作者 主题: 【龙枪】少年Gi的奇幻漂流  (阅读 65262 次)

副标题: The Odyssey of Gilthanas

离线 茶白猫小修

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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #20 于: 2013-07-22, 周一 13:19:44 »

吉尔赛那斯在冰面上走得越远,心底越是确信那道胡睹族(huldrefolk)的大门将是他此趟旅程的关键。他日复一日,拖着沉重的步履不懈前行,跨过那一成不变的霜与雪的荒原。克瑞恩海(Courrain Ocean)位于他左方的某处,但他暂时不必操心这个问题——此刻最重要的是坚持到底,一路向南。



























































他打起盹来,他所做的最后一件事是呢喃着一个词“艾莲荒野(Elian Wilds)”。因为他心中有个渺茫的念头,自己或许能在那儿得到补给。


劇透 -   :
The Frozen Past Arch, 13sc
The farther across the ice he went, the more Gilthanas convinced himself that the huldrefolk portal would 
prove the key to his journey. He trudged steadily, day after day, across a wilderness of unrelieved frost and 
snow. The Courrain Ocean was somewhere off to his left, but he would worry about that later—for now, it was 
just important to keep making progress south.
Fortunately, the enchanted cloak the gully dwarves had given him kept him warm even in the most harsh 
arctic conditions. He slept directly on the snow but never felt a chill underneath him so long as he kept the 
scarlet fabric between himself and the glacier. Also, no matter how harsh the wind that tore across the flat 
swath of ice blew, it could not penetrate the tight weave of the cape that he kept wrapped around him.
Fondly he recalled the simple generosity of the gully dwarf clans in Purstal and Elial. On this cold expanse 
he actually found himself missing the companionship of his hosts in those ruined cities.
Eventually he arrived at the great precipice, the Icewall, and here at last he turned his course toward the 
east. For many more days he plodded, always looking up at the sun-dazzled face of blue-white cliff. He began 
to ration his food, though—thanks to the magical decanter of Purstal—he had no worries about drink. 
Alternately he poured sweet nectar of squeezed citrus fruit to invigorate his limbs, or tart red wine to warm his 
torso, and with the singleminded purpose that had driven him since the garden of Stone Rose he continued on.
And then he saw it.
The arch was so tall that it rose from beyond the horizon, even though it towered a mile or more past the 
crest of the Icewell. As Gilthanas walked closer, the arch seemed to sink from his view behind the nearer 
skyline, until at last he stood at the foot of the great cliff and could see no sign of the massive stone shape 
rising into the sky above. Darkness settled around him as he was studying the sheer surface, though the ice 
seemed to glow even in the pale light shed by a crescent moon.
After an hour of study, the elf conceded that he could not climb this cliff anywhere along here. Of course, in 
the days before the Summer of Chaos, he could have cast a spell, using his training and talent to control the 
arcane powers he had mastered for most of his adult life. A spell of levitation would have carried him easily up 
the cliff, or—if he was really in a hurry—he could simply have teleported himself and his possessions up the 
precipice, or even into the very shadow of the arch, for that matter.
However, that magic had departed with the gods who had abandoned the world to its mortal masters. And 
so Gilthanas found himself faced with the prospect of an impossible climb.
Instead, he resolved to find another way. For the next day he marched across the glacier, now following the 
foot of the cliff until, at sunset, he reached the sharp dividing line between ice and sea. Here the glacier ended 
in broken shards and spires—a treacherous landscape that shifted and surged with tempest and tide. 
However, Gilthanas was not interested in going further.
Instead, he saw where the cliff of the Icewall ended and where the vast shelf of bedrock became a tumble 
of boulders and rubble spilling into the harsh, cold sea. Icicles draped many of the large stones, and here and 
there great swaths of loose snow had swept avalanche channels through the slope. At least the surface was  irregular, though, allowing Gilthanas to climb it.
He began ascending at dawn, using his sword as an icepick and counting on the grip of his boots to cling 
even to the slipperiest of surfaces. He avoided the worst of the avalanche chutes, and when forced to cross a 
lesser ravine, he hastened with reckless abandon. Once he leaped out of a gully seconds before a rumble of 
icy snow roared from the precipice down to the sea.
By nightfall he found that he was only halfway up, but he rested in a windswept crevasse between two 
boulders. Even the protective ability of the cloak was taxed, causing Gilthanas to move out before the dawn. 
To remain still any longer meant he'd risk freezing to death.
Thus it was that the first rays of the sun fell across him as he pulled himself over the ultimate crest of the 
Icewall. Before him, ten miles or more away but rising in crystalline relief against the azure sky, the Frozen 
Past Arch crested in glorious perfection.
It must have taken hours for Gilthanas to cross that distance, but he was not aware of time passing. Instead, 
he had eyes only for the massive semicircle of stone—the portal that swept into the sky and then curled back 
down to the ground. It seemed to the elf that this course must be symbolic of the promise for his life and future. 
He had a destiny—a path to follow—and its course was before him!
Finally he stood beneath the stone surface. It might have risen a thousand feet over his head, but he had no 
way to make an objective reckoning. He sniffed the air, he listened and tasted and touched, seeking for some 
sign of the portal's power. But he wasn't surprised to find no glimmer of a magical aura.
He did not take this as evidence of failure. Instead, he had anticipated this—surely the power of such an 
ancient and hallowed place would not be focused so directly that any dumb brute that wandered beneath it 
would be affected. No, to reach the center of the arch's power, Gilthanas knew he would have to do more.
He would have to climb.
For the first time he took stock of the arch's surroundings. He realized that other unnatural shapes softened 
and masked by a permanent snow cover stood around him. In one place a great dome mounded out of the 
icepack's surface, appearing too smooth and symmetrical to be anything but a designed structure. Of course 
any outer surface it may have displayed was buried beneath millennia worth of glacial accumulation.
Beyond the dome was the suggestion of a crooked wall, also smooth and icy on its exterior. Other 
structures that might have been elaborate towers or giant statues were now buried beneath the ice, though 
they still jutted upward enough to suggest imaginative design and incredible workmanship.
Gilthanas walked a circle around the base of the arch—a span with a diameter of nearly a thousand paces. 
The body of the structure seemed to be a curving shaft of solid stone. Each footing was only twenty or thirty 
feet across, and no broader than the trunk of a full-grown vallenwood tree. Yet these pillars swept upward and 
in, somehow bearing the weight of a span that seemed to deny possibility. The prince knew that no one in the 
world, not even the most skilled of dwarven stonemasons, could have built anything resembling this in the 
modern era. He needed no further proof of the arch's origins—this was clearly an artifact of a long-vanished 
race, boasting workmanship of a quality lost to the world.
At the foot of one of the stone legs he saw that narrow steps had been carved into the surface. The climb, 
especially at the beginning, looked to be treacherous and steep. Still, Gilthanas wasted no time in dropping his 
satchel of treasures given to him by the gully dwarves. He wrapped his cloak around the bundle and, wearing 
his sword in its sheath and using the soft boots on his feet, he started up the stone stairway.
For its lower course this was more accurately a ladder, since the arch started out rising nearly straight up 
into the air. The steps were only wide enough for his toes,but his fingers could cling to the higher notches in 
the stone surface, and he made his way without a great deal of difficulty. Soon the wind began to whip at him, 
and he felt the chill through his wool tunic, but he clung tightly to his handholds and made sure that each foot 
was firmly planted before he advanced to the next step.
