作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】边栏&范例补漏  (阅读 8747 次)

副标题: 翻译:妖猫 校对:Marfish

离线 妖猫

  • Hero
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 635
  • 苹果币: 3

自动人·简(Automatic Jane)猛地推开通向屋顶的门,她身后枪声四响。一对阿兹特科技的警官闪身追到她身后的台阶上。瞥了一眼周遭形势,她有两个选择:左边的楼或者右边那栋远一点的楼。屋顶到左边的屋顶只有两米,但她清楚那两条走狗也能跳过去。自动人·简决定放手一搏碰碰运气,跳过5米远到右边去。她进行检定,体操3+敏捷5,获得了5成功(在她的物理界限内)。高中的体操课没有白上,她大步跃过间隙,踏上了另一边的屋顶,回头瞥见那两个阿兹特科技的警官正试图跳过来。第一个人安全着陆,但第二个跳的时候却蹒跚了一下,没有跳过来。那个警官伸出手而他的同伴抓住了他的手腕,救了他一命,没让他摔到下面的街上。这应该给了她足够逃跑的时间。
劇透 -   :
Automatic Jane bursts through the door to the rooftop, gunshots pinging all around her. A pair of Aztechnology officers thunder up the steps behind her. A quick glance to survey the scene reveals two options: the building on the left or the farther one on the right. The rooftop to the left is two meters away, but she knows the goons can make that jump. Automatic Jane presses her luck, braving the five-meter gap to the right. She rolls Gymnastics 3 + Agility 5, getting 5 hits (under her Physical limit). High school gymnastics finally pays off, and she hits the rooftop in stride, glancing back to see the two Aztech officers make the leap together. The first hits smoothly, but the second stumbles as he jumps, falling short of the mark. The officer reaches out and his partner catches him by the wrist, saving him from plummeting to the street below. That ought to buy her enough time to escape.

劇透 -   :
Walking into the Monobe office without a disguise was a mistake—security grabbed Taro before he made it to the elevators. After a brief scuffle he wound up handcuffed to a bench in an observation room. Taro has Escape Artist 6 and Agility 5. His threshold to escape from the cuffs is 3. He rolls 11 dice (6 + 5) scoring exactly 3 hits! The cuffs were tighter than expected, but the runner struggles free. Taro rubs his sore wrists and looks around the room, figuring out what to do next.

范例:凯德(Cade)知道进入天演公司的最好方法就是装成工人。他花了好多天观察那个地方,寻找和他最像的工人。他找到一个叫亚当·法玛尔(Adam Farmar)的人。只用了几杯酒那人就讲完了他的人生故事。又喝了几杯之后,法玛尔就已经被捆在凯德的美利车后面了。凯德拿走了那人的衣服又化了妆,让自己看上去更像法玛尔。他进行检定,伪装2+易容4,获得了2成功。衣服很合适,但要骗过警卫,只有伪装并不够。他开着法玛尔的车来到前门,被要求出示ID。凯德就像法玛尔那样笑了起来又聊了两句。他进行检定,模仿3+魅力4,获得了4成功,这让认出他伪装的阈值上升到7。守卫进行检定,侦查4+直觉3试图看穿伪装,但她只得到了2成功。她完全相信面前这个人就是亚当·法玛尔并且挥手让他进去。
劇透 -   :
Cade knows the best way to break into the Evo facility is to pose as one of the workers. He spent days observing the place, looking for a worker who was the closest match to his physical description. He found someone named Adam Farmar. It only took a few drinks to get the guy to spill his life story. A few drinks later, Mr. Farmar is tied up in the back of Cade’s Americar. Cade takes the man’s clothes and slaps on some makeup so he looks even more like Farmar. He rolls his Disguise 2 + Intuition 4 and scores 2 hits. The clothes fit well enough, but it’s going to take more than a disguise to fool the guards. He drives Farmar’s car right up to the front gate, where is he asked to show ID. Cade laughs just like Farmar would and makes some small talk. He rolls his Impersonation 3 + Charisma 4 and scores 4 more hits, bringing the total threshold to 7. The guard makes a Perception 4 + Intuition 3 roll to see through the disguise. She only scores 2 hits. She is convinced that Cade is Adam Farmar and waves him through.

边栏:第六纪的偏见 Bigotry in the Sixth World

劇透 -   :
Even after half a century of living with various metatypes, prejudice is still a factor in social situations. Social, cultural, and racial differences have defined how we act toward one another for all of history. As the world shot into the 21st century, the “us vs. them” dichotomy burst into bright contrast with the return of magic, the rise of technomancy, and most obviously the evolution of metahuman races. As in the past, proponents of prejudice justify their feelings with claims of necessity. Magic users, they say, are uncontrolled menaces that, with one strand of your hair, can murder you from a distance. Technomancers slip unseen through the digital world stealing your wealth and destroying your life. Orks and trolls are monsters of nightmare that know nothing but violence. Elves and dragons seek to rule our planet, making us their slaves. The pre-Awakening prejudices are still not dead, either, just slightly puckered and faded in the presence of a batch of new “others.”

