作者 主题: 【年鉴】(地理志)阿兹特兰AZTLAN P166~169  (阅读 6850 次)

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【年鉴】(地理志)阿兹特兰AZTLAN P166~169
« 于: 2017-12-16, 周六 15:12:28 »




对于当代阿兹特兰国家的诸多社会结构和范式(包括方言、建筑、艺术、民俗、宗教仪式),多受到来自早于他本身的中美洲印第安人文化的影响。形成一个阿兹特克、玛雅、奥尔麦克和托尔特克传统文化相交融的独特现代文明。在过去几十年中,阿兹特兰在文化遗产方面的比较突出的就是复兴阶梯金字塔建筑,目前为国教——“太阳之径”(Path of the Sun)——所用,以用于崇拜古老的阿兹特克神(惠齐洛波奇特利,羽蛇神,特斯卡特利波卡,特拉洛克,修堤库特里,以及其他诸多神祇)所建的古代神庙(寺庙)。巨构神庙拔地而起,成为了阿兹特兰城市天际线中的亘古不变之物。而更小的神庙则成为了各地区的地标,令一般的阿兹特兰人更有可能与其接触。“太阳之径”的祭司在阿兹特兰已经成为一个强大的精英阶层,其包括了觉醒者成员,被称为那瓦勒(Nahualli)。亚兹特兰的总统乃是拥有阿兹特兰宗教教皇头衔的休伊·查透尼(Huey Tiatoani),或被称为“崇敬演说家”。
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Many of the social structures and paradigms for the contemporary Aztlan nation (including the regional languages, architecture, art, folklore, and religious ceremonies) are derived from or heavily infl uenced by the Mesoamerind cultures that predate it, allowing a unique blend of Aztec, Mayan, Olmec, and Toltec traditions to coexist within a modern civilization. One of the more prominent aspects of Aztlan’s cultural heritage that has made a remarkable resurgence over the last several decades is the stepped pyramid, which is currently used by the state-run religion, Path of the Sun, for the worship of the old Aztec gods (Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcóatl, Tezcatlipoca, Tlaloc, Xiutecuti, among many other deities) in the form of the teocallis (temples). Massive teocalli have been erected and have become permanent fi xtures in the skylines of most of Aztlan’s cities, while minor teocalli have become landmarks in local neighborhoods, making them easily accessible to the typical Aztlaner. Th e priesthood for the Path of the Sun, including its Awakened members known as the Nahualli, have become a powerful and elite class in Aztlan society. Th e Aztlan president serves as the emperor of the Aztlan religion with the title of Huey Tiatoani, or “Revered Speaker.”
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Aztlan contains a very rigid society, and Aztlan military and Aztechnology Corporate Security forces harshly enforce social norms. Many non-native religions are banned in Aztlan, including Catholicism, and the government tightly controls information. Th e country is skilled at getting its citizens to believe what it wants them to believe. Many of the resurgent customs and traditions were reintroduced to inspire patriotism and a national pride in the citizens of Aztlan. Aztlan has also proven to be highly skilled at controlling what information escapes the nation’s borders. Getting information out that is contrary to Aztlan’s party line—and surviving the process—is not easy.
阿兹特兰这个现代国家形成于第二十一世纪初。2011年,墨西哥爆发“维塔斯”(VITAS )流行病毒,数百万墨西哥公民因此丧生,国民经济遭受重创,在墨西哥政府垮台后,诸如ORO和墨西哥国家石油公司等公司介入行政控制疫情。这些公司为墨西哥人提供了货币支持和尖端医疗用品。他们无法抹去这个国家已经经历的痛苦,但却让这个国家能够持续并幸存下来。
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Th e modern state of Aztlan began to take shape in the early part of the 21st century. In 2011, corporations such as ORO and Pemex stepped in aft er the Mexican government collapsed in the wake of the pandemic outbreak of VITAS that killed millions of Mexican citizens and devastated the national economy. Th ese companies provided both monetary support and cutting-edge medical supplies to the Mexican population. Th ey could not stop the pain the nation was experiencing, but the country was able to endure and survive.
受托于对维塔斯病毒的援助以及随后的重建工作,2015年ORO公司成功地将自己摆在了政治舞台上,这令其在临时政府下台后能够帮助墨西哥政府提出、发展和管理一个以矩阵为基础的选举制度。作为负责管理选举过程唯一集体的附带利益,即是ORO获得了可操纵选举的权力。这一新制度迎来了一个相对较新的政治派别,受到ORO公司的支持;这个派别被称作阿兹特兰党。该派别政治运动致力于将墨西哥回归“古老之道”,将这个国家及其古老的传统重新联系起来。阿兹特兰派别的最初领导人,弗朗西斯科·帕威尼·戈特尔兹·德尔·科尔多瓦(Francisco Pavóny Guetterrez del Córdoba),于2015年5月5日成为墨西哥新总统。他作为总统的第一次重要行动,就是改变了这个国家的名字——“阿兹特兰”,他则做了阿兹特兰的第一任总统。在帕威尼·戈特尔兹统治期间,阿兹特兰积极支持美洲印第安人在北美洲的主权运动,并且成为了美洲土著民族(the Native American Nations)的成员国,赢得了主权部落理事会(the Sovereign Tribal Council)的席位。作为国家与古代传统联系而努力的一部分(其实是为了逃避毒品集团的旧印象),ORO正式在2022年更名为“阿兹特科”。2033年,帕威尼·戈特尔兹惨遭暗杀,与NAN的联盟在不久之后土崩瓦解了,此时,阿兹特兰正在为帝国新时代的扩展和战争做准备。
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Due to its assistance with VITAS and subsequent reconstruction eff orts, ORO successfully positioned itself politically so that by 2015, it was able to propose, develop, and administer a Matrix-based election system for the Mexican government once the interim government that had been operating stepped aside. As a side benefi t of being the sole entity responsible for managing the election process, ORO gained the access necessary to manipulate the outcome of elections. Th is new system ushered in a relatively new political faction that was supported and backed by ORO; the faction was called the Azatlán party. Th is political movement was dedicated to returning Mexico to the “old ways” and re-connecting the nation with its ancient traditions. Th e Azatlán party was initially led by Francisco Pavón y Guetterrez del Córdoba, who became the new Mexican president on May 5, 2015. In his fi rst major act as president, he changed the name of the country to Aztlan, making him Aztlan’s very fi rst president. During Pavón y Guetterrez’s reign, Aztlan actively supported the Sovereign American Indian Movement in North America, became a member nation of the Native American Nations, and gained a seat on the Sovereign Tribal Council. As part of the national eff ort to connect with ancient traditions (and to escape the associations of its old name with drug cartels), ORO renamed itself Aztechnology in 2022. Th e alliance with the NAN came to an end shortly after Pavón y Guetterrez’s assassination in 2033, just as Aztlan was preparing itself for a new era of imperial expansion and conflict.