By the time he had risen a hundred feet above the surface of the glacier, the angle of incline had decreased 
enough that Gilthanas could climb without the use of his hands. Even so, he remained hunched forward, and 
as the wind rose to howling force, he frequently grabbed at the stone surface to steady himself. He began to 
take note of the irregularities in the surface of the ice below—the shrouded structures of the ancient huldrefolk 
This was not a ruin in the same sense as Purstal, where it was possible to guess at the nature of the 
structures and clearly perceive their purposes. Here, any purposes eluded his understanding—except, 
perhaps, for one great bowl that might have served as some kind of amphitheater. Otherwise the walls, domes, 
irregular shapes, and icy spires that extended for miles inland made no sense in the context of any city 
Gilthanas had ever seen.
Finally he stood at the top of the arch, where he found a smooth platform no larger than the main table in a 
typical inn. Like the rest of the arch, this flat expanse was clear of snow and ice—a fact which, for the first time, 
struck him as unusual. With a steady stride he walked to the center of the platform and turned to face the sun. 
He spread his arms wide, braced himself against the wind buffeting him, and raised his voice to the heavens.
"Silvara!" he cried. "I seek you! May the power of the arch fulfill my quest!"
He waited, feeling the chill of frostbite on his cheek, seeking some sensation of ancient power—some 
magic that would sweep him away from here. But he sensed no indication—no smell or taste of an aura. He 
listened, but the sound that reached his ear evoked a much earthier company.
The word was followed by a hearty laugh—the speaker apparently greatly enjoying his suggestion.
Immediately Gilthanas opened his eyes. Stepping forward, heedless of the long drop, he looked down to 
see a trio of tiny figures standing in the snow below.
"Jump!" shouted one of them, and this time all three bent over from the force of their fulsome guffaws. "We'll 
catch you!" he hollered, spreading his great arms in an expansive, ludicrous gesture.
"Thanoi," muttered the elf, recognizing the tusked faces and the powerful and hulking bodies of the 
walrus-men. His memories of the crude race were bad, dating back to his first quest on this glacier—a search 
for an orb of dragonkind that had brought him here more than forty years ago.
"Go away," he shouted in reply. "Or perhaps you'd care to catch one of my arrows!"
He tried the bluff, hoping that the creatures hadn't seen that he wasn't armed with a bow. He was 
disappointed when they only laughed harder. "Are you going to throw them down? Perhaps we can catch them 
in your pretty cloak!"
Now he saw that the largest of the walrus-men, the speaker and presumed leader, was holding out a scarlet 
bundle. The other two pawed through the robe, howling as they picked up the elf's treasured belongings.
Gilthanas flushed with rage. Not for the first time did he truly miss his magic, knowing that in years past he 
could have unleashed his power on these insolent wretches to punish them thoroughly—while barely batting 
his own eyes from the effort. Gritting his teeth, he checked that his sword was loose in its scabbard and started 
back down the stairs he had ascended
Only then did he stop and reflect. He had felt no power— no arcane effect atop the arch—but he had been 
so sure he could find Silvara by using it somehow. Purposefully he stepped back across the platform, this time 
turning his face to the east. Again he beseeched the ancient power of the huldre, calling Silvara by name, 
straining his mind for some senstion, some suggestion of an image, of his silver dragon maid.
But there was nothing beyond the howling of the wind and the increasingly mocking laughter from below. 
He squinted in the distance, following his tracks back across the snow, and then he saw it:
A brown shape, clearly the hull of a sleek boat, lay in a notch on the icy shoreline. Had the thanoi come here 
in that craft? Certainly he hadn't seen any sign of them in the ruined city beforehand. Yet, though his tracks 
were clearly visible, there was no spoor leading from the boat, or anything suggesting that the walrus-men had 
come from other than the snow right below.
Once more Gilthanas started down the arch. On the lower, steepest stretch, he was forced to face the steps 
and thus turn his back to the thanoi, who had gathered in a loose ring below him. The elf startled the hulking 
bullies by spinning when he was twenty feet off the ground and leaping to the snow to land beyond the ring of 
walrus-men. By the time they had recovered from their surprise, turning to face him, he was standing with his 
sword drawn.
"It has been years since I have killed one of your clan," Gilthanas declared coldly. "But it is not a knack I 
have lost."
"Hoark, hoark!" laughed the largest thanoi. "A big sting for a little fellow." The creature hefted his formidable 
weapon, which was a wooden shaft with a vast sheet of clear ice forming an ax-blade at one end. Gilthanas 
didn't let the crude appearance of the weapon fool him; he knew that the frostreaver was a weapon as deadly 
as any razor-edged blade of steel.
"Give me my things, and I will go," the elf declared boldly. "Unless you choose to fight."
"We give your things back—but only if you go that way," grunted the thanoi, pointing inland.
Immediately Gilthanas remembered the boat. Did they want to keep him away from the craft? Or did they 
merely intend to follow him across the glacier and kill him at their leisure?
"I have a mind to go there," he replied, indicating the coast. "But I will take my things, regardless."
"No! Go away!" bellowed the greatest of the walrus men.
"Are you thieves?" the elf scoffed. "You wouldn't know what to do with those things if you kept them!"
"Do?" The thanoi's voice dropped to a menacing growl. "Do this!"
Gilthanas was startled when one of the thanoi hoisted the decanter of Purstal and smashed the glass 
against the stone arch. Another tore asunder the scroll—the precious map that had brought him to this point. 
And the third rent his cloak into small pieces with savage, grunting tears.
The elf lost his temper and charged in to attack. His steel sword shattered one frostreaver, then cut down 
two of the lumbering thanoi. He stabbed the last one in the back, 
ously twisting the blade, then kicking the corpse as his trembling rage lingered long after his enemies were 
dead. Most of his magical treasures were gone, destroyed uselessly, mindlessly ... and for what?
Finally, cold and thirsty, he plodded across the ice, seeking the wooden hull he had seen from so far above. 
Darkness fell, but now he couldn't stop, for to sleep was to die. The cold wind tore through his tunic, and he 
longed for the cloak. If the boat proved useless, or even barren of provisions, he would undoubtedly perish 
from exposure to frost or sea. But now it was his only chance.
He discovered the craft and was astonished to see that it appeared new—at least, it showed no signs of 
weathering. It floated in a natural slip between two jutting prongs of ice. The planks were smooth, and the hull 
was polished to a high sheen. There was no snow in it, nor were there tracks in the fresh powder around it. He 
scrambled over the gunwale, estimating the vessel at a good twenty-five feet long. More to his delight, he 
found a cask of water—somehow, miraculously unfrozen—and a crate containing many fresh loaves of elven 
warbread. The provisions should last for a month or more. Furthermore, he looked under the foredeck and 
found clean blankets and several plush furs. However, th boat held no oars, and he could not find any sign 
that a mast had ever been mounted.
Most curious was an elaborate scrollwork of words carved into the transom. He recognized the structure of 
verse, though the letters themselves were arcane and utterly foreign to him. Nevertheless, he ran his fingers 
over the words, whispering to himself. He decided to camp here and warm himself in the furs while he made 
his plan.
He dozed off, and the last thing he did was mumble the words "Elian Wilds," with the vague notion that he 
could get supplies there.
Suddenly, the boat began to move.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-09, 周五 14:07:35 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #21 于: 2013-07-24, 周三 15:58:00 »