劇透 -   :
The last thing Torley expected was a gun to his head. The ganger poised behind him is gruff and eager to squeeze off a round unless Torley can explain why he was following her. Hands high in the air, Torley’s first instinct is to con the young street tough and her friends. His Con 3 and Charisma 5 give him 8 dice before any modifiers are imposed. However, he’s got nothing to back up his lie, and it’s clear the ganger has been on to him for some time (–1 dice). Besides, the ganger is so hostile (–4 dice) that she might not even take the time to listen. There is another option. Torley’s an imposing ork, and the gamemaster gives him +2 dice for that fact. His Intimidation 6 and Charisma 5 give him 11 dice to roll, plus the 2 for being an ork for a total of 13. He rolls and scores 4 hits. The ganger gets 5 dice (Intimidation 2 + Willpower 3) initially, and she’s backed up by four of her buddies, so she gets +2 dice and her Social limit is bumped up by 3 for the roll. She rolls 7 dice, but only manages a single success. Torley lowers his hands and growls, “You got no clue who I am, do you, girl?” The ganger steps back and lowers her pistol, suddenly willing to talk.

滑稽媞尔女士(Lady Jestyr)知道他的同伴黑杰克(Blackjack)需要从前门进去,但入口处的门卫收买太贵,块头又太难放倒。她决定试着用她异乎寻常的喜剧表演的技巧分门卫的神。她的检定骰池为14,表演8+魅力6。可是门卫已经对滑稽媞尔生疑(怀疑可是他的职责),-1骰池调整。他还认为她的表演非常恼人,再-1骰池调整。她进行检定,检定骰池为12,获得了6成功(在她的社交界限7之内)。GM为门卫投了对抗检定,他的魅力3+意志6,,合计骰池为9,但仅仅获得了3成功。门卫笑得直不起腰。GM判定门卫此时在发现黑杰克溜进侧门的侦查检定上获得-3骰池调整(滑稽媞尔女士小姐的净成功)。
劇透 -   :
Lady Jestyr knows her partner, Blackjack, needs to get in through the front door, but the bouncer guarding the entrance is too expensive to buy off and too big to take down. She decides to try to distract him with her incredible sense of comedic impersonation. Her Performance 8 and Charisma 6 give her 14 dice to roll. However, the guard is already suspicious of Lady Jestyr (he’s professionally suspicious), costing her 1 dice. He also considers her distraction annoying, costing her 1 more die. She rolls 12 dice and scores 6 hits (which is under her limit of 7). The gamemaster rolls an Opposed Test for the bouncer to resist her humor. His Charisma 3 and Willpower 6 give him 9 dice of his own. He scores only 3 hits. The guard doubles over in fits of laughter. The gamemaster rules that the bouncer gets a one-time –3 dice pool penalty (Lady Jestyr’s net hits) for his Perception Test to spot Blackjack slipping through the side door.

校注:LDSD-41出现在4e的扩,The Old Drone,里;是一款飞艇式的大型无人机
劇透 -   :
Driver is chilling out in his modded Eurocar Westwind providing surveillance and overwatch for his team. He’s currently jacked into his Mærsk Spider Remote Command Console (RCC). He is running Biofeedback Filter, Signal Scrub, and Clearsight autosofts for the Optic-X, rotodrone, and LDSD-41 drones slaved to it, along with the Westwind. He isn’t jumped into any of his vehicles at the moment and is instead watching everything in VR. All of his drones and his RCC are running silent but he has left the Eurocar visible on the Matrix so he doesn’t look suspicious.
劇透 -   :
Spike is a decker with a serious grudge against Driver due to a certain disagreement over whether Driver should date his sister. Spike is parked in a nearby alley a mere fifty meters away. He only sees Driver’s car and his cheap throwaway commlink on the Matrix in AR, so he jacks into his Renraku Tsurugi and starts scanning the local area. Spike has set his deck configuration for troublemaking (Attack 6, Sleaze 3, Data Processing 5, Firewall 5) and is currently running silent.

劇透 -   :
Spike performs a Matrix Perception actions, knowing that Driver’s RCC and his rotodrone are running silent within 100 meters. He makes a Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] roll, while Driver and his drone make their Logic + Sleaze rolls. Spike gets at least one net it on each icon, locating both devices. He can’t find the Optic-X or the LDSD-41 because they’re too far away.

刺头用〈后台入侵〉想要在旋翼无人机上打个MARK,刺头的图标抽出一柄发光的楔子。刺头应该照常进行检定,骇入+逻辑【隐匿性】v. 直觉+防火墙,但旋翼无人机从属于司机的RCC,所以应该使用RCC的防火墙作为替代。刺头成功了,楔子滑进了无人机的图标里,解消为小小的虹光牛眼标记。这同时在旋翼无人机和司机的RCC上打了一个MARK,既然主控机没有警报,刺头决定乘胜追击。这次他打算一次打两个MARK,这要承受-4骰池罚值。进行检定,骇入+逻辑【隐匿性】v. 直觉+防火墙,但这次旋翼无人机得到了更多的成功。坏棋,刺头被打上了MARK。因为旋翼无人机是一个设备,它的主控者司机得到了刺头的MARK,得,败露了。
劇透 -   :
Spike’s icon pulls out a glowing wedge as he uses his Hack on the Fly action to try to slap a mark on the Rotodrone. Spike would normally roll Hacking + Logic [Sleaze] v. Intuition + Firewall, but the rotodrone is slaved to Driver’s RCC and can therefore use the RCC’s Firewall instead. Spike succeeds, and the wedge slips into the drone’s icon and then dissolves into a tiny little iridescent bulls-eye emblem. This puts one mark on the rotodrone and a matching one on Driver’s RCC, since it’s the master device With no obvious alert, Spike gives it another shot. This time he goes for two marks and taking the –4 penalty. Rolling Hacking + Logic [Sleaze] v. Intuition + Firewall, the rotodrone gets more hits. Wrong move, Spike gets marked. Since the rotodrone is a device, its master Driver gets the mark on Spike and the jig is up.

