作者 主题: 【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)  (阅读 26061 次)

副标题: 今天也为大家带来实用(?)渣翻!一个专长圆你特效之梦!

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【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
« 于: 2020-11-07, 周六 18:59:18 »
专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
出自Chronicle of Legends,16~19页


Magic Trick

光障Barrier of Light(盾牌专攻Shield Focus):当你将昼明术施放于盾牌时,它会投射120尺锥形的强光(Bright light),且将120尺延伸区域的光照等级提升一级。以一个标准动作,你可以令光芒骤然闪耀来结束法术,锥形范围内的所有生物都必须通过昼明术法术DC的强韧豁免,否则目盲1D4轮。
光刃Blades of Light(宗教知识6级):当你将昼明术施放于近战武器时,你可以将持续时间减少至1轮/等级,赋予武器对不死生物和邪恶异界生物造成额外伤害的能力,数值等于施法者等级的一半(最高+5)。该额外伤害不与神圣(Holy)武器附魔或类似效果叠加。
日耀Burst of Sunlight(法术辨识6级或信仰太阳领域神祇):你可以将昼明术的持续时间减少至1轮,使法术放射出纯净日光,从而影响被日光伤害、被日光摧毁或受日光影响的生物。
劝服光环Convincing Halo(宗教知识3级):当你将昼明术施放于头饰时,你可以令它呈现光环的形态。佩戴该头饰的生物在交涉与唬骗检定上获得+2环境加值。
光楔Pin Sunlight(精准射击Precise Shot):当你将昼明术施放于弹药或投掷武器时,你可以利用该弹药或投掷武器将法术转移至被远程攻击命中的目标,令该生物身体发光。若该生物通过了昼明术法术DC的意志豁免,他仅在5尺范围内散发微光(Dim light),持续1分钟。
光皿Vessel of Light(无额外先决条件):当你将昼明术施放于火把、灯笼或其他产生非魔法光照的工具上时,法术持续时间增加至1小时/等级。

火成碎屑文森特(Vincent the Pyroclastic)是协会中的一道毁灭力量。他曾造成的永久性破坏和受到的谴责抗议的内海地区建筑远多于其他任何特工。对他而言,焚烧已经成为一门艺术。除了括号中列出的专长技能以及其他要求外,你还必须具备魔法技艺(火球术)专长才能使用该技艺。
炽火炼狱Alchemist's Inferno(炼金工艺Craft [alchemy]9级,法术辨识9级):使用炽火胶作为材料成分,你的火球术会点燃它接触到的一切。最初的爆炸造成的伤害减半,但反射豁免失败的目标也会着火。以这种方式着火的生物必须需要通过火球术法术DC的反射豁免以熄灭火焰,而非通常的DC(15)。无主物品自动着火,纵使不可燃也会着火1轮。
集束炸弹Cluster Bomb(法术辨识6级):取代通常的效果,你可以用一道法术造成多个较小的爆炸。你掷出施法者等级一半数量的小型火球,每个爆炸对10尺半径造成2D6点火焰伤害。所有爆炸效果的网格交汇点间的距离均需在30尺内。若一个生物位于多个爆炸区域中,它只需尝试一次反射豁免来对抗总伤害。
浓缩火焰Concentrated Fire(甄选法术Selective Spell或法术扩展Widen Spell,法术辨识6级):你可以将火球术区域以5英尺为单位缩小,最小半径为5英尺。每减少5英尺区域为法术伤害增加1D6。额外伤害可以超越法术的最高伤害。
塑形烈焰Sculpt Flames(及远法术Reach Spell,甄选法术Selective Spell):你可以改变火球的形状,令其沿你规划的路径爆发。你可以在施放火球术时将区域改为每施法者等级一个5尺方格,这些区域必须是连续不间断的。如果法术被一个宽5尺或以上的环境特征(如墙壁)阻挡或分隔即会失败。无论法术区域与生物交汇几次,一个生物只能从以此法施放的火球术中受到一次伤害。
焰过留烟Where There's Smoke(炼金工艺6级,法术辨识6级):使用一根发烟棒作为材料成分,你的火球术会在法术区域留下一团持续1分钟的浓烟,常风(Moderate Wind)或更强的风会在一轮内将其吹散。当你如此施放火球术时,火球术伤害降至每2施法者等级1D6(最高5D6)。