劇透 -   :
A Moment in Time: Elian Wilds
Time is a strange thing.
Years. Months. Days. Hours. Minutes. Seconds. Even the briefest of moments. They can all drag on for 
what seems like eternity, or they can fly by in a split second. No matter how long one spends with a lover, it is 
never long enough, but the time spent with a reviled commander seems twice as long than it actually was.
Some say that the moment of a man's death lasts forever and that he has enough time to relive his entire 
life and even experience how things might have been. As Gilthanas and I both dropped our guard and lunged 
at each other in all-out attacks, it was clear to me that only one of us would be trapped in that eternal final 
moment while the other's life would proceed forward in fits and starts, with each day, hour, and minute 
seeming to vary in length.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-24, 周三 16:23:24 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



离线 茶白猫小修

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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #22 于: 2013-07-24, 周三 17:20:01 »


就在前一个月,我刚刚活着通过了试炼(the Test),至高导师(Superior Master)说我的表现给他留下了深刻的印象。我甚至击败过一位对手,他的位阶(rank)是我毕生不敢有望达到的——事实上,在如今这一瞬,在这么多年后回想起来,我觉得当时自己更大程度上胜在运气而非技巧。

当我收到至高导师召我去禁城(Forbidden City)码头谒见他的消息时,心中充满了兴奋与畏惧。之所以兴奋,是因为谒见至高导师一直是他只为最高位阶——“红龙使者”(Red's Emissary)和那些接受了有去无回的特殊任务的人们保留的特权。倘若至高导师将一项这样的任务授予我这样的年轻人,那将是无上的殊荣,但那同时也意味着我将没有机会娶妻,没有机会延续我家族的血脉。尽管我将跻身烈士之列,但我的死亡毫无意义——因为没有儿女能传诵我生前的伟业。

我匆匆穿过禁城的街道,试着忽略建筑中不时传来的奇怪声响,并远远躲开那些吸血藤(bloodsucking vines)——靠着它们的帮助,我在试炼中击败了一名对手。即使我的同辈们都认为我已经强大到足以走进禁城,那些水晶建筑看上去仍然仿佛随时都会涌出深不可测的恐怖力量。在试炼中,我好几次以为自己瞥见了那些曾用强大的魔力奴役我先祖们的,有着金色皮肤的矮人。 但每一次我定睛望去,都发现那只是一幅幻象——那只是水晶门扉的反光,或水晶建筑负伤后自我痊愈留下的疤痕。那些水晶与干涸鲜血的组合——每一栋水晶建筑遭到破坏时都会流血——经常令位阶在我之上的高手出现失误。而那天我的想象力只和我开了一次这样的玩笑,因此我将它视作自己勇气与沉稳有所增长的标志。






然后陌生人转向我,用带有浓重口音的艾莲语说:“我是奎灵纳斯提的吉尔赛那斯。很高兴认识你,位阶大师(Master of Rank)索罗武(Solov)。”




我们回到至高导师的居所。吉尔赛那斯对我讲述了许多我闻所未闻的奇迹,这一切都证明了他本人就是一个奇迹。他是他的同胞——奎灵纳斯提精灵们的王子,他已经差不多活了人类两倍长的岁月,而且如果没有死于非命的话还能再活七倍于人类的岁月。他说,他所有的同胞都拥有这样长的寿命。他也告诉我并不是所有的龙都像我们的女王(Mistress)“赤红尊者”(Great Red)一样富有破坏性,相反,有些龙是善良而温柔的。他与一条这样的龙坠入爱河,如今正在试图寻找她。他在克拉伦艾莲(Claren Elian)靠岸,希望在这儿得到补给,但他的旅程比他预料的短暂许多。“我乘坐的那艘魔法船显然比其他交通工具都要快得多。”


















我望向刚才吉尔赛那斯消失的那团雾气,不寒而栗。我们不可能追上那位精灵,也同样没有任何办法找到他可能的目的地。至高导师向使者解释了这个问题,我注意到她精致的,戴着手套的双手松开又紧握。 在他讲完后,她说道:“那么,你们有五年时间做准备。然后找到他,杀了他。如果你们没能在他找到那条银龙之前杀了他的话,就连她一起杀。对待银龙和它们的人类伙伴必须毫不容情,这是我们的女王说的。你们这些位阶大师准备好吧,我会亲自向女王报告。”她一甩飘舞的斗篷,转身离开。




