作者 主题: 【年鉴】(地理志)日本帝国(JIS)JAPANESE IMPERIAL STATE P122~125  (阅读 7481 次)

副标题: 校对:Bellicose

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Japanese Imperial State

日本帝国:jap-an-ēz im-pēr-ē-əl stāt


劇透 -   :
There has always been some confusion within the Western world as to divinity of Japan’s emperor. It is important to understand that the people of the JIS do not consider the emperor to be a supernatural supreme being, omnipotent, or omniscient. He is accepted as a direct descendent of Amaterasu (the Sun goddess), in contact with the kami and inspired by them. His role traditionally has been to carry out specific rituals ensuring that the kami were properly honored; in return, they would see to Japan’s continued prosperity.
劇透 -   :
After the eruption of the Ring of Fire (2061) and the signifi cant eff ect of the ensuing casualties on Japan’s net population, there was a disquieting ripple of doubt through the Japanese people asking why such destruction would be visited upon them. Th is set the stage for what has become a struggle between the emperor and corporate interests for the direction Japan will follow. In many respects this is reminiscent of the struggle between the Shoguns and Emperor Meiji some two centuries earlier. It is not simply about the acquisition of power; it is a struggle for the vision of Japan’s future and its very spirit. Emperor Yasuhito, who enjoys great popularity amongst his people, seeks to promote traditional values, preaching that unity and loyalty to the JIS comes first, even for corporations. Unbridled development will not be allowed at the expense of locations or traditions that are rooted in the long history of Japan.
互相竞争的两个主要派系,其一是天皇与他的顾问,以及神道教神官(Shinto shamans)、幸福公司、天演公司和龙树(这不免令人有些出乎意料)(Ryumyo)一道构成一派,另一派是由三津滨计算机科技、联络计算机集团、屋久岛电工株式会社(Yakashima)、物部建设株式会社(Monobe)、索尼、横川电机(Yokogawa)、株式会社小松制作所(Komatsu)、大发工业株式(Daiatsu),以及最令人担忧的隆(Lung)构成。然而,这些派系之间的关系也并非坚不可摧。例如,三津滨比起神道教神官来说,和天皇的关系更好;而联络和物部对天皇呼吁的传统回归带有一丝认同。然而,分歧的核心是最终谁能控制的了日本的命运,而不是国家前进的方向何如。
劇透 -   :
The two primary factions in play are the emperor, along with his advisors, Shinto shamans, Shiawase, Evo, and (somewhat surprisingly) Ryumyo; on the other side is MCT, Renraku, Yakashima, Monobe, Sony, Yokogawa, Komatsu, Daiatsu, and, most troublingly, Lung. Th e factions are not hard and fast, however. MCT, for example, has a better relationship with the emperor than they do with the Shinto priests, while both Renraku and Monobe have some sympathy for the emperor’s plea for a return to traditionalism. At the core of the divide, though, is a disagreement about who ultimately controls Japan’s destiny, regardless of the direction in which the ship of state is traveling.
劇透 -   :
For the present, this struggle is being waged on two distinct fronts: the Diet (the two legislative houses) and the shadows. Th e political maneuvering taking place in the Diet is secondary to the action in the shadows. Success or failure of ops in the shadows plays out in both houses of the Diet daily. Blackmail, bribes, and intelligence gathering on key players make up a lot of the operations being undertaken. Th e emperor’s faction has started setting their sights on sowing corporate disharmony by orchestrating runs against various corps (especially Renraku and MCT), trying to make it look like the truce has been violated. Th e wrangling has not been confi ned to the earthly realm, as even the Corporate Court is being dragged into the fray with both factions seeking to create coalitions of the Court Justices.
劇透 -   :
The emperor’s openness to foreign corporations, as expressed in the Yasuhito Ideal, has enabled non-Japanacorps to expand their footholds in the nation. Ares and NeoNET have particularly benefi ted during the reconstruction period, which has led to a spike in the number of runs against the two corps, targeting facilities not just in Japan but abroad as well.