主动性值为:刺头 23, 司机 19, 旋翼无人机 14
主动性流程从23的刺头开始。他放弃静默运行并对旋翼无人机进行了另一次〈后台入侵〉(骇入+逻辑【隐匿性】v. 直觉+防火墙),他获得了两个净成功。他现在在司机的拟人体上有两个MARK了。
劇透 -   :
The gamemaster calls for Initiative to be rolled and we enter Combat Turns.
Initiative Scores are: Spike 23, Driver 19, rotodrone 14
Initiative Pass one starts with Spike on 23. He drops silent running and makes another Hack on the Fly action (Hacking + Logic [Sleaze] v. Intuition + Firewall) against the rotodrone and scores 2 net hits. He now has 2 marks on Driver’s persona.
The rotodrone initiates Full Matrix Defense, decreasing its Initiative Score but giving it a bonus equal to its Pilot rating (used in place of Intuition). It doesn’t take any action this Action Phase since it has no current commands to follow.
Driver recognizes the icon of Spike that just appeared fifty meters away when the mark hit him, and he knows what this is all about. He uses the Send Message Simple action to command his rotodrone to attack the vehicle Spike is in. His second Simple Action goes to another Send Message action for the Optic-X to lock onto the car and follow it if it gets away.
With a command to follow and having not acted in this Action Phase, the drone swings out of the alley and comes around to attack the car, peppering the car with gel rounds as commanded. No one rolls since the Stun damage does nothing but make a lot of noise and mess up the cosmetics of the car.

GM把主动性值降低了10,开始下一主动性流程:刺头 13,司机9, 旋翼无人机 -6(它因为矩阵全防御而失去了10点主动性值)。刺头并没有意识到他已经被凝胶射了一轮,对旋翼无人机使用了〈数据棘刺〉。他进行检定,矩阵战斗+逻辑【攻击性】v. 直觉+防火墙。因为无人机从属于司机,他对抗的是司机的直觉+防火墙,额外加上由于〈矩阵全防御〉带来的意志加值。他对旋翼无人机的矩阵CM造成4格伤害。
劇透 -   :
The gamemaster drops Initiative Scores by 10 and starts the second Initiative Pass: Spike 13, Driver 9, Rotodrone –6 (it had already lost 10 for its Full Matrix Defense). Spike doesn’t realize he’s being shot with gel rounds and uses a Data Spike action on the rotodrone. He rolls Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Intuition + Firewall. As the drone is a slave to Driver, he battles Driver’s Intuition and Firewall, plus his Willpower since the rotodrone is using Full Matrix Defense. He scores 4 points of damage on the rotodrone’s Matrix monitor.
Driver uses a Simple Action to Send Message and orders the rotodrone to land and reboot. Due to its defensive manuevers, the rotodrone doesn’t have an action this pass, so it can’t follow its command yet. Initiative Pass three leaves only Spike with an Action Phase in which he uses Data Spike again, but after rolling poorly, he loses and takes 1 box of Matrix damage as the Firewall bounces bad code back at him.
刺头 17,司机21,旋翼无人机22,LDSD-41 16
LDSD-41 用两个简单动作进行〈瞄准〉。
劇透 -   :
It’s the start of a new Combat Turn, and the new Initiative Scores after rolling are: Spike 17, Driver 21, Rotodrone 22, Optic-X 16.
The rotodrone lands and reboots.
Driver activates the Rating 4 area jammer in his Westwind and uses Send Message to order the LDSD-41 (armed with real bullets, APDS in fact) to line up a shot but await the fire command. Spike uses Send Message to order his car to get out of there and Check Overwatch Score to see if he’s starting to attract attention (the answer is yes). Autopilot on the car joins Initiative, rolls 18 and immediately reduces the total by 10 for the Initiative Pass that has gone by in this Combat Turn, leaving it to act on 8.
LDSD-41 Takes Aim on two Simple Actions.

刺头 7, 司机 11 ,旋翼无人机正在重启, LDSD-41 6, 刺头的美利车 8
LDSD-41 用两个简单动作〈瞄准〉。
劇透 -   :
The second Initiative Pass makes the Initiative scores: Spike 7, Driver
11, rotodrone rebooting, LDSD-41 6, Spike’s Americar 8.
Driver uses a Jump into Rigged Device action with the Westwind just in case.
Spike’s car rolls out of the alley and starts to drive away, obeying all local traffic regulations.
Spike uses the Control Device action to drive the car and overrides the autopilot as he peels away.
LDSD-41 Takes Aim on two Simple Actions.