劇透 -   :
The Meeting, 18sc
I never thought it would come to this when I first met Gilthanas. He was the most wondrous thing to have 
entered my life up to that point.
I had just survived the Test the month before, and the Superior Master said that he had been impressed 
with my performance. One of the foes I had bested was actually of a rank far higher than I thought I would ever 
be skilled enough to attain—in fact, to this very moment, all these years later, I feel that it was more luck than 
skill that allowed me to succeed.
When I received the message that the Superior Master wanted me to meet him on the docks of the 
Forbidden City, my heart filled with both elation and dread. I felt elated because an audience with the Superior 
Master is something that he reserves only for the greatest of the ranks, the Red's Emissary, or those who had 
earned a special mission from which they do not return. It would be the greatest of honors for the Superior 
Master to select one as young as I am for such a mission, but it would also mean that I would not have an 
opportunity to take a woman and carry on my family line. Although I would be counted among the honored 
dead, it would be a death without meaning for I would have no children to recite the achievements of my life.
I hurried through the streets of the Forbidden City, trying to ignore the strange sounds that occasionally 
came from within the buildings and staying well clear of the bloodsucking vines that had helped me defeat one 
of my foes during the Test. Even though my peers considered me strong enough to walk in the Forbidden City, 
the crystal buildings still seemed like places from which unfathomable horrors could spill forth at any moment. 
Several times during the Test, I had thought I had caught sight of the golden-skinned dwarves that had forced 
my forebears into a state of slavery through their powerful magic. But whenever I stared in that direction, I 
discovered that the image was a mirage—just the light reflecting off a crystal doorway or a spot where the 
crystalline building had healed itself of some damage it had incurred. The combination of the crystal and dried 
blood— for all the crystal buildings bled when damaged—often caused men of higher rank than I am to make 
mistakes. I took it as a sign that my courage and steadiness were increasing when my imagination played only 
one such trick on me that day.
When I reached the dock, I found the Superior Master standing on the outermost point of the pier, gazing 
upon the turbulent waters beyond our island. As I moved closer, I noticed that a thick fog was rollingin, 
obscuring the sea.
Before I announced my presence or spoke my name, he said, "Welcome, young one. I brought you here 
because I had a dream that made me believe that you will find your destiny here. Behold."
From within the fogbank, a wondrous vessel emerged. Intricate carvings covered its transom. A single 
passenger sat within the boat, and as the vessel drew swiftly toward the docks, I saw that the passenger 
appeared human yet somehow did not. I first thought that it was a child, but when the boat drew close enough, 
I saw the curious bone structure of his face, as well as the large, slanted eyes, and the ears that ended in 
He moved with a grace that was unlike any I had ever seen, as he leapt from the boat onto the dock. He 
said a few words in a language I did not understand, eyeing us carefully, his hand resting near the sword by his 
side. He was trying to appear nonthreatening, but it was clear to me that he was ready to defend himself if we 
should have hostile intentions.
The Superior Master spoke to him, saying something in what sounded like a different language than what 
the stranger had spoken, but the strange one then responded in that same tongue. They bowed to each other 
and the Superior Master said something and indicated me. All I understood was my name.
The stranger then turned to me and spoke in heavily accented Elian, "I am Gilthanas of Qualinesti. It is a 
pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master of Rank Solov."
"What manner of person are you?" I asked. "You are unlike any man we have here on the Elian."
"I am Qualinesti," he replied, a momentary look of confusion upon his face. Then he suddenly gained 
understanding. "You have never seen an elf before? Is that what you mean?"
I looked at the Superior Master, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Gilthanas sounded so 
surprised that I felt as though I may have missed something in my education. The Superior Master said, "We 
rarely leave our island, Your Highness," the Superior Master told him. "The young one has never been to the 
mainland. I think he would find it very illuminating if you were to tell him of your race, yourself, and whatever 
undertaking has brought you here."
We retired to the Superior Master's dwelling and Gilthanas told me of wonders such as I never knew existed 
and made it clear that he was a wonder himself. He was a prince of his people, the Qualinesti elves and had 
already lived as long as two human lifetimes and would live at least seven more if he did not die through 
misadventure. All of his people lived such long lifespans, he said. He also told me of dragons that were not 
destructive like the Great Red who was our Mistress but were instead kind and gentle. He was in love with one, 
and he was currently attempting to reach her. He had put into port in Claren Elian, hoping to find supplies here, 
but his trip had been much shorter than he had anticipated. "The magical boat I travel in apparently journeys 
much swifter than any other craft."
"Yes and no," the Superior Master said. "I have read of craft such as the one you travel within in one of the 
libraries here in Claren Elian, Your Highness, and it may seem faster to you but in fact it travels much more 
slowly. You are trading safety and comfort for time."
Gilthanas frowned at him. "I'm not sure I understand."
"This magical craft has the ability to take you unerringly where you want to go," the Superior Master began, 
"yet, no matter what destination you seek, five years will pass while you travel."
"It didn't seem like five years, though," Gilthanas refuted, still frowning slightly.
"Ah, that's the magic of the vessel at work. Though you may spend what seems like hours on the boat, five 
years will pass in the lives of others not onboard the craft with you. You can go wherever you wish, and no one 
can detain you," he finished.
Gilthanas sat quietly for a long while, his handsome face wearing a thoughtful expression. Then he said, 
"Silvara and I both have many centuries ahead of us. It is bettr that I travel unerringly to where I think my 
search can start than to just wander aimlessly."
The two moved onto other topics, such as the world beyond our island. At first their conversation revolved 
mostly around the Superior Master espousing the glory of our Red Mistress and warning him of her might. 
Gilthanas learned much about the terrible dragons who now controlled lands that once belonged to others, 
such as humans and elves. I myself found out more about the world outside our island home, including the fact 
that these dragons of colors blue, red, white, and black could twist the lands they controlled into terrain that 
favored their natures.
The Superior Master and Gilthanas also discussed the silver dragons—who could change their shape at 
will, more miracles!—and many other beings that I could barely conceive of. Gilthanas even showed me some 
combat techniques his people commonly employed and congratulated me on how swiftly I mastered what he 
considered very complex dueling maneuvers. I told him that it was only natural that I should, as I was a Master 
of Rank, one of the greatest fighting men on all of Krynn. He agreed and said earnestly that for a human as 
young as I, I was truly an amazing warrior. His words filled me with pride, for he was a brilliant swordsman 
himself, and he was also a being with far more life experience than I could ever accumulate.
After sharing a meal with him, I walked with Gilthanas to the docks. Here, he boarded the boat, and it 
headed out to sea. He turned and waved as the fog rolled in and swallowed him.
I told the Superior Master that I was grateful for the opportunity to meet Gilthanas, but that I failed to see 
how this would affect my destiny.
Still watching the elf fade in the fog, he said, "It will become clear shortly, young one."
Suddenly, I heard the silky voice of the Emissary behind us. I whirled swiftly and fell to my knees, daring not 
to look at the slender, robe-wrapped form of the one who spoke for our Mistress. "What are you doing here?" 
she demanded. "I have been waiting in your chambers, Superior Master. Have you forgotten your place?"
The Superior Master did not kneel before the Emissary. I am told the Superior Master did not kneel before 
her even when she bested him in battle but instead merely admitted that she was his better. With this 
admission, the Ranks of the Masters started to do the Red's bidding until such time as a member of the Ranks 
proved their better. I, however, was no Superior Master, and I had seen the Emissary destroy men greater 
than I for lesser offenses than failing to kneel.
The Superior Master stood his ground and replied, "We have had a visitor. The young Master and I were 
attending to him and seeing him back on his way."
"You should have just killed the fool," the Emissary stated. "Who was this person?"
The Superior Master responded by relating Gilthanas's tale. I glanced up at the Emissary, who was 
listening in silence, her mottled gray robes swirling around her in the wind. The hood fluttered, affording me a 
brief glimpse of the blue-black metal mask that hid her face. I quickly dropped my eyes again.
When the Superior Master revealed that Gilthanas was searching for a silver dragon, the Emissary 
interrupted with a shriek, "A silver dragon?! I will brook no mention of silver dragons! Our Mistress will not 
tolerate such creatures anywhere near her domains, save those that she intends to slay to power her totem! I 
want you to pursue and slay this elf immediately!"
I looked toward the fogbank where Gilthanas had vanished moments before, my blood running cold. We 
could not pursue the elf, nor did we have any way of discovering where he may have gone. As the Superior 
Master explained this to the Emissary, I noticed her delicate, glove-clad hands clenching and unclenching. 
When he was done, she said, "You have five years to prepare then. You will find him and kill him. His silver 
dragon too, if you fail to kill him first. There will be no solace for silver dragons or teir human companions, so 
says our Mistress. Prepare your Ranks. I will report to our Mistress in person." With a swirl of her billowing 
cloaks, she was gone.
The Superior Master told me to rise. He asked me what I thought of the elf and his dragon lover. I said he 
seemed like a good man, and that he and his lady seemed as though they deserved happiness. The Superior 
Master nodded in agreement and then asked me if I could kill the elf and the silver dragon if so charged.
I said, "I am one of the Masters. I do whatever you bid, Superior Master."
He said, "I am charging you with a very important mission. You will have time to find a woman and to start 
a family, but at the end of four years from this day, you and nine others—whom I will allow you to handpick from 
the Ranks—will venture forth into the world beyond Elian and learn what you can about Gilthanas and Silvara 
so that you may destroy them both."
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-29, 周一 20:50:43 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #23 于: 2013-07-25, 周四 12:44:08 »