法师之手(Mage Hand)技艺
阴险法艺Dirty Magic Trick(基础攻击加值+1,精通阴招Improved Dirty Trick):你可以操纵目标的衣服或附近的物品,以你的CMB对法术距离内的一个对手使用阴招战技。
强力之手Powerful Hand(法术辨识3级):你的法术辨识每有3级即可增加法术能够移动的物品重量上限5磅。
远程援助Ranged Aid(基础攻击加值+1):你已经学会了使用法师之手去拉扯对手的头发、衣服和装备。你可以远程使用援助他人(Aid Another)动作,此时以远程接触攻击取代近战攻击。
触及之手Reaching Hand(精准射击Precise Shot或及远法术Reach Spell):你可以在施放法师之手前以迅捷动作集中注意力,将法术距离增加至每50尺+每施法者等级5尺。若你的法师之手法术的目标在你回合开始时不在该法术的标准距离内,你必须花费一个迅捷动作再次集中注意力,否则法术立即结束。
灵巧之手Subtle Hand(妙手Deft Hands,Disable Device6级,巧手6级):你可以在法师之手距离内尝试解除装置和巧手检定。远程作业使通常的技能检定DC增加5,且你不能再该检定中取10。
飞来横拳Throw Punch(精通徒手打击Improved Unarmed Strike):你可以用法师之手在法术距离内打击对手。这被视为近战攻击,且总造成1D3点力场伤害。法师之手的攻击加成等于你的施法者等级加上感知、智力或魅力调整值,取最高值。法术抗力对该技艺有效。

隐雾术(Obscuring Mist)技艺
沙斯塔拉(Shastalla)是一个嗜血的海盗,以在隐雾术的掩护下突袭了切利亚斯巡逻队(Chelish patrols)而扬名。在沙斯塔拉被抓获并处死后,探索者协会花了一大笔钱买下了她的魔法图书馆以破解她的秘密。除了括号中列出的专长技能以及其他要求外,你还必须具备魔法技艺(隐雾术)专长才能使用该技艺。
附体迷雾Clinging Mist(法术延时Extend Spell,法术辨识6级):你的浓雾很难逃脱。生物在离开隐雾术后的1D4+1轮内仍将其他生物视作拥有隐蔽(concealment)。
浸润迷雾Hydrating Mist(生存3级):你的雾气附着在生物身上,浸湿他们和他们的装备。这使得所有生物在抵抗热害的强韧豁免获得+4加值,对抗造成闪电伤害或具有电击描述符的法术时承受-4减值。该效果可使水生生物如同潜入水中般浸透皮肤,或浸湿水雾中的生物如同消耗了一整壶水。
迷雾屏障Mist Screen(法术升阶Heighten Spell):你可以将朦胧的雾气塑造成浓密的雾墙,每2级可达10尺方格。墙段需厚五尺且必须保持连续,但无需锚定于坚实的表面。墙必须覆盖你占据的空间。站在墙内的生物具有隐蔽,而雾墙两侧的生物相互具有全隐蔽。
模糊自身Obscure Self(隐匿6级):你收敛隐雾术的范围只覆盖你自身占据的空间和临近的方格,但雾气在你移动时自动随你移动而非静止。这个效果不足以创造足以进行隐匿检定的遮蔽。以一个迅捷动作,你可以锚定雾气使其静止,为你提供允许躲藏的遮蔽。你可以再以一个迅捷动作解放雾气令其再次随你移动。如果你在使用这个技巧时受到任何火焰伤害,法术立刻结束。
模糊地形Obscure Terrain(甄选法术Selective Spell):你的薄雾覆盖地面阻挡了所有人的视线使该地区难以穿越。你的隐雾术如常覆盖区域,但不再阻挡其他生物的视线,而是令所有在雾中移动的生物将这片区域视为困难地形。生物可以花费一个移动动作来将该区域视为正常地形直到回合结束。
淬灭水雾Quenching Mist(法术辨识6级或水亚种):你可以向15尺锥形范围内喷射一股高压水雾而非通常施放的遮蔽雾气。这种喷射能够立刻扑灭任何非魔法的火焰,而只要魔法火焰的规模为中型或更小也能够如解除魔法(Dispel Magic)般生效。以此法使用的隐雾术持续时间变为瞬间,获得水描述符。具有火亚种的生物还会受到每2施法者等级1D6(最高5D6)点伤害,成功的反射豁免仅受一半伤害。

