级时达到10d8)。效果范围内的生物可以尝试通过反射豁免使伤害减半。

  秩序施法 (Orderly Casting,Su):奥能师可以让自己的法术严格贴合秩序轴,从而产生可预测的结果。奥能师可用迅捷动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点,在接下来的1分钟里,将所有法术伤害取均值并将总值向下取整——D4均值2.5,D6均值3.5,D8均值4.5,D10均值5.5,D12均值6.5。举例,一位3级奥能师用该技艺施放『燃烧之手』造成7点伤害。

引述: 荒野起源,WO
  野性变形(Feral Shifting,Su): 奥能师可用迅捷动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点以在「奥能师魅力调整值」(至少为1)分钟内获得啮咬攻击(1d6,小体型1d4)或双爪攻击(1d4,小体型1d3),这些都是主要天生武器。

  操控火焰(Flame Control,Su): 奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点以移动或扑灭「奥能师等级」格的持续非魔法火焰。如果奥能师选择移动一部分火焰,则必须将其移动到主体火焰的邻接格。如果奥能师在使用该能力时消耗一个至少3环的法术位,则他可尝试解除一个魔法火焰效果,如同解除魔法。

  天气预报(Weather Sage,Su): 奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点预知他所在地未来24小时的天气。奥能师的预知总是精确的,但法术或是超自然效果可能干扰结果。在接下来的24小时里,奥能师在抵御严酷天气时额外获得「奥能师等级」一半的强韧豁免加值,他可将该效果共享给总数为「奥能师魅力调整值」的盟友。

  荒野奔行(Wild Stride,Su): 奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点在「奥能师等级」分钟内获得德鲁伊的〖穿林步〗职业能力并且可以看穿植物材质如同具备60尺翡翠视域。Greensight。

  木质血肉(Wooden Flesh,Su): 奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点在「奥能师等级」分钟内获得+2天生护甲和数值为「奥能师魅力调整值」(至少为1)的DR/挥砍。在该能力作用期间,在决定能力和法术的目标时,奥能师视为同时具备其本身的生物类型和植物生物类型。

引述: 格拉里昂英雄传,HoG
  原能转移(Redirect Primal Magic,Su): 当奥能师引发一个原能魔法事件时,他可用直觉动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点将该事件转移到20尺半径内的任意地点,每两级「奥能师等级」增加5尺半径

  原能抵抗(Resist Primal Magic,Su): 当奥能师在原能魔法区域施法时,他可从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点作为一部分施法动作,以在避免触发原能魔法事件时获得其「奥能师等级」一半的法术辨识检定加值。

  原能促发(Invoke Primal Magic,Su): 当奥能师30尺范围内的一个原能魔法事件即将触发原能魔法效果时,奥能师可用直觉动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点使触发几率提升到100%。

劇透 -  Arcane Exploits:

Acid Jet (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can unleash a jet of acid by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir and making a ranged touch attack against any one target within 30 feet. If the attack hits, it deals 1d6 points of acid damage + the arcanist's Charisma modifier, plus an additional 1d6 points of acid damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level). The target is also sickened for 1d4 rounds. It can attempt a Fortitude saving throw to negate the sickened condition.

Arcane Barrier (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
As a swift action, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to create a barrier of magic that protects her from harm. This barrier grants the arcanist a number of temporary hit points equal to her arcanist level + her Charisma modifier, and lasts for 1 minute per arcanist level or until all the temporary hit points have been lost. Each additional time per day the arcanist uses this ability, the number of arcane reservoir points she must spend to activate it increases by 1 (so the second time it is used, the arcanist must expend 2 points from her arcane reservoir, 3 points for the third time, and so on). The temporary hit points from this ability do not stack with themselves, but additional uses do cause the total number of temporary hit points and the duration to reset.

Arcane Weapon (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
As a standard action, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to enhance her weapon. The weapon is treated as magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. At 5th level, the weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus, which increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 5th (to a maximum of +4 at 17th level). These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5. An arcanist can also use this exploit to add one of the following weapon special abilities: dancing, defending, distance, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, spell storing, and throwing. Adding these special abilities replaces an amount of enhancement bonus equal to the ability's cost. Duplicate special abilities do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added to it before any other weapon special abilities can be added. The benefits are decided upon when the exploit is used, and they cannot be changed unless the exploit is used again. These benefits only apply to weapons wielded by the arcanist; if another creature attempts to wield the weapon, it loses these benefits, though they resume if the arcanist regains possession of the weapon. The arcanist cannot have more than one use of this ability active at a time. This effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to the arcanist's Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Bloodline Development[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist selects one sorcerer bloodline upon taking this exploit. The arcanist gains that bloodline's 1st-level bloodline power as though she were a 1st-level sorcerer. The arcanist must select an ordinary bloodline with this ability, not one altered by an archetype. As a swift action, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to bolster her latent nature, allowing her to treat her arcanist level as her sorcerer level for the purpose of using this ability, which lasts for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). She does not gain any other abilities when using this exploit in this way, such as bloodline arcana or those bloodline powers gained at 3rd level or higher. If this ability is used to gain an arcane bond and a bonded item is selected, the arcanist can only use that item to cast spells of a level equal to the level of spell that could be cast by her equivalent sorcerer level (limiting her to 1st level spells unless she spends a point from her arcane reservoir). If the arcanist already has a bloodline (or gains one later), taking this exploit instead allows her arcanist levels to stack with the levels of the class that granted her access to the bloodline when determining the powers and abilities of her bloodline.

Consume Magic Items (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can consume the power of potions, scrolls, staves, and wands, using them to fill her arcane reservoir. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Using this ability is a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity. When using this exploit, the arcanist adds a number of points to her arcane reservoir equal to 1/2 the level of the spell contained in the item (o-level and 1st-level spells do not recharge the arcanist's arcane reservoir). If used on a potion or scroll, the item is destroyed. If used on a wand, the wand loses 5 charges; if it has fewer than 5 charges, the wand is destroyed and the arcanist gains no benefit. If used on a staff, it loses 1 charge and the arcanist gains a number of points to his arcane reservoir equal to the level of the highest-level spell the staff can cast using only 1 charge; if the staff has no spells that require only 1 charge, the arcanist cannot consume that staff 's magic. No more than 1 charge can be drawn from a staff each day in this way. Points gained in excess of the arcanist's reservoir's maximum are lost. This exploit has no effect on magic armor, weapons, rings, rods, wondrous items, or other magic items besides those noted above.
ACG Update 1.0 — Release Date: 7/22/15 Page 13
—In the Consume Spells ability, after the first sentence, add “She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1).”

