作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】程序和代理Programs & Agents,243-246  (阅读 8380 次)


离线 妖猫

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  • 帖子数: 635
  • 苹果币: 3
特别说明的是①persona保留英文 ②mark其实想用标记,但由于已被tag使用,暂译为印记(其实觉得不是很合适)③icon按照图标翻译了
劇透 -   :
common program:普通程序
Data bomb:数据炸弹
Data Processing:数据处理
Grid Overwatch Device; GOD: GOD(网域监管单位)
hacking program: 骇入程序
jack out:跳出
Matrix authentication recognication key; mark:印记
Matrix perception:矩阵感知
Matrix search:矩阵搜索
overwatch score:监视指数

程序  Programs


劇透 -   :
Programs (technically cybeprograms if they’re for the Matrix) are files you can run on your deck. While a program is running, it makes your deck better or gives you more utility. You can’t run more than one program of the same type on your deck at once (and no, changing the name of one copy of a program to run two copies doesn’t work, chummer). You get the benefit of a program while it is running on your deck; as soon as you end it or swap it out for another program, it stops providing those benefits.

*译注:Tommy Gun是Thompson submachinegun的昵称,考虑用芝加哥打字机这一中文世界更为流行的芝加哥打字机替代

劇透 -   :
Your running programs appear as icons connected to your persona. As with all icons in the Matrix, the actual look of the program is customizable, but its look is generally tied to its purpose. A Hammer program might look like a hammer, a tommy gun, or a spiked baseball bat, but it can’t look like a pocket watch or a trivet. Program icons are generally small in size, but the shape can be anything you think of that is thematically linked to its purpose (and approved by your gamemaster).

程序列表 Programs Listing

劇透 -   :
Programs come in two categories. Common programs are ones that are pretty harmless and available most everywhere for hobbyists and Matrix professionals. Hacking programs are more dangerous and illegal to buy, own, or use without a license.

普通程序 Common Programs

搜索引擎 Browse:这个便捷的浏览器和搜索引擎可以减半矩阵搜索的时间。

劇透 -   :
Browse: This handy browser and search engine cuts the time for a Matrix Search action in half.

配置管家 Configurator:运行这个程序时为碟板选择一个配置,替代原先存储的配置。这一改变的配置存储在这一程序之中。当你重新配置碟板的时候,你可以直接切换为这一程序中存储的配置,而不用将属性两两交换或是逐一运行程序,即便配置管家会因此关闭。这一程序中存储的配置不会因为使用而发生变化,所以尽可以在更改配置之后再次使用配置管家一键改回存储的配置(可以看作配置管家在你想要调回储存的设置时运行)。

劇透 -   :
Configurator: When you run this program, choose a configuration for your deck other than its current one. This alternate configuration is stored in the Configurator program. The next time you reconfigure your deck, you may switch to the full configuration stored in this program instead of just swapping two attributes or programs, even if it means Configurator stops running at that point. The configuration stored in this program doesn’t change when you use it, so you can recall it again if you reconfigure your deck to something else (assuming the Configurator program is running when you want to recall the stored information).

编辑软件 Edit:这一程序拥有智能交互界面,按照用户的风格给予建议,使得编辑文件更为容易。运行时为编辑检定增加2点数据处理界限。

劇透 -   :
Edit: This program makes editing easier with a smart interface that learns your style and can even give you suggestions. Add 2 to the Data Processing limit for any Edit tests made while this is running.

加密软件 Encryption:运行加密软件时,给予防火墙属性+1加值。

劇透 -   :
Encryption: Activating the Encryption utility gives you a +1 bonus to your Firewall attribute.

信号清理 Signal Scrub:通过分析背景杂讯和输入信号,它可以提供2级降噪。

劇透 -   :
Signal Scrub: By analyzing the background noise and incoming signals, Signal Scrub gives you Rating 2 noise reduction.

工具箱 Toolbox:工具箱中的存储管理工具提供数据处理属性+1加值。

劇透 -   :
Toolbox: The memory management utilities in the Toolbox give you a +1 bonus to your Data Processing attribute.

虚拟机 Virtual Machine:这一软件在碟板中创造一个虚拟存储空间,以系统稳定性为代价,提供额外的程序容量。碟板可以额外运行两个程序,但当你的化身受到矩阵伤害时,它会受到额外一格不可抵抗的矩阵伤害。

劇透 -   :
Virtual Machine: This program creates a virtual memory space in your deck, giving you increased program capacity at the cost of system stability. Your deck can run two additional programs, but whenever your persona takes Matrix damage, it takes an additional box of Matrix damage that cannot be resisted.