第三个主动性流程(主动性值:刺头 -3,司机 1, 旋翼无人机重启中, LDSD-41 -4, 刺头的美利车 -2)开始,并在司机一边嘲笑着开走的车,一边发送信息给刺头说“我们之后再聊”之后结束。
劇透 -   :
The third Initiative Pass (Initiative Scores: Spike –3, Driver 1, Rotodrone rebooting, LDSD-41 –4, Spike’s Americar –2) starts and ends with Driver laughing at the car driving away and using Send Message to send a message to Spike that says, “We’ll talk later.”
At the end of the Combat Turn, the rotodrone completes its reboot and comes back online, free of marks.

新的战斗轮的主动性值为:刺头24, 司机23, 旋翼无人机 18, LDSD-41 16, 刺头的美利车14。
刺头用〈数据棘刺〉攻击司机的RCC。他进行检定,矩阵战斗+逻辑【攻击性】v. 直觉+防火墙,对RCC造成3格伤害。
劇透 -   :
A new Combat Turn and the new Initiative Scores are: Spike 24, Driver 23, rotodrone 18, LDSD-41 16, Spike’s car 14.
Spike uses a Data Spike action and attacks Driver’s RCC. He rolls Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Intuition + Firewall and hits the RCC with 3 boxes of damage.
Driver uses a Send Message action to send Spike a message saying,“Could have been your head! Walk away!!!” and a second Send Message action to order the LDSD-41 to fire.
LDSD-41 fires and nearly disables the car.
Spike uses Send Message to reply, “Peace. See you later.”
Driver angrily goes back to being on watch, pissed that he has to deal with his girlfriend’s spoiled corp-kid of a brother.
« 上次编辑: 2017-06-20, 周二 14:23:52 由 妖猫 »

离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】边栏&范例补漏
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-07-19, 周三 22:21:02 »
0   什么都不知道
1   对象的大致健康状况(健康、受伤、生病等等)
2   赛博改造是否存在和植入的位置
3   α品级赛博改造是否存在和植入的位置
4   生化改造、β品级赛博改造是否存在和植入的位置
5+   基因疗法、纳米技术、δ品级赛博改造是否存在和植入的位置
劇透 -   :
0   None
1   The general state of the subject’s health (healthy, injured, ill, etc.).
The subject’s general emotional state or impression (happy, sad, angry, etc.).
Whether the subject is mundane or Awakened.
2   The presence and location of cyberware implants.
The class of a magical subject (fire elemental, manipulation spell, power focus, curse ritual, and so on).
If you have seen the subject’s aura before, you may recognize it, regardless of physical disguises or
3   The presence and location of alphaware cyber implants.
Whether the subject’s Essence and Magic are higher, lower, or equal to your own.
Whether the subject’s Force is higher, lower, or equal to your Magic.
A general diagnosis for any maladies (diseases or toxins) the subject suffers.
Any astral signatures present on the subject.
4   The presence and location of bioware implants and betaware cyber implants.
The exact Essence, Magic, and Force of the subject.
The general cause of any astral signature (combat spell, alchemical combat spell, air spirit, and so on).
5+   The presence and location of deltaware implants, gene treatments, and nanotech.
An accurate diagnosis of any disease or toxins which afflict the subject.
The fact that a subject is a technomancer.

p. 314 边栏
你离开的时候 While you were out
劇透 -   :
When a magician is astrally projecting, her mind has stepped out for the moment. Mental detection and manipulation spells targeting the physical body of an astrally projecting mage simply do not work, although other spells do. Although if you really want to mess up a magician without killing her, you can move her body away from where she left it.
劇透 -   :
Magicians hate playing hide and seek with their own body. If someone moves your body away from where you expected it to be, you’ll have to search for it. If that happens, make an Assensing + Intuition [Astral] (1 hour) Extended Test. The threshold should be determined by the gamemaster based on how far your body was moved and how well it was hidden.


离线 马非鱼

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-08-18, 周五 12:55:09 »
p. 25
劇透 -   :
The good news about shadowrunning is that there is a practically limitless number of jobs out there. The bad news is, pretty much all of them come with a chance of fatal complications. The kinds of runs you could do, and the dangers and opportunities associated with them, could fill several books, but here’s a quick list to whet your appetite:

·闯入精灵国中的安全节点,找出至高王子(High Prince)将所谓的奥利哈钢(Orichalcum)发现告诉了谁。
劇透 -   :
• Stealing the prototype of a new microdrone from the secured offices of Mitsuhama.
• Breaking into a secured node in the elven kingdom of Tír Tairngire to find out who the High Prince has been contacting about alleged orichalcum discoveries.
• Sneaking into a corporate enclave in Neo-Tokyo and slipping out a promising engineer with a supposedly unbreakable contract so that a competitor can make a new offer.
·渗透进加美国的国会,找出那个被神秘而恶毒的黑色旅馆(Black Lodge)控制的家伙。
劇透 -   :
• Infiltrating the Congress of the United Canadian and American States to discover just who is being controlled by the mysterious, nefarious Black Lodge.
• Investigating reports of high-ranking corporate executives in Hong Kong who have been acting erratically and have vanished for days at a time.
• Exploring weaknesses in the new Matrix protocols and selling whatever you discover to the highest bidder.
劇透 -   :
• Pursuing rumors of powerful artifacts hidden in a mysterious Antarctic tower.
• Subtly—and permanently—silencing a prominent politician’s second wife.
• Infiltrating the Sea Dragon’s undersea lair and stealing a claw to be used by magic researchers.
劇透 -   :
• Discovering what plans the neo-anarchists of Berlin have that might upset corporate interests.
• Stopping a notorious toxic shaman believed to be hiding in the horribly polluted, quarantined Saar Special Administrative Zone.
• Finding out who was behind Aztechnology re-inserting themselves into the divided city of Denver—and then making them pay.
·找出新网那个所谓的“心象计划(Project Imago)”到底是什么。
劇透 -   :
• Discovering just what NeoNET is doing under the heading of Project Imago.
• Breaking into the Ancients’ headquarters and sending them a clear message about where elves are welcome and where they are not.

p. 41
奥马利集团(The O’Malley syndicate):黑手会。唐娜·罗威娜·奥马利(Dona Rowena O’Malley)管理着西雅图黑手党的一切事物,同时控制着芬尼根(Finnigan)、贾内利(Gianelli)、恰尔涅洛(Ciarniello)三个家族。她凭借着管理智慧、有效的领导能力,还有冷血毒辣毫不妥协的风格登上权力宝座。既然贾内利和恰尔涅洛已经转而替她干活,她就能专心捍卫自己的领地,击溃那些想在西雅图分一杯羹的人。
劇透 -   :
The O’Malley syndicate (Mafia): Dona Rowena O’Malley runs all things Mafia in Seattle, simultaneously controlling the Finnigan, Gianelli, and Ciarniello families. She ascended to that position with managerial acumen, effective leadership skills, and a dead-cold ruthless streak that takes no prisoners. Now that she has the Gianellis and Ciarniellos working for her instead of against her, she is working to secure her territory against anyone thinking they deserve a piece of Seattle.
初户泉联合会(The Shotozumi-rengo):极道。由西雅图的家长初户泉半藏领导的联合会,在北美大多数主要城市都有势力分布。大多数情况下,本地的团伙会相互独立行动,但他们也会向家长寻求指点。有人质疑——当然是背地里——半藏处理多条战线的能力:西雅图新出现了一个好斗的“老大的老大(capa di capi)”;传说中的“风暴与渴望”(Strurm und Drang)把一条巨龙和丹佛的一支不正当入侵武装牵涉进来;而他组织里雄心勃勃跃跃欲试的下属正背地里质疑他的能力。特别是,新泽西的本庄原据传正在建立自己的势力,内部人士称他在不远的将来就会登上联合会的权利等段。
劇透 -   :
The Shotozumi-rengo (Yakuza): Led by Oyabun Hanzo Shotozumi of Seattle, this rengo has a presence in most major North American cities. For the most part local groups act independently of each other, but they all seek out the wisdom of their oyabun and listen when he speaks. Questions have been raised—okay, murmured—as to Hanzo’s ability to deal with the pressures he’s under on so many fronts: a newly aggressive capa di capi in Seattle; epic Sturm und Drang involving a great dragon and unruly invading forces in Denver; and impatient, ambitious underlings in his own organization murmuring questions about his ability to deal. In particular, Oyabun Honjowara of New Jersey is rumored to be building a power base of his own, and smart money’s betting he’ll make a play for the top spot in the rengo in the not-too-distant future.
大圈帮(Large Circle League):三合会。也许不像东南亚的某些同仁那么强,但纽约市的大圆联盟比很多人认识中更有权势。他们利用曼哈顿发展协会这个优势,渗透进许多公司,特别是幸福公司。他们用收集来的信息作为武器。不会做得太公开,大多数情况下只是诱导或者推动那些公司控制的城区中发生的事情,让它们朝着自己希望的方向发展。在控制了城区之后,他们会和当地的黑手党爆发一场明面上的战斗,争夺毒品生意的掌控权。
劇透 -   :
Large Circle League (Triad): Maybe not as powerful as some of their Southeast Asian counterparts, the Large Circle League of New York City is more potent than a lot of people realize. They’ve used the Manhattan Development Consortium to their advantage and infiltrated many corporations, especially Shiawase. They use the information they gather as leverage. Nothing too overt, mostly just guiding and/or pushing events in that corporate-controlled sprawl in ways they want them to go. They have a more overt and ongoing battle with the local Mafia lately over control of the sprawl’s drug trade.
译注:这里errata过,Aleksander Bilotkiy替代Andrei Petschukov
劇透 -   :
Povryejhda (Vory): Led by Andrei Petschukov (nickname: Terminator), this Seattle branch of the Vory is chock-full of Russian loyalists and a fair number of Red Army personnel. They have built something—or are up to something, depending on who you talk to—on a large piece of land they acquired near Puyallup. No one knows what that something or somethings is because they’ve surrounded their property with a massive wall and backed it up with a pretty impressive astral barrier. What’s happening in there is anyone’s guess—and there’s plenty of guessing going on.
外圈(The Outer Circle):库沙利从者。圣塔菲、凤凰城、丹佛、拉斯维加斯的库沙利领袖相互合作,分摊地盘和势力,确保不会相互冒犯。他们同样会调整小业务,规划好它能在哪发展,又能扩大到什么地步。现在洛杉矶的局势动荡不安,他们觉得是时候让四大变五大了。
劇透 -   :
The Outer Circle (Koshari): The leaders of Koshari circles in Santa Fe, Phoenix, Denver, and Las Vegas work together, divvying up territory and business and making sure no one steps on anyone else’s toes. They also regulate where and how far smaller operations can expand. Right now elements in Los Angeles are flexing and agitating; they think it’s time the big four became the big five.