调整气味Adjust Scent(生存6级):你可以调整一件物品或自愿生物的气味,使其变强或变弱,分别将灵敏嗅觉(scent)通用怪物能力探测目标所需的距离增加或减少一半。
色彩学家Chromatic Savant(易容3级或侏儒):你改变物品颜色的变化是永久的。你也可以改变一个生物的部分或全部颜色,但该效果会在约1个月内逐渐消失。若你尝试创造复杂或具体的设计则需要通过一个适当的工艺检定。
持久变化Lasting Changes(法术延时Extend Spell):你的魔法伎俩持续时间变为1小时/等级,这不会改变它的法术等级。
弱效浮空Minor Levitation(法术辨识3级):你可以使1磅重的材料失重并引导它每轮移动5尺,如同浮空术(Levitate)。
难以下咽Repulsive Flavor(烹饪工艺3级):你可以令一个自愿生物变得异常难吃。当某生物以啮咬攻击命中该法术的目标后,目标在对抗该生物的啮咬攻击或用嘴进行的擒抱检定(如攫取或活吞)时在AC和CMD上获得+2环境加值。
华美奇术Thaumaturgic Aesthetics(唬骗3级,易容3级,欺诈师Deceitful):在魔法伎俩持续时间中,你可以按某种主题改变你施放的其他法术的效果,例如改变火球术的颜色、赋予魔法飞弹特定的形状,或者给你的法师护甲增添一种花香。这会使得辨识你所使用的魔法所需的法术辨识和知识(奥秘)检定DC增加你易容等级的一半(最少为1)。

同盟盾卫Friendly Shield(保镖Bodyguard):当你使用保镖专长时,你可以将自己的护盾术赠予盟友。你失去法术带来的好处,而你的盟友在法术剩余持续时间中获得法术效果。
力场冲击Force Bash(精通冲撞Improved Bull Rush,精通盾击 Improved Shield Bash):在护盾术持续时间中,你可以以一个标准动作令你的护盾飞向30尺内的目标并且尝试猛击。你进行一次远程攻击,该法术造成每1D8+每3施法者等级1点(15级时达到最高+5)钝击伤害。若造成伤害,你可以以自动动作进行冲撞(bull rush)战技。护盾术的攻击加成等于你的施法者等级加上感知、智力或魅力调整值,取最高值。使用此技艺消耗1分钟护盾术持续时间。
力场装备Force Equipment(盾牌装备技法Equipment Trick [shield]):你可以利用护盾术施展以下盾牌装备技法:掷盾阻敌(Break Ground)、投盾(Hurl Shield)、抱头蹲防(Little Wall) 、美式飞盾(Ricochet Shield)、住嘴!(Shield Gag)。
即时掩护Instant Cover(法术辨识6级):在护盾术持续时间中,你可以以一个直觉动作将护盾扩展成由力场构成的塔盾。选择你占据空间的一边,这一边被视为一道力墙术(Wall of Force),但硬度和生命值均为每2施法者等级5点。在当前行动生物的回合结束时,护盾术立即结束。
反射护盾Reflective Shield(法术辨识9级):在护盾术持续时间中,你可以以一个直觉动作将魔法飞弹反射给施法者,如同法术反转(Spell Turning)。使用此技艺消耗1分钟护盾术持续时间。