骇入程序 Hacking Programs

护甲 Armor:这一软件作为第二道防火墙直接作用于固件,对抗矩阵伤害时提供2点骰池加成。

劇透 -   :
Armor: This program works with your firmware as a second firewall, giving you a +2 dice pool modifier to resist Matrix damage.

“婴儿监视器" Baby Monitor:“婴儿监控”程序使用从GOD偷来的算法,持续跟踪自身在矩阵中的行为,从而显示实时的监控指数。

劇透 -   :
Baby Monitor: The Baby Monitor program uses algorithms stolen from the Grid Overwatch Division and keeps track of your movements in the Matrix, so you always know your current Overwatch Score.

生物反馈 Biofeedback:当你受到攻击时,这一程序将所有你对其他图标的攻击和危险的生物反馈信号联系起来,就像黑IC和网管用的那种垃圾。这一程序只在目标是自然生物时有效(比如安保蜘蛛)。当你的攻击造成矩阵伤害时,目标同时遭受等量的眩晕(目标用冷sim)或物理(目标用热sim)生物反馈伤害。这一程序同样作用于那些由于对你攻击失败而受到伤害的目标。生物反馈伤害由意志+防火墙抵抗。

劇透 -   :
Biofeedback: When you’re attacked, this program laces all of the attacks you make against other icons with dangerous biofeedback signals, the sort of drek that Black IC and G-men use. This program only works if the target is biological in nature (a security spider, for instance). When your attack causes Matrix damage, the target is hit with an equal amount of Stun (if the target is using cold-sim) or Physical (if the target is using hot-sim) biofeedback damage. This program also applies to damage caused by failed Attack actions against you. Biofeedback damage is resisted with Willpower + Firewall.

生物反馈过滤 Biofeedback Filter:这一程序就像一个针对sim模块的防火墙,为抵抗生物反馈伤害提供+2骰池。

劇透 -   :
Biofeedback Filter: This program is like a firewall for your sim module, giving you a +2 dice pool modifier to resist biofeedback damage.

昏厥 Blackout:这是温柔版本的生物反馈。它以相同方式工作,但只会造成眩晕伤害,即使目标使用的是热sim。

劇透 -   :
Blackout: This is a kinder version of Biofeedback. It works the same way, but only causes Stun damage, even if the target is using hot-sim.

解码 Decryption:这一程序中的代码剪切算法为攻击性属性提供+1加值。

劇透 -   :
Decryption: The code-cutting algorithms in this program give you a +1 bonus to your Attack attribute.

防爆 Defuse:这一程序在你和数据炸弹之间预先创造屏障,为抵抗数据炸弹造成的伤害+4骰池。

劇透 -   :
Defuse: This program creates predictive barriers between you and a Data Bomb, giving you a +4 dice pool modifier to resist damage from one.

炸药 Demolition:炸弹程序能够提供最新最有效的数据炸弹编程技术,为运行时放置的所有数据炸弹+1等级。

劇透 -   :
Demolition: Demolition comes with the latest and most effective Data Bomb-coding techniques, adding 1 to the rating of any Data Bomb you set while this is running.

利用漏洞 Exploit:这一程序扫描和分析目标防火墙中的漏洞。当你试图后台入侵时,隐匿性属性获得+2加值。

劇透 -   :
Exploit: This program analyzes and scans a target for weaknesses in its Firewall. You receive a +2 bonus to your Sleaze attribute when attempting a Hack on the Fly action.

分叉 Fork:通过这个软件,可以使一个矩阵动作同时作用于两个目标。你需要同时计算两个情景下对骰池的调整,进行一次检定。每个目标用各自的骰池防御。这一动作的结果分别计算。

劇透 -   :
Fork: You can perform a single Matrix action on two targets with this program. You make a single test, with modifiers from each target both counting toward your dice pool. Each of the targets defend with their own dice pools. Determine the result of the actions separately against each target.

守卫 Guard:这一程序关注于攻击者可能攻击的弱点,被攻击时,使每个印记造成的额外伤害减少1点。

劇透 -   :
Guard: This program keeps an eye out for weaknesses the same way an attacker would, reducing the extra damage you take from marks by 1 DV per mark.