« 上次编辑: 2018-02-04, 周日 11:01:46 由 失语 »

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劇透 -   :
Neo-Tokyo is the capital of the JIS, the center of the business world, location of the Imperial Palace, and home to nearly fi ft y million people (more than 35 percent of Japan’s population). Average building height in Neo-Tokyo has gone from 16.2 meters in 2006 to 48.6 meters in 2071, or from 4 stories to 12 stories. It is home to the largest metropolitan economy in the Sixth World, with a GDP of 40 trillion ¥, larger than a number of industrialized nations. Th ere were 14 million international visitors to Neo-Tokyo in 2070, spending 48 billion ¥.
劇透 -   :
The crucial nature of Neo-Tokyo made it a top priority for manpower, material, and money for reconstruction. Substantial additions were added to this megasprawl, including skyfarms (thirty-story buildings for indoor farming), decentralized electrical generation (piezoelectric sidewalks, rooft op helical wind turbines, carbon nanotube thermal-electric coatings, etc.), geothermal heating and cooling (relying on rivers and canals), and even a handful of polywell-based fusion reactors. Th ese innovations, especially when combined with the increased foreign corporate presence, have served to make the megasprawl less reliant on any one corporation’s interests—which means some of the corporations that have lost infl uence, particularly Monobe and Renraku, are thought to have targeted these sites in some of their covert operations.

劇透 -   :
Kansai, comprising Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe, has evolved into two somewhat distinct sprawls, Osaka/Kobe and Kyoto. Osaka/ Kobe are home to manufacturing, twin port facilities, and R&D establishments. Over the last sixty years, Osaka has seen many of the commercial transactions that used to be centered here transferred to Neo-Tokyo (although it is still home to a major futures exchange). Th is void was readily filled with research and development centers, and Osaka also serves as the shipping hub for Kansai along with the port of Kobe.
劇透 -   :
Kobe is still a manufacturing hub within the Hanshin Industrial Region. Th is manufacturing relies heavily on the container port complex, one of the busiest in Japan. In addition to manufacturing, there are a growing number of R&D facilities in Kobe, although it still lags behind Osaka and Kyoto. Th ese facilities recruit heavily out of the graduating classes from the Kansai Prefecture’s universities. Kobe is ranked second to Kyoto in the number of universities, and the two of them combine to make Kansai one of the premiere educational centers in Japan.
劇透 -   :
Kyoto has retained its cultural and historical identity while developing into a modern city, and it is the dominant academic heart of the JIS, with more than forty universities including the prestigious Kyoto University. Kyoto is also the focal point for a host of corporate research centers that draws upon the talent gathered there.

劇透 -   :
For centuries it has been known as The City of Trees; today Sendai City is gaining notoriety as a focal point for a new ecoterrorist movement, Ken No Ha (Leaf Blade). Th e group aggressively targets developers—not sites but individuals—and their level of violence has escalated from beatings to murders. All such recent occurrences have employed bladed weapons. Official leaks have indicated that there may well be certain fringe elements of Shinto shamans that have assisted or provided support in the group’s attacks.
劇透 -   :
The bulk of the major mountains around Sendai are volcanoes that have remained dormant, in spite of the recent activity throughout the rest of the archipelago. Some attribute this to the Shinto shamans, along with the city’s active eff orts to be at harmony with nature. Scientists are at a loss to explain this anomaly in spite the geothermal activity that continues unabated in the area, evident in the many hot springs found throughout the city.