隐形仆役(Unseen Servant)技艺
无人能比科瓦萨魔学院(Korvosa's Acadamae)咒法教授塞迦纳穆(Seganam)更了解隐形仆役的用途。他最初改编法术来协助他的炼金术实验,但随着时间推移,他学会了让这些仆役以各种方式发挥作用。时至今日,披甲仆役不间断地守卫在他的办公室外。除了括号中列出的专长技能以及其他要求外,你还必须具备魔法技艺(隐形仆役)专长才能使用该技艺。
幻影诱饵Phantom Decoy(易容6级):你的仆役可以寄宿在一套盔甲上,看起来就如同活化战甲。这会如同穿着盔甲一样降低隐形仆役的移动速度。隐形仆役的AC变为10+护甲加值,任何成功的攻击都如同使用了破武(Sunder)战技般对盔甲造成伤害。造成6点或更高伤害的区域效应会如常摧毁隐形仆役。
无拘仆役Unfettered Servant(及远法术Reach Spell):你可以在不增加法术环位的情况下将隐形仆役的距离增至远距。如果仆役移动至法术距离之外,它会在完成当前任务后消散。
隐形学徒Unseen Apprentice(战斗施法Combat Casting,法术辨识3级):你的仆役被赋予了魔法力量的火花。当你尝试专注检定时,若仆役与你相邻则你获得+1加值。当你的法术辨识达到10级或更高时,该加值增至+2。
隐形助手Unseen Assistant(任何手艺或任何表演或任何专业3级):你的仆役被赋予了创造力的灵魂。它能够在一项你拥有3级或更高等级的工艺、专业或表演技能上为你提供帮助,如同一次成功的援助他人(Aid Another)行动。或者,它可以单独使用这些技能中的一项,使用你该项技能总加值的一半。
隐形战士Unseen Warrior(基础攻击加值+3):你的仆役被赋予了战斗精神。以此法使用的隐形仆役持续时间降至1轮/等级,但这允许它在你的回合中采取援助他人(Aid Another)行动。仆役的攻击加值等于你的施法者等级加上感知、智力或魅力调整值,取最高值。


劇透 -   :
Chronicles of Expertise

“Studying magic in all its forms is fascinating. It can create, destroy, repair, and protect. It can show visions of the future, offer false visions, and can help us learn more about ourselves. The most interesting practitioners are those who look to push the boundaries of magic. They seek to not just create new spells, but to use old traditional spells in new and exciting ways. This sort of magic not only expands our knowledge of the art but increases our understanding of the capabilities of even the simplest spells.”
—From the Pathfinder Chronicles issue “Bending Magic: A Study of Spell Manipulation Outside the Constraints of Metamagic” by Gnosalton Tiberius Gammathumalshire

Some of the most successful magically inclined Pathfinders have been able to manipulate their magic to become more versatile. This allows them to solve a greater variety of problems with their limited number of spells. Those who share their secrets can embolden new generations of Pathfinder agents. The following feat allows characters to expand the capabilities of their spells.

Magic Trick
Choose one spell. You are able to manipulate that spell beyond its typical uses.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast the chosen spell or spell-like ability.
Benefit: You can use any magic tricks relating to the chosen spell so long as you meet the appropriate magic trick requirements.
Special: You can select the Magic Trick feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of spell.

Though many clerics in the church of Sarenrae can conjure powerful light, it was a warpriest named Amnok who learned to focus it through his shield and blind Sarenrae’s foes. He later learned how to conjure a burst of pure daylight, shining like the sun for a several seconds and defeating an entire cabal of vampires. Most of the manipulations of the daylightspell come from Amnok’s early work. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed in parentheses for each of these tricks, you must have the Magic Trick (daylight) feat to use the trick.
Barrier of Light (Shield Focus): When you cast daylight on a shield, it sheds bright light in a 120-foot cone and raises the light level by one step for an additional 120 feet. As a standard action, you can end the spell by causing the light to suddenly flash, blinding each creature in the cone for 1d4 rounds unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save against your daylight spell DC.
Blades of Light (Knowledge [religion] 6 ranks): When you cast daylight on a melee weapon, you can reduce the duration to 1 round per level and grant the weapon the ability to deal additional damage against undead and evil outsiders equal to 1 point per 2 caster levels (maximum +5). This extra damage does not stack with the holy weapon enchantment and similar effects.
Burst of Sunlight (Spellcraft 6 ranks or worship deity with Sun domain): You can reduce the duration of your daylight spell to 1 round, causing the spell to radiate the equivalent of pure daylight for the purpose of affecting creatures that are damaged, destroyed, or are otherwise affected by such light.
Convincing Halo (Knowledge [religion] 3 ranks): When you cast daylighton a piece of headgear, you can make it appear as a halo. This grants the creature wearing the headgear a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks against good outsiders.
Pin Sunlight (Precise Shot): When you cast daylight on a piece of ammunition or thrown weapon, you can cause the spell to transfer to the target of a successful ranged attack with that piece of ammunition or thrown weapon, causing the creature to radiate light from its body. If the creature succeeds at a Will save against your daylight spell DC, it instead glows with dim light in a 5-foot radius for 1 minute.
Vessel of Light (no additional prerequisites):When you cast daylight on a torch, lantern, or other tool used to produce mundane light, you increase the duration of your spell to 1 hour per level.