p. 41
劇透 -   :
You need stuff, and there is a vast array of vendors whose every moment is dedicated to selling you stuff. What a great world, huh? Anyway, here are some representative store chains to give you some idea where to go to get what you need.

一流:法伦与纳尔逊百货(Fallon and Nelson)、美人街(The Beaux)
实惠:华兹华斯(Wordsworth)、李尔与默文百货(Lears and Mervins)、美亚大型超市(Meyer’s Superstores)
平价:港尔玛(Kong-Wal Mart)、俭约中心(Saver’s Central)、武器世界(WeaponsWorld)

奢侈:上流杂货商(Society Grocers)
一流:迈耶斯杂货(Meyers Groceries)、栽培槽食品(Natural Vat Foods)
实惠:埃伦森杂货(Allenson’s Groceries)、家乐福(Carrefour)、美而廉(Carry&Save)、SAMS虚拟市场(SAMS Virtual Marketplaces)、快道(Quickway)
平价:杂货铺(Stuffer Shack)、乐可食品(Loco Foods)、迷你市场(MiniMart)、百劳福(Buy-Low Foods)

奢侈:阿兹特克国际(Azteca International)、极刃(The Edge)、田栗氏(Takuri’s)、丑角餐厅(Trattoria Pagilacci’s)
一流:绿意农乡(Green Village)、引力吧(The Gravity Bar)、画廊(La Gallaria)、烤烤(Kau Kau’s)、紫雾(Purple Haze)
实惠:格雷西肋排(Gracie’s for Ribs)、博斯科(Bosco’s)、麦海怪(McKraken’s Seafood)、曼谷小屋(Bangkok Hut)、盛百万餐厅(Maximillion’s)
平价:牛肉上校(Cap’n Beef)、麦克休(McHugh’s)、妈妈玉米片(Nacho Mama)、速热堡(Nukit Burgers)、街头披萨(Street Pizza)、别吃多!(You Should Not Eat So Much!)
译注:Pagilacci的近似词是意大利语的Pagliacci(丑角),现实中西雅图有家丑角披萨;La Gallaria的近似词是法语的Galleria(画廊,而且也是阴性词用La)……我也不知道是为了什么;Kau Kau是现实中西雅图一家烧腊店……;Nukit是Nuke)

一流:威斯汀(Westin)、金狮(Gold Lion Inn)
实惠:威利节(Wylie’s Gala)、魔方旅店(Rubikan Int’l)
平价:租而休(Rent & Rest)、舒适隔间(Comfy Cubicle)、阿斯顿摇钱树(Aston’s Moneymakers)、方块(The Cubes)

奢侈:半字节与字节(Nybbles & Bytes)、盖特电脑玻璃柜(Gate’s Computer Showcase)
一流:诸硬件(Hardware Etc.)、血钞软件(Blood Monies Software)
实惠:软件卖家(Software Sellers)、微板(Microdeck)、戴·基尔斯电子(DeGear’s Electronics)
平价:电脑交换(Computer Exchange)、骇客欢欣(Hacker’s Delight)、肯尼迪二手电子(Kennedy’s Used Electronics)

大地尽头(End of the Earth)、法恩斯沃思(Farnsworth’s)、迈阿密(Miami)、但丁地狱(Dante’s Inferno)、平衡(Equilibrium)、天资(Flair)、节律云集(Congregation of Rhythms)

劇透 -   :
Armanté (Fashion), Body + Art (Bodyart), Life by Evo (Design Megastore), Lord’s AutoShops (Auto Repair), Lore Stores Inc., Pentagrams (Talismonger), Robyn’s (Hardcopy Bookstore), Facets of New York (Jeweler), Link’n’Fix (Commlink Repair Clinic), Zoé (Fashion)