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Aztlan fi rst sought to recoup lands it had lost to the former United States, including parts of Texas and California. Due to various political and logistical hardships faced by the other nations at the time, Aztlan succeeded in many of its conquests, claiming cities such as San Diego and San Antonio. Emboldened by its successes in North America, Aztlan nationalized all foreign business interests operating within its borders in 2044, bringing it and Aztechnology into direct confl ict with the Corporate Court. It took years of legal wrangling to overcome Aztechnology’s veto power and political maneuvering, but eventually the Court approved the attack plan known as Operation Reciprocity. Even as this was happening in the Corporate Court, Aztlan managed to continue its expansion by incorporating Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama into its territory.
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In 2048, the megacorporations, under sanction from the Corporate Court, carried out signifi cant strikes against Aztlan. Although Aztechnology came out bruised from Operation Reciprocity, it did not halt their political ambitions. When rumors began to surface of Amazonia’s incursions into Colombia and Venezuela in 2050, Aztlan immediately deployed its troops into South America to confront Amazonia; in the process, Aztlan absorbed a signifi cant portion of Colombia and a small section of Venezuela. When full-out hostilities between Aztlan and Amazonia fi nally receded into minor border skirmishes later that year, Caracas was declared a free city, and Bogotá was left  to fend for itself, with hundreds of kilometers of rain forest around it serving as a buff er zone between it and the two nations.
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It 2050, Aztlan began experiencing turmoil from indigenous people upset by the lack of basic freedoms and the brutal, heavyhanded treatment they received from the Aztlan government. Several small insurrections in the Yucatán were met with swift crackdown by Aztlaner troops, and the bloodshed and fi ghting continued well into the mid-2060s. Th e problems Aztlan had in fi ghting the rebels extended to the environment, as nature spirits, earthquakes, and tidal waves pounded the Yucatán Peninsula starting on March 15, 2062. Many believed this was the environment’s retaliation for the extreme and devastating attacks Aztlan launched against its enemies, which left the ecosystem poisoned and toxic.
阿兹特兰经历叛乱期间,其他事件也在同年发生了。2061年12月24日,北方,巨龙幽灵行者(ghostwalker)回到了丹佛,他与美洲联邦移除了阿兹特兰在弗兰特山自由区(the Front Range Free Zone)的统治力。2062年1月27日,“丹佛新条约”(the new Treaty of Denver)签署并正式生效成为法律,阿兹特兰在丹佛市不再拥有任何地位或代理人。南方,因为SURGE(Sudden Unexplained Recessive Genetic Expression,突发不明隐性基因表现)而愈演愈烈的偏见,以及缓冲区周围的恐惧导致波哥大暴力升级。对阿兹特兰来说这是一个铤而走险的时候,在尤卡坦的焦土政策中也表明了这一点;在尤卡坦的焦土政策,与阿兹特兰夺走波哥大市(以阻止亚马逊国入侵通过先发制人打击实施入侵)时所用的战术也表明了这一点。尤卡坦半岛和波哥大还要继续活在阿兹特兰铤而走险的恶果之中。
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Th e problems Aztlan experienced with the rebels were compounded by other occurrences during that same year. In the north, the great dragon Ghostwalker returned to Denver on December 24, 2061, and he and the Confederate American States removed Aztlan from the Front Range Free Zone. When the new Treaty of Denver was signed into law on January 27, 2062, Aztlan no longer had any role or representation in the city of Denver. In the south, SURGEfueled prejudices and fears along the buff er zone surrounding Bogotá caused escalating violence. It was a time of desperation for Aztlan, and it showed in their scorched-earth approach to the Yucatán and in the tactics that Aztlan took in the city of Bogotá in an attempt to discourage an Amazonian invasion through pre-emptive punishment. Th e Yucatán Peninsula and Bogotá are still living with the consequences of Aztlan’s desperation.
直到2064年6月5日,阿兹特兰和叛军之间签署了和平条约。在和平典礼期间,阿兹特科首席执行官胡安·阿茨卡波察尔科(Juan Atzcapotzalco)遭暗杀;随后,2064年底,阿兹特兰总统弗莱维娅·德·拉·罗莎(Flavia de la Rosa)被任命取代阿茨卡波察尔科。为了填补阿兹特兰总统的位置,一次特别的选举中, 恩里科·席尔瓦(Enrico Silva)赢得了在德拉罗莎余下任期中担任总统的权利。2065年,席尔瓦在他第一任期期满时再次当选,一直连任到2071年。
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By June 5, 2064, a peace treaty between Aztlan and the rebels was signed. During the ceremony, Aztechnology CEO Juan Atzcapotzalco was assassinated; subsequently, the sitting Aztlan President, Flavia de la Rosa, was appointed in late 2064 to replace Atzcapotzalco. To fi ll the Aztlan president position, a special election was held, and Enrico Silva won the right to serve the remainder of de la Rosa’s term. In 2065, Silva was reelected for his fi rst full term, and he was reelected again in 2071.
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At the present time, Aztlan is at a state of readiness, as everincreasing hostilities and tension around Bogotá and along the Aztlan/Amazonian border continues to push both sides to the brink of another war.