Counterspell (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
By expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir, the arcanist can attempt to counter a spell as it is being cast. She must identify the spell being cast as normal. If she successfully does so, the arcanist can attempt to counter the spell as an immediate action and by expending an available arcanist spell slot of a level at least one higher than the level of the spell being cast. To counterspell, the arcanist must attempt a dispel check as if using dispel magic. If the spell being countered is one that the arcanist has prepared, she can instead expend an available arcanist spell slot of the same level, and she receives a +5 bonus on the dispel check. Counterspelling in this way does not trigger any feats or other abilities that normally occur when a spellcaster successfully counters a spell.

Dimensional Slide (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to create a dimensional crack that she can step through to reach another location. This ability is used as part of a move action or withdraw action, allowing her to move up to 10 feet per arcanist level to any location she can see. This counts as 5 feet of movement. She can only use this ability once per round. She does not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving in this way, but any other movement she attempts as part of her move action provokes as normal.

Energy Shield (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can protect herself from energy damage as a standard action by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. She must pick one energy type and gains resistance 10 against that energy type for 1 minute per arcanist level. This protection increases by 5 for every 5 levels the arcanist possesses (up to a maximum of 30 at 20th level).

Familiar (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
An arcanist with this exploit can acquire a familiar as the arcane bond wizard class feature, using her arcanist level as her wizard level to determine any of the statistics and abilities of the familiar. If the arcanist receives a familiar from another class, her levels of arcanist stack with the levels from that class when determining the familiar's statistics and abilities (this ability does not stack with a familiar gained through the bloodline development exploit; she must choose one or the other).

Flame Arc (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can unleash an arc of flame by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. This creates a 30-foot line of flame that deals 1d6 points of fire damage + the arcanist's Charisma modifier, plus an additional 1d6 points of fire damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level) to each target in the line. Creatures in the area of effect may attempt a Reflex saving throw to halve the damage.

Force Strike (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can unleash a blast of force by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. This attack automatically strikes one target within 30 feet (as magic missile) and deals 1d4 points of force damage, plus 1 point of damage per arcanist level. Spells and effects that negate magic missile also negate this effect.

Ice Missiles (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can unleash a freezing projectile by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir and making a ranged touch attack against any one target within 30 feet. If the attack hits, it deals 1d6 points of cold damage + the arcanist's Charisma modifier, plus an additional 1d6 points of cold damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level). In addition, the target is staggered for 1 round. It can attempt a Fortitude saving throw to negate the staggered condition.

Item Crafting[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can select one item creation feat as a bonus feat. She must meet the prerequisites of this feat.

Lightning Lance (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can unleash a lance of lightning by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir and making a ranged touch attack against any one target within 30 feet. If the attack hits, it deals 1d6 points of electricity damage + the arcanist's Charisma modifier, plus 1d6 points of electricity damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level). The target's vision is also impaired, causing the target to treat all creatures as if they had concealment (20%) for 1 round. It can attempt a Fortitude saving throw to negate the impaired vision.

Metamagic Knowledge[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can select one metamagic feat as a bonus feat. She must meet the prerequisites of this feat.

Metamixing (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to add a metamagic feat that she knows to a spell as she casts it without affecting the casting time (though using a higher-level spell slot as normal). She can use this ability to add a metamagic feat to a spell that she prepared using a metamagic feat, although she cannot add the same metamagic feat to a given spell more than once.

Potent Magic (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
Whenever the arcanist expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase the caster level of a spell, the caster level increases by 2 instead of 1. Whenever she expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase the spell's DC, it increases by 2 instead of 1.

Quick Study (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can prepare a spell in place of an existing spell by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. Using this ability is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The arcanist must be able to reference her spellbook when using this ability. The spell prepared must be of the same level as the spell being replaced.

School Understanding[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can select one arcane school from any of the schools available to a character with the arcane school wizard class feature, but does not have to select any opposition schools. The arcanist gains one ability of that arcane school as though she were a 1st-level wizard, using her Charisma modifier in place of her Intelligence modifier for this ability. The ability must be one gained at 1st level and is limited in its use per day to 3 + the arcanist's Charisma modifier. As a swift action, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to bolster her understanding, allowing her to treat her arcanist level as her wizard level for the purpose of using this ability for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). During this time, she also gains use of the other ability gained at 1st level for her selected school. She does not gain any other abilities when using this exploit in this way, such as those gained at 8th level. If the arcanist already has an arcane school (or gains one later), taking this exploit instead allows her arcanist levels to stack with the levels of the class that granted the arcane school when determining the powers and abilities of her arcane school.

See Magic (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can see magical auras. If she expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir, for 1 minute she instantly recognizes magic item auras and spell effects (as detect magic). During this time, she is treated as if she had studied each aura for 3 rounds and she treats her Knowledge (arcana) skill check as if she had rolled a 15 on the d20. In addition, if she touches a magic item during this time, she can immediately identify its properties using Spellcraft without needing to spend 3 rounds examining the object. If an enemy possesses the object, the arcanist must first succeed at a melee touch attack to identify the item.

Spell Disruption (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can temporarily disrupt a spell by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir and succeeding at a dispel check against the spell, asdispel magic. This ability suppresses a spell effect for a number of rounds equal to the arcanist's Charisma modifier (minimum 1). If the spell affects multiple creatures, this ability only suppresses the spell for one creature. At the end of this duration, the spell resumes and the suppressed rounds do not count against its total duration. This ability can be used on unwilling targets, but the arcanist must succeed at a melee touch attack, and the target may attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. This ability has no effect on spells that are instantaneous or have a duration of permanent.

Spell Resistance (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can grant herself spell resistance for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) as a standard action by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. This spell resistance is equal to 6 + her arcanist level and cannot be suppressed, but it can be ended as a free action on her turn.

Spell Tinkerer (Su)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can alter an existing spell effect by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. To use this ability, she must be adjacent to the spell effect (or the effect's target) and be aware of the effect. She can choose to increase or decrease the remaining duration of the spell by 50%. This ability can be used on unwilling targets, but the arcanist must succeed at a melee touch attack, and the target may attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. This ability cannot be used on a given spell effect more than once. This ability has no effect on spells that are instantaneous or have a duration of permanent.

Swift Consume (Ex)[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide]
The arcanist can use the consume spells class feature or the consume magic items exploit as swift actions instead of as move actions.

Altered Shifting (Su)[Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins]
When the arcanist is under the effect of a spell of the polymorph subschool that she cast, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to change to another valid form allowed by the spell. This reduces the spell's caster level by 1, which can take the spell's caster level below the minimum caster level necessary to cast the spell, and reduces the spell's duration if applicable. The arcanist must have the Lepidstadt Shifter exploit to select this exploit.