锤头 Hammer:每当你通过某一行为造成矩阵伤害时,这一攻击性的程序使你增加2点矩阵伤害。这不会作用于那些因对你攻击失误而受到伤害的对象。

劇透 -   :
Hammer: Whenever you cause Matrix damage with an action, this offensive program lets you inflict +2 DV worth of Matrix Damage. This does not apply against targets that take damage from failing an Attack action against you.

锁定 Lockdown:当你对某一化身造成(矩阵)伤害时,他或她就被链接锁定了,直到你停止运行程序或是他或她成功跳出。

劇透 -   :
Lockdown: When you cause damage to a persona, he or she is link-locked until you stop running this program or they successfully Jack Out.

劫掠 Mugger:通过主动追踪印记,每个印记提供的额外伤害增长1点。

劇透 -   :
Mugger: By actively tracking your marks, the bonus damage from them is increased by 1 DV per mark.

甲壳 Shell:这一程序通过一组过滤算法,为抵抗矩阵伤害和生物反馈伤害各+1骰池。这一调整与其他程序的类似调整叠加。

劇透 -   :
Shell: This program uses a set of filtering algorithms to give you a +1 dice pool modifier to resist both Matrix and biofeedback damage. This modifier stacks with similar modifiers from other programs.

潜行 Sneak:这一工具让你在矩阵中穿过不必要的路径,抵抗追踪用户的动作时+2骰池。另外,如果一个次GOD在程序运行时合围(converge)了你,将不会得到物理位置,即使你还是会被它扔出的别的坏东西击中。

劇透 -   :
Sneak: This utility bounces your Matrix traffic through unnecessary routes, giving you a +2 dice pool modifier to defend against Trace User actions. Additionally, if a demiGOD converges on you while this program is running, they don’t get your physical location, although you’re still hit with all the other bad stuff they throw at you.

隐匿 Stealth:这一智能程序为隐匿性属性提供+1加值。

劇透 -   :
Stealth: This clever program gives you a +1 bonus to your Sleaze attribute.

追踪 Track:追踪程序持续跟踪目标,让找到肉界的对应物更为容易。当追踪目标逃跑,追踪者进行检定时,数据处理属性获得+2;或者当目标在运行潜行程序时,追踪程序会取消其+2骰池效果。记住这一程序的效果只能选择一个,而不能同时获得。

劇透 -   :
Track: The Track program keeps an eye on your targets for you, making it easier to find their meat world equivalents. Add 2 to your Data Processing attribute when making Trace User tests with Track running. Alternately, if the target is running Sneak, Track negates the +2 dice pool bonus from that program. Note that the program delivers one of the listed benefits, not both.

伪装 Wrapper:这一程序能够覆写矩阵的协议。这个程序运行时,你可以通过改变图标动作变为任何东西。从矩阵中看,锤子程序可以像个音乐文件,战神掠夺者图标可以像个信用棒,甚至你的化身可以像一辆三菱夜空。其他化身可以通过矩阵感知检定识别出伪装过的图标究竟是什么,但起码得足够怀疑(矩阵感知,见p.241)。

劇透 -   :
Wrapper: This program overrides the Matrix’s protocols for icons. While this program is running, your icons can be anything you want them to be when you use the Change Icon action. From the lens of the Matrix, your Hammer program could look like a music file, your Ares Predator icon could look like a credstick, and your own persona could look like a Mitsubishi Nightsky. Another persona can see what the disguised icon really is with a Matrix Perception Test, but they need to at least suspect enough to check (Matrix Perception, p. 241).
*译注:程序名字的翻译按照common programs追求大众化,hacking programs追求专业化的特点进行翻译;加密大师什么的想一想还是算了


劇透 -   :
A spider hits Slamm-0! (who is of course using hot-sim) for a total of 8 Matrix damage. Slamm-0! (or rather his deck) resists this damage with Device Rating + Firewall, getting 4 hits. That means his deck takes 4 boxes of damage. The spider is running Biofeedback, so Slamm-0! (not his deck) must now use his Willpower + Firewall to resist 4P damage. Any unresisted damage sinks right into Slamm-0!’s brain, and he marks it off his condition monitor.

代理 Agents


劇透 -   :
Agents are autonomous programs that are rated from 1 to 6. Each agent occupies one program slot on your deck. Agents use the Matrix attributes of the device they run on, and their rating (up to 6) for attributes. Agents also have the Computer, Hacking, and Cybercombat skills at a rating equal to their own. An agent runs as a program and can use programs running on the same device as them.