« 上次编辑: 2018-12-01, 周六 20:53:23 由 失语 »

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Re: 【年鉴】(地理志)阿兹特兰AZTLAN P166~169
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-12-16, 周六 16:42:39 »

阿兹特兰首都,特诺奇提特兰(Tenochtitlán)乃是阿兹特兰政府的故乡。阿兹特兰最大的神庙,羽蛇神神庙(the Great Temple of Quetzalcóatl)和其他四个主要寺庙皆坐落于此。特诺奇提特兰人口近二千万,居世界人口最稠密的城市之列。特诺奇提特兰因过度拥挤和严重污染而臭名昭著,当地居民为该城市去了一个绰号——El Humo(烟囱)。特诺克提雷恩内与其邻近地区的星界,几乎与城市周围的水和空气一样扭曲并遭到严重污染。施法者在特诺奇提特兰遵循阿兹特克传统,有深助于获取法力。在特诺奇提特兰,“太阳之径”宗教有将近60,000个祭祀。
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Aztlan’s capital, Tenochtitlán, is the home of the Aztlan government, the largest teocalli in Aztlan, the Great Temple of Quetzalcóatl, and four other major temples. Tenochtitlán has a population of nearly twenty million citizens, ranking it amongst the most heavily populated cities in the world. Infamous for its overcrowding and its heavy pollution, the city is nicknamed El Humo (the Smoke) by the local residents. Th e astral plane in and around Tenochtitlán is nearly as twisted and as polluted as the water and the air surrounding the city. To access the mana inside Tenochtitlán, it helps signifi cantly if a magician practically follows the Aztec tradition. In Tenochtitlán alone, there are close to 60,000 priests of the Path of the Sun religion.