劇透 -   :
No two vehicles are created equal, but many are created damn close. Every commercially available vehicle listed here has numerous cousins, copycats, clones, and competitors that have the same name but different branding, make, and model year. These add an opportunity for you to define your character further through his personal preference and brand awareness, without cluttering up the game system with dozens of near-identical cars. There are no differences between “similar models” except branding and, at the gamemaster’s discretion, brand-related price tweaks and maybe a point or so difference in an attribute or two.
道奇·轻骑(Dodge Scoot)   现代·极跃(Hyundai Hopper)、娱乐系统·婴孩(Entertainment Systems Papoose)
哈雷-戴维森·天蝎(Harley-Davidson Scorpion)   宝马·闪电(BMW Blitzen)、汽化器·泰坦(Gaz-Niki Titan)
雅马哈·咆哮(Yamaha Growler)   天演·猎鹰(Evo Falcon)、汽尼奇·狼獾(Gaz-Niki Wolverine)
铃木·幻影(Suzuki Mirage)   雅马哈·护手刺剑(Yamaha Rapier)、雷云·轨迹(Thundercloud Contrail)
C-N·杰克兔(Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit)   标致112(Peugeot 112)、欧宝·月(Opel Luna)
本田·精魂(Honda Spirit)   五行敞篷车(Wuxing Breezer)、丰田·瞪羚(Toyota Gazelle)
现代·申光(Hyundai Shin-Hyung)   宝马400GT(BMW 400GT)、GMC司令官(GMC Commodore)
欧若车·西风3000(Eurocar Westwind 3000)   保时捷·阿圭勒(Porsche Aguilar)、法拉利·魔王(Ferrari Diabolus)
福特·美利车(Ford Americar)   水银·彗星(Mercury Comet)、本田·市民(Honda Citizen)
SK-宾利·协约者(S-K Bentley Concordat)   GMC-凯迪拉克·夜曲(GMC Cadillac Nocturne,)、宝马X89(BMW X89)
三菱·夜空(Mitsubishi Nightsky)   劳斯莱斯·辉腾(Rolls Royce Phaeton)
丰田·地鼠(Toyota Gopher)   盖斯P-179(Gaz P–179)、五行朋友4x4(Wuxing Peng You 4x4)
GMC斗牛犬(GMC Bulldog Step-Van)   雷诺-菲亚特 欧若货车(Renault-Fiat Eurovan)、阿兹特科技·统治者(Aztechnology Governor)
罗孚2072型(Rover Model 2072)   阿瑞斯·悍马(Ares Humvee)、丰田·柯斯达(Toyota Coaster)
阿瑞斯·路王(Ares Roadmaster)   埃斯普利特工业·姐妹会(Esprit Industries Sororita)、联络·龟吉(Renraku Kamekichi)
赛摩瓦尼-克里斯·水獭(Samuvani-Criscraft Otter)   GMC先驱者(GMC Outrider)、凯勒布理安·仙女(Celebrian Nymph)
永康·节庆三合一(Yongkang-Gala Trinity)   土地-波尔塔瓦·顶峰(Zemlya-Poltava Crest)、凯勒布理安·飞镖(Celebrian Dart)
摩根·短剑(Morgan Cutlass)   冲浪明星·海军水兵(Surfstar Marine Seacop)、梅塞施密特-川崎·海港哨卫(Messerschmidt-Kawasaki Harbor Sentry)
普罗透斯·八目鳗(Proteus Lamprey)   卡尔玛·狐型长尾鲨(Kalmaar Seefuchs)、丰田TLM-2(Toyota TLM–2)
福尔康·电航(Vulkan Electronaut)   普罗透斯·探险家(Proteus Explorer)、阿兹特科技·翡翠御者(Aztechnology Jade Diver)
阿尔忒弥斯工业·夜鹰(Artemis Industries Nightwing)     IFMU麻雀(IFMU Spatz)、铃木·翼人(Suzuki Wingman)
塞斯纳C750(Cessna C750)   李尔-赛斯纳·漫游者(Lear-Cessna Rover)
R-F·福克冻土-9(Renault Fiat-Fokker Tundra 9)   空中巴士JPFB-03(Airbus JPFB-03)、丰田TX13(Toyota TX13)
阿瑞斯·巨龙(Ares Dragon)   休斯·公马(Hughes Stallion)
诺斯拉普·黄蜂(Northrup Wasp)   洛克希德·红隼(Lockheed Kestrel)、联络·蜻蜓(Renraku Dragonfly)
阿瑞斯·冒险(Ares Venture)   探针台·疾驰(Cascade Skraacha)、浙江神鹰工业·猛禽(Zhejiang Shenying Industries Raptor)
GMC女妖(GMC Banshee)   阿兹特科技·暴狼(Aztechnology Lobo)
联邦波音·通勤(Federated Boeing Commuter)   休斯-宇宙空间·日内交易员(Hughes-Aerospace Daytrader)




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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】边栏&范例补漏
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-08-26, 周六 14:45:44 »
P193 两个范例

袋熊(Wombat)、法爷(Caster)和无人机·一堆爵士(Sir Rigs-a-Lot)正躲藏在暗巷的阴影中,等他们两面三刀的约翰逊先生和他那标志性的笑容。约翰逊先生(和他的两个保镖)靠近是,GM让所有人进行突袭检定:反应+直觉,而埋伏的一方获得+6骰池调整。结果如下:袋熊(5)、法爷(2)、无人机·一堆爵士(2,失误)、保镖甲(3)、保镖乙(0,大失误)、约翰逊先生(2)。只有袋熊和保镖甲没有被突袭(埋伏就到这里);剩下的所有人都要减去10点主动性值。
劇透 -   :
Wombat, Caster, and Sir Rigs-a-Lot are waiting in the shadows of an alley for their double-crossing Johnson to show his gleaming smile. As the Johnson (and his two bodyguards) approach, the gamemaster has everyone make Surprise Tests by rolling Reaction + Intuition, with the runners getting a +6 bonus for waiting in ambush. The results are Wombat (5), Caster (2), Sir Rigs-a-Lot (2, glitch), Bodyguard A (3), Bodyguard B (0, critical glitch), and Mr. Johnson (2). Wombat and Bodyguard A are the only ones not surprised (so much for an ambush); everyone else is going to be taking a hit to their Initiative Score.