Vincent the Pyroclastic is a destructive force in the Society. He has caused permanent damage to and condemnation of more buildings in the Inner Sea region than any other agent. For him, incineration became an art. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed in parentheses for each of these tricks, you must have the Magic Trick (fireball) feat to use the trick.
Alchemist’s Inferno (Craft [alchemy] 9 ranks, Spellcraft 9 ranks): Using alchemist’s fire as a material component, your fireball sets everything it touches ablaze. The initial blast deals half as much damage, but targets that fail their Reflex saves also catch fire. A creature that catches fire in this way must attempt a Reflex save against the DC of the fireballspell to stop burning instead of the typical DC (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 444). Unattended objects automatically catch fire, though nonflammable objects burn for only 1 additional round.
Cluster Bomb (Spellcraft 6 ranks): You are able to throw multiple small explosions with a single spell instead of the normal effect. For every 2 caster levels, you toss a miniature fireball with a 10-foot radius that deals 2d6 points of fire damage. The grid intersection of all blasts must be within 30 feet of each other. If a creature is in the area of multiple blasts, it attempts a single Reflex save against the combined damage.
Concentrated Fire (Selective SpellAPG or Widen Spell, Spellcraft 6 ranks): You can reduce the radius of your fireball by increments of 5 feet, to a minimum of a 5-foot radius. For each 5-foot increment you reduce the spell, you increase the spell’s damage by 1d6. This additional damage can exceed the spell’s maximum damage.
Sculpt Flames (Reach SpellAPG, Selective SpellAPG): You can alter the shape of your fireball to send its fire along the path you desire. When casting the spell, you can change the area to one 5-foot square per caster level. The spell’s area must be continuous and unbroken when cast. If its blocked or otherwise interrupted by a 5-foot wide or larger environmental feature like a wall, the spell fails. A creature only takes damage once from a fireball cast in this way, even if the spell’s area intersects with the creature multiple times.
Where There’s Smoke (Craft [alchemy] 6 ranks, Spellcraft 6 ranks): Using a smokestick as a material component, you make your fireball leave behind a thick cloud of smoke in the spell’s area for 1 minute. A moderate or stronger wind dissipates the smoke in 1 round as a smokestick. When using a smokestick in this way, your fireball deals only 1d6 points of damage per 2 caster levels (maximum 5d6).

Cylindia the Sly was a renowned cat burglar throughout Magnimar. Though she never had any formal magical training, her ancestor’s magical blood was all she needed to produce and master the use of mage hand. She remains unique in that her adaptations to the spell came entirely from practical applications rather than study and experimentation. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed in parentheses for each of these tricks, you must have the Magic Trick (mage hand) feat to use the trick.
Dirty Magic Trick (base attack bonus +1, Improved Dirty TrickAPG): You can manipulate a target’s clothing or a nearby object to attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver against a single opponent in the spell’s range, using your combat maneuver bonus for the check.
Powerful Hand (Spellcraft 3 ranks): You can increase the weight of objects you can move by 5 pounds for every 3 ranks you have in Spellcraft.
Ranged Aid (base attack bonus +1): You’ve learned to use your mage hand to tug at an opponent’s hair, clothing, and equipment. You can use the aid another action at range, attempting a ranged touch attack instead of a melee attack.
Reaching Hand (Precise Shot or Reach SpellAPG): You can focus as a swift action before casting mage hand to increase its range to 50 feet + 5 feet per caster level. If the target of your mage hand spell is outside of the spell’s standard range at the start of your turn, you must spend another swift action to focus again or the spell immediately ends.
Subtle Hand (Deft Hands, Disable Device 6 ranks, Sleight of Hand 6 ranks): You can attempt Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks within range of your mage hand. Working at a distance increases the normal skill check DC by 5, and you cannot take 10 on this check.
Throw Punch (Improved Unarmed Strike): You can use mage hand to strike an opponent within the spell’s range. This is a melee attack that always deals 1d3 points of force damage. The mage hand has an attack bonus equal to your caster level plus your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, whichever is highest. Spell resistance applies against this ability.