1945年8月6日,广岛之上被投入了世界上第一颗原子武器,造成100,000多人死亡。核爆摧毁一切之前,广岛逃过了破坏其他日本城市的密集轰炸战役。如今,当初核爆留下的疤痕依然存在在星界中,给予该区域一个极大的背景辐射值(Background Count)。缺少精魂和刺目星界可见度,使得广岛成为对于那些不想处理魔法安全事务的人的理想城市。此外,广岛最近八年出现了一个新现象:污染失明(taint blindness)。一些长时间生活在这里,并且在星界活跃的人已经失了明。这种目盲是暂时的,一旦受难者离开城市,失明就会逆转,不过这通常需要几个月的时间。
劇透 -   :
Hiroshima was the site of the fi rst atomic weapon being used on August 6, 1945, killing more than 100,000 people. Prior to its destruction the city had escaped the intensive fi rebombing campaign that devastated many other Japanese cities. Today the scar of that attack is still present astrally, giving the area a signifi cant background count. Th e lack of spirits and blindingly bright astral visibility has made Hiroshima an attractive place for those not wishing to deal with magical security. Additionally, a new phenomenon has cropped up in the last eight years: taint blindness. A number of astrally active individuals have gone blind while spending lengthy periods of time here. Th is blindness is temporary and reverses itself once the affl  icted leave the city, though it oft en takes a couple of months.
劇透 -   :
Corporate rebuilding eff orts here are complete. Th e average building height rivals that of Neo-Tokyo, at 40.5 meters (10 stories). Transportation relies heavily on a revamped streetcar system, ferry service, and a new feature, double-decker buses. Th e Hiroshima Toyo Carp baseball team is heavily favored to win the Japan Series, putting the fans that crowd their recently fi nished MCT Stadium into a frenzy.

« 上次编辑: 2017-12-10, 周日 19:31:45 由 失语 »

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劇透 -   :
The highest mountain in Japan is Mount Fuji, one of the “Th ree Holy Mountains” (along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku). It is an active volcano to the west of Neo-Tokyo that can be seen on clear days and is known to be one of Ryumyo’s lairs. Th e Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport is only eighty kilometers from the mountain, with a high-speed rail line taking visitors quickly to the site. Climbing the mountain is no longer offi  cially allowed given its well-known resident. Th ose violating this prohibition can expect to be arrested. Talislegging carries a stiff  penalty for those caught by authorities, and rumors abound of a fatal penalty if caught by one of the dragon’s agents. Still, tourists continue to fl ock to the mountain in the hopes of catching a glimpse of Ryumyo.
劇透 -   :
Located at the western base of Mount Fuji is the Aokigahara Forest, the Sea of Trees. Trees grow up through the jagged volcanic rock with a number of caves scattered throughout the region. Some believe that the yurei (ghosts) that wander the forest have altered the trees and torment those that enter the forest. For more than a century the forest has served as a fi nal destination of those seeking to end their lives. Prior to that it was the site where the very old and young were left  to die when their families no longer desired to care for them. Th e dark history of the forest is highlighted by the eerie quiet, littered with police tape delineating the boundaries of previous “body hunts.”
劇透 -   :
With the Awakening, the reputation of the forest has grown even darker due to the prevalence of shades and wild spirits. According to local legend, these wild spirits can be commanded if a magic user possesses an item of importance to said spirit; understandably, this (possibly far-fetched) tale has drawn a number of spellcasters to the forest. Offi  cials counter that the possibility exists that the shades within the forest may have perpetuated this myth to draw ever more victims. Even with the current quarantine of the forest, the annual body hunt continues to turn up more unfortunates.

劇透 -   :
Described in the “Kojiki” and “Nihonshoki” (two tomes that are at least 1300 years old), Ise Jingu (official name: Jingu) is one of the most sacred Shinto shrines in Japan. Th e outer shrine is dedicated to Toyouke no omikami (deity of agriculture and industry) and the inner shrine for Amaterasu-omikami, the ancestral kami of the Imperial Family. With six million annual visitors, the shrine is considered to be the crown jewel of the Shinto religion. Th e most sacred areas are restricted and not open to the general public.

劇透 -   :
Evo’s Gagarin Mars base has been offi  cially renamed New Japan. Specifi cs of the base’s research and personnel remain classifi ed, but the level of visible activity has increased substantially over the last six months (measured by interplanetary drone traffi  c). Speculation that Evo has installed military weapon systems has drawn harsh criticism of the megacorp by a number of international peace organizations and a handful of members of the United Nations General Assembly.