First-World Face Thief (Su)[Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins]
The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to assume an illusory disguise as disguise self. If she expends 2 points from her arcane reservoir instead of 1, the duration of the effect increases to 10 minutes per level.

First-World Illusion Catcher (Su)[Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins]
The arcanist gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against illusions. If the arcanist successfully disbelieves an illusion, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to try to negate or steal control of the illusion. The arcanist attempts a caster level check as if she were dispelling the effect with dispel magic. If she succeeds, she can either end the effect or alter it as if she were the spell's caster. If the spell's duration is concentration, the arcanist must concentrate on the new effect or it ends. The arcanist must have the first-world face thief exploit to select this exploit.

Lepidstadt Shifter (Su)[Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins]
The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to cast a spell while under the effects of a polymorph spell. This ability works like Natural Spell, except the arcanist uses the ability to cast while under the effects of a spell instead of wild shape.

Nidalese Shadow Veil (Su)[Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins]
By expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir, an arcanist can pull a veil of shadows around her, making her more difficult to spot and strike. The arcanist gains concealment (20% miss chance) and a +5 bonus on Stealth checks. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to 1 + the arcanist's Charisma bonus.

Sonic Blast (Su)[Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins]
The arcanist can loose a deafening blast of sonic energy by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir and succeeding at a ranged touch attack against any one target within 30 feet. The blast deals an amount of sonic damage equal to 1d6 + the arcanist's Charisma modifier, plus an additional 1d6 points of sonic damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level). The target is also deafened for 1 minute. The target can attempt a Fortitude save to halve the damage and negate the deafness.

Third Eye (Su)[Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins]
The arcanist can open her third eye one additional time each day by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. She can gain more uses, but each subsequent use costs 1 additional point from her reservoir (2 points for the second additional use, 3 points for the third use, and so on). The arcanist must have the Eldritch Eye feat to select this exploit.

Eldritch Eye[Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide]
Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, ability to cast arcane spells.
Benefit: Once per day as a standard action, you can open an incandescent third eye upon your forehead. The eye can remain open for 1 minute, during which time you cast all divination spells at +1 caster level (as long as you begin casting the spell before the eye closes), gain darkvision 60 feet, and can use detect magic (as the spell of the same name). You gain a +8 bonus on Perception checks to notice invisible creatures while the eye is open as well.


Arcane Discovery: An arcanist who selects this arcanist exploit learns an arcane discovery (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 86). When she learns an arcane discovery, her level must be high enough for her to qualify for that discovery, using half her arcanist level as her wizard level to determine whether she qualifies. The effects of any arcane discovery that she selects with this exploit apply only to arcanist spells that she casts, not to wizard spells, and she cannot select an arcane discovery in place of a feat (unless she also has wizard levels, in which case the discovery applies only to her wizard spells).

Philanthropic Magic (Su): Whenever the arcanist targets one or more allies (excluding herself ) with a spell, she can expend 1 arcane point from her arcane reservoir in order to grant those allies a number of temporary hit points equal to the spell’s level. These temporary hit points stack with temporary hit points from other sources, but temporary hit points from multiple uses of this exploit don’t stack with each other. The temporary hit points last 1 minute per caster level or until expended.

Primal Magic (Sp): In seeking to restore formal training in magic to the world, Old-Mage Jatembe also discovered a few methods of creating magic effects that did not follow consistent or logical rules. While his only known remaining notes on these more chaotic forms of magic are closely guarded within the Magaambya, some arcanists have either recreated his theories from vague comments on other topics or independently rediscovered the methods Jatembe first detailed. This “primal magic” can be accessed one of two ways.
- The arcanist can expend 1 or more points from her arcane reservoir to create an uncontrolled primal effect. This creates an effect from the Sample Primal Magic Events table (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic 13). The CR of this effect is equal to the arcanist’s caster level, to a maximum caster level of 5 per point spent from her arcane reserve. In this case, the effect is treated as a spell with a spell level equal to half its CR (maximum spell level 9).
- Alternatively, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir and expend a spell slot of at least 3rd level to create an effect as if she has used a rod of wonder. Any spell created by the rod of wonder effect uses the arcanist’s spell level, rather than the spell level set by the rod of wonder table (for example a fireball created by an 8th level arcanist rolling on the rod of wonder table would deal 8d6, rather than the listed 6d6). In this case, the effect is treated as a spell with a spell level equal to the spell slot expended.


Obfuscated Spellcasting (Su): When casting a spell, the arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to make the spell being cast appear to be a different spell. The spell can be disguised as any other spell that the arcanist knows. This exploit raises the DC for a Spellcraft check to correctly identify the spell being cast by double the arcanist’s caster level. Identification attempts that fail by an amount less than double the arcanist’s caster level mistakenly identify the spell being cast as the false spell chosen by the arcanist.


All of the following exploits can be learned by arcanists of any alignment, but these exploits come with a risk. If you use an Outer Rift exploit and in doing so reduce your arcane reservoir to 0, you immediately gain the stain of one manifestation from the accursed, demonic, hellbound, or possessed corruption. The GM chooses which corruption, manifestation, and stain you receive; this stain persists for 24 hours. Reducing your arcane reservoir to 0 in this way multiple times within a 24-hour period results in a new stain for each such instance, and each time you do so you reset the timer for all stains gained in this manner to 24 hours. At the GM’s option, multiple instances of abusing exploits in this manner could result in a permanent corruption, but otherwise these corruptions are temporary and do not progress. You can never gain a gift from a corruption in this way.
Unless otherwise noted, the saving throw DC for an arcanist’s exploit equals 10 + 1/2 the arcanist’s class level + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier.

Blood Tears (Su): As a move action, the arcanist can expend 1 point from his arcane reservoir to cause his eyes to turn red and weep tears of blood. During this time, the arcanist’s vision is blurred by blood, and he treats all gaze attacks as if he were averting his eyes from a creature, but that creature does not gain concealment against him. At a distance of greater than 30 feet, all creatures or objects viewed by the arcanist gain concealment. As a standard action that ends the blood tears exploit, the arcanist can wipe the tears from his face and flick them with a free hand, splattering all creatures in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in this area must succeed at a Will save to avoid becoming staggered with
extreme pain and anguish for 1 round. If the arcanist doesn’t wipe his bleeding tears away, the effects of this exploit can persist for a maximum duration of 1 minute per arcanist level.