Shastalla of the Shackles was a bloodthirsty pirate, famous for her raids on Chelish patrols under the cover of obscuring mist. After Shastalla was caught and executed, the Pathfinder Society purchased her magical library for a small fortune to learn her secrets. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed in parentheses for each of these tricks, you must have the Magic Trick (obscuring mist) feat to use the trick.
Clinging Mist (Extend Spell, Spellcraft 6 ranks): Your thick mist is difficult to escape. A creature that leaves the obscuring mist continues to treat other creatures as if they had concealment for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves.
Hydrating Mist (Survival 3 ranks): Your mist clings to creatures, soaking them and their equipment. This grants each creature a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist effects of heat and a –4 penalty on saves against effects that deal electricity damage and spells with the electricity descriptor. This effect functions as submersion in water for aquatic creatures and penetrates the skin, hydrating creatures in the mist as if they consumed a canteen full of water.
Mist Screen (Heighten Spell): You can shape your obscuring mist into a dense wall of mist with an area up to one 10-foot square per 2 levels. The sections of wall are 5 feet thick and must remain contiguous, but they do not need to be anchored to a solid surface. At least one section of the wall must include your space. Creatures standing within the wall have concealment. Creatures on the opposite side of the wall have total concealment.
Obscure Self (Stealth 6 ranks): You reduce the area of the obscuring mist to your space plus all adjacent squares, but the mist is no longer stationary and instead automatically moves with you when you move. This does not create enough concealment to attempt Stealth checks. As a swift action, you can anchor the mist, causing it to become stationary and allowing enough concealment to hide. You can release the mist as a swift action, allowing it to move with you again. If you take any fire damage while this trick is in effect, the spell immediately ends.
Obscure Terrain (Selective SpellAPG): Your mist rests low to the ground, blocking sight to all underfoot and making the area difficult to traverse. Your obscuring mist takes up the same area, but no longer blocks sight of other creatures. Instead, all creatures moving through the mist treat the area as difficult terrain. A creature can spend a move action to treat the area as normal terrain until the end of its turn.
Quenching Mist (Spellcraft 6 ranks or water subtype):You can issue a forceful blast of pressurized mist in a 15-foot cone instead of casting obscuring mist normally. This blast automatically quenches any nonmagical fires and functions as dispel magic against magical fires as long as those fires are Medium or smaller. The duration changes to instantaneous and the spell gains the water descriptor. Creatures with the fire subtype within the cone take 1d6 points of damage for every 2 caster levels (maximum 5d6) you have (half on a successful Reflex save).

Though magical practitioners around the multiverse make daily use of prestidigitation, Poshment the Peculiar was the first to dabble in prestidigitation’s many possibilities. Through dedicated study and dubious field tests, he was able to find many more uses than dying his clothes and cleaning up a spell component closet. By the time he had graduated from the Arcanamirium in Absalom, he had already learned to permanently dye clothes and even paint on canvas using only his spellwork. Over the years, he expanded prestidigitation from a multi-use spell to a work of art. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed in parentheses for each of these tricks, you must have the Magic Trick (prestidigitation) feat to use the trick.
Adjust Scent (Survival 6 ranks): You can adjust the smell of an object or willing creature to become more or less powerful, respectively doubling or reducing by half the distance needed to detect the target with the scent universal monster ability.
Chromatic Savant (Disguise 3 ranks or gnome): When you change the color of an item, the changes are permanent. You can also change the color of part or all of a living being, but the effect gradually fades away in about a month. You must succeed at an appropriate Craft check to create complex or specific designs.
Lasting Changes (Extend Spell): The effects of your prestidigitation spells persist for 1 hour per caster level; this does not change its spell level.
Minor Levitation (Spellcraft 3 ranks): You can cause up to 1 pound of material to become weightless and direct it to move up to 5 feet each round as if under the effects of levitate.
Repulsive Flavor (Craft [cooking] 3 ranks): You can cause a willing creature to taste foul. Once a creature with a bite attack successfully attacks the target of your spell, the target gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC and CMD against bite attacks and grapple checks made with a mouth, such as the grab ability or swallow whole, from that creature.
Thaumaturgic Aesthetics (Bluff 3 ranks, Disguise 3 ranks, Deceptive): While you have a prestidigitation spell active, you can thematically change the effects of other spells you cast, such as changing the color of a fireball, granting your magic missile a specific shape, or adding a floral smell to your mage armor. This increases the DC of Spellcraft and Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify your magic by an amount equal to half of your ranks in Disguise (minimum 1).