« 上次编辑: 2017-12-10, 周日 19:34:57 由 失语 »

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> 并非所有之前提到的,针对阿瑞斯和新网的狂奔都能追踪到日企。有不少面包屑(线索/痕迹)被指向了塞尔达·克虏伯;洛菲尔(Lofwyr)可不想让这大好机会白白溜走。将洛菲尔在这起冲突中牵制住的一个原因,是隆和龙树并不想让他在这里站稳脚跟。> 极速博士(Dr. Spin)
劇透 -   :
> Not all of those aforementioned runs against Ares and NeoNET can be traced back to Japanacorps. More than a few have breadcrumbs that lead to SaederKrupp; Lofwyr doesn’t like to let a crisis go unexploited. One thing keeping Lofwyr at bay during this dust up in Japan is that both Lung and Ryumyo don’t want him getting a foothold there. > Dr. Spin
> 你认为谁会在公司政治斗争中占优?> 米卡(Mika)
劇透 -   :
> Who do you think is going to come out on top in the corporate-government spat? > Mika
> 在这个节骨眼上谁也说不准。天皇派联盟更加统一,最受欢迎的两个个体(天皇和龙树)的联手,无疑是极受民众的喜爱。但是三津滨,联络,和他们所控制的一切,拥有庞大的能量,认为他们不值一提是不明智的——假假设他们能够继续协调工作,而这一点可不能明确肯定。> 急速博士
劇透 -   :
> Impossible to say at this juncture. The emperor’s coalition is more unifi ed, and with the two most popular individuals (the emperor and Ryumyo) teaming up, it is seen as the public favorite. But with the tremendous amount of power that MCT, Renraku, and the others have at their disposal, it would be unwise to dismiss them—assuming they can continue working in coordination, which is far from definite. > Dr. Spin
> 这个年轻的天皇更愿意做直取要害的行动,如果一个议会成员刚愎自用,无法用说服和贿赂使其统一战线……好吧,过去的一个月里已经发生了四起“事故”了。>凯·圣·无序
劇透 -   :
> The young emperor is more than willing to go for the jugular. If wayward members of the Diet cannot be brought into line with a little arm-twisting or bribes … well, there have been four “accidents” within the last month. > Kay St. Irregular

> 在新东京和关西的暗影中工作,其所处的水平是我以前从未见过的。即便是在极道最近的内部冲突中,我也没能逛到那么多工作。尸体数量也在增加——湿活合同数量增加了三倍。公司安全资产正在从国外转移回到日本。来自日本境外的狂奔者凭空出现,并且警察巡逻单位开始配备突击步枪和冲锋枪了。> 机师X(Rigger X)
劇透 -   :
> Work in the shadows of Neo-Tokyo and Kansai are at levels that I have never seen before. Even in the recent dust-up within the Yakuza, I didn’t see this much work being shopped around. The body count is adding up, too—the number of wetwork contracts has tripled. Corp security assets are being shifted from abroad back to Japan. Runners from outside Japan have appeared out of thin air, and the cops are starting to issue assault rifles and SMGs to patrol units to keep up. > Rigger X
> 你是在说企业之间的战争吗?> 莱兰(Lyran)
劇透 -   :
> Are you talking about a corp war? > Lyran
> 不见得。敌对行动仍然隐蔽而普遍,但却在公司认为令人讨厌但不是令人发指的程度范围内。此外,派系边界线不能全信,它比你想象的还要薄弱。一方面,三津滨试图从神道教神官身上敲点竹杠,特别是在横滨粮食骚乱之后;另一方面,他们讨好天皇企图获得他的青睐,以帮助他们获得在新东京的安全合同,他们还要和龙树搞好关系。虽说现有两个派别,但是并不能说一方的每个人都在反对另一方的每一个人。> 邦兹先生(Mr. Bonds)
劇透 -   :
> Not really. The hostilities remain covert and generally within the bounds of what corporations see as annoying but not outrageous. Additionally, the faction boundary lines are too ephemeral to be trusted. On the one hand, MCT is trying to score points off the Shinto priesthood, especially in the aftermath of the Yokohama food riots; on the other hand, they’re currying the favor of the emperor to help get them the Neo-Tokyo security contract, and they have strong ties to Ryumyo. There are two factions, but it cannot be said that everyone on one side is working against everyone on the other. > Mr. Bonds