劇透 -   :
Since they weren’t in combat, everyone rolls for their Initiative Score as normal by rolling their Initiative Dice and adding their total to their Initiative Attribute. The resulting Initiative Scores (and modifiers) are Wombat (16), Bodyguard A (16), Sir Rigs-a-Lot (13 – 10 = 3), Caster (11 – 10 = 1), and Mr. Johnson (9 – 10 = –1). Bodyguard B couldn’t roll because of the critical glitch but the gamemaster thinks he could pop in later so he rolls for him anyway with both the –10 penalty for failing the Surprise Test and an additional –10 penalty for joining the Combat Turn after the first Initiative Pass (19 – 10 – 10 = –1).
劇透 -   :
When the gamemaster calls 16, Wombat and Bodyguard A go to a tiebreaker that Wombat wins by possession of an Edge Attribute. Wombat declares he’s going to step out, give a witty one-liner, and shoot Mr. Johnson.
劇透 -   :
Wombat rolls for his action. The street sammy shreds the surprised Mr. Johnson, who is unable to defend himself due to his Surprise Test failure. He’s done in this combat, and in pretty much anything else he had going on.
还是主动性值16,保镖甲反应过来(shakes the fog from his head),快速拔出他的配枪,朝袋熊开火,却没有打中。主动性值3,无人机·一堆爵士开始行动。他往前踏了一步,放弃嘲讽,打算拔出他的冲锋枪开火。但由于他在突袭检定中失误了,GM说冲锋枪的瞄准器挂在了他裤子口袋上。无人机·一堆爵士没法在他的行动阶段开火了。
劇透 -   :
On Initiative Score 16, Bodyguard A shakes the fog from his head, quick draws his sidearm, and fires at Wombat but misses. On Initiative Score, 3 Sir Rigs-a-Lot springs into action. He steps out, foregoes the witty line, and draws his SMG to fire. But he glitched back on that Surprise Test so the gamemaster says the sight on the SMG catches on his pants pocket. Sir Rigs-a-Lot is unable to fire on his Action Phase.
劇透 -   :
On Initiative Score 1, Caster steps out and decides to blast the whole group with a Manaball. Bodyguard A gets a chance to defend, Mr. Johnson’s aura has already slipped this mortal coil, and Bodyguard B is all sorts of surprised and gets no defense.
劇透 -   :
Mr. Johnson ends the first Initiative Pass by hitting the ground. Time for the next Initiative Pass.

突袭,第二弹!!! SURPRISE, PART TWO!!!
一帮寻乐子的405地狱犬(405 Hellhounds)逼近,法爷(Caster)只得钻进了一条小巷。在法爷进入小巷之前的战斗轮中,GM暗投了侦查检定,而法爷只得到了1成功,这并不足以发现巷尾阴影中那两个灰色的巨大身影。法爷的注意力集中在帮派混混身上,GM让他进行一次突袭检定。法爷投反应+直觉,得到了两个成功。那对阴影中的身影同样进行检定,分别得到了5个和6个成功。帮派成员得到1个和4个成功,所以法爷和一个帮派成员得-10主动性值,而且无法进行防御。
劇透 -   :
Caster has been backed into an alley by a pack of 405 Hellhounds looking for some fun. On the Combat Turn before Caster entered the alley, the gamemaster made a secret Perception Test for Caster and got only 1 hit, which is not enough to notice the two large grey masses in the shadows at the back of the alley. With Caster’s attention on the gangers, the gamemaster calls for a Surprise Test. Caster rolls Reaction + Intuition for 2 hits. The pair of shadowy masses each make tests as well and score 5 and 6 hits. The gangers get 1 and 4, so Caster and one ganger have to take 10 off his Initiative Score and can’t defend themselves.
劇透 -   :
The gamemaster continues the Combat Turn with everyone in the fight. She uses the Initiative Scores already in place for the fight and rolls two more for the mysterious newcomers. He reduces the Initiative Scores of the newcomers (a pair of hellhounds) by 10 for entering on the second Initiative Pass.
劇透 -   :
Caster had the highest Initiative Score but lost 10 points, and he is now behind the hellhounds. The first hellhound attacks Caster. The newcomer steps into the light to reveal its coal-black fur and red eyes, and it spews fire from its mouth.

劇透 -   :
Caster failed on the Surprise Test and gets no Defense Test as he is considered unaware of the attacker. His armor better have some fireproofing on it. Especially when the second hellhound steps up to add his fire to the Caster-roast. Caster decides to spend a point of Edge and get a defense against them. Hopefully he’ll end up singed instead of flambéed.