Kah’la is one of the more studious magi to ever graduate from the Arcanamirium. Though her professors had hoped she would make a fine magical theoretician, she joined the Pathfinder Society and put her theories on abjuration to good use. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed in parenthesis for each of these tricks, you must have the Magic Trick (shield) feat to use the trick.
Friendly Shield (BodyguardAPG): When using the Bodyguard feat, you can instead grant your ally the benefit of your active shield spell. You lose the spell’s benefits and your ally gains these benefits for the spell’s duration.
Force Bash (Improved Bull Rush, Improved Shield Bash):While the shield spell is active, as a standard action you can cause your shield to fly toward a target within 30 feet and attempt to bash it. On a successful ranged attack roll, the spell deals 1d8 points of force damage plus 1 point per 3 caster levels (maximum +5 at 15th level). If it deals damage, you can also attempt a bull rush combat maneuver with the shield as a free action. The shield has an attack bonus equal to your caster level plus your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, whichever is highest. Using the shieldin this way consumes 1 minute of the spell’s duration. Spell resistance applies against this ability.
Force Equipment (Equipment Trick [shield] [Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer’s Armory 22]): You can use your shield spell with the Equipment Trick (shield) feat for the following tricks: Break Ground, Hurl Shield, Little Wall, Ricochet Shield, Shield Gag.
Instant Cover (Spellcraft 6 ranks): While the shield spell is active, as an immediate action you can expand your shieldinto a tower shield made of force. Choose one edge of your space. That edge is treated as a wall of force, except for each 2 caster levels it has hardness 5 and 5 hit points. At the end of the current creature’s turn, the shield spell immediately ends.
Reflective Shield (Spellcraft 9 ranks): While the shield spell is active, as an immediate action you can reflect magic missilespells back on their caster as if using spell turning. Using the shield in this way consumes 1 minute of the spell’s duration.

Who better than Seganam, a conjuration professor at Korvosa’s Acadamae, to discover a variety of applications for unseen servant. Originally he modified the spell to assist with his alchemical experiments, but over time he learned to make these servants function in a variety of ways. Today, armor-clad servants stand perpetual guard outside his office. In addition to the feat, skill, or other requirements listed in parentheses for each of these tricks, you must have the Magic Trick (unseen servant) feat to use the trick.
Phantom Decoy (Disguise 6 ranks): Your servant can inhabit a suit of armor as if wearing it, appearing as haunted armor. This reduces the unseen servant’s movement speed as normal armor would. Attacks against the unseen servanttarget an AC equal to 10 plus the armor bonus from the armor. Any successful attack damages the armor as if it were targeted by a sunder combat maneuver. An area effect that deals 6 or more points of damage destroys the unseen servantas usual.
Unfettered Servant (Reach Spell): Without increasing the spell slot, you increase the range of your unseen servant to long. If the servant moves beyond the spell’s range, it finishes its current task before it ceases to exist.
Unseen Apprentice (Combat Casting, Spellcraft 3 ranks):You servant is gifted with a spark of magical prowess. If the servant is adjacent to you when you attempt a concentration check, you gain a +1 bonus to the check. This bonus increases to +2 when you have 10 or more ranks in Spellcraft.
Unseen Assistant (Craft [any], Perform [any], or Profession [any] 3 ranks): You infuse your servant with the spirit of creativity. It can assist you as if successfully using the aid another action with a single Craft, Profession, or Perform skill in which you have 3 or more ranks. Alternatively, it can use any of these skills itself, using half of your total bonus for that skill.
Unseen Squire (armor proficiency): Your servant can assist any character in donning armor with which you are proficient. When doing so, that character is considered as having help to don her armor and can do so in half the usual time: 5 rounds for light armor, 1 minute for medium armor, or 2 minutes for heavy armor.
Unseen Warrior (base attack bonus +3): You imbue your servant with the spirit of battle, reducing the duration to 1 round per level but allowing it to take aid another actions in battle on your turn. The servant has an attack bonus equal to your caster level plus the highest of your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifiers.