Damnation Susurrus (Su): The arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir as a standard action to manifest a choir of insidious whispers, which echo in the mind of a single target within 30 feet, urging the target to harm itself. A creature that fails a Will save to resist this effect becomes overwhelmed by the voices and succumbs to their suggestions. On its turn, it drops any objects it holds and harms itself, inflicting 1d6 points of damage. At 3rd level, and again at every 3 levels thereafter, the arcanist can target an additional creature with this exploit, to a maximum of 7 targets at 18th level. Damnation susurrus is a mind-affecting effect.

Fiendish Proboscis (Su): The arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir as a standard action to grow a long, articulated proboscis covered with small spiky hairs. The appendage grows from the arcanist’s face and houses a highly flexible, muscular tongue tipped with a cartilaginous barbed quill. The proboscis lasts for 1 round per arcanist level, during which time the arcanist cannot speak or use verbal components. The arcanist can end this exploit’s effects early as a swift action. As a standard action, the arcanist can attack a target with the proboscis’s tongue. This is a primary natural weapon with a 10-foot reach. Attacks with the tongue resolve as a touch attack. If the arcanist uses his tongue and hits a creature capable of casting spells or using spell-like abilities, he drains a portion of the target’s magical ability and adds 1 point to his arcane reservoir (points gained in excess of the reservoir’s maximum are lost). If the arcanist hits a creature that cannot cast spells or use spell-like abilities, the tongue instead drains a portion of the target’s life force and heals the arcanist of 1d6 points of damage. Regardless of the target’s ability to use magic, the tongue’s unnerving siphoning of magical or life energy causes the struck creature to become sickened for 1 round.

Rift Fog (Su): As a standard action, the arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir to create a 5-foot-radius vortex of chilling fog adjacent to him. Hints of leering, fiendish faces whirl within the mist. As a move action, the arcanist can direct the cloud of rift fog to move in any direction at a speed of 30 feet to a maximum range of 60 feet from the arcanist. The fog may ascend or jump up to 30 feet to strike a target. Once the fog ends its movement, coils of its otherworldly mist surround any targets that are wholly or partially in its area. The fog’s supernaturally cold temperature causes 1d6 points of cold damage to affected creatures. A creature damaged by rift fog becomes slowed (as per the slow spell) for the following round if it fails a Will save. Once created, rift fog persists for 1 round per 2 arcanist levels (minimum of 1 round), or until the arcanist activates a new exploit.

Shadows Out of Light (Su): The arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir to pull fiendish essence from the Outer Rifts into his own shadow. Malformed and nearly amorphous, the shadow-things swarm across his body, turning his eyes completely black and distorting his physical form. These shadows persist for 1 round per 2 arcanist levels (minimum of 1 round) and grant the arcanist a +2 deflection bonus to his Armor Class. The shadows are threatening, and as long as they persist the arcanist is considered
armed for the purpose of flanking or threatening an attack of opportunity. Whenever a creature provokes an attack of opportunity from the arcanist, he may make the attack of opportunity with his shadow, striking as a touch attack that deals a number of points of cold damage equal to 1d6 + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier plus 1 point of Strength damage. A successful Fortitude saving throw negates the Strength damage. This ability does not itself increase the number of attacks of opportunity the arcanist can make in a round, but feats like Combat Reflexes do allow him to make multiple attacks of opportunity with his shadow. The shadows cannot be compelled to make normal attacks—they lash out in this way only as a reaction to being provoked.

Soulrider (Su): The arcanist can, as a swift action while he casts a spell that targets one living creature, spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir to infuse his spell with a manifestation of fiendish energy called a “soulrider.” The soulrider attaches to the target of the spell and buries itself in the target’s subconscious mind, persisting there as long as the arcanist maintains at least 1 point in his arcane reservoir, until the arcanist dismisses the soulrider (this requires a standard action), or until the arcanist successfully infects
another creature with a soulrider. The target of the spell can resist having the soulrider attach to its soul with a successful Will saving throw (this is in addition to any saving
throw the spell itself might or might not allow). If the target resists the spell’s effects with a successful save or other methods (such as via spell resistance or by being immune to that spell’s effects) the soulrider automatically fails to attach to the victim. Detect magic and detect evil can uncover the presence of a soulrider. As long as the soulrider persists, the arcanist can track the targeted creature as if it were under the effect of status, and the creature takes a –2 penalty to any saving throw against a mind-affecting effect created by the arcanist. While the soulrider remains bonded to the target, the arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir to communicate with the target as per sending. Soulrider is a mind-affecting effect.

Tentacles (Su): As a swift action, the arcanist can spend 2 points from his arcane pool to sprout a pair of rubbery tentacles that grow from his upper chest. At the same time,
his arms shrink into sickly, malformed stubs, capable of only rudimentary actions such as lifting small objects or making somatic gestures. Rings, bracers, and other items worn on the atrophied arms and hands remain in place, but magic items that require hands to activate cannot be used while the arcanist’s arms are in this state. Likewise, the use of weapons or shields is impossible during this time. The arcanist has full control over his hideous tentacles and can use them to deliver touch spells, or as secondary natural weapons that deal tentacle damage as appropriate for a creature of the arcanist’s size (1d4 for Medium arcanists, or 1d3 for Small ones) modified by 1/2 the arcanist’s Strength score. The
arcanist’s reach with these tentacles is 5 feet longer than his normal reach.


Armored Mask (Su): By expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a standard action, the arcanist grants herself an effective illusion of armor. She gains the benefits of mage armor with a caster level that’s equal to her arcanist level and appears to be wearing light or medium armor of whatever design she chooses when activating this ability. At any time while this effect is active, she can expend 1 additional point from her arcane reservoir as an immediate action to also gain the benefits of shield of faith with a caster level equal to her arcanist level.

Aspect of Innocence (Su): An arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as an immediate action to gain the benefits of innocenceAPG, with a caster level equal to her arcanist level.

Charmer (Su): An arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a standard action to gain the benefits of glibness, with a caster level equal to her arcanist level. The arcanist must
have the aspect of innocence exploit (see above) to take this exploit.

Mending Flesh (Su): The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a standard action and touch a target to grant superficial healing. This stops any bleed effects the target is suffering and grants a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier, lasting for a number of hours equal to the arcanist’s level. At 6th level, the number of hit points granted increases to 2d8 + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier. A creature can benefit from mending flesh only once per day.


Focused Summoning (Su): When an arcanist is on a plane other than the Material Plane, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as part of casting a spell that summons a single outsider native to that plane. If she does so, the outsider's attacks bypass all type of DR that it has. For example, a nabasu demon, which has DR/cold iron or DR/good, would bypass both DR/cold iron and DR/good.