劇透 -   :
You can have your agent perform Matrix actions for you. When an agent is running, it has its own persona (and icon). An agent is about as smart as a pilot program of the same rating (Pilot Programs, p. 269).


劇透 -   :
Any attack on an agent damages the device on which it is running, rather than the agent itself (which is, after all, merely a program). This means that if you’re running an agent on your deck, you and it share the same Matrix Condition Monitor.

程序                     可获得性                价格(新円)
普通程序                  ——                        80
骇入程序                   4R                        250
代理(等级1-3)     等级x3                  等级x1000
代理(等级4-6)     等级x3                  等级x2000

*译注:245页有个关于Stuffer Shack的边栏被漏掉了,因为和上文购买比较相关所以补在这里


你们最爱的便利店,在矩阵上也方便!每个商店都有自己的主机,由与它联合运营的商店经营(译注:存疑。)。杂货铺端口坐落在矩阵的虚拟地面上,被附近的设备所环绕。他们和他们的物理位置锁定,不能像矩阵的大多数主机那样自由地到处飞,因而也保证他们离家很近(“便利店就是你家™”)。杂货铺特许经营手册规定主机内的布置应该看起来和现实中一致,但实际上经营者很少精通于矩阵塑模和主机管理。拜其所赐,这些主机七拼八凑了零售店和混混窝(译注:不确定这里的hangout特指了混混窝还是普通人hang out的普遍选择,感觉SR的背景的话更可能是前者。),还成了社区里想当黑客的崽子们的根据地。每家店的样子、气氛、物理现象和互动规矩都不太一样,取决于管理者的脑洞和他们在防火墙软件上花了多少钱。尽管混乱,你还是能在杂货店主机上买到真东西。他们要么备好了等你过去取货,也可以给你送货上门——前提是你得在送货范围之内。
劇透 -   :
The world’s favorite convenience store is also on the Matrix! Each store has its own host, operated by its associated store. Stuffer Shack nodes sit in the Matrix on the virtual ground among the nearby devices. They are locked to their physical location rather than flying free among most Matrix hosts, which keeps them close to home (“Where a convenience store should be™”). According to the Stuffer Shack franchise manual, the inside of the host should look identical to the real-life version, but in practice the store managers are rarely well-versed in Matrix sculpting or host administration. As a result, the hosts are a kind of train wreck of retail space, local hangout, and clubhouse for wannabe hackers in the neighborhood. The look, feel, physics, and interaction rules in every Stuffer Shack is a little different, depending on the whim of the management and how much they’ve shelled out for their firewall software. Despite the chaos, you can buy real items in a Stuffer Shack host, and they’ll either collect and hold your merchandise for pickup or deliver to your door if you’re within their delivery area.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-01, 周一 17:34:26 由 妖猫 »

离线 马非鱼

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Individual officers of GOD, called G-Men, are highly-skilled deckers drawn from the ranks of the AAA Corporate Court members. GOD's primary function is to investigate matrix crimes that impact multiple megacorporations, including claims of intercorporate sabotage. They are reported to have a great deal of autonomy and often patrol public nodes when not investigating a specific crime.



Exploit 在安全界就是溢出。由于编程者编写代码时考虑不够周全而导致恶意用户可以编写特定的代码来运行恶意用户自己指定的代码。网络上很多蠕虫病毒都是利用溢出漏洞来传播的。





离线 妖猫

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:em009 支持~~


Individual officers of GOD, called G-Men, are highly-skilled deckers drawn from the ranks of the AAA Corporate Court members. GOD's primary function is to investigate matrix crimes that impact multiple megacorporations, including claims of intercorporate sabotage. They are reported to have a great deal of autonomy and often patrol public nodes when not investigating a specific crime.



Exploit 在安全界就是溢出。由于编程者编写代码时考虑不够周全而导致恶意用户可以编写特定的代码来运行恶意用户自己指定的代码。网络上很多蠕虫病毒都是利用溢出漏洞来传播的。





Pilot programs 等那边翻译出来再改

离线 妖猫

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  • 帖子数: 635
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劇透 -   :
Configurator: When you run this program, choose a configuration for your deck other than its current one. This alternate configuration is stored in the Configurator program. The next time you reconfigure your deck, you may switch to the full configuration stored in this program instead of just swapping two attributes or programs, even if it means Configurator stops running at that point. The configuration stored in this program doesn’t change when you use it, so you can recall it again if you reconfigure your deck to something else (assuming the Configurator program is running when you want to recall the stored information).