“Most of these spells require multidisciplinary study, and it would be absurd to become the master of even one spell, much less all the spells I’ve listed. My recommendation is to find a trick or two that you find intriguing, master it, and always keep that spell at hand.Even I cannot perform half of the magical tricks that I’ve researched. It took Cylindia the Sly months to master mage hand and my cousin Poshment practically a decade to perfect prestidigitation. Currently, Seganam is researching more utility uses for unseen servant. Myself, I’m diligently debating the different discussions on daylight to determine the most direct development for my dissertation.”
« 上次编辑: 2021-12-22, 周三 11:07:09 由 晴澈之空 »

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Re: 【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-11-07, 周六 19:03:36 »
术士:罗刹血统专长,Deceptive专长和Mystic Motif专长是什么?

急求Gnosalton Tiberius Gammathumalshire的翻译!我着实读不出来! :em032 :em032 :em032

才发现这篇已经有人开过头了,我背锅 :em032参照前人的翻译略作修改,感谢Boss old同学
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-08, 周日 13:39:33 由 晴澈之空 »

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Re: 【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-11-07, 周六 22:41:39 »

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Re: 【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-11-08, 周日 01:07:44 »

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Re: 【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-11-08, 周日 09:48:15 »
火球术那个减范围加伤害的技法……五火球神教正式进化为大炸B神教! :em006
[19:19] * Artoria|Saber 斩掉邪恶的LOLICON土司
[19:19] <Death> 请投破邪斩~~
[19:19] <DiceBot> Artoria|Saber进行一刀一刀割掉土司检定: d20=4
[19:19] <Artoria|Saber> ……
[19:19] <tooth|bower> 娃哈哈~~~
[19:19] <Death> ……
[19:19] <Artoria|Saber> 很好……
[19:20] <Artoria|Saber> DB你是在逼我发彪是吧?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:20] <DiceBot> Artoria|Saber进行再来一次,怒了!DB你给我老实点!!!检定: d20=5
[19:20] <tooth|bower> ...
[19:20] <Artoria|Saber> - -#
[19:21] <Artoria|Saber> 看来几天没来,DB又开始皮痒了……
[19:21] * Artoria|Saber 九尾猫抽了DB
[19:22] <DiceBot> Artoria|Saber进行现在想起自己该干什么了吗?- -#检定: d20=20
[19:22] <Death> 终于想起来了……
[19:22] <Artoria|Saber> ……看,果然如此
[19:22] <Artoria|Saber> 抓来签名……

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Re: 【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2020-11-08, 周日 11:13:55 »
火球术那个减范围加伤害的技法……五火球神教正式进化为大炸B神教! :em006

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Re: 【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2020-11-08, 周日 14:32:45 »
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-08, 周日 14:40:21 由 所罗门之仗 »

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Re: 【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2020-11-09, 周一 16:26:36 »
集束炸弹Cluster Bomb(法术辨识6级):取代通常的效果,你可以用一道法术造成多个较小的爆炸。你掷出施法者等级一半数量的小型火球,每个爆炸对10尺半径造成2D6点火焰伤害。所有爆炸效果的网格交汇点间的距离均需在30尺内。若一个生物位于多个爆炸区域中,它只需尝试一次反射豁免来对抗总伤害。

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Re: 【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2020-11-09, 周一 17:05:14 »
集束炸弹Cluster Bomb(法术辨识6级):取代通常的效果,你可以用一道法术造成多个较小的爆炸。你掷出施法者等级一半数量的小型火球,每个爆炸对10尺半径造成2D6点火焰伤害。所有爆炸效果的网格交汇点间的距离均需在30尺内。若一个生物位于多个爆炸区域中,它只需尝试一次反射豁免来对抗总伤害。


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Re: 【CoL】专究编年史(Chronicles of Expertise)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2020-11-10, 周二 11:18:40 »
集束炸弹Cluster Bomb(法术辨识6级):取代通常的效果,你可以用一道法术造成多个较小的爆炸。你掷出施法者等级一半数量的小型火球,每个爆炸对10尺半径造成2D6点火焰伤害。所有爆炸效果的网格交汇点间的距离均需在30尺内。若一个生物位于多个爆炸区域中,它只需尝试一次反射豁免来对抗总伤害。