Holy Water Jet(Su): The arcanist can unleash a jet of holy water by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. This creates a 30-foot line of water that deals damage equal to 1d8 points of damage plus the arcanist's Charisma modifier, plus an additional 1d8 points of damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of 10d8 at 19th level) to each target in the line that would normally take damage from holy water. Creatures in the area of effect can attempt a Reflex saving throw to halve the damage.

Orderly Casting(Su): The arcanist can tie her spells to the rigid order of Axis, giving them predictable results. As a swift action, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir. For the next minute, her spells deal damage as if she had rolled exactly average on all of the dice, rounded down. To find the average, treat the arcanist as if she had rolled 2-1/2 on all d4s, 3-1/2 on all d6s, 4-1/2 on all d8s, 5-1/2 on all d10s, and 6-1/2 on all d12s. For example, if a 3rd-level arcanist used this exploit and cast burning hands the spell would deal a total of 7 points of damage.


Feral Shifting (Su): As a swift action, the arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to gain either a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 points of damage if she is Small) or two claw attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage (1d3 points of damage if she is Small) for a number of minutes equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). These are primary natural attacks.

Flame Control (Su): The arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to move or extinguish one 5-foot square per arcanist level of an ongoing nonmagical fire. If she chooses to move a portion of the fire, it must be moved to a square contiguous with that fire. If she also expends a spell slot of at least 3rd level when activating this ability, she can attempt to dispel a magical fire effect, as dispel magic.

Weather Sage (Su): If she spends 1 point from her arcane reservoir, the arcanist can predict the weather in her current location for the next 24 hours. The arcanist’s prediction is always accurate, but it cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter conditions. In addition, she gains a bonus equal to half her arcanist level on Fortitude saves against severe weather for the next 24 hours. She can share this benefit with a number of allies equal to her Charisma bonus.

Wild Stride (Su): The arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to ignore impediments to her movement and vision in natural growth. For 1 minute per level, the arcanist gains the druid’s woodland stride ability and can see through plant material as if she had greensight with a range of 60 feet.

Wooden Flesh (Su): The arcanist infuses herself with the toughness of the plant life that she studies. The arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to gain a +2 natural armor bonus and DR/slashing equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 1 minute per arcanist level. While this ability is in effect, she counts as both her original creature type and a plant creature for the purpose of abilities and spells.


Redirect Primal Magic (Su): If the arcanist triggers a primal magic event, she can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as an immediate action to redirect the event. The event occurs at a location of the arcanist’s choosing within a 20-foot radius. This radius expands by 5 feet for every 2 arcanist levels she has.

Resist Primal Magic (Su): When attempting to cast spells in an area infused by primal magic, the arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as part of the casting to gain a bonus equal to half her arcanist level on Spellcraft checks to avoid triggering a primal magic effect.

Invoke Primal Magic (Su): When an event within 30 feet of the arcanist would trigger a chance for a primal magic effect, the arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as an immediate action to increase the chance to 100%.

« 上次编辑: 2019-05-27, 周一 18:05:55 由 旅法師 紫淵 »

离线 旅法師 紫淵

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    • 迁跃船 · 末日浩劫号
Re: 奥能师官方奥能技艺全表
« 回帖 #1 于: 2015-07-25, 周六 20:49:22 »
高等技艺Greater Exploits,首次出现于ACG。11级和之后每2级,奥能师可以从选取一个下列高等技艺来取代一个奥能技艺。
劇透 -  包含奥能技艺的书目列表、中文名、缩写、原文译者:
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide,进化职业手册,ACG,翻译链接(译者星)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Disciple's Doctrine,玩家伴侣:门徒教义,DD。
Pathfinder Player Companion: Plane-Hopper's Handbook,玩家伴侣:位面漫游手册,PHH。
Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of Golarion,玩家伴侣:格拉里昂英雄传,HoG。

检索完成度:PZO1141 PZO92113 PZO9494 完成。

引述: 进化职业手册,ACG
  调整附魔 (Alter Enhancements, Su):奥能师可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点触摸武器或防具将一个特殊能力更变为等价值的另一个。此能力只能更改物品的特殊能力,而非增强加值。使用此能力是一个会引发借机攻击的整轮动作。此能力不能用于一个非自愿生物所持用的物品。该效果持续奥能师魅力调整值个分钟数(至少为1)。奥能师必须已有〖奥能武器〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  灼烧烈焰 (Burning Flame, Su):当奥能师使用〖烈焰之弧〗技艺时,他可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费2点而非1点。若他如此做,则每个〖烈焰之弧〗豁免失败的目标都会被点燃。直到火被扑灭为止,目标在其每次回合开始时受到3d6火焰伤害。目标可用一个整轮动作尝试通过反射检定来灭火。向目标倾倒至少1加仑的水则自动成功灭火。奥能师必须已有〖烈焰之弧〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  反制吸取 (Counter Drain, Su):每当奥能师成功使用法术反制奥能技艺时,奥能师将回复一定〖奥能源泉〗点数,此点数基于被反制的法术环级。2环及以下的法术无法回复〖奥能源泉〗点数。3环及以上的法术则能为其〖奥能源泉〗回复每3个法术环级1点(向下取整),最高为9环回复3点。奥能师必须拥有〖法术反制〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  跃动雷电 (Dancing Electricity, Su):当奥能师使用〖雷电投枪〗技艺时,他可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费2点而非1点。若如此做,所有与目标相邻接的生物都会受到〖雷电投枪〗一半的闪电伤害。邻接生物可以通过反射豁免来将此伤害减半。目标本身是否通过豁免对其邻接生物没有影响。奥能师必须拥有〖雷电投枪〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  能量吸收 (Energy Absorption, Su):当奥能师使用〖能量护盾〗技艺且此护盾阻止了10点或以上的伤害时,他可吸收部分能量来为他的技艺供能。当吸收伤害后,他在使用任何造成能量伤害的技艺且其能量类型与护盾吸收的能量相同时,该技艺从〖奥能源泉〗中的消费降低1点。一分钟内还未使用的能量将会流失。奥能师每轮只能获得一份该能量且不能同时储存一份以上的该能量。奥能师必须已有〖能量护盾〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  高等法术反制 (Greater Counterspell, Su):当奥能师使用〖法术反制〗技艺时,他可用同环或更高的法术位来反制(而不是至少高一环)。奥能师必须已有〖法术反制〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  高等超魔学识 (Greater Metamagic Knowledge):奥能师可以选择一项超魔专长作为奖励专长。他必须满足该专长的先决条件。每天早上准备法术时,奥能师可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点将此奖励专长替换为另一项超魔专长,只要他同样满足其先决条件。奥能师必须拥有〖超魔学识〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  高等法术抗力 (Greater Spell Resistance, Su):当奥能师使用〖法术抗力〗技艺时,他的法术抗力提升到「11+奥能师等级」。奥能师必须拥有〖法术抗力〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  高等法术打断 (Greater Spell Disruption, Su):奥能师可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点来打断一个法术或魔法物品的效果。此行动类似于距离为[接触]的目标型『解除魔法』。奥能师可将其魅力调整值加至解法检定。奥能师必须拥有〖法术打断〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  冰霜墓穴 (Icy Tomb, Su):当奥能师使用〖寒冰飞弹〗技艺时,他可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费2点而非1点。若他如此做,则〖寒冰飞弹〗豁免失败的目标会被冰霜覆盖。只要冰霜仍然存在(在温暖环境中通常是1分钟每等级),目标便视为被纠缠(但非固定在地上)并在每次其回合开始时受到1点敏捷伤害。目标可通过标准动作进行DC为「10+奥能师魅力调整值」的力量检定来破冰。如果目标在单次攻击中受到10点以上的火焰伤害,则冰霜消融且效果结束。奥能师必须拥有〖寒冰飞弹〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  缠身酸液 (Lingering Acid, Su):当奥能师使用〖酸液喷射〗技艺时,他可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费2点而非1点。若如此做,则〖酸液喷射〗豁免失败的目标会在之后数轮中受到额外伤害。初始攻击每可造成2d6点强酸伤害,就会使目标在接下来一轮中受到1d6强酸伤害。随后轮中每可造成2d6点强酸伤害,也会使目标下一轮再受到1d6强酸伤害。此伤害持续到前一轮的此效果可造成的强酸伤害为1d6为止。例如一个9级奥能师能够造成「5d6+奥能师魅力调整值」点强酸伤害,第二轮造成2d6点强酸伤害,第三轮即最后一次造成1d6点强酸伤害。奥能师必须拥有〖酸液喷射〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  法术变向 (Redirect Spel, Su):奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点以和控制此法术的生物做一次施法者检定对抗。若奥能师胜利则可用自由动作在一轮内控制此法术并且做此法术允许的任何决定。此能力只能对施展后能够重新定向或者改变的法术生效,例如炽焰法球或者灵能武器。在奥能师下一回合开始时此法术的控制权回到他的拥有者手上,除非奥能师在他的回合开始时再从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点使控制时间再持续1轮。只要奥能师持续从〖奥能源泉〗中消费点数,他就可以在法术持续时间内一直控制该法术。