劇透 -   :
Four years passed as though they were seconds. I was known as a favorite of the Superior Master, so 
many fine women wanted to become mine. I chose a spouse quickly, and we had two strong sons and one 
daughter before the end of the fourth year. When my fourth year ended, I had finished training six others in the 
combat techniques that Gilthanas had shown me. In addition, the Superior Master and others who had 
returned from the mainland spent many hours telling us what it was like there, and I narrowed down 
Gilthanas's potential destinations. One of us would travel toward the city of Flotsam on the Blood Bay, one to 
Kurmost on the shores of an elven forest, two would travel to the distant city of Palanthas, and six of us would 
journey to city of Kalaman, for it was there that Gilthanas and his love once lived. Maybe the silver dragon was 
still there, and maybe we would need great numbers to slay her.
Some dark nights, as I lay in my woman's arms, I wondered if it was right to kill Gilthanas, particularly since 
he had succeeded in opening my mind to an entire world beyond Elian and showed me some of the combat 
arts of his people. While I had shown him some of our martial arts in return, he will not have had years to 
practice countermeasures to them as we had done.
In the end, it came down to my duty to the Superior Master, the safety of my people, and the future tales of 
my sacrifice that my children would tell. However, did I really want glory so badly that I was willing to kill a 
wonderful being such as Gilthanas for it?
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-25, 周四 13:00:00 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #24 于: 2013-07-25, 周四 13:34:28 »



劇透 -   :
The Eternal Moment, 28sc
I eventually arrived at the only decision I could. As the light flashed off the steel of our blades, a thought 
about whether he had ever found even a hint of his lost love flashed into my mind.
I would never know. At the end of this moment, the blood of one or both of us would be spilled upon the 
dusty ground. This moment that could barely be qualified as an instant, yet which could possibly last forever for 
one or both us, would be one of finality one way or the other.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-25, 周四 13:39:43 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #25 于: 2013-07-25, 周四 17:14:10 »
巨龙墓场(Dragon's Graveyard),23sc






















“因为我是史泰拉斯(Sterellus),墓场的守护者。多年以来我镇守此处,抵御怪龙(Monster wyrm)的侵犯,它们已经占据了此地以南和以北的土地。”


“红龙菲那莱斯坦(Red Fenalysten)占据了南边的沙漠……黑龙墨莱克斯(Black Mohrlex)在诺德马的沼泽中筑巢。还有,离这儿最近的,强大的绿龙罗瑞那(Green Lorrinar)一直在试图改造拉许森林(Woods of Lahue)。但凡他们中有一条能找到这儿并打败守护者,都会攫走这些宝藏。”