波哥大对于阿兹特兰和他的黑社会盟友“大卫卡特尔”(David Cartel)来说是一座重要城市。虽然波哥大的技术不完全受其政治控制,但阿兹特兰花费了大量的资源扩大其在城市秩序中的地位,以此来镇压反对者和防止亚马逊国的入侵。在这方面,2062年,阿兹特兰开发了一种新策略,当部队部署到其他地区时,帮助他们保护他们的南部边境。涉及战略的一部分就是危险的自然屏障,受到突发不明隐性基因表现(SURGE)所影响,被称为“恶魔之血”的食人树。食人树配合更多常规威胁比如地雷,在波哥大对付亚马逊国军队的大规模入侵时似乎非常有效,尤其在阿兹特兰与阿兹特科能够保持在该地区的制空优势时。这些树的过量已经威胁到波哥大的农业经济,同时也危及亚马逊雨林的生态系统,因为这些致命的树木以杀死当地的植被和野生动物为食。
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Bogotá is a signifi cant city for both Aztlan and its underworld ally, the David Cartel. Although Bogotá is technically not completely under its political control, Aztlan has been spending a lot of resources to expand its role in the city in order to defeat its opposition and to prevent Amazonia from invading and capturing the city. In that regard, in 2062, Aztlan developed a strategy to help protect their southern border while troops were deployed to other areas. Part of that strategy involved creating a natural barrier out of the dangerous, SURGEd tree known as the Sangre Del Diablo. Th e carnivorous tree, along with more conventional deterrents such as landmines, seemed eff ective in making a large-scale invasion of Bogotá by Amazonian forces extremely problematic, especially when Aztlan and Aztechnology maintained aerial superiority over the region. Th e overabundance of these trees has threatened the agricultural economy of Bogotá and has also put at risk the ecosystem of the Amazon rain forest as the deadly trees feed off  of and kill native vegetation and wildlife.

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Medellin is the second-largest city in Colombia and is firmly within Aztlan’s territory. Medellin is a strong cartel city, home to rivalries that oft en fl are between the David and the Medellin cartels for control of the illicit drug and black market trades. Aztlan and Aztechnology have exploited the region surrounding Medellin for years, with strip mines, logging, and slash-and-burn operations clearing the surrounding forest for new construction. Medellin is oft en thought of as a cautionary tale for Amazonians, showing what Aztlan could do to the rain forest should they be victorious in the hostilities that seem to be approaching.

尽管2061年圣奥诺弗雷核电厂放射性泄漏,并且在2069年的地震严重破坏了这个城市,但是圣地亚哥对于阿兹特兰而言,依然是一座重要的军事和情报网络城市。因为它是一个港口城市。是一座曾为美国海军服务的城市,现在圣地亚哥同样成为阿兹特兰的海军服务中心。圣地亚哥同样也有连接到“深层腔隙”(the Deep lacuna)的地下通道,普韦布洛公司理事会(PCC)谨防阿兹特兰利用此通道到达PCC的其他地区,包括洛杉矶,虽然PCC正在尝试找到所有这些隧道,并封锁它们。对于阿兹特兰,重要军事城市包括卡利,恩塞纳达,马塔莫罗斯,埃尔帕索,埃莫西约,马萨特兰,韦拉克鲁斯,普埃布拉,瓦哈卡,巴拿马,卡塔赫纳。
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Despite the radioactive spill from the San Onofre plant in 2061 and the earthquakes in 2069 that heavily damaged the city, San Diego is an important military and intelligence-gathering city for Aztlan. Since it is a port city and a city that previously serviced the United States Navy, San Diego functions as a naval servicing center for Aztlan. San Diego also has access to the underground tunnels that connect to the Deep Lacuna, giving Aztlan discreet access to other parts of the PCC, including Los Angeles, though the PCC is attempting to fi nd all such tunnels and seal off  access to them. Other important military cities for Aztlan include Cali, Ensenada, Matamoros, El Paso, Hermosillo, Mazatlan, Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca, Panama, and Cartagena.