> 要是我能当一只墙上的苍蝇亲眼见证龙树向天皇抛橄榄枝,那真是要我做什么我都愿意。考虑到他在龙脉(dragon lines)的行动导致火山带爆发的可能不仅仅是传言。 > 极速博士
劇透 -   :
> What I wouldn’t have given to be a fl y on the wall when Ryumyo threw in his lot with the emperor. Considering that there are more than just whispers that his actions with the dragon lines were the cause of the Ring of Fire disaster. > Dr. Spin

> 传闻在双边达成的协定承诺中,存在着龙与人之间的金钱交易。天皇安仁承认泛人类拥有的权力,这对龙来说是有吸引力的,同样也建立了天皇与龙之间的关系。龙树还有另一个这样做的原因——他不能坐视隆的行动不管(和联络站在同一阵线之类的)。另一方面,隆可能会认为这是一个机会,一个重新教龙树过度扩张会导致什么后果的重要一课的机会。> 邦兹先生
劇透 -   :
> Rumor has it money was exchanged (think claw to hand) and promises were extracted—on both sides. The Yasuhito Ideal helped build a relationship between the dragon and the emperor, as the granting of metahuman rights was appealing to the dragon. Ryumyo had another motivation, too—he could not sit back and allow Lung’s challenge (siding with the Renraku and the rest) go unanswered. Lung, on the other hand, probably saw this as an opportunity to teach Ryumyo an important lesson about overextending one’s self. > Mr. Bonds

> 如果你想溜进日本,我建议你通过几打海上走私行动中的任意一家进入这个国家。西雅图的狂奔者在另寻他路时会选择“夜间信天翁”(the night albatross)。他们活跃在卡纳加岛蔓城区(阿留申群岛)和日本之间。他们可以送一个团队和他们的装备到岛屿上,大约要花三十小时。> 机师X
劇透 -   :
> If you’re trying to slip into Japan, I’d suggest slipping into the country via any of the dozen maritime smuggling operations. For Seattle runners looking for a change of venue, try the Night Albatross. It runs out of the sprawl to Kanaga Island (Aleutian Islands) and on to Japan. They can get in a team and their gear to the islands in about thirty hours. > Rigger X

> 如果你正在考虑去自杀森林参观参观,最好带上你的六位好友。你没有朋友?那就别去。说真,那地方的名声真是当之无愧,那些去过的家伙的头像都贴在了“你看见我了吗”(译注:国外的寻人启事)上面了。前两个月,有个公司高管雇一队狂奔者进去,希望把他的女儿在受伤前弄出来。结果狂奔者和女孩儿都不再回来了。即便是在每年的搜救行动中都会有人失踪。那里存在着比幽影和野精魂更糟糕的东西。 > 恶鬼美星(Mihoshi Oni)
劇透 -   :
> If you are thinking about visiting Aokigahara, bring your six initiate friends with you. You don’t have any initiate friends? Don’t go. Seriously, that place has a well-deserved rep for turning street talent into “Have You Seen Me” alerts. Two months back a suit hired a team of runners to go in there and get his daughter before she could hurt herself. The team and the girl are gone. Even the annual “Body Hunts” have started losing people. There is something in there far worse than shades and wild spirits. > Mihoshi Oni
>消停,那“女孩”实际上是高管的行政助理,他担心她可能有手握自身的一些罪证文件。那一队狂奔者也不是你所认知的寻常行手。这些伙计开口要价可不会低于六位数。 >蠢材德博拉(Baka Dabora)
劇透 -   :
> Close, the “girl” was actually an executive assistant to the suit and he was worried that she might have some incriminating fi les on her. The team of runners was not your usual suspects. These were guys accustomed to getting paid in the low six figures for their ops. > Baka Dabora

