作者 主题: 【AP】 给有志刺客的建议ADVICE FOR THE ASPIRING ASSASSIN P13-P15  (阅读 9679 次)

副标题: 老伯伯刺客寂灭的刺客课堂 第五课

离线 cmoon

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劇透 -   :
There’s more advice I could give, but it’s impossible to write all of it down in the short time I have left. Still, I’d like to try to impart some of the more valuable lessons I’ve learned over the years in this last section.

离线 cmoon

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劇透 -   :
Everything that everyone does in this world has a ripple effect. Because of the nature of our work, we assassins leave major ripples with every job we take. Everybody in this world, including the target, is somebody’s sibling, parent, or significant other, and those people will hate you for ending your target’s life. This doesn’t mean all of them will seek revenge on you, but be prepared for it to happen if they discover your identity. If it does happen, don’t take it personally.

> Black Mamba
劇透 -   :
>I take people trying to kill me very personally.
> Black Mamba

这不仅仅适用在想要为之复仇的家庭成员们身上。举个由某人死亡而引起了巨大的连锁反应的例子吧,不妨看看引发了第一次世界大战的奥地利的弗朗茨·斐迪南大公遇刺一事。更近一点的,美国总统杰西·加雷蒂(Jesse Garrety)的死导致了威廉·“种族灭绝”·贾曼的上任。他企图对美洲土著进行大屠杀,这使得丹尼尔·嚎狼意图去着实施大百鬼舞(the Great Ghost Dance),这后来又导致了《丹佛条约》的签订。(译注:杰西·加雷蒂是被威廉·施普林格(William Springer)于10月15日所刺杀,但请不要搞错了,杰西·加雷蒂,威廉·贾曼,丹尼尔·嚎狼三个家伙都不是好人,杰西通过了拘禁北美土著的法案,威廉通过了要驱逐或者以其他手段(屠杀)赶走土著的法案,而丹尼尔此人则是宣称要把所有非原住民都赶出北美)只有一条龙才可能会去考虑清楚一个人的死亡可能会对世界产生的所有影响,但了解一次工作可能造成的广泛影响依然是值得的。
劇透 -   :
This applies to more than just vengeful family members. For some historical examples of major ripple effects caused by one person’s death, just look at the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, which sparked World War I. More recently, United States President Jesse Garrety’s death got William “Genocide” Jarman into office. His attempted Holocaust of the Native Americans drove Daniel Howling Coyote to implement the Great Ghost Dance, which in turn led to the Treaty of Denver. Only a dragon could possibly think of all the ways a person’s death could affect the world, but it still pays to be mindful of the wider consequences of a job.
> 而这就将会招来对于寂灭守则的潜在假设的诸多质疑,我之前打算提出来的,但最终我们都妥协了,我没有必要给寂灭挑刺,尤其是在考虑到他真的要走了的情况下。
> Winterhawk
劇透 -   :
> Which brings into question a lot of the underlying assumptions of Quietus’ code, and I was going to bring it up earlier, but in the end we’re all compromised, so I didn’t figure I needed to single out Quietus, especially if he truly is on his way out.
> Winterhawk
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-23, 周四 22:50:20 由 cmoon »

离线 cmoon

  • Chivary
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劇透 -   :
Not that I think any assassin worth a damn would try to screw up, but this is worth saying for one simple reason: When you screw up a job, you immediately become the first target of your employer. Dead men don’t tell tales, after all. The best way to avoid this fate is to build yourself a reputation for not talking about your jobs.
 Unfortunately, having a perfect job record and a reputation for staying silent won’t necessarily save you. An employer might decide to eliminate you even after a successful job. So in addition to building up that reputation, keep your guard up at all times, and always prepare for betrayal. If and when it happens, show no mercy in defending yourself.

> Snopes

> 因为这涉及到谈论某份工作,所以我必须说“无可奉告”
> Quietus

 > 好好算算吧,Snopes。他说在2034年真主联盟出现的时候,他是一个十几岁的少年。那是40年前的事了,这让他现在至少有53岁了,成年后每年都在干这类活,至少现在是这样的,他到了现在还活着。我敢说,这份记录就能够证明一切了。
> Stone

劇透 -   :
> You know, it occurs to me that it might help to know why you’re being targeted by your current employer. After all, if it’s because you screwed up, that sort of calls your advice into question, doesn’t it?
> Snopes
> Since that would involve talking about a job, I must say “no comment.”
> Quietus
> Okay, do the math here, Snopes. He said that he was a teenager when the Alliance for Allah came along in 2034. That was forty years ago, which makes him at least fifty-three years old today, every adult year of that spent doing this job, and he’s still alive, at least for the moment. I’d say that record speaks for itself.
> Stone

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劇透 -   :
Don’t stay in one place too long. Move around, even if it’s just to another district in the same city. Switch up the districts you stay in too. If you only move to safehouses in the Redmond Barrens, that’s not much better than staying in the same Barrens safehouse for years on end. Getting a ritzy place in Renton once in a while might be the last thing someone tracking you would expect.
 Somewhat related to this: Make friends with a reliable plastic surgeon and forger in case you need to change your appearance and get a corresponding fake SIN. That might be the only option if a job goes really bad.