①卡特尔cartel,由一系列生产类似产品的独立企业所构成的组织,集体行动的生产者,目的是提高该类产品价格和控制其产量。 垄断利益集团、垄断联盟、企业联合、同业联盟(Cartel)也称卡特尔,是垄断组织形式之一。
« 上次编辑: 2018-10-19, 周五 18:22:10 由 失语 »

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Re: 【年鉴】(地理志)阿兹特兰AZTLAN P166~169
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-12-17, 周日 08:24:57 »

劇透 -   :
When Winternight set off  a nuclear explosion in the Panama Canal, destroying the channel, it provided strong incentive for the construction of another waterway. In the early 2060s, Aztlan and Aztechnology undertook a major project in Nicaragua, one that would build an improved canal to allow larger cargo ships and heavier traffi c to readily traverse the North American continent and enter either the Pacifi c Ocean or the Caribbean Sea. Many eff orts were made to sabotage this project, but Aztlan and Aztechnology did in fact get the Nicaragua Canal to open, and it is now a viable, more time-effi  cient alternative to sea travel than the Panama Canal was in its prime.

« 上次编辑: 2017-12-27, 周三 19:11:43 由 失语 »

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Re: 【年鉴】(地理志)阿兹特兰AZTLAN P166~169
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-12-18, 周一 12:48:19 »

> 如果我对历史的理解是正确的话,那么阿兹特兰过去所受的影响除了原住民文化外,包括殖民主西班牙和他们带来的罗马天主教传教士。这些组织把注意力转移到阿兹特兰的根源上对我来说毫无意义。> 涡轮兔(Turbo Bunny)
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> If my understanding of history is accurate, Aztlan’s past was infl uenced by cultures besides the aboriginal ones, including the colonial Spanish and the Roman Catholic missionaries they brought with them. Turning their backs on these groups to focus on Aztec roots seems arbitrary to me. > Turbo Bunny

> 大多数阿兹特兰人不会承认他们(译注:代指西班牙)历史的一部分。对于他们而言(尤其是他们的政府),这种文化影响来自外来者和入侵者。这并不是他们所想要歌颂的部分。这就是为什么你几乎找不到关于那个特定时间段的东西(尤其是在特诺奇提特兰)。比如,大多数天主教教堂和大教堂已经被推土机推成停车场或卡斯蒂约斯(阿兹特兰版本的生态建筑)或者堆成了新的神庙。再过几十年(如果这件事时至今日还没发生的话),我想所有阿兹特兰和墨西哥的历史将被改写。> 玻璃行者(Glasswalker)
劇透 -   :
> Most Aztlaners will not acknowledge that part of their history. To them (and especially to their government), that cultural infl uence came from outsiders and invaders. It’s not something they wish to celebrate. That’s why you’re not going to fi nd a whole lot of reminders from that particular time period (especially in Tenochtitlán). Most Catholic churches and cathedrals, for example, have been bulldozed and made into parking structures or castillos (Aztlan’s version of an arcology) or even made into new teocallis. In a few more decades (if it hasn’t happened already), I imagine all of Aztlan’s and Mexico’s history will have been rewritten. > Glasswalker

> 这有点讽刺意味,而且相当虚伪,阿兹特兰不想承认西班牙对自身文化的影响,但他们自己走出国门征服其他土著文化并期望他们认识到阿兹特兰的信仰。> 强制退出(Hard Exit)
劇透 -   :
> It’s more than a little ironic, and fairly hypocritical, that Aztlan doesn’t want to acknowledge Spanish infl uence upon its own culture, and yet they’ve gone out and conquered other indigenous cultures and expected them to recognize the Aztlaner beliefs. > Hard Exit

> 关于阿兹特兰和信息控制有一件有趣的事情:几乎每一个阿兹特兰政府之外的存在都不知道他们近一季度修订的宪法是什么。是了——阿兹特兰宪法都的公共版本整个部分完全丢失了,上面写着一个脚注——“出于国家安全考虑,文本已删除”。> 商人(Snopes)
劇透 -   :
> The funny thing about Aztlan and its control over information is that almost every Aztlaner outside of the government isn’t aware of what’s in their constitution, as nearly a quarter of it has been redacted. That’s right—whole sections are completely missing from the public version of the Aztlan constitution, with a footnote that reads, “Text deleted for National Security Reasons.” >Snopes