> 有谁知道天演火星基地的可持续性如何?> 快速杰克
劇透 -   :
> Anyone have a read on how sustainable the Evo base on Mars is looking? > FastJack
> 天演发言人说大量研究资料正被送往基地。据推测,他们要在任何人能够阻止他们之前加快基地的军事化。而且他们好像有一个环绕地球的武装卫星网络,可能是高轨道武装卫星,至少有四个导弹发射井。如果真是这样的话,他们能把所有企图在火星上殖民的家伙打的满地找牙。> 轨道DK(Orbital DK)
劇透 -   :
> Evo spokespeople say that additional research materials are being sent to the base. Speculation is that they are speeding up the militarization of the base before anyone can stop them. It seems that they have a network of suspicious-looking satellites that circle the planet, possibly high-orbit armed satellites, along with at least four missile silos. If that’s the case, they would be in a position to thwart any other colonization attempts. > Orbital DK

> 环球新闻说上个月在广岛海岸发生了地震——更多地玩弄龙脉?> 旅行者琼斯(Traveler Jones)
劇透 -   :
> In earthbound news, there was a quake last month just off the shore of Hiroshima—more toying with the dragon lines? > Traveler Jones
> 如果你是在暗示这是龙树所为,我表示严重怀疑。他此时此刻应该忙于帝国集团的斗争中,忙得连布满鳞片的鼻子都要埋进去了(译注:暗示深陷其中)。
劇透 -   :
> If you’re implying that Ryumyo’s messing with them, I would seriously doubt it. He is up to his scaly snout in the emperor-corp fi ght at the moment. > Rigger X
> 奇怪的是我在天空中看到了一些奇怪的光,就在白天,就在地震发生前。有点像彩虹和北极光的混合。非常神秘!我现在就上传,大家看一看然后让我知道你们的想法。> 莱兰
劇透 -   :
> The weird thing is that I got this footage of these strange lights in the sky, during the day, from right before the quake. Kind of like a rainbow mixed with an aurora borealis display. Freaky stuff! I’m uploading it now, take a look and let me know what you think. > Lyran
> 我以前看过这个,地震光。在地震发生之前、期间或之后——不是所有的地震都会发出这种光。请注意,关于这件事的一些瞎遐想可以追溯到本世纪的最开始部分。 > 极速博士
劇透 -   :
> I have seen this before. Earthquake lights. Preceding, during, or after a quake— not all quakes, mind you, but some footage of that stuff dates back to the fi rst part of this century. > Dr. Spin
> 等等,那看起来很像某种星界裂缝!我要回去把它和大D(译注:邓凯尔赞Dunkelzahn )被杀后的片段比较一下,看看它们是否一样。顺便我在搜索发生在中国2008年四川大地震时,我发现地震光的证据可以追溯到1978年!> 凯·圣·无序
劇透 -   :
> Wait, that looks a lot like some sort of astral rift! Go back and compare that to the footage just after Big D was killed and tell me that isn’t the same sort of effect. Do a search on the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China. I have found pictures of earthquake lights dating back to 1978! > Kay St. Irregular
> 某些类型的地震会引起星界裂缝?> 基亚(Kia)
劇透 -   :
> Certain types of earthquakes can cause an astral rift? > Kia
> 或者说某些对龙脉的篡改所引发的地震会导致短暂的星界裂缝? > 恶鬼美星
劇透 -   :
> Or certain tampering with dragon lines causes earthquakes and leads to shortlived astral rifts. > Mihoshi Oni
> 不可能。照你这么说,觉醒现象前的那些老镜头里,还能是有人在玩弄龙脉的结果吗?> 冬鹰
劇透 -   :
> Not likely. That would mean the old footage from before the Awakening was somebody playing with dragon lines. > Winterhawk
« 上次编辑: 2019-01-09, 周三 19:33:41 由 失语 »