劇透 -   :
Dragon's Graveyard, 23sc
The mist parted and Gilthanas found himself under a moonlit sky, looking up at a rim of dark, forbidding 
cliffs. The boat was nosing into a small cove, and gentle waves broke upon a fringe of sugar-white sand.
Though his mind tried to accept the facts as explained by the Superior Master on Claren Elian, his emotions 
found it impossible to believe that five years had passed since he had embarked from that eastern realm with 
Silvara's name on his lips. It had been a full ten years since he had discovered this boat on Icewall Glacier and 
had first set sail in pursuit of his beloved Silvara.
But now, perhaps, that quest was coming to an end. He had set the boat on a search for Silvara as he left 
the Elian Wilds. Now the elf stood in the hull, watching the beach as the boat glided forward, nudging gently 
into the soft sand. He climbed over the prow and took a moment to ensure that the craft was firmly 
beached—though he reminded himself that, whatever happened here, he was finished with it.
Then he looked t the land, taking in the lofty semicircle of cliff that rose directly from the fringe of sand to 
soar high into the night sky. The face of the stone was smooth and, in the darkness, almost featureless. If a 
path, ravine, or sloping ledge led upward, he could see no sign of such a route. Perhaps daylight would reveal 
something useful.
Until then, he decided he would examine the length of the beach. In fact, the night sky was very bright, with 
a full moon casting brilliant moonlight. That white orb now appeared to be at zenith.
He paused, turning his eyes skyward and studying the white circle with fresh curiosity. It struck him as a 
very odd coincidence that, after a journey of hundreds of miles, coursing around the long coast of a continent, 
he should arrive at his destination underneath a full moon—and with that moon apparently at the summit of its 
climb through the skies. His interest quickened as, beyond the white, he saw a slender crescent of shadow 
pass across the face. The moon was being eclipsed by Krynn.
This alignment confirmed his guess: His presence here, now, could not possibly be a coincidence.
"The Dragon's Graveyard appears only when the moon is eclipsed by the world."
Gilthanas, startled by the deep voice behind him, looked in the direction of the sound. He saw a narrow gap 
in the face of the cliff, but the rock walls closed in overhead and concealed the niche in full shadow. Then he 
gasped as a brown metallic head emerged, followed by a serpentine neck of the same bronzed color.
"A dragon!" he gasped, his head pounding. "Then it's true—this is a place hallowed by your kind, by the 
dans of Good dragons."
"Indeed it is," murmured the serpent, slithering forward so that much of its gleaming body emerged from the 
narrow crack. This was a bronze dragon now scowling unhappily before Gilthanas. The wyrm crouched, 
catlike, with its head looming directly over the prone elf. "So much so that we resent the intrusions of other, 
lesser folk. Explain yourself, elf... tell me why I should not kill you right now."
"I am not your enemy." Gilthanas slowly rose to his feet, gratified that the dragon pulled its jaws back 
slightly to give him room to stand. The serpent regarded him with dark, slitted eyes, and he couldn't help but 
remember Silvara. She is a metallic dragon too, a silver cousin to this bronze.
Yet there were differences, even more than similarities, between the two serpents. This was a male, with 
the thick brow ridge and broad snout of his gender. His voice was deep and menacing, utterly lacking the 
softness Gilthanas remembered in the speech of his beloved. And his manner, despite his slight withdrawal, 
remained menacing.
"I have come here seeking a silver dragon," Gilthanas said. "I want to know if she still lives... and if not, to 
mourn her."
"Perhaps a worthy quest," mused the serpent. "Though presumptuous of you to assume that you are a 
worthy mourner for one of my kin-dragons. Why do you seek to do this?"
"She and I. . . ." Gilthanas suddenly realized that he couldn't tell this bronze serpent the truth, at least not 
the whole truth. "We fought together during in the War of the Lance," he blurted. "She was a bold and beautiful 
flier, and together we slew many of the Dark Queen's wyrms."
"A great hero, you must be," said the wyrm mockingly. Yet for the first time Gilthanas heard uncertainty in 
that voice. It occurred to him that this was a much younger dragon than Silvara—though his tail remained out 
of sight, he was no more than half as long as his former consort.
"Is this beach the Dragon's Graveyard," Gilthanas asked. He saw no sign of tombs, or any other 
monuments or remains. "Have I come to the right place?"
"The graveyard lies not on the beach itself; however, you are at the right place, at the right time," replied the 
wyrm. "You will not be allowed within ... the graveyard lies beneath the sea, and only a Good dragon may go 
Gilthanas shook his head, more and more frustrated. "Do you know Silvara, Sister of Heart?" heasked 
boldly. "Can you tell me if her bones lie in the graveyard?"
"Silvara!" replied the serpent, all but gasping. His eyes narrowed, and he lowered the crocodilian jaws to 
regard the elf coldly. The next words tumbled forth in a sneer. "She is indeed a heroine of our metallic clans ... 
and she has not been here. So far as I know, she has vanished."
Gilthanas felt the hope flowing from his body and forced himself to resist the urge to slump in dejection. He 
would not reveal weakness in front of this wyrm. "How ... how do you know?" he demanded. "How can you be 
"Because I am Sterellus, guardian of the graveyard. And I have been posted here these many years, 
holding this place proof against the monster dragons that have recently claimed lands to the north and south of 
"Monster wyrms?" Gilthanas remembered the stories of the great red dragon, Malystryx, who had menaced 
the eastern portion of Ansalon, and of the other Evil dragons that had started taking other territories. He 
shuddered at the thought that, during the years of his voyage, even more of these horrendous overlords had 
claimed parts of the land. "What dragons? Where are they?" he pressed.
"There is Red Fenalysten in the deserts to the south ... and Black Mohrlex, who makes his home in 
Nordmaar's swamp. And finally, closest to us here, there is the mighty Green Lorrinar, who has sought to 
remake the Woods of Lahue. Any one of them would seize the treasures here, if he could but discover this 
place and best our guardian."
"That is, you?" asked Gilthanas. "Forgive me, Sterellus, but I have heard of these overlords . . . that they are 
true monsters, greater by far than any mortal dragon. How is it that you could stop one of them, should he 
come here?"
The bronze snorted, and for a moment Gilthanas wondered if he had gone too far. Still, he held firm, 
masking his misgivings with an expression of bland curiosity.
"I would meet them in ambush," snarled the dragon, though not without that tremor in his voice. "Now, go 
away from here! I have never seen Silvara, not here, not anywhere! And I do not want to see you any more!"
The serpent backed into the notch in the cave, and Gilthanas strolled along, staying close to those metallic 
jaws. The nervousness in Sterellus was uncharacteristic of a dragon, and the elf's suspicions had been fanned 
into flame.
"Leave! Do you hear?" demanded the wyrm, lifting his head up high. Now the whole dragon, including the 
serpentine neck, had withdrawn into the crack in the cliff face.
Gilthanas drew his sword in a lightning gesture. He cracked the flat of the blade against those jaws, then 
stepped forward to hold the enchanted weapon against the joint where the neck met the bronze breast.
"I think you're lying," he said conversationally. "And I will leave—but not until you tell me the truth."
"Ouch!" cried the dragon, trying to twist away. But the cave was too narrow, and the sharp blade held him 
pressed against a cold stone wall, with no room to wiggle.
"You're right... I'm not here to guard this place! I'm too young, too small, too weak!"
"You are!" agreed Gilthanas, pressing harder. "Tell me more!"
"I'm dying!" squawked the bronze, with such passion that the elf eased up his pressure and stared at the 
slitted eyes in shock. There was a misty film over those pupils, a rasp to the breath that came from the great 
"I can see that.. . I'm sorry," said the elf.
"It is a pernicious disease resistant to magic ... it has been eating away my insides for too long, now. Some 
of the elders claim that I was born with this illness and that it's a part of me. I have been waiting here, for the 
right time."
"And while you were waiting here you saw Silvara, didn't you?" Gilthanas demanded. "Was she here?" He 
lowered his blade, but kept his gaze on those huge eyes.
"Yes, yes she was! I tried to keep her here, to have her keep me company until I died ... but said she had a 
place to go, and she flew away!"
"Then she lives?" Gilthanas pressed, his heart soarig even as his weapon pressed forward aggressively. 
"How long ago was this?"
"Years, many winters!" blurted Sterellus. "I don't know how long ago!"
"Where did she go?"
"She told me that she wanted to see a friend ... a creature she knew who lived on a lofty mountaintop."
"Who? Where was this?"
"I don't know!" insisted the bronze dragon.
Abruptly Sterellus stiffened, his eyelids closing as if he had entered some sort of trance. Gilthanas pressed 
the blade harder into the supple neck, but this time he drew no further reaction. The bronze dragon's attention 
was directed elsewhere. A low, tuneless sound emerged from the great jaws, and the prince realized that the 
creature was singing a mournful song.
Slowly, carefully, the elf backed away. He cast a glance over his shoulder and was astonished to see the 
waters slowly receding to left and right, revealing a shimmering pathway along the floor of the bay. In the 
distance, half concealed by foaming froth, he saw objects of bright silver and long skeletons of white bone.
Then Sterellus was moving. The bronze dragon padded out of his crack and crossed the beach, starting 
along the pathway that led to the Dragon's Graveyard. Gilthanas took a step after, but water spilled toward him 
in gentle waves that lapped with enough menace that he knew this place wasn't for him.
The dragon moved farther along the road toward his grave, and Gilthanas looked along the shore. Silvara 
had been here and had left to go to a high mountain. Where?
He couldn't know, but he did know something about this coast. Kalaman was not far from here—Kalaman, 
the city where he had been honored as lord, had been revered as governor for so many years. He had friends 
there, and they were wise people, with access to maps and libraries.
In that instant he made up his mind. He would go there, seek what help he could find and try to discern 
where this mountain might be. He cast one look at the enchanted boat and knew that he would leave it here. It 
might take him months to reach Kalaman, but that was all... and with Silvara before him his quest had taken on 
new urgency. No longer could he afford a five-year interval while he traveled with magical ease.
He looked again along the path leading into the sea. Those were bones there, white skeletal remains of 
mighty creatures. Silver and gold glittered among the remains, and here and there he saw signs of other 
objects—a marble statue here, there an array of chalices adorned with glittering diamonds. That was a 
magical place—a sacred place. And Sterellus was right, Gilthanas knew ... it was a place of dragons. He had 
no business there and could feel only relief at the knowledge that his beloved Silvara had not ventured into it.
He slid his sword back into its scabbard and took a last look at the shimmering roadway. Sterellus was in 
there, his life waning, ultimately finished. Gilthanas turned his back and started to walk, no longer willing to 
waste time.
He had a treasured love to reclaim.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-04, 周日 11:26:36 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #26 于: 2013-07-26, 周五 11:51:03 »
摘自卡拉曼领主提利尔·雷切纳首席顾问——米格尔·奥拉菲爵士(Sir Migel Aurrafil, Chief Advisor to Tierrel Rychner, Lord of Kalaman)笔记