> 给那些企图破解被删除部分的人一句忠告。我第一次尝试破解阿兹特兰宪法一部分是在56年,那个时候的黑IC和安全措施即使来到现代也几乎是不可逾越的——即使是我。我发现的那些东西似乎也不值得特地删除掉。对我来说,感觉就像在某个反情报演习中一样。鉴于阿兹特兰的反情报能力,我并不感到惊讶。 > 快速杰克(FastJack)
劇透 -   :
> A word of caution to those looking for the redacted words. I fi rst tried to hack that part of the Aztlan constitution back in ‘56, and the black IC and the security measures in place even back then were practically insurmountable—even for me. What I managed to uncover didn’t seem to warrant redaction. To me, it felt like I was in the middle of some sort of counter-intelligence maneuver. Given Aztlan’s aptitude at counter-intelligence, I wouldn’t be surprised. > FastJack

> 那段阿兹特兰宪法最近更新的谣言是真的?如果是的话,有人知道添加了什么吗?这和阿兹特兰/亚马孙边界不断升级的紧张局势有关吗?> 马科斯(Marcos)
劇透 -   :
> Any truth to the rumors that those sections of the Aztlan constitution have been recently updated?  And if so, does anyone have any idea about what was added? Could it be related to the escalating tensions along the Aztlan/ Amazonian borders? > Marcos

> 对于那些不熟悉席尔瓦总统的人,这里有一些关于他的有趣信息。根据他的档案,席尔瓦一直是一个忠实的阿兹特兰公民,并应征入伍成为阿兹特兰士兵近二十五年。在他的记录中有很多荣耀和勋章;“一位真正的战争英雄”,诸如此类。大部分都是阿兹特兰胡编乱造的,特别是与他参与的战役有关的部分。我可以从他真实文件中告诉你(其中大部分就像他们的宪法一样已被大量加密),在2057年初退役之前,他是个“美洲虎”,在阿兹特科军部获得陆军中校军衔。他最重要的成就是指挥“阿兹特科美洲虎”的整个营将近十二年,而当他在“美洲虎”离职前就参与了竞选政治职务。他于2060年当选为参议员,成为一位非常有影响力和深受爱戴的议员。2064年,弗莱维娅·德·拉·罗莎公开拥护恩里科·席尔瓦(阿兹特科董事会上于公于私)当选阿兹特兰的新总统。> 阳光(Sunshine)
劇透 -   :
> For those not familiar with President Silva, here’s some interesting information about him. According to his dossier, Silva has been a loyal Aztlaner citizen and has served as an enlisted Aztlan soldier for close to twenty-fi ve years. Lots of medals and commendations in his record; a true war hero, blah blah blah. Most of it is made-up Aztlan bullshit, especially the campaigns he served in. From what I can tell from his real fi le (which, like their constitution, has been heavily redacted), he’s a retired Jaguar who reached the fi nal rank of lieutenant colonel in the Aztechnology military before retiring from the service in early 2057. His most signifi cant accomplishment was commanding the entire battalion of Jaguars for Aztechnology for nearly twelve years before leaving his post to run for political offi ce. He was elected to the senate in 2060 and became a very infl uential and well-liked senator. In 2064, Flavia de la Rosa gave her support (both in public and in private with the Aztechnology board) to have Enrico Silva elected as the new Aztlan president. > Sunshine

> 席尔瓦耍的一手小聪明。他没有利用那些阿兹特兰祭司,而是那些和他一起服役,从他军旅时代就受他信任的人填补了他的内阁与核心集团。他试图制衡阿兹特兰祭司的能量,只参加他所必须需要的服务。他可能听信了关于阿兹特兰祭祀和(或)阿兹特科法师使用精魂和其他魔法手段控制关键政治人物的谣言。有人说,胡安·阿茨卡波察尔科就是在这种定期以某种精魂的方式控制之下——我还没有找到任何证据,但许多人这样认为,这也解释了为什么他成为阿兹特科CEO之后几年的公开露面变得如此罕见。 > 商人(Snopes)
劇透 -   :
> Silva’s playing things smart. He has fi lled his inner circle and his cabinet not with those from the Aztlan priesthood, but rather with those he served with and trusts from his military days. He is trying to keep the Aztlaner priests at bay and only attending services where his presence is absolutely required. He has likely heard the rumors about the Aztlan priests and/or Aztechnology magicians using spirits and other magical means to control key political fi gures. Some say Juan Atzcapotzalco was regularly possessed and controlled in this fashion by some sort of spirit—I haven’t found any proof of this, but many believe that was why his public appearances became so infrequent in his later years as the Aztechnology CEO. > Snopes