> 殖装能像整形手术一样有效地改变你的容貌,而且这么做性价比更高。
 > Kat o’ Nine Tales

劇透 -   :
> Augmentations can change your appearance at least as efficiently as plastic surgery, and can be more cost effective too.
 > Kat o’ Nine Tales
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-23, 周四 22:50:55 由 cmoon »

离线 cmoon

  • Chivary
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劇透 -   :
If you need a special skill set that you don’t possess or if the target is someone you need special expertise to take down, contract a specialist for help or turn the job down. If your target’s a vampire and you know absolutely nothing about the Infected, get a vampire hunter to assist you if you decide to take the job. Don’t be afraid to say “no” because a job is beyond your skillset. It marks you as a smart man and a professional, not a coward.

> 我已经记不清多年来我所见过的因为太担心自己的名声,不敢对他们做不到的活说“不”的狂奔者的人数了。并不是所有狂奔者都能活着做完那些活,即便是那些做到的,也因为他们过度歪曲自己的能力而使得其名声大降。这对他们名声带来的冲击可比拒绝一份工作要大多了。对你自己和你的潜在雇主们诚实点。淦哦,有时候只要你事先说了这份工作已经超出了你的能力的话,你的雇主都会给你找来干这部分活的专家的。
> Fianchetto
劇透 -   :
> I’ve lost count of the number of runners I’ve seen over the years that ended up in over their heads because they were too afraid for their reputations to say “no” to a job they couldn’t do. Not all of those runners made it out of those jobs alive, and even those that did took a major blow to their reps because they were exposed as misrepresenting their abilities. It is far more of a hit than their reps would have taken by turning the job down. Be honest with yourself and your potential employer. Hell, sometimes the employer will give you access to a specialist as part of the job if you say up front that it’s beyond your abilities.
> Fianchetto

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劇透 -   :
What I mean by this is that you need to find something to center your mind and soul between jobs so that you can hold onto your humanity. Personally, I’m a fan of getting a hobby, specifically something that doesn’t involve violence, whether simulated or real. The whole point is to take a break from violence, after all. This means that things like urban brawl or Matrix shooters are right out. My hobbies of choice are cooking and karaoke. I’m pretty good at the former, especially with Italian stuff. The latter, not so much, but belting out a hard rock or rap song can be a really nice way to let off some steam without involving simulated violence.

>这个家伙是被人格修正成了过渡保护型的足球妈咪了吗?靠杀人为生就忍受得了,在“超自然危机”里杀杀僵尸就没办法忍受了吗?(译注:(Soccer Mom ,一指中产阶级妇女 (住在郊区且有小孩的职业妇女),在美国选举中被视为强有力的(interest group)利益团体。非常重视小孩休闲活动,亲自开车接送小孩参加运动、活动的母亲。)
> Slamm-0!

> Nephrine

> Quietus


劇透 -   :
> When did this guy get taken over by an Overprotective Soccer Mom personafix? He can handle killing people for a living, but he can’t handle shooting zombies in Paranormal Crisis?
> Slamm-0!
> He didn’t say he couldn’t handle it. It sounds more like he wants to compartmentalize his life to some extent. I imagine that it’s sort of like a “wall” in his mind, and he keeps all the violence on one side and the rest of his life on the other, so that the two never meet. I can understand keeping them separate. When your job is as violent as his, the attraction of blowing stuff up in VR games or seeing Urban Brawl gunfights on trid is probably significantly reduced. That’s not true for every shadowrunner, there’s plenty of Urban Brawl fans here on JackPoint, but some people need that greater degree of separation.
> Nephrine
> Well, that’s the brief sum total of my decades of experience, there for the next few generations of assassins to see. Make it count. I heard the sound of cars pulling up outside my flat a few seconds ago. Looking out the window, I can see several heavily armed guys who look like they mean business approaching the entrance. I guess this is it. One last hurrah before I go on to whatever lies beyond. Safety and peace, everyone.
> Quietus
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-23, 周四 22:51:33 由 cmoon »

离线 cmoon

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