劇透 -   :
They Also Serve: Kalaman 23sc
From the journal of Sir Migel Aurrafil,
Chief Advisor to Tierrel Rychner, Lord of Kalaman
23rd day of Fleurgreen, 23sc — Spring is nearly over. That has never meant much here in Kalaman—our 
climate varies so little from season to season—but it does mark the passage of time. Summer once brought joy 
and festivities to the city. The common folk were apt to gambol across the commons simply for the joy of being 
alive. But no longer.
Now, the spineless fools are afraid to walk the streets at midday. Ships still sail into our harbor, and 
commerce still pumps life-sustaining steel into our economy, but only just barely. The sailors remain aboard 
their ships, not daring to wander into the heart of town (not that it would do them any good to do so, anyway). 
The city is but a shadow of its once great self.
A shadow? Even in my despair, a hint of my renowned humor shows through.
The cause of all this misery is the shadow that has fallen over Kalaman—indeed across all of Nightlund. 
Who fees safe in a city thrown into perpetual twilight? No one! The sun never sets on Kalaman—but neither 
does it ever rise. It simply hangs there, just below the horizon, painting the sky blood red. From the moment the 
gods left, we have been the butt of their final joke. They may have deemed this the "Age of Mortals," but the 
gods made sure to leave their mark indelibly on all our lives.
And yet the rabble is so starved for someone to look to in their hour of need that the people continue to pray 
to Paladine, Mishakal, and the other departed gods—the very gods who inflicted this curse upon them. What 
the people need is a hero—a flesh-and-blood figure—who can banish the fear from their minds. If Lord 
Rychner had a greater rapport with the masses, we would have turned the fortunes of the city around by now.
Sadly, though he is a man of impeccable taste and breeding, Lord Rychner will never be a man of the 
people. This puts the people in a very delicate situation. We need a leader—a hero to the bedraggled 
commoners—but it must be someone who poses no threat to Lord Rychner's position— and my own job. For 
months, I have struggled with this issue.
Today, the neatest solution possible walked right up to the palace and knocked on the front doors.
Imagine our surprise when the royal trumpets blared to herald the arrival of the former governor of Kalaman, 
Gilthanas of Qualinesti! Here is a man the people loved! The brother of the Golden General who freed the city 
from the Blue Dragonarmy, he led the defense against further attacks and stood as a symbol of freedom. I 
wager that if, for some reason, you were to walk into ten different pubs throughout the city, you'd find that nine 
of them either have a tapestry bearing Gilthanas's image, a favorite song of his exploits, or a traditional toast to 
his health wherever he may be.
Gilthanas led Kalaman out of its worst years and into a golden age. If anyone can rouse the imagination 
and enthusiasm of the simple folk, it is he. As an elf, Gilthanas does not appear to have aged a day, unlike the 
people of the city. Gilthanas is a walking symbol of all that once was great about Kalaman and yet may be 
great again. All I have to discover is whether or not he desires to return to his former post—and if he does, 
whether he has an opening for a senior advisor. I owe Lord Rychner a great deal, but I owe myself even more.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-12, 周一 18:56:35 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #27 于: 2013-07-26, 周五 14:26:43 »
摘自洁妮塔·奥拉菲(Lady Jennetta Aurrafil )女士日记