> 作为“美洲虎”,席尔瓦可能亲眼目睹了许多公众人被魔法操纵的景象,他可能想确保自己不会成为别人的傀儡——至少,不会比他现在更加被傀儡化。>  强制退出(Hard Exit)
劇透 -   :
> As a Jaguar, Silva probably got to witness a lot of magical manipulation of the public fi gures fi rst-hand, and he probably wanted to make sure he didn’t end up becoming someone else’s hand puppet—at least, no more so than he already is. > Hard Exit

> 席尔瓦当举可能会危及与尤卡坦人民的和平协议。据说他认为该条约是个错误,“毒龙”(toxic dragon)是不可被信任的。有着席尔瓦这种背景的人最后肯定只会撕毁条约,如果我是波夫雷(Pobre),我就会做好准备。 > 玻璃行者(Glasswalker)
劇透 -   :
> Silva’s election may yet doom the peace agreement with the Yucatán people. He is rumored to believe that the treaty was a mistake, and that a “toxic dragon” cannot be trusted. If I were Pobre, I’d be bracing for someone of Silva’s background to eventually renege on Aztlan’s agreement. > Glasswalker

> 谁不期待阿兹特兰最终违背协议呢?> 马科斯(Marcos)
劇透 -   :
> Who doesn’t expect Aztlan to renege on its agreements eventually? > Marcos

> 我听说席尔瓦总统一直在推动阿兹特兰和阿兹特科升级海军舰队。阿兹特兰至少建造一艘航母的流言传至千里,如果不是两艘航母,那么也许就在圣地亚哥(制造)了。如果是这样的话,阿兹特兰在可预见的未来中,将会变得更危险。 > 强制退出(Hard Exit)
劇透 -   :
> I have heard rumors that President Silva has been pushing both Aztlan and Aztechnology to upgrade the naval fl eet. Rumors are swirling that Aztlan may be considering building at least one, if not two aircraft carriers, perhaps in San Diego. If this is the case, Aztlan may become more dangerous in the foreseeable future. > Hard Exit

> 关于阿兹特兰主神庙的有趣事实。主神庙经常被用于军事作为军械库。有趣,阿兹特兰将宗教与军事结合在了一起,嗯? > 山羊脚(Goat Foot)
劇透 -   :
> Interesting factoid about the major teocallis in Aztlan. Often times, the major teocallis will serve a second function as armories for the military. Interesting how Aztlan mixes its religion with its military, huh? > Goat Foot

> 说起来——树木作为防御线?真的假的?为什么不把它们全烧了呢? > 黑曼巴(Black Mamba)
劇透 -   :
> I’ve gotta ask—trees as a line of defense? Really? Why not just blow ‘em up and move by ‘em? > Black Mamba

> 有这么几点原因。首先,“恶魔之血”树的生命力很顽强,它们可不是那么容易被干掉的。当然,如果你往它们身上扔足够的炸药,它们当然会烧起来,但这会带走它们周围一大片雨林,意味着亚马逊前线的自然防御成为弱点——没有雨林,侵略军想要前进就容易多了。其次,足够的热量会激活“恶魔之血”的种子。燃烧一个树,种子千万家,这些混蛋的生长速度很快。如果你的热量足够到快速烧掉豆荚,那就意味着你需要燃烧周围更多的植被。 > 生态(Ecotope)
劇透 -   :
> Couple of reasons. First, Sangre del Diablo trees will go down, but they don’t go down easy. Sure, if you throw enough explosives at them, they’ll burn up, but you’ll take down a lot of the surrounding rain forest with it, which means one of Amazonia’s natural defenses on the front lines becomes a weakness—without the rain forest, it’s a lot easier for an invading army to advance. Second, heat activates Sangre del Diablo seedpods. Blow up a tree, and you send activated seeds fl ying everywhere, and these fuckers grow fast. If you heat up the explosion enough, then you burn up the pods, too, but that just means that you take out that much more surrounding vegetation. > Ecotope

②尤卡坦半岛独立战争后期,阿兹特兰基本在和盘踞此地的毒萨满和毒精魂干架,这里的“toxic dragon”指的是毒萨满这个大麻烦
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