  抗力吸取 (Resistance Drain, Su):当奥能师使用〖法术抗力〗技艺时,只要他的法术抗力成功的从一个敌人施展的法术效果中保护了他,他就可用一个直觉动作终止此效果。若如此做,他还可将等于该法术环数一半的点数加入他的〖奥能源泉〗。这些点数是临时的,若一分钟内还未用掉就会流失。超过〖奥能源泉〗上限的点数也会流失。奥能师必须拥有〖高等法术抗力〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  法术虹吸 (Siphon Spell, Su):当奥能师使用〖高等法术打断〗技艺时,他可吸取其中一部分魔力来为〖奥能源泉〗充能。目标法术的施法者等级需等于或高于奥能师。若他在解法检定中超过DC5点或以上,则加入1点到他的〖奥能源泉〗中。若他在解法检定中超过DC10点或以上,则加入2点到〖奥能源泉〗。此能力对于魔法物品无效。奥能师必须拥有〖高等法术打断〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  法术偷取 (Spell Thief, Su):奥能师可从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点来偷取一个生物身上正在生效的一个法术。若此生物非自愿,则奥能师必须进行成功的近战接触攻击来偷取法术,且目标可以通过成功的意志豁免来避免此效果。奥能师可以指定目标身上一个正在生效的特定法术,但若他错误地或未能认出目标身上是什么法术正在生效,则从正在生效的法术中随机选取一个来偷取。如果偷取成功,法术效果将转移至奥能师身上,在剩余的持续时间内影响他。除非此法术通常允许在其持续期间进行新的豁免(譬如在每轮结束时),否则此能力并不会让奥能师对该法术效果进行豁免。奥能师无法用此能力偷取距离为个人或持续时间为永久的法术。奥能师必须拥有〖法术调整〗技艺才能选择此技艺。

  受难学识 (Suffering Knowledge, Su):奥能师能够通过被一个法术影响来学习怎样施展它。当奥能师在一个敌人施展的法术中豁免失败时,他可用直觉动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点来暂时性的学会该法术。他可用他的法术位来施展该法术就如同他当天准备了这个法术一样。该法术必须在法师/术士列表上并且是他所能施展的环级。〖受难学识〗的效果持续「奥能师魅力调整值(至少为1)」轮数。

引述: 门徒教义,DD
  转换魔杖 (Convert Wand, Su):奥能师可用整轮动作从〖奥能源泉〗中消费1点奥能点将他拥有的一根魔杖,转换为一根具有相同法术环级和施法者等级的治疗法术(即名字中包含Cure的法术)魔杖。例如他可以把一根塑石术(3环)魔杖转换为一根治疗重伤(3环)魔杖。转换效果持续1分钟,当效果结束后魔杖将恢复到原有的功能。在转换生效期间消耗的次数不会因效果结束而回复。

引述: 位面漫游手册,PHH
  狱焰射线 (Hellfire Ray,Su):当奥能师使用〖烈焰之弧〗技艺时,奥能师可在〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点从地狱中汲取火焰,一半的伤害将转换为不受火焰抗性影响的秽邪力量。此外善良生物还会恶心1d4轮,意志豁免通过则不会恶心。

  大漩涡跃迁 (Maelstrom Jump,Su):奥能师利用大漩涡的随机性以不可预测的方式移动。奥能师可用迅捷动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点,在接下来的1分钟里获得『熵光护盾』效果并在他的每个回合结束时向随机方向移动10尺,该移动不会被借机也不计入他每轮的移动限制。如果某次移动会使奥能师移动到一个被占据的方格,则他在离该方格最近的未被占据方格处中止移动。

引述: 格拉里昂英雄传,HoG
  原能转耗 (Consume Primal Magic,Su): 当奥能师遭遇原能魔法事件时,可用直觉动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费1点奥能点尝试汲取它的力量,如同〖转耗法术〗职业能力。奥能师需在DC为「10+原能魔法事件CR」的强韧检定中成功,否则将转耗失败并恍惚1d4轮。奥能师必须已有〖迅捷转耗〗技艺才能选择该技艺。