劇透 -   :
From the diary of Lady Jennetta Aurrafil
10 Holmswelt 23sc—Migel is such a boor. I haven't the faintest clue why I married him. No, that's not true. 
I really had no choice. When you're the last daughter of the last daughter in a long line of last daughters, you 
cannot afford to reject a proposal from the likes of Migel Aurrafil. Still, when he courted me, he was a 
completely different man, throwing money at the most frivolous things just to make me smile. People still talk 
about how he convinced Lord Rychner to hold a special ball just so that he could propose to me in front of the 
city's finest families. I fancied that he was the most wonderfully romantic man in all the world.
After ten years of marriage, though, and after an endless series of coteries and galas, I have discovered 
this truth: A man possessing money and influence can also possess a complete lack of wit, grace, and 
tenderness. I can think of no better proof of this than my own Migel.
All those extravagances and the public courtship were merely to increase his own reputation. The fact I was 
the benefactor of them held practically no weight in his eyes. That he wooed the daughter of a peasant and 
successfully introduced her to polite society only proved he was a man who knew the hearts of "the common 
folk," cementing his position as Lord Rychner's chief advisor. I am merely one of the cobblestones used to 
pave his path to power.
Tonight, I suffered through yet another tedious formal affair, one carefully calculated, no doubt, to provide 
my dear husband with more influence in the affairs of state. Still, there was a distinct difference in te air 
tonight, and it manifested itself with the arrival of the guest of honor—ex-Governor Gilthanas. The room 
practically silenced as all present bent an ear to eavesdrop on his conversation.
Gilthanas is a well-spoken man and very pleasing to the eye. I remember my mother telling me about 
seeing him address the populace after the forces of Evil were driven from the city once and for all. Her 
recollections did not half-capture the feeling of facing him in person. I'm certain that every man in the room was 
piqued with envy as the women nattered about his style and grace.
Every man, that is, but Migel. He stayed so close to Gilthanas that one might think them joined at the hip. 
I'm not sure what my husband has in mind, except that whatever it is will increase his stature in the palace. I do 
know that Gilthanas cannot discern the whole of it; a man as noble as that would have no part in Migel's petty 
power plays.
I hope Gilthanas decides to remain in Kalaman for a time. The city would be a significantly better place if he 
could bestow even a smattering of his integrity and honor upon our so-called leaders.
« 上次编辑: 2013-07-26, 周五 20:38:15 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #28 于: 2013-07-26, 周五 16:35:28 »










劇透 -   :
Sir Migel's Journal
17th day of Paleswelt, 23sc—Things could not proceed more perfectly. In the three months since 
Gilthanas's return, we have seen a marked and continued increase in the morale of commoner and gentry 
alike. And once it became clear Gilthanas had no intention of remaining in Kalaman very long (thus posing no 
threat to the political status quo), his natural charm beguiled even the nobles. When I asked him about his 
family in Qualinesti, he mentioned briefly that he intended to see them again, but when pressed, also stated 
that he had no intention of taking his nephew's place on the throne. Although this hadn't been a fear of mine, I 
find it heartening to know that he doesn't wish to rule elsewhere when we need him so much here.
However, I, for one, am saddened by his disinterest in regaining his post. Just think of what I could do as 
chief advisor to this great man! Still, it is important I take advantage of his presence now, for Gilthanas seems 
eager to depart.
Just this afternoon, I found him poring over maps and charts in the palace library. As I asked him where he 
planned to go next, hoping to glean some insight into his motives, I noticed he had drawings of several 
far-flung regions sitting open before him. He made some polite, noncommittal reply, but I discerned he did not 
know where his travels would take him. Something, or someone, was leading him on a merry chase and so far 
has eluded even his keen senses.
If I am right, and his quarry, whoever or whatever it may be, is beyond his sight, then I may have a trump 
card to play. But does Gilthanas chase a person or a treasure? Whatever it is must be incalculably valuable, 
for he refuses to discuss it with anyone in the palace. In order to know how best to handle the situation, though, 
I must have a better understanding of his circumstances.
I believe I have just taken steps that will provide me the information I require.
As Gilthanas asked me questions regarding the maps in the library, I feigned complete ignorance (after all, 
why furnish him with answers when he is not forthcoming to my own inquiries?). I did, however, tell him of 
Jennetta's passion for cartography. He will, no doubt, seek her counsel and, in the process, open his heart to 
her (she seems to breed that sort of confidence in everyone she meets). In an effort to aid him, she certainly 
will pass information to her husband that Gilthanas might never entrust to me.
As always, my wife proves useful in ways that a more genteel woman never would. Her coarser talents 
provide me with resources and insights that any other man in my position couldn't possibly match. Her 
common heritage is at once a blessing on my reputation and an excuse for any breach of protocol I am forced 
to make. The ultimate irony lies in the fact that Jennetta feels she needs me more than I do her. She would, I 
believe, leave me in an instant i she perceived how heavily I rely upon her; my reputation and career would 
shatter were that to happen. Thankfully, she cannot see beyond her own fears of poverty.
On another subject, I must admit that I find it troublesome that some agency out there wishes to destroy our 
hopes for a brighter future. This very day some fellows in dark, loose-fitting garb confronted Gilthanas within 
the palace. Thankfully, his skill with his blade and the support of the palace guards prevented him from falling 
to these unknown men. Gilthanas himself hasn't the least idea of who these fellows are or why they would want 
to kill him. I fully intend to find out who is behind this.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-12, 周一 18:57:19 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]



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Re: 【谜之私译坑】少年Gi的奇幻漂流
« 回帖 #29 于: 2013-07-26, 周五 23:08:26 »

« 上次编辑: 2013-07-27, 周六 15:24:30 由 茶白猫小修 »

吉尔赛那斯的冒险史诗 The Odyssey of Gilthanas [Appendix]