  原能反制 (Counterspell Primal Magic,Su): 奥能师可以尝试反击一个原能魔法事件,如同反击一个魔法效果。若奥能师在DC为「10+原能魔法事件CR」的法术辨识检定中成功,则该事件如同被解除魔法解消。奥能师必须已有〖法术反制〗技艺才能选择该技艺。

  原能制成 (Create Primal Event,Su): 奥能师可用标准动作从〖奥能源泉〗中花费2点奥能点在30尺范围内制造一个10尺见方的原能魔法事件,奥能师可额外从〖奥能源泉〗中花费2点奥能点将范围提升到20尺见方。该原能魔法事件持续1分钟。

劇透 -  Greater Exploits:

Convert Wand (Su): An arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a full-round action to convert one wand that is in her possession into a wand of a cure spell with the same spell level and caster level (a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name). For example, she could convert a wand of stone shape into a wand of cure serious wounds. This alteration lasts for 1 minute, after which the wand reverts to its original function. Charges expended while the wand was altered are still expended when it reverts.


Hellfire Ray(Su): When an arcanist uses the flame arc exploit, she can expend 1 additional point from her arcane reservoir to draw the flames from Hell. If she does so, half od the damage she deals is fire, and the other half results directly from unholy power that is not subject to fire resistance. Good creatures that take damage from a hellfire ray must succed at a Wil saving throw or be sickened for 1d4 rounds.

Maelstrom Jump(Su): The arcanist can call upon the randomness of the Maelstrom to move in unpredictable ways. She can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a swift action to gain the benefits of entropic shield for 1 minute and move 10 feet in a random direction at the end of each of her turns. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity or count against her movement for the round. If the movement would end her movement in an occupied space, she instead travels to the nearest unoccupied space.


Consume Primal Magic (Su): When the arcanist encounters a primal magic event, as an immediate action she can attempt to consume its power, as the consume spells class feature. The arcanist must succeed at a Fortitude save equal to 10 + the CR of the primal magic event, or she fails to consume the event and is staggered for 1d4 rounds. The arcanist must have the swift consume exploit to select this exploit.

Counterspell Primal Magic (Su): The arcanist can attempt to counter a primal magic event as if counterspelling a magical effect. This requires a Spellcraft check with a DC of 10 + the CR of the primal magic event. If she succeeds, the event is dispelled per dispel magic. The arcanist must have the counterspell exploit to select this exploit.

Create Primal Event (Su): The arcanist can twist the magic of an area, forcing primal magic events to occur there. As a standard action, she can spend 2 points from her arcane reservoir to create a 10-foot-by-10-foot area of primal magic at a point within 30 feet. The arcanist can increase the size of the area to 20-foot-by-20-foot by spending 2 additional points from her arcane reservoir. The primal magic effect remains for 1 minute.

Updated——09.02.2016更新,三个来自Player Companion - Arcane Anthology的新奥能技艺。
Updated——01.01.2017更新,新年快乐,1个来自Player Companion - Divine Anthology的新奥能技艺。7个来自Campaign Setting - Horror Realms的新奥能技艺。
Updated——01.31.2018更新,Player Companion - Disciple's Doctrine的新奥能技艺。
Updated——09.29.2018更新,Player Companion - Plane-Hopper's Handbook的新奥能技艺。
Updated——05.27.2019更新,Player Companion - Wilderness Origins, Heroes of Golarion的新奥能技艺。
« 上次编辑: 2019-05-27, 周一 17:38:25 由 旅法師 紫淵 »

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Re: 官方奥能师奥能技艺全表
« 回帖 #2 于: 2015-07-25, 周六 21:07:27 »

离线 旅法師 紫淵

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    • 迁跃船 · 末日浩劫号
Re: 奥能师官方奥能技艺全表
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-01-01, 周日 15:58:29 »
魔化者demonic腐化变异污染内容节译,出自Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Horror Realms,世界设定:惧怖国度,HR。
受诅者accursed, 狱契者hellbound, 附身者possessed的腐化变异污染内容,见Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Horror Adventures,惧怖冒险,HA。
名词:the Outer Rifts,外层裂隙;corruption,腐化;manifestation,变异;stain,污染;gift,恩典;progress,恶化;

魔化者腐化渴望着罪恶。某人可能原本因暴露于世界之伤的纯粹深渊能量而被恶魔影响腐化,或是从魅魔那里接受了太多亵渎恩赐,或是使用了迷诱魔给予的愿望术。但是腐化的恶化往往跟该个体最强大的罪恶有关。当时机来临,你总倾向于使用某种最符合该腐化主题(由DM决定)的行为。这种行为可能会包含肆意毁灭、施展暴力或仅仅是诱惑某人进行混乱邪恶的行为。你必须成功通过一次意志检定(DC = 15 + 你的变异等级),否则将屈从于这种冲动并实施该行为。什么行为最符合主题由DM决定。如果某件事阻止你实施该行为,那么DM在下一周选择一个时间让你继续被强迫为混乱邪恶的事业添砖加瓦。




恩典:永久性血肉植入物fleshcrafts(HA 166)在植入你身上时费用降低10%。每天一次,你可以获得[变身术]中列出的任意一项能力,同时获得一种通常是混乱或邪恶生物的物理特征或身体部件(获得的能力需用该生物能力和变身术中较差的一种)。从此种方法获得的能力持续每变异等级1小时。当你达到变异等级7时,你获得的能力持续到你使用其获得一种不同的特性。
污染:你的阵营灵光视为混乱邪恶而不是你的真实阵营。你的灵光强度相当于牧师的灵光强度。当你达到变异等级5时,无论何时你启动该能力,你都有触发血肉突变fleshwarp mutation(HA 171)的风险,除非你通过DC=15+你变异等级的强韧检定。因你魔化者腐化而在同一天获得所有血肉突变都被视为来自同一部位。
污染:你沉迷于暴露在深渊和恶魔生物环境中。每周你未能在深渊或是一只恶魔30尺范围内度过1小时以上,你都必须进行一次意志检定(DC = 15 + 你的变异等级)。如果失败,你将被迫在下周里为将你腐化的恶魔进行一次有益的行动。若你未被阻止,你的腐化将会恶化。
恩典:你获得等于你变异等级一半的 DR/寒铁或善良。
特殊:当你获得该变异时,你必须同时获得恩典和污染,即使你有实用腐化useful corruption或是黑暗腐化vile corruption变体。

劇透 -  原文:
Demonic*: Close contact—whether it’s painfully hostile or recklessly friendly—with demons, the Worldwound, the Abyss, or anything derived from such sources can inflict this corruption. In addition to the Worldwound and nearby lands, demonic corruption also takes root with alarming frequency in the Mwangi Expanse, those parts of the Darklands where secretive drow worship demon lords, and within the blasted reaches of the Tanglebriar south of Kyonin. Repeated dabbling in fiendish magic and long-term use of demonic implants or demonic drugs frequently inflicts this corruption. Removing demonic corruption requires chaining the vile impulses it has awakened, generally with prolonged meditation or atonement for actions taken under Abyssal influence.
Sages of the Magaambya in the Mwangi Expanse offer to teach ways to remove demonic corruption that involve communion with angels and nature spirits.

Close contact with the Abyss or demons clouds your mind and twists your body.
Prolonged contact with Abyssal energies or demons, whether willing or otherwise, has corrupted your soul.
Demonic corruption thrives in the presence of sin. One could become initially corrupted by demonic influence through being exposed to raw Abyssal energies in the Worldwound, accepting one too many profane gifts from a succubus, or using a wish granted by a glabrezu, but the progression of the corruption is often tied to the individual’s most powerful sin. When an opportunity arises to carry out a significant action that matches the corruption’s theme (GM’s discretion), you
are tempted to take it. The action might include wanton destruction and violence, or merely tempting someone to behave in a chaotic evil manner. You must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level) or succumb to this temptation and perform the action. What counts as significant is up to the GM. If something prevents you from performing this act, the GM chooses a time over the next week when you’re compelled to otherwise further the cause of chaotic evil.

Corruption Stage 1: The first time you perform a significant act that matches the corruption’s theme, your alignment shifts one step toward chaotic evil (toward evil first, if you aren’t yet evil). Any attempt to raise you from the dead requires a successful caster level check (DC = 15 + double your manifestation level).
Corruption Stage 2: The second time you perform such an act, your alignment shifts to chaotic evil.
Corruption Stage 3: The third time you perform such an act, you become a demonic entity under the GM’s control.

Removing the Corruption
Redemption requires slaying the demon who corrupted you or cleansing the site where you were corrupted.

The following are manifestations of demonic corruption.

Abyssal Deformity
Your body mirrors the ugliness of your corruption.
Gift: You gain a +3 bonus on Intimidate checks and on Diplomacy checks to interact with demons and their cults. Your stain penalty does not apply to these checks. At manifestation level 5th, the bonuses double.
Stain: Your hideousness unsettles others. You take a –2 penalty on Diplomacy, Disguise, and Handle Animal checks. At manifestation level 5th, the penalties double.

Chaotic Mutation
Your physical form is unpredictable.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 2nd.
Gift: Permanent fleshcrafts (Horror Adventures 166) cost 10% less to apply to you. Once per day, you can gain any one of the abilities listed in alter self, as well as an apt physical feature or body part of a typically chaotic or evil race (using that race’s ability or that in alter self, whichever is worse). Abilities gained in this manner persist for 1 hour per manifestation level. At manifestation level 7th, the ability granted lasts until you use the ability again to gain a different feature.
Stain: Your aura detects as chaotic and evil instead of your true alignment. The aura is strong, like that of a cleric. At manifestation level 5th, whenever you activate this ability, you risk undergoing a fleshwarp mutation (Horror Adventures 171) unless you succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 15 + manifestation level). All fleshwarp mutations from your demonic corruption gained in the same day count as originating from the same area.

Corrupted Claws
Your hands twist into terrible claws.
Gift: You gain a claw attack as a primary natural weapon. This attack deals 1d6 points of damage (or 1d3 points of damage if you are Small). At manifestation level 6th, you gain a second claw attack.
Stain: You take a –2 penalty on attack rolls with manufactured weapons and on Disguise checks where you must hide your claws.

Demonic Enhancement
Demonic power surges within you.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 4th.
Gift: You gain a +2 profane bonus to the ability score of your choice.
Stain: You take a –2 penalty to an ability score of the GM’s choice (other than the one you select as your gift).

Demonic Wings
You’ve grown a pair of demonic wings from your back.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 4th.
Gift: You gain a fly speed of 30 feet with poor maneuverability. At manifestation level 8th, the fly speed increases to 60 feet and your maneuverability increases
to good.
Stain: Your wings cannot be hidden by magic, but you can conceal them by mundane means. Your wings periodically flap and rasp reflexively, imposing a –4
penalty on Escape Artist and Stealth checks.

Hideous Urges
Your base instincts grow stronger.
Gift: Whenever you are confused, you can roll twice and take the result of your choice to determine the actual effects of confusion. Once per day, if you become
dazed, frightened, nauseated, panicked, or stunned, you can instead choose to become confused for the twice the duration of the original effect.
Stain: You become addicted to exposure to the Abyss and demonic creatures. Each week that you go without spending at least 1 hour within 30 feet of a demon or in the Abyss, you must attempt a Will saving throw to resist the urge to create a bit of the Abyss on the spot by performing a chaotic evil act (as if you had been tempted as defined in this corruption’s progression). If you fail the saving throw, you are compelled to perform an act within the next week befitting the demon who corrupted you. Unless you are prevented from doing so, your corruption progresses.

Scarred by the Abyss
Your body is horrifically scarred.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 5th.
Gift: You gain damage reduction equal to half your manifestation level that can be overcome by cold iron or good weapons.
Stain: You take a –2 penalty on all saving throws against spells with the lawful or good descriptors and against spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities created by outsiders with the lawful or good subtypes.

Terrible Truths
The Abyss reveals the awful truths of reality to you.
Prerequisite: Manifestation level 5th.
Gift: You can see the truth, as per true seeing, as a fullround action. You can use this gift for a number of rounds per day equal to your manifestation level, and the rounds need not be used consecutively.
Stain: When you cease to use this manifestation’s gift, you become confused for a number of rounds equal to the number of rounds you used the gift.
Special: Upon receiving this manifestation, you must take both the gift and the stain, even with the useful corruption or vile corruption variants.

Warping Claws
Your claws carry the warping energies of the Abyss.
Prerequisites: Manifestation level 7th, corrupted claws, demonic enhancement.
Gift: The damage caused by your corrupted claws increases as if you were one size larger. The threat range for your claws becomes 19–20. On a confirmed critical hit, a targeted creature must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw to resist becoming warped by your infusion of demonic energy. This inflicts 1d4 points of damage to a randomly determined ability score and causes the creature to be staggered for 1 round.
Stain: You take a –4 penalty on melee attack rolls with manufactured weapons and on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks. You have 5% spell failure chance on spells with a somatic or emotion (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 144) component. This stacks with all other chances of spell failure.
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